The Glaziev Directive · But unfortunately, things are about to get worse — much worse. You see,...

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Transcript of The Glaziev Directive · But unfortunately, things are about to get worse — much worse. You see,...

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: THE "LOST INTERVIEW" Adviser to 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies, Including the CIA & NSA,

Has Exposed a Covert Plan to Destroy the U.S. Economy Under . . .

The Glaziev Directive Six global giants have formed a $16.7 trillion alliance with a single

goal of sabotaging the U.S. dollar and sending your money on a death spiral that could destroy up to 70% of American household

wealth overnight.

And here's how they're going to do it . . .

Hello. My name is Jeff Yastine, and I'm the head of the

Financial Intelligence Report. Over the past decade, my

team and I have shown everyday folks like you how to profit

from massive market moves like the rally in gold . . . in stocks . . . and even in the shale

oil boom.

But more importantly, we've also been able to advise millions of Americans on how to

sidestep the financial carnage from major market crashes before they happen.

In April of 2006, we warned about the imminent real estate bubble that was set to burst.

Just three months later, we predicted a global recession and a plunge in the value of the

dollar as the stock market became drastically overpriced.

A few months later in October, and again in January of 2007, we exposed the back-room

deals of Wall Street banks and foresaw bubbles bursting in consumer spending and

private debt in both the United States and in Europe.

These predictions all pointed to The Great Recession of 2008 when the stock market

dropped 57%, the real estate market fell 30%, and more than $16.4 trillion in American

wealth was wiped out. Even today, the effects of this crisis are still being felt as 1 out of

every 5 Americans is unemployed or underemployed with little hope of climbing out of

his or her financial black hole.

But unfortunately, things are about to get worse — much worse. You see, we are issuing

a brand new warning — a warning so severe it eclipses every alert we've ever issued.

It's the culmination of more than five years of in-depth research to uncover the covert

actions of a powerful alliance bent on destroying the U.S. dollar and crushing the U.S.

economy in the process.

And with more than $16.7 trillion in economic firepower, please know that the strength

of this alliance is not idle speculation.

In fact, the Pentagon insider you will meet in just a moment has unquestionable

evidence that backs up every claim you'll see today. And it starts with a terrifying

initiative called the Glaziev Directive, the results of which spell calamity for you and

your family if you've not taken the simple countermeasures I'll share with you in just a


I'm talking about watching every $100,000 crash to $30,000 or less within a matter of

days . . . if not hours. That means all your savings, investments, and even your home

could decline in value by as much as 70% or more if you don't do anything.

And that's precisely why we've put together this urgent presentation. You see, history

has already shown what can happen when a secret group of dedicated actors form an

alliance with enormous influence and power.

In fact, this exact dynamic has occurred three times over the past 100 years and left the

world irreversibly altered. I'm talking about entire nations with dispossessed and

impoverished citizens — simply because of the ruthless acts of a single group of shadowy


The first time happened in 1914, when one of five assassins, backed by a secret society

called the Black Hand, shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria setting off a

world war.

Within days, banks and stock exchanges closed as interest rates skyrocketed by more

than 300%.

Professor Richard Roberts, of King's College, London, said it was the most serious

systemic financial crisis in the world as nearly 50 countries had stock exchange crashes

and runs on their banks. Before this calamity hit, you could buy a loaf of bread for about

25 cents.

But afterward, it would cost you $2 or more. And this stratospheric rise in the price of

food, clothing, and rents, left people struggling to survive.

Then in 1939, the global monetary system collapsed again.

Backed by followers of the Thule Society, Captain Gustav Kleikamp was ordered by

Berlin to fire on the Port of Danzig, sending the world to war for a second time.

Within days, the global monetary system ground to a halt as millions were sent to the

front lines . . . and even more were sent to the bread lines. And it didn't change until

1944, when the United States exerted its power and dominance to make the U.S. dollar

the world's reserve currency.

Then in 1971, actions by the secretive Bilderberg Group — founded by a cabal of

billionaire bankers — forced Nixon to abandon the gold standard.

This meant anyone holding the world's reserve currency — including foreign

governments, mutual funds, and everyday citizens — could no longer convert their U.S.

dollars back into gold.

The stage was set for the next global monetary collapse. As you can see in this chart, the

U.S. dollar lost over 50% of its value, setting off the Great Inflation of the 1970s.

Interest rates soared to 20% as the economy spiraled into a recession. From coast to

coast, businesses were wrecked, jobs were lost, and unemployment spiked to 10%.

Americans everywhere felt the relentless crush of this financial vise-grip.

Even, John Connolly, President Nixon's Treasury secretary ended up declaring personal

bankruptcy in the turmoil.

But as they say, pain has no memory. And indeed, most people don't remember the

horror this brought to our nation. The global mistrust of the dollar was so bad that

Washington had to issue U.S. bonds denominated in Swiss francs just to keep the

government running.

And while the shadowy financial assassins today are of a slightly different sort — the

outcome of their covert actions will no doubt eclipse the three previous collapses


Each one of these prior collapses was terrifying to everyday folks at the time. But they

are nothing compared to the devastation every American will feel as this new calamity

guts the American economy and devastates personal wealth for years to come.

American households could see $58 trillion in personal wealth virtually obliterated,

overnight. And the intelligence operative and Pentagon insider you will meet in just a

moment has irrefutable evidence that shows this collapse is imminent and could happen

at any moment.

In fact, when the Pentagon got wind of the shocking discoveries he made while working

on a top-secret project for the CIA, they quickly militarized his findings in preparation

for the financial chaos to come.

This urgent move by the military came from the fact that the last three monetary

collapses all happened before the world's financial systems were globalized.

They happened before the rapid rise of computer technology, the Internet, and the

global integration of the financial markets — all of which have set the stage for a global

monetary crisis like no other.

The prior collapses happened before the global banks on Wall Street had expanded

internationally . . . gobbled up their rivals . . . and became too big to fail.

They were all before the New York Stock Exchange merged with Euronext in Amsterdam

. . . before the NASDAQ and the OMX of Sweden became one . . . and long before the

Tokyo and the Toronto Stock Exchanges started sharing the same name.

Think of it like this.

Once upon a time, every country's currency was like its own ship on the global sea. It

was free to move and interact wherever it wanted. If one ship went down, the others

were fine.

But now, today, with massive globalization, all these ships have docked into the same

port. And now, just like Pearl Harbor, it only takes one coordinated attack to wipe out

the entire fleet.

Like the mysterious workings of the Black Hand in 1914, the Thule Society in 1939, and

the Bilderberg Group in 1971, these financial assassins are about to decimate the dollar

and destroy the U.S. economy.

They've grown weary of watching their U.S. dollar holdings lose value month in and

month out as Washington arrogantly creates more and more debt at their expense.

And now, they have the economic strength to do something about it.

Independently, any one of these alliance members could create financial havoc for the

United States, but combined, they are a financial monster with more than $16.7 trillion

in economic firepower.

And now their covert actions are setting the stage for an epic shift in global power.

Their first step was outlined on June 10, under the Glaziev Directive. A directive that

spells out the first punch that will knock the U.S. economy to the mat. And while this

first hit will shake the foundation of our financial system to the core, it's the second

punch that we will deal a deathblow to American wealth and everything you hold dear.

And unfortunately, Washington has only egged them on with their reckless ways. Now at

more than $17 trillion in unpayable debts, and an economy that's running on the fumes

of the Federal Reserve's bottomless money-printing machine, Washington has given

away the keys to the global financial kingdom.

Truth is, the only reason our nation's leaders have been able to get away with their out-

of-control spending and massive debt creation for so long is because the entire world

relies on the U.S. dollar for global trade.

If you are Brazil and you want to buy oil from Saudi Arabia — the world's largest oil

producer — you have to turn your Brazilian reals into U.S. dollars before you can buy.

If you're India and you want to buy natural gas from Russia, you're going to have to

convert your rupees to dollars first. If Africa wants to buy rice or wheat, you better have

some greenbacks because that's just how the world works.

And it's been this way since the end of World War II when the U.S. dollar was

unanimously selected as the anchor for the global financial system.

But all of that ends . . . starting right now!

This new secret alliance won't need a war . . . or massive political pressure from the

ultra-wealthy to achieve its objective. In fact, the entire monetary system will be ground

to a halt with the simple flip of a financial "switch," — a switch that will "reset" the value

of the dollar instantly ... and irreversibly.

Like a computer that freezes up and reboots after being seized by a virus, this global

reset will do the same. Only instead of wiping out all your work when the screen goes

dark — it will wipe out everything you've ever worked for, unless you've taken the right

precautions in advance.

Any stress, strain, or pressure you felt during the last recession, when the Dow dropped

by 54%, will seem like a walk in the park. I'm talking about more than just a stock

market crash here . . . I'm talking about a drop of 70% or more in nearly everything you

own — your house, your 401(k), your savings account, and much more.

This collapse will reset the value of everything you own. It will be like going to bed with

a $100,000 retirement account and waking up with $30,000 or less in the bank.

For most people, it will be like watching 20+ years of your life savings and hard work, go

up in smoke. You see, this isn't just a collapse of the existing system; it's an entire


It will reset the value of the U.S. dollar and instantly change how much you've saved,

how much you've invested, and even how much you pay for food . . . healthcare . . .

energy . . . and every other basic good and service to live your life.

The bottom line is that you need to get prepared now — before this

global reset happens. And that's precisely why I've asked Pentagon

insider and former CIA analyst Jim Rickards to take you through

exactly what's happening at this very moment.

Jim has highlighted many of these issues in his national best-selling

books "Currency Wars" and "The Death of Money." But he recently

sent me a confidential dossier, which shows how the Glaziev

Directive has accelerated the plan of attack.

And at the end of this presentation, you will have an opportunity to get a free copy of

this dossier as part of the "Death of Money Defense Plan" Jim and I have prepared for

our viewers today.

If you are not familiar with Jim, he has been a key figure in U.S. Intelligence and

national security for more than 35 years. And while much of his work is classified,

what's publicly known is astonishing.

For example . . .

He was called upon by Washington as part of a team who negotiated the release of the 52 American hostages held in Iran in 1981.

The Federal Reserve and Wall Street banks relied on him to prevent a massive collapse of the U.S. financial system in 1998 when he negotiated a multibillion dollar bailout — then the largest of its kind — for failed hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.

After 9/11, the CIA asked him to investigate mysterious trades in airline stocks by terrorist sympathizers, trades that signaled someone knew the attack was coming.

In the past few years, he conducted the first-ever financial "war games" at a top-secret Pentagon facility where his analysis has helped the intelligence community assess the national security risks of financial chaos.

Still serving as an adviser to the Office of the

Director of National Intelligence, which oversees

the CIA, the NSA, and 14 other U.S. intelligence

agencies, you can clearly see Jim is a valuable asset

for explaining the explosive developments he's


I urge you to pay close attention over the next few


Not only will you have a front row seat for this

exclusive briefing on the largest covert threat to

American wealth, you will also see how one small

step today will help you sidestep the coming financial carnage and prepare yourself to

profit when the U.S. dollar resets.

So make sure to stay with us until the end of this presentation where we have a special

offer so you can get a copy of Jim Rickards' New York Times best-seller, "The Death of

Money," absolutely FREE.

More on that in a moment. But first, let me introduce you to Jim Rickards, who is

joining us here in the studio today.

The Lost Interview

Jeff: Welcome, Jim. It's good to have you with us.

Jim: Thank you for having me.

Jeff: The last few times we spoke, you had been in Dubai, London, and more recently in

New York City on CNBC, Fox Business, and other media outlets where you are working

to get the word out on this coordinated threat to the U.S. economy and how it will affect

our allies around the world. And I appreciate you taking time out of your tight schedule

to join us here today.

Jim: It's my pleasure. I'll do whatever I can to get this information out to as many

people as I can . . . and as quickly as possible.

Jeff: Jim, I've been reviewing this information you sent me over and over again. And it

is some of the most shocking stuff I've ever seen coming out of the intelligence


I see this new alliance under the Glaziev Directive and how it's one more step in

accelerating the annihilation of the American economy and our way of life. But

truthfully, everything you've provided me is a lot to swallow.

So before we start getting into the salient points on the shocking dossier you've put

together, perhaps you can give us some background on what drove you to do this? I

mean, you've woven many fine threads together . . . and as a whole . . . they are

absolutely terrifying.

Jim: Well, Jeff, the trigger point for me came after 9/11 when I was asked by the CIA to

join a top-secret project investigating market manipulation by the terrorists before the


Jeff: Without compromising any classified material, can you tell our viewers what you

were doing for the CIA?

Jim: Sure. The agency believed that terrorists were trading in airline stocks before the

run up to the terrorist attack. But they had no experience in the financial markets. So

they recruited me to help find out what happened. And for the next two years, we had

more than 200 financial professionals — from stock exchange executives, hedge fund

managers, Nobel Prize winners, financial technologists, and systems analysts — poring

over the mountains of trading data.

Jeff: So what did you and your team find out?

Jim: We found clear evidence that someone knew the attacks were about to happen.

Without getting too technical, the terrorists were using the options markets to make big

bets that airline stocks would tank. It was a way for them to profit from falling stocks,

while also sending the markets into a free fall.

Jeff: So you're saying it was not only a physical attack, but a coordinated financial

attack as well?

Jim: That's right. Remember, New York City and the Twin Towers represented the

center of global finance. The terrorists were not only looking to fund their operations

from the deaths of innocent Americans, they were also trying to maximize the instability

of a market crash to cause as much havoc as possible. It was a veritable one-two punch.

Jeff: Is it safe to say that if our national intelligence community could have seen these

big options trades in advance, that they would have known the attacks were coming?

Jim: That was our goal — to devise a system that could use the financial markets to

signal potential threats to national security before they could inflict innocent casualties

or economic damage. Remember, after the attacks on 9/11, people wanted justice. So we

were given all the resources we needed to amass mountains of financial data from all

over the world. It gave us baselines for measuring every global market — stocks, oil,

gold, commodities, utilities, you name it. And with all this data, we could map out what

"normal" activity should look like.

Jeff: Are you saying you found a way to predict terrorist attacks simply by studying the

markets — kind of like a trip-wire that lets you know when terrorists are creeping into

the financial system?

Jim: You got it. There are common "frequencies" that the market will always operate in,

and anytime that average activity has massive variations, our system screams an alert

that something has violently hit the patterns.

Jeff: This sounds like a whole new way to gather intelligence.

Jim: It is. And by setting the system to different asset classes, we can see movement

anywhere around the globe. We not only have the ability to monitor insider trading by

terrorists, we can now see the actions of dictators, hostile rivals, and even state actors.

Jeff: You and I have had discussions on how the intelligence community is separated by

their specific operations: human intelligence, which comes from operatives in the field

... signal intelligence, which covers electronic communications . . . and this sounds like

you've cracked the code for some sort of market intelligence.

Jim: That's right. In fact, this system opened a whole new field of intelligence

gathering. And once we completed our initial market intelligence missions with the CIA,

the entire operation shifted to the Pentagon as a part of its military intelligence


Jeff: Again without breaching any confidential information, what was it about your

system that impressed the Pentagon and moved this to military-grade operations.

Jim: The important point to note here is that warfare is no longer restricted to historic

battlefields, and our military is constantly innovating to prepare for any and all threats

— be they from chemical and biological weapons, cyber weapons, or in this case,

financial weapons.

Jeff: It's amazing to think how much the battlefield has changed. Our enemies can

launch an attack at any time, and they never even have to fire a shot.

Jim: It's true. The nature of war has changed. But make no mistake, we are at war. As I

wrote in my latest book, there are global factions and nation states that are diligently

working to undermine the dollar right now.

And they have one goal, to collapse the current monetary system and replace it with a

new one — a system that isn't tied directly to the dollar. And frankly, with $17 trillion in

bad debt and a flagging economy, we are handing them the opportunity on a silver


That's why this system has become mission critical for defending America. We've spent

nearly 13 years developing the technology with financing from the CIA, the Pentagon,

and other government agencies.

And now this system has issued a red alert on a covert operation with a single objective

of assassinating the U.S. dollar, removing it as the world's reserve currency, and

replacing it with a new monetary system.

Jeff: You're talking about global financial regime change.

Jim: I couldn't have said it better myself.

Jeff: That brings us to something I mentioned at the start of this presentation. And

something you address in your book "The Death of Money." The global monetary system

has already collapsed three times in the past 100 years. Can you share a bit more on this,

and how these collapses pale in comparison to the coming collapse of the monetary


Jim: Certainly. As you said, the monetary system has already collapsed three times in

the last century. The first was in 1914, precipitated by World War I. And this led to

alternating hyperinflation and depression well into the 1920s. The second time was

1939, at the start of World War II in Europe. After this, the global monetary system

didn't stabilize again until 1944 when the United States, nearing an allied victory,

pushed for the U.S. dollar to be the world's reserve currency. The last one was in 1971,

when Nixon abandoned the gold standard by closing what was called the "gold window."

This meant that anybody holding dollars could no longer convert their dollars to gold.

Jeff: I remember it well. I was only 7 years old, but I'd sit watching the NBC Nightly

News with my dad each night, so I was more than aware of the original Gas Crisis,

Nixon's economic price controls policies, the '74 recession, and the inflation/stagflation

that was the mark of that era. The impact and uncertainty it brought on the nation was

horrible, especially as interest rates climbed as high as 21.5% in the decade after Nixon

closed the gold window.

Jim: Each one of these collapses in the monetary system brought on massive global

turmoil. But unlike today, the monetary system back then was not as globalized. Every

country had its own currency . . . there was no euro. You couldn't push a button on your

computer screen and turn your dollars into a single European currency . . . much less

turn your Deutschmarks into French francs or your British pounds into Japanese yen.

Jeff: Not to mention the fact that the first two collapses didn't have the U.S. dollar as

the world's reserve currency.

Jim: That's right. Back then, a collapse in one area of the monetary system — while

devastating — could often be contained, limiting the damage. But now, because we are

all connected through technology, global exchanges, and mutual debt, a monetary

collapse in one area will trigger a complete global meltdown. It will make the financial

crisis of 2008 look like a walk in the park.

Jeff: That's a sobering thought, Jim. Especially after the housing and credit market

collapse here in the United States nearly burned Europe to the ground when Wall Street

big banks could no longer help refinance government bonds. With all our markets

connected, it almost sounds like this coming collapse is the end of the world.

Jim: For many people, especially for those who don't prepare themselves now, it is

going to seem like the end of the world. You see, this isn't just a stock market collapse . .

. or a housing market collapse . . . it's both and much, much more. It's a complete

monetary collapse, and the fallout will be catastrophic.

Jeff: But if people prepare now, they can avoid the potential catastrophic losses we're

talking about.

Jim: They can not only avoid the losses, they could actually position themselves for

massive wave of wealth as the new dollar comes into view.

Jeff: So there is a potential silver lining here.

Jim: Absolutely. In every collapse there is always a small group of people who are ready

for it and then make an absolute fortune in the process.

This is exactly what Sir John Templeton did after World War I. When the stock market

collapsed, he famously bought 100 shares of every NYSE listed company that was selling

for less than $1. And as the economy turned, he made an absolute fortune, eventually

becoming a billionaire many times over.

He was able to do it because he was ready when the collapse hit. The bottom line is that

this coming collapse isn't going to be the end the world. But it will be the end the world

as we know it. And in the short term, many people will be wiped out for decades to come

— especially those who aren't prepared.

But those who are prepared could see themselves as part of the new class of wealth — a

new bourgeois class that will use the reset of the dollar to catapult their personal wealth

in lock step with the new global currency.

And, what should really be comforting is that it won't take a lot of effort to do this. In

fact, as I discuss in my book, you only need to take a few simple steps and you're

fundamentally set.

Jeff: This is exactly why we've put this presentation together. It's one thing to know an

imminent financial collapse is coming. And it's quite another to have a clear action plan

to not only get you through the coming turmoil unscathed, but also help you leapfrog

into a whole new world of wealth.

So make sure you stay tuned through the remainder of this program. Jim Rickards and I

have put together a special offer that you will not want to miss. We call it the Death of

Money Defense Plan. And in it, you will not only get a FREE copy of Jim's best-selling

book, "The Death of Money," but you will also have a crystal-clear blueprint on how you

can protect yourself and profit no matter how bad things get.

So, Jim. Our viewers have seen a glimpse of how the international monetary system has

collapsed three times in recent history — each time beginning with a small group that

eventually coalesced into a highly focused and powerful force that changed the course of

history. Tell us how the Glaziev Directive is following this same pattern and will usher in

a financial catastrophe worse than ever before.

Jim: The Glaziev Directive is a single rallying cry for a silent but powerful alliance. And

it will result in a ruthless overhaul of the monetary system and the ultimate

assassination of the U.S. dollar.

Pen was finally put to paper on June 10, when Vladimir Putin's economic adviser,

Sergey Glaziev, published a bold directive where he outlined the rationale behind an

international alliance of countries that were ready to get rid of the dollar for

international trade and also to stop using it as their reserve currency.

And taking it one step further, Elvira Nabiullina, the governor of the Russian central

bank, recently stated that Russia is in discussions with China and their BRICS partners

regarding the establishment of a new system for multilateral trade.

It will allow the transfer of resources from one country to another, as needed, so each

member can start directing their currency reserves away from the dollar and to the new


Jeff: By BRICS partners she means, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Jim: That's right. The BRICS countries have experienced phenomenal growth over the

past decade while Western economies have been dying a slow death with massive debts,

rising unemployment, and flat productivity. Fact is, the BRICS have more financial

muscle than people think. The total gross domestic product of these combined countries

is $16.7 trillion, and that puts them on equal footing with the other two global

powerhouses, the European Union at $17.3 trillion and the United States at 17.5 trillion.

And under the Glaziev Directive, these allied countries will be able to freely transfer

assets and resources from one country to another. And more importantly, they will be

able to divert their currency reserves away from the dollar and into the new system . . .

without missing a beat.

Jeff: That's insane. You're talking about a formalized declaration of war on the U.S.


Jim: It is. But Jeff, this is only one step of a two-step plan in executing a global reset of

world's monetary system.

Jeff: Can you help me and our viewers understand why the "death of the dollar" . . . the

global reset . . . the directive . . . the alliance . . . all lead to such a cataclysmic end for the


Jim: Absolutely. Since 1971, when Nixon took us off the gold standard, the only thing

that has been used to back the value of the dollar is the full faith and credit of the U.S.

government. But back then, the national debt was only about $424 billion. That's only

2% of the $17 trillion in debt we have today.

So today, the full faith and credit of the U.S. government no longer carries any weight.

And our rivals around the globe know it. Our "backing" is toothpick-thin, because we

can't even get our own financial house in order.

And Washington can't just make a decision to go back to a gold standard, since we don't

have enough gold to do it without destroying the value of the dollar. Any move toward

backing the dollar with gold would decimate its value — one dollar would be worth a few

pennies at best.

Every asset in America . . . every pension fund, retirement account, savings account,

automobile, house . . . you name it . . . would be wiped out.

And think about how this would affect your everyday economy. If you were a vendor

selling your goods and services, would you be willing to take money that was virtually

worthless as payment?

Jeff: No, I wouldn't.

Jim: That's precisely why a monetary collapse will send inflation through the roof as the

prices for everything from oil and energy to food, to housing and healthcare would


Jeff: OK. You've got my attention. And I imagine that of many of our viewers as well. I

guess Washington's out-of-control spending and the Federal Reserve's constant

purchase of worthless assets since the bailouts in 2008, are finally coming back to haunt


Jim: Yes that's a big part of it. But there's a much bigger problem than the Federal

Reserve flooding the market with easy money and buying up bad assets to keep the

economy moving.

When the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates near zero, money is cheap. And cheap,

easy money puts more money into circulation and drives down the value of the dollar.

The problem here is this "money printing" affects the entire global monetary system

since the dollar is the world's reserve currency.

Jeff: Meaning it affects all who use the dollar to value their own currencies and engage

in trade.

Jim: That's right. For more than 60 years, countries around the world have used the

dollar as a benchmark for stable international trade. And many countries use the dollar

as a reserve currency. In the past, having currency reserves in U.S. dollars was "as good

as gold."

Jeff: So what you're saying is that trust was historically high in America and in the U.S.


Jim: Yes. Remember, America's economy and infrastructure wasn't devastated directly

by World War II. In fact, we became a calm, mediating force around the globe that

helped to balance the world's economies and give countries an opportunity to rebuild

after the war.

Jeff: That's a good thing.

Jim: It is. But now that historical trust has been eroded by decades of easy money and a

ballooning national debt that has the whole world feeling nervous. So now they are

quietly getting their money out of the dollar and preparing for a new global currency

when the dollar collapses.

Truth is, anyone addicted to debt has to eventually pay the piper at some point . . . and it

doesn't matter if you're a single mom, a doctor, or a country. Creditors are creditors, and

one day, they'll come calling and you're going to have to pay. And right now, one of the

biggest ones we have to answer to is China. It has been the biggest buyer of U.S. debt in

the form of Treasury bonds. And with nearly $4 trillion of foreign exchange

denominated in U.S. dollars, plus another $1.2 trillion in U.S. debt, China has $5.2

trillion of its wealth tied up in the U.S. dollar, and it is getting tired of watching the value

of these assets drop every time Washington goes on a spending spree.

Jeff: $5.2 trillion is an enormous amount of money. But isn't this the same problem for

everyone who holds their assets in U.S. dollars?

Jim: It is. And frankly, it's not much better for countries holding euros either, as the

European Central Bank is in the same pickle as the Federal Reserve. The bottom line is

that the Western world has over-extended itself beyond anything in history. And the day

of reckoning is here.

Remember, we are all tied together. America can't default on its Treasury bonds and

Federal Reserve notes. If we do, China would instantly lose out on the $1.2 trillion it has

in U.S. debt, while the $4 trillion it has in U.S. dollar reserves disintegrates before its

eyes. I don't care how a big a country is, that's just too much money for anyone to take a

hit on when there are ways to avoid it.

Jeff: Ways to avoid it?

Jim: Yes. Starting with the Glaziev Directive. This is step one in a coordinated effort to

unseat the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. But what's even worse is step two.

Through my market intelligence sources, we now see that the major governments,

including the United States, the Eurozone, and China are allowing a covert

redistribution of gold so the entire system can be reset — a preplanned, global reset of

the value of money.

Jeff: Are you talking about some sort of conspiracy here?

Jim: It's conspiratorial in that the governments involved don't want others to know

what they're doing. In truth, it's just a pragmatic way to stabilize the monetary system

globally, and prepare the major parties for a global reset of the value of money. A reset

that will save the system, but unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, millions of people

are going to have everything they own virtually wiped out overnight.

Jeff: Can you share with our viewers more of the details on what you see going on

behind the scenes.

Jim: Absolutely. In fact, I would encourage your viewers to pay very close attention to

what I am going to share right now. In all candor, this is the most critical piece of

knowledge that anyone could have for understanding how the monetary system will

collapse . . . when it will collapse . . . and how you can make sure you're on the right side

of the ledger when the dust settles.

Jeff: Great. Well let's get to it.

Jim: As I mentioned before, the BRICS have experienced phenomenal growth over the

last decade. And now their total gross domestic product is around $16.7 trillion, so they

can stand toe-to-toe with the United States and the Eurozone. But the real economic

might in this alliance is with China.

China is rapidly growing into a consumer juggernaut as it transitions from an export

economy to a consumer economy. The point here, is that China can't get left behind

when this coordinated global reset hits.

Jeff: I know your research points to some shocking evidence on China, especially some

of the covert moves that are taking place behind the scenes.

Jim: Make no mistake. China is the main driver for this global reset of the monetary

system and the death of the dollar. It's just keen to let the other members of their

alliance do the talking. By getting the public dialogue focused on someone else, it can

continue its covert operations virtually unnoticed. That's why it let Russia put forth the

Glaziev Directive. It's classic misdirection.

Jeff: That makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Russia has been saber rattling

and taunting the United States over Ukraine. And Brazil has been pretty vocal about its

anger after finding out the NSA has been spying on its president. But China has been

relatively quiet. It's as if it's treating us with velvet gloves.

Jim: And that's exactly how it wants it. You've heard the saying "keep your friends

close, and your enemies closer." China would much rather come off as friendly, so it can

keep us roped in while it continues to covertly prepare for this global reset and create a

new global reserve currency where the dollar no longer has a dominant role.

Jeff: I've been thinking about that quite a bit as I read and re-read the updated dossier

you sent me recently. It would seem that China might use a "basket of currencies" to set

the value of the new monetary system — much like the baskets of currencies that were

used before the introduction of the euro. Back then, the Deutsche mark ... French franc

... Swiss franc and even the Japanese yen would be grouped together to set certain

values for international trade.

Jim: This is definitely in the cards. Only this time, the Chinese yuan will take a lead in

the resetting of the world's reserve currency. But China won't go it alone. It needs an

alliance of countries to pull this off.

And that's why the first step started with the Glaziev Directive. You see, China can't flip

the switch on this global reset when it has $5.4 trillion in exposure to the U.S. dollar. If

it did, it would immediately lose the $1.4 trillion it holds in U.S. debt, and the remaining

$4 trillion in dollar-denominated reserves could drop by 50% or more in an instant.

Jeff: It could conceivably drop by as much as 50 . . . 60 . . . even 70 % or more without

some sort of intervention to prevent a collapse.

Jim: You're absolutely right. Remember what happened just a few short years ago when

the real estate bubble burst . . . home prices dropped by 32%. And the only reason these

prices didn't fall further when the bubble burst was because of the bailout packages from

the Federal Reserve, where it threw $611 billion into the financial system to stop the

bleeding and stave off a further drop in the value of these assets.

The only problem this time is that the Fed can't fix it. It has no fuel left in the tank. So

when the Fed tries to hit the gas and outrun the next crisis, it's going to be a sitting duck.

And Americans are going to suffer for it.

Jeff: So you're saying this time around there is nothing the Fed can do . . . and it is

going to be worse then what we experienced in the housing collapse?

Jim: Significantly worse. All you have to do is look at the unvarnished numbers, the

simple numbers that have no media spin, and you'll see the fault line is enormous. And

while Washington is looking the other way pretending it's not that bad, this is the main

reason why other world leaders are fuming over our inability to get our financial house

in order. For starters, the Federal Reserve is insolvent. The real value of its assets is not

enough to cover its outstanding debts. Here's an example of what I mean...

What kind of car do you drive?

Jeff: I drive a Honda Accord.

Jim: Brand new that car costs about $25,000 right?

Jeff: That's about right.

Jim: So tell me this . . . FIVE years from now . . . would that car still be worth $25,000?

Jeff: No. It would probably be worth about half that amount.

Jim: So if someone wanted to buy that car from you in five years, that person would

only pay $12,000 for it — no matter how hard you tried to sell it for $25,000.

Jeff: Anyone in his or her right mind, yes.

Jim: This is where the Federal Reserve has the most folks snowed as it keeps its darkest

secret hidden. You see, when the Federal Reserve buys an asset — any asset — it records

the value of that asset at the cost it paid for it. And because of an accounting trick, it

never has to show that asset dropping in value. So if the Federal Reserve owned your

car, five years down the road, the Federal Reserve would still say your car is worth

$25,000 — no matter how many people said it was a five-year-old car and only worth a

fraction of that price.

Jeff: That's absolutely crazy.

Jim: Oh wait. It gets worse; in fact it gets terrifyingly crazy.

You see, some of the assets the Fed has in its vault are absolute garbage — economic

refuse it amputated from the American economy at the height of the last financial crisis.

Mortgage loans worth a fraction of their 2008 value . . . defaulted loans on six-year-old

cars . . . commercial real estate loans that no one has paid on for years . . . and the list

goes on.

Jeff: You're not kidding, that is terrifying. You're saying the Federal Reserve . . . the

bank that is the symbol of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government . . . is sitting

on nothing more than a toxic financial waste dump filled with bad mortgages and car


Jim: Pretty much.

Jeff: I am sure my viewers would agree this problem is much bigger than any one of us

would have ever imagined.

Jim: That's why I am doing whatever I can to get this message out to as many people as

possible. No matter how hard we try to get Washington to change course, it won't — and

now frankly, it can't. We are past the point of no return. In fact, Senator Rand Paul

quoted several of my recent findings during his speech on the Senate floor recently, but

once again, it's falling on deaf ears as other members of Congress don't want to get

involved in this political lightning rod. Let's be honest, Jeff, no politician wants to

contemplate being the one responsible for impoverishing millions of people in order to

prevent an economic collapse. But that's exactly what's going to happen.

Jeff: We have an excerpt of that speech. Let's take a look at what Senator Paul had to


Jeff: The potential fallout here is immense. With the central bank insolvent after the

original bailout and continued purchase of toxic assets, Congress would have to bail out

the Fed this time — a move that would only trigger an increased loss of confidence in

paper money.

Jim: That's right, and this time it would be a global financial collapse of biblical

proportions. You see, the Fed has no ammunition left to fight another liquidity crisis

when confidence is shaken. In the past five years alone, the Fed has taken its collection

of worthless assets from $800 billion to over $4 trillion.

And it did nothing to improve the overall economy. Fact is, the economy just had its

worst pullback in five years . . . a telltale sign that our rivals are ready to flip the switch

on this global reset sooner rather than later.

Jeff: So this pullback in the economy just revealed another crack in the financial system

— that the Fed's policies won't work.

Jim: That's right. It further proves that the Fed can't fix the system. And worse yet,

because of the Fed, there is a real possibility that Congress may have to step in and bail

out the Fed at some point.

The only problem is that Washington has nowhere to turn to get the money. With $17

trillion debt, who would be willing to loan us a quick $4 trillion to keep the Fed afloat? It

won't be the International Monetary Fund or World Bank since we are the biggest

financial contributors to both of these organizations.

It won't be the European Union, since it's still trying to hold its own house together as

many member states are on the brink of bankruptcy themselves.

The only other economic power that could possibly help would be Chinese and its BRICS

allies, but they're already operating under the Glaziev Directive.

In fact, these five countries just unveiled their own versions of the International

Monetary Fund and World Bank at a recent summit in Brazil. It's an emergency bailout

fund to fight financial crises, called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement. And America

won't see a dime of this money.

Jeff: This is truly scary stuff, Jim. The Glaziev Directive is playing out right before our


Jim: It is. And it's exactly what my sources were telling me was going to happen. And

frankly, it's just going to escalate from here.

Jeff: Most of our viewers have known for some time that the system is broken . . . but

you're talking about it being shattered.

Jim: That's right. You see, one or two smaller countries like a Greece or Argentina can

default and the system can correct itself even while it helps the economies that have

failed. But when larger, more influential countries like France, Italy, or Germany start to

falter, the global powers that be can't afford to start bailing out everyone. It just isn't

feasible. And if the United States were to default, well, the whole system will go down in


Jeff: I have to agree with you there. And when you think about it, it's almost as if there's

no way out of this. We know the Fed can't buy toxic assets forever to keep the economy

afloat . . . and at the same time, we have no hope of growing our way out of this mess

since the economy grows by about $300 billion each year, but Washington adds another

$600 billion in new debt each year. Our debt is literally growing 100% faster than our

economy. It's like a Catch 22.

Jim: You're right. And it is just more fuel for the fire as global players look to distance

themselves from using the dollar as the world's reserve currency. And while America is

loath to lose its position as the worlds' reserve currency, our astronomical money

printing to cover our debt makes it impossible to sustain. Basically we've overstepped

our monetary bounds for good and there is no turning back.

Jeff: So let's dig deeper into this global reset. You've had an opportunity to spend time

with your market intelligence operatives who are focused on economic readiness and

you're seeing some massive moves that are telling you this radical shift to a new

currency is about to take place soon.

Jim: That's right. I've had private conversations with former Federal Reserve board

members, and other central bankers around the globe, on what's going on behind the

scenes — what's not getting reported in the mainstream media — and frankly,

everything I'm hearing is that this global reset is about to hit. In fact, we already know

what it looks like, and when you can expect it to happen.

Jeff: I know for myself, and our viewers as well, we want to do whatever we can to

prepare for this event. So what should we be looking for?

Jim: The good news is that it's not all that complicated. In fact, what I am going to

share with you sounds very simple. But don't let its simplicity deter you from the

underlying ramifications of a global reset.

Jeff: OK, we're with you.

Jim: We've already shown how the world's central banks are broke. And the

outstanding dollars floating throughout the money system are nothing more than a bank

note . . . it's a contract based on trust.

Jeff: Right, a debt by the central banks that no longer have the assets to back them up.

Jim: On the surface that's exactly right. But when you peel back the layers, you will see

that behind the central banks and paper currencies is still gold — just not in the way you

may think. In 1971, Nixon broke with the gold standard when he no longer allowed

countries to convert their dollars to gold. In essence, Nixon's policy told the world that

the dollar was good money because it was based on the "full faith and credit of the U.S.


Jeff: But any faith in the creditworthiness of the U.S government goes out the window

when you're $17 trillion in debt and climbing.

Jim: You're right. Of course in 1971, Nixon could get away with his claim that the dollar

would be backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The world still had

some nostalgia on the global dominance of the United States since our decisive victory

in World War II and our ongoing strength during the Cold War. Now more than 40

years have passed and all countries have abandoned the gold standard. Even

Switzerland, which still had a 40% gold reserve tied to the Swiss franc, finally ended the

practice in 2000. But we're in a different world now. The global playing field has been

leveled by everything from integrated technology in financial markets to the launch of

the euro in 1992 to the global rise of China over the past decade or so. And while

countries publicly claim that they no longer tie their currency to the value of gold, what

they are doing privately is a different story. And China is the biggest actor in covert gold


Jeff: Wow. China is secretly amassing gold. What is it looking to do, re-establish some

sort of global gold standard?

Jim: No, not in the traditional sense. You see the U.S. Treasury currently has about

8,000 tonnes of gold, making us the largest single holder of gold reserves in the world.

The members of the Eurozone have a bit more than us . . . collectively around 10,000

tonnes of gold. Another big holder of gold is the International Monetary Fund with

about 3,000 tonnes of gold. The only one left out right now is China.

And since it knows the "dollar" system is coming to an end, it has to increase its gold

holdings before it can trigger a global reset of the world's reserve currency.

Right now China's official holdings are at 1,054 tonnes. But market intelligence shows

that China has been covertly acquiring thousands of tonnes of gold to minimize the

market impact of its purchases. As you can see in this chart, China's gross imports on

gold have risen by 2,380 tonnes. And while some of this went into the mainstream

financial market, it's clear from leaked memos that China put a good portion into the

People's Bank of China.

Even a leaked confidential memo from China's National Foreign Exchanges

Administration shows that China will do whatever it takes to increase its gold reserves.

The memo stated . . . "the majority of China's gold reserves have been located in the U.S.

and European countries. The U.S. and Europe have always suppressed the rising price of

gold. They intend to weaken gold's function as an international reserve currency. They

don't want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U.S. dollar or

euro. Therefore, suppressing the price of gold is very beneficial for the U.S. in

maintaining the U.S. dollar's role as the international reserve currency."

It goes on to spell out China's intentions for increasing its gold reserves. "China's

increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries toward

reserving more gold. Large gold reserves are also beneficial in promoting the

internationalization of the RMB."

Jeff: Wow. This is shocking. So the U.S. and the Eurozone are just letting this happen.

They are letting China do this as a way to "redistribute" gold reserves globally, before the

global monetary reset.

Jim: They are. Truth is, it has no choice. The United States and the Eurozone need

China when the reset happens. China is one of our biggest trading partners, and we can't

have its economy collapse as worthless dollars sit and rot in its foreign reserve accounts.

And without significant gold holdings, China would be vulnerable.

Jeff: Do you have an idea when this will happen?

Jim: I do. China's last official announcement was over five years ago on April 25, 2009.

At that time, it claimed to have 1,054 tonnes. That's a 76% increase from the 600 tonnes

it had in 2003. Right now, Shanghai Daily has reported that China has quietly amassed

about 2,710 tonnes of gold.

Jeff: That's an unofficial number.

Jim: Yes that's an unofficial number. But you and I both know that China controls its

media. So it is letting it be known that it is accumulating more gold, but it is not letting

the public know exactly how much. But from what I have gathered from trusted sources,

the Chinese actually have amassed around 4,000 to 4,500 tonnes of gold already.

Jeff: Wow that's massive difference.

Jim: It is. And when Chinese gold hits around $5,000 an ounce, all bets are off. It will

be the second punch that will deal a deathblow to the dollar. And set off the wholesale

destruction of American wealth.

The bottom line is that China is being allowed to acquire gold without spooking the

markets and driving up the price. This way, it will be "on the train" when it leaves the

station. The only problem is that when the train leaves the station and the global reset

triggers a new reserve currency, nearly all American wealth will be wiped out, except for

those who have prepared themselves in advance.

Jeff: Jim, this is truly unprecedented.

Jim: One last thing, Jeff. Our viewers should know that China could announce its

holdings at any time. So they shouldn't wait to get their financial house in order. The

time to act is now. Before it's too late.

Jeff: Jim, I couldn't agree with you more. This has truly been an eye opener to say the

least. I want to thank you for taking time to speak with us today.

Jim: It's my pleasure, Jeff. Thank you for having me.

Jeff: From what you you've seen today, we are beyond the point-of-no-return, as China

prepares to announce its official gold holdings at any time. And when it does, there will

be no time left to prepare yourself for the devastation ahead.

And to think our government is helping China do it. By suppressing the price of gold,

under the guise of weakening its function as a reserve currency, China is able to covertly

acquire as much gold as it will need to trigger the death of money as you know it.

The bottom line is that this coordinated effort is accelerating the timeline for the

assassination of the dollar . . . not to mention the destruction of American wealth, and

everything you hold dear, unless you are ready in advance.

Which is precisely why we've put this presentation together.

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secret alliance behind the Glaziev Directive.

In this exclusive dossier, you will get a breakdown of all the actors in this secretive

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