THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts,...

JHfPP' 4 TKIT pobliibbu AITKBNOOK THE HAWAIIAN STAR. era okmts A nontii ;J IBXOBPT SUNDAY. .! J ' IX ADTAKCB. I.................. wol. in. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1893 'Adams, Hood's is Good Makes Pure Blood 'Scrofula Thoroughly Eradicated. M 1. Hood 4 Co., Lo ell, Ma.). "Itli with plcavure that Im you Hie ilctalli four little Mar'ealcknesi anil her return to health bjr the uie of Hood's Baraaiwrilla. b u takeu down with Fever and a Bad Counh. ronowlne this a tore came on liar rlulit aide bo. twe.n tlie two lower ribs. In a ahort time an. other broke on the left aide. She vvoulil taka apella of aore niouthkml when we had !" would auller wllh at. iI.!.J',' urer and eaoel bloody looking Her head waa sheeted and matter CKueiltrora her ears. Alter each attack be-- Hood's5 Cures fJIT f WOm8 n? aU tretmnl fnltert to (rtTa lirr After .he UJtaAi, onMmlf KmiS weroffl'K thu. she wm tetter. We cntitliiur.1 until film tuU takeu three buttles, how she louks UU The Bloom of Health ami Is fat M a ply. We feel KTrUefnUnd canunl Mrs. A. M. Auams, Inmmi, Tennessee. Hood's Pills art easily, yet p omptljr and uiuBuur, on u. uier ana noweu. 25a. llnliron Drug Compnny Wholesale. Agent. Metropolitan Meat Go. 81 KING STREET, Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND Navy Contractors. O. J. WALLER. Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. For tlio Winter and 'Xinas Season : Woolen Dress Goods and Flannels, of every Description and Rtyle nt the 'very Lowest Coeli Prices. For sale by H. f. SCHMIDT & SONS. oi to BY AUTHORITY. Teacher's Examination. An examination for Primary .Grade Certificates will be held by U, 8. Town-sen- 'Inspector-Genera- l of Schools, ut the Ifonokoa School House, llainakua, January 31 and February 1st, 1890. An examination will also lie held at the Alnakoa School House, North Kolmla, February U and 15. 18(H). BY ORDElt OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 810 3t FOREIGN OFFICE NOTICE. itate Reception Now Years Day. The President will hold a State at the Executive Building at I o'clock a.m. New Years Day, at hlc'u the following officials and their dies will be received in the order tmed: Cabinet Ministers. Diplomatic Corps. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, Senators preceded by the President of the Senate. r Representatives preceeded by the Speaker. Members of the Council of State. Consular Corps led by the Dean of the Corps. Cirouit Judges. District Magistrates. Officers of the N. O. II. Officers of Fi reign Men of War in 'ort. Marshal and Officers of Police and itizens Guard, Officers o( Executive Bureaus, and le General Public HENRY E. COOPER, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Office, Honolulu, December 3th, 1805. . 818 3t WATER NOTICE. In accordance with Section I, Chapter CXVI of the laws of 1888: All persons holding water privileges r thoae paying water rates are hereby lOflfled that the water rates for the firm ending June 30, 1806, will be due ind payable at the office of the Hono .ulu Water Works, on thu 1st day of lanuary, 1600. All rates remaining unpaid for fifteen ays aftr they are due, will be subject I an additional 10 per cent. Hates are payable at the office of the 'ater Works In the Kapualwa Build f ANDREW BROWN, Bupt, Honolulu Water Works. 837-- Sale of Tenancy at Will of the Lot Cellar of the "Honolulu 'Hale" Premise on Merchant v Street, Honolulu, Oahu. . On .THURSDAY January 30th, 1896, at II o'clock noon at the jront entrance ot the Executive Building will be sold at Public Auction the Tenancy at Will of the vacant lot and cellar pi, the "Honolulu Hale" premises on Merchant Street, Honolulu, Oahu. .Tenancy from month to month until ouch'tiuie as the Minister of the Interior or the tenant may wish to terminate the same by giving 60 days notice. Upset price: 1200.00 per annifm pay. ante monuiiy in ouvance. J. A. KING, Minister of Interior. Interior Office, De. 8. 1B9S. fr)8-- 3t i'Ta. - SYWaacLT Btik, ' LO0 per rear,' MTiinrT NEW YEAR'S CHIME. OUh toll, tolll For tlio oM ytt slowly djlno;! nrtm, r Hunt, aero On tlio Intuit ol Time now y in (I. IIojMti of youth are 11 curt Mlth care are Wat lug I Ho, ye orders of the In IK Toll, toll, tolll For c&rth'aftitlcing fafthlon. Toll for strife's un- holy iRftiton, Toll for frlomWifp uarvauitod. Toll for hope's enchantment blighted. Toll for love's fond broken. Toll for WMr.t and woe unspoken, Toll for mi nmtM nndly wwplnff, Toll for Hln'd vjwt liamwt moping. Toll, Ml, toll! That vhllo the world shall stnnd bin and woo hhf.ll fill the land. Toll, toll, toll! Ring, ring, rlngl A welcomo to the bright Mew Year I Life, hope, joy On his radiant brow apprar. Hearts with lovo arc thrilling, Homes with bounty fining. Ho, ye warders of the bolln, ntng, ring, rlngl For winter's bracing hours. King for birth of pring and flowers, Itlng for Hummer's fruitful treasure, Ring for autumn's bouiidlexs meiwmre, Htng for hands of gen'rous giving, Itlng for vows of nobler living, Ring for truth of tongue or ten, Ring "Peaco on earth, good will toward men" Ring, ring, ring I That this glad year mny soo Earth's accomplished jubilee, Ring, ring, rlngl Go to the Woman's Exchange for a noon lunch. Homo made provisions f all kinds, bread. caket lie, doughnut, rolls, pui, hot ten. etc. Ill King etreel. l.uncu rrora lltuu to LANDLORD'S SALE. Public notice li hereby given that the WONIJ KWA1, luu dlntrnlm-,- onu i.vioii uiion mo ioi lowing cuikh nnu I,F.ONti C11INU KEE for rent due bv wild Loon? Chlnir Keo to the aalil Wong Kw al anil In arrmr to the amount une uunarol anil l lvo uollara (f lU.i.Kl) fur rent of certuin preinlnea on Nuuanu St, wit: 1 Homo Ben lug Machine, 217 prs. Shoos and Hllppera, 13 ixa. lnther, 72 pr. Iiats, I lot Shoemaker's Toola, 'J Show Caaea, 2 Coun- ters, Keg lllacklng, 1 Cloth, 4 Hanging IinipH, d Chairs, I Stool, 1 Clock, 2 Chande- liers, And notice la further given thut Raid goals ami chattels will lie sol.l at Public Auc- - i at the auction room of Jos K. Morgan on Queen street, Honolulu, II. I., on WED- NESDAY, January llith, 1HKI, at 10 o'clock In. to ratisfy the rent due and in nrrear as aforesaid on the above detcrilied promlhos. WONG ICWAI, NICHOLS CO, A Few Hints JusC to call attention to the fact that our supply of BLANK BOOKS, LETTER PRESSES, FILING CABINETS, OSFICE STATIONERY Is now at hand. Save Tim ! Save Money! PROMPT SERVICE; PAIR PRICES. a wora to ttio wise is suflicicnt. Try our own Brand of W. N. Co. . "Commercial Lead Pencils" the best in tlio country. Havo you seen tlio Automatic Letter-Copie- r? Conio in and oxamino it- -it is a TIME SAVER. WALL,. NICHOLS COMPANY, WONDERFUL Bltod-Purifyi- ng Effect or Ayer'sSarsaparilla Mr, Clisrlee Stephenson, n Hallway Employe at Kelepul, New Zealand, writ. I "About ten years ngo, wlille In shunting, my Wot caught between the rails, and my leg wns fractured below the knee. It healed l In time, but 1 have been troubled ever since with Bwollcn veins, and Intra been obliged, at times, to wear n bandage. Alwut a year ago It lc catno much worse, and I feared I should be obliged to give up my work. A friend advised mo to try Ayer's Snrsaparilla. I did so, and after taking four liottles the swell-lu- g disappeared, and I have not been troubled with It since." AYER'S SARSAPARILLA Cold at Ilia Werld'i Chief Capoalllcnt. AYER'S PILLS for Biliousness HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Wllor.KSALF, AGENTS. Cook's Music School. Phof. E. Cook, for llfteen years. Principal of C'ook's Musical Institute). Portland, Oregon, Is prepared to givo Piano, Voice and Harmony ycaaons. For terms applv nt the Studio, WARING'S BUILDING, Beretunla St. THEOSOPHY. Those interested In Theowiphy, vlaif-In- g Thi'osophittts und any not uonnecteil will, lodges in Honolulu can obtain books, etc., fice.of charge from the library of llawa'i Lodge, T. H Foster Block. Nuuanu Street, on WEDNES- DAY EVENINGS from 7 to 8:30. 78u-I- N. FERNANDEZ, Notary Public and Typewriter. I I KAAHUMANU ST. O. Box 83(1. Telephone If not returned in ten days call at Medeiros & Decker for a nice fitting suit at half price. Island orders solicited: self measurer ment sent to anv Dart alone with ou- - Bamples. Ion Slaii r Ii Prices Is Wflfi Wo are always 15 per cont. lower in our prices than any other furnituro dealer in Honolulu, but from now until January 1st, off goes another 15 per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts, an'd is tlio- - proper thing for Christinas or holiday present. Wo havo it and you want it. Wo havo somo odd and beautiful pieces, and . every articlo bought of us this week means a savintr of 30 por cent. Seoing is believing, Conio and seo for your self. Hopp & Co. Furniture Dealers Cor. King and Bethel Sts RUI'I'LIKg. Hoard of Health Awanl. tiulle a Nunib.r of Tbe following awards have been made by the Board of Health: Leper Settlement. Wilder & Co., Nor' west lumber, tongue anil groove, redwood lumber, red.vood battings, shingles, posts, doors and window sashes. Allen & Robin- son, Nails, white lead and boiled oil. J. T. Waterhotisc, Medium bread and salt. HackfeUl & Co., Drown soap, salmon, cement, lime. Theo. H. Davics & Co., Sugar, flour, rice, matches. J. A. Hopper, ripinc;. Stable Supplies, City of Hono- lulu. Theo. H. Davics & Co., Hay. California Keed Co., Ilran and oats. lurciiascot iiiuesauu lanow. M. McChesnev Sr Co.. Tnllnur. If. If Pnrtpr lurier, jiiues. Insane Asylum. Metropolitan Meat Co Heef Woo Tow cv vo., 1'resh bread. J. T. Waterhotisc & I Co., Medium bread, beans, brooms, i hble tlieni. kerosene oil, l'atil Isenbcrg, are n ,urro f mliry, they am l.lnm.I. Firewood. McChesnev & Co., lh death- - arrant to frecken. tireimtlon of IyiKrifkla of ork, potatoes. Hackfeld & !Sm,. erwlmt enlevements. one Him. Co., Colfee, salmon. J. A. Hopper, Kice. 1IMITIMI bTIIIKK. llcreili,n In Irailn Will I'ait.e tbe loveriiment tu Interlere. London, Dec 14. The news re- ceived today from Glasgow ami l!el-ft- that the great strike in the shipbuilding trades is to continue caused a depression stocks and in commercial circles, for there is no doubt the supremacy Great Britain in ship building is threaten- ed, and large contracts for foreign war ships will, unless there is a change for the better shortly, lo Germany and other countries. It isb.'lievcd, however, that the em- ployers will have to yield in the end, as pressure Is being brought to bear upon them by the Government, in view of the delay completing work for tbe British Admiralty. TO INCItKASK TIIK NAVY, rro.l.lona of a lllll Introduced ljr Sen- ator Hale. Washington, Dec 19. Senator Hale today introduced a bill for the increase of the navy. The bill provides for the construction of twenty-fiv- e torpedo boats at a cost of $175,000 each and of six sea- going coast line battle ships design- ed to carry the heaviest armor aud most powerful ordnance upon a dis- placement of : 1,000 tons, nt a cost, exclusive of armament, of if 4,000, each. Geo. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Maria "rimes," Cal., in speaking of the various ailments of children said When my children have croup there oulv one patent medicine that 1 ever use, and that is Chamlierlaln's Cough Rem.dy, It possesses eoniri medical iropcriiei. nut relievo the little sutterers mmedlatclv. It is. in mv opinion, thu best couch medicine in the market. If this remedy is freely given as soon as the croupy cough appears it will (.revent tne attack, it is nno nn ideal remedy for whooping cough. There is no dan- ger In giving it to children, us it con- tains nothlmr injurious. For sale by nil dealers. IIf.nson, Smith & Co., Gener- - i Agents, 11. 1, What Have We Got For HRISTMAS? Kvcrylhing you could widi for in Hid Men's Furnisliing Goods lino. Look over (his list and see what we olTcr: BClC W63r-O- iir stock never more complete. Windsors, Scarfs, Rvs, Band Hows, and Wasli tics in great variety. SllSPCIlllCrS. Chnsto and Elegant designs, including n handsome lino of silk crochet Suspenders, ltichly embroidered, each pair lira handsome Rox. lit Me- t- You never saw their eijual. rCSiiBE GOWBS. Our fpecial im portatinn lor Ulirtstmas trade. You ought tu see these mlm JaClCIS Now and desiwble Patterns. Come early il you want ono for lliey'vo started to already. OlDrBllttS, Go"! ' serviceable ones. witli natural wood handles. Several Grades of Bilk and Cotton. SWCutGrS. Assorted Colors Blue, Tan, While etc., . IlEEllEe SMrtS. Willi or without collars, are sprint; patterns 1891). star sniri wauis mn .!, new and seasonable patterns. Boys straw Hats- .- -- A very handsome llno And a hundred and one other things. Oumo and (or yeurselves. ...... M. MclNERNY HABERDASHER, Merchant and Fort Sts Yale's La Freckla , Mine, Yale'. Infallible for rrrrkho. Tan noil Kunbum. It 1. Hie onlr rptnAlv ever enmioiiiideil thai will remove frw kes esmpletely and mirely. The fairer more ilollrate the tVtn. the mo"' lilet.v It to I recUle and the wnre It , k ,, , ,.,, .uuiwiiiiin ii, wimim-i- fiiurrniMi iNiiiiiiui, '"uj' by tlmw im.iKlitly, lm)n,"el," win Tliey sugar, t but M. Frwikla la The I. II. Te' in of go in 000 W. w"s the go These tno for see cure and are many lniltnliima, annieoftlieni very dan- gerous ami hurlfuUo tlio akin ; none of tlielil really efTiH'tlro. For safety and certainty, -t altvaya on getting tbe genuine And original Iw Treckl. l'rlee $1 at Atoa .tore., or by mall. MMK. M. V ll.K, HeaTlli ami lu.nlr IMMlaleHt.Ctiltaio. lleanlvuulileninlUd free at THE HODHON DRUC CO. Sole Agent. Wrkki.y Stab. tier year. MELLINS just A WNK Fort Street. A THADE B Valvoline R. R. Publico C. a Magnet White Dynamo rtT fi 1 tUJULXIXU VXXa West HONOLULU PETER HIGH at CO. Office and Mill-o-n near Queen Street, DOORS, Prompt attention to "all orders IMFORTBKS Coknkr Fort Haw Ooodj rftoslawi by arery Pocket Freeh rroduoa by rsry and goods deursrad to any port of the Island orders solicited. Ball af Post nnV.;nos,No tw. HW IIAN LIME AT RETAIL In Barrels or in Buckets (Including Contolnorl O CtH, or Jltiolcct. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO, Lid, BmtI1 terms In Urge lots for 709 tf shipment. NEW HOOSE LOT For Sale or Rent. We ITer for Sale or Rent a new two story liouae. nearly finished, situated on llaeslngcr Street, Honolulu, The land Is K'OxKft feet, nllh seieml valuable lrw llieronii. will, anil tn'etitv fit The house Is a two story houae of good sire, with vetnndaa in llrst mid second stortoa. Tim liouai, ia fltlmt with nil the model n Improvements, having electric wires in every room. This valuable projietly will lie olTerod for Mile nt n reasonable price and upon easy tonus), or it will Ixv rented If not sold. 1'or particulars nptdy In tPE MW1IUI SAFE DEPOSiT UO IKYEST-ME- COMFAHY, 40M FoitT SmitKT, FOOD LINK OK A Fresh St9ck received by BENSON, SMITH & CO. JUST ARRIVED White Dress Goods, Figured Dimities M. AND and Ribbons S. LEVY, Valvoline OILS Valvoline HONOLULU IRON WORKS SOLE AGENTS. Virginia ENTERPRISE MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. MAHK. I GO., Cylinder Oil. Machine Valvoline Ma- - Specially manufactured for Ccntrl- - fugals and Dynamos. Lubricating Oil. IRON WORKS CO., PLANING MILL Proprietors. Alakea and Richards, Honolulu, II. I, .. . SASH, BLINDS, SCREENS WORK. Telephones; Mutual, M: Hell. 408.. AND DSALBKS IN Heed. and King Streets. from the EoaUrn Btatea and Europe steamer, AU orders lalthtully attended V city fres of charge. action guaranteed Telephone No, - FRAMES, Etc. TDKNBO A.NI3 HAW1ID H. E. McllMTYRE BRO., Groceries, Provisions and East California Ripans Tabules Mrs Henry Ilerbenlch lives at No! 11 Wet ll'th street, New-Yor- She first heard of lllpnns Tabules through a sl.ter wlio had found In them a relief from headache. Mrs. llerhenicli took them for irregularities, and found them beneficial and clteclivo lo a degree as surprising as gratifying. She is never wl. iut them now, and ronata,. 'r recommends them to her friends. 47 Hint,,,. T.l.til. .m iu!.V ti driicifl.tii. or be naif tr tbe prlee (W.enta a ImaMii int to Ibe .. iiipana v iieniuai iomiianr, lupjiruve.v. New Vork. Hanuile vial III rents. EACLE HOUSE Nuunnu Avonuo. Will rcojicn on January 1, 1H1K), under new management. This favorite hotirowlll lie and generally and will Iki coniliictetl a llral-clo- I'mully Hotel, John McLean, Sll-l- Proprietor. wwl . ""l..TV'l I Authorized Agents San l'Ynn-cisc- o Daily EXAMINER " IMivtrcd by Canitr. . . . $1.00 Pmt Month . . . J'itii suly to airivc by the Australia December glh. WALL, NICHOLS CO. n. Iteivubltc Mil., King St, Dressmaking v and v Millinery LATEST FRENCH DESIGNS. Cor. Dorotanla and Punchbowl, I m DOUTOIt TUCKER Has remut?(l his tiflice to corner of Tort mid Ilcrctuiilu SI recti. OntfA llrmr. 9 In 11a. in. 4 In -? tn (t ii. ni. Teeplioneft,OlUcpW Kcsldence 427. Epitable Life Assurance Society op tiik United States, JJRUCI-- : CARTWKIGIIT, General Manager for Hawaiian Inland. A. J. DEMY, D.D.S, Denliil Kocms Cottitf;oNu.l00 Alakea Street, liet. Hcrt'tunia ant. HoLol. Tt'lepbone UI5. Ofllce hours V &. n. to 4 p. tn. A. S. HUMPiniEYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with J. A. Magoon, Mer- - chant street. Ult. KUSSEL, OFFICE, MASONIC BUILDINC. Uoura: a. in. 3 p. in. Telephone 4(H. Rcsidencoi Hawaiian Hotel E. 1. NAKUINA, Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights. Notary Publlo Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses. Matnal Telephone C2&, WILLIAM WAGENEH, CONTKACTOK AND BUILDER, Hecond Floor Ilonolula 1'builngMlll.aorl SL All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At- - tenaea to. M. PUILLIl'S & CO. WholMkJt3 Importer and Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DAY GOODS. Corner Fort and Queen BU., Honolulu. II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. Limited. HONOLULU II. I Commission Merchants and Importers of General Merchandise. dan Franctaco OfTlce. 115 Front 8t. American Llrery and Boardinn stables Cor. Merchant and Itlchanl Btreeta. Carriages, Surreys and Hack at all nours. JAMES CARTY, Proprietor, TKLKPnONB No. 480. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY, LTD. Esplanade, corns" AUen and Fort etreeta. HOLLISTER A CO.. Agent FRANK J. ERUErEB Watchmaker The cheapest place In the city for watcnes. bold on easy payments I to responsible parties. ll'u(rira .Vpuinrluiiil Guaranteed, FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS Office -- Specialties For 1896. We have been headquarters for office specialities for many years and intend to remain so. "We have a better all supply of goods than ever; our prices are rig-ht- . The following" is a partial list of our stock : LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS. Lfell uuuii.a axe yaiciib flat-openin- g; are full bound and come in two sizes. No better books can be made and we re- commend them to our customers. We have the or- dinary ledgers, journals and cash books which come cheaper. They are full-boun- d also. LETTER PRESSES COPYING BOOKS. We carry a full line of copy' in cr Vtririlrcj oy We sell a book that will take impr essio ns without being squeezed m a press. DRAFT BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, Shipping Receipts, Noto Books, Memo Books, Tiino Books. These hooks nro bound neatly nntl answer for nil ordinary purposes, LETTER FILES, . NYOICE FILES, Cah Boxes, Letter Boxes, Ink Stands, Pencils, Blott It5 Paper, Letter Heads, Envelopes, VAlaa Boxes, Patent Corner Famr TiMutu'rirnnKnit plies. Wo havo every that can bo men tioned and vVn v Avant your initiU. Hawaiian News Col 850 GASTLE & COOKE MMITKD, Importers, Hardware and General Merchandise. Wc have purchased Irom Mr. C. V. Sturduvnnt his entire stock of y' " New Process " ANI "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves, and have secured with the same the Sole Agency for thu I Islands. We arc now reatly to supply those using iliciii";' with Gasoline as well as any and extra parts needed. lo those who arc r m v f usiiifj the Stove, wc won i. that you ask anyone m.i;.' one what they think of th m. Nothing has ever been b, uht into this market that has ) ,vcn more general satisfaction man EMEW PROCESS STOVES Call and see them; the ire labor savers; they arc in. me savers; they are absolutel vie. Castle & Gooke Ld. So,e Agents, Hardware and General Herchanilsp. r SANTA GLAUS Has arrived with Everything for ii Everybody at the GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR FOliT tH'r., W. F. REYNOLDS, Proo. Lvvvvvwnpvw Js Wmiicai ut tn i.omro tvuloon, sooo,en daily to drink the 5000 :. FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER.. Ie C'eld aw Draught. KOWAKD AS IIAKHV, Uol, a. .. . Honolulu. ChriStmsiQ Corn Fed Turkays, "" Cod Cranberries, Mince Meat. Itaiains and Cumvnta. Cundied Peels, Iloned Chicken, UiUier and ShrluiiS. i vru, l ess, Asuarasus, Table Fruit and a fresh lot of Crackers. Ulnir un TeleuhoiiH &S0. 3d I collect al house. We deliver Igoodsi VIELLER & ID., Watlng lllock. ''HtF'i 3B "i 43 "J en i,imiifi:yiwi;jt siaisaaiisisasi mi 1 m i 11 miiiii mm iin isaa in issj is isiiiiaiiiijaaaaawiiiii lavsiiw, i lair sr t it--t iim uTii iriii i v ''njafaav MvacmifmmHmwtntmmmmmMnwmmmi

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts,...

Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts, an'd is tlio--proper thing for Christinas or holiday present. Wo havo it and you


pobliibbuAITKBNOOK THE HAWAIIAN STAR. era okmts A nontii





Hood's is GoodMakes Pure Blood'Scrofula Thoroughly Eradicated.M 1. Hood 4 Co., Lo ell, Ma.)."Itli with plcavure that I m you Hie ilctallifour little Mar'ealcknesi anil her return to

health bjr the uie of Hood's Baraaiwrilla. bu takeu down withFever and a Bad Counh.

ronowlne this a tore came on liar rlulit aide bo.twe.n tlie two lower ribs. In a ahort time an.other broke on the left aide. She vvoulil takaapella of aore niouthkml when we had

!" would auller wllh at.iI.!.J',' urer and eaoel bloody lookingHer head waa sheeted and matterCKueiltrora her ears. Alter each attack be--

Hood's5 CuresfJIT f WOm8 n? aU tretmnl fnltert to (rtTa lirrAfter .he UJtaAi, onMmlf KmiS weroffl'Kthu. she wm tetter. We cntitliiur.1 until filmtuU takeu three buttles, how she louks UU

The Bloom of Healthami Is fat M a ply. We feel KTrUefnUnd canunlMrs. A. M. Auams, Inmmi, Tennessee.

Hood's Pills art easily, yet p omptljr anduiuBuur, on u. uier ana noweu. 25a.

llnliron Drug Compnny

Wholesale. Agent.

Metropolitan Meat Go.


Wholesale & Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.O. J. WALLER. Manager.


For tlio Winter and 'Xinas Season :

Woolen Dress Goodsand Flannels,

of every Description and Rtyle nt the'very Lowest Coeli Prices. For sale by




BY AUTHORITY.Teacher's Examination.

An examination for Primary .GradeCertificates will be held by U, 8. Town-sen-

'Inspector-Genera-l of Schools, utthe Ifonokoa School House, llainakua,January 31 and February 1st, 1890. Anexamination will also lie held at theAlnakoa School House, North Kolmla,February U and 15. 18(H).



itate Reception Now Years Day.

The President will hold a Stateat the Executive Building at

I o'clock a.m. New Years Day, athlc'u the following officials and theirdies will be received in the ordertmed:Cabinet Ministers.Diplomatic Corps.The Chief Justice and Associate

Justices of the Supreme Court,Senators preceded by the President

of the Senate. rRepresentatives preceeded by the

Speaker.Members of the Council of State.Consular Corps led by the Dean of the

Corps.Cirouit Judges.District Magistrates.Officers of the N. O. II.Officers of Fi reign Men of War in

'ort.Marshal and Officers of Police anditizens Guard,Officers o( Executive Bureaus, and

le General PublicHENRY E. COOPER,

Minister of Foreign Affairs.Foreign Office, Honolulu, December

3th, 1805. . 818 3t


In accordance with Section I, ChapterCXVI of the laws of 1888:

All persons holding water privilegesr thoae paying water rates are herebylOflfled that the water rates for the

firm ending June 30, 1806, will be dueind payable at the office of the Hono.ulu Water Works, on thu 1st day oflanuary, 1600.

All rates remaining unpaid for fifteenays aftr they are due, will be subjectI an additional 10 per cent.

Hates are payable at the office of the'ater Works In the Kapualwa Build

f ANDREW BROWN,Bupt, Honolulu Water Works.


Sale of Tenancy at Will of the LotCellar of the "Honolulu

'Hale" Premise on Merchantv Street, Honolulu, Oahu.

. On .THURSDAY January 30th, 1896,

at II o'clock noon at the jront entranceot the Executive Building will be soldat Public Auction the Tenancy at Willof the vacant lot and cellar pi, the"Honolulu Hale" premises on MerchantStreet, Honolulu, Oahu.

.Tenancy from month to month untilouch'tiuie as the Minister of the Interioror the tenant may wish to terminate thesame by giving 60 days notice.

Upset price: 1200.00 per annifm pay.

ante monuiiy in ouvance.

J. A. KING,Minister of Interior.

Interior Office, De. 8. 1B9S. fr)8-- 3t

i'Ta. -

SYWaacLT Btik,'

LO0 per rear,'MTiinrT


OUh toll, tolllFor tlio oM ytt

slowly djlno;!nrtm, r Hunt, aeroOn tlio Intuit ol

Time now yin (I.

IIojMti of youth are

11 curt Mlth careare Wat lug I

Ho, ye orders ofthe In IK

Toll, toll, tolllFor c&rth'aftitlcing

fafthlon.Toll for strife's un-

holy iRftiton,Toll for frlomWifp

uarvauitod.Toll for hope's enchantment blighted.Toll for love's fond broken.Toll for WMr.t and woe unspoken,Toll for mi nmtM nndly wwplnff,Toll for Hln'd vjwt liamwt moping.Toll, Ml, toll!That vhllo the world shall stnndbin and woo hhf.ll fill the land.Toll, toll, toll!Ring, ring, rlnglA welcomo to the bright Mew Year I

Life, hope, joyOn his radiant brow apprar.Hearts with lovo arc thrilling,Homes with bounty fining.Ho, ye warders of the bolln,ntng, ring, rlnglFor winter's bracing hours.King for birth of pring and flowers,Itlng for Hummer's fruitful treasure,

Ring for autumn's bouiidlexs meiwmre,Htng for hands of gen'rous giving,Itlng for vows of nobler living,Ring for truth of tongue or ten,Ring "Peaco on earth, good will toward men"Ring, ring, ring I

That this glad year mny sooEarth's accomplished jubilee,Ring, ring, rlngl

Go to the Woman's Exchange for anoon lunch. Homo made provisions fall kinds, bread. caket lie, doughnut,rolls, pui, hot ten. etc. Ill King etreel.l.uncu rrora lltuu to


Public notice li hereby given that theWONIJ KWA1, luu dlntrnlm-,-

onu i.vioii uiion mo ioi lowing cuikh nnuI,F.ONti C11INU KEE

for rent due bv wild Loon? Chlnir Keo to theaalil Wong Kw al anil In arrmr to the amount

une uunarol anil l lvo uollara (f lU.i.Kl)fur rent of certuin preinlnea on Nuuanu St,

wit:1 Homo Ben lug Machine, 217 prs. Shoos

and Hllppera, 13 ixa. lnther, 72 pr. Iiats, Ilot Shoemaker's Toola, 'J Show Caaea, 2 Coun-ters, Keg lllacklng, 1 Cloth, 4 HangingIinipH, d Chairs, I Stool, 1 Clock, 2 Chande-liers,

And notice la further given thut Raid goalsami chattels will lie sol.l at Public Auc- -

i at the auction room of Jos K. Morganon Queen street, Honolulu, II. I., on WED-NESDAY, January llith, 1HKI, at 10 o'clock

In. to ratisfy the rent due and in nrrear asaforesaid on the above detcrilied promlhos.



A Few HintsJusC to call attention to

the fact that our supplyof





Is now at hand.

Save Tim !



a wora to ttio wise is


Try our own Brandof W. N. Co. .

"Commercial Lead Pencils"

the best in tlio country.

Havo you seen tlio



Conio in and oxamino

it--it is a TIME SAVER.


WONDERFULBltod-Purifyi- ng Effect


Ayer'sSarsaparillaMr, Clisrlee Stephenson, n

Hallway Employe at Kelepul, NewZealand, writ. I

"About ten years ngo, wlilleIn shunting, my Wot caught

between the rails, and my leg wnsfractured below the knee. It healed lIn time, but 1 have been troubledever since with Bwollcn veins, andIntra been obliged, at times, to wearn bandage. Alwut a year ago It lccatno much worse, and I feared Ishould be obliged to give up mywork. A friend advised mo to tryAyer's Snrsaparilla. I did so, andafter taking four liottles the swell-lu- g

disappeared, and I have notbeen troubled with It since."

AYER'SSARSAPARILLACold at Ilia Werld'i Chief Capoalllcnt.

AYER'S PILLS for Biliousness



Cook's Music School.

Phof. E. Cook, for llfteen years.Principal of C'ook's Musical Institute).Portland, Oregon, Is prepared to givo

Piano, Voice andHarmony ycaaons.

For terms applv nt the Studio,WARING'S BUILDING,

Beretunla St.


Those interested In Theowiphy, vlaif-In- g

Thi'osophittts und any not uonnecteilwill, lodges in Honolulu can obtainbooks, etc., fice.of charge from thelibrary of llawa'i Lodge, T. H FosterBlock. Nuuanu Street, on WEDNES-DAY EVENINGS from 7 to 8:30.


N. FERNANDEZ,Notary Public and Typewriter.

I I KAAHUMANU ST.O. Box 83(1. Telephone

If not returned in ten days call at

Medeiros & Deckerfor a nice fitting suit at half price.

Island orders solicited: self measurerment sent to anv Dart alone with ou- -



Ii Prices

Is Wflfi

Wo are always 15 percont. lower in our pricesthan any other furniturodealer in Honolulu, butfrom now until January1st, off goes another 15

per cent, discount forcosh on our entire stockof furnituro.

Furnituro lasts, an'd is

tlio- - proper thing forChristinas or holidaypresent. Wo havo it and

you want it. Wo havosomo odd and beautifulpieces, and . every articlobought of us this weekmeans a savintr of 30

por cent.

Seoing is believing,Conio and seo for yourself.

Hopp & Co.

Furniture DealersCor. King and Bethel Sts


Hoard of Health Awanl. tiulle a Nunib.rof

Tbe following awards have beenmade by the Board of Health:

Leper Settlement. Wilder &Co., Nor' west lumber, tongue anilgroove, redwood lumber, red.voodbattings, shingles, posts, doors andwindow sashes. Allen & Robin-son, Nails, white lead and boiledoil. J. T. Waterhotisc, Mediumbread and salt. HackfeUl & Co.,Drown soap, salmon, cement, lime.Theo. H. Davics & Co., Sugar,flour, rice, matches. J. A. Hopper,ripinc;.

Stable Supplies, City of Hono-lulu. Theo. H. Davics & Co.,Hay. California Keed Co., Ilranand oats.

lurciiascot iiiuesauu lanow.M. McChesnev Sr Co.. Tnllnur. If.If Pnrtpr lll.lulurier, jiiues.

Insane Asylum. MetropolitanMeat Co Heef Woo Tow cv vo.,1'resh bread. J. T. Waterhotisc & I

Co., Medium bread, beans, brooms,i hble tlieni.kerosene oil, l'atil Isenbcrg, are n ,urro f mliry, they am l.lnm.I.

Firewood. McChesnev & Co., lh death- - arrant to frecken.tireimtlon of IyiKrifkla ofork, potatoes. Hackfeld & !Sm,. erwlmt enlevements.


Co., Colfee, salmon. J. A. Hopper,Kice.


llcreili,n In Irailn Will I'ait.e tbeloveriiment tu Interlere.

London, Dec 14. The news re-

ceived today from Glasgow ami l!el-ft-

that the great strike in theshipbuilding trades is to continuecaused a depression stocks and incommercial circles, for there is nodoubt the supremacy GreatBritain in ship building is threaten-ed, and large contracts for foreignwar ships will, unless there is achange for the better shortly, loGermany and other countries. Itisb.'lievcd, however, that the em-

ployers will have to yield in theend, as pressure Is being brought tobear upon them by the Government,in view of the delay completingwork for tbe British Admiralty.


rro.l.lona of a lllll Introduced ljr Sen-

ator Hale.

Washington, Dec 19. SenatorHale today introduced a bill forthe increase of the navy. The billprovides for the construction oftwenty-fiv- e torpedo boats at a costof $175,000 each and of six sea-going coast line battle ships design-ed to carry the heaviest armor audmost powerful ordnance upon a dis-

placement of : 1,000 tons, nt a cost,exclusive of armament, of if 4,000,


Geo. Jenkins, editor of the SantaMaria "rimes," Cal., in speaking of thevarious ailments of children said

When my children have croup thereoulv one patent medicine that 1 ever

use, and that is Chamlierlaln's CoughRem.dy, It possesses eoniri medicaliropcriiei. nut relievo the little sutterersmmedlatclv. It is. in mv opinion, thu

best couch medicine in the market. Ifthis remedy is freely given as soon as thecroupy cough appears it will (.reventtne attack, it is nno nn ideal remedyfor whooping cough. There is no dan-ger In giving it to children, us it con-tains nothlmr injurious. For sale by nildealers. IIf.nson, Smith & Co., Gener- -

i Agents, 11. 1,

What Have

We Got For

HRISTMAS?Kvcrylhing you could widifor in Hid Men's FurnisliingGoods lino. Look over (hislist and see what we olTcr:

BClC W63r-O- iir stock nevermore complete.Windsors, Scarfs, Rvs, BandHows, and Wasli tics ingreat variety.

SllSPCIlllCrS. Chnsto and Elegantdesigns, including n handsomelino of silk crochet Suspenders,ltichly embroidered, each pairlira handsome Rox.

lit Me-t- You never saw theireijual.

rCSiiBE GOWBS. Our fpecial importatinn lor Ulirtstmastrade. You ought tu see these

mlm JaClCIS Now and desiwblePatterns. Come early il youwant ono for lliey'vo startedto already.

OlDrBllttS, Go"! ' serviceable ones.witli natural wood handles.Several Grades of Bilk andCotton.

SWCutGrS. Assorted Colors Blue,Tan, While etc., .

IlEEllEe SMrtS. Willi or withoutcollars, are sprint;patterns 1891).

star sniri wauis mn .!, newand seasonable patterns.

Boys straw Hats- .- -- A very handsomellno

And a hundred and oneother things. Oumo and(or yeurselves. ......


Merchant and Fort Sts

Yale'sLa Freckla

, Mine, Yale'. Infallible for rrrrkho.Tan noil Kunbum. It 1. Hie onlr rptnAlvever enmioiiiideil thai will remove frw kesesmpletely and mirely.

The fairer more ilollrate the tVtn. themo"' lilet.v It to I recUle and the wnre It, k ,, , ,.,,

.uuiwiiiiin ii, wimim-i- fiiurrniMi iNiiiiiiui,'"uj' by tlmw im.iKlitly, lm)n,"el,"

win Tlieysugar, t butM. Frwikla la

The I.II. Te'










These tnofor




are many lniltnliima, annieoftlieni very dan-gerous ami hurlfuUo tlio akin ; none of tlielilreally efTiH'tlro. For safety and certainty,

-t altvaya on getting tbe genuine Andoriginal Iw Treckl.

l'rlee $1 at Atoa .tore., or by mall. MMK.M. V ll.K, HeaTlli ami lu.nlrIMMlaleHt.Ctiltaio. lleanlvuulileninlUd

free at


Wrkki.y Stab. tier year.




Fort Street.


B ValvolineR. R.PublicoC. a

MagnetWhite Dynamo



PETER HIGH at CO.Office and Mill-o-n

near Queen Street,


Prompt attention to "all orders


Coknkr Fort

Haw Ooodj rftoslawi by arery PocketFreeh rroduoa by rsryand goods deursrad to any port of the

Island orders solicited. Ball af

Post nnV.;nos,No tw.


AT RETAILIn Barrels or in Buckets

(Including ContolnorlO CtH, or Jltiolcct.


BmtI1 terms In Urge lots for709 tf shipment.


For Sale or Rent.

We ITer for Sale or Rent a new twostory liouae. nearly finished, situated onllaeslngcr Street, Honolulu, The landIs K'OxKft feet, nllh seieml valuablelrw llieronii. will, anil tn'etitv fit

The house Is a two story houae ofgood sire, with vetnndaa in llrst midsecond stortoa. Tim liouai, ia fltlmt withnil the model n Improvements, havingelectric wires in every room.

This valuable projietly will lie olTerodfor Mile nt n reasonable price and uponeasy tonus), or it will Ixv rented If notsold.

1'or particulars nptdy In



40M FoitT SmitKT,



A Fresh St9ck received



JUST ARRIVEDWhite Dress Goods,Figured Dimities



and Ribbons


Valvoline OILS Valvoline





Etc., Etc.




Cylinder Oil.


Valvoline Ma- -

Specially manufactured for Ccntrl- -fugals and Dynamos.

Lubricating Oil.IRON WORKS CO.,

PLANING MILLProprietors.

Alakea and Richards,Honolulu, II. I, . . .


WORK.Telephones; Mutual, M: Hell. 408..



and King Streets.

from the EoaUrn Btatea and Europesteamer, AU orders lalthtully attended V

city fres of charge.action guaranteed Telephone No,




Groceries, Provisions andEast



Mrs Henry Ilerbenlch lives atNo! 11 Wet ll'th street, New-Yor-

She first heard oflllpnns Tabules through a sl.terwlio had found In them a relieffrom headache. Mrs.llerhenicli took them forirregularities, and found thembeneficial and clteclivo lo adegree as surprising asgratifying. She is neverwl. iut them now, andronata,. 'r recommends them toher friends. 47

Hint,,,. T.l.til. .m iu!.V ti driicifl.tii. or benaif tr tbe prlee (W.enta a ImaMii int to Ibe..iiipana v iieniuai iomiianr, lupjiruve.v.

New Vork. Hanuile vial III rents.

EACLE HOUSENuunnu Avonuo.

Will rcojicn on January 1, 1H1K),

under new management. This favoritehotirowlll lie andgenerally and will Iki coniliictetl a

llral-clo- I'mully Hotel,

John McLean,Sll-l- Proprietor.


.""l..TV'l I

Authorized Agents San l'Ynn-cisc- o


IMivtrcd by Canitr.

. . . $1.00 Pmt Month . . .

J'itii suly to airivc by the AustraliaDecember glh.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.n. Iteivubltc Mil., King St,

Dressmaking v and v Millinery


Cor. Dorotanla and Punchbowl,I m

DOUTOIt TUCKERHas remut?(l his tiflice to corner of

Tort mid Ilcrctuiilu SI recti.OntfA llrmr. 9 In 11a. in. 4 In -? tn (t ii. ni.

Teeplioneft,OlUcpW Kcsldence 427.

Epitable Life Assurance Society

op tiik United States,

JJRUCI-- : CARTWKIGIIT,General Manager for Hawaiian Inland.

A. J. DEMY, D.D.S,

Denliil Kocms Cottitf;oNu.l00 AlakeaStreet, liet. Hcrt'tunia ant. HoLol.

Tt'lepbone UI5. Ofllce hours V &. n. to 4 p. tn.


Office with J. A. Magoon, Mer- -

chant street.


Uoura: a. in. 3 p. in.Telephone 4(H.

Rcsidencoi Hawaiian Hotel

E. 1. NAKUINA,Commissioner of Private Ways and

Water Rights.

Notary PublloAgent to Grant Marriage Licenses.

Matnal Telephone C2&,


Hecond Floor Ilonolula1'builngMlll.aorl SL

All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At- -

tenaea to.

M. PUILLIl'S & CO.WholMkJt3 Importer and Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Queen BU., Honolulu.




Fort Street, Honolulu.

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.Limited.

HONOLULU II. ICommission Merchants and Importers

of General Merchandise.dan Franctaco OfTlce. 115 Front 8t.

American Llrery and Boardinn stablesCor. Merchant and Itlchanl Btreeta.

Carriages, Surreys and Hack at allnours.

JAMES CARTY, Proprietor,TKLKPnONB No. 480.



Esplanade, corns" AUen and Fort etreeta.



WatchmakerThe cheapest place In the city forwatcnes. bold on easy payments

I to responsible parties.

ll'u(rira .Vpuinrluiiil Guaranteed,


Office --


For 1896.

We have beenheadquarters foroffice specialitiesfor many yearsand intend toremain so. "Wehave a better all

supply of goodsthan ever; ourprices are rig-ht- .

The following" isa partial list ofour stock :




Lfelluuuii.a axe yaiciibflat-openin- g; arefull bound andcome in twosizes. No betterbooks can bemade and we re-

commend themto our customers.We have the or-dinary ledgers,journals and cashbooks whichcome cheaper.

They are full-boun- d




We carry afull line of copy'in cr Vtririlrcj oyWe sell a bookthat will takeimpr essio nswithout beingsqueezed m apress.



Shipping Receipts, NotoBooks, Memo Books, TiinoBooks. These hooks nrobound neatly nntl answerfor nil ordinary purposes,



Cah Boxes, Letter Boxes,Ink Stands, Pencils, BlottIt5 Paper, Letter Heads,Envelopes, VAlaa Boxes,Patent Corner TiMutu'rirnnKnit


Wo havo every

that can bo mentioned and vVnvAvant your initiU.

Hawaiian News Col





Wc have purchased Irom Mr.C. V. Sturduvnnt his entirestock of y'

" New Process "


"Quick Meal"Gasoline Stoves,and have secured with the samethe Sole Agency for thu I

Islands. We arc nowreatly to supply those using iliciii";'with Gasoline as well as any and

extra parts needed.l o those who arc r m v f

usiiifj the Stove, wc won i.

that you ask anyone m.i;.'one what they think of th m.

Nothing has ever been b, uhtinto this market that has ) ,vcnmore general satisfaction man



STOVESCall and see them; the ire

labor savers; they arc in. mesavers; they are absolutel vie.

Castle & Gooke Ld.

So,e Agents,Hardware and General Herchanilsp.



Has arrived


for ii


at the





Lvvvvvwnpvw Js

Wmiicai ut tn i.omro tvuloon,

sooo,en daily to drink the 5000:.

FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER..Ie C'eld aw Draught.

KOWAKD AS IIAKHV,Uol, a. . . . Honolulu.

ChriStmsiQCorn Fed Turkays,

"" Cod Cranberries, Mince Meat.Itaiains and Cumvnta. Cundied Peels,

Iloned Chicken, UiUier and ShrluiiS.

i vru, l ess, Asuarasus,Table Fruit and a fresh lot of Crackers.Ulnir un TeleuhoiiH &S0.

3d Icollect al house.We deliver


VIELLER & ID.,Watlng lllock.''HtF'i





en i,imiifi:yiwi;jt siaisaaiisisasi mi 1 m i 11 miiiii mm iin isaa in issj is isiiiiaiiiijaaaaawiiiii lavsiiw, i lair sr t it--t iim uTii iriii i v ''njafaav MvacmifmmHmwtntmmmmmMnwmmmi

Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts, an'd is tlio--proper thing for Christinas or holiday present. Wo havo it and you

The Hawaiian Star.






F. U 1100(18,EDITOR


hatks tPer Yiwr In Advance, - - - 18.00Per Month .75In Atlvanre. - -

Foreign, tier Year In AiWftnra. 12.U0


Rate for transient anil repilar tulvertMrs:ran lie obtained at tho jmlillratlon olllce.To secure prompt Insertion all advertise-ments must 1 ilellveral at tlie IlusinossOfllte tailors 10 A. M


V Judgk Purky's diagnosis of the- position of the crew of the opium




laden craft was a pretty bit of

reasoning, free from technical hairsplitting.

TitU Council of State has done

well to on this last day of the yearclear the record. The pardoningbody has been discreet, merciful

and just.

TilK sugar crop is much largerthan last ear and the plantationsare in sore straits lor labor, imrlug the past six mouths more Japanese coolies have left thanhave arrived here.



A Hilo Tribune editorial, a trifle

longer than a pick handle, but notquite so long as a pumpkin vine, is

predicated on the statement that thenew Waikiki beach road is to cost

the Government $500,000. As itis the actual fact that the road is tocost in. the neighborhood of $5000,

the Tribune has made a jolly fool of



Oahu railway extension, the newVon Holt block, ths Y. M. C. A.gymnasium, the Bruce Waringblock, the new Methodist church,the new Christian church, the newMutch block, the postoffice altera-tions, the new Castle & Cookewarehouse, the new E. O. Hall &Son warehouse, several new wharves, occupancy of the new fishmarket, T. B. Murray's new shop,Public Library building alterationsnew laundry building, Oahu jailimprovements, new water workspumping plant and building, newice works plant and building, Ka- -

waiahao church rebuilt, new resideuce tracts opened, at least200 homes built, two tenniscourts established, several new artesian wells, Pauabt hall built atPuuahou College, new High Schoolestablished in 30,000 building, re-

servoir and pipe lines added towater system, telephone lines consolidated, new Healani boat house,extensive dredging in the harbor,new Nuuanu bridge at Schoolstreet, extensive road work, extensive sanitary improvement.

The foregoing is a very incomplete record of the material progressof Honolulu nei during the yearclosed today. Society has beenstrengthened, education advancedand power added to all those forcesthat upbuild an enlightened people.A revival conducted in the laterweeks of the year brought lastingpeace to many.

The nation at large has gainedmuch during the period. It hasfixed itself firmly upon a soundgovernmental social and commer-cial foundation. New steamersand sailing vessels have gone intothe shipping trade, mail service hasbeen improved. Roads have beenbuilt 011 other Islands. The coffeegrowing industry has enjoyed averitable boom. This has givenmoney and men liberally to deve-

lopment work.All these are living, moving,

active facts in the equation of con-

dition." Reference to the insurrec-tion which tested, the young Repub-lic, to the cholera epidemic which

tested the community, cannot beomitted. It is enough, perhaps, tosay these were historical happen-ings too fresh yet for the final ver-

dict to be theirs.Entrance upon 1896 finds in Ha

waii a people united as they havenot been for several years, filled

with the strong hopes come tothose who meet and survive severe

trials. The new year, for thosestriving in the trades, the industriesand the alluring fields of enterpriseand effort, offers the fullest measureof promise. In this particular itcan be asserted that no man worthysuccess can fail in Hawaii.

While the whole ot Hawaii isassured of more than a reasonabledegree of good times during 1896,there may trauspire some reallygreat events. Legislation affectingthe islands is to be undertaken atWashington. There is now pending in the two branches of the Congress of the United States a billfor an act to subsidize a cable to'Hawaii. There will no doubt besxm presented in Senate andHouse bills in the interest of the

"V closer political union 01 that country ana mis, congress may atthis session acc upon the Nicaraguacanal project; which will if success

.'fill, be of the greatest benefit toHawaii.

The 1896 prospects upon whichthere are to be almost immediaterealization are new cane and coffeeculture enterprises, tourist travel,liber plant growing, pineapple canning and new settlers. All of theseare assured, together with the peaceand order essential to the advanceineut oi any country.

Try theVSlar" Electric Works

MjFuie Printing,

December 16, iSgs:

Wo havo 0110 of our show-windo-

filled with useful nrt-icl-

hnir brushes, combs,

mirrors and other toilet nrt- -

iclcs. Thoy arc tho patentedCosincon articles and aro better than silver for sovcrnreasons. They arc lighter.They never tarnish. They areconstructed as no silver goodsever were. They cost lessthan ono-tourt- li as much assilver. They aro made forpeople, who- - are fastidiousabout their toilets for thosowho want tho very best thatmoney will buy, as well as for

thoso who must count thocost. It sounds strange, buta Cosmeon hair brush is im-

measurably better than asilver brush costing ten dol-

lars. Mind you not "just as;ood" better, better becauseit is iust as pretty,the bristles aro just as good,bocauso it will last longer,brush better, keep cleaner and

because periled the lato J. Itroille V.

will always retain its clear,bright lustre without tarnish-ing. You can't keep aiiY brushclean it has a wooden bristleblock. A solid gold back,with diamond setting, can'tkeep the water and oil anddirt out of tho wood. There s

a crcvico between tho metaland the wood and even constant care can't keep it freefrom dirt. Tho Cosmeonbrushes aro made of two solid

plates of beautiful white Aluminum. The best bristlesthat money will buy are drawnthrough the front plate into abacking of water-proo- f cement.You can't force water in if youtry. You can't soak it in., Thobrush practically one solidpiece. Tho bristles arc arranged in pointed tufts thelength of tho bristles varyingin each tuft. This allows themto penetrate easily to thescalp. The bristles need notbe especially stift" to do thisThoso who like the feeliii"; ofa stiff' brush will liko tho Cos-

meon brushes oveh better. Thogreatest claim for tho Cosmeonbrush is its perfect cleanliness.There is no other really cleanbrush. That is so true that itwill bear telling a number oftimes. There is nothing lesslesirablc than dirt. TheCosmeon brush will last longerand brush better, "than anyother. That statement is notqualified it is not a questionof price. Pay what you pleaseyou can't get as good. As amatter ot tact, tho tjosnieonprices are very moderate, evenless than silver plated goods.So much for hair brushes.Military brushes, clothesbrushes and hat brushes havetho same characteristics. Madothe sanio way, of tho samomaterial. Mado to keep clean,

brush with, and to last.'Better than silver" and the

cost is less than one-fourt-

The military brushes are distinctively men s hair brushes.Few men in Europe use anyother. Tho custom is growingclsowhcro as tho conveniencebecomes known. Engrave aman's initials on a pair ofbrushes, and he can't wish for.1 better present. Tho sanio ofclothes and hat brushes. And

hold them-- a Cosmeon tray.Stamped out of a solid sheet ofshimmering Aluminum plainjr engraved as your tasto' dictates, liio expense a trineTho nresent-ncrfe-ct. Cosmeonmirrors aro made liko brushesand tho beveled French glassis put in so its stays in torovcr.They aro light and will nevertarnish. Tho line otters manyjusijrestions for present seekers,Tho Cosmeon goods should bo?een. No discnption will suthce.A. glanco is worth a thousandwords m showing just howlainty and pretty and desirablothoy are. Cosmeon goods aroremarkably low in price, butthoy aro not recommended forthat reason. Consider thoquality first, then the looks,then tho price,

Wo havo a lino of silverwaroboth solid ami plated. Wo havoknives, torks, spoons, napkinrings,carving sets, sugar bowls,berry sets, ladles, pepper andsalt containers, cottco sets,water pitchers and other usefularticles nil suitable lor guts.



307 Fort street



Semi - Annual Competition




To be tield nt the Association'!! Range(lielow Mr WnnV place; entrance fiomR011U1 Rlrrvt,) on fWednesday, Jan. 1, 1896

C'liiiiiiiriicins i M::t ii. in.

1. THE IlItODlE CUP.-C- up pro- -

by M.





Second Prize $3,110. 10 Rounds nt S00

Ynrila. Conditions same as on August10th, 189.-


CA'MNET TROPHY. Presentedhy Cabinet Ministers. Second Prize

50 20. rounds nt 600 Yards: Conditions, same as on August 10th, 189").

3. II. It. A. Second Class SilverMedal. Second Prize, 3.50; distance300 yards. Hounds 10. Entries Conditions; same ns on August10th, ISM.



4. II. It. A. TltOI'IIY. Valued at$50. Second Prize, $2.50: For Hiehighest npgregate score at 300 and GOO

yards. 10 rounds at each distance.Conditions, same as on Aupust 10th,1805

8. PRESIDENTS TROPHY. Pro.sented by President Dole. For thehighest aggregate score in Matches Nos.I, 3 and 4. To become the property ofthekmaiksman winning it three times.

0. E. O. HALL & SON'S FANCYSPORTING RIFLE. Value or Riflelimited to $50 Second Prize, $3.50Conditions; mime as on August 10th1805. 10 rounds at 300 & 500 yards.

7. CHAMPIONSHIPMATCH For Association Badge, (Nowheld by W. E. Wall) Conditions; sameas on August 10th, 1805. 10 rounds at5IK) and 000 yards.

8. II. It. A. ALL COMERS MATCH1st Prize $10. Snd & 3rd Prizes $, 4th 6th 0th & 7th Prizes $4 each

8th 0th 10th & 11th Prizes $3. each.

Meill ISatate.


Htiving placed n tho market this.uagniflcent tract of land, divided into1 11 u miter nt house lots wo mostcordially call the tittentton of homo

lee iters to it.Tills tract is bounded by Makiki street.

Wilder Avenue and Punahou street, atin elevation of aliout 75 feet, gentlyiloping towards the fa. A line pano-rama view can be had from the upperportions.

Tnese lots are offered at a very reaionalil.i lltfiird. By calling at our officewe bhatl bo pleased to givo further information In regard to prices and terms.


503 Fort Street, near King Street.

'i clilirgo for milking Ilcvtla,

THfi liXWAiAN STAR, fUfiBMV iMMiiUt ii, l5i

Conditions) Open c All Compr 10

rounds nt 200 y .! Any Rifle! No

hair or set trigger, or telecope sights al-

lowed; Entries unlimited. Entrancefeel-

0. MILITARY MATCH. 1st PrizeSilver Medal. 2nd Prize (5. Conditions I

Oiien to nil members ot the National(luaid of Hawaii, Sharpshooters &Citltens Guard, (Marring out all mem-

bers of the Hawaiian Rllle Associationwho have made a record of 80 or overIn any regular II. it. A. match.) B

shots nt 200 yards; any rifle; no hairor set triggers or telescope sights allow-

ed; Entries unlimited. Entrance fee $1.

10. CITIZENS MATCH. Conditions:Open to all persons who have nevermade a record of 80 per cent, or over,In any regular 200 yard matches ot the11. R. A. Unlimited entries. S shots ot200 yards: No htlr or set ttlggers ortelescope sights allowed. Entrance fee$1. Following Is the list of Prizes:

2 Cash Trlzes 30. & M.Wilder' Steamship Co. Hound trip

Ticket to llilo nnd return.Ca9tle it Cooke Winchester Carbine.

Kllle.W. W. Dimond Flven'clnck Tea Set.M S Grlnbaum & Co English Riding

Saddle.W F Reynolds 3 Vols. Rhnkespearo,

J Hopp & Co Oak Table.Ilustace & Co Load Cut Filewood.llohron Drug Co Prize.L 11 Kerr Fine Ostrich Plume,Metropolitan Mtat Co Leg Mutton.Wall Nichols Co Framed Picture.J S Martin Pair Trousers.J F Morgan Prize.W 1 Irwin & Co Half-Ilarr- Sugar.II J Nolte llox Cigars.Hollister & Co Meerschaum Pipe.Pacillo Hardwaro Co Picture and

Frame, (to be selected.)Lowers and Cooke Roll Matting.Jacobson and Pfelller Prize.Mclnerny Hue Straw Hat.Henry May Box Tea.II F Wichman Piece Silverware.Manufacturers Shoe Co Pair Shoei.Benson Smith & ColX Doz- - rer"

fumes.L E Tracy 1 Doz. Collars.Hawaiian News Co Prize.11. Hackfeld & Co "M Philips & Co Box Havana Cigars,

Hawaiian Hardware Co Prize.Uyman Bro's Box Cigars.W S Luce-Pr- ize.

Ordway nnd Porter Oak Rocker.1 W Schmidt & Sous Prize.

J T Waterhoiise Tea Set.T II Davles & Co Fine Lamp.W C Peacock & Co Keg Wine.

Entries in tho Association's regularmatches must be made to the Secretarybefore 1 o'clock P. M. on TUESDAY,December 31st, 180.).

All entries In the All Comers, Mill

tary, and Citizen's Matches, are to bo

made at the range on the day of thematch.

Further information in regard to thoconditions on any Match in the aboveProgramme, may bo had by applyingto the Secretary.

W. E. WALL,President.

J. L. MCLEAN,Secretary. 840--

REAL ESTATEbrokerage:,


C. D. CHASE,Safe Deposit liullulng,

406 Fort St. Telephone 184

Wanted.I am having a large de-

mand for I'URNISHKDand UNFURNISHEDHOUSF.S. If you haveone call and see me.

For Sale.I have 12 Houses and 26Building I.ots for Sale thisweek. All in desirablelocations.

Any one desiring to male

a good Jayiug investment

will dp well to call on me.

The abort properties will be

sold on easy terms.


Dame Fashion decrees paper lamp shades, piper flowers,paper cverythincr, but they cost money. Persons who havelearned the art of fashioning paper in all sorts of beautilul shapeshave asked big prices for their work. The'novelty commandeda price which deprived any but well-to-d- people trom securingtncm. 1 lie pace was set here a year ago, but we have notfollowed it only as to the things themselves the idea, we may say.The handsomest shades in Honolulu are from our store made byan artist who made a special study of it. Our prices less thanhalf, almost a quarter of what the others charge and you get thebest designs and the-bes- t execution; there is no difference in thematerial, it all comes from the same factory. There's no freighton our shades, they are made here", a home industry in every waybut in the material.

Have you ever heard ol a Tcck Flower Pol? They are unlikemajolica ware as to utility because ol the double pot. The out-side one contains water and the one which fits into it has theflowers and is made of porous' stone through which the plantabsorbs the water and keeps fresh and green. A Tcck is the bestpot imaginable for parlor plants.

Onyx tables at six dollars and a half is something you neverheard ol before. Three times the figure is closer to it and thetable no better, Wc have them up to twenty and one looks al.most as well as the other, You've a chance to buy Onyx tablesnow better than you ever had bclore.

Storeopcn evenings.


under most favorable con-

ditions is tiresome work.

Then after your purchases

aro made, to wait on tho

sidowalks for a car, will

make most any ono havo

thta tired fecling.But don't

do it. Thcro isn't any

necessity when you will

find comfortable chairs

in our store. That's what

wo have them for; wo

want them used. Your

car passes our corner

because every car does.

Come in and rest while

you wait.


Launch For Sale.

OnellMOX VAI'OIl I.AUXC112? feet long, 0a Icet beam, speed 7

miles per hour. In good condition.Almo t new. Apply to


CHAS. GAY, Maiawell, Kauai,or to


Wo have just un-

packed seven Barrelsmore f ur


CUT tho fine new Abcr- -doen cutting, by pop- -'

ular vordict tho ....Whitest. Finest Cut

, and Most BrilliantClnss In the World.

Our assortment isvery complete, co-ntains overytliingworth having. Asthe whiteness and thocut of tho diamondhas. overytliing to dowith the cost of thosame, feo with Glassand wo invito firstyour comparison ofquality and thenprice. Wo know yourvordict already. Ourstore" is very attract-ive in every lino per-taining to our busi-

ness. We aro readywith suggestions, andknow what you need.Wo can save youmuch time in yourholiday purchases, asour stock containsjust what you wantand what you need.


December 31, iSpj.

Prize Drawing91 Kimono.

827 Gent's Minn Jacket.

If 827 is held" by a


JACKET will be given

instead of GENTS







Delleloutly Exhilarating, Spark-ling, Effervescent. Wholesomeas well. Purines the blood, tick-les the palate. Ask your store-keeper for it. Get the Genuine.S4 1 Ml lu Mh. U.t1M (WW Mrta

THE CHAS. B. HIRES CO.,Mlaltlsal.



A Big Drive in Dress Goods !

FOR 01V13 WrlSBIBiggest Bargain Ever Offered 1 Wo

today, a Tjino of



All Wool Dress Goods






WOHTII FUtW 7So.Positively for One Week Only.



WELL I wc all know the public to be long sufTcring in manywavs. and wc all exclaim rcouentlv that tfioc has been a trviniryear lor Honolulu, but why we should be rudely awakened fromour happy holiday dream of FA 1 and good things by the visitation of 580 sickly, lean and hungry Turkeys Irom Hawaii, beatseven "Filibuster" alarms and puzzles every one to guess.

Now, most people fancy a Turkey for a change, and enjoy itif plump and delicate. They know that we feed and carry a largenumber ol just such birds all the year round, only as Mr. Dimond'sadvertisement says ; " to accommodate the Public and when youorder from us, at any time, you need not be ashamed to inviteyour lncnds to come and dine off the " Conkhng prototype.

HENRY DAVIS & CO.Telephone 130. 5Q5 FORT ST

Ladies' White Cotton Handkerchiefs.

Ladies' White Embroidered Handkerch'fs

X ! I I1T1 . T T T 1 . . 1

L.aciies wnite L.inen Hemmed btitcnedHandkerchiefs.

Children's Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs

Gents White Linen Hemmed StitchHandkerchiefs.



'00ISW) JOJ d010 JJ3S



()g nuunni gzs 1u ojos I'omuq u pouotlo oatjij oy

SNiv.LiinQ ooawvg; inv son; 'sxaaiiog 'si'ig-vs- j; 'sky

in spoog 9UIJsjs nunnnN puts eOH jsujoo

The Fin de Siecle Girl

You can

find herevery day-Buyin-


Xmas.Delicaciesat 111 FortStreet.


13 iXMniAtiomopuar)










M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Agents (or Hawaiian Islands.

Thi Gnatisl Salismin in the

World an

Price and Quality.Wit, Humor, Eloquence, Oratory, all

sit down when Price and Quality rise to

peak : Price and Quality are the grea

convincers, the. invincible Salesmen. Thatwhy


..... are so popular?" .



DISINFECTSand docs it thoroughly too. It is tho mosteffective and at tho samo time tho least expensiyo ofall tho deodorants. A bottlo that only

Costs Ol QUARTERis amply sufficient to mako from Two to

Twenty Gallons,of strong disinfecting fluid.




Is a Perfect Filter2!The filtering blocks used in this filters are made

from tho Natural Tripoli Stone, quarried from tlie"rmines and turned on special machinery mado for thepurpose.

This stone is the only Perfect Filtering "MediumKnown. Impurities neyer penetrate tho surface. .,,Itspores aro so constructed by Nature, that, whilo allow- -'

ing tho water to percolate rapidly through thcrajfallGerms, Microbes and impurities of every description

remain on the surface, from which thoy can bo easilywashed, tho stone remaining whito and pure. "

We quauantku tho inside of tho "SUCCESS"'blocks to be found as pure and clean 'after years of con-

stant use in-th-o foulest water as it was tho day it wasmade.

Tho Pasteur Germ Proof Filter Co. havo adoptedTripoli Stone, also tho Dolton Filter Co. of Europe,who aro tho well-know- n originators of tho filter busi-

ness in Europe. Wc claim this sufficient proof of thesuperiority of our Tripoli Stone as a Germ Proof Filter.

Wo havo two kinds of tho "SUCCESS;" ThePressure Filter which is to be attached to tho waterpipp, and tho Gravity Filters, which work withoutany pressure of water.

There are Two Principles Involved in insUse of ihis Filter;

First. Filtration i. c, tin. -- moval of all insolublo matter from the water, rendering it clean andbright. Tr this tho filter is practically perfect.

Second. Aeration i. c, allowing tho air to bobrought into direct contact with tho filtered water, asit will bo observed there aro no such as allother filters havo. The compressed air in the waterpipes is filtered through tho stone with tho water.This operation tends to oxidize and acrato tho filteredwater, giving new life and vigor to it. In all otherfilters, scientists agree that filtered water has a flattaste to it. Not so in this one. For thoso reasons, to-

gether with the perfect lock joint and easy method ofcleaning and taking apart, and simplicity pf construc-tion, theso Filters aro recommended -- for use in everyhouse-hol- d; they have proved a great SUCCESS inEurope and tho United States where thoy are beingsold in great numbers.

This lot which camo in tho "Aloha" is tho firstover introduced hero, and wo ask all our friends tocomo and seo tho most perfect Filter now in us8.

E. O. HALL & SON.Agents for the Hawaiian, Islands..

All the product Hpf

Consolidated Soda Water Works Co,'

Are made from water that has been purifiedby the Hyatt process.

Under this system the water from thewells does not come in contact with the ,airuntil drawn into the glass .for consumption.

All fountains in city that disperse SodaWater supplied by them are filled with thiswater. . i


Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts, an'd is tlio--proper thing for Christinas or holiday present. Wo havo it and you

yut n





Ilera Will lla Food. I Modi That Will Todto Help Ercry Aspirins' Young Man InSueonillr Fighting the lmttlo ol Lire.

NDOUBTEDIr.. ogreat many whoPill read thin have


terminedby formal resolu

.1 - . ... , ... .. .... I

nun ur iiui vu iry iou uiu

tbesoafewof tlio mottoes and Bayiugaof successful men, together with heroolid thero nil miocdoto, showing howIhey pot their notions Into practice, maypossibly be helpful. If 'road aright,much that follows will bIiow that oneCHfloutial feature of succors Is hard work.Geuins may bo necessary for tho hfghostsuccess, but given ordinary intelligencetio one need fall who Is willing to exerthiiusoU continuously. But thoro mustbo mental toil as well as physical. Theday laborer who is satisfied to exert hismuscles only will never riso abovo daywages. The clerk who hi satisfied to dohis work porfnnctorily without exertinghis mental powers In striving to beconiosomething better than a clerk will re-

main in that statit'iu Tho handicrafts-man who does not work with his brainwill always be a handicraftsman. Butin striving for saccoss It intuit not boforgotten that there are oilier mid bettersuccesses than those of a financial na-

ture. It Is better to achiovo characterthan wealth, but character may not bowon without intellectual activity anymore than money.

Do Not Neglect Your OpportunitiesQuite us Important to success iu lifo

u continued activity Is the seizing ofyour opportunities when they coma tuyou. Many eminent men huvo expressedthis Idea In many ways. Hero are n fowsuch expressions which have been gath-ered by Orison Swott Marden and print-ed in the first chapter of his book,"Poshing to" the Front:"

Things don't turn op in this worlduntil somebody turns them up. Gar-

field.Jt( Wo live in a new and exceptional age.America is another name for opportu-nity. Our whole history appears like alast effort of divine Providence iu behalfof tho Jiuman race. Emerson.

Vigilance in Ovatcn'uR opportunity;tact mid daring in seizing upon opportu-nity; force and persistence In crowdingopportunity to Its utmost nf possibleachievement; these aro tho martial

most command success.Austin Phelps.

"I will find a way or make one,"There never was a day that did notbring its own opportunity for doinggood that never could have booa donebeforo and never can be again. W. II.Burleigh.Are you In earnest! Seize this very minute.What you can do. or dream yon can, begin It.

Yon Mnit lie Iteaolate."The truest wisdom is a resolute de-

termination," said Napoleon once, andhis career was aii exemplification of hiswords.

Mr. Marden gives tho following en-

tries on the fly leaf of the Greek lexiconowned by Edward Irvltg as another ex-emplification of tlio same Idea :

" Six o'clock a. m. I, Edward Irving,promise, by the grace of God, to havemastered all the words In alpha andbeta befcio 3 a. rn.

"Eight o'olock a. ni. I, Edwardby the grace of God, have done It."

Russoll gage, who has certainly wonsuccess of a financial sort, once told thewriter that he had saved himself fromfailure almost solely by the strength ofhis will. I asked him what he did whenbe met with an apparently insurmount-able obstacle.

"I never met with such a thing," saidthe financier and railroad man. "Whenever anything has been in my way, 1

have just removed it The young manwho has will enough can always removetho obstacles that confront film.'

" Tis not what a man does whichexalts him," aid,Browuiug, "but whatno would da ;

To Mao Bo Honlateot.The great viollnitt, Qerudlni, being

jkeof' how long It took him to learn toplay, replied, "Twelve boors a day for20 years."

This is virtually the keynote to thorace oa of many eminent men in alllines. f Edison, the electrical Inventor,expressed mis idea wltn regard tu lmiielf when he said :

''Anything I have begun is always onmy inlud, and I am never easy nutil itIs finished."

Pernio, the great scientist, whosetheory of evolution has wrought a greater change n the views of thinking menthan any other theory that has boonbroached Id modern times, owed mncbto pareUtenue. He was almost alwaysIlL "For 40 years," eid his son, "benever knetr. one day of health. " Yetdaring (hose four decades he used toforce himself nnremlttingly to pursuethe work wnicn lie had set oat to (Jo.Many a man with the strongest consti-tution would have shrank from the enarmoos toll performed by Darwin, but heItuok to it with a patience that wasinajryelooj.

GbarJps IL Cramp, the shipbuilder, latalking of success and how It could beobtained, declared Its greatest secret tobe "practice, practice, .practical" "IfTon want to win," said he recently."you must never let pp. If you do, yonwill surel fall behind. I hate alwaysfound on returning to ray business afteran absence, no matter how brief, that Ihad something to learn over again, thatI had to work harder than ever to catchop- -


Taul Isenberg has gone to Kauai.Bishop Willis is on a visit to

Maul.Dr. Maxwell is on a business

visit to Kauai.Miss lemming returned to Maui

by the Clatidine.

G. P. Wilder and family ofwill remove to Honolulu.

Capt. I,andgridge and I,t Sharp-les- s,

Salvation Army, have gone toWailuku.

Mrs. K. J. G. Bryant, who ar-rived last week from Kilauca, Kau-ai, so seriously ill, is doing nicely.

E. P. Dole, Wi A. Kinney, PaulVaiimqnn ntn-..n..- . T T T .. '

ut.umcja, j. v. juutj,Japanese interpreter, have gone toHilo to attend the term there.

fla.olltit, for Sale.

Stove Gasoline can be had atKing Bros., Hotel Street, for $3.25per case.

To Oreet the New Year.The New Year's festivities will

be commenced this evening by theLei Ilima dance at IndependencePark. 1896 will be ushered in bya very jolly collection of Honolulu'sgay folk. Preparations are allcomplete and there seems to be nodrawback to the dance being agrand success.

Several prominent society ladieswill chaperone.

A WAniour.New That There tla. lleen Damage 10

the liiilhraj.News has reached town of a

heavy downpour and wind stormabout Nanakuli, near Waianae.last night. The railroad is washedout and rail communication withWaianae 1s suspended for the present. At that point the road runson a raised bed, and skirts a lowvalley. The mountain rainsflooded the valley and carriedaway the road bed. The damagecannot yet be accurately determiued.On account of the accident therecan be no excursion to Waianae tomorrow. Trains will leave at q:ic.and 1:45 for Pearl City and Ewa,for which excursion rate tickets willbe sold.

For Shrewtl Ilnycr.If you are a shrewd buyer you

will not miss that bargain in dressgoods that, N. S. Sachs is offeringfor 35 cents a yard.


Its Flrat Concert to be Given ToniorruwEvening.

Tomorrow evening at the Y. M.C. A. hall the concert of the Y. M.

A. orchestra will be given. Program begins at 8 o'clock sharp. Thisorganization, though young, hashad constant and careful trainingby Wray Taylor and Mr. Keogh.A long program, nicely varied, willbe offered tomorrow evening.There will be a number of newpieces. The proceeds will be givento the gymnasium fuud. Following is the program:

1, (a) Polonaise ... .1... I v(b) Harvest Overture f ' M' u A

Oichettra.2. Gymnasium Exercises.-Rnv'- a Cliaa3 Vocal Solo MifS Grace Richards4. Violin Solo.. ..Miss Kate MtGrewB. Chorus (Hawaiian) Y. II. I. Glee

Club.8. Silver Bells Gavotte Y. M.C. A.

Orchestra.7. Recitation Mrs. Thos. Black8. Indian ClubSwinglng.D. K Unauna0. Vocal Solo.., Miss Kate McQrew

10, Chorus (Hawaiian).... Y. H. I. GleeClub.

11. Egyptian Parade March. ..Y. M. C.A. Orchestra,

Mock Muat Ua.

Elders & Co. are holding a special sale of .men's socks. Thesegoods were formerly sold at 1(3 perdozen; you can buy them now for

2. They are fast black. Thesesocks must go.

Soldiers on Wheel.Reports of the work of the troops

in field and practice marches in thedepartment of the Platte have beenreceived at headquarters at Omaha,and among other interesting statements Is tnat in the departmentthere are forty-seve- n officers and 500eulisted men who ride bicycles.There are in the department 197officers and 2,332 enlisted men.

A. E. Kilpatrlck, of Fllmore, Ca!,.had the misfortune to havo his legcaught between a cart and a stone andbtdly bruised. Ordinarily he wouldhave been laid up for two or threeweeks, but says: "After using onebottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I be.gan to feel better, and In three days wasentirely well. The peculiar soothingqualities wnicn unauiDeriain ruinBalm possesses I have never noticed Inany other liniment. I take nleasure Inrecommending It." This liniment isalso of great value for rheumatism andlame book. For sale by all dealersBanson, Surra & Co., General Agents,Hawaiian isumas


I'our Inches of rain at l'unalioui(

No. 34 gets the silk dress atEnters.

Wirth's Circus will open In llllotomorrow night.

Minister Cooper is on a semi'official visit to Ullo.

Wall, Nichols Co. have "a lewhints" in this Issue.

No Stak tomorrow. Printersarc going to have a tuau.

Ca t.r's Cavalry will have drillat Mal-.i- Thursday evening.

llaroinctcr rising slowly. Pre-dicted: Rain squalls liy ulglit.

Iw.ikami announces the result ofhis prize drawing in this issue.

It is said the Salvation Army isheing well received at Wailuku.

About twenty-fiv- e ladies will as-

sist at the State reception tomorrow.

The Y. H. I.""wlH not hold itsreception tonight. lVntponed forone week.

The Wai.mae iil.tiitalinu begangrinding for the iS'jfi season onThursday last.

The regular mid week serviceswill be held in the various churchestomorrow afternoon.

A number of new members willbe received into Central UnionChurch next Sunday morning.

Seven Inches of rain fell at Wai-mana-

from 6 o'clock yesterdayevening. The mill is grindingslowly.

The Christian Endeavor Societywill hold a sunrise meeting in Cen-tral Union Church at 6 n. in. to-


W. I. Warriner will lead theSunrise Meeting of the Y. P. S. C.E. at 6 a. in. in Central Union to-


Chris Conradt found what hecalls a petrified goose egg on thebeach at Waianae while on a visitto the plantation last week.

On account of some delay inmaking the pews, the new Mctho- -

Irliat flmri-t- i wilt ,mt V.n rtiitiiai1 till.

tue secotia auu:uii lit January,

Weather permitting, the SalvationArmy people will receive andserve ice cream and cake at theirtent from 6 to 8 tomorrow evening.

Mrs. S. Dole, Mrs. S. M. Damon,Mrs. E. J. Lowrey and other ladieswill receive for the Y. M. C. A.between 12 and 2 tomorrow. Therewill be a collation.

The. Peerless Preserving Paintpeople are "doing" too rools atEwa plantation and will finish withthem this week. Manager Waltonhas been looking after the work.

A Timet SiiggeHtloii.

Marcella bedspreads, lare cur-

tains, floor and hearth rugs, sheet-ings and table linens would makenice sensible Xmas presents. L.B. Kerr has got them for sale atlow prices.


A Suggestion That Ilia Servlres Shouldbe ItecoguUcl

Ebitok Star: Today, after aservice of eight ears, A. T. Atkinson his position as Inspector-Ge-

neral of Schools undine closeof s ich a term should be markedby some token of appreciation fromthe teacuers ol tnese islands.

Mtmy of them have cause to remember his kindly interest in theirbehalf and none can say be did notwish to be their friend and advisor.That the Honolulu Association, asthe strongest and most representa-tive body, should take steps iu thedirection I have indicated, is thesincere wisu ot

A Country Tkachkr.December 31, 1.89$.

lteceptlon Order.

Headquarters, Eirst Regiment,)National Guard of Hawaii.)

Honolulu, R. II., Dec. 30th, 1895.Gi'.NHRAt, Ordhrs No. 24.

All officers First Regiment, N.G. H , will assemble at MilitaryHeadquarters, at 11 o'clock a. m.,January :st, 1896. The Field audMatt in full dress uniform withblue trousers. Line officers infatigue blouse' with, white trousers-caps and gloves, aud will proceedin a body to tue executive Building to pay their re.pects to theCommander-in-Chief- .

By Command of Colonel McLeanGkorgr C. Bkoomb,

Captain and Adjutant.

No Extravagance at Statement.The fair ones of Honolulu are as

good judges of sound values combined with low prices as any ladieson the face of the earth. That'swhy they frequent L. B. Kerr'swhere they get full value of theirmoney.

Ifivnns' Opera House.

Evans' opera house will be openagain this evening. Tickets at 7,performance at 8. The programwill consist of legerdemain feats asprac iced in the East Indies. Theexhibition will also be open tomor-row and Saturday evenings. Ad-mission 25 and 50 cents. '

O. E. OA1LK.

One of tbe Men In tor 500 fine andEighteen Months,

C. E. Gaile, the young man whofigures so couspiciously in the Henrietta opium smuggling business, iswell known on tue Coast and Hasacquaintances here. He is about37, an American, thin, sharp features, clean shaved, dretses neatly.Is a "slick ' talker and Is somewhatof a "tin-horn- in Western parlance. About ten years ago bespent five months in Honolulu,looking around. He denies havingvisited tbe Islands since. It is reported that be has an "otherwise"name at tne coast.

That Tired reelingIs s dangerous condition dfroitlr due to de-pleted or Impure blood. It should not beallowed to continue, as In Its debility the systern Is especially liable to serious attacks oflunesa. 110001 Horsapanua u the remedyfor such a oonditior., and also for that weak,neea which prevails at tbe change ot season,ojunaie or uie.

Hood Pills are purely vegetable, care-fully prepared from tin best Ingredientsvu. a

mm Hawaiian sfAit, tuesdav,



Ifnanlmfioi Vuti of tti Coone I nf H(h1

The rvtltlon and ftttit4

Charles T. Gullck.Major Seward.John F. Bowler.Robert W. Wilcox.John II. Wise.

Jos Clarke.Bipikanc.

AI.llikoi.These, the last of the political

prisoners, were this morningvoted their liberty by the Councilof State.

There is reioicinir i'l tnaiiv families and there is general public sat-isfaction over the outcome of today V,

session of the pard '.ning board.rrescht at the meeting Pres

ident Dole, Ministers King, Damon,Smith, Secretary Smith, MembersWilder, Kennedy, Murray, Nott.Jones, Una, Naonc, Robertson.

With open doors tnc petitions fursuspension ol sentences were ntonce taken up,' The Novemberl'tlersol Gulick, Bowler and Sewardwere read. They were identical.Each man cxptesseddeeti contrition fttor 111s pari 111 tne revolt, stated ex- -pllcity that he did not complain of,injustice and pledged by his mostsacred word of honor loyalty to theGovernment, obedience to its laws,sincere support to tlio Republic, allwithout lucutal reservation and as




Chat. T.

in duty bound after accepting tl cleniency and clemency of the Gov-

ernment, alliuIu new separate notes, Gulick,

Seward and Howler each renewedhis former petition and frankly andearnestly asked for pardon, admit-ting isthe offense, promising fealty toand in the cases of Gulick andBowler referring in touching termsto those innocent persons sufferingon account of their imprisonment.Mr. Gulick also spoke of Ins failing inhealth.

Letters from the five Hawaiianswere iu a tenor which found favorwith the Council. Each man said offor himself that he was repentantthat he saw his mistake, that hewould err no more. Wilcox, especially, declared he would do all inIns .power 111 support ot tue government.

President Dole said the Executivedesired the advice of the Council ofSlate.

Mr. Kennedy Does the Exccutive make any recommendation?

President Dole The memberscan speak, for themselves. It wasunanimously voted to submit thepetitions to the Council of State. ItW. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l

Had thought the Council in a

consistent iu its former action inliberating so soon men upon whomdeath sentence had been passed.However, there was no vindictive-nes- s

and he would favor suspensionof senteuce for the remainner of theprisoners.

S. M. Damon Clemency hasbrodght harmony and for the Government strength and respect. This iswas a propitious time to declaregeneral amnesty.

Jos A. King I now willinglysay, liberate all ot tliem.

W. C Wilder It has seemedseveral times the most guilty haveescaped. But now let us wipe outall tins. 1 move to recommendpardons under the same conditionsas given the otners.

T. B. Murray I second the motion in the spirit that the State isextending clemency without regardto the petitions.

Jas. A. Kennedy I trust thatthis motion will prevail and that allthese men may be liberated todayso that they can begin the NewYear with their families and friends,

President Dole now put the1 'question" and announced thefesult as "carried unanimously."

It was learned later it would beimpossible to open the doors to-

day, but that the men would nilleave prison tomorrow.

llutaes to tho Shoot.

Smith will run lialf hour tripbusses from Hall's comer to the II.R. A. range all of tomorrow.

Welcome" to Strangers.From 12 to 2 tomorrow the Y.

M. C. A. will receive young jnenof the city, more especially thosewho are strangers here. All suchwill be given a hearty hand of welcome and a pleasant hour. Theprogram will be in charge of theladies. Lunch will be served andeverything possible done for thecomfort of those who attend. Theinvitation to young men is general

AwardedHighest Honors World's Pair,

Odd Medal-Mldw- loter Fair.


MOST PERFECT MADE.A pure Crape Crum of Tartar Powder. Frefrom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant,

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs ana tne nomes, ur. race a ireantUakg rowuer nolo its supremacy.

40 Years the Standard.LEWIS & CO. JLSEITS, HONOLULU, I

Highest of all In Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report

A!, TnirMis itf iiii:k inKAI'llll.AM

Midnight lloee Vlnlnre -- Sreneof lletaiMllin, In UIMM llrtall

t,r iirtiunae.

The most violent cyclone llfatever visited the Hawaiian tsl.iudsstruck the South cud of KnplnlauiI'ark In Diamond Head at 12:10last tiiglit.

The I'ark, jards, fields androads arc strewn with

Ticcs wcte taken up by theroots, and ill some places thehouses now stand like monumentsamid the ruin.

Tlio Cvrlnnn Iklltlrlr frnnl llmSoul h West. It passed over all ofthe houses nlnnc tin-- !.m!i nml,lii,m.,l ,inM t ilm Wnll-lt-i

James Campbell. At Sans Soucl,Mccr rl.ire's and olhcr places al ugtlic beach there was only a sharpblow, and a roar, like thunder,was heard

From the Waikikl road thetwister proceeded iu straight lines

Diamond Head, across tile pointnear and up as far asDouglas' place on the Moililli road.Striking the mountain it rebound-ed in a close angle and reached.Dr. Troussou's old osttich farmfrom the South East. From therethe cousc was almost straight downtue road to Noltes where thecyclone rose. At Henry l'oor'splace, further on, it dipped slightlyagain and then rose toward themountains, suction drew downtrees from both sides toward thetwister, giving the outer edges

the course a peculiar appearance. I be lines ot the sto.m,however, are clearly marked.

Opposite the first Sans Sotlci cottage the devastation began. Fromthat point the cyclone cut a swath

the road near Douglas' place atDiamond Head. The big treesare taken up by the roots and lie

over the ground, iu sonic placespiles. Some are taken away

from their beds and are removedseveral feet. For a hundred yardsinto the park not a tree of any size

left and the is whippedpieces All roads around the

race track on that side are Mockedwith trees that lie by dozens acrossthem. None of the many roadsacoss the district can be travered

a vehicle more than a bundledyards.

Opposite Macfarlane s the situation is just as bad. All

the trees are cone.At James gate a bigtree lies across the main road andobstructs travel. Here the electricwires are down, a pole having beenbroken. One of the wltes alsobroke and set fire to the grass.

Towaid Douglas place' on tuerear Park road, the sight is evenworse. Trees lie iu heaps overeveivtlilug. borne, in lact many,weie pulled up by the roots andscattered around.They lie across tbe roads and fencesby the score. Travel is impossible.

is like light ing one s way tlnougudense jungU. Pedestrians cross

back and forth from the road intoyards and pastures to make even aslow pjee through the

Douglas' pasture fence is smashed, and his yard fence is completely destroyed. lirs morning aChinaman was engaged piling upthe remnants ol a lew pmels.Uvery tree around tue place, eventhe big Magnol'a in the iront yard,

down. Low flowering plantsweie badly whipped and the hard-iest shrubs si'ffered. Mr. Douglas'house is not damaged, though uu

saved from completedestruction by toe thick growth offees around it.

u this point the course of thehad moved, and came directly fromDiamond Head. Trees along theroad lie in both as iithey had received two rushes,which is probal 1;. On the rightsmoke was noticed comingfrom a pile of wreckage about fiftyleet high. 'An examination (lisclo'ed a house under the mass. Itwas from the frontAt the rear trees lay across the fences and we're banked up against thegate. the yard was strewn withtrees, ind limbs and trees, totufrom the roots, covered the top oftue house. The rear veranda wassmashed, an outhouse moved fromUs pillars, shingles on the roofknocked iu, the stove pipe knockeddown and other things damaged.

This was about the appearance ofthe house of A P. Jackson, one sopretty before the storm. His beanti "ul grove aud yard are ruinedThis moining it was necessary toclear the debris away from tbedoors befoie tbe inmates of thehouse could get out of it. Thefamily got breakfast at 10o'clock on account of the dlsordered stale. Covered undera mass oi debris iu tbe yard wasMrs. Jackson's valuable collectionof flowers, beaten to pieces andutter y ruined. On another sideunder a pile of trees was a housecontaining 200 tine cmckensWhen tbe place was visited thismorning the house could not beseen, but healthy cacklings iu thedebris indicated that at least a partol the nrood were an right.

at D-- .

old ostrich farm, except the buildings, is in ruins. The trees in thepaddocks are piled here and there.The wind mill which stood by theroad, was wrenched oft about halfway up and blown over Into thepasture. In this whole locality

and electric light wires'are down and tit an over the roadsSome of the poles were snapped offby the strain ana lorm a part 01 thedebris which tills up tbe roadWires are twisted up in the fallentrees and are broken in many pines

A little lurtber on captain lotRoss eot a stiff In jsh of the cyclone. He hrs a windmill on thercauka side of his cottage,This was snap) id off near the topand bulled violently against tuhouse, break'ug the windows andrupturing the ceiling. Treesaround the place were leveled andat other points, the roads were


MeeMbEii 31, 1855.












Everything Trousseau's



Iblockcd up, On the I'ark side manytrees were pulled up liy the rootsand carried considerable distances,evidently caused by the tush of airto tlic vacuum made by the cyclone.These trees all lay toward thecourse of the storm instead of fromit.

Mr. Nolte's premises were littledamaged. The twist had begunlo rise before it was reached andand only it few trees weredamaged. At Cecil Brown'splace no damage whatever wasdone and only a little blow wasfelt. At Henry Poor's place, fathcr toward Moiliili. where thestorm again dipped, a number oftrees .were uprooted and much ofdevastation or the storm iu itsearlier course was rejicatcd.

1 he damage at some places isgrcnt. Most of the flower yardsare ruined, while pasture troveswill have to be renewed. The farther cud of tbe Park is ruined.Whin the debris is cleared nwav itwould be little short ofan open field were it notfor the thick small growth.The damage to Jackson's houseand premises is pel haps greatest ofall, though Farnsworth and RosswPl lose considerable. The loss intree to the I'ark and tho DiamondHead forest will reach up into thethousands. The largest and mostvaluable are those that succumbedto the storm.

The general estimate is that thecyclone lasted from 3 to 5 was merely a blow and all wnsover. Captain Ross, who wasawake, is authority for the state-ment that it lasted not more thanthree seconds. Many thought atfirst it was an carthmiakcshock. This was before the treescame down. The Sturm wasprt-ede- d by n blinding flash ofI'ghtniiig, by perhaps two seconds.A heavy peal ol thuudcr Waivedthe roar of the cyclone.

Many strange tilings happened.the most remarkable, perhaps, andby far the most gratifying, is that110 one was hurt. It seems littleliort of miraculous that the houses

stood the storm. The thick, treesall around alone saved them, theyreceiving the shock and breakingthe force. At Capt. Ross' placetwo chairs were lifted from the ve-

randah, cat ied a hundred feet andanded, uninjured, in the

road. None of the livestock at Farnswo'th's we eiiiuied, though it is hard to under

stand, iu the generr1 wrecking, lmwwas possible. Save to the

loss of one tree the Campbell premises sus.a tied no damage. I hishouse being so open, had thestorm struck it it mustcertainly have been wrecked.

1 he cyclone was followed by oneof the heaviest lains ever known atWaikiki. It was general andextended all over the neighbor-hood. In the center of the racecourse is a lake of water severalaces iii extent. The track waswashed over and made bad inplaces. The ponds at Makee Isl-

and were flooded. All day thegales have been lclt open to pre-vent any overflow. The streamon the town side of LongBranch swelled to arolling creek. The heavy sandbank near the bathing houseswas all washed away aud a straightchannel made to the sea. Thetruck farms and rice patchesnearer town are all flooded, audCarter's pasture is nearly a footunder water.

ire "lla. Carae.""Opium" Brown arrived liy the

Miowcra this afternoon.

That l'uiiiikln.The one on exhibition at I.. II

Kerr's will be worth $350 to thelucky one who can guess tbe rightnumber of seeds, for the $350 NewUugland piano goes along with it.Are you going to get a coupon be-

fore it is too late?

0G8 HKK19.

Ite.ult of ttie due.. log Cunte.t at Racli.'Dry lieotl. Ilou.e.

Sachs' pumpkin was cut at 5 p.m.. yesterday aud the seeds counted. There were 568, and fourladies had guessed that number asstraight as though they had count-ed them before. They were: Mrs.E Hammer, Miss Kcogli, HildaLederer and Miss Margaret Moss-man-

Mrs. Hammer's guess hav-ing been made first, she was declared winner of the prize lamp,worm T25.

You can put up tue most delicatefruits, uncoolced, by using Aiitifermetitino, and in six months they will be asnatural in appearance aim lasio as wncnfirst plrlicl.

New Year. Kvenl..I.ei Ilima dance at Independence

rail: at o clock this evening.Serviiesin tbe M. E. church at

midnight.Christian Endeavor meeting at

0 a.m. tomorrow, Central Uniojchurch.

II. R. A. shoots at 8:30 a.m.Excursion to Pearl City and

Ewa at 0:1a a. m.State Reception at the Executive

building at 1 1 o clock.Reception to young men at .the

Y. M. C A. trom 13 to 3.Services' in all the churclier at

7:30 p. rn.

Councillor anil jD.tle..At the executive sessiou of the

State Council this morning it wasdecided to have Ka-ne- , the wellknown and able native attorney,succeed Kawainui, deceased, asmember of the Council.

Judge Whiting goes to theSupreme bench and Alf. V. Carterlo the Circuit bencu.

lle.r A Promoter or,

In order to impress upon yourmind the fact that. the Seattle Drewing and Malting Co.'s beers aremild, light, bright and lively, webelow give the average per cent, ofalcouol in various llquos iu comparison:

Rainier Beer, 3.4; Olympic Beer,3.4; AJe, 7.4; ciuer, 8.6; Claret13.3! Whisky, 54.0.

On draught at Criterion Saloon


rllll SIX IIAVS SUM II A l aiflo.OOOOl- - NALVAtit: IN KAMI.

, a Terrible SiaA tlreptile Log of the


IBy the I'omcr.l

The R. M. S. Miowcra arrivedhere today at noon, having left Vic-toii-

B. C. on Monday, t6th Dec.On t8tb December nt 8:45 a. m.about 450 miles from Cape Flatterythe SS. Strathnevis was sightedwith distress signals flying "In dis-

tress want assistance. She wasbound f'om Victoria to Yokohamaand bad then been yi days helplessly adtlft on the Pacific with hershalt broken and propeller lost, andhad on board about 160 Chinesepassengers and 37 of a crew.We took her in tow that day, butbad weather following, the towlines carried away three times.FinatV got two lines on to her twocables ffSt'cot her to about 45 to50 miles from Cape Flattery, whena very heavy westerly gale was ex-perienced and while attempting totow the steamer to seaward, onehawser parted at is: to a. m. on2 td of Dec. aud the other parted halfan hour later. Dining the nightthe steamer was lost sight of, andafter keeping in the supjiosed vicin-ity for fifteen hours, the gale and tre-mendous sea continuing, wc wctetotally unable to do anything farther towards the salety or that vessel. The circumstances were suchthat wc had at last reluctantly tohead this steamer seaward for herown safety, after having gone in-

shore as far as it was safe, with thesea that was then running. Thenwhen all hope was abandoned wcproceeded en route to this port, ex-

periencing a rough and blowypassage.

Hi: following is a list ol passengers on board for Honolulu: Mr.L. Brooke. Miss Grace Holleiibeck,Mr. W. F. Godsal, Mr. J. H. Carter, Miss Carter, Rev. Mr. Lydgate,Mr. J. Swish, Mr. G. R. Brown,Mr. P. Silva, Mrs. Siiva and family, Mr. J. Brown, Mr. II. F. Hettss,Mr. II. A. Ingham and daughter,Mr. A. C. McLeod.

For . Honolulu there arc about13,500 pkgs, 643 tons, comprisingflour, oats, bran, wheat, fur-niture, beer, &c, 1200 tons throughargo for Australian ports.

Tlic steamer picked up mayhave foundered or may havereached an anchorage and savedhc'sclf. The Miowcra's salvagewould have been not lcs thanf250,ooo. Condolences have beenextentcd to Capt. Stott.

The December 'Hawaiian.'The December Hawaiian will be

delayed till late iu January. Mr.Haync takes it to San Franciscofor publication. Tlic sheets wereall printed when the Gazette Company today' notified Mr. Hajnethey would not issue the num-ber because it was "immoral aud indecent." Mr. Hayuesays he had a contract with thecompany and will bring suit. Thecompany declines to do furtherpublishing for Mr. Haync. Thelatter says the matter called "im-moral" is from Max Nardau's"Degeneracy."

itin.i: miiiotino.A liar " Willi ().... U Trophies Up, r

the II. II. A.

The semi-annu- competition ofthe Hawaiian Rifle Association willtake place on the II. K. A, rangetomorrow, beginning at 8:30 a. m.aud lasting nearly all day. Therewill be an "All Comers'," "Mili-tary" and "Citizens'" match. Inthe first are cash prizes, rangingfrom $10 down to if 2. The "Mili-tary" match, s shots, is for a silvermedal for first prize and f5 cash forsecond. The first is open to all;the second to alt who have not a H.R A. record of 80 and over. Entrance lee in each of the matcheswill be 1 1.

The Citizens' match will be opento all who have not made a recordof 80 or over in any of the H. R.A.'s contests. It is for five shotsat 200 yards. There are 38 sub-stantial prizes. There is a chancefor all. Bromide is cheap. It isnot unlikely there will be a hundred entries. Entries must be madeat the grounds tomorrow. Eighttargets will be out.


War Ship. Watch Ih. of theChin....

London, Dec. 13. A specialdispatch from Shanghai says thatseveral war ships today watched theformal ol the Chinese intoPort Arthur. It is believed herethat China, as a reward for Russia'sntervention in her favor after the

war, will permit the Russiau Pacificfleet to winter in I.iaochu bay.

Wndon, Dec. 14. The Herlincorrespondent of the Standard saystnat tlic powers nave addressed toJapan a peremptory demand for theevacuation of Corea.

The popularity ofCliamberlaln's CoughCough Kemedy and the high esteem Inwhich it la held leads us to believe It tobe an article of great worth and merit.We have the nleasure at ulvlnir theexjierlence of three prominent citizensof Itedondo lleach, Ual., in the use oftlio remedy, nr. A. v. Trudell says:"I have alnays received prompt reliefwhen I uaed Chamberlain a CoukIi ICenvedy." Mr James Orchard says; "I amratistieu that ciiamberiuin a LoughKemedy cured my cold." Mr. J. A.Hatcher says: "Kor three years I haveused Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy Inmy family and its results have alwaysbeen satisfactory." For sale by all dealera. Henson, SMITH & Co. (leneralAgents. 11. 1.



HalibutMitropolitaii Mtit Go.

tw-- it.

Try the"Star" Eltctric Works

forFine Printing


11 Allium wATi.11 kiiou F.vihi.M i;or Till. IIIMVV WIUTItl.H.

No Harm to Horn Hhiltr nrrlmooTomorrow In torIUnl Mtatntrt

I'ronl Nntr,

After Hi la werk tlm Utnml uto.iincrBwill fait hack to nchpilulc t lino.

Tlio Warrlmoo from the Coloniesshould Ik? along tomorrow forenoon.

Tomorrow Mnj; New Venr'a thewaterfront will prfentjii holiday npiwarancp.

Mate Underwood of tho bnrkontlne S.N. Castle la on deck pgnln, after n siegeof illness.

Tho hark Albert ha mnred tn Roren-aon- 's

wharf whrrtt sho began Uncharg-ing water fvpn thU morning.

Tho bark Andiew Welch has finisheddUcharzing, and will move out Into tbestream a sou ns tho weather Incomesfavorable.

The steamer Hawaii will leave forlAtipahoehoe. Honomu. Ilonohlna,

Hakalan nuJ lVeekoo onThun-tla- afternoon nt o'clock.

The much talked of rue between thoKfnati ami the Clattdino has 1m en runand won. Mining accident the Kinauhas reached Uilmlim nbead of her rival,Tho Klnau lead tho Claud Ine crossingDiamond head.

Tho water of tho hnrbor was of n dirtyhuo (his morning, and hits of driftwoodgivn evidence of hot ulghfa storm, Nodnmnge was sutTered by tho shipping Inthe lmrlor, Hitra, however,were put out by some for safety.

The hark Ceylon, It Calhoun master,nrrhed yesterday iifteinonn. twentyset en days from l)enrtnre Hiy withHTJtonsof for Ultti A; ItitlilnsouHough weather was expeiieneed pirt ofthe passage. The Ci vlon will dlsrbiirgenear he Tactile M.itl wlmif.

The schooners Ka Mt. Molvvahtneand Kauikeuoull ale weatherbound uuthe Kohalu const. Tho Ka Mot had Imgun to take In sugar, but null g to tlmrough weather, was nblo to do so withmuch dllHrulty. The t may be alongduring the latter part of the week,

Captain alhouns New Year'n spreadwill in? ono gooso lcHU tomorrow. Thebird w utcrhoard from the ItarkAicher thij morning, and although thocolored cook gate chase in n boat thebird escaod under tSnreimon's wharf,where no bojrl can get to it.

Tho Sugar Hefintry fleet will be drop-ping In within tho next few weeks. Theship I.eapcr Is about duu and should ar-rive within the next few days. ThePortland and V. K. lUhcock will fallduo on Jan. 15, aud tho Kenilworth onJan. 30. Other big carriers to follow arethe IroqunU, Jtoanoke .nd tho Dlrlgo,


I)KPAMTKI.Tor Kauai per sttnr Mlkahala, Dec

Wl Taul Inenl-erg- (1 N Wilcox, Mrs 11

Kelsey, W I Wells, Mr Welsh, MrFather H l cdor. AH Wilcox,

J W Itergstrom, Mr Cum in lug and Proffli ax wen.

Kor Maul and Hawaii, per RtmrKinau, Dc!W Mr and Mrs McMabon.Mr and Mrs Wirth. Mi-- s Wirlh, JtifdiopWillis, Mr aud Mrs Montgomery andlaughter, J W Jones, HUliop of

l- P Dishop, 1111 Cooper, IIPDole, K Flolirand bride. W Hums. I,ahlHtng, J L Alberto, J F lliiyes. J Miller,J W Dell, wife, and child, (leorge Smith-ies and wife. J J Cameron, W 1 truer, DKnmal, MrKlnnej', Kawaguchi, IjAbcu,Charles Dojle, Kt Ion and wife, Mi?sIah)u, Mrs Ah Chce, Father Matthias,Hrothei Elofae. Paul Neumann and C ADojle.

For Maul, per stmr Clatidine, Dec SO

mibs iMemmmg, air iiuams, ji iongand w re. Cant II Uincrldue. Lieut D IISharpies., Air Jackson and wife, O K

King, airs .n s Hmireu ami







TclcplmiM- - Itll .

IN. w AdvortlaoiiioiitM


Mnria my wife. Iinvtnn leftmy bed and board, I hen by ghe noticethat! will not tie resiH.nsible lor. anyuebts she may contract.

AAiuicn, !)ccemler31, IHUV 810-l- w


Die "rlilinllnu" will leavo Honolulu MONDAY, Decerning 80th for herregular ports, returning h 111 arrite atHonolulu SUNDAY .MOKNINU, Jun- -

nary otn, inju.WJl.DS.It n STKAM8I1II' CO., LTD,

Honolulu, December SI, IKI.1 BI.VIw


DR. CMS. 13. COOPEKHas removed his Olllce and l!eidenre

to the Cartwiight pteuusoti,

Cor. Beretanla and Alakon Sts.Tel. IM. HJ.lm


mi ir. v. mummy,Change of Otllco Hours, commencing

January 1, lew;0 to 10 a. m, 1 to 3 p, in.: 7 to 8 p.

Sundays 0 to 10 a. iu,; 7 to 8 p. 111,



SmiATlOX WANTKI) AHfor I ami Iii. Ki tvrimcVmr'

atyorcvuiitry. A. II. Tliii Onio. BB


ADKSinAI.I.K mVKLUNO IIOUHK Jstreet For (articular Imr -llir; MANAMA?! HA r r. I1K1HM1T



ALMA L'OTTAtlK, AT WAIKIKI,to U't, ftimL ir.1. tnirptlier w Itll A

Item h lot. Amilv toSl3 KltANK IHTHTACE.


I AM PltKI'AllKll TO MAKK All--

atraetn of Title In n imnt tlmriHtgh an--

mmlete tnnuner. mi .liort notice, and acrur-at- e

In every ilrtail.V V. MAKIN.SKY,

V. O. Rraltli's inw Port rltni-- t


pHAt. i:sTATI! AND IIKNEltAMUWI.IV l!a ARPlit. 1UI l'Vtnte tHinslit attlnl.L Ilnlutt-- . Hcnteit. IxtaKn NkuoTIATKU.

Collection. male. Hook. Mutt.ts.lir-rtcl- Cojiylnff licnlly ilone.

AH limine, cntrtutisl to me will rcce4mHlitl ottrful nttcntlon, A alinre nfIirtmipt ivilronago reoctf ully alirltcl.

Telephone 1X.OEO. A. TlJIlNMIl.

Sm .Merclmilt Htreet,Ofllco formerly occupll by l T. Oullck

F.Ill I L 1 1

Cor. Morchnnt nirl Richards Sts

3 Last Exhibits!Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday

Ol' TIMS H i:r.K.

LEGERDEMAINAd Practised In tho for Inttlas.

IWimt of tlio feala to hs poiTormctl arotlioee Ufwul y (Ik


Mystifying Performances.

Don't fall to ecu thoru people in theirrxlrnortlinury exhibition of

Sleight of Hand.

IKir otfM,ft nt 7U 0 o'clock,coiiuiicnt'cfl nt Ho'clock rharp.

TICKETS!Cnllory 23 CentsChairs BO Conts

All persons Indi U.-v-l to tlio firm ofthtt Into J. T. WntcrhoiiBe, 1. u, till i,ccounts owing previous lo Mnrrh 1; IbUo,nr witWleil to cttl mmo I,1880, nt Uiu olllce of J. T. WatiTlionw.Queen htrcct. ti"J7-t-

Hew Vaj'"

Jani auv lsi, 8 1'. V.

Y. M. C. A. 11 all.In Aid ofY. M.C. A. DulldlnrrFund.

D. W. CORBETT,2U Secretory.



Tlio medicinal vnluo ofunforiiicntcd grant) juicodopemls on tho vnriuty ofgmpo used. Tlio Con-

cord grape loads inmedicinal and dieteticproperties; contains morograpo sugar. Tho sugarof tlio grapo requires nodigestion, but is takenalmost nt once into tlioblood, wljoro it rendersup it force as required;so, also, of tho water.

Dr. Welch's GrnpoJuice, made from Con- - '

cord grapes, is twice ns .

good as any other grapo 'juice. It is pleasant Uptake;

the people enjoy it.- -.

'It is easy to buy of us.

Half-pin- ts 25c jPints, 50cQuarts, 75c

Uotter try n bottle.The experiment won't'V

ft, M


cost you much, and tho$.' V. j

grapo jtilco will tono youjg'' "1










Benson, Smith & Co.,

Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN STAR....per cent, discount for cosh on our entire stock of furnituro. Furnituro lasts, an'd is tlio--proper thing for Christinas or holiday present. Wo havo it and you


ttf th Government 8arer, TubllihedKery Monday.


I p wI

nil. an mli.r 0.(11 II

At cm o.w a awTnn. an.iuv sh.vt o.w HEVd S.I.IWi'lJ.W 0 ou ft 3, Mi

Thu an mi.M aw o.u aFrl. 121 SU.04 M.97I 4fat- - l30.0j2.W

Barometer corrects (or temperature andeiavation om noi lor lauiaae.


The Tide. For 1 SOS are Prom V. N. Coa.tJturvey Table..



Ia,m. n.m.'ii.m.Men ... . 0 xai p. n 6 44rues... 3 40

r.MWeil... ( 2.V 4J7 - S


Thar., - 2 lj-- 2 - 10

rrl. ... 13 4VAit .... 7 ISwnn.... 7. 1.W 0 g 10 20

Full monti on lec 81, at 10 li, 0 m. p. tn.Time Whittle mow at lh., Wim Ms. p.m. ot

Honolulu time, which Is the same as lJCii.,0m.,Uh. of Uroonwlrhtlmn.

Vor every 1000 feet of distance of thefrom the Ountom Houne) allow one

niond for transmission ot sound, or ft secondsa statute mile.


Bteam.hlps will leave for and arrive fromBan Francisco on the following date., till tbeOlOM Of 1S95

AnniTK AT HVlulc Lxavi Honolulu forfrom Han K'ciboo Ban Francibcooh

ob Vancouvkii. Vancouver,189ft. 1BU5.

On or itxmf On or AboutMarli08A Nov 21 Ataw a. . Nov 14M low era Nov 24 Aulralla. 20Coptic......... Nov 28 Warrimoo. Deo 2Aravra...Ieo 19 rrktnjr Hcc tiWarrlmoo.....ltH: 24 Atainel' . Deo 12

lkir, .l)o28 Mlowtra.. .Ian 1 IMG



Prom and Arter October 31,TUAINt,



j u t?

' A.U. A.M.l4tave I!nnolnln...n:4U n.iit 6.10Iave Pearl l'ltyT:40 DIM 6:5.1

Kwa Mill.. .8:10 10 19 C:I4

Arrive Walanae. ...... 10;.M 6.49s

PaA.M. A.M. r.M. P.M.

(eave Walanae. ...6:44 1:31 3 47

L v tca Miu..l:ia 0.W 4!iave l'earl Citr...7:t0 D.48

Arrive Uonolnla...8rt 10.30 3.11 6Jti

On Sundays train leave Walanae atat i. m.

rreinlitTiHlnswlll carry Passencer accom- -

mwiat.nns.(t I'.Pkmson. F.C. Hmitii,

.Superintend nU Gen. Pass. Ac lltt. Agt.




S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Iavo Honolulu

Irom S. K. for S. t.1H'J6 IK'C

Jan. 3 Jan. 0Jan. 27.... Feb,Feb. 21 Feb. 20Mar. 1(1 Mar. 21

Apr, 13 Apr. 15


From San Kranciaco From Sydney forfor Sydney. ban r rancisco.

Arrive' Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.Alameda.. .Jan. 10 I Marinosa.. ..Jan,Mariposa... Feb. 13 MonowaI....Feb. 0

Monowai...Mar. 12 Alameda.. .Mar. 5

Alameda... Apr. 0 Mariposa.. .Apr.

Oceanic Steamship Co

Australian Mall Service.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship"ALAMEDA''

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at uonoiuiu irom nan rrunCisco on or about

January 10th.And will leave for the above ooris witliMail and Passengars on or about thatdate.

For San Francisco:

The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship'MARIPOSA"

Of the Oceam ' Steamship Couipany willtie due at Honolulu irom uyuney anaAuckland on or a pout

January oth.and will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers lor the above port.

Tbe undersigned are now preparedto issue

TiiroDEb littcts to all Points in the

United States.

For further 'particulars regardingrreigui or rassage, appiy ui

Wm. G. Irwin & Co, L'd,IIENEItAL AOENTS.


or Honolulu.

aqents.J. A. MAUTIN,

Btar Agent, HiloGEO. HONS,'. Htau Agent Walluliu and Ijihniiia


Fort Bt.


F Fort 8t. opiKwit. Club Stable.


I CAB ILK & COOKK.' Aetna, Alliance, New England Mutua


' .tj 8'Nuuanu 8t.


BttEBCBANTaIHE . B. I. Bhaw, Proprietor


CHILDRENTnko It willingly. For this rciuonh

1j extensively prescribed nntl

for its ngrecable tasto nswell ns for tho excellent rpsuHs ob-

tained in building up the systems ofpnle, puny, sickly children, particularly tlioso troubled with Anii'iiiia,

Scrofula, Itickets mid blood mid bonodiscitsesgcncinlly, Inadditiontotliis


perfected and tasteless, of Cod LiverOil with Compound Syrup of s,

Extracts of Mult andWild Cherry Mark, makes healthyflesh mid fat, resists disease germsas well us prevents scrofulous bloodattacking tho lungs, that Invariably

ends in Lung Scrofula or Consump-tion. Cures made in tho young nroeconomical and permanent. Sold byUoLlSTLEIt DllUU CO! BENSON, SMITH

Cot nomtoN Dnua Co.




Saturdays & SundaysTrains will leave on Saturdava nt 0:1,)

a. to. ami t:ir p tn., nrrivlng in Honolulu 11:11 p. m. anil ri:20 p. m.

Irani w lit leave on punuayn At u:ioin. arninK in Honolulu at S:2G p. in.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class SI. 703d Class SI.3B

F. C. SMITH,Oen'l. Pass, anil Ticket Aficnt


By the bark J. C. Oladoa new supply of thecelebrated


For sale at all principalDrug Stores, liquor Dealers,

Saloous, and at

H, Hackfeld & Go.SOLE AOENTS.

The greater part of the Medals,Emblems, Prizes and 'such likemade in Honolulu have been man ufactured by us, and . . .


of every description. You haveonly to tell us wlnt you want andhow you want it made, and we dothe rest

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,I'tirt Street Jewellers,

Near corner King.

NOTICEro Planters and Others

The Honolulu Iron Works Company'uiviiiK reneweii inrir connection will.110 . , ,

National Tube Works Company

oi Hew York

tr constituted Solo AuenU for theHawaiian ddandti for ull the variousI lien of manufacture, hucIi us



WATER PIPE of all Size,

Galvanized Water Pipe,8TEEL AND IRON BOILER TUBES,

Etc.. Etc., together withVALVES, COCKS, and all kinds


tnd will henceforth carry a larce stnclcof said Good in Honolulu to enabletnem to nil all ordinary ordera on shortnotitunndnt trices hlthertn unknownin the Hawaiian Islands.

Honolulu Iron WorksCompany,


Fertilizers ! !

For 1896.SOLUBLE,


Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.Have n full stock ot nil Fertiliser

Materials for sale at lou est market rates

Sold In Original Bags or Groundand Mined to Order.

Cooda Cunrnntood to any AnalysisIn Bags of Equivalent Wolght.

Nltrato of Soda, Sulphato ofAmmonia, Cotton Sood Meal.

Sulphato ot Potash, Doublo Man-ur- o

Salts, Murlato of Potashand Kalnlt.

DoubloDissolved Cuano and Bono Moals,

Florida Phosphates, Etc.Correspondence and Orders Solicited.

A. F. COOKE,Proprlotor and Manacor Hawaii

Fortorllilng Co.

W. G. T.-TI-.

LUNCH ROOMTor Ladle and (lentlemen,

At 111 KINO HTU1C10T.

i.mirli fioin ii::to i i::io.

Our nttrncttons nre: Home-mad- e

n conl, nrnt room and Bntiafactorytttendanco. ::::::::

ToUe a Ut carte.


E. Van Doom & Co., Fort St.Next Lucas Pinning Mill will

have fresh every dayAMr.oliiiie-Miicl- e Pol


KAL1HI POI FACTORY,Which will be aoM to families In lartceor

small quanimes. ;vo uoniainern riirnisiictl. Ililspnl li made Wllh boiled water.

v. l. wnx:ox,Proprietor Kallhl Pol Factory.


One All I trass Double Acting Force

Pump, 3 inch suction and dischargewith 2iO feet 2K Inch Hose.

At a bargain one English dog carttu ported.

One revolving lutker's oven.Apply to


i22 tf. No. 0 Nuuanu street.




Made nt shortnotice oy the







Also While and Black Sand

which we will sell at the very low-

est market rates.

Telephone No. 414. fE3



Another shipment of thiswcllknown Dentifrice and

Mouth Waslt on hand. ThoAntiseptic Odoi. preventsdecay and destroys entirelyall matter injurious to the

teeth. '.

Foi sale at Drug Stores ami at


Holiday Goods

New Designs In Art tTurnlture



Fine Silk Goods.Ladies' Silk Shirts, Sashes and


Porcelain & Lacquer Ware.. Excellent Stock of Toys

and other SeasonableGoods.

S. OZAKI.313 Kino Stkkbt, Cor. Smith.

Try the

"Star" Electric Works

forFtnt .Printing



The Finest DrinksIn the rltr, made up

to nan It r 1 staiHrdt luffredIHART&COJ lenis llret lMUelthenfroten.Vhondlulu

Our tct Crrtim mnJ Mttbtrt

Try It. It Mill do jougood.


BBA.YER SALOON.Fort Strtet. Opposite, Wilder & Co.

II. J. NOLTR, Prop'r.Flnt-Cla- Lunches serveil with Tea, Coffee

rjo.ia watet uinger Ale or miir.tjr- - RnirtVer. Rennt.ttee a


Ail Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangement, ran here be made for eorvlng

meal, to Kamttle. Uvlntf withinreasonable dlntanre.


No. 48 Nunaiiii Atciiuo.

Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Styles upto Date. Prices that will satiny

you, Uive me a trial Istrive to please.

Ftlocttnttf Twd, fXrttfiu7l.,HniiiicI. ,tDuclr(rH


r. o. itoi va


The cleanest, brlghtrot t afeat and really,in the lone run. the chwijwBt and let lightfor use in the family resilience. U tbe Incan-descent electric light. Safe; nothing couldte wifer, A few (lays ago a prominent gen-tleman of Honolulu rnrne ruohlng down tothe olllco of the Electric Uunitany and an Id:"Give me figures for wiring my house, and Iwant It done at once; no moro lamim for me.Last night a lamp tipped oer and It cameso near netting lire to the house and burningmy children and I take no more risks."

This is the sentiment of quite a number Inthe past few weeks, w ho havo ordered theirhousea fitted with the erfect light.Just think It over and make up your mind

that you want the best and Rafest light; Bendfor the Hawaiian Electric Company and tollthem w hat yon want.

Wo have a complete stock of everything inthis line and havo just received a lot of thevery latest daslgns in chandeliers.


IRON WORKS.Qt-ieo- Htreet.

Between Alakea and Itichard Streets


Housework a SpecialtyIron Doors, Shutters, Etc.

Particular Attention paid to Ship'sBiacksmitning.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.



WILDER & CO(K.ublislitd la iS,..

Estate S. 6, WILDER - W. C. WILDER,

Imfortirs and Dialbbs IK

Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


Builders' Hardware,I'alnts, Oils, Glass.


Cor. Fori and Queen Sheets


JP. J4s 13.

Faints & Compnuds

Hoofing,Pile Covering andBuilding Papera,

Fon Sale bv

WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.

LI.MITlCI),Sole Aomin for the Hawaiian Inlatult

The liuiMini: impeih an-1- , 3, 3, and 4ply They rmiiu in rnlli, roll con-taining 1000 Miiiare leet. They arewater prtioi, act i ami sncnii prnnr andvermin proof. A liouht-line- v ill. paier Is far cooler than one that There is nlmi n cheaper grnde of

auapieu lor use under mattingIiaper out insects.

Honoltlu, Julya9th,.89S.Mkssiis. W, II. luwiN & Co., Ltp.

(Ientlkmkn: In reply to your in

qulry as to how the Ideal Hoof Paintyou sold me lasted; I would say that Ipainted the roof of my house 13 monthsago with your Ibn ldial Roof Paint,and I And it is as fresh and bright In ap-

pearance today as when first applied;looking as well as others lately paintedwith other paints, I am more than

ttafiod.J. (I. UOTHWELL.

Have vou a leaky gutter? If touhave, mane it perfectly clean and dry,apply a good coat of No. 3 P. and li.Paint over the leaky spots; then take aniece of stout Manila uaner. or a Dtecaof commou cotton cloth, paint It '"ell onDotn eiaea; lay over me nrsc coat, giv-In- c

the whole a final coat, and therewill be no more leak there. Or )f thewhole gutter is bad, make it clean audJrr. and anulv ft naste of P. & P. Paintand Portland Cement,

This space


reservedfor the

Hawaiian Wlno Company.

9ncifc yuu


Alm-T- O


by the





Silk ShadesOpened



' Lowest J'ltWs Cash,


Thomas LindsayCatnphclt Block, Merchant Strict.

occii mc



Motto-T- O EXCEL.

examine Prices Quality.

CITY FURNITURE STORE,Corner of Fort Boretanla Streets - - - - - Waring Block,new ooorxs




are to and

tllicl ....for

Git KB

noi-i- r.






Ex. and



General Merchandise,Queen Street and Fort Street, Honolulu.


invited call

Housekeeper's Supplies

Honeyand Konian btripe

TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS,Towels, Sheetings and Cottons. . . .

An Elegant Assortment of

Dress Goods;Surahs, Figured Silks, Grenadines and Percales.

A NEW LINE OF Bilk Handkerchiefs and Oent'n Scarfs and Sus-

penders; Summer Shirts tn Crepe and Flannelette; Navy Serges, Cravenetteuml Ladies' Cloth, Boys and Men's .Sweaters In all sizes.

iiakdwakis rii;i.t.iTJvii3i'.r.A New Stock of Pure Prepared House Paints, Hanging Lamps,

Flexible Wire Mats, Boston Card Matches,Enamelled Granite Ware, Shelf 'Hardware, and an assortment

of Crockery and Glassware, Haviland and Limoges China,Seine Twine, Fish Lines, etc., etc.


lvarge Invoice of

ManilaFrom the most






Wi-ougli- t Steel

V are

'O. S.



Cigars,reliable Factories.

Ranges, Chilled


Sheet Iron Work,

75-- 97 KING STREET ,


Iron Cooking Stoves.

HOUSEKEEPING GOODS:Ap-at- e (White. Grav and Nickel-elate- Pumns

'Water and Sou fines. Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Dath Tubs vi'l Steel Sinks,

Guttcib and Leaders, Shce' Iron Copper, Zinc;and Lead, Leaa Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin,



QUILTS, Marseilles,



A Pew reraaraph. From the Ten. of Newpaper rhllo.ophemon the Flight of Tlme.- -

In our bojliood lime walks, In middle1lifo It ambles, and lu old ago It pants InbroathlcM lmsto lo reach the goal andhave dono with ns. A day la n week totho child, and a week Is bnt a day to theof, oil. New York Herald.

Tho mouths may speed as they will.The days may come and go like HrMnlng flashes. Age may creep on apaceand yonth hasten lo middle life. No-

vember blasts may chill and Decembersnows cover tho soil like a shroud. Itmatters lit tie. There wilt be other yearsIn other climes, and tho work wo leaveunfinished will bo brought tocoinplcllouafter tho grass hasgrowu ou our graves.


No time in so short as that of the manwho has passed the three, score mile-stone. The clock uo longer ticks thoseconds away, bnt the ttayB. Tho veryweeks flash by. Hardly do the flowersof April bloom beforo tbe frosts of October sot in, aud hardly do tho frostscarvo fantastlo pictures on tho windowpane before the snu of another springmakes tho meadow green once moraExchange.

Time was when it was considered asnre slgu of doath before tho next NewYear to soo your own shadow in themoonlight on tho 1st of January.

January la still called by tho old Cel-tl- o

name Jnis (lenvcr, the cold mouthhi Cornwall, England. Tho Saxous

called it Wolf Mouat, because the wolveswcro unusually ravcnouB in January. Bythe Saxon it was termed Aefor-Yul-

Pins wore Invented in tho sixteenthcentury at Gloucester, England. Theystraightway becamo a popular NowYear's present, but later money for theirpurchase, called "pin money," wasgiven instead.

In tbe days of oar European forbearsit wns believed that unless urisfortnnowero courted no ono should leave thohouse on New Year's day till somo ouohad entered, and the visitor to bring afino braud of good lack should bo 11 darkhaired man.

Dlack cats, generally thought to bo ofoxtremely evil omen by tho supersti-tions, aro considered lucky visitors ouNow Year's day.

In Wales fires aro freqnently burnedon Jan. 1 lo purify the Iioufo for tho en-

trance of tho now year and tho ashes ofthoso fires aro often kept most sacredlyfrom year to year. They aro supposed topossess special medicinal virtues, beingparticularly efficacious against "fallingsickness" or fits.

Joretlng; With Flcnrta,The pecnliarit; of tho dato ot 1800 is

its Involved connection with the digit 8.As that numbor is regarded by thosewho bold superstitious belief ns a proverbially lucky one, from Its associationwith certain Biblical events, it is to bohoped that the coming annual cycle mayprove this oue particular theory to betrue, aud that Jan. 1 will uslicr In anauspicious Feasou of material aud financial prosperity.

Tho number 1890 is equally divisibleby 3. So is the sum of its digits, 1 plus8 plus 0 plus 0 (aud tho roverso is necessarily tho same) eqnullug 24, wtitcii,aaalu united, 3 plus 4, equals G. Scparatine Its bnndreda from the tens, 18aud 00 or 81 and 09, they aro still multiples of 3. Tho sum of the first audlast digits, 1 plus 0, equals 7. Added tothe two middle figures they produce 9fl,which is the Inst two units of tho date.being equally divisible by 3, as is itssum, 9 plus 0. equals 16.

Tho centuries 18 are divisiblo whollyby 9, 0 and 3 ; tho number reversed, 8

by 0 and by 3, by tho product of thesetwo numbers (9 multiplied by 3) 27,and the sum of the digits, I plus 8,equals 9, The sum of the first two fig.ures in the date, represented as digits.equals tho third. Eighteen phis 90eouals 114. and 90 minus 18 equals 78.

over which tho mystlo 3 has full con-

trol, as ltdoeaoverthe sum of tho digitsin these latter numbers, 1 plus 1 plus4 equals 0, and 7 plus 8 equals 16.And IS minus 0 equals 0, while IS pins0 equals SI, the sum of whose digits.3 plus 1, equals 3. Tho product of thedigits in the year, 1 multiplied by 8 by9 by 0, equals 433, a multiple of 3, andtho sum of tho unit figures, 4 plus 3plus 3 is 0. Eighteen minus 9 equals 9,.nil O mlnna l cnnnld !!

From this can be derived tho infalli-bl- o

rule that when the sum of the digitsof any uumber is equally divisible by 3the number ltsolMs a common multiple.For instance the numbers 201 (equals 9)aud 3441 (equals 13) must necessarilybo equally divisible by the myhterionsfactor 3. Albebt P. Soutiiwick.

A Large Ord.r.Mme. Ncwrlcht I want a fin--t elasa paa.

snce to llavmThe Agent of tho Stnrnard Line Yea,

mn'am.Mme. Newrlche And I Insist uuou hav

lug a smooth passage, no matter what itcosts. unicago uccoru.

A Horrible Thought.Miss Amiable That's Miss Hastings.

She isn't pretty, but her face grows on you.1 tulnK.

Miss Sharntongue Does ltf Well,should be very sorry for It to grow on me.



January. 1, 1896.

1st BICYCLE RACE. One miln handi.rap (12, O. Hall trophy of silversoup tureen). Krto for all. Twelveentries.

2d BICYCLE RACE One half-mi- le

Juvenile handicap. Oiien to ail under 16 seats. Four

RACE, Five miles dash(Hawaiian Hardware Company'strophy, valued (35). Nine entries.

4th RUNNING RACE. Price (100rnrse. une nait-mi- ana repeat.Weight for ago. Four entries.

RACE. Prize (100Puree. 3 minute class; mile heats,belt 3 In 3. For Hawaiian bredhorses, ri.ur entries.

Oth 1 HOTTING RACE. Prize I0OPurse. 2:10 clash; one mile heals,lest 3 in 3. Free for all. Threeentries.

7lh-O- NE MILE NOVELTY RUNNING11ACE. Prize (100. Free forall. r irat horse reaching the quarter to receive (33. First honereaching the half to receive (33.First borne reaching the thrce-ouar- -

- ter to receive (33. First horsereaching home to receive (23. Fiveentries.

This race will be of special Interest asit will allow admittance of both longana anon instance runners.

All trotting and pacing races, besttwo in tnree, ana to tie gorernea by theHawaiian Jockey Club rules.

Entries In the first bicycle race mustbe at tbe post and ready to startpromptly at l p.m.

ADMISSION;General Admission 60c.Admission to grounds and grand

stand (1 00Admission to grounds and lower stand 73Quarter stretch badges, admitting to

alt parts of the grounds 2 00Alt carriages inside the enclosure,

each 1 00Programs with name., color, aad owners of

.tarter., will be sold on the ground., on theday of tli. races.

Boect.l street-oa- r service everr 10 minutes..For further tnfortnaUoa.

CHARLES DAYID,P. O. Box 477. Manager,


BICYC1VKSJuiHIlecelved an Invoiceof the Famous ......

YOST FALCON BICYCLES,lncludlitf a number of the

GOLD CRANK FALCONKSS,The Pineal Wheel In th. M.rk.t lor

LADIES.Anyone wishing a high-grad- e wheelwould do well to call and examinethem. Each wheel la ouarantcetl bv thomanufacturers for one year. Forterms, etc, apply to


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,L1MITKD,

Win. 0. Irwin President and ManatrerClaus Spreckels, ... Vice PresidentW. H. llliTard, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter, - . . i Auditor Is


Commission Agents,aoists or tub




Beretania and Punchbowl,

OLD ARMORY.Hay, Grain,

Flour, Potatoes Bed Rock

and .... Prices.

Quncral Mdso.

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Strkkt,

Between Fort and Alakea Bta.


Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Bntter and Island

Butter always on hand.

Fresh Goods received by every Steamerjrom oan rranctsco.

tS" Satisfaction Ouahartxed.

H. MAT & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS5)8 Fort Street.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47.



Coolers, Iron, Urabs and LeahCastinos.

Machinery of Rvery Desorlptlon MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to ShipsBlaoksmlthlnK. Job work executed at tsnonnotion.

JAS. F. MORGAN,No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to thehandling of . 4.

Real Estate Stocks, Bonds.



STEAM COCKS, and ull other fittingsfor pipe on hand,

tHonolulu Steam Rice Mil!.

Fresh milled Kice .'or sale In quantities to salt

J. "A. HOPPER, Prop'r.Fort Street. Honolulu.


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,






Bicycles Repaired. Qua and Lock. Hmlth.

138 and 130 Fort St.,Opp. Club Stable. Tel. 107.



Commission Merchants

arlflu Mull S. S. Co,Agents1 & Orlcn

tal S. S. Co.



333 Nuuanu St. - Telephone O

Fine soiling Scotch and

American Goods.


To my Patrtusand fhi PhiIIc.

I have just opened at myoffice, 113 Brthkl St.,Honolulu, H. I., an


EXHIBITIONof the latest designs and novelties inEmbroidery Work, Drawn Work, RopeSilk, Kensington Work and Etchings.

I would respectfully Invite you andyour friends to call and inspect theseKouus.

The Singer received 64 first awardsfor Sewing Machines and EmbroideryWork at the World's Fair, Chicago, III.,being the largest number of-- awards ob-tained by any exhibitor, and more thandouble the number given to all otherSowing Machines. For Sale by



sassr pAov.e 2d 5d?.DuHdlnTt- - rA l0?n tTPm orirr?M. Awclatlon Is a bull?..m"iCT Pure and "'"Pie. Easy

easy payments.Offlce Hours: 1 ?l80 ' !30 a. m.

14 to R n tnCiiambur op CoMMRkcn Rooms.

A. V. GEAR,.Secretary.

245 Is the Telephonic Num-ber tn ring up when youwant Wagons for ... .FURNITURE MOVING

which, when properly handled, Is apositive pleasure Instead of worry and


EXPRESSprepared to move anything from an

umendinenl to a safe and with-out scratching or marine. SDeclalfacilities and appliances for

PIANO MOVINGand special rates for all kinds of work.Baggage checked al d weighed anil handbaggage placed In stateroom saving allannoyance to the traveling public.

WM. LARSEN, Prop.Stand at IXL. cor. Nuuanu and King Sis


POUNDQD 1NOS,Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

ITaTlne bet n appointed agenta of the aboraJompanr we are now ready to effect liiur-nc- 8

at the lowest rales ot premium,II, W. SCHMIDT A RONH.

Glaus Spreckels & Co,

HONOLULU H.I.Issue Sight and Time Hills of Ex-

change, also Compiercial and Travelers'Letters of Credit on the principal partsof the world,

Turchase approved Bills.IHitko loans on ncccptnlilo

.ccnrlir.Receive deposits on open account and

lllow interest on term deposits.Attend promptly to collections,A General llunklng Itusliic.s



Qneeo St., Honolulu, H, I.,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., OnomeaSugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co.,

Sugar Co., Waihee Sugar Co.,Makee Sugar Co., Haleakala RanchCo., Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Francisco rackets.Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

Packets.Agenta Boston Board of Underwriters-Agent- a

Philadelphia Board of Under,writers.

List or Officers. :

P. C. Jones PrmlaentOxo. H. ItOBKnTSOir...... .ManagerE. F. Bisnop Treas. and Secy.Col. W. K. Allen Auditora M. Cooek I

B. Wateruouse.. V Director.A. W. CaRTEB. I

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.

LIFE and fire

Insnranc6 Agents.



Life Insurance Co. !OF BOSTON. ,




Castle & Cooke, Ltd.


General Merchandise

AgriculturalImplementB 'andPlantationSupplies.

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chinese Silk, Tea, and Matting,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.402 Hotel Street .... Telephon. 147.

WING WO TAI & COMPANY.25 Nuuanu St. .

uy velocity;Carved Settees, Rattan ounges and

Chairs,Flower Pot Stands, Inlaid Stools

marble top. Fine Matting,Camphor Trunks, Manila Cigars.

, . . Telephone 266, , , ,



Ooiioriil Merottandlaa,Groceries, China and Japan Teas,

Matting, China Bilk, Etc'Telephone No. 457. :: 417 HOTEL St."

TEE SING TIE,Fort street, opposite Club Stables.

CARPENTER AND PAINTER.Contracts a aocclaltr. Furniture

made to order. Give ua a call.

YEE WO CHAN CO. 'Wono Glow, Manager,

Importers of Silk Goods, Fine Teas,Manila Cigars, Matting, Nut Oil andGeneral Merchandise

203 Maunakea St., Honolulu, II. I. '

P. O. Box 173.



Importer and dealers in all kinds 0Provisions, Merchandise, Cigars, EKV- -
