The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the...


Transcript of The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the...

Page 1: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the club through the SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives
Page 2: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the club through the SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives

Page 20

~ l o y r l Rough, machinlst in the back shop has been unable to work for the past' three weeks, on account of illness.

Knnnan Thorwarth. north side boiler

W'illlarn Carley. water service repalr- man. from Tulsa was a recent vlsltor in thls shop. Mr. Carley has been off duty for some time. sufperlng from a dislo- cnteil neck. We hope for his speedy re- covery.

Arthur R a d ~ W E the slck Ilst a few days.

Cl~arltts Wallace and sang are doing geneml repairlnl: on buildings on the East End.

Clyde Cunnlngham and gang are do- Ina some work L L ~ the west uower house.

- -. .. - foreman. has whitewashed, washed the windows and painted the ~nachinery. He aays that he is goinp to scrub the floor. Boys, you wouldn't know the old boiler where there will be a big job of repalr-

ing the boilers soon. .Jim Jones and gang are starting a big

job, repairing the roof on the machine shops, a t the West Shop.


shop. 11. XI. Craine. steel worker. north car

%-ardn. was called to Eureka Springs, X~arch 5, on account of his mother's FRASCIS N. JONES. Reporter death.

Bettic Lou Bashatn. three-Year-old daughter of Edward Basham, of 1348 Texas Avenue, died March 6. Mr. Bash- arn works In the special equipment shop.

Local No. 1 had a very good meeting, 3Iarch 6. There \\.ere several visitors present. Some of them who were present were: J. E. Potts, H. E. Burgess, Chas. Uailey (president of Local No. 2 ) , PzWg- -el- division chalrman of No. 2, ahd .\I &&p, secretary of Local No. 2.

\rva. Cliarles Lebountv. wlfe of Charles

George Papin. president of Local No. 15. narrowly escapcd serious injur;~, re- cmtlv when an automobile struck the bicy/l& which he rides to ancl from work, throwing Mr. Papin off. However. his ~njuries only kept hlm off the job a few days, and we are rnlghty gl:ld to see George back safe and sound. .\. K. Watters, air brake man in t h e coach yard, has returned from the St. Tfiuls hospital. We understand Mr. Wat- ters has . been very ill, and IIIJ many friends will be glad to know that he IS on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Xrs. Carl Ward and small son and daughter n~otored to Purcell en a recent Sunday, to vlsit Mr. Ward's par-

COACH Y A R L K A N S A S CITY, MO. - J. J. SULLIVAx, Reporter

Han~llton Frazler is back on the job nmln, after an absence of several wceks, clue to illness.

Ho~ncr Roller 'was called to Rogers- vlllc. No., on account of the sickness of 111s brother, but was pleased to flncl hlm nruch ln~proved.

Paul Cunningham, pensioned pilot, was a recent visitor of the yard, shaking han~ls with his many friends here. Evi- dently retirement agreM with Mr. Cun- ningham a s he was certainly the picture n? h~nltl i .

. .- . - . I&boilnt?.. machinist of the special r ,~uiun~imt de~ar tnwnt , is visiting rela- tiires in Chicago.

Claud Campbell is reporter from his dcpart~nent. He was appointed In place oL Gordon Yowell, who has flnlshed his

ents. JClmel. I)utton, machinist, has returned

to work after being off ~ e r e r a l wcelcd with rheumatism. L)utton is jolplng the toothless gang of the shops and. uwident- 11IIy there are enough of them to form a club. Lee Harder, locomotive inspector, now has 11alI of the reuulren~ents to join

apprcntlceship. - - . . . .- . - . - . I t Is with deep regret we have learned

tha t Joe Hatley. our nlcht box packer. is to be retired March 31, clue to reach- lng the age limit.

Tom Hayes has returned from Read- ing, Itans.. where he was called, due to the serious illness o t hls father.


J. I?. \VASSON, Reporter

Ifical 3-0. 1 was honored. March 6. with the presence of several visitors. anlong whom was J. E. Potts, chief clerk to supel-intendent motive power. H. R. Burgess, general chairman. Frisco Asso- clation of Metal Craft and Car Depart- mrnt Employes, and his secretary. Iions- art1 Pickens, Charles Daily. president of Local No. 2 , and Al Bishop, secretary of Local No. 2.

We extend our sympathy to E a ~ v x + t Basham and family, in the death of their three-year-olcl daughter. Betty Lou. ,Use to H. 31. Crain, in the death of his

this gang. Talking about company loyalty. here Is

a sample for you. A bunch of the shop and rarmen recently purchased a safety


toe shoe and the -whole shipment was to be shipped to R. W. Swain. general foreman. When the shoes arrived. they came by truck. Mr. Swain promptly I'C- fused the shipment and wrote thr eom- ])any the rcason for his action. The com- pany, just a s promptly sent another shipment by Railway Express and wrote 311'. Swain a letter of apology. If we \\.ere all as particular in other cases as .\TI.. Swain was in this one, the railroads \\-ould be getting a lot of business that is aoing to the truck lines.

Mrs. H. H. Grlars. wife of machlnlst


We are glad to welcome Wayne Land ant1 .Tonics E. John back into our midst, after thrce or t o m months' absence.

Mrs. Stoner, wife of our roundhouse Porcman, underwent a serious operation a t St. Joseph's Hospital, recently. She mother.

G. C small son of C. E. Sissell. has been r& ill with double pneumonia. We arc h ~ a d to report he Is well on the road to recovery a t this time

L. A. Zoller's house was recently ran- sacked by a noiseless bu,rglar, having Iallccl to awaken the sleepmg bullclog.

is nroglrssina nicely and hopes to be out before very long.

Joe Hammoncls, night foreman. was called to Hugo. Okla., account or thr death of 111s brothelJs six-year-old son.

Our veteran water service repair man, Mike Clarr. celebrated his 70th birth- clay on the 15th of March. and will be retired from active duty on March 31. Mr. Clary i~ one of the very old timers in railroad rrnrice around Kansas City and vicinity, having started a s a water servlce pumper at Paola. Kans.. 48 years ajio. Mr. Clary states that he has never missed a pasday and never been absent over three o r four days a t a time In his 48 years' service. We nll regret to lose Mr. Clary from oar mldst.

Cornelius Sullivan has been absent for several weeks, account of sickness.

C. H. Dingman is In Kansns City. look- ing them over. Also John Conley. from 311: Listers' officc. has been with us for two or three days.

apprentice, who ha< been very ill, is re- ported to be much better.

Spring is in the air and all w e hear in baseball. The Tn.illaht League has already met and p l a ~ ~ s - a r e unricr way for the Frisco to entPr a strong club. .\ meeting \\I11 be called In the near fu- ture, a t which time a manager wlll be selected to guide the club through the WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT

SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives in Sham-

rock, Okla., recently. Mr. Jack Regard, of the dectrlcnl de-

partment. is here, supervising tire repair of motor car No. 2124.

Arthur Swenson, machlnist. and Xrs, Hazel Gaunt were married February 35. Wish you lots of happlness. Swede, and surelv enjoved the cigar.

MI: and 'Mrs. W. S. Jones and sn~a l l daus.hter visited relatives in Eastern Oklxhon~a recently. Rill said they vls- ited so many in a clay's time that he rnnlcln't recell the various cities in which they stoppe0.

Francis R. J.ynn, machinlst apprentice. visited in Kansas City, the latter part of February. "Rabbit" looker1 up Mr. Childs, Polmer boiler foreman a t this point, and ttiok in the big city.

-- CI..\UDB HEREFORD, Reporter

Rynpsthy of thls department Is rx- tended to Mr. Mack Pressley and family. in the recent death of JIM. Preqsley's father, Andrew Ball. \vho died a t the home of hln son in Brighton.

W. H. Brooke, with a force of men, In cngagetl, a t present, in removing the ~ccumr~la t lon of clnst and cinders from r~round the Iarfie ,oil storage tank in North Springfield. This said accumula- tlon is xaturatrcl with oil and, of course. tile oil porR n ith it, nraking it n nice. "glnmlnv" mess.

Glacl 'to see Zacluck Braahears Ftround the shop recently. "Zady" wan retired from the bridge department about two FIRST NATIONAL

BANK in Wichita years ago.

C&rdon 3Iann has entered the service in thr tln .4lop. o\nnc: to the increase in tinwork. niade necessary by repair work heinp done by the carpenters.

Xack Fressley is ronflned to hls home. aotfrring h o n ~ n severe cold and the



.4ostin Woocl is working in Monett. the flrrt-class job In St. Louis havlng Dock Garroute Is absent from work at

this time. He has had suite a Ions spell of sickness, and has been OK from work several clays. \Ve hope for R speedy re- coverv.

bern cut off. Sori*v to report Rill 1,osev's conditlon

35 a&ut the same a s the ' last report. Bill Is optimistic, however, and cheerful RESOURCES

$20,000,000.00 ~ b 6 Nease and nanfi a re renewing

bridges on the high line. Ye writer was off from work sevcral

all the while. ,\nxlous to Ircar from t h ~ ~ t o r e s de-

partment. R S to how Yntes and Cannon are progressing In the poultry business. I t Is our understanding that aannon is

da3-s on account of s,lckncss. .T. 1'. Carter and gang are repairing

bridges on the Salem Branch. going to specialize in ducks.

Page 3: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the club through the SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives
Page 4: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the club through the SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives

.s. H u b b a r t vlsi ted t h e l r lort , lowa, a l so the i r son y severa l d a y s first p a r t


the i r s lncere s y m p a t h y in the dcath or his WI 26th. t h e resu l t of a n occurred w h e n they N t r ip to Cabool to inves ra l lment of a t rain.

Am s u r e the f r iends Robards \v111 be i n t e r e s ~ a u ru nrlvw t h a t s h e recently w e n t to t h e hospital a t &It. T'ernon for t r e a t m e n t a n d w e sincerely wivh Lor ).oil, Jessle, a qulcli a n d complete recovery. \Ve will th lnk nr you often.

There 1s a rand stand" being bui l t in t h e r e a r o r t h e s tore department. Jack xnd Rurly tcl l u s u71th a l l good fa i th i t is to be used f o r supplies, cW., b u t ' t ls r a t h e r suspicious looking to us.

I f anyone wishes a new name, nick- n a m e o r otherwise. see Bob a n d Rill

to B. F. El l io t t ire on January accident which .ere m a k i n g a i t igate the de- E L L A STRATTOR, Repor te r at F u l t o n burned to t h e

lght of March 2nd. P u l - h e loss of severa l o ther

s a m e night . Effective 'ulton w a s made a non- Ze. A. L. Zeiger i s look- location. bu t h a s n o t de-

? r e h e will KO. ington a n d H. 31. Cloud I day d ispa tch ing a t Ft'. p a r t of Marci?, while air. taking' a Icw clays vaca-

.Is this goes to press a n appropriate theme song- f o r h r o a d c a s t ~ n g t h i s month's uews i tems would be "Brother ('an You Spare a Dimc?". The nloro- torlorn mas cer ta in ly up-set t ing, b u t t h e c le rks in t h i s office were unusually cheertul a b o u t i t ; h e l p k n ~ each o t h e r o u t financially a n d goln!: about sol lr i t - i n g b u ~ i n e s s a s usual . -4s IValter ll'in- chcll says : "An Orchld to a l l you cheerful people" . . . a n d t'wo orchidr t o R o b e r t P a t r i c k a n d Carl Gardner for the i r v e r v hard work amonrr em-

ok, of the Springfield di- t o r w accountan ts otYice. 't. Scott , March 4th, and elc-end w l t h JIr , a n d Mrs.

j~ loyes a n d pictrons a l i k e in connPction wi th t h e Good-Will St. P a t r i c k P a r t y hponsored by t h e Fr i sco Men's Club.

Also a n orchld goes to W. 4. Gordon. baggagemnxter a t t h e Sprinafleld s t a - t ion who he lp t h e repor te rs in g e t t i n g l a s t minute news i tems to o u r A s w -

Price. L i t t l e Xtnrcia J e a n C n r t e r w a s born

to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. C a r t e r of Rar t les - ville, Oklahoma. F e b r u a r y 6th. 3Irs. C a r t e r is n i s t r r o f ye scribe-and s o now . I a m "Auntie".

W e were glad ro see Oscar Cook a n d H e n r y Xelson when they came to Sprlngtleld, recenlly. They have been w o r k i n g a t Lindenwood.

-4nothcr recent visi tor of tho month w a s C. E. Wheat ley , division store- keeper n o w a t Yale, Tenn. Mr. Wheat - l ey looks to be in t h e bes t of hea l th , a n d seems to be en joying life.

Sincere rrgmpnthy la pxtcniled to Georae Clrav. whose hro ther died t h e morn in^ of b e h r u a r y ?3th.

l a rch l s t , second t r ick ition w a s discontinued a t )ulson bumped Mrs. F lor - g e n t a t ITillsdale. Mrs. t decided w h e r e s h e will c ia te E d i t o r w i t h "neatness a n d dis-

patch". It 's people lilce Mt. Cordon t h a t m a k e t h e Pr i sco known a s "A fr iendly Road".

March 11th w a s a v e r y d l s turb lng d a y for Mary P r o p h e t a n d Florence a n d Cather ine Lyons; Mary's i n o L h ~ r w a s in L o n g Bench, Cal i f . p repar ing to leave t h a t morning for good 01' I I i s - souri, when news of the g r e a t ear th- q u a k e m a s reccived nnd F lorence and r a t h e r l n e could receive no word f rom

co c lub meeting, held in evening o l March 1st . the ?d severa l a g e n t s f rom

by. .I. W. .\ybill f r o m if . Cloud Trom -4nna and 'ulton. Kans. , n i g h t wi re chief a t F t d t'he nad n e w s of the fa ther , F e b r u a r y 2211~1 a t Vash. Our s y m p a t h y I S

extended to h lm in hls loss. D. 31. Pir l tel ivorlicd In F t . Rcot t ,

several n i ~ h t ~ la t te r p a r t of P e b t u a r g , relicvirig I\'. 0. Long.


the i r th ree s i s te rs of Los Angeles. Ho\vevrr, a l l a r e sa fe a n d Mrs. L S. P r o p h e t a r r ived March 15th to g lve u s th r i l l ing first-hand information


HlCI,ES .4I,DRlCII, Reporter

r i a h t from t h e e n r t h o u a k e zone. D. M. Todd w a s celled to K a n s a s

City, F e b r u a r y Zjth, to a t t e n d t h e funera l of his b ro ther , IIorace E. Todd. w h o \ % a s ~ i v e n a vcry ~ m p r e f i ~ i v e mill- t a r y funera l sl11ce h e had been con- nected w l t h a f f a i ~ s of the A ~ m g f o r a 11umbt.r of years.

All of us were grieved to l e a i n rtC I rene Buren's g r e a t loss 111 t h e cleat11 of her mother, Mrs. E m m a M. Boren. on 3 I ~ r c h 2116, and we deeply sympa- thize wl th h e r and members of h e r fdIn11\~.

Wrrrd h a r been recefved t h a t 1". I,. DeGrost . formerly our c a r se rvr re

ORVILLE COBLE, R e p o r t e r

Miss 31. B. Demtng 1s v i s i l lng in ICnn- s n s City. D u r l n g h e r absence Olive Berne t i s w o r k i n g ups ta l r s a n d Nor- man Sut ton i s relieving: JI iss Bernet .

P a u l Arnold i s in the St. Louis hoa- pita1 t h i s week f o r a check up, be- cause of continued weakness a f t e r a severe a t t h c k of pneumonia.

H o m e r Vnughan ia now back on the job H e a s k s us to t h a n k h is t r i ends f o r the i r s y m p a t h y drlr*ing hlc Ellness.

t h e job a#aln, nftev having spent several ncekx In the St. Inwin Iiospital.

Misn Barbara Murray wn* Lhc auest of friends in Tulsa for a reccnt week- end.

Paul Qaylor served on the lvry several clnvs recrntlr and was ahsent n few ~;Gra each day.

Emmett Mayabb was absent f m m the office for a tvcek, suffering from a car- I~uncle on Ills ncck.. but is OK aaain.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul T l~wcry spent Sun- dav. March 5 . in St. Louis, visiting rela-

agent . h a s been made genera l a g e n t of the Merchants Despatch T r a n s i t Co., St. Louis, succeetllng A. I. Parker . Congratn! 3Ir. DeGroat.

T h e housewarming w e had planned on Bessie Huff malerial ised a n d w h a t fun w e had! 4 s u r p r i s e program w a s given by those t w o versat i le c le rks , . . I r e n e Schallcr a n d Jess ie h u b . Th.eir ah i l i ty Lo a c t tu rned t h e h o u s e w a r m l n ~


Jlins Marjorie Renshaw relieved Bar- bara Murray P e b r u a l ~ 28.

C. 12. Wheatlev. of Nemphls. Tenn.. and L. 13. ~ r c h n ; ' r were visitors a t the ofiice March 18. IVe a r e always glad to have our old friends drop in to see ur.

Mr. and Mrs. 13dcar Burdette visited In St. Louls March .5.

J. C. Kerr u a s absent for R day re- rcntly ~ c c o u n t of n s rvr re Cold.

s o r r y to rcpol t that ;\Ti-#. Homer \Vebcr 1.; a patient in the Rurge Hospital, and n e smretei!: hnpe her i ontlitlon ilnproves

W, S. WOOD, Report 'er

E. E. Cnr te r h a s been appointed a g e n t succeedlllK J t r . H. a. Snyder. who le f t u s X a r c h 1. W i t h slncere r e g r e t t h e e m p l o j ~ e s a t t h e paseenger tati ion s n w Mr. Snyder leave a n d \ve hope t h a t h r will find h i s new positlon jus t n s 1,leasant as w a s o u r w o r k u n d e r h i s

in to n g a y office party. On March 1s t w h o should "blow" in-

to t h i s office l ike a spr igh t ly slbring breeze b u t -4nna Sheehan, former t y p i ~ t , now connected w i t h a well- known cosmetic company a s t rave l ing tlr.rmstologist. I Ie r visit w a s most refreshlnp.

And that'r all the nrwn itemn for this month's broadcast 81, mill xlgn off wi th "Good tlmr5 a r e comin' . . . comin' s u r e "

i eadersh ip a t S ~ r i n g f l e l d . T h e b a n k holiday c a u g h t u s w i t h

on ly a couple of dimes t o rub toge ther in o u r pocket, bu t we have become so


accustomed to l iv ing f rom one p l y d a y fn t h e n e s t wi thout money t h a t w e

o b a b l s wouldn' t have known a n y - in^ a b o u t ir, had we not read t h e pers. As i t was , w e worried un t i l : h a v e a n e x t r a w r l n k l e on o u r brow d we were seriously t h i n k i n g of inl: s o a p w r a p u e r s a n d mapaz lne vers for c h a n ~ e when t h e b a n k s re-



PEARL A. FAIN, Repor te r

W i t h apologies to you readers-mv i t e m s were refelved one day too lat'e for p l~bl ica t lon l a s t month. Wi l l t r v Lo do b e t t e r hereaf te r . However, sonie of those items are still good.

W e have t h e o w n e r s of th ree n e w c a r s t o report , namely: Mr. Leysaht of reclamation p lan t d r ives a new Bufck coupe; 0. H. Miller, s tock clerk, d r ives a new F o r d V-8 coach, a n d R ~ l l 3Ialanphy h a s J u s t purchawed a new Esnex coupe, o therwise known an t h e "Terraplane". Good t imes a r e comlng back, aren ' t they?

This depar tment wlshea to extend

31.2TILD.2 C. HOFP.\I.\N, Reporter

Mrs. H. \V Wait and JIirrr Catherine \\lait. 'cvifc and ~ i s t e r of signal main- taincr a t Thavcr. have been visiting in

~ n e d . Langdon Leedy, former ly a t t h e pas- nger s ta t ion and n o w w i t h t h e Phl l - )b Pet ro leum Company a t Bar t les - Ile, dropped in t o visi t u s recerltlu. Xlong w i t h h i s o t h e r duties. ~ t a t i o i - I s t e r George Jlessiclc h a s t a k e n over e feed ing of t h e armadillo in the g g a g e room. "Hank" hlundy Anallp g o t homesick r SpringAeld a n d made a f e w trlp?r -- - - r 39 before i t wan dlscontlnued.

busillehs justifies t h e operxtlon c a r aga ln , \ re k n o w t h a t H a n k

e the flrst por le r t o b r i n g It buck

-Memphis. Mr. and JIrs. t. R. Dlllo

M e m ~ h i s . have mas-ed to tl n, lormerly of ielr new home

a t Cordova. Ala. nrl-S. c. c. w o o d n ~ ~ . w

mointnlner. Kicholr, and visiting IIrrr. Wooilflll'n eat

-ire of signal children a r e

'cnts In Paola,

Rympathy t o erman in the hter, Virginia :r x short ill-

home of her 1. Mo. ipathy to Mr.

"A, Lrn

W h e n of the will b home. W e - a l s o extend our syn

Page 5: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1933€¦ · WATE.R SERVICE DEPARTMENT selected to guide the club through the SPRINGFIELD, MO. 1933 season. W. P. Carfi.ill visited relatives

KJ3 dP13


Louis I

2 DEPT. ).

>ughm~t the vhen x telr- loxp!tal. l a te I i rnny's sis- mother of a

that during conversation. o know I f hc

baseball sea- getting in a

rkinn out on ,lachine. Rlch Le same man- 3w more ma- !d when t h e

up a blt. old-Iashioncrl a few weeks

I nnd 3Ielvin ! crowd. An s talccm care t the s u r ~ l u a I arnmunltion

! trip to Xew Thrns, John

, maln w e n t , was n ~ i s s ~ d . ee everythtnq . quarter. old

de Janelro and the car- cvcry section g things that

In the v!rin- 3 were glrcn ng of March seen tearing

~rrrsuit of Ilia rccrnt rabies order for all %I, and Rrucr oslng his pet


D. Reporter

,amtion t r i l~s , one on rec-

1. C. I,arkln. rned from a kima, Wash.. her. and. of sf the beauty '\-.

6th the slow. ,If alonrr with '" you Mk. rner. nrachin- :ble and dod- suffering the

tack of a r t h - ritls-plenty of justiflcatlon for the aD-

- Another of lifl's sad tragedies. COY whlch we can see no reanon or n~wxwlty, bu t can only offer sjrmpathy, W e speak of the fatal accident occurring on Mnrch 4. caused by B gasoline exploulon. which resulted in the death of Mrs. I. Q. Holt, of Springfleld, Mo, Mrs. Holt Has clean- ing curtains with gasollne in the b ~ q e - ment of her home. and after the exulo- alon and resultant Are. In whlch she was scyerely burned, never regalned con- sclousness. She was the slster of H. R. Seamon. roundhouse foreman a t this point.

31r. and Mrs. P. A. Carter received a n urpent call to Amarillo. Texas, on March 1. account of t h e serious illness of Mr. ('nrter's mother. They were able to re- tu rn in about a week. reporting her con- ditlon considerably improved.

With much joy a n d exultatlcm. Ralph Williams, machinist. is announcing the arrival of a Rve-pound baby boy a t his home on March 1 4 . Ralph. you know. has recently moved to h ~ s farm. and he is already entertaining vision3 or the flne helpmate thls boy Is going to be some twelve or fourteen years hencr.


I\'e a r e glad m report t h a t no th ing reriour befell t h e pnrentv of Johnnie R u g g a b e r In t h e recent e a r t h q u a k e o u t ;kt L o n g Beach, Culif., where they re- side.

T h e latest repor t on R. E. B u r k e in- dIcates t h a t h e in st i l l convalescing a t t h e Government Hospltal In F o r t Lyons, Colo. B u r t o n is en joylng t h e dai ly Post-Dispatch w e a r e mai l ing him, a n d no doubt i t m a k e s him feel r i g h t a t home.

A Iew more c h a n g e s have t a k e n place. We n o w have Louie Mauthe and H a r r y 3Ianucl f rom t h e Recheck in o u r midst , while unfor tuna te ly Al L a u d a a n d E d XIcGrath h a v e departed. Le t u s h o ~ e t'hey will soon re turn .

J a k c A i t t a m a h a s a l so been displaced a n d is t a k i n g a shor t leave y i s i t lng his rorkn in .\lnbnmn. Yea, sir, the qlep,?rtment los t some w e i g h t w h e n h e left.

There was not so much excitement d u r i n g i h c las t p r imary : however, i t afforded Alvin Wiess another op!>or- Cunit?; to pick a f e w more I o s ~ r s .

"At l a s t sl3ring i s here!" That 's what nicGiil t h o u g h t on March 13th- t h a t nlce w a r m day, only to s t a r t in w e a r i n g hi* oyercoat a g a i n on t h e 13th. Well. Chirf, it won't be long now.

I f a n y of you h a r e j ig-saw puzzles not working. J o h n Daly would l ike to swa!) some emerfvncy c h a r g e c la ims for t'hcnl. And so woulrl I.

Dld you notice l'aul "McStrauss" w e a r i n g t h a t Shamrock on St. Pa t r ick ' s Day? "Ks Irish."


L I S Z T LI,OYT>, Repor te r

Wm. Caffey, ~ e n e r a l yardmas te r , h a s j us t re turned to w o r k a f t e r be lng ofP duty, t a l t lng ?L few days on the river.

Mr. .lnd Mrs. J a s i\Iar~sfield have j u s t



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