The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.


Transcript of The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Page 1: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.
Page 2: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

The Future of Cecil County?

Sprawl throughout the county

Page 3: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

How many of you would like:

More traffic congestion?

More pollution?

Losing our farmland?

Higher taxes?

Page 4: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

What the Eastern Shore Is Saying..• 87% of Shore residents were “very concerned” or

“concerned” about the impact of the current rate and type of growth.

• 6 out of 10 county residents: managing growth, sprawl and protecting the environment was the most important issue

• 82% of County residents: if current rates and type of growth continue, quality of life will deteriorate

• 71% of County residents gave the County government a “poor” or “just fair” rating for handling growth

Page 5: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

The Problem Is Poorly-planned Growth

Irresponsible development that takes our tax dollars away from our communities and

destroys farmland and open space.

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Poorly-planned Growth in Cecil County




Page 7: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Development Inside/Outside PFAIm p r o v e d R e s id e n t ia l A c r e s in C e c il C o u n t y ,

In s id e a n d O u t s id e P F A s , b y Y e a r B u ilt , 1 9 9 0 - 2 0 0 3 *

5 7 5 1 5 13 3 4 5

6 14 1 4 3

9 36 8 6 5

9 0 8 5 8 5

8 0 5

6 8 9

6 4 5

5 9 4

7 5 37 3 4

6 9 3 6 8 3

7 3 5

9 2 9

8 0 0

6 7 5

8 3 5

6 4 0


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2 0 0

3 0 0

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I n s i d e t h e P F A O u t s i d e t h e P F A

* s i n g l e - fa m i l y i m p r o v e d r e s i d e n t i a l p a r c e l s w i th v a l u e o f i m p r o v e m e n ts o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 o r m o r e o n p a r c e l s o f 2 0 a c r e s o r l e s s

P r e p a r e d b y th e M a r y l a n d D e p a r tm e n t o f P l a n n i n g , P l a n n i n g D a ta S e r v i c e s , D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 5S o u r c e : M d P o p e r ty V i e w , 1 9 9 9 & 2 0 0 0 E d i t i o n s ( 1 9 9 0 - 9 9 ) , 2 0 0 4 E d i t i o n ( 2 0 0 0 - 0 3 ) a n d P F A b o u n d a r i e s f r o m 2 0 0 2 E d i t i o n ( 1 9 9 0 - 9 9 ) & 2 0 0 4 E i d t i o n

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Page 9: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Time to choose…

• Reactive, developer-driven permit processing: communities by chance

• OR

• Proactive, citizen-driven planning: communities by choice

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The Future of Cecil County?

Page 11: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

The Future of Cecil County?

Traditional Neighborhoods in Growth Areas Preservation of


Page 12: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Well-planned development that: protects our assets, revitalizes communities, provides housing choices,

supports local businesses and local jobs and improves our quality of life.

What We Need..

Page 13: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

What Would Good Growth Look Like?

Page 14: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Working Farms

Page 15: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Neighborhoods not Housing Developments

Page 16: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.


Farmers: economic support and farmland protectionExisting and new residents: great neighborhoods

Everybody: Honest Accounting

Make sure that growth works for everyone:

Page 17: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Making It Work for Everyone

•Public interest test – who pays and who benefits?

•Public need test – what problem does this solve?

•Public review process – is this the right development in the right place?

Page 18: The Future of Cecil County? Sprawl throughout the county.

Communities Taking Charge Of Growth

• Vienna, Maryland

• Boulder, Colorado

• Pittsford, New York

• Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Cecil County’s future:

Poorly-planned growth or growth that works

for everyone?

It’s your choice…

if you get involved