The Great Secret of the Old Testament

The great secret of the Old Testament According to Jewish tradition , God gave the tablets of the Law to Moses at Sinai. He also argues that the Hebrew alphabet is of supernatural origin . Some authors believe that the 22 letters that comprise it come from ancient Egypt and encode the same secret message contained in the Law given to Moses . This could be deciphered with the help of Psalm 119 , considered the " Rosetta Stone " of the mystery. What is the meaning of this symbolism and what hidden ? It was Maimonides (1135-1204) , Jewish philosopher and theologian , who revealed the existence of a "secret" in the Old Testament with the words : "Whoever decipher the true sense of the Book of Genesis should try to hide it. This is a wise maxim that all repeated , especially in relation to the creation of the world in six days. If a person discovers the true meaning by itself, or with the help of another , should be silent or speaking cryptically should do as I do, leaving those who understand me guess the rest . " The oldest reference to this "secret" is in a text known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead . The first passage reads: "This book contains a great secret. Do not let an outsider sees it ... It would be an abomination. It hides its existence. His name is The Book of the Master of the hiding spots . " According to modern calculations , the play has a history of more than 6,000 years. According to biblical chronology, this text existed before God created the Earth. The book describes in great detail a maze of several chambers, tunnels, halls , temples and doors that could be accessed through a complex journey through twelve sectors of an underground world of darkness , called duat . Also recorded several prayers, spells and magical incantations , listing different amulets to ensure safe travel . It's actually a kind of secret initiation handbook that describes a set of procedures and passwords and having two levels of interpretation , one


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Page 1: The Great Secret of the Old Testament

The great secret of the Old Testament

According to Jewish tradition , God gave the tablets of the Law to Moses at Sinai. He also argues that the Hebrew alphabet is of supernatural origin . Some authors believe that the 22 letters that comprise it come from ancient Egypt and encode the same secret message contained in the Law given to Moses . This could be deciphered with the help of Psalm 119 , considered the " Rosetta Stone " of the mystery. What is the meaning of this symbolism and what hidden ?

It was Maimonides (1135-1204) , Jewish philosopher and theologian , who revealed the existence of a "secret" in the Old Testament with the words : "Whoever decipher the true sense of the Book of Genesis should try to hide it. This is a wise maxim that all repeated , especially in relation to the creation of the world in six days. If a person discovers the true meaning by itself, or with the help of another , should be silent or speaking cryptically should do as I do, leaving those who understand me guess the rest . "

The oldest reference to this "secret" is in a text known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead . The first passage reads: "This book contains a great secret. Do not let an outsider sees it ... It would be an abomination. It hides its existence. His name is The Book of the Master of the hiding spots . " According to modern calculations , the play has a history of more than 6,000 years. According to biblical chronology, this text existed before God created the Earth. The book describes in great detail a maze of several chambers, tunnels, halls , temples and doors that could be accessed through a complex journey through twelve sectors of an underground world of darkness , called duat . Also recorded several prayers, spells and magical incantations , listing different amulets to ensure safe travel . It's actually a kind of secret initiation handbook that describes a set of procedures and passwords and having two levels of interpretation , one spiritual and another physical . In his book The Secret in the Bible, Tony Bushby argues that " the hiding spots ' mentioned above lines are underground chambers located in the Giza complex , although the mystics describe as enclaves in the abode of heaven. According to him , the builder of the Great Pyramid was responsible for the "secret of the Bible" intentionally encoded in the Torah (Law ) original, a manuscript that was later divided into the five books of the Pentateuch , with which begins the Old Testament.

For centuries , the copies of the Torah were made according to old rules , respecting tradition , and written manually without vocals , with a distribution of 49 vertical lines and sections. The entire development was carefully monitored to preserve the "secret" . Generations of rabbis jealously guarding each letter of the original Torah. In the case of the smallest error occurs in production, this copy was destroyed.

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The author of the Torah

Bushby , based on the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica , says the author of the Torah was Ezra , a high priest , and adept write a mystery school known as " Pantera " ( version departs from the traditional attribution to Moses ) . Ezra lived about 400 BC, at the end of the exile of the Jews in Babylon. When they were able to return to Palestine, Ezra would have been the leader of a large number of people who took five months to arrive and were carriers of the "secret" and a great treasure that was locked in the temple . Upon arrival in Palestine, he allied himself with Ezra Nehemiah governor of Judea. It possessed a rich library that held ancient documents made available to the priest. The Old Testament Book of 2 Kings 22 : 8, note that a high priest called Hilkiah discovered the Sefer Torah ( Book of the Law or the Covenant) , according to rabbinic tradition , Moses received from God. Its origin is unknow n . The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1903 says in relation to this text : " One of its illustrations represents the Divine Essence ... shaped luminous serpent that rises to form a circle and then, having attained the highest point of the circumference , the ineffable Glory turns down again . "

Bushby said that the existence of an illustration of the " Divine Essence " 2400 years ago is amazing and holds that the author of this book was a great initiate of ancient Egypt. Initially this document would have been called The Book of 'O' , renamed in later times as the Book of God. This original work was the basis for writing the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) and parts of the Torah.

The book of Ezra we find in the Bible is the only allowed four attributed to him . But the latter is what is more interesting and tells how the author wrote the Torah and introduced her secret knowledge . At the Council of Trent (1546-1564) , the Vatican excluding this crucial text of the Old Testament. In a passage of this fourth book Ezra directed the following words to the crowd : "And the Lord gave understanding to the five scribes and they wrote what was dictated to them in an orderly manner and unknown characters . And they sat forty days. Wrote by day and at night they ate bread ... but in my case I spoke during the day and resting at night . " These lines provide the first written reference to "secret" in the Bible , as dictated text into " unknown characters " suggests a hidden meaning ; perhaps for this reason the Church forbade it.

To understand what kind of crucial information hidden in the Torah , we must make mention of knowledge that are registered in certain Egyptian texts disappeared today as The Book of Thoth. To the ancient Egyptians, Thoth was the personification of the mind of God, sent to earth as the scribe of Ra and the Goddess of Justice Maat. Thoth wrote a text called The Book of Divinity, in which Osiris instructed the man to provide the key that unlocks the gateway to the mysteries of heaven , wisdom ,

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wealth and glory of the earth. At first it was known as The Book of Thoth , but was renamed as The Book of Leaves of Gold , referring to the gold plates on which he would have done and that apparently contained 22 sheets of symbolic designs and collecting these Thoth 's words : " I am the guardian of the Book of all that is and will be and what transforms its possessor equal to the gods." This tells us that he was the custodian of a prophetic book with secret information. This information would be found in the Torah.

According to several researchers, during the decline of Egypt, the great initiates put a good message The Book of Thoth to not fall into the wrong hands . After much deliberation decided to deposit their most valuable secrets in a simple game . So small plates engraved with the mysterious figures of the book. This new presentation kept all the secrets that the gods wanted to reveal , including a wealth of information unimaginable . Over the centuries they were doing with small designs reproductions of great delicacy, what is now popularly known as Tarot .

According Bushby , remnants of the original designs of this can be seen today in the ruins of some temples of Thebes, the capital of Egypt in 2000 . C. , especially on the ceilings of the rooms of the palace of Medinet - Abou . In addition , the 22 cards of the Major Arcana have their counterpart in the texts of the Book of the Dead , recorded on stone in bullet form for thousands of years . It is important to mention that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet belong to the same source as The Book of Thoth and the Secret to reveal its mystery is encrypted in the Bible. The 22 cards represent the letters used to write the original Torah. Each corresponds to a Major Arcana and a number from 1 to 22 , in a direct sequence. Now, the 22 cards and letters can not be synchronized without knowing the correct position of the card known as " the Mad ." There are divergent views on its position in the deck and the reason for leave no number is mathematically explained by the hidden in-game Tarot code. Considering that this card has nothing to do with the other , then there would be no analogy between the Tarot and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

The attribution to King David of all the psalms is not correct. Modern researchers agree that originate from several authors and some are not as old as initially believed . It seems clear that almost all of the post- dating the Babylonian exile, to 397 . C. Ezra himself claimed to have written some and probably your hand out Psalm 119, in which directly identifies a significant aspect of each card of the Major Arcana, but not in the same order that appears in the Book of Thoth.

The significance of the number 22 seems evident, as Psalm 119 has 22 chapters in the English edition of the Bible authorized by the Protestant churches commotion and called the King James . Each comprises eight lines . The highlight is that each line of the same stanza eight starts with the same letter, passing

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successively through the Hebrew alphabet 22 . That is, the eight verses of the first stanza of the psalm begins with the first letter of the alphabet , aleph ; the eight lines of the second stanza with the second letter , beth, etc. . , to complete the alphabet. This psalm is an important example of how Ezra introduced the slopes in the Bible , many of them ignored by orthodox priests who did not possess the mystical key to its interpretation. Therefore, we can say that Psalm 119 provides vital information that identifies the 22 cards of the Major Arcana , revealing its link with the "secret" of the Bible. In his book, Bushby gives a simple arithmetic rule for how to identify in the psalm the Major Arcana and the position of the number " 0".

Many Egyptian sources mention a strange and mysterious sacred object known as ' benben stone . " The Pyramid Texts call "the Chamber Celeste 'and one of them was said to be made of star stuff . According to ancient Egyptian and Sumerian sources , it was a pyramid object with a height of about five meters. In The Book of the Dead is cited as " Throne of Radiance ". The authenticity of their existence and composition is unknown, but some words carved in stone state that existed and that was transparent , so you could see inside. Is guarded in a temple in Heliopolis, where was venerated as if it were a god . Egyptian history that the place is guarded in this city was destroyed several times by enemy invaders.

The origin of the pyramidal angle is in the Benben , and some pyramids known today would not be but variations of this stone. According Bushby , the Great Pyramid was built to locate the Benben at its highest point . This was because , apparently , the contact surfaces of both triggering "the effect of the pyramids " or invisible force that activated . Stone argues that this acted as a catalyst to operate the inner chambers of the Great Pyramid . Recently it has found a Pharaonic relief carving in Abusir , about 15 km from Cairo , showing workmen dragging a lit Benben . At the foot of the carving is a hieroglyphic inscription that translates as "pure light ", " white light " or " white gold" .

The priests of ancient Egypt had a tradition according to which ' a serpent lies coiled in the Great Pyramid . " It is said that The Book of Thoth was also protected by " an immortal serpent," the Torah was quoted by the ancient rabbis as The Snake Book of Ages and the Sumerians 4,000 years ago called the Great Pyramid "the House Snake '. One wonders about the meaning of these matches. The answer may lie in the energies of the Great Pyramid , which go in its highest point . When a light on the apex of a pyramid or glass of any size that has the same proportions as the former, a curious phenomenon occurs is focused. Dramatic light like a snake upright on its tail , the head is located at the apex of the pyramid and whose body moves down the center to the middle of the structure was observed . Since the shape is composed of the seven colors of the spectrum, Bushby calls it " Rainbow Serpent ". In its original form , was visible in the transparent Benben atop the Great Pyramid and the Egyptian priests! Khepri gave the name of this zigzag and vertical light. When they said there was a snake coiled in the Great Pyramid concerned this light , both being some external allegories ( "what is up and what is down as ') of the process may take place inside the initiated .

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Throughout history, the Orthodox rabbis of the Jewish tradition have argued that the five books that make up the Torah are of supernatural origin . According Bushby , if the luminous shape of the Rainbow Serpent played in brass or similar material , the result could be described as a replica of the "light that penetrates the material ' , enlivening and encouraging her as the ka or double Egyptian light made with the material body . This would be the main element of the Book of Thoth and the Secret of the Bible. The shape of the Rainbow Serpent allow us to reveal the meaning of the symbol. Reproduction slowly turning around the vertical axis and always observing the figure from the same position, could see 22 different shades in a full 360 º. And each of these forms would correspond to one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet of the Torah.

Ezra would broadcast the truths of ancient Egypt to the initiates of the centuries into a purely Jewish text : the Torah. But what was this great secret encoded in the symbol of the serpent of light ? Basically, it's the same as some Hermetic texts attributed to the mythical 42 secret books of Thoth and that explained her son Horus Isis , containing the elixir of immortality. This would be wonderful fluid secreted by the effect of internal alchemy activated by an initiation process , the ancient Egyptians developed by a ritual performed in the corridors and inside the Great Pyramid. The result would trigger the mechanism by which the ' light body ' or ' Gloria ' is formed, which the ancient Egyptians called it the Ka , our immortal light twice .