The Franciscan - May 2013

May, 2013 Exalt Educate Equip Evangelize Extend Issue #235 FROM THE DESK OF BISHOP FELIX ORJI: The Secret Pain of Pastors by Philip Wagner Peter Drucker, the late leadership guru, said that the four hardest jobs in America (and not necessarily in order, he added) are: The President of the United States A university president A CEO of a hospital and A pastor Is that true? Pastors love God and love people. They get to pray for people, lead people to a faith in Jesus Christ, and teach the Word about God. That’s the dream job. You can read the Bible all day, pray, play a little golf, and preach. I want to do that! Here is the secret. Being a pastor is hard work. It’s not for wimps. This is the reality—the job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges. Some pastors wear themselves out trying to help people. Some wound their family because they are so involved in ministry. Others flourish in their ministry and personal life. Approximately 85% of churches in America have less than 200 people. Sixty percent of churches are under 100 people. The average size congregation in the U.S. is 89 people, according to The Barna Group. Staffs are small, and needs are great. In many situations, the pastor needs to be a Bible teacher, accountant, strategist, visionary, computer tech, counselor, public speaker, worship director, prayer warrior, mentor, leadership trainer, and fundraiser. Who can be all of that? 90% of pastors said the ministry was completely different than what they thought it would be like before they entered the ministry. 70% say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started. Personally, I love being a pastor. I have a great staff. We have great people in our church; I am content whether going through good times or difficult seasons. Of course, it’s a lot easier to be "content" when things are good. I have great friends who are pastors. My marriage is strong. I am a better man because of my time in ministry. Some of the unique problems that pastors’ face are: 1. Criticism. Pastors can be criticized by a lot of people for a multitude of things. “Music is too loud. Worship is not long enough. It’s too long.”


Monthly newsletter by St. Francis Anglican Church located in El Paso, Texas. Visit our website at:

Transcript of The Franciscan - May 2013

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May, 2013 Exalt Educate Equip Evangelize Extend Issue #235


The Secret Pain of Pastors by Philip Wagner Peter Drucker, the late leadership guru, said that the four hardest jobs in America (and not necessarily in order, he added) are: The President of the United States A university president A CEO of a hospital and A pastor Is that true? Pastors love God and love people. They get to pray for people, lead people to a faith in Jesus Christ, and teach the Word about God. That’s the dream job. You can read the Bible all day, pray, play a little golf, and preach. I want to do that! Here is the secret. Being a pastor is hard work. It’s not for wimps. This is the reality—the job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges. Some pastors wear themselves out trying to help people. Some wound their family because they are so involved in ministry. Others flourish in their ministry and personal life. Approximately 85% of churches in America have less than 200 people. Sixty percent of churches are under 100 people. The average size congregation in the U.S. is 89 people, according to The Barna Group. Staffs are small, and needs are great. In many situations, the pastor needs to be a Bible teacher, accountant, strategist, visionary, computer tech, counselor, public speaker, worship director, prayer warrior, mentor, leadership trainer, and fundraiser. Who can be all of that? 90% of pastors said the ministry was completely different than what they thought it would be like before they entered the ministry. 70% say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started. Personally, I love being a pastor. I have a great staff. We have great people in our church; I am content whether going through good times or difficult seasons. Of course, it’s a lot easier to be "content" when things are good. I have great friends who are pastors. My marriage is strong. I am a better man because of my time in ministry. Some of the unique problems that pastors’ face are: 1. Criticism. Pastors can be criticized by a lot of people for a multitude of things. “Music is too loud. Worship is not long enough. It’s too long.”

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“Sermon is not deep enough. It’s too long.” “Pastor thinks he’s too important. It took me 3 weeks to get an appointment.” “You talk too much about money.” “…can I talk to you for a minute, Pastor?” This simple question can cause a pastor to think: “Oy vey. Now what?” We pastors need to find a way to not take criticism so personally and learn from truths that could be hidden in the criticism. 2. Rejection. Members leave, leaders leave, and pastors’ friends leave. The reality is—people leave. The smaller the church, the more obvious it is when people leave. Some leave for reasonable decisions; many leave ‘ungracefully.’ They leave the big churches, too—by the thousands. People leave TD Jakes’ church, and they leave Andy Stanley’s church. When our church had about 150 people and some would leave, it was so disappointing. I tried to console myself by thinking, “They may be leaving by the dozens here at Oasis, but thousands have left Jack Hayford’s church, and he’s a great pastor.”…That only helped for a minute. “I’m leaving.” “We want something deeper.” “My needs aren’t getting met.” These comments can feel like a personal rejection. Every pastor has heard, “I’m not getting fed here.” Bill Hybels has heard it. Wayne Cordero, Dino Rizzo, Ed Young, Craig Groeschel, Steven Furtick, and Matthew Barnett have heard it. Really? Not getting fed? In those churches? How is that possible? One of the most difficult conditions to achieve is to have a “tough skin and a soft heart.” Love people, hold them lightly, and don’t take it personally. “…uhhh, OK. Lord, help us.” 3. Betrayal. Trusting church members with personal burdens can backfire. They may end up telling the pastor's personal issues to others. Staff leaders can take church members away. The pastor trusts a person with the platform or title, and that person uses the influence given to them to take people away. The Judas kiss. Church staff causing problems is a betrayal. Pastors rightfully think, “I’m paying you to solve problems. I can get new problems for free. I don’t need to pay someone a salary to create them.” 40% report a conflict with a church member at least once a month. 85% of pastors said their greatest problem is they are tired of dealing with problem people, such as disgruntled elders, deacons, wor-ship leaders, worship teams, board members, and associate pastors. The #1 reason pastors leave the ministry is that church people are not willing to go the same direction and goal of the pastor. Pastors believe God wants them to go in one direction, but the people are not willing to follow or change. 40% of pastors say they have considered leaving their pastorates in the last three months. We pastors have to find a way, with God’s grace, to love people as if we have never been hurt before. 4. Loneliness.

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Who’s my friend? Who can I trust? If I tell another pastor my problems, will he criticize me, tell others, or just treat me differently? 70% do not have someone they consider a close friend. Are my friends really my friends or a church member who is a temporary friend who may leave any day now? Healthy friendships are crucial to a fulfilling life, especially to the well being of a pastor. Put special effort in this area. 5. Weariness. 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years. 70% felt God called them to pastoral ministry before their ministry began, but after three years of ministry, only 50% still felt called. Keeping personally refreshed is an art and a science…and extremely important. When fatigue comes in, you not only look ½ empty, but also dirty, contaminated, and undrinkable. 6. Frustrations & Disappointments. Disappointments come in many ways. Because of smaller congregations, the average compensation package for pastors is between $35,000 - $40,000. There are many things pastors in this salary range are not able to do for their family that other people around them can do. There are many areas of ministry that judging "success" is difficult. Pastors can be hard on themselves. We work in an area that good work and good effort does not always guarantee success. Many pastors work hard but are missing some kind of "X-factor." They are good people, sincere believers, love God, know the Word, have great content in their sermons, but somehow it’s not clicking. It’s frustrating. It’s like a worship leader who loves Jesus and has a great singing voice but somehow cannot lead people in an effective worship ex-perience. Some days, leaders feel like they can’t seem to do anything right. The ministry finally gets momentum, and then a leader in the church falls. Things are going well, and then a couple of your biggest givers leave. The church needs money, but the pastor doesn’t want to put too much focus on money. It’s not about the money—but it becomes about the money. All of this can be overwhelming. 4,000 new churches begin each year and 7,000 churches close. Over 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year. Over 3,500 people a day left the church last year. 50% of pastors feel so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if they could, but have no other way of making a living. 45.5 % of pastors say that they've experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. This is not the case for all pastors. In fact, many that I know have managed to handle these issues well. How Christians and church members can help: Pray for your pastor. Pray for guidance, protection, healthy friends, their marriage, and family. Pray for inspiration, anointing, the leadership team, unity, and clarity. Protect your pastor.

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As best as you can, don’t allow or participate in gossip and criticism. How can you serve and problem solve to prevent overload? Encourage your pastor. Thank him for his or her work and ministry. Thank them for their sacrifice. Tell them a specific time in which you or someone you know experienced a life change in their church. Honor them to others. Let your pastors know you are praying for them. According to the Barna report—the profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above “car sales-man.” To Pastors. Don’t give up, pastor! Persistence is powerful. Keep on. Really! Your work, your labor of love, and your sacrifice matters. I realize the last thing a pastor needs is another sermon. But these verses have helped me. Hold on to God’s Word with your life. So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Gal. 6:9 NLT Be careful of the comparison trap. Looking at other ministries can be inspiring. Comparing yourself to other churches can be destructive and discouraging. Make new pastor friends. Expose yourself to new influences, new leaders, churches, or ministries that are doing some things differ-ently. Discover to some fresh views and ideas. Sometimes, it just takes one or two new ideas that can change momentum around. Pastors that are struggling or are no longer in ministry may have unresolved hurts. I encourage you to find healing. Seek counseling; find a local Celebrate Recovery group; equip yourself with resources on healing (some examples are Safe People or Boundaries) and share your secrets with safe people. Remember you're only as sick as your secrets.

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Lay Pastor David: David Basch By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out

of what was visible. (Hebrews 1:3, NIV)

Continuing on with one of the themes of my last sermon, “The Awesomeness of God”, I must admit that there is a big hurdle to overcome when discussing this with many young people today. The major hurdle for the young people I have worked with in regards to faith is the hurdle of creation. Having been taught that God had nothing to do with the Big Bang or evolution, most of these youngsters have punted the faith of their forefathers. Hebrews 11:3 states, "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command." The beginning of faith starts with an acknowledgement of God as creator. Without acknowl-edging God as creator, we are left with a wimpy, powerless divine being who belongs alongside fairy tales and modern day cartoons. Granted, there are many believers today that would adhere to BioLogos, or theistic evolution. This is the belief that God has been the mastermind behind millions of years of evolution. In my opinion, the age of the earth is a second-base issue in regards to don't have to get that question right to be saved. Therefore, the main point that I attempt to get across to people with respect to the beginning of the world is that the seem-ingly illogical--that there is an eternal being who created it all--becomes the only logical conclusion when we look at the complexity of life in the universe. A common illustration that gains significant yardage with people is the story of the old man and the watch on the beach. Imagine you are running on a beach and you find a Timex Ironman watch about 10 feet away from an old man. You ask the old man if he lost his watch and the old man says, "Sonny, no one lost that watch. It just popped out of the ocean." Obviously the old man is not correct, as the watch has to have had a designer and a maker. Yet, the wrist that the watch is worn on is much more complex that the watch, as is the nervous system, as is the human body, as is the earth, as is the solar system, as is the universe. If it is unintelligent to think that the watch would come about without a designer and maker, how much more questionable is it to think humans and the universe would just randomly come about? If the watch has a designer and a maker, how much more so do humans and the universe have to have a designer and a maker? Psalm 19 and Romans 1 point to nature as proofs of God's existence and glory. May we be in awe of the God who can speak the universe into existence and yet cares for each of us and knows every hair on our head. He loves us enough to send his Son for us, that those who trust in Jesus Christ will know God personally, now and for eternity. .

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Bob Tipton: Resident Scholar


All too often I hear the phrase “our church.” Sometimes it refers to the denomination with which we associate our-

selves. Sometimes it refers to the people with whom we regularly worship. Sometimes it refers to the building which we use for worship.

All these statements miss the mark: the real church was bought by the death of Jesus Christ. Physically the real

church consists of everyone who has spiritually died to sin to be resurrected as part of His body. The real church is the faithful who live His life in thought, word, and action every day. The real church is active in living and extending Jesus’ gospel to every person with whom it comes in contact. M. A. Smith expressed it this way: “The church has never been a

place for the fashionable and dilettante, but a place for those willing to sweat and work to the point of exhaustion for the

community of Christ.” Consider the concept of the church as the body of Christ. Our physical body is continually busy with living. The

heart beats; breath continues; digestion is uninterrupted; both catabolism and anabolism are constant; and the brain or-chestrates all this activity without ceasing. As members of the Christ’s body, we must function continually under the mind of Christ. All our activities are to be directed by Christ. Paul said: Have this attitude in you which was also in

Christ Jesus . . . so then . . . work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you both to

will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2.5, 12-13) There is no time to waste in doing Jesus’ will. Both by our attitudes, our actions, and our words, we must make the

presence of Christ in our life obvious to all. We must not play at being Christian, but rather dedicate ourselves heart, mind, soul and body to Christ living in us. Everything we think, say and do, all the time, must show Christ in us. Even though we fail often, we must devote all our being to attempting to reach this perfection. We are the physical body of the risen Lord to do exactly what He wants to do through us. Nothing else.

In reference to Smith’s statement, Terrence Kelshaw added some specific thoughts: That includes defending the

faith from those who would distort it or culturally condition it or change it for acceptability by the age in which it is be-

ing preached. The sadness today, as in Ephesus, is that many Christians are involved in an undisciplined experimental-

ism which ahs no foundation in biblical faith, and the idea of heresy is relegated to that famous place which says

“doctrine divides,” when the truth is that bad doctrine divides. The conclusion is clear, in concert with the saints of old,

that biblical doctrine unites and false doctrine divides, since one cannot have a Christian church devoid of doctrine.

Only heresy could subscribe to that fallacy. Individual experience and never be challenged, it seems, and therefore bad

doctrine does survive because it never dawns on some Christians that solid hard work often “thinking work,” goes hand

in hand with saving faith, if only because of the truth that Jesus came to save us from our sins, not to relieve us of our


Defending the faith requires knowledge and skills. Doing the thinking work is how we acquire the knowledge and

skills. How many years have we spent in schools attempting to acquire knowledge? I have seen many of the first graders

working diligently on learning to read and do arithmetic. The tragedy is that I have seen few of them who persisted in their desire to know when they reached college. Most students become more interested in the grade than in the knowl-edge. Sophisticated procedures are put in place to detect cheating—the easy way to get the grade without learning. And yet almost all students confess that they cheat! This is the state of our culture today.

Do we Christians apply that cultural trait and laziness to learning God’s word? A radio evangelist has prepared an-

swers to questions that the Christian may be asked. The questions he has selected to be answered are excellent—and they are commonly asked. But his answers to even the most difficult questions are rarely longer than a short paragraph. Difficulties that Bible scholars struggle with are reduced to a few simple sentences, often giving the minister’s opinion.

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In many cases, by ignoring the real difficulties posed by the question, the answer encourages even more difficult ques-tions. Pity the one who must rely on these answers to defend his faith.

This is not just a modern problem! The writer to the Hebrews lamented: For though by this time you ought to be

teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have

come to need milk and not solid food. (Hebrews 5.12) Writing to Christians who had been life-long Jews, the author found they had not studied the Law (Old Testament) well enough to understand that Jesus had fulfilled all the prophecies of the Messiah! Because of their ignorance, they were easily confused when their faith in Christ was questioned.

Because of our own ignorance, the New Testament is often misunderstood. The Bible smugglers who took the

Scriptures behind the Iron Curtain were greeted warmly by Christians who had never been able to read the Old Testa-ment. The first chapter of Matthew was a deep mystery until they received the Old Testament and learned of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc. Now they had the whole story! Our ignorance of the whole Bible makes our understanding of our faith difficult. As a result, there are many imperfect presentations of the gospel.

The solution to this problem is simple: Bible study. First, read the whole Bible. I have known too many long-time

Christians who have never read the entire Bible. As soon as my children could read, we made a chart of all the chapters in the Bible. When we had read a chapter, we marked it off the chart. By the time the children had finished the fourth grade, they had read every chapter—and had raised questions that were challenging, which made their parents read and re-read the Book. Each year one local pastor selects a new translation of the Bible for his daily reading; by the end of the year, he has read the Bible again. By reading a translation he has never read before, he gains new insights into the mes-sage. Why do we not adopt the same practice?

But this is only the beginning. In addition to reading the text, we ought to take time to think about what we have

read. Francine Rivers, a Christian author, wrote five novelettes about the five women named in Christ’s lineage in Mat-

thew; they were collected in one excellent book, Portraits of Grace. Our casa group read and discussed these stories. Rivers started with what the Bible itself says of these women and added all the background information she could find. The result is Biblically accurate and personally touching. All of us have a new appreciation for these five women, and a better understanding of the time and place they lived. But that means we have to know more about the history, customs, beliefs, and practices of the people so long dead. Our conclusion was that we better understood and more deeply appre-ciated the Scriptures.

By doing the “thinking work” in our study of the Bible, we understand the Scriptures better and are able to defend

the truth of our faith. Yes, this study demands work. But notice what M. A. Smith said: The church . . . is a place for

those willing to sweat and work to the point of exhaustion for the community of Christ. This willingness characterizes the faithful. Some of the Jews in New Testament times had memorized the entire Tanach—Old Testament. Yet He-

brews was written for their instruction, too. The most important part of our life is not memorization, but understanding; not repeating words, but living the meaning; not calling ourselves Christian, but living the Christian life. As Dr. Kel-shaw remarked: solid hard work often “thinking work,” goes hand in hand with saving faith, if only because of the truth

that Jesus came to save us from our sins, not to relieve us of our minds. May it never be recorded of us that you have

need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God.

Dr. Terence Kelshaw, Dangerous Liaisons, Proclamation Press, 1996, p.35.

M. A. Smith, From Christ to Constantine, Downers Grove: IVP, 1971, p. 27.

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History of Mother's Day: Julia Ward Howe

The idea of official celebration of Mothers day in US was first suggested by Julia Ward Howe in 1872. An ac-

tivist, writer and poet Julia shot to fame with her famous Civil War song, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Julia

Ward Howe suggested that June 2 be annually celebrated as Mothers Day and should be dedicated to peace.

She wrote a passionate appeal to women and urged them to rise against war in her famous Mothers Day Proc-

lamation, written in Boston in 1870. She also initiated a Mothers' Peace Day observance on the second Sunday

in June in Boston and held the meeting for a number of years. Julia tirelessly championed the cause of official

celebration of Mothers Day and declaration of official holiday on the day. Her idea spread but was later re-

placed by the Mothers' Day holiday now celebrated in May.

History of Mother's Day: Anna Jarvis

Anna Jarvis is recognised as the Founder of Mothers Day in US. Though Anna Jarvis never married and never

had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow

honor on all mothers.

Anna Jarvis got the inspiration of celebrating Mothers Day from her own mother Mrs Anna Marie Reeves Jar-

vis in her childhood. An activist and social worker, Mrs Jarvis used to express her desire that someday some-

one must honor all mothers, living and dead, and pay tribute to the contributions made by them.

A loving daughter, Anna never forgot her mothers word and when her mother died in 1905, she resolved to

fulfill her mothers desire of having a mothers day. Growing negligent attitude of adult Americans towards their

mothers and a desire to honor her mothers soared her ambitions.

To begin with Anna, send Carnations in the church service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother. Car-

nations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love. Later Anna

along with her supporters wrote letters to people in positions of power lobbying for the official declaration of

Mothers Day holiday. The hard work paid off. By 1911, Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state in

the Union and on May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second

Sunday in May as Mother's Day.

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INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Jim and Martha Williams will be leading the Intercessory Prayer minis-try at St. Francis. Intercessory prayer will be offered in the library at 9:30am every Sunday morning. You are welcome to join. It’s a time to pray for God’s power and blessing on our Sunday service. I asked them to lead this ministry and highly recommend it to you. -Canon Felix

LAVERDE CASA GROUP: Meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 6:00pm Pot luck sup-per and bible study. We will be studying the book of James. Call Mike for more information: 490-5402.

FLOWER CHART - A new flower chart sign up is posted on the bulletin board across from the gift shop. Sign up for flowers on the altar in memory of, in thanksgiving for, in celebration of, etc. The cost of a flower arrangement is $30 each. Call Sheila Huchton at 833-2382 for more information.

FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH: Parish Prayer Meeting at 6:30 pm. All other Wednesdays: Evening prayer with homily at 6:00 pm.

YOUTH BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP: All junior and senior high youth are invited to participate. Sunday’s at 6:30 for dinner at the Church.


KIDS STAND STRONG FOR GOD! Picture yourself in a colossal castle! You’re surrounded by strong walls, brightly flaming wall sconces and a view of the King’s royal throne of red velvet. So strap on your shield and enter Kingdom Rock! At Kingdom Rock, kids learn one important Bible Point each day, which is reinforced daily through Bible adventures, Bible verses, songs snacks and hands-on activities that help kids know more about God and his love for them. To volunteer, contact Neva Uphoff at 581-1292 or 227-1156.

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MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Now Studying Hebrews. Meets Wed. at 7:00 am (after 6:30 wor-ship). Breakfast included! All men are invited.

PASTORAL CARE - Please pray for Ed Azar, Ann May, Kay Lassiter, Susan Smith, Heather Stevens, Ainsley Hines, Bill Bihn, Sharon Carr Leamon, Midge McReynolds, Ed Moore, Loretta Ackley, Jim Berg, Scott Smith, Judy Swanson, Carrie Gutierrez, Jerry Edwards, Paige Johnson, Jeff Basch, Gary Crossland, Anya Alegria, Bailey Anderson, Maureen Henry, Pat Uphoff, Martha Valadez, Helen Knopp, and Karla Smyer.

ADULT CHRISTIAN EUCATION: Meets downstairs in the conference room every Sun-day between 9:15 and 9:45 am. Mike Laverde, Sonny Brown and Paul Coleman lead this study.

PRAY ACROSS THE MILES: If your children are away at school or getting into the work-force, they need prayer support. Join us to hold our children and each other before the Lord in an informal prayer group which meets every other Tuesdy (please note day change) from 6:00 to 6:30 pm at Mark and Martha Heath’s home: 5709 Bonneville. Anyone is welcome. For more information, call Nancy Hill, 479-5513.

YOUNG ADULTS FELLOWSHIP: We meet at church once a month on the third Wednes-day from 6:00—7:00 pm for fellowship and a study on psalms. Child care is available. For questions, please email [email protected] or call at 329-6285.

SUNDAY LUNCHES: Cookies and drinks will be available after both services on every Sunday Ex-cept The First Sunday, which will now be the pot-luck lunch. If you can help, call Linda Gunter at 203-4275.

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: If you are unable to drive due to illness, recent surgery etc., please call the church office and speak with either JoAnn or Lea . We will try and find you a ride to church, doctor appt. etc.

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LETS TALK! If you have any suggestions or comments please call me at 581-1292 or 222-1729. Jim Uphoff, Editor


Angela Guevara Child Development Center – Rock babies and/or read to preschoolers

Kelly Memorial Food Bank – Donate staples for the hungry- beans, rice, cereal, etc. L B Johnson Elementary School –

Volunteer to mentor children once a month for 45 minutes beginning in the fall Rescue Mission – Provide bake goods the first Sunday of the month

Contact Sudy Todd for more information or to volunteer 490-5349 or [email protected]

CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE: An exciting idea for decorating next year’s parish hall Christmas tree has been suggested. Yes, we know that is almost a year away, but as you are packing up your Christmas decorations, save a special ornament. Bring it to church in a sandwich bag (protected if fragile) and labeled as to how you would like your family identified-ie-Uphoff Family or all the family's names etc.. A red plastic box will be in Fries Hall; just place your ornament in it. For and questions, call Lynn Payne (584-2740) or Jim or Neva Uphoff. (581-1292).

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A die-hard atheist was always feuding with his devout Christian neighbor who always started each day shout-ing “Praise the Lord!” from her front porch. He would yel;l back “There is no Lord!”. One day his neighbor added that she was hungry but had no money to buy food and would the Lord please help. The next day, there on the porch were two bags of groceries. S joyously shouted “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”. The neighbor jumped up from behind some bushes and screamed “HA!! There is no Lord! I bought those groceries!”. The neighbor looked at him and shouted “Praise the Lord, he sent me groceries and even had the Devil deliver them!!”.

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Inside this issue:


Sunday 8:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Children’s Sunday School 4:00-6:00 pm Youth Bible Study

Wednesday 6:30 am Morning Prayer & Bible Study weekly at the church. 7:00 pm Bible Study; Parish Prayer Meeting—1st Wed. of the month


7:00 pm Choir Practice







THE REV. H. EUGENE MYRICK, Rector Emeritus

MIKE LAVERDE, Lay Pastor (Pastoral Care)

PAUL COLEMAN, Lay Pastor (Bible Study and


STEVE ANDERSON, Lay Pastor (Evangelism and


RANDALL CROSSLAND, Chair of Buildings and


Dr. BOB TIPTON, Scholar in Residence

LEA MAGRUDER, Director of Music, Church


JOANN CASPER, Parish Administrator

SONIA LOPEZ, Sunday School Director



Bill Burton, Sr. Warden

Bill Stevens, Jr. Warden

Mark Musgrave, Treasurer

Justin Benedict, Sonny Brown, Bill Burton, Jason

Chapman, Elvia Crossland, Sonia Lopez, David

Moody, Bernard Moye, Ron Munden, Kirk

Rosenlund, Pam Slusher, Melinda Skillern, Bill

Stevens, Kevin Coleman (Youth rep.)

* * * * FRANCISCAN : Editor; Jim Uphoff Staff; Neva

Uphoff, Loy Doty

From The Bishop Page 1

David Basch Page 5

Bob Tipton Page 6

From the Editor Page 8

St Francis Happenings Page 9

Just For Fun Page 12

Child care is provided