The Good Shepherd’s · The...

The Good Shepherd’s Voice “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 DECEMBER 2014 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 600 South Enota Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 770-532-2428 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Staff: Pastor: Rev Zachary Hoffman DCE: Wynn Derong Director of Music & Organist: Priscilla Jefcoat Church Secretary: Margie Smith Custodian: Robin Aikens Church Council: President: Steve Nimmo Vice President: Brad Zimmerman Secretary: Cheryl West Treasurer: Faye Vogel Financial Secretary: Sally Fuge Church Boards & Committees: Christian Education: * Board of Elders: Jim FitzGerald Mike Gaddy* Brad Jovaag Stanley Longman Todd Mershon Frank West Chris Worl Evangelism: Sherry Anderson* Parish Fellowship: Judy Brookshire* Public Relations: * Social Ministries: Betty Dyarmett* Stewardship: Doug Fuge* Trustees: * Youth Ministry: Bobbie Denton & Tabby D’Antonio* Altar Guild: Sherry Anderson and Dottie Warren Flowers: Faye Vogel Greeters: Nancy Ponder LWML: Sherry Anderson Senior Men’s Group - Paul Clarkson & Don Smith Sunday School Director: Janice Waters Ushers: Thomas Gaddy Jr LCEF Representative: Doug Fuge Thrivent Representative: Cheryl West *Church Council Members Greetings in Christ! I just wanted to take some time to say thank you to Good Shepherd for welcoming my family and me to Gainesville! We have had a busy couple of weeks, but we are starting to get settled in. Most of our boxes are unpacked and our house is starting to feel like home! Maybe this holiday season you are thinking about the place you call home. You might be like me, and have moved to an area that you are unfamiliar with. You might also be wishing that you could be with your relatives to gather with them around the table for Thanksgiving. For all of us, there are those who have passed away- family members who will not be at the table this year. These might have been the same relatives who made you feel at home. Christ knows the joys of family and the struggles as well. He did not have the pleasure of staying at home and living a quiet life with his family. He knows what it is like to be misunderstood by loved ones who were supposed to be close to him. He intercedes for you to the Father when you might feel your loneliness, and he comforts you with the Holy Spirit who he has promised to give to you. He will never leave or forsake us. St. Matthew tells us of his birth, and how he would be called “Immanuel” (God with us). Matthew’s Gospel also concludes with Jesus saying to his disciples “I am with you always even to the end of the age.” If the table is a little empty this year or if family is not what it used to be; still, give thanks! What a friend we have in Jesus! -In Christ, Pastor Zach

Transcript of The Good Shepherd’s · The...

The Good Shepherd’s Voice “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 600 South Enota Drive Gainesville, GA 30501


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


Pastor: Rev Zachary Hoffman

DCE: Wynn Derong

Director of Music & Organist:

Priscilla Jefcoat

Church Secretary: Margie Smith

Custodian: Robin Aikens

Church Council:

President: Steve Nimmo

Vice President: Brad Zimmerman

Secretary: Cheryl West

Treasurer: Faye Vogel

Financial Secretary: Sally Fuge

Church Boards & Committees:

Christian Education: *

Board of Elders:

Jim FitzGerald

Mike Gaddy*

Brad Jovaag

Stanley Longman

Todd Mershon

Frank West

Chris Worl

Evangelism: Sherry Anderson*

Parish Fellowship: Judy Brookshire*

Public Relations: *

Social Ministries: Betty Dyarmett*

Stewardship: Doug Fuge*

Trustees: *

Youth Ministry: Bobbie Denton &

Tabby D’Antonio*

Altar Guild: Sherry Anderson and

Dottie Warren

Flowers: Faye Vogel

Greeters: Nancy Ponder

LWML: Sherry Anderson

Senior Men’s Group - Paul Clarkson &

Don Smith

Sunday School Director: Janice


Ushers: Thomas Gaddy Jr

LCEF Representative: Doug Fuge

Thrivent Representative: Cheryl West

*Church Council Members

Greetings in Christ! I just wanted to take some time to say thank you to Good Shepherd for welcoming my family and me to Gainesville! We have had a busy couple of weeks, but we are starting to get settled in. Most of our boxes are unpacked and our house is starting to feel like home! Maybe this holiday season you are thinking about the place you call home. You might be like me, and have moved to an area that you are unfamiliar with. You might also be wishing that you could be with

your relatives to gather with them around the table for Thanksgiving. For all of us, there are those who have passed away- family members who will not be at the table this year. These might have been the same relatives who made you feel at home. Christ knows the joys of family and the struggles as well. He did not have the pleasure of staying at home and living a quiet life with his family. He knows what it is like to be misunderstood by loved ones who were supposed to be close to him. He intercedes for you to the Father when you might feel your loneliness, and he comforts you with the Holy Spirit who he has promised to give to you. He will never leave or forsake us. St. Matthew tells us of his birth, and how he would be called “Immanuel” (God with us). Matthew’s Gospel also concludes with Jesus saying to his disciples “I am with you always even to the end of the age.” If the table is a little empty this year or if family is not what it used to be; still, give thanks! What a friend we have in Jesus! -In Christ, Pastor Zach

Page 2 DECEMBER 2014

I wanted to bring to your attention that it is

getting to be that time for the Angel tree

again! :) So be on the lookout for updates

and details as we put them together! We

also had a great time serving and putting

the bags together for the Harvest Festival! It

was a great time for us to get to know

some of the community. In our efforts to

get to know the community, and in our

efforts to speak Jesus to people, we are

working to grow our sending weeks past

just Good News. We don’t know what that

looks like completely yet, but we want to be

intentional in living out God’s promise to

Abraham: “Now the LORD said to Abram,

“Go from your country and your kindred and

your father's house to the land that I will

show you. And I will make of you a great

Forty-five families were served in October (84 adults, 58

children) for a total of 142 individuals. Seven Bibles were


The grocery bags left over from the Harvest Festival are being

given to the families who come to the Food Pantry between

now and Christmas. This will enable us to provide holiday

food for more than our usual six families selected to receive

Christmas baskets.

A donation of $400.00 was given to the Salvation Army from

“Other Missions.”

- Betty Dyarmett


Second Sunday of Advent

December 7, 2014

Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014

Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 21, 2014

First Day of Winter December 21, 2014

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2014

Christmas Day December 25, 2014

New Year’s Eve

December 31, 2014

nation, and I will bless you and make

your name great, so that you will be a

blessing. I will bless those who bless

you, and him who dishonors you I will

curse, and in you all the families of the

earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12: 1-3

- Wynn Derong

Harvest Festival Thanks to everyone who helped with the

Harvest Festival this year. While the number of

families served that day could have been

higher, those that attended were most

appreciative of what they received. The excess

groceries will not by any means go to waste –

they will be distributed through the Food

Pantry and will mean a little extra holiday treat

for our clients.

We plan to continue with this worthwhile

program, however we need to re-assess how

we can reach more people. There will be a

meeting scheduled in January – time and date

to be determined. Anyone wishing to help is

welcome to attend .

- Judy Brookshire

DECEMBER 2014 Page 3

In the Dyarmett small group, we have

volunteers who will lead a study for part of

the year. This fall, Stan Bruns led our study.

He did an outstanding job providing

supplemental videos and extra reading

material. The study from Lutheran Hour

Ministries, "You Are a Witness" is a great

resource to help Christians share God's


Witnessing takes place in many forms and

can be as simple as the way you live your

life or being alert for an opportunity to

share your personal story about Christ in

your life. We are not expected to deliver a

sermon unless that is our calling, but we

are expected to share God’s Word using the

gifts He has given us. It can be within

our family or in response to a challenge

God puts in our path. The good news is

our Lord is with us and will guide our

efforts. As in any task, the first step is

the most difficult but also vital. Our

mission is to plant the seeds and the

Holy Spirit will make them grow.

Cindy Nimmo’s group, which meets

monthly and has great discussions,

takes their studies from the Lutheran

Woman’s Quarterly magazine. In

November, on Veteran’s Day, their study

focused on being forgiven creatures,

renewed and refreshed in spirit by their

loving Creator. After the study, the group

wrote messages in beautiful handmade

cards which will be distributed to veterans,

service members, and military families

during the Christmas season.

Chris Worl's group has gotten off to its

usual slow start! They are reading Ordinary

Grace by William Kent Krueger, a novel

set in a small Minnesota town during the

summer of 1961. The story is told through

the eyes of a 13-year-old Frank Drum, son

of a Methodist minister. The book deals

with a young man trying to make sense of

the world around him and discovering the

price of wisdom and the enduring grace of

God. Although they've only gotten through

the first three chapters, the discussions are

lively and the food and fellowship excellent!

- Janet FitzGerald

The Evangelism Committee would like to remind

everyone that evangelism needs to be a part of our

daily lives. There are many lost sheep and our Lord

taught us that each lost and erring sheep is waiting for

one of us to bring them into the Father’s fold.

Opportunities abound; please be on the lookout for


- Sherry Anderson

The Red Hat Group will have a Christmas luncheon

at the Anderson house on December 14, 2014 at

1:30 pm. We will have a White Elephant gift

exchange. I suggest the Dollar Store for funny or

serious gifts. Please keep the $ amounts low as

everyone has a lot going on at this time of year.

Small Groups

Advent — the first season of the liturgical

year — includes the four Sundays and weeks prior to December 25.

Advent is from Adventus, Latin for

“coming,” referring to Jesus’ birth in

Bethlehem and also his second coming.

Observing Advent is a

meaningful, adventurous way to

prepare for Christmas. Buy or make an Advent wreath and use candles

of your choice: four blue, or three blue and one pink. In the center add one white Christ

candle. During meals or devotions, light only one candle the first

week. Add another for each new week (the

pink candle traditionally marks the third week), concluding with the white candle

on Christmas. The increasing light reminds us we’re getting closer to celebrating Christ’s light coming into the


Deadline for the




Reminder - The Good Shepherd Men's

Group meets the First Thursday of each

month - UNLESS there are announced

changes in schedules. All are welcomed to


On November 6, The Good Shepherd Men's

Group met at the church for a brief

business meeting and planning session.

The business meetings are designed for

general discussion, evaluation and the

planning of future events. During this

meeting, there was good input from those

present concerning plans for 2015. An

agreement was reached that participating

members (and potential members) would

prepare written suggestions for 2015

activities and remit them to Doug Fuge

(email or otherwise). Suggestions should

include a title

and a brief

description of

the proposed

e ve nt o r

activity. These

w i l l b e

organized and

p r e s e n t e d

during the

December 4



after the

b u s i n e s s

meeting, the

group left for

the pre-arranged guided tour (Thank you

Doug Fuge!) of the Gainesville Historical

Society Museum. Unfortunately, one of the

group (Frank West) took a wrong turn,

ended up in the post office on Green St.

and spent the rest of the morning looking

at wanted posters and had lively

discussions with other post office patrons

(Actually he had a "conference call" and

only wished he could have hung around the

Post Office). Our tour guide was very

knowledgeable and provided ample,

interesting information about Gainesville,

Hall County and N.E. Georgia. One of our

group even commented "Who would have

thought all of this happened in and around

here, in little old Gainesville, GA!" All were

in agreement that the museum is very well

laid out with artifacts, exhibits and even a

live demonstration of a tornado that

unfortunately was temporarily non-

functional. Also included is a genuine log

cabin, originally belonging to the Cherokee

Indian, Chief White Path. White Path had

to abandon the cabin in 1838 and was

forced to march in the "Trail of Tears."

There are just too many other historical

facts and information to disclose in this

article. Those who have not yet made this

visit are encouraged to do so. The cost is

$5 ($4 for seniors) and takes

approximately 2-4 hours, depending of

course, on how much time you spend in

the Tornado Machine! Our particular visit

took a bit longer, as Kato Thiessen was

once again "recognized" (Chief White

Path?) and was asked to sign autographs.

This did not last long however, as the

management quickly requested his

restraint, and he most graciously donated

the fees he had collected to the museum,

holding out just enough for lunch.

After the tour, the group left for lunch at

the Atlanta Seafood Restaurant, located

on Old Atlanta Highway. Good food,

selection/variety and service! Go early, as

the lunch crowd is overflowing, and the

parking is cramped and limited.

Our next event is the quarterly business

meeting - December 4 at 10 am in the

fellowship hall. We will be deciding on

events and activities for 2015. Pastor

Hoffman will be our special guest. You are

invited. Coffee and refreshments will be


- Paul Clarkson

DECEMBER 2014 Page 4 Senior Men’s Fellowship

Advent Colors

During Advent, the colors of the

paraments on the altar are changed to Blue, one of the season’s

symbolic colors, representing hope. During Advent, we

wait in hope to celebrate again God’s coming in human form, and we look forward in

hope to Christ’s coming in glory at the

end of the age.

DECEMBER 2014 Page 5

SUNDAY MORNINGS: Great news! The

fellowship volunteer sheet for 2015 has

been posted! You have an entire year’s

worth of Sundays to choose from – so don’t

delay – sign up early and often! Contact

Judy Brookshire if you have any questions.


THANK YOU! As 2014 draws to a close, we

can look back on a year filled

with ups and downs in trying

to adjust to our new

fellowship hall and kitchen.

There were “firsts” – our first

Easter Sunrise Service, for

one. Then there’s lighting

the oven pilots – a task

which only a few have

mastered. We learned to “go

green” and wash dishes for

150 plus; we learned the fine

art of setting up and taking

down tables and chairs in a

space not meant to hold

them – with hungry

par ish ioners anxiously

Parish Fellowship waiting; and of course, there are those

long lines for the buffet!

We’ve asked for donations of time,

talent, money and COOKIES – and you

never failed to provide. From Sunday

morning fellowship hours (which could not

happen without you) and all the other

large and small events over the year, your

help, support and patience

has meant so much. Thank

you is not adequate, but it

will have to do.

Looking to the future – 2015

will bring a bright new

beginning for GSLC with new

challenges and opportunities

for service. For now, I wish

you and yours a safe, healthy,

joyous and blessed Christmas

season and New Year.

God Bless!

- Judy Brookshire

Born in a Barn

While growing up, if my sisters and I behaved

rudely at the table, my mom would ask, “Were

you born in a barn?”

Too often, rude behavior isn’t restricted to

meals. Even adults behave badly toward

others, intentionally or unintentionally. Our lack

of consideration, good manners and kindness

might be likened to the behavior of animals,

not guided by concepts of right and wrong.

Jesus was literally born in a barn because we

sometimes act like we were born in a barn,

failing to put others ahead of ourselves.

Through Jesus, God willingly entered the mess

and stink of human existence. We know that

Jesus can relate to the lowest of human

experience because he was laid into a feed

trough for animals, surrounded by their sounds

and smells, born alongside us in the “barn” of

earthly life, Jesus taught us not only politeness

but love.

God became a man. Divinity arrived. Heaven

opened herself and placed her most precious

one in a human womb. The omnipotent, in one instant, became flesh

and blood. The one who was larger than the universe became a

microscopic embryo. And he who sustains the

world with a word chose to be dependent upon the nourishment of a

young girl. God had come near.

—Max Lucado, God Came Near

DECEMBER 2014 Page 6

The Crafter’s Group will meet the third Saturday

in January to make dresses and pants for the

Kenya Mission under the direction of Catherine

Spencer. Donations of either cotton or cotton/

polyester pillowcases will be appreciated. Those

who can, bring their sewing machines. If sewing

is not your thing, we need people to cut and

organize materials. Everyone is welcome and can


Women’s Advent Brunch

In the hustle and bustle that is the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, take a moment to consider why we celebrate.

All women of the congregation are invited to enjoy brunch and fellowship on Saturday, December 6, 2014

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Fellowship Hall

There will be an optional general gift exchange ($10.00 limit) And Secret Pal gift exchange/reveal

Also, signups for the 2015 Prayer Pals.

Questions: please call Jean Miles or the church office.

At the last craft meeting,

Cindy Nimmo taught the

group how to make

individual greeting cards.

The Christmas rush

leads to stress for many

people. But author

Burton Hills viewed the

madness from another


“Eventually, the hour

comes when the rushing

ends and the race

against the calendar

mercifully comes to a

close. It is only now,

perhaps, that we truly

recognize the spirit of

Christmas. It is not a

matter of days or weeks,

but of centuries — [more

than] twenty of them now

since that holy night in

Bethlehem. Regarded in

this manner, the pre-

Christmas rush may do

us greater service than

we realize. With all its

temporal confusion, it

may just help us to see

that by contrast,

Christmas itself is


DECEMBER 2014 Page 7

It is difficult to express to you in

words what our te am

experienced in Amatitlan,

Guatemala November 1-8,

especially after seeing the fruit

of answering Christ’s command

to “go and make disciples of all

nations…teaching them to obey

everything I have commanded

you.” Just as Christ’s followers

dedicated themselves to

teaching, to fellowship, to the

breaking of bread and to prayer,

our team has devoted itself to

the same with the people of


Luke recorded for us in Acts the choosing

of the seven as directed by the

Twelve. The mission work over the past

three years at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church

and the village of El Pepinal bears a

striking resemblance to

Luke’s account in Acts.

First, God chose Dr. Elry

and Liz as two of his

disciples, and they

accepted His call. The

medical clinic and

children’s program in

Amatitlan were planted,

and they began to grow.

The children brought

t h e i r m o t h e r s ,

grandparents, and other relatives with

them, and a mission church was


By God’s grace, our mission team

consisting of Betty Dyarmett, Janet

Fitzgerald, Chris Worl, and Pam Jovaag

was chosen and we accepted God’s call.

And this year we were blessed to have Alex

Meyers join our team.

Our ministry goal each year has been to

spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the

children being served at Santa Cruz

Lutheran Church. We chose puppets as

the method of teaching God’s Word to

them, and they responded enthusiastically.

God has richly blessed our partnership over

the years. With God’s guidance, Dr. Elry

chose his older youth for our team to train

in discipleship so they could spread the

Gospel of Jesus Christ with children in

other nearby villages. The following youth

accepted God’s call: Maria Eugenia,

Kimberly, Julio, Jose

Luis , Maria de

Angeles, Juan Carlos,

Katy, Julissa and


T h i s y e a r w e

witnessed incredible

spiritual maturity in

these youth along

with strengthened

c o n f i d e n c e a n d

willingness to share

their faith. Plus, we had the added joy of

being present at the baptism and

confirmation of Jennifer. Praise be to


Along with

its puppet

m i n i s t r y

s u i t c a s e ,

our ministry

t e a m

loaded into

o u r

t r a v e l i n g

bus with no room to spare and bumped

our way over the deep-rutted roads to El

Pepinal to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

Our youth demonstrated three puppet

scripts/dramas, complete with colorful

crafts and engaging songs, to 33 high

school age youth and then instructed

them in performing for their own village


Joined in our faith in Jesus Christ and

having accepted His call, our Guatemala

ministry team went hand-in-hand

proclaiming the Gospel and love of Jesus

Christ with others in Amatitlan and El


- Pam Jovaag

I have a better Caretaker than you and all the angels. He it is who lies in a manger, but at the same time

sits at the right hand of God, the almighty

Father. Therefore be at rest.”

—Martin Luther

Gift List? Check out the

Young Investors (Y.I.) Club. Want to teach a child to give thanks for

God’s many blessings while using those

blessing to serve Him? Learning to under-

stand the value of sharing, saving, and

spending is a good place to start. Give a gift

of membership in the Y.I. Club with a Y.I.

Steward account. An investment of $25 can

open such an account. Get more details on

the Y.I. Club at or call 800-843-

5233. Three age levels are eligible: Y.I. Lit-

tle Lambs (Ages 0-6), Y.I. Mission Builders

(Ages 7-12), and Y.I. World Changers (Ages


New to LCEF?

Check out ConnectPLUS! With ConnectPLUS you join the powerful

partnership between individuals and The

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)

ministries that are ensuring more people

hear the life-saving Gospel message.

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) in-

vites you to join the family of investors who

are empowering LCMS ministries to build

relationships, energize believers and serve


With your investment, you connect to LCMS

ministries and rostered church workers,

helping to fund custom loans and support

services they need for carrying out witness

and mercy work in their communities and

around the world.

ConnectPLUS* features:

Opportunity to empower ministries

3% fixed rate on the first $5,000

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$500 minimum to open

Two-year term

Additional investments of at least

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ConnectPLUS is available to individuals

18 and older who have not had an LCEF

investment in the past 24 months. Offer

subject to change.

Invest with ConnectPLUS today! Visit or call 800-843-5233.

LCEF is a nonprofit religious

organization, therefore,

LCEF investments are not

FDIC-insured bank deposit

accounts. This is not an of-

fer to sell investments, nor a

solicitation to buy. LCEF will

offer and sell its securities only in states where

authorized. The offer is made solely by LCEF’s

Offering Circular. Investors should carefully

read the Offering Circular, which more fully

describes associated risks. ConnectPLUS is not

available to investors in Ohio and Pennsylva-


*For more information about eligibility

and to get an application, call 800-843-

5233 or visit

Help GSLC to reduce Mortgage interest.

DECEMBER 2014 Page 8

HOPES AND FEARS Sacred Christmas carols are a cherished tradition. But during sorrow and struggle, some

lyrics may seem hard to swallow. “O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant”? Where

is the joy when my loved one has just died? Where is the triumph if I’ve lost my job?

“Silent night, holy night, all is calm …”? Not in my house; I’m exhausted from the fighting.

“The little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes”? Our baby screams with colic for hours on end.

Yet … listen:

And you beneath life’s crushing load,

Whose forms are bending low …

Oh, rest beside the weary road

And hear the angels sing.

—“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”

Truly, God reaches out to the happy and hurting alike. “The hopes and fears of all the

years are met” — and gathered up — in the Babe of Bethlehem, who shares our joys and

troubles. There are Christmas carols for us all!

A photo directory is being planned for next

year - photos to be taken in February.

Look for details in the next newsletter.


c o n g r e g a t i o n a n d

individual has a unique

part to play in the Great

Commission. I t is

appropriate during this

s e a s o n o f t h e

celebration of “coming”,

to consider how we will

respond to God’s love by

using our time, talents,

and treasure to enable

the “going out” of His

Word to all people. Merry Christmas!

- Doug Fuge

As we worship during

this Advent season, we

look forward to both the

story of Christ’s first

coming and his final

coming. Reflection on

God’s infinite love of His

creation and on our

underserved gift of

redemption through

Jesus’ life, death and

resurrection should

inspire us to ensure His story is made

known throughout the world. Each

Mission Cookie Walk Fundraiser

Sunday, December 21,

9:30 to 10:30 am

Purchase one dozen home-made Christmas cookies for $10 a box.

The monies raised will be used to support our mission in Guatemala.

If you like to bake cookies, we need

you! We are asking you to bake 4

dozen home-made Christmas

cookies for the sale. Please contact

Pam Jovaag for more information.

Thank You!!

DECEMBER 2014 Page 9

Please check to see when you are scheduled to serve and put it on your personal calendar

DECEMBER 2014 Page 10

The flower chart for 2015 is

now on the bulletin board.

Sign up early for the dates

you wish to provide flowers.

You can place flowers on the

altar in memory or in honor

of a loved one, for birthdays

and for anniversaries. You

can pay for one vase ($30) or

both ($55). Make checks payable to Good Shepherd

Lutheran Church, and put “flowers” and the date for

which you are paying on the memo line.


Dec 7 Marilyn Clarkson

Dec 14 Marilyn Clarkson Bobby & Dianna Jones (2)

Dec 21 Marilyn Clarkson Chuck & Betty Dyarmett (2)

Dec 28 Marilyn Clarkson



WED Dec 3 6:30 PM Tyler Craig & Karen Pieschke

Dec 7 8:30 AM Brad Jovaag Jackson Cindy Nimmo Chuck & Betty Dyarmett

10:45 AM Todd Mershon Evan Faye Vogel John & Tabby D'Antonio

WED Dec 10 6:30 PM Roy Bob & Dianna Jones

Dec 14 8:30 AM Frank West Renae Robin Aikens Ken & Bonnie Jackson

10:45 AM Mike Gaddy Tyler Faye Vogel Ray & Susan Nierman

WED Dec 17 6:30 PM Roy Joe & Nancy Ponder

Dec 21 8:30 AM Chris Worl Christian Karen Walker Rick & Janice Waters

10:45 AM Stanley Longman Madison Sherry Anderson Joe & Nancy Ponder

Dec 24 7:00 PM Mike Gaddy Connor Faye Vogel Don & Margie Smith

10:00 PM Stanley Longman Laura Leigh Kathy Mayfield & Lynn Lindberg

Dec 25 10:00 AM Sherry Anderson Christian Sherry Anderson Don & Margie Smith

Dec 28 8:30 AM Jim Walker/Dan Purdy Marie Robin Aikens Sam & Jean Miles

10:45 AM Jim FitzGerald Haylee Sherry Anderson

Tony & Michele Stephens

DECEMBER 2014 Page 11


















DAN PARKINSON (Sandra’s son)

ERIC SAXTON (Robin Aikens’ friend)

GREG PHILLIPS (Aikens’ brother-in-law)

JOHN TONTALA (Faye Vogel’s brother-in-law)

DORIS SMITH (Sandy Parkinson’s friend)

BETTY JEAN CORN (Deby Gaddy's aunt)

JEF COLLINS (Deby Gaddy’s brother)

ANTHONY & CARTER TRUONG (Susan Stokes’ son

& grandson)


sister & niece)

NICHOLAS FOLKENS (grandson of Ponder’s


TONY ROEHL (son of Carla Roehl)

KEN THOMAS & MOTHER BILLIE (Ponder’s friends)

MARIE JONES (Denise House’s aunt)

DON HEILMAN (Judy Smith’s brother)

CARLYLE WACKER (Ponder’s friend)

RYAN WEST (Wynn Derong’s cousin)


EDITH ENGLE (Edie’s mother)

ANDY LAJEUNE (Pam Jovaag’s nephew)

DENNIS THAYER (Marie & James’ son)

CHARLES ROBISON (Priscilla Jefcoat’s father)

MASON PONDER (Joe & Nancy’s grandson)


KRISTIE HAMBY (Carla Roehl’s friend)

BOB (Lori Lake’s friend)

KATHERINE WHITMIRE (Ken Anderson’s aunt)

MARY WINE (Dottie Warren’s mother)

OPAL MOORE (Michele Stephens’ grandma)

JUSTIN & SPENCER PACESKY (friends of Janet


ROGAN LANG (Bruns’ nephew)

JOY BRUCE (Emily Willers’ granddaughter)

DREMA BOSTER (Janie Owen’s friend)


BRIAN (friend of a member)

BARB MARR (Chis Worl’s friend)


BOB SACKETT (Ponders’ friend)

DENISE CANTRELL (Lili Smith’s friend)

LAUREN BEEBE (Lili Smith’s friend)

BETSY HOPKINS (Janie Owen’s friend)

DEBBIE RIGSBY (Edie Engle’s friend)

PAT MORROW (Denise House’s friend)

JEAN JERNIGAN (Vance Livingston’s sister)

JACKSON SMITH & FAMILY (FitzGerald’s friends)

DAVID BREINICH (Janie Owen’s cousin)

GLENN TURNER (Food Pantry patron)

PEGGY COLLINS (Peets’ daughter-in-law)


PAUL SIEG (Pastor & Rebecca’s son)

RENEE’ STEWART (Janice Peace’s niece)


mother & family)

12/7/1957 MAC & BUNNY MCDONALD (57)

12/15/1961 STAN & SHARON BRUNS (53)

12/18/1971 BILL & BARB DUMONT (43)

12/18/1988 DAN & NELL PURDY (26)

12/19/1971 BOB & DIANNA JONES (43)

12/20/1969 CHUCK & BETTY DYARMETT (45)

12/28/1990 RALPH & SUSAN BERLINER (24)

12/28/1990 ROCK & DIANE FEEMAN (24)




























We have several books that have been checked out and not returned. Please check at home and return if you find them. Also, when using the library, please do not reshelve books. Put the books in the bucket when you are finished, please! Thank you!

- Robin Aikens

DECEMBER 2014 Page 12

News from the Flock

Isabella Holland is dancing in the Northeast Georgia School of Music and Dance's production of The Nutcracker-All Jazzed Up! She is a party child, a

mouse, Russia, and a flower.

Janie Owen & Mary Lou Berghel traveled to Germany "In the Footsteps of Martin Luther," a tour through Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Photo Left to Right: Kurt Buchholz, Executive Director, Lutheran Hour Ministries; Mary Lou Berghel; Martin Treu, author of "Katherine von Bora - Luther's Wife"; Janie Owen; The Reverend Gregory

Seltz, Lutheran Hour Speaker.

If you have been

complaining about the cold

here in north Georgia, just

remember it could be worse

- just ask Ben Weisensel,

shown here catching snow

on his tongue. The

Weisensels moved to

Winona, Minnesota, where

it is cold, cold, cold!! This

photo is just the start of the

snow! Rebecca says “We

miss Georgia and our Good

Shepherd family terribly.

We are still trying to find our

rhythm here. I know things

will work out fine because

the Lord has his arms

around us.” Rebecca, Josh,

EmmaLyn, Chloe, and Ben,

we miss you too!

OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs 9 AM - 3 PM

Fri 9 AM - 12 PM


December 2014 Check our website ( for calendar updates

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


1:30 pm Food Pantry


1:30 pm Food Pantry

3 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Midweek Bible study 6:30 pm HS Youth 6:30 pm Advent Service 7:30 pm Choir

4 9 am SR Men’s Fellowship 9 am SR Men’s Fellowship 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Lectio Prayer Group


3 pm Cleaning


10:00 am Women’s Advent Brunch


8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship


1:30 pm Food Pantry

9 10:00 am LWML Circle 1:30 pm Food Pantry

10 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Midweek Bible study 6:30 pm HS Youth 6:30 pm Advent Service 7:30 pm Choir


9 am SR Men’s Fellowship 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Lectio Prayer Group


3 pm Cleaning


10 am LWML meeting


8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship


Newsletter deadline 1:30 pm Food Pantry


1:30 pm Food Pantry

17 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Midweek Bible study 6:30 pm HS Youth 6:30 pm Advent Service 7:30 pm Choir

18 9 am SR Men’s Fellowship 10 am Food Pantry 1:30 pm Lectio Prayer Group 5:30 pm Cleveland small group


3 pm Cleaning



8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday school 9:45 am Cookie Walk 10:45 am Worship


1:30 pm Food Pantry


1:30 pm Food Pantry


Christmas Eve

7:00 pm Worship 10:00 pm Worship



10:00 am Worship


3 pm Cleaning


28 8:30 am Worship 10:45 am Worship


1:30 pm Food Pantry


1:30 pm Food Pantry

31 New Year’s Eve

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

“Welcoming people home to life in the family of Christ”

Sunday 8:30 am Worship

9:45 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship

Church Office Hours Monday -Thursday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


[email protected]

The Good Shepherd’s Voice

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

600 S. Enota Drive

Gainesville, GA 30501

Mailing Label

While They Were Sleeping

It was an evening like any other.

Ordinary men were doing an

ordinary job. Shepherds were

“keeping watch over their flock

by night” (Luke 2:8). Was it

chilly? Were they tired? When

angels appeared with news of a

Savior, had the shepherds been

talking about their troubles or

shar ing a good joke ?

How quickly, how mysteriously,

how unexpectedly an ordinary

night became the turning point

of human history. How

remarkable that God chose to set his great rescue plan in

motion when only a young couple was paying attention and

only a few shepherds were awake.

God’s work is sometimes so secret we may wonder if he’s

there or if he cares. The Christmas story tells us that God works

out breathtaking plans for our lives in the dark, often while

we’re sleeping or going about our ordinary routines.