THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil...

safl!r ! VOL III. fttRMr UHLMHkll ArTKHKIMIX THE H dAW" A, I luAu JM STAR. 7 fl (JKNTt 1KUMJH A MOHTII ID AtirANUI. 4 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TIIUItStMY EVENING, AUGUST 20, i95 NO. 747 if I Cheuvront Ltuuu-d- Mo. fit m In Agony IB Years With Salt Rheum Bfpariila Gave a Perfect Cure CI-ll- Co, H.u.l " Hood's Hariapaillla It an ucellr nt msdlclaa. I had ecirtiia hi my Mt leg (or n,teeB ,,,, I'art o( tlie IIiihb my log mis biui cf scabs. under Hie skill nil Ili ct)i MuulJ Hough ufl. The Itching and Burning stnsstlon mails ins suffer Indescribable agonies . I spent a great deal ot money for different rem-- f dley but ll.l not gel relief. About a Tear ago. leadline ihyslclana advl.ed me to take Hoods . um in auo. uavs laaeu UTS Hood'ssvCures uei. How all tlia sorn, scabs and aln hart tardihed and I am enjoying rfect health. I think Hootl'a Hartaimrllla li second to none and (Mly recommend It 1.1 nil auflerlng lmmaaltr.'' H. I.CimuvimxT, Uoiurd, tllnourl. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and mcUntly.ouUie liter and boweli. lie. Ilohron Hing Company Wltolosalo Acfltits. Glaus Spreckels & Co, HONOLULU nil, Issue Sight anil Time Hills of also Commercial mill Trnvelers' Letters of Credit on the principal parts of tie world. Purchase approved Hills. Mitkc loans 011 nccciitublc security. Receive deposits on open account aiid allow interest on term deposits. Attend promptly to collections. A General miuklng ICiiaincss ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, POUNDBD 1NON. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $9,000,000 Ilavtinc been appointed agents of the abore Comitany we are now ready to effect Intar-hnct- at the In went rales ot premium, H. W. 8CIIMIDT A SONS. Bishop & Company, IIANKKKB, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Transact n general Banking and Kx clianft IJuftlneHs. Loans made on ap- proved security. Bills discounted. credits k ran ted. Deposits re- ceived on current account Bubjecl to check. Letters of credit issued on the principal cities of the world. Agents of The L.Terpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Insurance Co. of Noilh America OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Cash Capital : : $3,000,000.00 Assets, Jan. 1st, 1895, $9,562,599.92 Oldest Tire Insurance Company In the United Mates. Policies Issued against Ions by fire on all claases of desirable property. II. LOSE, Agent for the Hawaiian islands. 703-- 1 mo Win. G. Irwin ft Co., LIMITED, Win. O. Irwin President and Manager Cluua Upreckels, . - Vico President W. M. QitTurd, Secretary and Treaourer Tlieo. C. Porter, ..... Auditor HUOAU FAOXOKIS, ANU CommlflBion. Agents, AOKSTS Or THK OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY OK SAN FBANCIfCO. CAl " C, BREWER & C0aiD Qdccb St., HonolnlD, H. L, AOSHTS FOB Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Bugar Oo,, Honomu Sugar Co., Wal-luk- u Hugar Co., Wnlhee Sugar Co., Uakce Sugar Co., Haleakala Co., Kapapala Itauch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packtta. Chaa. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. 'Agents Doaton Hoard of Underwriters-Agent- s Philadelphia Hoard of Under, writers. List or Orncsits ; P. a Jokis lWucnt Oeo. H." llosiaTSOic Manager E. V. Bishop Treaa. and Saer. Cou W. F. Allih Auditor O. U. Coon j H. WATiauouas.. Dlractors A. W, Oartis,.,. j 27- -i r Castle & Cooke,- - Ltd LIFE AND FIRE Insnrance Agents. aoit o ffBIT KNOLAHD VVTVJiL Life Insurance Co. Or BOBTBN. jGTNA FIRE' .. INSURANCE CO. or BARiroao, conn t'AIK or IIMIIIXAIIII. A t'rr.aitrnl TnnrtiM t Msr Kirn-lu- flillarr, Hiiitok Stak: Your "ilcy" contemporary tlic , Wr7 goes wllJ If called "roy1lt." This of course Is because tliat hurts If ml vcrtlsing tialrciiHgc. Hut every little while that tiaticr loti over and gives Itself away. On Tues day After the Cnstle sailed will young Greig, It got oft" this precious morsel "If the demonstration of the Honolulu people Is any way significant, the present Govern mem ls rotten. Men and women belonging to the highest classes raced to be the first to surround and adorn young Orclg with lcis." Now the only possible meaning of the above sentences h that there wua su iem a puunc uemousira- - ttou ot sympathy for wreic, as to prove an overwhelming force of puonc senitmctit in lavor ol mon- archy whose hero Grelc was, nnd against the Govcriimciit of the Republic, which was exiling hinii and that thereby said Government was proved to be rotten; that is, it has become incapable of withstand- ing this overwhelming royalist sentiment, and is certain to go down before it. No other construe--J tion can reasonably be put upon ' that language of the JiidtftuJeiit. And yet that paper is howling out vituperation against every! friend of the Government who is not willing instantly, without further debate to turn loose upon the city a large company of its most active enemies, who may be pre- sumed to feel the same confidence which that paper professes, of the utter weakness of that Government, and who would therefore be likely at once to give the push which would overturn it from its "rotten" basis. The writer did not see that Greig crowd, but iioes not believe the Governmentiis"weak. nor that the political prisoners if released are very likely to engage .in further attempts. But so long as their principal newspaper representative .betrays the disposition and hopes which it does, ordinary prudence may suggest to the Government to be somewhat careful in setting them all suddenly at large. However, one must not, make too much of the crary frothings of that paper. Elgin. diki). Clakkk At Fabiola Hospital, San Francisco, Aug 19, Kllie Acherson Clarke, wife of Lieut- enant C. A. Clarke, U. S. N. Deceased was well known and held in higli esteem in Honolulu. Mrs. Clarke came here when her husband was on the Iroquois. She was the guest and close friend of Mrs. W. W. Hall. The latter re- ceived news of the death. SHORT TALKS. A loan from a private Individual places you under obllgatiuna which in many casee prove burdensome nnil A loan from the Pioneer llulldiiig & Loan Association is u busi- ness matter pure nnd simple. Easy teruia, and easy payments. (8:30 ln:30n. 111. Olllce Hours: 4 to 5 p. 111. CllAMBKR OK COMMKKCI! ROOMS. . A. V. GEAR, Secretary. 'Always have on hand a strictly first class slock cf HftY, GRAIN and FEED which we sell at low-ea-t possible prices. We solicit your trade. A. L. MORRIS & CO., Telephone A. ft FQRT ST, Why. Do You Pay 20 to 40 per cent. moro for'your Groceries when you can save that much by finying cash ut VOEU.KH Co.'s 7 Everything fresh nnd nntlmiK but standard brands kept. Oocxii Delivered. V0ELLER & CO., Waiusq Block. Tel. C80. JOHN PHILLIPS lias removed his Plumbing Establishment to ...... . HOTEL STREET. next to Horn's Bakery, where he wilt be pleased to Bee his old patrons and the public generally. 68ft-- tf ' For Rent. The premise on Judd Street, beyond Uliha, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller. House of four I looms and Kit chen; Stable and 2j acres of land more prleaa. For Sale. Ona All Urass Double Acting Torco rump, 8 inch auction and diacluirge with 260 feet i Inch Hose. At a bargain one Eogllah dog cai-- t Imported. OoereTolving baker, oven. Apply to J. EMMKLUTH, 1(23 tf. No. t Nuuann atreet. THIS PIPER UWrLti Iieucr, U and n Merchant's Eicliange. Ban WancUoo. Cat., wticr. contracts for adrsr-tlala- g caa ti. mad. for It AYER'S nair visor RESTORES OOLOR AMI) FB0M0TE8 Abundant Growth or tiii HAIR. t curei Itching hu. mori. and kntn the ealp eool, mem, healihr. and tree from uanurun. A lidr writes t i"I rati compelled to atate, lor the benefit ot others. that sit jears spo I lost nearly halt of nj hair, and viliat was left turned grsr. After mlng Atcr'sjlslr VIor several months, in; Mr Wean to grow again, and with the natural color restored." Aycr's Hair Vigor nr.rA)tr.D nr DR. j. C. AVER & CO., LOWEU, MASS., U ,S. A. CT lirwtra or rhrap Imtlttlons, Tha nt.m Arr- - U trnit ml bluwu tit Hie itlaii ot eicb ot our twines! HOLLISTER DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. Having resumed business and taken advantage of the past two weeks to renovate our studio wn are lietter pre- pared than ever to till orders for viewB of ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring events of the late troubles. Portraits of llio lending characters a specialty. Our Mrtrnit department is open for engagements, nnd our work, aa in tho past will bo up to all of the modern ad vnncements in our line. This space is reserved for the Hawaiian Wine Company. Hawiian Electric Company. Tbe clcaneKt, brightest tafettt ami really. In the Ioiir run, the cbeapett and lieat light for in the family rebidtMice, U the electrlo light. Kafe; oothinp: could le safer. A few (lays ago a prominent gen- tleman of Honolulu came rutthing down to the olllce of the Electric Company and said: "(Jive me (Inures for wiring my house, aud I want It done at once; no more lamps for me. Last night a lump tipped over and It came so nonr itettiug fire to the house antl.buri.itig my children and I take no more risks." ThU is the oenttment of quite a number In the at few weeks, who have ordered their houses fitted with the jorfect light. Just think It over and make up your mind that you want the ttest and safetfl light; send' for the Hawaiian Electric Corapauy anil tell them what you want. We have a complete stock of everything In this line and have just received a lot of the very latest designs lu chandeliers. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON KOADSTEItS just arrived. Also a 17 lb. Truck llacer.the only track wheel made with large ball bearings and large sprockets. These machines nre manufactured by the Yost Manu facturing Company of Toledo. Ohio, who give n guarantee forono year with every machine sold, lor terms etc. apply to G. WEST. B01.R Aoknt. MASONIC TEMPLE. 13. Paints & Coipnnfls Bqoling, File Covering and Building Papers, Foil Bale by WM. 6. IRWIN & Co. Sole Auents for the Hawaiian Inland, Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil con uttnlng 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proor and vermin proof. A house lined with build-V- P&I'r is far cooler than one that Is not. There is also a cheaper grade of aper adapted lor use under mailing, eeplng out Insects. UOHOUXIT, July 20th, 1803. Messrs. W. O. Ikwin & Co., Ltd. Oentlemes: In reply to your In qulry aa to how the Ideal Roof Paint you sold me lasted; I would say that I painted the root of my house 12 months ago wltn your lieu ineai 11001 rami, and I find It la aa fresh and bright In ap pearance today as when first applied; looking aa well aa other lately painted with other paints. I am more than satisfied. J, U. ROTH WELL.' Have you a leaky gutter? If yc have, make it perfectly clean and Ur apply a good coat of No. 3.1', and I Paint over the leak? apoUs then take ultra of atout Manila naner. or a niece nf rnnunou cotton cloth. Dalnt it "ell on both aides; lay It over the first coat, giv- ing the whole a final coat, and, there will be no more leak there, Or If tbe whole gutter U bad, make It clean and dry, and. apply a paste of P. ft B, Paint and rortiana vemeni. Jsl.'m IIHIM.IAXT WKIIDISIl, M.rtl.j. ef lie., H, M,i Kamaliaa Ctitnmlna:,, One of the events In society cir- cles this season was the marriage o Geo. II. 1'alrchlld to Miss Ka makee Cummlugs yeslerday ever-In- g, at the residence of H A. Wldemann, Tlie ceremony was pTformed by Rev. Alex. Mnekl. tosli in the presence of a number of inviteu irientls. The bridesmaids were the Misses Gertie Widemauu and Helen Parker and the grooms I). Kawanatiakoa and Christian Conradt. The drawing room where the ceremony was performed resembled fairy-lau- so profuse were the decorations of flowers of all de- scriptions. White gingers were predominant. 111c room was a perfect bower of ferns and flowers, Alter the knot bad bcctt tied and congratulations had been extended, aanctng was indulged in, the new couple taking part. The Kawaihau Quintette club was In attendance and played for the danc- ing. It is estimated that over two hundred people were present at the wedding ceremony. Dancinc was suspended about midnight. Mr. and Mrs. I'airchild will leave for their future home on the Garden Isle the early part of next week. It Was All Illlfit, Wife This suit of Tours looks a llltlo ahabbj, mv dear. Husband Yea; I haven't paid the Ullor forltyet. Wife Don't let that worry you. I or- dered another suit from him myself this morning. Clothier and Furnisher. Had Komettilna- - littler. Admlrlnu Acquaintance Did vnn brina all these photographs from Europe! iieiurneu lounsl les. "Why. there are hundreds of them. Did you have a camera!" in I had a letter of credit." Chtcam Tribune. BEATER, SALOON. Fort Street. Opposite Wilder & Co. H. J. NOLTI3, Trop'r. s Lunches served with Tea, Coffe? noiia ware, utngcr Ale or Ainu. ' Rmflreea' Renntaltea a Soerlsltv BEST IN HONOLULU ! Ah Chock's Restaurant Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. Meals 25 Cents ArraDgementi can here be made for nerving JUCTtlB w ruiiiiiicB iivijik Willi JO reoMonable dlntauce. CHOCK LOOK, MlCMoltANT TAII.O W, No. 48 Nuuann Avenue. Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Style, up to Ditto. Prices that will siitirf you. Olve me a trial "strivo to please. Mtiicfcrni Tutttt. JXaoYmflla.OTfltiiirl. .tOtirMiH1 No. 48 NUUANU AVE. I'. O. Ilnsj Wood For Sale. jack: klee, KING STREET. Wareliouse of Califoroia Feed Co. Cut and Split for $12 per Cord. Telephone So. 103. CITY FEED STORE, L. H. DEE. Beretania and Punchbowl, OIU ARMORY. Hay, drain, Flour, Potatoes Bed Rock and .... Price. General Mdso. To Coffee and Fruit Planters! THEO. H. DAYIES & CO., Ltd. Stocks of necessary Tools and Implements, etc., etc., on hand at their HILO DEPOT. WHY IS IT So Many Like Our JAPANESE GOODS ? Pecause they are carefully selected, of Dest Quality, and the price are what take mostly You do not care to pay a high price when we sell the same thing much lower. We have all sorts of Goods such as Bilk press Goods, Crepee, Hosiery, Shades, Fancy Screens, porcelain and Lacquer Ware, Toys, Watches, Fancy Articles of all kinds. S. 4)ZAKI, 313 Kino Strkt. Cor. Smith, Yale's Skin Food removes wrinkka nnd all trnee of ago. It fewlri tlirougli tho port's and IuiIIiIh up tho fatty lneinliraiies and wasted tissues, nourishes the shrivelled ami shrunken skin, tones mid in- vigorates tho nerves and mus cles, enriches tho impoverish- ed hlood-vessel- s, nnil Miimlies youth and elasticity to tho action of the skin. It s perfect. . tales !kin rood, price fi.vt and .It omit Morn. MMK. M VAI.K, Ucdith and llenuty 146 loui v.uiuciree ai THE HODRON DRUG CO.. Sole A (rent 1. PLANTERS' SPECIAL! A Good Fertilizer. To Suit the Times At :lO per ton of 2000 ll. Anal zed asjollows t 10 nor cent, l'liosnliorlo Acid. M soluble and mailable 0 per cent. 1'olash (actual.) 3 per cent. Ammonia. 10 per cent. Lime (Carlionate). ALSO FLORIDA J'JIOSPIIATE, HONE MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Double Super Phosphate, 40 per cent, to 43 per cent, soluble in water, In quantities to suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order by A. F. C00KR, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZINIJ CO. tor THK CUUSIIKIt will cut cauo transversely in pieces about U inches long and extract about &0 jer cent, of the juice andkleliver the crushed cane in a uniform layer to tho 3 roller mill, thereby causing a perfect feed and extraction of juice, THE CKUSIIER leave the "akin" on the cane, thereby giving the juice u better chance to be ex lulled than tf tho cane was ripped open subjecting the pulp to the hard packing on the returner bar of the 3 roller mill. THE CH US 1 1 EH will save labor in handling of the cane, as an distribution of cane on the carrier will not materially effect the regular and even feed to the 3 roller mill, THE CHUSIlElt will not require ad- ditional steam or boiler jowert as it has dtiUu Works houtw Walitwe uihkI hate ami he had could do isrt..lvH ultlill. eruclDe. ue uru trior is extracung w lwrcent. 10 mi, cent, ot the Juice Inside cullnic the Kr Ilecea Ave Inches loua and ulvlntc IKTitut, anu sieauy iveti iu turve roller mill. We are louiii 191 iwr cent. wori iwraay ami coma u boiling house capacity would Wo are saving labor ot tlx the carrier etery day. Kterythlt'g about the Crusher works anil easy, and the amount of team consumed is trifling, aa on may Ju'Ikv. for we are running two eugtnea for the three mills and have steam to spare for tlie House irom one iooi ouiir. course wun tins fevdof crushwl the ar Hnathled to trlusa dnwn nur mill much more thnimur aud from eitwrltnenta of drying the rash, there wits only 40 to per rent, vt moisture left In it Our run criuding ordinar)ly is from no lowest, vs iiiguesi, ouu gauuu cianuers in fourteen uours. )ours respectru 'c)y Manager Pepeekeo Hugar Co. PAH Mavrrh 30. 1HUS. Iron VVorkinn -l- lBNTi.KitcN' find crusher-a- d van tageoui in the nndtsrnoted Items: Steady ami tvtn of the thru rAUr tnOU thuscauslnga deal less strain the mill aud at the time giving us from 5 to ft per cent, belter extraction of Juice. are at present a Crusher ami explain construction to any party Sole East Corner Fort llODKSKI-liKll- . HTATIONKK. .BBBBiBHiBiKDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBErH IbbbbbbbbbbbshbIbbpi JihJSbhbH1h LbSbHb?Sbvbbhbp9 OUIT.MW from up. VIOLINS, MANIXM.INM, COItNhTH, ciitio.NirrH, iianjos. Musical Instrument .Supplies, Munltf onlenl liy every steamer. TnmlioiiriiiM .Wo to .).OU. FLUTF.S and I'lCCOLOM. KycRlnHSPS anil Spectacles Carefully fittctl to all siRltts nnd frames com- fortably adjusted .... Domestic Sewing Machines. Dommtlc Kewlnir Machlnea. This m.trlilnn nthera In rx cellruce of lluiah nnd durability: on it can miike lock Ktitch, (Jinin Htitrh, Kmlirciidcr, Item, lucu, Itullte, nnd iimko llutton IloIn. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS (init Tyimcriler tiupiiliet By Australia arrives n larpo nnd iompieie diock ui Goods.. PUNCIIINO I1A(IH. FOOTI1ALI.S. TKNN1S IIALUS, TF.NNIS IIACKBTS. HASH HALL HATH, MASKS, HALLS, M1TT8 nnd (1LOVK8 TICNN1S NKTS AND FOLKS AN!) CItOQUET SETS Wostenholm's Packet Knives and Razors. Wide & Butchr Mm from 50c up. Indoor Games. HALMA. PAltCHESI, CHESS, INOES, Lin 11, AUTituna mm other Curd Uainos. Hand Sewing Machines $830 and $12:00, Sewing Jlachlne Needles for kinds of machines. NOVRI.S, NOVKLS, NOVRI.S Hy Every Steamer. IIAIIt IinUSIIEfl, SUA VINO HltUHIIES, COMHS, Etc."". . I'UKSES.'CAUI) CASES, AND POCKET BOOKS Children's PtcTonit Books, Dolls and Toys of all descriptions. Our builnenn f ettabllshett on a Oath IhikIh nlMOlutelii, connetmentlu tee mil uffordto at low rates. W. F. Prop. been demon st rated auctual practice, that the Increawnl extraction of julco Iiuh impvoretl the trwh as fuel ho as to fully mnke im for the additional use of tea in todrht it. THE CHUH1IKU U stronirlr Imilt. tho roller are made of aohd Bteel rings on the shafts. The pinfom are alt o( steel and the spurn heel is provided with segment rim. Its speed is about the same as the mill rollers, thereby giving comfort and safety In running. It is so constructed, that should iron arte.sucli aa bolts, car coupling links and nine, cane knives, etc., go through, It will not injure any of thu parts. The follow! n if nre testimonial! f n plantations where the crusher at present is at worn; fAbttr tttwittv We aave three nieu at the mnis. 3?ie trtuh U rery dry and alwa) up,il us with (leuty ot oteam without the use ot eiiue wuou ur cou rauniuiiy jimra, J. V. COIA'ILLK, Mauafer. Kekaita PiaNTATioif, March 22, ww. Messrs. Honolulu Iron Works Oo.. Kihsi We been working the Krajewskl urtisuer since ine ueginuing oi uciooer iw. iiiiitui iieisv suu nuuuieuiuii UL'si&ciorh' results from the start. Our daily work hat increaMHl from (ft) clarlners to clarl tiers (,'i(W gallon the same number of laborers as we.used before. HI nee we are using the Crusher tneeiiracuun lias intreaseii tHinHiuerauiy ami tha trush lenviiH the 2 roller mill drier than formerly and make eicfllont fuel, liy adding the Crustier we apprehended that our steam lug canaclty mlrfbt le Insurilcient. but we npd that the Crusher and the roller mill to-- uether consume less ikiw er than did the roll rr mill before atone. The vi tract Ion of the Crusher amounts 60 wr cent, of the Ju Ire md thu S roller mill receive steady and regular feed, thereby decreasing the risk of breaking the roller shafts. We can recommend Krejewskl Cane Crusher as valuable addition mill blca win tay mr iiaeuiuasuori time.7-- e remain, our truii, Vor Kekaha Bugar Co. w u1 in our sliojis and be pleased to show tuteresieu IRON WORKS CO., Hawaiian Islands. and King Streets. ZRAJEWSKI CANE CRUSHER We bog to draw the planters attention to this machino which wo claim tho following ad vantage.; the will irregular tint with 'lICA'l.IIfclOIVIiVX4 l Pepkrkbo March 8, 1WJ5, tncrcaett amount of vstrk Owing to MefMra Honolulu Iron Uo. Vkah tliellmltflilcuiuu'itvof our bolliinr vto Sikh ( the Crudlter since the totlrlvatheOruntivr slow, hut It of tho watuiii no wiry 15 to M per cent, wore work I run hi a nr Mtt-- with It nr Hit i caue toaU a oven ma to U mure uuiuucu more our iwrmit. the men on cane smooth ) Hulling ui even cano from cruahrr w before, I 43 r u 1 remain, Plantation. lfnnnlnlu the hrajewsKt ftd great on same J We making iu HONOLULU Agents NKUSIIKAIiKlt, surtiiu.eH nil you Sporting DOM- - all sell REYNOLDS, In b can a Dkah have w thl three t to a the a to a w shall for H. E. MclNTYRE $c BRO., IMPOKTKK3 AND OHAUtKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed Nsw Ooods raotlrol by iyery Tacsst (ram th. EasUrn BtatM and Kurop. rrssh California trod uo by .Tsry sUaowr, All orders faithfully attended t and food i dalircred to any part of th. city free ot charf. Island order, aollolUd. gatlsfadloo (uarutMl Takpbon, No. rial Offlo Box Ko, 14a, J)i. K. C. SUUMANN, 73 IIF.IICTANIA ST., OpKMlle Central Union Church. OrHCK IIOI'U i.m.,t to turn, t to s p. m. N. II. Tiirli) and l'r,u)a fmm tut l. in. uie irrsllnrnl lor limit I'l.UI'I.K I. irenr.l tor Ilia tnnllclna. J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTOItNKV AT LAW AND NOTAIIY I'UIIUC. Cartwrlght lllnck, Merrhant HU, Honolulu. G. JO. SMITHIES, Accoonlaol, Collector and Copyist, Olllce with (J. I). Chaw, Bare DcKit lliill.lln,-- . Telephnno ISt. flis roilKctlon tit novernmvnt bill. a siwlalr K M. NAKUINA, Coiniuissloner of Private Ways nml Water Rights. JVo 1 r 1 Publlo Agent to Crnnt MarrlnRo Lloensm, I). J. CASHMAN, Awnings a Specialty Foot of Kuunnu Street la California reed WnreliouM!, Mutual IVlejiliono f.2A. WILLIAM WAGKNEIt, CONTHACTOlt AND BUILDElt, Second Floor Honolulu riaulnirMlll, iort M. All Kinds of Jobblne Promptly At. tended to. CHAS. SEYDONE SCENE AND OliNAMENTAL PAINTER, HUIN WHITER PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR, No. 15 ilKTMEi, St. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Elocution aud Dra- - raatic Art, Arlington Hotel. B47 I'. O. Box 27. 1 siepnone MO. LEWIS & CO. IMFOltTKIW. Naval Supplies. Wholesalo and Retail ueaiera in uroceriee, t'rovlsions, etc. Ill FortUL, Honolulu, 11. 1. il-- M. PHILLIPS & CO. Wbolottale Imiiortera and Jobtwrs of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Comer Fort aud Queeu HU., Honolulu. 87tf II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMIOltTElLS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M. S. 0KINBAUM & CO. JJutllod. HONOI.UI.tJ h. r Uummlshion Merclianta ami ImpoitcTt or tleneral Mercliandlse. San KrancUro onlre, 21A Front HU E. VAND00HN & CO., No. 208 FORT ST., Ksplanadh Stop on your way to tho wharf and 1 w.fti.. yj. jivfc uii ,1.11 uuiii urillK, American Lirery and Boariinj statics Cor. Merchunt aud lEIrli&rd HtrtMts. Carriages, Surrovs and Hacks at alt uours. JAMES CAHTV, IVoprietor, Telephone No. 400. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER W0HKS COMPANY, ltd. Bsplanails, corns-- " Allen and Kort streets. HOLLISTER A CO.. Agent PACIFIC TRADING CO., BU0CK880113 TO "ITOIIAN." IMPORTURS AND DEALERS In Japanese Provisions and Dry Uootls, etc., etc. .... 201 nnd 200 Font St., Ho.noi.itlu, II. I, HONOLULU IRON WORKS. Bma Exaiau, Bvoab Mills,, Uoiiiui, IXWLIHS, 1HOV, 1IHARS AXD Hitl CaSTlIfOS. Machinery of Krery DWrlptlon Uads Order. I'artlrular attention paid to Khli Hlaoumltblng. Job work executed at Hhort J. T. I.UND, Ulcyoles ltepalmd. Qua and lxik Kmltli, 1 and 130 FOHT BTHEET, Opp. Club Btablea. Tel. 107. WHY PAY RENT. Wbeu you can apply tbe rent money to pur- chase a bouse ? We will sell you a bouse to be built to suit you by paying month ly installments. Call aud examine our plan aud satisfy yourself tbat our proposl tion is one which will be fully sat isfactory to you. HE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT AND I COMPANY, 408 Fort Stout, Uokoutlv. Boiled in Nature's Laljoratory. DRINK GEYSER WATER Pure, Refreshing, Healthful. BENSON, SMITH & CO., THE COMING WOMAN Will prolably carry lifonssurauro protect her liuslinml nml clilld-re- n when tho hreail wfnner is gone, and thus prevent the or, weak man from having to battle with tho cold, hard world. Kven today, many women need life assurance as much as men. Some women need it moro than men. A man dies and leaves his wife, who will probably bo able to provide for the children. A widow leaves no one to protect and care for the littlo ones. In the Equitable Life Assurance. Society women's policies are I. sued at the samo rate aa tliose for men. For particulars apply to Bruce Cartwright. Ion era Munngrr of tho Equitable Life Assurance Society OK THE UtflTKn Htatks. 4featsauH Many inlectio'u i i aiseases can De warded offbykcep-- 2 ing the body in a 4 healthy condition, s i i ana Deing properly clothed. The best underwear that can f Dc worn IS Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary .Clothing preventing chills and securing health and com- fort A Treatise on llenltli, Dineuae tlerius and Hanitft-tlo- n lijr Ur. Jaeger can bo sc:urtnl freo by calling at our Store. An elegant line of Turkish Towelling to go clfeap. A fine assortment of colors MclNERNY, HABERDASHER, Merchant and Fort Sts. CASTLE I COOKE MMITIU), Importers, Hardware and Genera Merchandise. U'c call especial nttnition this week to the follou iuj; Eureka Harness Oil Boston Coach Axle Oil. Mica Axle Grease. A150 Special Carriage Lamp Special Bicycle Oil. Castle & Cooke, Ltd; IMPORTERS, Hardware and General Merchandise. Metropolitan Meat Co. 81 KINO STREET, Wioles.ale & ffefaff Bulcfieis AVI) Navy Contractors. IoyWMSc. Bring mo your Soiled Gloves and 1 will make them New and Glean fur tho small sum of 25 cents. , Also to tnko Orders for Trousseaus and all kinds of Underwear AT VERY LOW PRICES. M POULAIN. Masonic Tkmpm:. WHAT? Haven't got a Bicycle Tag YET? What arc you thinking oU Want your wheel stolen GET ONE AT ONCE. H. F. WZGHMJIH, SELLS THEM, AND THEY ARE CHEAP Where did you get that suit f Why, at JOHNSTON STOREY'S.!!, 413 F0UT HT;'; There you get tbe latest New York fashions in Clotbtug and Gent's Var- nishing Remember JOHNSTON & STOREY? 413 I'ORT SW8KT,

Transcript of THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil...

Page 1: THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil con uttnlng 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proor and vermin









if I CheuvrontLtuuu-d- Mo.

fit m

In AgonyIB Years With Salt Rheum

Bfpariila Gave a PerfectCure

CI-ll- Co, H.u.l" Hood's Hariapaillla It an ucellr nt msdlclaa.

I had ecirtiia hi my Mt leg (or n,teeB ,,,,I'art o( tlie IIiihb my log mis biui cf scabs.under Hie skill nil Ili ct)i MuulJ Hough ufl.

The Itching and Burningstnsstlon mails ins suffer Indescribable agonies .

I spent a great deal ot money for different rem-- fdley but ll.l not gel relief. About a Tear ago.

leadline ihyslclana advl.ed me to take Hoods. um in auo. uavs laaeu UTS

Hood'ssvCuresuei. How all tlia sorn, scabs and aln harttardihed and I am enjoying rfect health. Ithink Hootl'a Hartaimrllla li second to none and(Mly recommend It 1.1 nil auflerlng lmmaaltr.''H. I.CimuvimxT, Uoiurd, tllnourl.

Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly andmcUntly.ouUie liter and boweli. lie.

Ilohron Hing CompanyWltolosalo Acfltits.

Glaus Spreckels & Co,

HONOLULU nil,Issue Sight anil Time Hills of

also Commercial mill Trnvelers'Letters of Credit on the principal partsof tie world.

Purchase approved Hills.Mitkc loans 011 nccciitublcsecurity.Receive deposits on open account aiid

allow interest on term deposits.Attend promptly to collections.A General miuklng ICiiaincss


POUNDBD 1NON.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

Ilavtinc been appointed agents of the aboreComitany we are now ready to effect Intar-hnct-

at the In went rales ot premium,H. W. 8CIIMIDT A SONS.

Bishop & Company,IIANKKKB,

Honolulu, Hawaiian Island.


Transact n general Banking and Kxclianft IJuftlneHs. Loans made on ap-proved security. Bills discounted.

credits k ran ted. Deposits re-

ceived on current account Bubjecl tocheck. Letters of credit issued on theprincipal cities of the world.

Agents of The L.Terpool and Londonand Globe Insurance Company.

Insurance Co. of Noilh America


Cash Capital : : $3,000,000.00

Assets, Jan. 1st, 1895, $9,562,599.92

Oldest Tire Insurance Company Inthe United Mates.

Policies Issued against Ions by fire onall claases of desirable property.

II. LOSE,Agent for the Hawaiian islands.

703-- 1 mo

Win. G. Irwin ft Co.,LIMITED,

Win. O. Irwin President and ManagerCluua Upreckels, . - Vico PresidentW. M. QitTurd, Secretary and TreaourerTlieo. C. Porter, ..... Auditor


CommlflBion. Agents,AOKSTS Or THK



C, BREWER & C0aiDQdccb St., HonolnlD, H. L,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., OnomeaBugar Oo,, Honomu Sugar Co., Wal-luk- u

Hugar Co., Wnlhee Sugar Co.,Uakce Sugar Co., Haleakala Kar.chCo., Kapapala Itauch.

Planters' Line San Francisco Packtta.Chaa. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

Packets.'Agents Doaton Hoard of Underwriters-Agent- s

Philadelphia Hoard of Under,writers.

List or Orncsits ;

P. a Jokis lWucntOeo. H." llosiaTSOic ManagerE. V. Bishop Treaa. and Saer.Cou W. F. Allih AuditorO. U. Coon jH. WATiauouas.. DlractorsA. W, Oartis,.,. j

27- -i r

Castle & Cooke,- - Ltd


Insnrance Agents.

aoit o


Life Insurance Co.Or BOBTBN.




or BARiroao, conn

t'AIK or IIMIIIXAIIII.A t'rr.aitrnl TnnrtiM t Msr Kirn-lu-

flillarr,Hiiitok Stak: Your "ilcy"

contemporary tlic , Wr7 goeswllJ If called "roy1lt." This ofcourse Is because tliat hurts If mlvcrtlsing tialrciiHgc. Hut everylittle while that tiaticr loti overand gives Itself away. On Tuesday After the Cnstle sailed willyoung Greig, It got oft" this preciousmorsel "If the demonstration ofthe Honolulu people Is any waysignificant, the present Governmem ls rotten. Men and womenbelonging to the highest classesraced to be the first to surroundand adorn young Orclg with lcis."

Now the only possible meaningof the above sentences h that therewua su iem a puunc uemousira- -

ttou ot sympathy for wreic, as toprove an overwhelming force ofpuonc senitmctit in lavor ol mon-archy whose hero Grelc was, nndagainst the Govcriimciit of theRepublic, which was exiling hiniiand that thereby said Governmentwas proved to be rotten; that is, ithas become incapable of withstand-ing this overwhelming royalistsentiment, and is certain to godown before it. No other construe--Jtion can reasonably be put upon '

that language of the JiidtftuJeiit.And yet that paper is howling

out vituperation against every!friend of the Government who isnot willing instantly, withoutfurther debate to turn loose uponthe city a large company of its mostactive enemies, who may be pre-sumed to feel the same confidencewhich that paper professes, of theutter weakness of that Government,and who would therefore be likelyat once to give the push whichwould overturn it from its "rotten"basis.

The writer did not see that Greigcrowd, but iioes not believe theGovernmentiis"weak. nor that thepolitical prisoners if released arevery likely to engage .in furtherattempts. But so long as theirprincipal newspaper representative.betrays the disposition and hopeswhich it does, ordinary prudencemay suggest to the Government tobe somewhat careful in setting themall suddenly at large. However,one must not, make too much of thecrary frothings of that paper.


Clakkk At Fabiola Hospital,San Francisco, Aug 19, KllieAcherson Clarke, wife of Lieut-enant C. A. Clarke, U. S. N.Deceased was well known and

held in higli esteem in Honolulu.Mrs. Clarke came here when herhusband was on the Iroquois. Shewas the guest and close friend ofMrs. W. W. Hall. The latter re-

ceived news of the death.


A loan from a private Individualplaces you under obllgatiuna which inmany casee prove burdensome nnil

A loan from the Pioneerllulldiiig & Loan Association is u busi-ness matter pure nnd simple. Easyteruia, and easy payments.

(8:30 ln:30n. 111.Olllce Hours: 4 to 5 p. 111.


. A. V. GEAR,Secretary.

'Always have on hand a strictlyfirst class slock cf



which we sell at low-ea-t possibleprices.

We solicit your trade.

A. L. MORRIS & CO.,Telephone A. ft FQRT ST,

Why.Do You Pay

20 to 40 per cent.moro for'your Groceries when you cansave that much by finying cash utVOEU.KH Co.'s 7 Everything fresh nndnntlmiK but standard brands kept.

Oocxii Delivered.


Waiusq Block. Tel. C80.

JOHN PHILLIPSlias removed his PlumbingEstablishment to ...... .

HOTEL to Horn's Bakery,

where he wilt be pleased toBee his old patrons and thepublic generally.

68ft-- tf '

For Rent.The premise on Judd Street, beyond

Uliha, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller. House of four I looms and Kitchen; Stable and 2j acres of land moreprleaa.

For Sale.Ona All Urass Double Acting Torco

rump, 8 inch auction and diacluirgewith 260 feet i Inch Hose.

At a bargain one Eogllah dog cai-- t

Imported.OoereTolving baker, oven.

Apply toJ. EMMKLUTH,

1(23 tf. No. t Nuuann atreet.

THIS PIPER UWrLtiIieucr, U and n Merchant's Eicliange. BanWancUoo. Cat., wticr. contracts for adrsr-tlala- g

caa ti. mad. for It


nair visorRESTORES



Abundant Growthor tiii

HAIR.t curei Itching hu.

mori. and kntn theealp eool, mem,

healihr. and tree fromuanurun.

A lidrwrites ti"I raticompelledto atate,lor thebenefit otothers.

that sit jears spo I lost nearly halt of njhair, and viliat was left turned grsr. Aftermlng Atcr'sjlslr VIor several months,in; Mr Wean to grow again, and with thenatural color restored."

Aycr's Hair Vigornr.rA)tr.D nr

DR. j. C. AVER & CO., LOWEU, MASS., U ,S. A.

CT lirwtra or rhrap Imtlttlons, Tha nt.mArr- - U trnit ml

bluwu tit Hie itlaii ot eicb ot our twines!



Having resumed business and takenadvantage of the past two weeks torenovate our studio wn are lietter pre-pared than ever to till orders for viewBof ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringevents of the late troubles. Portraitsof llio lending characters a specialty.

Our Mrtrnit department is open forengagements, nnd our work, aa in thopast will bo up to all of the modern advnncements in our line.

This space



for the

Hawaiian Wine Company.


Tbe clcaneKt, brightest tafettt ami really.In the Ioiir run, the cbeapett and lieat lightfor in the family rebidtMice, U the

electrlo light. Kafe; oothinp: couldle safer. A few (lays ago a prominent gen-tleman of Honolulu came rutthing down tothe olllce of the Electric Company and said:"(Jive me (Inures for wiring my house, aud Iwant It done at once; no more lamps for me.Last night a lump tipped over and It cameso nonr itettiug fire to the house antl.buri.itigmy children and I take no more risks."

ThU is the oenttment of quite a number Inthe at few weeks, who have ordered theirhouses fitted with the jorfect light.

Just think It over and make up your mindthat you want the ttest and safetfl light; send'for the Hawaiian Electric Corapauy anil tellthem what you want.

We have a complete stock of everything Inthis line and have just received a lot of thevery latest designs lu chandeliers.


A new consignment of the famousFALCON KOADSTEItS just arrived.Also a 17 lb. Truck llacer.the only trackwheel made with large ball bearingsand large sprockets. These machinesnre manufactured by the Yost Manufacturing Company of Toledo. Ohio,who give n guarantee forono year withevery machine sold,

lor terms etc. apply to



Paints & CoipnnflsBqoling,File Covering andBuilding Papers,

Foil Bale by

WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.

Sole Auents for the Hawaiian Inland,

Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4

ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil conuttnlng 1000 square feet. They arewater proof, acid and alkali proor andvermin proof. A house lined with build-V-

P&I'r is far cooler than one that Isnot. There is also a cheaper grade ofaper adapted lor use under mailing,eeplng out Insects.

UOHOUXIT, July 20th, 1803.

Messrs. W. O. Ikwin & Co., Ltd.Oentlemes: In reply to your In

qulry aa to how the Ideal Roof Paint

you sold me lasted; I would say that I

painted the root of my house 12 months

ago wltn your lieu ineai 11001 rami,and I find It la aa fresh and bright In ap

pearance today as when first applied;looking aa well aa other lately painted

with other paints. I am more than

satisfied.J, U. ROTH WELL.'

Have you a leaky gutter? If ychave, make it perfectly clean and Urapply a good coat of No. 3.1', and I

Paint over the leak? apoUs then takeultra of atout Manila naner. or a niecenf rnnunou cotton cloth. Dalnt it "ell onboth aides; lay It over the first coat, giv-

ing the whole a final coat, and, therewill be no more leak there, Or If tbewhole gutter U bad, make It clean anddry, and. apply a paste of P. ft B, Paintand rortiana vemeni.



M.rtl.j. ef lie., H, M,iKamaliaa Ctitnmlna:,,

One of the events In society cir-cles this season was the marriageo Geo. II. 1'alrchlld to Miss Kamakee Cummlugs yeslerday ever-In- g,

at the residence of H A.Wldemann, Tlie ceremony waspTformed by Rev. Alex. Mnekl.tosli in the presence of a number ofinviteu irientls. The bridesmaidswere the Misses Gertie Widemauuand Helen Parker and the groomsI). Kawanatiakoa and ChristianConradt.

The drawing room where theceremony was performed resembledfairy-lau- so profuse were thedecorations of flowers of all de-

scriptions. White gingers werepredominant. 111c room was aperfect bower of ferns and flowers,Alter the knot bad bcctt tied andcongratulations had been extended,aanctng was indulged in, the new

couple taking part. TheKawaihau Quintette club was Inattendance and played for the danc-ing. It is estimated that over twohundred people were present at thewedding ceremony. Dancinc wassuspended about midnight. Mr.and Mrs. I'airchild will leave fortheir future home on the GardenIsle the early part of next week.

It Was All Illlfit,Wife This suit of Tours looks a llltlo

ahabbj, mv dear.Husband Yea; I haven't paid the Ullor

forltyet.Wife Don't let that worry you. I or-

dered another suit from him myself thismorning. Clothier and Furnisher.

Had Komettilna- - littler.Admlrlnu Acquaintance Did vnn brina

all these photographs from Europe!iieiurneu lounsl les."Why. there are hundreds of them. Did

you have a camera!"in I had a letter of credit." Chtcam


BEATER, SALOON.Fort Street. Opposite Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTI3, Trop'r.s Lunches served with Tea, Coffe?

noiia ware, utngcr Ale or Ainu.' Rmflreea' Renntaltea a Soerlsltv


Ah Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArraDgementi can here be made for nerving

JUCTtlB w ruiiiiiicB iivijik Willi JOreoMonable dlntauce.


No. 48 Nuuann Avenue.

Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Style, upto Ditto. Prices that will siitirf

you. Olve me a trial"strivo to please.

Mtiicfcrni Tutttt. JXaoYmflla.OTfltiiirl. .tOtirMiH1

No. 48 NUUANU AVE.I'. O. Ilnsj

Wood For Sale.

jack: klee,KING STREET.

Wareliouse of Califoroia Feed Co.

Cut and Split for $12 perCord.

Telephone So. 103.


Beretania and Punchbowl,

OIU ARMORY.Hay, drain,Flour, Potatoes Bed Rock

and .... Price.

General Mdso.


Coffee and Fruit Planters!


Stocks of necessary Tools and

Implements, etc., etc., on hand

at their



Like Our


GOODS ?Pecause they are carefullyselected, of Dest Quality, andthe price are what takemostly You do not care topay a high price when we sell

the same thing much lower.We have all sorts of Goods

such as Bilk press Goods,

Crepee, Hosiery, Shades,Fancy Screens, porcelain andLacquer Ware, Toys, Watches,Fancy Articles of all kinds.

S. 4)ZAKI,313 Kino Strkt. Cor. Smith,


Foodremoves wrinkka nnd all trneeof ago. It fewlri tlirougli thoport's and IuiIIiIh up tho fattylneinliraiies and wasted tissues,nourishes the shrivelled amishrunken skin, tones mid in-

vigorates tho nerves and muscles, enriches tho impoverish-ed hlood-vessel- s, nnil Miimliesyouth and elasticity to thoaction of the skin. It s perfect.

.tales !kin rood, price fi.vt and .Itomit Morn. MMK. M VAI.K, Ucdith andllenuty 146loui v.uiuciree ai

THE HODRON DRUG CO..Sole A (rent 1.


A Good Fertilizer.To Suit the TimesAt :lO per ton of 2000 ll.Anal zed asjollows t

10 nor cent, l'liosnliorlo Acid. Msoluble and mailable

0 per cent. 1'olash (actual.)3 per cent. Ammonia.10 per cent. Lime (Carlionate).





Double Super Phosphate,40 per cent, to 43 per cent, solublein water, In quantities to suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Orderby



THK CUUSIIKIt will cut cauotransversely in pieces about U incheslong and extract about &0 jer cent, ofthe juice andkleliver the crushed cane ina uniform layer to tho 3 roller mill,thereby causing a perfect feed and

extraction of juice,THE CKUSIIER leave the "akin"

on the cane, thereby giving the juice ubetter chance to be ex lulled than tf thocane was ripped open subjecting thepulp to the hard packing on the returnerbar of the 3 roller mill.

THE CH US 1 1 EH will save labor inhandling of the cane, as andistribution of cane on the carrier willnot materially effect the regular andeven feed to the 3 roller mill,

THE CHUSIlElt will not require ad-ditional steam or boiler jowert as it has

dtiUuWorks houtw

Walitwe uihkI hateami he had could do

isrt..lvH ultlill.eruclDe.

ue uru trior is extracung w lwrcent. 10 mi,cent, ot the Juice Inside cullnic theKrIlecea Ave Inches loua and ulvlntc

IKTitut, anu sieauy iveti iu turveroller mill. We are louiii 191 iwr cent.

wori iwraay ami coma uboiling house capacity would Wo

are saving labor ot tlx thecarrier etery day.

Kterythlt'g about the Crusher worksanil easy, and the amount of team

consumed is trifling, aa on may Ju'Ikv. for weare running two eugtnea for the three millsand have steam to spare for tlie Houseirom one iooi ouiir. course wun tins

fevdof crushwl thear Hnathled to trlusa dnwn nur mill much

more thnimur aud from eitwrltnentaof drying the rash, there wits only 40 to perrent, vt moisture left In it

Our run criuding ordinar)ly is from no

lowest, vs iiiguesi, ouu gauuu cianuers infourteen uours.

)ours respectru 'c)yManager Pepeekeo Hugar Co.

PAH Mavrrh 30. 1HUS.

Iron VVorkinn -l- lBNTi.KitcN'find crusher-a- d van tageoui inthe nndtsrnoted Items:

Steady ami tvtn of the thru rAUr tnOUthuscauslnga deal less strain themill aud at the time giving us from 5 toft per cent, belter extraction of Juice.

are at present a Crusherami explain construction to any party


East Corner Fort

llODKSKI-liKll- .



IbbbbbbbbbbbshbIbbpi JihJSbhbH1h LbSbHb?Sbvbbhbp9


ciitio.NirrH, iianjos.Musical Instrument .Supplies,Munltf onlenl liy every steamer.TnmlioiiriiiM .Wo to .).OU.


KycRlnHSPS anil SpectaclesCarefully fittctl to allsiRltts nnd frames com-

fortably adjusted ....Domestic

Sewing Machines.Dommtlc Kewlnir Machlnea. Thism.trlilnn nthera In rxcellruce of lluiah nnd durability: onit can miike lock Ktitch, (JininHtitrh, Kmlirciidcr, Item, lucu,Itullte, nnd iimko llutton IloIn.

REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS(init Tyimcriler tiupiiliet

By Australia arrives n larpo nndiompieie diock ui



Wostenholm's Packet Knives and Razors.

Wide & Butchr Mm from 50c up.


INOES, Lin 11, AUTituna mmother Curd Uainos.

Hand Sewing Machines $830 and$12:00,

Sewing Jlachlne Needlesfor kinds of machines.




Children's PtcTonit Books, Dollsand Toys of all descriptions.

Our builnenn f ettabllshett on aOath IhikIh nlMOlutelii, connetmentlutee mil uffordto at low rates.

W. F. Prop.

been demon st rated auctual practice,that the Increawnl extraction of julcoIiuh impvoretl the trwh as fuel ho as tofully mnke im for the additional use oftea in todrht it.THE CHUH1IKU U stronirlr Imilt.

tho roller are made of aohd Bteel ringson the shafts. The pinfom are alt o(steel and the spurn heel is provided withsegment rim. Its speed is about thesame as the mill rollers, thereby givingcomfort and safety In running. It is soconstructed, that should iron arte.sucliaa bolts, car coupling links and nine,cane knives, etc., go through, It will notinjure any of thu parts.

The follow! n if nre testimonial! fnplantations where the crusher at presentis at worn;

fAbttr tttwittv We aave three nieu at themnis.

3?ie trtuh U rery dry and alwa) up,ilus with (leuty ot oteam without the use oteiiue wuou ur cou rauniuiiy jimra,

J. V. COIA'ILLK, Mauafer.

Kekaita PiaNTATioif, March 22, ww.Messrs. Honolulu Iron Works Oo..

Kihsi We been working the Krajewsklurtisuer since ine ueginuing oi uciooer iw.

iiiiitui iieisv suu nuuuieuiuii UL'si&ciorh'results from the start. Our daily work hatincreaMHl from (ft) clarlners to clarl tiers (,'i(W

gallon the same number of laborers aswe.used before. HI nee we are using the Crushertneeiiracuun lias intreaseii tHinHiuerauiy amitha trush lenviiH the 2 roller mill drier thanformerly and make eicfllont fuel, liy addingthe Crustier we apprehended that our steamlug canaclty mlrfbt le Insurilcient. but we npdthat the Crusher and the roller mill to--uether consume less ikiw er than did the rollrr mill before atone. The vi tract Ion of theCrusher amounts 60 wr cent, of the Ju Iremd thu S roller mill receive steady andregular feed, thereby decreasing the risk ofbreaking the roller shafts.

We can recommend Krejewskl CaneCrusher as valuable addition mill blcawin tay mr iiaeuiuasuori time.7-- e remain,

our truii,Vor Kekaha Bugar Co.

w u1in our sliojis and be pleased to show


IRON WORKS CO.,Hawaiian Islands.

and King Streets.


We bog to draw the planters attention to this machino which wo claimtho following ad vantage.;






'lICA'l.IIfclOIVIiVX4 lPepkrkbo March 8, 1WJ5, tncrcaett amount of vstrk Owing to

MefMra Honolulu Iron Uo. Vkah tliellmltflilcuiuu'itvof our bolliinr vtoSikh ( the Crudlter since the totlrlvatheOruntivr slow, hut It

of tho watuiii no wiry 15 to M per cent, wore workI run hi a nr Mtt-- with It nr Hit


toaU aoven ma

to Umure uuiuucu moreour iwrmit.

the men on cane


Hullinguieven cano from cruahrr


I 43


1 remain,


the hrajewsKt

ftdgreat onsame


We makingiu



surtiiu.eH nil



DOM- -






can a






thea to a w




Groceries, Provisions and Feed

Nsw Ooods raotlrol by iyery Tacsst (ram th. EasUrn BtatM and Kurop.rrssh California troduo by .Tsry sUaowr, All orders faithfully attended tand food i dalircred to any part of th. city free ot charf.

Island order, aollolUd. gatlsfadloo (uarutMl Takpbon, No.

rial Offlo Box Ko, 14a,


OpKMlle Central Union Church.OrHCK IIOI'U i.m.,t to turn,

t to s p. m.N. II. Tiirli) and l'r,u)a fmm tut

l. in. uie irrsllnrnl lor limit I'l.UI'I.K I.irenr.l tor Ilia tnnllclna.



Cartwrlght lllnck, Merrhant HU, Honolulu.

G. JO. SMITHIES,Accoonlaol, Collector and Copyist,

Olllce with (J. I). Chaw,Bare DcKit lliill.lln,-- .

Telephnno ISt.flis roilKctlon tit novernmvnt bill. a siwlalr

K M. NAKUINA,Coiniuissloner of Private Ways nml

Water Rights.JVo 1 r 1 Publlo

Agent to Crnnt MarrlnRo Lloensm,


Awnings a Specialty

Foot of Kuunnu Street la Californiareed WnreliouM!,

Mutual IVlejiliono f.2A.


Second Floor HonoluluriaulnirMlll, iort M.

All Kinds of Jobblne Promptly At.tended to.



C. J. WHITNEY,Teacher of Elocution aud Dra- -

raatic Art,Arlington Hotel. B47

I'. O. Box 27. 1 siepnone MO.


Naval Supplies. Wholesalo and Retailueaiera in uroceriee, t'rovlsions, etc.

Ill FortUL, Honolulu, 11.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.Wbolottale Imiiortera and Jobtwrs of


Comer Fort aud Queeu HU., Honolulu.87tf




Fort Street, Honolulu.

M. S. 0KINBAUM & CO.JJutllod.

HONOI.UI.tJ h. rUummlshion Merclianta ami ImpoitcTt

or tleneral Mercliandlse.San KrancUro onlre, 21A Front HU

E. VAND00HN & CO.,No. 208 FORT ST., Ksplanadh

Stop on your way to tho wharf and1 w.fti.. yj. jivfc uii ,1.11 uuiii urillK,

American Lirery and Boariinj staticsCor. Merchunt aud lEIrli&rd HtrtMts.

Carriages, Surrovs and Hacks at altuours.

JAMES CAHTV, IVoprietor,Telephone No. 400.



Bsplanails, corns-- " Allen and Kort streets.



IMPORTURS AND DEALERSIn Japanese Provisions andDry Uootls, etc., etc. ....

201 nnd 200 Font St., Ho.noi.itlu, II. I,


Bma Exaiau, Bvoab Mills,, Uoiiiui,IXWLIHS, 1HOV, 1IHARS AXD Hitl


Machinery of Krery DWrlptlon UadsOrder. I'artlrular attention paid to KhliHlaoumltblng. Job work executed at Hhort

J. T. I.UND,

Ulcyoles ltepalmd. Qua and lxik Kmltli,1 and 130 FOHT BTHEET,

Opp. Club Btablea. Tel. 107.


RENT.Wbeu you can applytbe rent money to pur-

chase a bouse ?

We will sell you a bouse to bebuilt to suit you by paying monthly installments.

Call aud examine our plan audsatisfy yourself tbat our proposltion is one which will be fully satisfactory to you.



408 Fort Stout, Uokoutlv.









Will prolably carry lifonssurauroprotect her liuslinml nml clilld-re- n

when tho hreail wfnner isgone, and thus prevent the or,weak man from having to battlewith tho cold, hard world.

Kven today, many womenneed life assurance as much asmen. Some women need it morothan men. A man dies and leaveshis wife, who will probably boable to provide for the children.A widow leaves no one to protectand care for the littlo ones. Inthe Equitable Life Assurance.Society women's policies are I.sued at the samo rate aa tliose formen.

For particulars apply to

Bruce Cartwright.Ion era Munngrr of tho

Equitable Life Assurance Society

OK THE UtflTKn Htatks.


Many inlectio'ui iaiseases can De

warded offbykcep-- 2

ing the body in a4 healthy condition,s i iana Deing properly

clothed. The bestunderwear that canfDc worn IS





preventing chillsand securinghealth and com-fort

A Treatise on llenltli,Dineuae tlerius and Hanitft-tlo- n

lijr Ur. Jaeger can bosc:urtnl freo by calling atour Store.

An elegant line of


to go clfeap. Afine assortment ofcolors


Merchant and Fort Sts.



U'c call especial nttnition thisweek to the follou iuj;


Boston Coach Axle Oil.




Special Carriage Lamp

Special Bicycle Oil.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd;

IMPORTERS,Hardware and General Merchandise.

Metropolitan Meat Co.81 KINO STREET,

Wioles.ale & ffefaff Bulcfieis


Navy Contractors.

IoyWMSc.Bring mo your Soiled Glovesand 1 will make them

New and Gleanfur tho small sum of 25 cents. ,

Also to tnko

Orders for Trousseaus

and allkinds of Underwear


M POULAIN.Masonic Tkmpm:.

WHAT?Haven't got aBicycle Tag

YET?What arc you thinking oUWant your wheel stolen





Where did you get that suit fWhy, at


STOREY'S.!!,413 F0UT HT;';

There you get tbe latestNew York fashions inClotbtug and Gent's Var-




413 I'ORT SW8KT,

Page 2: THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil con uttnlng 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proor and vermin

Thk Hawaiian Star.





arjmrwrcioi bathlVr Yr In Adtsiiw, -

Vtt Month In Adrswe, -

Foreign, )r Year In Adtance,


iUMtntlKlNO uibi


llstea for transmit and retruhjr i.hertljnnran l olitalnM t the yut.llcaUonTo pi

ntuuromrt Insertion nillm deliverd a iuo ,....,. .1

Olllre l'(ore 10 A.


In HcgUAnou the 1. G.

no use political prisoners.


new has


Diaz is to be asked to stand for

a fourth term as president of Mex

ico. ..

In summing up tbe situation In

Cuba the New York bun sees ouiy

sdefent for Spain.

Tint tueu who are bandiug the

s s St. T.ouis trained her before

they took a shy at the record.

This Stak has private advices

that there U no likelihood of the

formation of a successful Ameiicanprint paper trust.

NapoLUOn chapters today arc on

the bovhood of the Little Corporal,AU this matter has been prepared

rlv fohn Clark Rid- -w J -



ThkkK are long accounts of the

festivities in Germany In com-

memoration of the victories in theFranco-Prussia- n war. The nameof our Herr Merger is not mention-e- d

in these cables, but he is there.

Suvbr Democrats now talk of

rvilnnil William R. Morrison of

Illinois, for the presidential race,

This gentleman is otherwise knownas "Horizontal Bill" and gainedfame some vears ago as a tarifftinker in the House at Washington.

A dispatch from Washingtontells that W. T. Lyon, presidentialpostmaster at Selina, Cal., has been

removed because he recently published in his paper, the Irrigator, anarticle reflecting on President Cleve

land. Lyon was a Democrat, ap- -

pointed a year ago.

- San Francisco is to have itsfirst really first class building, its

, first city structure. This will be a

fifteen story block at Market andThird and the Call will be amongthe other tenants. Claus Sprocket'smoney and enterprise enable SanFrancisco to make this great stride.

Matt Quay carried the day inPennsylvania. Calvin S. Brice isthreatened with a "turning down"in Ohio. In the latter state theDemocrats have named for Governor Mr. Campbell, once in the chairand then defeated by McKinley,

Mr. Campbell is for the annexationof Hawaii and farer's Wttkly

calls him a jiugo.

What does this, from a lateSan Francisco Bulletin, mean, any-

how: "It is now arranged that atthe December session of Congress aresolution annexing Hawaii willbe presented. Congressman Hil-bor- n

of this State is one of theleaders in the movement. UnlessCleveland has changed his mind in

respect to Hawaii, the resolution ifit passes both Houses will encounter a veto."

For the first time in many

months the word "royalist in a

renroachful sense is used in thispaper. It occurs in correspond'ence published on the first page.Tub Star has not thought itnecessary to talk politics in thisway. We do not think there is

stronir provocation for it now. Tbecorrespondent is given his sayprincipally because he seems, tohonestly believe that the Indtf indent is at times indiscreet.

In Fkanck the people are up in

arms aeainst a Paris World's Fairfor 1000. Statistics show that form

er exhihitions have caused muchdamage to trade in the provinces;that even if it does briuR moneyinto Paris it will also bring in a lotof unemployed people, and willpermanently raise the cost of living,

Paris is itself a great and penna'nent exhibition and French indus-

try has no interest iu offering hospitality to foreign competitors ather own cost. Preparation for agreat exhibition must have more or

less influence on home and loreignpolitics. A nation that devotesfive years to the organization of i

gigantic fair has its hands tiedUnder the present financial circutnstances the exhibition will cripplefuture budgets.

TllK Nicaragua canal is suddenlycommanding much attention in

Great Britain. Tbe St. James7jr7 publishes a "scare" item,

"asking how Great Britain standswith the United States Govern-Anien- t

in the matter of the Nicaragua canal. It says it will be wellif the Right Hon. George N. Cur-zo-

under secretary of state forforeign affairs, is asked to givesome explanation on the subject inhe House of Commons. ''As

far as can he seen, we areheadiug straight for a crisis, and

ttliere will te eiiuer a diplomatic'deadlock between tbe two countries

jor the English will surrender im- -

f'inorfnnt treaty rights."

,)THUT Atae, 11.00 per year ,

Augiitt i6,

It inn wonilor Unit so far nogreat essayist litis produced nnoverlasting dissertation on themonotony ol iniiti. J low unioneasier it is to say the samething over mid over again orto ring changes deceiving your-self only, than it is to coino outwith something original. Apinitliv continued residenco inHawaii will reduce the vocabulary as it hunts the range ofcomment. J. his may bo niter- -

ed considerably when we havei cable and get mail more

How isolated worem IV are. mere was onestretch this year of twenty-tw- o

or twenty-thre- o days withouta single word from thu outsideworld. It is a marvel thecommunity does not quarrelduring thoso fosts. But toreturn to and give an instanceof the monotony ot man as anindividual. At Jaso Kobles,California, where the principalvan! work ot Uio householderis reniovinn acorns from thelawn and walks, they havsulphur and mud springs ogreat medicinal powers. Justlike some follows otice described the volcano as lookmc hkehell, a one-lung- er at Pasoltobles, in an inspired moment, remarked as he sat in amud bath that ho was uncertain as to whether he had aftertho cxnerience. more or lessresnect for a lion. About 97 ofevery iuu persons who visncuthe place sinco that time haverepeated tins and halt ot tlicmat least have thought theywere snrininnu something realclever. Around Paso ltoblesarc tho greatest prune orchardsof tho world.'tho best soils forspuds and same of the bestwheat fields.


Many improvements areconstantly being made to bringthe bicycle as near portoctionas possible. One part has apparently been overlooked,in thegeneral improvement, und thatis the shape ot tho sprocketwheels. It is, nevertheless, afuct, that in nine-tenth- s of thebicycles made today, the toothon the rear sprocket are madewithout correct mechanicalshape; in fact, are mere projections to keep the chain fromslipping nround the sprocketwitliout turning tho wheel.Some are made in the shapeof a V, and are so pointed thatthey form a regular inclinedplane, on which the chain

whenever nny power isapplied

the object of the Cycloidalbprockot as usual on the Inbuno is to remove this uselessfriction and cause tho chain todrive as as the runniiiKof ball bearings. There is nonecessity for friction in thorunning ot a chain; all that isnecessary to prevent it, aretour conditions: 1st. lhattho tooth shall be curved properly to enter tho chain withoutcontact. 2d. Uiat the chainshall pull exactly at a rightangle, with its bearing surfaceagainst the tooth. 3d. Thatthe chain block shall not shittor change its position whilepassing around the sprocket.4th. That the tooth shallleave the chain without tholeast resistance. In order toestablish these conditions ithas been found, after muchconsideration and practice, thatit is necessary to form thoteeth with what is known as acycloidal curve, which in moclianics, is the curve by fixed

say on the periphery ola circle, when roueu aioiiL;





plane surface. Tho advantageot the cycloidal tooth is mostanparaut when the rider isclimbing a hill or forcing hiswheel rapidly on an up gradeor aiminst the wind. This iswhere the ordinary tooth"rinds and makes tho riderwork at least 15 per cent.harder than there is any necessity, ihere is no additionalfriction with the Tribune Cycloidal Sprocket, no matterhow ereat the power applied,the chain simply pulls directand squarely on the face ot theteeth and the nower is freelvimparted to tho wheel.' Itmakes racing wheel run somuch easier than many of thecrack riders are using theTribune here.

Gate City. Filters can not boimproved upon and aro as nearperfect cs a filter can bo. Wohave a few loft, wo sold quitea number last baturday.



J07 Fort street.



Saturday and SundayTrain will lenvu Honolulu nl 9tlS a.

m. mm 1:13 p in. Returning will nrrive In Honolulu nt 3:11 p. In. nml 5:Mp. in.

ROUND TniP TICKETS!Itt Class St.703d Class

C. SMITH.Uen'l. Van, ami Ticket Agent

OPENERfjults sold oneasy Infdilimcntf.

Suits lo order 112 00 I'snta to order.. it oo "

is m " '30 uii fur to i "Xi Si Ol

full Iri., KIc- - ,.nt loonier to 00 -


Tlteu Quoth are all AVtr.

We Guwantee IVrfwt Fit in EveryCure.

Wedeiros Co.,MurolKiitt 'i'iiIIci'h,

B. DFCKfcH, Manic",Arlington Hlock, IIotf.i. Ktkki.tOpiioefte King llron.

JJ s)

$ Disinfectants:Whenever a com- -

munity in threatenedwith nn epidemic theliberal ue of diMii- -

fectnntri is advisable.There are portions

of this city whore tin- -

liberal use of powerfuldisinfectants wouldhe beneficial to thepublic health. I lull- -

vidnals rdinuld inter- -

est themselves in thematter ami keep theirown pieihises freefrom anythiii'' likely

produce con taion.

tCirMe of Line!is one the mostefficient of known

Its simpleand clean use, and

not very costly.Vo have other disin-

fectants which wewill bo pleased tellyou about you call.

(3 00










Birds and flowers the

raising and caring lor these aretivo of the most pleasant pas

times. The care of birds is

what we wish to speak aboutA bird in prison is not likeone at liberty, and you oughtto make its home as pleasantas you can. We have the

homes all sorts for all kindsof birds. We have almost everyconceivable style, and you can

pay for your cage all the way

from 75c, to f8.oo.Jlipillllli'il, til al) It'll,

Ilruaa 'JU "I'iirroi 0 'Ilrceillnif 'J

Make your bird happy and hewill sing for you all day Jong

(if he is that kind of bird)

E. 0. HALL & SON.

Try the

" tar" Electric tyorh

fine rrinting,

i Ul




Mitiium mm is a notion.Dunn l'r.trt i tu . c.HM.rMI

rnilll. I.

Vailhio, Aug. 17. It tookTom Sharkey just fiflyeighlseconds to polish off Dunn iu theprirc-figh- t tonight. large crowd '

,t toon lwai rMnaxattended the battle and was greatly tln l'.xn-mlr- lluil.line, will I solddis)poiutcd over tbe one-side- d at IhiWk Aumlon Hip InwvM the folcontent loo I Oavrniiueiil lKa slluste on

1 lie light created terrific excite-- 1 Esplanade, Honolulu. Oalm.nicui in marine circles, suarkcy isa sailor on the Philadelphia, whileDunn belongs to the Olvmnia. andconsiderable feelinc was evincedover the meeting of the men. andmany a hard-earne- d dollar changedhands over the result.

At the call of time Sharkeybounded at Dunn and pummeledhim at Rweet will. Dunn was un--

able to make any kind of resistanceand buarkcy hammered him allover the ring for fifty-si- seconds,wueu lie was trivcn his quietus.The Olympia sailors were thunder-struck over the shoivine made byDunn and voted him a dub of thefirst water.

flrrtuaa OlrbrtloB.UitKLiN, August 19. The Vete

rans Association of Berlin assembled on the Templebo6r field today

the number of about 40,000. thisbeing the big memorial celebrationof the victories ol the Germans overthe I'reuch in 1870. The veteranswere received by the Emperor onthe field, which was profusely dec-orated with flags and banner.

t. College.

The managers of SL Louishave decided refrain from

opening their institution until theGovernment schools are opened.This is on account of the cholerascare. St. Louis College has always heretofore started the fallterm the first Monday in

Hill Do.

Chicago, August 19. I'ranlc K.Vogel of Kelson Morris & Co.says that if any man wants toknown whether horse meat willtake the place of beef for food lethim try horse steak. He says thathe does not how and aaui fc4 torthe horse may have been, howhungry the man may be, or hownicely the Meak may be cooked,tbe difference between horse meatand beef will at once be discovered.

I'filer ! tivue.

San I'kakcico, August 11. i

Frank M. I'ixley, orator, editorand widely known politician for

Titm;iiLi". ciiiiatoou






' -I"'13,



a- -




than generation, San' MI'rauciscos prominent citirens, "".."'' ...died his residence Fil.more TJZ Z

otlock last night, .w. .LooMfxraW111 r. iik ti'ii. VrumMHut Kloel.-- CpUWbUTer

tkr(N.IJmcry today lt

ICdiWn United Phono-- ;

graph Company (iijimclioii j.UIinK. Oostr.nuiiig from if1- - rw rnj um,

kinetophoiicK JJurw. IuM"flidikon Phonozraph ""'"f."'. ("

Company claimed the! ...ZTJT.Kole by contiact all phono- -

vAuigraphs abroad, Thomas AjuwiuuiA. IWison was violating his

with company iu WELL ON WHEELS.kiuetoiihones iu Kurnpe, in themaiiuficlurc of which phonograph.are used

Mr. Kdisou, while aduiittiuK thatlie had made agreement withthe company regarding the alephonographs, reserved JV"idefit CkreUud atriuulrthe right lo use the phonograph foramusement purposes

llu I'urN'llw Vokk, Aug. The

World has the following fromHavana; Ceneral Campos hassigned the Captain-Ceneralshi- p of

generally believedhe strongly urges the home Government grant the island of Cuba

L'lilne.e Itluler.Aug. Another

outrage has been nearFoochow. The American missionhas been attacked by lame and

with smartly small

lucre strungfeeling 111 Foochow, whichspreading among the jiopulace, whoare parading with cries "Driveout the foreign devils."

Vvw Klud ut Oruag Chest.native girl named Kanuialoha

came out jail few days agoserving ten days sentence for disoucuience to parents, suemet by young man named Hoc-niiu- ui

who had friend with him.These two Shawand secured marriage license, andHoopiiuui and Kanuialohamarried. father the girllearned of the marriage and the twoyoung men were for grosscheat the license underlalsi pretences.

Jleslh or Nsvsl KuKlneee,

Watkhtown, N. Aug. 21


Uzra J, Whittakcr, retired, chiefengineer 01 tuc Atlantic squadron,died Sackelt'u Harbor of heartdisease, aged 56,

JJemitiid frsurs.Aug. 21. There

good authority for the statementthat peremptory demand will bemaue uy tuc united statesFrance for the releaseJohn Waller of Tamatave and that

satisfactory indemnity will bemured lor jits arrest and Imnrlsonmeut, with probable rerjuest forcommission determine Waller'srights Madagascar,

Ku I?m la Dodge,con.merfluis niessurs rulsllaui Is

lielu to soldier. wkut Is toKill lie, why be sfrsld ut unjlljlngf

A southern soldier describes man In Illscomjwny "a Dutcli as tlis"very Incnrimtlou of cool, Impudent brava-do In light." A cou.lalent fatalist,.uiutucii uji ihhu senience,"VouMl never distill vour enmu

"Oua day ins dodging spenti. wu nuiaiung uncoiniorisoijrnear.

"'ilty, Duck sang uut In Ids piningvoU-e- . 'Vat's lu u.e to tmlys tern pullaUffiy'll lilt )ou aliukt veil vers (awo you ain't.' "Youth's Companion.

I'm uuiurralls"Isn't It linullf.i iil,t, Clarencsr"

alis Iiliered tenderly her headanaliikt

"Yea," renlleil Clarence, tlis Urlier,slweulinlndeilly, Ida lingers soft-ly through her golden hair. night.Heller have that hair trimmed Mule,though, hadn't your I.ooka pretty ragged,

know,too," Chicago llecord,

BY AUTHORITY.Lenses ol Governm nt

Lots, the Esplanade, Hone,lulu,

fV.l..l.a lKttX.A


iik th



Lnta Noo. rt, S3. HI and

Terms: Lease for 10 year.

Uet Prices SO0 per annum for eachUot, able jr In adrauoe.

No. til with the UUnoeW.





Term: I. for 10 rear.Uwl Vrtret AV) annum, pya

Uo In aeranee.

J. A. KINO.Mirinter of Iotenor.

Interinr Office,Aufrott 2. VOS. 74Mt


Will reoeiied at tU ofiioe of OeMinieter of low till 12 o'clockiioun of FKIDAV, Aecerf 3mh tot tbeconalrucUoo of cooerete floor in cer-

tain lwrtion of tbe Dtr Fith Ifariutwilb drains Iben-a-il-

liana aod can ea

at the OtSce rHtperiuUteOttrt ofPublic Works.

Tbe Mini? of tbe Interior do notbifid bimwlf ioaooejAabe loveaaloranj' iTjjJQbid.

interior OrBee.

J. KISO.Niawter tbe Imerkr,


Oae of pcxzliuc lhiug tatiutoeW rider tiie deterrolnW kaa ut UVroptr rtttJtix cadtis trith ttia

to 3jKlj4we tcarfa UjeKfx,it and the fmlal h1mo it is down, it iswell to etart in yMXjAwn rt t,aud gntoulij rains the taVM Ira- -

jjroretueutia rAwg avlracrx. Tmltxfreaxii at oxtmta tlm nnoirtit

ul Umiiun. A anomfiJytkAkamut"

care fat Under) rMii avrenlmm, ajt that tke UrlntMr AaM txA '

Wl U his ur ker lyr--. betabuoM to atliut. He uixwalta dUtiuti iotim vUm tlm (wlal is at Iu iwitatyAut tut all iukuUt Us prUaMjgrade. The pritiuu is aodtuxfMiS'irUaiW, ' tbe cs it toootMtfrte tie Vwu's selfmA (WtlfidtlKK .11 MUMtttf SUl tteil ttt

more one ol ' Ml"'t thtnUtoleuvU. ,. , . ,

at 2street, at ii;io iw it

1I Try at

WJU BUi.. tltvcrk. A treat mnuj ttew

Nhwahk, J.i, Angut 20 eis))rWouijtirturidi4:trlJtew te tucfa vim- -

the re-- , ,d tl ulxThomas A. u tin

selling in l'n T rldiri did-Th- e

Unite1a, it .

to t , wfUl Lthat

con- - j

tract the stlliinri




It is that

to, 21.


, ,is a





awent toa

wereThe of





Will ,r



a re- -



a 01 aa It U

alittle Jew"

a bs111 oue

tlm.lis saw a

as you Is


v. a

Terras ks ran

up a

iuu and It a '


n SnA


Lot lH




a a

beof tbe




x ni c o

v' aias cmsa

tbehare tjetrt

a IsiA




kernelf. the saddle tstJmui:...,U ajJO


a itntan.ed

eUwtiieJHisou UX a

" a

hadright ,1 Vnnt

and .




a after




really need) ahaniuoo







Httubr Jam A-- lSradIT. titx ttmnti- -

er au1 ruler ul JuAmtj I'arlr, Jus takento ihv vfieel and In ttm future will S3idoubted bo a dertfwl adruatoof cyclinic

Thu CJreliat un it Im rvtixtclaimed he J -l Out is






xwideriu tlm adrUaMIItr ol kamlutcto ridu a liecls m a means ct reducingHis Increasing welKliL

lira. Alra ri. who rentit-l- y

iliiwcwl Ikt tuullluiillluialn) l,

William K. haruedto rf'lo in Pianco ami is fmjuentlyui tuo roads at niewijn, JL L

MaWlue KUialrltV, wlfstrf th (ainous iua lee.1 trick Ucyclirt, was thsDrt lady to matter im safety In trickMian. Bhe is a Chicago girl anri flnttuck up cycling as jutluie. Kim re-cently roda 1 ,000 nill, frun New Yorkto Chicago, In 1 1 days.

Lady iiaudohh Cbartlilll is treat Inna sensation In i'arin riding tier bicyciuchwl iu mounilttg. Ilercoatumecbtuiats lit black cloth knlckerljockers.over which is worn a abort skirt. Hhelias a trliuuiHl lxllcr,infuriated mob armed various.











IlsrrWi says: "Theremust huva ben soino inlatake when Iwas quoted as having .aid that I wasonpoood to bicyew for women.Mrs. ilcKee is a good viheelwoman, andI luvii uo doubt Hut tliei ishealthy, but I am not yet prepared losay Unit ,tlio ladies look paxticnlarlygrace: u 1 on bicycles. ' -

,la Cellng llsd Yor llsrdwvrksd rpUrDr. Alexander i. C, fikewi, a well

known Ctuw York phynicluu, Is not aneutliiulastia advoratii of the use of the)bicycle by women. Jin .ays: "One whoIs mentally ur phy.icaliy tired or ex.haunt d Is never riated by violent oreveuuctlTiunuacuhirnsereisfl. There arefew women in America who have timeand strength enough to do bicycling furploasuru and health. I am", then,

to the Idcyuln for all such as haveexercise and work enough to do. If anyuuo bus tluio and strength left over todovote to riiliug a wheel and can avoidoverdoing, then the bicycle Is highlycommendable "

But Has ...r llld.1'eople who iieter ride are very

about their suits. One Chicagosouietr woman has four oostuines com-plete, all very Imuilsorue, but there isiuvuriubly souio reusou why the prefersto join the party iu a cab or doesn't (eellike going out. Tho wind deters her,and so dis s thu heat, and so does tbecold. Uut tho has very sound ideas onthu tubjuct ul fullness In skirts, length,etc., und IswImi about details of tin)machine llsulThlcago Tllues-IIeral-

The tpeed of Dlfcl.,Whenever Iherlderrovolves bis pedals

ouco lu u second, Im Is riding faster thaneight miles un hour. If his bicycle isgeared ut 00, one revolution a secondwill carry him I0; wiles an hour) ifat 63, bis tpid la a half mile fatter, at08 It is 13 miles, at 13 it is almost 18miles and ul 70 ft Is n little more thanI !),'. One revolution a second Is, there-fore, fatter than the rider of a 00 gearran legally truveL 1'ltUburg Diapatoh.

Ths Soldi,, va "lUkifIt thetoldlerof the future it to be

mounted uu u bieyole, as some enthu-siast dueluro he will be, thou be willlose uJl fear for himteU in battle. AllIlls thoughts will bo bo centered upontbe danger ho runs of puncturing bittire amid bullettand bayonets that bewill liavo no rhimre to think of the danger he himself it lu. Wheel

Ilia llrliitil I'rospsala,Ur. aothani llofgro ooutentlug to ysur

engagement with my daughter I mustknow something ut your proapects.

Young Mr. Uke.ids-- 1 am au only ton,my parents imtu routed a boussuoarthsCbloago fair groumU aud have two vacantrooms h hich they let to lodgers.

Ur. Ootbsm lllets you, my cbildraa,NiwVerk Wwkly,


im 11

! 1 1 Z2s n

--jMany Men


Easeand Comfort

In Shoes .

Not Style.



clumsy at


That our g.nds Hilit tho jhmi!o who buy

from urWi- liovi- - a lot of new Myles in



We would like k) have you come nnil

ewe and tell us what you think o

tht 111


our W A UKEHPHASTall these qualities last.

in foot wear

shoe also. .




Per.'1 of

Wc on Fast Black

Fast Black and Men's Fast Black



Is now to sell


Island r Ilutvull,In Lots to suit l'urclissers.

Parties de lilng to buy laud ran do soupon the

PLAN,paying for same In install-ments.

Call and examine the map of theland for sale.

Information applyat tho ollice of the Eiiwin A.Jo.lEM Hecretary, in the


SOS Fokt Hthkkt, Ilo.tot.rJLV.

The part ol tbeI'rizes and such like

made in Honolulu have been manuby us, and .


of every You haveto (ell us whit you want and

how you want It and we dothe rest

&Fort Street

Near corner King.

King and Betiibl.

but the


all. have




Very I'retty Line



Niw Goods by every Steamer!

JUST RECEIVEDHarkentine Irmgunl

wrxixTi PIQUES,White Dimities, 25c. per yard,

Black and Mte Double Width Veiling.

keep always hand Ladies' Stockings,






Goffit and Fruit UnitKF.AAV,





greater Medals,Emblems,

factured . .







Jacobson Pfeiffer,Jewellers,


Toyou nave



If you want to Buy, Sell or Kent

Residence Property,Building Lots,

Acreage Property;If you want to . . ,WAN OK" BORROW MONEY,

NOTARY PUBL.IC,Call on me. If I haven't what vouwant I will try and And it. I now haveseveral desirable Houses and Lots, etc,for Bale and Kent.


C. D. CHASESafe UMlng,


RECEIVEDUr the ta. City of Peking, another lotoi Lirawn wort;, iiiciuuing L.ituleDrosses, and a lot of irresistible

Silk 4 Ties,at 20c. each or (2.23 per dozen.few cases of

Fan San Mineral Water.fully equal, If not superior toAppot




Silk Dress Mi m

Japanese Dry Goods,

Cotton Crape


1st U. AllhlCMi litjl U011I hi "fl(I utriil it nliWlmt twiniWl.i. the


PMrlm Priftrving Paint;why

lleraiiMlt fonlaln nn nlla nr m Iter Infteileiila.It li Hie rmlr I'alnt inmle thai la tree Irixii rtmialfnn.When ones lil im tour mof It la ul (hue In alay.One mill niat of la If nol amwiior lo liner. enAla f nr il.

Int made.It la nrmllltelr the nlilr mint Dial will ttnti.l lli tata.a ,if

ll la His only alrlrllr wler-irno- Paint In His InatUl.11 lour fiimc nmr iraaa ws ran alnn 11.I (jour metal roof leaks mr ran atop II,llememlie wr trite trrltlen Kuaranleea will, wnilt fotnie.1 lit n.laarnlnallona mails and eaiimalesRlipn free ot rliatge

II II ll II TrVt IIII. It M lllfl W(lt lllllllillZLTOnirV, Wm Mrri-lian- t HU Tele,lione, 1,19.

Maui PotatoesBEST ON EAR i H I


(tilHKl l INlKelH

, No lilack Speckri ,





Will shortly receive another largo nssoit incut ol Kccd andRattan Chairs and Rockers, also Ucdronm Sets, DiningroomSets, China Closets, Chiffoniers, Ladies Writing Desks, Conbina--

tton Bookcase, Fancy Tables, etc., etc. New goods everymonth.

Telephone: OHlce, WOj Resilience. W9.

Corner of Fort and Beretanla Streets - - - Waring Block.


Our Stock was purchased before the rise, and wewill give our Customers the benefit

The Shoe


for IOO libs.




Now In Progress at


inRemnants of Silks, Wool Dress Ooods, galeens, fllngharun, White Goods,

White, and Brown- - Cottons, Bheetingg and other odds and ends,ASS? HiVTyH PKICB.

All Remnants are marked with the number of yards and price in plain figures.

For One WeekOur Entire Stock of FINE MILLINERY at Oreatly Reduced Prices.

Ladies' and Trimmed Hats . . .

. . , at a Great Sacrifice.. . DON'T MISS THIS .



From the most


Manufacturers' Company,



Special Bargains Remnants.

Sweeping Reduction


in MillineryOnly.



JUST RECEIVEDJLeetrtse Invoice


reliable Factories.



Page 3: THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil con uttnlng 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proor and vermin

- . TlTrt HAWAIIAN stah. tii.'Uhav ahoi'si oWM4ttK 'l I1 mi i im

- ... ... .. - - - -Kmil Haliltm



iVrt Port Rlrct, twsr King

OT, I'M t ?wl fiwlf t rynnhoti, in AUt

OSK MAM Al'ItK, TAHO I'ATCIIftfl,HI 1'aUnia, tprj tbMi.

IfOH I.KAHR, fOH A t'KlltOH OK FIVKI and M.tiln fimnvt,

on nitiianu nirm, mvir jweuni.rillHMKII (IN KINAU ANI niKOI,


K INK IHOl'KIlTV OS NIHTANU HTHKKTWilli Maas1 rMM itila will U

VKAIM liRANK OS IIIIDUNII ANDcotlmrel ol WellUI 110.

A KICK PLANT VTION AT KOOt.AUcontaining SI acres.

Clip AT KO.IIII, HtllTAIILK roll.niemiiK, s..i.


1)TS ON W.WKIKI IIOAO. VKIIVreasonable ind on rwf payments

A FKW Mi III K tXJTil ON KINO 8TIIRKT.1. Kallut. fl.V.acti, ran be ld for Iniiionviiir insiaumr me.

A lot "wirii'i i.uiob "IiimsK TinPaiio llns.l.i'oj.

U'lUitB l)T WITH OOTTAtlK ANIIt eiciiee, containing i acre atkallnl, .iO.


llNKOHIMIirilNITV Poll IIOOII HOTELJ' man at Walanae. the tcrminn nf OahtiHalla ar. Srrclal Inducements am olTernl.A t'INE ItmillKNCKONTIIEJUNCTIONi V of Thnr.tin A vnn n n mnA Mu.Streets. Mouse verjr large am! com'nrtabla.onnlalulnu; all the IiImi lanltair Improve

tialin avenue. bKanllfnlly I ,ld oat tfrounlR. eto. Will be mis foriuaa ita actual value.ACRK WITH NKW COTTAOK ANDothar bollilloiti In Kallhl. I'rlce tUMJO.

1!n X IM FKET ON ASYLUM KOAD,P6W. wauttf ul moalern 9 room houaeand nicely laid oat trounda. Price, fl.'JOO.

K( X 150. FKKr WITH NKv" COTTAOKL." . on joun Street, near Keaumnkuf rlie SjSu Improre! lot Fruit treee, eto.

No charg-- for making Deedi, MortBaaea.etc.. In propertr.V:. Pfepartloa Dlaced In ourhandaforale will receive peclal attention.


pOTTAQB ON KINAU STREET. port.v nieriy occupleil ly Dr. Nlflml. rlt...of way tbrouKb to Wetania stroot can.IIoil-- contains Parlor, 3 Bod llooin, DlnlnKnooin, iviuimn, rantry, Ualli, rtarvanta'loom. Btahle ami Carrlaice Houaa. Ilent

WO r month. Inquire ofC. D. CIIAH1-:- . 4f3 Fort Htreet




In tho center of Honolulu. Suitable for I

n doctor's oftice or twu gentlomen.


723-- At Elite Ice Croara Parlors.

abstracts of title.I All PREPARED TO MAKE JUI

stracts of Title In a moat thorough anilcomplete manner, on short notice, and accu-rate In every detail.

F. W. MAKINNEY,318 Fort Street.

W. O. Smith's office.


REAt, ESTATE AND GENERALAgent. Real Estate bought ami

sold. Houses Rented. Loams Negotiated.Collections made. Books posted. Accounts

Copying; neatly done.All business entrusted to me will receive

and careful attention. A share offrompt patronage respectfully solicited.Telephone 131).

UEO. A. TURNER.308 Merchant Street,

OOlce formerly occupied by C. T. Gulick.


LIVER AND WHITE POINTERA Dog. A reward will be paid on re--turnlog toK. A, McINEHN Y.


Rev. Win. Shoemaker is a visitorfrom the Coast.

Miss K. P. Judd arrived by theMariposa.

V. Waterhouse was au arrivalby the Mariposa.

Mrs. J. G. Roth well has return-ed after a visit to the Coast.

Rev. Frauds Marx was a Hono-lulu passenger by today's steamer.

Rev. Wm. Ferbeck is added tothe list of clergymen sojourning inthe city.

John Ganzel, 6rst. baseman otthe Starg, will leave by the S.. S.Australia for the Coast.

Messrs. Jack Lucas and Weather- -.wax say they had been wishing fora. vacation, and they got it.

Mrs. Harry F. Lewis and childwill leave by the Mariposa thisevening for the Colonies.

J. J. Ggan, the merchant, isback from Eastern markets, withMrs. Egan and Miss A. E. Paty.

"Jack" Atkinson and.C. F. Peter-son expect to get sway, by the Aus-tralia of September 7th for SanFrancisco.

Prof. Theo. Iffthards, principalof Kamehameba College and Prof.M. M. Scott, principal of the HighSchool have ended vacation tripsto the United States.

Home and AbroadIt la the duty of everyone, whether at home

or traveling for pleasure or business, to equiphimself with the remedy which wiU keep uptrength and prevent Illness, and euro suob111. a. are llahle to oome unon all In everrday life. Hood's Saimpaiilla keeps the bloodpure and leas liable to abeorb tbe germ of

Hood's Pltls are band made, and perfect Inproportion and apeanuice. z&o. per box.

larere and it

Os VtTaLM. r, O, Box, Ms,

Til M'tlKM ttavtl t J o'ctfxkiiiii trtning.

Oovttnor liiiidt, of Cllfoti!, I

nil Kll(illll)r hi.

Don't fotstl .Statu mid Unknown,on Hiiiitiity tltcinooii.

HI. tllll Collfpr will mien wIimiHie pilDIIC KHOOIa 0tl..

wolk on Hie new Cliinene llit--

Ire has not liccn Ugitn as yet.

lUve your clior nliafrcncilirce wniie you wit at sumicvant

tticlicst erode scwlnir inncliliicafor rent niul sale, U. V. Hlurdevant.

The Chic Sailor is tlic talent niulcan be lountl at N. S. Saelu, l'ortstreet.

Dr. Wav.ion lias been anooiiitdllnseclor at large or tlie Uoant ofUcaltli.

A Clilnaiiinii tllcil very suddenlyon lNuuanu tins lorenoou, Notcholera.

Mr. Levey believes he will havethe Mark Twain lecture for Saturday evening.

Miss J. R. Hopkins, missionaryat Kusaic, well known here, is nowin San Francisco,

Irvine M. Scott Is coing out toapm to bid on warships (or the

Union Iron Works.

The quarters of the clubs atPearl City are being cot in readiness to receive the oarsmen.

The city front is spotted withpeople after 5 o'clock every after-noon watching the boat club crewsat work.

Just the the thing for summerwear, pull line ot llglit llaimclovershirts at auction prices. I.. I).Timmons.

If you want to buy, sell or exchange stamps, go to JohnT. Brown,Arlington Illock, Hotel street.Note change of address.

Corbett aud I'itzslmmons.iuet insaloon in Philadelphia and the

champion pulled the other fellow'snose anil spit in his race.

August l'ankow dese ted fromthe German bark Martha Iloclnihntoday. Captain Meineike offers areward of sfio for his return.

There wilt be au important meeting of the Young Hawaiians' In-

stitute at 7:30 o'clock this evening.A full attendance is requested.

The Durraut jury has not beensecured, but they have found a newwitness, a women who saw theprisoner and one of the girls enterthe church.

Wagers are all ready being madein town on the international yachtrace between the America's Defend-er and England's Valkyrie III.Bets are even.

Brown & Knbey the wholesaleand retail dealers in watches,clocks, jewelry and plated goodshave moved into tbe ArlingtonBlock, Hotel street.

Mrs. Lee "Tick, whose husbandwas fined $250 for having opium inpossession the other day, was herself fined $50 today for the sameoffense. The old man paid the fine.

Capt. Scott of the police force received a letter from the onar fam-ous detective McEvoy by the Mariposa toda?. Mcltvoy says he isrunning for the deputy sheriffshipof Fresno county, California. Healso adds that it is awfully hardtimes where he is.

Nalau aud W. Joseph will betried for conspiracy on September3. These are the two boys whoarrested a pake and an opiumsmoking outfit on Tuesday noon.The pake was released because theboys had no authority to arresthim. The outfit was confiscated.

Shakespeare gives good advice,when he says, "Put money in thypurse." and the best way to followout the immortal bard's precept isto look in at L. B. Kerr's on Queenstreet, where immense bargains inladies dress goods, untrimuied hats,flowers, leathers and gents suit-ings, etc., are the order of the day.

j m

National Hand.

The Hawaiian National band wasin Chicago at latest accounts. According to letters sent to friendsthey were to leave for Milwaukee,afterwards returning to Chicago.While in Chicago the bandboys received a letter from Mrs. H. Gilligtogo to New York. As tbe nationalswere under contract, however, thisrequest could not be complied with.Win. Aylett is treasurer. A photograph of the orchestra is on exhibition in the window of the GoldenRule Bazaar.

Justice Strong Head.

Lakb Minnbwaska, N. Y., August 19. JusticeStrong of the United States Su-

preme Court died here at 2:10o'clock this afternoon.

TO CI.KAfiSK TIIK SYDTKlfElTuctually yet Rentlf, wlien costive orbilious, or when the blood ofluggiah, to peroianantly cure habitual

constipation, to awaken the kidneysand liver to a healthy activity, withoutIrritating or'weaklng them, to dispelheadache, colds or (overs use Syrup orrigs.

must cost about $75


Some PeopleHave an Idea,Have You ?

That because the "New Process" Stove ishandsome

to $100. It Does Not. The largest sizefor restaurant use is but $40. You' canhave one for a trifle more than half that,? ... SOLD ON INSTALLMENT PLAN , .

TUKOBVAMTifOarefort ana BtrstAsU Bit)

.Vinvsortnii waiiiiimoo,

till; Hill I H A I IM Ii IIRItK liftA Hl!:i.

IliM 114 a litatarllieta AWaril-fta- w Dsatlag

tkls PaH,

Victoria, II, C, Atteuit g.The Canadian-Australia- n steamerWimlmoo Is ashore three milesfrom Carmanah Point, where theDuchess of Argyle was lost SheIt afloat forward and can probablybe floated with the next tide.

The passengers ale In no dangeras It Iscnlni and they could be landcd at any time. If the wind springsup 11 is leareu inai 111c snip will go10 pieces, nui 1 nc strotn:cl lioncsare entertained for her.

1 he latest news is to the effectthat t .c W'arrluioo was floated nthigh tide. She is anchored offCarmaunli lighthouse. The fog Isvert thick and uotlilui! can be Icni- -

ed of the damage. A tug has goneout 10 uer.

Victokia. II, C. A lie. 10 Thesteamship warriinoo is apparantlynot very much damaged by Iutstay mi the reef near Carmanahpoint, but she will be docked atHsijuinuult for 11 survey loinonoivafternoon.

She was hard and fast fur fivehours, being worked off at highwater by a Hue run to an exposedreel near by. The accident wasdue to the dense log and Captaint.nmuel mistaking Ins location,

that the Carmanah sicualwas the Taatoosh signal. Tl.elc.idwas being heaved constantly, and a

Htmling taken only a lew momentsbefore the accident showed 200fathoms.

Victoria, (Ii. C). August is.At the inquiry before the agent ofthe Marine and l'ishcrles Depart-ment as to the grounding of theteamship Warrimoo, it was de

veloped that Captain Arundel wasusing an incorrect chart, severalyears out of date, which, it is be-

lieved, was much the cause of theaccident as the fog. It was alsoshown that at the time the vesselstruck she was on her proper courseaccording to the worthless chart inuse.

Theo. H. Da vies & Co., theHonolulu agents, have receivedcomplete advices on the mishap tohe big C & A boat. She was to

leave Vancouver on the 22nd, andmay be expected here tomorrow orSaturday.

The Coa.t Consul.

Chas. T. Wilder, who has givensuch signal and satisfactory serviceas Hawaiian Consul-Genera- l at SanFrancisco, is here at his old homefor a brief visit. Mr. Wilder waswarmly welcomed today by lots' offriends. He has .been workinghard aud deserves a vacation.

Ills Htrlke In Seutland.DuNDBit, Aug. 21. The strike

f millworkers here has assumedserious proportions. About i8,ooo

peratives are now idle. The latterstruck without waiting for a replyto their demands for an increase oto per cent in their wages.

225 RAVKI).

Steamer Cvlllt.lnn Without Any Loaor Life.

Nbw Havkn, Eng., Aug 21.Particulars regarding the collisionyesterday afternoon between thefreight steamer Lyon of tbe NewHaven and Dieppe line aud thepassenger steamer Seaford of thesame line, by which the latter,carrying 255 passengers and acrew of forty-tw- was sunk, showthat the Seaford was struck; by theLyou on the port side. The Sea- -

ford sank in twenty minutes.There was not the slightest pan

ic. The Lyon had her stem stovein, but was in no danger and ranalongside the Seaford and the pas-sengers and crew of the sinkingvessel climbed aboard the freightsteamer. Some American passengers value their property lost atif5,000 to $10,000.

du can nut ud the most delicatefruits, uncooked, by using Antlferuien- -

tine, anil in six months they will be asnatural in appearance and taste as whenfirst picked.

Hoard of Health.The down town disiufecting crew

will be kept on.Garbage is to be taken nearer the

biach in Kakaako.Marshal Brown, L. A. Andrews,

Robt. Parker and F. W. Carterhave been made special agents ofthe Board of Health.

It is still the intention to raisethe quarantine at the end of theweek.

Justice Jaeksou Dead.Nashvillk, Tenn., Aug. 8.

Howell Edmunds Jackson, Associ

ate Justice of the Supreme Court ofthe United States, died at his residence at West Meade, six miteswest of this city, this afternoon, inthe sixty-fourt- h year of his age, ofconsumption.

A Hotel Uoloeau.t.Dhnvkr, August 21. Coroner

II. H. Martin has summoned thefollowing prominent men as a juryto investigate the Hotel Gumrydisaster: R. W. Speer, K. G.Cooper, T. B. Croke, F. E.

Frank Demange andCharles Babcock.

Twenty bodies had been takenout of the rum up to noon today.Several removed early today are soburned and maimed as to be almostunrecognizabte and have not yetbeen positively indentified.


STAMPS.On Friday, August 30th,

At 12 o'clock noon,At my Salesroom I will sell at Publlo


Surcharged StampsComprising

let Oreen, Set Clue, lOct Black,Set Rose, and Cociplete Bets. ,

James F. Morgan.7,8-2- t AUCTIONEER.

VAliK Villi; ID OK HASH.

KIM rnrii tlUT H: l A litMirriIII KlllHIHII HII AL

fl.aa, e rtare-Palll- af aa lUr litlag all-t.- atr Meal than

Ik IP.f.ailff.

Nkw York, Aug. to. TheValkyrie lit is now moored atone- -

side the dock at Erie basin. Thejury masts have been taken out andthe yacht Is ready to receive theslender hut strong racing sparswhich are to carry the Immensespread of snow white canvas. II.N. Kcarsey and Arthur Glcaiile,Lord Ihinravcu's representative.have notified the regatta committeeof the New York Yacht Club bytelegraph that the Valkyrie wilt beready to salt its first race againstthe cup's defender September ?th.the date originally fixed.

That the Valkyrie Is a dangerousrival of the Defender Is concededby many who saw her yesterdaywhile she was riding At anchor offIJedloe s Island, There appears tobe no doubt that the Valkyrie is abigger boat than the Defender Inevery respect. She certainly has!more beam and is probably largerover all. Then, judging from thesize of her racing spars, she will

than the Delender carries today. tatl l. rcI!f,ve J1 Ila lmor.cThe Valkyrie was the center of naKhlp, ls ban Francisco,

attraction in the upper bay. All,1","1 no explanation has been made"h' does not sail. s pos- -it salutedday long was by pass- -

Ti,m. i r. ' " "",

women aud ch dren went to theBattery- and stood.. for...hours.. look -

lug at the yacht with its big andlittle jurymasts.

NKW YOKK, Aug 20 The firstformal trial race between the Defender and the Vigilant to give theAmerica's cup committee an op-portunity to decide which boatshall be named to defend the cup,was held today outside or SandyHook, in the same waters that thecup race will take place in, butended very unsatisfactorily.

Une boat might beat the otherthree times straight, and yet theAmerica's cup committee will haveabsolute power and discretion inpicking the defender. The com-mittee may ignore these trial racesaltogether if they choose to do so.

The heavy breeze stirred up theDefender's rigging so much andplayed such havoc among it that itloosened it to a material extent uptoward the masthead, and causedsuch damage that the Defender hadto withdraw or take a liberal chanceat carrying away her topmast. Itwas afterward found that the slack-ening up of the rigging was so ex-tensive that the yacht would not beable to compete in the second trialrace for a week.

The Vigilant, too, was preventedfrom going over the whole cource,but from a different cause. Aftershe had made her first round of tenmiles to windward aud return shehauled down her clubtopsail andthen ran up 'against a wind thatburst her jib into shreds.

Clearance Bale, September 2.On the aliove date, llio Temple of

Fashion wilt betxiu selling goods at bed-rock figures a grand clearance sale.These sales are very popular with thepeople, who crowd the store to securethe bargains .offered. Remember theBale begins on Monday, September 2.

Commander Wolseler,London, August 19. :In the

House of Commons this afternoonthe Secretary of State for War, theMarquis of Lansdowne, announcedthat Field Marshal Viscount Wol-sele- y

would succeed the Duke ofCambridge as commander-in-chie- f

of the British forces on Novem-ber 1 St.

Methodists Persecuted.City of Mbxico, August 20.

The Methodist mission authoritieshere complain that at the town ofTzepanlepec, State of Tlascala, themunicipal autorities are persecutingMethodist converts and schoolteachers, and have imprisoned awidow, named Lopez, andhersons,the mother having withdrawn herchildren from the municipal schoolto place them in the mission school.


Itusslan Advices Not Favorable to theConquering Nation.

St. Pbtkrsbuku, August 20.A special to the' AW Vremya statesthat the Japanese only occupy thecoasts of Formosa, whence theydispatch puntative expeditious intotbe Interior, beveral ot these haveproved unsuccessful.

A JVot'O vrtmya dlspatcn alsostates that the opposition in Japanis agitating against the decision ottbe Government to evacuate theLiao Tung peninsula. It is alsostated that Corea demands an in-

crease of the army and navy to defend national interests.

lllllj" and Ills Play.Manager Dailey has decided to

put on "The Cnme of the Centuryin Oakland. He will show therefor four days and then proceed toSanta Cruz. San Jose, Stockton,Sarramento, Valtejo, and othertowns of the California circuit Ineach of the interior towns be willplay only one .night.

An Annexation aelieme.MiNNRAFOLis, Aug. 14. Cap

tain Judsou C. Cross, a prominentattorney, mailed President Dolethis afternoon a letter, containingthe novel suggestion that Hawaiielect delegates to the AmericanCongress and demand that they beseated on the same basis as theTerritorial delegates.

Congress, Captain Cross says,would seat them. He maintainsthat there are historical precedentsand logical reasons for such acourse.


A Question Asked and Answered In tbeCommons.

London, Aug. 19. In theHouse of Commons today the RightHonorable Ceorge N. Curzon,Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, replying to a questionput by James v. iiogan, memberfrom Tipperary, regarding the arbitrary arrest 01 uritisn subjects inHonolulu lor alleged complicity inplots to restore tbe queen, said thatsome of the complainants were notBritish subjects, ana mat tne lintIsh commissioner was still engagedin investigating tbe cases of otherswho bad complained,

itlhtlofn In UatninI'of t.sttit U 8. Gov't Report




iilKiilMi P. . vt at M nr.lal.ANII 1 tlilia.

OI)niU Snw llte.lf fnt nn

Allan I'ltllatieletila Awallleia Mar

WASlllNilTON, Aug. 21 Thereis considerable activity on th

Pacific Coast in naval matters.Orders has been given to make as

rapid progress as possible in the re-

pairs of the Boston and Adams,

both now at Marc Island. Work

has been pushed also on the Hart-ford and the Philadelphia, whicharrived from Honolulu a month

aio. They can be made ready forsea in n very short tune.

The Olympla, which has beenready for sea for scverat days, andwas expected to go lo the Asiatic

;sioic mat sue is neiu until tuei,i.. .1.1... and""""S" -!ar?.rca"' ,or sea:

iris reported about the department that the work of repairs isbeing pushed in order to have thevessels for the South Pacific in casethere should be actual bostilics be-

tween Peru and Bolivia.The Boston is not now in conp

mission, and it will take a mouthto get her ready for sea, while withthe Adams it will take still, longer.


An officer of the Bennington in-

forms Tint Star they are writtenthat the Olympla left San Franciscofor this port on the 24th inst.

The N,redy St. Louis.

Southampton, Aug. 14. TheAmerican line steamer St. Louisarrived this afternoon aud hasbroken the best eastward record.

The St. Louis left New YorkAugust 7th, clearing Sandy Hooklightship at 1:11 p. m. Her timeof passage was 6 days, ly hoursand43 minutes. The best previouseastward record was made July 3d,last. It was fi ilays 22 hours aud

5 minutes.

A place to Shmh1 a lew unlet hours isthe Il.iniwnl llutlis. Waikikl cars passthe door.

A Threat.

Nitw York, Aug. 14. TheMayor of Havana, Cuba, SenorSegundo Alvarez, who is here, says

the insurrection in Cuba is not aserious matter, but that there isdanger ahead of trouble betweenSpain and the United Stales, grow-ing out of the action of our Govern-ment in pressing Spain to pay tbeMora claim at this time, aud of theaid Americans "are, extending toCuban agitators and filibusters.

nun fUUNiit.ii:i;inSeal Past fr'nund on 1Yutalliii

From HawaiiR. F. Chronicle.

Alexander Craw, the quarantineofficer in the employ of the StateBoard of Horticulture, seized anddestroyed yesterday n number ofHawaiian ferns found on thesteamer Australia. The ferns werebeing imported by , Mrs. A. McDonald of San Jose, doubtless forgarden ornaments and not for sale.They were seized because theywere literally covered with the redwax scale, a ravenous pest that hasnot as yet been found anywhere inCalifornia. It is a scale whichpreys generally upon vegetation,and would make life more interesting for the Californiaif allowed to land here.

The red wax scale is known tonaturalists as the CcroplastisRubens. Were it a cieature knownin California Mrs. McDonald wouldhave been given the optiou offumigating the plants at her ownexpense. As it is the terns havebeen floated out to sea 011 me tide.

Wish to Unit lloaeberjr.

London, August 21. The Stan- -

are (Conservative) says: There is amovement among the Radicals tochange the leadership of the party.It is the belief that having a peerfor a leader militates against success. We understand the Earl otRosebery will not retire unless deposed by n vote.

Careful wheelmen are never on theroad without Kedding's ltuasla Halve. Itis tne oeat tning extant lor bruises,sprains aud cuts. All tlruirmstg recommend it, and sell it for t!) cents. Hoi- -

LisTEit Dia'O Company, Agents.

8I1 Lives Lost.

Pittsburg, Aug. 20. An cxplosion at furnace "II" of the Car-

negie Steel Company at Braddockat 5 o'clock this morning killed .sixmen, tatally injured three aud seriously burned fifteen men, besidesdestroying if worth of prop

ah r.i. i.lii.j i 1..!erty mi ui iuc jtuicu uiut luiurcuwere Hungarians except JamesHarrison, the toreman.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

rjold Medal Midwinter Fair.





A pure Grape Cieim of tartar Powder, Fret

fiom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all tbe great Hotels, the leadingClub anil the homes, or, Price a creamPaktag Powder bolus ita supremacy.

40 Year the SUndard.LEWIS L GO,, Igeiiii, Honolulu, H,




Veto nf I. arena Nat In Hangerand Japan - Tell ff the

A .Lire...

London, Aug. ij. After theHouse of Commons had reassembled today the members wetc sum-

moned to the House of Lords withiuc usual lormaiiucs, ami tncQueen's sjicccli was read by theLord High Chancellor, as follows:

"My Lords and Gentlemen: Thecommunications which I receivefrom foreign powers assure me ofthe continuance of their good will,I am happy to say that no inter-- 1

national complication has atiscnin any quarter calculated to endanger the peace of Euroj c.

"The war between China amiJapan, which was in progress at theopening of last session, has beenbrought to a conclusion by a peacewhich we tt list will endure. I observed strict neutrality during thewar aud have taken no action in respect thereto, except such as appeared to me most likely to befavorable to the termination ofhostilities.

"I deeply regret to say that themostatroclousoutragesupou a bodyof English missionaries arcreporledfrom the province of Fu Kicn. inChina.

In reply of earnest representations addressed to the ChineseGovernment by my direction, activemeasures, which I trust will proveeffective, are being taken for thepunishment of the murderers andall persons in any degree responsi-ble for these crimes.

"The international troubleswhich have broken out in the Ar-menian provinces, in Asiatic Tur-key, have been attended with hor-rors which have drawn the atten-tion of European nations generallyand my people especially.

My Embassador and the Em-bassadors of the Emperor of Russiaand the President of the Frenchrepublic acting together have sug-gested to the Government of theSultan reforms which, in theiropinion, are necessary to prevent arecurrence of constant disorder.These proposals are now being con-sidered by the Sultan, and I amanxiously awaiting his decision."

The second portion of the speechsays: "My Lords and Gentlemen:At this season of the year it willprobably be found more convenientto defer to a later session any import-ant legislative measures exceptthose which are necessary to pro-vide for the administrative chargesof the ycai."

The speech concludes with re-

ference to the incorporation ofDcchufMialaud into Cape Colony.

The speech to the Cummonsmerely says that estimates for theservice ol the year not volcd nt Ihelast session will be laid liefoiethem.

Setenleeu Pew.le Drowned,

HAMniiKG, Aug. 16. A boatcontaining twenty-fiv- e passengerswas run down aud sunk toda"y bythe steamer Concordia, from Stade.Seventeen persons were drowned.


The Fatuous Librarian r Centres was

aNkw York, August 21. The

World's special from Washingtonsays: Ihe heavy deficit in the ac-

counts of Aiiisworth R. Spofford;librarian of Congress, has startledWashington. Although it wasknown that the financial affairs ofthe library had required the ser-vices of the Treasury Departmentexpert accountant, it was the gen-eral expectation that everythingwould be found to be all right, andthat trie tangle was the result sim-ply of a literary man trying to dab-ble in accounts.

Not a word indicating the supposition of fraud had got out andthe publication of Expert Myer'sdiscoveries has been the sensationol the season, ihe shortage islarge. Spofford had a dummy payroll.

Itellevcs Mr. Vogelsang.

Lieut. W. C. P. Muir, U. S. N.,has arrived in Seattle with ordersfrom the department to relieve Eipsign C.'T. Vogelsang, of the Mo-

mean, who, having served threeyears, has been detached for landservice. The latter officer will gethis orders alter the usual threemouths' leave of absence. Lieut,Muir has recently been engaged asprolessor ot military science andhigher mathematics in the I.iusleyInstitute at Wheeling, W. Va.

Qo to the Women's Exrhainre. IllKing street, for home made tioi, cake,bread, pics, etc. Also fine Hawaiianand Portuguese work, curios, tlowers,pictures nml fancy articles.

Ilevolulloul.ts Slaasiug.

Montrhal, Aug. 21. The flowof Chinese homeward still continues. Yesterday tell left Montrealfor Vancouver and ,were followedtoday by 200 more. Tomorrowiso more will go through IromBoston aud New York. Alt theseChinese have passports to return tothe United States within sixmonths.


Ksauple Sat IIj a III P. U. Leader laSouth America,

Nkw Yokk, Aug, 21, A Worlddispatch from Colon, Columbia,says: General Alfaro, President ofthe Provisional Government ofEcuador, set up at Guayaquil, telegraphs from Rio Bamba. "Half ofmy forces routed the Qujtos, whobad twice our number of men. Allthe artillery fell into my bauds. Ihave decreed freedom for the conquered prisoners," Alfaro capturedeight pieces 01 artillery, two Uatliug guns, 800 rifles aud a largequantity of ammunition. The RedCross Society rendered valuableassistance on tbe field of battle Incharge of the wounded,

AM, AI.O.Vff Till sTOCKS.Ri sfii.H u.till; IMSM killPltil tllHU III N1

All: A I'M A I.

ll,.ana..l. la atheaiaertll.e,I.H la.l-- M (lai.llaa-Mal- M

l Ihe Irani.

lie shortest ixxisiblcroute between Honolulu and Yoko-hama Is jiui knots, and betweenHonolulu and Hong Kong 4917knots.

The scaling schooner George R.W hltc, which sailed from Seattleon July 14, 1804, has not been heardof since October 25 18.14, and hasbeen given up as lust.

The schooner Jennie Wand salted irom ban l'raneisco for Malm- -

kotia on August nth. She la mn.signed to S. (5, Wilder & Co., andbrings a general cargo valued at16,842.

The schooner Brcnda k repotteda total loss. While tacking up thestraits of Little Curill the vesselstruck on a sunken rock. Thesecond day (he crew left the vessel,as she was pounding hard on therocks, and camped on the beach.

The barkentine W. II. Dimondsailed from San Francisco for Hon-olulu 011 August 17th with a cargoof general merchandise valued at4.. .

,W ,c ls ,siK:,,c1 l? W- -

.V'" f Lo' 1 1,asno lime amongst her cargo.

The boilers of the ferry steamerill are to undergo an ofli-ci-

inspection, when it will be set-tled whether she will be allowed torun another year. Should she failto pass this examination, thesteamer Garden City will be put onthe Oakland Creek run.

News was received in San Diegoon August 2 1st of the loss of avessel supposed to be the Americanbark Colorado, coal laden fromNewcastle, N. S. W. The barkCastor, arriving in San Franciscoon August l8tb, reported passingiuc nun 01 a wooucu vessel bottomup on July 1st.

The steamer Kahului. whichcaused so much comment whenrunning to these Islands, has had anarrow escape from destruction.The Kahului was bound from Departure Bay to San Francisco witha cargo of coal, and during a thicklog ran ashore on Trial Island.Her escape from total loss is a miracle as it was high water when shestruck the reef, and 110 hojie of sav-ing her was entertained. Severaltons of coal were jettisoned tolighten the vessel, and the followingtide floated her.

The bark Onyx arrived thismorning from Newcastle, N. S. W.She made the passage in 75 days.The reason for the long passage ofme unyx was an accident sustain-ed during the voyage necessitatingher putting in to Fanuing's Island.uuuring a heavy gale the bark'sfore and roval-mas- t wascarried away, and also the cap oftue t, temporary repairswere made at Painting's Island andthe Onyx came 011 to port, butwithout her aud royal- -mast. She was 17 days from Fan-niug- 's

Island. She brines 700 tonsof coal consigned to Castle &.


The sealing schooner WalterEarle, owned In Victoria, B. C,has been reported a total wreck.with the loss of all hands, consisting of Captain Mazucsen. a crew ofseven while men, and eleven In-dians. The wreck took placeon April 12th last. The upturnedhull was towed bv the steamerFrancis Cutting into Kodiak.When it was righted the bodies ofeleven Indians were found in theforecastle 111 a state of decomposi-tion. They had evidently fledthere, panic strickeu at the com-mencement of the storm. Thewhite men must have been washedoverboard.



From San Francisco, per 0 8 8 Mariposa, Aug. 28 Root Cones, SidneyClementson anil wife. J J Egan anilwife, Mrs A Fuller anil son, Miss 0 MFuller, Rev Win Ferbeck, Daniel Han-nah. Ml E 1' Juilll. Miss Klori.nrn 1C1.sey, II J Lelaiule nnd wife, Ihiv. Francisjiara, bus . r, iirs J u ICotliwell.Theo Richards, (leo E Ruirir. Prnf M M8c;ott, Rev Win Shoemaker, Hon C T

imer. j u it., w waterhouse, II 1.Vtooster. Jlr Vanderna en and :n Intransit.

DkrAltTEI).For the Colonies, per O R 8 Mari-

posa, Aug 89 Win Terry, W P Whitley.


Wednesday, Aug 28Stmr Koala, Drown, from circuit or

Oahu.Thursday, Aug 20

0 8 8 Mariiioaa, Hayward from SanFrancisco.

Hark Onyx, Newcastle, N S W.


TllUKSUAY, Aug !9O 8 8 Mariposa, Hayward, for tho


Ex Kaala, from circuit or Oahu, Au19 1800 bags sugar, 1100 hags rico aupaddy.

Ex ItMBfj Marinosa. from San Fran.Cisco, Aug XV a pugs dry goods, S3pkgs fish, 1S6 pkgs apple. 4h ca tobacco.73 cs groceries, 6 cs oil cloth, 01 pkgsmerchandise. 10 pugs potatoes, Kt pkgs(ruit. 102 pkgs eoniH-- r nils. 40 11kmimiiius.

- i:m;i.h in tout,kavai. vasskui.

UBB Ui'i.nlngtoii, Tbomaa, Mare IslandMKIICHANTME.L not Included In tbls IUt.1Uer bk Martha Uuckbabn, Uvenl,,aiu Anuer, utiuouil, o rliltn Itetrierer, llogon. It ToHiurnd11..1. f..i... ri..i. u.. l--1 u .u. in.ii. ..All 1 I a 111 IM1Jrlhip Jobu McIamu), Htuart. New cattlellktu H U iVIl.l.r, McNeill, H V

Ilk J V Ulailo, Htege, Ilrelnell, ;


Krhr (Herniate. H V 1)Hear Jeuulo Wand. 8 F Due

ililu.Anna, H V Due

Ijk Annie Jobnson, H V AmiKtllULUI,

Ilk Ht Jullen, Arrd


UKllktue Planter, Dow, Port (laiuMe DueUK Aruuaasaiioi Jacksonville DueHark Onyi, Newcastle, N H W DueIlk Amv Turner. New Yurk Hfpt 13Kbip Marie IlackfeLI, I.lver.Kil till 1uer su 11

, jiew aura Oct 3llr bk Allien Orove !.lverpnui Ik t IIUer bk P U Pfluger, Ilreineu Oct 8echr Aloha, Dable, H V Kept II

Hark Albert, (Jrlnltba, 8 V Sept a

THIS PAPER onAdtertislngfile at E.t'.

Aseucr, H and V. Merchant's ctuaugv, ranfe'rauilsoo tial., where coulra fur advsr- -using can oa man tor it

1ollOlltlH MOM

AH nriMnalaWM atetkffMIM l I I

liiatlffiM Iwttlftilst airsbe eutanl,

M. IHtAK-l- l

TIMd PrreMent II. r.

A'otioo to Shiptors.

rjliMr In llm al(.amr n.IIaI.1. are rrnjHralnt In Inskp allmenu for K'aH. previous to the aaftlnilar.

Kb freight will Iw rpri-lre- after H

o'clock a. 111, on aaillnir "'.W. It. XtUUN,HerreOry, I. I.N. N. Ot).

Honolulu, AiiRU.l 51.1, im.

For Kent.

Ofllcea. en mile nr aimrlri, en tlxKmiiinl iloor of tlm pri'mlix farnierlroccupied by the Oally lliilletin (Vnmn1111 .Merchant street, also th larg hallon the sreviiit floor of tho same hull. I

lug. .Apply at thnnnicnnl

WM. (1. lit WIN At CO. U.2f)--

Mutual Telephone Co.

The Annua) Meting nf the MUTUALTriM-iinip- . Cowr-AN- will ! held onWEDNESDAY, HepliMiila-- r 4.1I1, at 2 .

111. Amendments will lie iroiKaut toArticles II, 7, , 10, 17, in, 21 nml 21 nfnip iiy iAvt,

3. V. llflOWK.

Honolulu, Aiigii.t 3, IS'.IV


Upon the arrival of the stenipers ofWilder' Kteamahlp Cominuy, Mil., no

ill m nllow 1 to Koalaianl, untilthe paseeiigora ar ashore, without apermit from tho olllce: unless ix rmiN.sinnto do m Im granted by tho nirlctrs01 mo vessel.

O. L. WK1IIT.President W. H. H. Co., Mil.


Hawaiian Baseball Association.

On Saturday, August 3 1st,

At 3:30 p. m.,t



AilmlMMluii Lid Cuntn




Made nt shorttiutico hy the





THIRSTCiltl 1)0 It!0lpl0(l lit

our fountain without

swallowing n lot of

cholcni goruiri.

All wntop U8od for

cnrlioiititing conies from

tho Peoplu's Jco Co. 'This artesian water is

distilled nml filter

ed several

times. Itis suly'ected

to n heat ofoabout 300degrees and

all disease

germs killedO nml the or-

ganic matteris eliminated

by filtra-

tion. Thustreated, it is

ns pure ns

water can bo


"No harm

in any


Tho AI.

hiimbra is a new drink.

Ten people out of everyten who try it prniiout'o

it delicious.-- -

' Kcmemhor wo nreheiulijuarters for

Boiled Soda Water,

uoimoN mm co.DKUOOISTS.






s. c. aim :mmm! lm

.. Akrun.




Till pli.i lit-- Ml.

Nineteenth Semi Annual Competition

or Tiir


To bo held at the Association'Ihiiige im

Saturday, Aug. 17, 1895,,,GHnmvncfhtC nt 8:30 a. in,

Sflvi'ii ret; Association umtcjje,.tfclh-- r with the following .

AU. t'OMKUH MATCH.Ul l'r'r', 10: 2.1 PriiU', f;3nl Vtltxtf.

CuitililitionHt Open to nil coiuer; 10roumli at Sim) yuril-- : nnj- - nllr; no hairor cl trftiiEeu or t?IeCoj vlfthla allow-e- l;

entrii-- unliimtetl, Kntrance ft fl.mtZKS MATCH.

Conditions: Ojxn to nil persons whohavo nuter inn It a record of bO mtcent., or oriT, in any of Urn II. R. A. "

r.'tfiilar IfOO yard match; unlimitedentile; . shot nt 200 yanla; any rifle;no hair or set trigger: or telencojx-BiRht- iallowed. Kntianco fee f 1.

tI.iht or I'kizeh.

4 Cah Prizi-.-- & VUht7.UK liCU. Mail iV Hon, I Vws.

Mol.n.n Drue (V, 1 GViluloid K. (iriiibauiti & Co., 1 Itox Cinirt,

Value 7.U (1. Irwin & Co., Half Hanrel )ranu

latM Hugar.T. H. 1a i & Co.,Hawaiian Kew Co., 1 Alhum.rariflo lan)aro Co.. 1 l'irture and

Frarni, to IwJ. H. Martin. 2f ynnU Cloth.

V. (J. lVaiYirk v Co., 1 Caw Wine.J. A. llopjuT, 1 Itx ltiot vm

t Co., 1 ltag Origin Tula tut. "Hawaiian Ktaii, lYmr'nHuti. Daily.t C, Aitrerthrr, I Year' Hull. Daily.Hawaiian Hani wn re 'o., 1 Decanter.Wilder & Co., l.Ton ConLII. Hacltfeld k Co., l'rfre.

Tho All Comers nnd Citizens Matchto remain oien as follows; On Saturday,A u mint 17th. from HO a. m. to sundown. On Saturday, Ailffrnt 2Uh,romI p. in. to sundown, un Haiuruay,August SIstf from 1 p. m. toaundownv'

Carbolic Acid


Copperas 1


of Lime.

Our Stock







MotherbrouKtaisUlnofTerryBavis?PainKii ipo

and by TnorninQ he was--WECL-t

is a sur& ana safe curefor

Cholera,Cholera Morbus,


hJ Summer ComblaM

For Y E AR S cfcuTfcST.

BSoUb al dtuqqists.Ftmn,l5y(Son.tje)KBL

PAIN KILLERanil all llio nlhvr luulInK rire'enlatlrea

aim turre ui uuoieni, a wenas all the beat

DISINFECTANTSara (or sale hj Ihe




Page 4: THE H A, I JM STAR. · Tiio building papers are 1, 2, 3, and 4 ply. They come in rolls, eacn roil con uttnlng 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proor and vermin



i I -- r ii. nm. wi tl liivtlo III

''"TV, . . 8 ? i I' wm the lululett-- of Korean At-

il acllim atiil Irtilr Iwneficinl 111 lt ,,f i,i. ti,.ii

i Jif .t.r 1 i1 r i if

JHt-- N tU4 thsfAUi. at naw ft. av

lttiUlura llu.9m.

3,MM trTlsr"mllpti MliaaMMt.iafl

Ml.TKIIItlll.ltlllrAI, 111 ( (Mill

.. i . I

"rrr, a.i..-- ., ... - n1 3 ?

i Q , I -.l fti r h t b.

oil ll1 o-- J I t a

?v e to nu le 7 raa 4

im n n i atM tj t ra 1w. e ih 4 kk (

tl ,0 Ul ( E I

llaruiiielrr wrrlM tor lemiicrature aDdaVaraltun but hot for latitude.


HtaiiuhlHi will lnaTa for and arrlva fromB in Franeiaoo on tka followlug daU, till tbaeloMOflWtAHE1TK JLt U'!l'LUmL)CiTlllO!IOLULO FOB

FROM nan r tuw i3n r iuaurwubob Vancouver. Vancouvkb.

1 80S I UVR.

On or About On or I

AlamKta Auk 1 Warrlmouo Aug 1

IMKie. A uit iAuatralU Ml 14Auslralia...Aui(Plni Aui'i? Arawa Au SIWarrimou. ...AuuSI Mlowvra.. AuaaiJlatll Augffl

I bma lt 6"WtAualralla- -Oopllo I" Australia I"lt I

Itlo da Jauelrapt 1

Mlowra.. ..he l,t ai Alamnla fpt 1

Hut 'M Warrimoo- - Oct JAustralia.-- . (Jet SI Australia Oct JAustraliaAlamMli ....Oct St Mariposa. (ct J7

Nor 1Mloem...Oct 24Vt arrlmuo NorOctM CopticCMuaAustralia.. ...Nor 1 Alawa KnrSI

Nor 14

Nor 21 Australia.Marl puna. ....Io 1Mlowera.. Nor 14 WarrlmooCoptic... ...Nor 2 lAl.lnir ,','IfiSlOEO.

Deo U Alameda--ArawaU'aprltnml .ItoC 34 Jllowera.JaD 1. 18

Pekln........-.Ul- ''


22. ii'i KkfeaKaUaW

TIME TABLEFrom and After June 1st. lees


Jij? si: itti . fj iskZ ?aA.M. A.M. P.". P.M.

nTTTo Honolulu...":) DM IM 6:1U

Letre IVarl Cltr-- ' a m l:x 6:53Lea-- IVii MUI...S.10 1U 19 S.W S:llArrive AValanae KM .

i i I

paA.M. r.M.

Leave AV'alanae . .6:4 unLT Ka M111..7:l MO 3.51

aeave 1'earl Cltr.-T- O 9.44 S3Sirrive Honolulu .8i'J 3.11

On (atonlay and Sundnr nights Tiwa MillTralnwlll arrlio In Honolulu at

Freight Ti alns x 111 carry Fecond-Clas- s Paea--enger accoinuiouauoiis.,1 I !li",4tv- K.C. HM1T1I.

buperlntend nt. Gen. Pass. Ac Ikt, Aft.



The steamship

ALTIYIOREleaving Portland. for HonoluluSeptember 1st, will have iuimediate dis-

patch on or about

SEPTEMBER 9thfor the above ports.

Theo. H. Davies 8t Co.. Lttl.



LOCAL XICIJS. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

Iroia S. F. for h.Aug. 9 Aug. 14

Sept. 2 Kept. 7

Sept. SO Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct. 27Nor. 15 Nov. 20


From San Francisco From Sydney forfor Sydney. San Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu, Leave Honolulu.

Mariposa. .Aue. 2J Monowai...Aug. 22JlonowaL.Sept. 26 I Alameda.. Sept. 19

Alameda... Oct. 24 Mariposa...Oct. 17

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Hall Service.

For Sydney and ADctlanfl:

The New and Fine Al Bteel Steamship"MARIPOSA"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Ban Fran-cisco on pr about

August 20th,And will leavejfor the above ports withMail and l'assengrs on or about thatdate.

For Sai Francisco:

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship"MONOWAI"

Of the Oceanlo Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland on or uUidt

August 22d,and will hare prompt despatch withMalls and Passengers for the above port.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue Ticiets to all Points in lbs

United States,

For 'further particulars"regardlngFreight orlt'ftssage, apply to

Wm.G. Irwin & Co , L'd,GKNEIIAL AGENTS,


OX IS XJINTJOYNliotti 111 tnftbol tiJ tMulU vtlicn fit',mn of I'ici li Uktnt It ll rlruautMil rcfrf'lilnjr. to tlie taste, unit actlCMiily Tf I promptly on the Klilncjrt,Liter anil lloweln. clcainci the v- -'

lem rftVtuillr. dirndl colill. headacini and levrn etiu nauuuai

f.M Is tirnanNit nntv frnm the mo&L

healthy ami ORrecahlo aubetanccn. Itstunny excellent quanuca comaicua itto nil and have made It the mostpopular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs Is for sale In r0cent bottles by all leadliiR drug,glsta, Any reliable druggist whomay not have it on hand will pro-

cure It promptly for any one whovilshu to try It l)o not accept anybubslitute.


tountiut, r mw iork. N.r.

HOBRON DRUG COtVliulvaitlo .tvciiH.



J i. MARTIN.htab Agent, IIIlo.

HONS. ....HTAR Agent alluku ana uuuuna.


410 FortHt.




Fort tit., opinslle Club Htables.


0. WEST, Masonic Block.

Tel. 3M. Cor. Alakea and Hotel Streets'


VI000 JAC0I1SEN,120 Nuuanu Aift, next to the White House.

Telephone G40.


Hotel St,J, HOPP&CO.

74 King Bt.


Aetna, Alliance, New England Mutua


EMMELUTH & CO.,G Nuuanu St

MERCHANTSS. I. Shaw, Proprietor

H. Hackfeld & Co.

HAVE just receired, perI'. Glutlc"and

per other late arrivals, themost complete stock of . .


Hardware,Ralls and Railway

Material,Crockery and glassware,Dags and Bagging,



A new supply of thecelebrated


. . Also on hand .


All of which they thetrade'on the on the mostliberal terms.






Is prepared to do all kinds ofartfstlo Book, Job and News-

paper printing at fair prices.

Books. Pamphlets, Legal Papers,Hand Bills, Dodgers, Letter andBill Heads, Business and VisitingCards Tickets, Programs, etc. ,


Study of Hit CMMIioml Rttt

Blrons I ImrnftwUIICB,

dot IH'OD or the rtmmc i;Mrr.noR, at( IJtt In lll.wrlll,Willi ! Iltll iilatMs.nt .alllr..jtkr.l ll.r atbwhwH lull Ills llr.t

I Hit? llltlt I MI(H.

l 1 . r'flit I lm CWik IIMtntk I

II IW'TlNomNb"iI.-.i- i mar m Midi tn liirtj lml n

nfi. ILwna mi Ilnllitii lij-d-

il I 'itrtnuu las' vntlfltlwi, niM ft

Fmii Iiiiiaii liy lintloimlltr. llli wn lirel.nt n lnw roiillHKW'j'i for IWIm

,nit only ikhiio i"rnli n few nmnilnMitrv hit Urili. We mil htn ulmiixilirli llr at His nMKvt of Ilia wotlil nl (lie

Hair rniiilliil of (Itslrnctcd utilielinillllva, otrr wlilcli the Hiver ttlllMtdiileil lt aceiiterliiUHttrnl innlinly.CI, ,111, ut XIV. liml ruAchtil the thirduiontli of hlspnntillmfu. The Ilninburit.luM'ph II. win In tho fourth year of thatiiunrlal rule hlch liad now Udoiiki nshadow nimllliiilouon tnoillnK oi Uritaln. unlniim ranidly by roll- -

quoat oil forclRU ahnrea, had for ruler(loorKU 111., then ill tho lliirty-lirfc- t yearof his ngn.

Iu America tho rcbon of Kow l.iis-lan- d

had Wn outlawed by Parliamentfur their "rali and ,isty iiroceallUKnttaimttha tax on tea. Oulyafuwmlloa

- tln.l 1 lieyuny knowing

1 organ









fnmi tlioblrtlisoeuo in tlin House ol L aria iiecoma piicfcianuu uisiiopi; uui noiwas stationed n Provencal aolf. Neither tlio ncbolar'a kowu nor tho

lieutenant with his regiment of Lor priest's aurpIicooiTerod tho sllj,'litctnnd his naino was Mirabeaul tiactinu to his imagination.

Letttia (11 lluonaparto was not quite The condition of the lluouaparte fain- -

iitti.'lnon m.irs nf nin vlirn bp.r war-rm- l llr nlmnt ttinrnnra 177fl7Hrn rrltirnl.was bum. Incidents in tho first years of

VMl..I..l.ll.ll.nrt,l (l.n ,.recorded. Wo nro left to hlmsolf and tohis schooluiato lluurlenno for our Luowl-edg- o

of tho carlleft characteristics andevents of his Hfo.

Tho Cortican had n prodigious mem-

ory, find It reachod back woll toward hisInfancy. When In after yoars ho spokeof himself as ho was much given todoing he generally used exaggeration;bnt we may not doubt that thero wasalways a vein of sterling truth under- -


runuinRliisilrnm-itioreciUls- . Wo knowindeed, out of tho nature of tho case,that his representations of his own

wero in the main correct.The youny Bnonaparto was from a

babe abrupt and quarrelnomo. His willfulness was extreme Tho likelihood isthat he never onco in Ills lifo willinglyobeyed anybody Near his death, nlLongwood, ho declared that ho was nov-e- r

n fraid. His was fre-

quently oxciti'd against Jucph, overwhom ho t'iercistd a censorious swayfrom thotimowhen thoy toddlod togeth-er in tho birth-roo- or fought in theyard. Ho appears to have loved hismother, and to hnvo obeyed tier in a mo-

rose and mathematical way; but tu hislast talk ho indicates that Mi conduct as

child toward tho mother was latherprudential than ntfectiouata Ho bearswitness that tho Hanioliuo Jionct.4 astender in tho treatment of him, ns wellan hevero nnd just.

To their fourth child, Carlw Buonaparte ami his wifo gavo tho ininu ofNapoleon. At tho first ItIn this form tho retained ituntil, flaring up in Paris in tho charac-ter of a young Jacobin, ho threw awaytho Italian and aristocratic ilctions iuJiis name, to become plain, republicanNAIOLEOS BONAI'AItTK.

Tho first teaching of tho child Bonaparte was given by Ids mother. Then hewas sent, iu his tilth year, to a child'sfcchool kept by a woman. Ho went fromtho parental threliold in that same arbitrary and bolligerent mood whichcharacterized him over. Ho fought withhis schoolmates, among whom ho ap-peared with no feign of neatness in hisclothing, and nothing debonair in hismanner.

At this time, beside his parentg, bebad two important relatives. One oftboho was Lucien Buonapartn, brotherof his grandfather Joseph; and tho otherwas Joseph Fesch, afterwards tho

of hln mother.The latter was a (studious lad of twelve,who took au interest iu his bister's son;and tho farmer had wealth nnd iullueuceiu the i hlaj id, both of which ho waswilling to bestow on tho Bonaparteschoolbuy. Young Fesch aided him withhis lessons, and exercised a conservativeinfluence on his temper. How littlomight it bo forohtvn that tho younger ofthese twain, with his fcurly look andlong hair and stockings down over hisshoes iustho dust of the playground,fchould ono day, from an Imperial palacein tho most splendid city iu the worlddespatch his elder playmate as ambassa-dor to tho Popo of Homo I

What were tho civil and social influ-ences around the Bchoolhouso of Bonajartc? Tho sentiments oi that place irAmong tha most poteni and enduringforces of Hfo. Tho child nature imbibesunconsciously the prevailing principlesof the hour; and the character is fann-ing whtlo tho fir hesitant words areconned from tho primer. The boy Napo-leon had arouud hfs schoolroom asaround his audio an agitated atmos-phere. It was banked with tho recedingclouds of revolution. There was light-ning on tho rim, and blood on thofringes.

Tho majority of thoCorsicans had ac-cepted tho French dominations. Homostill remembered Geuo. with nllectiou;and many fcighed for independence.Among the latter were the Buonapartes.The feeling of regret for tho lost causobegan to wauo about tho timo that Na-poleon was Bent to hdioul; but thero wasHill iu his heart a drop of inheritod bit-terness on account of tho French con-quest. Ho looked back angrily at thoterrible conditions surrounding him inhis childhood. As late as his twentiethyear ho broke out in passion. "I wasborn, said he, " while my country wasdying. Thirty thousand French, vomitedon our shores, drowning tho throne ofliberty in waves of blood such was thehorrid sight which first met itir view.Tho cries of tho dying, tho groans of theoppressed, tears of despair, surroundedmy cradle at my birth.1 Tho utteranceshows how hardly the futnro emperor ofthe French himself tu youtli became ar re ncn imm.

When, from tho sixth to tho ninthyear of his ago, the boy Bonanarto attended school in his uativo town, threelinos radiated beforo his feet. One ofthese was dim and clouded, but glorifiedwith parches of extreme light. It wasthe way Into the kingdom of that NewPhilosophy winch was just then revealing itself with such brilliancy In Franco.A second and well trod way led straight'ly to the Chnrch. Homo was great andhonorable. Her rowards of diligent ambltlon were rich and certain. Tho youngaspirant who entered the colleges mightwell expect emolument and reputation.The third path led dangerously to thefnilltary life. Nouo might at that time

Evry Wtmu Livingnl H n tw,, t

rlliiMlftf. ill i. in,MI M Ih. f t(H I

nt laflal IIKrn I

h. 1h.orlfl.iat'


It llli III'III M. ll

ir.t HrllKliImm irr

HI. luinrr aHIHf In Tjr r.

uwl ...toll W. A tft tit lasu flirrmnilrit lw fl tan of ltnf

Hit, Hmlt.n-- t

mica IM wiittt ( r lrH, Minbiitn,IMmu, Moll. mill k.i H rmiii

nhmiisl. rilt- 11.111. llattnlrM amiiwrtlll.(ap..f lfrrswassrr

mm sun-la- l ailrn "Bit lfntr(IM4llM MW. NUTriH I1AIIII1WIN,IIMIHir IKirinr. yiifwTji . .,."'-- .

tf li.r anlrlir Hlll.l.lHTMl I llll ll nl.,M M., HlHIirtlllll Ml II

lllsoril llin OOIUIIIR llplle..,., (.1 MS ICIJ,Willi Macoimimltniit relRii of llioswunl.lint tho ntiilntioiia of tha elieh weromfih'li lit In cneournKO M nr, mid In offern meflsiire of liidueenirnt to follow 111

tho .ilh of military itlnry.Tho tarltnrn aehoollioy nf Ajaerlohad

thetifl thteooiH'ii way laifnro him. Tromthu first, ho waa iirecludtil by tho

of hla family, tntdisllled Inliliiiai'lf. lie never had tho acholastlatrait. Ilia nbllltieamn mipil, and lifter-ward- s

na a military cadtt, ahmteil nutli-lii-

of tho lililloo,li. Indeed ho con-trived how early In lwyhoud wo knownot nlirejudleonnaiimt iililhwoiihy nndtho iihlloMiphera n well. As for thoChurch, ho had nn inbred admirationfur Itnmc; but tho kind of llfo offered 111

tho nrifMhood vrni without nltractiouafar him pernonnlly. IIowiiwlllliiKthatJoseph mid other of hla frieiida rhould

Oarlo, tho father, had given nn Interest- -1 n.ll,nBtn,, tn !, VV..1. II.. l,l

hope from tiie annexation. Ho wouldkeep Ids titles and recover the properties formerly belemging to tho family.Tho lluonaparto estates in Corsica hadbeen mostly lost. Homo had been confis-

cated by tho Gcnoeso party and convert-ed into Jesuit schools. Tho recent revo-lution had reduced Carlo's means almostto naught. Ho was himself of no repu-tation as nn economist His family hadrapidly multiplied. Two children diedIn Infancy between tho birth of Napoleon and that of Lucien, in 1775. Thefamily was brought almost to penury.

Carlo de Buonaparte could not getback his properties. Tho privilege ofwriting his uamo with ado did not com-pensate for his losses. Ho struggled withadversity, and sought tho aid of Influen-tial friends. Among theso tho mostavailable was General Marbccuf. Tholatter in 1770 appealed on behalf of hisCorsica!, friends to tho authorities inParis for tho privilege of educating theBuonaparto boys in France at tho expense of the royal treasury. This thingmight bodouo provided tho applicantsshould bo under ten years of age, and boable to show four strains of noble bloodIn their veins) In tho caso of tho boysBuonaparto, this could not be proved;and affairs in the homestead went frombad to worse x

At this juncture history, rather thanman, camo to tho rescue. Franco was ontho vergo of bankruptcy. Ono financeminister after another was appointed,and one financial scheme aftor anotherexploded in the hands of tho Inventors.It became necessary to call together, atVersaillcs,acouncilof tho nobles. Carlode Buonaparto was chosen a representa-tive from Corsica. In going to performids duty at tho French capital, ho tookwith him, to bo distributed en route,Ids two sous, Joseph and Napoleon ; also,tlio boys half uncle, Joseph Fcsch; also,n cousin of Lctitia, tho mother. As forFesch, ho was to bo left ns a student atAlx. Tho cousin had been appointed tonn office in tho church nt Autun; audint that placo tho distracted father deter-mined to drop his two sous nt school.

This was in tho yoar 1 778. Tho com-pany set out by way of Florence, Genoa,Marseilles, Lyons. The youngest of thocompany was a d boy,iu such apparel as could bo furnished iniho houso of an impecunious nobleman.Tho boy's head was bent forward as howalked. His foot now for tho first timetouched tho continent. He was in histenth year. Ho muttered broken ejacu-lations to his companions. It was Napoleon Bonaparto on his way to Autun

and tho world.John Clakk HmrATU.

llrprct That Came Too Late.The London Musical Herald tells a

queer story about Jack Wilson's tombin tho Little Cloisters at Westminsterabbey. Wilson was Shakespeare's tenor.Ho was piobably the first to sing "faigliNo More, Ladies, nnd ho died at theago of 78, In 1073. The inscription onhis tomb at tho abbey was much oblit-erated, and under tho direction of anantiquary n man was employed to recuttho letters The antiquary lookingover him, feo that ho should mako nomistake, and to mako tho timo go pleasantly ho expatiated at great length tothe workman upon the grandeur andmerit) of tho deceased. Tho man even-tually stopped his work, and looking upat the antiquary said, '! wish, sir, wohad known that ho was such a swell bo- -

fore wo run that there uram pipethrough mm."

A Very Honest View.The young man whoso salary wasn't

long enough by several lengths to reachto all the points ho wanted it to hadbeen harassed that morning by numer-ous persons with bills and bills aud bills.About noon, nt which timo ho had lostcount of them, his landlady's husbanduppeared with another for tho paMmouth s provender.

"What's tills?" ho afaked, displayingconsiderable onnoyauco.

"Your board bill for tho montli.""Well, I'll not pay it," hoexclaimed,

throwing it on his desk. "Do all youpeople think 1 have no uso for money cxcept to pay bilbj with'f" and ho invitedthe caller to get out. Detroit FreeI'ress.

Woolens.Nover put away for the summer a

woolen garment of any kind that Isspottexl with grease or soiled with mud,Grease is astonishingly attructivo tomoths, aud all the uubrushed clothes"ago" rapidly. Ammonia for all blackgoods, and a dedicate mixture of ether,ammonia and castile soap for coloredones, may be advised. PhiladelphiaIjodger. t

A Literary Adjauct.They had traveled together fur about nr

hour iu silence, but tho man with the not -

ly vest and the conspicuous watch chainfinally succeeded in getting a conversationunder way. .11 U neighbor was a little iuhuwith wobbly eyeglasses, aud In response toan abrupt question as to whether he wasnot a literary man replied mildly;

'I hae written somethings.'"I take un interest In literature. I come

from Chicago, u litre's the town that combines art and commerce. First she wentahead and made her business reputation.amn'i uuer '

"Yes.""And now she's made her literary repu-

tation. Don't you agree with mef""It must be admltUd that some things

about Chicago remind one of literature.For Instance, ithe is undoubtedly one of thegreatest pen holders in the world.'

And then his glass almost wobbled oillis he explained that he was from NewYork aud must be excused if he had saidanything that sounded spiteful. Washing- -

vuu puir,

ThoBlacktone river, In Rbodo Island,was named in honor of Rev, WilliamBlacks tone, an Episcopal clergyman andearly settler. The Indians called it Pawtucket, "the forks."

Handkerchiefs first came into noticeIn England during the reign of Elizaboth.

Thi NiwkI Bicyclis.I'lVIC M'i'YMCM I

Aid n It (it 1 an, J Ifirvt'irtl,Jtai'iiCH' Special,




KxtcuiitK Council,.

. II. Hole, I'resii'i'nt ot the Republic ol

ttaa!l.r.M. Hatch, .Minister of Forelim Affairs.J. A. Klnit, Mltilater of II," Interior.s.Mtlltiinon, .Mlalsteref Finance.V. O. Htullli. Altornur-tlenera- l.

CnfNCll. or bTATK.

t harlt'R M, Cmtke, J d in N'ott,J, I. Vendutic. T U. Murray,J use .'It Kawftlnot, J. A. Kennedy,Cecil HroYiti. W.U. Wilder,1. C. Jone, C. Holte,M. l'. KoblLfon, D. !. Xaone,Johu Kna, A. O.M. Koberta

(leoriro W. Hmith.


Hon. A. F, Jiidd, Chief Justice.lion. It. K. HlckertoD, First Associate JusticeIloa.W. K. Krear, Second Associate JusticeHenry Mrltlu Chief Clerk.George Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson, HeCoiid Deuutv Clerk.J. Walter Jones. Stenographer.

Cihcuit Judges.

First Circuit: H. E. Cooper, W. A. WhitingUahu.

decond Circuit. Maui, J W. Kalua.TMnI and t'oiirthCirculte.-lUwal- i H.L.AUst u.Fifth Circuit. Kauai, J. Hardy.

Uillces and Court-roa- la JudicialliulMhig, King S.reet. Bitting In Honolulu.First Monday In February, May, August andNuvembei

Depautuilst or Fouxion ArrAUts.

'Jill co in Kx ecu live Building, Kins HtreetFrancis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign AffairsiKo. C. Potter, Secretary.A. Ht. M. MAtklutntth,, li, Marx,Steuik(raplier Executive CouncilJ. W. Uln In, Hecietury Chinese Hureau,


UlUee tn Executive Bulldlntf, King UlrceiJ. A. King, Minister nf the Interior,Chief Clerk, John A, Hasstnger.Assistant James II. Bojd, II. C.

Meiers, tius Hose, MepUen Maha- -Ulu, Ueorge C. lions, Kdward H. Uojd.

Cm Era or BcimAVS, Depautment

Interior.Hurvejor-llt-nera- l, W. II. Alexander.Supt. I'ubllc Works, W. E. Howell.Bupt. Water Works, Andrew fcrown.Iuspector K lee trio Lights, John Cassldy.Iletflstrar of Uonvei ances, T. O. Thrum.Deputy Iletflstrar of Conve ances, K. W,

AndiewaRoad BuieMi8or, Honolulu. XV, II. Cam- -

ml MRS.

Chief Kngtneer Fire Dept., J. II. Hunt.Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert.

Bureau or AomcmvrunE.

President J. A. Kinx, Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W.Ul. Irwin, A.Jaeger, A, Her-bert and Jobn Kna.

Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officioSecretary nf the hoard; Joseph Mafsden.


Minister of Finance, R. M. Damon.Audltor-Henem- l, II. Laws.Heglslrar of Accounts, V, G, Ashley,Collet of Customs, J. B. Castle,Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan tihaw.Deputy AusesHor, W. i . Weedon,PostmasterGeot'ral, J. M. Oat.


Ofllce, Custom House, KepUuade, FortHt.Collector-Uenera- l, J. U. Castle.

r, F. B. Mcbtocker.Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller,I'ort Hurveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, Geo. C. Mratemeyer,


Office In Executive Building, King St.Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorno-iieuera- l, A. 0. M. Kobert- -


Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal. K.U. llliclicock.Clerk to Marshal, 11. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M, Brown.Jailor Oahu I'rlson, James A. Low,Prison Physician, Dr. N, B. Kmerson.

Boa it n or Health,

Office In 'grounds of Judiciary Buildingcorner of Mllllani and Queen Streets,

Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews,J.T, Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena, TheodoreF. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- SmithPresident. Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary, Chas. Wilcox.

Executive Officer, I', H. Reynolds.-Acen- t

Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,

L. L. Lal'lerre.Inspector, Dr. Wm. Moneufrat.Port Physician, Dr. F. K. Day,Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard,Leper Hettleiaent. Dr. It. K. Oliver.

Boa hd or Iumiqratiqh.Office, Department of Interior, Judiciary

Building, Kina Street,President, J. A. Klnir.Members of the Board of Immigration;

J. B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, JosephMa mien, James el. Spencer, J. Carden,

Secretary, Wray Taylor,

BoeiiD or KncoATioic,

Office, Judiciary Building, King StreetPrekldeut, W. H. Castle.Clerk?J, F.Scott.Iiuiectoro( Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

Bo Aim jo CiutWN 4p Cokiwitfie nff.J, A. King, Minister of the Interior; Y O

Smith, Attorney-liener- and C, P. IaukeaOffice !a Judiciary Building,

La bo a Commission,

W N. rmstrong Chairman.J. Emmeluth, T. B. Murray,J. M. Vivas, II. W Severance.

Dr. C. T. HodKers,' Secretary.


Pol Ire Station Building, Merchant Street.Antonio Perry, Magtstrate.-Jame-

Thompson, Clerk.

PosTorncB BoaiAU.

Postmaster-Genera- l, J, Mort Oat.Secretary, W, O, At water.Sup't Postal Saving Bank, II, C Johnson.Money uruer Departmr nt, r, u. uat.General Delivery, UT. Kenake,Itegtstry Department. Q, L. Desha,Clerks; J, D, Holt, R. A. Dexter, H.L. Keku-

mano, C, J, Holt, . Uwai,' Henry KaUT

MUfXair :


now It Might i:ullj- He llim reiitly lntfr- -rcti-i- t hy IHtTrrent IVrmn.

Iu thnrelRiinf .tnuiea Vltif Hcidlnnd thoSpanish c iiMMusfiulor, n mmim umit learn- -

In u. hntl tho irim that In every iitiivemtythere should 1' n pnfiRwr nf Muiia, wIiomiduty should lw to mako men of nrhmscountries iindcrstand entn other hy signs,thus ilolng uwny Willi tho teuluu and la-

borious piiKTM nf learning dHTerviitTho emltnsHador was ono day la

menting to thu king thl deficiency In ouruniversity education when he, for a Jokc,t.ud that this Iniixtrtnnt Iiranch ot cducaHon was nut ncglevUil In Scotland; thatAbenleen had such a professor. ThoPtMinlanl nt onco doclaml that ho wouldgo and see him. Tho king wns.utmblo todlsNuaht him, and IlnilliiK liliiiHoir luniiawkwanl position wroto thu imhcrKltyand desired Its profeswirs toinnUo tho Ustof the afTatr in home way.

Hcarcely had tho letter announcing thoeinlmasador's oxpecteil arrlvid nichel

when tho emlfiHsador hlinwlf np- -

tfcnnd. Tho profeforn had nut had timoto concoct any plan nnd wero nt their wits'end. Onoof them chanced torecftunt theirdlliiiiiim to the butcher, awagglh fellow,blind in one cic und muck at unaitrn

"wiiy. that's easy cneuch," maid ho. Icould do It mit-cl'- sluuo 'tis hut to keepstill and iiiaU' fclriw."

Well, It ci'ino ulxmt that tlio tmtchcrwas Installed nt thu university ns professorpt plgnu, dressed Inn piofcssionalrolHJ andn llowlng wig. l ho emuusHiulor was

to him. llo Uxk a survey of tliobutcher's faeti and then produced an

frm his ixxhct.Tsothltm daunteti, tlio hutcherthrust ma

hand into his cOat pocket and produced apiece of oaten enke, which lio showed totho sumrlseil Spaniard. Tho emlvussadorUien held iq ono fingLT. Tho ''professorof signs" held up two, tho cm- -

biuwaidor held up three, on which thobutcher cllncbctl his hand and held Itsternly In tho nlr.

Uu seeintr this tho embassndor sullied ina most gratified manner, lowcd profoundly and left tho prcncuco of tho pretendiilprofessor.

The hpanumi rciMirte-t- totno proicssora,who wero anxiously awaiting him, that'tho professor of slinis was a mlraclo nndwell worth coming 000 mites to seo. Saidho: "I drew from myiXHiket nn orango,signifying thu richness of tho countryfrom which I enme. Ho showed mo a pieceof oaten cake, indicating that his countryproduced tlio staff of Hfo. I then held upono finger, meaning that thero was butono God. Ho held up two, showing thatthero wero two pert-on- In tho Godhead. Iheld up three to show there were threo intho Godhcud. Ho clinched hU hand toshow that tho three wero one."

Tho butcher's version of tho Inters lewwas this:

Tho Benin n Wlmt do j o think did hedeef Ho stured mo out o' countenancefirst, after which piece o' Impudence hopull til from hla punch nn orange, as tf tosuy, 'Your poor inuntry cjiuna producothatl I hhouHl my hand Into my pouchand pullexl out a whang o' ojiten cake,darln him to show anything like that.Then what did tho insultin rascal deer Ho

eld up ayo finger, mcanlii that 1 had buta)o u u, l up twa tu tell him nu nanonly twa. He lit Id up threw to show thatwo had but threo between us. l thenclinched my hand and was tu sio n race nttho stupid man that gin ho hadna gauooot o tho room pretty quick 1 wod haoknocked out balth his blinkers.' Youth'sCumpauion,

Modern rias s.

Why is it that In fo many of tho playswritten nowada) s all tho really interestingportions aro found in the earlier acts, whlloin tho lajt net there is hardly unythlng developed that wan not previously known tothowj who liodwatclied tho progress of thopiece r" This question, put rather abruptly to a well known dramatist, elicited thofollowing reply: "blmply because a manwho writes a play is thinklnir of thodramatlo critics, just as a man who writes astory is thinking of tho magazine editorsto whom ho proposes to sell It, Isow It isa well known fact that a great many critics an obliged to leave n theater on thofirst night of a production before the eud oftho play, and tho dmmatUt must sco thathis climax occurs ixjioro this general exo-dus. If ho does not, ho U llablo to read tnhalf a dozen papers tho next morning thatIds play was altogether lacking in actionand did not contain a single really strongscene. I have been through the mill myself in common with others of my craft,and for that reason, when I write a fouract play, I take patns tu mako my thirdact as strong as possible, after which I canatloru to let tho fourth act take euro ol itself. A drop In tho third act, by which Imean n 1 enduing In dramatic interest, isfatal to any piece, but the publlo nowadays do not expect much In a last act except a sort of smoothing out of entangle-ments and explaining away of matters thatstood between tho final reconciliation oftho hero and heroine." New York Sun.

A Tablet to Jenny L.Iul'a Memory.The question of a memorial to Jenny

Liud in Westminster abbey has been agi-tated, and the ndnitfers ot tho Swedishnightingale were fearful that they wouldprobably fall la their object. The pointwas made agalnut her that there is uo roomIn the Pantheon of England for a ocal ar-tistthat place being comecrated to crea-tive genius. Finally permission having beengiven for a medallion to be bet up in theabbey, somebody has bent out circulars beg-ging for subscriptions to pay for the medal-lion, which will co&t between JtMOO aud

500, Including the abbey fees. As the me-dallion must of necessity he small, thequestion is how much of the money goesseverally to the artUt, the artisan and theabbey, London Letter.

How a Germairtslketl Splderi.Bushmen and New Caledonians are said

to enjoy spiders, and we have heard of aGerman a scientific German of coursewho spread them on his bread like butter.Rut the taste is not a European one anymore than a taste for caterpillars, cock-chafers, ants and wire worms, all of whichare eaten in different parts of the globe.London Spectator.

Alpaca For Travel (nr uoniu,Silk alpaca la a fabric much in favoi

at prevail t. It bears but little roseiublance to the material known by thaiDame somo years ago. This season alpaca is shown iu all the new colors audIn a variety of charming patterns. It isa pliable material, graceful and serviceable and ono opcoially suitod for a trnvcling gown. It sheds the dust and scorn iwrinkles, New York'News.

One True Admirer"Mr. Timniins," Bald tho old fash-

ioned girl, "I hopo you aro uot an ad-

mirer of the new woman,""Oh, but I am," confessed Timmius.

"She Is good for at least tltroo joVoa anda poem every week, "IndianapolisJournal- -

Dlsooarafting to For try.A rifle that will go through 24tnchei

of oak and a human body at 1,600 yards,inclfas the new winy rlUe will do, deBtrojs the previonsly existing high premium on trees In time of battle. uocneater Union and Advertiser.

ttapld Extinction.Boy Pleaso, sir, may I have the aft-

ernoon off T My grandmother Is to bebarlod.

Employer This Is the third grand,mother, you have bnrlod since the footbai 1 season openod.

Boy --I know It, sir. Icomeof a veryold family, and my ancestors can'tstand the excitement of the game.'They're dying off very

Ti my NiremMt iiM mc,

t hare jit npttieit at myuiTice, iij IIntiiki. .Sr.,HoNiii.t'i.f, II. 1.

1 att


KXIIIIiniDNnf Hi" Islett iltltri and nntrlllr Inl.inl.fnl.ifiy tviita, llrawn Wuik, lloa)Hllk, Kriislnxloti and Ktcliina;a,

I wiiuiii ritiirciriillr Intlln mil mlyour filemla to rail ami lti'-c- t IheaeROOilf,

The Ulngir rreHtcil At first awardfur rtawlng Maehilica and r.mlimlileryWork at the Wottd'a Fair. Chlcaito, III.,Ik'Iiir Hie lari!)! iiutnher of nwatdt ullalnnl by any khltiltur, nnd mure thanilnuble the ntunlat Klten In all other,.-- ,,isi ui rmiB 11




Also White and Ulactc Sandwhich we will sell at the very low-

est market rales.

t2T Telephone Ni'. IU

Oh, I Say 1

have you hoard of the new lb in nt the cornof King and Alakra sheets, where you or soil anything fnirn a cambric newt

to a raw inlll.

Now and SctoniMianil FomliDKAll binds of pecnmM and lcks

bought and fol.l. All kinds ofccntracittnlvpn for

J TT. 1 . 1 i .

I'tfiuiioii a iiii upflDisiBnnu.We are fullv prejiared to contract foi

any sized job of painting and reatrlugtIIAltl,i:s HAWKINS.

t - 'i ,



Commission Merchants

uclflc Mull S. S. Co.Agents- -cclilcnliil dc Orlrn

Inl S. S. Co.




Popular Brands of Straight Goods


Try the Great Appetizer, "THEBROWNIE". COCKTAIL, a specialtywith this resort.




Candy Factorj. "VA Cake Bakery.HAHTSCO.



ISLAND CURIOS.Our Establishment Is the Finest Resort in the

City. Call and tee us. Open till li p. m.

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Strkut,

Between Fort aud Alalea Bta.


Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island

Butter always on band.

Fresh Goods teceived by every Steamerjrom oan Jrancsco.

tST Hati8vaction Guarantied, jei

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS98 Fort Street.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47,

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker,

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

Pacific Brass FoundrySTEAM- - AND GALVANIZED flPE. EL-


STEAM COCKS, and all other llttlngsfor pipe on hand.

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill.

Fresh milled HIcoors&le In quantities to soAr

J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r.Vnrt Ptrat. Hitnolulo.


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,

doors, sash, blinds,paints, oils, glass,



Castle & Cooke, Ltd.


. CommissionMerchants,

General Merchandise,



WILDER & f,0 Fc"ant TAILOR,

(IlllVlMtt. I. llli,

3ttiiii t, i mm - if, c, mm,

laNttlta As. DlAlttt la

Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


Builders' Hardware,l'fllniH, (ills. Glass.


Cor, foil and Queen Streets it t.

Ucniovcd to Store next GoldenRule Bazaar.

YOUR"WATCHwill be mack' to keep excellent

time il left



FARRER & CO,the well known and reliable

Watch Makers.

If satisfaction is not given, yourmoney will be returned in (uli.Island or(Jers will receiveprompt attention. 5176111

roivn wn phim i nnU111U 11 U UUU1I U UUii


IniDorters and dealers in all kinds ofProvisions, Merchandise, Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.Clothing, Matting, CamphorTrunks, Valises, Hats and Gentsrurnisliing uoous.

HIP CI10M,Dealer In

GROCERIES - AND - PROVISIONS,Fork, Rice, Bran audGeneral Merchandise.

Cor, Hotel aud Nuuanu Sts. Honolulu, II. I.

CHINESE PROVISION STOREBrick Building ....Cor. Hotel and Smith Sts,

Kl CHONC, Proprietor.Xice, Tea and General Merchandise.


Gent.'B Furolshlng Quods.Chinese Bilk, Jlattlni,

Camphor 'liunka..No. 43 NUUANU SlIiEET,

1'. O. Dox 114.

Yee On Co.,VatcUers and MannfactiiriDg


llepairing of Watches and Jewelry Cheap.All Work Guaranteed.

Importers of Watches and Clocks,317 NUUANU STREET. P. O. Box 143

Prompt attention to all

P, O. Bon,


Priced on the

for 9dww....,

W. V. AIIAaV.V.Nuuanu 81. . Ttlephone eon

Floe soilinas, Scotch and

American Goods.

L'MiTIlM (!l,WMI AMI ft lA I It Kt



Importer nnrl Denier In Driaood.and Fancy Goods.

Merchant Tailoring,KIT ltr.tltANTKK.ll.I'lllL'KMMIIIIf'.ltAir.

Tr.l.M lioNK .11 J. i.

- ooo icirvi.WING WOTAIfc COMPANY,


By llsrk Viloclly,Larvett Setteia. Itntlnii Luunfies unit

Olinlra,I'loner I'ot KIiiikIs, Inlnl.l Hltola

inurlile top. Kino MotllnK,Uaiiipliur Till nks, Manila

TtUphotie 2C6

Orient Planing Mill,VINO FAT V. CO.,

CONTACTORS & JWJIDEASflirn till, at nil klfisla iniiln ami rnit(l-td- .

Hullillnti bottsfs nul mnktnn rice mills aHHiaiiir.

I'.O.Ilnx 193. Cur. KIN nnd BKTHKIj Sts

WOODING & CO.,C..3S, sai 1 1 AIjmolaiiacllaa9,

Grort'rloa, China nml Japiin Teas,Miiltliv, China Silk, Etc.

telephone No. 457. s: 417 St.


Importers and Cuinmiesiuu Merchants,China and Jajmn Tww,Manila Cigars, 811 ka,

tiiocerlestiUiirrovlsiann. ....

04 King btreet. Telephone 78.


- No. 209 KUUANU bT.


Boots and Shoes Made to Order.V. 0. Box y)7. . . .We Umi tlio Host Mutoi inl mid Warrant It to ell.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer of

Silk Goal, Fine Tcast Manila Cigars,Matting, Rut Oil and General

Merchandise,No. SOI Maunakea Street, Honolulu, II. I.

r, u. ijox ioa.


Importers and dealers in GeneralMerchandise.

Wholesale Wine ani Spirit Merchants

Cor. King and Maunakea Streets.


"Wholesale Dealers In

Liquors and Manila Cigars, English andAmerican Groceries.

402 Hotel Btrwt TetAphnnA 147.

L. AHLO,Dry Goods, Itoola, Mini's, Etc,

flonornl It! Airpnt. fur tlio follnulntr ulau- -tatlunsoi, Oahu: W'ttlpl", Walaua.NValmalu,

Walalua.ivaueuutt nice jiiii uest rictf lor sale.

Mark A. UNo. 408 Nuvanu Sr Cor. Chaplain St.

P. O. Box 114.


Crockery, Hardware, Cigars, Etc,

831 Nuuanu St.,P. O. Box 135


and dealers in

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, EtcWater Pities, laid and l,teiaLred,and plumbing neatly executed . . .

No. 41 Nuuanu btukkt,

Telephone.: Mutual. 65: Bell. ,498.

Mutual Tel. 340



Wroucjlit Steel Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stores.HOUSEKEEPING GOODS:

Agate V are (White, Gray and Nickel.plated, PumpsWater and Son Pipes, Water Closets and RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs and Sinks,O. S. Gutters, and Leaders, Slice' Iron Copper. Zincand Lead, Leaa Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron' Work.DIMOND BLOCK, - 75-- 97 KING STREET


Office and Mill on Alakea and Richards,near Queen Btreet, Honolulu, H. I, , , ,





POUND"IT , To bejthe lowestT


First - Class - Second - Hand - Furniture

UlgbMii CaibPrloc rkld








Islands to buy NBW and

fC Furniture at the I. X. '."x.siih ana Ring intM,

Good and Clean, at Prloea to suit the hardtime. fJkW and Bold Cheap for Cash. , ,

