The Funding Business: Build Capacity to Interest Funders | Lightning Workshop Summary

Designed and Led by: LPN Consulting LLC Hosted by: U.S. Department of State Bureau of African Affairs LPN is leading implementation and capacity building for game changers in support of policy and program initiatives. Lena Prince Nchako The Funding Business: Build Capacity to Interest Funders October 14, 2015 Lightning Workshop Summary Special thanks to: Nicole Peacock William Strassberger Michele Reamey of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of African Affairs for their planning and implementation support!


The 90-minute lightning workshop consisted of: A review of the stakeholders engaged in the funding space, Three presenters sharing applied knowledge and a toolkit, A discussion of the participants’ experiences with funders. LPN Consulting LLC designed the content and activities to help participants understand where gaps currently exist in their operations; and what they could do to close those gaps, structure their operations and improve their resource mobilization efforts.

Transcript of The Funding Business: Build Capacity to Interest Funders | Lightning Workshop Summary

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Designed  and  Led  by:  LPN  Consulting  LLC  Hosted  by:  U.S.  Department  of  State  Bureau  of  African  Affairs    

LPN  is  leading  implementation  and  capacity  building  for  game  changers  in  support  of  policy  and  program  initiatives.        -­‐  -­‐  Lena  Prince  Nchako  

The  Funding  Business:  Build  Capacity  to  Interest  Funders  

October  14,  2015  

Lightning  Workshop  Summary    

Special  thanks  to:  

Nicole  Peacock    

William  Strassberger    

Michele  Reamey    

of    the  U.S.  Department  of  State  Bureau  of  African  Affairs  for  their  planning  and  implementation  support!  

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“The  workshop  goals  align  with  the    mission  of  the  Bureau  of  African  Affairs  under  the  leadership  of  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  African  Affairs,  Linda  Thomas-­‐Greenfield”    -­‐-­‐Lena  Prince  Nchako,  Principal        LPN  Consulting  LLC  

Welcome  Message  from  the  Lightning  Workshop  Organizers    

The  workshop  goals  align  with  the  mission  of  the  Bureau  of  African  Affairs,  under  the  leadership  of  Assistant   Secretary   of   State,   Linda   Thomas-­‐Greenfield.  The  approach  is  to  look  at  traditional  and   innovative   techniques   and   collaborations  that  will   allow  us   to   integrate   sources   and   build  cooperative  team–based  solutions  for  businesses  and   entrepreneurs,   as  well   as   community   based  solutions   for   nonprofits   to   meet   the   economic  and  social  goals  and  aspirations  of  public-­‐private  partnerships   and   society.     This   workshop   sits   at  the   interface   of   policy,   advocacy   and   Diaspora  engagement   to   focus   on   their   combined  interrelationship.  


At   the   end   of   the   lightning   workshop   we   hope  that  we  would   have   heard   from   each   of   you   on  how   we   can   build   leadership   capacity   and   an  engagement  machine  that   incorporate  business,  academia   and   government   in   the   business   of  funding   as   well   as   integrate   traditional   and  innovative  funding  strategies  to  interest  funders.    


We   thank   those   who   have   actively   engaged   in  making   this   workshop   a   reality,   and   for   its  success.    We   encourage   each   of   you   to   actively  contribute   to   this   promising   capacity   building  area,   and   believe   that   you   will   experience  enhanced   results   as   you   apply   the   knowledge  gained   and   information   collected   to   your  respective  missions  and  visions.

(Washington   D.C.)   –   The   lightning   workshop  entitled,   The   Funding   Business:   Build   Capacity  of   Interest   Funders,   addresses   the   question   of  how   to   interest   funders.     Lack   of   focus   on  funding   for   your   businesses   and   programs   is  one  of  the  major  challenges  for  all  enterprises.    The   question   is   how   do   we   take   the  information   being   provided   in   capacity  building   programs,   open   forum   at   all   levels,  and   from   all   sources   to   solve   the   problems  inherent   in   Diaspora   Engagement   and  Economic  Development  –  “Lack  of  Funding!”  


In   the  past,  planning   for   funding  has  not  been  prominent   in   the   development   of   strategies  and   high-­‐level   solutions.     One   recurring   issue    is   the   plethora   of   recommendations   and  solutions   being   offered.     How   do   you  implement  them  to  stem  the  very  real  day-­‐to-­‐day  problems  of  funding  limitations?  


In   order   to   address   the   knowledge   and  implementation   gap   between   aspirations   and  achievable   goals,   we   have   designed   this  lightning   workshop   as   an   interactive   session  that   focuses   on   how   to   think   about   and  implement  sustainable  solutions  to  the  issue  of  funding.    


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“Crowdfunding  is  gaining  momentum  as  a  conceptual  funding  model  where  funders  donate  via  a  collaborative  goal  based  process  or  an  investment  model  where  businesses  seeking  capital  sell  ownership  stakes  online  .”    -­‐-­‐Hannibal  Hopson,  International  Affairs,  GWU  ’17  ,    Volunteer  Technology  Coordinator,    LPN    Consulting,  LLC  


The  Funding  Model  –  Excerpts  from  Handout  


Funding  is  not  exclusive  of  each  other.  They  occupy  a  symbiotic  relationship.  Successful  funding  models  

ideally   operate   in   a   sweet   spot.     That   is,   the   overlap   of   all   the   funding   possibilities   appropriate   and  

applicable  to  your  business  model.    

Outcomes  of  Workshop  

• Understanding  how  the  funding  business  works    

• Understanding  how  funders  think  about  funding  and  its  place  in  a  business  model  

• Devising   a   framework   for   overcoming   the   challenges   faced   by   SMSEs   and   Diaspora   nonprofit  

organizations  in  securing  integrated  funding  

What  Funders  Like  to  See    

• Transparency    

• Good  planning  and  strong  leadership  

• Projects  that  are  scalable,  replicable  and  sustainable  

• Effective  data  that  inform  of  the  needs  of  the  entities  and  support  claims  

• Compelling  mission  and  vision  statements    

• Captured  customer  and  beneficiary  statistics,  competitive  factors  and  industry  transformation  

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“These  tips  offer  a  broad  view  of  the  process  of  fundraising  and  general  strategies  for  securing  and  keeping  the  interest  of  funders.”                                                    -­‐-­‐M.  Frances  Stubbs,  Ph.D.,  Director  of  Development,  Howard  University,  College  of  Engineering,  Architecture  and  Computer  Science      

• Develop  a  vibrant  environment  to  attract  philanthropy  • Establish  a  communication  strategy  

• Develop  an  effective  marketing/promotional  packet  in  concert  with  building  your  website  so  they  are  synchronized    

• Research  and  network  

• Ask  often  and  steward  quickly  and  continuously    

• Engage  your  donors  

• Collect  persuasive  data  to  help  make  your  case  for  support    

Engage  your  funders  and  partners  

Operating  successfully  in  a  blended  space  requires  an  integrated  business  and  funding  model  that  is  a  good  fit.  Funders  look  for:  

• Indications  that  you  have  capacity  and  capabilities  or  can  develop  in-­‐house  to  attempt  broad  outreach  even  in  one  geographic  area  

• Indications  that  you  have  natural  partners  and  collaborative  teams  • Fully  engaging  your  stakeholders  by  investing  time  and  resources   in  

building  awareness,  accessing  donors,  adopting  a  process,   involving  others  and  promoting  your  vision  and  mission    

• Appropriate   strategies   that   leverage   and   increase   your   business   or  organization’s  resources  within  the  space  


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Basic  Mistakes    

• No  reciprocal  benefit  for  partners  and  funders  

• No  connection  to  the  funder    

• Not  asking  repeatedly  and  enough  people  

• Failing  to  plan  or  non-­‐specific  plan  

• Inconsistent  implementation  and  sporadic  action    

• Ignoring  supporters  –  no  continuous  stewardship  plan    

• Cultivating  celebrities  and  known  name  that  do  not  know  you    

• Starting  with  a  whimper  instead  of  a  high-­‐impact  strategy    


Tips  for  Building  Strong  Funder  Relationships    

• Ask  early  and  in  progressively  

larger  numbers  

• Analyze  the  response  

• Build  data  for  monitoring  &  


• Develop  and  define  your  

process-­‐  the      4  Rs:  refine,  

replicate,  review  and  report  

Recommendations  for  the  next  12  months  from  Participants    

• Devise  a  framework  to  overcome  challenges  in  interesting  and  attracting  funders    

• Develop  a  group  stakeholder  engagement  and  affinity  model  to  build  an  infrastructure  and  processes  around  Diaspora  funding  strategies  

• Demonstrate  capacity  and  capabilities  as  a  cohesive  unit  

• Team  up  to  engage  stakeholders  and  funders  

• Support  this  workshop  as  a  model  for  implementation  leadership  capacity  building    

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Workshop  Leaders:  

Lena  Prince  Nchako,  Principal  and  Strategic  Advisor,  LPN  Consulting  LLC      About  LPN  

Mary   Frances   Stubbs,   Ph.D,   Director   of   Development,   Howard   University,   College   of   Engineering,   Architecture   and   Computer   Sciences,  (CEACS)        Hannibal  Hopson,  George  Washington  University,  International  Affairs,  ’17,  2015  The  West  Corporation  Volunteer  Leader.      Sponsors:  About  BEMA      Patricia  McDougall  Photography        Sourei-­‐  Colin  Nchako     Martin  Djoukeng  -­‐  Space  2000  Sylvia  Nomeny      Kaade  Wallace      The  West  Corporation  Volunteer  Network,    Diaspora  Resource  Center-­‐DC  Cooperative  –  Marie  Noel  Meka      Appreciation:    

U.S.  Department  of  State       Bureau  of  African  Affairs       About  IdEA       IdEA  Diaspora  Map            USAID  Link:­‐building/    U.S.  Global  Development  Lab  Center  of  Transformational  Partnership  for  content  support:­‐partnerships    


USAID  Global  Lab:  

U.S.  Department  of  Commerce  Minority  Business  Development  Agency:  

Council  for  the  Advancement  and  Support  of  Education  (CASE).  

Funding  and  partnerships  key  challenges  for  African  diasporas  –  study  |  Global  Development  Professionals  Network  |  The  Guardian  8/28/15  2:31  PM­‐development-­‐professionals-­‐network/2013/may/01/african-­‐diaspora-­‐global-­‐development    

IGS  Capabilities    

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Number  of  invitees:    25  

Number  of  participants:    20    

           12  business  owners  &  entrepreneurs  

                 6  nonprofit  operators  

1  IdEA  representative  (partner)  

1  U.S.  Department  of  State  representatives        (partner)  

Number  of  participants  for  follow-­‐up:  12  


For  Immediate  Release  –  October  13,  2015                                                      Media  Contact:    Hannibal  Hopson,  [email protected],  202-­‐823-­‐6691  





    Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  African  Affairs,  Linda  Thomas-­‐Greenfield    (left)               and  Lena  Prince  Nchako  (right)  at  the  ECOWAS  Ambassador’s  Reception  in  Washington  D.C.  

(Washington,  DC)  –  LPN  Consulting  LLC  and  the  U.S.  Department  of  State  Bureau  of  African  Affairs  have  partnered  to  present  The  Funding  Business:  Build  Capacity  to  Interest  Funders  workshop  on  Wednesday,  October  14,  2015.      

This   featured  event   in  Global  Diaspora  Week  has  attracted  a  diverse  audience  from  across  public  and  private  sectors  within  the  Diaspora.    It  is  a  key  session  of  the  Bureau’s  Global  Diaspora  Week  program,  October  9  -­‐16,  2015.      

“The  workshop  goals  align  with  the  mission  of  the  Bureau  of  African  Affairs  under  the  leadership  of  Assistant  Secretary  of   State   for   African   Affairs,   Linda   Thomas-­‐Greenfield.   It   emphasizes   support   for   African   economic   growth   and  development,   and   promotes   opportunity   and   sustainable   solutions   in   the   development   of   capacity   for   creating  integrated   funding   mechanisms   spearheaded   by   the   African   Diaspora,”   said   Lena   Prince   Nchako,   Principal   of   LPN  Consulting  LLC.    

The  workshop  content  emphasizes  that  a  credible   implementable   funding  plan  and  framework  must  be  prominent  in  the  development  and  delivery  of  high-­‐level  solutions,  and  it  will  also  demonstrate  how  to  plan  for  funding  as  a  priority  for  resiliency  building.  ##  

LPN  Consulting,  LLC  supports  implementation  goals  for  businesses,  nonprofits  and  universities.  Our  team  focuses  on  building  and  implementing  operating  infrastructures  and  systems,  and  advancing  resource  mobilization  and  its  place  in  international  development  through  capacity  building.  We  help  to  build  resource  mobilization  into  the  formulation  and  articulation  phases  of  policy,  country  strategies  and  strategic  planning  as  well  as  communicate  it  systemically  through  team-­‐building,   training,   implementation  modeling   and   stakeholder   engagement   across   policy,   advocacy,   education  and  Diaspora  platforms,  and  public-­‐private  partnerships.  LPN  Consulting  LLC  has  over  25   years   experience  providing  systemic  support  and  partnering  with  African  and  other  Diaspora  groups  around  the  world.  

Effective  implementation  bridges  the  gap  between  your  vision  and  successful  results.        —Lena  Prince  Nchako  

The  U.S.  Department  of  State  Bureau  of  African  Affairs,  under  the  leadership  of  the  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  African   Affairs,   Linda   Thomas-­‐Greenfield   focuses   on   the   development   and   management   of   U.S.   policy   concerning  Africa.     The   Bureau   convenes   the   African   and   African-­‐American  Diaspora  Working   Group   (AAMDWG)   in   support   of  small   and   medium-­‐size   enterprises   and   Diaspora   organizations   under   its   foundation   pillars   —   supporting   African  economic  growth  and  development;  and  promoting  opportunity  and  development.    

Doing   Business   in   Africa   is   not   limited   to   the  GEs,   ExxonMobils,   or  Boeings.   The  Diaspora   can  help   keep   Africa  on   the   road   to  growth  and  prosperity  through  their  networks,  and by investing their resources. Goal of the DBIA Campaign: 20x20 Initiative to support a total of 20 trade and reverse trade missions by 2020. —Linda Thomas-Greenfield, 2014 Global Diaspora Week.  

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© 2015 LPN Consulting LLC. All rights reserved ® 2015 LPN Consulting LLC

If you are to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little things. -Colin Powell

It always seems impossible until its done --Nelson Mandela

Individually we can make a difference

but collectively we can make a change --Matshela Molepo

If you don't like something, Change It.

If you can't change it, Change your Attitude! --Maya Angelou


L-­‐R,  Arnold  King,  Elam  Awalom,  Amadu  Massaly  

Photo Credits:

Patricia McDougall

Aldrinana Leung, U.S. Department of State