The future of analytical applications based on trade statistics: Where do we go? Thierry Paulmier...

The future of analytical applications based on trade statistics: Where do we go? Thierry Paulmier Market Analysis Section 8th OECD International Trade Statistics Expert Meeting, 17th – 19th September, Paris Market Analysis Section

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Page 1: The future of analytical applications based on trade statistics: Where do we go? Thierry Paulmier Market Analysis Section 8th OECD International Trade.

The future of analytical applications based on trade statistics: Where do we go?

Thierry Paulmier

Market Analysis Section

8th OECD International Trade Statistics Expert Meeting, 17th – 19th September, Paris

Market Analysis Section

Page 2: The future of analytical applications based on trade statistics: Where do we go? Thierry Paulmier Market Analysis Section 8th OECD International Trade.

Tools for Market Analysis 17-19 Sept 2007 Aeroe 2Paris, September 2007

ITC facts and figures

• What is ITC– The joint technical cooperation agency of UNCTAD and WTO

• Vision– The development partner in export success

• Who we are– 200+ employees and 800+ specialized consultants.

• Who funds us– The UN and WTO fund our basic work programme. – Governments (donors, recipients) and civil society organizations fund field projects

• Annual budget– US$ 55 million

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Tools for Market Analysis 17-19 Sept 2007 Aeroe 3Paris, September 2007

What Is ITC?

• Mission– ITC enables small business export success in developing countries

by providing, with partners, trade development solutions to the private sector, trade support institutions and policy-makers

• Strategic objectives– Enterprises: strengthen the international competitiveness of enterprises.

– Trade support institutions: develop their capacity to support businesses.

– Policymakers: support policy-makers in integrating the business sector into the global economy.

• Web site:



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Tools for Market Analysis 17-19 Sept 2007 Aeroe 4Paris, September 2007

The Market Analysis Section at ITC

• Produces a range of tools for market research and trade analysis for exporters, importers and trade support institutions. These include:

Trade MapExport / Import statistics and derived indicators

Market Access MapCustoms tariffs and some non-tariff barriers

Investment MapFDI statistics and details of foreign affiliate companies

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Where ITC fits in statistics value chain

National Producers

Regional Producers


End users

ITC is an aggregator that obtains data from other aggregators, regional producers and national producers

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Tools for Market Analysis 17-19 Sept 2007 Aeroe 6Paris, September 2007

Our focus

• Users in developing and least developed countriesClient Groups include:

• Business sector:– In identifying growing markets, and product diversification opportunities

• Trade support institutions– In providing reliable trade information and advice to companies

• National ministries and policy makers– In designing national and sector specific export strategies

• Trade negotiators– In formulating bargaining positions in regional and multilateral market access


• We aim to:

To increase exports of

poor countries

Improve transparency

of global markets

To support

Development & reduce poverty

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1. More current

2. More detailed

3. Broader geographic coverage

4. More integrated with related data & more content

5. More affordable

Our clients are demanding data that is

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Tools for Market Analysis 17-19 Sept 2007 Aeroe 8Paris, September 2007

ITC response:

Issue Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map

Current Most current yearly trade statistics now presented as soon as available. Quarterly & monthly data for current year presented where available (monthly coming)

Tariff data presented in the current year

ITC’s data collection focuses on those countries that are not collected by international organisations (quarterly & monthly trade data and customs tariffs)

Detailed 5 years of trade data now available in Trade Map (not just one year) Trade data at the detailed product level – national tariff line

Introducing historical tariff data to Market Access Map to facilitate analysis

Data on foreign affiliate companies now available in Investment Map

Geographic coverage

Collecting data on some countries previously not covered (especially in Africa).

Country coverage has increased for all 3 tools

Integration & Content

The 3 tools will be integrated and made more user friendly early next year

Additional analytical indicators will be added

Non-tariff measures and market access information on services agreements will be integrated

Affordability Tools will be free to developing countries & LDCs from Jan 1st 2008.

Subscription fees will continue for developed economy users.

Source: ITC, Changes in the Environment for Trade Promotion in Developing Countries, 2006

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More current data

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More detail - historical data

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More detail – tariff line and quarterly data

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Better geographical coverage

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More user friendly

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Better functionality

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Better integration

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Our vision

• To collaborate with international, regional and national organisations in order to be the leading aggregator of trade related data for developing countries and LDCs

• To put developing countries on a level playing field with the developed world in terms of:

– Ease of access to global trade, market access and investment data• All relevant data in one database• Low cost to access

– Ability to make cross country comparisons • Widest possible geographical coverage

– Facility of drawing practical and strategic conclusions• Most current data at most detailed level available • Wide variety of pre-calculated indicators, trends & graphs• User friendly interfaces

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To support ITC’s 5 lines of business

1. Export Strategy

2. Trade intelligence

3. Policy for export

4. Strengthening of trade support institutions

5. Exporter Competitiveness