The good,the bad, and the uglacy 5

The Good, The Bad, and The Uglacy Chapter 5 You’re Just Somebody that I Use to Know

Transcript of The good,the bad, and the uglacy 5

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The Good, The Bad, and The Uglacy Chapter 5

You’re Just Somebody that I Use to Know

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Welcome back, boys and girls. The only votes I got were for slideshare, so I went back to this format. In our last episode of Legacy Living at it’s finest, Victoria was finally successful in marrying and actually moving in her new husband Topher. Not wanting to waste anytime exploiting his lovely genetics, the couple immediately proceeded in baby making. Topher was quite the stud and succeeded in the first try, but that was the only thing he ever managed to do right. It was soon to go all downhill. Time for a quick recap.

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Heath had grown into quite the little vampire. Er, what are you drinking there kiddo?

“Um, Kool-Aid. It’s the newest flavor, Bloodberrylicious.”

Ok, then, well moving on. True story, I thought that was a ketchup container… doh.

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*cue music* “Green Acres is the place to be…“Country living is the life for me…”

And poor Bobo, the Imaginary Friend who probably still wishes he was a doll, was busily being the family slave.

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“Muhahaha, horse, you can not beat my vampire super fast skills, I can easily out run you.”

“Eat my dust, kid. You couldn’t out run a fairy with it’s wings plucked off.”

Yes, everything seemed all nice at the farm. And if you are just tuning in and thinking, man, this girl has some ugly sims, well, this ain’t a pretty legacy, and I am not just talking genetics. Everythingwas about to get real ugly.

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Shortly after becoming pregnant, Victoria received an opportunity to befriend her brotherHoss, who lived across a town and was now a celebrity. She went over to visit him, butfor some glitchy, crazed reason, Topher decided she had cheated on him… with her brother.

“YOU no good for nothing slut, I know what you did! You betrayed me! I hate you and shall neverforgive you!”

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“Topher, I was at my brother’s house, no one else was there but his wife. What you areaccusing me of is impossible by sim law.”

“I’m not listening to you woman. Not only are you a cheap tart, but you’re insane. Co-cofor Co-co puffs. I detest you.”

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“Oh you have not seen insane, mister.”

I wanted her to apologize but she was having none of that.

“Apologize! Why would I? I was AT MY BROTHER’S HOUSE!”

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At the same time, Heath had acquire a stalker. Now I should mention that Heath already has two celebrity stars, and well frankly has his shit together. Which I am so not use to with my sims, but other sims tend to gravitate towards him.

“Well hello little boy. You are a handsome little guy.”

Bobo: “Okay, grandma, off the lawn and step away from the child. Don’t make me call the police again.”

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“But I just want to be his friend. Oh Heath, please be my friend, prettyplease…”

This old lady would not leave. I don’t know her name, hell, none of my sims knowher, and frankly the way she obsessed over Heath was quite creepy.

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Now last episode I added the Supernatural EP, but I still haven’t figured out anythingyet. Like can zombies turn your sims into zombies, because I see where they are going to bite my sims but never do. They are rather lame as far as I’ve seen. The one interaction that pops up as available to my sims “Give permission to ride your horse”. Er… I don’t think so.

“But I’m dressed to go riding, Arrrrgh…”

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Next morning…

“Can I play with Heath… oh Heeeath… come play with me.”

Okay, so apparently zombies can make other zombies. And stalking our house was not a good idea.

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What in the hell is that old bat doing in our garden?

“MMM, braaiiins, I mean tomatoes… mmmm tomatoes…”

Really EA. They attack vegetables? Oh my heart be still, the horror of watching helplessvegetation slaughtered.

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Bobo took the attack pretty hard.

“Nooo, poor helpless tomatoes. Struck down in the peak of their lives. Not my babies!”

That’s when we figured out to lock the gate. Brilliant, I know.

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“You want me to go to China and get noodles for you. Yeah, well I think I’ll pass onthat opportunity, thank you very much. I’m mourning my tomatoes here. Going througha very painful time, so don’t call me with these stupid opportunities. Grow 3 excellentgrapes, well maybeee. But I need some time to get over the tomatoes.”

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“So, like do you remember my mom? You know, cheap affair, little accident?”

Heath likes to go to his dad’s after school, and who can blame him? All his mom andTopher do is fight.

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“Oh yeah, your mom. Sooo. You look familiar.”

“Yea, well I’m a vampire, like you, does that give you a clue?”

“Um, your mom was with another vampire?”

“NO dumbass. You’re my dad. I’m rolling the want to be your friend. Though why, I have no idea. Why couldn’t I have a cool dad like Vladimir or something. You just look like a nightclub groupie.”

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“I hate you.”

“I hate you more.”

The more I leave these two on free will, the more they fight. As fast as they were attractedto one another, it has now turned sour. It is amusing to watch however.

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“Yeah, well I should have never married you. I should have stayed with Sam, he was my true love! Now he’s dead, and I’m grieving!”

“Want a massage?”

“NO, I don’t want your damn massage. How about I massage your throat with my fingers!”

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“You’re nothing but an insane crazy lady, you know that. In love with someone who neverloved you back! Because you’re nuts, woman, nuts!”

“You idiot, can’t you see I’m pregnant here?! All pregnant women can get insane, it’scalled hormones, and I’m about to open up a can on you!”

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Their marriage has gotten to the point where they no longer sleep in the same bed. Victoria goes to bed angry every night, dreaming of… the angry face.

“Pissssed, ZZZZZZZZZ, so pissssed. Need a backhoe, and a big backyard…ZZZZZZZ.”

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Topher, on the other hand, is oblivious. Doesn’t seem to disturb him in the least.

“ZZZZ, happy home… ZZZZZ fighting with my wife makes for a nice bedtime routine…ZZZZ.”

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“Arrgh, I think I’m in labor.”

“Should I wake Topher up, mom?”

“Don’t bother, I hate him, I’ll drive myself to the hospital.”

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And so Audra Cartwright was born (still following my western theme I name her forAudra Barkley from Big Valley, the beautiful daughter of Victoria). Hopefully she will not be beautiful.

Audra is neurotic and hates the outdoors. Lovely random traits to start out with.

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“So I gave birth to your daughter last night…”

“Whatever, she’s probably not mine.”

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Then Topher trucks across town to some random driveway and sets up his portablepiano and just starts playing.

“No you didn’t have to stoop so low…have your friends collect your records and change your number.Guess that I didn’t need that though, Now you’re just somebody that I use to know.”

“Hey dude, can you get out of my driveway? I need to get the car out of the garage.”

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“It’s okay that your daddy is a douche bag, baby girl. Mommy loves you.”

And Victoria is actually a good mother, unlike her mom. She’s really good at caring forAudra, but Topher barely acknowledges his daughter.

I am really starting to dislike Topher.

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Yes you idiot, you do have a daughter.

At one point Topher seems to realize this and starts trying to talk to his wife.

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“So how was your day dear?”

“Really? Are you serious. You’ve done nothing but insult me throughout my entirepregnancy, and now you want to chat? You broke my heart loser.”

And Victoria wasn’t buying it, not that I blame her.

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“Great. It’s always Bobo, tend the garden, Bobo, feed the horses, Bobo, clean up the dishes.Now it’s Bobo, take care of the baby. When does Bobo get any Bobo time…*sigh*.”

Okay, Bobo, okay. Frankly I am tired of watching Victoria and Topher fight. Time to hit the town!

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First up, Varg’s Tavern where Bobo meets his first werewolf bartender!

“Wow, what big teeth you have.”

“Really kid. Are we going with that line?”

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“Let me rub your belly, whose a good boy, whose a good boy.”

“Arrrf, arf… I am, I am!” *flails legs excitedly.*

“Excuse me, can I get a drink over here if you two are done totally creeping me out.”

I don’t know if this is true of all imaginary friends, but Bobo is one weird sim on free will.

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Next up Bobo goes to the Cowboy Laundry, and meets his first fairy. This definitely wasn’t thekind of fairy I was expecting. Some fat dude from India?

“Oh yes, all us fairies love to get into the laundry business, it’s in our blood. Do you knowhow many chains of Laundromats we fairies own. We have a monopoly on them. Nowthose overalls look worn, little man. How about you strip down right now and let me magically remove your stains.”

“I think I’ll pass. Are you really a fairy, you look a little, well plump.”

“What?! Fairies can’t come in all sizes? Just because Tinkerbell was an anorexic bitch!”

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Bobo comes home just in time to see Viola pass away.

“Okay puppy, time to cross over to that doggie heaven in the sky, hey can someone shutthat crying brat up. It’s killing my presentation here. You damn legacy families. I get no respect anymore!”

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Poor Bobo, his face says it all. Now I had thought that adopting elder pets would be the way to go with Victoria’s lifetime want to adopt 6 pets, but this proved to be a bad idea because:

a.) The family is always in mourning and always in a sucky mood, why with pets dropping like flies.

b.) My game glitched and although Victoria has adopted 3 pets now, her panel shows 0… that’s right 0!Hoss took Bella the bulldog with him, Cannon (the horse) is still alive, and Viola just died. We are gettingno credit at all no matter the outcome with the pets. YOU SUCK GAME! You ripped me off.

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Heath gets yet another award, he keeps getting these in the mail. He is apparently an awesomewell loved, popular celebrity, or some such crap. I have no idea why he keeps getting recognized.

Like I said, I am not use to sims that achieve. Anything. Ever.

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“Oh honey, I feel… I don’t know… old and lame.”

“You are old and lame Topher, I think your body is just catching up with you.”

Nobody threw a birthday party for Topher. Gee, I wonder why.

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“So how bad is the damage, woman?”

“Well on the plus side, it looks like you actually grew a nose, but on the bad side, the rest of you shrunk up.”

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“Cannon, we will have no more attacking and eating the mailman, do you understand?!”

Cannon… meanest horse ever.

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Trying yet again to meet Victoria’s lifetime want, she adopts Cash, who is anotherelder dog (This was before I had the realization that elder pets were not a great idea).

Cash is a genius. About dang time I get a decent pet trait. Unless he is an evil genius and then we have problems.

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At this point the Cartwrights have 8 dollars to their name (I am not kidding). Topher still has hiscarnivorous plant tender job, but he has NEVER been promoted because he is such a loser.

It’s time to put Victoria’s excellent equestrian trait to use.

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Oh geesh, seriously Victoria? What kind of equestrian are you?”

“Can somebody hand me the reins? Where’s the start button?”

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Oh what a surprise, with Cannon being such a sweetheart and all.

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Seriously! Now Fred the cat! The family just got over Viola.

“Why, why do all our pets keep dying!”

Because they were old as the hills when you adopted them.

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“Sorry about the cat, woman. By the way, I’m your ex-husband in your panel now. We’re divorced. I am just living her and mooching off your family, and making your life miserable. Maybe someday, we can be neutral, but right now I hate your guts.”

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“Hmmm, this is odd, why am I standing out on the lawn with all these zombies.This doesn’t seem safe at all. I’d rather be in the house, insulting Victoria and calling her names. This fellow keeps looking at me like I’m filet mignon.”

crosses fingers, bite him, bite him, bite his sorry ass.

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“So why are you hanging around here, you’re doing my wife aren’t you? Yes, yes,I knew it. She’s such a skank she did her own brother you know. So you must be her new boyfriend.”

“Arrrrgh, arrrggggh.”

“Don’t try to deny it. That’s why you are out here, awaiting a tryst, no doubt.”

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“Well you can have her. I wash my hands of her. I’m just living here to suck the family drynow.”

“Arrrrgh, arrrrrgh, arrgh, argh.”

Okay, EA, this zombie keeps saying he wants to bite Topher here, but nothing happens… Walking Dead this ain’t. Exactly what do the zombies do? Other than attack helpless gardens?

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After my miserable attempt to zombify Topher, it’s time to focus on money making again.

So Victoria starts riding Angel, who is playful, untrained, and aggressive, but really doesn’t act like Cannon, thank goodness.

They run their first race, the Jayapalan Cup, and win $600.00!

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Cannon, meanwhile, continues to try and bite every sim she comes close to.

“Knock it off, you mean old nag. I’m the gardener, remember, the one with apples. Yeah, so you better start thinking about that. Bobo can hook you up, yo, but you want a fix, you better start behavin.”

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“Alright, a magic 8 ball. It says I’m awesome and I’ve got connections in this town.”

You’re eight years old, what connections could you possibly have? The ice cream man?

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Audra grows up, and she’s scary. She always has this dead pan look. Empty, soul less.

You know an occasional facial expression might be nice.

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Really kid, stop looking at me like that. You’d think I tried to turn your dad into a zombie or something, pfft.

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“Hey Heath, we love having you over here every afternoon, but don’t you need to go home?”

“Nah. My mom and Topher fight all the time, and Bobo is busy with the baby. I like hangingout here.”

And so every day Heath heads over to his sisters’ house and does his homework there. Which takeshim like 5 seconds because he is a vampire. Vampire kids rock.

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“Hey dad, I’ve been waiting here all night for you, guess what today is?!”

Who is this kid again?

“It’s my birthday, woot, woot!”

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Look, I even did my hair in dreadlocks, do you see a resemblance now?”

“OH my gosh, Whoopie Goldberg!” * Blows horn ecstatically at Heath *.

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5 minutes later…

“Dad, please, you can stop blowing the horn already. I think I’m deaf in my left ear now.This is killing me with my super vampire hearing.”

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For Heath’s birthday, I get Heath an awesome vampiric coffin and his own attic. Unfortunately,those bunny slippers are ruining the whole dark scene I am going for.

“What, I like my bunny slippers.”

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* Sigh * I give up.

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Bobo, that lame ex-husband of mine isn’t making any money. I need you to babysit for me, while I race Angel and earn us some cash. Do you mind?”

“No, of course not. I’ll keep an eye on Audra.”

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“So you know, I like your mom. I’ve always liked your mom. The first want I rolled whenI became an adult was to skinny dip with her. I have it locked in my panel now. But she’s never noticed me. I wasn’t ugly enough. None of those guys have treated her right. I would, if she’d give me a chance. What do you think, Audra?”

“Gaga, doo doo.”

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“I hope I didn’t overdress for this.”

Formal wear while racing horses… nooo. That’s perfect.

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“Genuis dog here, coming through. Make way for the highest IQ in the family.”

Wow. He brings in the paper. I’ve never had a dog do that, ever.

“That’s nothing. I’m getting ready to read the Wall Street section and check on my stock portfolio.”

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“Hey Bobo, looking a bit more buff these days. Working out? What program are you on?”

“It’s called free slavery. It’s like circuit training with tending garden, shovelingmanure, feeding the animals, cleaning house, repairing appliances…”

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“Wow, that sounds awesome, Heath. How long have you been playing piano?”

“2 minutes maybe.”

“Er, are you a level 9 already, seriously?”

“Please. Vampires, and creepy classical music go together like hot pockets and beer.”

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Heath plays the piano for maybe five minutes and completely maxes his skill. Not that I don’t totally love this, but it feels like cheating. I shouldn’t take advantage. As if that would stop me. On to painting, Heath!

“I’m already a 10 at painting too. Did it when I was bored and you weren’t looking.”

Oh. ok. Well I’ve never gotten this far. Logic? Mechanics?

“10’s. Pfft, is that all you have for me?”

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“Hmmf. I don’t understand why I have to actually do something and clean out the pottychair. Don’t we have menial labor for that? Where’s that farm boy?”

Well Bobo does have to sleep sometimes, Victoria.

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“What part of my ‘dislikes children’ trait do you not understand?”

Oh chill, Heath, you can at least carry your little sister to her crib. It’s not like I asked you to snuggle her or anything.

Negative 20 moodlet pops up! Thanks Heath, thanks for that.

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“Bobo, thank goodness you’re finally awake!”

“Really Victoria, you missed me that much?”

“Er, sure. That and the potty chair is full again.”

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“And this is how you make a pancake, Cannon.”

Ok, seriously, get that horse out of the house and is she earning cooking points?Cannon, the Chef Horse.

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“Well if it isn’t the hoodlum teenage vampire.”

“Well if it isn’t Topher, king of the lame. Still a Carnivorous Plant Tender?”

Yes, yes he is. No promotion ever… worse sim I have ever had. And that is saying a lot.

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Say What?? Now Victoria is a zombie?!!! Well not technically, although that is exactly whatI thought. She’s playing with the zombie shooting plants and apparently gets to turn into a zombie briefly. But no one told me this, and I had no idea, so I went into panicmode. And then happy mode ( I got a zombie!) and then sad mode (oh, that was just a game she was playing). Oh the spectrum of needless emotions.

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So being a night owl and all, Heath starts to hit the nightclubs…

“OH my Heath, I’ve never seen anyone dance as awesome as you. Are you maxed at dancing?!”

“Well of course. I am a vampire baby, and Michael Jackson has nothing on us, baby.”

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Unlike Heath, some of my sims actually have to earn their skill points.

“The jump’s to your left, Cannon… woah, woah… oh crap, is that a brick wall up ahead?!I said the beginning course!!!”

I would feel sorry for Victoria, but hey, she chose to ride Cannon. Yea.

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Audra. Aging up in 10, 9, 8…

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“I am now a neurotic, hates the outdoors, vehicle enthusiast. I didn’t growup well, so you don’t get to choose, loser. Can I have a Barbie convertible? Not that I will ever go outside with it. But I can scrub the car clean, over and over and over again.”

Oh geesh. The random traits, I have a gift really. :/

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“Oh dear boolprop, Caaaannnnon?”

As much as I would really love to take credit for this, all I did was actually ask Topher to finally move out and take this witch horse with him. If I had any doubts she is the spawn of Satan’s Hell Horse, this confirms it.

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Be gone you worthless, fun sucking, legacy killing sims.

“But, but where will we go?”

Oh I gave you some empty little lot, somewhere. You didn’t have enough money for anactual house, but hey, with those big bucks you make as a Plant Tender, I’m sure you canearn a house in, or, 20 or 30 sim years. No biggie.

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I was going to use this picture as a tearjerker. Poor Audra chasing her dad down as he is leaving the lot. But sometimes pictures really aren’t what they seem.

“Dude, get out of my way. I got a school bus to catch.”

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“Geesh, who was that old man. He sure stinks like month old rotten fish.”

Yea, Audra barely knows her dad. I think he seriously picked her up one time. That’s okay, Audra, I got even for you.

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Alchemy table, woot, woot. Okay Heath, time for your amazing super dooper vampire skills.

“Sure, sure. Vampires and alchemy go together like crackers and spread cheese.”

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About this time a party invite pops up. I think why not and let Victoria go. Much to our dismay…“Welcome to my party, baby, so glad you could make it.”

“Excuse me, You invited me to a party. Where is everyone? Why are you in your underwear? Why are you lunatic embracing me when I don’t even know you.”

“You are the party honey. Now let’s try to be quiet. My wife is sleeping upstairs.”

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“What do you mean your wife? And throwing that bed bubble up there! I barely know you creep.”

“Hey, everyone knows you like married men, and total jerks, and I’m a beast. So I’m perfectfor you sweetie.”

“I’m outta here, Fido. And I did not like your party.”

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“So how was the party, Victoria?”

“It sucked Bobo. There was some weird werewolf guy in his underwear and no one else. He started trying to hug me all over the place. I barely knew him.”

“Oh I know that guy. I rubbed his belly once. He’s just real affectionate, kind of like Lassie, on steroids.”

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“Oh Bobo, why do I have such bad luck with men?”

“Maybe you just haven’t meant the right one yet.”

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“Have you ever considered, that maybe the guy you are looking for is right under your nose?”

“I’m sorry Bobo, but I just can’t go for these zombie guys that keep popping up in the yard. They can’t even bite people. How lame is that?”

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“I’m talking me, Victoria. I know I’m too handsome for an Uglacy, but you alreadyhave an heir and a spare, so I see no reason we couldn’t be together now.”

“You? I… I don’t know. You are a little strange Bobo.”

Really, really, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

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In the end, Bobo convinced her.

I know he won’t produce any ugly babies, but frankly I am tired of all the weirdtownies inviting Victoria to dates and parties.

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And for their first date, he takes to the public pool.

Stay with me, people, stay with me…

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“Like what you see, baby?”

Well apparently, Victoria was impressed because little hearts started flying.I’ve never had my sims skinny dip, but apparently they can only skinny dip in pools, and since my legacy family is poor and unable to afford a pool, the public pool it was.Which in hindsight, was probably not a great idea.

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“OH my Gawd, that was great! Can you do it again, huh, huh? Wait! Let me get my cell phone camera out.”

Town pervert alert at one o’clock.

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“Man, I hope they have a lot of chlorine in that pool.”

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“Victoria, now that we have skinny dipped and bask in our love, will you marry me?”

“Oh Bobo… what can I say?!”

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That’s not to say Victoria said no to everything. Marriage was out, but cheap sex was a definite yes.

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The very next day, Bobo tries to pursue an opportunity to befriend a celebrity. But this old lady wanted more then a befriending, if you catch my drift.

“Now sonny, if you want that star, you have to work for it. How about you massage my bunions?”

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Meanwhile, disgusted that EA pixilation totally ruined the skinny dipping shots,I download the no censor mod, which is working but has caused a few minor issues.

“Lady, what kind of pervert are you, taking away our pixels!”

“Erm, it’s not like you have parts. I didn’t download that kind of censor.

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Apparently the mod has wiped out the talk and thought bubbles.

“Ho hum, so what. This girl is sooo boring anyway. Do I have to waste my vampire genius on this crap? She talks about nothing.” (literally)

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Angel was bred to a random stallion down at the Equestrian Center because frankly,after Cannon, we just weren’t ready to adopt yet.

Meet…erm.. okay I will have to get back to you on that. I totally forgot this colt’s name. I know it’s a boy.

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Meanwhile, we get a bee hive. I have no idea what it does, but hey, while in Rome…

“YOU want me to stick my hand where? Are you nuts?! There are bees in there!”

Bobo was more than happy to volunteer.

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“Arrrrgh, beeees… ouch, ouch,ouch… they’re stinging the crap out of me.”

I suppose I should feel bad.*pops popcorn*

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Not long after this Bobo get a bowl of spaghetti stuck on his hand to get even with me.

“Hey, check out my bowl of half-made spaghetti… it never spills and never drops! Magic!”

I blame the censor mod. This is the sim Gods punishing me for wanting to see my sims naked.

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Hey baby, you look so sexy with your head in my spaghetti. I love that look on you.”

“Get that crap off of me Bobo.”

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Meanwhile, Topher continues to ride Cannon aimlessly around town in his underwear. They appear to be homeless and in bad need of a shower.

Yeah, well maybe you guys should have treated my legacy family better! So there.

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“Bobo, I’m pregnant.”

“What? I can’t hear you with this bowl through my head.”

“Oh geesh.”

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“Man, I don’t remember peanut butter and jelly sandwiches being this hard to eat.”

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“Mommy, those people scare me.”

“As well they should, little one. Stay far, far away from them, especially the weirdowith the bowl glued to his hand.”

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“I’m ready to pop, but before I do, I’d like to throw at least one decent birthday party for Audra. I’m going to invite everyone, after all they owe me for going to their lame parties.”

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Just as the guests start arriving…

“Oh, oh dear, that felt like a little contraction.”

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“Gracie, baby, you are looking fine.”

“Well thank you Allen. It’s hard being the town tramp, but I do Pilates everyday andstay away from Stu’s Surprise. Nice dance moves.”

“OWWWWW, I think my water just broke! Somebody, anybody?”

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“Boo, hiss, boo, boo, this party sucks. No one wants to see that lady having a baby!”

Who is this little brat? I don’t even know this kid, she just wanders in and startsbooing everything!

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“Hmm, what to wish for, what to wish for, world peace? An end to hunger, a cure forcancer…”

“Audra! Hurry up, the baby is coming!”

“No, no I didn’t wish for a baby. I know, how about a candy apple red Mustang convertible!”

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Sparkles all around. Birth and a Birthday.

Talk about awesome sim playing and timing. Okay, it was a total mishap, but have you ever seen a baby born at the exact time a sim has a birthday?

Yea, that’s right. You saw it here first.

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“Ta-dum. Okay, mom, if you are done hogging my birthday glory, let’s partayyy.”

“Erm, in a minute dear, I think there’s another baby on the way.”

Whaa..what? The baby was just a pity baby for Bobo. YOU are NOT suppose tohave two of them and clog up the house Victoria! I never let you have fertility treatments!

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“Woot, woot, she’s having twins!”

OH shut up, Bobo, you and your spaghetti glitched hand!

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Bobo, come help me, the other baby is coming.”

“Do I have to? They’re cutting the cake and…”


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“Yawn, so boring. Is that all you got, having a set of twins. Susan’s mom had triplets and a litter of puppies born at her birthday party.”

Get out of our house you creepy little brat.

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“It ain’t easy being easy you know…”

Gracie, leave now. The whole party she would not leave Bobo alone. And she’s pregnant to I have no idea who. She probably doesn’t either.

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Oh good golly, look at that nose, or lack of a nose. She reminds me of alien childrenin the Sims 2. Houston, we finally have lift off! Thank you Topher.

The Uglacy is finally seeing some ugly.

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“I want my mommmy!”

She’s right in the backyard, like just walk around the house.

“Nooo, she’s lost forever. Mommy, oh mommy where are you?”

*Foals, sigh* Oh how I tire of the missing mommy moodlet.

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The twins that weren’t suppose to be twins.

Laura (Named for Laura Ingalls from Little House on The Prairie). A clumsy virtuoso.Nick (Named for Nick Barkley, Big Valley) a grumpy genius.

They are just sim fodder, obviously with Bobo’s genetics they will be cutie pies with issues.

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And for our parting picture, I shall leave you with this.

“Talk about late in life babies. I had those kids the day I turned 60.Last time I go skinny dipping. ”

Yes, because nobody wants to see that. Until next time, happy simming!