The Good The Bad & The Ugly of Social Media

Using Social Media to Grow your Business The Good, The Bad & The Ugly! Alan McGee: Say Consultancy Ltd
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Transcript of The Good The Bad & The Ugly of Social Media

Page 1: The Good The Bad & The Ugly of Social Media

Using Social Media to Grow your Business

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!

Alan McGee: Say Consultancy Ltd

Page 2: The Good The Bad & The Ugly of Social Media

Social Media Landscape: The Good

LinkedIn:• 2 new members join every second• 4.2 billion professional searches done in 2011

Facebook:• 850 million monthly active users• 20% of all page views on the web are on Facebook

Twitter:• 500 million accounts• 1.1 million new accounts every day

You Tube:• 2 billion views every day• 3rd most visited site in the world

Page 3: The Good The Bad & The Ugly of Social Media

6 Social Media Pitfalls: The Bad

1. Rush To Action without a Plan

2. Lack of Objectives &


3. No Content Guidelines

4. Failing To Engage Audiences

5. Limited Social Reach

6. Choosing the wrong Tools &


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What not to Say on FB & Twitter: The Ugly

•That are you are planning to take a sickie

•Slagging off the Boss

•Bad Mouthing Customers!

•You are leaving on a Holiday & When

•You cheated in your exams

•Photos from the Quayside

•Your bodily functions

•Other peoples bodily functions

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3 Common Mistakes made on LinkedIn:

1. Profile: incomplete

2. Connect unprofessionally: poor etiquette

3. Don’t ask for recommendations: why?

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1: Profile

• Photo:

Chinese proverb: “One picture is worth ten thousand words."

People want to network with people they can see, so smile, make an impression

• Keywords:

Maximise Keywords words think like your customer

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2: How to Connect Unprofessionally:

Sending an invite to Rachel

Only if it is true!

Please don’t send the default invite

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3: Ask for recommendations:

• If you can justify asking someone to recommend you based on the work you HAVE done for them in the past

• And if they ask for the compliment to be returned, you can also vouch for their work, and you are prepared to give it


• Recommendations on your profile = credibility

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You Need A Social Media Strategy:

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Advanced Social Media Marketing

Fully integrated Social Media Business Strategy/Policy

• Appropriate Tools & Tactics related to your business sector

• Regional, National & Global Strategy

Fully Utilise Social Media Resources

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