The Globalist (Special Issue)

1 Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio - RI District 3830 The Globalist Chartered: March 29, 2000 RI District 3830 Special Issue March - April 2013 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE RCTFB Club Officers 2 A Brief History 3 Roster of Presidents 4 RCTFB Past Presidents 5 Rotary Trivia 6 RI President’s Message 7 D-3830 Governor’s Message 8 The President’s Message 11 The Gallery 12-32 Art Peace 2013 20-25 Coercion, Volunteerism & Rotary 33 Maybe is No 34 Rotary’s Guiding Principles 36, 39-43 On to Lisbon 37-38 End Polio Now 44 RI Training Calendar 45 WELCOME TO ROTARY GRANTS!


The Official Newsletter of Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio

Transcript of The Globalist (Special Issue)

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Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio - RI District 3830

The Globalist

Chartered: March 29, 2000 RI District 3830 Special Issue March - April 2013



A Brief History 3

Roster of Presidents 4

RCTFB Past Presidents 5

Rotary Trivia 6

RI President’s Message 7

D-3830 Governor’s Message 8

The President’s Message 11

The Gallery 12-32

Art Peace 2013 20-25

Coercion, Volunteerism & Rotary 33

Maybe is No 34

Rotary’s Guiding Principles 36, 39-43

On to Lisbon 37-38

End Polio Now 44

RI Training Calendar 45


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The idea of organizing a Rotary Club in the emerging growth area of 'Global City' orTaguig-Fort Bonifacio was put forward by Rotary Club of Rizal West (RCRW) Past

President Almanzor "Al" Tubig (now deceased).

At the start of the term of RCRW President Al Montecillo (August 26, 1999), PP Al Tubig invitedArch. Bobby Dimayuga of the Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation to the regular weekly meetingof RCRW. He was then introduced as "The person who would help him charter what would becomethe Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio (RCTFB)".

Now appointed as District Governor's Guiller Tumangan's Special Representative (DGSR; RI.District 3830), PP Al Tubig organized the first meeting of the nascent group on October 6, 1999 atthe Max's Restaurant, Jupiter Street, Makati City. Also in the meeting were: President AlMontecillo; Bobby Dimayuga; Philip Gaac and Robin Cu Unjieng. The second and third meetingswere held at the Fat Willy's at The Fort on October 10 and 20 respectively, during which the groupwas joined by Charles Mercado and Emerson Medrana. In the subsequent meetings held on October27 and November 3 at the Cafe Jose in Fort Bonifacio, Caloy Morante joined the group.

On February 18, 2000, at the Cafe J in Makati's Amaiz Street, the Charter Officers of RC TaguigFort Bonifacio were elected with Bobby Dimayuga as Charter President and Mel Manansala asCharter Secretary. The other club members who were present included the following: Joel Ciron,Nani Codera, Jed Inciong, Marilyn Martin, Yette Morales, Tess Pangilinan, John Henry Parker,Gie Villanueva, Romel Villegas, Mark Ang, and Rose Arbis. The group was afterwards joined byJun Obra.

DG Guiller Tumangan signed the Club's charter application for membership to RotaryInternational in a simple ceremony held on February 22 at Caramba's at The Fort in the presenceof District Extension Chairman PDG Willy Segovia, members of the sponsoring club, RC RizalWest, and the charter members of RCTFB. On March 2000, the Rotary International approved thechartering of what is now the ROTARY CLUB OF TAGUIG FORT BONIFACIO.

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Bobby Dimayuga 1999 ~ 2000 Act with Consistency, Credibility, Continuity

2000 ~ 2001 Create Awareness Take Action

Jed Inciong 2001 ~ 2002 Mankind is our Business

Charles Mercado 2002 ~ 2003 Sow the Seeds of Love

Carlos Morante 2003 ~ 2004 Lend a Hand

Joel Ciron 2004 ~ 2005 Celebrate Rotary

Glenn Inciong 2005 ~ 2006 Service Above Self

Nonoy Oplas 2006 ~ 2007 Lead The Way

Owe Lozada 2007 ~ 2008 Rotary Shares

Rommel Villegas 2008 ~ 2009 Make Dreams Real

Paul Irao 2009 ~ 2010 The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands

Nielson Antonio 2010 ~ 2011 Building Communities Bridging Continents

Norlan De Leon 2011 ~ 2012 Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Rosemarie Antonio 2012 ~ 2013 Peace through Service


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RCTFB Past PresidentsRY1999-2012

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On 23 February 1905, Paul P. Harris,Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and

Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr’s office forwhat would become known as the first Rotaryclub meeting. Harris’s desire for camaraderieamong business associates brought together thesefour men and eventually led to an internationalorganization of service and fellowship.

Arthur Frederick Sheldon, the Rotarianwhose convention speech inspired Rotary's

secondary motto, One Profits Most Who ServesBest.

One of the more colorful traditions of Rotaryis the exchange of club banners. Rotarians

traveling to distant locations often take bannersto exchange at make-up meetings as a token offriendship. Many clubs use the decorativebanners they have received for attractivedisplays at club meetings and district events.

The world's first service club, the Rotary Clubof Chicago, was formed on 23 February

1905 by Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wishedto capture in a professional club the samefriendly spirit he had felt in the small towns ofhis youth. The Rotary name derived from theearly practice of rotating meetings amongmembers' offices.

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Dear fellow Rotarians,

Rotary is an international organization, and when I travel forRotary, I usually speak in English. But it has been a long

time since my last English exam, and when I am working inEvanston, I always have a Japanese interpreter. It is importantto understand every word of the meetings, and it is important aswell that the staff understand what I am saying.

It was a new experience for me to speak Japanese to a group,and then hear my words spoken in English. Even now, I find it interesting. I hear new ways ofexpressing myself in English, and I also have a small glimpse of what it must be like not to speakJapanese.

But perhaps the most interesting moment came early on in my year as president-elect, when I wasin a meeting with Rotary staff members. To be sure that we could communicate well, I had with mea Japanese interpreter. I spoke in Japanese, and she interpreted what I said into English. We had apleasant and productive meeting.

After it was over, one member of the staff came up to me and asked, “There is one word I heard youuse many times in Japanese. I would like to know what it means. What is the word ichiban?” I toldher that ichiban in Japanese does not convey any philosophy or complicated thought. It simply meansto be the best.

But it made me think. Of all the words I had used in Japanese, of all the words she had heard overand over, this was the word she had heard the most. I did not realize I had used it so often. But forme, that one word, ichiban, is essential to how I feel about my job as a Rotarian, and as president ofRI.

For me, Rotary service means being ichiban. It means doing your best, and being the best you canbe. It means working as hard as you can – not for yourself, but for others. It means achieving asmuch as you can, to make other people’s lives better.

In the dictionary, ichiban means “best.” But in Rotary, “best” means something different. It meansbringing Service Above Self into all of your thinking. It means looking at your own effort, not interms of what it costs you, but in terms of what it can give. In this way, we are inspired to do somuch more. It is our job to see to it that our Rotary service is ichiban – so that we do the most wecan to build Peace Through Service.

Sakuji TanakaPresident, Rotary International

RI President’s Message

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D-3830 Governor’s Message

Excerpts from Handover Speech,June 29, 2012 GML Vol. XIV, No. 4

Like all governors, I would like to leave amark in this district’s history. I would like

to be remembered as the Governor whoaccomplished two significant things:

First, that I ensured the installation of astrategic plan in each club, a strategic planthat spells out the club’s vision for the next3 years, a strategic plan that spells out theannual goals that will bring the club towardsits vision.

It is a club strategic plan based on Rotary’sStrategic Plan, stemming from the organi-zation’s hard-nosed self-evaluation on its100th year in 2005, and is intended to en-sure Rotary’s success in the next 100years.

RI President Sakuji Tanaka has said, “InRotary, we have made the decision to adoptthe goals and priorities of the RI StrategicPlan as the roadmap for our organization.”

I have been receiving very positive reportsfrom our Assistant Governors on the resultsof their team visits. As of today, June 29,2012, 42 clubs have a strategic plan inplace. The other clubs have yet to be visitedby the Assistant Governor’s Team.

What is Rotary?Rotary International is a volunteer orga-

nization of business and professional lead-ers who provide humanitarian service, andhelp to build goodwill and peace in theworld. There are approximately 1.2 millionRotary club members belonging to 34,000Rotary clubs in more than 200 countriesand geographical areas.

Founded in Chicago in 1905, Rotary celebrated100 years of service in 2005. The RotaryFoundation has awarded more than US$2.1billion in grants, which are administered at thelocal level by Rotary clubs.

What is the purpose ofRotary?

Rotary clubs exist to improve communi-ties through a range of humanitarian, inter-cultural and educational activities. Clubsadvance international understanding bypartnering with clubs in other countries.Rotary also encourages high ethical stan-dards in all vocations.

What do Rotary clubs do? Rotary clubs address critical issues athome and abroad by providing health careand medical supplies, clean water, food,job training, youth development, and edu-cation to millions of people. in need.

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I give the credit to the Assistant Governorsheaded by Lita Wells, Rhoda Salas and FedSapitan. They have done a terrific job in men-toring and coaching the Peace Presidents onstrategic planning with the help of the ClubStrategic Planning Committee headed byRennie Andrews, Dennis Decena and MonEscueta.

Second, I also would like to leave behind arenewed and revitalized interest in, andawareness of, the Guiding Principles of Rota-ry. I have observed that our clubs have beenenthusiastically carrying out many activitiesand service projects, but have forgotten whatthe guiding principles of Rotary are.

Towards this end, Patti King and Camil Kitanehave created an assertive program that will beconducted at club level. I hope that the PeacePresidents will initiate club meetings on theGuiding Principles of Rotary.

Chochit Tobias and his committee have in-cluded both legacies in the District Citationsprogram, more commonly known as theawards. We hope to encourage the clubs toexceed the minimum performance expecta-tions as defined by Rotary International andthe district, based on selected projects thathave been supported by the district over theyears. The clubs have been informed of theDistrict Citations, or the awards program,since early this month.

We are instituting a completely paperless sys-tem of reporting. Club events and serviceprojects will be electronically reported throughour “Share A Story” program via Facebook.

Since strategic planning is being encouragedby Rotary International, I am happy to reportthe creation of a District Strategic PlanningCommittee.

It is composed of the incumbent District Gov-ernor and all elected future governors. DistrictGovernor Billy Villareal, and the District Gov-ernors for the next 3 years – Robert Kuan, LitoColona, and myself – have held several meet-ings to define our collective vision for our

district, and the annual goals that are neces-sary to achieve this vision. The Strategic Plan-ning Committee is under the advisership ofPDG Sonny Coloma.

The District Strategic Planning Committee willtraditionally be headed every year by the Dis-trict Governor Nominee who will be headingthe district in 3 years, at which time the strate-gic plan formulated should take complete frui-tion. The system is being institutionalized inRY 2012-2013, my term of office. The firstChair therefore will be District Governor Nom-inee Lito Colona.

In line with the district’s strategic plan is thecreation of a Strategic Training Committeewhich will be headed by the District Governor-Elect.

This committee will be responsible forstrengthening the clubs in Rotary informationand leadership development, in preparationfor the next year of service, which is the Dis-trict Governor- Elect’s term of office. The firstChair therefore will be Robert Kuan. This com-mittee will be institutionalized also in RY 2012-2013, my term of office.

Coordinator for both committees is RennieAndrews, who shall thus oversee the StrategicPlanning Facilitators and the Rotary Acade-my.

My presidents and I have the daunting task tolive up to the theme of our Rotary Year:“Peace Through Service”.

In keeping with this theme, our presidents willbe called the “Peace Presidents”.

The Peace Presidents, together with the Dis-trict Officers and I, will make up the PeaceTeam.

At this juncture, I feel that I am duty-bound togive two simple reminders to my Peace Presi-dents.


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The label of “peace” is daunting becausethere is a false perception that peace is a statewhere conflict never happens.

In Rotary where diversity is considered a corevalue, conflicts in values are bound to surface.As you take your journey as Peace President,when a conflict confronts you, I advise you tomake an effort to achieve a state where truthand fairness will prevail.

The basis of what is acceptable in Rotary isthe 4-Way-Test.

When a conflict arises, all assessments mustpass the first two tests of,

1. “Is it the truth?”; and

2. “Is it fair to all concerned?”

Anything that fails the tests of truth and fair-ness do not belong in Rotary,

3. Even if it passes the third test, “Will it buildgoodwill and friendship?”; and

4. Even if it passes the fourth test, “Is it bene-ficial to all concerned?”

An untruth, commonly called a “lie”, can bringgoodwill and friendship. It can be beneficial toall concerned.

But there can be no peace where there is notruth. And there can be no peace where thereis no fairness.

In your journey as Peace President, be guidedby the 4-Way-Test. The first two tests are themost crucial tests. These are the tests of truthand fairness.


I would like to strongly remind each of thePeace Presidents, that your first and foremostrole, is to be THE PRESIDENT OF YOURCLUB. Your energies must be spent on YOURCLUB. Your time must be managed withYOUR CLUB as your priority concern. YOURCLUB must be your FIRST priority at all times.

Love YOUR CLUB. Serve YOUR CLUB. Planfor your meetings well. Inspire your members.Be a diligent, conscientious and inspirationalCLUB PRESIDENT.

Let me go back to the theme for our year ofservice, “Peace Through Service”. The cherryblossom plays a prominent role in the graphi-cal representation of our year’s theme.

We have often talked about SHIBUMI, theconcept in Japanese culture that is intrinsical-ly tied to the cherry blossom, and the festivalwhere thousands of Japanese come out toview the falling of the flowers.

SHIBUMI reminds us that peace is oftentimeseasily won but just as easily lost.

Peace is lost when the advocacies of truth andfairness in the 4-Way-Test are violated. It islost when you lose your way in your journey asPeace President. It is lost when you are notdiligently attending to your club.

I pray that each of you will guide your clubswell in your search for your SHIBUMI moment– your moment of brilliance, your moment ofexcellence, your moment of perfection. I wishfor you and your clubs, not one, but manySHIBUMI moments.

Suzanne “Sue” V. Sta. Maria, Governor, RIDistrict 3830

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The President’s Message

My Dear Fellow Rotarians,

As I look back from the time that I’ve started to serveas the President of this club, I came to realize that

there are so much more to be done. We see boundlesspotential… more opportunities to carry out our goals. Timeflies so quickly and the District Handover is just around thecorner. In a way, I’m glad that many projects had been doneand accomplished. And, I’m also glad that I can now relaxand have more time for myself and my family. Many sleeplessnights had paid off planning, doing presentations andsubmitting reports.

Going through our citation report, it came to my attentionthat we are very near to achieving the requirements of thedistrict. A little more cooperation and coordination with our members and we will surelymake things happen. Being involved is as important as to being engaged. In Rotary, wecannot give what we don’t have. That’s why commitment is essential prior to joining theclub. A potential member must be properly “Rotarized” to have the repository of guidingprinciples and motivation needed in doing volunteer works.

This is what I admire in Rotary. Everything is properly organized and withcorresponding protocol. From strategic planning to training, everything is well accountedfor. Members are united people from different professions and vocations; contributing theirtime, treasure and talent to the needy sectors of the community. Where else can you seesomething like that? Wherein, diversity is considered as a virtue and an important factorin the success of a club.

With regards to our wonderful year together, I would like to thank Gov. Sue for beingsupportive of our projects and activities, my classmates – the Peace Presidents for bringingback the smile on my face when things are too stressful for me and my club members forjoining me in achieving our projects and upholding RC Taguig Fort Bonifacio’s thrust andideals.

Now, we can truly say that we have been an agent of change… a catalyst of “PeaceThrough Service”. Another Shibumi moment for us… God bless! Cheers!

Rosemarie AntonioPeace President RY 2012-13

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The Gallery

RCTFB Cash Hosted the following delegates – Inbound GSE Team District 1110 (England & Channel Island)

Lynne Cooper, Laura forward, TL Berenice Deakin, Jade Martin and Nathan Silk

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The Gallery

Discon Opening Ceremony

Manila Hotel March 22, 2013

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The Gallery

Discon Governor’s Ball

Manila Hotel March 23, 2013

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The Gallery



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ART PEACE 2013By PP Bienvenido "Nonoy" Oplas

As the world modernizes, and as people mobility across countries and continents expands, itcreates more diversity among people. While this is a good thing to recognize that after all, we

live in just one global village. It also creates some animosity and even anger for some people as theirpreviously mono-cultural city or community undergoes piecemeal changes towards multi-cultural andeconomic activities. Thus, the quest for peace and tolerance at the global, national and local communitylevels, is a continuing challenge for humanity. And, most especially among Rotarians.

To contribute to this search for peace and tolerance, the Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifaciospearheaded an important project for the youth, the “Art Peace 2013” competition for college/universitystudents in Metro Manila. Its main objective is to campaign and reiterate Rotary's thrust, ideals andadvocacy to the new generation or the youth through visual arts.

The project covers the following: Public Image, New Generation and Areas of Focus. This isconsistent with this year’s Rotary International theme, “Peace Through Service” via Rotary's Areas ofFocus:

1. Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution

2. Disease Prevention and Treatment

3. Water and Sanitation

4. Maternal and Child Health

5. Basic Education and Literacy

6. Economic and Community Development

The club secured an endorsement from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), printed postersand invitation letters to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of different colleges and universities inMetro Manila. These were distributed in early March 2013. The competition had been trending for 1month in the Facebook scene with 446,625 clicks, 670 Likes and 45 shared the post. Pretty soon, manyentries and art pieces were submitted to the club. Some were arranged for pick up in their universities.

Judgement day, the “Art Peace 2013” was set last April 7, 2013, from 1-6 pm. Venue was the Artsin the City, FVR Park, Federacion Drive corner 7th Ave., Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. The top sixcontestants were invited, Club members brought their friends, and some District officials and a Presidentsof other clubs in the District came.

Aside from the top six art pieces displayed that afternoon, impressive art works of three guest artistswere also shown -- by Arnan De Leon, Nice So, and Vanessa "King" Tan Gana.

RI District 3830 Governor Sue Sta. Maria was the main guest of honor that afternoon. She led theribbon cutting. She was one of the judges and she gave an inspirational talk about Art, Peace and Rotary.The club was very honored to have her come and stay for several hours.

The most awaited part of the event that day was made, the announcement of winners. The contestantswere called up on stage. Their youthful faces showed some anxiety and excitement as they faced theaudience. The results are as follows.

Melchor Santiago, Jr.won the grand prizeconsisting of atrophy, a certificateof recognition and acheck amounting toP15,000.00

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The 1st Place (P15,000 + Trophy + Certificate) went to Melchor Santiago Jr. His art work wasentitled “Empowering a Peaceful Nation Through Responsible Youth Service”. It was an elaboratepainting with bold letters of ROTARY in the middle. Melchor is a 4th Year BS Medical Technologystudent at Our Lady of Fatima University in Valenzuela City.

The 2nd Place (P10,000 + Trophy + Certificate) went to Justen Paul Tolentino. His entry title was“Spreading Peace with Service”. Justen is a 1st Year BS Medical Technology student at Far EasternUniversity in Manila.

Third Place (P5,000 + Trophy + Certificate) went to Ruzzle Abella with an art work entitled “BigyangGabay”. He is a 2nd Year Visual Communications major at EARIST.

The three other entries got consolation prizes (P2,000 + Certificate) each. The contestants, theirrespective entry titles and schools were:

1. Clint Rey Policarpio, “Larawan ng Nakaraan”

3rd Year Fine Arts, Major in Painting, University of the East - Caloocan

2. Kristie Sheene Villeza, “Winning Peace”

1st Year BS Information Technology, National Teachers College

3. Prikern Leighry Balbuena, “Heart of a Mother”

2nd Year BSED Major in MAPE, Far Eastern University

It was a wonderful afternoon of viewing different paintings from different artists, meeting youngaspiring artists and painters, club members and their families and friends, District officials and otherguests. The venue was nice, food was plentiful and delicious, the music and sound system was great.

It was indeed a big, signature project of the Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio this year. PeacePresident Rosemarie Antonio has shown once more the kind of stuff she is made of – very hard working,highly dedicated, unquestionably service-oriented leader.

Kudos to you, President Rose.

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The Gallery

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The grand prize winner of ART PEACE 2013 entitled “Empowering a Peaceful Nation ThroughResponsible Youth Service” by Melchor Santiago, Jr. (4th year BS Medical Technology student) of OurLady of Fatima University in Valenzuela.

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The Gallery

Collaboration with PCPI in Global Grant Application to support the Medical & Therapeutic needs of the kids

Philippine Cerebral Palsy, Inc. March 18, 2013

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The Gallery

AG Chary Misa talked about “On Being a Rotarian” & Rotary Guiding Principles

MetroClub, Rockwell, Makati March 18, 2013

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Donation of 10% of the building cost or P13,000 to Rotary Homes in Paranaque

Rotary Homes Paranaque March 21, 2013

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Club anniversary & Pre-strategic planning hosted by Rtn Jun Mendoza

Arayat, Pampanga March 28 to 30, 2013

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The Gallery

Sponsorship of the 11th Pambansang BAKAS Seminar-Workshop for Educators

Pila, Laguna April 3 to 6, 2013

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The Gallery

Classification talk by Life Coach Mike Michener

Starbucks, Bonifacio Global City April 3, 2013

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The Gallery

Our very own Charter President Bobby Dimayuga talked about “The Beginningof Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio”.

MetroClub, Rockwell, Makati City April 8, 2013

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Coercion, Volunteerismand Rotary

By PP Bienvenido “Nonoy” Oplas

The world can move into war or peace, conflict or harmony,depending on the degree of coercion that are imposed on

certain groups of people – an ethnic group, a clan, a religious group, asectoral group, or a country. If there is more coercion and impositionby those with stronger force, if there is less respect for diversity of otherpeople, there is more animosity and conflict in society and the world.

Our modern world is characterized by more diversity and spontaneity, not uniformity and monotony. Forinstance, there are more varieties, more brands of cars and trucks, cell phones and computers, rice and corn, beerand wine, medicines and vaccines, shirts and shoes, and so on worldwide. The changes in designs, the dumpingand thrashing of previously touted as great, are very spontaneous. Many products and services are customized anddeliberately designed for unique type of consumers and buyers.

It is imperative, therefore, that there should be more tolerance, more respect, for diversity and spontaneity ofpeople. Our high school kids for instance, can be fascinated with culture and the arts now, then dump such interestin favor of social sciences, or business and economics, or the life and physical sciences, in just a year or two. Asparents, a high degree of respect and tolerance would be expected from us as we do not want to directly antagonizethe interests and curiosity of our children.

One of the things that keep me stay in Rotary despite my poor condition in life, is the high degree ofvolunteerism that I see among active Rotarians. I come from a small club, been a Past President of it, and ourresources and capacity to do community and humanitarian work is limited. But I have seen other clubs and otherfriends, doing great work to help our less privileged countrymen and women, often by digging deep into their ownpockets, or by utilizing their wide network of friends who have the material and financial capacity for certainprojects.

This week and the previous weeks, I have seen or have been involved, in some debates on whether we shouldhave a Reproductive Health (RH) law or not. I have taken the negative position even though I have utilized zeroreligious or church argument on the subject, just pure economics. I believe that many of the arguments of the billlike controlling maternal death and reducing early or teen pregnancies are noble. But what I find objectionable isthe use of coercion, of forcing everyone else in the country, to finance that proposal via legislation and taxation.Can’t those measures be done via volunteerism?

I like the Gawad Kalinga (GK), the Rotary Future Vision, and other voluntary projects of many other groupsand charity organizations. There is zero legislation, zero taxation, zero coercion involved. If people want to helpbuild houses for the poor, or give water and sanitation for the poor, or provide mobile X-Ray and maternal/pediatricclinics for the poor, they do so with the least political hassles and media noise possible. They simply do it becausethey want to help. They did not go on prolonged and sustained political lobbying to convince anyone who cares tolisten, to take their side and to declare the other side as wrong and irrational. No such thing.

It is the spirit of volunteerism and non-coercion, that keeps people to be attracted in Rotary, to stay in Rotaryor any other civic, charity and voluntary organizations. People get “paid” for it not in monetary form or businessor political fame, but in peer respect, in the feeling of having helped less privileged people in the more sinceremanner.

Our very own Charter President Bobby Dimayuga talked about “The Beginning

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MAYBE is NOBy Dr. Zeus Salazar

In the Philippines, yes is yes, maybe is no and no is rarelyheard. Ask a Filipino a yes or no question. Whether trivial

(Are you coming to my party?) or serious (Can I borrow money?),one is likely to get a yes, if the idea sits well with him. If it doesn't,he won't say no, he'll say maybe. His response, irresolute as it mayseem to non-Filipinos, doesn't necessarily reflect an inability tomake decisions. Rather, it shows a well-mastered tact of protectingthe other person from hurt. He says maybe though he means no tosoften the force of a direct negative and thus immediately assuagethe other person's feelings.

A description of Filipino society may be culled from what anthropologists call a high-contextculture, one in which the modes of behavior are not explicitly stated but are instead inferred in manydifferent ways, such as tone of voice, body language and the idiosyncrasies of the linguafranca. (Bycontrast, the low context behavior of Western societies is seen as abrasive, uncouth and impersonal.) In ahigh context culture, interpersonal communication operates both on personal feelings as well as upon theanticipated reaction of the other person.

This explains the Filipino's sharp intuitive sense or what he calls pakiramdam. It is a skill, learnedfrom birth, which enables him to grasp nuances, much like a trained musical ear distinguishes secondaryand tertiary themes in a dense symphony.

Pakiramdam, the level on which Filipinos carry on day-to-day relationships is the externalizationof an inner sensitivity called damdam. Damdam is made up of sentiments that collectively form theFilipino's sense of self. Thus hurting the feelings of a Filipino is the same as hurting his self-esteem. It istantamount to destroying the person himself. And when he loses face, he rises in defense of his life.

Philippine history is replete with examples of how far Filipinos would go to salvage woundedpride. Many of these occurred during the Spanish period, the archipelago's first contact with the West, anencounter between a people secure in their island-world and a people who were the product of the brutalage of colonization. Poles apart, their twains never met because they failed to read each other.

Although forced labor was an underlying cause of an 85-year revolution led by Bohol Islandchieftain Francisco Dagohoy, it was the refusal of a Jesuit priest to give his brother a Christian burial (theinsult and loss of face) that triggered it. Apolinario de la Cruz, a lay associate, was refused admission intothe religious order because he was an indio. He rebeled against the Spanish priests and founded a religiousorder exclusively for natives.

In more recent times, the Filipinos' need to regain their pride led to the EDSA Revolution of 1986.Their parliament in the streets removed the Marcos regime and restored the nation's democratic processes.How did Filipinos develop their own brand of sensitivity and how does it perpetuate itself in modernsociety? Certain aspects of Filipino history and culture offer some clues.

Then, as now, Filipinos tend to move in small social circles. Their groupings began with riverinesettlements called barangay populated by families belonging to the same clan. In the barangay societyeveryone knew each other by name and by personal history, followed the same traditions, fought commonenemies.

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Through the years, the barangay became a village, the village became a town, the town became acity and so on. But the quality of interpersonal relationships barely changed. Today, even in a megapolislike Metro Manila, Filipinos mingle in close, almost incestuous societal units.

It is not unusual in Filipino society for one's best friend to be a sibling or a first cousin. Whenmoving outside the family unit, the school or profession becomes the next societal grouping. Thesebonding groups are close enough to be considered surrogate families. As with any close group, whetherit be the family, the community or an entire nation, shared behavior patterns form.

Everybody knows the basic tenets of behavior. In the Philippines, as in most of Asia, these tenetsare based on respect, another outward manifestation of pakiramdam. Only in the Philippines would onefind a young executive addressing the company messenger, a much older man, in the third person pluraland using the respectful term po.

Language has trained Filipinos to distinguish between intentionality and non-intentionality. Forexample, the word suntok, which in English has the neutral meaning to hit, changes color when infixedor prefixed: sinuntok means was hit intentionally, nasuntok means was hit unintentionally. Becausedirectness is considered impolite, Filipinos use indirect speech to convey a need or desire. If a guest somuch as talks about the heat, the host's rejoinder must be cold drink.

Filipinos also have their own body language which, oftentimes, they alone can read. They candetect an insincere smile, which they call ngiting aso, the smile of a dog; a dour disposition (mukhangbiernes Santo, or a face for Good Friday); honesty (maaliwalas ang mukha, or a clean, fresh face.)

If in the West a declaration of decisiveness is I mean what I say and I say what I mean, in thePhilippines it is watch what I do and you will know what I mean. Through a highly developed sense ofperson, the Filipino has extended communication from a me/you model to a me/ you/us model, internal-izing the person he is trying to reach. It is communication which heeds the Filipino saying, Kapwa ko,kapatid ko. My fellowman is my brother, therefore, the person in him is the same person in me.?

KABIG NG KALIKASANBy Rtn Prof. Ma. Carmen Peñalosa

Anong kaligayahan ang di lipos ng kalungkutan? Anongkalungkutan ang di dumudungis sa maginhawang pag-

iral. Oo lalaki ka nga! Mabuway! Mapaglayaw! Subalit,mapalad ka’t tao ka. Nakakikilala ka rin ng katotohanan,nakapagtitimbang ng mga katuiran, at may sukdulang diwana di natitinag. Hala! Humayo ka’t pagharian ang walangkatuturang kabig ng iyong kalikasan!

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Basis for Our Club’sProjects

Areas of Focus:

Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Water and Sanitation

Maternal and Child Health

Basic Education and Literacy

Economic and Community Development

Avenues of ServiceFor years, Rotary’s commitment to ServiceAbove Self has been channeled through theAvenues of Service, which form thefoundation of club activity.

Club Service focuses on strengtheningfellowship and ensuring the effectivefunctioning of the club. Learn abouteffective club service in Membership andTraining .

Vocational Service encouragesRotarians to serve others through theirvocations and to practice high ethicalstandards. Observed each October,Vocational Service Month spotlightsRotary club projects related to this avenue,offering opportunity for clubs and districtsto use their professional skills in serviceprojects.

Community Service covers the projectsand activities the club undertakes toimprove life in its community.

International Service encompassesactions taken to expand Rotary’shumanitarian reach around the globe and topromote world understanding and peace.Rotarians can support International Serviceby sponsoring a project in another country,seeking international project partners tosupport projects in their own communities,or by personally volunteering at aninternational project site. Visit theProjectLINK database to post a project inneed of assistance, find projects to support,or learn about successfully completedprojects to replicate.

New Generations Service recognizesthe positive change implemented by youthand young adults through leadershipdevelopment activities as RYLA , Rotaractand Interact , service projects, and creatinginternational understanding with RotaryYouth Exchange .

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Schedule at a GlanceRotary gets readyto explore Lisbon

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I will always uphold the truth.

I am a Rotarian,I will always strive to be fair

in all my dealings with my fellow men.

I am a Rotarian,I will always endeavor to build goodwill

and understanding in my community,among my countrymen and among people of all nations.

I am a Rotarian,I will always seek to promote the greatest good

for the greatest number of people in the spirit of Rotary service.

I am a Rotarian,I will always uphold the Rotary International Motto:

“Service Above Self”

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In 2012, the effort to end polio made historic progress. The year ended with the lowest number of new polio cases in the fewest placesever. There were fewer than 250 reported cases, compared with 350,000 cases in 1985, when Rotary began the fight to end polio.

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Join Fight ToEnd Polio

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Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio - RI District 3830RI Training Calendar


● New Rotary officers begin their year of service● District Governor's Training Manual and Manual of Procedure sent to district governors-elect● District Rotary Foundation seminars take place July-November

August — Membership and Extension Month

● Governors-elect training seminars take place August-December in conjunction with Rotary zone institutes. Other training meetingsheld in conjunction with Rotary zone institutes may include programs for governors-nominee, governor- elect partners, and districttrainers. Rotary zone institutes also often include a regional Rotary Foundation seminar and a zone-level membership seminar.

September — New Generations Month

● Begin preparing for training meetings held February-May: district team training seminar, presidents-elect training seminar, and districtassembly

● Training and membership materials sent to district governors-elect electronically. This message contains links to publications intendedfor the district trainer.

October — Vocational Service Month

● Begin promoting dates of training meetings to incoming club and district officers● District team training materials are sent to district governors-elect for distribution to assistant governors and district committee chairs

before the district team training seminar. District committee chairs should ensure that members of their committee have the necessarytraining materials. The Assistant Governor’s Training Manual and District Committee Manual include discussion questions that shouldbe considered before the training meeting.

November — Rotary Foundation Month

● World Interact Week (week including 5 November)● Club Officers’ Kits sent to district governors-elect for distribution to club presidents-elect (includes the Club President’s Manual, the

Club Secretary’s Manual, Club Treasurer’s Manual, and the Club Committee Manuals: Administration, Membership, Public Relations,Service Projects, and The Rotary Foundation). Club presidents-elect should then distribute the contents of the kit to incoming clubsecretaries, club treasurers, and committee chairs. Each manual includes discussion questions that should be considered before the trainingmeeting.

December — Family Month

January — Rotary Awareness Month

● Governors-elect make final preparations for the International Assembly and their district training seminars● District governors-elect attend the International Assembly● Theme materials and RI information sent to district governors-elect for distribution at presidents-elect training seminars

February — World Understanding Month

● 23 February is World Understanding and Peace Day (Rotary’s anniversary)● District team training seminars take place for assistant governors and district committees

March — Literacy Month

● World Rotaract Week (week including 13 March)● Presidents-elect training seminars take place. Presidents-elect should develop preliminary goals using the Planning Guide for Effective

Rotary Clubs (found in the Club President’s Manual).

April — Magazine Month

● District assemblies take place in April and May. Incoming club leadership teams should further develop goals using the PlanningGuide for Effective Rotary Clubs

● District membership seminars should be held immediately following district assemblies


● Incoming club officers finalize their goals on the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs for the upcoming Rotary year and sharethem with their club at a club assembly

June — Rotary Fellowships Month

● RI Convention

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