THE GREAT DECEPTION - Fool the Elect.doc  · Web viewThe Great Falling Away and...

To FOOL THE ELECT The Great Falling Away and The Great Deception Matthew 24:3-4, 15, 21-25: “And He sat on the Mount of Olives, and taught ones came to Him separately asking, `Say to us…what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’ And Yahushua answering, said to them, `Take heed that no one deceives you…when you see the abomination that lays waste, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set- apart place he who reads, let him understand…For then there shall be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened…For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, the very elect . See, I have forewarned you.’ ” Who are “the elect”? They are the elected, selected ones, also called “the chosen ones”—whom Yahuweh and Yahushua knew before the foundation of the world, by His foreknowledge (I Peter 1:2; Revelation 13:8; 17:8)--those who would embrace belief in Messiah Yahushua, and would be ones who would bring forth fruit, “some thirty, some sixty, some one hundredfold”. (Mark 4:1-20) These are the ones who have heard the Good News of Messiah’s redemption and have guarded it for their own eternal salvation, producing the fruit of a transformed character, proclaiming His Word to the world around them, by word and by lifestyle. These are those that He died to redeem back to the Covenant of Yahuweh. Because the “elect” are redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness, escaping the eternal fate of Lucifer and his fallen ones, and are transferred by the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit into the Kingdom of Messiah Yahushua, Lucifer and his hosts seek to bring them back under his control, for their destruction and eternal damnation. Therefore, he sends deceptions to bring them down.

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To FOOL THE ELECTThe Great Falling Away and The Great Deception

Matthew 24:3-4, 15, 21-25: “And He sat on the Mount of Olives, and taught ones came to Him separately asking, `Say to us…what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’ And Yahushua answering, said to them, `Take heed that no one deceives you…when you see the abomination that lays waste, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set-apart place he who reads, let him understand…For then there shall be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened…For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, the very elect. See, I have forewarned you.’ ” Who are “the elect”? They are the elected, selected ones, also called “the chosen ones”—whom Yahuweh and Yahushua knew before the foundation of the world, by His foreknowledge (I Peter 1:2; Revelation 13:8; 17:8)--those who would embrace belief in Messiah Yahushua, and would be ones who would bring forth fruit, “some thirty, some sixty, some one hundredfold”. (Mark 4:1-20) These are the ones who have heard the Good News of Messiah’s redemption and have guarded it for their own eternal salvation, producing the fruit of a transformed character, proclaiming His Word to the world around them, by word and by lifestyle. These are those that He died to redeem back to the Covenant of Yahuweh. Because the “elect” are redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness, escaping the eternal fate of Lucifer and his fallen ones, and are transferred by the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit into the Kingdom of Messiah Yahushua, Lucifer and his hosts seek to bring them back under his control, for their destruction and eternal damnation. Therefore, he sends deceptions to bring them down. The root of deception is found in Genesis 3—the evil one’s tactics have not changed. Lucifer promised Adam and Eve (Hawaah) that they would be as gods, and know what Elohim knows. This is the lie being given to our modern world as well. As he did in the Garden of Eden, he appeals to the soul—the mind, the emotions, the five senses, lusts of the flesh, the desire for money and power, popularity, sexual pleasure, and all that the world can give. His tree was called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. The lust for “gnosis”, knowledge, is the passion of our whole society. In 2008, world knowledge will double every three months. In 2010, world knowledge will double every two months. The lust for knowledge is a gigantic trap to pull people away from the “tree of life”—the knowledge of Elohim.

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II Thessalonians 2:1-3: “As to the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah and our gathering unto Him, do not become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of Yahuweh

Page 1has come. Let no man deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed—the son of destruction…” II Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the Torah-less one is by the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptions of Torah-less-ness, that is in the “destroyed ones” (those perishing) because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved. And for this reason, Elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the lie, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness”. (From the Hebrew Roots Version Scriptures)Revelation 13:13-14a: “…and he (the false prophet) does great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven before men, and he leads astray those dwelling on the earth because of those signs.” From the Hebrew Scriptures Version “he will seduce…by the signs”. The word for “falling away” in II Thessalonians 2:3 in the Greek language is “apostpao”, from which we get “apostasy”. It implies a separation, a departure or a cessation from revealed truth. John 17:17: Messiah said to His Father: “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”. Once Father spoke His eternal Word into the earth, HE DOES NOT CHANGE IT! (Malachi 3:6)Ecclesiastes 3:14: “I KNOW THAT WHATEVER ELOYIM DOES IS FOREVER. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it that men might fear before Him”. Psalm 119:89 “Forever O Yahuweh, Your Word is settled in heaven”. (For a complete understanding of His Covenant requirements for right ruling as citizens in His Kingdom read the article “Forever Settled in Heaven”.) In I John 3:4 (from the KJV): “Whoever commits sin transgresses the law: for sin is the transgression of the law”. From The Scriptures: “…sin is torah-less-ness.” “Sin” is revolt against the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh. The King James Version says, “…sin is the transgression of the law”. The word “transgression” means: “revolt, rebellion, to break away from, and apostasy”. Those that depart from His set-apart Torah revolt, rebel, break away and are apostate (fallen away) from the Elohim of the Scriptures.

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The word for “Torah” in Greek (“nomia) carries the same meaning as it does in Hebrew—teachings and instructions. These are the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh for right standing in His Kingdom. It was Jerome, in translating the Latin Vulgate, who substituted the word “teaching” for a word meaning judicial law, like Roman law. Yahuweh’s good Torah is to teach and instruct us in the right-rulings of the Kingdom of heaven for our good, now and forever. The word “lawlessness”, or “torah-less-ness”, is “anomia”—or “without the Torah”. It also used in Matthew 7:23, where Messiah tells the ministers, “Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who work anomia—you who are without the Torah”. “Anomia” means: “illegal violation of Yahuweh’s teachings--iniquity and unrighteousness”.

Page 2In II Thessalonians 2:3, we see that this man of Torah-less-ness is called “the son of destruction”. The meaning of the name of the ruler of the pit, in Revelation 9:11 is “Destruction”. This man of lawlessness will be the personification of Lucifer himself, taking a body for the sake of ruling. We know that in a short time, the man of Torah-less-ness will appear, for now we are seeing “first” the great falling away—the great apostasy—the great departure from Yahuweh’s Truth. Here, I will reveal to you what our Father has shown me regarding the basis of what has and is deceiving the elect, that is so strong that they may buy into the great deception, which is the ultimate extension of what is now fooling the chosen ones. This “mystery of iniquity” has been at work since the first century, as II Thessalonians 2:7 tells us. In the mid-first century, the Greeks broke from the teachings of the Apostles to form their new religion around Greek philosophy, Greek culture, and Greek gods—the beginnings of “Christianity”. (For a complete understanding of the roots of this counterfeit religion, refer to my mini-book/study: “The Foundation of Deception”.) Christianity was created by Torah-less, Hellenised Jews and Greeks. The Apostles fought this heresy from the beginning—it was built on a basic form of Gnosticism. The Hellenised Jews and Greeks are the ones in II Peter 3:115-16 that twisted the Apostle Paul’s words, so that he appeared to be Torah-less. By the second century, the Roman Emperor Hadrian, reported that they were calling themselves Gnostic Christians, and that the name “Christ” came from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt. So it was a pagan deviation from the teachings of the Apostles from the beginning. When Rome institutionalized the religion under the Emperor Constantine, doing so to unify his empire, they carried forth the paganism of Greece, and added the paganism of Mithra—the god of the Persians, whom his army worshipped. Thus the Roman Catholic (universal) Church is thus a type of a world religion under one head.

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Today the Vatican is gathering leaders from all religions under its umbrella. The Jewish Messiah came to establish the house of Israel on the Torah, through the blood of the Lamb of Elohim. Thus we have the meaning of Matthew 15:24 and 10:5-6. The Apostles indeed, from historical record, went only to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”. The Covenant in His blood was a renewed Covenant—not a new one as opposed to an old one. The word in Jeremiah 31:31 in the Hebrew and in Matthew 26:28 in the Greek, both mean “renewed” as the moon is renewed each month. From the beginning of Constantine’s Roman universal church, they took the sword to kill both Jews and Torah-observant believers. To this day, the Catholic Church has murdered more Jews and true believers that any other group in history. They funded Hitler, as did the U.S. and England. Today, the Jesuit Order is the head of the one world government and religion—their determined goal is to put one of their own on the Temple Mount to rule the

Page 3world as “the god that sits in St. Peter’s Chair”. The great deception that will “fool even the elect” began with Christianity, and continues to be the foundation of all deception for the house of Israel. The “House of Israel” or the “House of Joseph” or the “House of Ephraim”—same group—are the ten northern tribes, scattered between 1,000 and 722 BCE, into all nations, who ultimately settled in areas that we now call the “Christian nations”. The counterfeit by and large did not fool the pagans, nor the barbarians, the heathen, the foreigner, stranger or the alien—for this is the meaning of the word “gentile”. He made NO Covenant with gentiles—He never calls His people “gentiles” in the Word. In fact, He says that if you are in Messiah, you are NOT a gentile. He says He will destroy all gentiles in His coming wrath. So never refer to yourself as such! (For more information, please study with the article “Are You A Gentile?”) The house of Israel, for the most part, thinks they are gentiles, and so have an identify crisis, and many wanta-be Jews. This has caused great deception. “Jew” refers to one tribe—Judah—no more, no less! Jacob had twelve sons… (To study this subject, please refer to the study/article: “Who Are The Ten?”) There is a direct tie-in between Matthew 24:24, speaking of the deception that may fool the elect, and the great deception sent by Yahuweh in II Thessalonians 2:8-12. As I just reported, the greatest of all deceptions began in the first century, when Hellenised Jews and Greeks broke from the teachings of the Apostles, for form a torah-less religion that offered free salvation with any responsibility to obey the Covenant with Yahuweh that is part

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of citizenship in the Kingdom of heaven. Today that religion has over two billion members, one billion being Roman Catholic, in over 5,000 denominations, with at least 350 different translations of the Bible in English, and yet, except for a few, the rules of right-standing in the Kingdom are not only ignored, but rejected, and mocked. The sign of our identification with the Elohim of the Bible includes belief in Messiah Yahushua, but also the guarding of Yahuweh’s Covenant Torah (His instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven, given to us for our good—always. (For more information on this, study the articles “The Sign of Identification” and “Shabbat is Eternal”.) Matthew 24:23-25: “If anyone says to you `Look, here is the Messiah’ or `there’, do not believe them. For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to led astray, if possible, even the chosen ones [the elect]. See, I have forewarned you.” Then Messiah goes on to tell about His second coming in power and great esteem, AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS … verse 29. These things stand out:

1) First of all, if a person is not guarding His set-apart instructions and teachings, which include the Shabbat and the Festivals, then they have no idea that the Messiah actually fulfills each Festival. The fifth festival is the Feast of Trumpets, and all the details of that festival point to His

Page 4 return in power during that festival. Therefore, hoaxes like the pre- seven year tribulation rapture make his people easy prey for the deceivers, because of western culture’s desire for ease, comfort, and escapism. Yet, as we’ll see later there is no Scriptural foundation for this doctrine, which began in the 1500s with the Catholic Jesuit Order, and it is totally against the nature of the Elohim of Israel and His Word!2) False messiahs and prophets are identified by the counterfeit

signs and wonders they perform. These are false miracles that so many of His people are following, looking to the one doing the miracles as saviors, healers, and deliverers.

3) His people are running here and there to conventions and seminars and other gathers to hear “big name” teachers and preachers, or healers—to try to get something from “God”. They

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are flocking to man for help. In our western culture, the gods of humanism and materialism form the chief religion. They do not know the Elohim of Israel, or His Messiah.

4) The religions of man do not teach the guarding of a Scriptural Torah as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. Man adds to the Bible, or takes things out, to fit his religious belief-systems. Thus he can create any belief he wants, depending on how he manipulates the Word.

Elaborating on #2: A friend told me yesterday that when he worked in a shop in America, he told his Baptist boss about guarding the Torah. The boss said that when his wife couldn’t have babies, people prayed for them, and now they have three children. He said they have a nice house, and life is good. He said, “God answers my prayers, so I don’t need to obey the Torah”. My friend asked me about these people who have told him that they don’t need to obey the Torah because God answers their prayers. He said, is the answer to their prayers from Yahuweh or from the deceiver—the evil one? According to Revelation 13 and II Thessalonians 2, Lucifer/Satan deceives by lying signs and wonders, deceptive falsehood, and all sorts of miracles. It is not easy to answer this question, but I know that if a person has no desire to follow Him in obedience—not even to investigate the Word regarding obligations to His Kingdom—then they have not “received a love of the truth”—but have a belief-system that allows them to feel secure that they won’t go to hell, but at the same time, free to do as they please. My friend said that his boss told him that he was not “under the law” but under freedom. Free to do what? Disobey the whole of the Covenant of Yahuweh—that’s what Christianity teaches. Would Lucifer heal someone’s body if he could deceive them into believing in a false god—even letting go of their eternal life? – Oh yes! So, I strongly believe that for those who will go no further than their church, the thing that traps them is the signs and wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural manifestations—and these things are not from Yahuweh, but from Lucifer. Because of the signs, wonders, and miracles my friend’s boss received, he rejected the Torah. He received a false spirit that turned him

Page 5from the truth. Yet, many who are “passing through” the church system, foreknown from the foundation of the world by Yahuweh, often have healings and miracles (like me) in the name of Jesus. Yahuweh guards whom He knows will come out of the pagan system, and embrace His Torah and go forward in the Truth because they love

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truth. Messiah said: “…IF YOU CONTINUE IN MY WORD YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE”.Will Yahuweh bless those who are going forward towards Him? Oh yes! Yahuweh knows those that are His! But, most do not go any further in the Word than the Sunday School lesson or sermon by their church pastor. Therefore, because they do not LOVE THE TRUTH—the whole Word of Yahuweh—nor do they obey it—they are caught in a web of deception, based on signs and wonders, miracles, and illusions. He answers our prayers based on foreknowledge. Yet, the church has made Him a Santa Claus, who is at our beck and call—our servant. I really doubt the salvation of those who have no passion to study His Word as taught by HIM, and to obey it. A baby’s first desire is for food, and if a baby is born without a desire for food, it is a dead baby. Yet, many say they are “born again” or “saved”, and they have no desire for His Word—our spiritual food by which we mature and “grow up into Him”. The Greeks said that whatever you believe is truth for you—whatever you experience is truth for you. People who hang onto experiences, and yet have no passion for His Word, do not know Him. In the second century the school of Theology in Alexandria, Egypt began to teach the allegorical method of interpreting the Scriptures—thus we have all the denominations and organizations and religious beliefs, based on what human guru can persuade people to believe his version of interpreting the Bible. The elect are thus all to often lead astray by man’s teachings, by false signs and wonders, and by misunderstanding the timing of the coming of Messiah Yahushua!Matthew 24:4-5: “And Yahushua answering, said to them, `Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many shall come in My Name saying `I AM, and they shall lead many astray’ ”. The oldest manuscripts do not say that many shall come in His Name saying: “I am the Messiah”, but come saying “I AM”—exalting themselves to speak for “God”. They use His Name—they think—but it is not His Name—for His Name is Hebrew, not Greek or Roman.John 5:43: “I have come in My Father’s Name (Yahu) and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive”. The “another” who came in his own name was Iesous—connected to all the other “sus” of the names of the gods of Greece, like Zeus. Please, for a thorough study on His real Names and titles with me in the article: “The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Elohim of Israel”. John 5:44: “How are you able to believe in Me when you are receiving esteem from one another, and the esteem that is from the only Elohim, you do not seek?” I was in the Christian ministry for over 45 years, part of that time as an

Page 6ordained minister with my own corporation. I know about the big name guys all patting each other on the back, and supporting each

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other—like a social club, using the money of the gullible to promote their falsehoods. Many are multi-millionaires, and tied into the Vatican’s one-world religion program. In fact, the biggest names in American Evangelical and Charismatic circles are in pact with the Vatican, as well as chief Islamic muftis, and Jewish rabbis. John 5:45-46 goes on to say that unless a person listens to Moses, who wrote about Him, they won’t receive His teachings. Then we have John 6:45: “It has been written in the prophets: `And they shall all be taught by Yahuweh’. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and learned, comes to Me”.The understanding of the real Messiah of Israel comes as you study Torah and the rest of the Tenach (acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings). Luke 24:26-27, 43-46 tell us that all of the Tenach speaks of Him. He is the living Torah, the living Tenach! (John 1:1, 14) Therefore, to reject the Torah of Yahuweh is to reject the Messiah of Israel! Did you hear that? You cannot believe in the Messiah/Savior of Israel, and reject His Torah. You cannot separate Messiah from the Word—for He is the Word made flesh! Therefore, a torah-less Savior who has torah-less disciples is not the Elohim of the Bible—but a fictitious invention of Greece and Rome! Those who guard a Scriptural Torah--not as part of a religion or the traditions of Jews who add to the Scriptures, against the Word of Elohim (Deuteronomy 4:2 etc.)--and have faith in the Jewish/Levite Messiah Yahushua, will recognize deceptions easily, because they are obeying His Covenant. False teachers and false prophets reject the Torah. Therefore, they interpret the Scriptures on a false platform. They have no reference to the Festivals of Yahuweh (Leviticus 23), so their timing for His coming has no Scriptural foundation. One big example: The phrase “no man knows the day and the hour” has to do with the one to two days of the dark of the moon—and no man knowing when the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon will occur, marking the only festival on the first of a month—The Feasts of Trumpets. Hebrews mark their months by the day of the new moon!Many doctrines of the Evangelical/Charismatic church are not even found in the Bible. One major example is the “pray this prayer and spend eternity in heaven” gospel message. There is not one verse in the Bible that says “receiving” Jesus allows one to spend eternity in some ethereal place called “heaven”. This is the “cheap grace” gospel—not from Yahuweh or Yahushua! The whole Word teaches that eternal life is on earth—in Messiah’s Kingdom for 1,000 years, and then for eternity on the new earth, when Yahuweh comes.The idea of receiving Messiah by faith is only part of His message.

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The receiving of His death and resurrection for one’s salvation must be accompanied by total commitment to following Him—even if we have to leave everything and everyone. It is a total abandonment of our lives to Him. It

Page 7involves coming totally out of all falsehood and the kingdom of darkness, and into the light of truth in the Kingdom of Messiah. Messiah’s requirements for discipleship are very stringent, and becoming a responsible member of the Kingdom of heaven, obeying Yahuweh’s directives for right standing in the Kingdom, are paramount to being associated with Him!Yes, the “great deception” sent by Yahuweh is sent upon those who reject Messiah—commonly called “the lost”. Yet, the great deception will also be received by those who reject His Torah. This includes seculars who have no belief in a supreme being, or who loosely acknowledge Him without anything to prove their belief-system, but also includes Christians and those of other religions, like Islam, Hinduism, and on and on. Torah-guarding Jews, for the most part, will not buy into the great deception. But, as per II Thessalonians 2:1-3, we see that deception comes because of a false understanding of the TIMING of His coming. Again, not understanding His Festivals (Leviticus 23)—they are HIS FESTIVALS—leads to a misunderstanding of the timing of His coming! The great deception has to do with following a “lawless one”. Around 167 BCE when the Greek Antiochus Ephiphanes came into Israel and forced Greek culture and religion on the people or death, the one thing he emphasized was—DO NOT OBEY THE TORAH! He stressed: You will die if you study or teach the Torah. You will die if you circumcise your sons. You will die if you guard Shabbat, the Festivals and the new moon celebrations. You will die if you die if you do not pork. He sacrificed a pig on the altar of the Temple in Jerusalem, and put a statue of Zeus—the savior/god of the Greeks—on the lid of the Ark in the Most Set-Apart place—the original “abomination that makes desolate” spoken by the prophet Daniel (Matthew 24:15). This abomination will be reproduced by the anti-messiah—the one who sits as messiah in the seat of Elohim, declaring that he is Elohim. This is the fulfillment of the dream of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15, speaking of his desire to sit “on the sides of the north”—north part of the Temple Mount—as per Psalm 48:1-2. The Pope is called the “vicar of Christ”—the one who sits as the personification of “Christ” on the earth. The elect who do not know they must guard the Torah--the ones who have a belief-system in Jesus and are taught against the Torah--may be deceived by the one who sits on the Temple Mount representing Jesus Christ. There are one

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billion Catholics on the earth. The Jesuit Order of the Vatican, the founders of the Illuminati, the ones who actually rule the world for Lucifer, are dedicated to putting one of their own—a Jesuit Pope—on the Temple Mount. Dedicated with them in this is the United Nations! Yet, there are some trapped in the delusion of Roman Catholicism who have been chosen by Him for eternal salvation. No, I am not a Calvinist—I do not teach that we are predestined as in one day Father took out a list of all those who would ever be born on earth and randomly chose some to go to heaven and some to go to hell. But, I Peter 1:1-

Page 82 is clear: “Kepha, an emissary of Yahushua Messiah, to the chosen strangers of dispersion…chosen according to the foreknowledge of Elohim the Father, set-apart by the Spirit unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Yahushua Messiah: Favor and peace be increased to you”. We were known before the foundation of the world, and He knew who would come to Him and who would not. (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1, and Revelation 13:8) But, the great deception also includes those whose names are now in the Book of Life. Many, many Scriptures tell us that our name can be removed, like Revelation 3:5. Our rewards are according to our obedience to Torah. (For an in-depth study on this, read the article “Rewards According to Works”—“works” in the Scriptures are not talking about good deeds, but obedience to His Torah—Revelation 22:12). According to the oldest translations, even the King James, of Revelation 22:14, we see that unless one guards the commandments of Yahuweh, they cannot enter the New Jerusalem. “BLESSED ARE THOSE DOING HIS COMMANDMENTS SO THAT THE AUTHORITY SHALL BE THEIRS UNTO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND TO ENTER THROUGH THE GATES OF THE CITY”. Let us look at the word in II Thessalonians 2:10: “…and with all deceit of unrighteousness (Torah-lessness, lawlessness) in those perishing, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH…” This is a revelation that our Father gave me recently. When the Christian American-style gospel is preached, there is usually no call for repentance. WITHOUT REPENTANCE THERE IS NO SALVATION. Repentance means a total coming out of the kingdom of darkness. Salvation doesn’t mean getting a free ticket out of hell so that you can live your life any way you want --That’s a Greek philosophical gospel—not a Scriptural Good News.The church doesn’t even allude the fact that once you accept Messiah’s death and resurrection for your eternal life, that you become a citizen in the Kingdom of heaven and are responsible

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to guard the laws of that Kingdom! Therefore, when you “receive” Jesus, you did not receive a love of the Truth, His Word—but were taught to rely on man for your instructions. The expression “the truth” is really talking about the only Word referred to in the Word—the Tenack!-- Mainly Yahuweh’s Torah. We were taught that your pastor or T.V. teacher had all the wisdom you needed, so you were not encouraged to study the Word for yourself—let alone with the Spirit of Yahuweh! Messiah says in John 8:31-32: “IF you STAY IN MY WORD, you are truly My taught ones, and YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE”. The church may have “Bible studies”, and that’s OK—but that is not to be a substitute for being in His presence and learning from Him personally! Only He is called “The Spirit of Truth” and only He has the pure truth!

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The deception of the elect will come because they do not know the Word, as taught by Him, therefore, they do not know Him, they do not know His nature, and therefore they fall for all sorts of nice-sounding lies!Because they do not love truth enough to learn it from Him, in II Thessalonians 2:11, Elohim sends them strong delusion that they will believe a lie. What is the lie? The lie is to buy into “Torah-lessness” and therefore, fall for the hypnotic deceptions of the mystical counterfeit to come. Today, foolish Christians accept anyone as good who says they are a Christian and hold a Bible. This type of naivety will lead to buying into the doctrines of Lucifer himself. There is a plan of the Luciferics, often touted by New Age people with smirks on their faces, to pull off a “fake rapture”. The technology for such an illusion is now in place. One called to report to Richard Hoagland, formerly of NASA: “The Hubble is to be used in the future New World Order `lazer light display’ in the clouds—to fake the second coming”. It’s more than the Hubble—it is a whole display of space vehicles flown by fallen angels that will come with the anti-messiah. I’ve been aware of this since the 1970s. Even America and Russia have anti-gravity technology. So, whether by America, Russia or fallen angels accompanying anti-messiah, millions of people can be pulled off the earth and up, but not to Jesus! Where are these spacecrafts planning to take these foolish lovers of escapism? -– The plan is to use them as slave labor to develop the colonies already started on places like the Moon and Mars. For more about this colonization, hidden from us until now, read the book: Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara.

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II Thessalonians 2:12: … in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness”. What is “unrighteousness”? When one is truly born of the Spirit and becomes a “new creation” there are at least twenty-six things that He does to take us out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. One thing is that we are “justified”—made right or righteous by the blood of the Lamb. But, also righteousness is the working out of our faith by guarding His Torah. “Faith without works is dead”. Ja’cob (James) says in chapter 2. Without obedience to His Covenant, our faith is useless. We see from Matthew 7:21-23 that no matter how wonderful a minister is, if they are without the Torah--and the word in the Greek there is “a nomia”—for “lawless”—meaning “without the Torah—He does not know them, and they are cast our of His presence in the Kingdom. They do not go to hell—but they cannot enter His presence. They have believed in Messiah for eternal life, but because they have rejected His eternal Torah—which never ends—then they have no right to enter the presence of the King. Many say, parroting their pastor’s theology, “I’m not under the law, I’m under grace”. Yet, every day we obey over 1,000 laws of man, and yet think nothing about it. But, to obey the laws of the Kingdom of heaven, which a “believer” is supposedly a part of,

Page 10is repugnant to most. “Grace” is too often used as a license to sin, and to get out of any personal responsibility to mature and assume a position as a good citizen in His Kingdom…therefore most western-culture believers are very self-centered, weak, and naïve. Most people, usually, don’t make one quantum leap from one belief-system to another one. It is rare that a Christian, for example, would be a Christian on one day and convert to Islam the next day because someone gave them their arguments for Islam. But, it is becoming more and more common for Christians and Messianic people to convert to Judaism because a Jewish rabbi gives their spin on a few verses, and dislodges their belief system in the Messiah. Some “wanta-be Jews” so bad that they convert out of an identify crisis, not knowing that almost all non-Jewish (“Jew” refers to one tribe only—Judah) believers are actually from one of the ten northern tribes of Jacob—called the house of Israel, or the house of Joseph, or the house of Ephraim. (For more information on this, please read the article, and do your own study: “Who Are The Ten?”)Usually, such mental conversions come because there has been a systematic eating away of their belief system for some time. People who are mental believers, or have belief based on some emotional

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experience, often get disillusioned with the “God” they have made up in their imagination. He has in some way failed them—so they go looking for another “God” to satisfy them. Many are bored with Christianity. So if the “signs and wonders” conventions don’t get them un-bored, many turn to the traditions of the man-made religion of Judaism. Some are dabbling into the “Hebrew roots” movement, but not doing anything to get out of the pagan system and into obedience to His Covenant. In the West, we’ve been mind programmed to believe that to be entertained, and to satisfy our desires are the ultimate goals—that “FUN” and self-gratification is the ultimate in life. Therefore the demands of the Messiah of the Bible--committing ones self to a Master, to discipline, and to personal responsibility--are very scary. His message is not so much “receive me” as “commit yourself to Me”. The greatest adventure anyone can have in life is to follow the real Messiah of Israel—for He leads us into the ultimate in adventure. I have an Israeli friend who told me that when she first became a believer in the Father and Messiah of Israel, she noticed that one of Their main characteristics was “adventure”. Now, she goes all over the world speaking for the El of Israel. But, for one to “convert” to another religion, especially one who has embraced truth in the One who died and rose again for us, there has to be a gradual weakening of belief that takes place. Either that or their “belief” was illusionary to start with. Rejection of faith could come from a tragedy in one’s life. Perhaps He didn’t do what was expected of Him. People often try to control the “God” they’ve created in their minds—expecting Him to do things for them that sometimes He doesn’t do. Many, in tragedy, throw God away with great anger, because the god they’ve created is not the real Elohim of the

Page 11Bible. I’m sure this is going to happen when multi-millions of people find out there is no rapture before the one resurrection of the just at the coming of Messiah, when He comes with the wrath of the Father to gather His people to Himself. People who are too lazy to study the Word are often gullible and naïve when they hear something that sounds good. They don’t check it out with Him, and thus fall into deception. This is why IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT, THROUGH STUDYING HIS WORD, YOU COME TO KNOW HIS NATURE! Almost all deception creeps in because a person doesn’t know Him—doesn’t know His nature or His ways of doing things, or the ways He thinks. As stated above, it is imperative to understand

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that salvation is about total commitment of your life to Messiah—not just receiving a freebee to get out of hell. The basis of discipleship is found in passages like Luke 14:25-33; Luke 18:18-30, Mark 8:31-36, and Matthew 10:34-39—we must forsake all to follow Him! But, the lazy, the comfort-seekers, who do not mature in Him but expect their pastor to feed them their baby cereal each week, don’t rise beyond the level of their pastor, if that high—and so much of the time pastors are also immature believers who do not know Him. Then there are the intellectual pastors and teachers who give high and mighty dissertations about the Word, quoting the Hebrew and the Greek, but still do not know Him. He says that unless we become as a little child in our trust of Him, and in humility, we cannot enter His Kingdom (Matthew 18:1-4). Studying the written Word, and even obeying the Torah does not necessarily mean that a person knows Him…it is a relationship thing, not an intellectual thing. Relationships have to be tested to be valid—and so we are about to be blessed by having tribulation to test us, purify us, purge us, and give us something to grow us up!The apostasy will be great, and the time of the great falling away is NOW. Many believe there will be a great revival before Jesus comes—when everyone is going to flood the churches to become Christians, but where does it speak of this in the Word? It doesn’t! The Word tells of a great falling away from faith. In fact, Messiah says in Luke 18:8: “When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” But, in Hebrew understanding, “faith” means the working out of belief by guarding the Torah. Will He find anyone guarding the Torah on the earth when He comes? This is why Malachi 4:4-6 is so important—the job of Eliyahu, who is here and working already, in the last days is to restore the teaching of Torah to the children, uniting fathers and children together in His Covenant. Otherwise as Malachi 4:6 says: “And he (Elijah) shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers LEST I COME AND SMITE THE EARTH WITH UTTER DESTRUCTION”. Do you realize that NOW is the time of Eliyahu’s return in order to “restore all things”? (Matthew 17:11 with Acts 3;19-21) Do you realize that all that is keeping the earth going, is that a few of His people guard His Torah according to the Scriptures (not religion)? Do you

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Deuteronomy 6:6-7 is a command that all fathers teach their children the Torah. He does not change—His Word is eternal! (For more on this please read: “Forever Settled in Heaven”)There will be great revival in these last days, but not people becoming Christians. The revival will come at the coming of Messiah, and be among the remnant of the Orthodox Jews primarily, as they “look on Him whom they’ve pierced and mourn”. (Zechariah 12:10-13:1) They are looking for Messiah now, and many are looking into Messiah Yahushua as perhaps being the “suffering servant” of Isaiah 53. It is a sad phenomenon, but there are many cases now of Christians who have believed in Jesus as Savior for years, or were Messianic believers in Yeshua, converting to Judaism or to some other mystical belief system of the East, because they are disillusioned with the “God” of their church. This is because the majority of people that call themselves “Christians” have a belief-system. They have never had a Spirit-to-spirit new birth. There are twenty-six things that happen when a person is born of the Spirit, according to the Scriptures. (If you’d like the study sheet on that, it is titled “The True New Birth”) “If anyone be in Messiah, he is a new creation—old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new”. (II Corinthians 5:17) The true new birth “translates” one out of the kingdom of darkness and into “the Kingdom of His Dear Son”—Colossians 1:1. In the true new birth, we actually become a “renewed” creation—one that returns in spirit to the personal, intimate, Covenant with Yahuweh that Adam and Eve had before they chose to go along with Lucifer’s lies. Our spirit is re-born, so that we can contact His realm in eternity. These ones go on to allow Him to change their soul (mind and emotions, will and reasoning) to conform to His Word. They go on to embrace His Covenant, His Torah, and obey Him with love from their heart. Those who are truly His hear His voice and follow Him. (John 10:17) They go on to have an intimate relationship with Him, in which they talk to Him, and He talks to them—the “abiding” relationship—the relationship Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden.But, most people base their faith on an experience they had at some point in their lives, which may or may not be rooted in reality. Father warns us that to base our eternal life on a belief-system, a prayer, an emotional experience, is walking amidst fields of “quick sand”—for when that belief system is tested, if it is not anchored in the Word and in truth, then we will be sucked under. The ones who are truly re-born grow into maturity--grow into His likeness, and become like their Master—servants with humility, love, joy and peace. (Galatians 5:22-23) Our relationship with Him must be spirit-to-Spirit—in our re-born spirit, and

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then our mind and emotions can be changed and transformed as we obey Him and walk out our faith in reality. (Romans 12:1-2) II Timothy 4:3: “For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers who tickle the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to myths”. I have written a passionate plea in the article: “Warning, Warning, Warning!” to those thinking of converting to Judaism. So many feel left out because they think they’re a “gentile”, but: You are NOT a gentile if you are in Messiah! (Ephesians 2:8-19) The ‘wild” olive branch is an olive branch, not a peach branch—the olive tree is a picture of the whole house of Israel—all the tribes of Jacob, whose name was changed by Yahuweh to “Israel” (Genesis 32 24-30).The vast array of new-surfacing deceptions are all designed to weaken the faith of the already weak--the untested ones who seek self-gratification more than they seek Him. So, when the great lie comes, which Yahuweh says He will send--the one accompanied by signs and wonders of Satan, the one with hypnotic power--they will easily fall for it. And now, all the agents of Lucifer—those who know they are his agents, and those who are blindly naïve—are bringing out the “secret knowledge” of Lucifer’s tree of the knowledge (gnosis) of good and evil—so that mankind as a whole is already being sucked into a great spiral downward—to follow Lucifer’s illusions, thinking they are following “God”. It’s like the plug has been pulled out from the sink filled with dishwater…and the human race, like the water, is being sucked downwards into a great garbage disposal.I have gone into remote places in the world, and I find tiny groups of people who are all taught by the Spirit—all believing the same things, all passionate for His Torah—all knowing what the enemy is doing, and all on the same page with Him. Only the Spirit of Yahuweh could orchestrate this—and tie together all these tiny groups into one understanding! Several years ago, I passionately prayed: “Show me Your remnant”. And He has… (Refer to my article: “Remnant”, for more clarity)Therefore, I John 2:27—the Spirit of Yahuweh--the anointing within us—teaches us all things. His people who are also taught by the Spirit confirm to us what He has already said to us. We must learn in quietness and aloneness so that His teaching goes deep into our spirit. Running here and there to hear some teacher’s latest revelations is dangerous. The Spirit of Truth has been given to us to discern between the lies of Lucifer/Satan, the deceptions of man, and the Truth of Yahuweh. Messiah said to His Father: “Your Word is Truth”. (John 17:17; Psalm 119:142, 160)

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When the Spirit teaches us, and His teaching goes deep into our spirit, then neither man nor devil can dislodge it by appealing to the soul—mind and emotions. I never go looking for confirmation to what He has told me. I’ve known His voice, and walked with Him for about sixty years. He always brings me the confirmation I need from those who also know His voice and walk with

Page 14Him. We must not get bogged down with speculative issues. It is amazing now, however, that there are not even many speculative issues that the true remnant disagrees on—for He tells all of His servants, the prophets, the same thing—and also He tells all of the humble, contrite ones His secrets--those that “tremble at His Word”. (Isaiah 65:1-2) I exhort all to go to the Spirit of Yahuweh for Truth and direction. I can recommend things from my own wisdom—but in the ultimate end, no one should lead you except Him! I have also written four articles/studies on how to be led by the Spirit: 1) Faith Walk 2) Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing 3) The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit, and 4) Led.Romans 8:14: “Those that are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh—they are the Sons of Elohim”. Humanism—the religion of western culture—has taught us to trust in man. But Jeremiah is quite clear: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Yahuweh. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and not see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt land that is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahuweh, and whose trust is Yahuweh. For he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and does not see when heat homes. His leaf shall be green, and in the year of drought he is not anxious nor does he cease from yielding fruit”. (Jeremiah 17:5-8) In my travels to meet with His remnant, I have found that those who obey His Torah without making excuses--without compromise--with a pure heart of set-apartness, who fear Him and who love His Hebrew Name, are not deceived now, and they will not be deceived in the future, because they have come to know the real Elohim of the Bible—Yahuweh, and His Savior/Redeemer Son, Yahushua Yahuweh. (Note: Yahweh, Yahuah, Yahshua—all are valid pronunciations too—for they actually sound the same using the breath sound. Yahuweh’s Name means: “I AM the eternal, ever-existing One who breathes”, and His Son’s Name, which includes the family Name of the Father, means: “I AM salvation”).

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If you don’t know the real Elohim of the Bible, then changing religions is not hard to do. The ones who are rock-solid and un-moveable are those who really know Him—those that know His nature through His Word, and are in covenant relationship with Him—where we trust Him, and He trusts us!In my recent article “The Coming of Light”, which I wrote upon returning from my trip to the UK and France, I express my great grief because so many who have accepted His gift of salvation to get out of hell don’t want Him to return and mess up their lifestyle. So many do not want to hear about His coming. Yet, just before the Apostle Paul is sent to the guillotine, he makes this statement in II Timothy 4:8: “For the rest, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Master, the righteous Judge, shall give to me on that Day, and not to me only BUT ALSO TO ALL THOSE LOVING HIS APPEARING”.

Page 15Do you love to hear of His coming? Are you preparing for His coming? If not, what do you expect on the Day of Judgment?Most so-called “believers” do not want to embrace the responsibilities that go with preparing for His coming. They don’t want to suffer for His sake, nor obey His Covenant Torah. They just want out of hell, and enjoy the social club atmosphere of their local church. They have no interest in the Word, except many do enjoy the fun of going to conventions with their friends to hear some favorite speaker. They have their “nothing’s going to happen to me” doctrines, and they do not want to hear reality. I’ve heard some deny that “God” would judge anyone, because He’s “love”. It is a non-reality religion—one that has created a god in their own image. This is the “church” best described in Revelation 3:15-22—the assembly of Laodikeia. He stands outside the door of this assembly of so-called believers, who really don’t want Yahushua—just a lollypop/cherry soda religion that doesn’t require anything of them. They don’t realize that “love” in the Hebrew context means to lay down your life for the one loved, in obedience and submission, as in John 14:15; 15:14. I’ve heard about those who have been “good Christians”--workers in the church for over thirty years converting to Judaism—denying the Messiah has even come. All those years they centered their lives around a man-made organization without ever really knowing their Savior. I have personally known what appeared to be very strong Messianic people who have converted to Judaism because of the persuasive arguments of a Jewish rabbi. The timing of the rabbi’s input came at a

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time when they were very disillusioned with Messianic people who had hurt them very deeply. Now, many, Messianic people especially, are denying Yahushua’s deity—His equality with the Father, denying the virgin birth, saying that He was only a man--a “messenger” of the Father. One couple argued with me that they did not believe in the virgin birth, or the deity of Messiah, because the Catholic Church teaches both. The Catholic Church is indeed an apostate religious system. But, Lucifer knows the Word better than any of us do, and in order to fool us, he does allow some truth to enshroud the lies. He doesn’t just hand us a pill and say: “Here, take this--it’s poison”. In meetings, I’ve asked people: Which is more the more deadly to the spirit--Halloween or Christmas? Most say “Halloween”. But, that‘s the wrong answer. We know that Halloween is all about human sacrifice to Satan, all about the depths of wickedness and atrocity. We know that the devil appears glowing red with horns. But, as I’ve written in my article “Joyful Abominations” regarding Christmas, it’s roots included human sacrifice, the worship of Lucifer and the gods, and other abominations. But, because it is wrapped in Christian clothes, it appears to the unsuspecting to be a “religious holiday”—commemorating the birth of the Jesus. No, the church won’t tell you that Christmas was substituted for the Feast of Tabernacles—the birthday of the real Jewish Messiah—Tishre 15. Nor will the church teach you that the

Page 16renewed covenant was made only with the House of Israel and the House of Judah—the thirteen tribes of Jacob—and not with gentiles. No covenant was made with gentiles. (Jeremiah 31:31 and etc.) Nor does the church tell you that He came to restore the Torah to the wayward House of Israel, who embraced Christianity instead of the Torah and the Jewish Messiah. (Matthew 15:24) But, then, no one can know Him via religion. No one can have an intimate relationship with someone by just knowing something about them. Religion is “the broad way that leads to destruction--to the lake of fire. The majority of the religious world, like Judaism, rejects the blood of Messiah. Hebrews 9:22 and Leviticus 17:11: “Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin”. Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide—and the way is broad—that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed that leads to life, and THERE ARE FEW WHO FIND IT”. This is the gate to the Kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 7:21-23 we read: “Not everyone who says to me `Master, Master’ shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he who is doing the desire of My Father in the heavens. Many shall say to Me in that

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day: `Master, Master’ have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name? And then I shall declare to them: `DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO WORK LAWLESSNESS!’ ”. The word for “lawlessness” in the Greek here is “anomia”—meaning: “without the Torah”. From my years in the ministry, mostly in “the Charismatic movement”, I realize that this passage is talking about Christian ministers. There is so much religious pride that too often characterizes “the ministry”. Yet, the word itself means “a menial servant, a floor-scrubber”. It is childlikeness, humility and contriteness, gentleness, kindness, and “esteeming others better than yourself”, that are qualities of the true minister of Yahuweh and Yahushua! Messiah said: “No one has greater love than this: that one should lay down his life for His friends”. (John 15:13) The true follower of Messiah is a humble servant, who does what he does out of love for Messiah! We must never forget Matthew 18:1-4…unless we become as a little child before Him, we CANNOT enter the Kingdom of heaven. And then, Messiah tells us in Matthew 10:24-25 that a servant is not above his master. Do you realize that the word “religion” comes from the expression “the regions of Rhea”? Rhea was the mother of the Greek savior—Zeus. Yahuweh and Yahushua have NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION! Religion is a man-made way of trying to find an illusive “God”. Religion is controlled by a very powerful demonic spirit--the “spirit of religion”. In fact, religion carries the spirit of Lucifer himself—for in all religion Lucifer steers worship to himself in some form! It began with Nimrod, who tried to defy Yahuweh. The “priesthood” of

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religion has always been about control and money. Don’t be guilty of faithfulness to an organization or a man-made doctrine. Don’t think that by serving “the church” you are serving the Father, of Messiah. Judaism is a religion that began with Rabbi Akiva (133 CE) out of his disillusionment with his “messiah”—Bar Kochba. He exalted the teachings of rabbis above Yahuweh—actually reducing Him and his “opinions” to that of just another rabbi. To try to find their Elohim, through the centuries, the Jews have worshipped rabbis in the same way as Catholics worship saints, gotten into the channeling of demons through kabalah, into reincarnation, into astrology, and into all sorts of occult evil. No one who knows the real Elohim of the Scriptures wants to convert to that mess! (For a tremendous summary of what really happened because of Akiva/Akiba—which has affected us all, I highly recommend the book, Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah by Daniel Gruber).

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Hebrews 6:4-6: “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Set-Apart Spirit, and have tasted the good Word of Elohim and the powers of the age to come, and fall away, to renew them again to repentance—having nailed for themselves the Son of Elohim again, and put Him to open shame”.Matthew 10:33: “But whoever shall deny Me before men, I shall also deny before My Father who is in the heavens”. II Timothy 2:12: “If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also shall deny us”. Jeremiah 4:19-22: “O my inward parts! (intestines literally) I am in pain! O the walls of my heart! My heart pounds within me and I am not silent. For you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the ram’s horn, a shout of battle! Destruction upon destruction is cried for all the land is ravaged... How long shall I see a banner and hear the sound of the ram’s horn (the watchman’s horn/shofar—Ezekiel 33:1-7)? For My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are stupid children, and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good, they have no knowledge”. (Italics mine) What does He means “they are wise to do evil?” You might look at the Christian world and think “what evil?” Yet, Father says that those who despise His Torah are “evil”—they are sinners--in rebellion and apostasy against His Covenant. The great divider—the royal plumb-line—is the Torah. It separates those who choose Yahuweh as their Elohim and those who choose one of the “Bal’als”. We’re back at Mt. Carmel (I Kings 18) and Elijah—Eliyahu—is returning! His name means: “My Elohim is Yahuweh”. By even saying his name, you make a declaration of separation unto Him. Yahuweh calls out to us: “Be set-apart as I am set-apart” (I Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:1; 20: 7-8, 24-26; Revelation 22:11) Evil and wickedness to Father is “SIN”—transgression—against His Torah (His teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven for our good, always).

Page 18Literally, to reject His Torah is to despise the orderly structure of the coming Kingdom of heaven, for He will rule His Kingdom with the Torah—“with a rod of iron”. (For more information on the importance of obeying His Torah refer to the article: “Forever Settled in Heaven”.) Hebrews 10:26-27: “For if we sin purposely after we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there no longer remains a blood offering for sins, but some fearsome anticipation of judgment and a fierce fire, which is about to consume the opponents”.

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I John 3: Read this chapter slowly and carefully—for it gives the characteristics of the truly born-again ones…ones that do not practice sin for a lifestyle—those who have come out of the Devil’s kingdom and all of its illusions. Also, read slowly and carefully Romans 6—for we are not slaves to sin anymore, but slaves of righteousness. Read I John 2:3-6, and 5:18... These passages, and others, tell us that because of sin, “lawlessness” or “Torah-less-ness”, many are falling away. (Matthew 24:11-12)Because of our society’s focus on violence, greed, and sex, many are falling into these traps. II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 tells us that if we come out, He will receive us, and if we don’t, He won’t. Don’t fall for head-fascination—curiosity—a lust for knowledge--and open yourself up to the deceptive teaching of others--stay focused in the whole Word, as taught by Him personally to you, to your spirit, as you sit alone in His presence! The real Elohim says: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”. (Jeremiah 29:13) Wise people check the alliances of religious gurus that are so popular. Their alliances tell us who aligns with who. People are running here and there after signs and wonders, trying to find some sort of reality to their religion. The great phenomenon within Christianity towards lusting after signs and wonders is being manifested in gatherings like the one in Lakewood, Florida (2008), and formerly in Toronto, Canada. Yet, the signs and wonders seen in such meetings are far from the ways of the Elohim of Israel and His Spirit. His Spirit does not gratify flesh, nor show out, nor dehumanize people to roll on the floor, bark like dogs and paw like bulls. Some of the so-called manifestations seen in some of these meetings are no more than a blatant sexual display. The Spirit of Yahuweh does not degrade His people—that’s golden calf worship. “…An evil and adulteress generation seeks after a sign…” (Matthew 12:39)Stay away from “Christian T.V.”, whether TBN or whatever network. Basically, it is nothing more than an alliance of ministers teaching deception. I don’t think that the majority of the ministers are out to deceive! I don’t want to believe that. But, the major Christian leadership is in bed with the Vatican. Most of those big names in Christianity are multi-millionaires, like T.D. Jakes, in the name of “God”. Yet among many African Christians, T.D. Jakes is a god—their idol, their example of American-style Christianity. There is so much corruption—so much money taking, so many power plays for

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control—so much wickedness! These networks do NOT represent Yahuweh or Yahushua! They might have nice-sounding stuff on them, but beware of nice sounding stuff that is not of Him! The radical terrorist organization Hamas is well known for their charity towards their own poor, and thus many Palestinians are deceived. I know about “Christian” T.V.—I was in that world for years, and I know the utter corruption, as well as the alliances they have with the Vatican—and the one world religion. Do you remember that Messiah told people to keep quiet about where they got their miracles? He did not want the limelight. He is calling His people into a secret place unto Himself. He desires that we meet Him in the Most Set-Apart Place. These demonstrations are totally against the nature of Yahuweh and Yahushua. The Jewish Messiah does not lead anyone away from the Torah of His Father! The Jewish Apostles did not lead anyone away from the Torah of Yahuweh! He is the living Tenach—acronym for “Torah, Prophets and Writings” – Luke 24:26-27, 43-45; John 5:46-47.The Apostles led people away from the religious bondages of the Jews who added to the Torah, making salvation a man-created bondage. They fought the group, within the Messianic community, called “The Circumcision”—Jews who insisted that people obey their views of religion for their salvation. The Apostles led people away from those Gnostic Christian Greeks who came with “another Messiah”—the Torah-less “Iesous”, transliterated into English as “Jesus”. But the Apostles never turned anyone away from obeying the Scriptural Torah. In the near future we will face the arrival of the lawless one—the man of sin—anti-messiah--world ruler, who will come with incredible signs and wonders of fallen angels (demons) and displays of great power—lying deceptions. He will come with an entourage of UFOs – all proclaiming their message to the deceived ones of the earth. (Please refer to my article: “CERN and the Hadron Super Collider”, and “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials”) The Nephilim—(Genesis 6:2, 4)—the children of fallen angels and human women—are returning. We are “in the days of Noah”. (Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-33) We are also in the days of Lot. Already Lucifer’s human agents are opening up ancient secrets, “arcane knowledge”—hidden knowledge of pre-flood belief in the “gods”—the giants—and their technology, and their worship of Lucifer via sun, moon and star worship. Already we’re hearing about the “crystal skulls” and their message to mankind. Enter Al Gore! We’re hearing the “save Mother Earth” message—that we all must unite to save the earth by 2012, or earth will destroy itself. This message of unity around saving the planet—whether by the name Mother

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Earth or Gaia—is become the message of world governments. It is preparing the world to unite under anti-messiah. Then we have the “indigo” and “crystal children”, and from their description,

Page 20they are little Nephilim—mixture of human and fallen angel, or DNA mixing and fallen angel, or just an incarnation of a fallen angel into a clone. The “crystal children” are said to have only come since about the year 2000. Isn’t that interesting in the light of Yahuweh’s seven-year cycles? They are also called “star children”, “divine” and “angels” by the deceived. But, they are also said to have hypnotic powers. The deception to come is so hypnotic and powerful, that a person not living out of their eternal spirit, because they “walk in the Spirit” can be easily taken over by mind-control. (For more on this, read at least two of my trilogy on mind-control: “Mind Manipulation…” and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”) This ancient knowledge (“gnosis”/Gnostic teaching) is now being exposed via tribal people whose ancestry goes back to the time of the Nephilim--like many American Indians, and those tribes like the Maya and other Central and South American tribal groups of ancient ancestry. Talk radio watchman Steve Quayle was talking to a U.S. General about the literal “wars in the heavenlies”--the American and Russian anti-gravity and space warfare technology, as well as the underground wars that are very real. Steve said to him: “It all sounds like a sci-fi movie”. The General soberly replied: “Where do you think they get their scripts?” We’ve been watching the truth for some time—even from the late 1940s--encased in fiction. Whether you think this is laughable gooblygook or not, those who are now revealing the message of the crystal skulls--who, by the way, they say came to the ancients via the gods from the stars--are very serious. The world Illuminists of Lucifer are very serious about saving Mother Earth for the animals—at the expense of getting rid of all the humans. It would be good for you to learn the history of Eugenics—the plan to eradicate at least six billion people. (Refer to the article: Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind. And for a happy note read: The Preservation of the Royal Seed”) Now, more and more unstable people, as well as the Luciferic elite world ruler hierarchs, are buying into this message of “save mother earth”. Supposedly there are 52 crystal skulls that the gods brought to earth from different planets—each one containing the knowledge of the planet they came from. When these skulls are brought together, the ancient knowledge of illumination will be told to the world. This revealing of Luciferic knowledge, accompanied by satanic, powerful

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illusions and signs and wonders, will sweep many off their feet, to deny what little faith they have left in the El of the Bible. Get the picture—Lucifer and the Garden message is returning! The people from ancient tribes, who are now meeting together to pray for the return of the gods, talk about this being “the time of the quickening”—the time of the awakening of the earth’s people to receive the messages of the gods. The Adams and Eves of the earth are buying into it once again. This message, which the fallen angels are bringing into the world now in full force, also says that we are the product of the union, DNA splicing, of the gods with humans—a kind of Genesis 6:2, 4 reenactment. But, whether from ancient times or

Page 21modern days, there are people on this earth who are part fallen angel and part human—the days of Noah are indeed here! The agents of the evil one, whether powerfully evil people or simple Indian peasants, are spreading the message of the “ sky gods” to the earth’s people. Al Gore, with his “Deep Ecology” message is one of the primary leaders in this. Watch for the rise of this man in the public eye. “Deep Ecology” is a Eugenics message at the root—man and animals, plants, fish and etc. are all of equal value, with man actually being beneath the other species. Therefore, man must be herded into “camps” for confinement so the other species can roam free—and the world leaders can have it for themselves. Much of the world’s prime forests and plains and wilderness areas are now owned by the United Nations—including great portions of America. I learned from a recent trip to South America, that the U.N. owns the rain forests, and the people have to build high rises to live in, because the U.N. controls who cuts a tree and who doesn’t. But, this will be the agenda, with its lies about “global warming” to bring the world into unity around the agenda of the anti-messiah. The propaganda is going forth in abundance now. Our planet is now actually tipping—our axis is moving—towards the sun. Whether it is the “pole shift” caused by Planet X’s passing, or our sun falling through the galaxy in 2012 as predicted by NASA, our earth is shifting--thus “global warming”—as well as the scalar weather warfare being done by America’s HAARP facility and Russia’s scalar technology. The new Indiana Jones movie is also facilitating the world’s awareness of crystal skulls, without telling very much. We need to keep one eye on what the enemy is saying, like a good soldier, so that we can spot lies and deceptions and be able to help others to know the Truth. “Endure hardness as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved with the affairs of this life, in order to please only Him who enlisted him as a soldier”. (II

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Timothy 2:3-4) If you are in the Kingdom of Yahuweh/Yahushua, you are a soldier in His armed forces. What kind of a soldier are you? Recently, CNN Europe aired a documentary on the finding of unusual skulls in Peru. These skulls are from giants—giants with elongated heads and huge eyes. They are not elongated because of some tribal binding of the skull, but they are elongated naturally. Some are strangely rounded with huge eyes—but both are also found in ancient artwork depicting the gods from the sky. Carved pictures by ancient Egyptians often show Egyptians holding little gods with elongated heads. The ancient Egyptians pictured their gods and goddesses with elongated heads. The Nephilim/Anakim are returning. (Refer to the article: “Facing the Anakim”) These things are being exposed by CNN, because the ones with the elongated heads, huge eyes—giants and “little people” are returning. These are “Nephilim” – and again, we are “in the days of Noah”. The technology was very high before the Flood—cloning, gene splicing, space

Page 22travel, and great weapons of destruction were a norm back then, as they are now. Ancient historical record from India and China and other places, talk about nuclear war before the great Flood. Many examples around the world have been found of space travel before the great Flood. The same fallen ones who gave the pre-Flood people their technology and who sought to change the whole human gene-pool, are the same fallen ones who are now on earth giving the secrets of Lucifer’s knowledge to the Illuminati hierarchy now. Of course, this is stolen knowledge from Yahuweh—the secrets of creation--that Lucifer learned when he was the glorious angelic leader in heaven. This is why He said at His viewing of the tower of Babel: “And now they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do. Come let Us go there and confuse their language…” (Genesis 11:6-7a) He stopped their plans back then, but now, He will let them go through with their plans—and then the judgment will fall! Ancient writings found, and also passed down by oral tradition, tell of human women before the great Deluge, who had great pain in childbirth, and who often died, because they gave birth to the children of the “sky gods”, who were giants. Part of the Nazi experiments using Jewish girls in Germany and Poland had to do with the reproduction of mixed DNA from these girls and other entities, animals and etcetera. The push is on world wide to gain DNA from ancient Nephilim skeletons, and to find their ancient civilizations to obtain their technology. Such are some of the goings on at the South Pole.

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But, BEWARE of being fascinated with these things. And, if you are wise, you won’t spend much time on the Internet trying to get the latest on UFOs. They’re real, and they’re out there. Fallen angels pilot some of the “star ships”, but some are piloted by Americans, some by Russians, and some by Yahuweh’s angels. Thousands of people are seeing them, and the U.N. is having panic meetings to try to keep a lid on it, as not to panic the public. As of September 10, 2008, the CERN Hadran Super Collider in Switzerland was fired up, and scientists are now tapping into creation’s secrets trying to re-create the “big bang”—while at the same time they are opening star gates for the evil ones, fallen angels, demons, to return. It is not just a scientific experiment—it is carrying out the plans of Lucifer. They are hooking up with the star gates of Babylon, Nimrod’s capitol city of his kingdom, and it is very possible that Lucifer’s worshippers are now calling for him to come into the earth, just as the Bride of Messiah calling for Him to come (Revelation 22:17). We know that there is soon to be war in the heavenlies—and Satan/Lucifer and his fallen ones will be cast into the earth—with great fury—“knowing they have a short time”. (Revelation 12:7-17) The great deception of II Thessalonians 2:8-12, that Yahuweh will allow, will be the message of these fallen angels, transmitted to humans with great hypnotic power to those whose spirits are not anchored in Yahuweh’s Torah, who do not know Him—but who can be deceived by lies about him,

Page 23told by Lucifer’s fallen ones. The fallen angels will come with the anti-messiah, as he comes onto the Temple Mount to take control of the world.These fallen ones will bring the message of the protection of Mother Earth. But, a large part of the message will be that the fallen ones are the ancestors of the human race. They will bring strong “proof” of their coming to earth before. But, those without understanding of Scripture and current knowledge won’t understand that, yes, they did come before, and had intercourse with humans, but that they are fallen angels—demons…whom Yahuweh threw out of heaven for their rebellion. They are NOT nice little ETs who have come to help us. The Vatican has put out an all-points bulletin to their churches to receive these aliens as “Christians friends of the Pope” (See the article: “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials”.) Part of the message will be that they have come to help us—to rebuild our planet—to bring peace, restore love and unity, and restore all the

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good things of life, including the ancient knowledge that has been kept from us for eons of time. Since the 1940s, children’s cartoons, even Christian ones, have taught little ones to receive the aliens as little friends—teaching them to love creatures who are part human-animal, human-insect, human-reptile—human-plants, and etcetera, as little cartoon friends. After all, these humanized little creatures talk in our language. If you grew up in America, you’ve been watching these things since childhood. Another part of the message will be that our spiritual leaders, like Jesus, and Buddha, Mohammed, and the New Age “Christ” are all friends…all ascended masters of the universe, all one in unity. They will tell mankind to unite under the world ruler in order to save us all. They will tell us that “God” is everywhere—that He is in the trees, flowers, and rivers, and insects too. Pantheism will be the acceptable belief, with anti-messiah being the god over all, to worship. The anti-messiah worships the “god of forces”. The message of the skulls—the message of the evil ones—will be that the world’s people must unite in order to save the planet. Messiah says that He comes to separate and divide. (Matthew 10:34-39) The set-apart ones unto Yahuweh must hold on tight—it will be a rough ride—but Hebrews 12:25-29; Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22. It is now-known knowledge that there was ancient colonization of the moon and Mars. This has been hidden from us by NASA for many years—but this will be revealed to all--showing the pyramids, for example, that are on Mars—the same design as those of Egypt and Mexico, Central and South America. NASA is already admitting to Mars showing signs of ancient life. This will be part of the fallen one’s “proof” that they were here before. And, yes, I am sure that since the technology was there before the Flood, the Nephilim probably did take their offspring to these places to colonize. There are great glass structures over the surface of the moon, with evidence of colonization. Mars shows evidence of cities. (Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by Richard C.

Page 24Hoagland and Mike Bara give much information about the inside of NASA—a division of the U.S. Department of Defense.) Even President Bush in a live speech on T.V., which I, and a friend, saw myself in February 2004, said that our young people should be prepared to colonize the moon and Mars. These things are not only coming to light, but our Messiah said: “Whatever is hidden shall be revealed, and whatever has been kept secret shall come to light” (Mark 4:22).

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But, never forget that there was Noah and his family—“perfect in his generation”. That word “perfect” most likely refers to his bloodline—it was not tainted by genetic alteration. He was a remnant among multi-millions. There is an untainted remnant today—untainted in genetics and untainted in spiritual perfection. This is the time when the secrets of the evil one are coming to public knowledge. Many of the new T.V. shows are about “aliens” and UFOs and about beings that are part human, part animal, part synthetic—so that they have super hearing, seeing, and psychic abilities.But, it is also the time when the secrets of Yahuweh are coming to His servants. (Amos 3:7) His true servants will prophesy in these last days as watchmen. If you are a child of Yahuweh, then seek His knowledge and wisdom, and let Him lead you as to what you are to know of the enemy’s plans. Don’t fall for fascination of the enemy’s plans—that has a detrimental affect on the spirit. We only need to know enough of the enemy’s plans, in order to save ourselves, our family and anyone else who will listen. The basis of all New Age/Gnostic teaching—arcane knowledge—the “secret” of the 33rd degree Masons—is that Lucifer was the shining one who illumined Eve, and Adam, her little son. Lucifer is considered the god of light. Yahuweh is considered the dark one who kept illumination (knowledge) from Eve. Albert Pike said that Yahuweh is the opposite of Lucifer—since with light, there also is darkness. Albert Pike in his Masonic Bible, Morals and Dogma, says clearly that Lucifer is God, and Yahuweh is the dark one. But, because man’s soul realm is so volatile, changing with every “wind of doctrine”—the powerful lying signs and wonders that will accompany the anti-messiah will go deep into the mind of those who do not know Yahuweh and Yahushua, and the power of the illusion will cause them to buy into the lie. I often ask Father why I have to know about the plans of Lucifer and his fallen angels. In studying the end times for over 45 years, especially in the last 22 years, Father has occasionally directed me to study certain things so that I can understand the plans of the evil one--things that relate to Scripture, and what He is doing. I do not recommend that others study what I study, unless they, like me, have the assignment from Yahuweh to warning others of eternally damning deceptions. I do nothing out of curiosity or fascination—these are dangerous things! Because I have been trained well by Him in “spiritual warfare”, I have confronted many demonic forces to set people free—especially

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Page 25during my seven years in and out of Africa. But, I also know what it means to be “LED BY THE SPIRIT” of Yahuweh—and therefore, I do not go beyond His boundaries imposed upon me. If we get beyond His boundaries, He removes His authority from us, because He can no longer trust us. This should frighten us. I greatly fear losing His Presence, as did Moses in Exodus 33:11-15: “If Your Presence is not going with us, do not lead us up from here.” Isaiah 8:13: “Let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread”. (I’ve written an article/study on the fear of Yahuweh—“The Beginning of Wisdom”) In my studying of the plans of the evil ones and his agents, I keep coming back to Isaiah chapters 40-48, in which He addresses these things—and exalts Himself as CREATOR--the ONLY ELOHIM – the ONLY SAVIOR. When we know Him so well that our spirit exalts Him continually, as a pattern of our day, as the great Creator, El Shaddai, El Elyon, the great Yahuweh and Yahuweh Yahushua, then He trusts us with knowledge of the evil one’s plans, so that we can prepare others to know Him as the MOST HIGH, THE ALMIGHTY--THE ONE WHO IS, WHO WAS, AND IS TO COME! Take note: If you are not well grounded in the Word, as taught by His Spirit, and in intimate relationship with Him that has been tested, and if you are not obedient to the Torah without compromise, then you should fear delving into the world of the enemy—for his traps are very subtle, and his wily ways are hypnotic and seductive. Don’t ever think that you are exempt from the receiving the same deceptions Lucifer pulled on Adam and Eve. Beware of opening doors to the evil one out of curiosity! Beware of searching for knowledge, for knowledge’s sake. Our utmost task is to prepare to meet Him, by knowing Him personally. Then we can help others to know Him. I find in my travels that those who are diligent in obedience to His Torah without being religious—who humbly walk in His nature, who love Messiah Yahuweh with all their heart, and who are looking for His return, are the ones who are anchored on a solid rock and will not be deceived by the enemy’s hocus pocus. The sign of the true ones is also their love for one another. I Peter 4:7-8: “But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be sober, and watch and pray. AND ABOVE ALL THINGS have fervent love among yourselves, for love shall cover a multitude of sins”.I Peter 1:22: “Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto undefiled love of the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently: being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the Word of Elohim, who

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lives and abides forever”. Many are wrapping self-righteous robes around them, and shutting off others because they disagree on their “pet” doctrines. If one believes in the Person of Messiah as their Savior and Master and are learning to follow Him by the Spirit of the Father, obedient as they learn, no matter what point they are on their journey, we are responsible to love them, pray with them, and lead them into truth.

Page 26We must not play “Holy Spirit” and try to intellectually convert anyone to our opinion—even if it is a correct opinion.In John 6:44 we read: “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. And I will raise him up in the last day”. If one loves truth, then the Spirit of Truth will “lead them into all truth”. We must remain humble, loving and full of the nine fruit of the re-born spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which is the righteous nature of Messiah that leads us on. Being a lone wolf—exclusive because we are so super spiritual in our own eyes—is a trap—a very strong trap! -- We must fellowship—but we must be led by His Spirit. According to II Thessalonians 2:9, the “great deception”, which will come at the appearing of anti-messiah, will be sent by Yahuweh Himself to those who do not LOVE TRUTH, because they already have rejected His Truth –- having closed their minds to Truth. They did not love truth enough to pursue it—they enjoyed the deceptions of ease, comfort, and promises of wealth they got from razzle-dazzle prosperity teachers. Or they fell for the twisting of Scripture by rabbis, or fell into Eastern mysticism because their church experience was boring. Or they were raised Catholic, or Baptist, or Church of God, etcetera, and what was good for grandma is good for them. Or they’ve been baptized and so they are “right with God”. Or they have money as their god—or secular humanism, or social betterment, or environmental causes. Or they just never knew Yahuweh’s Truth at all—having lived their lives content with their ancestral religion rooted in pantheistic occultism. There are very few, actually, who know what is going on and are willing servants of Lucifer—like some of our world leaders and those behind the scenes Illuminists. They worship the “father of lies”. They are vigorously working to destroy Yahuweh’s Truth—His Torah—and His people who guard it. II Peter 2:18-19: In context of Peter warning people about deceivers coming into their midst, he says: “For speaking arrogant nonsense, they entice, through the lusts of the flesh, through indecencies, the ones who have indeed escaped from those living in delusion, promising them freedom, though themselves being slaves of corruption—for one is a slave to whatever

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overcomes them. For if, after they have escaped the defilement of the world through the knowledge of Yahushua Messiah, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse than the first. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the set-apart commands delivered unto them”. Jude verse 11 also speaks of these people. “They have gone the way of Ba’alim”—using religion to make money—“having a heart trained in greed”. (Italics mine) Is this not a good description of many modern big-name preachers and teachers, who are so popular with ease-loving “believers”? Very few Christian pastors and teachers are warning their people of what is coming. I heard about one pastor who began to learn the truth of what is upon us now and accelerating quickly, who left his church to go on the road to warn

Page 27people. He reported to be very, very discouraged as he went to the churches, and found that pastors and parishioners alike did not want to hear the truth. I suppose, by the time Noah and his family were sealed into the ark—seven days before the deep broke up--with no one else believing his preaching all the months he built the ark, he was very discouraged. Now, anyone who speak the truth makes himself a prey—Amos 5:10, 13: “They hated the one who reproves in the gate, and they despise the one who speaks the truth…Therefore, the wise keep silent at that time, for it is an evil time”. Isaiah 59:14-15: “And right-ruling is driven back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has fallen in the street, and right is unable to enter. And the truth is lacking, and whoever turns from evil makes himself a prey”. Matthew 10:22: “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But, he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved”. The real Messiah’s Name is connected to His Father’s Name—Yahushua Yahuweh. Right now, all over the world, laws are being made that make the use of the Name “Yahuweh” or “Yahweh” or “Yahuah” illegal. In the U.S., in the huge F.E.M.A. law book, those that believe in the second coming of Messiah to earth to rule and reign, and those who use Yahweh are considered to be suspect of being terrorists or harmers of the government. The Roman Catholic Church has just come out with their statement that the name Yahweh will not be used in any of their churches by anyone—it is illegal. II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 commands us to come out of all the whoredom of other

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religions so that we can be undefiled before Him—otherwise, He cannot receive us as His children! If we hang onto something for sentimentality’s sake, we leave a door open for us to return to the lies and delusions, and for the enemy to come through and deceive us in another realm. The Greek thinking deals in concepts, in philosophies, in belief-systems based on experience or intellectual reasoning. The Hebrew concept of faith is action that proves what you believe. The Greeks say that whatever you think is real, is real for you—and your experience equals truth. In modern western Christianity, personal experience seems to be the ultimate--faith is based on experience, not the solid Word of Elohim and obedience to His Torah. On Christian T.V., and in many conventions, there are dramatic displays by those performers who wow their audience. But, in some cases, they are operating by demonic spirits. Yet, in the middle of it all, there are sincere believers that are trying to find Him, so the compassionate, merciful, Spirit of Yahwueh is deals with them individually. I’ve had many miracles in the name of Jesus. I’ve seen miracles of healing and deliverance through my ministry in that name. But, once I learned His real Name—I dropped the false name and began championing His real Name with exuberance! He has sent me all over the world to different places to bring His Name into the earth. Yet, today, people from all over the world are spending money to go to “revivals” to see God, or find God, or get God to do something. Many are

Page 28Pastors whose churches are “dead in the water”, or dying. They want to “bring back the spirit” of the revival to their church to liven things up. There are many who tap into the false prophet networks, like the “Elijah List” false prophets, most of whom are little more than fortunetellers. There are a lot of occult mystics out there, pushing their falsehoods on naïve Christians! The tragedy is that so many sincere Christians are falling for false dreams and visions and prophecies, because they are too blinded by religion to study the Word with the real Spirit of Yahwueh. (For more information on how to tell the true from the false refer to two articles: 1) “The Message of the True Prophet” and 2) “Exposing Kim Clement and Other False Prophets”) I have known many who got true visions and dreams, yet put their own religious spin on it, picked out a few verses to match their “spin”, and the whole bottom line was wrong. But, as Father reminded me, He even allowed the magicians to know a few things, and work a few

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miracles, before He took over. We just have to know the difference between Pharaoh’s magicians, or Nebuchadnezzar’s, and Moses and Daniel. We should really pray hard for the “discerning of spirits” – I Corinthians 12. This is a gift we really must have! I John 4:1: “Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of Eloihim, because many false prophets have gone out into the world”.If a prophecy does not come true, the giver of it is a false prophet! Many of these Charismatic prophets have a track record not much better than the famous psychic Jean Dixson—about 5% accuracy. Some Christians are getting into tabloid prophecies by people like Edgar Casey, and other mystical false prophets. Some are adding elements of the occult to their belief-box, like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, chanting, and going into trances. Some are into all sorts of spiritual weirdness, which is not of our Father, nor based on His Word. Some are getting into Christian astrology (playing around with the zodiac in the name of Jesus). This subject might sound fascinating, but again—beware of what fascinates the mind! Many quote Bullinger and his exposés on the stars and numbers. But, Bullinger was a colleague of C. I . Scoffield in his creation of “Dispensationalism” and the rapture doctrine. Both these doctrines are spurious at best, yet the American evangelical doctrinal platform is based on this man-made non-Scripture-based falsehood. Beware of those on a Christian mystic base—who emphasize things like the stars and numbers. This is borderline information that might cross against the Torah. The ones teaching it usually use a lot of Scripture—but does our Father want us dabbling into this realm? Is the Word being used to back something that is not for us to delve into? It is all right to check the signs of the heavens that are apparently in line with the signs of His appearing—like solar and lunar eclipses, for example, which Pastor Mark Biltz discovered. But, so many are going off into the ditch of trying to make the constellations fit the plan of salvation, and even to using the constellations to direct their lives—which is “Christian astrology”.

Page 29We must always ask the question when hearing of side issues: “Is this preparing me to go through the times of great tribulation—famine, disease, war, violence, and the death of those I love—to be able to receive the Messiah at His coming, and to have an eternal position and reward that is dearest to my heart? Will the knowledge I am receiving prepare me for the horrors to come, as Messiah told us about, in which over 6 BILLION people will die?” (Please refer to the article: “Rewards According to Works”) If you are learning things that have no reference

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to the eternal state—to knowing Him, knowing His nature, and obeying what He is calling you to do in these last days—don’t waste your time!Yahuweh’s great passion is the restoration of the whole house of Israel—Jeremiah 32:41—and to preserve a remnant to do His will during the tribulation time. Most of the prophecies of the Bible have to do with the restoration of the whole house of Jacob—all 13 tribes. Ezekiel 37 is His passion! Are you involved in His passion! To study the Scriptures to do with His passion—please study the list of “Aliyah Scriptures”. What good is it if you learn all kinds of knowledge and don’t ever find out what is the greatest thing on His heart? The Bridal remnant knows what is on His heart. The Apostle John, who pictures the Bridal remnant, laid his head over Yahushua’s heart. Peter had to ask John what He was saying. If you want to enter into what is precious to Him, then concentrate on whatever He gives you to do, to do with the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37:15-28. One of the greatest experiences of my life was working with Operation Exodus in Far East Russia, to help Russian Jews connect with the Jewish agency and come home to Israel. He has to get a remnant of all the tribes “home” before anti-messiah comes, for the forerunning work of the “restoration of all things” that is at hand. But, of course, we know that the majority of the house of Israel—the northern ten tribes—will return at the resurrection of the just. (Revelation 19-20) This is frightening to me that there are so many really sincere people who are going off into these ditches. There are those who follow the ancient Canaanite god “Baal Gad”—pronounced “Baal Gawd or God”. “Baal” means “Lord” in Hebrew, and “Gad” in this context means “fortune, prosperity, wealth”. So, those that follow this ancient god, follow prosperity, money, power and wealth. This is the root of the “Prosperity Movement”—the “name it and claim it” movement, the “blab it and grab it” movement--that has sidetracked so many Christians in the hopes of getting rich. Unfortunately, when people are losing their homes, their jobs, and beginning to suffer hunger and disillusionment, the “prosperity” god seems very good. But, the end will be devastating. Then there are those who want “power”. They want power and authority to command things into existence. They say they want Jesus’ power, but what they really want is to be superman—a god. Many times they are actually dabbling in the occult without realizing it. Real power and authority is only rewarded to the set-apart ones whom He can

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trust with His Word, with His messages, with His Name and with His commandments. He does not trust His power to those who do not guard His Torah. Real power and authority is built by obedience and testing, by discipline and personal interaction with Him in His Covenant. The lust for personal power is leading people to run after deceiving spirits. In my trilogy on mind control, the second article, “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”, even gives the details of what the Illuminati has done to us from birth to death from their own manual. Because of mind control, whose main media is the T.V., many are being absorbed into the “world brain” without knowing it—into the thinking of the Illuminati that is setting the world’s people up to receive the ultimate lie. Be careful what you watch and what you read and what you hear—for the mind is very vulnerable to accepting deception.This is why He must “shake everything that can be shaken”, so that “only those things that cannot be shaken will remain”. (Hebrews 12:25 to 29 and Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22) Many think that a college education is the ultimate—yet these colleges are dedicated to absorbing students into the “world brain”, and breaking them loose from any faith, if they have any, in a Creator-Elohim. Then there is “Jerusalem Council II”—a backdoor into the Vatican in the name of unity. It is big stuff in Israel. Many Messianic leaders are taking their congregations into this ecumenical message. Rabbis, Islamic muftis, Messianic leaders, Evangelical and Charismatic Christian leaders, Hindus, witches and shaman—are going under the umbrella of the Vatican. The newly formed Israeli Sanhedrin has petitioned the Vatican to make Jerusalem the headquarters of world religion, with them as the governing body. (I expose this deception in “Beware of the Noahide Laws”.) These “laws” are a trap for the unsuspecting prodigal son, non-Judah, Ephramites who want to return to Israel. Again, the Vatican is behind this one, too. The House of Ephraim is tired of being treated like a second-class citizen by Judah (Jews), and is trying to obtain Israeli citizenship, too. The trap is that the Sanhedrin has rules for them to follow. The Noahide Laws are not laws but categories, with a trap in each one for the unsuspecting Messianic Ephramites. Even the U.S. Congress in the 1980s passed the Noahide Laws into U.S. law, as foundational faith. Also, BEWARE of seemingly nice people that we all know and love who are leading their followers into schemes to get them into Israel as residents. These are actually traps, deceiving people into thinking that the Israeli government is going to allow non-Jews to become Israeli citizens if they only they’ll sign on the dotted line, or do something that is required by the government. These nice people are dealing with not-nice people—slick deceivers. Some are secular Jews. The Israeli government from the

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beginning has been sold out to the Illuminati and are controlled by the Jesuits, Masons, CFR, CIA and America, as well as the U.N. They do not want Christians and Messianic people moving into their country. There are also very radical Jewish groups, who even kill

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Messianic Jews for “converting” from Judaism. It’s time to grow up, mature, and face reality, and take personal responsibility for choices that we make! Beware of unity around man-made goals. For example, the New Age movement has said that those who “separate” from the unity that must come to save “Mother Earth” should be “eliminated”. Then there is the message of the “Ecumenical Movement” from the 1960s, led by top Evangelical and Charismatic leaders, along with Catholic priests, who finally made a pact for Evangelical Christians and Catholics to come together in unity--March 1994. But, before that, many of them came together with political conservatives, and big false prophets like Sung Mung Moon, and with Tim LaHaye in 1983, to form The Council on National Policy—which is an ultra secret think tank for one world religion. It’s membership reads like who’s who in American Christianity. There is only One who can create unity that is Truth-filled—and that is Yahuweh’s Spirit. I am always amazed that no matter where I go on this earth, to meet with His set-apart ones, He has taught them all the same things—and we are in His brand of unity. Briefly I’ll address the far-reaching man-made hoax of the pre seven-year tribulation rapture teaching. I’ve noticed that the world’s ban on people believing in the coming of Messiah to take over the “kingdoms of this world” does not include the teaching of the pre-seven year tribulation rapture. In fact, books by men like Joel Rosenberg, who weaves political thrillers around the rapture of the church, are honored and promoted by world leaders. That’s suspicious! But, to believe in the Revelation 11:15-19 coming—which has hundreds of verses throughout the Bible to describe it—is illegal. In China, pastors can be arrested for teaching on the books of Daniel and Revelation.Now that F.E.M.A. has taken control of the churches and there are approximately 35,000 pastors, rabbis and priests hired by them to spy on their congregations, the belief in the second coming lists a person as being a potential harmer of the U.S. government! In Matthew 16:22-25, Peter wants to defend Messiah so that He doesn’t go to the execution stake. He wants Messiah to escape the stake, and proceed on to free them all from Roman occupation. What is Messiah’s response to this outburst of love and concern? “But, He turned to Kepha and said, `Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to Me, for your thoughts are not those of Elohim, but

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those of men’ ”. Man wants to escape trouble, pain and sorrow, but that’s not the nature of the Elohim of Israel! He promises to walk with us through the tribulation. Messiah says this to anyone who wants to be His disciple: Luke 14:27: “And whoever does not bear his execution stake and come after Me is unable to be My disciple”. There is not even a seven-year tribulation mentioned in Scripture, let alone any other verses that prove this foundation of many deceptions. It is the pre-tribulation rapture-believing people that are falling for the prosperity doctrine head over heels. Most people get very upset if you touch this pet belief of theirs, for it has evil spirits empowering it, as well as the spirit of fear—that we get out of all

Page 32suffering because we’re so good and righteous. It is against the very nature of the Father and Son. But, the arrogance alone of this teaching is amazing, despite the fact that there is not one verse in the Bible to prove it. The tribulation is 3 ½ years long, and begins with the appearance of the anti-messiah—that’s certainly Scriptural. Yes, we get our new bodies when we rise to meet Him in the air, but the whole Word tells us when that is—at the coming of Messiah on a Feast of Trumpets. In China, after Mao took over, hundreds of thousands of Christians denied their faith because they thought the tribulation had come and Jesus had not raptured them out—so they learned from American and English missionaries. No verse in the Bible says there is a seven-year tribulation. This was a purposed hoax that has its roots in the Vatican in the 1500s, which was, and is now, spread by greedy people who are raking in billions of dollars on the fears of those who do not know the nature of the Elohim of Israel, and on the ignorance of those who do not know the Word. The more recent roots of this hoax go back to Port Glasgow, Scotland, in 1836, when a 17-year old girl had an ecstatic, emotional vision at a revival in her church. From this vision has come the sadistic hoax that has left millions of people unprepared for the tribulation period, which is designed to purify His people for the Kingdom. Please refer to my article/study exposing this deception: “Who Will Be Left Behind?” Then there is a phenomenon that I’ve been watching for the last few years. Many Christians are enamored with Arabs who have become Christians, even saying they love Israel, and who are immediately promoted on Christian T.V., interviewed, and helped to write books. They become famous overnight. I’m not saying they are not saved. I judge no one’s heart! I am just examining evidence of things that

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smell fishy. Don’t be gullible. You probably should live in the Arab world a while to understand what I’m saying here.I lived among Muslims for eight years. I personally know Christian Arabs who really do love the Jewish Messiah, and Israel. I also know that Christian Arabs in the Muslim world, live knowing that they might be hacked to pieces at any time by their fellow Arabs, or even family and friends, for denying Mohammed and Allah. No one is beating their door down to get them on T.V., to write a book, or give their testimony to a worldwide audience. And, they are not seeking notoriety. They are not asking for offerings, not building ministries, not playing games with muftis who are in with the Vatican, but they are sincerely living the life and spreading the message of salvation as discretely as they can within the Islamic community they came out of…some are risking their lives to do this. Why don’t the big Christian TV networks look into some of the lives of the Palestinian Christians who are being horribly killed for their faith? Many Iranians are becoming believers—but real believers—persecuted horribly as you can imagine. I knew an Arab Christian from Jerusalem who had a Bible store in Gaza, during the time the Jews were there. When the Jews pulled out, Muslims caught him one day in Gaza and cut him to pieces. I heard the bitter cries of Lebanese

Page 33Christians when the Jews pulled out of Christian Southern Lebanon, for the Jews were the buffer between them and Hezbollah—between them and horrible death. The Jews love life, and Muslims mock “love” and life. They say that love is a weak thing. They glorify death and martyrdom for Allah. When Al Qaeda found the name of one of our Messianic friends in Aqaba in a Messianic magazine in the U.S., they came after us to kill us all. We had to spend a week on someone’s roof, protected by the Jordanian police until they caught them. We had Hamas come to kill us, and again had the police protecting us until they caught the thirteen in Amman, executed the leaders and imprisoned the rest. A few months ago, a man was arrested in Afghanistan for “blaspheming Allah” by becoming a Christian. This is the Afghanistan our boys are dying to protect—their democracy led them to return to the strictest of all Islamic law (Islam is basically a legal system). The U.S. did not intervene in this man’s behalf, so he most likely lost his head. You just don’t convert to Christianity out of Islam, get famous, rake in boo coo money and nothing happens! So, I wonder about some of these ex-Muslims who get saved, and in a very short

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time are famous, with ministries of their own, on T.V., have their own websites, have books published, have DVDs out with their testimony, are invited to speak at churches and conventions—all promoting Jesus and Israel. I am highly suspicious. Muslims just don’t ignore someone leaving Islam and becoming pro-Israel. In Israel, Arabs/Palestinians who are even suspected of being pro-Israel, whether men, women or children, are killed, beheaded, and strung up in the public square for all to see. There is no tolerance for a defector from Islam. I know of one very popular ex-Muslim Christian who has a very visible synagogue in a major city in Pakistan with a Star of David and a menorah on it. Pakistan is a hard-core Muslim nation. Now, don’t tell me it has not been noticed by the local Muslims! Evidently there is a “hands off” order from the muftis regarding it. In other words, I highly suspect that some of these popular ones are moles for Islam, to get inside the Christian/Messianic communities to deceive. I wish I were wrong, but I smell a rat in the attic. The guy with the synagogue in Pakistan, a man very popular with Christians and Messianic people, has written a book on the end-times. In the book he gives a scenario that puts the coming of Israel’s Messiah off for a long time because of all the things that have to happen with Islam’s Imams. This book is fooling a lot of people with his arguments and Scriptures that are picked out to back his arguments. If a Muslim is saved, and then shortly afterwards is promoted by big ministries, when do they have time to get alone with Father and learn the Word from Him, learn about the Jewish Messiah, and learn to know Him personally? Allah’s personality is opposite of Yahuweh’s personality. And, why, all of a sudden are they experts in end-time prophecy? Don’t tell me that a person fresh out of Islam, who is snatched up for a TV appearance, and given travel money and

Page 34expenses to promote his “testimony”, has spent the incredible time necessary to know Truth of the whole Word of Yahuweh as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. As far as I know, they are not observing the Torah. They do not know the requirements of Yahuweh. They teach a Christian-approved message, and are raking is a lot of money in teaching their deceptions from naïve Christians. Also many Arabs know His Name as “Yahweh”. It is in many of their ancient records. Christians use the Arabic for Y’shua, “Y’sooa”.And, then there were the born-again Christian Arabs in Aqaba, Jordan, that I knew. By their own threats, we found out that if we let on that we were pro-Israel, according to their thinking, they had the right to kill us. What kind of Christianity is this? One man, a very devout Arab born-again Christian, so he said, saw a small menorah in one of the homes of the Messianic people there.

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He turned them into the police. Then there was the Russian lady who was married to a Muslim. She asked one of our people for a Bible. She got one. Then the police arrested the lady for giving the Bible to a woman married to a Muslim. We have to be very cautious, for the enemy is sending Jews and ex-Muslims into our midst with deceptions and lies, to divert people away from truth. Beware of anyone who puts off the coming of the Messiah because His soon coming doesn’t fit into their eschatology. II Peter 3:3-4: “Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying, `Where is the promise of His coming—for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation’ ”. This is major church eschatology! You can tell where a person’s heart is either by their expectancy for, or their rejection of, the soon coming of Messiah. It is a well-known fact, too, that witches and warlocks are infiltrating churches to do their wickedness. Witches and warlocks are also pretending to be ministers and other types of church leaders. The evil one is sending in his spies. F.E.M.A. has hired 35,000 priests, rabbis and pastors who will spy on their congregations. Those that believe in the soon-coming of Messiah are being registered as “potentially dangerous to the government”. Then, recently, I’ve also learned of several with mathematical equations that blow the mind, to prove when Messiah is coming, or when the anti-messiah is coming. Most of the recent predictions based on mathematics, puts Messiah’s return in 2012—the exact time of the coming of anti-messiah. We are not to be led by mathematics and intellectual reasoning—but by the Spirit of Yahuweh! He calls us to be childlike, simple, humble, and resting “in the simplicity of Messiah”. Recently I heard a CD from an interview of Steve Quayle with David Flynn. I’ve read David’s book, The Temple at the Center of Time. I have no doubt but that David Flynn is a fine man. I do not question his sincerity about his mathematical-based findings either. He sounds like a very sincere man with a good heart. Many of his calculations are fascinating, and we can learn some

Page 35things from him. I’m not out to condemn David Flynn, but I want to point out some things to watch for in others, too. For example, I agree with David that the Ark of the Covenant is where the Eternal One intercepted time. It is where Yahuweh “set foot” on earth, to be with His people. David’s book, The Temple At the Center of Time has hit the big time on the world market. If David gets people to study the Word for themselves—that’s great! But, knowing people,

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very few will go to the Word regarding his information. I find that several, like David, are coming up with mathematical formulas in order to put dates on prophetic happenings. We must, as our foundation, get our information as to what is coming directly from the Spirit of Truth, about whom Messiah says: “He will show you things to come” (John 16:13). David’s book is basically an exposé on the findings of Sir Isaac Newton. David said on the Steve Quayle interview that by his findings the anti-messiah will come July 11, 2009. But, his foundation is not only based on Newton’s findings, but on traditional Catholic/Protestant thinking regarding the date of the birth and the death of Messiah--which is fictitious. The Roman Catholic Church re-arranged a lot of things to make their theology seem right, just like Protestants do. It has been found by most serious students of the Word, that His birth was in 3 BCE, not in 1 AD. The planetary conjunction that became the “Bethlehem star” led the wise men in 3 BC. Taking the 69 “weeks” of Daniel from the date that Ezra returned to Jerusalem, we find that He died in 28 CE. (Refer to the study: “The Three Levels of Daniel 9:24-27”) Yahushua began His ministry in 27 CE, at the age of 30. He was a Jew, but also a Levite, and the Levites began their ministry at age 30. His ministry was only one year long. By the second week of His ministry they were already trying to kill Him. In the British Museum, there is a copy of the Gospel of John from the second century. It does not have the Catholic Church’s insertions of two extra Passovers in John, which the church, after its inception in 325 CE, added to extend His ministry to 3 ½ years in order to fit their eschatology. The church added two extra Passovers and then left out the in-between ministry details… because there were none. The Roman Catholic Church taught that Messiah died at age 33, having been born in 1 CE. But, for an example, a comprehensive comparative research has been done of the four “Gospels” by Michael Rood--showing a one-year ministry, from Passover 27 CE to Passover 28 CE. David Flynn bases a lot of his thinking on the findings of Sir Isaac Newton. Newton thought that he was given insight to open the seals of Daniel. Newton was big into Biblical prophecy. He compared the dimensions of Solomon’s Temple with that of Ezekiel’s Temple, and also compared it with the Great Pyramid at Giza. Because of the extreme highness of the mathematical equations and astronomy involved in the building of the Great Pyramid, it is now commonly believed to have been built before the Flood by giants—Nephilim—those brilliant ones whose fathers “came from the stars”.

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David also says that Newton sought to understand the last seven years—“Daniel’s 70th week”. Newton learned Hebrew. He understood the timing of the re-birth of Israel. But, we can’t depend on Isaac Newton for absolute Truth. Newton was also into Jewish mysticism, occult theology, and the demonic Kabala. He might have professed faith in Jesus, but his religion did not include Torah, so there was no base of understanding the fulfillment of the Festivals by Messiah—putting Messiah’s return at the Feast of Trumpets. David gives us some fascinating equations. He said that the border between Russia and Georgia was 888 miles long—and the recent war began on 8/8/08. These are things that fascinate the mind—but how do they prepare us for knowing Him well enough to trust Him in the days ahead?Beware of things that fascinate the mind but do nothing to prepare the spirit, or to cause practical application in preparation! David Flynn is a Christian who does not guard the Torah. As I’ve stated above, those that do not guard the Torah—the Shabbat and Festivals in particular—do not understand the timing of Messiah’s coming at the Feast of Tabernacles, nor do they understand what are the signs of the last seven-year cycle before He comes. Of course, we know that seculars and even Luciferic world leaders and scientists, Jewish mystics, or New Age people, can give correct facts. Correct Facts are correct facts! We can get correct facts from all sorts of sources. But, I’ve come to find across board, that the ones whose conclusions are false or deceptive (a mixture of truth and error) are mostly those who mix their facts with their religious or occult theology! A person can be rolling in correct facts, then throw in their theology and the fact becomes a springboard to deception. This is so common it’s pathetic. As David Flynn points out, via Newton’s theories, one can learn the distance between the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and major world cities. His facts are fascinating. Nothing wrong with the facts! But, we have to understand the mind of the Father. What type of person impresses Him?Isaiah 66:1-2: “Thus says Yahuweh, `The heavens are My throne, and the earth is My footstool…And all these things My hand has made, and all these that exist’, declares Yahuweh. `Yet to such a one I look: on him who is poor an bruised in spirit and who trembles at My Word’ ”. Matthew 18:1-4: “At that time the taught ones came to Yahushua saying `Who, then, is greatest in the Kingdom of heaven’? And Yahushua called a little child to Him and set him in their midst, and said, `Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever

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humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven’ ”. Who are the ones Yahuweh will protect during the tribulation? Malachi 3:16: “Then shall those who feared Yahuweh spoke to one another, and Yahuweh listened and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of

Page 37those who fear Yahuweh and those who think upon His Name. `And they shall be Mine,’ said Yahuweh of hosts `on the day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I spare them as a man spares his own so who serves him. Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wrong, between one who serves Elohim and one who does not serve Him”. Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”. Psalm 25:14: “The secret of Yahuweh is with those who fear Him. And He makes His Covenant known to them”. Who does He protect during famine: “See, the eye of Yahuweh is on those fearing Him, on those waiting for His kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive during scarcity of food”. Man in his intellectualism cannot find or know Yahuweh. The Apostle Paul was a very highly educated man, yet he writes about the simplicity of Messiah. In my article, “Blessed Are the Poor, Rich in Faith”, I show that Father looks at people differently than man does. Father must be sought by child-like trusting faith. II Corinthians 1:24-29; 2:12-14: “For look at your calling, brothers, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble. But, Elohim has chosen the foolish matters of the world to put to shame the wise, and Elohim has chosen the weak of the world to put to shame the strong. And Elohim has chosen the low-born of the world and the despised, and the ones that are not, that He might bring to naught the ones that are, that no flesh should boast in His presence...And we have not received the spirit of this world, but the Spirit that is from Elohim, in order to know what Elohim has favorably given us, which we also speak not in words that man’s wisdom teaches, comparing spiritual matters with spiritual matters. But, the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, or he is unable to know them because they are spiritually discerned”. Ignorance is not bliss. Being ignorant is not a virtue! We need to use our mind to learn things that will strengthen our spirit. We need to flood our mind with His Truth, and how it is being worked out in current events. We need to study truth, from truthful facts and the absolute

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Truth—His Word. However, if one has to get into the world of Lucifer, learning from his people in order to find a foundation for one’s belief-system--that is NO good. The mind must be “washed” in the Word, so that it submits to the spirit in obedience to His Word! Yahuweh does not deal in Platonic philosophy. But, Newton sure did. Therefore, we can learn from many sources, but we must be careful that what we learn is compatible with what Yahuweh wants us to learn!Here is the clincher passage on that: Jeremiah 9:23-24: “Thus says Yahuweh, `Let not the wise boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty boast in his might, nor let the rich boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast of this—that he

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understands and knows Me, that I am Yahuweh, doing kindness, right-ruling, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight’ declares Yahuweh”. Don’t be a gullible fool because you are too lazy to do your own study! Be led by the Spirit in your studying—not by a human guru. Let Him direct you to what extra-Biblical books to read or websites to see. Another thing that is paramount to understand to keep you from deception—critically important: When you read something from an intellectual or a mystic or a rabbi or from anyone’s theological position, ask yourself this: Where are all the other servants of Yahuweh, His prophets, who are saying the same thing? Are all of His students of the Word saying that the anti-messiah is coming on July 11, 2009? Are you hearing the Spirit tell you that?What Scriptures throughout the whole Word are all giving to show this is true? Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does NOTHING unless HE REVEALS His secrets to His servants the prophets”. Is what is being said, public knowledge? Is He revealing what is about to happen to all of His servants—the prophets, the watchmen—as well as to the world’s people? He doesn’t leave anyone in the dark! His Word is open to all. Daniel 2:20-22: Daniel speaking to Nebuchadnezzar about the interpretation of his dream: “Blessed be the Name of Elah forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His…He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who possess understanding. He reveals deep and secret matters. He knows what is in the darkness and light dwells with him”. Mark 4:24-25: “And He said to them, `Take heed what you hear. For with the same measure you use, it shall be measured to you, and more shall be added to you who hear. For whoever possesses, to him more shall be given; but whoever does not possess, even what he possesses shall be taken away from him’ ”.

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Please note: He does not say He gives wisdom and knowledge to those who are irresponsible and who love ignorance—He gives to those who “have”. The “haves” get more—the “don’t haves” get even the little they have taken away. This means that He deals with those who are already obeying what He is telling them. They are hearing truth—not delighting in hearing fantasy that tickles the ear, and fascinates the mind. So many people are reading one book after another to fascinate their mind, yet when truth is given, they don’t want to study it. They are lazy about learning from Him. The glitz and glitter of the world of man--the entertainment, the fun, the ease of not having to think above a toddler level of desires of the flesh--all have made “believers” very spiritually weak—so weak that they can’t hear past the baby cereal stage… So, to sit and study “the meat of the Word” with His Spirit is a rarity—but I have found a few that will do that—and they are being taught by the Spirit! Yahuweh reveals His secrets to all of His servants personally. His servants guard His Torah in Scriptural manner, as stated by Him. Therefore, we must not allow ourselves to be wowed by someone’s calculations or time-line, unless He has revealed the truth to our spirit, and impressed upon us that it is from Him.

Page 39Many find factual truth in different ways. I don’t disregard factual truth. We have to have it. It is often like cement that puts the whole picture together. Facts are needed, but Truth is higher wisdom than facts. It might be true that a young mother has cancer, but the Truth is that there is an Elohim in the heavens that can heal. I’m not picking on David Flynn. I intend to re-read his book, and listen to the interview again. But, now many people are writing books and being interviewed regarding their opinions, even good opinions, but too often their opinions are not based on the whole Word of Elohim, nor do they give people what they need to prepare for the tribulation time or for the Kingdom of Yahushua. Flynn says the “church was born in 33 AD”. No it wasn’t—that’s church stuff. The assembly of His people goes back to the wilderness journey—in fact to Mt. Sinai--as the martyr Steven points out (Acts 7:38). The word “church” was an English invention from the time of the King James Bible—taken from “kirke”—the German word for a Christian assembly, which comes from the goddess Circe, the daughter of the sun god Helios, who is infamous for turning men into pigs. The Spirit fell on Sha’vu’ot, fulfilling Jeremiah 31:31-34—to write the Torah on our heart, and empower us to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8)—to bring the presence of our Father into our own being, to be led by Him, taught by Him, and controlled by Him.

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Also, because David Flynn does not make REFERENCE TO MESSIAH’S RETURN AT THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS. Only those guarding the Torah have this understanding! It is Yahuweh’s Festivals (Leviticus 23) -- His mo’edim –-His set-apart appointments with man--that mark time for us—giving us the entire plan of His salvation, and letting us know what is to come. David writes about the Temple being the center of time. It is the Festivals that bring eternity into time—that bring the plan of the Savior to us. Without guarding His Shabbat and His Festivals one cannot understand very much of the Bible—for it was written concerning one people group—one family, one Covenant with that one family—the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Without an understanding of the Word from the culture of the Hebrews, from Yahuweh’s prospective, wrong conclusions are very easy to make. To understand His Word then, one has to understand the thinking, the culture, the ways of the Hebrews, by understanding the ways of their Elohim. (II Samuel 7:22-24) The whole Bible is centered on the children of Jacob, whose name was changed to “Israel”, and upon his descendants and His Land.Ezekiel 43:7: In the context of the second coming of Messiah through the Eastern Gate from the Mt. of Olives onto the Temple Mount, Yahuweh says to Him: “Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, when I dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever, and the house of Israel shall no longer defile My set-apart Name, they nor heir kings…” Chapter 46 tells of Yahushua’s coming through the Eastern Gate on a Shabbat and a new moon.

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Isaiah 66:22-23 tells us that when Father comes, He will call all people before Him on Shabbat and the new moon—which marks the Festival times. I love Ecclesiastes 3:14: “I know that whatever Elohim does is forever. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it that men should fear before Him”. Psalm 23:3 says (KJV): “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake”. Those “paths” are the tracks of the festivals—by which we walk in His righteousness. People who have no Torah-base are already on a foundation of deception! Newton, therefore, was on a foundation of deception from both Christianity and Judaism. The Festivals make reference to Messiah’s saving work of redemption for the house of Israel. Jacob’s name was changed to “Israel”—thus the “House of Israel” refers to the tribal families from Jacob’s sons. Therefore, we must not throw timing into a bag and shake it up—taking out what looks good, and leaving the rest. The Passover pictures His

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death. The Feast of Unleavened Bread pictures His burial – going into the ground, like a “corn of wheat”. First Fruits pictures His resurrection. These pictures are explained in different books of the Messianic Writings. Messiah gave us the Father’s Spirit at Sha’vu’ot—Pentecost. He will return to earth on the Feast of Trumpets—a Tishre 1 on the Hebrew calendar. He will “save all Israel” and judge the nations as High Priest on Yom Kippur (Atonement), and He will sit as King of His Kingdom, to rule for 1,000 years, at the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles. Also, I’ve come across a few teachers who say that our Messiah will come in 2012. This is highly dangerous teaching, because anti-messiah comes in 2012 as the timing of the last seven-year cycle shows us—3 ½ years from this Yom Teruah. David Flynn teaches anti-messiah comes in July of 2009. This would also put the real Messiah’s coming in 2012. But, if his timing is off, then many will be looking for the real Messiah at the time of anti-messiah’s appearing. Then there are subtle deceptions that come to human beings of all types: lust for money and possessions, job position, college education, power and fame, desire for sex and other fleshly gratifications. People are going on with life as usual, not wanting to hear about anything “bad” happening, because they are living for themselves. They don’t want anything messing up the life they’ve planned for themselves. Therefore Someone asking them to give up all to follow Him is most repugnant. Being gullible because of ignorance opens one up for great deception. The first phrase of this verse is quoted by ministers in order to keep their baby cereal audience in their stupor, and so their theology doesn’t come into question: Hosea 4:6: “My people have perished for lack of knowledge. BECAUSE YOU HAVE REJECTED KNOWLEDGE, I REJECT YOU FROM BEING PRIEST TO ME. SINCE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE TORAH OF YOUR ELOHIM, I ALSO FORGET YOUR CHILDREN”. Remember He called Israel to be a priestly nation before Him. (Exodus 19:5-6)

Page 41“And now, IF you diligently obey My voice and shall guard My Covenant, THEN you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples—for all the earth is Mine—and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a set-apart nation’”. But, because His people rejected His knowledge, He had to reject them. No what self-respecting Christian world quote the whole verse! It says that He rejects His people for forgetting His Torah—a statement He makes over and over in the Tenach (Tenak). This is the trick of the

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pastors, priests and rabbis—quoting only portions of verses, or a verse here and there, to prove their point, but not to prove Yahuweh’s point! There is no unconditional love by our Father for us in the Bible—it doesn’t exist. There are conditions to everything He promises us—as in IF we do this, then He will do that. Those who do not obey Him are not His friends! Take a look at simple verses like John 14:15, 21-24 and 15:14. Lollypop religion has said that we can do anything we like, almost, and He will pat us on the head and love us unconditionally. That is Greco/Roman religion—not the character of the Elohim who expects us to take mature, personal responsibility for our actions. Just remember that lollypops melt in heat, and when the heat of the testing time of the tribulation comes, the lollypop suckers will melt. Many quote Deuteronomy 28:2-11, but reject the condition of verse 1. Many quote Psalm 91 but reject, mostly from ignorance, the condition of verse 1. We need to know the Father, and get into a disciplined relationship with Him. The King is coming, and He is coming with the wrath of the Father on all who disregard His Torah. So much deception comes because people do not know the nature of the Elohim of the Scriptures—the Elohim of Israel—thus they put a false personality on “God” and “Jesus” or “the Lord”—whom they cannot know as such. Then there is the deception that we are “gods”, and we deserve the best of everything. New Age philosophy says we are gods. But, under the guise of Christianity people say: “We’re King’s kids—we deserve the best”. Then there is the deception that we can sin all we want and someone called “God” or “the Lord” will forgive us. Most of the world’s religions do not have a provision for getting rid of sin. Many religions say we come back as a bug or a snake or something else if we have not been good enough in this life. Thus there is some type of judgment. Many religions teach that being good by their standards rewards us with eternal life. Christianity teaches I John 1:9—that if we sin we can confess it and be forgiven. But, this is often used as a license to sin—because He died to forgive us, we are always forgiven with no repentance required. Therefore, people go on and live their own lives by their own standards, and expect to get into heaven some day because of a belief-system, or a prayer, or being baptized. This is totally out of the realm of the Bible and the nature of the Elohim of the Bible. Loving Truth means we immediately discard all the falsehoods as soon as we hear Truth. The great deceptions of Christmas and Easter also ride on demonic spirits.

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Page 42These are very pagan occult celebrations, brought into the Roman Catholic Church from its inception by the Emperor/first Pope Constantine. Yet, people don’t want to give them up, even when they hear the Truth. To retain the lies and deceptions for whatever reason, means a person does not LOVE TRUTH. (For the truth about Christmas, read “Joyful Abomination”. For the truth about Easter, read “Passover or Easter? Which One Honors the Savior?”) I can’t cover all the deceptions out there. And, I didn’t want to insult your intelligence by talking about the New Age Matraya, the Iranian Mahdi, or some other weird religious belief that a lot of the world believes in. Yet, you should be aware that all these weird religious beliefs are all tied into one weird person—Lucifer. CLOSE ALL THE DOORS in your life to the evil one—stop sin, stop wasting time lusting after knowledge, or in frivolous pursuit. Whatever doors you have opened that give the demonic world a chance to come through to you and your family, must be closed, or they will widen. The number one satanic programming device that he uses worldwide is the T.V. We must not watch it unless the Spirit of Yahuweh especially leads us to see something for the warning of others. I watch the night news and breaking news if they are telling something we need to know. Oftentimes, I will copy down a quote made once or twice that shows the real intent of the situation. But, some leave the T.V. on to do housework, or while they cook, etcetera. But, if it is on, the spirits can come through that open door. Now, with new technology, you can be spied on through your T.V. As you watch it, surveillance people can watch you. It is also a door of entry for the evil one to give you his thoughts. I have found in the years of my traveling that if I am in a house where there is no T.V. on, I have no dreams, except from Father. If I am in a house where the T.V. is on, especially at night, I have very deep story-dreams all night—intense stories that leave my spirit empty. Be very careful what you let your children watch. What is called “cute” in our society is often evil trickery. Mr. Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca witch. For information as to how good parents sacrifice their children unknowingly to the evil ones, read my article: “Gentile Sacrifice”. Beware of how you spend your time! Adjust your priorities. Be careful what you allow your children to participate in—don’t go by the cultural standards—go by Scriptural standards. The western culture is a huge deception—while it looks good on the surface, it is a laboratory for the creation of the one world government under anti-messiah. Yahuweh

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wants to be able to speak to you personally. How can He talk to you if you are busy with the world’s entertainment? Hebrews 12:1-14 tells us that unless He disciplines us, we are “bastards”—not His kids. Yet, many Christian ministers tell their people that if something good happens it’s “God”, and if something bad happens, it’s the devil. Yet, in Deuteronomy 8:2-3, we learn that He led them very harshly through the wilderness in order to test them, to prove what was really in them. Without

Page 43testing, our faith is just an illusion. We can’t even know ourselves unless we are tested to see “what we’re made of”. The teachings of self-gratification are totally against the rules for discipleship, which are found in many places, like Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 18:18-30; Mark 8:34-36; I Peter 4 and 5, II Timothy 2:3-5; 11-12, 3:12, and the book of Acts. Do you not know that it is a favor from Father to suffer for Messiah’s sake: Philippians 1:29. Messiah says in Matthew 24:22: “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But, he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved”. (For more information on the reality of this, read the article “Hated For My Name’s Sake”) Matthew 7:13-14 says: “Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide—and the way is broad—that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed which leads to life, and there are FEW who find it”. What is “it”? It is the Kingdom of heaven!We have to make a choice—the way that is hard pressed or the easy way of deception. In the long run—the way that is hard now, will lead to eternal blessings. Keep your eyes on the return of Messiah, not on things that could lead you onto the path of destruction. Shalom with love, YedidahOctober 4, 2008

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