THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i...

M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai t n mi i"N i ii : I A t M B, i p4 I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SAluKDA. BVBN1NO, OCTOBER 194, Si j ife. - Till Hawaiian Star. FUBLISMKU KM HY AUKKNOON KXCKP bUNUAV IV THE HAWAIIAN Si'AK NMVSPA K ASSOCIATION, Lid. - " VKTIII'H lUBMfUHi. - KIMTOit. HAW, Pel Vwr In Aovuiie-- , - f.0 tr Month tn AJVAtBli - tfl par Year in Ad vance. - - Uyfti AlimilTlSlNfl HATW; itaim to? transient Hinl regular advertising can he obtained r! I lie publication nlHee, loHOcnrc prompt Insertion all advertise- ment"! mimt ho delivered at the BttfllMM Mllct' h.'foro LO n. m. i .(. Kim antl HmBi - Sj ri J J a D Day. a.m. p.m. p.m. P.m. Mnn.. ft ft ft ft' Tlll'S... 6 0 A Ml 11 IA " n Kg 5 47 31 Wed . vi au .vm a w : Thur.. T AA 7 At a, m 1" A AS 5 I". H .V. Kri, .. (t IK M.l.'t II U A M H 44 II) 411 Sat lU.I.YIllSi .Ml It 4.- A A'l A 48 II- - IA Hun... 11 A". :i :tO A. AS MS Firm quarter of the new moon OotobM NiWa. m. Time Whittie Blown at lh., 28m., 84s. p.m. 01 Honolulu time, which ih the Wit M Dm.. Ph. of tlreenwich time. For every 1000 feet of distance of the (from the Custom Bouse) aiii one Keeoml for transmission ol sound, or B HOOndl to a statute mile. M i I. i h ( HKCOKD. Hy Hie (lovernmeiit Survey, I'uhllshed Kvttry Monday. IKK. - ii K 7 jf E Hllfi. mux M.m ;i oM .Mull Tue.!).u:i 74 0 11 lid Wil to.i 7 7n IH 'll. ii .D.lti mia "J U Oil 67 Krl . :i0.2u.;w.i-- 7, Sat . :I.IT ttMtl 74 Barometer corrected for temperature and elevation but not for latitude. FOKKI4JN MAIL SKHVICE, Hteaniships will leave lor and arrive from Kau Francisco on the following dates, ti the clone of UM : Ahkivk at H'n'luluLkavk Honolulu kor Kiiou Han r 0ISO0 San r BAJIOtSOOOB f)R VANCOUVER VANCOUVKH. On or ttboMl On or About China Sept 4 Warriimio.- - Btpl ! Australia. Warrimoo. Httut 8 Australia. tsept 15 .Sept 28 llonownJ sept 2i Maripotui.. .Sept 2? Arawa Oct Oceaulc ...Oct 2 Australia Oot 18 Australia. Oct 0 OttyofPakin Oct 9 Arawa. ..Oct 28 Alameda Oct IS Monuwal.. Oct SB Warrimoo Nov Australia.. Nov-- i AuHtralia Nov lit China .Nov ia .Mariposa Nov 15 Alameda. .Nov J2 Peru Not IV Wai riuioo. .Nov 2;i Arawa Dec 1 tceanie ... ...lec 1 Australia iJec h Austral Ih.. . .. Dec Munowal Dee 11 MariuosH.- Dec .11 China Dec ill Arawa DM 1 8U5. Australia Dec 29 Warrimoo JfvA 1 IMS. tiaelic it China Jan 22 Peru Mar 2") Oceanic Feb lt tiaelic vpr 2t China April 2 UAHO RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S TIME TABLE. From and After June lHt, 1803 TKAINl TO EWA MILL. u. B. A. U. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Honolulu 8:45 1:46 4:36 5:10 Leave Pearl City 9:30 2:30 6:10 6:58 Arrive Ewa Mill 0:57 2:67 6:36 6:2! TO HONOLULU. C. B. R. A. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Ewa Mill 10:43 3:43 5:42 Leave I'earl City. 6:55 11:16 4:15 6:10 Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:55 4:56 6:46 A Saturday's only. C Sunday's nxrupted. B Daily U Saturday's KOI! LBWRKS. C. M. COOKB. f. J. LOWHKY LEWERS & COOKE, Lumiiek, Builders' HARDWARE, DOORS, SASH, ULINDS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPER, MATTING, CORRUGATED IRON, LIME, CEMENT, ETC. BISMARK FEED and LIVERY STABLES, WAILUKU. MAUI. WILLIAM COODNESS, Prop. Carriages to meet every steamer at Kabului and Maalaea Bay. Horses for Haleakala or any part of the island, at reasonable prices. W. GOODNESS, 376tf Proprietor. REMOVAL HUSTACE & CO have moved to Morgan's Auction Rooms for a short time. VVu "re Mil tIIhi, Departure Bay Goal, CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in any qi amity. 0flBotfc TVliihonM 414. M4tf For Fine Printing Try the "8tar'" Electric Works. L THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. OA1 A REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. Kxkci nvi: CorxciL. . M. Dole. Provident of the Hrpuhlic of Hawaii, ftft, Hatch. MinlMcmf Koreiun Affairs, i. A. KIiik. Minister of the Interior. M. Iiainon, Minister of Finance, . (J. Small. At tome) i ieneral. Aiivitutitv DOVMtt Wt C. Wilder. hHir:nan of the Adisory OfTltloU i: the RopnbHaOf Hitwali. 'n il Hrowli, K. ll. '1 i i, ii. , .lohn Nntt, ('. Unite, John Kna. W. t. Allen. JaBM I' . M'trtxan, Henry Walerhouse, it MoCaniHwi. A. Vouiik. i. r. Mundane, I). It. smith, lohn Kmmelutli. 0. T Hlgri. WWfitir Kxccutive ami Ad- visory Comic Hh. MffMU Coi-kt- . Hon. A. F. J mid, Ohttf .limtlCe. Hon. Rt Itickci ioii, F irst Aiwoclate Justice. Hon. W. K. rear, Mtn ond Associate .hmticc. Henry Smith. Cfiief t;ierk. Ueore hin as. First Ieptit v Clerk. C. F. I'etcrson, Second Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones. StcnoKnij.her. Otaovtt Ji'ihj kh. First circuit II. EC, Oooper, W. A. Whiting. Oahu. deoond Oironil Itaui, J W, Kniuu. Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Austin. Fifth Circuit Kauai. J. Hardy Mhces and Court roc mi In Judiciary BaUdlng, Kinf Street. Bitting in Honolulu: First Monday In Pebrnary, May, August and November. Depahtment Of Pn RBtOH ArFAtus. Offlc in Executive Building, King Street Francis M. Hutch, Mlnlsler of Foreign Affairs Heo. 0. Hotter, Seeretiiry. Lionel ii. A.lHart, Clerk. J, W. Hlrvfn. Secretary ( hiiieso Hureuu. DEPAKTMKNT (IK TBI iNTKIUOH. Oftice In Executive Build Ulg, Kiug street J. A. King, Minister of the Interior, chief Clerk, John A. llussinger. AsHisLant Clerks, James 11. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole, (Jus Hose, Stephen Maha uiu, Qeorge c. Rosa, Edward s. Boyd. Chum ok BunmAra, dkpahtmknt or InrBBioa. Surve) W. 1. Alexander, apt. PnbUc Works, W. K. Howell, and Water Works, Andrew Brown. lnsiector Klectric Lights, John Cassldy. Registrar of Conveyances, T. ti. Thrum. Deputy Registrar of Conveyances, it. W Andrews Road Supervisor, Honolulu. W. EL Cum- - tdainga. Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt. UnpL Insane Asylum. Dr. lieo. Herbert. BC HEAL' Of AllKlcri.TUnK. president J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Members: W. ti. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her- bert and John Ena. Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio Secretary of the hoard: Joseph MarsUeu. Depaktmemt or Finance. Minister of Finance, S. M. Iiainon. Auditor-Genera- l, U. Laws. Registrar of Accounts, W. i. Ashley. OoUeoior-Gener- uf t 'ustoms, J. H. Castle, Tax AaaaMor tiatni, Junathan Shaw. Deputy Assessor, W. . Weedou. I'ostmasier-tienera- l, J. M. Oat. CU8TOMH iiUHEAU. Office, Custom House, Ksplaoade, Fort St. Collector-t.tnera- l, J, B. Castle. F. B. McMocker. Harbor Master, Caiitain A. .Fuller, fort Surveyor, M. N. Sanders. Storekeeper, tieo. C. Stratemeyer, 1JEFAUTUENT Of ATT! I UN E V ti EN E It A L. Office in Executive Building, King St. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. Deputy Attoritey-tteuera- l, A. (i. M. Robert-so- Clerk, J. M. Kea. Marshal. K. G. Hltclicock. Clerk to Marshal, EL M . How. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. If row b. Jailor Oahu Prison, Jauies A. Low. 1'risou Ph)ician, Dr. C. B. Ciaiper. Boakd or Immigration. OlHce, Department of Interior, Judiciary Building, King Street. President, J. A. King. Members of the Board of Immigration: J. B. Atherton, J as, A. Kennedy, Joseph Mursden, Jamev ti. Sjttmcer, J Crdeii. Secretary, Wray Taylor. HoAitu or Health. Office In grounds of Judiciary Building corner of Mililanl and Queen Streets. Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews, J. T. Waterhouse. Jr., John Ena, Theodore F. Lansing ami Attorney) ieneral Smith. 1'resident, Hon. W. (t. Smith. Secretary, Chas. Wilcox. Executive Otllcei,C. B. Renohis. Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh. Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service, L. L. La Pierre. Inspector, ti. W. C. Jones. Port Physician, Dr. F. R. Day, Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver. Boa Hi) or Emtation. omce. JudJotarj guild Ingj, King Street. President, W. K. Castle. Clerk, J. F. S. otl. inspector o Schools, A. T. Atkinson. HOAKO OK CHOWN LAM! CoM M gJgJOg EM8. J. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O. Smitii, Attorniy ticineral ud c. r. laukea. Office in Judiciary Building. DPJffgJOT Cot'Mr. Police Station Building, Merchant Street. antOOkl IVr-y- Magistrate. James Ttiouipson, Clerk. I'oKTorm Itt'ltKAU, Poatmaatai fla ygl. J, Mori tat. Secretary, W. O. Atuater. Sup i Postal Savings Itniik, K. H. WotlettoUHe. Igonej Order Departments F. B. Oat. (ieneral Deliery, l . T. Kenake. t gdatry lpgiigitnt, Q U Dgggev Clerks. J. D. Holt, it. a. Dagtag, S. I,. Kekn mano, F. H Angus, J. H Nul. Heiirj ttala Joun Uiraui. K. Narlu, J T. Flguereda. Clothes Builders. 11 EDS I atOfl A COMPANY, llidt l gtfget, Arc now gfgpgfgtl go iuill suns, fof ativ Hizd man, from ift . up- - Hinall iM.ya fin In Mlttil at pad Wood HgttfM, leu irii. nTpglftfiH and lveing, is p irt of our bvglnggg. ( Hfgttgg Ohll mill see. h. DBCKBR, M.umuer. 449 I mo THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS Candy Fac'ui,, ' S f',. FINE Vnonolulu HOT IOE CREAMS, f COFFEE, CUES. CAIOItS TEA. CHOCOUTE ISLAND CURIOS. Our Efttabliihment is the Finest Keiort tn the Cttv. CaM and nee ut, Open till tt p. m. Castle & Coke, IMPORTERS, Hardware and Commission Merchants, General Merchandise. Agricultural Implements and Plantation Supplies. 4'.':itr This Space is Reserved for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of fbe United States. BRUCE & ft. I CARTWR1GHT, Genera Managers for the Hawaiian Islands. CASTLE & COOKE, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. AUKNTH KOB XKir KXQLAXD MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OK BOSTON. .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. of HARTFORD, CONN PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. 78 cents Per Month. $2 Per Quarter. Subscriptions Payable Strictly In Advance. Hawaiian Gazette Co. CHAS. HUSTACE, Lincoln Ui.ock, King Stkkht, Hetwoeu Kurt anil Alakea SU. DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter always on hand. Firsi G00J1 terriieJ by every Steamer row SttH b'ratteiseo. tf Mnw.UUis UltAKANTSSD. AfrT VI D soda WATER WORKS ruMi'Ai.Y, un, .i!iintiil., OOnMT Alli'ti (mil 1'nrf street.. HOLLbTER A. CO.. A.,ents. t: o. Iwa j'T. i ilium u LEWIS & CO. ktWM PS Mi Navji BtfipflMii WboMMld Mid Rita Ueao rs m t Jrorcries, ProvHioim, ett. u; r on m., Honolala, Et L " m. rmEimE 55! Wholesale ltiiMirteo nntl JoBImmh of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN OfiY GOODS Corner Kort and Qa en SU., Honolulu. vTtJ J. ALFRED MA600N. ATTUKNKY nn.l OOtTNBBLOrl-A- T I.AV (iftlr., 4'J Miwi hnnt Street, MMMl, H. I. J. M. MONS1RRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AMI ROTARY mua (artwriglit UliM-k- , St.. Honolultt. M. II. LOIIKIDK. BION ami OBNAMBNTAL PAINTER. HEI.l. TSLBTOOMI m. jyAll OrderH Promptly Attended (Oi 631 11. W. SCHMIDT & SONS EXPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M.S. GUI NBA I'M & CU. UmiMd. BONOLULTJ, H. I Coiiiininiou Mcrrliants ainl linpiui.TS of tieni ral Merchandise, San CraaolweOffloe, 3i.ri Fronl St C. B. RIPLEY. ARTHUR REYNOLDS, Ofkick New Safe KejKisIt lliilldin. HoDolnln, H. I. Plans, Kpeclfleatlom and Buperintandenet given for every deaerlptloo of KniidinK. Old Baildlagfl accewfvJl! remodeTed and enlarged, UeniuiiH for Interior Ieooratloni Map-o- Mechanical Drawing, Tracing and Hlinnrintlnjr. fir Ilrau iliKH for Books or Newspuper Illus- tration Pacific Brass Foundry STEAM AND GALVANIZED PIPE. EL- BOWS, (JLOBE-VA- 1 -. STEAM COCKS, ninl all oilier tltting" for pipe on liHnd. Ponol!j!u Steam Rice Mi!!. FreMi nulled Riot .or mil e in Quantities to iQil J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r. "orl r r et. Efonolnln. ED. A. WILLIAMS. Successors to C. BISHOP & CO.. hMMkM in MM BANKERS. HONOMTLtf, Hawaiian Isi ,m DRAW BXCBANOB OR THE BANK Of DUMM, Ml FRANCISCO. AJIlt Til H Al I NTM IX New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris. MESSRS. I M. RUTH H1LD & SONS. lOHDlN, l If A N K ! ) I I t N TH K- - U A I N . The OotnflMKggJ IhinkitiK Co. of Hydney, The Bank 'r Efew Beahutd. . mid Imini'hnM in ( hi h, Dnnedio and Wetttnston, Tli" hank of lirit 'uluiithia, Vietoria, mid Ite hranelnt. vgJKSUUVgr, Nnnninio, Weal lmnisii-r- H. (, , and I'ortlmnl. Oregon, The Azures mid Madeira Islands. Htookbohn. Bwadatt, The Chartered Hunk of India, Australia and i hum. Tlie llougfcon and Khnnnlnti. t'hinn; and Yokohama, HlogO and IVagjaaggij .laonn And traiirwt a (Ieneral t Itiisines"- - C, HEWER 4 CO,, IIP Queen St, Honolulu. H, I,, AC.KNTS FOR Hawaiian AcriraRajfal Od,, Oitonei gar Co., nonomu Bogaf Co.. Wai-liik- simar Co.. Wainee Sogat Co., Makee Mi':ir I'n., Haleakala Kar -- ii (V.. Kapapala Ran oh, Ptafltere' Line Sun Kranei-r- o Paokcta. Ohaa, Brewer dC On.1! Line of Boston Packets. Aki'ius Boston Board of Underwriters, Asnti Philadelphia Baud of Dndsr-tttters- i List ok OfFfUlM V. C. JllXKH PftSldfltll GHm) h. Uhiikhthon KaBjafsr K. k BtiBOP..., Trias, and Bsoj Oot, W. K. KhlMM Auilitor ('. ML C'OIIKK H. Watkhiioikk.. i Dirw-tu- C. L, t'AKTKR WILDER & CO. rjUtabUggag in 1872.) Estate I G, WILDER W. C, WILDER, HlI'lMlHKK AM, DPALRRS IN Lumber and Coal Building Materials Sl"CH AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Builders' Hardware, Pitintt, Oil, (jiluss. WALL PAPER, ETC. Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, HONOLULU, H. I. II. II. WILLIAMS. E. Williams. WILLIAMS BROS. Have just received per hark C. D. Bryant and have on hand a full line of Furniture, Upholstery, Pianos, etc. A Variety of BEDROOM, DINING ROOM and PARLOR, WARDROBES, CHIFFONIERS, SIDEBOARDS, TABLES and STANDS, WICKER CHAIRS and ROCK- ERS; a large varied ol Wood and Cane-sea- l CHAIRS, Spriiijr and I up M A I TK ESSES and PILLOW'S. A fine line ol BABY CARRIAGES, tingle, and double. A large attortmenl ol Plain and Fancy MAI I l NO, RUGS and MATS. PIANO8 FOR SALE OR IRE The Hem me & Long Piano are the beal lor tnls country. The have been in uie here lor the last fifteen years and give perfect satisfaction. CHAIRS TO RENT, odorless Live Geese FEATHERS HAIR. EUREKA and EXCELSIOR alw at un hand: also Furniture Coverings, hirst class UPHOLSTERING dune. Mattresses made over. Furniture repaired. Goods ordered Irom Catalogue at lowest prices MONUMENTS AND HEAD STONES lurnished to order. Samples can be seen on application. Order: from the othei Islands promptly and laiihlullv attended to, and all goods carefully packed. 609 and on King St., adjoining the Arlington Hotel. Telepl kOnes Mutual 7O; IJell I7y. 4Jnt PILLS Best Family Medicine CURE Sick Headache, Constipation, OYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES. Purely Vegetable. Easy to Take. The ilelii nie HHicar-- . tlnn i.f Aer I'lili ausslrei lainaiinir on iswililiii ike Moav aa,aad penal U Hie fan meuaili f tael lnitmlli-n- l p he Illy a.imllaleil. A a panatlve, either ier trsrshera .iras a faniiiv Matelas, Ayer'i Mill, an Iho biat la tail worlil. AVER'S PILLS, Madt-h- Dr.J.C. AyerA I'. .l."ell.Ma.i..tT.S.A. HlfiHEST AWARDS AT THE World s Great Expositions. . ..f fliftt), luiltHtt,.,,. The nHtnn - I'illt - It bluwu lu tloi uhtia of eacb HOLLISTER DRUG CO. WHOLESALE AGENTS, FOR SALE. The Late Residence of A. J. CART WRIGHT, AT MAKIKI. Price, $12,000. Ths premiaefl may be ins poo ted bv applying to the janitor on the ground, ami full partioulan may be obtained at the otliee of BRUCE CARTWRIGHT. Trustee- Tha Bttannahip WAIIYIAIMALO will run regularly bataresn this art anil Waialua, Waianae, KAwalbapai, Itokuleia, Keawenui and Kuiki on tlie bland of labo, For freight eto, apply to the laptain. WM. DAVIES, Bigger, Stereddre and U'reeker. EMi-m- tea and oontraota on all kiiniB of vviirk. Iiniiiire at Office of J. S. Walker, over Bpreokela1 Hank. ;w.",if. " ' s " SMOOTH in litri! in CAYENNE h III a I auanti - PINEAPPLE SUCKERS' Suck r an grown in Floridn and produce the lineal fruit in the world. Ooreajpond enoa aolloUad, ORLANDO GRAPE & FRUIT CO., IW Bm irlanilo, Florida. Club Stables Co. s. K. QRAHAM, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Fort Slrtft, Between Hotel ami Iteretauia. Both Telbpronss No. 477. connected with hack stand fur. Kim; and Bethel st. BOTH TELEPHONES No. 113. JAS. F. MORGAN. No. 45 Queen St reel, Auctioneer and Stock Broker. Speeiul attention givggj to the handling of Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds Hawaiian Wine Co., Klt.vNK BXH s, Mon. Mand U Merchant si., Honolulu, 11. 1. Tin BepubUfl being siTin-tMl- erg prepared i" aall .11 -- Annexation Prices THE BEHT or Aks and sBpiril At arholi-ttalf-. No kooiIh huM al n tail. FAT TURKEYS All the Year Hound HENRY DAVIS & CO, .'(; KOKT BTgggl Holh 1tlphoni, ijo. gj g BTATEN AT HIS OWN GAME. A hfktl A ad I tot Trita h M'im itirer Tli an t 10 ! 1111 lora. It was L'tivit fun ffir ttie tmfl In the ril-- i , - Cnele i'dll lived to u t him -- tart- d telling Rome .r big bkl weor lag. Appnr-rtrtl- latere vrgfi gej Inwigmi to hit jniainn-- i ron and to Mm number ol Mi inlgni. Most if ttaetn were eon to r td in getttg wnr u j t h ie Hndaon tie bad agent nenrlf big hOM life on l he uvi-r- . Seated on a atrinj f the wbari one afternoon with a number of jroongatgfa around him he began hy telHtm hi audi MOl what nWOndir'nl river the ilildton M"yh," bggaldt "! till tat thai Sara is a mighty DM rucr. r kin go lnoaiaflff u ii n mini to nn her. Taaatr, r kin go to rwgggM h pole ggj tprtl i n h pola.1 In bojrg wini. nl tonne ggggjlm , lut did not venlttra t rmUJm ih reinaikn. "i low atioQi Cttptatn Broai ' aloop, Dnala BUI?" aakad ooa at hi auditor!. "Ah, Utttggand tsM old man. "iip w an a dandy, aha wag, Why, tWu gtaa iagM vn- lo'p. whli ON till ln r di- k waMtltih with tbar wmtt. tfo down latwtcn Haver mraw bny undar full hii when wag gggggt was snstiir tlnn the othtr hfiatNhadtnu rtgfli in tin ir BsaJttali an tnair tba bobbad, and BOtna of Viu with tlu-i- paaJni dfgppgd. "f'vr trout down iiavrrt raw tinv with Dig Barya boW nndlg Wgggf mnre'n half ittar tlma an didn't mind it At all Bbawaa a grant lo'p, grow, U yar wgotar know it." "How did you likt- havln the WeM Mat leUnrashool holm thmiiKh Un iiiaioHail, I'nch BUIp" aakad an auditor. "I didn't like it nohow. 'Tain't no use tryln t r foo with them fellers, they're t. w evurlani ii. reckalnuM. tne u them Mint- - paity near look off my wliinkep-.- "Jlyl I m il- - liill that wan a narrer Cr ansa, rasmtkad an tnapagWni ynaiBajar, with a wink at nil gHttfling H'mpaniou., "hut it niri't narthlu to what I Md OOM whan t wm Rgfattn tnjnna oot want, one eventn jest nhout suiiHet I was koIiik honn-t- the OMUp when all of a sudden an Injun jumps from behind a hush, and tiefore I aottM do nnythlng he put up hia vUm and Sfgd rljthl at my head. I Haw the Imil.-- t aomin an oaojglil it baawaaii my teeth ami shook i: at him. The Injun pgVg a yell and run gfl hard as he eoiihl." There was a how from the other boyt, but Dttek BIU, with a look of deep diagfOfri at baugj hanten at alaown gwnw, ggirtnlmrtl in tones of gfggt diHapproval: "Ah, you whaling pill, you, what do yer want ter li. to at poor OW man furr" And he got up and walked slowly away. BapvntittoiM Aimut Old Olrdl . Ginlle4 were an ohjeet of aapgfgUtlOO, more espeeially il they hail belonged to female Hiiints. Such girdles were popularly believed to misshh a eertatit remurkabb- powoi tha power, namely, of prtectinu women from some of the more serious that are attendant Off consequent upon childbirth. Thin opavntlfttoaj per meat ts I tbroiikfh all classes of the sex Queens credited the miraeiilous virtues of "our laily'f girdle" Mid paid large ptioCM tor the loan of one. The maioritv of the-- . girdlna were lielieved to hae been the pro(Hrty, during her lifetime, of St. Mar yaret. the gMeSoOg patroness of marriisi women. Nearly every nunnery in Kughind to say nothing of France- possesed one. There Is In an old Irish poem, with the charmingly euphonious tiile of "Oran Badnr Ailta Agoa MaoBonnin Air Dhoibh Lfaarg a Qnnbhni Hi Ltonn'annllanioa to tha affleaay Of an enchanted or MDOfetflgd girdle in I his same direction, ami we un furl her Inform ad t hat "sickness can not affbot i hose whom their girdle binds in i hat! an i bora is mention made to nun h thaanma effect. It dooa not matter thai the poems if Ossiuil, as put before the world by Mr. MacpheiHon.are not genuine. One of i he school masters' cnminctitaUirs aayi that "oangAflodgirdlai till very lately were kept in many families in the north ol Scotland, Tiny were impressed with sev- eral myattoal figures, and the ceremony of binding I hem about t he woman's waist w as m eoiiipaiiicd with WOfda and glOtOIH which showed the custom to have come .I mill. diy (bona the I iruids." Cluunbtta' Journal. The Bonr and the On Byod Man. The following story was related by a Dnrdlatan man of the name of tihalibShah, at a village near Astur, called Par itbing, He was one uight looking out v le t her any bear had come into his "trom ha" liehl. He 'aw that a r wa.s tin re. and that he with his paws alternately took a pawful of "troinba," blew the chaff away and ate hastily, The man was blind of one yo and ran to his hut to gel his gun. He came out and pointed it at the bear. The animal, who saw this, ran n 0'. the blind side if the man's face, snatched the gun out of his hand and threw it away. The bear and the man then wrestled for a ume, but afterward both gave up the struggle and retired. The man, after he hod recovered himself, Went to look (OT He gun, tha slock of w hich he found brokt n. Tha matchstriiig by which the stock had been tied to the barrel had gone on burning all night and bad the cause of thegun being destroyed. The son if that man still lives at the village and tells this HOT which the people uff. et to believe. Dr. iXdtaor in Asiatic Quarterly. Why Wniprii Live Longer I hun len. In the forty-nint- registration report of iKSti t10 cuiupiler plWI ll the statistics of KXj jarsonh who were as having died during the 10 yoava i) al the age of 1K and over f this number 153, or T."i,4 Mr cent, were females Hy the slate census of Iss.". the iiiimU'rof females living over o years of age was nearly double that of males. The greater exposure of men to accidents, to weather agent it . to the constant strain of OUalttMl life, to the anxiety of providing for the familv, all tend to rhorttn the life of men The deaths hy accident among men are KH1 than threefold greater than among women, and men commit suicide in about a threefold ratio as compared with women. Ho&toii Medical ami Mirgical Journal. A si,r in. mi flnlnrodo liar. The following story, the work of an tm agiuatnt correspoiuleiit, tomes fnim Colo- rado; " Two hunters, coining to the etige of A glade, saw (si bears in consultation. Ohe was him: liound it h grapevine, two were watching over him. and another was mak inga speech. Presently the big bear stopped talking, and all the (: growled an asvut. Some of the bears threw a grapevine loop about i he erring boar neck, tad him to a limb, t hrew t he vine over, and -- ix lag hears walked away with it. In 0 minutes tin bear was dead, and t he others went solemn ly away. The hunters secured the lynched baarahln without a bullet hole in it hy aray f proof." s.ii Baougfa ii... i .i ah. DuriiiK tki lata vrar g ngbaail ol rolan U'l-I- . Mi HIHt-- Ulllllll 111," ffUIlt ill 1,,'HV) tiaihar, aa aaoa an Qu iirin baaan i aai seal f, orull Unified hit in ih raar, but ooa alruafc a unit Aal aoaM aavanauli llauil s tramble fur herrooatd, lit- baited in but Right, and arben aakad arbal aai the matter laid, "1 iaal eouldu'l ttand out then in e open all nynjnelf," He Mnu thee saked en n did aat w ' hehltal a tree ll vaa pti ailed moeaeat, atitl t sen ask., "There "tu t oaijr Mtouejh tur i be oflktan ' .iiu ITraniaanii snnaniil Two aeaaaaj playhuj dirattnna W baaaj a dai and atabl'ta fT ttt'vmaTnlmrrr finild eont unit UaVXK),0U0 )iurn wiilumi liiKuliiiic toiiiliiiiMiiuiii. nf tht aaiut. ibe tuiul of wblcb in.'ta.l.'s.lll.oto. AWAIIA1N S T E, BUSINB8S DtRHCTORY or Hoxoi.ri.r. J MA It! IN. Stab Ap nt Htln. HUM BOlfB Stak Atnit. Wailuku AHl I8TS I. BOW ABO UTUHCUCX MO Merchant Ht AKlIblS VAIfcKIALS PACIFIC IIAKIdVAKK CO Kort Ht. ATIOKNI.V'S Al I. AW CECIL BRi ivn HI Merobant Ht. W. ( I'AUKK I Kaahumanuu Ht WtVHAM K Tn 41 Merchant Ht. CAKKIAOfc. MANUKACTUKbKS Kort st , opnanMi Chah Bhahia, !''.-.- , K h Miss ti it CIREKNWKLL. M4 Fort Ht. FUNllUKt AND UPHOLSThKLRg. OHhWAY P"KTEK Hotl st J. Ht I'P & CO. 74 King St. Him Si ' J W MCDONALD, Kort st , opposite I'atitht-s- i Stabler INbUKANCh KIKfc. ANU MAKING DIBflOF GN ntaUSMIS Fnnil. Loudon and Oloba CA0TL8 t COl Aetna, AlHaitoa, New Kngland Mutual JtWhLKkS. J. E. QOMBB lOii st. KfcSl AUHANT S. ( HAS. UMD Kxil-sior- Nutiami Ht. SALOONS. MKKCHAMS K.J, Shaw, Proprietor, PACIFIC K. H. F. Wolter, Manager KOYAL O, Hawkins, Manager. COMMBRCIAL H sClawwna, Manager. PANTHKUN Jim Dodd, Prop, VLTKK1NAKY SUKGhON.S A. P ROWAT, D. V. H, Infirmary BOB King Ht, Watchmakkks K. J KKCdKU, Fort St., corner Men hunt. WHOLtSALfc LIQUORS. w. h. LUOB, 11 Hi Merchant St. FOR RENT. BV J. Alfred Magoon. Ofllee nvt to c. i out,,-- , Honolulu. Office, upstairs, Damon Hluck. teltaLla fur lawyer, iu r month. Dwelling house. Punchbowl bill, Firm claw. ruilr. Ittautif,.! ratw, t'M per nwath Dwelling house, Punchbowl hill. Aini-.-- new, I..,! i In th lnM uf oonditiuii. rnsiiria.vs... lw. Stlil ninl etc, f.i.'i.r iii inth. Dwelling house, Ullha street. Btabla etc Looatioa kimi,i on aoiiniiiil of t lie brean from Nauaau rallaj, fM par Britath Dwelling house, Ukelike street. mtnuti walk i.w.t i.ftli. A com- - (arlabk ooMaga (or a wnaii family, tis per uinntli. Two stores, Xuuanu street and Kukui lane, atorlel eaeb. pal iiiiiiitb. Several small cottages in the rear "I Un- ftl,ve ini.iiiiune.1 i..n. ti', .. ln nonta Scant lot, oil street, a short Ui.lnni-i- i,In.,. miiIuI.1, apaoaaig Iwo uiall ixittt. a loaa !.. "ill given ill till. In! mi '.in. tfr.'-tf. KOS KINli WATCH REPAIRING and only such, take your time- piece to H. F. WlCHMAN, We do good work only. Cheap work must necessarily he poor work; if you value your timepiece at all, take it where it will be treat- ed well, repaired well, and give the utmost satisfaction. Complicated work our siecialty; watches demagnitied ; key winders changed to stem winders; charges as moderate as good work will per- mit. II. V WlCHMAN, 4Mtl 5'7 Fori Street Old Kona Coitee YOU S.VI.K AT J. T. WATERHOUSE'S Oueen Street Stores.

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i...

Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i p4 I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SAluKDA. BVBN1NO, OCTOBER 194, Si j ife.-Till


itni nil ii H in TKHMMi

item m iiiai t n mi i"N i ii:

I A t M B,i



- Till Hawaiian Star.




HAW,Pel Vwr In Aovuiie-- , - f.0tr Month tn AJVAtBli - tfl

par Year in A d vance. - - Uyfti

AlimilTlSlNfl HATW;

itaim to? transient Hinl regular advertisingcan he obtained r! I lie publication nlHee,loHOcnrc prompt Insertion all advertise-ment"! mimt ho delivered at the BttfllMMMllct' h.'foro LO n. m.

i .(. Kim antl HmBi

-Sj ri J J

a DDay.

a.m. p.m. p.m. P.m.Mnn.. ft ft ft ft'Tlll'S... 6 0 A Ml 11 IA " n Kg 5 47 31

Wed . vi au .vm a w :Thur.. T AA 7 At a, m 1" A AS 5 I". H .V.

Kri, .. (t IK M.l.'t II U A M H 44 II) 411

Sat lU.I.YIllSi .Ml It 4.- A A'l A 48 II- - IA

Hun... 11 A". :i :tO A. AS MS

Firm quarter of the new moon OotobMNiWa. m.

Time Whittie Blown at lh., 28m., 84s. p.m. 01

Honolulu time, which ih the Wit M Dm..Ph. of tlreenwich time.

For every 1000 feet of distance of the(from the Custom Bouse) aiii one

Keeoml for transmission ol sound, or B HOOndlto a statute mile.

M i I. i h ( HKCOKD.

Hy Hie (lovernmeiit Survey, I'uhllshedKvttry Monday.

IKK. -ii K

7 jfE

Hllfi. mux M.m ;i o M.MullTue.!).u:i 74 0 11 lidWil to.i 7 7n IH

'll. ii .D.lti mia "J U Oil 67Krl . :i0.2u.;w.i-- 7,Sat . :I.IT ttMtl 74

Barometer corrected for temperature andelevation but not for latitude.


Hteaniships will leave lor and arrive fromKau Francisco on the following dates, ti theclone of UM :

Ahkivk at H'n'luluLkavk Honolulu korKiiou Han r 0ISO0 San r BAJIOtSOOOB


On or ttboMl On or AboutChina Sept 4 Warriimio.- - Btpl !


Httut 8 Australia. tsept 15

.Sept 28 llonownJ sept 2iMaripotui.. .Sept 2? Arawa OctOceaulc ...Oct 2 Australia Oot 18

Australia. Oct 0 OttyofPakin Oct 9

Arawa. ..Oct 28 Alameda Oct ISMonuwal.. Oct SB Warrimoo NovAustralia.. Nov-- i AuHtralia Nov litChina .Nov ia .Mariposa Nov 15

Alameda. .Nov J2 Peru Not IV

Wai riuioo. .Nov 2;i Arawa Dec 1

tceanie ... ...lec 1 Australia iJec h

Austral Ih.. . . . Dec Munowal Dee 11

MariuosH.- Dec .11 China Dec illArawa DM 1 8U5.Australia Dec 29 Warrimoo JfvA 1

IMS. tiaelic itChina Jan 22 Peru Mar 2")

Oceanic Feb lt tiaelic vpr 2t

China April 2


TIME TABLE.From and After June lHt, 1803



A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Honolulu 8:45 1:46 4:36 5:10

Leave Pearl City 9:30 2:30 6:10 6:58

Arrive Ewa Mill 0:57 2:67 6:36 6:2!TO HONOLULU.

C. B. R. A.

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Ewa Mill 10:43 3:43 5:42

Leave I'earl City. 6:55 11:16 4:15 6:10

Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:55 4:56 6:46

A Saturday's only. C Sunday's nxrupted.B Daily U Saturday's


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumiiek, Builders' HARDWARE,








Carriages to meet every steamer atKabului and Maalaea Bay.

Horses for Haleakala or any partof the island, at reasonable prices.

W. GOODNESS,376tf Proprietor.


HUSTACE & COhave moved to

Morgan's Auction Roomsfor a short time. VVu "re Mil tIIhi,

Departure Bay Goal,CHARCOAL,

ALGEROBA andKINDLING WOODin any qi amity.

0flBotfc TVliihonM 414. M4tf

ForFine PrintingTry the "8tar'"Electric Works.





Kxkci nvi: CorxciL.. M. Dole. Provident of the Hrpuhlic of

Hawaii,ftft, Hatch. MinlMcmf Koreiun Affairs,

i. A. KIiik. Minister of the Interior.M. Iiainon, Minister of Finance,. (J. Small. At tome) i ieneral.

Aiivitutitv DOVMtt

Wt C. Wilder. hHir:nan of the AdisoryOfTltloU i: the RopnbHaOf Hitwali.'n il Hrowli, K. ll. '1 i i, ii. ,

.lohn Nntt, ('. Unite,John Kna. W. t. Allen.JaBM I' . M'trtxan, Henry Walerhouse,it MoCaniHwi. A. Vouiik.i. r. Mundane, I). It. smith,lohn Kmmelutli.0. T Hlgri. WWfitir Kxccutive ami Ad-

visory Comic Hh.

MffMU Coi-kt- .

Hon. A. F. J mid, Ohttf .limtlCe.Hon. Rt Itickci ioii, F irst Aiwoclate Justice.Hon. W. K. rear, Mtn ond Associate .hmticc.Henry Smith. Cfiief t;ierk.Ueore hin as. First Ieptit v Clerk.C. F. I'etcrson, Second Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones. StcnoKnij.her.

Otaovtt Ji'ihj kh.

First circuit II. EC, Oooper, W. A. Whiting.Oahu.

deoond Oironil Itaui, J W, Kniuu.Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Austin.Fifth Circuit Kauai. J. Hardy

Mhces and Court roc mi In JudiciaryBaUdlng, Kinf Street. Bitting in Honolulu:First Monday In Pebrnary, May, August andNovember.

Depahtment Of Pn RBtOH ArFAtus.

Offlc in Executive Building, King StreetFrancis M. Hutch, Mlnlsler of Foreign AffairsHeo. 0. Hotter, Seeretiiry.Lionel ii. A.lHart, Clerk.J, W. Hlrvfn. Secretary ( hiiieso Hureuu.


Oftice In Executive Build Ulg, Kiug streetJ. A. King, Minister of the Interior,chief Clerk, John A. llussinger.AsHisLant Clerks, James 11. Boyd, M. K.

Keohokalole, (Jus Hose, Stephen Mahauiu, Qeorge c. Rosa, Edward s. Boyd.

Chum ok BunmAra, dkpahtmknt orInrBBioa.

Surve) W. 1. Alexander,apt. PnbUc Works, W. K. Howell,and Water Works, Andrew Brown.

lnsiector Klectric Lights, John Cassldy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. ti. Thrum.Deputy Registrar of Conveyances, it. W

AndrewsRoad Supervisor, Honolulu. W. EL Cum- -


Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt.UnpL Insane Asylum. Dr. lieo. Herbert.

BC HEAL' Of AllKlcri.TUnK.

president J. A. King, Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W. ti. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her-

bert and John Ena.Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio

Secretary of the hoard: Joseph MarsUeu.

Depaktmemt or Finance.

Minister of Finance, S. M. Iiainon.Auditor-Genera- l, U. Laws.Registrar of Accounts, W. i. Ashley.OoUeoior-Gener- uf t 'ustoms, J. H. Castle,Tax AaaaMor tiatni, Junathan Shaw.Deputy Assessor, W. . Weedou.I'ostmasier-tienera- l, J. M. Oat.


Office, Custom House, Ksplaoade, Fort St.Collector-t.tnera- l, J, B. Castle.

F. B. McMocker.Harbor Master, Caiitain A. .Fuller,fort Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, tieo. C. Stratemeyer,


Office in Executive Building, King St.Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attoritey-tteuera- l, A. (i. M. Robert-so-

Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal. K. G. Hltclicock.Clerk to Marshal, EL M . How.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. If row b.Jailor Oahu Prison, Jauies A. Low.1'risou Ph)ician, Dr. C. B. Ciaiper.

Boakd or Immigration.

OlHce, Department of Interior, JudiciaryBuilding, King Street.

President, J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration:

J. B. Atherton, J as, A. Kennedy, JosephMursden, Jamev ti. Sjttmcer, J Crdeii.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

HoAitu or Health.Office In grounds of Judiciary Building

corner of Mililanl and Queen Streets.Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews,

J. T. Waterhouse. Jr., John Ena, TheodoreF. Lansing ami Attorney) ieneral Smith.1'resident, Hon. W. (t. Smith.Secretary, Chas. Wilcox.

Executive Otllcei,C. B. Renohis.Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,

L. L. La Pierre.Inspector, ti. W. C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. F. R. Day,Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver.

Boa Hi) or Emtation.omce. JudJotarj guild Ingj, King Street.

President, W. K. Castle.Clerk, J. F. S. otl.inspector o Schools, A. T. Atkinson.


J. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O.Smitii, Attorniy ticineral ud c. r. laukea.Office in Judiciary Building.

DPJffgJOT Cot'Mr.

Police Station Building, Merchant Street.antOOkl IVr-y- Magistrate.James Ttiouipson, Clerk.

I'oKTorm Itt'ltKAU,

Poatmaatai fla ygl. J, Mori tat.Secretary, W. O. Atuater.Sup i Postal Savings Itniik, K. H. WotlettoUHe.Igonej Order Departments F. B. Oat.(ieneral Deliery, l . T. Kenake.t gdatry lpgiigitnt, Q U Dgggev

Clerks. J. D. Holt, it. a. Dagtag, S. I,. Keknmano, F. H Angus, J. H Nul. Heiirj ttalaJoun Uiraui. K. Narlu, J T. Flguereda.

Clothes Builders.11 EDS IatOfl A COMPANY,

llidt l gtfget,Arc now gfgpgfgtl go iuill suns, fof ativHizd man, from ift . up- - Hinall iM.ya

fin In Mlttil at pad Wood HgttfM,leu irii. nTpglftfiH and lveing, is

p irt of our bvglnggg.( Hfgttgg Ohll mill see.

h. DBCKBR,M.umuer.

449 I mo



Candy Fac'ui,,'

S f',.

FINE Vnonolulu HOT



ISLAND CURIOS.Our Efttabliihment is the Finest Keiort tn the

Cttv. CaM and nee ut, Open till tt p. m.

Castle & Coke,IMPORTERS,


General Merchandise.



This Spaceis

Reservedfor the

Equitable Life Assurance Society

of fbe United States.


Genera Managers for the Hawaiian



Insurance Agents.



Life Insurance Co.OK BOSTON.








78 cents Per Month.

$2 Per Quarter.


Hawaiian Gazette Co.

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Ui.ock, King Stkkht,

Hetwoeu Kurt anil Alakea SU.DEALER IN

Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island

Butter always on hand.

Firsi G00J1 terriieJ by every Steamerrow SttH b'ratteiseo.

tf Mnw.UUis UltAKANTSSD. AfrT VI D

soda WATER WORKSruMi'Ai.Y, un,

.i!iintiil., OOnMT Alli'ti (mil 1'nrf street..

HOLLbTER A. CO.. A.,ents.

t: o. Iwa j'T. i ilium u


Navji BtfipflMii WboMMld Mid RitaUeao rs m t Jrorcries, ProvHioim, ett.

u; r on m., Honolala, Et L


m. rmEimE 55!Wholesale ltiiMirteo nntl JoBImmh of


Corner Kort and Qa en SU., Honolulu.vTtJ


(iftlr., 4'J Miwi hnnt Street,

MMMl, H. I.


mua(artwriglit UliM-k- , St.. Honolultt.



jyAll OrderH Promptly Attended (Oi631



Fort Street, Honolulu.

M.S. GUI NBA I'M & CU.UmiMd.

BONOLULTJ, H. ICoiiiininiou Mcrrliants ainl linpiui.TS

of tieni ral Merchandise,

San CraaolweOffloe, 3i.ri Fronl St


Ofkick New Safe KejKisIt lliilldin.HoDolnln, H. I.

Plans, Kpeclfleatlom and Buperintandenetgiven for every deaerlptloo of KniidinK.

Old Baildlagfl accewfvJl! remodeTed andenlarged,

UeniuiiH for Interior IeooratloniMap-o- Mechanical Drawing, Tracing and

Hlinnrintlnjr.fir Ilrau iliKH for Books or Newspuper Illus-


Pacific Brass Foundry



STEAM COCKS, ninl all oilier tltting"for pipe on liHnd.

Ponol!j!u Steam Rice Mi!!.

FreMi nulled Riot .or mil e in Quantities to iQil

J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r."orl r r et. Efonolnln.


Successors to C.


BANKERS.HONOMTLtf, Hawaiian Isi ,m



New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris.MESSRS. I M. RUTH H1LD & SONS. lOHDlN,

l If A N K ! ) I I t N TH K- - U A I N .

The OotnflMKggJ IhinkitiK Co. of Hydney,

The Bank 'r Efew Beahutd. . midImini'hnM in ( hi h, Dnnedio

and Wetttnston,Tli" hank of lirit 'uluiithia, Vietoria, mid

Ite hranelnt. vgJKSUUVgr, Nnnninio, Weallmnisii-r- H. (, , and I'ortlmnl. Oregon,

The Azures mid Madeira Islands.Htookbohn. Bwadatt,The Chartered Hunk of India, Australia and

i hum.Tlie llougfcon and Khnnnlnti. t'hinn; and

Yokohama, HlogO and IVagjaaggij .laonnAnd traiirwt a (Ieneral t Itiisines"- -


Queen St, Honolulu. H, I,,


Hawaiian AcriraRajfal Od,, Oitoneigar Co., nonomu Bogaf Co.. Wai-liik-

simar Co.. Wainee Sogat Co.,Makee Mi':ir I'n., Haleakala Kar -- ii(V.. Kapapala Ranoh,

Ptafltere' Line Sun Kranei-r- o Paokcta.Ohaa, Brewer dC On.1! Line of Boston

Packets.Aki'ius Boston Board of Underwriters,Asnti Philadelphia Baud of Dndsr-tttters- i

List ok OfFfUlMV. C. JllXKH PftSldfltllGHm) h. Uhiikhthon KaBjafsrK. k BtiBOP..., Trias, and BsojOot, W. K. KhlMM Auilitor('. ML C'OIIKKH. Watkhiioikk.. i Dirw-tu-


WILDER & CO.rjUtabUggag in 1872.)



Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSl"CH AS


Builders' Hardware,Pitintt, Oil, (jiluss.


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets,



E. Williams.


Have just received per hark C. D. Bryantand have on hand a full line of


Pianos, etc.A Variety of BEDROOM, DINING ROOM and PARLOR, WARDROBES, CHIFFONIERS, SIDEBOARDS,TABLES and STANDS, WICKER CHAIRS and ROCK-ERS; a large varied ol Wood and Cane-sea-l CHAIRS,Spriiijr and I up M A I TK ESSES and PILLOW'S.

A fine line ol BABY CARRIAGES, tingle, and double.A large attortmenl ol Plain and Fancy MAI I l NO, RUGS and

MATS.PIANO8 FOR SALE OR IRE The Hem me & Long Piano

are the beal lor tnls country. The have been in uie herelor the last fifteen years and give perfect satisfaction.

CHAIRS TO RENT, odorless Live Geese FEATHERSHAIR. EUREKA and EXCELSIOR alw at un hand: alsoFurniture Coverings, hirst class UPHOLSTERING dune.Mattresses made over. Furniture repaired. Goods orderedIrom Catalogue at lowest prices

MONUMENTS AND HEAD STONES lurnished to order.Samples can be seen on application.

Order: from the othei Islands promptly and laiihlullv attendedto, and all goods carefully packed.

609 and on King St., adjoining the Arlington Hotel.Telepl kOnes Mutual 7O; IJell I7y.


PILLSBest Family Medicine

CURESick Headache, Constipation,


Purely Vegetable. Easy to Take.The ilelii nie HHicar-- . tlnn i.f Aer I'lili

ausslrei lainaiinir on iswililiii ike Moavaa,aad penalU Hie fan meuaili f taellnitmlli-n- l p he Illy a.imllaleil. A apanatlve, either ier trsrshera .iras a faniiiv

Matelas, Ayer'i Mill, an Iho biat la tailworlil.

AVER'S PILLS,Madt-h- Dr.J.C. AyerA I'. .l."ell.Ma.i..tT.S.A.


World s Great Expositions.

...f fliftt), luiltHtt,.,,. The nHtnn

- I'illt - It bluwu lu tloi uhtia of eacb



FOR SALE.The Late Residence of


Price, $12,000.Ths premiaefl may be ins poo ted bv

applying to the janitor on the ground,ami full partioulan may be obtained atthe otliee of


Tha Bttannahip

WAIIYIAIMALOwill run regularly bataresn this artanil Waialua, Waianae, KAwalbapai,Itokuleia, Keawenui and Kuiki on tliebland of labo, For freight eto, applyto the laptain.

WM. DAVIES,Bigger, Stereddre and U'reeker. EMi-m-

tea and oontraota on all kiiniB ofvviirk.

Iiniiiire at Office of J. S. Walker, overBpreokela1 Hank. ;w.",if.

" ' s "SMOOTHin litri! in


auanti -

PINEAPPLESUCKERS' Suck ran grown in Floridn and produce thelineal fruit in the world. Ooreajpondenoa aolloUad,


IW Bm irlanilo, Florida.

Club Stables Co.s. K. QRAHAM,

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.

Fort Slrtft, Between Hotelami Iteretauia.

Both Telbpronss No. 477.connected with hack stand

fur. Kim; and Bethel st.BOTH TELEPHONES No. 113.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen St reel,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Speeiul attention givggj to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds

Hawaiian Wine Co.,Klt.vNK BXH s, Mon.

Mand U Merchant si., Honolulu, 11. 1.

Tin BepubUfl being siTin-tMl- ergprepared i" aall .11

-- Annexation PricesTHE BEHT or

Aks andsBpirilAt arholi-ttalf-. No kooiIh huM al n tail.


All the Year Hound


.'(; KOKT BTggglHolh 1tlphoni, ijo. gj g


A hfktl A ad Itot Trita h M'im itirerTli an t 10 ! 1111 lora.

It was L'tivit fun ffir ttie tmfl In the ril-- i, - Cnele i'dll lived to u t him -- tart-

d telling Rome .r big bkl weor lag. Appnr-rtrtl-

latere vrgfi gej Inwigmi to hit jniainn-- i

ron and to Mm number ol Mi inlgni. Mostif ttaetn were eon to r td in getttg wnr u j t h

ie Hndaon tie bad agent nenrlf bighOM life on l he uvi-r- .

Seated on a atrinj f the wbari oneafternoon with a number of jroongatgfaaround him he began hy telHtm hi audiMOl what nWOndir'nl river the ilildton

M"yh," bggaldt "! till tat thai Sara is amighty DM rucr. r kin go lnoaiaflffu ii n mini to nn her. Taaatr, r kingo to rwgggM h pole ggj tprtl i n h pola.1

In bojrg wini. nl tonne ggggjlm , lut didnot venlttra t rmUJm ih reinaikn.

"i low atioQi Cttptatn Broai ' aloop, DnalaBUI?" aakad ooa at hi auditor!.

"Ah, Utttggand tsM old man. "iip w an adandy, aha wag, Why, tWu gtaa iagM vn-

lo'p. whli ON till ln r di- k waMtltihwith tbar wmtt. tfo down latwtcn Havermraw bny undar full hii when wag gggggtwas snstiir tlnn the othtr hfiatNhadtnurtgfli in tin ir BsaJttali an tnair tba bobbad,and BOtna of Viu with tlu-i- paaJni dfgppgd.

"f'vr trout down iiavrrt raw tinvwith Dig Barya boW nndlg Wgggf mnre'nhalf ittar tlma an didn't mind it At allBbawaa a grant lo'p, grow, U yar wgotarknow it."

"How did you likt- havln the WeM MatleUnrashool holm thmiiKh Un iiiaioHail,I'nch BUIp" aakad an auditor.

"I didn't like it nohow. 'Tain't no usetryln t r foo with them fellers, they're t. wevurlani ii. reckalnuM. tne u them Mint- -paity near look off my wliinkep-.-

"Jlyl I m il- - liill that wan a narrer Cr

ansa, rasmtkad an tnapagWni ynaiBajar,with a wink at nil gHttfling H'mpaniou.,"hut it niri't narthlu to what I Md OOMwhan t wm Rgfattn tnjnna oot want, oneeventn jest nhout suiiHet I was koIiik honn-t-

the OMUp when all of a sudden an Injunjumps from behind a hush, and tiefore I

aottM do nnythlng he put up hia vUm andSfgd rljthl at my head. I Haw the Imil.-- t

aomin an oaojglil it baawaaii my teeth amishook i: at him. The Injun pgVg a yelland run gfl hard as he eoiihl."

There was a how from the other boyt,but Dttek BIU, with a look of deep diagfOfriat baugj hanten at alaown gwnw, ggirtnlmrtlin tones of gfggt diHapproval:

"Ah, you whaling pill, you, what do yerwant ter li. to at poor OW man furr" Andhe got up and walked slowly away.

BapvntittoiM Aimut Old Olrdl .

Ginlle4 were an ohjeet of aapgfgUtlOO,more espeeially il they hail belonged tofemale Hiiints. Such girdles were popularlybelieved to misshh a eertatit remurkabb-powoi tha power, namely, of prtectinuwomen from some of the more serious

that are attendant Off consequentupon childbirth. Thin opavntlfttoaj permeat ts I tbroiikfh all classes of the sexQueens credited the miraeiilous virtues of"our laily'f girdle" Mid paid large ptioCMtor the loan of one. The maioritv of the-- .girdlna were lielieved to hae been thepro(Hrty, during her lifetime, of St. Maryaret. the gMeSoOg patroness of marriisiwomen. Nearly every nunnery in Kughind

to say nothing of France- possesed one.There Is In an old Irish poem, with thecharmingly euphonious tiile of "OranBadnr Ailta Agoa MaoBonnin Air DhoibhLfaarg a Qnnbhni Hi Ltonn'annllanioa totha affleaay Of an enchanted or MDOfetflgdgirdle in I his same direction, ami we unfurl her Inform ad t hat "sickness can notaffbot i hose whom their girdle binds

in i hat! an i bora is mention made to nun hthaanma effect. It dooa not matter thaithe poems if Ossiuil, as put before theworld by Mr. MacpheiHon.are not genuine.One of i he school masters' cnminctitaUirsaayi that "oangAflodgirdlai till very latelywere kept in many families in the north olScotland, Tiny were impressed with sev-eral myattoal figures, and the ceremony ofbinding I hem about t he woman's waistw as m eoiiipaiiicd with WOfda and glOtOIHwhich showed the custom to have come.I mill. diy (bona the I iruids." Cluunbtta'Journal.

The Bonr and the On Byod Man.The following story was related by a

Dnrdlatan man of the name of tihalibShah,at a village near Astur, called Par

itbing, He was one uight looking outv le t her any bear had come into his "tromha" liehl. He 'aw that a r wa.s tin re.and that he with his paws alternately tooka pawful of "troinba," blew the chaff awayand ate hastily, The man was blind of oneyo and ran to his hut to gel his gun. He

came out and pointed it at the bear. Theanimal, who saw this, ran n 0'. the blindside if the man's face, snatched the gunout of his hand and threw it away.

The bear and the man then wrestled fora ume, but afterward both gave up thestruggle and retired. The man, after hehod recovered himself, Went to look (OT Hegun, tha slock of w hich he found brokt n.Tha matchstriiig by which the stock hadbeen tied to the barrel had gone on burningall night and bad the cause of thegunbeing destroyed. The son if that man stilllives at the village and tells this HOTwhich the people uff. et to believe. Dr.iXdtaor in Asiatic Quarterly.

Why Wniprii Live Longer I hun len.In the forty-nint- registration report of

iKSti t10 cuiupiler plWI llthe statistics of KXj jarsonh who were

as having died during the 10 yoavai) al the age of 1K and over f this

number 153, or T."i,4 Mr cent, were femalesHy the slate census of Iss.". the iiiimU'roffemales living over o years of age wasnearly double that of males. The greaterexposure of men to accidents, to weatheragent it . to the constant strain of OUalttMllife, to the anxiety of providing for thefamilv, all tend to rhorttn the life of menThe deaths hy accident among men are

KH1 than threefold greater than amongwomen, and men commit suicide in abouta threefold ratio as compared with women.

Ho&toii Medical ami Mirgical Journal.

A si,r in. mi flnlnrodo liar.The following story, the work of an tm

agiuatnt correspoiuleiit, tomes fnim Colo-rado; " Two hunters, coining to the etige ofA glade, saw (si bears in consultation. Ohewas him: liound it h grapevine, two werewatching over him. and another was makinga speech. Presently the big bear stoppedtalking, and all the (: growled an asvut.Some of the bears threw a grapevine loopabout i he erring boar neck, tad him to alimb, t hrew t he vine over, and -- ix lag hearswalked away with it. In 0 minutes tinbear was dead, and t he others went solemnly away. The hunters secured the lynchedbaarahln without a bullet hole in it hyaray f proof."

s.ii Baougfa ii... i .i ah.DuriiiK tki lata vrar g ngbaail ol rolan

U'l-I- . Mi HIHt-- Ulllllll 111," ffUIlt ill 1,,'HV)tiaihar, aa aaoa an Qu iirin baaan i

aai seal f, orull Unified hit in ih raar, butooa alruafc a unit Aal aoaM aavanauli

llauil s tramble fur herrooatd, lit-baited in but Right, and arben aakad arbalaai the matter laid, "1 iaal eouldu'l ttandout then in e open all nynjnelf," HeMnu thee saked en n did aat w ' hehltala tree ll vaa pti ailed moeaeat, atitlt sen ask., "There "tu t oaijr Mtouejh tur i beoflktan ' .iiu ITraniaanii snnaniil

Two aeaaaaj playhuj dirattnna W baaaj adai and atabl'ta fT ttt'vmaTnlmrrr finildeont unit UaVXK),0U0 )iurn wiilumiliiKuliiiic toiiiliiiiMiiuiii. nf tht aaiut. ibetuiul of wblcb in.'ta.l.'s.lll.oto.



or Hoxoi.ri.r.

J MA It! IN.Stab Ap nt Htln.

HUM BOlfBStak Atnit. Wailuku




Kort Ht.


HI Merobant Ht.W. ( I'AUKK

I Kaahumanuu HtWtVHAM K Tn

41 Merchant Ht.


Kort st , opnanMi Chah Bhahia,

!''.-.- ,K h

Miss ti it CIREKNWKLL.M4 Fort Ht.


Hotl stJ. Ht I'P & CO.

74 King St.

Him Si '

J W MCDONALD,Kort st , opposite I'atitht-s- i Stabler


ntaUSMIS Fnnil. Loudon and OlobaCA0TL8 t COl

Aetna, AlHaitoa, New Kngland Mutual


lOii st.


Kxil-sior- Nutiami Ht.


MKKCHAMSK.J, Shaw, Proprietor,

PACIFICK. H. F. Wolter, Manager

KOYALO, Hawkins, Manager.

COMMBRCIALH sClawwna, Manager.

PANTHKUNJim Dodd, Prop,


Infirmary BOB King Ht,

WatchmakkksK. J KKCdKU,

Fort St., corner Men hunt.


11 Hi Merchant St.


J. Alfred Magoon.Ofllee nvt to c. i out,,-- ,


Office, upstairs, Damon Hluck.teltaLla fur lawyer, iu r month.

Dwelling house. Punchbowl bill,Firm claw. ruilr. Ittautif,.! ratw, t'Mper nwath

Dwelling house, Punchbowl hill.Aini-.-- new, I..,! i In thlnM uf oonditiuii. rnsiiria.vs... lw.Stlil ninl etc, f.i.'i.r iii inth.

Dwelling house, Ullha street.Btabla etc Looatioa kimi,i on aoiiniiiilof t lie brean from Nauaau rallaj, fMpar Britath

Dwelling house, Ukelike street.mtnuti walk i.w.t i.ftli. A com- -

(arlabk ooMaga (or a wnaii family, tisper uinntli.

Two stores, Xuuanu street andKukui lane, atorlel eaeb. paliiiiiiitb.

Several small cottages in the rear"I Un- ftl,ve ini.iiiiune.1 i..n. ti', .. ln


Scant lot, oil street, a shortUi.lnni-i- i,In.,. miiIuI.1,apaoaaig Iwo uiall ixittt. a loaa !.."ill given ill till. In! mi '.in.



and only such, take your time-piece to

H. F. WlCHMAN,We do good work only. Cheap

work must necessarily he poorwork; if you value your timepieceat all, take it where it will be treat-ed well, repaired well, and give theutmost satisfaction.

Complicated work our siecialty;watches demagnitied ; key winderschanged to stem winders; chargesas moderate as good work will per-mit. II. V WlCHMAN,4Mtl 5'7 Fori Street

Old Kona CoiteeYOU S.VI.K AT

J. T. WATERHOUSE'SOueen Street Stores.

Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i p4 I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SAluKDA. BVBN1NO, OCTOBER 194, Si j ife.-Till

i B

in nm-- -, ill i Inn i. s. i h u thlfljI I the Yala river,

j It i luti .l ItuM tlif BUDIt IMM !

ttoSal fnun thp ChlMeC mi Oi Int. -





MtnottmoH uatkhivt Vw.r In Ailvunec, --

ptl Month in Ailvumo, --

Itiretfftti per Yw.r in Adeaiise,



MivruriHiNn HATH!rtntwi mrtraMMW end ret iter advertising

twa be obtained m the BobtteeMon omen,

tv aare uiuipt insertion all advertlie- -

m ni meat b. intra before t



AtfUverad nt t lie BtMlni





the Objective


The Hand of



AVVA1IAN STAR. nillesweaiemrdol





and Damage


in the


of a

Other Tetesraptilc n,-- Itemised Cor.

frins Adelees from ah Partsof th World,

I.OSHON. September It is reportmthat most of the Japanese nien-of-w-

have left the island "f Hai Yantnn.Yuki September 14, No on.

now doubts thai the long delay in Jap-

anese military movements is to allowtime for the completion of a preat planof invasion. Any day may bring newof a battle in Northern Korea and olthe sailing of 50,000 troops for sonicpoint on the inner coast of the Oulf ol

PeohiU. hut as the decisive time ap-

proaches, the Japanese authorities groemore ami more deaf to appeals for in

formation. They frankly declare thaisecrecy is one of their chief Conditionsof success.

London, Sept. so. The Centred jVaiM

has informal ion thai Captain Gals-

worthy, the commander of the Chines,trans port Kow slum,;, has state. undtroath that the charier of tie KowShiing to the Chinese Government c

a clause, to he kept secret, thatin tha event of a hostile movementagainst the ship by the Japanese ticKow Shung should be regarded as Chi-

nese property.Shanghai. Sept. 'J7. -- it is reported

that the native officials have receivednews last night that the Japanese at-

tacked th? Chinese forces at An Chowand Vi Chew simultaneously, ami wererepulsed at both places.

The massacre of foreigners at 1'ekini'is regarded as imminent. The lega-

tions have aaked that nine jackets helanded to protect them.

Japanese warships are scouting in theQuit of Pepbili. Naval experts say thatthe Chinese vessels will never appear onthe scene again.

LONDON, September JO. A dispatch j

from T..kio says a second Japanese armyfur lield service, mobilised at lliros-Ohlm-

und consisting of 80,000 men,under command of Field Marshal CountOyatue, embarked yesterday amid in- -

tense enthusiasm. The Kmperor re-- 1

viewed the troops. It is reportedvaguely that the siUadion is hound furthe Yellow Sea.

London, September 97. A

from .Shanghai dated says: TheChinese naval oflieers now at PortArthur and Tien n are squabblingamong themselves as to the responsi-bility of the terrible Chinese losses inthe naval hattle otf the Valu. A courtOf Inquiry is sitting ami lias alreadyfound Captain Pong of the warshipTsi Yuen guilty of cowurdice in the faceof the enemy. He was ondcinned tobe h. beaded, and it is believed thatother officers w ill ise their beuds.

New Yuan, s, pi. B8. The Heraldlias the following from Shanghai: TheChinese army at Wi-j- u, on the Yaluriver, which is opposing the advance ofthe main Japanese army in Korea, liasmutinied. The men are throwing awnvtheir arms, because tin y have no amiuunition, being cut otf from their bate offppliee. Tlie Chinese defenses have

completely oollapsed and are now onlya farce. There is a panic in Peking,and the very name of a Japanese in-

spires terror every when-- . Chinu isperfectly helpless.

Sham.iivi. ept. 88. Il is reportedthat the Emperor has granted Li HungChang's request to lie allowed to takethe Held iii per-- . ,11, all I th il l.i HungChany will main his he clipiarteis at I.uTill, near Iw Ping, th" present head-quarters of the provisional ( lumu and,

t hief of Chili l.i.It i also reunited that the Chinese

troops have evacuated Korea and ar,

I mi l'. if 1I11' fiilllti riili.litloB of Hi'

arm. nnil ilTIWtjnllkrtl Mpplled t(1 lit''lrcni' .

LomoRi September Mi - A despatchfrom Shanghai MSS it i !'( rt- I thaithf Jebertee ha vp mceetded in rateriiiK tin- ( IhtIMM pfO ii"'' uf Miinrlini in.

and :hi' advancing npon Monkden, theOHI'itHl.

h is also Mid tiv'ii'iiin has taken blaabetween the tneaden end the Ohtoeeiat a town between tlint oily Mid tinfrontier. Tin engagei it if seW thave ended in a decisive vlctorj for tin

.11 the position mvvinuslytmntnelTet rcnirnM' i. I'mmlc, liistDi

mitin Ohlnew troop.rJtanjMrtch to the Tfittcn from Yokn-hfttit-

msi The dctl lt)i. of t in

coml JftpMievf nriny t ;t..,."m iupii r

t ftecfut. i'ln' .1 ;i pn Msf army in

K'ir.'a if r.ipiitU sUlvMlcttlg ttOffthWfdNo resist WW! f Its pfl gfPM ll fi'i'clt it

on this p!Ih i t iht UMoew frontierThef0 HI tlO trilth 111 tlie rttltlOt of mi

AfmittlceAtr.iii s at tVklng Are tending toward

an imperial coup il't'tal, involving theoverthrow of LI Qnng Chang ami oiliertAttiUion.

It ' ex peeled that the eaptain of (lieI'hini Ke w iir KwaniE lni w ill alobe he headed for OOWftTdtC ftfid forHtrnndin Ins vessel in mi attempt toeecape dnrtng the notion oil the VaiuiiH er. i'ho ev idciiee ngntml him iw

September W. Ai theJapanese Legation y no officialontirmalion of the reported Japanese

Invasion of Manchuria, and the decisivevictory of tin' Japanese near M nikden.the capital of the Chinese province ofthat name, could lie otitained. It was; ited out however, that the invasionof lianohurla would be the direct

of the Japanese victory at PingYang, and the diplomats were w illingto credit the news of the victory.



President Pelsoto says The! He canKeep ttu Pssee,

Sept. ST. Admiral dat lama asserts there has been rioting inRio de Janeiro lasting live days and ac-

companied outrages on Portuguesemerchants, instigated directly by Presi-

dent IVixoto. who incited soldiers,drosses in citizen's clothes, to make anattaok on the pretense that they wantedto break up a meeting of royalist con-spirators. is reported, looks like a greatmilitary camp, soldiers petroling thestreets, cavalry being encamped in thepublic gardens and launches patrollngthe harbor.

The number of killed in the riots is

stated to he 838, while 818 werewounded and the hospitals.Most of the fighting occurred near thewater's edge, and many bodies werecast into the harbor.

K n in,

Itt SSIA I lis.

Prol il Agreement uCli ina

London, September 88. A diapatohfrom Paris to the Exchange TelegraphCompany says its correspondent therelearns on the best authority that in July

provisional agreement was effectedbetween Russia and china in regard tothe future action of Kn.-si- a in thePamirs. It was agreed by the twocountries that the forces of neitherpower should pass the range.The agreement friendlyrelations between Russia and China,and has an important hearing upon thefortunes of China in the present strug-gle. Russia, however, the dispatch adds,is not likely to maintain a friendly alti-tude toward china without substantialn turns,


Progress nt the storm Damage Dens inVerloui Loealltlss,

Nkw Yokk, September 17, The WestIndian hurricane is making its waysteadily in this diiei'tiou. Karly in theday it was off the coast of South Caro-lina. It is traveling slowly in an east-erly direction, with a rotary motion de- -scribing clrclei of about 8000 miles in1diameter.

k, were

dealersto the Ttmt$-UnU- H relating to the dam-age resulting from the West Indiancyclone tell the lame story of houseswrecked crops destroyed, but no

of life is reported.

ii 1.1. ii....


Vlgoraui Oampalsn Againstin. Bshels.

Hto JANSIBO, 88. This cilvis peaceful now. and a vigorouspaign the rebel forces undert.cneral Salgado inis being arranged,holds all the publicis ready in barracks.

II K 11


Kin Brands do Suialready

square-- , artillerywhile the infan -

try sailors patrol the streets. Noleaves of abssnOS are granted by thecommanders the warships.


Blufleldi People Want 11 Aaaeaed inColombia.

Pan am v. Septeinher ','s. A del. gationor Hosquito s ami Influentialproperly holders from BluefleXds haveveiled Oarthagena and requested tinQovernor to iransiuit inpetition ssking Colombia to am ex theSlusqaitO reservation.

. ii.. Panama Canal Damps?.l.nNii iN. .September 28.A dispatch to

the Ttm from Paris says tliHt the issue..I 800,000 shaics of the new PanamaCanal Company, Limited, lo the sbateund bOlid holders ,,f the old companyhas not y. t been success, hut uudeithe compromise between ths liquidatoranil Who is bound to take88,000 shares, the new company will In


Martial Law in l Iti.-n-

Pasvma. -- pi 10,Prss ideal Iglssissof Oosta Woa ban martial

Il Is believed that the attll. k oilthel iesi h ni as ictuated by pin tieansof the proposed federation.

1. Tl H . III M I I II

Belgians have otoalied Congo's stgveMasts,

TIhtp hth only ftbotfl 10. mm forriffm.lipim.Bwtl wtll wwmti ilflt6W.006 too m


Thf VYcttOtl CttflinbGfH Will meet c

tobvf HM

Utitnvt 1,1'vv. tlir cf.'plinitrl Fttftchengraver, in d(Mdi

"T imtiy linn unUTpil n Inre mi ppl v

Oillfofflli bmtidi

Vici-niii- . Aiistmlm.

King Hutnbrti predict! itnis nsfly9nftnein1

fhP ion of the ian.ihowi Improvemctitt




l suUiiii Kurnd V, depottd in 1W6,

dytnfl in CoaitantnoplHt

Tim it now ftl4( fretjnentlyitt icktfd ith ipttsmi ami iWOOttlOg

S'ilval"r in- - In li. vi tln Bcetftfl w illin fill their poll! ton) plotting ui once

Tht l"ii' Blaniarcli Ii i t iwere theWestern AttiiiiUo tr&p twenty ninuter.

Th. former Mlnittef of Ptonltot ofPeru will to dieted for embetslentent

The health of Cardinal Vaughan, the'eminent BngUeh divine, is miid tofailing.

rears are expressed th;.i the rice sup-- ,

ply in China will he Insnfflolettt forthe army and navy.

rhe Qrand Jurj in Cbiongo Iihh ln

dieted owners and fifteen Keepers'of gambling onscs.

Mrs. W, T. Hull, form)J. imes G, III. line,

ilj the wile ofbirth to a

son ni Newport. R, I.

Statistics in France show duringthe last few years the population has


The Victory ol the textile strikers atNew Radford, Mass.. is complete. Allthey Contended for Iris been granted.

Ibsen's income lav has justill Norway at il:'.'

fortune of and anbased on n

Income of8,800,

Eastern and Western livestocbreeders are to organize tl fall t i

uutline a classification of entries atFairs.

An Anarchist named Micanosa at-

tempted to assassinate President tgleslaaduring the artillery review at San Jose,t kwta Uica.

GleUCOe, Scotland, the scene of themassacre of the MacDpnaids, was latelysold for 80,000, The estate comprised8,800 acres,

King Isoar of Sweden, w ho don't likethe way the elections in Norway areg. ing. intends to wear off hisui an elk hunt.

Consequent on war between Japanand China, the price of opium in Indialias risen forty per cent, above the


The mechanics at the Harris CorlitaWorks, at Providence, refused to ac- -

Cept a reduction in wages, ami thei pany y lelded.

Three hundred negroes recently startedfrom Birmingham, Ala., for Ohio, totake the place of striking miners intlie Massillon district.

The nfissourUPaclfio Ii dlroad officiatehave discharge d a number of engtneiand firemen for having lii en "implicate! in the late strike.

Large numbers of arrest have fol-

lowed the rioting at llio de Janeiro, inBraail, Peixotosays he can take can' ofthings w it bout tlie assistance of foreignwarships. Alllgutm--

the Bank Euglamll '1"'"J accompaniesheld an n''m''' t'VL'l' to and oftl

lllsceiil hv mail both water nd

bmk as employes of two batches oflady clerks.

Kossuth's sou has been declaredthe authorities to be ineligible to theHungarian Parliament, as he is notHungarian subject and has never takensteps to become one.

The i'ope lias summoned Mon-ign-

rlulst. ths spiritual adviser the lateCount of Paris, to the Vatican for thepurpose imparling to him instruc-tions in regard to Royalists.

The London Chamber of Commercegave a dinner to Congressman w.Wilson last night. The subjects

ac K vl i. I 'la , September SH. Free Trade and Protection theCommunication with Southern Florida prlnoipsland nly topics discussed.Is being restored, and special dispatches Canadian nre



I against














Jr gavi




Thehaving a good laugh at the expense oftiie Democrats. "The Americans wonget their lumber any cheaper," they say,but we'll get more for our lumber.Worcester Telegram,

The limber tires in OlOWcounty. Minn., have l.,.n Quenched,The flames rsgsd w ith fury September88th, In the evening the wind subsided. There are fears that severalparties have been lost.

Brads Virginia,w as Mabone's lieuten-

ants during the resdjuStar period ia theold Dominion, says the Republicansgoing to elect four anil possibly riveCongressman the coming election inthat State.

There rumors that Augustine,I'la , has suffered great damage by theWest India hurricane, Other parts ofFlorida, cut off by the destruction towin cannot he heard from, but H be-lief that the damage w ill be tohave l.een is growing.

The shetlleld, England, Telegraph d.chin s that the lime has come for warwith l'Vance. in order to put downagressions againat britiah Colonies.The Telegraph is owned by Kir WilliamLong, a of Lord Yalitbary, atw hose hands he was knighted.

Lankj .nil. wii...Oin.KANs, s, pt. The glove1

contest between Robert Fltsslaamoni ofj Newark, k .1., and Danny OTeedon,

bailing from St. Luuls, fof purse of$9,000, took place in die iirenii of theOlympic club to and resulted inan easy vie on for PilssitUUOM. Tinyfought US mi.idl. -- weights at pounds.

Uonadarj Dispute.WASHUfOTOg, September There

pretnonitioni of betweenMeglpo and Ousti mala, growing out ofa disputed vet the boundary line betweenthe two countries,

HIE Hawaiian siak. SATURDAY OCTOBER 6, t,,,


Tin- - Boerd ni RegMMMoa for titelMld ol I 'aim will In- in ItnlQB beef)dnr thht week M the old Oratl Room,Judlriarr Bnildlng, from I to 11 o'oiooMa in. ami I'rnin I to (; o'clock p. m., fmiiic purpoM of reytetefing voters.

The regtttnttion w in porltlvdy eltmon Sntiiriliiy. ( ictolici til h.


HENRV (.'. MEYKIts.n. KKlitPIO.

Bonolnlu, i tot i. 1M4.BiHtrd RegletMtfonf tehtnd of OeJiOi4HII lit

Board of Examiners.. .

The lliiurl of RjMtutnen for MMetftlriniitH or inflrage to be granted by theMinister Intefl r m oonfortnlty withArticle II of tin1 Constitution, will In- - insession si Hie old Legislative Hall, ettdlclary Kiuiiinr, until Registration closes.Smie hOttn us of l.'ciiist rat i"n.


KM- -tf


ing to the intention of thsigned oi visiting officially tinunder i he various Departments, publicaccountant-- " and having husimwith the Auditor General are requestedto call at liis office between the houisjof'land I'.1 ii. in., except on Treasury paydays, when the usual ioveriimeut officehours will he ohsevered.

The attention "public ooountsnts'1in Honolulu is also called to the lawwhich requires that their returns t

Auditor i Icneral shall he made notthan the tenth day of each month.

11. LAM 8.I tl Audita fuu ,1


Water Notice.

Honolulu, ii. I., Sept. 14th, 1804,An engine will he at work at Thomas

Square puniolng into the mains froma to 10 o'clock a. in., and I to 8 o'clockp. until further to supply-wate-

to the residents living on theslope Punchbowl lull.

ANDREW BROWN,Bupt. of Honolulu Water Works,


Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, are hereby notifiedthat the hours for irrigation purposesare from 7 to s o'clock a. in. anil 5 to (I

o'clock p. in

A. BROWN,Supt, Honolulu Water Works.

Approved: J. A. KING.Minister tic Interior.

Office Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu. May 85, 1884.



Owing the drought and scarcity ofwater, the residents above Judd street.are requeated to collect what water heymay require for household purposes be-

fore 8 O0lock a. ill.ANDREW BROWN,

Bupt, Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, II. July 80, 1884,

I04tfyaiu'l. rs I'nr an

Theolerki vf of alligatur which bomtraveler 1 loridaangry .lectin" to prote--i ,,,-1,,-

, ,. juum.y i,y himself in a boagainst tin- n admission into th,- should have






ofJ son





ofw ho one of ablest



are St.





NaW --'it.




are trouble








in., notice,





land so thai he can clie.isi' lot- hiu.-.-- li

where he w ill abide. 1 have seen one keptin a tuh of water Unchanged till it was ,.tensive, and in. ..I her w ho had absolute!nu access to water a! all. Both these treatincuts were improper and cruel. A gway to make an alligator comfortable,which we are bound to do if we slnucli himfrom his bone and deprive hhn of liberty,is to prepare a large .bos thai will heldwater, with a hoard running up nut of thewater that be can occupy if he desires. Alittle pile of rocks, behind or wiihin whichbe can hide, will he u welcome addition t..Ids quarters. For food, place oysters orcut raw beef where he can get it. He naually prefers lo eat in solitude, hut hiKeeper muse remove tot remains if (ben- - to OutDe any the next day. The water should I.,changed often ami kept sweet. OlinThorns Miller In Harper's Baaar,

Old Pablonad Bontbsm in, s.The old fashioned southern houses! Bonn

if them are left ittlL Con see them lien-an-

there as you go about Houston; unletdid eld places, with such aa air of old timehospitality about them. In tlie midst illtin- modern buildings these lovely oldIn. mi s give you a feeling of pleasure Justsuch a feeling as you have when meet j;gentleman of the old aobool, with hi- - rethu d and rourlly hearing. What a visioncomes to ynuof the lovely bospltallty w hichonce made every one of these homes nl pleasure and cull lire! V,,unut in iiose amiyoureyea, you cm


in.- - merry crowns that ilsisl to assemblethere, and Up from the past some Hoatillgthe light Jsat and lighter laughter. Whatn nisi, mill song bare drifted out from toospacious parlors! Wha. SOUplsa havepromenaded along those wide old galleries!Where have thei all gone, I wonder- - UieyOUth and hope thai made these oh! boDMSradiant. 80, 80, Myaarsagor Boustou Post

Tellew Dog stnnsj.At one Sims tin .Mississippi valley wa.

flooded with bills nu which was stampedlbs figure of a tag humid, and w hich waruniversally known as "y, llow dog money.The eaptain of a steamboat w as trying i

work otf some uf the si nil' in exchange f.aWMd. As he eams to one wharf after another on his way up he called out:

"Take yallerdog for woodf"For substance the answer was always the

ease, though the form varied, ffobodywaatad "ysllsr dug."

At last, however, the capiaiu received aaaffirmative reply, lis steamed up to thsWharf at once, hut just as the line was belug cast oir he bethought blmaeli touskanother question.

"How do you take it:-'- ' said he."Curd for curd," was ths answer. tins

ton Transcript.

When iat w . i n.An amuslas old Isdr laaismlm tin in.

troduetlonof niatciiss Into bar housahnW."The night my husband brought thembom in triumph," uesaya,"wa were wahcued from our first hep by on,- - of the chil-dren coughing. .Mr. ti. sprang up and ireulInvoluntarily Willi aoandle to tas oovsredembers of our wood lire 1 happened to rccall the BSW biVeinioii and erinl eagerlybomtbebedt 'dam, the matobssl lo t thematches!' He anawsred bnpaUently, atlilpoking amnng tb asheai 'Tsa,yaa In amoment, As soonas 1 get a ligui.'" NewYork Mail uud BgprssSi




We htVt hgd a larg;c CO.'- -8IQ-NMKN- md to m ofH ARTM AN I) n.lssWIRE DOOR MATS, both

large and small size.Our instructions arc to sell these

omul at cost, which are will do aslong as they last. These , II. I TSarc an excellent quality of mat, Imtmust lie sold to make room for ourregular stock.

H has been reported that thereis a ease of live llnke in Honolulusuggests to advisability of lookingint. . the question of ' L Til II EDWATER No caskr or more

FILTSRRR wasever made than tlie old reliable

STONE WATER FILTER.It should lie ill every house andoffice they not only Biter the

'he water but cool'T . I I It El Bt 11 I' 1 It j I f i ' i ( , ; .(.

TORS Ii another thing withinthe reach of all. If von want a

Kood REFRIGE RATOT the111) I) ) ' is the one to buy, Thesame thing applies to the Q ,',!ICE CUE. IM El! EE. EES.These freezers are worth every centwe ask for them,

We have received many newgoods by recent arrivals makingour stock complete in every de-


REMEMBER we sell

trUiJittu oil at i.oo per castdelivered at your door C. O. J).


-- .

IT,-- T

lfr, Kormaii l. YouhuOttdawa, n. y.

Helpless as an InfantAfter Pneumonia-Weigh- ed 80 lbs

Hood's Sarsaparllla Made Him Feelas Young as a Boy.

"c. I. Hood &co.. Lowell, Mass.i" UeuUsmea I vdsb tn Bxpreu stygratefal

thanks (or Hoodtl Sarupsrllbu I am on mysvsattibeUJ anil it baa truly been a blessing

tn myself am! wile. I bad a severe attack ofpneumoult but December, and it was thoughtI should die, but I gradually pulled llii'll .Hit seem In until any xirntiutli. Iha. . lie lielpeil like in n nl. ami liiuftallonaway from Its to lbs. I read abuut Bood'iBins nanus, decidsd n.ko

Soon Cainecl Strengthtlien severs

salu in tba snail bask, sent for Xuaaanss Plaster, srhlob uon bd

Hood's5 Curesthainiy l.i

la ni)lay

D. '.



ami i tn it.I in

nl. I ill up, an. ha ine n

of my ani


..nine. Imlayt eel as well as ever inunit us young as a liny, although 1 am

.lt year, t cannot express Uiegrantudsart fur Hood's HarsapurllbL." NoumamMl. Olsilawa. (Ilseu CO., New ..lit.

Hood's Pills i'ln.' ( iMistipatlnn byl!" eel istalUe asUOU uf the aliaieliLary canal

ll.ilii'un Din CompanY,Wbolosale Asonis.

loih'nii, August ,


lii ii'tiK in ni is nlJOth nil. we WOUld say that wehave tin' Bjooda you ar.k for,In must ni the cases the pricesyou quote nre out regular prices,Imt on some ni the Items ourprices are lower than you nun-- !

lion, and we shall til course giveyou the bene Ivl of the reducedrates.

Razors nnd StropsWeareglad you have decidedto try our new "set blade rnsors,and patent swinir strops, as inthe country ever man lias to dobis own shaving and as shavingbecomes a pleasure with tlicsc"tools" We know you will have B

large demand (or them. In reu i - I f v rtk 'Iprinklers

we will s;i thai ive have sent nlVery Simple one, which cannotwear outor gel out of order, theprice you see ts low, and theywill tlo jrood work.

n A T-- - ...xruui-Bl- . littiYes c send

what VOU order in this lineand will say thai we have latelyreceived a line assortment so canlurnish anything in this line from15 cents to 84. no each. Yes, wehave tlie Clauss Knives,have sold them lora year, eitherinsets or single bread knives.Our stock "f Butcher andHunting K nives is also com-plete.

Soap As you did not sayhow many bars you wished to theKK lbs., we are sending one caseeach 42 50 60 and 70 bars totoo lbs. we carry a heavy slockol this article and, as you willnotice, it is a first gr&aH Laun-dry Soap, and we have put il inat a very low fisrure.

We regrcl that you got "nip-ped" on rial bargain" inFence Y ire and nole thaiin luture you will come to usnid gel a 'first class article. Wethough! w hen you told us of you i

"buy 'I bat Ik lore it had been up

long you would see you had a"sell."

Inclosing let us say that wehave a large and varied stockol Hardware, Ship Chandlery,Paints oils, and leather, andwhen filling your orders willalways charge the lowest prices.

Truly Yours

E. 0. Hall & Son,LlMII in,

PILL- j . .: ' , A BOX." .

o I


the seat ufa t;i bus- -



rc made there. They;irc a m " iii.' fur allI'TlhlKKl IUI ansiiiL' fn.m Weak.

mi Dli, Impaired INffmeioiivDtWsMicr and ull Female;


j (f all dr uit-.ts- l'rice SS a ia N't :v '. Ilrm.l ,Ar f inal






lllEfl Itlt.!HMr-lft- t





n J

mmm go., TOOTH



Wholesaie Agents.


PHAETONS BUGGIE!Enameled duck top, cloth linedLeather top, c.oth lined,

HACKS:Enameled duck top, cloth lined



Canopy trimmed, deep scallop fringe 14

Hawaiian Carnage Mf'g Co.

Higher Prices for

1 nly, 893, owingnanciai aenressn n

IT ", If.. .1

to t! 16 tl- -in the

united states, or outer causes,hides declined in to thelowest point ever known. Hidesthat in May brought 5 cents perpound, in July brought only 3

cents. But prices had beensteadily declining for two years,now a change is coming. InJuly last prices again started up,and in the small space of twomonths a jump from 3 )A to 41has taken in San Francis-co markets. These prices arefor the average Hawaiian hide.'I his will be cheering news tothe Island butcher, as for thepast year it has hardly paid himto salt and ship his hides.

All who have hides towill pleasepaying thegreen salted hides.

M. W. McChesneY SonsOctober 1, 1894.

This Tour-ist knowshow to en--;

y life. Heikes it easy

and drinksII at DAiiftrtfi





we arefor

Clear, bright and sparkling is tinsKing of Mineral Waters.


Agents for the

















SMITH & 00.

CO. LID.402, 404 F RT STREET,

HAVK JI ST kKCi:iVlil)

Picture MouldingsOf the Latest Patterns.

Bird CagesPOT Canaries ami Parrots a Larga Assortment

Vacuum OilersFor All Kinds of Machinery. Peed nil oiany density, automatic Hv, by visible drops rapidlyw slowly aa rnay be required, Will teed from one

drop in ten minutes to a Steady st.utm of oil. Oilineby band wastes enough oil to nay for all necessaryoilers in a short time.



Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i p4 I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SAluKDA. BVBN1NO, OCTOBER 194, Si j ife.-Till


sim IMDI MAY ll.wi: III I II II


it Matilda' I nptnln it,.. n MiniWilli llif llrnlli of III Young


A8trfiiiK'' utory has conic to lighl With

regard tit t lie dentil of Mr. Svetisnn,wife of tin- - Captain of tlio bark Matilda,The young woman, si will in- rstnetu1bered, aOCOBipWlted her biiHbntnl toHonolulu in June Ins'., that lieiriK heliriilal trip of the newly married rou le.

Here she was taken rk, mul the niptain was eonipelleil to return to Amcrieawithout her.

Mrs. Svenson took a cottage near heMormon riiurcb htm soon refJOVI

from the IHltSSSi In tl le.uit line shewaa visiteil by a young muii, n Swede,who had known her for six years at herhome in the States, Having no ac-

quaintance! in the country the young

Woman clung to this old friend andinsisted upon frequent calls from him.

Ilia vinits to Mrs. Svenson became M

frequent that the matter became the

talk of the Portuguese and others living:.!.... u. ,.i.i,n. 10 Ii.vp .1

last broken away ami not to have BqWire thll affrnoon.viBited the place for three weeks: Scheming spouses ami jealous wivesand when he did go back it was to llnil ,Boni,j 8ep ..A Nilt qqvthe poor woman raving mad. --

She diedi A few weeks after the For a good shave with no delay go to

young tinile hail ncen lam away in

Nuiianu Cemetery, Captain Svenson re

turned ami hi oke down when told thathis wife wan no more. The circumstances were all so strange that he in-

stituted a careful investigation. Whathe found out is a mystery; but a

moment before sailing away for Americaagain Captain Svenson, speaking to atleast one prominent gentleman openly

charged the Swede with causing thedeath of his wife. What proof he hai,or what he intends to do on bis return,remains to be seen. He made no com

plaint through the regular channelsagainst the young man, but the sup-

position is that he had no time so to do

before leaving and will cause the arreston his return.

The story of the death of young Mrs.

Svenson is at best a sad one, but not so

bad as further light cast upon the mat-

ter may reveal.



Sunday, Sept. :10th. Rev. Robert G.

Hutchins, H. D., will preach at 11 a. in.

and 7:80 p. m. Morning topic, "Thebanquet spread in the presence of ourenemies." Sacramental season and re-

ception of members. Kvening topic.

"Eneouragemet for mature people."

Sunday S.'hool at 0:45 A, M.

Strangers cordially invited to all ser-

vices.Young People's Society of Christian

Endeavor meeting at 8:80 p. 111. Subject"Conseciation: what it is; what it

rloes.'' Row, 1:.':1-1- 2.


The services of the Cathedral Congre-

gation of St. Andrews' Cathedral forare as follows: (!:l!0 A. M.,

Holy Communion: 11 A. M., Holy Com-

munion and sermon; 1I0O P. M., even-

song and sermon.SECOND CONGREGATION,

The services of ill Second Congre-

gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral to-

morrow (Sunday) will he as follows:9:15 a. m.. holy communion witusermon; Kyrie and Sanctus, Maunderin (J: hymus 815 and 888; Nunc Dimittit,!:,.,. 1, ,v ii in list: 8:80 P. M. .

evensong with seSnion: Mugniticat,

Arne, InOi Nunc Dlmlttis, MoFrrren in

A; hymns 808, 224 and 31. JRev.Alex. Mackintosh, pastor. All are cor-

dially invited.CHRISTIAN MISSION.

Meetings at Harmony Hall, on Kingstreet, between Fort and Alakea streets.

Preaching by Rev. T. I). Garvin,evangelist, at II I, m. and 7 180 p, CO,

Subjects: ':The law of pardon under theGospel dispensation;" "Is conversion amiracle'"

Bible class ut 10 a. m.Come and share our joys.

Seats free. All will bu cordiallywelcomed.


Sunday, 11 a. m., at Oahu Juil; 1:1,1

p. m., at the. Barracks; 8:30 p. m.. Biblestudy at Y. M. C. A.: 8:B0 p. M Gospelpraise service at Y. M. C. A.


Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-Da- y Saintsi Mllilani Hall, rear ofGpera House. Services will be held onSunday as follows: 10 A. M. , Bibleclass; 11:15 A, II. and 7(80 I'. M. , preach-ing.

Take III "A Night Off."The true type of comedy "A Night

Off" will he presented at the operahouse this evening. It is a play whichestablished the reputation of Aug US tinDaly's company in New York, and haslias proven a taker wherever introduced.The comniedy is replete with wit,humor slid sudden climaxes, and thepredicaments into which the principlesfrequently find themselves will drawforth rounds of applause and hourlylaughter, lie who goes mustgo .to laugh ; and if incapable of sodoing, should go not at all.

Anollitir Hi. I. Meet.Local cyclists met at the Y. M. C. A.

Friday evening and organized the Hoi .olulu Cycle Race Meet Association. Thefollowing ollicers were elected: Presi-

dent, H. G. Wooten;H. A. Giles; Secretary, R. A. Dexter:Treasurer, R. N. llalstead; ExecutiveCommitter U. C'ro.ier, J. Wright, P,

Angus ami A. F. Clarke.It was decided to 'lave a meet Ofl

Thanksgiving D.iy. A number ofmedals will be put up and every effortwill be made toward a pleasant enter-tainment at that lime.

Italy c. ... .. Ilttwull.Mr. F. A. Schaefer, Consul for llaly

at the Hawaiian Islands informed K. M.Hatch, Minister for Foreign Affairs,

that Italy had recogiii.eil (ieRepublic i.f Hawaii,

Wkkslv Stak, S4.U0 per year.


Ml'MM. II. Iliicttlell A I II. Are AgOUtl loMl stork.

The South Konn Coffee Co. lias anotice in this Issue, Mr. .1. M. Monsar-ru- l

- the father of this enteririse and i

making earnest efforts for its success.The ohject is to form a joint stock com-

pany for the purpose of planting andDairying on the cultivation of ooffse atPapa I, in South Kona. Hawaii. TheIntention is to aoquire Mo acre- - of first- -class coffee hind ai.d to clear and plantlitly acres each year. The capital stockin plnccl at j 111.000, divided in 400

iharee of $100 each, fifty par cent of

the stock has alieady lieen taken.Messr s H, Hackfeld A Co, are stents

to Fl ,ie Slock.

M ' V. I .N A M s II 1:1.1,.

Poor ours more in which to hecome.oter. -He sure you are registered, thin go

Mralghl ahead.-

Suits can he had a Medeirofl a Co. atinr own price.

I'liraer Mci kimbe has the thanks ofthe Stab for ktndneeaefl,

-"llelle of New York at Ktiuna

roe .11 unuui imnji-- i .oojHave "A Night Off" with all its

laughs and loss of vest buttons.

V. Atvvater's fine resilience yn Tensa-col-

street is Hearing completion.

Mrs. Thirds It ctured Friday eveningupon the subject "What Polio is A tierHeath."

T)e Wailukn wiTIcr rights ease hasocottpled the attention of the SupremeCourt t().,.lv.

Aspirants to histrionic fame will havetheir ardor dampened by witnessing"A Night "If."

,). I". Hackfeld has returned and re-

sumed his responsibilities at the Her-man Consulate.

The Anglican Church Chronicle it uthand with its complement of churchand general nSWSi

Judge William Potter has removedh;s offloe from l" Kaahumanuu street to4'i Merchant street.

When you need mi cxprcsa go toBander'i on King (reeti Furniture andphiiioM carefully movedi

The Pantheon huIooh reoeived ii largeconsignment of the celebrated Enter-prise beer by tho Australia

The Cummins returned from thewreck Friday night and reported nochange in the position of the Wilcox.

The regular monthly meeting of Hon-

olulu Typographical Union will be heldthis evening ;ii i o'clock at Thistle Hall.

At the tneel log of the Humane SocietyFriday night the matter of appointingan agent Wa deferred until nestmeet lug.

A lua'i has been in progress at Waihiet this bring tin1 Wedding anni-v-

rs.iry t' tin' marriage of Paul Ihenbergand wife.

The sale of seals for "A Night Off "

has been large and the company will beexcited to their bust work bv tin, larori


Ci L. Hopkins. Samuel 0, DwiyhtCharlei McCarthy and Q.Oannn Keuyon, all royalist bantauiM, have taken

h:i oatli to the Remiblio.

Kahaiiuiiui, a notorious character,tole gfl from one of the tramway busses

last night and is in jail. He savs- he is

happiest when locked up. So is the I...,,..,., ..,.,,o.v.

At evening's meeting ofthe Young People! Sitciety of ChristianKn leavor, the following topic will bediscussed; "t'otiseeration; What it is,

what it does." All are invited.

Dr. Hutchins will preach at CentralI'nion Church Sunday upon the follow-ing subjects: Morning, "The BanquetSpread in the Presence of Uur Enemies evening, " hncouragement forMature IN ople."


Dr. Howard left for the coust Friday.C. A. Brown returned from America

today..Mrs. J. A. Kennedy and children re-

turn! d today..Miss I. M. Pope was a passenger by

the Australia.William Blaisdell has gone to the

States via Canada.The Hawes concert will take place at

the Hawaiian Hotel Monday owning.Mrs. A. Herbert and .MUs Herbert

returned t the Islands bv the Australia.P, Peck and K. I. Wilhelm, wife and

Miss Wil helm returned from the coasttoday.

Captain rVolten of the wrecked barkG. N. Wilcox lett for ( ermany by theArawa rriduy,

G. C. BaUentyne, the electric railwayman, lias connected himself with BruceCartwright in the insurance business.

Hi h Uuo. ill Im oi pt. rule.There WgS A UtrgS attendance at last

night's meeting of the i BoatGlutei The most important hits InSSItransacted was a decision to incorpor-ate at $'(000, or each. A committeeot incorporation consisting of T. ft han-ging, J. K. Clay and John Utiinger wasappointed, which, in conjunction withAndrew Brown, K. W. Met hesney andh. K. Stackable as a soliciting com- -

mitlee. will clTe.-- the full nurr.ose ofHis olab, Attar discussion on gaoamltopic, for the good of tba organiaatlonthe tin im .Ml ii.iii ti.

M. UMHK-I- l, I.OH An,-eloK-, SeiitemlierIrd, Sunili retii" of tha lata JnbnMod mh. nnd moUiff of T. c. UcCinU' ,,f the S S. Auatrulia. a unliveof tiluoifuw, S,' tlund.


attain ki.kmmk AMi Mil. I. KitAT I ot.i. t nil r Alts.

Aiii'vcit Thri'nts 110,1 invasion lion theanally af Beerwan The

prohahle Basalt,

The late spin up in the SihutzinClub, as a result of which CaptainKleinnie and several of his friendswithdrew to the BohUtBtfl Company,has reached a climax that may provemore or less serious. The develop-ments of the past three clays places litleas, two or the men 001 c i lied in thedie Ifaction in a rary peculiar light,and the matter will probl My have to heventilated In tin- courts before a settlemen) is reached.

The beginning ,,f , trouble is foundin the opinion on the part of t'aptninKteOIBM thai A. K. W. Miller, u meiii- -ber of the Sohntaen Club, was direoily,,,, .... ..ami uiniivoiiy instrumental in causingthe disruption In u. cluli. Pollnwinsthis came the discharge of patrolmanLudloff, which Captain Klemoie assertedwas for neglect of duty: Inn Miller andothers, on the other hand, claimed thatthe oflicer was ejected for his affiliationswith the Bohotaen Club as against theSchuizen Company, Captain Klcmme'sorganization.

Then came a series of letters in vari-ous city papers, notably the Bulletinami ffofomtta, condemning the action ofCaptain Kleinnie in discharging Ludloffand reflecting upon his efficiency as anotlicer of the law. These communica-tions were ail fictitiously credited, butKlemtne laid the responsibility for themat Miller's door and claimed to haveprOOl that the latter wrote them.

Accordingly, on Thursday morningKleinnie is said to have accosted Milleron Iteretania street and openly chargedhim with writing the letters.Miller declare! that Klemme on thisoccasion threatened to Mow his hraiiisout and left him with the promise totix him before morning. 'Ibis ever, is denied by Captain Klemmew ho asserts that he did not see Miller atall on or about the time mentioned,

Be this as it may. Miller went straightway to the Marshal and asked permis-sion to carry a pistol to defend himselfagainst Captain Kleinnie. He was re-

fused the privilege of carrying theweapon, and advised to put Klemmeunder peace bonds. This Miller hesitatedto do and left the station house withoutaccomplishing any thing.

Tho man Miller rooms at HarryKlemnie's phiee on Fort street. Thursdaynight, so Miller claims, while hidden inbis wardrobe, his apartment was invaded by Captain Klemme and Lieu-

tenant t "ordes. Miller says that he wasin the loom, a starch was made by theofficers and even his papers lying on thetable were examined. Later the houseis said to have been learohed by Lieu-

tenant Cordes and Patrolman Wichart.Miller! idea then to swear out a

warrant for the arrest of CaptainKlemme on a charge of conspiracy.

Captain Klemme says that last nighla messenger was sent to him with theInformation that Miller had a

and would be ready for him onsight. The Captain said he paid no at-

tention lo the notification, and didnot believe .Miller possessed a revolvi ranyway.

This morning the affair reached a

climax, Miller was standing on the stepsat the station house waiting to sc.the Marshal lor the purpose of havingKlemme arrested for conspiracy. TinCaptain ami (ins Cordes approachedfrom behindand the no n came together.A lussle followed. Miller went downand was struck once or twice whenpolicemen separated the comhai ants.r',.il,, ITIanima arum 1,1 f tl ,

. ', ,in sunt thiit In, t..', nut a,., ,,i Mi. ,

.. . , , . , ,,ma I. move as if to draw a revolverand the former prepared to defend him- -

1 h-- .. M,ll, fall .1.

rtFect and was in t struck by anyone.The officer stoutly denies striking theumn and said he h.ul no idea of so doingunless assaulted, lie says Miller fellpurposely, and because he was too greata coward to stand and faee the mtuic.Miller has made no statement.

Another story has o ne to light, how-ever, anil is being told by a prominentpolice otHeer. It into the eifect that M illerwas assaulted by Klemme and Cordes.His Story would make it appear that thetwo oflieers mentioned came up, threwMiller down and pommeled bin aboutthu head, and would have seriouslywounded the man had not the policeinterfered.

At the of Miller penal sum-

mons were issued nnd served onCaptain C. Klemme and Lieutenant

us Cordes to appear in court Mondayto answer to the charge of conspiracy.

Four tlt urn for lttKltl'riiiThe registration roll will open at 4

o'clock this afternoon for the last time.The time for closing has been continuedtwo hours and the final end of the sit-

ting will not i ake place until Bo'filock.That gives a person four hours more inwhich to prepare to vote. After thattime has expired who are unregistered

'can not participate in politics in threeveurs.

Oeteales of i.i '

having blight on their treescan now get colonies of lady birds fromMi Maiden, 'om iiiUmou uf Aiiricul- -

ture. All applicants should bring amouthed jar with a cloth "over, whenthey will receive all of the blitrhldestroyer t they may wish with direc-- j

tions how to apply the lady birds to theutfccied trees

i.oiii itamioiiii Cburebtll's laek.I.uMNN, Kept. 2M. Miss Haile. an

sooeutrie lady, died recently ami leftus a legacy to Lord Hand Iph ( hurchillhei niaiiMnn and cHlate i Cxfordahirein rsoogaitlon of bia oommandlog poltl I


lull' muii llllellhlnehcl all theaapartmanu al Waibingtoii just now j

"""""'" 'n,ro. iiish,iiIh 111 keepiiiK ,'ltll the ouliev uf r.'lii iii hmi iil.

Tin, fJodara rii, is association daoiars.t int tlie fi rasl Alt. were dialled bylumber stealers.

1Mb Hawaiian mar, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, i04

, Tilt: i Alts lt,t,NBM,

in- - Ceadltlea Reported le Mara i auaejeK

lor MM V oral.London, Sept. M. A dispatch from

St. PeteWbUrg to the 7Vmc says thecondii ion of the Czai isworse The kidney inflammMMi fromwhich be is sutrering, i i.uicli inciea-c- 'ami as liis ma jesty's brOathing at 'belii giniiing of the week became some-

I what dlflloutl ami hard, Professor Lay- -

den, the celebrated specialist on internalcoin pla i,i- -. w as - inn inoiied from BeTIIB,

The physicians wish to send his

majesty to tit,-- riiii'M. t fear to riskthe long journey.

A dlpatoh tO the Titm from Viennasays that it is considered there lliat tBCz n's kidney is the result ofmoral and menial anxo tv and worry.


The Chinese Have ttlsea Afslail IBs

lunar Baipeffve,

London, Sept, .s.a dispatch fromVienna to the CArOafofc says that apciiii ollic al t legr im from St. l'etersburg annuunoef that the Russlafl Gov-e-

men I has learned of a rebellionagainst the Manchurian dynasty, thedispatch a. Ms that the r.'gular troopsare evi ry,vhcrc OOmmltting disgraia-fll- l

outrages. The Chinese exchequer isempty and the Government is hardlyable to supply the wants of the troopsalready in the field,

n M as Enterprise Beer,RDTTOK STAB I The Pantheon Sal

is headquarters for the celebrated En-

terprise beer, and al-- o holds the agency,This morning's AdVttiiaeT, throughsome mistake, has advertised us in

receipt of a supply of Fredericksburgbeer. We have nothing whatever to dowith Fredericksburg beer. The largeinvoice that the reporter spoke of wasEnterprise beer, the nonpareil of

draught beer that's on the market.Two glasses for a quarter.

.1 vmi:s Iiotiti.




iin Servles in Lower California Treated111 tl Nun Friilieitrn


The Pacific for September 5th has thisto say of Rev. B. U, Hutchins, D. I., inthe editorial column

The loss to Southern California by thedepature of Rev, ii. s. Hutchins. I). I..of the First Congregational church ofLos Angeles will he very widely fell.Mote than any Other man in the deno-

mination, he Identified himself with thegeneral work of the churches through-out all this section. This was his pur-

pose in coming to this coast. His workj

has been so g thai veryfew of our people in the whole ufSouthern California have failed to hearhis voice. Perhaps it belongs to theFirst church in the lirst city to give itspastor to the broad work of all thechurches: but it is very unusual to tina pastor Who SO rueernilly ROUS W bisregular duties so many heavy burdensfor others.

The resignation seems very sudden;but it hud been long contemplated, andDfi Hutchins would have made thechange before bad it not been that a

sense of duty toward the interests of thechurch over which he was pastor de-

tained him.lie will be "a force to be counted on"

in (lie affairs of the Hawaiian Islands,We have uoibnibt that lie carries withhim the same Ideas of a broad servicehere as here. The Opportunity it

large, ami our best wishes and ourprayers go with him. It is to be hopedthat the right man may come to lake up(he work laid down, and that the Firstt 'burcli may continue to be helpful toallchurches

Speaking of his resignation address,which the paper referred to secured andpublished, the following is said:

It is eminently suitable that it shouldbe published, for his constituency wasnot only the Filst chinch of Los Anyeles, but all tin Congregational churt Iicb

of Southern California and of the State,and he will be greatly missed, not in

the First church alone, but in many im-

portant enterprises for the advanceBlent of the kingdom of Christ on thisCoast. His tender words of farewellwill be lovingly reciprocated by manywho felt the warmth of his sympathy,have beM benefitted by ihe wisdom ofl

his counsul, ami quickened to holier liv-

ing by his words and life; and tin yanswer back in heart felt prayer Insclosing words of ben. diction.


It is reported that DepUy, premier aU

France, will hand in his resignation.The lebs ease shown that Presidentle vi land took a hand against the

A. U. U.The Ottawa Government has com

muted the death sentence on WalterMcWhirrel to lite imprisonment.

Forest Hres in Minnesota have somc--

hat abated. It is feared that thefamily of Joe Myers, near Brainaidhave perished

Serious charges have been broughtegalnsl Peary f till Arrlii- i'. (ii'ilil ii in

members of tin ,.Xi,'iliti',ll 'In l.1'eary is a fraud.

The Altoona M nun fact tiring Co , high"grade engine builders at Hollidaysborg,I 'a has imide an assignment; hidede Ines, 135.000.

The Luciinia has once more brokenthe record and has made the passagefrom Quasnstown loBandy Hunk ill 'i

iluM. 7 lo nun an.l IS minutes.Senator Divid B Hill has Lien nomi

natad bj ihe New York Damnerau foiQoTSnUiri lie took the I'ont entioll li.--

atorttt. Although baia nidi non oorn111 i 1 It . lie will pruliillilt Inilke Ihe lineCle land in said to Le out uf politic in

nuuptr. stais imea niii ogm. m




Klllf-,- ov I'm .,

The odd f u i - t lint a niar,' mind Itstranger than hla body, and if he decklesthat the wheels shall stop at a given Humtin y are very likely to do so An emotinnwill Influence a heart beat, ti,,. physicalmscblner is dependent m, what is goinghi in the drain.

I III one ts'cas.oti a condemned felon witsSiren In charge of sofM doeton for experi-menta- l

purpoan, TLey blindfolded him.bored his arm, told elm t be w,-r- going toid. ni him to death, made a puncture in thesrtery, hut without drawing a drop el'loud, mid IBM lit Warm water trickleover the flesh, The poor creators was tin-ner the Impression i hai he was rsaliy bleed-ing, and while the doeton talked In Wbllhem be grew taint, his Bean slowed in itsaction, and after ll Inle lie as ItOtta dSSd,

It is a mod deal better to think you angoing to five ttiiui that you aregolBgtodie, Many a sick man has got well hecau-- eli., wanted 10, The body is the veriest slaveor our thoughts, ami passions, and if youhaveanottoM thai yon an ill the notionwi.i ci rat illness. Keep cheerful and liveas long as you can- .- Kxcliaimo.

sir Berts IteeBs faiHgnaalAutoaraph letten of Sir Philip Francis

an authority fer adding this to the manyfamous iri-- h "hulls" attributed to SirHo) Is Roche.

Borne ladle i went to tin, Irish boose ofoommons to hear a particular debate,which happened to be pul oft" till the nextCay. Sir Hot la Itorln 'aid:

"Indeed, ladies, I am very sorry for yourdisappointment, hut w hy didn't you come

morrowline day tin i e being remarkably

quiet. Sir Boy said: "Mr. Speaker. I snakeoi oilier. j a llolioralile gelil lellian w ho -

ways sits behind ms is perpetually, laugh-ing in my taesl I move that before belaughs at me any more he w ill be pleasedto tell ma What he is laughing at."Youth's Companion.

He Didn't Know 'litem."Yes." said the principal of the youngla

dies' seminary to the proud parent, "yoUought to he very happy, my dear sir. to ImHie fill her of -- u large a fainiiy.all the niem-tier- s

of which appear tobs sodevoted to,

"Large family! Devoted"' gasped theold gentleman in smaaement, "What onearth do you mean, nia'amf"

"Why, yes, Indeed," add the principal,beaming through her gianim. "No fewerthan II of Kate's hrot hers have lieen herethis winter i, , take her t,, the theater, andshe tells me she expeeta the tall one withthe blue eyes again tomorrow."

Woman ttssdy S mpsthjr.

MBmil. '.r i

Wsarled Father They nay that no matt r bow one suffers some one has sufferedmore All the same, they couldn't beat mein this business, fur I have walked thisChild the eat) re night- - for fully six hours,

Mother (calmly) Ye-. Henry dear. Hut.BUppOSS yOU lived Up Hear the pole, wherethe ntghte are six month lnnLr?' Puck.

BUhop Lawrno Lfewn Creatatlen.It was a bold "lid wise act on the part, of

Bishop Lawrence to advocate cremaUou be-

fore ti Boston audience, but he took nostronger Ki'otiud than Bishop Brooks wasprepared to take, had he li veil, as a memberof the New England Cremation soolsty,The opposition to ths new method uf dinpeeing of the bodies of the dea i has ohleflyin i nis country e. .me from I hose w ho believein i he literal bodily rssurrcctiou of the dparted, and who have held that this Was Spart, ot tin! rjbrfsl urn belief.

Bishop LawreUOS boldly assailed thisopinion and affirmed that creinatiou is notout of harmony with christian principles,and t hat it should bo regarded as a rever-ent and Christian method of disposing oflthe ran sins of thedeparl sd. Ths existeuosOt ehurehyarUS for the burial of the deadwithin the limits of largS cities is now conbidered as hostile to the living on sanitarygrounds, and Bishop Lawrence has takenforward Stan in tins matter, hi which hewill have a large number of supporter.Boston Herald,

Willing to Uu Ukea IseWaadsrmg on sunn UimV tadouing to

Karl Derby, a collier chant ed tO meet theowner of Knowsley fa I to fate. His lordShip Inquired if the collier knew ho WHSwalking on bis land.

"Thy land! Well, I'ts Kot no landwas the reply, 'and I'm 'like' to walk

on scmiebody's. Wheer did tha' get Itfro'F'

"Oh." explained his lordship, "I gut itfrom my ancestors."

14And wheer did they get it fro'!-- queriedthe collier.

"They not it from their ancestors," wasthe reply,

"And wheer did their ancestors get itfro'F

"They fought for it.""Well, benad," said tho collier, Mpiaring

up U the noble arl, "I'll feight thee furltlM Loudon Tit-Bi-

Mr. Yuiitlerliilt'ii Neighbor.When Mr.Vanderblh was purchasing his

9,0J00(O00 acre tract of land in North found right hi tin- center of it 14acres owned byea old uegro named JerryCollins. The remainder of the umi m;ieasily secured, but Jerry was not to bethrown out He finally named a price whichwee O&OO more than Jar. Vandsehih had oferel him and about 600 times more t banthe land was really worth. His prirewasal Aral ii fused, but at last when Mr.

came to Uuds derrj's SI HIS Ihensgto ret ised to sell at any price, remark-ing that the greatest dsetre of his life hadbeen good nelgbbore. mul as he was nowMr. Vaudt-rhil- s nearest neighbor he shouldderhne to sell and move into a less aristocratic eMgbborhood. Mr. Vandertiilt hashad the lot feared in, but of course Lo iscompelled to allow UcclS JstTJ W outlet.San Francisco .Arytinaut.

t'MIIKlit.Dr. Jolin Eiskins, wall known Scottish

dlviaa, whi Ntiiafkabl. fur bis alasplleitjnf raaniMf ami genfel. tsntpsr,

IL' rt'luriiiMl mi ufU'ii tlii. palpilnilnu. IiIh ha&dksndtisl tbal Mrs

ut ltu.t br'U'lll lu hlllii-r'- that Iin'It.iii'lkeri'liiefH wtru NlnWn byMBM uf UM

uiu wdiiu'ii win, ill, rii Hi.- jitiipti mair- -both to balk hiii) ilfl.'t't I lie citliirit nil,'tswsd a corntT of tim aandkafaaisf toon.

t lie pockvtH IlfHalf way ii, l In, httilri tile ko.m! doctor

felt a tQBJ, aBSffMipoa lie UUQM rinilnl Hint

Dsuahl liolil of tbabaadof the guilty ,ltlwronian, aajinil. with great. amisimplloilpi

"Nil llm day, linnet woataftl no' t lieday. Mix Krskinu ba. hewed it in."Bj "' Moiueuta.

A nuie it my.Editor How often mu-- l I UU you, air, I CHUUOt Use )OUr rSTSSSf 'f ell lite,li du you wrile pustr) anyway"Post Ah, Mr. BdUor, l aUb so auMh t"

see my Baal, in print!Editor Then wii don'l nu have soiue

vim in mrdh printed: I'lieuende llluller.

oi,m Kiiui ui latslUfsaaaiHeat riee 'lbe lecture uu enl i,iii,.1,,l'V was

very Lnlssaatiag. 1 thought it rather slaguiai tbal I, - lould -, Ianthe uiuat hitalligeul of Insaeta.

UerCoU. roPU.rld.)' H, 1 dun l kiiM hi s mil mi i .l

uiHiiy clever psopU Life


The Iteuaiet Mokolll arrived fromI. anal last night.

The si h tuner Aloha is moored atBrewer'i a barf,

The schooner Tranell h ft this morn-ing for the sugar reflnerj with a smallcargo of sugar.

The stcamc, John A. Cumtnimfrom the wreck ,,l the i;,.,,rKe

If , Wilcox last evening, bringing hackilf spanker in of tlie wreckedsel. hit nothing else. lite schoolersHaleekala and hicola are - al thewrer-k- . and nllhou. h the weather loor nigh at pn B if thegoods . ii ii tilained that , il ft sun it her .1 fewdays.

The An- -' rail H. C. !b nilcomma r, ha ;,., Fin 'ei-- , Hep.tern bar 1904." at '.' p. m a iih . cabinnnd .v: gi 0smenirei s and 8 bagsof mad. i:. i, II. 'oil s iv '. w.winds .'or il On ,h a :! I, mod, rateto strung . i s with qiient r.diiSqllalls a. ill the last M houncloudy auu h r with liewind iiuh ,! it rtonolulu,Ootobi idQ i

r.tssi ' iii.a It I: i v nth

From Sun PumiHtoo, t .r Australia,Oct o--K Uojer, .1 - . ionium H , rC A Brown, Men A Lionrn, V, m" Agowen, mi tend iwicl lldn n, (lbs MiBryan, M Dick ins, s Kir lung, A riieiiOruetll r, 'I nn. .1 i,g4it.h, Mr. J j,Horn, i slid two children, Mis A Her-bert, Mum Herbert. , Hnrswill, Of!Kennedy, wile and child, MisJ A Kennedy ainllvto children, Lilidtrum,A I I in ler an, i wile, .'.us. ..In ... -imann. iv H Mercer, .1 F Nolan amiwife. Miss K N- III, li i M I'oi " 'liss't lara .1 Pe ,rs, 11 I Pn se n, M s, Por-rei- ra

., wife, I' Peck, Jos Uolph, litII Raymond, Urn J Smith ami twochildren. icd Schinoaer, hVmwell Nke A,.Irani wile. Miss Daisy I'oines, I. Pay-l-

an. I wile. 511-- ,. Willfoug, I ,J Wil-hel-

and wile. Mi W.lh.-I.ii- . li M

,,,,iia' .. i t, ti a. a .i, .. .ii-- wMrs F Mnntitmiit

a Rim M s.

Friday, ctBtmr HokolU, McGregor, from M .lo.

Kai ami Lanai.S rt RDAY, Oct It.

ft O Australia. Boudlctte, from Sanranctsco.

I'll- RT I KFS.

S ATlltPA Y . ' Ct .

Sch Transit, rgenson, for SanFrancisco.

K8MKL8 l n PORT.

NAVAI. VKSSKI.S.II B It 8 Hyacinths, May, Bsqulttalt

snm ii am mi- in.Br bk Oimaru, Brown, Neweastle.Seh Transit, JorgeOSOttj San f ianeiseo,Ilk Matilda, Bvenson. Pari Blakely,itktne w. if Dimond. Netlson, Han Praas. ii Aloha, DabeL kSan Prnnoisoo,

n ikigm vra i.s i i i ii.ihk Oakiandt Heattle, Sept 10itk Kisinore. Newcastle, o t 80BkOadgon poreat, Newcastle, Ocl SUBk Glanivor. Newoaitle, Od 80Ilk Manna Ala, Newcastle, Nov 1

Sob Puritan, Newcastle, Nov litk Paul Isrobergj Bremen, Nov iItk lioHtcnheek, Liverpool, Novship il K ttlade, Uvsrpool, 26




f, A. MAIl'l'lN,Staii Ain-nt- , lliln

IEOHOE HONS,st ah Afsat, Walluku.


j,i Msrohaal Bt




CECIL BROWNM i Hsrehsnl si.

W. C PARKB18 Caabumaatta Bt,



Fort SI . Dppodtt dab Sllll,!,-


6M Port St.


HotalBtJ. HOPPA i 11

ti Kiag st


Port St., opposit. Psotbson Btablsa


Kirt'tiii'ti Pttnd, London ami Olobt

As I. I', ,v COOKEAetna, Allium-,- ' New England Mutual

Jt.WbLl.KS.J. E. QOHB8

ton Par, st


I'HAS. LtMOExi'flsi,,!'. Niiiiiiiui SI.


K. J. Bbaw, PfoprialorPACIFIC

I, n. v. Woltsrs, MaaagaiROTAt

u lluwkins, MuiiugerOOMMERI VL

II K It'iiiiiu', MaiiHLrer

PAjrraaoMj mi kidd, Pron


nflrasary 1011 Kmn st


KRUQER,Kurt SI , on,,.,- Meri hanl

W HOI.fcSAl t i.jyuoHiv s. i.e. i:.

BDj Mara

sshbbh11 Lft nil flic Bt K. I

THIS PfiPtH k ' fidverttainii;i .i rn ' y KcEeeevs

Kruiiilo. Uel.i wlifre ui,! mi in for eaver'tnlrikCHi. W niHtlt f r It. if

Look Out ! ! !

It Might

Strike You!If it does

all on the ( aliforuia I ced

Company and select yourII tt ami QMAIIV. .

iresn supp y Si ju"t arrivedbarkentiue (i. WILDER.



COMPANY(Cor. Quean and ffttuaou ste,)

or ring up telephones No P.M.

I Ill lli ll v rv.



HttADQUARTRftg A. U. V.iCkntkai. Committkk.

Honolulu, Sept, 2ft, 1894,)Tin; Island Clubs, Orbstino:

An island cimvLMition bo nomi-nate a legislative ticket ami putforth a platform ofprinciples is here-by Called to he held at Honolulu atj o'clock p, m.

SATURDAY, OCT. 13,at the headquarters,

AMERICAN LEAGUE HALL.rollowtng the membership

apportionmentClub Xo. i (formerly i st district),

5 delegates; Club Xo. 2 (formerly2111I district', 4 delegates; Club No.31 formerly jra district, 6 delegate;Club No. (formerly atli district,s delegates; Club No. 5 (formerly5tn district), 4 delegates; Cluh No.0 (formerly 6th district), j delegates;!Clubs Nos. ;a ami 7I) (formerly 7thdistrict), 1 delegate each; ClttbslNos. 8a and 8b (formerly nth dis-trict i, i delegate each. Total, 30.

These organizations will now beknown by numbers, the districtlines having lieen changed.ihe cluh officers in Honolulu will

call primaries (or the evening otThursday, October 4th, and theofficers of the outside clubs forSaturday, October 6th. Voters at1,primaries should lie only persons'registered for the approaching elec-tion and who are affiliated with the!American Union l'artv.




J. Alfred Magoon.on,, iii M to ! Oilier.

1 1 ,, . . ii ii


Office, upstairs, Damon Hlock.Boltabls fur lawyer, iiu psr inmiSs.

Dwelling house, Punchbowl hill.First eiiiKs rspslr, Beautiful veiwpsr month.

Dwelling house, Punchbowl hill.Almost new, Largs cool rooms, Ill tlielN'!,t iii I'liitiiitiuii. Uosorpanaad lew.Stable mul etc. ., inuntli.

Dwelling house, LiUha street.Stable etc. tiocatign i;iwl uu,,i tin- braasa from Nuiianu vauay, rAipar monta.

Dwelling house, I, ikelike streetminutes walk from i"- -i oflbsa A ooas- -

furtalile euttlLKe fur a hlliull family. 1 H

per monta,

Two stores, Nuuanu street andK nk it i lane, itariai saoa, SSfi par

in, ml II.

Several small cottages in the rearof till' 111 Uieilt Htllttl stul'es. M, , f piKr in,,ntl

Vacant lot. off Fort street, a shortdlstsess sbovs Barelania, Mutable f,,rerer'tlllt; two Ktuall cottage. A l"tiK letM

sill in given ui tali lot mi reasonabls Msma



and only inch, take your time- -

,iece to


V.'i In good work only. Cheap,vi irk must necessarily be poorvork: i: you value your timepieceit til, take it where it will be treat-ed well, repaired well, and give theUtmost satisfaction.

Compliested work our specialty j

M atches demagnitised i key winderschanged to stem winders: chargesis moderate as good work will per- -

uit. II. P". WlCHMAN,15411' si 7 PfSfl Street

ft - vv A.lverllm ,,,(,,A'nicr

ishereby given that ail claims afrninst" iti"i stnioon. up t , s, pi. nth,

1994, t, in he settled by Mr. Jas. F. MoTsgan, and all outstanding aceounts tm' nterion Sal. .on and the Jobbing BoMSid I.. II. II, ,,. Up to the above date srepayable to Mr. L II. Hee. I,. 1. iKK.

All bills against I. II. Dee please pre-se- iteiv f ,r pa, mi i.tI., h. Dn,

hot Sale.A li d Illltlll'Or of .Ii ,rr, in to.

oomn in, ,in, i , tree i onipany, The Com-pau- y

has acquire : live huBflred acres ofcome Ian.: in lee simple n' Peps ?,'boutii .a. Hawaii, abtiBi three sadone ha f miles from Hi opuloa landing,the land la among the best t,.r cotreegrowing in KOaa, the soil consisting ofvery rich a a ami Is easU) worked. Alarge in mi,,. i ,,f sh ,ri i have alreadvbasn lubteribad for.

Apply toJ. M. MONSARH T.

Csrtwrlgbt'i block, Merchani net,Hon lulu. t7l-i- f

il 'anted,a good, entli mil, h run ui psason.

able priOS. Apply at the"' BtAS Ottos.

For Sale.. -

porncrlot at Paaabonraibi mnfeei RaaSkV. e.uilailii. imrlnr. filnnlntf 11, .i,, ii rnms, bsul rooa ha i eoM r

1 st'ie MS i arnii.e limi.,-- Mo,1 lie itn. mul-- r well laiil uui ii, null and

inuum-tim-l trees.t or pamottlsrs, .agtas. a. b.. iaM c,mie

Nurse Wanted." I 'ply to

i if, tf '. 1 . CARTER.

. Irrived.

Per schooner Trannil ."i bend nfline vouiik multS, lx bsd of bireeKreneb N.,nnaii ami Aineriraii brtlnans, also two span oi oarriags bursi-s- .

ami one very line bl.u k jack, all to In- -

sub! at very reasonable prions, Partialdesiring to pnrohass nrill do well to havea look at this took.


417-t- f Pantl nfRaUes, Uonoluiu.


Saturday, October 6,



Saturday, A MiiliT il P

Sea.,. u Tioaats, eigati en p.i fis niais asforl5. A.llllifsniull ,'i eelltl-- . 7", cent'ami t,Q0, Bos far now opell SI UJLi'vevV.

Do yoil want to rent a house 5

Have you a bouse for rent ?

Do you want to buy a house ?

Have you a house for sale'If so call on the

HONOLULU REAL kstaty: aO'CY.n il Fuit street,

194 uu,.

Honolulu. September 8, l;iViavi Testimonial.Having reoelsed bo much benefit from

tbe use ui Viavi tun uiixioun tlie public.liuiilil know whs! a Massing has nomato in with tbe 'iu i Remedies,

I have suffered with a oomnUeation ofdiseases for sis yean, bars been in thein lauitaj in isuii Francisco but hava foundnothing thai has benefited mti no muchan Viai i.

1 wouldTreoommand it to tbe suffsringI pie of Honolulu,

Any une wishing to ask me in regardto it may rail al my Inline ,,n llerelamanear Nuuanu itreet,448-lm- A w USB. BRHRAPBll


Safe DbdosU J MMIMI'A.W.


ON HAND FOR SALEShares Has sitan agricultural i ,,. sioek.

Kahuku Plantation Muck.Hawaiian Mugar Company Btoek,Kwa riautatiuiiIVoplen lee Stock.

AlXi.Kws I'lantntion Ut iiMrKiilie l7 ar cent)

BoaVds.Hawaiisa QovernmsM Bonds bought

aim Bold.aeteitre yaiiir valnatkles by tak-

ing a bos in the Safe Ucpunii Vaults.THE Hawaiian BAH DKPOfUT




Commission Merchanis

I i Pstelle tijiii , . Cm.i a Orleu

Queen St. HONOLULU. H. I.

BEAYER SALOON.Port Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

II. .1. KOLTK, Propr.CIshi Lvmosms sswsd wHIi CoSTss

; otlt Wiit ei OtstSjW Air or Villi.

CVSraokcrs Requisites s SpciaUTe

Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN feTAR. · M HI IHIMi itni nil ii H in TKHMMi item m iiiai tn mi i"N i ii I A t M B, i p4 I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SAluKDA. BVBN1NO, OCTOBER 194, Si j ife.-Till




tiik Meed lthintoiMi ef BmtU An ohiMiiifi-'- MoT) or tin- fatal Mom and ii"If Caunr,! Two DsettU Sunk In RtSS Hi


Ossf lllt. UM, b InriMI Pissi in-


"Do foti know tbsrs ri Rich tblngl mtotal dtatnantu Md to pommi weansMftelnand violent dcMbf" naked the olddiamond miner. "It Is trne," tas rranton,QOttaR tny look "f incmhiliiv. "1 Saw oM(v ths stones in A iit rul in ntul Bl partner(mum 000 of the eowwd thing In Braall,They are on led blood diamonds, and tin1

n inie i Wall applied. So inattar walesway von inni one, in aome cornef or angleo; it lurks 1 crimson pipot tbat leelM like a

dropol blood. Before ths Australian stemwas tost It bad been in tlie possession aln in' different Deraonx. "ml very one of

then died rtolent death."My partner in Brail eras a likely youns.

fellow named John Robinson. Re wasbora in Michigan and bad taken to

orer the world ni an parly age. Itwas lii- - ambll n n tn make fortune, returntn Michigan and support lii" parents in

luxury a lornt ai they lived. Niitht afternlu'lit, as we ntnoked our pipes, ! balked t

this "in' ileal deatre tbat poeaeeaed htm1'iior fellnwl All hi ehatiees were bleatedthe moment be touched timt fatal

"1 never knew exactly ho it came intohi possession rbere waa aome mysteryabout that, and be did not explain, t amcertain he iliil nut Meal it f Mm t lie mine, forit was partially polished, bringing nutitrouglj too bloody light In the "tune, itaeemeil tomeiliat tin one who set out topolisli it had nut lived to finish Lis tak.

I noticed John'a exdtemeni some timebefore lie allowed me the stone, ami I won-

dered whal otmld ail htm. 1 was emoklngin from of our cabin door when be cameand erouched oloee me, bis viiiee

trembling as lie whteperedi" 1 'in going back home tomorrow, Hank''"Ton mean you are going to start.'

correi-ted-. Have you tfiven Up Making

your fortuuef'" 'Not a bit of it. m ini 1 have my for

tune in my pocket I'

''Whatf"'Here,' lie softly cried, ex'citedly film

blinit in bis clothes and producing aoma

thing, 'take a look at this!'"Then he held the diamond lip before

my eyes, oauatng me to drop my pipe andotter a cry of smassment, Tim stone wasaa lartre h. an i'kk. and once fiance showedme it mis of the very highest grade.

. ; c,V


Wber& in the nam f btaven did yonget, that I1 ! ftftkwl

' 'I fnu ml it,' vrM veWhai'H it worth, Hank''"It's worth a king'fl ransom,' 1 deiUred

m I wonrrt 'Hi' to take if from his (iuLtr.Thoa I hhw the drop "f blood lurking in anunfile of the fatal stunt, and I fell back,feeling my face grow puK'. My oul,' I

apt(l; "it's tlie blood ulftnondt''What'n thatf be queetloned, but when

I had told him he laughed at me, saying hean not lUPerttitiout, All the same. 1

to touch the thing and urged him t

throw it away. He Actually tbougbl mecrazy.

"While we were euuntnlng the stt-n-

glanced Qp end dlftCOVered a pair of dark,Kill upon us. The eyeipiiekly ai t d around t he corner ofthe hut, hut not until I had reoognixed theevil fare of .Matanza, a ive laborer.

That nijzlit 1 rested potrly, but in somemanner RoDineoo managed to illp out ofthe cabin without arouaing me. Whenmorning came, I discovered he was gone. I

know not what fate ponaeaeed him to sneakaway in such a manner, but I t hink it wasthe evil influence of tlie diamond,

'It whs u ar middav when he wa- - found.lens than half a mile away. II was Htonedead, his skull having been crushed like aneggshell by mean-- of a h avy stone. Theaccursed Ola ml Wftl K"iu for its bloodywork was dona,

"In a moment suspected Matanxa, andinquiry revealed the tact thai be had notbeen seen that day. A -- earth failed t finda trace of him, and then 1 told whatthought had happened. In leal than anhour an armed party was ready to start onthe trail, which was to be followed bybloodhounds, the animals being kept ttihunt down runaway thieveH.

"It was near sundown w hen we came DJ

with him. He had fallen and sprained hi.s

ankle, so he could not travel very fa-- t, andthere was no chance of his escaping. Whenhe saw he wa- - taii ly OOrnatad, he turned tohike his clinched hands at us, and then he

began hobbling dow n a cut that led to adark sink hole that waa like a basin tilledwith black w at- r, on he surface of w hichnothing floated.

"Thinking he might try to give us theslip by climbing up some rocks to tiie rightI hastily Scrambled OVer the bowlders tointercept him. Whan 1 reached the summil, 1 could luok down upon him as helstood at the verge of the sink hole, trapped,He had the filial diamond in his hand, andlie was wildly cursing the stone in ids ownlanguage

" 'Von have brought me death, as J gave

dfth to the American!' he cried. Voushall bring death tu no morel he whocan draw ou from beneath the blackwater


and brute an they diot downward. mtw

un Inatani gianm ol t htr blood diamond justa they si ruck, and the black wataiJoaad alugglebly overtbaea. We waited M

miuuter-- . but licit Ic r ttK nor man ruse to llamithe surface. The t.iial diamond waa loM


w nil iin own trpoasI wHb tba Northern Pacific railrfiad

aurvey when it made its way up thevalley. Dave Si one, a JTOUng aj

glnaar of our parly, bad made a hitler en-

emy of Hop r .lack, one the scoutsIII hi Sghtaia. and as .lack bad uglrecord it win expect, dibat isoobluwoifollow Stone was a fcaih aa fellow, amione of the baft nhnU ever siw, thaVafonbe d'ul not aeem to care in l he bai for thetbroate and black looaa ol the scout. IComthan one- 1 warned him to out for heRoper, bui be oalj langhad ai ma, anyingha waa able to ake care of hlmw if.

As J ant icipat d, tot affnir ftuall OUl

mingtadi Hot w ords pawod batwaan tba j

two, and then .lack daolarad tlie anginaafwiiM a coward. 1 was Handing a here I

could look Stone square in tlie face axthese word' were and I law himturn very white t brOttgfa the coat of tan onUt aountaoanoa, wbile hm jaws baraem !

and rk eyes liitered.Vou in a u he nttortaa) icily. "Apd

tn prove tl til Flghl yon anil put a bulletthrough von:''

"Not much you won':''' cried the scout."I don't know much about duels, i..., I doknow I'm the one challenged, n 1 reckonthat gtvetmethe right M ohoosln WeanonaWc won't Unlit with gitna. but we ll usethe rope."

"The lonet""Vep. Von n on your hose, an I'll gH

on mine. We'll both hVOlaaao an lie

stationed SO roda apart At signal we'llride at each other, both with the IdeamNHdn t'other critter from hla horatv Thelucky man haa the right to tow t'other a

lout aa fur lis he dern pi MUM "

Thai mennl the man iron wae laaeocnwould la- draggeil over the plain until bewaa dead, a mnaa of broken hones amibleeding fleah at the end of the lariat,

iHveStime hsultatsd for an Instant, andthen he liOWly said:

"I never threw a rope in my life.""That bnln't nothln to me," declared

Jack. "Fight or take water.""tinder tin- clrcumatanoea," spoke the

engineer, "1 presume you win give menweek in h to practice with a lasso, as I

may have aome show in tin- game,"This did not suit the Roper at all, but

every one in the part) declared it was nomore than fair, and knowing no man couldperfect hlmaelf In the 11 e of tin- laeeo Inaudi a brief time .lark finally rtKteeU.

stone procured n lariat, and from tbatlime on he wae practicing With it everypara moment oould obtain. Hut he

Lid little time for practice, and he did notnnike rapid progress, for allot which lie

wae perfect ly com ami determined to meetthe Roper on theday set forth eWangsdueL

Tim day before the duel wna to oome off,

sroreoetaed orders to make oamp early inthe afternoon. While the laborers werelooking idler ibis mailer Roper .lackthrew hlmeelf down on the graae ami oalmly went to stsep. It was thus we foundhim. lying Hat on bis back, with a bin rattleanake colled on bis brand breast. Ourerica of alaTtn awoke him. and he saw the

u ike Hi- - i ns filled with horror, hut hidared not stir, for the serpent Beamed angrj and t he .emit knew it would strike atthe first motion.

Ilave Stone carried ids lasso at hi- - a moment he had released it, ami thenthe no isc circled round Ids bend, Beforewe reallted what be (toot-c- plated doingIn made the cust. Through the air shot thenooae, dropping fairly over the upliftedhe. 1, nf tin- rattler, and the next instant thesnake was jerked squirming through theair. In a remarkably brief apace f timethe serpent's head was crushed beneathBtone'a boot heel, and the engineer wascalmly colling bia lasso. Kvery Witnessstood astound, d.

Roper .lack hail leaped to bis feet, andhe looked ai Stone with an agprendop of I

amusement ami admiration growing on Idaweatberbeaten face. At length he cameslow ly forward.

"I aw'gr, I bat w as a slick throw!" he -- aid."rreckon you saved my Ida, para, an rihlhyar I ask your pardon for OgjUin ye a cow--

ard. You hain't none whatever, A mancan handle a rope like that can't be a

OOWaldl If "ii insist on flxlitlu. we'll haveit out, ji st as we 'greed, but I Tow I hain'tanxious to flitlit it man as has saved mefrom a rattler's j iws."

This was a fair apology, and Stone BC

cepted it."We'll call it square, then." dei land be

young engineer."Let's shake," invited the scout, extend

iuu his band.They shook.

lie Lot!Last rear I attended a horse race in the

Maine. As a result of the free foras easy winner. Penob- - St.

scot coming in secona. wnn un Lnarpreea-- :

Ing him bard. Away back on the truck be--

yoml the quarter post the skinniest old nagi ever -- et eyes on wa- - making a desperatestatruer to get around to the judges Standbefore dark. The old horse was called Dhaster, ;tnd her appearance on the track hadoccasioned any amount of ridicule.

I noticed a tall, lanky country hid whoCame down past where I stood, looking allaround on the ground, a aad ami disgustedExpression on his homely face.

"Looking for anything?" I asked."Yep,'" he nodded."Lost somet hing!1"He stopped, put hi' hands deep into the

pockets of his patched pantaloons, loppedhi long neck to the right and cocked hisleft shoulder about threcinches higherthauthe other.

"Misters" said he, "mebbe you knowsome show feller what is looklo for a freak.BffeoudO, by urum! 1 kin show him theblamedest gaul dern fool in seven oaountiesl I've bin workin all summer at oddjobs to git enough to buy nte aspanhinsuit of new store dotbee, an managed tolay by $18, Today dad he said I might cometotaown an git my rig. 1 kern daow u withthe hull pile of that money right slap in tnybritches pocket -- walked all the way antopped seven times to get a nip of cider

'long on the road. When I got inter taownwaa a leetle twisted, ao 1 brought up

here. Bee that gosh blamed old crow baitol a boss l ack tbarf Waul, when I sawher, 'membered baow in a story 1 readonce ji at thai kind of a boss fooled 'em allan got away with the tin. I 'lowed Uisaster'd do that same thing, an I Haw myofaainoa tOtnekS a heap of money, so"

"You don't mean to say you placed yourmoney on that horse1"

"Ev'ry cent, by gum I Lostanything! guess i have: I've got ter wearthese clothes another year, an Jed 13 rid gar'Uhave new rig sure, lie's sartiu tocut me aout with 'Mandy Brooks Amilooklo fer anything! Waul, I'm look In tefa big haul club. I'm goin aout there behind the fence an thump my head a fewtunes Jest to see el it sounds holler!

Then he slouched away, his hands stilldeep in the pockets of his shabby pautaloons, and his eyes on the ground, the verypicture oi despair.

William PATTSV.

Onuidlkatber Thundcr'a l'Hmily."Tlienlil man haii thiv; smis-- mt naiiicl

M'tU'ssnn. lie U (bf baby and in vrytlerct and rut I. It is tu1 who klaTI men andiH'iists ami destroji property, The otbtrtwo art- kind i'i't I'- They cool the hotuir, revive the parohtnl Dalda ami the cn

dostroy only that which is harmful toWhen y00 baaf low, ilihtant

nntterinsa, thai is the old man. lie toldt h4irl hat as often a- spring ratumtdtbemUM think of him ami show that

irrateftil hy giving bin little snntke.lie than took leave of her ami sent herhome, where her family bad mourned her;n one dead. BlUOf then DO Indian hasever feared thunder." 1 said, "Hut bowboat the lightning!1 "Ob," laid the old

woman, "lightning grand fathrr! wife."At .laekson, in the White mountains, I

"Tln-- one of the dotfs broke from leah met I,oui- - Mitchell, for many years the In- -

and came barinsat tba fiuritive. Uatanaa .. mem bar ofturned lo face the creature, and with OM PaMamaQUOddllean the hound fustened its lecih hi th btorv. H iid




the Maine I. j- .' aanil aakad i" in about t lii

was perfect ly I rue. ;tl

naBva'i throat, Ova? and ovar whirled man though tba enatomwaa now Calling into








only the old m ople kept H up. I hetobacco La cant upon tba Hre in a ring anddrawa the electricity, w hich playi above itiu a beautiful blue circle of ftlckOTing

lb added that It U a well knownl.u t that no i tuliuti and no Indian propertywere ever Injured by lightning. MIm AhbyL. Algtf in Popular Science Monthly.

Tlie Women of AJOOOiOaThe womeu of A jactlo, the capital of Cor-aic-

whore Napoleon 1 was horn, w t arbright luted prints ind a charaotarUtleahady Hat Mruw hat Hiai looks like an in-

var ed plate. This. Uowaver. la often ills- -

ild cardtd for a himdkerchief tied under thechui. w ondatftu to mo is the aaee and se-

curity with which they poise Upon theirheads heavy jars of earthenware and bfaaafull of water from the fountains. Theycarry all huidciih on their heads. NewYork Prtuu..

I. over ot HeaUtVi

Utile Johnny -- Our new teacher la justu pretty iis aha oan bt( and g" kakaai outmoat averj night to tbaatari and oooaartiand thlnga it'" j"t lovelyl

Mother You like pretty leathers, don't,

you, dearFLittle Jobnii)- - Ye.-'- They always haa

a good umean don t led buiuuth ukegnubad marks. -l- iuoU New s.

ValDdWe InfoiialiBD to Housekeepers

The reputation as a Km ill bouse' eejattdepend often on eervlng a cup of Onecoffee. Now d" not tail to use with pureground coffee a little of Engolbreoht'

ii;k COFFEE PLAVOH,patented January 14th, 1881,

Anyhow tr It once, Blld yon gTO UI1

to Ki't II ' "I1 ol delli'lulls coltee, wllicboven tlie most faatldiou will gnjofiSome believe that pure coffee alon willhave tire deelied reeult, but title flavoiia tu coffee What sens ntOg is to moat;it itnpgrta ricltineaa, Iniprovei the tuaie,make it nourishing ami wboleaomc.

digntiou, and .ivea it iplandldgnu what is not in be dlrogafdvu,

saves one third coffeg,I bis unsurpaesed flavor I made from

best California r'lg, It ha nothinu incommon with chicory or nuy artiifolalcoffee subsiii ute.

N. BREBAM,Qe tiera l Agent, Hawauan I lands,

Mutual lelophone 814, ' Bethel st.149 lmo.

Estate ofF.S. DuCtastd Assets, -

MfOtlCO ol' Of

REAL ESTATEPursuant to an order of tin- Uonrablel

Henry K. Uooper, Second Judge of theCtruuit tiouM of tlie First Circuit, K--

public ol Hawaii. In tin- - inattar 01 theKetate of K. n. Pratt, deoeased, madenml entered on tin- ituli day of e,

ItHM, ttn ttttderaigned, aappointed for that purpoee by

aid oilier ni suiil t iircuil Judge, will si 11

ni public guotton, to tin- hlgbeel bidder,certain real estate of Hie saiil K. M.

Pratt, deceaaed, described a followgiThe pretnvjii at VVaiklkl, Honolulu,

OmhUi deacttbed in Hie following deeds,recorded in the Hawaiian Registry olConveyances, viz: Deed from B. II.Allen tu K. s. Pratt, dated June B, 1878,recorded in Hook ;)?, pageslNDand 888tDeed from II. Uiles tu Y. s. Pratt, datedMarch :H, ls7s;, recorded in Hook 54,panes W ami 890,

The Bale will take place at the frontdoor ut tin- Judioiary building, in Hono-lulu, at noon mi Tuesday, the nth dayol October, ISM. Dpeet price, $18,000,Term Cash in I. 8. Gold Coin, Balesubject tu confirmation by the said cir-cuit Court. Deeds ut expense of

For further information enquire ol tlieundersigned at tin- judiciary Honolulu,

Hated Honolulu. September 1:1. 1894,HENRY 8MIT4,

469 tf lommiaslouer.


Commission Merchants

state ofall. Ughtfool an Queen


h t


1114 l

atilU- - Hail Ia

ml . 8. i .

H. I.






rnanufaUs Inn



Souvenir Spoons a Specialty.

Also m hand a Fins BtookImported Jewelry everythingin 1 lio latest tli'ninns

o, Boa,


sotK. u t StrtM

B. Co,


Mill. TMS,

isi.anii Obdxbs Promptly Attended to,


Metropolitan Meat Co.


Wholesale & Retail B utchers

Navy Contractors.(i. J. WALLER. Manaer.



ConsolidatedSoda Water Works

Co., Ltd.

Saloon.Corner Hotel ami Nuuauu Streete.


Wines g Brandies


J lib .s.


Bavarian Beer!

Ex "Monowaia"For sale atCriterion.




T. B. MURRAY,Carriage and



Trimming,Nkati.y Dunk.

All mirk gurranteed et the best, OiV ma itrial and la- - bant inceil.

No. 44 King Street.Mi, noil Telephone Wt. I'. I), box g


irs.Capital, - - $6,000,000

Piatt, - $9,000,000

Havliikr bwn Uppolntfd nutniw if (lie nliovt'm ;! v wt' art DOW rrmly In VftwH InfUr-iQc-

fttthtloWMl raiff ol prriinutn,m. W, BOHMtDT v sonh.





in prepared to do all kinds ofartistic Hook. .Joii ami News-paper printing at fair prions.



Books, Pamphlets, Legal Papers,Hand Hills, Dodgers, Letter andHill Heads. Business ami VisitingCards, Tickets, Programs, etc .

Bard Times Mean Close Prices to


If you arc in need of any New .irSecond-Han- d FURNITURE, RUGS,


call at the


Commercial Saloon.HARRY KLEMME, Mgr.

iorner Nunann ami Bsrstanla BtnBonolulu.

The Only Bportiri

ture anything JE




always draught,two glasses for 25 cents.

Best of Win.- -1111 ll:lllil.




Liquori ami ('inn alwayi400ti

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS!IS Fort SI reel.

Both Telephones aa. P. O. Box 470



Coolkhs, Iron, Hkahh and Ijcad


Machinery of Kvery Description MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to HhlpsUlacksniithing. Job work executed at tihoi t

J. T. WaterhouseQueen Street Stores,


Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery

FANCY GOODSof all descriptions.

EMPIRE Fi1 Street Store


No. audition to tiik. lax08



India Linen and Persian huwne,BmbtoJdaTT, in u Tud ptooM

ltiiman ami QuipUM Kunsoidwy,Oriental. Platte, ami otter aoes. id

a bite, on in ami hlaoki

Oblffon Lmw, "ii pplon.Laos Ni-t- , crcuni anil black,

Htrlped and Check Diniity,

SVUe Japansss Orspe. irbits ana onlr'dWliile, Cream and BUok Bimih Silk,

Wbite and Oreajn silk Ursns,

Navy ami ( 'ream BstfSJ,

Suez and Tennis Flannel,Tne Jmin Ks Milli r "Fililnnlse" , i

Prima UonaM ami P. L). CurHttU,

fet'llff1 Hlack II..-.-

V OCTOHEK 6, 1894.

For theVolcanoNature's Grandest Wonder.

The Popular and Scenic




is BY tin-- :


Fitted with Electric bight and Hells. Courteous ant! Attentive Service

Ylil HIX--O :

I tie Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every 10 Days

TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS,Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings.

From Hilo to the Volcano--3- o Miles

Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages,Over Splendid

way through



Macadamized Road, running most of

a Dcnst.' Tropical forest a rule aloneworth the trip.



For the Round Trip, Fifty Dollars.Further Information. C".i

Corner Fort and Queenycrer

C. D. CHASEGeneral Passenirer Ae

Volcano Housewill call and lurnisli ar

stop overCorner Fori ami Merohanl streets.

SUBSCRIBEpaper ever published in

Try it for three months,

dollars American money



., .lullar

dollars worth,











give to you. One Dollar lor

that now the

the the ami

affairs how get the worth

money. One dollar in month

scription of the Weeklythrown away







CO.I. I.




il just a


expect a

ill it three

mind of tariff

is to ol










question agitates public





payments are

Weekly Star is satisfied il will pay a

quarter. Advance, ol A common, ordinary

S. or Hawaiian dollar, sometimes called a cart-

wheel and sometimes the ''Almighty," forthree month' subsi


ription WEEKLY STAR,

'1 word itself


of Texas, it got there all the

member ol the bri

Earth ever






his by



itest constellation Mother

will tret then-- , and doil'l VOU

two or three kinds "Stars


A'l' THESi






the Best

News- -



STAR beon








well, but the

you once



will pay



iks lone- -

did the "Lone Star"

Bine, and is now


Th Lone Star" of Hawaii

orget it



we are

looking out for are the "Annexation Star" and the

WEEKLY STAR, The former we are bound to have

in time, and the latter costs just One Dollar lor three

months. Take them both. You will have to, sooner



the D by





j,INVAl!DS.TRDI0BAJ1 LAltonA tl.lK.

oao FORT




For in White C ren ni




A PerfectTon


aa ')' unaAcute in

nil WiiKthia


hook lor theor - f'n mill I'eeiWrag ef tagwi,'wni

ssy aass aarMili

CO,WS9., A.

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,K. 1I1- - Aui-nt- tOV the flu w lillmi iMliitifln,




Figured Solid Colore,

Cofton and Linen Duck,DreMM aod

Fancy Figured DimitiesFigured Muslins

Nutrimentgrowing Children,convallscsnts,DrspcPTic.

Hand-fe- d





GOODSA New Assortment of

CHALLIESA'l Wool BUlPkd, ill Light and

Dark Grounds,

An Immense Assortment of 'WHITE DRESS GOODSStripes Plaids.

iTew Jet and Silk Paesimenterie



HONOLULU WORKS COMPANY,laving secured tlie bXCLUSIVE AGENCY lor tlie Hawaii

an isiaiuis lor tne ivrajewsKi ratent sugar cane crustier, are now prepared to receive orders the same, to he

delivered in time lor tlie next crop.This machine, which has been invented but lew years, has

been adopted bv great number oi cane sugar manufacturers,especially in Cuba, where it was first put to trial and where itbecame extremely popular. Nearly one-thir- of the whole sugarcrop made in Cuba is being made with the assistance of thesecrushers. These crushers have also proved great success inother West Indian Islands, and Louisiana, as be seen by testimonials on hand.

These crushers when attached to any cane mill will increaseits capacity by from to 100 per cent; will improve extraction;will regulate leed ol the mill. We have three ol these machinesin the way. For further particulars enquire at the




Wrought Steel Ranges,Iron CookingHOUSEKEEPING GOODS:

Agate V are (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , PumpsWater and Soil Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs uud Steel Sinks,

S. Gutteia and Leaders, Slice" Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Lean Pipe and Pipe Fittings.


75-- 7

K. E.

Tin, CopperWork.


Best FoodMarts.





and Sheet Iron




Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

East Lcknlk Fokt and King Stkeets.

N. . p of every Pscksl (TOW Ilii I'n-- l. i i Hutu- FlITCPSFrekli I iilllni iiia Inn,-.- imi, it , ti .Ml i nilllill) tlci I I

.,r.,.ivii i.. an, jui, ,l ntj (,Ileliii.,1 orrer n luuuil. tslinn

OUluc Box No. 146

Agcii.In Illness



nrrtIn "The re



mill Silk







m il

tin- -


ImrKRu, S O, llULS HlM V.