The Good LIfe Marketing One Sheet

The Good Life reaches a core audience of households with a combined income in excess of $150,000 Buying power The Good Life readership is affluent with $945,000,000 in spendable income Strong readership Each copy of The Good Life is enjoyed by 5.49 people providing a targeted audience of over 34,000 readers Constant growth The Good Life has increased it’s readership month after month every year we’ve served the NCW marketplace Reader interests Food & wine, travel, adventure, volunteerism, house & home, photography, wildlife, gardening, cooking and more Our mission The Good Life strives to inspire our readers to “live the good life” Reach The Spenders (509) 888-6527 [email protected] People are talking about us…. As we must be within your target demographic, you and potential advertisers should know that this magazine gets a thorough and interested read each month. Pioneering a new venture is risky, but ‘The Good Life’ is a winner” - Darrell Cotton “Your readership is definitely our target” - Mary Cook “Our most successful event ever! The public response was overwhelming, helped in great part by the advertisement placed in The Good Life magazine.” - Jean Schweitzer Put your message into the hands of our 34,000+ readers


The Good Life reaches a core audience of households with a combined income in excess of $150,000. The Good Life readership is affluent with $945,000,000 in spendable income. Each copy of The Good Life is enjoyed by 5.49 people providing a targeted audience of over 34,000 readers. The Good Life has increased it’s readership month after month every year we’ve served the NCW marketplace. Travel, adventure, volunteerism, house & home, photography, wildlife, food & wine, gardening, cooking and more. The Good Life strives to inspire our readers to “live the good life”

Transcript of The Good LIfe Marketing One Sheet

The Good Life reaches a core audience of households with a combined income in

excess of $150,000

Buying powerThe Good Life readership is affluent with

$945,000,000 in spendable income

Strong readershipEach copy of The Good Life is enjoyed by 5.49 people providing a targeted audience

of over 34,000 readers

Constant growthThe Good Life has increased it’s readership month after month every year we’ve served

the NCW marketplace

Reader interestsFood & wine, travel, adventure,

volunteerism, house & home, photography, wildlife, gardening, cooking and more

Our missionThe Good Life strives to inspire our readers

to “live the good life”

Reach The Spenders

(509) 888-6527 [email protected]

People are talking about us….

“As we must be within your target demographic, you and potential advertisers should know that this magazine gets a thorough and interested read each month. Pioneering a new venture is risky, but ‘The Good Life’ is a winner”- Darrell Cotton

“Your readership is definitely our target” - Mary Cook

“Our most successful event ever! The public response was overwhelming, helped in great part by the advertisement placed in The Good Life magazine.”- Jean Schweitzer

Put your message into the hands of our 34,000+ readers