The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity - IELTS task 2 essay question

NATIVE BRITISH ENGLISH IELTS HEALTH AND FITNESS Discuss, expand vocabulary, and write essays


IELTS task 2 essay question about health and fitness. Vocaublary for band 7. essay plan. as a bonus: ideas to help you with this topic. great for speaking and writing. Mark Emerson. 28DaysIELTS. find me on youtube.

Transcript of The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity - IELTS task 2 essay question

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Health and Fitness

Page 2: The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity - IELTS task 2 essay question

Native British English

Band 7 VocabularyPaucity stringent vital incidence obesity triggeredadvocate accomplish neglecting insurmountabl

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Writing task 2 topic

Some say that public health is important and there should be more sports facilities. Others say that they have small impact on individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words.

IntroductionPublic health has been the primary concern not only for civilians but also for governments around the globe. However, when it comes to measures of its improvement, views differ greatly.

View 1 – arguments1. Since sports facilities are of great benefit to citizens’ physical health, it is absolutely necessary and wise to enhance their numbers for the sake of the improvement of public health.

2. Sports facilities that are easily found and controlled can provide great convenience to people who have paucity of time to take physical exercises more flexibly.

3. Sports facilities are particularly welcomed by senior citizens and youngsters whose health is vital to the whole society. Therefore, more sports facilities should be built to meet the great demand of citizens of all ages.

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Native British English

4. There is no doubt that taking regular physical exercise reduces the incidence of obesity and heart diseases to some extent, so that increasing the number of sports facilities in the local communities can help some people to establish an active lifestyle, thereby improving their health condition.

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Native British English

View 2 – arguments1. It is a fact that only a minority of people utilize facilities at sports centres to keep fit, which means the vast majority of people do not benefit from this programme.

2. Some people advocate that the use of sports facilities is restricted by time, seasons and location. Therefore, they are not suitable for all citizens, especially those working from 9am till 5pm.

3. Modern diseases are triggered by various factors, such as eating unhealthy food and neglecting regular check-ups. Hence, it is recommended that governments and health authorities advocate the importance of regular exercise by putting health education among the masses high on their agenda and raise public awareness on health issues. This can be accomplished by delivering information on how to lead a healthy life to every household, and putting stringent regulations on the fast food industry.

OpinionImproving public health requires a combined effort and no single action can resolve the problem effectively. In addition, although solving the problem is not insurmountable, yet a long term commitment by both individuals and governments is required.

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Native British English



The human body requires a balanced diet

An unhealthy diet can cause various health problems

Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the increase

Many people nowadays rely on fast food or pre-prepared meals

These foods often contain too much fat, salt and sugar

They are cheap to buy and very easy to prepare

Many young people have grown up on a diet of convenience foods

Populations in developed countries are increasingly overweight Exercise

Regular exercise is essential in maintaining a healthy body

Exercise burns calories and helps to build healthy bones and muscles

Doctors advise exercising at least three times a week for 20 minutes

Most people nowadays lead a sedentary lifestyle

We tend to walk less and do desk jobs

Most adults relax by watching television

Children play video games rather than doing outdoor sports

In the past, people were more active in their jobs and at home

Government’s Role

Governments have a significant role to play in reducing obesity

More and more people, including young children are seriously overweight

They are at risk of heart disease and diabetes

This situation will increase the burden on hospitals and taxpayers

Hospitals rely on the government for money and resources

Governments should promote a healthy diet and regular exercise

There should be more time for sports on school timetables

Unhealthy junk food should be banned from school menus

People need information about what foods contain

Food packaging must show the food’s nutritional content

The British Government recommends eating five portions of fruit and vegetables per day

State Health system: advantages

Good healthcare should be available to everyone for free

State healthcare is paid by the government using money from taxes

Everyone has access to the same quality of care and treatment

Private healthcare is unfair because only wealthy people can afford it

The National Health Service in the UK provides free healthcare for every resident

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Native British English

Private Healthcare: advantages

State hospitals are often very large and difficult to run

Private hospitals have shorter waiting lists for operations and appointments

Patients can benefit from faster treatment

Many people prefer to pay for more a personal service

Patients have their own room and more comfortable facilities

Alternative medicine: Positives

People are increasingly using alternative medicines to treat illnesses.

For example, acupuncture can be used to treat backache

Herbal medicines can be used to treat allergies or viruses

Many patients report positive experiences with these treatments

Some traditional cures have been used for hundreds of years

Alternative medicine: Negatives

Many alternative medicines have not been tested scientifically

They may have no beneficial effect at all

They may cause unknown side effects

People should trust the opinions of qualified doctors

An illness could get worse without treatment from a doctor


Modern lifestyles are increasingly stressful

People work long hours with strict deadlines

Our busy lifestyles mean we have less time to relax

Unemployment is a major cause of stress

Children may be affected by their parents’ relationship problems

Tests and exams can also cause stress

How to reduce stress

Stress can be reduced by taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet

It is also important to get sufficient sleep and make leisure time a priority

People should work less overtime and take regular holidays

Schools have started to employ psychologists

They can offer emotional support to students They can help students to cope with exam stress