The Future 70th Week - End-Time · This feast or divine...

Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets; The Epic Alarm of Awakening for the Sleeping Church.

Transcript of The Future 70th Week - End-Time · This feast or divine...

Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets; The Epic Alarm

of Awakening for the Sleeping Church.

Yom Teruah

1. Tekia 2. Shevarim

3. Teruah 4. Tekia Gedolah

Teruah Shofar Blast

The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, and the

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Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets,

Rosh Hashanah is an ALARM!

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Greetings to all and welcome to this excursion into Bible prophecy. In this video we shall

establish the fact that Yom Teruah, otherwise known as, the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh

Hashanah is an epic future day of ALARM!

Here do a Ken Burns pan and crop of Sleeping Beauty,. . . . . . then the alarm going off.

Let’s start with the Scripture passage in which God establishes Yom Teruah. This is laid out for

us in Leviticus 23. In the original Hebrew the term for the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah

is Yom Teruah which means “Day of Blowing”, (as of shofars). So the name for the holiday, (and

a vital key to our understanding of the Feast), comes from the word Teruah. Our narrator is

Alexander Scourby.

Leviticus 23

24. Speak 1696 unto the children 1121 of

Israel 3478, saying 559 , In the seventh 7637

month 2320, in the first 259 [day] of the

month 2320, shall ye have a sabbath 7677,

a memorial 2146 of blowing 8643 of

trumpets, an holy 6944 convocation 4744.

25. Ye shall do 6213 no servile 5656 work 4399

[therein]: but ye shall offer 7126 an offering made by fire 801 unto the LORD 3068.

So the Feast Yom Teruah is named for the Hebrew word Teruah . Leviticus 23 is the first passage in the Bible in which

the Hebrew word Teruah is found. In this passage God establishes His holiday, the Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah. And here the word Teruah is translated as

the word “blowing”, and by implication, “blowing of trumpets”.

Leviticus 23

24. Speak 1696 unto the children 1121 of

Israel 3478, saying 559 , In the seventh 7637

month 2320, in the first 259 [day] of the

month 2320, shall ye have a sabbath 7677,

a memorial 2146 of blowing 8643 of

trumpets, an holy 6944 convocation 4744.

25. Ye shall do 6213 no servile 5656 work 4399

[therein]: but ye shall offer 7126 an offering made by fire 801 unto the LORD 3068.

The word Teruah, Strong’s #H8643 carries with it other meanings as well. One of them is

“alarm”. But there are many more. As a matter of fact the word Teruah is opening up for us a plethora of encouraging clues about

that future fulfillment of Yom Teruah. This is a big Eureka moment. And we have only just

begun to explore these wonderful new leads.


# H8643

Blowing, (as of trumpets)



Joyful sound,

(assoc. with) Tumult.


It seems the word Teruah speaks of a great inspiration realized in the expression and in the hearing of various anointed sounds that go out to Him from His covenant people. We

know that He inhabits the praises of His people. This includes the blowing of trumpets,

the shout of exaltation in God, and the clashing of cymbals. All of them are or can be exaltations in the Spirit of God and attended by certain fruit of the Holy Spirit called joy.

Strongs # H8643

Hb/Gk Word Pronunciation English Equivalent

Old Testament (Hebrew) for "blowing"





ALARM, sound,



The Teruah is now beginning to be appreciated as a wonderful rich array of

sounds, a multi-faceted expression of joyful exaltation in God. When these various

sounds and musical expressions are anointed by the Spirit of God His divine

inspiring Presence descends down upon the ones who hear them in a very powerful way

we might describe as electrifying.

From what we have seen in our previous video of the Fall Feasts of Israel and the

Timeline of the final 7 years of this age it is now beginning to become clear that a future Yom Teruah will open the gates into the final

7 years of this age. This future day to remember will feature a blow-out expression of Teruah, even as God’s covenant people are ushered into their time of trial and witness.

Yom Teruah

Tishrei 1

Day of Atonement Tishrei 10

The inclusive timeline bridging the feasts

7 yrs apart is also precisely 2550 DAYS!

The Final 7 Years of this age

= 1260 + 1290 = 2550 days

7 years


Yes, the Day of the Teruah, Yom Teruah is slated to be an earth-shaking event.

This fact is yet to be appreciated by Christian and Messianic believers. This future day of alarm will open the gates

into the final 7 years of this age.

Yom Teruah

Tishrei 1

Day of Atonement Tishrei 10

The Final 7 Years of this age

7 years

The Closing of the Gates

The Opening of the Gates

This future day of alarm will open the gates into the greatest period of repentance and

revival for the Elect that they have ever seen. And those final 7 years of this age between those two Fall Feasts and leading up to the

final climactic Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur will turn out to be the ultimate days of awe.

Yom Teruah

Tishrei 1

Day of Atonement Tishrei 10


of AWE

A Period of Deep Repentance and the End-Time Revival

7 years

Feast of Trumpets Judgment Day

Down through the history of Israel there have been four classic shofar blasts. Each of them has a special character. From ancient times

they have served as important signals sent to the covenant people of God. Each of these trumpet sounds carry within them a special meaning, message, and purpose. And the third one of the four is called the Teruah.

1. The Tekia

2. The Shevarim

3. The Teruah 4. The Tekia Gedolah

It is the Teruah shofar blast that gives Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, its

name. When we listen to the Teruah as a musical statement the element of alarm

and of awakening is quite prominent.

Yom Teruah 1. Tekia

2. Shevarim

3. Teruah

4. Tekia Gedolah

or Feast of


As we saw in the previous video the word Teruah does not mean trumpet. Rather it is a divinely

energized communication of remembrance back and forth between God and His covenant people. The

Teruah is the inspiration in the sound that comes with the blowing of the trumpet, the shout of exaltation,

the clashing of cymbals, the joyful noise, etc. This rich and varied array of inspiring sounds are all expressions

of Teruah. They release streams of great anointing from the God who inhabits the praises of His people

and rejoices over them with singing.

The Teruah is a musical statement. These sharply detached staccato notes have

been used in heraldry and bugle calls to gather the people, to inspire, and to direct a response to an encroaching

enemy. The Teruah brings a powerful spiritual exhortation to the human soul.

The staccato blowing of the shofar, is anointed by God to alarm, to wake up, inspire, and to assemble His covenant

people in a time of crisis. This is another one of those vital keys that are now

helping to unlock much of the mystery of the Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets.

The opening of the 70th Week of Daniel, the final 7 years of this age, will be a

fearful time. So the inspiring sounds of the Teruah will strengthen the faith of the Elect at that time. And when they

hear those wonderful anointed sounds on that awesome day they will be blessed

and respond in faith rather than in fear.

Feast of




By way of review here are the Seven Feasts of Israel laid out on the Hebrew calendar. The three yet to be fulfilled Fall Feasts are over on the right. It seems God has laid out His agenda quite clearly for His people. And

many who love and respect the God of Israel are now starting to pay attention to what He is showing us. These are the Holy Days our God Himself established. He set them forth

for us right at the very beginning.


Yom Teruah

Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, is beginning to get a lot of attention these days. It is very next divine appointment, moed, feast, or Holy Day slated to erupt into holy history and world history. And when it does it will shake this world and

its people to their foundations.

those first four appointed times

Yom Teruah

Let’s listen now to these four shofar blasts. Here they are as presented

on a YouTube video. And notice the sharp staccato sound of the third

shofar blast, the Teruah.

(Here insert video of the blowing of the Four Shofar Sounds.)

1. The Tekia

2. The Shevarim

3. The Teruah 4. The Tekia Gedolah

As we can appreciate, the Teruah is quite different from the last shofar blast, the

great Tekia Gedolah. That final long steady all-encompassing trumpet blast grows louder and louder to end in a note of

closure and finality. We’ll talk about the climactic blowout sound of the great Tekia

Gedolah and how it relates to the Last Trump in a other video.

1. The Tekia

2. The Shevarim

3. The Teruah

4. Tekia Gedolah

Now lets listen to the Teruah one more time. So there in the stirring staccato

notes of the Teruah shofar blast we can appreciate that this is an alarm. We can

discern the same stirring stacatto notes in the bugle call Reveile a French word

meaning “wake-up!” This is used by the armed forces to wake up military


Here sound the REVEILLE

Now lets take another look at the word Teruah in Holy Scripture. Does the Hebrew word Teruah carry with it the meaning of

alarm? The Hebrew Lexicon brings us a

brace of synonyms for the word

Teruah. And yes, along with words like

blowing, shouting, sound, noise, and

joy we do see the word ALARM.


# H8643

Blowing, (as of trumpets)



Joyful sound,

(assoc. with) Tumult.


By way of review here are some of the 33

passages in the King James Version where

the word Teruw-ah, Strong’s #H8643 is

used. Scanning through the list the word

Teruah seems to indicate an alarm of war

with an awakening expressed in the

blowing of trumpets, shouts of exaltation,

clashing of the high sounding cymbals, and

the joyful noise of praises lifted up to God.

The Hebrew word TERUAH signifies REVIVAL & EXALTATION!

Lev. 23:24 “the blowing of trumpets.”

Num. 10:5 & 5 “blow an alarm.”

Num. 23:21 “the shout of a king.”

Num. 29:1 “the blowing of trumpets.”

Jos. 6:5 “a great shout and the wall will come”.

2Chr. 13:12 “priests with sounding trumpets to cry alarm.”

Ezr. 3:12 “the foundation laid, .. many shouted aloud for joy.”

Psa. 27:6 “I will offer, ..sacrifices of joy, …I will sing praises.”

Psa. 33:3 “sing .. a new song, .. skilfully with a loud noise.”

Psa. 89:15 “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound.”

Psa. 150:5 “praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals.”

Jer. 4:19 “the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.”

Amos 2:2 “Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting,”

Zep. 1:16 “the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities,”,

Christian and Messianic believers are now getting quite interested in Yom Teruah. This feast or divine appointment is due to come into its ultimate fulfillment on Tishri 1 in the Fall season of some future year. 85% research the feast under the

name Rosh Hashanah, and 14% use the name Feast of Trumpets. These names take us no further in our search for

the meaning and purpose of the feast. Only 1% of the Google searches come in using the name Yom Teruah. But a search of the meaning of the Hebrew word Teruah brings us a host of clues to the meaning of the feast Yom Teruah and further

Biblical leads to its message. And as we dig deeper into this matter we soon come to a rather somber conclusion.



of the


“Study to shew thyself approved unto God,

a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Yom Teruah is more than just an annual Jewish new year celebration

with traditions like dipping apples in honey and saying, “Have a sweet new Year”.

In the Autumn season of some future year in the midst of

tumultuous times the Feast of Trumpets is destined to send a very important signal to God’s covenant people all across this


It seems that the divine appointment Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, is set to herald an epic prophetic event

that is yet to unfold. It is a ticking clock. And on an awesome day yet to

come this moed or feast or holiday will in fact become an alarm.

(here show video of ticking clock with alarm sounding at midnight.)

A musical appreciation of the Teruah agrees with our etymological word

study. The Teruah shofar sound carries with it a very distinct signal. It has been

and continues to be a herald for epic events. The Teruah is a highly broken staccato trumpet sound conveying a

powerful message of alarm.

The Teruah

or Feast of Trumpets

- - - - - - - - - Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut Tut

It penetrates the soul like a jangling ALARM CLOCK going off. The message goes it brings is very clear. It is, “Wake

up! Pay attention”.

Elements of the Teruah are still with us today in our military bugle calls. The staccato sound of the Teruah is an

alarm, a warning, and a call to muster. The message in the Teruah trumpet sound is very clear and direct. It is a

summons to assemble before an authority for further instruction.

And when that lone watchman, often in peril for his life, blows the trumpet of alarm it always has been and always will be the

sharply chopped notes of the Teruah that sound out as a

warning or an alarm.

The Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah comes on the first day of Tishri. Tishri is the 7th month as counted out from the Nisan Passover moon. So Yom Teruah comes on the new moon of Tishrei.

Trumpets is the only one of the seven divine appointments that occurs on a

new moon.

Yom Teruah / Feast of Trumpets First day of 7th month

New moon of Tishrei

Tishrei 1

Rosh Hashanah

The new moon points to the strong possibility that when those Teruah trumpets

of alarm are blown something dark and sinister will have just come to light. And in a future Fall season on the new moon of Tishri people all around this world will wake up to discover that a mega-event of world-wide

significance, an event never ever seen before, has just happened.

Yom Teruah / Feast of Trumpets First day of 7th month

New moon of Tishrei

Tishrei 1

Rosh Hashanah

Something veiled and previously hidden will make its dramatic emergence onto

the world scene. A global megadeal that was propheside by the prophet Daniel

over 2550 years ago and has been in the planning stages for some time, will

erupt into world history.



Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many

for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause

the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the

overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate,

even until the consummation, and that determined shall

be poured upon the desolate.

Harlot Rule

Rev. 17

So this feast, occurring as it does on a new moon, provides us with another clue, and an opportunity for us to connect the dots. And as we ponder the ramifications of the future

confirmation of that seven year covenant referred to in Daniel 9:27 we can see that there is an unseen story here that must break out at some point with an alarm!

Daniel chapter 2

Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 2

Ten bio-regions

await ten rulers.

Iron & Clay,

Politics and



Students of the Bible know that the future 70th Week of Daniel and the

final 7 years of this age will be initiated by the confirmation of a seven year “covenant with many”

and brokered by a certain “prince”. That 7 year covenant is clearly outlined for us in Daniel 9:27.

Dan. 9:27 covenant confirmed

“And he, (the prince), shall confirm the

covenant with many for one week,

(“one seven”), . . . .” - Dan. 9:27

The 70th Week of Daniel

Seven Biblical (360 day) years

So what kind of a man will this coming prince be? In

John 5:43 Jesus declared that He came in His

Fathers name and His people rejected Him. He said

that this man will “come in his own name” and His

people will receive him. So Israel and the Western

nations will try to resolve their collective sovereignty

crisis and make their bid for global peace and

security by confirming a seven year covenant with a

godless narcissistic self-worshipping Luciferian. If

there is ever to be an epic awakening and a revival

of the covenant people of God then this day will

certainly be the one that calls for it.

“I have come in my Father's name,

and you do not receive me.

If another comes in his own name,

Him you will receive.”

John 5:43

There is a massive campaign of disinformation by religious spirits of error swirling around and crashing against the last verse of the seventy weeks prophecy, Daniel 9:27. Full preterists

and partial preterists along with Reconstructionists, Dominionists, SDA

Historicists, and Kingdom Now Post Millennialists are in a frenzy trying to make the whole future 7 year period “go away”.

But the Biblical truth is has never been in any dispute among faithful Bible scholars who know the Bible and know the God

of the Bible. The starting gun for the final seven years will be the confirmation of

this seven year covenant between a “prince” who is a false messiah and


Daniel 9:27:

The confirmation

of a seven year

“covenant with many”.

A 7 year period of trial and tribulation for Christians is out there somewhere in our future. Most Christian believers have

not been made aware of this. Those into the social gospel have no interest in the end-time issues. Dominionists have just been told that they will take over the world and not to worry about anything written in the Bible, just listen to the apostle

or prophet. Dispensationalists, while they do know about this final 7 year period of trial and witness have been told that

they will be raptured “outta here” before those 7 years begin. Post-Tribbers are split between survivalists and those who

have resolved to enter the arena and go up to witness in the latter days, come what may.

2,000 Year Gap to 70th Week

Tenth Jubilee of the 70 Weeks/Sevens 1st Coming

Ju Year of Jubilee

2nd Coming

An epic progression of world history into a New Global Order is up there in our future. Initially it will be ruled by a harlot religious system. This will necessitate a historic parting of the ways for those who are committed to the God of Israel in holiness and

those who are not.

John the Apostle was the only disciple of Jesus who was not martyred. It is said that his persecutors tried to boil him in oil, (apparently without success). So they exiled him on the

Island of Patmos. There he saw visions of the latter days and wrote the book of the Revelation, the Apocalypse or

unveiling of Christ. The Book of Revelation is a prophecy of the latter days. Caught up in vision John saw a divine court

case with the Ancient of days presiding over end-time events. In visions he saw two women, one in John 17 and

the other in John 12. Thanks to some Biblical Christian artists like Pat Marvenko Smith at

and others we can get some idea of what he saw.

Revelation 17

Revelation 12

Most Bible teachers will never teach about the harlot religious rule during those first 3.5 years. The reason for the news blackout on John’s vision of Revelation 17 is obvious. The harlot now ruling does not want to see

herself exposed in the latter days. But we have already seen Nicolaitan religious rule all through the history of the Dark Ages and Middle Ages. So if the first attempt at man-centered global governance, (read government), will be

based upon compromised apostate religion we should not be surprised. This religious humanism, like miry clay, will

be backed up by a relentless iron-like imposed public security. The harlot will slip in to take the reins of

dominion for the first 3.5 years of those final 7 years.

Revelation 17

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into

the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit

upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of

names of blasphemy, having seven

heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman

was arrayed in purple and scarlet

colour, and decked with gold and

precious stones and pearls, having a

golden cup in her hand full of

abominations and filthiness of her

fornication: 5 And upon her forehead

was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON



I saw the woman drunken with the blood

of the saints, and with the blood of the

martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I

wondered with great admiration.

And so the question is asked. Might this be cause for the blowing of trumpets of alarm?

Perhaps something like the Teruah for example? And if so then why will God be appointing His watchmen to sound the

Teruah of alarm? Why will they be blowing the shofar on that day? For what purpose?

We’ll discuss this more fully when we examine Joel’s prophecy in chapter 2 which

describes that epic future Yom Teruah.

God’s instructions to His people when they are oppressed by enemies are to ”blow an alarm with the trumpets (plural)”. Then

they will be remembered before God and He will intervene on their behalf. So here

again with the sounding of the Teruah trumpet of alarm we have this element

of remembrance which, God willing, we shall discuss in another study.

Numbers 10:9 (KJV) 9 And if ye go to war in your land

against the enemy that oppresseth

you, then ye shall blow an alarm

with the trumpets; and ye shall be

remembered before the LORD your

God, and ye shall be saved from

your enemies.

So what is the message being

conveyed in the Teruah trumpet blast?

And what is the meaning and purpose of

Yom Teruah? As we can see, it is not a

shofar blast of finality and closure at all.

Rather it is a shofar blast of alarm to

wake up God’s covenant people to begin

to attend to something important.

The Teruah shofar blast is a warning.

It is an alarm. From Joel chapter 2

we hear the words,

“Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the

ALARM on my holy mountain!”

Joel’s message contains more of God’s

instructions for us for the day when that

epic future Yom Teruah opens up.

In the Fall season of some future year the alarm will sound. So

shouldn’t we make it a priority to prepare our hearts ahead of

time and with all diligence? 5 out of the 10 people here in this

company had made spiritual preparation for a night they knew

was coming. The wise virgins had an extra reserve of oil to refill

their lamp. The others did not. At midnight the lamps began to

sputter. All of them began to suffer burnout. The foolish virgins

had a serious problem. They had no extra reserve of oil to refill

their lamps. And now, as their lamps were about to go out they

had come to the end of themselves. Without the oil of God’s

Holy Spirit and a spiritual resource outside of themselves they

had no light to go out into the darkness. They were not able to

travel on through that night to meet the Bridegroom at the

Marriage Feast. This is a warning for us to be prepared.

But God’s covenant people over in the West are

unprepared right now. We are in fact the quintessential

Sleeping Beauty. And the poisoned apple of seductive soft-

sell soporific religion is right there in her mouth. On the new

moon of Tishri in some future year the 70th Week of Daniel

will open up. So as we come into the final 7 years of this

age do we need an alarm, a wake-up call? Are we in a

doped state of forgetfulness? Why do we feud with our

Jewish brethren from the House of Judah? Do we

remember the Breach of Jeroboam and what we said to

the House of David when we walked out? If we are in a

deep spiritual coma of amnesia do we need Someone to

revive us and help us to remember and to attend to these

vital blood covenant family matters? Apparently we do!

And when the Teruah shofar blast of alarm is

sounded on that future day to remember what should

be our response? What are God’s instructions for us

on this awesome final fulfillment of the Feast of

Trumpets? Is it to take to the streets? To protest?

No! Read Daniel 7 and 12 and Revelation 13. On

that future sovereignty crisis there will be no godly

sovereign left to protest to, save our sovereign Christ

our coming Messiah. The message Joel gives us in

Joel chapter 2 is very clear. Our God will be calling

on us to repent and to assemble ourselves together

before HIM. It will be to consecrate ourselves to Him

and Him alone.

Sanctify a fast. Consecrate the people.

Let the priests/pastors/rabbis weep

between the porch and the altar.”

“Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm

on my holy mountain. Call a solemn assembly!

The latter days will be a stormy times. The fishers

will be hard pressed and the hunters will come.

But through it all God will correct, refine, and

minister to His covenant people. Yes, the true

saints of the Most High will be tempest tossed.

But through it all they will rise and shine. They

will be His witnesses to the ends of the earth for

the salvation of many. Yes, these will be days of

tumult and tempest. But Jesus Yeshua will be

with His people. And just as He did in that

former time He will bring His peace, His shalom

to His Elect, even in the midst of the storm.

Thanks for watching this video. I invite

all who love the God of the Bible to help

bring out this inspiring unfolding story of

the Teruah. We are really just scratching

the surface here. Other articles on the

Feast of Trumpets and the Fall Feasts of

Israel are over at the website

The You Tube channel for other

videos on The Fall Feasts of

Israel, can be found under the

user name GavinFinley.

YouTube channel


The Routeburn Track

New Zealand, South Island

The highway of holiness

leads onwards and upwards.

Towards the gates of glory.

Grace and shalom to all.