The Glenville Mercury · wu singled out for indivtdua\ bon ... one dime." Leonard Colt, Col· wUI...

Mercury-410325-1.jpg MERCURY MUSINGS A eoa-- 011 , ..... W. __ _.,_. .... l HOTJID. .... to aUDd A ta.. a..a r hDpro..ed ftre- : the Dt:ed for u:tnl ,_ wtth ... tile .... f. JDOh IN b,.dnnt. in Soa6 the aeed for all GIIPIIIe lo be u'D.ited into one ....... , wtth one ftnt..-dau fire dlputmtllt aDd one tu: income floaa ScNU. Gk'arille aucl the cor- --. 'ftte lllft1P7 feela deeply fo r ..... wbo ... end l08IU In the ar. 'l'tnanliiJ' moraine. All the oo•m11Dftr Ktft4t A &e c:u ltrNU: oot •TWMn. u r- tt.e. t. aQ MIM or mm. tAt u .a be IN ooudou. alert ud __.. .. Wp U.. wt.a areYIAI\- .. ., __ aMZ"' .. .. .-.: ....... ,. .,of au. dat.d Thahlllaf, ,. ...,. 2 l, 1114,ut4oai"MMIII...- k wulzD. wtt:lt. Ute f .et Ulat tM ,..,. haft 'brow,atlt but UtUe ba thee maia iat.eruta of tid. comznunlt}'. I'Aacation, poll- tics and a u.letics wuo the bC theft , U theJ' an DOW. Por iutaece, the front pqe earrie4 a .to17 of a Teachers'· ln- lltit.W had ben held week before. OM of &be apeabn ... RaddeD .... now a local ..OU\, who.,.._. tbe poo .. BciiiC:atiorL" A..Dotb- G' story said that the Gk-DYIDe Normal footbaU traiaiftc would open at Linn, September 1. "Two weeks of viaorou traiDiDr will be rivPD . . • in preparation for the aeuon's •ork • . . Old llt'uftnta who .ant to try out for the team .• . shwld notify the eoaeh, Mr. Dawson, .&t GleariDe." The full text of John W. Dsvia' aecepta.aee apeec:b folloJriftc bia nomimtion for P1"Hident of the Uni ted Stat.N ftUed a pap and a b&ll. I)LANS are under way for the I" sixth a11nual Suawbe-Try Fes- tival to be held at B'!lckhannon, .lane 6 and e. Governor ll. !1. Nftly will crown the feat inl Qaeen em the WetJeyan College camp\a.. She wi ll be ..elected nest from a of aeT- aty M'lu .lean BaUey, W..toa, waa qaen the yen. Coallti• in the featinl area are Lewil, Hani!IOD, u,.hu. r, Bnboar aad TaJlor. Lrn"L£ PAPER The Franklin Daily JndeJ:, known u "the birgett little nen- p&Pft' in world," eclebrated tt. thirty-fifth birthday the past month. The. paper il published daUy and ae" .. Fr*lkf'Gir't, Kn· --. with a opopo\ation of leas than 1600, or aboul the tame. popuJa.. tioa .. GlenTille aud a f t w of lts •tdUtet. Final Rites Held For J. R. Garrett The Glenville Mercury -·-· ---- "'1lab Pla1lS to A11aD4 U.. T ... Twe1Ye ADd l natn.dor Repre.ent Col leae at Meet Held iD Huati:aaton Twelve studenta ._nd Mias Kath- leen Rob&rtton, in.truetor, repre- sented the College in the Wut. Vir- ginia JotereoUegi.ate Spe.eeh Futival in. Huntington, Thursday, FrMiay and Saturd.3y . On& hundred student& ff'Om ten pruented one-art Jl]ays, and in poe:try re.adinc. debate, eJ:temporane-ous ape.ak:lng and Ol'f.tlon durinc the thr H-day featival, to which · Marshall College .... hoot. Jo Reeder, College senior, who pltyed the role of a !airy in the play, "Land of Heart's Desiro,'' wu singled out for indivtdua\ bon- on by being 'Placed on the aU-state pity cut, alon,g with selections ff'Om other <OIIel'ft. No award s were made In the other event.l. o. .. Act Play Gi-• Tbe play, a poetle drama, waa given by east, Including Charles He.aaley, Heater, William Bqhu. Eva Amot, Beater ud 11;. lliu RobertaoD ctind.ed and ll taa Olive Myen, aeD· ior, ,.. her .. iatabt.. Cllae Boab, Ia the ectemponD- eou eftat. oa "Tbe: 1941 First Place Winners At Glenville First-plaee winners in the high achool apeecb eont.est held here Satur- day, March 16, are pictured be1ow in a taken for the Mor euJ'7 by Paul Bea.l, st.a« phot.og'l'lpher. MAY EXTEND ASSEMBLY PERIOD TOMORROW TO PERMIT STUDENTS AND FACULTY TO HEAR ADDRESSES ON SAmY EDUCA110N All-Day Conference Will Be Held With PriDdo pals, Superintendents and Teachers from Central State Area Aa Guesb Students and teachers of the Coll ege wil1 h ave a ch&IIU t omorrow to hear some of the new tre nds in learninl' a .. teaching safety education, tbe type that i.s being studied br tbe State education and Public Safety department&. I An conff'ftftl:e. [s to .. C:ommuter Seta Up lteld hf'l"e, •nd the ftnt matn •tent- Shoe Shine Parlor !:: ... In College Basement and fatultv to s it In on two boWfl of the pi'Orram r.thtr than one. Everybody has hu.Td the old Jin· Stat.e W. W. gl e, "Shoe shine, shoe shine, ten •:,dd a cent.a, one dime." Leonard Colt, Col· wUI he here. lege jun ior, haa that phraae "T he Ohiectlves of DrtYerw' llf· to ''Shoe shine, ahoe shine, anythine etv and Edur-ati<m In t\le you care to .,;ve." Cox, a «'m- vm he the dlansled by Ill- muter, decided there a. lot. of ton D. Kramer. adml nlrtl'atM .,. boya in t.he Cotkotre who oeeded tbe •!lltant. Cent er for SaftotT dust taken otr tlleir boota, .a he built. foot J'Nt., f ound an old chair u.fety &ftd drf-tu trafnln« and tet. up b011iaeu in the basement and an inHrudoor In teaeher boa ..... of the Old Buildiq. m ,.afet-r echusUon hi ttt. Um... "' I doft't UTe a lieen.M, .a I juft arty'a Sebool of I'Ai ueatke., .a.o M have to taM .mat U..,. wa.nt to .nw blatructor ln th• Scltool of ., ..... me,'' l&id Cu:. lht. be !adell : •-The tion at Rtrtnn Unfftnlty. All a .... """-entatm of the Ce"W Ill' Safety 'Ectot-atiOft , he W Debt Probletn lteY.Un6 to Nattoftal n.t eaM." Bob..t Ra1UBAn, BJcbard BaJ'Pft' &Del Paul Beal debated · the atftnuatiw aide of the. "West.em Uniotl" qa..UOn ap--.t a team. floo1D Fairmont. Primary Election "' ,..,. "'"' ..a- Pict:ured bere are meorrtMrs of tbe Col1ep debatmc tea.m, three of ud anl-ren ltiel In ftfteen •tee. ...... .. , ..... ..., Glmville"' ·- .. ..... ,.,_, , ........ •• In Progress Today '"· x ........ A. B .• u._., All U.. debaten ehOM aidu oD (Coa tiDuecl on pa .. 2) Hunt.ifll'loo n the put week-end. l"ront ro1r, Belen Heatlt!r, Don H inkle, rPa., and A. 11 .. Ne• York Uti..,._ Robert Bauman; back row, Paul lleal aad Richard See story oa Student. bepn earrtin; t.Mir votet t.eaeher ... tU &peeeh f Ntiw.l in thi.l the 'Primary eleetton The work of the Cut•r u ...,.. De Wh . S k Admuu atrahon Hall have eon- ported by an • nnual l'f'&nt of .,.. ,.. an pta s Hand Will Be Quicker Than tht Eye """"' the doy. Twenty 000 .... m ... Notional eo .......... T W rt T he S lilted on the baUotll BurNu. Since ita eet.ablillhment til 0 1 eac r At Annual Chemistry Day Show Here '" Studottt Cou"<il ...... a nd , .. 1938. tho c ..... ,., owen!od ..... --- I student of the Supreme than 200 feUowships and acholaf. "What ThiDe:t An. Lac:lrinc ln the Freak U aea For ElectricilJ' travelinr the atage on a * m Court. hours ue from 8 a. ahios. About 1.000 atudenta !.aft TnlDiDS' of Bich &boot Studeota," WW _or Iicht, or shadow •bie.b atandl m. to 12 noo? , and from 1 to <I p, m. attended coune.a tMre . OD April 18 .. om-r:: .. .a:! in tb'!e = eo,, .. If Cotton Mather wue and It ia the u me show .\.· h 3 000. the Supreme Court, in which eue The first was held :ye.aterday at Qeaoo u uc• ..-· - - w"' . .. ')OI) P'"'"• saw at the 1 two boys and two g_ irla ,.,ill b_e nomi- cord State Teachera eou,... - 11 .... World's Fair and whieh one New na....... ese 1 ate.a ... u enter bein1t held t.od!y at. Wut Virwtala mo- ">mportant faeton contributing could be here A'Pril 18 be be .. " ..... Th d d I to lack of training (1} Lack further convinced of the tnltb of York newspaper c:alle:d "the most. jn- ' the election, April 8. lnstrtute of and otlleN o! language knowledge and, ( 2) witeheraft when. the riM and awe·inapiring feature today is _ under the. are to be held at West Llbertp, :;r o! 'l f the fair." Oliver Ajer of the Gen· \On of the e.leetJon comml,ttee. and Marth 27, at Fainnont , ta, in proportion to other work. part of tht' College's te:nth a nnual Electr ic. reae.nch laboratory the Student Council. and at Shepherd State March 2t. After the Collference Mr. White Chemirtry DJ y. natr will make the presentation spent the. night viaiting relatives In A varier! .H!ientLfic procram is abo ·· Hou- .,.; .... tho -m• Woman's Club Variety Show P romt"ses Parkeraburr. planned fn Saturday, Apri l 19, ac.- , , ..... ... ·- Tast e of Broadway; Will Featu re Acts Lion conference under the supervia- nual ••• G •• •• Of Surprise From the Great White Way ion of the F. T. A. At a dinner in In the "Bou,c af M.sgie" the eye .. , ""' .... .. the evening he .,m speak on "M.ak· is fasci nated to see Uri llianl eo lon 11 uoratory -...tdch are of most in- ing Professional Principles Effec· leap out unt!cr the invisible light tere-'!t to the lapnan aTe included t.i ve," roys of the ultra-violet. ln.n'I'JI, mu!ie (Conti nued on page .C) Funeral Servi ces Held For Mrs. Hall Funeral urviees for Mn. Sophia Hall of Hurat, Lewi1 County, were held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Broad Street United Brethren Chu.rt.h in We.ston, v.·ith thl' Rev. Fred pastor, in charge. Mrs. Hall is .turvived by her bua- bsTid, R. M. HaU, and !our childTen, all former atudents in the College. They are: William lbll, A. '21, at home; Stanley HILl\, J. C. '29, in· atructor m aodal 5eience and uslrt- ant coach m Glenville High School; .Mra. Marie Gibaon, A. B. ':«, of Morgantown; and Mila Edna Hall, former student, teacher in Walkers- ville High &:hGOl. Glen'viUe High &:hoot v.·u dis- Thursday aft.emoon in order hat tearhe.n. might. attend aemee$40,000 FIRE SWEEPS DOBBINS LUMBER PLANT; G[J'S FILUNG STATION, JrniiDENCE GLENVILLE'S MOST DISASTROUS fiRE A real thrill er i!l promised the audi "' nc:e. when the curtAin goes up Tue11day night, April 1, at the Wom - an's Club Benefit V.ariety Show. "Br oadway at 8:30," the curtain raiser. is llein( planned as a s ur- prise feature packed with thrills and other surpriaes pr01nised t.hi'Oughout the sho-w. Mr.1. John E. Arbuekle arrived Monday from Florida w!M!re she baa been vacationing with Mr. fol' the past month and haa taken her T>l&ce at of the La.d ie11 Minstrel, lhull cGmpleting the cast. Colorful and trappings , old song !avorit.toa of minJtrel d.Jys. jokes And dance& will be.- features of tbit first Ladi ee Minstrel ever to be pre!;ented here. JOINS A IR CORPS Allen Bop-s, who ha.s been drt-r- ing the new bus for the College. t.. joined the Air Corps at Lauclar Field , Va. He drove the Col .... spee.c.h festival rontest.ant.a to Ban• tington the put week. 16 College Girls To Attend Sta te Sports Conve nt ion Si:lrt(>en gi r ls will leave, Apnl 4, to attend the convention of the Ph}·,ieal Educatloa Assot'iation in the Munielpal Audi- torium at Charleston. RepM! ae ntatlve. Lachrymose leuetakings, villain- from tM will appea r in a ous vituperations and TMnly maneu- ,a(e-&nt F'riday eveninK at • 8 o'doek vering. in " He Ain't Done Right by with a stunt and tumbling and PJT&- Nell" will recall once apin ro- mid demonstntiona. mantic da ys when melodrama flour- Thi1 is the first time Wut Vfr- i$he d throurbout the Ja.nd.. ginia baa ente rtained the Aa.soct... The of F&.!llhi ont not only tion a11d all phrsiul edueation ,.,; n depict co.stumes of the Roaring era of the s tate b.aV"C been &.o in a group. Eighties, the Cay Nineties and the attend and suppoTt the Weat. Viryba- Pinal rite. wer. coochJcted &tar· ;::to!(. the MasOl'ie Education Mloeiatioi .. ,. af\emoon .t Sand Fork fo r _ ------------ Soho Ra1tdall one e!t INTRAMURAL TOURNAMEN't' U:e ::::: afon!e; FINAU WILL BE TONIGHT In this picture, taken tor the did not <:lllTJ' ir.suran c:e on the fix- throagbout the prognm. Mrs. Earl C.Jlece tn.de11ta, namely, Mur1eJ Mercury by Paul Deal, stair photog- turn. &gp, of the dlft«l, has C.nett MeCin·nia, Fred Garrett •nd Tht Collr-Jre l$-"*nl basket.- rapher, Olle can reJ. some conception S light damsgt:, mainly from JlkY- announced that... because of the im- a.'oy Garrett. hall tournament opened ye.sterc:U..J of fire whkh ea-ly Thursday ing water on tM buildin.g, was pouibility of securin1 time.a and lb. Garrett , 16 yean old, A:ied at 3 o'dock. In t.he .tan..- mominr .wept. dun the D?bbina don e to the Cecil D:t.''is in pi:H·es (or Hbearssll!, the ballet ea.r17 rriday mominc ftl thn Mme of ing l;ll!l'IC PA)-mond T!-acy'a five Lum.ber Company pl ant, the Jsmes Brooklyn r has had to be ah2ndoned. Ilia only dauchter, WGyne August Ka!r'l quint.f't, H. Uu-ke.y filling st:l"! <i n tL'C.d r estauGl t! n\'ille f\re'men fouRht th'! Advance ticket sales beran Mo n · lteltb, Sand Fork. Be aa a 33-3-1.. Theodore Hollot's tee m. ant and the H. 0. residence until they wero under eon- day snd will eontinue throughout .,.,mhf'r o( the Coun· ty Court from league ch:Lrnp.s, boW\!d to Fred in South GlenviUe. trol about Z a. m. and were assisted t t.- i!l Spe-c:ia l :-at -,a wO! be l'iven !Mol to And t1ro tonn! 15 aher- ShT'\: vO's Sharp.shootcra, 04. -31, W'l 1'he fire, said !.o started hy the Wf'ston Votunteer F ire De- college and bigh school .studen ta. Ill', tM4 to 1901, aad 1912 to 1916. the seco nd g3me. Hollot's team led, fi"'m a. small gu stne in a work ptrtment. AJ11o he ,., depctJ aberift for sev- Z'J- 17, at t.'le half. Shreve led the room, was one of t he \'o' O"'lrt in Glen- Mr. Larkey, wi•'l on Friday JNl up .a ,...,.. He " 85 hom Jn Gilmer F torinr with t 6 point.a. ville'.s htstory D.. :nr .,o(e h\d l>etn e,s. !lo temporary huilding and bop.n Coa.nt)' in 184.5, and in 18'7<1 ma Tt.i.s aftrmoon 1t 3 o'clock thn:l.ted &t U0.0,)0, no•"l it') · -.elllng guollnc :lnd oil, uid tha lied Il ia Dnnll la & 11 ya Stout, wbo Tney'a fivr ,.,m me-et Fnnk llam- V.!". DGbbir -3 c-r.rri ..... l "bou.: $1000 In- · l;)ropcrty owners planned t.o rebuild CJed tn 1n1. mer's quintet In the on bi,; M':'. M nt once. Dobbins family moveJ Be Is 111 nvh·ed bJ one ert. Battlen will b1' tbt' SiO):T'ist h)U:J t i: ;!W, a rtsidence at the north ud \hne sons. Horace Ga-rrett, team at t o'doek. Finals .a.nd lh'! La:k• J nt:1.t:o:1, by and of the new bridce tnd Ute loU X. de}KltJ will be , IOftlcb\ at. 7:80 Col'Chrut' ::.boJ ;a ... &,. on, lf •J ,. :t.f! griita movl!i t.o the Bol t apartm&Dta ......... .... a-.. . llf ·:·: _ .: '-"'C"I'i.'d: Kr IArkeJ oa Main Stl-'- STUnERS VISI T HERE Orrie Stuiler, A. 1:1. 4. 0, his wife, Eloise Walker Stutler. for-ner in the Collelrf!, wrl'e of Mr. nnd Mn.. Clyde Ot>Uon the pu: •cf'lt -end. ·The S t\lt.len; now .. :::re..lh. )II A MERCUR': EDITORIAL Let U5, the students and faculty of Glenville State Teachers College, meet and greet the many distingu is h- ed guests who will be here to morrow for the safety con· terence. Let attend as many o! the program f eature!\ as we can. Let us talk 11afety edu- cation, s kldy 5afet;y educa- tion . and then ACT it and UVEit. Surely the autbmobile, boil t. and designed for com· fort nod convenience, is not.· - ro ·, Pol> lie En"] · No, 1 . . _ . .

Transcript of The Glenville Mercury · wu singled out for indivtdua\ bon ... one dime." Leonard Colt, Col· wUI...



A eoa-- 011 ,.....W. __ _.,_. .... ~E-= l HOTJID. .... to aUDd A ta.. a..a r hDpro..ed ftre-~Ptiq : the Dt:ed for u:tnl ,_ wtth ... fire~~; tile .... f. JDOh IN b,.dnnt. in Soa6 the aeed for all GIIPIIIe lo be u'D.ited into one ......., wtth one ftnt..-dau fire dlputmtllt aDd one tu: income floaa ScNU. Gk'arille aucl the cor---. 'ftte lllft1P7 feela deepl y fo r ..... wbo ... end l08IU In the ar. 'l'tnanliiJ' moraine. All the oo•m11Dftr Ktft4t 17111~tby. A &e c:u ltrNU: oot •TWMn. u r ­tt.e. t. aQ MIM or mm. tAt u .a be IN ooudou. alert ud __.. .. W p U.. wt.a areYIAI\­.. ., __ aMZ"' .. .. .-.: ....... ,. ~ -

• .,of tiM~~ au. dat.d Thahlllaf, ,....,. 2 l, 1114,ut4oai"MMIII...- k wulzD. ~ wtt:lt. Ute f .et Ulat tM ,..,. haft 'brow,atlt but UtUe cha~ ba thee maia iat.eruta of tid. comznunlt}'. I'Aacation, poll­tics and au.letics wuo the bC top~ theft, U theJ' an DOW.

Por iutaece, the front pqe earrie4 a .to17 of a Teachers'· ln­lltit.W .tu~ had ben held ~ week before. OM of &be apeabn ... RaddeD .... now a local ..OU\, who.,.._. tbe poo .. ~cal BciiiC:atiorL" A..Dotb­G' story said that the Gk-DYIDe Normal footbaU traiaiftc ~amp

would open at Linn , September 1. "Two weeks of viaorou traiDiDr will be rivPD . . • in preparation for the aeuon's •ork • . . Old llt'uftnta who .ant to try out for the team .• . shwld notify the eoaeh, Mr. Dawson, .&t GleariDe."

The full text of John W. Dsvia' aecepta.aee apeec:b folloJriftc bia nomimtion for P1"Hident of the United Stat.N ftUed a pap and a b&ll.

I)LANS are under way for the I" sixth a11nual Suawbe-Try Fes­tival to be held at B'!lckhannon, .lane 6 and e. Governor ll. !1. Nftly will crown the featinl Qaeen em the WetJeyan College camp\a.. She will be ..elected nest ~ath from a ~up of ~me aeT­aty M'lu .lean BaUey, W..toa, waa qaen the ~Mit yen. Coallti• in the f eatinl area are Lewil, Hani!IOD, u,.hu.r, Bnboar aad TaJlor.

Lrn"L£ PAPER The Franklin Da ily JndeJ:,

known u "the birgett little nen­p&Pft' in ~ world," eclebrated tt. thirty-fifth birthday the past month. The. paper il published daUy and ae" .. Fr*lkf'Gir't, Kn· --. with a opopo\ation of leas than 1600, or aboul the tame. popuJa.. tioa .. GlenTille aud a f t w of lts •tdUtet.

Final Rites Held For J. R. Garrett

The Glenville Mercury -·-· ----"'• 1lab Pla1lS to A11aD4 U.. T ...

Twe1Ye Studeta~a ADd lnatn.dor Repre.ent Colleae at Meet

Held iD Huati:aaton

Twelve studenta ._nd Mias Kath­leen Rob&rtton, in.truetor, repre­sented the College in the Wut. Vir­ginia JotereoUegi.ate Spe.eeh Futival in. Huntington, Thursday, FrMiay and Saturd.3y .

On& hundred student& ff'Om ten ~ollegea pruented one-art Jl]ays, and parti~ipated in poe:try re.adinc. debate, eJ:temporane-ous ape.ak:lng and Ol'f.tlon durinc the thr H-day featival, to which ·Marshall College .... hoot.

Jo Reeder, College senior, who pltyed the role of a !airy ~hild in the play, "Land of Heart's Desiro,'' wu singled out for indivtdua\ bon­on by being 'Placed on the aU-state pity cut, alon,g with selections ff'Om other <OIIel'ft. No award s were made In the other event.l.

o. .. Act Play Gi- • Tbe play, a poetle drama, waa

given by • east, Including Charles He.aaley, Be~n Heater, William Bqhu. Eva Amot, Jam~ Beater ud 11;. lliu RobertaoD ctind.ed and lltaa Olive Myen, aeD· ior, ,.. her .. iatabt..

Cllae Boab, Ia the ectemponD­eou ~ eftat. ~b oa "Tbe:


First Place Winners At Glenville First-plaee winners in the high achool apeecb eont.est held here Satur­

day, March 16, are pictured be1ow in a p~torr.a.phl taken for the Mor euJ'7 by Paul Bea.l, st.a« phot.og'l'lpher.


All-Day Conference Will Be Held With PriDdo pals, Superintendents and Teachers from

Central State Area Aa Guesb

Students and teachers of the College wil1 have a ch&IIU tomorrow to hear some of the new trends in learninl' a .. teaching safety education, tbe type that i.s being studied br tbe State education and Public Safety department&.

I An all~n conff'ftftl:e. [s to ..

C:ommuter Seta Up lteld hf'l"e, •nd the ftnt matn •tent-

Shoe Shine Parlor !:: :"e:::~n t.c::~! ... ~l11= In College Basement and fatultv to s it In on two boWfl

of the pi'Orram r.thtr than one. Everybody has hu.Td the old Jin· Stat.e Sunerint~df'nt W. W.

gle, "Shoe shine, shoe shine, ten ~I •:,dd a :;e~y 0~~:-:io:ro=:: cent.a, one dime." Leonard Colt, Col· wUI he here.

lege jun ior, haa chang~ that phraae "T he Ohiectlves of DrtYerw' llf· to ''Shoe shine, ahoe shine, anythine etv and Edur-ati<m In t\le s~hooW' you care to .,;ve." Yet~, Cox, a «'m- vm he the t~uhjeet dlansled by Ill­muter, decided there ~tel a. lot. of ton D. Kramer . admlnlrtl'atM .,. boya in t.he Cotkotre who oeeded tbe •!lltant. Center for SaftotT Ed~tloe.

dust taken otr tlleir boota, .a he :~ !~~u:~t~!tyc!:·r.k= built. • foot J'Nt., found an old chair u.fety &ftd drf-tu trafnln« ~ and tet. up b011iaeu in the basement and an inHrudoor In teaeher boa ..... of the Old Buildiq. m ,.afet-r echusUon hi ttt. Um...

"'I doft't UTe a lieen.M, .a I juft arty'a Sebool of I'Aiueatke., .a.o M have to taM .mat U..,. wa.nt to .nw blatructor ln th• Scltool of .,..... me,'' l&id Cu:. lht. be !adell : •-The tion at Rtrtnn Unfftnlty. All a ....

"""-entatm of the Ce"W Ill' Safety 'Ectot-atiOft, he W ~

Debt Probletn lteY.Un6 to Nattoftal n.teaM." Bob..t Ra1UBAn, BJcbard BaJ'Pft' &Del Paul Beal debated ·the atftnuatiw aide of the. "West.em Rem~ Uniotl" qa..UOn ap--.t a team. floo1D Fairmont.

Primary Election "' ,..,. "'"' .....,~..,.. ..a-Pict:ured bere are meorrtMrs of tbe Col1ep debatmc tea.m, three of ud a n l-ren ltiel In ftfteen •tee.

...... .. ,..... • ..., Glmville"' · - .. t~wo ..... ,.,_, , ........ •• In Progress Today '"· x ........ A. B .• u._., All U.. debaten ehOM aidu oD

(Coa tiDuecl on pa .. 2)

Hunt.ifll'loon the put week-end. l"ront ro1r, Belen Heatlt!r, Don H inkle, rPa., and A. 11 .. Ne• York Uti..,._ Robert Bauman; back row, Paul lleal aad Richard ~r. See story oa Student. bepn earrtin; t.Mir votet ;,:~;:.:~rm-=~~. t.eaeher ... tU &peeeh f Ntiw.l in thi.l iu~oae. ~hi. mo~_inc i~ the 'Primary eleetton The work of the Cut•r u ...,..

De Wh. S k ~~ Adm uuatrahon Hall &Z~d have eon- ported by an • nnual l'f'&nt of .,..,.. an 1~e pta s Hand Will Be Quicker Than tht Eye """"' th.-o~hout the doy. T wenty 000 .... m ... Notional eo .......... T W rt T he S •~ lilted on the baUotll BurNu. Since ita eet.ablillhment til

0 1 eac r At Annual Chemistry Day Show Here '" Studottt Cou"<il ...... a nd , .. 1938. tho c ..... ,., owen!od ..... --- I student ~mben of the Supreme than 200 feUowships a nd acholaf. "What ThiDe:t An. Lac:lrinc ln the Freak U aea For ElectricilJ' travelinr ae~ the atage on a * m Court. Vot.u~og hours ue from 8 a. ahios. About 1.000 atudenta !.aft

TnlDiDS' of Bich &boot Studeota," WW Be~ _or Iicht, or • shadow •bie.b atandl m. to 12 noo? , and from 1 to <I p, m. attended coune.a tMre .

=~.-=-of~ ~ w~~ OD April 18 ~tm wh~~.,: :.~~~~~; .. Y· om-r:: .. ~und.:!at::m':~:: .a:! ~ in ~:e~:'=e h:~rein'- tb'!e = eo,, •En,t;,.:~h.b!',.C.•dn:~r:_~e~ .. :n,·hd~.· If Cotton Mather wue sliv~ and It ia the u me show .\.· h 3 000. the Supreme Court, in which eue The first was held :ye.aterday at Qeaoo

u uc• ..-· - - w"' . .. ')OI) P'"'"• saw at the ~e- 'y,,~

1 two boys and two g_irla ,.,ill b_ e nomi- cord State Teachera eou,... - 11

.... World's Fair and whieh one New na...... . ese 1 ate.a ... u enter bein1t held t.od!y at. Wut Virwtala mo- "> mportant faeton contributing could be here A'Pril 18 be ~u1d be .. " ..... Th d d ~•1 I to lack of training ~re: (1} Lack further convinced of the tnltb of York newspaper c:alle:d "the most. jn- ' the election, April 8. T~e lnstrtute of T~huology, and otlleN o! language knowledge and, (2) witeheraft when. the ~artains riM z~dibl~ and awe·inapiring feature ~nt.Mt. today is _under the. superv~a- are to be held at West Llbertp,

:;r ~~:bno!x::.~~!;!:~ a~~~ ~n.~~. ~to~e.ra! ~eeoc.:::.e·~~~'Os:s o! 'lf the fair." Oliver Ajer of the Gen· \On of the e.leetJon comml,ttee. and Marth 27, at Fainnont, Mar~h ta, in proportion to other work. part of tht' College's te:nth a nnual ~ra l Electric. reae.nch laboratory the Student Council. and at Shepherd State March 2t.

After the Collference Mr. White Chemirtry DJ y. natr will make the presentation

spen t the. night viaiting relatives In A varier! .H!ientLfic procram is abo ~e:h· , ··Hou- of ~ • .,.; .... :~ tho -m• Woman's Club Variety Show P romt"ses Parkeraburr. planned f n Saturday, Apri l 19, ac.- , ~ , ..... ~ ... ·-

mo~: ~b!:e:!".g;r~e:!~:u!:: ~:;:::;:to~ ~~::n r:~n~e~~oe;·t~~,~~ :~nr~!~· !~"e~h~o ::e:er:1ea~~c~t~; Taste of Broadway; Will Featu re Acts Lion conf e rence under the supervia- nual even~ . CN~~pa ••• ',.',.'pm'h.·.~~te.rFio,hy•d G •• i~:o •• ~·h· Of Surprise From the Great White Way ion of the F. T . A. At a dinner in In the "Bou,c af M.sgie" the eye .. , ""' .... .. the evening he .,m speak on "M.ak· is fascinated to see Urillianl eo lon 11 uoratory -...tdch are of most in­ing Professional Principles Effec· leap out unt!cr the invisible light tere-'!t to the lapnan aTe included t.ive," roys of the ultra-violet. ln.n'I'JI, mu!ie (Contin ued on page .C)

Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Hall

Funeral urviees for Mn. Sophia Hall of Hurat, Lewi1 County, were held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Broad Street United Brethren Chu.rt.h in We.ston, v.·ith thl' Rev. Fred Siau~tbtn, pastor, in charge.

Mrs. Hall is .turvived by her bua­bsTid, R. M. HaU, and !our childTen, all former atudents in the College. They are: William lbll, A. '21, at home; Stanley HILl\, J . C. '29, in· atructor m aodal 5eience and uslrt­ant coach m Glenville High School; .Mra. Marie Gibaon, A. B. ':«, of Morgantown; and Mila Edna Hall, former student, teacher in Walkers­ville High &:hGOl.

Glen'viUe High &:hoot v.·u dis­miss~ Thursday aft.emoon in order hat tearhe.n. might. attend aemee•






A real thriller i!l promised the audi"'nc:e. when the curtAin goes up Tue11day night, April 1, at the Wom ­an's Club Benefit V.ariety Show.

"Broadway at 8:30," the curtain raiser. is llein( planned as a sur­prise feature packed with thrills and other surpriaes pr01nised t.hi'Oughout the sho-w.

Mr.1. John E . Arbuekle arrived Monday from Florida w!M!re she baa been vacationing with Mr. Arbu~kle. fol' the past month and haa taken her T>l&ce at r~hearsals of the La.d ie11 Minstrel, lhull cGmpleting the cast.

Colorful costum~ and trappings, old song !avorit.toa of minJtrel d.Jys. jokes And dance& will be.- features of tbit first Ladiee Minstrel ever to be pre!;ented here.


Allen Bop-s, who ha.s been drt-r­ing the new bus for the College. t.. joined the Air Corps at Lauclar F ield , Va. He drove the Col .... spee.c.h festival rontest.ant.a to Ban• tington the put week.

16 College Girls To Attend State

Sports Convention Si:lrt(>en girls will leave,

Apnl 4, to attend the convention of the ~id-West Ph}·,ieal Educatloa Assot'iation in the Munielpal Audi­torium at Charleston. RepM!aentatlve.

Lachrymose leuetakings, villain - from tM Colle~te will appear in a ous vituperations and TMnly maneu- ,a(e-&nt F'riday eveninK at• 8 o'doek vering. in " He Ain't Done Right by with a stunt and tumbling and PJT&­Nell" will recall once apin ro- mid demonstntiona. mantic days when melodrama flour- Thi1 is the first time Wut Vfr-i$hed throurbout the Ja.nd.. ginia baa ente rtained the Aa.soct...

The of F&.!llhiont not only tion a11d all phrsiul edueation­,.,;n depict co.stumes of the Roaring era of the s tate b.aV"C been ur~red &.o

in a group. Eighties, the Cay Nineties and the attend and suppoTt the Weat. Viryba-

Pinal rite. wer. coochJcted &tar· Ce:~e:~ ;::to!(. the MasOl'ie :r;~:t~::~~·~ bt:~-..:~1 ::v:,;;~er ~ ::~:;ic,:!.at. Education Mloeiatioi

.. ,. af\emoon .t Sand Fork fo r _ ------------Soho Ra1tdall Garre~ one e!t C~l- INTRAMURAL TOURNAMEN't' nu;~e~me, ~o U:e en~~!'~= ::-~~:.~:·:,o~;~;, ::::: afon!e; F INAU WILL BE TONIGHT In this picture, taken tor the did not <:lllTJ' i r.suran c:e on the fix- throagbout the prognm. Mrs. Earl C.Jlece tn.de11ta, namely, Mur1eJ Mercury by Paul Deal, stair photog- turn. &gp, di~tor of the dlft«l, has C.nett MeCin·nia, Fred Garrett •nd Tht Collr-Jre l$-"*nl basket.- rapher, Olle can reJ. some conception S light damsgt:, mainly from JlkY- announced that... because of the im-a.'oy Garrett. hall tournament opened ye.sterc:U..J of tb~ fire whkh ea-ly Thursday ing water on tM buildin.g, was pouibility of securin1 time.a and

lb. Garrett, 16 yean old, A:ied ~fle.rnoon at 3 o'dock. In t.he .tan..- mominr .wept. dun the D?bbina don e to the Cecil D:t.''is rt!:!~ld6llce in pi:H·es (or Hbearssll!, the ballet ea.r17 rriday mominc ftl thn Mme of ing l;ll!l'IC PA)-mond T!-acy'a five Lum.ber Company plant , the Jsmes Brooklyn r has had to be ah2ndoned. Ilia only dauchter, M~. WGyne ~rounced August Ka!• r'l quint.f't, H. Uu-ke.y fill ing st:l"! <i n tL'C.d r estaur· Gl t!n\'ille f\re'men fouRht th'! Advance ticket sales beran Mon· lteltb, Sand Fork. Be urv~d aa a 33-3-1.. Theodor e Hollot's tee m. ant and the H. 0. residence flame:~ until they wero under eon- day snd will eontinue throughout .,.,mhf'r o( the Coun·ty Court from league ch:Lrnp.s, boW\!d to Fred in South GlenviUe. trol about Z a. m. and were assisted t t.- i!l w~k. Spe-c:ia l :-at-,a wO! be l'iven !Mol to Jik~O And t1ro tonn! 15 aher- ShT'\:vO's Sharp.shootcra, 04. -31, W'l 1'he fire, said !.o l'l.o.v~· started hy the Wf'st on Votunteer F ire De- college and bigh school .studen ta. Ill', tM4 to 1901, aad 1912 to 1916. the seco nd g3me. Hollot's team led, fi"'m a. small gu stne in a work ptrtment. AJ11o he ,., depctJ aberift for sev- Z'J-17, at t.'le half. Shreve led the room, was one of t he \'o'O"'lrt in Glen- Mr. Larkey, wi• 'l on Friday JNl up .a ,...,.. He " 85 hom Jn Gilmer Ftorinr with t 6 point.a. ville '.s htstory D .. :nr.,o(e h\d l>etn e,s. !lo temporary hu ilding and bop.n Coa.nt)' in 184.5, and in 18'7<1 mar· Tt.i.s aftrmoon 1t 3 o'clock thn:l.ted &t U0.0,)0, no•"l it')· n11.1~ -.elllng guollnc :lnd oil, uid tha lied Ilia Dnnll la & 11ya Stout, wbo Tney'a fivr ,.,m me-et Fnnk llam- V.!". DGbbir-3 c-r.rri ..... l "bou.: $1000 In- · l;)ropcrty owners planned t.o rebuild CJed tn 1n1. mer's quintet In the •m~n.ah. Ito~ lt\U ar.~C'. on bi,; pUn~ : M':'. M ~h. n t once. n~ Dobbins family moveJ

Be Is 111nvh·ed bJ one dli.'O, ert. Butch~r'l Battlen will mc~t o .vn~r b1' tbt' SiO):T'ist h)U:J t i: ;!W, i r~t4 a rtsidence at the north ud \hne sons. Horace Ga-rrett, Shreve ·~ team at t o'doek. Finals .a.nd lh'! La:k•J nt:1.t:o:1, ~om~--d by and of the new bridce tnd Ute Sl~ loU X. p~t. de}KltJ will be , IOftlcb\ at. 7:80 Col'Chrut' ::.boJ ;a ... &,. on, lf •J ,.:t.f! ~:.,...,., griita movl!i t.o the Bolt apartm&Dta

........ ..... a-.. .llf ~ ·:·: _ o•:~k. .: ,~~:;· '-"'C"I'i.'d: Kr IArkeJ oa Main Stl-'-


Orrie Stuiler, A. 1:1. •4. 0 , 1\fl~ his wife , Eloise Walker Stutler. for-ner ~tud rnt in the Collelrf!, wrl'e •~NUts of Mr. nnd Mn.. Clyde Ot>Uon the pu: •cf'lt-end. ·The S t\lt.len; now

~~ .. :~nc-~~· :::re..lh. 9~U.~ )II


Let U5, the students and faculty of Glenville State Teachers College, meet and greet the many d istingu ish­ed guests who will be here tomorrow for the safety con· terence.

Let ~ attend as many o! the program feature!\ as we can. Let us talk 11afety edu­cation, skldy 5afet;y educa­tion . and then ACT it and UVEit.

Surely the autbmobile, boil t . and designed for com· fort nod convenience, is not.· -ro ~ecome ·, Pol> lie En"]· No, 1 . . _ . .


,...,._ '1'be glenville :Mercury . . . . . nuoau Jr&W-SPAPD OP GLitJIIVIU,.&


hWiMecl ...a. Ta-.r 4ariDc &M acbool ,.r'Virei~r~ ~:d.:O~ .ail ID&U&r. Sub~riptioo price, fii\J ceota for ,....

llember : West Vir,rinia IntercolleJiate Preu .laociation. West Vir,-inia Newspaper Council, As­.. W OoDecfate Prea. OU.tribotor of Collegiate 1>..-t. k.epriisented fo r natioiNll ad ·urtiaio l' by Jiatlonal Advertisinc Se.nice, Inc., New York City.

Tueaday, March 2~, 1941


-.,. Capel's

* * • Ac.-e~s,. ... A. Lil• lor Coli .. • 111-'­

AAII ,.,._,.

During a recent class report. in Mr. R. E. Freed's "Problems of the Family.'' hearts throbbed and the males were "ta ll ears" as the statement read: "College girls make the wortt wives iu tbe world." (One man's opinion).

Min Kathleen Robertson and the contesta.nts are back from the festivities; yes. they look tho .same . . I. Hoover geb a promotien at Verona Mapel . . .

ALD is t he paper it is printed on; but new VL Weat decides to major in his-V as every n ew vacancy in 8 position of re- tory . .• B. Whetzel is now jerk-

=~ibjl!!t:eanf~ras d~vpe:!d~t~:. ~r:;t:~~chu; :.~.~d;:r;!Lh .. ::,~=~·M!:h. ~ 1I'Orkers is the wisdom of the advice that Spencer divouee ... "Ab" Woof-bnp in a fra me above the glass-covered w 11aya h.e'e daliag the ~writ.-•alletin board in Administration HaJJ . er steady 21ow . . . J . Hngbt

"To the youth of the world, be cleaa. tlllouabt "Daqan's" house wu Tour personal record will follow you all of buming Wedneaday nicht . · · J'OUr life." As evidence of the truth of tbia ''Doc" a.nd Kat7 spend a quiet Mlel'tion, printed there is a Jist of questions weoek..end in tM coun.t.ey . . . B. Mked by busineas coneems about the edu- Bol81<ti- oow accompanies Hateb-eation, penonal habits and previoua employ- iaton to tbe Pil&er plantation .. • .. nt in the recorda of those who a pply for Frank H. alld Madeline H . oceu-~bs. The counterparts or this -evidence are p7 the libney .up. frequently. tile· requeata that faculty .members receive EJdred J. "ceta a a day" for recommendatioiUI of students. ffllm Falrmoat . .. H. McGwee'•

Aaide from the rewards of a good record " PioDHrett." are tope, in the .. the fonn of personal satisfaction and 10- • g{rle' bukedl.all lHcae. clal adVant age, as a plain , cold bLJa1neas a.. · We wondu: What the attn,c.. elt, ·a clean personal record · is essential.- tion ia at Salem, for the Verona Pa-ol Beal. I( a pel ttou-pe ~ U C. Piereon e•er


trOD A Y rwe are nominating students to fi)] I Jmportant positions as representatives in llla~pt goVernment. The aoverign power U• rn· oPr hands-bands ot the voteD. we are'''iiliJcing. our choice from which there ia ao ~p}.leve exc~pt we so will it. Let the can­•ld•.\110 be caubous, for it ahall be thr8ugh ':~~8~od graces that the crown resta on their

This primary selects two persons for eacll. ofBce to be va cated . These nominees are ob­IIJ&ted t o their constituency to make every poeaible effort to be e lected. If they, as nom­IDees, do not advance progressively, actively aad honestly in securing vote!!, t hey deserve aoJie, They s ho uld build a platform so sin­ure and solid that the wolf can't get down tlte chimney ; if success crowns their efforts, they s ho uld not forl'et those pro mised re­form.a.

Achilles s ulked in his tent by the seashore wbiJe the Trojans bravely slaug hter e d the Greeks. These A c hiJi eses (if s uc h thet:e be) must fo rget their d efeated favorites and IUpport one of the m ajority's ch oices. Two aood nominees r unnin g in t h e gene·ral e lec­tion a re likely to run neck t o neck, so in the ••ads of the d efea ted large ly li es victory.­Cieo Berry .


eees a curve in the road f .. , How tbe · de-merit &Jstem would work Ia the men'& dormitory? . •.

' \fby G. fought 6H WedRnda7 night wilb a bow tie on~ . . , Who broke the ~lepho11e In Loaia B~nett Hall? ..• Wb7 " Buck" J . and E. Keith can't itnd time for each other! .. . Why B . .Dec:ker doean't settle down '! ..

Bon jour.-.D. B. et sl.

Reeder On All­State Play Cast

(Continued fi'Om page 1)

tion necess:lry to defeat the Axia Powers.'' They held caucauuea, se­lected ftoor leaden and participat­ed in a legislative session on tbe subjec•- According to a vote b.ken at the end of t .. e debate, the audi· ence ~'I! evenly divided on the qu estion.

Homer Moore P•rticip•te.t Bomer Moore read Vachel Lind·

aay'a " The Congo," a poetic study of the .negro r3ce.

Morris Harvey College presented the melodrama , "He Ain't Done Right by Nell ," whi(h_is to be given here in the Benefit Yariety Show sponsored b3 the .Glenville Woman 's ·Club, April 1.

Professors from Ohio State Uni­versity, ,Dr. Eugene H. Bahn and Earl W. Wile7, were critics of the

BENEFIT VARIETY! .. n••;,:,e.:'! ; :,:_ o~•··•·· MORE t ha n fi f ty local people will turn to

sh ow business, if only for a one-night ltand, April 1, w hen t h e Variety Show, spon-

;~~nt~~ ~~8th~~~~ill~~e '!~:n~::~u;,lu~,h~; wtu also become benefactors of humanity for the mo ney raised w ill be for the clu_b '~ aetiv ities. '

It takes a great deal of work to prepare for a function of this kind. Som e of t h e dances require hours of rehearsal, and an al­most endless search is being made f or cos. tumes for the fashion parade. Also it takea a bit of fortitude fo r co llege instructors or business men to assume the role of actor.s be­fore their own neighbors. But they are will­hll' to do all this in order to be of service to the community. This show is only one of the many valuable services w hich the Woman's Club performs. It has been of aid to so m a ny people in so many diffe rent ways that it would be all but impossible to enumerate its activities.

This performance, however, is of especial nlue, for it will enable many of us t o attend and b e happy in knowing that we are mak. big others bappy.-Aibert Woofter.

Aside f rom the f estival, several I Glet~ville stt.dents witnesaed a coast.­to~oaat broadcast of Sammy Kaye's orchestra, danced to his music in the WCMI Jbdio Center and got a utographs of Sammy and members or the orehestn. They fl ew in air· planes, swam in the YMCA pool and saw tbe acreen version or "Tobac~o Ro:ad."

Members of Alpha Psi Omet• at-­tended the f rate rn ity'• convention and luncheon at the Frederick B o­,.1.

Ruth Ann abel Hull, senior, &e·

companied the s-peech representa­tives to Hunti ngton where she viait­ed relatives a.nd attended 'P&rt of the [utiv:Rl.

While In Huntington, Olive My­ers viai~d the Misses Mable and Em· m.a. Myera, sisters or Miss Ivy Lee Myers, instl"Uct.or in the College. They tucll in th a Huntington hiP schoola.

-Q.uck....,"""'"""""""'_. Q UIPS

--·~~--------------- 1-~~---===~--Collettiate World The local theater at Fayette, Mo., is of·

fe ring free t ickets to the Central Coll ege campus organiz-aion with the highest grade a •erage.

The Daily Athenaeum .Morgetowu

D ear Sira: I know a senior here who

ta interested in your Whop.­perswapper Day. H e wanta to trade a couple of " F's'' for a cap and gown.

T.-ar, ........

~~(;j: CW/tla tlae !Ne~ .... ~ ........ I'OLLEGE studn"' are all a-flitter t1a11 " w eek ... Probably because today ia the big primary election • • • All through the halt. and on the campus, candidate. are heard

making tJteir la!:lt stand whlch will ei t he r put hem in or out of t he final

rou nd-up of genera l elec-­·on ti me in April ... Fore­oat in the race are presi-

d ential candidates • • • Three hall boys, all rwor­hy e ligibles . . . A touah ecision to make when

ONE OF RADIO'S best beu ia the ememble eiaging of ~~~ t~~r!h.:a:~~~t gi.e'ai

~=~~!efi~~'!iJ~t'::ek!r~=;~:·~"!::;i:= excitement in South Gle11- "-- w..-.. Waring~ wbo origi.u.ated the organ-like technique used uni- viJJ e Thunday morninl' when pandemonium

venally with glee cluba. profeeaional and ecltolasti'1 spend• :~~!:ss~od~n::: t:;"::la~o~~=• h:~r~.te1:~ bounirathe arnagementofeachenaembleoumber.The v. bole history . .• Worthy of men\ion waa the ••

;;;;;;;;bm~di;;;;slclrillii';;ed~to~pe~rl~ect>;;·~·a;;ia~th;""';;~·ocal;;;;gct;·~···;g•;th;e;n.;;;;;;;;;;j~~ unteer work of many Collece boys . •• a. denta will remember the Dobbin~' mHt17 t.-

11 111e Mercury1 the cooperation and helpfulneu ehowu at

I I many Home.-cominl' celebration& here ·::2 ~lud~n,!_FOI'UID These new• even"' and the springtime .. ~ ...., love·bUI'I- all make for chatterinra


WHAT'S laJpeaed t.o the Camp- I us Cata? That seem. to be a

common question any more. Durinc tbe am few weeb of

college tb;. y•r, a fruhnla!l bo:r from Roane Cou11ty began to ahow an intere.t in orcanizine • college o~bestra. U11der the di­rection and tu-perviaion of tbiec student, an orehutra wu orpa­it:ed, and started playil'll' for the aampu1 danee.. lAter, a ai~r was added, and everything wu cominc alone fine. Then all of a sudden the Campua Cat& are no mnre. What's wro·oc?

I'M aure that aU the .tudenta 011

tho ea mpus n!it only enjo7ed the talent of oar own atudenta, but they were proud of it. 1\ wu

By Clyde Dotao11 Tho1e seeking di ppinga from

newspapers will find abundant material in the baseinent of the Lih-:lry. Three copies o! the Ex­pone-nt, three of the New York Times, the New York Herald Trib­une, The Baltimore Sun , Metro­•polita n, magazine sections [rom papen~ and a host of other so ur· ees are avaib ble. There are even &cissors furn ished to use. One re­quest to students is: Please don't take clippings !rom the papers that still on the rack. They are there Ior reading only. In a d"Jy or two they wilJ be taken to the basement where students may openly ''li[t" the material they want from them. A word to the courteous nHd aot be eniiU"ged .v'J)on.

An inLoresting li ttle magazine, "Vocational Guidance Digest/' has been added to the list at the Li· brary. It haa a create...a-job de­partment with it1genuous sugges­tions ror sel!-employment. Over· looked by many i' " The Studio," the magazin e of ncent turbulent history. Its office at 44 Leicester Sq uare, London, was bombed to destructio n the past November. " Though aligbtly delayed, the monthly issuea o! 'The Studio'

much better to bne tile Campu Cata for a danee tlu.n a " Aide." and they furn ished anoucb pod

muaic for ua •• a eollep to be proud of them. They were In the limelight, and then auddenly wa hear only an echo o.f the band 'lritlt wh ich they .tarted. Ia the reuoa for their dia .. ppeannce our faultf Did we not seem appreeisti.-e'! t. there anJth inr we t<&n do?

Fo:-;: a ~o7.:g:h~~~t .~a:f ~:; own to be able to •boast of an or­ebeatra.

Come oo, Campua Cota, wbere'a your l])irit? We're expecc:tinr to you awing out agai n in the near (uture.~~n McMillian.

continue tO come through." The J anu ary issue bas just arrived. . . .

-THERE'S a new rlllfio program on the alr I .. . It•s '1Jobs for De{eoae," beaua ~wo

rweeks ago tby CBS and scheduled to aid U. government to help fit worlr:en to w._ joba ... Ita purposes are to auwer problema arising over hiriDJ mHJions of new worker, t hat have to reci!Jve basic training for thefi' jobs,. and to advise those who are eager te gain employment in the defense work • •• P rograms are heard Saturdays at 12 :4& p. m. EST . .. Ralph E. tFiandera of the •; of Production Management wnt be h Saturday . .. Mn. Franklin D. Roosevelt bead a round table April 19 on the role of youth in defense industriee. ---Townapeople and atudeato are talltiQ about: Glenville High School's ou"'taadiq baaketball play ia the State tournament ••• Seniors ordering announcement. and jeweJ.. ry ... Pictureland Theater under new rna. agement .•. J. H. Larkey to rebuild LuacJa.. eon and Filling Station •. . The new "broOJD. stick" skirts at a local department atore. ---.Musica l notes: If you haven't beard them yet, listen to the Modernairea, male swiq vocal quartet, 'W ho recently joined the Glenn Miller broadcaata over CBS .•. Lut heard on the air with Paul Whiteman, three

AMthtt West VirginiaD who hail from Buffalo, N. Y •• where they «t.arted made cood Is William Robl1130n singing together in high school . . • Their Leigh, ho m September 2-3, 1888 dance orchestra memberships have included in Berkeley Cou nty. Educated ia O zzie Nelson, Ted Fiorito, Charlie Barnet, Maryl.ud lutitute, &ltimoN!, be a nd Fred Waring . .. F or pleasan t listeniq, went to Munich, Bavaria , to eo11- Gwendoly n Beall suggests " Watkin' by the t inue hia art stud7 in the Royal Rive r,'' as sung by .Martha Tilton. Academy under Raupp, Gysia, [ ---~:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:_ __ , Loc.ftz, and Lindense.hmidt. A cad- ~

emy m~ls were awarded hi m eaeh year. In 18&3 he established himself in New York.

Wbilo hi.s pictures are famoua enough to be in the possess.ion of His Maje'lty, the King of the Bel­gians, the Duke of Windsor, and rolleetors all over the United States, he is also a writer. One op l11y, ''Oiipt Wings .. " published in 1931, and "The Western Pony," aelec:ted by th e American Insti tu te of Graphic Art! as one of the "Fi!ty- Best Bookst' or the year

in : :l33, are omong his produc· lions. His latest book, ''Frontiera or Enchantment," published in 19138 , is in the Library. I t has been published by the Book of the Month Club; an English edi­tion has been published an d • Swedi9h editio11 is now in prepa.r­ation.



~~c;uH:~~~h\~;;er~~~i:7:s:i~a:=··~c·~:ha~ rogue fin-t ean;e to the ftlms in 19117, and now in this l:s test of the series, Warren WiUiam irn the

title role, hia valet ia Erie Blore. and his date it ~raaeea Robinson.

And the Techt~icol or 6bu ketp coming! Th e latest will be "ChaJ Hanm ." at the P idare­):lnd, Wedneaday and Thu~

day, starring Henry Fonda, Dorothy Lamour and Linda Du rnell. The sto ry waa in " The Ssturd:1y Evening Post" as " Red Wheels Rolling." 1

"Tin Pan Alley," generally Gwea Beall

MA YBY f M WRONG BUT ~on reded to be 41lth Street, between 7th and 8th Avenue• in New York, is the famou• block wbt!ro mo11t o[ America'~ popular so ngs have been manu­illctured 1or ~h e. past th irty y11ars or 110. In this block. we meet J u k Oakie and J ohn. Payne who are part­ners in a three-flights-u p ''publi1hing house." Tbe two lad• are t ypi cal sona:·1fflten, end with the hel p of s sister teJ m, Alice Faye and Bett7 Grable. they manage to gel to the top. The ph.-ture will have a three nigbta rue, atartiftC Sunday, at the Picturelana.

(L. B. B .) Upon invitation of two Glenville

citizens, both inteDaei:Y interested in the realization of a county rec­reat ion center, I walked over about fi fty ac:res of T'Olling, Gil­mer-County fa rm land-land that some day aoon may become a glUt playgrouad for old and young ;and those In between.

The walk I took wu ju!t a Sunday .. ttemoon outinc; the land I saw was like other !Pel 1 aee <~.very day ; but the vlaiona I had were those that co~ when I think of- what eould be do11e.

Out there a t t.he -county 'poor fann,' ,wbere a fiftMD-room houae could becom1: a IQIIendid cen~r tOr county 4-H boys aud gir~, and their leade~ut tb.ere where roUing slope• and ftat bottoms could be tnupoaed into a nine-

a round the big and atrord­ed clean, comfortable, he2lthful sleeping quarters for boys and gir~ and rrown-upa.

•I saw a sortb:lil field and tennis courta; I saw plenty of level ground over which little tot& could nm and play. I sav,. •pienie ground& and barbecue furnaces. I visual· ir:ed a club house for golfen, and I dreamed of the vast open fi elds where you.nptei'S eoold accomlJ­uy their p.a.renta for sn &tter­noon of freah air and eze~ise.

I aaw people from all tectlou of county drivi ne In to take part ill one or more of nwner­oua adiviti01 that fiu..l n dt sum­mer-day's schedul e. I realised that tbe ruru.tion center wu for Gil­mer County-all of Gilmer Coun­ty'a orpniud rroupe.

THAT creat American iutitutlon, the fond but fightior [amity, will reach the '!leak of both quaJ..

itiee in " A Little Bit of Reavtn.'' at the Lyric Theater, Tbund•r and Friday. And wbat a cutl Gloria Jean, 12-JHr..(lld 1inging star, bas the lead-

~:c:.l~a:n~r~~~ ~u:::~::bec~sl(~:~~::~ !:~.~ 'i!m and wows 'em everyHmef), c. Au brey Smith, Stuart Erwin (a great laufb-provokinr .addition to uy cui I) , Eugene hlette, Billy Gilbert, abcl .Butc.b aDd Buddy. Eicht famous u·lltan of the eerMn a re alae e&lt as Gloria's "uncles," .and the famou.s Rob'rt ltflt.cb,_ell St. Jttenda11.Ja "boy choir" provides • ehonl bacJ&:cround for three of Gloria'• 1he aoap.

A bust of Stephen C. !Foster, composer of American folksonp, will b e unveiled May 17 at the Un iversity Hei•hta campus of New Tor._ University. .

A rare ma p of Italy, the work of .H. Mill .t 1714, wu recently preae.nted to Fordham University.

Nusac.bu.aetta State CoJiel'e Ia eeekiDI' to lllu&'e ita name to Univenity of Mauaehu­OIIIIa.

Youn, hole ,-olf eoane--o1rt Utere, I u w I QUICKSILVER. ;:~~~ ~~:~di::::~ M:ome a great

STNONYM OF THE WEEJC I lnaliud a 4..& drainl' ball .Aa a~ted at Uat \bird NaM wherein youapteJa ~t sit

of • cllv.reh hrma.-Ku WU'4, A.. down I to eat a b~ aupper

"fu, the centu I flAW ia enct­ly two milea from Illata Street, and only 1000 feet aoutb of • road •bi9 Jicbt DOW Y .... ~red for a hard top. I saw 110 •ttet. all Ia oae tnc.t, aU nM7 to M tranSJ»>sed into a bW •nroud.

.. •· "Ariae, )Jy Lon," st.atrilla Clliudette cOlbere

pd by Millud, is coJDJq to tbe L)'rle, Saad.a' ud Monda)'. It'• • 1t.0f7 of tile 'Jil'Ht'llt wAI' and ev1111o abowa tile taU of Fnaee. Bat mayb• it will k ntBelent for IDI te .,. tU!- quite • few ...... &iDee nftl dUa ••• u • fnr .tar pktaft.

Ulll.:.~tr.c~ ~!~";"~rl'{."r".=.':.: ..... -plo,..U.

B. '41 ancl t.ben •!rip out- a bte lor Ire I for J"'•P l lftC'tllC - • YMpet'

IWcnaetl .-u-.a .- PiMMD• c•1 HrTtee.. J tlh011P.t ., u,. .... en~ .. ,.._ ......... &OTC ~ Plall ~NO '9 oM" •'--' ......... -..u...... - ... - ...... -

Aa4 ....... - "'-o-7 &o make tbia m.. ..... tne! T'ae ......... ..,..,. .... ..... lt .. rM~~- ... ,. ... ,.,....... __ ., . . .

nat ........ , ........... WJ aedee4 ~ .. IIi ..... ~·~.,., ......... Kr. D. L ...-,of _


GlenYille Pla~a .SCO... 1083 Poi..to1 s-- t-do


.......... ·cOLLEGE~

SPRING SPOR'IS Actmtieo W;JJ Be !1tuteo1 1U

Soan Ao w-ther P.-, To Schedul~ T_.

Spriar 1porb, ineludlu~ &eut., softbaJJ, ard1ny, ancl bol'lellbM pikhjnc wiU be orpni&ed u aoo• u weathe-r permita. Coat.h A. P • .Bob­boaP said JwterdJJ . .. The queatlo1l of aprinc footbaD.'' he ta!d, ,.... mains un10lnd • ., Bci'Milloe .ad softball will he orpni&ed tato leapea; tennill and archerr m-.

Pilotitl:l' a ~laDe like tll.ll, abcrfe. ha1 bee1ll the uperienee of Fred Gar- clubL Abo a nnit)' teDat. tellll

tett, former student.. w'bo t. aow oa th• J.ut.~lap of hia trammc foT a eoJa. =~d~~.:i= ::..~a:;. wiD H miuioned ota: er iD the u. & Azlll:r Air Corf.L Gurett .... -- of no If there aJ'e u mAD7 ... - .....

GlenTiUe'a lH0-'41 Piouen atudeat pilol.l to complete 1ll8 tralalaa', March U, at Rudolph Field, Tau. 10na who wiah to -p~q MIM .,... played a 20.pme KhedWe tbe ~ Sea atGrJ Lhll lane. aot ..,oa.oncl bJ the atblet.&c ... seuoa, acorN 1063 poiata for .a partmea~ th•J' are 11....-di t.ct _. averaee of 68 per pme ud weat to applieatioo to Coach Rob~ ... tho oemi.onaJo '" the ..... mlot'<Ol· Fred Garrett Triea Pioneers Will Miss Erstwhile Student theiz '"" will be .,... ......

n.H I'•'"" touruam.oaL F C • • 1 A new workGat. for footbaD ... Tbe record follow., or omm•··~on D Manager After June Commencement Day beo-.D pia, ... will ... -

a_,. £art llcDoaaltl

CLAYBOURNE D. Wilfoar, eoaeb of the Red TetTOn, ia andoobt.­

edly the happiest man yoa t an find

=m~~:~~:::' ::e:~= ~~ duale at Morgantown. It's not the ll,ot time he bu coached a "B'' title w!ruaer, however, for in 1925 .. won the ~hampionahip with his Wa.:ac:e Sirh tesm.

aa.c. betL ''A,. _ .. ••a•• cUm· ..... caaae v•t of .... _ No. I, .... la little tlo•itt that .... ..__ ..... plap4 •• ~ • ..,... • J-t a Utile b.tteY tlaaa llaat ... ,. .. ........... Ia t1ae •tate. Of coane ...,.. ""' .. _,. ... ..,. -- .. ,. tlaat tLe '-•• •-~~~ tl-• aot al­_,. will a to•raa..-t. B•t i• tLe -of tLo Te,....... thi• ...W ....... ,. b. falr critici .. a , ~aeu ... ... GJ.aftlle ...... -· ........ ...... ._ ....... .

--.m-11PDLE the Tetl'Ors were pm. n th:roarh their perfonnsnee.s irl Morgsntown, Jac:k Conrad snd Beee.her Reed proved to be two ef the but eollece prospeeta to be foand anywhere in the state. ·A~d for &nt-year talent. onext winte:r Coach A. F . Rohrbough will not lllsva to go far to do hil •~oatinc. When ht! ftnilbed up the .&nate Saturday nfKbt with '9 polnta, Conrad , the bir blond, really had •naethinc to make the 3,800 Field Bau~e apeet:a&ors' eyn -pop. AJMl Jteed'l IRDOOUl :Jllayi11t' WU not e·nrloolcH •

.J .. Mena. PI__. _,..omoN, ... _.,.d. .. toaCiarblt .... .... ltal F~ 24 ,_ •• •P­... -....,., Nl•n· ... to CoUewe .-e~ • • . Huooltl Scott, •-· ............................ _._ ......... _....rtltopa•tMae-

Glen•Ulo n. Fairmoat w. U. S. Army Air Corpe ___ . , oat thio oprinr br tho Plo...,. -· Glenville ,7, WefL Libe~ f.f,, --- Rl.tbert Blllcher of Cetl....uJe a call at the c!ed: for 1 :80 a. a w . .A.t f, -p. m.. Coaeb ~ 8f::~ll: ::: := ';. Word ... received the put ...- Will Be Aaaoac s-ian to Aad the next momiDc Butch rolled wm lDatraet tomblillc u:en:~ Ill Glenville tl, Alclenoa-JboM. ea. Prom the Public Relatio111 01118 at c.e ... A. B. 0epee oat of bed to ouwer the telepboae 1M umuaiam, ana Hu, lYe .,. ~f:::m! :f: f!=~ =:: f.: BaDdolph Field, Tezu, t! ~ ___ and ihe elerk. ill a pleataDt 'W'Okie, a ... 11: • .f.Drone beslclel .anttr ~ ..

Glenville 61, Wu& Liben7 IL g:;:~ :..'•::::: ;::.. ia ~ When ::.z.~~ ~~~it. nacb :.-~~h ·~::!u.:~-:z·,~ :O:'~.U::. ;:':!~! = ::: ~.~ ~q ~i. Uae Army Air CoJ1111. Oa lludt 1• tM name of Robert Jaebon Butcher no, tbif ia not II 3 0, thil II Boo. IDI' ia pt. lad.&ftlW, ltl, Concord Slate &1. he left for tbe ftaal len ,.. .... at tb "commneement fty pro,rram 1 0 7 I ::: ~~El=.:'ie. tratminr at adYUced ~iDa ... -. m Jane ud Wda W. tall •n. ------

8f!::ffl! ::: l~~o!r:.:N. ~:~~~~ :: ~!;;! ~:.-..;·~~:m~:_ro~": Alumnae To Enter Glenville,.,, Bet.banJ' 11'. era. When ~ommiu:io1aed, PIJ' wOI tire .. ehief kaapw of eqa .... t Teams In Tourney


g:::;: ::: J:=: J.':n. be $201 a moath. <!Bd trainer for White Wave team .. GlenvUJe 5'2, Alcleaoa..aro.d. M. If J'OD'd uk him where he IDte:ndl Two CoUeje alumna wOl ukr Gl!fSvjUe u. Da-ria-Elkbl• ,0. HAMMER HOUOJ to 10 ADd what he bepes to do after teems tn the fnrth ·anul &tate

Ill Educatloa 11'7 tlul ,... Tl• day a Jeuon in rb,tlnnie Wl'itiDa _. PYn llllder the npvri&loa ol m. [YJ Lee ll,en, irwtrudor ... s. ... t!oa. The l'irb hummed while .... me tMir lettere to "Swia.m. "N..U. tho ow Appla Tree." .. ._ "' .. dJ'iU wu to obtain rhJ'tbm Ia --. writiq,

Total point.. 1&&3. Ol)PODe"llta Nl; 1 cradutlon he'd probaW, nplJ, pointe wr came, Glenville 63, opo. INTRAMtJRALS ''Go' , b k to Ced rvW d _ Girls' laclapende:nt Bukatb&U To~ poantl 41; won 15 .-met. lott 6; WJN 111 ac • e an ,. ... nammt at Pairmont tomonow,

"W':ttaaev~~ia lnterHlle«{ate :;:::, =~ :~~. t:, ~:~ Thunt!JJ, FridaJ aDCI 8atud&J. Tovnam&nt renlta: GlenYille 86, home f01lrtae& mllee from Glenville. Mu.riel lfcGinnll, A. B. '88, wltoM ~~ Stali.r!'~~.:::t/.;. Gle:O Fred Shrewe'a '!i~ ~tilde All• dea lle IDtnUou Ceclamlle, Normao~~town Fla~ esrried a._, (-.i-4inai.): GlenYille 1&8, oGDOD- RaJ'IIIODd TraC7 a Fne t.e'll prvbablJ tell roa that tt's the :.~;b•;:io:,::.::ai!~:· :!: Onl7 ths ~~&biD red liDe'' of tile eats ~NoiVIDUA.L SCOUNC a,. Tea Poiata aeeond lal'l'est 't'Otiq: precinct bl tke Leah Stahtaker A B •• trill elltlr stratqlc milHOII of eon.. .... & S.C&,Bro- 1/1 Fraak B~ve dOWDell eo:ty.,::.;.ilm&r, of whieb be il her GnataviD." ~~ ' dents wiD bne eclaeational eqal~ ~- :::, tf~:;:bo 1

: Aarut Kafer' a quintet, Cl-lt, 411

_ ment to tlb t1ae Jud In aol'fiDa White &'1\"filH 7 Thursday n~t, in sn overtime per-1 4

80~· u the bo~a e;n him 10 ~e Earle Spencer, Forest White, Bel. our industrial and ,.olitieal prob-Wbetaell 69 G!'OWI8 4 iod. Hammer led in the acoiinc cl• reaa ft&' room•, s ecome • 1· en M-tEiwee, Ma17 Araea Baekett Items aad thas to proteet tile ott.-t::~ltort Ill qarril 2 ·partment with 16 poiatt. [n the aee- word amoal' the athletes on the esm- end Betty Altizer eptnt the week-end er 180 miiUon.-Tbe Amllftela Marehio 60 f"'rieto 1 ond game Theodore Bollot'a team paL And at tbnea he gets ftr1 "bot" at R" hwood Citizen.

:o:re ~ t.;t'tal 1~ c!e!eated Fred Shreve'• Sbarpahoot- when tbe PllC cetl tocetbv to pea- -- -"-==·===========iiiiiiiiii:===:--a n o en, 38-33. James Sbum.ate wae hfch ter ~.r:'• _JelUnr. " Bateh, Bakb., -MISS SNYDER'S AUNT DIES scorer with 22 poiata. Bateh. _With thetr many request~

Theodore Hollot'i quintet troa- for IUYic:e. eed Robert Bat.eher'a five, 4'141, tu When be spins his yam about the put Tuuday avenine to tab the time he took a eiab at. selling houe eonferPDC!e lead. Apia 8b1l11.late.. to hoa• on the road for a aiJk com-

Ran&en, of QaePO Shoala, who wa! hi ~rh seorer in the league, raa wild, PaftJ, lae'a qaite inteteating to Ua­car Wl"ett. XoadaJ, ~Uectfnc 18 pot.t.l. Late ta. Uae ten to. It sums that Butch wu not

eve ning Fred Shrne &1ld bia Sbarp- bavinr muc:h lad' one d.ay in the shooters ebalkod up their third 'ric- aouthem psrt of the state and aboat tory by bandi~ Raymond TraeT• noon, alter he flsd failed to ret in-

1 five a 39-29 defeat. Wbeelu led the "ide a proapeetive customer's house,

C h ~, t t .-::. I' sc:or inr att&tk willa 12 poiatL Tbe be decided t'hat ~rhaps it wa.s his . J', ..... line-U'ptl: Dame that might be the trouble. So,

1 K..fer Pa-.1 Ham•er Pta. pronto, he snnouMed his name at I

'J!h;:n::!~ :::b ~v!0~re:~ sents rive in tbe an nu al Golden Glove tournament at Clarksburg the t ominc week-end; namely, Billy Ksrantonia, Pioneer lull­l:a ek, and Tnny George, a Red Terror pard, in rootball and bu. ke1ba11 , , • Karantonis and Georce are both or some reput.e in the Chsrleston aru •.• Kann-tonis won one Kanawha ehampion­ship and George ha.s had experi­ence in aeversl Charluton evenb.


A. Kafer 10llones 8 the next hoase as Boueher and' ~~~k:, 1i~· ~i..!::!'tead : pined entranee long enough to Williama 2 Ran:.mer 18 m•ke a sale. Holl 8 ~teorb .ti But~h bas always provided the


s ....... Wheeler F, lfanntonle WriPht Brooks Sb1n"l ker

CruUhAeld S squads with a lot of humor, bat for sif Total .ti3 lhe best one we'U have to go baek

p~1 ~~~~ht 41C::bumate 21.:t . Kafer gl C::•aJnaker SIWiiJianu~ !I _,

to the one he pulled a year ago in a Pta. Wheeling hotel

4 Coa~h A. F. Rohrbough had lett

·~ :-----------; : LYRIC THEATRE

Total !181 'rl"\tal 88 f>,. fr rees : Mike Cristo and Jack


Tues., Wed., lbreh 26-26 "ENEMY AGENT"'

With RichArd Cromwell, Helen Vinson, Robert Arrrutronr,

Jac:k t...Rue The dA!sies are o11ly prlraitln -abo-

Helen MeEJwre. won anot;ber l i tP.ratun~- Thev belo~ to the lf&me Tuesday nirht by defeating snmp clau sa primitive lbiSdt:lnerr TeNla Bakher ZS-lO. Me.Elwee led nnd primith-1! mu!!lc and primlti•e

~;a:~~~:n byd:;:;!:: l~i::'"':n:;:;, 1,-m-e-di_d_••_ . ....s_•_•>_b_••_Lesoo __ ,_ .. _-:

Riehard Arlen and Andy Devine - ~n-


23-12, snd Lourrne Raddifl'e was hich ~eorer with 20 point. .


McElwee ·-· ---- -- --·- 6 0 McMillian - ..• - - . • --- - 2 4 Snyder • -- .• -- -. .. • - • Z 4 B11tc:her __ ..••••.. ---. 2


W• HaYe a Complete Line · of




Di.rmera, Plate Ltmchee.

and Sandwichea


Tbun., Fri., March 27-28 t• A LiHie Bit of Heavea"

Starring Gloria Jean, Rober Stae.k, Hugh Herbert, Nan Grey,

and Butch and Buddy

Sst., Mareh 29, One Dsy Only The Wraver BroiS. and Elviry in 'FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS"

A good way to get the most out of anything is to pause now and then and refresh younelf ••• wtth ke·cold Coca-Cola. lh taste Js delklous. Its after-HnH of ,.... hshment Is delightful. A short pauae for lc.e•colcl Coca·Cola 11 the refreshing thing ta do. So when you pauH throughout tile day, make It tiM paUH tltot re­fretltu wtth ice-cold Coca-Colo.

... ....... .. with J .. i .. ~~====::::====~~ ...... ..........t ... -..... STUDENTS I ..................... for ... C.Q"9 ~E~- HARDMAN HARDWARE CO • • - --.a wlllo .... Clou· "-~ ~arber !lenlce


, ~-.-.0....- ..__ . ... ......_ .....

1.._.__, ~to ,

:::::. r- --: ..... •~ ~. a • ..._ ..,. ~-.c....,-.~ I .... ..._. I!

Overt Hardman0 Owner Only Hor1e Owned Hardware ·1n

Gilmer c-e,. ----------------------


· ~= -=========-~·~


SOCifiL WfNTS of th ... WffK. lriah Fair Ia New

Feature In Campus Social .Offreinga

The lriah Fair, ginn by the Col­Ieee chsp~r of the YWCA tn Robert P. JUdd Libra.ry FridaJ even­iq ft'om 8 until 10:30 o'd(llek. rep. ftMIII.I!d the liii.UUal in c&lft1)US .o­dd ........

Z:.tertaiaJ:Mnt iadodecl a mello­dralu. enaded in Claauoom !fo. l .,. Hen Heuley, Jaftet lllll"Phey, Olp Yoona", Irene Hoover, Ger­tnde SkidtaoN, .leuie Kink. Caro-

:::~'::. o:r~~:,-n~= Woofter and Kaa Wener.

Otker attractloQ were : Blqro, ,.,pett abow b7 EdDa Lambert., 60Jad,. •t. uder water" bJ' JWIIe, "'aft"ft' Mell n.wu will be .en apia" by lbrtha Woofter, for­tau tellblc bp Gertrvde Slddmon. Exhibltiona ..,.,... tM ruins of CldDa, a ..tmmiq matdl, the be· PDalnc of loft, a chiekm dinner, addnlcht boor and lamp UcM. A.t­\ndaa~a were entertainecl with Irish 80ftP played on a pboDopapb tllroqhoot the cnreniq. Candy acd 8IU'!'riM packapa weN on ..Je.

After the fair the pal'tJ' we&\ to Ln:ll Bennett HaU louqe where ..., were IIU'Nd punch and cakel, plared pmn and •nc IOBP.

111M WW.rma Wblte, UbrariaD, .-....s the Y. W. C. A. iD hokllq IU fair. Antoq tboM pnMat ,...,..

......... llrs. £. c. Roltrboach, ·-197 1M IIJ'U', Hila Wbile, II&. AJ. .. A.rbuelda, and llr. ~hD 1t. Wq. .... CoDep Junior Goea Before YMCA To Air Marriap Views


Holy Roller .... C Club o ....... Scheduled

Kiss Alma Arbu.c~. librarian, Two dancea, cominc witbia tile bad u Lyric theat.e.r gue.ta Monday next two months., will bead the. lilt night thirteen members of the Social of enterUintnenta .c:beduled b,. \he Committee, Theater-coen wore Social Committee. On April 2i, tile sha.m.roek! comme.moratinc St. Pat- 1 Holy Boller Court will apoqor ua riek'a n.,. aad •• "Bit&eT Sweet." annual danee, aDd oa Hay 1'7, tile ataninc J•aett.e MacDonald ud G Club will hold ita eorout.ion ulll Nel10n Eddy. Tboae attending wne.: d&Bee. Tere1a Butcbu, Jcrnea, Eliza. beth Clark, Ralpb eo., Cl"'• Do<- MiN B.-...1 T.U.. aoa, Aopst I&fer, William Kafer, 0.. Fellowahip F._ »relya Keith, ~ LAmbert, Ger­aldiM YllcClaiD, Apes Wtipt, Rob­ert StalDaker, Gordoa TbomptoD and boateea, Mils A.zbu.ekle.

ColleRe Studeata Oa Epworth ...........

Appros:imately twenty penon• at­tended an Epworth League mHf:in&' at the Trintty Methodist CbW'Cb Suaday to hear a proJ2:1.D1 on "Tbe Development of the Soul... Eliza.. beth Bolliater, frtehman, wu lead· er. Three talkA, "De.veloping the Soul Throup tbe Cultivating of f'rieada," "Developin&' the Tbroacb DoiDg Good Deeda," ,;Developing the SoW Within Your-­aelf," wer& diaeuaaed by Don Rink· le, Olga Youar and Eu1a Hamrick. Special muale waa fumiabed by June Wllaou, .ophomore.

Hidmaana Eao....m W"ttb BUthday Puty,

Mr. and Mn. Linn B. Hickman enter'laifted with • birthday partJ for their tbrM-J'MI'~d d&Ufht;a', AIIDe LJ'ane Bic:lc:m.&D~ "'tunlaJ af· tentoon from 3:80 QDtU 6:130 o'doek.

Mia& Willa !Brand, iutnetor English in the CoUege, apolra ''KesponsibWt, of Youth" Fellowship Forum of Ute terian Cbureb Sunday 6 o'dock. Garnet H. Agnes Wright. Wright, and Riehard the prosnm for tbe meet:iz&'· -----

To date, nizaetJ-GDe lilldeDte ue to be anchat.ed by tH CoUep Ill June, annouaeea · Dean B. l.Mrea Wblte. Forty-nine an DOaor..w.t atudell.u a.Dd forty-two, raldnt.

I'Jenn JOUnptft&. nnrinc illl:-----------.1 ..- from 2 c.o &, weft preeent to -.;joy pmee aad refrubmenta. ice erum. aad cocoa. lbmle 1tnJ.1bt. Mn.. Frank H. Beall, Jr. ud lin. Frt.nk Wolle Mlilted.

A lllldent ill tU Collep, who illll't ..m..t but who beli...... be b&l .... toed W... on tbe aubject. went Won the CoUqe ~ of tho Y. X. C. A. the put week acd aired ... ri..... .

Edward Pkkena, a juior, told tbe .,.... U..t there .,.. mon b&'PPJ' ...m..c- tUn GBUpp,, ctt.d daa. 111ft of 10-eallecl lon at ftnl afabt, aad P'" .pnnal acl'riee f01' .acee ... falmonlo ....

Gueeta : John Davis Jtolarbourb, Cbariu fiarper, Haymond Harleon Boas, WWlam Bell Loreats, L)'Dn Wllaoa Boey, Nancy Brannon, Suaan Wll1'ftn BeaU, Carol ll0111, Ellen Wolfe, Loretta and Bu·

ToniP,t OnJ)o, Marda 26 W•nea WWiun in


Wed., Tbun.., March 26-R'7 A C.... N...l C.... te Life ' Henry Fonda, Dorothy t.mour,

Lrnd.L .Drllraaell, aU ml'l'ili,- in

bara Brooke C1erlt.

Miea Brancl to IEDtertaiD With Diluter Toaiabt CHAD HANNA '"The lae:k of time in ncb eourt­

llrip Nl&Uou." Aiel Plckeus, .. pre­"Dtl their lmowinc each other'e libt aDd dlalikel .•• OQe 1hould lie wnh Ilia lo•er Ia all kitlcb of rx­perineu which t:ry the ebarader of ....

Mi• Willa Brand, Eagllah atruetor in the College, will


Fri., Sat., March 28-29 e---FINE FEA.TtJ1UlS...-..4

- Finl Bit-

''Fln\.-alcbt ton may die," be eon­tiaoed, "•• cme'• dlaal"'eementa are broqht out, l"UUitfnc In divofte alld ubappbaeu."

"Ia rnarrl.ap," Pi ellen. aaid, lint. JNr it U11DaU7 the Ia U.eir love a eogple may thinp to bappea that don' t eoateqaenUy, the nen four are the trrinl yun. Aft« that the7 IUJ' b~ame adjusted and btcome llappler qaln."

W.U-rouadrd penonallty de· ftlopment Is one of the chief coala of our edueational eft'orta.........£meet 0 . lle1bJ.


c-Q, hh .......



800DP'OOD Sened the Right

Way •••

It'• Coarad'a



Clea...ille, W. Va.


AIID fliUITS c-.1 Proitalve c-.1---

tain wivn of the faculty members wit.h a dinner party at 6 :SO toni,eht ilt tho WbJtin&' Tea Room.


Measuremen ts 111ere balr:en the past week by Harlan Bauma11 for ne.w window shadet to replace thote ~om or damaged in the Old Build· ing and in Admin ietzstion Hall.

Students ••••. FOR EXC~NCE BARBU


C. C. Rhoadea, Howard Beta


With Jack Moran ......second Bit.­Tex Ritter in

THE COLDEN TRAIL Sun., Mon. and Tues .• March 30-

31 and April 1 Tlt.e M•aiul of O.r E•citl•• n-•

TIN PAN Au.EY Starriftg Aliee Faye, Jacl&: Oakie,

Betty Grable and Joha Pa)'De. 8-BIG SONG HlTS-8

A " Must See" Picture!

"Inside Out Hose

At This Low Price

J. ......_.., 4S.C.uae All Silk

Chiffon Priced at Oaly


Fashion's up to tricks again I Thia time it's hoae woven with the seams inside. Thia newest method giv~ them a delectably sheer look that adda ao much to glamour. The price is low to enable you to indulge in several pairs. All the newest colors to play up all your costumes.




~::"HY-r:. ': ::.=-r.u Hand Will~ "'· .... ;:o;;:-;,.. ........ Quicker Than Eye ·

the birtb of a MD, Jama Gordoa, at their home in Bvanille, Mardi 16. This- i• their Int. aon. The mother, the former Mia Elizabeth M.arple, S. N. '2.C. waa a teacller in the Braxton County aehoola prior to her marriqoe. Kr. Hyer, S. N. '36, teaehea in Burasville.


Oftk:es of Superintendent Marvin Coopl'l' .ad tbe Glbnor Count)' Board of Edueation will be mo'nld

1 from tbtl llboadea Buiklinl to the Tierney property, eomer of Court and Church .tlftta. RetoDdi· tionia« of tile property, opufthued rec:~ by the Couaty Covt, ia iD


ty band director, announces the lo­eal tale:Dt play, "tlyNry et Mid· n~t." will be presented late in April or early in lfaJ. The play, 'P(>n.sored by the county blind, was to haft been preeented Karch 2a and 27 at the Pietureland 1'1Meter. The produetion wu postponed be­cauM of the Bendt Variety Show to be given by the Glenville Wom­aD'a Qub, April 1.

Memben of the CoU-.e Faculty are boldina their monthly meeting thil &ftentHn in Bocnn 101.

(Contlmaed ftom ~ 1) the queftlon "RMolwd: That the United Statu aholld take any at· in the ~ieDC.e show'.


The lecturer t.alb to a miniature electric: locomottft, and the loeomo· tive obeys hit eammaDdl to '"Co ahead," ''Stoop." and "Badt up." Be lfQuHZes the Iicht out of a eeHWed tube witb bia band, lit'hta an- in.can· ducent lamp with a match., and hold1 a lamp in hill haDda wbieb l8 liaht.ed with the eleetric c:urnDt f1owtD.c tbovabhloums.

Stroboeeope lirbt, wbteh e.uhe1 off and on- too quicldy for the e7'1 to detect t.he c:baftre, ia wed to make a diak wbieh it whlrlinc at thr rate of 000 revolutiona a minuw .em to stand •tiB. Spinnioc n.fn.. bow1 melt aad fade into ekh with infinite Yariety wbea bosc:ope light ia thnnmo OD d isle eovered with • a-uy in ftuoreacent paint

Tbe u,ht of the Arefty ia Imitated in light oprodueed by cl!..nie&ls. It 11 a cold' light, but the eoet of proct_.. inr it Is aome n, tin\es that of the iD(Andeaceat lamp.

There are but two famUJea in the world, Bave-.arucb and Have· little.-Cervantea.

The J"&Ve unitea; wbue e'en the put And . rest,

And blended lie th' oppreuor a'Dd tb' oppreued.

(C:O. ____ ., blla ____ ...

utabUibiac of • pro;.ct of 011 ldnd.

<:om~~tanity ~ aad _.. are required. SrnaU clonatidu .. nl!'eMIU'J, Wortc. il a~ eacll oae eon~ bit.,_ ... wbat.nn- ,..,. 1w ...,.. AD on-County b required. aa4 .. .. can't be &n.J letup 1n ...... ... vision. ,

The people lllut he- unlW ... ...,.. united. "nere il J'OCita .....

• placo for ....,. anmf;Jo. Alii whetl Ute UGter becotnH will& • CUI. become. t:Mr. won't be a..., MD liriq iD Gllaaer ColmtJ' .......... .u - >rid• - .. u,.waae~:

"IAt me show you cnar ...... ~don center. See tbe old ,;;; ... _ . .. u..,. ........... and brutbe the pun air or _.. Wtde-o,_ .,.aea. ......... have daDe, all of u. Look,. _. recreation center ia there, ud lUI

--· Colt, aotlllall, -..., bonuhoe pitdainc, 1 tezallil, ,... t~tiu, club meetlap, 4-B ~ Girl -Seoat .a.ud Bo1 ac..-. ..... ibp -aU ..... tben -4el'e • star.

Two home eeononUca Ire ...... II& ~ Unw.nity han .. ..... ted" from Peuto &ico to ~ Ill the Unit.ed. S&aiea for four ,...._

A••nce )"early- eami..., ., a studl!ftt worklac' on the u~ of Mlnneaota eampu 11 UOI. ·

foryowcopyofTOB •U•S•A• the book tlllll tP-~ the fom about tobacm Gild tells you llllay

/is Chesterfield for a COOLER, MILDER, BEITER SMOKE




.lB •. STORE

A abort while ago we pabliobed TOBACCO LAND, U.S. A.. lbe only complete picture otory of lbe grow• iag, curing and proc:eooing of fine tobaccos, from oeed·be.t to cigaretle • So great wao lbe demand for tbu book from smokers everywhere another million copiea are now com• iag off tbe press. TOC.-\CCOLAND gives real information aud ia youn for lbe asking.

']),. more JOU .htOUI abOIIIIIIIflll ~ ar• mode th• mor• ,,'U ntio:l Cltatw/MIII • •• '"• dtarette tAat Sotqfia.