THE GREEN PLAIN will continue...

Schedule of Services Sunday Bible Classes 10:00 am Morning Worship 10:45 am Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Classes 7:00 pm Elders Mike Ernstberger 270-753-2108 James Pigg 270-759-2145 Chad Canter 270-873-7509 Location Green Plain Church of Christ 3980 Murray Paris Road Hazel, KY 42049 Phone: (270) 492-8206 Email: greenplain@ THE GREEN PLAIN PROCLAIMER Volume 34 November 20, 2016 Number 46 Deacons Larry Enoch Bobby Hall Jesse Vincent Preacher Jonnie Hutchison Cell: 270-978-7569 Home: 270-492-8091 Mission Work Dean Crutchfield—India Adam Evans—Tanzania WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU? By Jonnie Hutchison There are many things that are im- portant to us in this life. However, some things are obviously more im- portant than others. For example, most of our readers will readily agree that family is more important than material possessions. If you had to sell your house or car in order to provide for your family would you do it? I venture to say that most, if not all, of our read- ers would say the welfare of my family is more important than a house or car. Jesus, in issuing a warning con- cerning the sin of covetousness, stated that ones life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he pos- sesses (Luke 12:15). Though many as- sociate success in life with the amount of material things that one has accumu- lated (money, houses, property), the reality is that true success in life is measured by something of much great- er importance. Material things exist only temporarily. Garbage dumps and junk yards are filled with material things that were once considered im- portant to those who owned them— now they are nothing more than gar- bage and junk wasting away and good for nothing. That is the nature of the material. It does not last which places it in importance well behind that which does not deteriorate and lasts forever. That which is spiritual will never be found in garbage dumps and junk yards. It is so sad that so many people will choose garbage and junk over the the spiritual riches provided by the merciful and gracious God of heaven and earth. Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away(Matthew 24:35).The words of our Lord are spir- itual in nature and thus eternal which speaks to their importance to each of us. His words are more important to you and me than any material thing be- cause His words will by no means pass awaywhile every material thing will pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up(2 Peter 3:10). Ones spiritual relationship with God is more important than any earthly relationship. Many are engaging in physical relationships that are in viola- tion of Gods spiritual law (adulterous marriages, homosexual relationships, sex outside of marriage, etc.). These relationships will not last for they are physical in their nature. How can they possibly be more important than the proper relationship with God which is spiritual in its nature and therefore lasts forever? One must ask is the pleasure that this relationship gives worth the loss of my eternal soul? Moses chose to forsake his relationship as the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season(Hebrews 11:24-25). Its obvi- ous that the spiritual was of much greater importance to Moses than the physical pleasures of a sinful relation- ship. Would to God that all would fol- low in his steps. (Continued on page 2)

Transcript of THE GREEN PLAIN will continue...

Schedule of



Bible Classes

10:00 am

Morning Worship

10:45 am

Evening Worship

6:00 pm


Bible Classes 7:00 pm


Mike Ernstberger


James Pigg


Chad Canter



Green Plain Church of Christ

3980 Murray Paris Road

Hazel, KY 42049

Phone: (270) 492-8206

Email: greenplain@


Volume 34 November 20, 2016 Number 46


Larry Enoch

Bobby Hall

Jesse Vincent


Jonnie Hutchison

Cell: 270-978-7569

Home: 270-492-8091

Mission Work Dean Crutchfield—India

Adam Evans—Tanzania


There are many things that are im-portant to us in this life. However, some things are obviously more im-portant than others. For example, most of our readers will readily agree that family is more important than material possessions. If you had to sell your house or car in order to provide for your family would you do it? I venture to say that most, if not all, of our read-ers would say the welfare of my family is more important than a house or car.

Jesus, in issuing a warning con-cerning the sin of covetousness, stated that ones life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he pos-sesses (Luke 12:15). Though many as-sociate success in life with the amount of material things that one has accumu-lated (money, houses, property), the reality is that true success in life is measured by something of much great-er importance. Material things exist only temporarily. Garbage dumps and junk yards are filled with material things that were once considered im-portant to those who owned them—now they are nothing more than gar-bage and junk wasting away and good for nothing. That is the nature of the material. It does not last which places it in importance well behind that which does not deteriorate and lasts forever. That which is spiritual will never be found in garbage dumps and junk yards. It is so sad that so many people will choose garbage and junk over the the spiritual riches provided by the merciful and gracious God of heaven and earth.

Jesus said, “Heaven and earth

shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:35).The words of our Lord are spir-itual in nature and thus eternal which speaks to their importance to each of us. His words are more important to you and me than any material thing be-cause His words will “by no means pass away” while every material thing will “pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10).

Ones spiritual relationship with God is more important than any earthly relationship. Many are engaging in physical relationships that are in viola-tion of God’s spiritual law (adulterous marriages, homosexual relationships, sex outside of marriage, etc.). These relationships will not last for they are physical in their nature. How can they possibly be more important than the proper relationship with God which is spiritual in its nature and therefore lasts forever? One must ask is the pleasure that this relationship gives worth the loss of my eternal soul? Moses chose to forsake his relationship as the son of Pharaoh's daughter “choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Hebrews 11:24-25). It’s obvi-ous that the spiritual was of much greater importance to Moses than the physical pleasures of a sinful relation-ship. Would to God that all would fol-low in his steps.

(Continued on page 2)


REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Green Plain members: Paul Brandon, Lori Brandon, J im F ielder, Alex Barrett, Peggy Jarvis, Rex Enoch, Will Ed Travis, and Oneta Morris. Nursing Homes: Marguer ite Stubblefield and Nancy Meacham. Family and Friends: Stacy Hedrick, Harold and Betty Pond, Harry Lovett, Naomi Pigg, Betty Jeffcoat, Kim Thomas, Kenneth Mizell, Cynthia Kearbey, Will and Nancy Winchester, Donna Boyd , Haskell Smith, Linda Devoss, Walter Steely, Alex Arnett, Ramona Clark White, Carter Hutchison, Gina Hutchison, Lora Pettigrew and Nancy Flowers.

Eight members of the congregation took the AED/CPR training class this past Tuesday evening. All eight are now certified in CPR and the use of the AED. The AED is located in the library.

LOCAL EVENTS: Come be with us at the Green Plain School of Bib-lical Studies. The class continues tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm. Luke Puckett will continue our study on the book of Leviticus and David Gulledge will continue a study on the subject of Calvinism. Both of these men are well prepared and doing an excellent job in our studies. You will grow spiritually by attending these classes.

Pantry items for November: 6—Canned Carrots; 13—Tooth Paste; 20—Pickles; 27—Canned Beets.

Please remember our snacks for the hospital program and place your items in the baskets in the lobby. Thanks for supporting this program.

Continue to pray for Dean Crutchfield and the Lord’s work in India See the mission board for the latest reports from some of the Indian preachers supported by this congregation.

PASS IT ON! When you have finished reading this bulletin, why not pass it on to a loved one, friend or neighbor. Use this as a tool to spread the gospel of Christ and reach precious souls who may not otherwise be exposed to original New Testament Christianity.

If you have announcements for the bulletin please hand them to Jonnie before Thursday of each week.

Page 2



What did Moses give up in order to “suffer affliction

with the children of God”?

Last Week Who is descr ibed in the Old Testament as “the King of Salem” and “Priest of the most High God?”

Answer: Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18).

Green Plain


Each consecutive Monday 7:00—9:00 pm

September 19—December 5, 2016

Instructors and Subjects

Luke Puckett—Leviticus

Jonnie Hutchison—Worship

David Gulledge—Calvinism



Sunday AM

“The Joy of Worship”

Sunday PM James Pigg will present the lesson at 6:00 pm.

Which is more important to you, the physical or the spiritual? How you answer this question will determine where you will exist for eternity. We have only the present to make our choice. We plead with every reader, choose the spiritual over the physical.

Choose life over death. Choose heaven over hell. "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)

(Continued from page 1)

Page 3

RESPECT By Johnny Ramsey We live in an age that shows little respect for

those in authority. Students mock their teachers, car-toonists lampoon presidents, law-breakers sneer and laugh at the police, children ridicule their parents and some brethren manifest a lack of reverence for Bible preaching. All of those things violate Scrip-ture! The Bible shows clearly the need for standing in awe of God (Psalm 4:4 ASV; Psalm 119:161-162 ASV).

God warns, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah …. Suffering the punishment of eternal fire. Yet in like manner these also in their dreaming defile the flesh, and set at nought dominion, and rail at digni-ties” (Jude 1:7-8 ASV). The youth rebellion that produce anarchy on college campuses, resulted in the bombing of government building and murdering rampages such as that of the Manson gang. I read a book recently, written by one of those vigilantes, that described the killing of innocent people to dis-play their hatred of society and their desire to be aloof from “the structured world” about them.

When men lose regard for God’s moral stand-ards, they forget humane treatment of their fellows and wallow in the mire of sadistic behavior. The Old Testament prophets had a lot to say about proper attitudes and actions toward others. Micah put it well, “What doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8 ASV). Those principles are precisely what Jesus inculcated into the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

Today, we truly need more respect for the fol-lowing:

1) Respect For God’s Word. A failure to study the Bible, is a sure sign that we do not regard things divine and holy as we should. Brethren who prefer less Bible in sermons and more stories, jokes, human philosophy and current events, ought to find an after-dinner speaker from the Rotary Club! Are we ashamed of God’s will and enamored by secular reasoning? Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gos-pel” (Romans 1:16). Souls are being lost due to a “famine in the land, a famine of hearing the word of Jehovah” (Amos 8:11 ASV).

2) Respect For Godly Living. A lack of Scr ip-ture in our lives is evidence by a failure to live like the Bible demands. To abstain from fleshly lusts is the clarion call of 1 Peter 2:11, and the passages be-

fore and after that powerful verse tell us to desire “the sincere milk of the word” and then to live it be-fore our family and friends. James challenges us: “Wherefore putting away all filthiness and over-flowing of wickedness, receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21 ASV).

3) Respect For God’s Cause. If Chr ist cared enough for the church to die for it, we should dis-play a loyalty that knows no boundary (Acts 20:28). The value of lost souls should be constantly in our hearts as we lovingly show respect for the gospel and the awesome nature of the final Judgment. Very few people today seem to truly put God’s kingdom first, as we allow the busy pace of secularism to overwhelm our budget of time, money and energy.

Many churches spend more time and money on sporting events and musical concerts than they do on Bible study, soul-winning and spiritual edification. Satan is indeed shrewd and the flesh is weak!

4) Respect for God’s Son. It should be natural for sinful men to adore the Christ who left the beau-ty of heaven to come to this earth and to die at Cal-vary for poverty-stricken sinners (2 Corinthians 8:9). Sadly, we tend to forget the suffering the Sav-ior endured as “He bore our sins in His body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24). Respect for our Redeemer should produce within us the gratitude expressed in 2 Corinthians 9:15 ASV, “Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.”

Reverence, devotion, appreciation and love for these things will make us better people (Psalm 116:12). Out of a heart of adoration for matters sub-lime and divine, let us determine that we shall never forsake the Lord and His heavenly cause.

As a great hymn states:

“Out of the ivory palaces,

Into a world of woe,

Only His great eternal love

Made my Savior go.”

With reverence, respect and zeal, let us serve God more ardently than we ever have before. Let’s show some respect!

—Johnny Ramsey, via the Montana Street bulletin

Page 4 Green Plain Proclaimer


The church building is located southeast of Mur-

ray one mile off highway 641 - Near the corner

of the Green Plain and Murray Paris Roads. We

look forward to seeing you!


November 2016



AM: Bobby Hall & Jim Lowrie

Substitute: Mike Ernstberger


AM: Perry Jarvis & Cody Canter

Substitute: Jesse Vincent

Sunday PM

11-6—Bobby Hall

11-13—Jim Lowrie

11-20—Bobby Hall

11-27—Jim Lowrie


11-6—James Pigg

11-13—Mike Ernstberger

11-20—Hayes Grady

11-27—Perry Jarvis


11-6—Jesse Vincent

11-13—Larry Enoch

11-20—Dave Thompson

11-27—Charles Enoch


Chad Canter & James Pigg


London & Peyton


Sunday Morning: Charles Enoch

Sunday Evening: Mike Ernstberger

Wednesday: Larry Enoch

Substitute: Cody Canter

GREETERS: Jim & Mary Lowrie

USHER: Larry Enoch

Greet the Elder: Chad Canter

If you are unable to serve, please

contact Chad Canter at 270-873-7509

Thank YOU For Serving!!

Where to View The Gospel

Broadcasting Network

Iternet & Devices:

Online at Amazon Fire

Devices: Google Android

Devices: Windows Phone

Devices: Apple Devices: ROKU App:

Cable Channels:

• KENTUCKY (Calloway, Carslile, Graves, Henry &Marshall Counties)-

West TN & KY Cable. (ch. 46)

Preaching the Gospel: Sunday morning (6:30 a.m. Central Time)

• Dish Network (Channel 276) and DirecTV (Channel 376)