The Future of UX

The Future of UX Chris Bernard, User Experience Evangelist, Microsoft October 9 th , Tulsa TechFest 2008 Subscribe to me at Look for this presentation at Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
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Why is UX important in the creation of software for the Web and devices. What's changed to make it more important? What's coming next? What are Microsoft tools to allow professional designers to work with .NET? It's all here.

Transcript of The Future of UX

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The Future of UXChris Bernard, User Experience Evangelist, MicrosoftOctober 9th, Tulsa TechFest 2008

Subscribe to me at www.designthinkingdigest.comLook for this presentation at www.slideshare.netFollow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Presentation Notes
Here’s a presentation I did on October 9th in Tulsa Oklahoma for a keynote. This was mostly a developer audience that was enthusiastic about learning about UX. We talked about some general principals and what Microsoft is doing in this space. For those of you that are familiar with my presentations you’ll see familiar content but you’ll also hear me talk about some new things in some new ways. Plus, there’s some extra stuff in here too.
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UX equals user experience.
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Gotta talk about the economy today.
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Clement Mok

There has clearly been a steady decline in the design profession for over 30 years, and the source of that decline is the profession’s intractable stasis.

We are unchanged professionals in a changingprofessional climate, clutching at old idols, while failing to create new offerings, failing to reinvent and reinvigorate the practice when needed, failing to inculcate a professional culture that is accessible and fair.

Source: Communication Arts, 2003

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Some quotes to frame our discussion.
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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

Robert Heinlein, Author

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In fact, there’s an apt quote from a famous science fiction writer, the author of Starship Troopers that sums up design pretty well. So if design is so complex and no one person can do it all how do you do it well in an organization that has no designers or perhaps only a few?
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“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two, and only two, basic

functions: marketing and innovation”

Peter Drucker

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If you aren’t interested in business this one fact well let you go pretty far.
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User Experience

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Let’s define it.

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Understand why it’s important.

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Talk about how to walk the walk.

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Talk about how Microsoft is walking the walk.

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We’ll talk about things that matter if you are big…
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Have 1000 employees
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Or one.
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First Impressions…

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I also need to get first impressions out of the way with Microsoft. Let’s get them on the table.
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Hard to Use

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Designed By Engineers

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But we also think about things like this…

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…a cool video I had to pull that you can’t see. From Microsoft Research Labs, it shows flying cars, etc.
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So, what is UX?

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Maybe we should talk about what it’s not first.

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It’s not…

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Icing on a cake…

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User interfaces that are applied after an application is created are a bit like putting icing on a cake. I can make a great cake and lousy decorating job will obscure the value that an application brings. Contrarily, a bad cake can’t be fixed by a nice decorating job.
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No Palin jokes please.
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How something looks

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How something looks is only a small part of things.
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So what then?

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4 Concepts

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Now we’ve talked about design and business principals but let’s put some big concepts around this. I’d like to focus on four concepts. Four concepts that will help us understand if our object or creation is providing…a successful User Experience.
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The first concept is…
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In this metaphor the function is to open a can. You can certainly open a can using a knife but a can opener will always give you a much better “functional user experience”. You can do things faster, in a more reliable way, in a more secure way. You can claim you object or creation is providing a successful user experience when users can simply say…
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It Works Great!

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It Works!
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The first concept is…
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This surround sound system goes beyond providing only the functional solution to a problem. It is giving us an extra, a plus which is its beautiful appearance. Color, Shape, Design, Layout and Style are important values in a great aesthetic or visual user experience. You can claim your object or creation provides a successful aesthetic or visual user experience when users are able to say…
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It Looks Great!

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It Looks Great!
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The third concept is…
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Here we have a coffee machine. This coffee machine looks great and works great but it goes even beyond that. This coffee machine is able to understand and relate to its users and their needs. If you pay attention to the center of the coffee machine you will see that you can actually prepare 2 cups of coffee at the same time, enhancing the user experience of having coffee with a friend. No longer you need to wait double time to get 2 different cups of coffee made and no longer will your friend’s coffee will start cooling down waiting for your cup of coffee to be ready. All these subtle sometimes small interactions make the difference between objects that are able to relate to users. You can claim that your object or creation is providing a successful “Interactive” user experience when the object…
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It Relates to You!

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…relates to you.
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And the fourth concept is…
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We have all been through the process of going on vacation and visiting a hotel but if you think about it, user experience begins much before that…
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user experience begins at the time you start planning on going on vacation with your family or friends, by the time you place your reservation
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and take an airplane or cruise to get to this probably exotic country or city.
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By the time you get that beautiful place…
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and then arrive to the lobby of the hotel receiving a warm welcome from the hotel staff, getting your room assigned…
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and discovering you got an spectacular view of the ocean…
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you take a walk on the beach and take some pictures…
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All these small moments are connected and they all represent the process of user experience. This tells us that a user experience is not only about providing sporadic or isolated moments of user experience but about providing an end to end solution, and end to end user experience. When you deliver a great process in user experience you…
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Generates Memories

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generate Memories and…
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Emotional Connection

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memories generate emotional connection. Once you generate emotional connection with your customers, believe me, they won’t forget about you and your object or creation. Technology and software are often the GLUE of these experiences. That’s why the jobs of designers and developers are so important.
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Why is UX so important?

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Three trends

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So, what does this have to do with software?

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There are also dynamics that fall outside of pure design and pure IT domains. Doblin Group an Innovation Planning firm came up with what some in the design world call the ‘holy trinity.’ Smart designers always are thinking about the answers to the following questions…
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Business Principals

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There are also dynamics that fall outside of pure design and pure IT domains. Doblin Group an Innovation Planning firm came up with what some in the design world call the ‘holy trinity.’ Smart designers always are thinking about the answers to the following questions…
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Technology tries to answer… “What is possible?”

Source: Larry Keeley, Doblin

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What is possible?
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Deep Zoom is something new that can’t be done elsewhere. (
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Business tries to answer… “What is viable in the market


Source: Larry Keeley, Doblin

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What is viable?
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Cue cat was a great idea with a poor business plan
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So was this.
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Design isn’t what sold this idea (although the design is great). What sold this was the fact that Pharmacy customers visit a store 40% more frequently than non-Pharmacy customers. The ‘sell’ on this idea isn’t the great design (which cost more to make and distribute) it’s actually that customer satisfaction and revenue potential it creates that is valuable.
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This is too long a story for notes but basically talks about disruptive business models. In this case how somebody like threatens Intuit’s Quicken.
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Experience / Design tries to answer… “What is desirable to users?”

Source: Larry Keeley, Doblin

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What is desirable? But there’s also a forth and fifth one that we probably need to think about too, now these next to concepts are mine but I think there important and I think current business and market trends bear them out too. So, the other two concepts we need to think about are…
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…is completely different than this.
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Tivo develops a deep emotion connection with its brand. The first thing that happens when you turn it on is that this little guy WAVES at you!
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Serious gamers have respect and like all gaming consoles but they LOVE Xbox Live.
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What’s changed?

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We’ve defined what UX is and why it’s important but what’s changed in our environment that makes this stuff important.
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The good old days.

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Source: Gregg Berryman

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Source: Gregg Berryman

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Source: Gregg Berryman

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Two Things Happened

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Design is the new black! W00T!

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This is great but our process is broken.
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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An egg can be a useful metaphor for design. It’s a delicate thing and it’s easy to kill what’s inside it.
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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Designers (and sometimes technologists) spend a lot of time defining what that ‘egg’ should be.
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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We iterate and make compositions representing EXACTLY what it should look like. Sometimes we even simulate what we want it to do (Although we might try to make it do things that are impossible too).
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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If designers and technologists are organized we’ll spend a lot of time pulling together all the assets of our design so you can easily pull it together.
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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We might even drop it into HTML or CSS for you. But then what happens? (Pause a beat).
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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We break it. We break it because designers and developers don’t have a common tool set. Sometimes we break a design knowingly when we go into a project but more often that not designers are long gone by the time we start building something. What we get after this process is over (pause for a beat)…
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Concept: Courtesy of Jon Harris, a Microsoft buddy

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Is not what the designers intent was. It’s not what a customer signed off on. Now it used to be that this ‘final’ result was good enough. But not anymore.
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Our methods for designing software and for the Web are


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The economic models for software are changing.

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Let’s take another trip.

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This guys use to control the world in Advertising. They worried about…
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They were fat and happy…
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…and a little worried.
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They knew there were big problems with what they did.
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and then…

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…the other shoe dropped.
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It was the Web again.
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Where this mattered more than a 30 second commercial.
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And knowing what REALLY mattered on this page became really important.
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Along the way a lot of new folks came along that were smart and ‘got’ it.
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They could measure every thing they do.
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Our disciplines and what is required of us is changing.

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Design and advertising are converging, creating disruptionin how software and Web sites

are designed and how we create them.

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We are on a collision course

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We want to talk.
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We want to share.
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We want to create
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In media

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In marketing

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In conversations

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Our culture

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This doesn’t cut it anymore.
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Neither does this…
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Or even this.
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We need ideas that scale

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A great story about scaling.
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While sites using other, non-Microsoft technologies had a viewing experience that lasted an average of 3 minutes per user, on the site, the average viewing time was over 27 minutes per user
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17 days…

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1.3 billion page views

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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50+ million unique visitors

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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70 million streams

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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10 million hours of video watched

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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35 million mobile page views

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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50,000+ clips viewed every day

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NBCOLYMPICS.COM ROLLS: followed up its record day on 8/8/08 with another enormous day of traffic.  On Saturday (traditionally the lowest trafficked day of the week), the site garnered 62.7 million page views an increase of 475 percent from the opening day of competition of the Athens Games in 2006 (10.9 million).    Through two days has totaled 132.6 million page views compared to 17.9 million page views for the first two days of the Athens Games an increase of 641 percent. registered 3.1 million video streams yesterday. By comparison, in Athens, the first day of competition received 115,014 video streams.   4.83 million unique users logged onto yesterday an increase from the 4.21 million for 8/8/08 and nearly six times the unique users from the first day of competition in Athens (816,609 million).   NBC Universal, broadcasting its record 11th Olympics and surpassing ABC for the most Olympics broadcast by any network, will present an unprecedented 3,600 hours of Beijing Olympic Games coverage, the most ambitious single media project in history featuring the most live coverage (nearly 2,900 live hours in total), across the most platforms, of any Summer Olympics in history.
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This is kind of scary.

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It impacts how we work together

Source: International Design Magazine

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It impacts our workspaces

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Source: Hasso Plattner Institute of Design

It impacts how we need to think

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It impacts everyone

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First Impressions count. Even in Microsoft it impacts what we do.
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Great design thinking is expected…

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…all the time.

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In print.
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In search.
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In imaging
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In sharing
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Silverlight Airlines

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What are we doing?

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‘We’ being Microsoft.
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UX Platform

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Understanding our platform
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For .NET

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Platform OptimizedWeb Supplemented Web

Ubiquity Richness Next Generation

A continuum of experience

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All these buckets require different skills
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Platform OptimizedWeb Supplemented Web

Ubiquity Richness Next Generation

A continuum of experience

Consistent Development Story

Visual Studio

Role Based

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Microsoft enables you to target all these buckets from a developer perspective with a common set of tools, roles and skills. That’s a pretty big deal in a world where you can’t just pick ONE thing to do and instead are asked to focus on all these buckets. If you’re coming from the world of the WEB we give you an easy way to build richer experiences with Silverlight. If you’re in the world of .NET we let you leverage your skills to create cross-channel Web experiences.
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Formerly Codenamed “Atlas”AJAX based Web applications

Standards Based Ajax


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ASP.NET AJAX will help you create AJAX based web applications that provide the richest experience on the web. AJAX which stands for Asynchronous Java Script and XML has become a core technology to create outstanding new rich web software applications. Microsoft is providing “Atlas” as a framework to empower the development of these kind of applications. The great benefit of this, is that most of the plumbing is being made by us, so developers and designers will have more time to do the fun part, developing and designing the applications. At this point it is worth highlighting that everything Microsoft is doing for the web is attached to Industry Standards. ASP.NET AJAX will run great on Internet Explorer, on Firefox and on Safari. Where the ‘reach’ of your applications is critical ASP.NET AJAX provides an elegant way for you to create standards-based browser experiences.
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Create and Deploy XAML content & Apps Everywhere!Windows, Web, Crossplatform, Devices



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Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows. Silverlight lets you take the power of .NET and push it outside of the Windows platform and into the browser of your choice with a lightweight, easy to install and update runtime that works on all major consumer browsers on Microsoft and Apple platforms.
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Windows Presentation FoundationWindows Desktop Applications, Embedded, Next Generation Computing

Connected Applications


Next Generation

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Finally, WPF, which stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. This technology, pillar of WinFX will help you create Windows Desktop Applications. Thanks to the robust and flexible .NET framework you can easily create connected applications. This scenario will provide the best and richest experience to users. Windows applications can be fully connected to the web allowing users to enjoy the best of both worlds, the richness and performance of the desktop and the information, content and community of the web, all in a top notch security environment. WPF provides support for rich media integration, animation, complete control customization, data binding and styling. It uses the graphics card to render all these graphics saving a lot CPU cycles and providing better performance. When experience needs to be first WPF provides a the ultimate user experience.
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AJAX + .NET, JavaScript, DL Support




Web + Standards Rich Web Ultimate Experience

Where to apply our platform

Consistent Development Story

Visual Studio

Role Based

Platform OptimizedWeb Supplemented Web

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Microsoft enables you to target all these buckets from a developer perspective with a common set of tools, roles and skills. That’s a pretty big deal in a world where you can’t just pick ONE thing to do and instead are asked to focus on all these buckets. If you’re coming from the world of the WEB we give you an easy way to build richer experiences with Silverlight. If you’re in the world of .NET we let you leverage your skills to create cross-channel Web experiences.
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Rich vs. Reach – choosing the right experience


Richness and Capability


SilverlightASP.NET AJAX


Vista Gadgets


Cross Platform/Cross Browser

Cross Device


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What’s Missing?

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Designer Tooling

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But before we begin I want to chat a bit about software and design. In fact, I’m actually curious. I want to see if this story is familiar to you.
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For .NET

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But before we begin I want to chat a bit about software and design. In fact, I’m actually curious. I want to see if this story is familiar to you.
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How Do We Work Now?

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A quick reminder
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These methods don't lend themselves to iteration and agility

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designers & developers: Speak the same language

Designer/developer experience

designers design

designers & developers: Speak different languages

developers add business logic

designer developer

The new way for designers and developers to work together

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Designing with XAML fundamentally changes the production process for designers and developers. It allows us to be iterative.
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Professional Design Tools for .NET

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Microsoft has a whole suite of tools that enable designers to do this.
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They work great with developer tools
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And we even have a subscription format.
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That’s maps to what you may be familiar with.
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AJAX + .NET, JavaScript, DL Support




Web + Standards Rich Web Ultimate Experience

Where to apply our platform

Platform OptimizedWeb Supplemented Web

Friction free deployment and adoptionDeveloper / Designer productivity and collaboration

Ecosystem – controls, content, solutions integrators, community

Consistent Design & Development Story

Expression Web / Visual Studio Web

Expression Blend / Visual Studio

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It also completes our virtuous cycle of tooling, skills and roles for different solution buckets.
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The Microsoft UX Platform

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But that’s only scratching the surface. So what does that mean using today’s product? How does that relate to what you can do right now? Microsoft has the tools, like Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Studio, that help you design great user experiences and let your designers and developers collaborate seamlessly. We have the cutting edge application technologies to help you leverage what you already know to build outstanding web applications and deliver to many devices. We have the rock solid integrated, optimized, and secure servers that help you improve your current assets and minimize rip and replace. They scale from one off small business needs, all the way to large enterprise environments. We have dynamic services to help you build rich features quickly, and take advantage of Microsoft’s reach as a brand and a partner– helping you grow your business. And of course, we can deliver those features to multiple devices across platforms and browsers. This enables you to extend your applications and brands to the desktop, mobile phone, game console, etc…
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We try to walk the walk in Microsoft with our own products and services. We are JUST getting started. More exciting things are coming soon.
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Some final thoughts on…

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“The future is already here—it’s just unevenly distributed.”

William Gibson

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253 million people…

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This is 33 million more that the US. In the past eight years internet usage has grown over 1000% in China in the US it’s grown over a 130%.
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…use the internet in China.

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This is 33 million more that the US. In the past eight years internet usage has grown over 1000% in China in the US it’s grown over a 130%.
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This is 33 million more that the US. In the past eight years internet usage has grown over 1000% in China in the US it’s grown over a 130%.
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Pakistan has had this growth in 8 years.
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1.5 billion

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Total internet users.
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Total internet users.
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What’s next?

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In this global revolution everything we’ve talked about even matters more.
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+ Standards!

Source: Microsoft

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This is our future and it’s about time. We need this.
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Concept: Courtesy of Rob Girling,

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And it’s going to support the following case. Courtesy of Artefact founder Rob Girling. “Now finally I’m going to make the case that all these layers are just ‘table stakes’ – being good at all this are requirements to be a contender in this space. Our final challenge and its somewhat open ended is to engage our customers, to create a destination experience that stands out, is memorable, effective and conveys the unique qualities of your companies brand. This is an emotional challenge not a technology challenge. So I put it to you that we are at a sufficient level of technology and experience maturity now to embark on this desirable phase.”
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Concept: Courtesy of Rob Girling,

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Kevin Roberst, CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi worldwide wrote these two books,, lovemarks and the sequel The lovemarks effect to propose a new approach to building brand relationships with customers. The three ultimate brand pillars “Mystery, Sensuality, Intimacy”� It’s a bout a new level of relationship with the customer.
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Lovemarks…1. Pursue radical not incremental innovation 2. Commitment to respect 3. Make it easy4. Tell the truth5. Nurture integrity6. Never pull back on service7. Deliver great design8. Talk to Value9. Deserve trust 10. Never fail the reliability test

Source: – Kevin RobertsSource: Envisioning desirable software in the age of internet fatigue, Robert Girling, Artefact

Concept: Courtesy of Rob Girling,

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How people feel is the new black.

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If you applications make people feel stupid or angry. Watch out. Trouble is coming.
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Paul Rand

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Paul is a famous print designer. IBM, UPS and many other iconic logos. He had some words of wisdom on logos…
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Paul Rand

“If an experience can be refined, without disturbing it's image, it seems reasonable to do so. an experience, after all, is an instrument of pride and should be shown at its best."

Here is what an experience is and does;

• An experience is a flag, a signature, an escutcheon.

• An experience doesn't sell (directly), it identifies.

• An experience is rarely a description of a business.

• An experience derives its meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around.

A well designed experience, in the end, is a reflection of the business it symbolizes. It connotes a thoughtful and purposeful enterprise, and mirrors the quality of its products or services. it is good public relations - a harbinger of goodwill. It says, 'We care.'

An experience is less important than the product it signifies; what it means is more important than what it looks like.”

Source: Paul Rand, Some thoughts…and some logos.

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Which I’ve put here. But I replaced the word ‘logo’ with ‘experience’. It’s still pretty good stuff.
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Save money.

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At the end of the day, everything we’ve talked about can save you money and…
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Make money.

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…make you money too.
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The story continues here…

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Pay attention to this event. Big things are coming.
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The story continues here…

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Here too.
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Check out our partner programs to learn more. They ARE NOT just for big giant companies. They can support even a one person shop.
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We’ve also got special efforts that help you get focused and productive quickly.
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…and here.

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Do you like this presentation? Did you hear my keynote I used these slides for? Let me know what you think? Do you want your time back? Is it enlightening? Am I missing something? Do you have questions? Let me know?
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Microsoft believes that the same level and quality, the same values can be delivered through…
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Other Resources

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New platforms to advance design and UX

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Massive update coming to this site soon. I promise it will be worth a visit soon.
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www.visitmix.comMIX09 Conference, March 19-21, 2009

MIX OnlineMIX University

For developers, designers and business decision makers

Continued investments…

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Need more? Here’s some extra stuff I didn’t present.

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Defining the experience

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We talk about the Olympics Player here. Probably best just to go look at it at ( to understand what it does. Such as a nice, sit-back, full-screen experience and the ability to share clips you like with others. All knocked out in about 9 months.
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Comment’s that let you jump back in forth in video (Only backwards with Live events of course—boy that would be cool if we could get that whole time machine stuff working here—we’re working on that. Promise.
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Navigating 3600 hours of video is never easy.
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Giving people easy ways to explore are important too.
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And multitask of course with Picture in Picture.
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Or the control room, which I like to call ‘Elvis’ mode.
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Digital Media Components

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Microsoft The de facto market leader of the media streaming platform market, Microsoft has more than just its wide OS penetration to its credit. Microsoft’s Windows Media can be found on every personal computer, as Windows Media has been bundled along with the OS. Launched at NAB 2003, Microsoft’s Windows Media 9 Series platform (WMV 9) takes video and audio resolution to a new level. Compared to other streaming formats currently available WMV 9 enables video resolution at more than 3 times that of traditional DVD. In terms of efficiency WMV 9 is 3 times more efficient at compressing video than MPEG-2. In a recent development with Artisan, Microsoft has provided High Definition DVDs to consumers. These DVDs feature Artisan motion pictures and display the enhanced resolution capabilities of WMV 9. Through these moves Microsoft is trying to enter the long-standing bastion of Apple QuickTime—Hollywood—and enhance their market share. However some people still see WMV 9 as a proprietary system and are reluctant to change. Its penetration is expected to grow now that the standard has been approved by the SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture Television Engineers) as an industry standard, VC-1. Windows Media 9 is also used by several cellular service providers. And it is widely adopted for the DVB-H deployment of video services in Europe. Microsoft has announced the Home Server solution that will allow the average end-user to stream content over the Internet.
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Where we’ve invested

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Grayed out areas are where we don’t play. Microsoft The de facto market leader of the media streaming platform market, Microsoft has more than just its wide OS penetration to its credit. Microsoft’s Windows Media can be found on every personal computer, as Windows Media has been bundled along with the OS. Launched at NAB 2003, Microsoft’s Windows Media 9 Series platform (WMV 9) takes video and audio resolution to a new level. Compared to other streaming formats currently available WMV 9 enables video resolution at more than 3 times that of traditional DVD. In terms of efficiency WMV 9 is 3 times more efficient at compressing video than MPEG-2. In a recent development with Artisan, Microsoft has provided High Definition DVDs to consumers. These DVDs feature Artisan motion pictures and display the enhanced resolution capabilities of WMV 9. Through these moves Microsoft is trying to enter the long-standing bastion of Apple QuickTime—Hollywood—and enhance their market share. However some people still see WMV 9 as a proprietary system and are reluctant to change. Its penetration is expected to grow now that the standard has been approved by the SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture Television Engineers) as an industry standard, VC-1. Windows Media 9 is also used by several cellular service providers. And it is widely adopted for the DVB-H deployment of video services in Europe. Microsoft has announced the Home Server solution that will allow the average end-user to stream content over the Internet.
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Our vision for media scenarios• Any Format, Any Delivery, Protected or Unprotected• Choice and Extensibility

Remote PlayReady License Server

Live Encoder

Streaming Server(WMS)Webserver (IIS)

SL Clients SL Clients

Webserver (IIS)

Media File ServerPR or WMDRM

EncyptionPR or WMDRMEncyption

Content-Delivered PR License Key

On-Demand Live









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Our vision for Silverlight is one where any format can be consumed regardless of delivery method. Media is just one component of a robust and flexible RIA environment where choice and extensibility are part of the architecture. Whether on PC, Mac, Linux, living room Set-Top box or mobile devices, Silverlight should let you experience your media when and where you want it. Although DRM is less extensible due to inherent security issues, 3rd party DRM can be utilized with Silverlight (e.g., Widevine -
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Our vision for media scenarios• Any Format, Any Delivery, Protected or Unprotected• Choice and Extensibility

Remote PlayReady License Server

Live Encoder

Streaming Server(WMS)Webserver (IIS)

SL Clients SL Clients

Webserver (IIS)

Media File ServerPR or WMDRM

EncyptionPR or WMDRMEncyption

Content-Delivered PR License Key

On-Demand Live









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Area in red is how the NBC Olympics stuff worked. Our vision for Silverlight is one where any format can be consumed regardless of delivery method. Media is just one component of a robust and flexible RIA environment where choice and extensibility are part of the architecture. Whether on PC, Mac, Linux, living room Set-Top box or mobile devices, Silverlight should let you experience your media when and where you want it. Although DRM is less extensible due to inherent security issues, 3rd party DRM can be utilized with Silverlight (e.g., Widevine -
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One of our Olympics partners
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Another one.
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The encoding guys
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How to do this yourself
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How to host it yourself.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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How we amplified the Olympics with cross-over promotion.
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Establishing a common vocabulary around design thinking

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Design Thinking

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User Experience is a big domain. In fact User Experience is largely a craft, discipline and vocation that is practiced agnostic of technology. Technology and tools can help us be more effective at making great user experiences but what they can’t do is ensure that we are making the right experiences for the right types of folks. (ie solving the right problem). Design techniques and designers frequently play a big role in that as well and are frequently key drivers and collaborators when we talk about user experience design. User experience design touches a lot of different concepts. Some may be familiar to us, others not so much.
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Design Thinking

User Interface Design

User Research

Information Design Usability Testing

Design Planning

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So, what other things do designers do to avoid ‘pushing icing around on a cake’? One of the first things that designers do is perform a role called design research. Design researcher conduct contextual or field research related to a given project to collect primary data and then combine this data with secondary resources and use data analysis and synthesis techniques to arrive at quantifiable needs and criteria that a given project may need to satisfy. A design researcher may have a background in human behavior or cognitive psychology and in many cases may have a formal background in anthropology. Design researchers are often called by another name you might be familiar with, ethnographers. Design planning is the art of taking needs and criteria derived from design research and turning them into a usable ‘spec’ that can drive the design of a solution. More strategy than high-level design this is work that occurs in front of a project and usually involves close collaboration with the business stakeholder. Information design is also sometimes called information architecture and this role is typically concerned with the structure of information from a user perspective and with the flow of that information and how a user may interact with the information in a given medium. Information designers champion the needs of the user of the technology and provide a balance to how applications are typically designed with a focus on what makes it easier for the IT organization or the developer to create. Finally, many of us have probably seen or participated in a user acceptance test. A user acceptance test validates that an application or Web site works. A usability test validates that someone can actual use and figure out something. Historically usability tests were often conducted after an application was created and performed in an environment where there was little leeway to actually address and correct errors. Today forward looking organizations use testing early in a project (often in the design planning stage even) to help teams understand WHAT they need build. In addition, designers that focus on usability testing also often develop ‘systems’ into software or Web sites that allow for repeatable and ongoing sensing and feedback that can inform future changes, enhancements or fixes to an application. When great user interfaces are successful it’s usually because user research, design planning and information design activities are being completed to some degree.
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What roles can a designer thinker play?

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So as we can see from the last slide designers have a lot of roles that they play. You might be asking yourself how can anyone person be good at all that stuff? And the answer is that they can’t. But design is a different discipline than software or Web site development. Researcher Graphic Designer (Also known as a Visual or Communication Designer) Product Designer Interaction Designer (Sometimes the shorthand for this is IxD) Information Designer (Also known as an Information Architect) Design Planner Now just like a technologist can wear many hats so can a designer, and many do. But some specialize in area too. More often than not though most are what we called T-shaped. They have deep knowledge in one area and general knowledge in other areas. Many folks are familiar with what a graphic, visual or communications designer would do for software. They focus on the styling of an application and can use their knowledge of color, composition, contrast and typography to enable the surface or presentation layer of an application be more usable and (typically) more esthetically pleasing. But if this is all a designer does for a project than all your really doing is pushing icing around on a cake. What’s inside stays the same and if there’s a problem with how it tastes no amount of icing will fix it. Interaction and information design get at what’s inside an application and how it should work and these disciplines are usually exclusively focused on the creation of software or computer-based interfaces. Interaction designers have specialized knowledge and training about how to make interactions effective for users. Information designers specialize in the structure and nomenclature of information. Sometimes folks do both but in many cases people specialize in just one. Sitting out in front of these folks is a design researcher and often someone called a design planner. These folks focus on the ‘what’ to make versus the ‘how’ and they ensure that we’re all solving the RIGHT problem. They do this by using methods specific to design planning that focus on intent, contextual inquiry, data analysis, synthesis and conceptualization to arrive at a set of needs and criteria that informs and provides traceability to a design specification.
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User Experience Roles



Information Designer

Interaction Designer

Visual Designer

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So if we summarize, there are a lot of different roles that designers play. Some designers might play all these roles but really be an expert in only one or two. Much like architects, designers need to be able to see the big picture. If you don’t have designers on your team it’s likely that some folks have to play roles like this already. As you’ll see as we continue to talk about design and user experience the importance of doing these things well, and the ease of doing it, are what is changing how we design software and Web sites.
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User Interface DesignUser Research Information Design Usability TestingDesign Planning

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What we do is focus on people that have ‘t-shaped’ skills. Good user experience designers often have a base understanding of all the components of user experience but they tend to focus closely on one or two areas where they excel.
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User Interface DesignUser Research Information Design Usability TestingDesign Planning

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For examples, some designers are expects and understanding interaction flow.
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User Interface DesignUser Research Information Design Usability TestingDesign Planning

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Others may be experts at actually implementing the design.
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User Interface DesignUser Research Information Design Usability TestingDesign Planning

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Quite frequently you may find people in smaller organizations and groups within the enterprise that may be good at more than one. Typically though you’ll find people that focus on…
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User Interface DesignUser Research Information Design Usability TestingDesign Planning

Good interaction designers are more than just graphic or visual designers

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…these areas and can focus on the following areas. If you typically work with designers that just ‘skin’ an application that you’ve created however you may find that designers that only focus in that area may not be familiar with the deeper knowledge that is required to focus on the value that information design and interaction design can bring. This typically occurs when we use resources that may identify themselves as graphic artist or visual designer.
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Ok, enough about roles.

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What can design thinkers do?

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Designers can think about ‘what’ to design and also about ‘how’

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User Experience Phases (Little d design)


High Level Design

Detailed Design




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Most of us are probably familiar with design in the role of a typical software phase. The ‘how’ phases. In a lot of cases we may ONLY involve designers in production or perhaps high level or detailed design phases. Designers only involved in production can impact how things look but little else.
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Identify Intent

Conduct Research

Conduct Analysis

Conduct Synthesis


User Experience Phases (Big D design)

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The other part of design that many of us never see but that impact how many companies do successful things (companies like Apple, GE, Sony, BMW, McKinsey, etc.) is to focus on strategic aspects of our enterprise that inform WHAT we should do to. If you sometimes struggle and wonder how everyone else is having the successes that you’re not it might be because they are using design to impact their organization in fundamental ways.
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Why does it add value?

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