The Future - NYS Historic spent...

1'•.•%•: &i$MM p/&&mft» G&\ITwpirille LUTHERAN. CHOHSfi MQmsm'-&&fianQjrof Schoharie; ..Mr..and mr»« JSohn Vtoomai* of •Biiiweb«insss; Mr: mid"ftats-. .stov: •«B sao*?*Ti.»K&r. .a»d js$rs-. imrnv KeV'*Cfcesier-..StttM 'iD_*iar-has : WHly ajna 'daughter of. GaJJWtp- u i K i c e d B t a i n S T V £ L « i H e ; 'Mrs, feesHarding: of ©tor IsrigJ^S^^SS: &£* »f«««««* ***** wjtt.o^ecrojp jtfre pulpit sand dM TWWT^L* TW*«,' T„W* Vt,™,«», A * <anr^«ci^wm^nWed»ff4^Jf , r l6t S SS! Wfeniottal Day in K *m7S^^ and, Mrs.. 'WfcTand\'.$ti* "SgHftWilW Bcasesc; as. nb. Adam Matiches-: ;«e? called on : Mr,-'m& Mrs.: Atitej Oliver, Satotaay 'evening. ',. ; .Mr* and, Jifc'-'S^ Chase of Co-: bteskitl spent the week end with •• W.KEL *T". aOUGSIT HOME ; Tffifi?- Qalfiipgael Wm* depart- ment was c m on "Wfcwaesaas at KT p. m. to the home of Mis. Bet-,, _^_ =. „ sie? Bodgefct, cm the GaJhipvdte4Mrs. Freda Haner. Fest Berne road when fin hadfe f 1MfrsL I^^ae Hunt of Oak Hill is' damaged" hex auto which was J spending: a few days with her sns- 1 parked alongside her tome, t h e ter Mrs. Ohve Murphy cause of the fire was. not deter-! Robert Shultes has returned rained, but probably cane from am electrical short The antenna: on the car- was badly damaged be- fiaas the- fire? was extinguished. CiOMTmjHITY NOTES; Regular- meeting of the fire comnmssianeEs of. the Town, of Wmgfifc will be held in the Gallup- vjfle? firs house on Monday eve- mug; J u n e s atfSOe.^ THiss '"GAINS' held a jptcajw on T&sanfs, Island! Thursday after- msom Miss Bess- Harding of Glovers- \&ffip ik spending a Sew days with. M3& and 1 Mis lather Watty Mir. and: Mrs., Edward. WestfaH and! Snmly Miss GaE Pindar, JWr, and? Mis? F r a n k WesJbEiiB Sr„ Mr and! Mrs, Gordon JEsy and fam- ily Mis and, Mis. John Retainers and! fempjp and, Geiiard S^jss tab- jPE*dl ai piamS 1 at 4he "laconic Steelte Bark, on: Memorial Hay UCr and Mis. James A. Pine and 3B5r and! Mr& Jfafaa, HHI of Bam* bridge' MeD, spent Friday and Satedaejc- with Mr and Mrs. Ar- &ou&y pieme guests at the GHIHESCH? Mr; and; Men Arthur Pine WKSSK Mi„andiyars. Marvin Spawn and! alhlffcen, Mr and Mcst Larry mjfeatft and children, Billy C3ow, off Schenectady; Mr! and Mrs- wHlhann Zimmer and children of HSstttferaamr Jesse Schwann of Du- anEstacgli,- Mr, and Mis. Harold home from the Community hos prfal following treatment for a heart: attack. Memorial Day guests of Mrs Lola Shermam were Mr and Mrs David Coffin of CatskslI, and Mips Brrame Irwin and daughter Carol of Caroga Lake Mir and Mrs- Chester Hirst and Mr and Mrsv Cfturfes Hirst were called to CharlottfesViIfe, Va, last weefc; by the death of Chester's brother. Cecfl Hirst Ronald was a guest «£ G«ry Funck during his parents'' absence, JSSBS. Daisy Barber of Guilder-. 1 land- spent the week end with her brother and family, Mr and Mrs' Alfred Chrysler. , Clarence Dobert and Mrs Eliz- abeth WestfaH acawnpamed. Mr' and Mrs. Adam Manchester to; dmenr on. Tu«ssday, the ecfcasion. to celebrate Adam's 75th birthday < , Ruth $turm has returned home" fotlowmg sorgery m Ehs hospi- tal, Schenectady, Bill Slater ha« returne4 home from- the hosmtal after treatment BIG SALE HBWDT PROGRESS 2BB> CKB& LOWER THAN AVEHAGH PBJCES Tnrades; Terms: or ^ash Accept- etU. C&ir* femDus tune payment Ijlawffi S&3L prevaill You buy here, Ettui sigps here, you pay here. If 2<mi have; credit, and the ability to paw,, WE SAY CMC First payment •»<r•—"«'«*' « •SB CMHTSLEH Newport 4W3>» Hardfeju. 15^»0 miles. 'Gffi POtwmAC Cataina 4M3ir ferdSip. 17,000 miles. >m Wl^WOUTHE SDr. «Z795 Sfiamtt Fury" Hardtop; 16JD00 im. r 'BSD CHJFKKSUER; MewptH* »5295 distarm 4-Hr- Hardtop. Air con- dflannkiTg> '69 CHRYSLER Newport: 52795 2-CRHH- Hardtop. 'TDD ROfiyrfflOTH Eustiams STuhurhan 8AM0 miles. '7C0 P U . Y W a U ' r W Fxwy U ^2995 'MSacnr Sedam ^Hffi PtixnrauTH 2-0r. 92295 Furs lir Hardtop; ANJ3 MANY OTHERS for a heart attack; Bfes. Marfan Van Vans attended a bowling tournament at Platts-. burgh on Saturday. , TMBss Cheryl Van ybrfe spent the week end ^t Schrooit Lake; with fneindsu Jffir. and Mrsk Wflliam Shedma, a». and jab*. JSTarto Van, Vorjs: and Mr; afii Krs. James Corigli- ano spent th* week end at their Sacandaga camp. Wabam Bender Pist of the tr S. |«ayy, stationed at Norfolk, Va,, spent the weefe end with his family here v Rev. Harry Bordes, pastor of the Methodist church, was ordain- ed. a~deaco» at the convention of, *be JVoy. t ..Aripoal CoMer*nce this past week. K . «Hm«rfAN oHimcH sundajc, June 7 : ' :•".•.-,. • ' • .j .' •S"ai*-TO,VSt(nd#y. S'ch^il.-;.'-''f' "V, lfti3&' , ai m, ChW)Cch'':Se 1 rv]l«te;,.. • t futeste. Mm ^ *'ft-.aOi to i*$Q Sa:.'m>,VSiyie study 1 , •••; ','.';.V- ; ;; : '. •"" Mr. aad MJJS. Edward' "Nass 1 icaWed,<an '-Mp"and;.-Mr& If&toia . ; '6©ldento^utn : »re^eiifiyr-'- '"• '* ' = •?•;•'-^-|. B«t and•'Mesf H6ward Skinner recently • a^tended'tpe wedjlng; W. ; 1h^tr*#andso8'v' 'AMytt'-K;' 'SRinderi" and tfelr-ifer-'MaintepaW, in Sche- nectady Warren Cart called on Mr and Mrs. Herman Rapp f Saturday Mrs Edward Dalbec and son, and Mrs* Wrtham Truax and fam- ily were recent guests of their •mother Mrs Prank Carl Mrs* Haael Willie e&lted on Mr and Mrs J^rvey Willsie of East Berne, Sunday, Mrs Nettje Filfcm? spent Thxtiti- "of tfie Syr«cus$ Chma; plant, Mrs Ma|y ^ilen, Benninget spen^ an eVempg recently with- Mrai Harold Qaldenb.ai4m Mr and Mrs Ed Rowe and My and Mts.'^Fre^ Smwh were Sal-- ^urday > evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Rapp ' Mr and Mra, Cttaries Reid* Mr \ nd Mrs Harold Sinner of Del- mar, and Mrs Rose Jany of Alta- monl! were recent calleds of Mrs: Nettie Pdkwft ' v i Mp Isaac^fttcher"' and Elvin j-oslyn enjoyed a picnfc at the home of Mr, and Mrs Theodore Pitch©?, Saturday Mr andr Mrjs ©aha Smith of Schenectady' spent Friday with Mr and Mrs- Howard Skinned, J Mr and Mfs Sevenn Winfer- cheidt are spending a couple pf months in 6e;rmany« r v Mr. and Mrs Clifford Vincent Jr arid family were Monday din- ner guests 0f MP ^pdt Mrs Clif- ford vmcent Sr 'Mr and Mrs William Manps : an^ daughters called oh Mr and T Mrs W*ren Carl Sunday Michael Vena called on Mr and Mrs Harold Goldenbaum recent- ly, Mr and Mfcs Edward Rowie, Mf and Mrs Roger Smith and Kelley, Peter Storm, M,r^ Henry Ronnen, Mrs ^TarVey Holman and Mr and Mrs; Joseph Kapler reafHe&Jon MV and We|t Berne BCAVEROAM ftEFORMED * Rep Bruce B Gdadwm Saturday, June 6- 10 ana. 'The Guild will hold a bake sale at Schoonmaker^s Store- Sunday^ June 7 l \ Sunday; school is on vacation!! until September. »11 ajn. Worship service 6 30 pm. FatnOy Night pro- gram, jstarfms with covered dish T^^^ ^jTm Fbght of. Apolfo I f wdr be-shown Come $3195|andVspend an eiiyoyable evening % community is nmfcted The-eonsistoEy of the, BeaverX nam. Church Hmtfes the communify o| West Betee ta its Family BKight program Sunday Slttne 1$ The program. wflS begat with a covered dish sapper at 6 3Q p- m J flowed J& a sp^facuteP nKiv^,\ "*fhe Might of ApoMtt 1%:' Th^' movie is presented; through tpe courtesy of the. E&jtnfcul Kodafe If you cannot make it ta the sup-, per feel, *ce§ fe eamfe for the movie at f-30 &.*&*- — \SEHE EASyTCtCiET TO — 2 IHfflEB East aFiaorthmay on RL 5 SAlLES, DEPARTMENT OPEN ABJL DAY SATURDAY INC 52nd YEAR 926: CEHTEAJ, Qorneh of GOIVCQ VJT 21-33SX IV Sr3SSi 725 CENTEAL l*et£ ta King's: Oept. Store HE8-38W ALBAWT, K. X COMMUNITY KOTESf Saturday noon a Related 50th weddmg; anroveEsary was held at the Parratt Hause, in Schoharie for Mrvaud Mrs.-EVeEett Schoon- maker w^th 2T friends' and rela> loves attending. 3Jfe JUKI Mrs, JBwerett Sch,oon-. maker, Jr, had as dinner guests. Saturday ewemngr" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gotthardt,%Mtr. arid Mrs* TJohert Hodge, m arid liffrs, ^ohn Brahdner, Mrs. Beatrice Weid- man. Miss Helen -Longi Mh, and Mrs. Lloyd Baxter and l^f. and Mrs. Everett Schoonmaft&r. * t Mr. arid Mrs. Vernon Schan? called on their |a»ther*m-law; MGQlnni Snydec; at Coeymans. Hol- low Saturday evening. Rough-sawn, texture for wooii sidmg has gained ipogularity m' the.past few year*,'* It 'stands highest in California,, Texas and I's Dairy I would like to be your mykman,too SEETOTG ^ ALTAMOMT - Kl^OX VOOJtHEKS¥ILLB - GlIILDEELANB K'your needts «t» lsrge or small * I trill try 1 outh Berne Mrs •Fred Smith, Saturday Mrs Hqward Schoonmaker Jr and son Gained on*. Mr and^Mrs Cfrfford Vincent Sr> Sunday- They all called on the campers' at Mts Grlppr v , Mrs ? Herbert Kronsberg sffent last week ^nd with Mr, and Mi's Warren Carl r ^ r Mr and Mr^ NOrmap Beiider tod Mrs Mary Weichtman of Del- mar calted on Mr a.nd Mrs How- ard Skinner; Sunday, Thompson's Lake REFORMED CHURCH Robert Haniey, internn pastor . t Sunday, June 6, l - i Tuesday, $une" #** **"" 7 30 p m Women s Guild meet- ing Program "Sfgns of Promise' by Leila' Vinson Hostess is Hilda Rhenow ,- Thursday, Jqne 11 , <• ' 3 30 - 4 30 pn\, Church school Tip % prxi Youth Group •June 22-26 » 9 to M 30 a.m Daily 'Vacation Bible school Make sure your child, has b'een registered^ The May 16 paper drive netted ;rf goqd profit for the Camp Fow- Jer'Fund We leceived $43 20 for ipapers, S2Q40 fqr batteries, $1150 : foti radiators, $3^0" for rags $840 ior mixed iron 'and $3 00 in dona- tions bringing the total to $9000 Ddn't forget^the firsf annual :Lord'^ Acre Auction to be held ,this;iSattirday, June 6< The bake s^le and rummage sa.le Wall start at 10 a m A luncheon will take iplace and then the exciting auc- tion will start witfc Dick Munroe , [being the auctioneer Come and ;jom the fun at the Thompson's r Lake Reformed church. Resolutions By Firemen Saturday, May 23 Xu- W«Wam Pearson Tolley, chancellor emeri- tus of Syracuse University, de- livered the commencement ad- dress Degrees were- conferred by Sister Margaret M Keeshan, jCSJ, president tThe M.ost Reverend Ed- win B Frederick DD, Bishop of the Diqeese of Albany, presided t Area girls receiymg the bacqa- fl^ureate d,egree were Bonnie Hayes <!BS'>, daughter of Mr and Mr§ Llewellyn C Hayes, 23 Bridge St, Sluigerlands, with a masor in music Katherme Stapietoii (BA).cum laude, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Stapleton, Berne, with a majpr m mathematics Margaret Patterson Hannay re- ceived a Master of Arts in English literature Residing with her hus- band an4 child at Westerlo, she is a 1966 graduate of Whteaton Col- At a meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fort mpte? Fire District, Town of Guilderland, held at the firehall jn the district ori Way 11, Com-, nussionerj Michael PaVker offered and moved'the v adoption of the "Mlpwing resolUtionT) seconded by' Commissioner Robert Brownell. ^Resolved thajfc the Board ,of; pFJre Commfssioner^ of Fort Hun-< ter Jivg District in a regular, meeting duly assembled, note and record m the [minutes Qf 1 this, meeting the sudden death of Har-. old Melius, 6ur< friends Our col- league. andV fire eopitnljssi&ner oi ' Fort Huhter Fire t>istrfct, who faithfully served the interest of our district for many years priors ita his < death Special WIKK OF JUHE 8 through 13 , EXTW I J t f S FRESH EGGS .... 55c DOL Plxwe Bill at 365^8261 anytime after 11 A, M. •— 3hiwsi Rvtly GiWMi —» rf our fire district axid a copy 04 the sjftme be forwarded to the family of the 4ecedeht.f 1' Paper Drive In Westerlo j< -... Girf Scout Cadette Troop 11 will have a paper drive in Wefe- teiil© m J[une"5 smd 6. The truck Will be parked at Diedench's store ten, June 5 and rethain there through the day. •• Anyone with papers, rags, scrap metal 6r car lotteries may bring them, to the truck. If you c«inot «pejt them there, cal* 7$7-3403 for pick-up service. . The 8litl» wdl use the proceeds from the drive for a trip; to the Spited: Nations on the UJSf.'s 25th anniversary. They are interested in the wdrkr whic)i the U,N, is doing throiajsh the United: Nations ChHdttm's Fund Mrs, G. Robert Diederich is leader and is assisted by Mrs. Howard Schoonm$ker and Mrs. John Fa.m#u. Subscribe to the Altiimont En" terfefise — $4 00 per yea)?. Is Announced At B-K 2.*js. S t e f e f Jfc'clfe at B«l! ,,,. .... . , ggKlIed, 'wa.''Mis."...Ebi^."Sjfotl IJ Following, is the honor xjjKand.:^ 1 ^^ ^^T#^*M» W.^''M/'W „vkMM^&* honorable mention list of elcro^n. tftry' students ,Jn.- tfe Eerne-l&os ^hg|^ .... Mrs. WRii Mr. f#rrf Swsteh. feecterjelf. t^^SS^P^y^P^^^f^ P 1 ^ 1 ^ m .«.^je,-Ww$Wtot/.®mii., Ms*., ; ,Ju4th,.-Bo^[nh6w^r-, m$?TBm&'' howeri John Boone, ,.j£Sm Bm^s,, mfk^m Bradley t CflrayJ Wm&+ Stephens ©Urbx, .Matte pis^se, Ken- neth Conklin Pam Coulter, Heidi Crawford, feimberly Crantfond, Jen-Lan Cromn, Lisa Daskalajkis ! Dennis Delaney Kelly Eardley„ ,JQdi Ebel, Ricky Edwar-ds, JamDe Er^Ckson, Sally Fargo, Laajinel Favreau, Robert Feldmaim* Aam Femia, Jeanne Feima, J&hstiue Fqley, Jeffrey Gibhs Sandra Gif- ford, Bexnarain Godbont Omns^ GodbQU.t, TJebra ^rant. SSiifiie. Qr^nt Matthew Grjppin,TM2dbeIe Ortppm, K^thy Harras, Uaiael Hayden, Micha,el Ijayden, KWBBD. Henneman, Linda Heimeman, lasa, Herzog, Lori Herzog, Bnan JHart, Bee^ey Husted, Steven Hostefl. John JapmbacK "Ema Jamn'bata;,' Dale Jones', Keith Kay^er,l>eJ»«ralhf Kendall, 3am?s Kaefer, Breoaa ', Lee, Georgjia Longaeker, Jamiesj I*OVe, Michael Lave, James titojKL. Jeffrey Merrill, Kathleen Mileiv D^nna JMfoserC James Qetftager, JUlie Pitcher, L-ynda Plasfewr, M^rk Plastowr Thppias PoJaa&ort. Melodie Jfoolej Bartholcniiew Pat- aig, Christopher Futzig, BDiiald Quay, Chiles. Rapoli, Sjisam Rapp, Deborah Bapnantst, Jw% ,Rapuano,_Thomas Reimsc^, Ko?»- ert Robinson,. Curtice Rogexs LJOBP- iaine Rogers, Stanley Btogess, Donna Ryan, Ken Saddlemane, Bonnie Salisbury, Daniel Safesr„ Lucijnda Salzer, Margar^et SdiaiL- ble,, Allan Schiller, Karen StltoaB- maker, Pawn Shafer, ¥5dsae Shultes, Harold Smith, iMuert Smith, R.oger Smith Diana Sasy- der. Penny Stalker, Maraa Starife Sben Stempel, !Danie| SfasEtem, M&r. jasd' MIS. KiBntteth>:'Hoi£hSS»' : ana sai* j ^pen.'fe SatoraUy'jteifi; MrL —" - W$.. .H|!!iteiafdt- , 'SiiP|ttry , an,$ TripJeneader At Fonda •• A|un-f|lled and thriTliing triple-; header program is on tai» for, the, .Fonda, Speedway on Saturday :nfght as Freddy*? Funny ,S*or4 act is added to the sensational big te£gT||e stock, car racing program ;featjir!ng. the NASCAR mortified stock cats in twin: 2a-laft fe3ture< events and, the ranttbunctious late model stock cars in a 20-lap fea- ;tafe- -, ..'--.;.' . -•-•-.- Srf T-^^v"--Tiv.-*_.' .*,.,;• Freddy's '. Funny-. F;ord -is.'.an^ wwl^afcs- Haroltt. Houefc. amazing comedy act on wheels Sa% fflDd Mr and Mrs. Harold ^d xs fuled with the unpredic- Hmm* J&r-„ aad_ chiWcen engoyed t table antics of Freddy as he at- KATHERlNe STAPLeTOtf Area residents were among the 332 candidates to ^receiye faac- cdl^ur^ate and graduate degrees .^.^ at the 47th commencement of the I Rebecca S^tockm, David «,»» ra -.-, College of Saint Rose in Albany, ffus, Carol Suto, Harriet StaaaaJ "*"'" '•" " han, Cheryl Tallman, VoM Tay- lorj Randolph Thompson, Jeff Vans Etten, Joshua Vmcent, !N^micy V5/arner, Rebecca Weaver, SiBpih- ame Weiss, Susan Wiltomam, Js>- anne Willsey, James YtHiqp> Honor r"oll at "Westerlo; Snassen Blodgett, Joseph Burby, Ketefly Miller, JJinda l!ililner a 15^lbBOia.l Tretick , ^ Honorable mention^ Ernest Am- drus, Steveh ^idrus, CfoiisKainffie Bareis, Carol Bitoagett, Boinaiie Boomhower.i Anne Boone, SH^pte- n^e Bowles, Jean Bramarfl, Habalffl Brazil, Terrahce- BrjttQn, Jeffiney 'Busold, Elaine Chase, SusseM,. Qiattyof, Peggy Clark, AilaraJ Como,. Patricia Conklm, ElazafeEiffliS ^Onners, Tan Conners Jo-Annie t Cranker, Diane CrawJc-T^, JSaa- neth Crayyford, Robin "'CksmSssnBi Darrow Cromn, Jol,an Ctafflmpa, Karen Crosier, Mkrcy Ctasiesr, Wade Cross, Laurel CnrSs, Mat- thew Daskalakis, Dennis" Ueetoas, Demse Jltelaney, Virginia Bextw, iWnlard Diioble, RobertTDneffl, Jef- frey' Ebei, Barbara - Edwaira^, Bo- nn*a Edwards, Kerry Ehlers>, Maiy Ann Fargo, David FilKns, 'Keilth Filkms, Bonme Blagler, Cfeunol Flagler, Shelly Furman„ GsSi Gardner, Jeanne Gossman, ^ayoe Grabowski, Jeffrey Haryey, 1ta»- dqre Heim Pawn Hendersaa, Mi- chael Horlacher, Carl J,ones, ASK •drfew Joslm, Bradley Joslyix,Itewi!i .ayser, * Bart KenffziersM, IjEah !ihg, Valerie Komjathy, Samdia !ropp Jacqueline Xeonand, Pat- & jjoannr SaitanJaif at the home inff Mir and mt&. Irving; Klinfc and Ufc. sad HFR. WBliatmi, Becker acd cteBliirea and Mrs, Laura FUkms w e n t Saflurday afternoon. and ewanmg at the home of Mr and Mis. J^rl FStaus; and son at Warner's Lake. ? memfms of the Golden; Horse- shoe Bjdmg Club were at White Bereh Laflue QQ Sutidav, Mfes Virgfcia Holftuaii and jgrantiuoolfber of Al&anyr spent the TOaefcoafl wjtili icteiaveSL at Sidney. | a 3PniMaTll€l<NnwBll Stunday, J u n e ""Whs ,-* - "9,45 a. ^ y i | * 8 m p , fvorship. Saeaainentt of hoir commttawn •wSm he„ ol^iervedt. f ^Fftere is it nmtsery for children fln^ughvfrade one. r •> - J- * , i ft a. in, CteSECfe.^fiWo^. A $peoM. BpigtaMiL *a]t- b e herd, m the ssmcttaary to'inark:. the dose <nff churdS sjdheqJ %;l&e summer Eweryoaae K i*te]b»Hae ~ t S-jm n. THJL~ JunSar and Senior Wgft Yarattt FeBowshrps. " WeJro^aj?„ JSmse^W^z TT_39B p. not, S?«aW>;choEr- "JEhm&SaiF,, imw' ££th: \ 6:3© ffiL in. Guild d&mer meet- tempts to perform stunts this almost human crazy 7:3HB PL m. E^fange&tp 3 com,- mosttftee mee^s. . ^ 14, tthese wiU'-he a fanuly- camp- m^ta^i to Wckes&m State Parle. F a r mmffiDgwijatanin; arid reservatfons with car, f trials '»nd tribulations of a hap- less motorist ,in «• misbehaving vehicle^ The, 5"unJiiy Ford often throws streams pi fire, Water and often exploded without warning, •plusi on. ocqasioxj ' aWempfe to drive i^eif- Musical horns: £ind sirens add to ^le, fun. and comedy that will pjtease.all theyotaigsters and even the not so 'yotrng |rt the spacious covered gfamdstahc( or elevated blenehers: of, t h e Fonda site. ! Thfe professional ItASCAR modified, drivers .Will take tq the half-mile clay ova? in; the qualify- ing, events in an effort to gain a starting berth in the big paying twm 2S4ap feature events. $300 goes to the" winner of each of them from the $5,70p purse. The zany comedy act depicts the i AdverUs# in, the ESiterprise. A VOTE FOft The Future JS A VOTE 1*0$7 . GINGER BURKE ELECT GINGER B * i & E to ..«•••• GUILDERLAND CENTRAL SCHOOL BOARD J FREDDY and Ms FUNNY FORD A Thrill for Yonng; & Old Clematis Garden Club By this f time every ^member should have her Flower Show, schedule We are perturbed to discover an omission on the frpAt! page —please note and add-77 Date July 8, <197Q Time! 2 to 8 E m Place Greenville Jr .Sr High School Rqute 81 Entrance » Every member is urged and; ex.- 1 pected to enter this show The ajlt vance entries enable ns to set up the background In a uniform and attractive manner which is most difficult when jt has- to be »ex4 papded or retracted in the la*stf few 1 minutes before the judgM J come in 'this is the first ^Startd-j ard 1 ' flower show attempted by Clematis—letsx show the National Council Judges that we can do it fe Horticulture is a most important item Even if you can arrange—f can you grow the flowers too' Each is an art in itself Lets fey* to fill each class in Horticulture too. There have to be at least 4. entries m each Class as there, Sre 4 awards in each Please rea.d the 5 tar. ;rili, Cmdy Miekle Karen Alart Mooney, Michael Maureen O'Brien, Steven 03B,wer, Cindy Pitcher Mary PcMaKtt, Alan Poole, Albert Pute©, 3ehn PUtzig Debbie Rapp- Alison ISeSr- - yea, Barbara Remmeis., Shaia ' Rendo, Kathleen Rickei&s, ^^'bert' w a j___ nm| j- Russell Frank Salisbury, !S,Ksunr * a « g l » « ™ « S Salisbury, Sharon Sehager, HJeam "icnanz, Th,omas Seheuer, laotaa. imith, Timothy Stayder, OBD9S»- anne Stangle, Mindy StarJs, Ke- bekah Stock, Mark Taylor, Many ; 2ST ff^rf«r«HS»%Ji»s&£» can, 'arrange , and have no house plaints or outdoor'flowers —'idb 1 bring HI an arrangement, plant ,6r' specimen frojti a friend (^n *feer> n^mei a,nd you'JU still get ^"-for .effort Non-members, m the Clubi ar,ea, are most cordially mlqted (0} participate in this show If Vou; 'have .any questions, call us We ^can ^alVyays look ttiem up if wej donl knOw the^answers ' 'J. Sppaldng pf "lookmg it* up'/— ^did you know that we have 'our* ovyn little Garden Club noqk'ip the iGreehvilI^ public Library?* We jbear tha^j Only ,foUr fnepibers, haye been xher ( e. ( Th,ere are many good bootts on growmg, exhibifmgi ap artis ( tic design of flqwets^The nejfi'time you are in Greenvilley tell thevL-ibranan that you ate a Clematis Cub member, < pon;t f t forget the ISfatur^ Walk' into 'both. Gfteat and Little Beari S^wainps on F4<iday,i June 5 ( a.t ! 1 p ni- Two other plubs are planning to 1 aoin us there j r Note m i h e Year Book, f thal; on June 19 there fe a tour and lunch- eon 1 at Caprdand Herb Gardefrs, Garsl a|id drivers ace being lined iup for that event now—so s please tiotify Bunhy Cfunderstin or^ Ra* chel Ormsbee if you wish to l gO;. We have to let the lady know about how many to expect |0tf lUncheon 1 too — by the first of June. f Tax Time If we*, suppose, that the ta* payer' or his tax service spent four hours on the average on each Return, the total time amounted to the horrendous total of 300 million man hours This fs the $ame as 150,000 men working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks' a yea*, and thi<? does not include the time spent by employees of business enterprises nt withholding taxes and preparing; tax towns* or by/ high priced accountants and law- yers, both in business and in government. SAT. NHOT, JUNE 6tn PUIS 9 STOCK CAR RACES Twin JB-tap H(ed»«ed Features ' 20-Lap Late M>0deE F'eat,siw-„ Six,QiMlrfying( Races. ^ ADUL.TS - # Children fhrouga ^1 ~ $ t . Free parfclM and free Warner, Martha Whipple, Teisy Wilderman, Cheri Williams, Bem- his Williams, Brian "Willsey* Osa- stanee Wolford Honorable mention at Western©: Marcel Bernard. !$»&* K. Y. Custom Tailors a^J Cleaners 1660 WESTERN AVE. - GUILDERLAND Phone 489-6255 "THE COWOmJNITY TAIkOlt" * We aie ready to serve you-here where you live. We t are equipped to seive you both rapidly and at your convenience. Open six days a week, we specialize in altering and cleaning furs, suedes and leathers for men and -•»• ° ' , •-.,, ,/ , J •• • '{^i•,•;•.. women, , - k - . v People have confidence in Cosimp oeeiiuse Cosimo has been at his eraft for over two decades. So treat yourself to a new fitting. Get personal seajmee from, a man. who knows his trade. ' " * * ' . " ' Y6u cannot match ou!r pric^s£,|or t|t^ qiialHy, of work done. - < v ,. t ^ •••*,*-» . t i " s .% i, :'...5. ! .. : . .•" , (Cosimo was foimerly chief lailor at the _ re- 1 nowned ,SteefePs Clothing Store m downtown Al- bany). Why fight downtown traffic, and ineonvenienee, ' when vou can get even better ~^tpik done right here " in your own neighborhood at Qosinio's, the one-stop tailors and cleaners, with ample packing and no wait- ing- , : ;.';\.\ • .- "Weavinp; Is One of Our Specialties" If yott pay more and get less, tfiil Boinfe to Oosinlo's custom-tailors and cleaners. ,'.^ ; Phone 489-62M ' •M 'm '''M'm Uhai Little League Berne-Knox and W«sieiSa M.ay la the Berne Yankees de- feated 1the Knox Giants 14 to 1®. "the winning pitcher "was 3MsMg? Conklin, assisted "by Kyle SMtes and Randy Henderson. TAie liss- ing^" pitching team was Steve ftvt- sted. and David Kaiser, —" ^_ ^__ __ _____ __ __ ^ 'ffigjjf pfease go in .and look'aroVnol anS 1 'Randy^ Fortu^ti catching, ° JSme Shultes- hit A grand s l i m Swame run/ ! ! May 1 18 the, Berne Yanifcees de- feated the- Knox Mets $ lo X Kyle Shultes 1 pitched and -Bandy Hen- derson caught For Knox IRiate jErnie Andrus pitched and ^am Gardnei?. caught. David 3&ra jathy Of t h e Yankees*h3t a Jhame run. with ohe than on and also made 5 a spectacular 1 *atch,H» <o»- terfiehi to save the game. , May 20, the East iBeme Ihoians bovfcd t o Qie Westerlo Scales 6 to 9 Winnmg pitcher was Dram ,Wag0her and catcher SStanSey Rogers The East Berne IrailianiB made their six runs in the lajffc irtnfeg. Ko details from tflie tnina,'team. , 'Also on. SMay 20 ffihe East Berne Lakers defeated Hfce Berne Yankees , May 2fit the East Berne Uakers defeated the l£nox Giants. May 27, the East Berne Indians defeated the Berne Yankees, 2 to rli David Komjathy pitched for the Yankees and Jim CbriMift caught, Mike Garry, Bave Fil- kins and Dean Wagoner pitched for East Berne and Stanley Eras- ers caught for the winning team This game was a shutout until the sixth, inning 1 Subscribe to the Altamont Eo- f terprise »i0Q per yew. I _ ROGER Paint & Wallpaper Co. 256B Delaware Avenue Delmar, N. Y. PHONE 439-4468 I.ARGEST SELECTION OF Touraine Paints IN DELMAR AREA! IAKTASTIC ASSORTMENT OF WALLPAPER! SHHPBIl^TO MEET YOUR EVERT NEE&! Look for us in back of Mullen's Pharmacy MONDAY. THURSDAY - - 8 A. M. -- 6:00 P. M. FRIDAY .......... ' . . . 8:00 A. M. - 8:00 Jf. M. SATURDAY ...... 8:QQ A. HI - 5:00 P. Bt 1, J.V.I '.^1 ' * » I wmmmm V

Transcript of The Future - NYS Historic spent...

Page 1: The Future - NYS Historic spent th* week end at their Sacandaga camp. Wabam Bender Pist of the tr S. |«ayy, stationed

1 ' • . • % • :

&i$MM p/&&mft»


MQmsm'-&& fianQjr of Schoharie; ..Mr..and mr»« JSohn Vtoomai* of •Biiiweb«insss; Mr: mid"ftats-. .stov: •«B sao*?*Ti.»K&r. .a»d js$rs-. imrnv

KeV'*Cfcesier-..StttM 'iD_*iar-has :WHly ajna 'daughter of. GaJJWtp-u i K i c e d B t a i n S T V £ L « i H e ; 'Mrs, feesHarding: of ©tor

I s r i g J ^ S ^ ^ S S : & £ * »f«««««* ***** wjtt.o^ecrojp jtfre pulpit sand d M TWWT^L* TW*«,' T„W* Vt,™,«», A*

< a n r ^ « c i ^ w m ^ n W e d » f f 4 ^ J f , r l 6 t S S S ! Wfeniottal Day i n K * m 7 S ^ ^ and, Mrs..


" S g H f t W i l W Bcasesc;

as. nb. Adam Matiches-: ;«e? called on :Mr,-'m& Mrs.: Atitej Oliver, Satotaay 'evening. ',.;

.Mr* and, Jifc'- 'S^ Chase of Co-: bteskitl spent the week end with

•• W.KEL *T". aOUGSIT HOME • ; Tffifi?- Qalfiipgael Wm* depart­

ment was c m on "Wfcwaesaas a t KT p. m. to the home of Mis. Bet-,, • _ _ =. „ • sie? Bodgefct, cm the GaJhipvdte4Mrs. Freda Haner. Fest Berne road when fin hadfe f 1MfrsL I^^ae Hunt of Oak Hill is' damaged" hex auto which was J spending: a few days with her sns-1

parked alongside her tome, t h e ter Mrs. Ohve Murphy cause o f the fire was. not deter-! Robert Shultes has returned rained, but probably cane from am electrical short The antenna: on the car- was badly damaged be-fiaas the- fire? was extinguished.

CiOMTmjHITY NOTES; Regular- meeting of the fire

comnmssianeEs of. the Town, of Wmgfifc will be held in the Gallup-vjfle? firs house on Monday eve-mug; J u n e s atfSOe.^

THiss '"GAINS' held a jptcajw on T&sanfs, Island! Thursday after-msom

Miss Bess- Harding of Glovers-\&ffip ik spending a Sew days with. M3& and1 Mis lather Watty

Mir. and: Mrs., Edward. WestfaH and! Snmly Miss GaE Pindar, JWr, and? Mis? Frank WesJbEiiB Sr„ Mr and! Mrs, Gordon JEsy and fam­ily Mis and, Mis. John Retainers and! fempjp and, Geiiard S^jss tab-jPE*dl ai piamS1 at 4he "laconic Steelte Bark, on: Memorial Hay

UCr and Mis. James A. Pine and 3B5r and! Mr& Jfafaa, HHI of Bam* bridge' MeD, spent Friday and Satedaejc- with Mr and Mrs. Ar-

&ou&y pieme guests at the GHIHESCH? Mr; and; Men Arthur Pine WKSSK Mi„andiyars. Marvin Spawn and! alhlffcen, Mr and Mcst Larry mjfeatft and children, Billy C3ow, off Schenectady; Mr! and Mrs-wHlhann Zimmer and children of HSstttferaamr Jesse Schwann of Du-anEstacgli,- Mr, and Mis. Harold

home from the Community hos prfal following treatment for a heart: attack.

Memorial Day guests of Mrs Lola Shermam were Mr and Mrs David Coffin of CatskslI, and Mips Brrame Irwin and daughter Carol of Caroga Lake

Mir and Mrs- Chester Hirst and Mr and Mrsv Cfturfes Hirst were called to CharlottfesViIfe, Va, last weefc; by the death of Chester's brother. Cecfl Hirst Ronald was a guest «£ G«ry Funck during his parents'' absence,

JSSBS. Daisy Barber of Guilder-.1

land- spent the week end with her brother and family, Mr and Mrs' Alfred Chrysler. ,

Clarence Dobert and Mrs Eliz­abeth WestfaH acawnpamed. Mr' and Mrs. Adam Manchester to; dmenr on. Tu«ssday, the ecfcasion. to celebrate Adam's 75th birthday <,

Ruth $turm has returned home" fotlowmg sorgery m Ehs hospi­tal, Schenectady,

Bill Slater ha« returne4 home from- the hosmtal after treatment



Tnrades; Terms: or ^ash Accept-etU. C&ir* femDus tune payment Ijlawffi S&3L prevaill You buy here, Ettui sigps here, you pay here. If 2<mi have; credit, and the ability to paw,, W E SAY CMC First payment

•»<r•—"«'«* ' « •SB CMHTSLEH Newport 4W3>» Hardfeju. 15^»0 miles. 'Gffi POtwmAC Cataina 4M3ir ferdSip. 17,000 miles. >m Wl^WOUTHE SDr . «Z795 Sfiamtt Fury" Hardtop; 16JD00 im.r

'BSD CHJFKKSUER; MewptH* »5295 distarm 4-Hr- Hardtop. Air con-dflannkiTg> '69 CHRYSLER Newport: 52795 2-CRHH- Hardtop. 'TDD ROfiyrfflOTH Eustiams STuhurhan — 8AM0 m i l e s . '7C0 P U . Y W a U ' r W F x w y U ^ 2 9 9 5 'MSacnr S e d a m Hffi PtixnrauTH 2-0r. 92295 Furs l i r Hardtop;


for a heart attack; Bfes. Marfan Van Vans attended

a bowling tournament at Platts-. burgh on Saturday. ,

TMBss Cheryl Van ybrfe spent the week end ^ t Schrooit Lake; with fneindsu Jffir. and Mrsk Wflliam Shedma,

a » . and jab*. JSTarto Van, Vorjs: and Mr; a f i i Krs. James Corigli-ano spent t h * week end at their Sacandaga camp.

Wabam Bender Pist of the tr S. |«ayy, stationed at Norfolk, Va,, spent the weefe end with his family here v

Rev. Harry Bordes, pastor of the Methodist church, was ordain­ed. a~deaco» a t the convention of, *be JVoy.t..Aripoal CoMer*nce this past week. K

. «Hm«rfAN oHimcH sundajc , J u n e 7 : ' :•".•.-,. • ' • .j .' •S"ai*-TO,VSt(nd#y. S'ch^il.-;.'-''f' "V, lfti3&' ,ai m , ChW)Cch'':Se1rv]l«te;,.. •

t f u t e s t e . Mm ^ *'ft-.aOi to i*$Q Sa:.'m>,VSiyie study1, •••; ','.';.V-;;;:'. •""

Mr. aad MJJS. Edward' "Nass1

icaWed,<an '-Mp"and;.-Mr& If&toia .; '6©ldento^utn:»re^eiifiyr-'- '"• '* •'= •?•;•'-^-|.

• B«t and•'Mesf H6ward Skinner recently • a^tended'tpe wedjlng; W. ;1h^tr*#andso8'v' 'AMytt'-K;' 'SRinderi" and tfelr-ifer-'MaintepaW, in Sche­nectady

Warren Cart called on Mr and Mrs. Herman Rappf Saturday

Mrs Edward Dalbec and son, and Mrs* Wrtham Truax and fam­i ly were recent guests of their •mother Mrs Prank Carl

Mrs* Haael Wi l l i e e&lted on Mr and Mrs J^rvey Willsie of East Berne, Sunday,

Mrs Nettje Filfcm? spent Thxtiti-

"of tfie Syr«cus$ Chma; plant, Mrs Ma|y ^ilen, Benninget

spen^ an eVempg recently with-Mrai Harold Qaldenb.ai4m

Mr and Mrs Ed Rowe and My and Mts.'^Fre^ Smwh were Sal--^urday > evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Rapp ' Mr and Mr a, Cttaries Reid* Mr \

nd Mrs Harold S i n n e r of Del-mar, and Mrs Rose Jany of Alta-monl! were recent calleds of Mrs: Nettie Pdkwft ' v i

Mp Isaac^fttcher"' and Elvin j-oslyn enjoyed a picnfc at the home of Mr, and Mrs Theodore Pitch©?, Saturday

Mr andr Mrjs ©aha Smith of Schenectady' spent Friday with Mr and Mrs- Howard Skinned, J

Mr and Mfs Sevenn Winfer-cheidt are spending a couple pf months in 6e;rmany« r v

Mr. and Mrs Clifford Vincent Jr arid family were Monday din­ner guests 0f MP ^pdt Mrs Clif­ford vmcent Sr

'Mr and Mrs William Manps : a n ^ daughters called oh Mr and TMrs W*ren Carl Sunday

Michael Vena called on Mr and Mrs Harold Goldenbaum recent­ly,

Mr and Mfcs Edward Rowie, Mf and Mrs Roger Smith and Kelley, Peter Storm, M,r Henry Ronnen, Mrs ^TarVey Holman and Mr and Mrs; Joseph Kapler reafHe&Jon MV and


„ Rep Bruce B Gdadwm Saturday, June 6-10 ana. 'The Guild will hold a

bake sale at Schoonmaker^s Store-Sunday^ June 7 l \ Sunday; school is on vacation!!

until September. »11 ajn. Worship service

6 30 p m . FatnOy Night pro­gram, jstarfms with covered dish T ^ ^ ^ ^jTm Fbght of. Apolfo I f wdr be-shown Come

$3195|andVspend an eiiyoyable evening % community is nmfcted

The-eonsistoEy of the, BeaverX nam. Church Hmtfes the communify o | West Betee ta its Family BKight program Sunday Slttne 1$ The program. wflS begat with a covered dish sapper at 6 3Q p- m J f l o w e d J& a sp^facuteP nKiv^,\ "*fhe Might of ApoMtt 1%:' Th^' movie is presented; through tpe courtesy of the. E&jtnfcul Kodafe If you cannot make it ta the sup-, per feel, *ce§ fe eamfe for the movie at f-30 &.*&*-

— \ S E H E EASyTCtCiET TO — 2 IHfflEB East aFiaorthmay on RL 5


INC — 52nd YEAR

926: CEHTE AJ, Qorneh of GOIVCQ

VJT 21-33SX — I V Sr3SSi

725 CENTEAL l*et£ ta King's: Oept. Store


COMMUNITY KOTESf Saturday noon a Related 50th

weddmg; anroveEsary was held at the Parratt Hause, in Schoharie for Mrvaud Mrs.-EVeEett Schoon-maker w^th 2T friends' and rela> loves attending.

3Jfe JUKI Mrs, JBwerett Sch,oon-. maker, J r , had as dinner guests. Saturday ewemngr" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gotthardt,%Mtr. arid Mrs* TJohert Hodge, m arid liffrs, ohn Brahdner, Mrs. Beatrice Weid-man. Miss Helen -Longi Mh, and Mrs. Lloyd Baxter and l^f. and Mrs. Everett Schoonmaft&r. * t

Mr. arid Mrs. Vernon Schan? called on their |a»ther*m-law; MGQlnni Snydec; a t Coeymans. Hol­low Saturday evening.

Rough-sawn, texture for wooii sidmg has gained ipogularity m' the.past few year*,'* I t 'stands highest in California,, Texas and

I's Dairy I would like to be your

mykman,too SEETOTG ^ ALTAMOMT - Kl^OX


K'your needts «t» lsrge or small * I trill try1

outh Berne

Mrs •Fred Smith, Saturday

Mrs Hqward Schoonmaker Jr and son Gained on*. Mr and^Mrs Cfrfford Vincent Sr> Sunday-They all called on the campers' at Mts Grlppr v ,

Mrs? Herbert Kronsberg sffent last week ^nd with Mr, and Mi's Warren Carl r ^ r Mr and Mr^ NOrmap Beiider tod Mrs Mary Weichtman of Del-mar calted on Mr a.nd Mrs How­ard Skinner; Sunday,


Robert Haniey, internn pastor . t Sunday, June 6, l - i

Tuesday, $une" #** **"" 7 30 p m Women s Guild meet­

ing Program "Sfgns of Promise' by Leila' Vinson Hostess is Hilda Rhenow ,- Thursday, Jqne 11 , <• ' 3 30 - 4 30 pn\, Church school

Tip % prxi Youth Group •June 22-26 » 9 to M 30 a.m Daily 'Vacation

Bible school Make sure your child, has b'een registered^

The May 16 paper drive netted ;rf goqd profit for the Camp Fow-Jer'Fund We leceived $43 20 for ipapers, S2Q40 fqr batteries, $1150:

foti radiators, $3^0" for rags $840 ior mixed iron 'and $3 00 in dona­tions bringing the total to $9000

Ddn't forget^the firsf annual :Lord'^ Acre Auction to be held ,this;iSattirday, June 6< The bake s^le and rummage sa.le Wall start at 10 a m A luncheon will take iplace and then the exciting auc­tion will start witfc Dick Munroe , [being the auctioneer Come and ;jom the fun at the Thompson's rLake Reformed church.

Resolutions By Firemen

Saturday, May 23 Xu- W«Wam Pearson Tolley, chancellor emeri­tus of Syracuse University, de­livered the commencement ad­dress Degrees were- conferred by Sister Margaret M Keeshan, jCSJ, president tThe M.ost Reverend Ed­win B Frederick D D , Bishop of the Diqeese of Albany, presided t Area girls receiymg the bacqa-

fl^ureate d,egree were Bonnie Hayes <!BS'>, daughter

of Mr and Mr§ Llewellyn C Hayes, 23 Bridge S t , Sluigerlands, with a masor in music

Katherme Stapietoii ( B A ) . c u m laude, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Stapleton, Berne, with a majpr m mathematics

Margaret Patterson Hannay re­ceived a Master of Arts in English literature Residing with her hus­band an4 child at Westerlo, she is a 1966 graduate of Whteaton Col-

At a meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fort mpte? Fire District, Town of Guilderland, held at the firehall jn the district ori Way 11, Com-, nussionerj Michael PaVker offered and moved'the v adoption of the

"Mlpwing resolUtionT) seconded by' Commissioner Robert Brownell.

^Resolved thajfc the Board ,of; pFJre Commfssioner^ of Fort Hun-< ter Jivg District in a regular, meeting duly assembled, note and record m the [minutes Qf1 this, meeting the sudden death of Har-. old Melius, 6ur< friends Our col­league. andV fire eopitnljssi&ner oi' Fort Huhter Fire t>istrfct, who faithfully served the interest of our district for many years priors ita his< death

Special W I K K OF JUHE 8 through 13 ,

EXTW I J t f S FRESH EGGS . . . . 55c DOL

Plxwe Bill at 365^8261 anytime after 11 A, M.

•— 3hiwsi R v t l y GiWMi —»

rf our fire district axid a copy 04 the sjftme be forwarded to the family of the 4ecedeht.f 1'

Paper Drive In Westerlo j< -...

Girf Scout Cadette Troop 11 will have a paper drive in Wefe-teiil© m J[une"5 smd 6. The truck Will be parked at Diedench's store ten, June 5 and rethain there through the day. •• Anyone with papers, rags, scrap metal 6r car lotteries may bring them, to the truck. If you c«inot «pejt them there, cal* 7$7-3403 for pick-up service.

. The 8litl» wdl use the proceeds from the drive for a trip; to the Spited: Nations on the UJSf.'s 25th anniversary. They are interested in the wdrkr whic)i the U,N, is doing throiajsh the United: Nations ChHdttm's Fund

Mrs, G. Robert Diederich is leader and is assisted by Mrs. Howard Schoonm$ker and Mrs. John Fa.m#u.

Subscribe to the Altiimont En" terfef ise — $4 00 per yea)?.

Is Announced At B-K 2.*js. S t e f e f Jfc'clfe at B«l! ,,,. .... . , ggKlIed, 'wa.''Mis."...Ebi^."Sjfotl IJ

Following, is the honor x j j K a n d . : ^ 1 ^ ^

^ ^ T # ^ * M » W.^ ''M/'W „vkMM^&*

honorable mention list of elcro^n. tftry' students ,Jn.- t f e Eerne-l&os

^ h g | ^ .... Mrs. WRii Mr.

f#rrf Swsteh . feecterjelf. t^^SS^P^y^P^^^f^ P1^1^ m .«.^je,-Ww$Wtot/.®mii., Ms*., ;,Ju4th,.-Bo [nh6w r-, m$?TBm&'' howeri John Boone,,.j£Sm Bm^s,, mfk^m Bradleyt CflrayJ Wm&+ Stephens ©Urbx, .Matte pis^se, Ken­neth Conklin Pam Coulter, Heidi Crawford, feimberly Crantfond, Jen-Lan Cromn, Lisa Daskalajkis ! Dennis Delaney Kelly Eardley„ ,JQdi Ebel, Ricky Edwar-ds, JamDe Er^Ckson, Sally Fargo, Laajinel Favreau, Robert Feldmaim* Aam Femia, Jeanne Feima, J&hstiue Fqley, Jeffrey Gibhs Sandra Gif-ford, Bexnarain Godbont Omns^ GodbQU.t, TJebra ^rant. SSiifiie. Qr^nt Matthew Grjppin,TM2dbeIe Ortppm, K^thy Harras, Uaiael Hayden, Micha,el Ijayden, KWBBD. Henneman, Linda Heimeman, lasa, Herzog, Lori Herzog, Bnan JHart, Bee^ey Husted, Steven Hostefl. John JapmbacK "Ema Jamn'bata;,' Dale Jones', Keith Kay^er,l>eJ»«ralhf Kendall, 3am?s Kaefer, Breoaa

', Lee, Georgjia Longaeker, Jamiesj I*OVe, Michael Lave, James titojKL. Jeffrey Merrill, Kathleen Mileiv D^nna JMfoserC James Qetftager, JUlie Pitcher, L-ynda Plasfewr, M^rk Plastowr Thppias PoJaa&ort. Melodie Jfoolej Bartholcniiew Pat -aig, Christopher Futzig, BDiiald Quay, C h i l e s . Rapoli, Sjisam Rapp, Deborah Bapnantst, Jw% ,Rapuano,_Thomas Reimsc^, Ko?»-ert Robinson,. Curtice Rogexs LJOBP-iaine Rogers, Stanley Btogess, Donna Ryan, Ken Saddlemane, Bonnie Salisbury, Daniel Safesr„ Lucijnda Salzer, Margar^et SdiaiL-ble,, Allan Schiller, Karen StltoaB-maker, Pawn Shafer, ¥5dsae Shultes, Harold Smith, iMuert Smith, R.oger Smith Diana Sasy-der. Penny Stalker, Maraa Starife Sben Stempel, !Danie| SfasEtem,

• M&r. jasd' MIS. KiBntteth>:'Hoi£hSS»' :ana sai*j^pen.'fe SatoraUy'jteifi; MrL —" - W$.. .H|!!iteiafdt-,'SiiP|ttry , an,$

TripJeneader At Fonda

•• A|un-f | l led and thriTliing triple-; header program is on tai» for, the, .Fonda, Speedway on Saturday :nfght as Freddy*? Funny ,S*or4 act i s added to the sensational big te£gT||e stock, car racing program ;featjir!ng. the NASCAR mortified stock cats in twin: 2a-laft fe3ture< events and, the ranttbunctious late model stock cars in a 20-lap fea-;tafe- -, . . ' - - . ; . '

. -•-•-.-SrfT-^^v"--Tiv.-*_.' .*,.,;• Freddy's '. Funny-. F;ord • -is.'.an^ wwl^afcs- Haroltt. Houefc. amazing comedy act on wheels

Sa% fflDd Mr and Mrs. Harold ^d xs fuled with the unpredic-Hmm* J&r-„ aad_ chiWcen engoyedt table antics of Freddy as he at-


Area residents were among the 332 candidates to ^receiye faac-cdl^ur^ate and graduate degrees . ^ . ^ „ at the 47th commencement of the I Rebecca S tockm, David «,»»ra-.-, College of Saint Rose in Albany, ffus, Carol Suto, Harriet StaaaaJ

"*"'" '•" " han, Cheryl Tallman, VoM Tay-lorj Randolph Thompson, Jeff Vans Etten, Joshua Vmcent, !N^micy V5/arner, Rebecca Weaver, SiBpih-ame Weiss, Susan Wiltomam, Js>-anne Willsey, James YtHiqp>

Honor r"oll at "Westerlo; Snassen Blodgett, Joseph Burby, Ketefly Miller, JJinda l!ililnera 15 lbBOia.l Tretick , ^

Honorable mention^ Ernest Am-drus, Steveh ^idrus, CfoiisKainffie Bareis, Carol Bitoagett, Boinaiie Boomhower.i Anne Boone, SH^pte-n e Bowles, Jean Bramarfl, Habalffl Brazil, Terrahce- BrjttQn, Jeffiney

'Busold, Elaine Chase, SusseM,. Qiattyof, P e g g y Clark, AilaraJ Como,. Patricia Conklm, ElazafeEiffliS ^Onners, Tan Conners Jo-Annie t Cranker, Diane CrawJc-T , JSaa-neth Crayyford, Robin "'CksmSssnBi Darrow Cromn, Jol,an Ctafflmpa, Karen Crosier, Mkrcy Ctasiesr, Wade Cross, Laurel CnrSs, Mat­thew Daskalakis, Dennis" Ueetoas, Demse Jltelaney, Virginia Bextw, iWnlard Diioble, RobertTDneffl, Jef­frey' Ebei, Barbara -Edwaira^, Bo-nn*a Edwards, Kerry Ehlers>, Maiy Ann Fargo, David FilKns, 'Keilth Filkms, Bonme Blagler, Cfeunol Flagler, Shelly Furman„ GsSi Gardner, Jeanne Gossman, ^ayoe Grabowski, Jeffrey Haryey, 1 t a » -dqre Heim Pawn Hendersaa, Mi­chael Horlacher, Carl J,ones, ASK •drfew Joslm, Bradley Joslyix,Itewi!i

.ayser, * Bart KenffziersM, IjEah !ihg, Valerie Komjathy, Samdia !ropp Jacqueline Xeonand, Pat-

& jjoannr SaitanJaif at the home inff Mir and mt&. Irving; Klinfc and

Ufc. sad H F R . WBliatmi, Becker acd cteBliirea and Mrs, Laura FUkms w e n t Saflurday afternoon. and ewanmg at the home o f Mr and Mis. J^rl FStaus; and son at Warner's Lake. ?

memfms of the Golden; Horse­shoe Bjdmg Club were a t White Bereh Laflue QQ Sutidav,

Mfes Virgfcia Holftuaii and jgrantiuoolfber of Al&anyr spent the TOaefcoafl wjtili icteiaveSL a t Sidney.

| a 3 P n i M a T l l € l < N n w B l l

Stunday, June ""Whs ,-* -"9,45 a. ^ y i | * 8 m p , fvorship.

Saeaainentt of h o i r commttawn •wSm he„ ol^iervedt. f^Fftere is i t nmtsery for children fln^ughvfrade one. r •> - J- * , i

ft a. in, CteSECfe.^fiWo^. A $peoM. BpigtaMiL *a]t- be herd, m the ssmcttaary to'inark:. the dose <nff churdS sjdheqJ %;l&e summer Eweryoaae K i*te]b»Hae ~ t

S-jm n. THJL~ JunSar and Senior Wgft Yarattt FeBowshrps. "

WeJro^aj?„ JSmse^W^z

TT_39B p. not, S?«aW>;choEr-"JEhm&SaiF,, imw' ££th: \ 6:3© ffiL in. Guild d&mer meet-

tempts to perform stunts this almost human crazy

7:3HB PL m. E^fange&tp3 com,-mosttftee mee^s. . ^

14, tthese wiU'-he a fanuly- camp-m^ta^i to Wckes&m State Parle. Far mmffiDgwijatanin; arid reservatfons

with car, f

trials '»nd tribulations • of a hap­less motorist ,in «• misbehaving vehicle^ The, 5"unJiiy Ford often throws streams pi fire, Water and often exploded without warning, •plusi on. ocqasioxj ' aWempfe to drive i^eif-

Musical horns: £ind sirens add to ^le, fun. and comedy that will pjtease.all theyotaigsters and even the not so 'yotrng |rt the spacious covered gfamdstahc( or elevated blenehers: of, the Fonda site. !

Thfe professional ItASCAR modified, drivers .Will take tq the half-mile clay ova? in; the qualify­ing, events in an effort to gain a starting berth in the big paying twm 2S4ap feature events. $300 goes to the" winner of each of them from the $5,70p purse.

The zany comedy act depicts the i AdverUs# in, the ESiterprise.


The Future JS A VOTE 1*0$ 7 .


t o ..«••••



F R E D D Y and Ms

FUNNY FORD A Thrill for Yonng; & Old

Clematis Garden Club By this f time every ^member

should have her Flower Show, schedule We are perturbed to discover an omission on the frpAt! page —please note and add-77 Date July 8, <197Q Time! 2 to 8 E m Place Greenville Jr .Sr High School Rqute 81 Entrance »

Every member is urged and; ex.-1

pected to enter this show The ajlt vance entries enable ns to set up the background In a uniform and attractive manner which is most difficult when jt has- to b e »ex4 papded or retracted in the la*stf few1 minutes before the judgM J come in 'this is the first ^Startd-j ard1' flower show attempted by Clematis—letsx show the National Council Judges that we can do itfe

Horticulture is a most important item Even if you can arrange—f can you grow the flowers t o o ' Each is an art in itself Lets fey* to fill each class in Horticulture too. There have to be at least 4. entries m each Class as there, Sre 4 awards in each Please rea.d the5

tar. ;rili, Cmdy Miekle Karen Alart Mooney, Michael Maureen O'Brien, Steven 03B,wer, Cindy Pitcher Mary PcMaKtt, Alan Poole, Albert Pute©, 3ehn PUtzig Debbie Rapp- Alison ISeSr- -yea, Barbara Remmeis., Shaia ' Rendo, Kathleen Rickei&s, ^^'bert' w a j _ _ _ n m | j -Russell Frank Salisbury, !S,Ksunr * a « g l » « ™ « S Salisbury, Sharon Sehager, HJeam "icnanz, Th,omas Seheuer, laotaa. imith, Timothy Stayder, OBD9S»-

anne Stangle, Mindy StarJs, Ke-bekah Stock, Mark Taylor, Many ;

2ST ff^rf«r«HS»%Ji»s&£» can, 'arrange , and have no house plaints or outdoor'flowers —'idb1

bring HI an arrangement, plant ,6r' specimen frojti a friend ( n *feer> n^mei a,nd you'JU still get ^ " - f o r .effort Non-members, m the Clubi ar,ea, are most cordially mlqted (0} participate in this show If Vou;

'have .any questions, call us We ^can alVyays look ttiem up if wej donl knOw the^answers ' 'J.

Sppaldng pf "lookmg it* up'/— ^did you know that we have 'our* ovyn little Garden Club noqk'ip the iGreehvilI^ public Library?* We jbear tha j Only ,foUr fnepibers, haye been xher(e. (Th,ere are many good bootts on growmg, exhibifmgi ap artis(tic design of flqwets^The nejfi'time you are in Greenvilley

tell thevL-ibranan that you ate a Clematis Cub member, < pon;tf

t forget the ISfatur^ Walk' into 'both. Gfteat and Little Beari S^wainps on F4<iday,i June 5 (a.t !1 p ni- Two other plubs are planning to1 aoin us there j r

Note m i h e Year Book,fthal; on June 19 there fe a tour and lunch­eon1 at Caprdand Herb Gardefrs, Garsl a|id drivers ace being lined iup for that event now—sos please tiotify Bunhy Cfunderstin or Ra* chel Ormsbee if you wish to lgO;. We have to let the lady know about how many to expect |0tf lUncheon 1 too — by the first of June. f

Tax Time If we*, suppose, that the t a *

payer' or his tax service spent four hours on the average on each Return, the total time amounted to the horrendous total of 300 million man hours This fs the $ame as 150,000 men working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks' a yea*, and thi<? does not include the time spent by employees of business enterprises nt withholding taxes and preparing; tax towns* or by/ high priced accountants and law­yers, both in business and in government.


9 STOCK CAR RACES Twin JB-tap H(ed»«ed Features ' 20-Lap Late M>0deE F'eat,siw-„

Six,QiMlrfying( Races. ^ ADUL.TS - #

Children fhrouga ^1 ~ $ t . Free parfclM and free

Warner, Martha Whipple, Teisy Wilderman, Cheri Williams, Bem-his Williams, Brian "Willsey* Osa-stanee Wolford

Honorable mention at Western©: Marcel Bernard.

!$»&* K. Y.

Custom Tailors a^J Cleaners


Phone 489-6255


We aie ready to serve you-here where you live. We tare equipped to seive you both rapidly and at your convenience.

Open six days a week, we specialize in altering and cleaning furs, suedes and leathers for men and

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women, , - k- . v • People have confidence in Cosimp — oeeiiuse

Cosimo has been at his eraft for over two decades.

So treat yourself to a new fitting. Get personal seajmee from, a man. who knows his trade. •

• • ' " • * * ' . " ' Y6u cannot match ou!r pric^s£,|or t |t^ qiialHy, of

work done. - < v,.t ^ •••*,*-» . t i " s .% i , : ' . . .5 . ! . .

: . .•"

, (Cosimo was foimerly chief lailor at the _ re-1 nowned ,SteefePs Clothing Store m downtown Al­bany). .»

Why fight downtown traffic, and ineonvenienee, ' when vou can get even better ~^tpik done right here " in your own neighborhood at Qosinio's, the one-stop

tailors and cleaners, with ample packing and no wait­ing- , : ; . ' ; \ . \ • .-

"Weavinp; Is One of Our Specialties" If yott pay more and get less, t f i i l Boinfe to Oosinlo's

custom-tailors and cleaners. ,'.^ ;

Phone 489-62M '




Uhai Little League Berne-Knox and W«sieiSa

M.ay l a the Berne Yankees de­feated 1the Knox Giants 14 to 1®. "the winning pitcher "was 3MsMg? Conklin, assisted "by Kyle S M t e s and Randy Henderson. TAie liss-ing " pitching team was Steve ftvt-sted. and David Kaiser, —" ^_ ^__ __ _____ __ __ ^ 'ffigjjf

pfease go in .and look'aroVnol anS1 'Randy^ Fortu^ti catching, ° JSme Shultes- hit A grand s l i m Swame run/ ! ! May118 the, Berne Yanifcees de­feated the- Knox Mets $ l o X Kyle Shultes1 pitched and -Bandy Hen­derson caught For Knox IRiate jErnie Andrus pitched and ^am Gardnei?. caught. David 3&ra jathy Of the Yankees*h3t a Jhame run. with ohe than on and also made5 a spectacular1 *atch,H» <o»-terfiehi to save the game. , May 20, the East iBeme Ihoians bovfcd t o Qie Westerlo S c a l e s 6 to 9 Winnmg pitcher was Dram ,Wag0her and catcher SStanSey Rogers The East Berne IrailianiB made their six runs in the lajffc irtnfeg. Ko details from tflie tnina,'team., 'Also on. SMay 20 ffihe East Berne Lakers defeated Hfce Berne Yankees , May 2fit the East Berne Uakers defeated the l£nox Giants.

May 27, the East Berne Indians defeated the Berne Yankees, 2 to rli David Komjathy pitched for the Yankees and Jim CbriMift caught, Mike Garry, Bave Fil-kins and Dean Wagoner pitched for East Berne and Stanley Eras­ers caught for the winning team This game was a shutout until the sixth, inning1

Subscribe to the Altamont Eo-f terprise — »i0Q per yew.

I _

ROGER Paint & Wallpaper Co.

256B Delaware Avenue Delmar, N. Y. PHONE 439-4468


Touraine Paints IN DELMAR AREA!



Look for us in back of Mullen's Pharmacy

MONDAY. THURSDAY - - 8 A. M. -- 6:00 P. M.

FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . 8:00 A. M. - 8:00 Jf. M.

SATURDAY . . . . . . 8:QQ A. HI - 5:00 P. Bt

1, J.V.I

'. 1

' * • »

I wmmmm V