The Gym In You: Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



No fads, gimmicks, miracle transformation claimsNo BSJust common-sense programing, intense workouts and hard workHome, Gym or outdoors bodyweight based workout programTwelve different and unique workouts for beginners and advanced traineesStep by step instructions for over forty exercises

Transcript of The Gym In You: Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts




    The contest of this e-book, techniques, ideas, and any suggestions is for

    informational purposes only. The application of the same is at the readers sole

    discretion and risk.

    Consult your physician or health care professional before performing any new

    exercises or exercises technique, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you

    are elderly, or if you have any chronic or recurring conditions. If at anytime you feel

    sharp pain or discomfort, stop immediately.

    The author or anybody else affiliated with creation and distribution of this material

    disclaims any liability, personal or professional, resulting from misapplication of any

    of the workout procedures described in this material.


    No part of this material may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted by any

    means, without the prior written consent of the author.

    Copyright 2014 Marin Njiric | All rights reserved


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    Although most of the heavy lifting during the creation and realization of

    TheGymInYou project was done by me; this material wouldnt be as nearly good if

    there wasnt help from the following individuals who contributed with their skills,

    enthusiasm, thoughts or simply with needed equipment at the time of need:

    Milena Nestic (model); Maro Storelli & Ivan Gagro (photo shoot equipment);

    Vedran Vekic (photography); Jelena Jasprica (constructive criticism)

    You all have my utmost gratitude


  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

    2. EXERCISES ..................................................................................................................... 4

    3. THE WORKOUTS ........................................................................................................... 41

    4. WORKOUT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 66

    5. FEW WORDS ABOUT NUTRITION .................................................................................. 68

    6. FEW LAST WORDS ........................................................................................................ 71

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    The world today is stuck between two equal forces. On one side there is a vast army of

    physically unfit people. On the other side there is a deep ocean of fitness books,

    workouts, must have equipment, supplements and of course couch fitness gurus (the

    kind who knows it all just by sitting all day long and watching numerous workouts on the

    World Wide Web). The irony is that sometimes even well experienced person in physical

    training can lose their compass and drown in that ocean, let alone determent individual

    who is set to change his current unfit lifestyle.

    The contest of this e-book is therefore mainly intended for beginners and those with

    average training experience. For those with advanced training experience you are

    encouraged to stay open minded and go through described workouts. Maybe youll learn

    something new or perhaps youll remember something that you have forgot.

    All the workouts are based strictly on bodyweight exercises with little or almost no

    additional needed equipment. Whether you follow the beginners or advanced variation of

    the workouts; every workout is intense and mentally very challenging but at the same

    time unique and different than previous. There will be little room for boredom in the

    weeks to come.


    Its a decent question that you should be asking, but the answer you already know. If by

    any chance you have doubts try to answer some of these questions:

    Do you want to start your journey in physical training but just dont know in which

    direction to make your first step, or how?

    Do you want to get rid of that back pain after a long day in the office and feel extra

    good about yourself at the end of the day?

    Do you want to feel physically fit and ready to accept any challenge that is thrown in

    your face?

    Do you want to lose that extra fat around your waist and at the same time increase

    body strength and flexibility, to stand tall & strong?

    Do you want to save that hard earn money instead spending it in some overpriced

    Gym which is too far and almost always too crowded?

    If the answer on the most of these questions is yes, than yes this book is for you like

    many other advanced books on bodyweight and weighted training which are listed in the

    References and Recommended Literature.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Why not start immediately with other advanced books, why waste time on this one?

    Simple because if you are on the very beginning of your journey to become physically fit,

    other advanced programs will crush you in half and discourage you in your further

    progress. They are meant for seasoned athletes with both body and mind strong enough

    to endure and overcome the intense challenges of those workouts. Like a chain you are

    strong enough as your weakest link.

    Looking from another perspective, these workouts will serve you like a jumpstart to more

    advanced workout programs. When the time comes youll know when you are ready to

    move on. If you decide to stick with this workout program that is fine too, because almost

    all the workouts are design to be competition with your biggest enemy your mind. You

    will quickly discover that the body can go far more than mind allows.



    The endless debate which is better and why, bodyweight vs. isolation exercises in the gym

    will not be covered by this material. There are numerous books, articles and opinions on

    that subject which can be easily found on World Wide Web. After all you and only you

    know what is your goal, and what do you enjoy doing more. If you detest bodyweight

    exercises and prefer machines in public gym than this material is absolutely not for you.

    The idea of writing exclusively bodyweight workout manual for beginners came to me in a

    summer of 2013 while talking with a very good and much older friend of mine. In the heat

    of the discussion about overall health in this fast paced world that we live in, he confided

    to me his unhappiness and regrets about the way he treated his body over the long years

    of naval carrier. Two simple and very common excuses came out:

    1. I didnt know how or what to exercise...

    2. I didnt know where and when to exercise...

    Our daily jobs often take much more from us that they tend to give back. With other home

    and social duties we are left, if we are lucky, with hour or two to ourselves on the best of

    days. I cant blame anyone who wants to spend that precious time relaxing with his better

    half, watching a movie or enjoying a good book rather than hitting the floor hard for an

    hour. Same goes for my friend. I dont blame him for not exercising after a tough day in

    the engine room of a cargo ship size bigger than a football field. I do feel sorry for his

    regrets, and I believe that we ought it to ourselves to take extra care of our body and stick

    to the old saying: in a healthy body is a healthy mind.

    Things to remember: The approach I will work out hard just to look good must be

    once and for all banished and replaced with I will work out hard to feel good and

    good looks will soon come along.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    The realization of the sparked idea came much sooner than expected, when another

    friend lawyer trainee sought my advice on possible home workout solutions. Problem was,

    after a long day at the office the body became more and more stiff and for a trainee wage

    option of going to public overpriced gym was not to be mentioned. Only possible solution

    left was exercising at home with little or almost none equipment. Gladly I accepted the

    task given before me, and with little modifications of the workouts I usually do, the

    foundations of The Gym in You bodyweight program routine were created. Soon enough

    like a summer fire, the workouts spread along the friends and friends of the friends.

    Different questions started to appear, and soon came the inevitable, the need for tutorial

    describing the workouts or a book perhaps.

    Its essential to point out that these workouts you can do almost anywhere you go. The

    complete workout requires pull-up bar. But if you are stuck in hotel room, cabin room on

    cargo ship or perhaps prison room for the reasons only you know, with no possibility of

    doing pull-ups you can still benefit from these workouts even without pull-ups. Now, pull-

    ups are hard, and just because you can benefit without doing pull-ups it is no excuse for

    you to skip them if you have chance of doing them in your workout environment. Later on

    it will be explained why you must do pull-ups, and a few examples of simple alternatives

    for pull-ups will be presented.

    Things to remember: Beware that only acceptable excuse for skipping some exercise

    or complete workout is injury or illness.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    The described exercises in this chapter are not all bodyweight exercises that exist out

    there, rather the ones youll need for completing the workouts. Describing all possible

    bodyweight exercises would require a decently large data base, and naturally good

    amount of patience from your side as a reader to go through them all. Instead you will be

    faced with modest number of simple but effective exercises which you have surly seen in

    a number of action movies when our hero is doing push-ups or pull-ups like there is no

    such thing like gravity. Watching and doing it are to different planets, and on your new

    planet doing it there most certainly is such thing like gravity.

    In every subchapter first of all will be described simpler variations of required exercise

    mainly for those who cant do one repetition or set of full required exercise. If you cant do

    one correct push-up or pull-up dont worry too much about it and certainly dont quit

    before you even start. These, on first glance easier variations of required exercise will in

    time get you strong enough for the real thing.


    Mother of all chest exercises out there are good old push-ups. At some point of our life we

    have all done them; in school during physical education, in sport club as a reward for bad

    behavior or either for the fun of it in our back yard. Little did we know or cared how

    complete and rewarding this exercise is. Push-ups in essence represent compound

    exercise which attacks at the same time mainly Pectoralis major (chest), Triceps brachii

    and Deltoideus anterior (shoulders).

    In addition, during correct execution of push-ups, large number of core and even leg

    muscles are activated. In short, correct form of push-ups requires all body to work as one

    unit. Its no surprise that push-ups were and still are one of the fundamental exercises of

    PST (Physical Screening Test) in military, police force, fire department and almost every

    other similar organization where physical fitness and endurance is of essence.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts




    Incline push-ups you can do almost anywhere where you have safe and solid object to

    withstand you. For example in a doorway, on the edge of the bed, on your living room

    table, on the bathtub, the list can go on. One thing is in common regardless of where you

    chose to do them; you must always have strong friction between the ball of your feet or

    shoes with floor. If you cant accomplish that, immediately move to the next simpler

    variation of push-ups, no reason to risk falling down face first.

    Assume standard starting push-up position. Palms should be placed slightly wider than a

    shoulder width and firmly placed on the solid object that you are using.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, just inch

    above the chosen object. Dont forget to inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Dont forget to exhale while pushing yourself up, counting aloud does the trick.

    Important note:

    Keep you back straight and in line with the legs the whole time, dont raise your butt. To

    achieve this keep the muscles of your core and buttocks slightly tight. Look slightly

    forward the whole time.

    Things to remember: Always exhale during hardest phase of exercise and inhale

    during easier phase. For example while doing push-ups or pull-ups, exhale while

    pushing or pulling and inhale while moving to lower position of the exercise. Useful

    tip is to count laud during repetitions, that way you must exhale while saying the


  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Second simpler variation requires only enough space on the floor and you are good to go.

    For you comfort it would be very useful to use towel, or even better, a small cushion

    between the knees and the floor.

    Kneel down on the floor and assume standard starting push-up position. Palms should be

    placed slightly wider than a shoulder width and firmly placed on the floor.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, just inch

    above ground. Again, dont forget to inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Again, exhale while pushing yourself up, counting aloud if you want and look

    slightly forward the whole time.

    Important note:

    Keep you back straight and in line with the hamstring the whole time, dont raise your

    butt. To achieve this keep the muscles of your core and buttocks slightly tight.


    While doing simpler or normal variation of push-ups, when you are in the lower

    position with your chest just inch above ground, try to hold that position for 3 5

    seconds before extending your arms and pushing yourself in upper starting position.

    These few on the first glance meaningless seconds will soon become few very intense

    seconds as you work your way through whole set of push-ups.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Try to hold three or four times plank with your arms fully extended upper push-up

    position, for longer periods of time for instance 30 seconds up to 1 minute with short

    rest between. This will improve strength in your arms, shoulder and core. During this

    hold when your core and whole body begins to tremble try to hold just for 10 second

    more before rest break.



    Assume standard starting push-up position. Palms should be placed slightly wider than a

    shoulder width and firmly placed on the floor.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, just inch

    above ground. Inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Exhale while pushing yourself up.

    Important note:

    Back must be kept straight and in one line with butt and legs, eyes looking slightly


    Things to remember: Your new motto is something is always better than nothing. If

    you cant do regular push-up or pull-up, use easier variations of these exercises but

    do not skip them entirely!

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Much like regular push-ups only with palms placed much wider than shoulder width, but

    then again not too much wider. Do not overdo it. So, assume standard starting push-up

    position with wider palms stance.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, just inch

    above ground. Inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Exhale while pushing yourself up.


    Slightly harder variation than regular push-ups, the elevated feet push-ups tend to attack

    little more shoulders. Place your feet on some elevated solid object, height should be

    between 8 16 inches (20 40 centimeters). The higher it is the harder it gets, but

    again dont overdo it. Too much height will influence the proper technique significantly

    and youll accomplish nothing but a big waste of time.

    After placing your feet on object, assume standard starting push-up position. Palms can

    be placed in line with shoulders or slightly wider. In this variation its up to you to find the

    most comfortable zone.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, just inch

    above ground. Inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Exhale while pushing yourself up.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Important note:

    Do not let your butt fall down during the reverse step, pushing yourself up with butt down

    is cheating and you are selling yourself short if you are thinking that you have made

    progress in elevated push-ups.


    This variation of push-ups attacks the triceps significantly more than any other variation.

    If you feel sharp pain in your shoulders during this variation stop immediately. By placing

    your palms slightly wider than required you will avoid shoulder problems and still benefit

    from this push-up variation. In time as you get more flexible and stronger you will

    completely utilize this exercise.

    Start by assuming standard starting push-up position with palms forming the described

    triangle. Your feet must be spread considerably for better balance, find the stance in

    which you feel most comfortable and balanced.

    In one steady controllable movement lower yourself to lower push-up position, with your

    chest just inch above the fingers of your hands. Inhale while lowering self down.

    From lower position exert yourself back to starting position until your arms are fully

    extended. Exhale while pushing yourself up.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    The most intense and most rewarding push-up that exists is a dive bomber push-up.

    Naturally to receive any gifts from this variation, proper technique is crucial. This variation

    puts massive amount of stress on your arms and shoulders and less on your chest. After

    just a few repetitions you will quickly experience fatigue in mentioned parts. This makes

    dive bomber perfect finisher for your push-up workout, because it will squeeze out last

    drops of juice from your chest and shoulders.

    Assume the starting position for dive bomber push-up like its shown on picture. Palms

    should be placed around shoulder width, legs spread but again not too much. Find that

    comfortable zone like in a triangle push-up. Starting position looks kind awkward but it is

    essential for proper technique.

    In one steady controllable movement dive with your face first to the ground. Be careful

    not to bring your face too close to the ground. Following the face should be chest, just

    inch above the ground. Without breaking the momentum of movement push yourself

    forward and up. This must be done in one continuous movement, your face and chest

    should be following parabolic curve. Dont forget to exhale during this movement.

    From forward position you need to come back to starting position the same way you got

    there. Following the parabolic curve backward, lower you chest first just inch above the

    ground and without breaking the momentum of movement push yourself up to awkward

    starting position. Dont forget to inhale during second step.

    Important note:

    During the first step, try not to fall down with your chest vertically to the ground, and then

    push yourself forward and up. You really need to follow the presented curve. Yes, this

    variation of push-up requires some flexibility and most of all patience at the beginning.

    Dont feel frustrated or disappointed if you dont make it at first, nobody does. After a

    while you will get the grip for it, but be consistent and never quit.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    6. BURPEES

    Burpees represent whole body type of exercise rather than strictly upper body front. Its

    most demanding and intense exercise youll be faced in a few of following workouts.

    Lucky you. From a very simplified point of view, burpees consist of two basic movements:

    push-up and squat jump. Now, how hard can it be? The catch is, naturally, in the speed of

    execution of the two combined movements. Doing 8 repetitions of burpees in two

    minutes isnt something to be proud of. You should really aim for thirty seconds or much


    Assume the starting position for burpee, basically just stand relaxed as if you are waiting

    for something good to happen soon.

    From standing position quickly drop down in squat position. In one combined movement

    get from squat position to a starting push-up position. To achieve this from squat position

    place the palms of your hands on the floor and in the same time thrust your legs all the

    way back and land with your feet fingers on the floor.

    Now when you are in the well known starting push-up position do one push-up.

    If you are beginner do this exercise like this three separated steps, but in time you should

    advance and try to do first step and middle step at the same time. The idea is to achieve

    of push-up (get down to lower push-up position) while your legs are still airborne.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    After you did your push-up its time to reverse your movements. From current push-up

    starting position its time to jump back with your both legs to squat position. From squat

    position explode upward to standing position.

    In time you should advance to full jump of the floor from squat position, but in the

    beginning standing up from squat position should suffice until your legs get stronger to

    endure explosive jump movement.

    Important note:

    During this exercise you might and will experience one or more things of the following:

    rapid heartbeat in your throat, lack of oxygen, sudden blackout of your vision or seeing

    black spots and depending of the intensity, ultimately the vomiting felling. Yes its

    completely normal and expected. If you have really low blood pressure youll be keener to

    sudden vision blackouts due to the very quick change from push-up pose to standing

    position, just like getting up to quickly from the bed. As for black spots and vomiting

    feeling, well if you achieve this you are truly dedicated to be burpee animal and you are

    not cutting yourself any slacks.


    Nothing builds shoulder and arms strength like dips. Depending on the angle of your body

    during the dips you can put higher stress on your chest and shoulders or triceps and

    shoulders. Only drawback is that full dips require two parallel bars to perform them.

    Before describing the full bodyweight dips a simpler variation should be introduced in a

    form of bench dips.

    Things to remember: Burpees are ultimate test for mind; heart and stomach. No

    other bodyweight exercise stress body like burpees. Practice makes it perfect; just

    dont overdo it while youre at it. Lying passed out on the floor is not general idea of

    this exercise.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Bench dips largely attack triceps muscles in your arms and in some smaller amount

    shoulders. For executing this exercise all you need is bench, table or some similar solid

    object which can withstand you and lastly support for your legs.

    Assume starting position by placing palms of your hand on the edge of the table and your

    feet on the chosen support, in this example the chair. During the starting position your

    glutes should be in air, not resting comfortably on a table or bench.

    Lower yourself down in a one controllable movement until your arms form 90 degrees


    From lower position push yourself upward back to starting position, exhale during this


    Important note:

    Height of the chosen bench or a table should be high enough to prevent you from

    touching the floor with your glutes. Elbows should be kept in one line during both



    As mentioned earlier, to perform full bodyweight dips you will need two parallel bars on

    respectable height. Someone creative enough can try this movement using the two tall

    chairs, but this solution could result in an injury. Two chairs dont provide very stable and

    safe support. Best and highly recommended way to execute this exercise is on solo dip

    station or on power tower.

    There are divided opinions in fitness community about how much should you lower

    yourself down during dips. One side claims that 90 degrees angle is maximum, other side

    claims you should execute full range of motion by going all the way down.

    When you came across these divided opinions, and you most certainly will, best thing to

    do is to conduct your own experiment much like in squats which be mentioned later on.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Assume the starting position by mounting two parallel bars; bend your knees so you dont

    make the contact with the ground during the lower phase of the exercise.

    Lower yourself down in a one controllable movement until your arms form at least 90


    From lower position push yourself upward back to starting position, exhale during this


    Important note:

    Keeping the body in one straight line with your eyes always looking forward or up will

    activate noticeably more triceps muscles during dips. On the other hand if you execute

    this exercise with a slight angle and your eyes looking down, you will shift good amount of

    stress from the triceps toward the chest and shoulders.

    So remember:

    Eyes looking forward or up TRICEPS DIPS

    Eyes looking down CHEST DIPS

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Pull-up bar the most feared and avoided piece of equipment in every civilian gym in the


    There is literally countless number of excuses why an individual

    cant or wont do pull-ups. Most popular is excuse of an individual

    body-over-weight. One could not agree more. Yes it is true that

    more bodyweight equals harder pull-ups but it certainly doesnt

    mean no pull-ups. In the world of martial arts every heavyweight

    does bodyweight pull-ups without breaking a sweat. These

    individuals represent an extreme category of athletes who push

    and punish their body beyond every imaginable line on daily basis,

    but they also prove that you can do consecutive pull-ups even if

    you have considerable more over 220 pounds (100 kilograms) of

    own bodyweight.

    Second most popular excuse comes from our better parts who claim women cant do pull-

    ups. They certainly can and they do. There are numerous recorded evidences on web

    which support this claim. This might be great chance to encourage you all the girls and

    ladies not to miss out on this overlooked and underappreciated exercise. There are many

    guys out there who cant do even one pull-up, and just think of the embarrassment if you

    could do more pull-ups than your stronger-half. Now joking aside, it would be really

    beneficial if you would do your regular dose of upper back exercises because unlike guys,

    ladies upper back suffers constant stress under the weight of the front attributes.

    Simpler variations of pull-ups will get the upper back stronger and improve the posture in

    matter of month. Do your upper back exercises, dont skip them, and certainly dont worry

    that you will develop huge unfeminine strong back from doing regular back exercises. If

    developing large muscles would be that easy, everybody would be Mr. Olympia after a few

    weeks of pull-ups and push-ups.

    Pull-ups are, like push-ups, standard exercise in earlier mentioned PST. For example the

    minimum required number of consecutive pull-ups in first eliminating fit test of the U.S.A.

    Special Forces is 8 repetitions. In Russia Special Forces minimum score is 18

    consecutive pull-ups with additional 25 pound (11 kilograms) weighted west.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    In many literature pull-ups are described as squats for upper body. The muscle they

    primarily attack is Latissimus Dorsi (lats), but at the same time they require activation of

    almost all upper back muscles and arm muscles, especially Biceps Brachii (biceps) and

    Brachioradialis (forearm).

    To maintain correct form of exercise no swinging or kipping is allowed which in addition

    activates large number of abdominal muscles. In short, its a joyride for whole back and

    arms, and particularly useful if you need to climb over fences and walls or climb ropes for

    a living. Not that you need to on daily basis, but image scenario where you run from one

    or two unfriendly looking vicious dogs and the only safe place is over the 7 foot wall (2,1

    meters). Youll be relieved that you did your pull-ups regularly.

    Things to remember: Do not, Ill repeat, do not fall in a trap of cheap excuse that you

    wont exercise one specific part of your body (for example: upper back) just because

    you dont want to develop huge muscles in that area (following example: biceps and

    lats). If developing huge strong muscles would be that easy, everybody would look

    like Mr. Olympia after a few months of regular exercise.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Before we get to the section of describing particular pull-up variations, the importance of

    grip should be introduced. Now there is no right or wrong, or this you should do and this

    you shouldnt do, here will be explained how particular grips affect your performance

    during pull-up exercise.

    While gripping the bar either overhand or underhand with thumb can make you feel more

    comfortable and secure, it also puts more stress on the muscles of your forearms. This is

    barely noticeable if you are doing few set of low repetitions, but when it comes to sets

    with high repetitions (more than 10 pull-ups) gripping the bar with thumbs will

    significantly affect your performance.

    Explanation is very simple; you can put it to test if you like. Doing high repetitions requires

    hanging on the bar for longer period of time. Even though your upper back is strong

    enough to endure few more repetitions of pull-ups, that doesnt mean a thing if your

    forearms are literally burning and you cant hold on to the bar any more. As always this

    confirms the all known rule that the chain is strong enough as its weakest link.

    Your forearms really shouldnt be your weakest link during pull-up sessions. Luckily you

    can do something about it by using the grip without thumbs. In the beginning this may

    feel little unnatural but soon it will become normal.

    Consider this; remember earlier when you were chased by two unfriendly looking vicious

    dogs and the only safe place was over the high wall? Well you can try as much as you

    want but there is no way that you can grip the edge of the wall with you thumbs and pull

    yourself over. Learn to grip without thumbs.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    1. BODY ROWS

    To perform body rows you will need bar strong enough to endure you and stabile support

    for the bar. Steel pipe or thick wooden shovel handle will do just fine. As for support,

    there you must use your creativity and find in your workout surroundings two pieces of

    furniture which are equal in height and tall enough to allow you free hang from the bar

    without your back touching the floor. Most important, support must be stable enough to

    ensure you safe execution of exercise.

    Assume starting position by grabbing the bar in overhand grip near shoulder width, hang


    From the lower starting position contract the muscles in your core and back and in one

    controllable movement pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Exhale during

    first step.

    When you touched the bar with your chest lower yourself down to a starting position,

    during this step you should inhale.

    Important note:

    Much like in push-ups, during body rows your back must be kept in a straight line with

    your butt and legs, eyes looking to the sky. For harder variation you can place your feet on

    a chair or some similar object.


    Easier, safer and much painless solution to perform body rows comes in a shape of

    suspension trainer. Forget the expensive suspension trainers which are hugely advertised

    on TV or fitness web sites. You dont need them. If you receive one set as a birthday

    present certainly dont throw them away. They are excellent addition to your home gym

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    but in the same time you can easily make your home made suspension trainer for literally

    ten times lower cost price. There are many various tutorials on web how to make you own

    suspension trainer. Now, assuming that you have your own suspension trainer all you

    need to find is one secure anchor point to attach it. In a local hardware store you can

    easily find anchors for ceiling which will do just fine.

    Assume the starting position by grabbing the handles with your body in one straight line

    with only your feet on the floor.

    If you find yourself in a temporary no-pull-up environment, like if you are on a business

    trip and you are stuck in a hotel room because airport is closed due a huge storm and you

    really feel the need to do your pulling exercise or you might go nuclear, relatively good

    solution is door handle body rows. You might even use the towel for this variation of body

    rows. These are certainly not pull-ups but they will suffice until you find out more

    acceptable solution or come back home to your beloved pull-up bar.

    Wrap the towel of your choice around the door handle; grab the towel firmly with your

    hands, your arms fully extended and assume starting position which more or less looks

    like you are almost sitting on the floor.

    Important note:

    Friction between your feet and the floor is of essence, more friction the better. Also very

    important, if you have second thoughts about the safety of the door that you are about to

    use do some of light testing before the actual exercise. After all, how can you explain to

    someone why did you pull the whole door out of wall? Excuses like Dude I was only

    exercising my upper back and the door fell down out of nowhere could be used only if

    your landlord, hotel manager or roommate is a fitness junkie himself. Otherwise they will

    discard your explanation attempt and proclaim you as a destructive individual with

    behavior issues. Safety must be always first, so double check your door.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    So you finally have your pull-up bar installed but unfortunately you still dont have

    strength to perform regular pull-ups. Assisted pull-ups via roommate or a chair is an

    excellent choice and a step-up from body rows to actual pull-ups. If you have always

    available roommate or training partner you can bother them to assist you, but in the long

    run you would be better off with a chair. That way you and your workouts are independent

    of anyone anywhere.

    Assume the starting position by grabbing the bar at little over the shoulder width. Hang

    freely with your arms fully extended and your legs crisscrossed.

    With eyes looking up, pull yourself with chest first toward the bar in one steady

    controllable movement. Your training partner should give you just enough force

    When you have come with your chin over the bar, its time to reverse the movement and

    return to the starting position. Again, steadily lower yourself down to starting position until

    your arms are truly fully extended. Dont cheat by lowering yourself only half way down.


    Try to hang three or four times from pull-up bar for longer periods of time, for instance

    30 seconds up to 1 minute with short rest between. This will improve your grip

    strength and you will feel much comfortable during actual pull-ups.

    During any pull-up variation try to keep your eyes looking toward the sky rather than in

    front of you. This way you will use more your stronger back muscles and less your


    Try to touch the bar with your chest every time you pull up.

    Things to remember: Dont limit yourself only to assisted pull-ups; you can mix up

    things with different types of grip stances while doing assisted variations. Other grip

    stances like chin-ups, commando or hammer pull-ups are described in next section.

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    1. CHIN-UPS

    The main difference between chin-ups and pull-ups is the grip stance. Although in both

    variations you pull yourself over the bar that most certainly doesnt mean they affect your

    body equally. Chin-ups are commonly considered to be easier than pull-ups. The

    unwritten rule of a thumb is if you can max out, for the sake of the argument, 12

    repetitions of chin-ups than your maximum score of pull-ups should be 8 or 9 repetitions.

    Why is that?

    To perform chin-ups palms should be faced toward the face, this is also known as the

    underhand grip as its shown on the picture. During the pulling movement with

    underhand grip muscles in the arms, especially strong biceps muscle, contribute

    significantly more too overall pulling action and thus reducing the overall stress on the

    back. Simply put, if you want to develop bigger guns in your arms and in the same time

    work you entire upper back, chin-ups are the way to go.

    Assume the starting chin-up position by gripping the bar with underhand grip little

    narrowed than shoulder width. Hang freely with your arms fully extended. When you

    mount on the bar there must be no contact to the ground until you dismount, if you are

    too tall or the bar is too low bend your knees approximately at 90 degrees.

    Pull yourself with chest first toward the bar in one steady controllable movement.

    Concentrate and visual yourself using only the upper back muscles during this step and

    dont forget to exhale, as before counting aloud does the trick.

    Once your chest touched or your chin went over the bar, you are allowed to return to the

    starting position, now its time to inhale. Returning movement must be done in steady

    controllable manner, dont simply fall down under the gravity. Even though you might

    think that all work was done during first step, by lowering yourself steadily you work your

    muscles just a little bit more.

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    Important note:

    Keep your lower body tight in one line and dont cheat by either swinging, kipping,

    lowering yourself only half way down or pushing yourself off the ground.

    2. PULL-UPS

    To perform pull-ups individual must use overhand grip stance where the palms are facing

    away. While chin-ups received significant help from arms during pulling movement, pull-

    ups will on the other hand put your upper back to the real test.

    Assume starting pull-up position by mounting the bar in overhand grip stance, hand

    should be near shoulder width, or litter wider but not too wide. Everything else what

    applied for chin-ups applies for pull-ups; hang freely with your arms fully extended, bend

    your knees if you have to, dont swing or kip, during pulling movement look toward the


    Pull yourself with chest first toward the bar in one steady controllable movement.

    Concentrate and visual yourself using only the upper back muscles, especially lats.

    When you touched the bar with your chest, or your chin went over the bar return to the

    starting position lower position.

    Things to remember: Quality beats quantity. Would you rather have three or more

    unreliable pull-up bars in your workout surrounding or one heavy duty bar which can

    withstand you and your better half at the same time? Same goes with chin-ups or any

    other exercise. Dont get magically blinded by some number of repetitions which you

    must achieve by any means necessary. Focus more on quality of the fewer but

    proper repetitions.

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    Important note:

    Pull-ups tend to stress your elbow ligaments and tendons much more than earlier chin-

    ups. Even though you might feel strong enough in your back and arms for higher

    repetitions of pull-ups, if you are a beginner (or you didnt do pull-ups for years) be very

    patient and careful before advancing to higher repetition number of pull-ups. Testing

    yourself every other day to failure will quickly result in serious tendon injury of one, or

    often both elbows. Train smart and protect yourself, listen to your body and advance only

    when youre sure you can, not when you think you can.


    Commando and rope pull-ups are great way to mix things up and stop any monotony in

    pull-up session. Rope (or towel) pull-ups are considerably harder than commando pull-ups

    because of the needed grip strength in your forearms while holding on to a rope. If you

    are beginner then it would be recommended for you to start with commando pull-ups and

    in time advance to rope or towel variation. Commando pull-ups are in literature named

    sometimes as mountain climber pull-ups, but there is also leg exercise which has the

    same name, so we will stick to commando from now on to avoid any possible


    Commando pull-ups require unique grip stance on the bar with palms facing each other

    as its shown on picture left. Assume starting pull-up position either grabbing the bar

    commando way or firmly grabbing the rope (towel). Bend your knees and hang freely with

    your arms fully extended.

    In one steady controllable movement pull yourself either to left or right side of the bar. If

    you are doing more than one repetition, try to go each time on the opposite side of the

    bar; dont pull every time on the same side. Be careful not to bump your head against the

    bar during the process.

    After avoiding close encounter with the bar, lower yourself in steady manner down to

    starting pull-up position.

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    Important note:

    Its always fun until someone gets hurt, so if you are using towel instead of the rope, be

    sure to double check the quality of chosen towel. What doesnt kill you makes you

    stronger dont apply if you fall from the bar directly on your knees; one could predict some

    serious management issues in legs department if that happens.


    Neutral or hammer pull-ups can be done only if your pull-up bar or power tower comes

    with two parallel bars. Neutral or hammer pull-ups are closely related to previous

    commando pull-up. If you dont have conditions for performing hammer pull-ups dont

    sweat about it, as long as you perform commando variation youll be fine. For those who

    can do both variations, dont chose only one variation over the other and justified it by

    its almost the same thing, mixed it up from time to time and shock your body with

    slightly different but almost the same thing variations.

    Assume the starting position by mounting the parallel bars, hang freely with your arms

    fully extended and if needed knees bent.

    In one steady controllable movement pull yourself up until you reach your maximum,

    exhale during pull-up.

    Reverse the action and lower yourself down to starting position in a steady manner,

    inhale during pull-down.

    Important note:

    Same as before, dont kip or swing, keep your body in one line, during these workouts

    never pull to failure, stop one or two repetitions before one occurred.

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    Behind neck pull-ups, same name for two different stories. One is dark and scary and it

    tells the story of forbidden land with no behind neck pull-ups, yet the other one is joyful

    and bright and it tells the story of promised land filled with behind neck pull-ups. The real

    story is this, if you try to ask someone or even post question on one or two fitness forums

    are behind neck pull-ups safe? you will most certainly meet the writers of both stories.

    Which one should you believe? Well believe neither and try to observe things from entirely

    new angle.

    Almost every exercise in the world is potentially dangerous for our health if its done

    improperly. At the same time we are not all the same, every one of us is unique in their

    own way. Even though pull-ups behind neck are consider dangerous especially for

    shoulders, if one of ten individuals can do them without any consequences, they cannot

    be immediately categorized as forbidden exercise for everyone everywhere.

    If you dont have good shoulder flexibility it would not be recommended to practice this

    pull-up variation. If you are however goanna give it a go anyway, same as before approach

    it with common sense and right technique.

    Assume starting pull-up position with your palms on the bar slightly wider then shoulder

    width. Hang freely with your arms fully extended and if needed knees bent.

    Without kipping or swinging in one steady controllable movement with eyes looking

    forward pull yourself up. Halfway up as you ascend toward the bar, lower your head and

    continue your ascend until you touch the bar with your neck.

    Lower yourself back to starting position with your arms fully extended. Always aim to

    achieve full range of motion regardless of exercise in hand, dont go only halfway; dont

    be that guy.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Important note:

    Behind neck pull-ups are probably hardest variations of pull-ups which you will encounter

    in these workouts. They are not hardest variation of pull-up in the world, so dont mix

    these two and go around telling people false stories about your workout. They demand

    high degree of strength and flexibility, so approach them smart with common sense in

    very low repetitions in the beginning even though you can for instance do fifty regular pull-


    If you are on the very beginning of pull-ups entirely, postpone behind neck variations until

    you build up some amount of strength and flexibility.

    And naturally same as before, if you feel sharp pain in your shoulders during execution

    stop immediately and switch to the pull-up variation of your own choice. Nobody gained

    anything from acute pain, and working trough acute pain in your shoulders will not

    improve its flexibility. There are other exercises for achieving that.


    The thing which must be pointed out at this moment, once again, is that you can skip

    entirely pull-ups if you simply dont have any solution to perform them in your current

    workout environment. But this can go on only for a short period of time. If you completely

    neglect upper body back and exercise exclusively front body, in the long run you will bring

    more damage than help to your entire posture and back pain which you experience after

    a countless days of sitting in office, in a car or home on the couch in front of TV. Working

    entirely only one side of the body develops asymmetry between two sides which in the

    end results in bad posture or even worse injury and chronic pain.

    Now its obvious why pull-ups are so important and why you should do them.

    Yes, this will require some amount of effort from your side to find acceptable solution for

    installing pull-up bar or suspension trainer or even buying one of them power towers. And

    yes it will ruin the perfect image of your living room or bedroom if you choose to install

    them there permanently. But consider this, would you rather feel great and project the

    perfect image of yourself everywhere you go or sat down feeling incomplete in you perfect

    looking living room? Choose your future, choose pull-ups.

    Things to remember: Always exercise both sides of your body equally: chest & back;

    abdominals & lower back; quadriceps & hamstring. They are all two sides of the

    same coin which is you, neglecting one side for too long is a story with no happy end.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    2.3. LOWER BODY

    If you weaken the foundations everything will fall from hundred year old tree to any

    structure or building. Our bodies are not by some magical way immune to this rule.

    Regardless of how many push-ups or pull-ups you can do, developing strong sturdy legs

    which will endure you for the rest of your life is priority. If you have knee problem or

    chronic injury which doesnt allow you to put too much stress on your legs in form of

    squats or lunges, try to activate your legs as much as you can in some other forms like

    hiking, riding a outdoor or stationary bicycle, or perhaps in a long walks.

    Almost two and a half thousands years ago father of western medicine Hippocrates of

    Cos said Walking is mans best medicine and in this fast paced modern unhealthy life

    style, he couldnt be more right.

    1. SQUATS

    What are pull-ups for upper body the squats are for lower body. But squats are little more

    than just that. It is roughly estimated that during one squat there are over two hundred

    muscles activated in a human body. As expected large number of these muscles are

    located in legs and hips, but large group is located in abdominals and lower back as well.

    Of the all exercises described in this book squats are probably only one which you

    unaware do during the day. Picking up socks from the floor or other heavier objects,

    petting your family cat or sitting on a toilet and etc. all require some form of squatting.

    Unless you pet your cat or go to toilet one hundred times a day, you are most certainly not

    freed from squats during workouts.

    During squats your feet shouldnt be too wide or to narrow, recommended width is

    achieved by slightly jumping up and landing softly on your feet. The landing distance

    between your feet is the width with which you should go on.

    Before the actual description of the exercise, there are two endless debates about squats

    which must end right here right now.

    First: Squatting down to a chair until your legs form approximately 90 degrees angle vs.

    going all the way downtown?

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Much like pull-ups, during squats or any other exercise the general idea is to get the most

    from the performed movement. Yes you can and you are entirely allowed to perform any

    movement only the half way, but for the most of it always try to perform full range of

    motion, squats are no exception.

    Second: Squatting with your feet flat on the ground vs. on the balls of your feet?

    During both bodyweight and weighted squats you need to keep balance, its more crucial

    during weighted squats because if you lose balance with extra 90, 100 or more pounds

    on your back (40, 50 or more kilos), you could bring your health in serious jeopardize.

    If you cant squat down feet flat during weighted squats, put an object under your heels,

    two weight plates will do the trick. Inability to squat down with your feet flat on the ground

    comes from your poor hamstring flexibility. It would be very beneficial to put extra

    attention on hamstring stretching on daily basis. In the matter of no time you will be able

    to squat down with feet flat.

    With your feet flat on the ground or on the balls of your feet, lower yourself down until

    your legs form at least 90 degree angle or more if you go all way down. Keep your back

    straight, chest up, eyes looking forward.

    Things to remember: Execute bodyweight squats in a way you feel most comfortable

    and natural. If you feel more relaxed and balanced on the balls of you feet thats the

    way you should take and vice versa.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    From lower position push yourself upward in one single movement. Keep your back

    straight and eyes forward, exhale during second step.

    Important note:

    However you choose to execute your squats, it is critical to point out that for a proper

    form your back should be kept straight during the whole movement, eyes looking forward.

    It is entirely up to you where do you want to keep your arms; on hips, in front of you,

    behind your head, as long as you maintain proper balance it doesnt matter. Keep your

    eyes fixed on same spot during entire movement. Beware or squatting in front of a mirror;

    watching yourself going up and down can easily put you out of balance.


    Lunges and step ups are both great compound auxiliary exercises to follow up the squats.

    Unlike squats, lunges attack significantly more hamstring and glutes and less quadriceps.

    At the same time, they require some amount of balance and coordination as they are

    performed by stepping forward and backwards to starting position. In the beginning this

    may put too much stress on your knees, so until you develop required strength and agility

    to perform proper lunges, easier variation comes in a form of static lunges also known as

    split squats.


    To perform split squats assume starting position by taking one big step forward with only

    one leg. Unlike lunges which are done one leg at the time, split squats will be performed

    whole set on the one side before changing the leg on the other side of the body.

    With your knee pointing in the same direction as your foot, lower yourself down until your

    knee almost touches the ground. Hands can be kept on your hips or wherever you feel

    most comfortable.

    Reverse the movement and return to the starting position. In the beginning for better

    balance you can hold on to a chair, but in time advance to hands free execution.

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    Important note:

    The knee of the leading leg must be kept in the same line with the shin during the first

    step as its shown on picture. This goes for lunges too. Pushing your knee too far out ruins

    the proper form; the movement becomes much too easy. Quality over quantity!

    Little harder variation of split squat can be performed by placing back foot on higher

    object. Same as before, dont overdo it with too much height. When this comes too easy

    you are more than ready to advance to full lunges.


    Whereas split squat were performed from static stance, lunges are executed by full

    dynamic movement from starting standing position to lower position. In the beginning you

    might feel little unbalanced, but in short time you will develop required coordination.

    Hands can be kept wherever you feel most comfortable, usually it is on hips.

    Step forward with only one leg and simultaneously in one steady controllable movement

    lower yourself toward the ground until the knee of the back leg almost touches the

    ground. Knee of the leading leg must be kept in one line with shins during the first step.

    From lower position in one movement explode backward to the starting standing position.

    Exhale during second step.

  • The Gym in You

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    Important note:

    Lunges are performed one leg at the time, for instance you step forward first with your

    right leg, lower yourself, return to starting position, step forward with your left leg, lower

    yourself, return to starting position, and then you can say you performed one repetition of

    lunges. It is very clear that ten lounges (ten per each leg) will take double amount of time

    that is needed for ten squats, dont worry they are worth it.

    3. STEP-UPS

    To perform step-ups youll need larger solid secure object which can withstand your entire

    weight. Since you are performing bodyweight step-ups the height of the object should be

    from 16 to 23 inches (40 60 centimeters), the higher it goes the harder it gets but dont

    overdo it. Dont use some cheap unstable chair; safety first, be creative and find some

    object in your workout surroundings that will do.

    Step-ups are great alternative to lunges but do not ever completely substitute one

    exercise for the other. They are not the same and you will benefit hugely only by

    incorporating both of them.

    Step-up with one leg (for instance right leg), and without jumping off the ground with

    other leg (left leg), push yourself upward until you step with both legs on the object.

    By steady lowering yourself down, return to the ground first with the leg which was left

    behind during the first step (in this example left leg).

    Repeat movement with alternative leg, and only then you can count one repetition of

    step-up (one per both legs), same as lunges.

    Important note:

    If you feel sharp pain in your knees during step-ups, immediately stop with this exercise.

    Once again, pushing trough mental pain in your mind is one admirable thing, but pushing

    trough knee pain during squats, lunges or step-ups can only result in serious injury and

    knee is the last joint which you want to injure.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Hamstring is the other side of the coin during your leg workout. Squatting or lunging will

    activate hamstring only so much, so additional movements are more than welcomed.

    There are two simple available bodyweight movements that will get the job done. In the

    beginning, during workouts you should use easier leg curl variation and naturally in time

    progress to advance glute-ham raise variation.


    This exercise can be done using one of those big Pilates ball or on your own home made

    suspension trainer or even on your skateboard. Easiest way to execute this movement is

    directly on the floor using only pair of furniture sliders or two similar small durable pieces

    which will allow sliding on the ground without too much friction and at the same time

    prevent any possible damage to the floor or carpet.

    Assume starting position by lying down on the ground on your back with your pelvis raised

    upward, feet are firmly placed on sliders, legs are bent and arms can be held alongside of

    the body or crisscrossed on the chest.

    From starting position contract the muscles of you core and by controllable sliding, extend

    your legs while keeping your glutes above the ground. Just slide! Keep pelvis off the


    Reverse the movement back to starting position by sliding your feet backward until the

    heels almost reach your gluteus.

    Important note:

    Pelvis must be kept above the ground during the entire exercise. For more intensity try to

    use surface which will give you more resistance in form of a friction for instance, instead

    of wooden floor try to use carpet.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Regardless of how many ground leg curls you can do, when you advance to glute-ham

    raise chances are you wont be able to perform even one hands free repetition. This only

    shows how intense this bodyweight movement really is. To execute this movement all you

    need is one small pillow; anchor for your feet and of course a piece of ground.

    Finding suitable anchor for your feet can become real challenge so you will need to use

    your creativity once again. In the shown example bed is used to secure the feet. Although

    main weight of the bed was not enough so additional weight in form of a training partner

    was used. Beware if using a training partner as additional weight it can become another

    challenge to keep him in one place during the whole exercise. Healthy snack and TV

    should get the job done.

    Assume the starting position by placing your knees on the pillow and securing the ankles

    under the chosen anchor point.

    With your back straight, in steady manner lower yourself toward the ground using only

    hamstring and gluteus muscles. For your own safety and to avoid close encounter of your

    nose with ground, keep the arms and palms in front of you all time just in case you lower

    yourself too quickly.

    This is the hard part. Even if you experience close encounter with the ground, from lower

    position using hamstring pull yourself upward to starting position. Keep your back straight

    and in one line with gluteus.

    Important note:

    During the reverse step push yourself lightly from the ground with your hands just like

    doing a push-up. Try to use only enough pushing force to give you starting momentum

    while the main pulling force still comes from hamstring. In time as you build strength in

    your legs, the needed assistance from hands will decrease. Just be patient and

    determined with glute-ham raise, it will pay off.

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    5. CALVES

    Those that do their regular dose of jogging, or more intense running, or perhaps hiking on

    the nearby mountain, they already understand the important role that calves play in

    already overlooked leg department. To avoid any muscle spasms or even worse shin

    splits after running, it would be very beneficial to build up some calf strength first. Simple

    yet very effective exercise comes in a form of standing calves raise, all thats required is

    some small step or solid object in your workout environment.

    Assume starting position by stepping with balls of your feet on edge of the step. For better

    balance you can place your hand for support on some object in your surroundings, it

    wont influence the exercise too much.

    Push yourself upward the higher you can on the balls of your feet.

    Lower yourself downward to the point of almost slipping from the step, but dont slip, hold

    on to some object for balance.

    Important note:

    In the beginning do both legs at the same time. Soon your calves will get stronger and you

    will need to advance to weighted variations, or one leg at the time variation.

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    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    2.4. CORE

    Core the missing link between upper and lower body. Don not make mistake by assuming

    that core is only abs, and that hundred crunches will cover your core workout, it wont.

    Abdominal muscles are only one half of the equation, other half is very often neglected

    lower back.

    To destroy your fantasies immediately; you wont get six packs and lose that beer belly

    from doing hundred crunches every day. Everybody has six packs. Only difference is most

    people got them hidden under the thick layers of body fat.

    To bring your six packs back to life on the surface you will need to lose that extra fat

    around your waist by doing regular amount of intensity cardiovascular workout and

    reviewing your nutrition habits. High intensity workouts dont mean a thing if they are not

    followed by acceptable diet habits.

    Since your current mission is to feel great and strong about yourself (and the good looks

    will come along shortly) first of all you will want to develop indestructible core.

    1. AB-S


    Lie flat on your back in supine position on the ground with your lower legs crisscrossed in

    the air or resting on the chair. Cross your arms over the chest. Contract the abdominal

    muscles and raise your upper torso until your elbows make contact with the knees. Keep

    your lower back flat on the ground and exhale during the raising movement.


    Begin with laying flat on your back with your arm behind your head. Raise your feet from

    the ground and pull the knee of the left leg toward the chest and at the same time

    contract the abdominal muscles and bring your right elbow toward the incoming left knee.

    When the contact is made return the left knee and at the same time bring right knee the

    same way up, like riding the imaginary bicycle, only this time make contact with your left

    elbow. Continue in this crisscross fashions until you have completed all repetitions, only

    then you can lower your legs back to the ground. Try to maintain constant breathing.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Lie back on the ground with your arms extended over your head. Simultaneously raise

    your legs and torso. Try to reach the ankles with your fingers while keeping your legs

    straight and your chin upward dont tuck in your chest, core should be kept tight.

    Depending on your core flexibility and strength, in the very beginning aim to make contact

    with your knees and in time progress to ankles or even toes of your feet.

    SIT UP

    Sit on the ground with your knees bent; if possible find suitable anchor for your feet, arms

    crossed on your chest. Fold and place a small towel behind you on the ground just where

    your lower back would touch the ground. Begin exercise from upper sitting position by

    lowering yourself down just until you touch the towel with your lower back then using the

    abdominal muscles reverse the action and return to the starting sitting position.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    Lie flat on your back with your arms stretched out on each side. In one movement

    contract the abdominal muscle and raise your upper torso and at the same time raise

    your feet off the ground and pull your knees toward the chest. Finish this movement by

    hugging the knees before descending back to the starting position. Exhale during raising



    Lie flat on your back with the feet and your head slightly raised above the ground. Its

    recommended to keep hands under the buttocks in order to support the lower back.

    Raise left leg to a 45-degree angle while keeping the right leg stationary slightly above the

    ground. Return left leg to a starting position while simultaneously moving the right leg to

    the 45-degree angle. Continue in this scissors fashions until you have completed all

    repetitions, only then you can lower your legs back to the ground.


    Lie flat back on the ground with one leg bent and the other one placed in a crisscrossed

    fashion on the knee of the first one, arms behind head. Contract the muscles of your core

    and rise with your right elbow toward the left knee. When the contact is made return to

    the starting position and continue with required number of repetitions before switching

    the side to left elbow right knee.

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    Sit down on the floor with your knees bent for about 90-degrees. Keep your feet together

    and slightly above the ground. Keep your upper body in a straight line with approximately

    45-deegree angle. Hands should be locked together and kept away from the body. Begin

    with twisting your upper body torso in one side until you can almost touch ground with

    your hands. Reverse the action and continue swinging movement to the other side. Keep

    your feet above the ground all time.



    Back bridges are the first step you will take to strengthen your lower back. Besides lower

    back, this simple exercise will improve your hips and glutes strength. Lie flat on your back

    with arms resting on the ground along side with your body. Place your feet flat on the floor

    with your knees bent. In one steady movement drive your hips upward until you reach

    your maximum range of motion. Maintain that position for two or more seconds before

    descending down to the starting position. Soon enough after few repetitions you will start

    to feel glutes and hips working.


    To perform superman exercise you will need to lie flat on your belly with your arms fully

    extended above your head. In one steady movement at the same time raise your arms,

    chin and legs up from the ground. Maintain upward positions for two or more seconds

    before descending down to the starting position. Raising height of the arms and legs

    depends on your own flexibility, but keep in mind that even small raising height activates

    greatly your lower back.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    The PLANK

    The plank hold represents all around isometric strength exercise which attacks not only

    the core but the upper back and the shoulders. Unlike other core exercises which have

    required number of repetitions, the plank hold involves as the name already suggests

    maintaining difficult position for a longer periods of time. There are many possible

    variations of the plank and in time you can explore them all, but for the time being in this

    program you will encounter four basic holds:

    Normal plank assume the prone position on the floor while supporting your weight

    on your forearms and toes. Arms should be bent and kept directly below shoulders.

    Maintain straight body line is an imperative, so keep your core tight.

    Push-up plank assume the push-up starting position on the floor. Hips must be kept

    in one straight line with legs and torso just like in the normal plank.

    Side plank lie on one side on the floor while supporting your weight only on one

    forearm. Legs are placed one on top of the other and kept in one straight line with

    hips. Repeat the same with opposite side.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    Superman plank assume the prone position on the floor while supporting your

    weight on the palms of your hands and toes, arms are almost fully extended. In this

    variation of plank achieving the straight body line would very difficult, so small body

    arc is allowed.


    This chapter can leave you with questions what about one arm push-ups, one arm pull-

    ups or pistol squats? It will be pointed out again, they are advanced bodyweight exercises

    and they are not meant for beginners. Even well experienced people in bodyweight

    training have troubles in the beginning with these advance exercises. If you cant do

    twelve or fifteen consecutive pull-ups there is no reason for you to do one arm pull-ups, or

    one arm push-ups.

    Answers like it looks cool should be kept for yourself and re-think again.

    Jumping too early and eagerly on one arm (or one leg) type of exercises often results in

    serious injury muscle or even worse, the injury of tendon or ligament. Training safe and

    smart is absolute imperative, there are no shortcuts or easy ways and results dont come

    over night.

    To be physically fit should be viewed more like a long journey instead of one hundred

    sprint race, now lets begin with the first step the workouts.

    Things to remember: Train safe and smart, only you can protect yourself! If you are

    trying some new movement or more difficult variation of exercise, approach it with

    common sense and by little steps. Time is on your side, getting injured will

    accomplish nothing and it will discourage you in further progress or even worse.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts



    What is a workout? By definition a workout is any physical activity during which we

    maintain or improve physical performance, general health and overall wellness.

    In our society different categories of people go through rigorous workouts on daily basis

    for all of sort different reasons.

    Professional athletes do it mostly for out of competitive purposive and money since their

    activity in the specific sport brings the food on the table. Its their job to strive to be best

    at what they do.

    Enlisted personnel do it because lack of physical fitness in the field can seriously bring

    the lives of entire squad to jeopardize. In other words they workout hard to survive.

    Fitness junkies on the other hand do it simply because they enjoy the overall stress of the

    workouts and the pleasurable feeling afterwards. Many, if not all of them consider the

    workout time to be as me time dont disturb. If there is some new exercise they will try

    it. If there is some new workout equipment be sure they have already tested it. No matter

    what you throw at them, the hungry beast inside them will never be truly satisfied.

    The most common category belongs in the average gym. They are the regular people who

    do it mostly for pure visual reasons, either for gaining the muscle mass or more often for

    losing the weight before the upcoming summer. Their only motives are insecurity and

    vanity. Sadly neither one can stand a battle against day after day hard workout. They are

    category which usually quits at the first sign of the uncomfortable and could well be

    responsible for all the possible excuses in the world why to miss a workout.

    Lastly comes the rarest category of all, regular people who participates in physical activity

    simply because it feels right, who are aware of the health benefits of undergoing some

    form of physical activity on a daily basis. They are not burdened by their physical

    appearance, nor unlike fitness junkies, do they spend their free time reviewing their

    actual workouts or researching new methods of training. They are our elders taking a long

    walks every day in a park or around the block with a dog. Work colleagues who use

    bicycle instead of public transportation to get to work and back. Parents who spend their

    free time gardening. Neighborhood joggers who run the same run every day at tick of

    dawn or after work to clear their head. Students who instead of hitting the books hard,

    play streetball all day. Most of the time they are unaware of the actual workout their body

    is undergoing, for instance one hour on your knees in the garden shoveling earth is a

    tremendous upper body workout.

    The workouts in this book are not design to be sport specific or activity specific. Meaning;

    if you are going to run a local marathon conducting intense bodyweight workouts three

    times a week is great, but youll need to involve some serious running sessions in your

    week routine if you are planning on finishing the course on a day of competition. In other

    words, sport or event specific training requires sport or event specific workouts.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    If your goal is to develop strong healthy body capable of sustaining any physical task that

    a human can encounter in their daily life, that requires hard work and varies intense

    workouts like the ones presented in this material. If your goal is to excel in the sport of

    Olympic weightlifting, you should conduct workouts and training programs suited specific

    for that sport.

    Intense workouts

    Word intense or intense workout has popped up too many times now to be simply taken

    for granted as a form of describing some strenuous activity. To truly appreciate the

    upcoming workouts and the rewards which will be gained through them, we must firstly

    understand how our body copes and reacts to a state of higher physical activity during the

    workouts. Here will be explained for informational purposes only, the very surface of the

    muscular system and undergoing reactions inside the muscles during some physical

    activity. For greater level of knowledge on that subject the very best first step should be

    the book of Human Physiology.

    Human body contains three mayor muscle types; cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle.

    Skeletal muscle is under voluntary control of our nervous system. Simply put any

    controllable movement of any part of our body happens through skeletal muscle. Skeletal

    muscle therefore becomes our number one point of interest. It can be divided into a two

    categories of muscle fibers:

    Type I Slow Twitch

    Type II Fast Twitch

    Which one do we use largely depends on the involved physical activity.

    It really all comes down to energy and conversion of energy. In physics, the law of

    conservation of energy states that we cant make energy, we can only convert it. To

    produce voluntary movement of our body, inside out skeletal muscle, conversion of

    chemical into mechanical energy takes places.

    Type I Slow Twitch muscle fibers are involved in aerobic activities, the activities which

    demand oxygen in a process of converting chemical energy from fuel into mechanical

    energy. During the long endurance activities body uses body fats as primary fuel, for

    instance if we participate in a long walk we use only our Slow Twitch muscle fibers and

    burn our body fat with help of oxygen.

    Type II Fast Twitch muscle fibers are involved in anaerobic activities, the activities

    which dont demand presence of oxygen to produce mechanical energy from chemical

    energy during intense activities as sprinting or high intensity training. The source of

    chemical energy for this conversion is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) located within our

    cells. Image it as a very powerful but also very short lasted source of energy, lasts only a

    few seconds.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    So how come we can sprint at full speed for thirty seconds or more?

    After a few seconds of very intense activity like sprinting, our body immediately starts the

    regeneration of ATP with the help of creatine phosphate (CP).

    Ok, so our body regenerates this very powerful source of energy, but how come we can

    only sprint at full speed for two or maybe three minutes max before our muscles simply

    give up?

    After thirty seconds of all-out very intense activity, only way to provide more ATP to active

    muscles is by using the sugar glucose from the muscles through a process known as

    glycolysis. Glycolysis has a one big downside as lactic acid is formed as an unwanted by-

    product of the process. Soon enough lactic acid begins to accumulate first in muscles

    then in blood. Unless its cleared from the body, muscle fatigue and finally the point of

    muscle failure is inevitable.

    If you however switch just in time form all-out sprint to moderate running or jogging, you

    can avoid muscle failure because after a few minutes of strenuous activity aerobic

    system kicks in and provides energy conversion from fats using oxygen, thus putting the

    stop of glycolysis process and to further production of lactic acid.

    Right, but if we use body fat as a fuel during aerobic activates like walking, jogging or

    swimming what is the point of intense and painful anaerobic activates?

    Yes, it is true that at the moment of intense anaerobic activates we dont use body fat as

    primary source of energy. But research shows that we can actually burn more body fat by

    conducting thirty minutes of intense anaerobic exercise instead of sixty minutes easy

    aerobic activity. The reason is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) or after-

    burn. After a strenuous anaerobic activity EPOC effect can last for several hours during

    which body burns fat, whereas during aerobic activity body burns fat only during the

    actual activity.

    What do you gain during intense workouts?

    By conducting very intense activities or workouts on regular basics significant changes

    happens inside our body. First of all comes an increase of overall blood volume, followed

    by increase of stroke volume the volume of blood which heart pumps up during one

    stroke, since the stroke volume is up heart rate decreases at given intensity of activity

    involved, and naturally we must not forget the general improvement of blood pressure

    that occurs. Lastly over time, capacity to tolerate lactic acid in the system also increases

    so you are able to successfully perform longer under very intense activity before burning


    These are only few of the most popular benefits that you gain by working intense, the

    ones whose value you can really appreciate.

  • The Gym in You

    Beginners Guide to the Advanced Bodyweight Workouts


    One thing intense workouts wont give you even if you train two times a day seven-day a

    week, a total immunity to exhaustion. It doesnt matter if you are true beginner ready to

    try your first intense workout, or this years winner of the CrossFit Games. During

    prolonged very intense activity everybody at some point experience the bitter taste of

    exhaustion. Difference is of course that amateurs tend to feel that experience much

    quicker than pro athletes who have unbelievable high capacity to tolerate lactic acids due

    to over years of hard work and rigorous training. Intense workouts will prepare you

    mentally for the first moment of crises. When that moment happens, youll be able to

    push a little more instead of simply giving up at the first sign of being uncomfortable.

    Hopefully this helps to emphasize and clarify how much intense condition workouts are

    superior to other training routines. But be advised once again, one of the goals of the

    workouts presented in this material is to mentally challenge you and push you one step

    beyond the line that your conscience allows. The goal is not to push you to failure (except

    The Fit Test but that will be addressed properly later on). If, or better, when you feel the

    point of failure coming strong take the necessary steps to avoid it: switch to easier

    variation of exercise, take bigger rest breaks, lower the number of repet