The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark Jesus the Sacrificial Servant Mark 10:45


The Gospel of Mark. Jesus the Sacrificial Servant Mark 10:45. Background Basics. Author: Anonymous Thought to be John Mark (Acts 12:12; 12:25; 13:5,13; 15:37-38; Col. 4:10; Philemon 24; 2 Tim. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:13; note Mk. 14:51-52). Background Basics. Audience: Roman citizens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantMark 10:45

Background Basics Author:

• Anonymous• Thought to be John Mark (Acts 12:12;

12:25; 13:5,13; 15:37-38; Col. 4:10; Philemon 24; 2 Tim. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:13; note Mk. 14:51-52)

Background Basics Audience:

• Roman citizens• omits many Jewish references• fewer OT quotations (1:2-3; 7:6-7) and

references (4:12; etc.)• explains Jewish customs (7:2; 14:12;

15:42)• interprets Aramaic words (3:17; 5:41; 7:34;

15:22)• uses Latin terms in place of Greek

(4:21; 6:27,42; 15:15,16,39)• mentions the wife who puts away (10:12)

Background Basics Date:

• Prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Mk. 13:2)

• Possibly A.D. 55 – 65 Theme:

• Jesus the sacrificial servant (Mk. 10:45)• Mark is the gospel of action portraying

Jesus as a servant on the move (“straightway” or “immediately” is used forty times from 1:10 to 15:1)

Background Basics

Outline: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” Isaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 2:12)• The Servant Opposed (2:13 – 8:26)• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)• The Servant Exalted (16:1-20)

Why Four Gospels?Four Portraits of Jesus Christ

MatthewFor Jews (1:1-2)

Jesus, Messiah and King(1:1; 2:1-2; 21:5)“Fulfilled”

MarkFor Romans (12:42)

Jesus, Sacrificial Servant (10:45)“Immediately”

LukeFor Gentiles (1:3)

Jesus, Savior of All Mankind (14:22; 19:10)“Son of Man”

JohnFor Jews and Gentiles

Jesus, Divine Son of God(1:1,14; 20:31)“Believe” … “Eternal life”

Mark’s Emphasis on Jesus as ServantMark uses the word “immediately” to show the action of a servant

1:10; 1:12; 1:29; 1:30; 1:43; 2:8; 2:12; 4:29; 5:2; 5:30; 5:42; 6:50; 6:54; 7:25; 8:10; 9:14-15; 9:20; 10:52; 11:2-3; 14:43; 14:45; 15:1

Mark contains activities and lessons by Jesus illustrating service

1:35; 1:38; 1:45; 3:21; 5:3-5; 6:31; 7:33-34; 8:22-25; 9:22,26-27; 9:41; 10:30; 10:39; 10:45; 12:29; 21:41-44

Theme Service Sacrifice

Reference Mark 1-10 Mark 11-16

Topic Sayings and Signs


Time about 3 years, 6 months

about 40 days

Location Galilee and Perea

Judea and Jerusalem

Datec. A.D. 29-33

Mark At A Glance

The Gospel of Markopens with the

“Galilean Ministry”of Jesus

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

1.) Introduction (v. 1)2.) The ministry of John (vv. 2-8)3.) The baptism of Jesus (vv. 9-10)4.) The temptation of Jesus (vv. 12-13)5.) The preaching of Jesus (vv. 14-15)6.) The calling of the disciples (vv. 16-20)7.) The teaching and healing of Jesus (vv. 21-

28)8.) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv.

29-31)9.) The healing throughout Galilee (vv. 32-39)10.) The cleansing of a leper (vv. 40-45)


1. John’s baptism

2. People come to John

3. Jesus comes to John

4. Jesus is tempted

5. Jesus preaches inGalilee

6. Jesus teaches andheals in Capernaum






Old Testament Citationsin the Book of Mark

OT Reference NT Citation Subject Matter

Mal. 3:1; Isa. 40:3 Mark 1:2-3 John the Baptist

Isaiah 6:9-10 Mark 4:12 use of parables

Isaiah 29:13 Mark 7:6-7 empty ritualism

Exodus 20:12 Mark 7:10 5th Commandment

Ezekiel 12:2 Mark 8:18 hardened hearts

Isaiah 66:24 Mark 9:48 punishment of Hell

Genesis 1:27; 2:24 Mark 10:6-8 male and female

Exodus 20:12-16 Mark 10:19 5th – 9th Commandments

Old Testament Citationsin the Book of Mark

OT Reference NT Citation Subject Matter

The Temptation of JesusGenesis 3:6

The First Adam

1 John 2:16 Mark 1:12-13The Second


The tree was good for food

Lust of the flesh

Command these stones to become


It was pleasant to

the eyes

Lust of the eyes

The Devil … showed him

all the kingdoms

Desirable to make one


Pride of life Throw yourself down from


Water Baptism and Holy Spirit BaptismCompared and Contrasted

Mark 1:8Administrator John,

Apostles, NT Christians (commanded)

Jesus (promised)

Element Water Holy Spirit

Purpose Remission of sins

Miraculous confirmation demonstration and inspiration

Recipients All who will repent

Apostles (Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-4) and Cornelius (10:44-46; 11:15-17)

Religious / Political Leadersin the Book of Mark

Scribes (1:26; 2:6,22; etc.)

lawyers, teachers, scribes, copyists, part of the Pharisees

Pharisees (2:16,18,24; etc.) – c. 2nd Cent. B.C.

Leading religious leaders, controlled the temple; strict sect; many traditions

Sadducees (12:18) – c. 166-163 B.C.

controlled priesthood; law of Moses only; denied the resurrection and spirits

Herodians (3:6; 12:13)

Jewish party loyal to Herod, opposed to the Pharisees

Zealots are not mentioned in the Book of Mark. Essenes are not mentionedby name in the Bible.

The “Do Not Tell”Commands of Jesus

1:44 when he healed the leper

3:12 when he cast out demons (see 1:34)

5:43 when he raised the daughter of Jarius

7:36 when he healed the deaf mute

8:30; 9:9 when he taught his own disciples

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Mark 2Healing in

Capernaumby the sea side

Note: 2:1,13

“The Sabbath Day” Controversiesin the Book of Mark

1:21 cast out a demon, no controversy recorded

2:23-24 disciples plucked grain, Pharisees question Jesus

3:2-4 healed a man, Pharisees looked for an accusation again Jesus

6:2 taught in the synagogue, no controversy recorded

Controversy Stories in MarkOver Jesus’ right to forgive sins


Over fellowship with sinners 2:13-17

Over the need for fasting 2:18-22

Over picking grain – the Sabbath


Over the nature of Jesus’ family


Over the source of Jesus’ power


Over eating with unwashed hands


Over human tradition 7:6-13

Over the legality of divorce 10:1-12

Controversy Stories in MarkOver Jesus’ authority 11:27-33

Over paying taxes to Caesar 12:13-17

Over the resurrection 12:18-27

Over the greatest command 12:28-34

Over the nature of the Christ 12:35-37

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Mark 3Healing in the SynagogueHealing Many by the Sea

Choosing the TwelveHealing the Demon

PossessedNote: 3:1,7,13,19

The Twelve ApostlesMatthew 10:2-

4Mark 3:13-19 Luke 6:12-16 Acts 1:12-26

1. Simon / Peter

Simon / Peter Simon / Peter Peter

2. Andrew James Andrew John

3. James John James James

4. John Andrew John Andrew

5. Philip Philip Philip Philip

6. Bartholomew

Bartholomew Bartholomew Thomas

7. Thomas Matthew Matthew Bartholomew

8. Matthew Thomas Thomas Matthew

9. James James James James

10. Thaddaeus*

Thaddaeus Simon Simon

11. Simon Simon Judas – of James

Judas – of James

12. Judas Judas Judas Matthias

* Called “Labbaeus” in Matthew 10:3 (KJV)

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)

Mark 4Teaching by the

SeaCalming the Storm

Note: 4:1,35

Material Unique to Mark4:26-29 Parable of Seed


7:32-37 Healing of the deaf-mute

8:22-26 Healing of the blind man at Bethsaida

11:25-26 Forgive others in order to be forgiven

14:51-52 a young man fled naked

Other minor differences: 3:9-11,15,20-21,23; 4:24; 5:4-5,26,29-30; 6:6,13,19-21,23-24,31,52; 7:2-4,30; 9:10,21-24,26-27,33-34,41; 10:24; 11:16; 12:32-34; 14:59; 15:8,41,44; 16:1,14-20

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)

Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43)

Mark 5Gerasene demoniac

Healing near Capernaum?

Note: 5:1,20,21

Miracles of Jesus in the Book of Mark1:23-26 Cast out a demon Five


1:29-31 Healed sickness of Jesus’ Miracles

1:32-34,39 Various diseases

1:40-45 Cleansed a leper 1. Met a need

2:1-12 Healed a paralytic

3:1-6 Withered hand 2. Were complete

3:10-12 Healed many

3:22 Cast out a demon 3. Were immediate*

4:35-41 Calmed the storm

5:1-20 Cast out demons 4. Demonstrated

5:25-34 Healed a blood flow


5:21-24,35-43 Raised a dead child

6:35-44 Fed 5000 5. Served a purpose

6:47-52 Walked on water

6:53-56 Healed many * Comp. Mk. 8:22-26

Miracles of Jesus in the Book of Mark7:24-30 Cast out a demon Five


7:31-37 Healed a deaf man

of Jesus’ Miracles

8:1-9 Fed 4000

8:22-26 Healed a blind man

1. Met a need

9:17-29 Cast out a demon

10:46-52 Healed blind men 2. Were complete

11:12-14,20-21 Withered fig tree

16:1-8 Resurrection 3. Were immediate*

4. Demonstrated


5. Served a purpose

* Comp. Mk. 8:22-26

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)

Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43)

Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)

Mark 6In “his own country”

On the seaCame to GennesaretNote: 6:1,6,32,45,53

Herod the Great


Herod Philip I2

Herod Antipas1

Herod Agrippa I


The House of Herod

Herod Philip II


Herod of Chalcis


Herod Agrippa II





1 Mark 6:14-22; 8:15 2 Mark 6:17 3 Mark 6:17 4 Mark 6:22-25

The Growth of the Disciples in the Book of MarkThey grow in their

understanding of the nature of Jesus – who he is

They grow in their understanding of the teaching of Jesus – what he says

They grow in their understand of the demands of Jesus – what he requires of them

4:40 6:52 11:22

7:18; 8:17ff,31-32; 9:32; 16:14

9:19 9:33-35; 10:35-45

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)

Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43)

Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)

Mark 7Near Capernaum

Borders of Tyre and Sidon

Borders of DecapolisNote: 7:24,26,31

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)

Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)

Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43)

Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)

Mark 8DalmanuthaBethsaida

Ceasarea PhilippiNote: 8:10,22,27

The Roman Caesars

Caesar Key Event

Augustas 31 B.C. – A.D.14

Birth of Christ

Tiberius A.D. 14 – 37 Ministry of Christ

Caligula A.D. 37 – 41

Claudius A.D. 41 – 54 Jews expelled from Rome

Nero A.D. 54 – 68 Paul goes to Rome

Galba, Otho, Vitellius

Vespasian A.D. 69 – 79 Fall of Jerusalem

Titus A.D. 79 – 81

Domitian A.D. 81 – 96 John exiled on Patmos

Mark 8: Applications For Today

1. Jesus did not use a “social gospel” approach to evangelism by feeding the people first to get them interested in the preaching. Jesus taught the people first and then fed them (8:1-3).

2. Jesus cares. He feels compassion for the needs of mankind (8:2).

3. Eating should be orderly, with thankfulness and without waste (8:6-9).

4. A person’s evil character and teaching can slowly influence a good person for the worse – like leaven working in a lump of dough (8:15).

5. Let us not be slow to understand what Jesus is telling us (8:17-21).

6. Do what Jesus says even if it doesn’t make sense to us (8:26,30).

7. Do not stand in Jesus’ way. Do what God wants, not what you want (8:32-33).

8. True disciples of Jesus will put Jesus first and be unashamed of Jesus (8:34-38).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

Death and discipleship (8:27 – 9:50)

Divorce (10:1-12)Death and discipleship (10:13-52)

Mark 9Mount of


CapernaumNote: 9:2,30,33

“The Spirit and Power of Elijah”

Elijah John the BaptistHid in the brook Lived in the deserts

Ravens fed him Locust and wild honey

Hairy man Raiment of camel’s hair

Call to repentance Call to repentance

Compelling personality All Judea came to him

Rebuked his enemies Rebuked his enemies

Faced Ahab Faced Herod

Scorned by Jezebel Scorned by Herodias

Hour of doubt Hour of doubt

Loyal disciples Loyal disciples

Extraordinary end Beheaded

Mark 9: Applications For Today1. The kingdom of God has already been established with

power (9:1). There will be no future millennial kingdom on the earth as taught by premillennialists.

2. We must listen to Jesus and Jesus only (9:7-8).3. For those with a great faith, all things are possible to

him that believes (9:23). (Remember, “all things” means “all things” within the plan and purpose of God for mankind.)

4. Greatness comes to those who are servants and humble (9:35-36).

5. Jesus is not promoting denominationalism in Mark 9:38-39 as some teach today. Jesus is teaching that one with authority from Jesus can act even though he is not acting within a certain group that also has the same authority.

6. Make whatever sacrifice necessary to eliminate whatever will cause you to stumble and go to hell (9:43-48).

7. Christians need to be seasoned with salt: flavoring, preserving, and purifying the world around them (9:50).

8. Instead of disputing among brethren (9:34), let there be peace among brethren (9:50).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

Death and discipleship (8:27 – 9:50)

Divorce (10:1-12)Death and discipleship (10:13-52)

Mark 10Beyond the Jordan

Up to JerusalemJericho

Note: 10:2,17,32,46

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: A Summary

Matthew 5:32 You put away (except for fornication), you make her an adulteress; one who marries her commits adultery

Matthew 19:3-9 let not man put asunder; you put away (except for fornication) and marry another you commit adultery; one who marries her commits adultery

Mark 10:2-12 let not man put asunder; You put away wife and marry another you commit adultery against her; you put away your husband and marry another you commit adultery

Luke 16:18 You put away your wife and marry another you commit adultery; one who marries her commits adultery

Romans 7:2-3 wife and husband are bound as long as each one lives; death releases you from the marriage bond; if you are joined to another while your first husband lives you will be called an adulteress

1 Corinthians 7:10-16,27,39

do not depart; if you do, remain unmarried or be reconciled; if unbeliever departs let him, you are not under bondage; are you bound in marriage, seek not to be loosed; the wife is bound in marriage as long as her husband lives; if dead marry only in the Lord

See also: Genesis 2:18-24; Malachi 2:14-15; Ephesians 5:21-33; Hebrews 13:4

Mark 10: Applications For Today

1. Marriage should always be taken seriously. It is a commitment for life that must not be broken (10:9).

2. A humble, obedient, genuine (innocent), child-like faith is required of all disciples of Jesus (10:15).

3. True love shows itself by telling someone who is wrong what they need to do to change (10:21; Rev. 3:19).

4. “Treasures in heaven” are more valuable than “great possessions” on earth (10:21-22).

5. Trusting in riches rather than trusting in God will keep us out of heaven (10:24).

6. It is worth following Jesus no matter what we have to give up to do it (10:28-31).

7. True greatness starts with service (10:43-45).8. Don’t let anyone stop you from getting to Jesus


Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)First rejection (11:1-26)Second rejection (11:27 – 13:37)Third rejection (14:1-72)Final rejection (15:1-47)

Mark 11Bethphage, Bethany

Mount of OlivesJerusalem

The TempleNote:



1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday)

2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday)

3. Day of teaching (Tuesday)

4. No activity recorded (Wednesday)

5. Passover meal (Thursday)

6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday)

7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

8. Resurrection (Sunday)










Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry

Mark 11: Applications For Today

1. If we have something the Lord needs (such as our time and talents), we must let him use it for his service (11:3).

2. Jesus expects to find us bearing fruit in our lives (11:12-14).

3. We must remember the purpose of God’s house. It is a place of worship, not of worldliness (11:17).

4. Faith and doubt have no place together (11:22-24).

5. Forgive others in order to be forgiven yourself (11:25-26).

6. We must have authority for what we do in religion and our authority must come from God, not from men (11:27-33).

7. Jesus used a method of teaching that involved answering a question with a question. Also, Jesus chose not to answer a question when the ones asking it were insincere (11:29-30).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)First rejection (11:1-26)Second rejection (11:27 – 13:37)Third rejection (14:1-72)Final rejection (15:1-47)

Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry


1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday)

2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday)

3. Day of teaching (Tuesday)

4. No activity recorded (Wednesday)

5. Passover meal (Thursday)

6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday)

7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

8. Resurrection (Sunday)










Mark 12: Applications For Today

1. When you reject the blessings of Jesus, he will turn and give those blessing to others who want them (12:9). You can reject Jesus, but he will still be the head of the church (12:10-11).

2. We must obey man’s law and we must obey God’s law (12:17). However, when man’s law is in conflict with God’s law, we must follow God’s law over man’s law (Acts 5:29).

3. We make great religious errors when we are ignorant of the scriptures and the power of God (12:24,27).

4. Our soul lives on after our body dies (12:27). All the dead will be raised in the judgment day (12:25-26). If you die before the Lord comes, will you be raised to the resurrection of life or to the resurrection of judgment (Jn. 5:28-29)?

5. Jesus was not teaching that some of God’s commandments can be ignored. He was teaching that all of our important responsibilities in life revolve around two great principles: (1) loving God with all of our being, and (2) loving our neighbor as we would want to be loved (12:29-33).

6. Jesus is not just a man, he is Lord God (12:36-37).7. Proud people refuse to hear Jesus, but humble people will gladly

listen to him (12:37).8. Our religious service to the Lord should be genuine and not for

show. It should bring attention to God, not to self (12:38-40).9. God looks at the amount of sacrifice in the giving, not the

amount itself (12:41-44)?

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)First rejection (11:1-26)Second rejection (11:27 – 13:37)Third rejection (14:1-72)Final rejection (15:1-47)

Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry


1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday)

2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday)

3. Day of teaching (Tuesday)

4. No activity recorded (Wednesday)

5. Passover meal (Thursday)

6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday)

7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

8. Resurrection (Sunday)










The Olivet DiscourseMatthew 24:1-44

*Mark 13:1-37 Luke 21:5-36

The occasion (vv. 1-2) The occasion (vv. 1-2) The occasion (vv. 5-6)

The question (vv. 3-4) The question (vv. 3-4) The question (v. 7)

Deceivers (v. 5) Deceivers (vv. 5-6) Deceivers (v. 8)

Wars, disasters (vv. 6-8)

Wars, disasters (vv. 7-8)

Wars, disasters (vv. 9-11)

Persecution (vv. 9-14) Persecution (vv. 9-13) Persecution (vv. 12-19)

Tribulation (vv. 15-22) Tribulation (vv. 14-20) Tribulation (vv. 20-24)

False Christs (vv. 23-28)

False Christs (vv. 21-23)

- - -

Coming (vv. 29-31) Coming (vv. 24-27) Coming (vv. 25-28)

Fig tree (vv. 32-35) Fig tree (vv. 28-31) Fig tree (vv. 29-33)

Transition (v. 36) Transition (v. 32) - - -

Watch / pray (vv. 37-44)

Watch / pray (vv. 33-37)

Watch / pray (vv. 34-36)

* Matthew’s account of the Olivet Discourse continues to Matthew 25:46

Mark 13: Applications For Today

1. The Lord said “take heed” and forewarned of the dangers that lie ahead in life. To be forewarned is to be forearmed (13:5,9,23).

2. Christians will be greatly reward when they are persecuted for the Lord’s sake and when they endure such persecution (13:9-13).

3. The Lord expects us to understand what we read in his word (13:14).

4. Don’t follow deceivers and false Christs even though they look like the truth (13:5-6,21-22).

5. The Lord’s word always comes to pass (13:31).6. We need to be working and watching while

waiting for the Lord to return (13:33-37).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)First rejection (11:1-26)Second rejection (11:27 – 13:37)Third rejection (14:1-72)Final rejection (15:1-47)

Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry


1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday)

2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday)

3. Day of teaching (Tuesday)

4. No activity recorded (Wednesday)

5. Passover meal (Thursday)

6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday)

7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

8. Resurrection (Sunday)










Mary and Judas Compared and ContrastedMark 14:3-11

Mary Judas

Had a loving heart Had a loveless heart

Gave generously Bartered greedily

Praised by Jesus for her actions

Plotted against Jesus

Attributed worth to Jesus

Doubted and despaired

Pursued heavenly values

Sought earthly solutions

Remembered for her selfishness

Remembered as a traitor

The Trials of Jesus

Some Illegalities in the Trials of Jesus

1. Trial at night

2. Abused while on trial

3. False testimony allowed

1. Annas and CaiaphasMark 14:53-65

House of the High Priest

Falsely accused, charged with blasphemy, struck

2. PilateMark 15:1-5

Praetorium Falsely accused, accused of being a King

3. HerodLuke 23:8-12

Herod’s Palace Questioned, accused, mocked

4. PilateMark 15:6-20

Praetorium Pacified the Jews, scourged, struck, mocked

Mark 14: Applications For Today1. Jesus is our Passover (14:1-2; 1 Cor. 5:7).2. Those who make great sacrifices for the Lord (14:3,5) and do what they

can for the Lord (14:8) will be remembered and rewarded (14:9).3. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Don’t make bargains

with the world which conveniently serve your own selfish desires (14:10-11).

4. When it comes to those in the church who trouble the Lord, we would do well to ask, “Is it I?” (14:19)?

5. Without a memorial we tend to forget and not appreciate the sacrifice that was made for us. We must always remember the body and blood sacrifice of Jesus (14:22-25)?

6. Before making a promise ask yourself, “Should I keep this? Can I keep this? Will I keep this?” (14:31).

7. Jesus prayed the prayer of submissive obedience while the disciples were to pray the prayer of vigilance (14:35-39). Both of these prayers are needed in our life today.

8. Watching and praying will keep us from falling into temptation (14:38).9. Denying Jesus can come by taking slow gradual steps away from him

(14:37-38, 54, 66ff). If we deny the Lord today, he will deny us in the last day (14:66-71).

10. We do not defend Jesus and his honor by fighting a literal battle (14:47).

11. Don’t make Jesus say something he didn’t say (14:57-58).12. Thinking about the words of Jesus in the Bible can cause one to have

regret (14:72).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)First rejection (11:1-26)Second rejection (11:27 – 13:37)Third rejection (14:1-72)Final rejection (15:1-47)

Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry

The Trials of Jesus

Some Illegalities in the Trials of Jesus

1. Trial at night 4. No defense was allowed

2. Abused while on trial 5. Incriminated for what Jesus said

3. False testimony allowed 6. Guilty until proven innocent

1. Annas and CaiaphasMark 14:53-65

House of the High Priest

Falsely accused, charged with blasphemy, struck

2. PilateMark 15:1-5

Praetorium Falsely accused, accused of being a King

3. HerodLuke 23:8-12

Herod’s Palace Questioned, accused, mocked

4. PilateMark 15:6-20

Praetorium Pacified the Jews, scourged, struck, mocked


1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday)

2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday)

3. Day of teaching (Tuesday)

4. No activity recorded (Wednesday)

5. Passover meal (Thursday)

6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday)

7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

8. Resurrection (Sunday)










Roman Political System

Caesar Senate(Imperial Province) (Senatorial Province)

Procurator Proconsul

(Quirinius, Lk. 2:2)(Pilate, Lk. 3:1) (S. Paulus, Ac. 13:7)

(Felix, Ac. 23:24) (Gallio, Ac. 18:12)(Festus, Ac. 24:27; 26:30)

Provincial Ruler Provincial Ruler

Local Magistrate Local Magistrate

City City

Selected OT Prophecies and Their Fulfillment

Surrounding the Death of ChristProphecy Fulfillment

Betrayed by a friend – Psalm 41:9 Mark 14:21

Sold for 30 pieces – Zech. 11:12-13 Matthew 26:14-15; 27:9

Followers would leave – Zechariah 13:7

Mark 14:27,49-50

Abused on trial & silent – Isaiah 53:7-8

Matthew 26:67; 27:12,30

Death by crucifixion – Psalm 22:14-17

Mark 15:20,25

Crucified with two thieves – Isa. 53:12

Mark 15:27-28

Hands and feet pierced – Psalm 22:16

Zech. 12:10 John 20:25-29

Cast lots for his garments – Psa. 22:18

John 19:23-24

Buried in a rich man’s tomb – Isa. 53:9

Matthew 27:57-60

Selected OT Prophecies and Their Fulfillment

Surrounding the Death of ChristProphecy Fulfillment

Jesus the Passover Lamb – Isa. 53:7 1 Corinthians 5:7-8

Lifted up – Numbers 21:8-9 John 3:14-15

Raised from the dead – Psalm 16:8-11

Mt. 28:1ff; Luke 24:1ff

Reign at God’s right hand – Psa. 110:1

Mark 16:19

Words Time Lesson“Father forgive them…”

Third Hour( 9:00 AM )

God loves mankind and seeks to forgive

“Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise”

There is a reward in the afterlife for the faithful

“Behold thy son … behold thy mother”

Sixth Hour( 12:00 PM )

Jesus cared about his earthly family

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken…”

God cannot be in the presence of sin

“I thirst” Jesus was fully human

“It is finished” God’s plan for saving mankind is complete

“Father into thy hands I commit my spirit”

Ninth Hour( 3:00 PM )

Jesus always did the will of his Father

The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross

Mark 15: Applications For Today

1. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords (15:2,12,26).2. Jesus was tortured emotionally and physically before even going

to the cross (15:15-20). May we never forget the great sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf!

3. What will you do with Jesus (15:15)? Do not be weak like Pilate!4. It is possible for some to pretend to worship and honor Jesus

(15:19).5. Must Jesus bear his cross alone (15:21)? We must bear the cross

of Jesus (Heb. 13:13).6. Jesus was crucified to save mankind from sin. What was said as

a mock, “He saved others…,” was actually the truth (15:31).7. Jesus’ death gave all mankind access to God (15:38; Heb. 9:7-

8,24; 10:19-21).8. Truth often comes from those whom you would least expect

(15:39).9. Like Joseph of Arimathaea, we need to have boldness and

courage to identify ourselves as followers of Christ (15:43).

Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant”

• The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45)

• The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26)

• The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52)

• The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47)

• The Servant Exalted (16:1-20)

He arose (16:1-8)

He appeared (16:9-18)

He ascended (16:19-20)

Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany

Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple

Mark 11:20- 14:11

Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany

WednesdayMark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared

and eaten, Gethsemane

Mark 14:43 – 15:47

Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial

Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared

Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers

The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry

The ResurrectionAppearances of Jesus(Acts 1:3; 2:32; 3:15;

5:30-32; 10:40-41;13:30-31; 1 Cor. 15:15)

1. Mary Magdalene2. Other women

3. Peter4. Two Emmaeus travelers

5. Ten disciples6. Eleven disciples

7. Seven disciples fishing8. Eleven disciples

9. 500 brethren10. James the Lord’s brother11. Disciples who watched

Jesus’ ascension12. Saul of Tarsus


1. Mark16:9-112. Matthew 28:9-10

3. Luke 24:344. Luke 24:13-355. John 20:19-256. John 20:26-317. John 21:1-14

8. Matthew 28:16-209. 1 Corinthians 15:610. 1 Corinthians 15:7

11. Acts 1:3-812. Acts 9:3-6,27

1. It demonstrates that Jesus is the Son of God (Rom. 1:4)

2. It demonstrates that death has been conquered (1 Cor. 15:54-56)

3. It demonstrates that there is life after death (Lk. 20:37; John 5:29; 11:24-25; Acts 24:15)

4. It gives meaning to the entire life of the Christian (1 Cor. 15:12ff)

5. It gives the Christian hope (1 Peter 1:3)6. It is necessary for salvation (Rom. 4:24-25;

10:9)7. It is necessary for our intercession (Rom. 8:34)

Why Is the Resurrection So Important?

Lessons from the Resurrection Appearances

Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-53; John 20:1 – 21:23; Acts 1:1-10; 1 Corinthians 1:-11

Appearance Lesson

1. Mary Magdalene, John 20:11-18

Don’t hold Jesus to the earth, he must ascend into heaven to reign there

2. The other women, Matthew 28:9-10; Luke 24:9-11

You may tell others the truth, but they may not believe you; tell them anyway

3. Peter, Luke 24:12,34

Peter begins his journey back to faithfulness (see Luke 22:32)

4. Two Emmaeus travelers, Luke 24:13-35

A burning desire to hear God’s word

5. Ten disciples (Thomas absent), John 20:19-22

Unbelief is unacceptable, and fear must give way to peace

6. Eleven disciples (Thomas present), John 20:24-28 (see also 20:1-9)

Faith is rational and reasonable; faith is based upon the evidence of eyewitness testimony

Appearance Lesson

7. Seven disciples on the Sea of Galilee, Peter in particular, John 21:1-23

Following Jesus involves genuine love and focusing on your own responsibilities

8. Eleven disciples, Matthew 28:16-20

The Lord’s work is not finished – go into all the world and preach the gospel

9. Five hundred brethren at once, 1 Corinthians 15:6

Five hundred eyewitness confirmed the truthfulness of the resurrection

10. James the Lord’s brother, 1 Corinthians 15:7

One could not fake a resurrection, but James would know what his own brother looked like

11. Disciples who watched Jesus ascend into heaven, Acts 1:9-11

Jesus is coming again just like he left!

12. Saul of Tarsus, Acts 9,22,26; 1 Corinthians 15:8-11

Quit fighting against God, you won’t win! Change, and use your life for the Lord!

Lessons from the Resurrection Appearances

Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-53; John 20:1 – 21:23; Acts 1:1-10; 1 Corinthians 1:-11

Mark 16: Applications For Today

1. We are expected to believe the eyewitness testimony of the resurrection of Jesus (16:11,13,14).

2. The “Great Commission” is still for us today. Let us continue to take the gospel into all the world (16:15).

3. The choice is simple: believe the gospel and receive salvation or disbelieve the gospel and receive condemnation (16:16).

4. Belief coupled with baptism is necessary for salvation (16:16). This is confirmed in the book of Acts where the apostles carried out the “Great Commission” (note the belief and baptism in these passages Acts 8:13; 8:37-38; 16:31-33; 18:8).

5. We must submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as he rules and reigns at the right hand of God (16:19; Eph. 1:20-23).

6. God’s word has been confirmed as true by miraculous signs (16:20; Heb. 2:3-4).

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He served to please His Father (1:11)

He served unhindered by temptation (1:12-13)

He called others to serve with him; he prepared successors (1:16-20; 2:14; 3:13-19)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He remained active (1:21; etc.)

He operated within the authority of his Master (1:22,27; 2:10; 3:14-15; 6:7)

He communicated regularly with his Master (1:35; 6:46; 9:29; 11:17,24; 13:33; 14:32,38)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He remained focused (1:38; 8:31-33)

He had care and compassion for others (1:41; 6:34; 8:2; 9:22)

He taught others to serve (2:13; 3:23; 4:1)

He reached out to the lost (2:15-17)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He served unhindered by criticism, attacks, and opposition (2:7,16; 3:2,21,30; 6:3; 8:11-13)

He planned ahead (3:9; 4:1)

He understood what relationship is most important (3:35)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He did not stay where he was unwanted (5:17-20)

He took decisive action when called upon (5:24)

He believed in teamwork (6:7)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He pressed on after a great loss (6:29,31; see Mt. 14:13)

He saw a need and addressed it (6:34)

He taught leadership, order, gratitude, and stewardship (6:37-44; 8:1-10)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He remained loyal to God’s word (7:8; 8:15)

He taught and practiced true purity (7:14-23)

He demanded growth of understanding (7:18; 8:18,21)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He served others outside his nation (7:24,31)

He set a standard of excellence (7:37)

He warned others of the wrong way (8:15)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He served despite rejection (8:31; 9:31)

He practiced “tough love” (8:33; 10:21)

He practiced and taught self-denial (8:34-37)

He demanded loyalty (8:38)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

He understand and taught true greatness (9:33-37; 10:35-45)

He recognized and remembered great service (14:8-9)

He put others before self (15:31)

He sent others out to serve (16:15-20)

Jesus the Sacrificial ServantIsaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45

A Summary of the Book of Mark

Jesus is our example of service (Mark 10:45)…

• John 13:15 (Gr. hupodeigma) = to show under

• 1 Corinthians 11:1 (Gr. mimetai) = mimic

• 1 Peter 2:21 (Gr. hupogrammos) = to write under