Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters












This Undergraduate Thesis

Is dedicated to

For those who always give me the biggest love, sacrifice, and support


My Beloved Parents,

Ir. C. Adji Nugroho & Dominica Paramitta Wardhani

My Beloved Brothers&Sister Nino in Heaven, Daniel, Franky, Dyas, Rani

My Beloved Grandfather

“eyang bp” Benedictus Mursumarwan






First of all I would like to express my greatest gratitude to His son, Jesus

Christ for blessing me in writing this thesis and guiding me to finish my study in

Sanata Dharma University. He guided me when I was stuck in writing this thesis,

He always opens the way and gives me strength to solve my problems during this


I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my great advisor Ni Luh Putu

Rosiandani S.S., M.Hum., and co-advisor Modesta Luluk Artika Windrasti, S.S.,

for giving their love in helping me to finish this thesis. They always be patient in

guiding me and giving their best so I can solve the problems in my thesis. I also

thank all the lectures in English Letters Departement for helping me and

supporting me during my study.

My greatest gratitude is dedicated to my beloved father, Ir. Cyprianus Adji

Nugroho who has been so patient waiting for my thesis. I also thank my super

mom, Dominica Paramitta Wardhani for accepting my deepest apology that I

cannot finish my study in the time they expected. I love them in every way and

this thesis is dedicated for them with all my heart. They never feel bored in

reminding me to finish this thesis and giving their support in all my troubles

during my study and my thesis. I also want to thank from the deepest of my heart

to my lovely grandfather Eyang Bapak, Benedictus Mursumarwan who always

pray for me during my study and my thesis. He is always so patient in asking me

about my thesis and giving his love and best wishes for me to finish my study. I



would like to give my greatest gratitude to my lovely brothers and sister, Daniel,

Franky, Dias and Rani who always accompany me in my life, they are God’s

greatest friends for me. They always make me feel home wherever I am.

I also thank God for giving me the best friends in A class. Acong, who

always accompany me in my difficult time, and for giving me place to play and

sleep in his boarding house, he is always be a good listener when I have problems.

You are my best friend and I will never forget you. To all my friends in A class

that I can not mention all of you, my female friends, my teammate after 20, I just

want to say that I love you all and thank you for everything.

I also thank Ervina Stevanny who has been so patient in guiding me and

helping me in my study, for giving her best support and love until I can finish my

thesis. I will never forget you, because you are the best gift of my life.

I would like to give my gratitude to Nabila who accompany me during my

last semester, I learn so many things from her especially about love. I also thank

her for helping me to learn about appreciating the difference and living in


The last but not least I would like to thank everyone who works in my

house, for Mbak Agus, Bu Wanti, Bu Tutik, Bang Gudel, Pak Jimmy for giving

love and pray so I can finish my study. Thank you for all and thank you for


Adrianus Adhikara Putra Prabhaswara



TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………….. i APPROVAL PAGE …………………………………………………….... ii ACCEPTANCEPAGE……………………………………………...........iii DEDICATION PAGE…………………………………………….............iv


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………viii ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………......... ix ASBSTRAK ………………………………………………………………. x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….. 1

A. Background of the Study ………………………………………….. 1 B. Problem Formulations …………………………………………… 4 C. Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………. 4 D. Definition of Terms …………………………………………….......5


A. Review of Related Studies ………………………………………… 6 B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………………….. 8

1. Theories of Character and Characterization …………………....8 2. Theories of Conflicts …………………………………………... 10 3. Theories of Gender ……………………………...................... 11 4. Theories of Gender Inequality ………………………………….12

C. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………. 14 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………….. 15

A. Object of the Study ……………………………………………….. 15 B. Approach of the Study ……………………………………………. 16 C. Method of the Study ………………………………………………. 17

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS …………………………………………….. 19

A. Analysis of the Characters ………………………………………… 19 1. Antigone ………………………………………………. 19 2. Ismene …………………………………………………. 25 3. Creon …………………………………………………... 29

Conflicts between Antigone and Creon …………………………… 34 1. Type of Conflict ………………………………………….34 2. The Cause of the Conflict ………………………………. 37 3. The Way the Conflict Seen in the Story …………………40 Gender Inequality …………………………………………………..45

1. Through the Female Characters ………………………….46 2. Through the Conflict between Antigone and Creon ……..49 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION …………………………………………. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….. 57




ADRIANUS ADHIKARA PUTRA PRABHASWARA. The Gender Inequality Seen through the Female Characters and the Conflict between Antigone and Creon in Sophocles’ Antigone. Yogyakarta: Departement of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

Antigone is a play which tells us about the life in Greece, in the city called Thebes. In that city lives a king who is very powerful and cruel. The name of the king is Creon. The story also describes about the rebellion of a woman who is also the citizen of the city towards the king. Most of the story in this play describes the conflict between Antigone and Creon which is caused by the gender inequality which is also caused by the difference in perception between Creon as a man and Antigone as a woman.

There are some objectives that the writer wants to achieve in this thesis. First is to describe the characterization of the characters in this play to find out the perception and their characteristics as a man and a woman. The next objective is to describe the conflict which happens in the story, especially the conflict between Antigone and Creon, and also to know the cause or the reason why the conflict happens. The last objective is to show that the gender inequality takes an important role in causing the conflict.

This thesis is a library research, the data are taken from the play itself and the other data are taken from other supporting books as theories which are used to solve the problem in analysis. In solving the problems, the writer uses the gender approach. This approach is thought as the best approach to solve the problem because the story tells us about the conflict which happens between man and woman because of the gender inequality at that time.

The writer’s conclusion is that the main character in the story, Antigone is described as a strong willed, brave, and critical woman. She is brave to fight against King Creon after realizing that there is an unfair treatment towards the dead bodies of her two brothers who died in a battle, Eteocles and Polyneices. Polyneices is not given the proper funeral because he is thought by Creon to be a traitor because he fights against his own city. From the conflict which is caused by the unfair condition, the writer finds the fact that the difference of perception between man and woman in gender inequality which support the conflict happens in the story. So the writer finds out that there are two conflicts in the story, internal conflict and external conflict. These all things which are described in this thesis.





ADRIANUS ADHIKARA PUTRA PRABHASWARA. The Gender Inequality Seen through the Female Characters and the Conflict between Antigone and Creon in Sophocles’ Antigone. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011. Antigone adalah sebuah drama yang menceritakan tentang sebuah kehidupan di Yunani, di kota yang bernama Thebes. Di kota itu terdapat seorang raja yang sangat ditakuti karena kepemimpinannya yang keras dan kejam, raja itu bernama Creon. Cerita ini juga menggambarkan tentang sebuah perlawanan dari seorang wanita yang juga adalah penduduk kota Thebes terhadap sang raja, Creon. Sebagian besar cerita ini menggambarkan konflik yang terjadi antara Antigone dan Creon yang disebabkan oleh ketidaksamaan gender yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan persepsi antara Creon sebagai laki-laki dan Antigone sebagai perempuan. Ada beberapa tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh penulis melalui karya tulis ini. Yang pertama adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggambaran karakter yang ada di drama ini untuk mengetahui persepsi dan sifat-sifat mereka sebagai laki-laki dan perempuan. Tujuan berikutnya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan konflik yang ada di cerita tersebut, terutama konflik antara Antigone dan Creon. Dan untuk mengetahui alasan yang melatarbelakangi konflik itu terjadi. Dan tujuan yang terakhir adalah untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana ketidaksamaan gender mengambil peran penting dalam terjadinya konflik tersebut. Karya tulis ini adalah merupakan studi pustaka. Data utama diambil dari drama Antigone, dan data yang lain diambil dari buku-buku lain yang mendukung sebagai landasan teori yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan analisis dari karya tulis ini. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah, penulis menggunakan pendekatan gender. Pendekatan ini dirasa paling tepat karena cerita ini menggambarkan konflik yang terjadi antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang disebabkan oleh ketidaksamaan gender yang terjadi pada masa itu. Kesimpulan penulis adalah tokoh utama dalam drama tersebut Antigone digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita yang kuat, berani, dan juga kritis. Dia berani melawan Creon sebagai raja karena menyadari akan adanya ketidak adilan dalam perlakuan terhadap kedua saudaranya yg tewas dalam perang, Eteocles dan Polyneices. Polyneices tidak diberikan pemakaman yang layak karena dianggap sebagai pengkhianat kota oleh sang raja. Dari konflik yang terjadi karena ketidaksamaan itulah yang kemudian ditemukan fakta bahwa perbedaan persepsi antara laki-laki dan perempuan itulah dalam pertidak samaan gender yang juga ikut menunjang terjadinya konflik, sehingga ditemukan dua konflik yaitu konflik internal dan konflik external. Inilah semua yang digambarkan dalam drama dan dibahas dalam karya tulis ini.




A. Background of the Study

Gender inequality has become one of the important issues discussed in

society. Gender inequality is the situation where there is a different value in the

role and position between men and women in life. It describes that the position of

women which are less valued than men, or in other words the position of women

which are lower than men.

Gender inequality shows the differences of role and position between men

and women in society. This situation happens because there is an unfair condition

in dealing with the position in the society, where men are in top and women are in

the lower position. Men are in the position which rule to, and women are in the

position to be ruled. The positions like king, president, chairman are the positions

which should be fulfilled by men. And power is very close in deal with those

positions. As a ruler people need power to make other people obey the rule, and

this power is usually used by men to be exist. This is why the position of men in

the society looks stronger than women.

Those positions are very different with the position of women in the

society. The position of women is only becoming a good housewife, serving the

men, cooking, and taking care of the children. And power is not close in deal with

those positions. It is because there are biological differences between men and

women which make society put the position of men are above women.





The concept of gender is used as an analytical category to draw a line of demarcation between biological sex differences and the way these are used to inform behaviors and competencies (Jane Pilcher and Imelda Whelehan) Beside the position, gender inequality also describes the difference in the

role between men and women in the society. If talking about position, it is more

related to what men should be and what women should be, but talking about the

role, it is more related with what men should do and what women should do. Both

position and role are socially constructed, what men should do and what women

should do and also what men should be and what women should be. Talking about

the role, society construct that men should have the role which is seen better than

women’s role. Ruling and controlling are the roles that men should get. The

reason of this construction is not only about the differences in the physical body

but also in the development of the brain. The basic of this knowledge is the reset

which have been done by the scientists from time to time. It can be seen from

Carol Travis' book titled "The Mismeasurement of Woman"

In the beginning the left hemisphere of the brain was considered to deal with intellect and reason, while the right side dealt with passion, sex, irrationality and similar concepts -- thus males were considered to have a superior left brain (Carol Tavris 1992:48)

This kind of theory which has been believed by the society all around the

world which leads the gender inequality happen in all aspects of life between men

and women in the society. Thus, gender inequality is identical with unfair

condition and treatment towards women.

The differences between men and women in the role sometimes cause the

pressure in society that both men and women can get. For example the condition




that women should serve the men and men should go to work and become a

leader. Sometimes men also pressed by the society that they have to be something

better than women, if they cannot be like what have been constructed by the

society, they will not be honoured as a man.

In this paper, the writer will analyze the gender inequality in the text of

Sophocles’ Antigone. The writer chooses Antigone as the object of the study

because the story shows the gender inequality. In the story, the gender inequality

leads to the conflict between two main characters, Antigone and Creon. It is

caused by the different perception between Antigone and Creon about the justice.

In this case, Antigone fights against Creon’s law to get the justice of the treatment

to her brother’s dead body, Polyneices. Creon itself is described as a man, and he

is a king of Thebes. He is so powerful and all his people should obey his rule. In

the conflict between Antigone and Creon, the reader will see clearly about the

gender inequality which put Creon as a king and a man, in the top position, and

Antigone as citizen and a woman, in the lower position.

The other reason of choosing Antigone is because it was written by a male

great well known writer, Sophochles and it was written to show the idea and

purpose of gender inequality in the past. Sophochles as a male writer, Sophocles

described the strength of a woman who tried to get the justice of her brother’s

right as a soldier. It is interesting to see how Sophocles as a male writer

understood about what actually a woman feel inside like what Antigone feels and

wants to do, and also how he described Antigone who has the same capability in

showing that a woman can do what man do.




In this study, the writer will examine the gender inequality through the

perceptions of the female characters, as a mirror of female’s feeling toward the

unfair condition which put them into lower position than men, and through the

conflict between Antigone and Creon. The conflict is in the perspective of both of

them which differ one and another towards the role and the position of men and

women which has been constructed by the society.

B. Problem Formulations

1. How are the characters in the story described?

2. How is the conflict between Antigone and Creon depicted in the story?

3. How is the gender inequality seen through female characters and the conflict

between Antigone and Creon?

C. Objective of the Study

There are three problems that will be discussed in this paper. The first

problem is related to the character and characterization, the intrinsic element. The

writer will try to find out the characteristics of the characters in the story, the

female characters and the male characters. This identification is used to find each

character’s perspective on the differences in the role and position of men and

women related to the gender inequality. And the writer will review theory on

character and characterization. The second problem is related to the conflict

between Antigone and Creon. The writer will try to figure out the conflict in the

story, it is used to identify how the conflict starts and what the basic of the




conflict, and therefore the writer will review a theory on conflict in literary point

of view. And the last problem is related to the gender inequality which is seen by

the female character’s perspective and the conflict between Antigone and Creon.

The writer will try to figure out the perspective of the female character which can

be used to identify the conflict of the story between Antigone and Creon, and also

try to find how the gender inequality appears in the conflict.

D. Definition of Terms

1. Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is the situation when there is a different value between

men and women in life. It is socially constructed and related to the difference in

the position and role between men and women.

2. Conflict

In “A handbook of Literature Fifth Edition” (Harmon, William.1986:107).

Conflict is defined as the struggle that grows out the interplay of two opposing

forces in a plot. So conflict is used to describe that there is a different perception

or understanding from one character to another characters.





A. Review of Related Studies

After doing the libarary research, the writer finds the fact that the

Sophocles’ play entitled Antigone has been used by many people as the tools to

see the social phenomenon which happen in the society, especially in Greek, and

generally in all over the world.

The writer also finds another study made by Cahyaningrum. (RR. Lira

Dewi Cahyaningrum, Representation Of Creon’s Tragic Hero In Sophocles’

Antigone, A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis. 2007) from this thesis, the

writer took the statement from Lira’s undergraduate thesis.

What is meant by the “man” here is the king of the city. Since the king places the highest position in the society, he has the full right to control the city and the citizen, so that his power or his authority becomes unlimited or absolute. (Lira, 2007 : 1)

From the quotation above, the writer knows that Lira uses Creon’s point of

view. By seeing the position of Creon, Lira gives more sympathy to Creon, and

she puts Creon as the hero in the story.

Another study is Kurniawan’s work. (Finansius Yudha Kurniawan, The

Moral Lesson Of Antigone Struggle Against Tyranny In Sophocles’ Antigone, A

Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis. 2005) on his work Kurniawan focused on

the moral lesson of Antigone struggle. The writer quotes Kurniawan’s opinion





about the moral lesson that he took from analyzing Sophocles’ Antigone is about

people can get happiness by following their hearts to do good things.

One of the aims for human to live is to find the happiness. Human wants the immortal happiness and not the temporary one. According to Aristotle, human will get their happines after they do the good things since it is appopriate with their nature. (Kurniawan, 2005 : 50). The writer takes another study which is done by Setyarini Santosa Putri,

(Setyarini Santosa Putri, The Emergence Of Feminist Idea In Sophocles Antigone,

A Sarjana Sastra Thesis. 2002) she wrote that the emergence of feminist depends

on the understanding that in all societies which divide the sexes into differing

cultural, economic, and political spheres, and the position of women are less

valued than men.

In gender perspective, the reason why men have power towards women in

almost all aspects of life is because actually the men also become a victim of the

situation itself. So men are also pressed by the society. The writer asks to take an

example in the story of Antigone, especially by the characterization of Creon, the

cruel and powerful king of Thebes. By using the gender perspective in analyzing

the characterization of Creon, people might see that if Creon as a king does not

have enough power, he will not be respected by his people. That is why he

becomes a very cruel king with his rules.

In her thesis, Putri focuses in feminism especially in the emerge of

feminist idea.

There are two reason for the writer to mention Antigone to be a heroine in this story. the writers personally thinks that Antigone is a heroine for her brother, Polyneices and her country, Thebes. (Putri, 2002 : 60)




From the quotation, the writer finds the fact that Putri used the feminist

point of view. It is seen from the opinion of Putri that chose Antigone as a hero in

the story.

The focus of the writer in this paper is in the gender inequality. The writer

wants to focus on the differences of positions and role between men and women.

The writer uses the conflict between Antigone and Creon to see the inequality of

positions and role which is created by the society. This conflict starts when

Antigone realizes that there is an unfair condition towards her brother’s dead

body. and this is what makes Antigone to be brave to break tha law of Creon to get

the justice for her brother, Polyneices to be given a propper burial as human being.

And the gender inequality can be seen through this conflict. In this way, this paper

is different from what Putri, Kurniawan, and Lira has done.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character has the important role in a literary work especially in drama and

prose. It helps us to understand about actually what happen in literary works. It

helps us to understand the message of the writer because characters are tools that

are used to deliver the message to the reader.

According to Robert Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction states that the

most important evidence of all is the characters’s own dialogue and behaviour.

Every speech or action is not only a step in the plot, but also a manifestation of

character (Stanton, 1964 : 18)




Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say, the dialogue, and by what they do. The grounds in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation. (Abrams, 1981)

From the theory from Abrams above the writer knows that character have

many functions in a literary work like delivering the message of the author, giving

moral, and describing the situations of feeling like motivation. Those all are

expressed by the dialogue and what they do.

To understand the characterizations of character in a work of literature,

there are many ways which can be used other than using dialogue between

characters and the character’s acts. The writer uses the theory of characterizations

from Understanding Unseen: an Introduction to English Poetry and English

Novel for Overseas Students.

1. Personal Description The author describes a person’s appearance and clothes, such as the face, skin, eyes, and the castaway’s extraordinary clothing.

2. Characters as Seen by Another The author describes him through the eyes and opinions of another, conveys through his choice of words and phrases, such as unquiet eyes, dim smile, rare sound of her voice, unapproachable aspect, gazing at him stealthily.

3. Speech The author gives an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving some clue to his character.

4. Past Life The author gives a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character; by direct comment, though the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

5. Conversation of Others The author can also give clues to a person’s character through the conversations of other people and the things they say about him. People do




talk about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the character of the person spoken about.

6. Reactions The author can also give a clue to a person’s character by letting us know that person reacts to various situations and events.

7. Direct Comment The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly.

8. Thoughts The author gives direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He can tell us what different people are thinking.

9. Mannerisms The author describes a person’s mannerisms, habits, or idiosyncrasies which tell something about his character.

2. Theory of Conflict

Conflict is an important part in a literary work. In conflict readers can

actually start to understand what message or moral value given by the author,

because in conflict reader starts to see the different ideas probably among the


Conflict happens because there are differences in opinion, point of view,

attitude between one side to the other side. Conflict does not always happen

between one character to another character, but conflict can also happen in

different ways as stated in A Handbook to Literature.

Protagonist may be involved in conflicts of our different kind: 1. A struggle against nature. 2. A struggle against another person, usually the antagonist. 3. Struggle against society. 4. A struggle for mastery by the elements within the person. (Holman and Harmon, 1986: 107-108)

From the theory of Holman and Harmon above the writer knows that

conflict can appear in many situations and starts from everything. Sometimes in a

literary work we find a single conflict on a plot, for example the protagonist




character struggle with his/her self, but it is certainly still against the antagonist

character. For example the basic conflict in Hamlet, it is interpreted that hamlet

struggle with himself but actually he struggle against his uncle.

Conflict is not only about the struggle of the protagonist against someone

or something, but it also implies the existence for some motivation for the conflict

or some goal to achieve.

3. Theory of Gender

When people talk about gender, people are usually trapped by the

characteristics of men and women which is constructed by the society and actually

it is not given when men and women were born.

In fact, when people talk about sex, the focus is only on the physical

differences. For example men have adam’s aple and women do not. Women have

vagina and men have penis. These things which differ someone called as a man or

as a woman.

The concept of gender, as we now use it came into common parlance during the early 1970s. It was used as an analytical category to draw a line of demarcation between biological sex differences and the way these are used to inform behaviours and competencies, which are then assigned as either ‘masculine’ and ‘ feminine’ (Pilcher, 2004: 56)

The writer finds another theory which supports the theory from Pilcher

above. The difference in biological sex between men and women cause the

different positions between men and women in the society. It also causes the

difference in what men should do and women should not do.

That the male body and the female body have quite different social value and significance cannot help but have a marked effect on male and female consciousness. (Gatens, 1996: 9)




Gender studies examine how gender is less determined by nature than it is

by culture. From the theory we know that gender is not naturally constructed but

culturally constructed. People try to accept the agreement of gender and it is used

in society. The basic example is when there is a boy, the parents give him blue

shirt and a toy, but if there is a girl, the parents give her a pink shirt and a doll.

From this example we know that it is the beginning of the gender difference

which is culturally constructed not naturally constructed. The rules have little to

do with nature and everything to do with culture. (Guerin, Wilfred, et al, 2001:


4. Theory of Gender Inequality

In life, people were created as men and women. They live together, but

they have different roles and activities among each other. There is something

called as men activities and the other is called as women activities. For example

being a driver, a pilot, or carpenter is associated with men’s world, and also like

working in the kitchen, preparing everything for kids is associated with women’s

world. From this point of view, now people often find the differences in the

equality in human rights between men and women that is thought to be unfair. For

Example women cannot be a leader, etc.

This separation was unprecendented in history, forcing men and women to adapt by creating new behaviour patterns. As men coped with the harsh business and industrial world, women were left in the relatively unvarying and sheltered environtmentsof their homes. (Brannon, Linda Gender Psychological Perspective. McNesee State University: 169)




From the quotation above, the writer recognizes that there is the difference

of the role in the society between men and women. Indirectly this difference

brings men and women in the gender inequality. If people see that what men

should do is in the higher activities than women, like men coped in harsh business

and industrial world but women only concern in the environment of their homes.

This inequality or difference puts up men still in the higher position than

women, and also shows the thought and mindset that women cannot be in that

position, in this case doing business and join the industrial world. It also happens

to the men if they are not qualified in doing business or work in some field that is

thought to be men’s field, they will not honoured as a good man and they will lose

their trust and integrity in society. From the quotation also the writer knows that

both men and women are the victim of the gender inequality. Women are pressed

by the power of men but also men are forced by the society.

I’m battling with my girls all the time. At seven and nine their values are archaic. They believe that girls are dopey in math and boys should not play with dolls. Worse, one day I heard Joanne tell her younger sister that women shouldn’t work! Those are the values I grew up with and it’s taken me yars to straighten myself out. Did I come this far just to watch my own children backslide two generations? (Pickhardt, 1983: 32)

And from this quotation, the writer sees clearly what the different role

between men and women is. It is written above that girls are not good in math and

boys should not play with dolls. From the sentence the writer recognize that this

category that puts man in the higher position than women. Women are only

allowed to deal with the easy thing but not the difficult thing like math. They are

only allowed to play dolls.




There is also the sentence show that women should not work. It means that

women are only allowed to deal with the house work. This thing also which limit

the development of the women themselves. They do not have a power and mental

to fight against the unfair treatment from men.

C. Theoretical Framework

To answer the problems which are mentioned above, the researcher will

understand first about the characterization of the character in the story. Related to

the title the researcher will concern core in the characteristics of Antigone and


The characteristics will be used to identify the gender inequality in the

story. The researcher will also understand first about the theory of gender. After

analyzing the characteristics and the idea of gender shown in the story, the

researcher will analyze the conflict between two characters, Antigone and Creon

related to the title and after that the researcher will try to see the idea of gender

inequality which is shown in the conflict.





A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a text play written by Sophocles who is an

ancient Greek writer. He is an outstanding writer among the writers in that era. In

that era in ancient Greek, there is a competition for the writers, including play

writer. Sophocles’ works were always in the first or at least in the second in the

charts position. One of the masterpieces of Sophocles’ is Antigone.

Antigone is the last part of trilogy, and the first two parts is Oedipus the

Colonus and Oedipus the King. Antigone was translated into many languages,

such as Arabic, Sanskrit, or indeed Gaelic, and it was also translated into Russia,

Greece, Spain, English and Bohemia. In this study, the writer uses the English

Version which was translated from the Greek version by Dudley Fitts and Roberts


This play consists of five scenes with 1353 words. In the play there are

eight named character and also chorus and choragus. This play was outstanding

because it could survive for hundred years.

The story of the play is about the conflict between Antigone and the King

of Thebes Creon. It began when Creon as the King of Thebes forbade the people

to bury the Polyneices. All the people were afraid because Creon is a powerful

king. Antigone broke the law, buried her brother and was caught by Sentry,

Creon’s man. When she was in the prison, she killed herself.





B. Approach of the Study

In this study the writer uses the Gender Approach. “Gender is also used as

analytical category to show the difference between biological sex and the use of

informing the behaviours and competencies” (Guerin, et al, 2001: 236) Meaning

that the difference between men and women in gender is also seen from the

physical body of human being.

The men’s bodies are different with the women’s, so then appear

something which is ‘gendered’ like for example colors and paid works. Colors like

what is explained above blue for boys and pink for girls, and in the forms of paid

work, say that women tend to work part-time and men tend to work full-time. In

other hand, women in nursing and men in construction. These all explain actually

that difference in gender is culturally constructed, actually boys can wear pinks

and girls wear blue or men work as a nurse and women in construction, but the

physically difference especially in the body causes the society cannot accept or

agree with that.

This approach is chosen to analyze the Sophochle’s Antigone because the

idea is shown in the story especially in a conflict between Antigone and Creon.

Creon as a King has a power towards his people but Antigone as a woman citizen

is brave to fight against Creon’s law. It shows that actually women also have

strength to compete with men even there are so many differences like what is

mentioned above.

This approach is also suitable in Antigone because this story is also

showing the power of women. That is Antigone who is brave to fight against




Creon, King of Thebes. Woman is always looked under the man superiority and

no woman can fight against man, all women should follow the men’s rule even

though that’s no advantages at all.

From the story, especially from the characterizations of Antigone and

Creon, the readers can also see the difference between gender and feminism. In

feminism the women are always pressed by men and they are in lower positions.

So in feminism the victim is only the women. In the other hand if talking about

gender, both men and women can also be the victims, like in the Sophocles's

Antigone, Antigone is pressed by the existence of Creon’s power as a king, but

Creon is also pressed by the society to be cruel because he is a man and the king,

he does not want to lose his pride. It is the same like the basic concept of gender

that both men and women can also be the victim of the society.

C. Method of the Study

In this study of Antigone, the writer was doing the library research. First,

the writer read the whole story of Sophocles' Antigone. In reading the story, the

writer tried to figure out the important intrinsic element of the story. The intrinsic

elements which were found are character and conflict. It is related to the title of

the study which talks about conflict which is seen throughout the characters.

After finding out the intrinsic element, the writer used some additional

information beside the text itself to solve the problem formulations which are

stated. In explaining more about the conflict and character, the writer used A

handbook to Literature Fifth Edition by Hugh Halman and William Harman and




Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H. Abrams as the outside source. In this study,

the writer used the Gender Criticism, and the writer used A Handbook of Critical

Approaches to Literature Fifth Edition and 50 Key Concepts In Gender Studies by

Jane Pilcher as the source talking about gender studies.

In writing the analysis, first the writer tried to see how the characters of

Antigone and Creon characterized, because those two characters which were tried

to be seen in this study. After that, the writer tried to figure out about the gender

inequality seen in the story, and related with the character, the last step of the

analysis, the writer tried to figure out the Gender inequality which were discussed

previously seen in the conflict between Antigone and Creon.






A. Analysis of the Characters

In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze the problems that have

been shown in Chapter 1. First, the writer wants to give explanation on the

characterization of Antigone, Ismene and Creon. Second, the writer would like to

find out how the conflict is depicted in the story. And the third, the writer would

like to find out how the Gender Inequality seen through the female characters and

in the conflict between Antigone and Creon.

In the first part of the analysis, the writer wants to give explanation of the

characterization of the characters in the story. There are three characters analyzed,

they are Antigone, Ismene, and Creon.

1. Antigone

Antigone is described as a very strong willed woman and brave woman;

she will do anything for the truth. That she is a brave woman is clearly described

in her rebellion towards Creon’s law until she got the death punishment. That she

is a strong willed woman is shown by the reason why she fights againts Creon’s

law. These will be explained by the writer one by one.

a. Strong Willed Woman

Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and she is also the sister from the two

brothers Polineices and Eteocles. Afer the death of Oedipus, Polyneices and

Eteocles contend of the throne of Thebes, Polyneices leading the seven champions





attacks from Argos and batters at the seven gates of Thebes. Eteocles defends the

city, supported by Creon. In a very great battle, they meet each other and kill each

other. Because of the death of the two sons of Oedipus for the throne, Creon as

their relatives becomes the King of Thebes. Creon as a new king makes a rule not

to give a funeral for the dead body of Polyneices because he thinks that

Polyneices is a traitor because he died fighting for his own city, Thebes, when he

is on the battle with Eteocles and finally both of them die. Unlike the Polyneices,

Creon gives the funeral for Eteocles. Because of this unfair condition, Antigone

starts to fight againts the Creon’s law.

Antigone tries to ask her sister Ismene to help her giving funeral for

Polyneices but Ismene rejects it because she is afraid of Creon. From the

conversation between Antigone and Ismene the writer finds out that Antigone is a

strong willed woman, whatever she thinks need to do, and she will do.

I will not press you anymore. I would not want you as a partner if you asked. Go to what you please. I go to bury him. How sweet to die in such pursuit! To rest loved by him whom I have loved, sinner of a holy sin, with longer time. To charm the dead than those who live. For I shall abide forever there. (Prologue: 167, line 14-21)

From the quotation above the writer knows that Antigone is a strong willed

women, it is shown in the first sentence that Antigone will not press Ismene

anymore, because Ismene has rejected the offer to bury Polyneices. It proves that

even without the help and the agreement from Ismene she will still bury

Polyneices body. It is also seen in the third and fourth sentence that sounds “Go to

what you please, I go to bury him” meaning that Antigone tells Ismene that it is no

problem at all for her if Ismene does not want to help her. She even permits





Ismene to go and to do anything else, but she will not change her mind to bury her

brother’s dead body.

Ismene : You know I don’t do that. I’m just too weak to war againts the state

Antigone : Make your apologize! I go to raise a tomb above my dearest brother.

(Prologue: 167, line 25-28) Another proof about Antigone is a strong willed woman is seen in the

quotation above. From the second sentence which is spoken by Antigone, the

writer recognizes that Antigone has a reason about why she breaks the law. It is

because what she believes to be true must be done, so it is still related with the

character of strong willed woman in Antigone, because even without help and

agreement or even she must get punished to do she believes, she will still do that.

b. Brave and Critical Woman

The writer focuses on the two charecterizations of Antigone that will be

discussed in this first part of anaylisis. Antigone as a strong willed woman has

been explained by the writer including the evidences which can be found in the

text. Another characteristic of Antigone which will be explained by the writer is

Antigone as a brave and critical woman. The writer thinks that this character

creates the conflict in the story. It is shown in the story that the bravery of

Antigone breaking the law of Creon starts the conflict to the whole story. How

Creon reacts and what will be accepted by Antigone as her consequences. In this

part the writer will try to find out the evidence in the text toward the bravery of

Antigone that can show how brave is Antigone.

Antigone : you could. Are you willing to share danger and suffering and --





Ismene : Danger? What are you scheeming at? Antigone : take this hand of mine to bury the dead. (Prologue: 166, line 20-23) From the conversation between Antigone and Ismene above, the writer

knows that Antigone is really a brave woman. The evidence is written in the first

sentence spoken by Antigone sounds “Are you willing to share danger and

suffering” it proves that Antigone has understood that what she has planned is a

very dangerous thing for her life, even she knows that it is a danger and it will

make her suffer for entire life.

Ismene : what! Chalenge Creon to his face? Antigone: He has no right to tamper with what’s mine. (Prologue: 166, line 28-29) The writer also finds the evidence from the quotation above when Ismene

asks about facing Creon, Antigone answers bravely that no one has power upon

her. Even Creon as the king.

Ismene : at least tell no one what you do, but keep it dark, and I shall keep it secret too.

Antigone : oh tell it, tell it, shout it out! I’ll hate your silence more than if you told the world.

Ismene : so fiery! In a business that chills? Antigone : perhaps. But I am doing what I must. (Prologue: 167, line 31-36) From the evidence, the writer finds the unbelievable bravery of Antigone’s

characteristics, when Ismene who cannot help her try to keep silent and try not to

tell everybody, Antigone asks her to tell everybody and she will hate Ismene’s

silence more than if Ismene tell the truth to everybody. It is shown in the second

sentence of Antigone. The writer also finds the evidence which is still related with

the first character of Antigone that is as a strong will woman. It is shown from the





last sentence of Antigone sounds “But I am doing what I must” describe that

Antigone will do anything she has believed even it brings danger and suffering for

her life.

Creon : Come girl, you with downcast eyes. Do you plead innocent or guilty to these things?

Antigone : Guilty. I deny not a thing. Creon : You sir, you can go, scot-free of all these serious imputations.

Now, tell me, Antigone, as briefly as you can, did you know an edict had forbidden this?

Antigone : Of course I knew. Was it not publicly proclaimed? Creon : So you choose flagrantly to disobey my law? Antigone : Naturally! Since Zeus never promulgateed such a law. Nor will

you find that justice publishes such laws to man below. I never thought your edicts had such force they nullified the laws of heaven, which, unwritten, not proclaimed, can boast a currency that everlastingly is valid. An origin beyond the birth of man.

(Second Episode: 179, line 16-34) The last evidence above also describes the bravery of Antigone, when she

is caught and asked by Creon, she does not even deny anything. It is seen in the

first and second sentence of Creon and Antigone. The other evidence that the

writer finds is in the fourth sentence when Creon asks Antigone about the

consequences of breaking his law, and Antigone admits it bravely, and she also

says to Creon that she chooses to break his law because Zeus as God in

Antigone’s perpective never promulgateed such a law, so Creon who is just a

human does not have a right upon her. It can be seen in the last sentence of

Antigone sounds “Naturally! Since Zeus never promulgated such a law. Nor you

will find that justice publishes such laws to man below.”

Beside as a brave woman, Antigone is also described as a critical woman.

It is shown in the story by the reaction of Antigone after Creon makes his decision

not to give proper burial to Polyneices dead body. Antigone is so annoyed by





Creon’s decision. This is because Antigone has a thought that all people whether

he is good or bad should have a proper burial. It is shown by the evidence below.

Antigone : He is my brother still, and yours-though you would have it otherwise. But I shall not abandon him.

(Prologue: 166, line 25-27)

This evidence proves that the reason of Antigone is so annoyed by the

Creon’s decision is because there is an unfair condition that she feels toward the

dead body of her brother, Polyneices. This evidence also shows that Antigone

believes whether the person is good or bad he must be given a proper burial. It is

shown by the statement in the evidence which sounds “you would have it

otherwise, but I shall not abandon him”.

The reaction of Antigone which is so brave in breaking the law of Creon

because she is so annoyed by the decision actually has a relation with her

perspective of being a woman. Women in that era are in the lower position than

men, they are inferior in the society, so in the story readers will not find the

important positions in the society except only being an ordinary citizens. Antigone

thinks that as a woman, she can not accept the unfair condition by doing nothing,

she thinks that she has to fight and proves to the society that woman also can fight

against men if it is needed. In Antigone’s perspective, woman also can get the

equal position with men, women also have a power to do anything, in this case is

fighting against the unfair condition which is caused by the law of creon. This is

shown in the evidence below.

Antigone : Such is the purport of good Creon’s news for you and me, yes me; and now he’s coming here to publish it and make it plain. And anyone who disobeys will pay no trifling penalty but die





by stoning in the city walls. There’s your chance to proove your caliber, or else a sad degeneracy.

(Prologue: 166, line 9-16)

This evidence is the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene in the

prologue when Antigone tries to ask Ismene to help her in burrying the dead body.

From this evidence, the writers can take the point that is related with the

perpective of Antigone as a woman. It is shown by the statement which sounds

“there’s your chance to prove your caliber, or else a sad degeneracy”. It proves

that in the society women are always in the lower position and can not do

anything including getting the rights of being in equal position with men.

The statement “there’s your chance to prove your caliber” shows that

Antigone thinks that this is the time to fight back against the unfair condition in

society. She thinks that it is the time to break the unfair law which is made by

man, in this case the King, Creon. From the evidence, the writer can take a

conclusion that Antigone has a different perspective towards the condition

between men and women in society, and she is also a critical woman because she

can see the unfair treatment and brave in getting the justice of the dead body of

her brother and also in getting the justice for women’s position in society by being

brave in fighting against the law.

2. Ismene

Another female character that will be discussed in this chapter is Ismene.

Ismene is the sister of Antigone. In the text, Ismene is described as an obedient

person, and she is also described as a loyal person, especially loyal to her sister,





Antigone. In this part, the writer will give explanations of both characteristics of

Ismene and will give the evidences of the text.

a. Obedient Woman

This characteristics of Ismene can be seen from her statements when she

has conversation with her sister, Antigone. From the statements of Ismene, the

writer can recognize that Ismene really wants to obey the rule of the king, Creon.

It can be seen when she refuses to help Antigone in burrying the dead body of


Antigone : Take this hand of mine to bury the dead? Ismene : What! Bury him and flout the interdict? Antigone : He is my brother still, and yours-though you would have it

otherwise. But I shall not abandon him. Ismene : what! Challenge Creon to his face? (Prologue 166, line 23-28)

This evidence shows to the writer that Ismene is a person who respects the

law. It can be seen from the statement of the evidence which sounds “what! Burry

him and flout the interdict?” (Prologue 166, line 24) This evidence indirectly also

describes the reason why Ismene obeys the law and refuses to help Antigone. The

statements of Ismene which sounds “what! Challenge Creon to his face?”

(Prologue 166, line 28) describes that actually Ismene is affraid of Creon.

Antigone : Make your apologies! I go to raise a tomb above my dearest brother.

Ismene : Poor Girl! And now you frighten me. Antigone : Don’t fear for me. Be anxious for yourself. Ismene : at least tell no one what you do, but keep it dark, and I shall

keep it secret too. (Prologue 167, line 27-32)





This evidence supports the previous explanation that Ismene is affraid of

Creon so she finally obeys the rule and refuses to help her sister, Antigone. The

statement of Ismene which sound “poor girl” indirectly indicates that what

Antigone will do is a very stupid thing, because breaking the law of Creon is very

dangerous. And another statement which sounds “at least tell no one what you do”

indirectly shows that what will Antigone get after breaking the law is something

bad, it could be a death penalty.

From these explanations and evidences which are seen in the dialogue

between Ismene and Antigone, the writer understands that Ismene is a person who

respects and obeys the law of Creon, but the main reason is because Ismene is

afraid of Creon, because of his power and his death penalty punishment. This is

why she refuses to help Antigone in burrying the dead body.

b. Loyal Woman.

Another characteristic of Ismene which will be discussed further is her

loyalty. In this case, Ismene is loyal to her sister, Antigone. In previous

explanations of the characteristics of Ismene, the writer says that Ismene refuses

to help Antigone because she is affraid of Creon, it is very different by being

included as a loyal woman to Antigone. So the writer will explain about the

loyalty of Ismene by giving the evidence.

Before giving the explanation of this characteristic, the writer asks the

reader to look back the story of Antigone. After Antigone is caught by the Sentry

and taken to Creon, she gets a lot of questions from Creon. Antigone admits that

she is the doer of the case. In the other hand Creon thinks that Antigone can not do





it alone because she is a woman, so Creon thinks that Ismene as the sister and the

closest person of Antigone must help her. So Creon ask Sentry to take Ismene to

be questioned as well.

Creon : Come, you serpent-secret lurker in my home, who sucked my blood even while I nurtured you two sister vipers at my throne—Speak. Confess your part in burrying him. Or do you dare abjurd complicity?

Ismene : I did it too. If she’ll allow my claim. I share with her the credit and the blame.

Antigone : That is not true. You did not share with me, nor did I grant you partnership.

(Prologue 182, line 20-29)

This evidence above shows the loyalty of Ismene towards Antigone. Even

Ismene does not help Antigone in burrying the dead body of Polyneices, she

admits to Creon that she does it too. It can be seen from the statement of Ismene

which sounds “I did it too”. And the loyalty of Ismene towards Antigone can be

seen from the statement “I share with her the credit and the blame”, in this case

Ismene feels guilty not to help Antigone to burry her own brother. So she says to

Creon that she will share the blame in order to pay of her refusal to help Antigone.

Ismene : Sister, do not scorn on me; let me share your death and holy homage to the dead.

Antigone : No share in work, no share in death. Must consummate alone what I began.

Ismene : Then what is left of life to me when you die? (Second Episode 182, line 35-36, 183, line 1-3)

It is another evidence that supports the previous explanation that Ismene is

also a loyal person to Antigone even though at first she refuses to help Antigone to

burry the dead body because she is affraid of Creon. The statement which sounds

“let me share your death and holy homage to the dead” (Second Episode, line 35)

describes that Ismene is really sorry that she refuses to help Antigone at the first





time. And what she can do is just share the punishment which Antigone gets after

breaking the law. The writer thinks that it is the best evidence in describing the

loyalty of Ismene to Antigone, because nothing greater rather than someone who

wants to die for someone else.

The explanations and evidences that have been given above can explain

about the characteristic of Ismene as a loyal person. Even she does not do the

mistake, but she is brave to share the danger even the death in order to pay her

regret in refusing to help her sister Antigone in burrying the dead body of


3. Creon

The other character which will be discussed in the first part of the analysis

is the King of Thebes, Creon. Creon becomes a King of Thebes after the two sons

of Eodipus were fighting each other until they both died. So, Creon as a relative of

Oedipus takes the throne and becomes the next King. The previous King was

Eteocles, after the death of oedipus, Eteocles and his brother Polyneices agree to

rule the state in order. Eteocles as the older brother rules the first year and

Polyneices rules the second year. The fact is that Eteocles break the rule and does

not want to give the throne to Polyneices and they fight each other. So the throne

goes to Creon.

Creon is described as a very powerful king. He has no fear and he has no

mercy when he deals with his law. He will punish all people that disobey his law

by giving the death penalty. Besides those all things, actually Creon is also a good





person, he is loyal to the previous Kings and Thebes. It is prooved by how angry

Creon is when knowing that Polyneices fights against his own city, Thebes. He

thinks that Polynneices is a traitor and he does not give him a proper burial.

In analyzing Creon’s characterization, the writer concern about the power

of Creon in ruling the city of Thebes. He is a powerful man, he rules Thebes and

everyone has to obey his law. He is also a brave and sadist king, he always gives a

penalty for anyone who breaks the law, even the death penalty. In analyzing

Creon’s characterization, the writer will concern to both negative and positive

sides of Creon. In this part, the writer also provides the evidence in the text to

show the characterization of creon to help the reader understand about Creon.

a. Strong and Powerful King

Creon is the king of Thebes, he is described as a very strong and powerful

king. He rules the society and he hates disobedience. In this part, the writer wants

to find out the evidence in the text about the caharacterizations of Creon as a

powerful king.

Leader : put the burden on some younger man. Creon : No. Sentries are already posted on the corpse. Leader : then what exactly do you want us to do? Creon : Merely see there’re no infringements of the law. (First Episode: 172, line 7-12) From the evidence above, the writer figures out that Creon is a very strong

and powerful king. He has a very important role in the society. It is shown from

the two last sentences spoken by the Leader and Creon. From those sentences, the

writer knows that Creon wants nobody to break the law, or they will get the





penalty, it is seen in the last sentence sounds “merely see there’re no

infringements of the law”

Leader : no lunatic is going to welcome death. Creon : and death it is. But greed of gain can often make men fools. (First Episode: 172, line 13-15) This evidence proves that everybody who dares to break the law will get

even the death penalty. It can be seen from the conversation about death above.

Creon : you sir, you can go, Scot-free of all these serrious imputations. Now tell me, Antigone, as briefly as you can, did you know an adict had forbidden this?

Antigone : of course I knew. Was it not publicly proclaimed? Creon : So you choose flagrantly to disobey my law? (Second Episode: 179, line 19-25) From the evidence above the writer understands that as a very strong and

powerful king, Creon does not like disobedience. It can be seen in the last

sentence spoken by Creon sounds “so you choose flagrantly to disobey my law”

From this expresion, the writer can clearly see that Creon is wondering why

Antigone is so brave to break the law which supports the previous explanation

that Creon hates disobedience.

Sentry : well, I’ll tell you: the body – someone’s just buried it and done the other pious things.

Creon : What do you mean? What would have dared? Sentry : don’t ask me Sir! There’s not a trace of pick or mattock. All the

ground is baked, unbroken, norut of wheels or sign of human hands.

From the quotation above, the writer figures out that Creon is shocked

about the news that someone has buried the dead body meaning that someone dare

to break his law. It can be seen in the second sentences spoken by Creon who asks

sounds “What would have dared” it shows that he really does not want his law to





be broken by anything, he says “What” instead of “Who” because he still believes

that human, in this case is his people, do not have the bravery to do that, so he still

expects animal may do that.

b. Loyal King

Like what the writer has mentioned in the previous page, that Creon also

has a positive side. Creon is a loyal person. He is loyal to his city Thebes, and he

is also loyal to Thebes’ previous King.

Creon : for the state I would speak out. I could not bear to make my country’s enemy my private friend. For, knowing as I do our country is the ship that bears us safe, there are no friends aboard who sabotage. So there you have my principles by which I govern. In accord with them I made. The proclamation that you heard just now: Eteocles, who died in arms for Thebes, shall have a glorious funeral, as befits a hero going to join a noble dead. But his brother Polyneices, he who came from exile breathing fire againts the city of his father. He must be left all ghastly where he fell; a corpse for dog to maul and vultures picks his bones.

(First Episode: 171, line 13-32)

From the evidence above the writer figure out that Creon is also a loyal

king despite his cruelty and absolute power. It can be seen in from the second line,

the words “the country is the ship that bears us safe” means that he really

appreciates his country and he puts everything which deals with the country as


In the evidence above also the writer finds out that Creon try to give a

message for the people of how important being loyal to the country is. It is seen

from line five, sounds “Eteocles, who died in arms for Thebes, shall have a

glorious funeral, as befits a hero going to join a noble dead” (First Episode 171,





line 21-23) means that the people who die or loyal to his country will get the

treatment like what is done to Eteocles.

In the other hand, Creon also gives a message for those who dare to break

the law by saying the word that can be seen in line seven “Polyneices, he who

came from exile breathing fire againts the city of his father. He must be left all

ghastly where he fell, a corpse for dog to maul and vultures picks his bones” (First

Episode, line 24) to show the treatment that can get by those who break his law.

Antigone : it was his brother, not his slave that died. Creon : yes, and ravaging our land, while he fell as its champion. Antigone : Hades makes no distinction in its rites and honors. Creon : The just and unjust do not urge and equal claim. (Second episode: 181, line 35-37,182, line 1-4) From the evidence above, it is seen that Creon really concerns about the

loyalty to the state. It can be seen in the conversation there between Antigone and

Creon in the first two lines. In the second line sounds “yes, and ravaging our land,

while he fell as its champion” means that Creon thinks that Polyneices is a traitor

so he gives a very bad treatment towards his dead body. That is why the writer and

the reader can see what antigone say in the first line “it was his brother, not his

slave, that died”. Antigone wants to describe that the man who dies is Eteocles’

brother not a slave, so she thinks that it is not fair for Polyneices to be treated like

a slave, but because Creon is a very loyal person to the state, he still do that to a

person he thinks to be a traitor.





B. The Conflict between Antigone and Creon

In this second part of this chapter, the writer will focus on how the conflict

between Antigone and Creon is seen in the story. In this case, the writer will

explain about what kind of conflict happens between Antigone and Creon, then

the writer will explain about why the conflict happens, and the writer will also

give the evidence about how the conflict is seen in the story through the

characterization of whom involved in the conflict.

1. Type of the Conflict

There are so many kinds of Conflicts. According to A Handbook to

Literature written by Holam and Harman in 1986, conflict can happen in many

ways, first is struggling against nature, second is struggling against another

character, usually the antagonist, third is struggling against society, and the last is

struggling against the mastery by the elements within the person. And the writer

will use the theory of Holman and Harman which has been explained in chapter

two to find out the type of conflict between Antigone and Creon.

The writer thinks that in the conflict between Antigone and Creon covers

two kinds of conflict from the theory. The first is struggling against the mastery by

the elements within the person (internal conflict), and also struggling against

another character (external conflict).

a. Internal Conflict

internal conflict means that there is a fight between one person with

him/herself. A fight here means there is something in society which is not suitable





or accepted by the person’s perspective so it makes violenty in him/herself. This is

what happen with Antigone, when she can not accept the unfair condition of

Creon’s law which give the different treatment to her brothers’ dead body.

This condition is different with Antigone’s perspective that everybody

whether he is good or bad must be given a proper burial. It can be seen in the

evidence below.

Ismene : I’ve heard no news of friends, Antigone, good or bad, ever since we two were stripped of two brothers in a single day, each dismissing each by each other’s hand. And since the argive army fled last night, I’ve heard no more-either glad or sad.

Antigone : That’s what I thought. That’s why I brought you here beyond the gates that you may hear my news alone.

Ismene : what mischief are you hinting at? (Prologue 165, line 16-26)

The evidence above shows that there is something which is not accepted

by Antigone that makes her try to ask Ismene to do something. It can be seen in

the statement which sounds “What mischief are you hinting at?” (Prologue 165,

line 26). When Ismene ask to Antigone about what she will do, that indicates that

there is something different with Antigone’s perspective which can not accept the

unfair treatment of Creon towards her brother’s dead body.

Ismene : You firebrand! Could I do a thing to change the situation as it is?

Antigone : You could. Are you willing to share danger and suffering, and—

(Prologue 166, line 17-21)

This evidence shows that the violenty in Antigone’s mind makes her has a

will to fight against Creon, in order to get the justice for the dead body of

Polyneices. It can be seen in the statement which sounds “Are you willing to share





danger and suffering” (prologue 166, line 20-21) from the statemen, the writer

knows that Antigone wants to fight Creon, because it is to dangerous to fight

against the powerful king like Creon.

b. External Conflict

Another conflict which can be seen in the conflict between Antigone and

Creon is the conflict against another character (external conflict). In this case is

when Antigione breaks Creon’s law. When Antigone breaks the law, she opens

the conflict against Creon, and Creon reacts by giving her a punishment, so they

are both included in the external conflict. The conflict between Antigone and

Creon. Antigone opens the conflict can be seen in the evidence below.

Antigone : take this hand of mine to bury the dead? ( Prologue 166, line 24 )

This evidence is when Antigone tries to ask Ismene to help him to bury the

dead body. This evidence shows that Antigone has a will to break the law and

fights Creon. This will open the external conflict between both of them.

Ismene : What! Challenge Creon to his face? Antigone : he has no right to temper with what’s mine. (Prologue 166, line 29-30)

This evidence shows that even Creon is very powerful king seen by the

statement of Ismene, Antigone still has a bravery to fight against Creon. This

characteristic of Antigone which support the xternal conflict between them

because Antigone stars to fight Creon by breaking the law.

This will not become an external conflict if Creon does not react knowing

what has been done by Antigone. It becomes external Conflict because Creon





fights back by giving her a death punishment as the consequences. The reaction of

Creon which support the external conflict can be seen in the evidence below.

Creon : but all these hirelings, everyone of them, will pay the price he’s bargained for. I swear it by almaighty Zeus. And if you fail to find the man who did this burial, and stand him here before my eyes, hades shall not receive your soul until first you’ve hanged upon a cross and told me everything.

(First Episode 175, line 36-38, 176, line 1-5)

This evidence shows the reaction which is given by Creon after knowing

that someone has given a burial to the dead body. This reaction support the

external conflict because from this reaction, Creon indirectly shows the will to

fight back against someone who has given the burial, in this case is Antigone.

Creon : let us say that death is going to come between. Leader : I fear, I fear, it’s fixed. Her death is sealed. (Second Episode 184, line 3-4)

This evidence shows that Creon does not like disobedience and he fights

back against Antigone by giving her a death punishment and this reaction also

support the external conflict. It is why the external conflict also happens in the

conflict between Antigone and Creon, because after Antigone fights Creon by

breaking the law, Creon fights back Antigone by giving her a death punishment.

2. The Cause of the Conflict

The conflict between Antigone and Creon happens because Antigone tries

to break Creon’s law. It is because Antigone feels that Creon gives the unfair

treatment between both of her brother who died in the battle, Eteocles and

Polyneices. Eteocles is given the proper funeral, but Polyneices who is thought by

Creon as a traitor, is not given such as funeral. Even Creon asks to his people not

to touch the dead body until it is eaten by dogs.





Eteocles who died in arms of Thebes, shall have a glorious funeral, as befits. A hero going to join the noble dead. But his brother Polyneices, he who came from exile breathing fire against the city of his father and its shrines, the man who came all thirsting for his country’s blood, to drag the rest of us away. As slaves-I’ve sent to edict out that none shall bury him or even mourn. He must be left all ghastly where he fell, a corpse for dog to maul and vultures pick his bones. (First Episode: 171 line 20 – 32)

The evidence which is given above explains how Creon treats the dead

body of Polyneices unfairly. This condition makes Antigone want to fight and tries

to get the justice of her brother’s dead body.

Antigone: I will not press you anymore. I would not want you as a partner if you asked. Go to what you please. I go to bury him. How sweet to die in such a pursuit! To rest love by him whom I have loved, sinner of a holy sin, with longer time to charm the dead and those who live. For I shall abide forever there. So go and please your fantasy and call it wicked what the Gods call good.

(Prologue: 167 line 14 – 25)

The quotation above shows the evidence that Antigone does not like the

policy that is made by the King, Creon towards the dead body of her brother

Polyneices. In that quotation also the writer can see that Antigone has a will to

break the law by saying, “I go to bury him.” And it is when the conflict starts.

So many thoughts which have been talked to see actually who starts the

conflict between Antigone and Creon in the Sophocles’ Antigone. Some say that

Antigone starts the conflict, but some also say that Creon who starts the conflict.

The writer thinks that Antigone is the one who starts the conflict in the case of

external conflict. The decision of Antigone to break the law becomes the main

reason of the external conflict. If Antigone does not react anything to the Creon’s

law, just accepts it like what Ismene does, there will be no conflict between them.

Because in the writer’s analysis, Creon makes the rule because he thinks that





Polyneices is a traitor and he should be treated like a traitor. From the rule of

Creon actually, and there is no will of Creon to attack Antigone directly, but

Antigone’s reactions to break the law which makes Creon Angry and the conflict

between them starts.

Creon : You see the kind of man I am! You’ll not catch me putting traitors up on pedestals beside the loyal man. I’ll honor him alone, live or dead, who honors Thebes.

(First Episode: 171, line 34-37)

The quotation above shows the evidence that actually Creon makes the

rule because he hates a traitor, and he will honor every people who also honor

Thebes. So Polyneices who attacks from Argos is thought by Creon that

Polyneices does not honor Thebes, and that is why he will not be given a proper

funeral. From this fact, the writer can conclude that actually there is nothing to

deal with Antigone when Creon decides to make this rule.

Some say that the law which is made by Creon is the one who starts the

conflict between Antigone and Creon. Some think that if Creon makes the fair rule

to both of the dead body, the conflict between Antigone and Creon will never


In this case, the writer thinks that the unfair law of Creon is not the starts

of the conflict. Because in fact, on that time a King has an absolute power toward

his people, and it is actually an ordinary thing that if there is a leader there will be

a rule to follow, whether the rule is good or bad for the people, rule is rule.

Ismene: the rest, if we defy our sovereign’s edict and his power. Remind ourselves that we are women, and as such not made to fight with men. For might unfortunately is right and makes us bow to things like this and worse.

(Prologue: 167, line 4 – 9)





The quotation above is the evidence that the king in that era or in this case

Creon has an absolute power which cannot be fought by his people. If the people

try to break the law, he/she will be punished.

Depends on this fact, the writer thinks that Antigone is the one who starts

the external conflict because she breaks the law which is made by the Creon even

though the law of Creon is unfair and is not suitable with what Antigone believes.

So the writer comes to a conclusion that the rule of Creon with these all unfair

condition and disrespectful for Antigone is only something which push Antigone

to starts the external conflict, but it is not the conflict itself. And the conflict

happens because of the difference in the perspective between Antigone and Creon

in deal with what has been done by Polyneices, Antigone thinks that Polyneices is

still her brother so he must be given proper burial, but Creon thinks that

Polyneices is a traitor.

3. The Way the Conflict Seen in the Story

After understanding about who starts the conflict, it is easy for the writer

to talk further about actually how the conflict is seen in the story. The conflict

itself is seen in the story by the characterization of the starter of the conflict, in

this case is Antigone, and the conflict is also seen through the characterization of

whom involved in the conflict, Creon.

a. Seen through the Character of Antigone

Antigone has a will to start the conflict; in this case she has a will to break

the Creon’s law because she feels that the law is unfair to both of her brothers who

died in the battle. Why Antigone becomes angry is related to what she actually





believes. She believes that a person whether he/she is good or bad should be given

a proper funeral if he/she dies. And in Antigone’s case, it happens to her own

brother, Polyneices. It is why she becomes so angry with Creon.

Antigone: I think you know: our two dear brothers. Creon is burying one to descrate the other.

(Prologue 165, line 27-29)

From the quotation above, the writer tries to give the evidence about the

belief of Antigone that wants the two dead bodies whether they are stated guilty or

not to have been given the proper funeral. This belief is really described in the

statement of Antigone which sounds “Our two dear brothers. Creon is burying one

to descrate the other.” This statement described that there is something which is

not suitable with what Antigone believes and wants.

Antigone : he is my brother still, and yours-though you would have this otherwise. But I shall not abandon him.

(Prologue 166, line 25-27)

The quotation above also shows the beliefs of Antigone that whether the

person good or bad still should be given the proper funeral including her brother,

Polyneices. The writer finds the belief in the statement of Antigone which sounds

“But I shall not abandon him.” It describes that even her brother, Polyneices is

thought as a traitor by Creon, he is still Antigone’s brother and she should still

respect him and give the proper funeral for him.

Another aspect which the writer finds which can help the readers to see the

conflict between Antigone and Creon is through Antigone’s bravery. The bravery

which Antigone has, takes an important role which push Antigone to create the

conflict. If Antigone is not a brave woman, even though she feels that there is





unfair condition towards the dead body of her brother, she will not break the law

and just accept it. The bravery itself starts to be seen after Creon makes the rule

that forbid to bury the Polyneices dead body. Antigone who feels that there is an

unfair treatment towards her brother Polyneices starts to fight the Creon’s law.

Antigone: Eteocles, they say, he has dispatched with proper rites as one judged fit to pass in glory to the shades. But Polyneices, killed as piteously, an interdict forbids that anyone should bury him, or even mourn. He must be left, unwept, unsepulchered-a vulture’s prize, which rich and rare sweetly scented from afar.

(Prologue 166, line 1-8)

The quotation above shows the evidence of the explanation about

Antigone who feels the unfair treatment towards her brother, Polyneices. The

writer finds the evidence in the different treatment which is explained by the

statement of Antigone above towards the dead body of Eteocles and the dead body

of Polyneices.

Antigone: I will not press you anymore. I would not want you as a partner if you asked. Go to what you plase. I go to bury him. How sweet to die in such a pursuit! To rest love by whom I have loved, sinner of a holly sin, with longer time to charm the dead than those who live. For I shall abide forever there.

(Prologue 167, line 14-21)

The quotation above shows the evidence of the explanation that Antigone

is a brave woman, and her bravery plays an important role which push Antigone to

start the conflict with Creon. The writers finds the bravery of Antigone in the

statement sounds “How sweet to die in such a pursuit!” in this statement,

Antigone knows that it is very dangerous to fight against Creon and it is also

possible for her to get the death penalty, but she still wants to break the law

meaning that she is very brave and ready to fight.





Antigone: and anyone who disobeys will pay no triffing penalty but die by stoning in the city walls.

(Prologue 166, line 12-14)

The evidence above shows the fact that actually Antigone has known the

danger of what she will do and the death penalty she will get if she still tries to

fight the Creon’s law.

After understanding about how the conflict is seen through the

characterizations of Antigone, the writer comes to a conclusion that the conflict is

seen after Creon makes the rule toward the dead body of Polyneices, and it is also

seen by the reaction of Antigone towards the law.

b. Seen through the Character of Creon

Besides the characterization of Antigone as the starter of the conflict, the

conflict between Antigone and Creon is also seen in the story by the

characterization of Creon as someone who is included in the conflict. The writer

thinks that if Creon does not fight back to what Antigone does, the conflict will

not be seen in the story. Because of this understanding, the writer thinks that

Creon’s characteristic has also an important role to help seeing the conflict in the


The writer thinks that the characteristic of Creon which support the

conflict in the story is that Creon is described as a very powerful king, everything

he says should be followed by his people, and he always gives the death penalty

of all who breaks the law, Creon is also a king who has no mercy in rule the state.

Ismene : What! Challenge Creon to his face? Antigone : He has no right to temper with what’s mine.





(Prologue 166, line 28-29)

The quotation above shows the evidence which describe indirectly that

Creon has a very strong power. The writer thinks that it is described by the fear of

Ismene who is asked to help Antigone to bury Polynieces dead body.

Leader : Then what exactly do you want us to do? Creon : Merely see there’s no infringements of the law. Leader : No lunatic is going to welcome death. Creon : An death it is. But greed of gain van often makes men fools. (First Episode 172, line 10-14)

The dialogue between Creon and Leader above is the evidence of the

explanation that Creon is the king who has no mercy to everyone who disobeys

his rule. The writer thinks that the characterizations of Creon as a very cruel and

powerful king support the conflict to be seen in the story. It happens because the

characterization of Creon as a powerful king makes a counter from Creon toward

Antigone who starts the conflict by breaking the law. The writer also thinks that if

Creon does not react anything and let Antigone buries the dead body of

Polyneices, the conflict will not appear in the story.

After understanding about both characteristics of Antigone and Creon

which help the writer to see the conflict in the story, the writer goes to a

conclusion in this part. Conflict which is seen in the story between Antigone and

Creon is an external conflict which is caused by the characteristics of both

Antigone and Creon who are involved in the conflict, especially because of the

characteristics of Antigone as a starter of the conflict who is described as strong

and brave woman.





C. Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality takes an important role in filling the conflict. Antigone

as a woman is described that she is actually under men’s power, in this case is her

King, Creon. The writer finds the evidence which shows about the gender

inequality in the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene.

Ismene: The rest, if we defy our sovereign’s edict and his power. Remind ourselves that we are women, and as such not made to fight with men. For might unfortunately is right and makes us bow to things like this and worse.

(Prologue 167, line 4-9)

The evidence above shows about the idea of gender inequality which is

felt with the people in that era. Their thoughts have been pulled to the difference

of power and rights between men and women. Ismene directly says in the

quotation above “reminds ourselves that we are women and not made to fight with

men.” describes the position of women which are lower than men. Women should

not fight men and women should follow the men’s rules. This is actually how the

female characters view themselves in the society. It is clearly described by the

Ismene’s perspective which always thinks that women are in the lower position

than men and can not fight against men.

In this part, the writer will explain further about the gender inequality

which is seen through the female character’s perpective by providing the

evidences through the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene, and also gender

inequality which is seen in the conflict between Antigone and Creon by finding

the evidence through the dialogue. After that the writers will explain the position

of the gender inequality towards the conflict between Antigone and Creon.





1. Seen through the Female Characters

Talking about the gender inequality like what has been discussed in the

theory of gender inequality in Chapter 2, that there are differences in the role and

position between men and women. Those differences put men in the higher

position than women. It is why in some case the perspective of women becomes

important to see that there are differences in the role and positions in a society.

The women’s perpective usually will show the unfair condition which has

been accepted by the women. By seeing through women’s perspective is the best

way to see the existence of gender inequality. In this part the writer will find out

the perpective of the female characters, Antigone and Ismene by providing the

evidences of the dialogue between both of them.

The Conflict between Antigone and Creon starts from the moment that

Antigone breaks the rule of Creon which forbids everybody to give the funeral

burial to Polyneices. In other words, the conflict starts when Antigone buries the

dead body of her brother Polyneices.

This part will talk about the gender inequality which is seen through the

dialogue of the female characters, so it appears before the conflict or in the other

hand it appears before Antigone buries the dead body of Polyneices. It is when

Antigone plans to bury the dead body. So, the evidence which the writer takes will

cover only on the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene which happens before

Antigone breaks the rule.





Antigone : He is my brother still, and yours-though you would have it otherwise. But I shall not abandon him.

Ismene : What! Challenge Creon to his face? Antigone : He has no right to tamper with what’s mine. (Prologue 166, line 25-29)

From the first evidence above, the writer finds the gender inequality from

the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene. The first is the fear of Ismene who

does not want to help Antigone towards Creon. From the statement “what?

challenge Creon to his face” indirectly describes that Creon as a man, and as a

King has a power which cannot be fought by the people especially for woman like

Ismene. She is afraid to be punished by Creon.

Actually this is related to how the female characters view the male

characters. It is clearly described by the the characteristic of Ismene. She is afraid

of Creon because she knows that Creon as a man and a king controls the society.

He makes rules and he has right to give the punishment. The female characters

view the male character as a strong and powerful man which can not be fought by

women, it is all described in the Ismene’s fear to Creon.

The gender inequality in this evidence is also supported by the statement

of Antigone, sounds “he has no right to tamper with what’s mine.” It describes

that usually Creon as a powerful man and king has a right to rule his people’s life,

and his people should follow the rule if they do not want to get the punishment.

This power of Creon which Antigone wants to fight by saying that Creon, even he

is a man and a king, has no right towards her.

Ismene : You know I don’t do that. I’m just too weak to war against the state.

Antigone : Make you apologize! I go to raise a tomb above my dearest brother.





(Prologue 167, line 25-28)

This evidence also describes about the gender inequality which can be

seen from the statement of Ismene saying “I’m just too weak to war against the

state.” This statement describes the position of Ismene as a woman and as a

citizen is so weak. And she feels that she cannot fight against the state, because

she is only an ordinary citizen who has no power against the king. The state here

in this context is the leader of the city. The leader in Thebes is a King, and he is

Creon. In other words, Ismene cannot fight Creon because she feels that she is

weak (woman and ordinary citizen) and Creon is so strong (a man and a king).

The last evidence which the writer gives actually has been given in the

opening of this part to show the gender inequality. The writer puts the evidence

again here because this evidence is included as the gender inequality which is seen

before the conflict.

Ismene: The rest, if we defy our sovereign’s edict and his power. Remind ourselves that we are women, and as such not made to fight with men. For might unfortunately is right and makes us bow to things like this and worse.

(Prologue 167, line 4-9)

This evidence is the only evidence which directly show the gender

inequality. What the writer means is in this evidence the dialogue directly

describes the position of women which is lower than men. It can be seen in the

statement of Ismene saying “remind ourselves that we are women, and as such not

made to fight with men.” This statement directly shows that women have no

power on men, and women are made not to fight men.





In this part, the writer finds the fact that Sophocles, the writer of Antigone,

uses Ismene more to describe the gender inequality than Antigone. Sophocles uses

Ismene because Ismene is the one who is in the weak position. She is afraid of

Creon, so she does not want to help Antigone. The perspective of general women

in that time is also described by the perspective of Ismene, she always feels

weaker than the men, in this case Creon as the king, she always shows that as a

woman she can not fight against the man. It will be difficult to describe the gender

inequality through the perspective of Antigone because the character of Antigone

is used to fight the gender inequality itself, even it is still possible to describe the

gender inequality by using Antigone like what the writers has given the evidence


2. Seen through the Conflict between Antigone and Creon.

From the text, the writer finds so many evidences from the dialogue which

describe the gender inequality. Whether it appears through the female character’s

dialogue and it appears through the dialogue between Antigone and Creon in the

conflict. In this part the writer will show the gender inequality by giving the

evidences of the dialogue of Antigone and Creon.

a. Seen through the Dialogue of Antigone and Creon

After giving the evidence about the gender inequality which is seen

through the female characters, in this part the writer wants to give the evidence

about the gender inequality which is seen in the conflict. The gender inequality in

the conflict means that the appearance of the evidence is after Antigone breaks the





rule of Creon which forbids everyone to burry Polineices. In this part, this

evidence will be seen in the dialogue of Antigone, Creon, and leader.

Leader: what visitation do I see from heaven? And one I wish I could deny. I am amazed-it is Antigone. What! They bring you here in charge? Poor Antigone, daughter of unlucky Oedipus. Were you rash enough to cross the King? And did they take you in your folly?

(Second Episode 177, line 12-18)

This evidence shows the gender inequality. It can be seen in the dialogue

which is spoken by the leader. This gender inequality is seen in the statement

which sounds “I am amazed, it is Antigone.” (Second Episode, line 14). The

statement above describes that the leader does not believe that Antigone is the one

who is brave enough to break the law. The leader thinks that Antigone does not

have a power and bravery to break the law by burying Polyneices. That is why he

is amazed knowing that Antigone is the doer.

Another statement in the same evidence which describes the gender

inequality is seen in the statement which sounds “Were you rash enough to cross

the King?” this statement shows that usually the citizens especially women are not

brave enough to break the law. It also shows that the bravery of Antigone is

something special which is unbelievable. So the leader is amazed if Antigone is

rash enough to cross the King.

Creon : Tell me first where and how you find her. Sentry : She was burying the man. Now you know. Creon : Is this true? Are you serious? Sentry : I tell you I saw her burying the forbidden corpse. Is that plain? (Second Episode 178, line 7-12)

This evidence also shows the gender inequality that women are believed to

get lower position than men. In the evidence the writer finds the statement of





Creon which indirectly shows the gender inequality. This gender inequality can be

found in the statement sounds “Is this true? Are you serious?” in this statement,

Creon does not believe that Antigone is the doer because she is a woman. And

Creon thinks that Antigone as a woman should not have a power to bury the dead

body by herself, and Creon also does not believe that Antigone will not have the

courage to break the law. These all thoughts of Creon to Antigone are the evidence

that gender inequality exists there, when the position of women are lower than

men, and women should not fight against men.

Creon : This girl, already versed in disrespect when first she disobeyed my law, now adds a second insult-vaunts it to my face. O, she’s the man, not I, if she can walk away unscathed

(Second Episode 180, line 25-30)

This evidence shows also shows the gender inequality directly. The writer

finds it in the statement of Creon saying “O, she is the man, not I.” means that

Creon thinks that Antigone is very brave in she should be a man. From this

thought the writer understand that Creon thinks that the one who can be brave is

only man, and woman should not have such bravery. It is also related with the

bravery of Antigone to answer all the questions of Creon without hesitation, and

she is not afraid to admit what she has done.

Creon : She and her sister will not now escape the direst penalty. I say the sister too. I charge her as accomplice of this burial. Call her forth. I saw her whimpering in there just now, all gone to pieces, so does remorse blurt on the secret sin.

(Second Episode 180 line 35-38, 181 line 1-2)

From the evidence above, the writer finds the gender inequality in the

statement of Creon sounds “I say the sister too. I charge her accomplice of this

burial.” It indirectly means that Creon thinks Ismene must help Antigone in giving





the burial to Polyneices because he believes that Antigone cannot do it alone.

Antigone is a woman and she will need help to do the burial.

In this part, Sophocles uses Creon more rather than Antigone to describe

the gender inequality because Creon is a man who has very important role in the

society as a King. Creon is also described as a cruel king. So he is an exact

character to describe the gender inequality which is seen after the conflict.

b. The Position of the Gender Inequality

In this part, the writer will complete the answer about how the gender

Inequality is seen in the conflict between Antigone and Creon by stating the

position of the gender inequality toward the conflict between them. After

understanding how the gender inequality appears in the story through the

evidences in the dialogue of Creon and Antigone, the writer directly states that the

position of the gender inequality is inside the conflict.

The reason of this statement is because the existence of the conflict

between Antigone and Creon in the story is not caused by the gender inequality,

but it is caused by the will of Antigone in order to get justice of the dead body of

her brother Polyneices.

Ismene : I’ve heard no news of friends, Antigone, good or bad, ever since we two were stripped of two brothersin a single day, each dismissing each by each other’s hand. And since the argive army fled last night, I’ve heard no more-either glad or sad.

Antigone : That’s what I thought. That’s why I brought you here beyond the gates that you may hear my news alone.

Ismene : what mischief are you hinting at? Antigone : I think you know: our two dear brothers. Creon is burying

one to descrate the other. (Prologue 165, line 22-29)





This evidence shows that the main reason why Antigone breaks the law is

because she cannot accept the unfair treatment of Creon towards her two brothers,

when Polyneices is not given the funeral like what Eteocles accepts. In this case

the conflict is not started yet, because Antigone has not done her will yet. Conflict

is the relation between the protagonist and the antagonist in the characterization (Abrams,

1981: 20).  There is no relation between Antigone and Creon in this moment, so the

conflict is not started yet. The relation starts when Antigone breaks the law and then she

admits it to Creon. That is when the Conflict started.

The gender inequality is seen inside the conflict. It is not the creator of the

conflict. The gender inequality is inside the conflict can be seen when Antigone has a will

to fight Creon by breaking his law (before the external conflict), and also it can be seen

from the reaction of Creon which underestimate Antigone (after the external conflict).

The writer states that the position of gender Inequality is inside the external conflict

because it is related with the main discussion of this part about how the gender inequality

is seen in the conflict between Antigone and Creon.

After understanding how the gender inequality is seen in the conflict between

Antigone and Creon which cover analysis in gender inequality through the dialogue of

Antigone and Creon and also analysis on the position of gender inequality, the writer

comes to a little conclusion.

The gender inequality is seen through the dialogues inside the internal and

external conflict in the story and also the gender inequality is not the creator of the

conflict between Antigone and Creon, but the gender inequality is inside the conflict.





Antigone is one of the great well known writer Sophocles’ work which

tells about the woman who has courage to fight against the unfair condition which

is made by the very powerful king named Creon. There are three questions

formulated in this thesis, the first is about the characterizations of three important

character in the story, Antigone and Ismene as the female characters and Creon as

the male character. The second is about the conflict between Antigone and Creon

in the story, and the last is about the gender inequality which is seen through the

the female characters and the conflict between Antigone and Creon.

In discussing the female characters, first is the main character Antigone

which is described as a strong willed, Brave, and Critical woman. She is described

as strong willed woman because she still wants to fight Creon’s law by giving the

burial eventhough Ismene refuses to help her. She is also described as a brave and

critical woman, she is brave to fight Creon, the king of thebes who is very cruel

and powerful. The reason of her rebellion against Creon is because she feels the

unfair treatment towards the dead body of her brother Polyneices, and she wants

to show that woman can also fight against man for getting the justice. She wants

to proove that women are in the equal position with men.

Another female character is Ismene. She is described as an obedient and

loyal person. She is obedient person because she does not want to help Antigone

and wants to obey the rule of Creon not to touch the dead body of Polyneices. She





is a loyal person is described in the text that she is loyal to her sister Antigone.

Although she refuses to help Antigone, but she wants to admit that she is incuded

in theburial, because she will suffer together with Antigone.

Besides the female character, the first problem formulation also describes

the male character, Creon. He is decribed as a very powerful and loyal man. He is

described as a powerful man because he is the king of Thebes, he rules the society,

he hates the disobedience and he likes to give the death penalty for those who dare

to break his law. But, Creon is also described as a loyal man, because he is loyal

to the previous king of Thebes, and he is loyal to Thebes. that is why he hates

Polyneices who dies fighting his own city, so Creon thinks that Polyneices is a


The second problem formulation explain about the conflict. There are

three things discussed in the second problem formulation. The first is the type of

the conflict, the second is why the conflict happens, and the last is how the

conflict is seen in the story. The types of the conflict are internal conflict, when

Antigone feels that there is an unfair condition which she feels toward her

brother’s death body. And the other type is external conflict, when Antigone starts

to break the law by giving the proper burial and Creon fights back by giving the

punishment for Antigone.

The second is about why the conflict happens. The conflict happens

because Antigone can not accept the law of Creon which give proper burial for

Eteocles but not for Polyneices. Antigone fights to get that justice. And the third is

about how the conflict is seen in the story, the conflict is seen through the




characterizations of Antigone and Creon, two people which are included in the

external conflict.

The last problem formulation is about how the gender inequality is seen

through the female characters and through the conflict between Antigone and

Creon. The gender inequality is described through the characterizations of Ismene,

as a woman in the inferior position, she is afraid to fights Creon as a man and a

king. She always feels that she is too weak to against the state, which means the

king. And the last thing discussed in this problem formulation is about how the

gender inequality is seen in the conflict between Antigone and Creon. It is seen

through the dialogue between Antigone and Creon, because in the dialogue the

writer can find the different point of view and perpective between both of them as

a woman and a man.

After writing this thesis, the writer comes to a conclusion that gender

inequality is actually socialy constructed, so it is constructed by society. It

changes the perspective of women and men in dealing with role and positions.

Women always feel that they are in the lower position than man and can not fight

men, but actually they can be in the equal position if they are brave enough to

fight against their own perspective, just like what Antigone does.




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