The future of mobile productivity

How mobile technology will transform the way we get things done in the future The Future of Mobile Productivity

Transcript of The future of mobile productivity

How mobile technology will transform the way we get things done in the future

The Future of Mobile Productivity

There are more devices than people on the planet. Creating more data than we could possibly consume.*


of the world’s data was created in the last two years.*


*‘What is Big Data’, IBM 2014

In the past, we talked about technology in silos:

Web Mobile Internetof Things

We begin to see how much greater their combined impact is.

Connectivity and the cloud bring these technologies together.

To harness the full power of the resulting digital transformation, we must

reinvent productivity.

We will reinvent productivity and empower every person and every organization on the planet to do more and achieve more.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO


Microsoft Lumia is helping to reinvent productivity with:

Intelligent networks


People-centriccompliance1 2 3

Microsoft Lumia is helping to reinvent productivity with:

Intelligent Networks



Humans have always built and developed networks throughout history.

Intelligent Networks


The world is now a giant network

With the right tools, businesses can leverage the collective power of their networks to be




The modern workforce is changing.Millennials are digital, social, mobile. And challenging how businesses communicate, interact and collaborate.


of the workforce will be Millennials by 2025.*



*Brookings Data Now, 2014

Millennials expect their conversations to follow them, wherever they are.

Pervasive connectivity and mobile devices change how people communicate.



Decades old technologies are no longer sufficient

The cloud shifts us from a world of individual creationto real-time collaboration and

collective creationfrom anywhere.


the risks associated with devices and cloud services increase.

As we evolve to a truly mobile world,


The need for strong, personalised security is critical for businesses to protect their interests and their customers.



Microsoft Lumia focuses on people-centric compliance.

It’s not just about end-users. Nor is it solely about IT Pros.


It’s a relentless focus on empowering peoplewithout compromising compliance or security.


Not security at the expense of security. Nor flexibility at the expense of protection.

Lumia focuses on making security a natural part of the tools that people use and are comfortablewith every single day.

about Microsoft’s vision for productivity in the future – and how your organisation can be a part of it today with Lumia for Business.

Find out more

Lumia for Business

Future of work