The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these...

The Gleanings of St. John’s MAY 2015 The Holy Spirit Calls Whether it is learning how to serve those in poverty or any of the many other needs of the world, we often wish “someone” would do something about it. Inclination that “someone ought to do something” is the Holy Spirit speaking to our souls saying; “God has called and commissioned you to do something. I will be with you.” If it is the Spirit calling, how sad to meet the task with anything less than rejoicing! God has honored us by calling us to do things, things that help strengthen the kingdom of heaven break- ing into the world! We celebrate being a part of something important, of being part of the Church, the Body of Christ. excerpt from The Rector’s Message, p.2 Bishop’s Visit May 17 The Bishop’s makes his way around the diocese, attending a different church each Sunday. St. John’s next turn is on May 17 Teacher Recognition May 17 St. John’s will recog- nize and honor all those who help with Christian Formation at St. John’s Pentecost May 24 The Feast of Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter. The Gleanings has gone digital. To join our mailing list, please send an email to [email protected]. When viewing the newsletter, if the print is too small, please note the option to “zoom” (enlarge) at the top center of the viewing window using the “+” or “–”. You can also download it to your computer or print it your- self if you would rather read a hard copy. On an iPad, you can save the PDF to your iBooks library. IN THIS ISSUE Message from the Rector A Visit from the Bishop United Thank Offering Pentecost Youth Happenings Spring at St. Johns— There’s lots of yard work to be done around church this time of year. See if you can find time on a Saturday morn- ing to help the Yard Krew! DATES TO REMEMBER

Transcript of The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these...

Page 1: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.

The Gleanings of St. John’sM A Y 2 0 1 5

The Holy Spirit CallsWhether it is learning how to serve those in poverty or any ofthe many other needs of the world, we often wish “someone”would do something about it. Inclination that “someone oughtto do something” is the Holy Spirit speaking to our souls saying;“God has called and commissioned you to do something. I willbe with you.”

If it is the Spirit calling, how sad to meet the task with anythingless than rejoicing! God has honored us by calling us to dothings, things that help strengthen the kingdom of heaven break-ing into the world! We celebrate being a part of somethingimportant, of being part of the Church, the Body of Christ.

excerpt from The Rector’s Message, p.2

Bishop’s VisitMay 17The Bishop’s makeshis way around thediocese, attending adifferent church eachSunday. St. John’snext turn is on May 17

Teacher RecognitionMay 17St. John’s will recog-nize and honor allthose who help withChristian Formationat St. John’s

PentecostMay 24The Feast of Pentecostis celebrated fiftydays after Easter.

The Gleanings has gone digital. Tojoin our mailing list, please send anemail to [email protected].

When viewing the newsletter, if theprint is too small, please note theoption to “zoom” (enlarge) at the topcenter of the viewing window usingthe “+” or “–”. You can also downloadit to your computer or print it your-self if you would rather read a hardcopy. On an iPad, you can save thePDF to your iBooks library.


Message from the Rector

A Visit from the Bishop

United Thank Offering


Youth Happenings

Spring at St. Johns—There’s lots of yard work to be donearound church this time of year. See ifyou can find time on a Saturday morn-ing to help the Yard Krew!


www . s t j o h n s b e d f o r d . d i o sw v a . o r g

Page 2: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.


A Message from the Rector The Rev. F. Wilson Brown

Dear friends in Christ,Easter, Jesus’ resurrection, is nowhere near the end of our storyas the people of Christ. In fact,after appearing a number oftimes to faithful followers, Jesusleaves. The bodily resurrectedJesus returns to His Father inheaven. People still encounter

Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do nothave the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.

Jesus’ return home to the Father is called “theAscension.” This year we remember that event onThursday, May 14th. The Ascension is importantfor at least two reasons. The first is that, in theAscension, we go home with Jesus. God-As-Human-Being, Jesus, returns to God-Of-All-That-Ever-Existed, the Father. “Human Being” is unitedwith God. Jesus makes us one with God.

A second importance of the Ascension is that Jesushas left us to be his Body in the world. You and Ihave a much more exciting reason for being thanjust living, dying, and hoping for a good life. Wehave been called by God-in-Jesus to be his agentsfor ushering in the kingdom of heaven. He taughtus to love the world in God’s Name. He taught usto serve the world in God’s Name. He taught us notto worry so much about daily things, though theyare important, but to seek first eternal things, thekingdom of heaven. He taught us to rejoice in thepower of God working in us infinitely more thanwe can ask or imagine. As we have been made onewith God we are now invited, called, commissionedto be God’s ministers to the world around us.

Jesus does not leave us to this work with only ourpower. God flows through us and between usempowering us to be the Body of Christ. Thispresence of God we call “the Holy Spirit.” Jesuspromised that the Holy Spirit would be sent toignite God’s people for ministry. We celebrate the

coming of that Spirit on “Pentecost Sunday.” Thisyear it falls on May 24th. Fifty days after Easter and10 days after Ascension, the disciples were gath-ered in a room as usual. Then, all of a sudden, withgreat signs and wonders, they were empowered tospill out into the world proclaiming the love ofGod as revealed in Jesus and his resurrection.From being hiding and terrified for their lives,these followers of Jesus are found boldly goingthrough the known world to share, in word anddeed, the love of God. 2000 years later the Church,at her best, still boldly proclaims God’s love inword and deed.

That is us, the Church of God, the Body of Christ,the ones commissioned and empowered to takeChrist’s love to the world. There is no one else.“Someone” is you. “Someone” is me. Years ago Iread a quip in the, The Anglican Digest: “A churchmember waiting to be asked to serve in his ownchurch is just like the member of a family waitingto be invited to pull weeds in front of the housewhere he lives.”

Needs arise in the parish, in the larger Church, andin the world. In this publication, in others like it,and in so many other ways, we are informed ofneeds and opportunities.

There is one that is rapidly becoming a movementwithin the community. St. John’s, as our Lentenprogram, hosted the first series “What EveryChurch Member Should Know About Poverty” inthe town. This month Main Street Methodist ishosting this training and Bedford ChristianMinistries is asking all of its volunteers to attend.The whole community is invited. GardnerSimpkins wrote:

“The course will be presented at Main St.UMC every Thursday in May, 7th, 14th, 21st,and 28th at 9:00–11:00 AM (morning) andalso from 6:00–8:00 PM (evening).

continued on page 4

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Upcoming Events & Parish NewsUTO Sunday—May 10United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of theEpiscopal Church for the mission of the whole

church. Through United ThankOffering, men, women, and childrennurture the habit of giving daily thanksto God. These prayers of thanksgivingstart when we recognize and name our

many daily blessings. Those who participate inUTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity.United Thank Offering is entrusted to promotethank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to dis-tribute the UTO monies to support mission andministry throughout the Episcopal Church and ininvited Provinces of the Anglican Communion inthe developing world. You are encouraged to saveyour coins every day, or put aside a small amounteach week during the UTO drive. Funds will becollected on June 1st at a special ingathering duringthe service. Please pick up your UTO collectionboxes on Sunday. If you prefer to donate by check,please make your check payable to St. John’s with anotation “for UTO.”

A Visit from Bishop Bourlakas—May 17Bishop Mark Bourlakas will be visiting St. John's onSunday, May 17th. He will be leading Adult Forumthat morning at 9:30, in addition to the 10:30 wor-ship service. He will also be visiting with us duringcoffee hour.

Bishop Bourlakas spent his child-hood in High Point, NC, whilehis wife Martha grew up inMorristown, TN. They marriedin 1989 and have three daughters.He was graduated from TheUniversity of the South, Sewanee,in1985 with a BA degree. He

earned a Master of Divinity in 1997 from SeaburyWestern Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. In2012 the University of the South at Sewanee con-ferred a Doctor of Ministry degree upon him and hewas elected as the Bishop of the Diocese ofSouthwest Virginia in 2013. Please help us warmlywelcome him to St. John's!

Community Workshop on PovertyThursdays, May 7–28If you weren’t able to attend our Wednesday Lentenseries on poverty, you missed out on a chance togain a deeper understanding about our bothers andsisters in Bedford who are struggling with genera-tional poverty. The good news is that thanks toCathey Burks, Andy Crawford, Wilson Brown,Gardner Simpkins and others, this effort is gainingtraction and a new community-wide series will bestarting in May.

The course will again be basedon the book: “What EveryChurch Member Should knowabout Poverty.” It will be pre-sented at Main Street UnitedMethodist Church everyThursday in May—the 7th,14th, 21st, and 28th— at twotimes. Mornings from9:00–11:00 am and alsoevenings from 6:00–8:00 pm.

Gardner Simpkins will be leading the morning ses-sions and Cathey Burks will be leading the eveningsessions. All members of the community areencouraged to attend. St. John’s has several copiesof the book available for you to borrow, but plan tocome even if you haven’t read the book, and even ifyou can’t attend every week.

P.E.O. Yard Sale—May 16On Saturday, May 16th the P.E.O. sisterhood inBedford will sponsor a yard & bake sale for house-hold items, decorations, books, toys and jewelry.(No clothing.) Blu Ayers is the chairman. P.E.O. is aphilanthropic, educational organization for womenwhich helps educate other women through scholar-ships, grants, awards, and loans. Since its beginningsin 1869, P.E.O. has given over $230,000,000 toqualified women throughout the world.

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Red For Pentecost Kay C. Waff

Why red? Red hangings, red flowers on the altar, redclergy stoles, and requests for the congregation towear red, if they wish, but why? There is more thanone answer which is not surprising for Episcopalians.We do tend toward multi-layered answers to abouteverything…” Red is the color of excitement, ener-gy, power, and all things intense and passionate. Assuch, red is the color of the Holy Spirit.”

Quoting from the Episcopal Church Year Guide,“Red, the color of fire and of blood, is used onPentecost; optionally on Palm (Passion) Sundayand Good Friday; feasts of the Passion of our Lordand of the birthday feasts of the Apostles andEvangelists; feasts of the Martyrs; Votives of theHoly Spirit; Ordinations and optionally forConfirmations.”

The red of Pentecost commemorates the coming ofthe Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, described inscripture as tongues of fire descending on a mighty

wind. Pentecost is one of the Principal Feasts of thechurch along with Easter Day, Ascension Day,Trinity Sunday, All Saints’ Day, Christmas Day, andThe Epiphany. We celebrate Pentecost May 24ththis year. It is considered the birthday of the church.The word “pentecost” means “fifty” as the feastcomes fifty days after Easter. It is an ancientChristian feast being mentioned in Acts (20.16)and Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians (16.8).Some of us elders remember when Pentecost wascalled Whitsunday, a contraction of “WhiteSunday,” which recalled the white garments wornby those being baptized on that day.

Red is also the color of blood which remembersthose who shed their blood for their (and our) faithand church: Jesus, the Christ, Apostles, Evangelists,Martyrs, and saints known to God alone.

Wear red On May 24th and rejoice in the power ofthe spirit!

Rector’s Message (continued from page 2)

The same course was recently presented bySt. John’s Episcopal by Cathey Burks, anexcellent teacher. She will be teaching theevening session and I will teach the morningsession.

We are encouraging every volunteer atBedford Christian Ministries to attend, andwe hope that area church members willattend also. I was astounded when I attendedthe first seminar on this and learned that Iknew very little about the plight of the gener-ational poor. They do not have the resourcesthat we take for granted and live life day byday with little hope for a better future. I havebeen critical of the fact that churches do nothelp the poor more. I now believe that wedon't know how to help, and it is a difficultand long term task.”

Therefore the first step in loving our poorneighbors is education. We must learn howthey walk in their shoes before we can help

them. Please encourage everyone who pro-fesses to love their neighbor to attend one ofthese classes.

Whether it is learning how to serve those in pover-ty or any of the many other needs of the world, weoften wish “someone” would do something aboutit. Inclination that “someone ought to do some-thing” is the Holy Spirit speaking to our souls say-ing; “God has called and commissioned you to dosomething. I will be with you.”

If it is the Spirit calling, how sad to meet the taskwith anything less than rejoicing! God has hon-ored us by calling us to do things, things that helpstrengthen the kingdom of heaven breaking intothe world! We celebrate being a part of somethingimportant, of being part of the Church, the Bodyof Christ.

Your brother in Christ,—Wilson+

Page 5: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.


The Vestry’s monthly meeting was held onWednesday, April 15, 2015. Wilson Brown called themeeting to order and opened with prayer. The min-utes from the March meeting were approved.

Treasurer's Report: Alan Pipkin sent in his reportvia e-mail, he briefly reviewed it. The Report wasapproved.

Senior Warden’s Report: No report.

Junior Warden's Report: Bill Jackson reportedthat one of the speakers in the sanctuary had blown.New speakers have been ordered with Lee Hartmanand Sons. They will be installed as soon as theyarrive. A new screen has been ordered for theParish Hall to use for presentations. It will bemounted behind a beam. The final payment for thenew sign has been made. It should be here aroundthe first of May.

Rector's Report: Wilson thanked the Altar Guildfor their hard work during Easter. He reported thatthe Lenten program went extremely well, and waswell received. He reported that he will be unavail-able to lead the Vestry meeting in May, and thatWinston Burks will lead that meeting. He also notedhis various visits and meetings during the month

New Business: • Bishop’s Visit: The Bishop will be visiting on May17th. Wilson noted that the Bishop would like tocombine services during his visit. There will be no 8:00 a.m. service that Sunday. The Bishop will be atAdult Forum and there will be a reception after the10:30 a.m. service.• Cathey Burks has offered to take Winston’s placeon the Vestry beginning in July. Bill Jackson movedand Jim Towner seconds that Cathey be appointedto fill Winston’s seat. The motion passes.

Unfinished Business• The Action Items were reviewed.• The Mardi Gras Dinner Funds were discussed. A motion passed to reserve $500. for next year’sevent and the remaining funds will go towardsincreasing the Diocesan Pledge.• Dowling Property Tax issue: Steve Wandreireported that the county is in the process of sellingthe property to recoup the back taxes. A discussioncentering on St. John’s obligation to preserve theproperty took place. After some discussion, a specialcommittee is appointed to look into the actual valueof the property, and obtain exact payoff informationso that a possible plan could be made to redeem theproperty. A special meeting of the Vestry will takeplace after church on Sunday April 19th to addressthe matter further.

Committee Reports• The various Committees submitted their reports.

The meeting closed with prayer at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,—Jenny Shutt, Recording Secretary

The Vestry Report Jenny Shutt, recording secretary

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 20, 6:00 pm

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Christian Formation Kara Wagner Brown

Hallelujah! Easter Sunday was a beautiful day andour Easter Egg Hunt was lots of fun. Thank you tothe Garrett women for preparing the eggs. Also,thank you to all who helped to decorate the cross.The flowered cross was a beautiful reminder ofJesus’ triumph over the grave.

The Children’s Choir has done a great job this year.Thank you so much to Martha Nowlin and MaryAnne Eubank for leading up this ministry.

Our last day of Sunday School will be May 17th.Thank you so much to all of our great teachers, whowill be recognized that day in church. We will honorstudents graduating from high school on May 24th,Senior Recognition Sunday.

Looking Ahead: This summer’s Vacation BibleSchool will be held in the evenings, Sunday, June28th— Thursday July 2nd. We are working with theMethodist Church and will be meeting there.Volunteers are needed. Please let Kara WagnerBrown know if you are willing to help.

• Adults: Craft Room Helpers*• High Schoolers: Crew Leaders*• Middle Schoolers: Asst. Crew Leaders*

(*all five evenings June 28 — July 2)• Snack Helpers (Mon, 6/29 & Wed, 7/1 only)

—submitted by Kara Wagner Brown

Adult Forum (Sundays, 9:30–10:15 am)May 3 The Daily OfficeWe will explore the Book of Common Prayer as a toolfor daily worship and as a resource from which any-one can lead public worship. Please bring yourprayer book. If you would like to prepare in advance,peruse The Daily Office section, beginning on p. 35.

May 10 Inward, Upward, OutwardIn preparation for the Bishop’s visit, we will explorethe Diocesan Action Plan as it was presented atAnnual Council in January.Wilson Brown will lead on May 3rd and 10th.

May 17 A Discussion with the Bishop Bishop Bourlakas will be sharing the vision and mission of the Diocese and answering questions.

VBS 2015—“Everest”June 28 –July 2, 6:00–8:00 pm(Sunday evening supper is at 5:00 pm)

Again this year St. John’s is teaming up with MainStreet United Methodist Church (where the eventwill be held) for Vacation Bible School. The eventbegins Sunday, June 28th at 5:00 pm with a mac &cheese/hotdog supper. Programming begins thatsame evening at 6:00 pm.

Monday through Thursday evenings will start at6:00 pm with lessons, games, snacks and crafts.Remember to invite your friends and neighbors!

If you have questions, or would like to help, pleasecontact Sherri Hodnett who has been workingclosely with the Methodist Church to plan thisexciting event for our children. All events will beheld at Main Street Methodist.

We ask the congregation to pray for the success ofVacation Bible School, for those working to planthe event and for the children in the communitywho will attend.


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The Youth Group has been enjoying the thirdSunday gatherings with Main Street. The ball gamein April was rained out, but those who came to theMonday morning breakfast the next day were treat-ed to eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, pastries andfruit. We are thankful to the youth group leadersfrom Main Street, who prepared the breakfast thereand then drove it to St. John’s where our youthfeasted before heading to school.

June 6–12 REACH 2015 Mission in Roanoke. Youth who have completed grades 6–12 will team up with the Main Street United Methodist Youth Group and spend a week in Roanoke helping with various projects including the Rescue Mission. The cost is $300, with a portion being covered by St. John’s. So far we have two students who plan to attend. Those who have participated in the past highly recommend the experience. (Talk to Aaron, Jacob or Quincy to find out what they thought of their week) See Kara Sensenig asap if you are inter-ested in the trip. Click here for more on REACH.

Third Sundays with MSUMCYouth will meet at noon on third Sundays at MainStreet Methodist for prayers/devotions, lunch and adifferent activity organized by different families.

May 17Picnic & Games at Hicks Family HouseOrganizer & Lunch: Hicks Family & TBA

June 21Due to REACH, Father’s Day, and VBS there will benothing planned this month (VBS: June 28 – July 2)

July 18Pizza & Putt Putt Fun Center 2 hours of laser tag, bumper cars, bumper boats, go-karts & putt-putt. $15 per person. Additional $ needed for snacks & games if wanted. Organizer: Kara Sensenig

August 16James River Kayaking/Canoe TripFloat or paddle down James River from Buchanan Bring a packed lunch, snacks and drinksOrganizer: Witt/Fogleman Family

September 20SML Outing or Cinemark Movies 10 (weather determining activity)Organizer & Lunch: TBA

October 18Picnic & Hike to Sharp Top, then Bonfire & S’mores at the Sensenig’s propertyon Stoney Creek RoadOrganizer & Lunch: Sensenigs & Witt providingmeat, everyone bring a side dish

November 15AMF Bowling in LynchburgOrganizer & Lunch: TBA

December 20Christmas Service Project, Lunch and Caroling(Elks/nursing homes, elderly) Party/Bonfire at the Hicks’ HomeOrganizer & Lunch: Beth Hicks & TBA

Youth Group The Rev. F. Wilson Brown

Youth breakfast on April 20th; at St. John’s with friends fromMain Street United Methodist Church.

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Shepherd's TableThe first Friday in April proved to be a busy day forSt. John's workers. Our main dish was homemadechili. We even had chili without meat for those whowanted it plain. Workers bringing chili and helping toserve included Dawn Spencer, Revelle Hamilton, PeggyJeffreys, Brenda Arbogast and me. Bev Hendersonbrought the ingredients including her home-cannedtomatoes and made it on the stove in the kitchen.

Fruit was brought by Katy Craig, Pat Nelson sentoranges, and already buttered Italian bread was pre-pared by Sylvia Grayham who helped in the kitchen.Louise Pipkin made a strawberry with whippedcream dessert. Marge Rucker provided brownies, and

Ann Linkous made delicious blondies. Jo Bell made achocolate cake and Marilyn Sites delivered herfamous pound cake.

Jim Huber was the official counter, and those waitingon tables included Laura Rodes, Daniel Brown andhis friend Glenn. Wilson dropped by to wish us welland snapped our picture. A total of 54 plates wereserved, and we rushed around to complete ourcleanup as some wanted to return home quickly inorder to attend our Good Friday presentation. Ournext meal will be served on Friday May lst. If youwould like to help in any way, please contact me at297-5480. Many hands make our work easier.

—submitted by Judy Whitehead

Community Outreach Marilyn Rowe


Next Shepherd’s Table: Friday, May 1

Vestry Person(s) of the MonthVPOM May—John WaffJohn and his family moved toBedford County from Raleigh,NC, in August, 1989, and havebeen members of St. John's for20 years. His parents wereorganizers of the first Episcopal

congregation in Cary, NC. They met for severalyears in the band room of the high school with Johnas the only no matter how late theSaturday nights were...he was at church Sundaymornings! He has completed three years of EfM,been active in youth work at the diocesan level inNC, and served on Faith Alive teams in a multi-state area. Here at St. John’s, he has served previ-

ously as Junior Warden as well as a soundman,usher, money counter, and, unofficially as a valuedmember of the Childers-Waff coffee hour team andaltar guild team. He served six years on the board ofBoys’ Home in Covington.

John and Kay have four adult children, all marriedand living in the area, also seven grandchildren andthree step-grandchildren. He has a RockinghamInsurance Agency in Daleville, Botetourt County.John has received both the Summit Agent and PeakPerformer awards from the Rockingham Group.His oldest son John works with him. John and Kayhave recently traded country-living on ten acres inThaxton, for town living here in Bedford.

Bedford Christian

Ministries is asking

for peanut butter &

jelly this month.

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Altar Guild Judy Whitehead

Many, many thanks to everyone who helped makeEaster Sunday bright and beautiful.

On the Monday before Easter Jim Vest andHeather Garrett spent a couple of hours in theafternoon polishing brass in the sanctuary. OnSaturday, April 4th, joyful helpers Joyce Moorman,Pat Rieley, Wilson Brown, Bev Henderson, BethBagley, Louise Pipkin, Brenda Arbogast, BruceBrinkley, Revelle Hamilton, Rob Jarvis, BarbaraMurphy, Blu Ayers, Carol Cross, Tracey Goff and

Mary Anne & Gordon Eubank transformed thechurch along with the Parish Hall and entry waysinto their Easter finest.

Work included returning all things removed onMaundy Thursday, dusting surfaces, polishing glassand silver, carrying plants, flowers, and greenery upthe steps. Also we completed flower arranging, set-ting up for the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services, fetch-ing and filling the Paschal candle,the torch candlesand candelabras. Time was spent assembling thewooden cross and adding greenery so that flowerscould be put on it Easter morning.

We now have four alternates to fill in when mem-bers are unable to help their team. Ellen Wandrei,Kaky West, and Bev Henderson (who is actually onone team) have agreed to fill in when people notifythem ahead of time. Also Rebecca Mays will set upand take down on Wednesdays for anyone needingmidweek assistance. This makes our month of serv-ice easier in case of a problem.

Parish Concerns Rebecca Mays

The Parish Concerns committee assisted theFellowship committee in furnishing a noon timereception following the Memorial Service andCommittal in the Columbarium for Sarah (Sally)Jane Busch on Saturday, April 2, 2015. The Liturgyof the Word included readings by Gordon Eubankand Frank West with the Gospel reading by KayWaff and the Homily given by Wilson Brown.

The Rev. Glenn and Kathy Busch have written a let-ter of thanks to the Fellowship group and expressedthe following in the service bulletin: “The Buschfamily is grateful for the wonderful people of St. John’sand all we have done to support them in rememberingand celebrating the life of both Walt and Sally.”

The Parish Concern committee recognized JennyShutt on Wednesday, April 29th for“Administrative Professionals Day” with a gift cardand a greeting card expressing our sincere apprecia-tion to Jenny for her loyal service and support toour St. John’s family.

We were able to furnish a dinner to Catherine andJamie Osborne and their children on Tuesday, April21st as they were packing and preparing for themoving van later in the week.

They have a home in Tennessee very close to theVirginia line which is also near the home of Jamie’smother and stepfather in SW Virginia. Jamie prom-ised an address and photos in the near future.

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Daughters of the King Louise Pipkin, president

Maundy ThursdayI am afraid that I missed a step in Holy Week thisyear, the Maundy Thursday service. It was a verybusy time.

Many daughters attended the beautiful memorialservice and helped with the reception for our fellowDaughter of the King, Sally Busch, on the morningof Holy Thursday. Sally became a daughter inanother church prior to moving to Bedford. Shewanted to maintain that relationship although herhealth would not permit her to fully participate. Iwas so happy to be able to decorate the altar withdaffodils from my garden as an offering and loveand appreciation for Sally. I loved seeing the photoof Sally and Walt at the reception, taken early intheir marriage, he in his uniform and she looking sosweet with a styled hair-do of the day. We will missher. Our fellow DOK, Helen Ann Spessard visitedSally often at WCL and kept us informed regardingher progress.

Over the last several years, due to the work and per-sistence of a group of dedicated women at St. John’s,we have been able to increase the attendance of theGood Friday service significantly. The church wasjust about full this year. All who participated are tobe congratulated, particularly since we had peoplefrom other churches involved. Thanks to all!

The Mardi Gras themed “Fat Tuesday” was can-celed due to the weather, but I am sure it wouldhave been just as successful as last year’s dinner. (Iam so happy not to have to eat those pancakes.)

I hope next year we can improve on the participa-tion of Maundy Thursday, a most important step inHoly Week. The name Maundy comes from Latinand relates to “new commandment.” It doesinclude foot washing. For the folks who cringe athaving their feet washed, I say try it, you might justlove it.

The first time that I had my feet washed was by theRev. Judy Parrish at Shrine Mont. Her completeattention and tenderness to my feet and the anoint-ing of oil was such a loving gesture. It was verymuch like the teaching that I received in nursingschool on how to give a bed bath in a hospital. I am

sure that is not practiced anymore, but I have neverput an elderly person’s foot in warm water and theynot say, “Oh, that feels so good.” Jesus washed hisdisciple’s feet. Some large churches only wash thefeet of 12, often the vestry of the church. St. John’sis open to all who would like to participate. It issymbolic and an important step in the story.

Many churches have a meal prior to the MaundyThursday service and I seem to remember that St.John’s had a meal prior to the service when we firststarted to attend. It is symbolic of the Last Supperof Our Lord. Many great works of art have beeninspired by the biblical story. Of course, the 16thcentury Leonardo da Vinci painting in Milan Italyis probably the most well-known.

The Maundy Thursday Eucharist is concluded withthe stripping away of all ornamentation of the altar.Uncluttering, emptying, an altar made bare. Acleaning of the altar then takes place. The crossesare veiled in black.

1 Corinthians 11:26, “When you eat this bread anddrink this cup you proclaim the Lord’s death untilhe comes again”.

The most inspirational Maundy Thursday servicethat I have attended was done with the lights turnedlow, the altar stripped and washed by the altar guildwho cares for it. Scripture is read during the quiet,reverent and lovingly performed ceremony.

I have read in the past that this ceremony is wherethe idea of “spring cleaning” came from. We aremaking ready for the Easter happening.

Thanks to all who participated in getting ready forEaster Sunday. We have a wonderful altar guild.The church was beautiful, spectacular fair linensmade by our own Brenda Arbogast , the flowers onthe altar were from the gifts of Rob Jarvis, manyothers participated in preparation for the Easter,“Oh Happy Morning.”

Next year, I certainly hope to be in attendance. Imust remember, without Maundy Thursday, Easterwould not have happened.

For His Sake,—Joyce Moorman

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One day last winter I was at coffee hour and eight-year old Lyla P. Schmehl walked quietly up to meand gave me a ziplock bag with some folded moneyand coins in it saying it was money she had raisedfor Rwandan HUGS....“just something she wantedto do for us.” I was delighted by the surprise andtouched by her humility and generosity. I countedthe money and it was $24.18. A few days later ourboard met and we decided to do something specialwith Lyla’s gift, so we added enough of our “sparechange” to round her gift up to $80. We transferredit to Rwanda to Pastor Deo the next day to buyeight chickens (@$10 each) for The Mbyo AngelPreschool that HUGS has supported since itopened in January 2013. A chicken farm on theschool grounds produces eggs to feed the childrenan egg for breakfast several days each week. Theschool has grown but the chicken flock has not keptup with the school's growth and many more chick-ens are needed so more children can eat eggs forbreakfast. “Lyla's Chickens” (pictured above) willhelp feed several more hungry children each week!THANK YOU LYLA!!! You did something very,very special and we are most grateful and so are thechildren of Mybo Peace Village in Rwanda!

Rwandan HUGS was approached recently by a pro-fessor at Liberty University who was packing a con-tainer for shipment to his native country of Ghanain west Africa. The Rwandan HUGS Thrift Store

donated 5 vanloads of school supplies, books,clothes, luggage, shoes, household goods, linens, artsupplies, a portable piano, toys, etc. that will helpmany schools and churches in Ghana. If you knowof anyone going on a mission trip, please tell themto call me as our HUGS store is always happy toshare our abundance!

I have booked my ticket to Rwanda for August 3-20.I will have a special guest with me, Danielle Sarchetfrom Gleaning for the World who we have part-nered with for distribution of their Wings femininehygiene kits. More about my trip in forthcomingGleanings.

RwandanHUGS Update Nancy Strachan


Fellowship Blu Ayers & Julia Baker


May will an active month including a visit from theBishop on May 17th. Contact Blu Ayers at 540-297-7465 if you can lend an extra hand that day.What’s a sure sign that summer is just around thecorner? Lemonade on the Lawn begins May 31st.

Coffee Hour Tips:• It is helpful to dry and put away the dishes in

the drainer before leaving the church. • There are ceramic mugs available for folks who

prefer them over paper cups.

May Coffee Team Schedule

May 3 Childers

May 10 Green

May 17 Hodnett + help

May 24 Guerin

May 31 Guerin

Page 12: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.


Prayer ListName Prayer Concern Relation to St. John’s Carolyn Bagley arthritis pain Member of St. John's

BenMays renal and bone cancer Son of Bill Mays

Karen Bassett chemotherapy Sister of Kay Waff & Kathie Childers

Robert Ballard cancer and heart failure Friend of Revelle Hamilton

Beverly Briggs kidney issues Sister of Nancy Strachan

Glenn illness Friend of Gail Guerin

Don Deibler pancreatic cancer Father of Chandra Schmehl

Ethel Roehsel grief and recovery from stroke Friend of Mel and Martha Nowlin

Elizabeth Everidge arthritis Sister of Mary Ann Wilson

William Kendrick COPD Brother of Winston Kendrick, Jr.

Laura Hubbard cancer/surgery Friend of Chandra Schmehl

Tom Brace cancer Brother in law of Mary Siegel

Margaret Brace lupus Sister of Mary Siegel

Hunter Rock brain surgery Friend of Meredith Dooley

Sharon Bryant cancer Friend of St. John’s-Monacan Chief

Ella Justice Illness Mother of Rhetta Watkins

Connie Messier Illness Friend of the Vest Family

Karen cancer Friend of Rebecca and Bill Mays

Jim Ackley Stroke Friend of St. John’s

Gary Harrison Illness Friend of Blu Ayers

RonBeach Lymphoma Friend of Janet Hardison

Danny Morgan Stroke Friend of Nancy Johnson

Bettie Leonard Paralyzed Friend of Nancy Johnson

Karla Cancer Friend of Sherri Hodnett

Cheryl Kessler Broken ankle Friend of Nancy Strachan

Winston Kendrick, Jr. Breathing difficulties Member of St. John’s

Ed Knee replacement Father of Kara Sensenig

Scott Morrow Cancer Friend of Heather Garrett

Andrew Injured in car accident Friend of Heather Garrett

Danny Johnson hip replacement Member of St. John’s

Jan Hueber Illness Daughter-in-law of Jim & Betty Hueber

Elderly Homebound Polly Henderson Virginia Philbrick Amorette Turner Nina West Louise Robertson Doris Handy

Serving in the US Military Chris Woodward Ben Melton (Ft. Bragg) P.J. Walerko (Fort Hood, TX) Olivia Brown (Afghanistan)

The Bedford Community For Bedford Christian Free Clinic and all those they strive to serve.

Diocese of West Yorkshire For The Rt. Rev. Nicholas Baines, and his wife Linda.and The Dales

Page 13: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.


Guidelines for a Healthy Relationship1. Accept, Respect & Love Yourself First. You areresponsible for your happiness. Your life is onlyunder your control. Keep reminding yourself youare good enough to have a happy life and a healthyrelationship. Make yourself happy, and then sharewith one another.

2. Make and keep clear agreements. Respect thedifference between yourself and your partner. Don'texpect he/she agrees with you on everything. Reachmutual agreement or plan, & then commit to it.Keeping agreements shows respect for yourself andyour partner, as well as creating a sense of trust andsafety.

3. Use communication to establish a commonground to understand different points of view & tocreate a mutual, collaborative agreement or plan.Having a healthy relationship means that you haveyour experience, and your partner has his/her expe-rience, and you learn to love, share & learn fromthose experiences.

4. Approach your relationship as a learning experi-ence. Each one has important information for youto learn. A truly healthy relationship will consist ofboth partners who are interested in learning andexpanding a relationship.

5. Be truthful to yourself & your partner. Lies cre-ate disconnection between you and your relation-ship, even if your partner never finds out about it.The unarguable truth is about your true feelings;your partner can argue about anything that happensoutside of you, but he or she cannot rationally denyyour feelings.

6. The things you do for your partner must alwaysbe done because you chose to do them and youwanted to do them. Do not hold your “good deeds”over their head at a later time. Keeping score in arelationship will never work.

7. Forgive one another. Forgiveness is a decisionof letting go the past and focusing on the present.It's about taking control of your current situation.

Respect your partner, when your partner tells youto leave them alone, give him or her the time andspace.

8. Review your expectations. Try to be as clear asyou can about any expectations—including accept-able and unacceptable behaviour and attitudes,especially attitudes towards money. Make sure youdon't expect your partner to fulfil every need in yourlife.

9. Be Responsible. Responsible means that youhave the ability to respond. Respond to the realproblem, to your true needs.

10. Appreciate yourself and your partner. In themidst of an argument, it can be difficult to findsomething to appreciate. Start by generating appre-ciation in moments of non-stress, so when you needto be able to do it during a stressful conversation, itwill be easier.

11. Admit your mistakes and say sorry. Right after amisunderstanding or argument, each of you needtime to think of the wrong and right things that youand he/she did. Then ask your partner to give youtime to talk and explain to them why you wereangry, the wrong things you did, the things he/shedid that you did not like and what you would likethem to change. Ask your partner to do the samething & give them a fair chance to talk and explainalso.

12. Spend quality time together. No matter howbusy you two are, there is always an excitementwhen you do something together, when you shareyour precious time. Play a sport, eat at a restaurant,watch your favorite movies together. You will feelthe magic of love and connection that you havewith each other.Edited by Carol R. Martin, RN, M.Ed. from What is a HealthyRelationship? @ Healthy Place- America s Mental Health Channel


Health Tips Carol Rose Martin, R.N.

Page 14: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.


Around St. John’sWinston Kendrick, Jr., remains hospitalizedpresently at Lynchburg General where he has beenin Intensive Care. Winston’s mother, NancyNewman & his step-father, Al, keep the churchinformed. Cards can be sent to his home. Please liftWinston in prayers for his healing and comfort. B

We loved seeing Ann Burnley Eubank Gowen atSt. John’s introducing us to Harriet “Hattie”Gowen. Hattie was born on April 1, 2015 inLynchburg and joins her sister Sally Marshall. Herproud parents are Clint & Anne Burnley Gowenand the very proud grandparents are Gordon &Mary Anne Eubank. Also attending the service onSunday, April 26 was Gordon & Mary Anne’s otherdaughter, Elizabeth Eubank Johnson and her twodaughters Abigail and Evelyn. B

Best wishes to the Osborne Family who moved tothe Tri-Cities area in Tennessee at the end of April.We will miss seeing them at church and hope that

they will be able to come back and visit on occasion.Watching their children grow has been a delight forall of us, so we do hope they keep in touch. B

Bruce Brinkman bid his many friends goodbyeduring the Sunday service on April 26, 2015. He hasmet Danuta, a woman from Connecticut and ismoving there to help her sell her house with thehope that they will move back to settle in Bedford.A card was signed by members of St. John’s andsent prior to his leaving. B

We wish Greg Baltad a safe journey as he embarkson a bike ride across the country. He will begin onMay 1st in Oregon, and plans to arrive in EasternVirginia in July. He is pictured above with wifeMeg, son Gregory, and daughter-in-law at the BBQfundraiser for the Friends of the Blue RidgeParkway on April 25th. We hope that his son,Chris, and Facebook will keep us up-to-date on hisprogress. You can also click here to link to theFriends of the Blue Ridge Parkway page. B

Bill Jackson was recently recognized as one of theTop 3 Volunteers at the D-Day Memorial. Hisphoto in the Bedford Bulletin is on the board atchurch. Also pictured is Betty Hueber in the groupof Top 20 and also a volunteer serving 10 years ormore. Congratulations to both Betty and to Bill onyour loyal service to the Memorial. B

Debby & Langley Weber are very proud of theirdaughter, Phoebe. who will graduate in Businessfrom Virginia Tech on May 16th. CongratulationsPhoebe! B

Bill & Rebecca Mays are very proud of their grand-daughter, Tierney, who will graduate in Historyfrom The College of William & Mary on May 16th.B

Danny Johnson was in Lynchburg GeneralHospital following his hip replacement surgery onMonday, April 27th. There will be updates on hiscondition on the message board. B

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Around St. John’s (continued) From Bruce Brinkman:“God’s Grace & Peace my Brothers & Sisters—By this time all those who know me re aware of mydeparture from Bedford and St. John’s. I am notleaving because of any wrong-doing. I am leavingbecause I have found the missing part of my heart.

All of you that I have adopted as my church familywill always and forever remain as such. I wish tothank those of you who have helped me in variousways since the passing of my Peggy in january 2013.I will always have a place in my heart for you.

Yes, I am moving to Eskimo country (Connecticut)but fell that my spirit will remain here in Bedfordand at St. John’s. There is more good news. Thelady that God has brought me has fallen in love withthis area, and we will start to make plans to sell herhouse and move back to Virginia. So I ask for yourprayers about this return and relocation.

Freckles will be going with us and she will have two“brothers” to play with in Connecticut.

I thank God for all of you and for St. John’s. MayGod continue to bless all of you and the work that isbeing done for Bedford by St. John’s. As Danutaand I start our life together, I ask for prayers and ifyou wish to contact me please do. My email addressis [email protected]. Thank you all againfor being there when I needed someone to help mein all the ways you did.”

God’s peace and love,—Bruce B

Winston & Cathey Burks are pleased toannounce the engagement of their daughter, Kate,of Charleston, SC to Mr. Brian McNeely ofCharlottesville, VA. We wish them every happinessas they plan their future. B

We are delighted to see Pete Thomas walking with-out crutches and getting around well with the braceon his leg and foot. When asked, Pete has a wonder-ful story about a skiing accident in Aspen, CO.while he and Gail were visiting their son & family.Believe it or not! B

We extend our condolences and prayers to the fami-ly of Gloria Carr, including her husband Boyd anddaughter Gwen Johnston. Gloria passed away onApril 25th. B

Laura Rodes is in our thoughts and prayers as sherecovers from surgery. We are sending good wishesfor speedy healing. B

Please send your contributions to “Around St. John’s” to Chandra Schmehl at

[email protected].

NEXT DEADLINE: The deadline for the May newsletter is

Sunday, April 19th.

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May 2015C A L E N D A R


3 4 5 6 7 1 2

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Easter Five

8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I9:30 am Sunday School, Choir,

Adult Forum10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite I,

Children’s Chapel11:30 am Morning Social Hour

Easter Six

8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I9:30 am Sunday School, Choir,

Adult Forum10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II,

Children’s Chapel11:30 am Morning Social Hour

Easter Seven

9:30 am Sunday School, Choir, Adult Forum

10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II, Teacher Recognition

11:30 am Morning Social Hournoon Youth Group @ MSUMC


8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I9:30 am Choir Practice10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II,

Graduate Recognition11:30 am Morning Social Hour

Trinity Sunday

8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I9:30 am Choir Practice10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II,

Children’s Chapel11:30 am Morning Social Hour

12:15 pm Holy Eucharist

12:15 pm Holy Eucharist

Accension Day

1:00 pm DOK Meeting

Shepherd’s Table

8:00 pmN.A. Meeting

Last Day of School

8:00 pmN.A. Meeting

8:00 pmN.A. Meeting

7:00 pmAdult Choir

7:00 pmAdult Choir

7:00 pmAdult Choir


B I R T H D A Y S & A N N I V E R S A R I E S

31 1 2

12:15 pm Holy EucharistHealing Service

7:00 pmAdult Choir

May 1 Sis AmparanMay 2 Joyce OverstreetMay 6 Graham DooleyMay 6 Les StrachanMay 8 Renee VestMay 8 John-Marc

OsborneMay 8 Rachael Osborne

May 10 Laura RodesMay 15 Nancy JohnsonMay 16 J.R. AyersMay 22 Cate WillisMay 24 Judi JacksonMay 26 Nancy StrachanMay 27 C. Boyd Carr

May 28 Darren CraigMay 28 Doris HandyMay 28 Dave SensenigMay 28 Bob Wandrei

May 10 Ethan & RandiCooper

May 24 Don & MarilynRowe

7:30 amYouth Breakfast

6:00 pmVestry Meeting

3 4 5 6

PEO Yardsale

12:15 pm Holy EucharistHealing Service

8 9

UTO Sunday

Bishop Visits

Mothers Day

9:00 amPEO Meeting

PEO Yardsale

Memorial Day

(Office closed)

Page 17: The Gleanings of St. John’s The Holy Spirit Calls IN THIS ......Jesus in various ways. But these encounters do not have the flesh and bones certainty of the resurrec-tion appearances.

The StaffThe Rev. F. Wilson Brown, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rector

. . . . . . . . . .email: [email protected]

The Rev. Carol Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon

The Rev. Kay Waff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon

Mary Anne Eubank . . . . . . . Organist/Choir Director

Jenny Shutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . .email: [email protected]

Tracey Goff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sexton

Sunday Services8:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Eucharist Rite I9:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday School/Choir Practice

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .classes for preschool through high school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Adult Forum

10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Eucharist Rite II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(1st Sunday, Rite I)

11:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morning Social Hour

Wednesday Service12:15 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Eucharist Rite II

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Healing Services 1st & 3rd Wednesdays)

How to Contac t Us : 314 North Bridge Street Bedford, VA 24523

540-586-9582email: [email protected]

[email protected]

www . s t j o h n s b e d f o r d . d i o s w v a . o r g

St. John’s Episcopal Church

The Vestry 2015Winston Burks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior WardenBill Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior WardenJim Towner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk of the VestryAlan Pipkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TreasurerPete Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asst. Treasurer

Members:Blu Ayers Carter GarrettRob Jarvis Martha NowlinDon Rowe John WaffSteve Wandrei Wendy Witt

Vestry Person of the Month for May:John Waff

Submit Newsletter articlesto Chandra Schmehl by email at [email protected]

June/July Deadline: Wednesday, May 20, 2015