The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of...

MINUTES OF MEETING SAMPSON CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community Development District was held on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Johns Golf & Country Club, Swim Club Meeting Room, 219 St. Johns Golf Drive, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Tom Hudson Chairman KimKalke Vice Chair Tracy Hayes Supervisor William Hohmann Supervisor Also present were: Ernesto T01Tes District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel Jessica Maiher Amenities Manager A.J. Mccaffrey Central Security Agency Kyle Nelson Vesta Property Services Dan Fagen Vesta Property Services Deputy Casey Romein St. Johns County Sheriffs Office Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the March 25, 2019 meeting. A copy of the proceedings can be obtained by contacting the District Manager. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Torres called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all who attended the meeting.

Transcript of The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of...

Page 1: The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community Development District was held on Monday,



The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community

Development District was held on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Johns Golf &

Country Club, Swim Club Meeting Room, 219 St. Johns Golf Drive, St. Augustine, Florida.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Tom Hudson Chairman KimKalke Vice Chair Tracy Hayes Supervisor William Hohmann Supervisor

Also present were:

Ernesto T01Tes District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel Jessica Maiher Amenities Manager A.J. Mccaffrey Central Security Agency Kyle Nelson Vesta Property Services Dan Fagen Vesta Property Services Deputy Casey Romein St. Johns County Sheriffs Office Residents

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the March 25, 2019 meeting. A copy

of the proceedings can be obtained by contacting the District Manager.


Mr. Torres called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all who attended the meeting.

Page 2: The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community Development District was held on Monday,

March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD


Mr. Hudson noted there were no members of the public present. Mr. Hudson noted this

was an irregularly scheduled meeting due to Spring break. He noted several staff members,

including Alex and Brian, had plans and were not able to attend the meeting.

Mr. Torres stated he provided notes from Alex's meeting earlier that day from the

arborist inspection, and they could review that under the engineer portion of the meeting.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters

A. Acceptance of Resignation from Ms. Flores

Mr. Torres noted the resignation letter from Ms. Flores was in the agenda package, and as

a matter of formality the board needed to accept her resignation.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hohmann with all in favor, Acceptance of Ms. Flores's Resignation Letter, was approved.

B. Discussion of Appointment of New Supervisor to Fill the Unexpired Term of


Mr. Hudson asked any interested parties to submit their name and resume. Board

members agreed the resumes should be submitted by April 12th so they could review them at the

April 17th meeting. Mr. Hudson asked that persons interested in the seat and submitting a resume

attend the April 1 71h meeting so they could be accepted that day.


A. Landscape Update

Mr. Hudson noted Brian was not there but asked for a brief update. Ms. Maiher stated

that things were moving along as planned. She noted annual installation had started at the main

entrance, and mulch would be put down in April.

B. Security Update

Jessie with Central Security Agency noted there had been an issue with kids congregating

around the 13th and 14th hole. He stated that 9 suspicious vehicles had been reported. He noted

one driver was trespassed from the community after they followed the vehicle to the basketball


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March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

comis. He stated there were 62 vehicle patrols in the neighborhood and 18 violations of the CDD

rules were reported. He noted 12 calls were serviced and 4 were defe1Ted to the sheriff's office.

In order to clear up confusion, Mr. Haber suggested the board approve a motion that

authorizes CSA to enforce the district's rules and if necessary trespass individuals that are not

authorized to be on district prope1iy.

The board discussed whether or not the security issue was CDD or HOA issue. Ms. Kalke

noted the golf course was not HOA prope1iy either. She stated it was a golf course issue. Mr.

Hayes agreed it was not an HOA issue.

Mr. Haber reviewed Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes regarding CDD security powers.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hohmann with all in favor, Authorization of Central Security Agency to Enforce District Rules and Approval of CSA to Trespass Individuals Not Authorized to be on District Prope1iy, was approved.

Jessie noted since the last meeting, there had been 34 traffic contacts. There were 24

citations issued and 18 warnings. He noted the top speed they stopped was 63 mph. He stated the

roofers have been parking in an odd way, so he stopped and talked to them about it.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes of the February 20, 2019 Meeting

B. Balance Sheet as of February 28, 2019 and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending February 28, 2019

D. Special Assessment Receipts

B. Check Register

Mr. TmTes received edits to the February 20, 2019 minutes from Board Members prior to

the meeting, which were incorporated. Mr. Torres noted the Check Register totaled $48,155.12

and the Capital Reserves Fund totaled $31,176.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hayes with all in favor, Consent Agenda, was approved.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update on Splash Pad Project by Crown Pools


Page 4: The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community Development District was held on Monday,

March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

A. Ratification of Agreement with Aquatics H2O, LLC for Splash Pad Inspection


Mr. Hudson noted that is simply a procedural matter of approving $1,500 which they

agreed to pay to the engineer that preformed the inspection.

On MOTION by Mr. Hayes seconded by Ms. Kalke with all in favor, the Agreement with Aquatics H2O, LLC for Splash Pad Inspection Services, was ratified.

B. Consideration of Crown Pools Pay Request No. 5 and No. 6 (final retainage)

Mr. Hudson noted he met with Ernesto, Josh, and Brad twice and they overviewed the

area they had major questions about, which is the area from the parking lot all the way back. Mr.

Hudson presented solutions given by Brad and Josh. Ms. Kalke agreed that they should accept

the offer and put this behind them. Mr. Hayes noted he wanted the other $2,000 but saw the other

board members point of view that they wanted to put this behind them.

On MOTION by Mr. Hudson seconded by Ms. Kalke with Mr. Hohmann in favor and Mr. Hayes opposing, the Crown Pools Pay Request No. 5 totaling $15,072.21 and No. 6 totaling $62,294.70, was approved.

EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Rental of Splash Pad Sitting/Shaded Area

Mr. Tones noted this came to staff through Supervisor Hayes. Mr. Torres provided a fee

structure for the board to review and discuss. He noted the room they are cmTently in can be

rented and it ranges from $40-$60 with a $90-$100 deposit. Mr. Hayes clarified the rental would

not be for the splash pad, but the covered area near the splash pad and guest invited would have

use of the splash pad for a couple of hours. He noted the splash pad itself could not be reserved

and must remain open to the public. Mr. Torres noted that the splash pad is new for the residentlr

to enjoy and perhaps postponing the decision to a later date. Mr. Haber noted a rate hearing

would be necessary if the board thought different areas should have different fees. Ms. Kalke

suggested keeping it the same price as the other rental areas.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hayes, with all in favor, Rental of Splash Pad Sitting/Shaded Area, was approved.


Page 5: The following is a summary of the actions taken at the ......The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Sampson Creek Community Development District was held on Monday,

March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Splash Pad Rules

Mr. Torres noted the rules were in draft form, and there was no fee associated with this

and it does not require a hearing. Mr. Hayes suggested making the pool and splash pad hours the

same and the board agreed. Mr. Haber suggested on number 6, eliminating the pait about

suspension because violation of any rule could lead to suspension if the board chooses.

On MOTION by Mr. Hohmann seconded by Ms. Kalke with all in favor, the Splash Pad Rules, was approved,, AS ,4""' 7:,vi)fi.D

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Updated Regarding Fiscal Year 2019 Summer Camp

Mr. T01Tes reviewed the resolution the board passed in 2015. Mr. Torres reviewed the

prices they currently charge for summer camp. Mr. Torres asked Mr. Maiher to look through the

fee structures to see if anything needed updating.

Ms. Maiher stated she has done a lot of research on camps in general, and noted she was

not familiai· with that particular spectrum of amenity management. She noted she wanted to

make sure the community was protected, and stated she was concerned with the number of

children and the background of the counselors. Ms. Maiher noted the suggested price increase

was to make sure the counselors are certified. She stated there are multiple Florida statues for

summer camps that require staff to be ce1tified, either CPR, life protecting measures, or first aid.

Ms. Maiher explained that they cunently don't have a cap on the number of kids they can take,

so they take on eve1y kid that wants to sign up. Ms. Maiher suggested raising the price of the

camp to $175, which would be all inclusive. She noted parents would not have to bring in extra

money for Tuesday and Thursday ice cream. Ms. Maiher explained that their prices are not as

high as most camps, on average camps cost around $314.

Mr. Haber noted a rate change would require a hearing, but it did not require a mailed out

notice. Mr. Hudson suggested raising it to $200 so they wouldn't have to have another rate

heai·ing in a year or two. Mr. Hayes stated he agreed with Mr. Hudson.

Ms. Maiher noted that her preference ratio would be to have 1 counselor for ever 5 kids.

Cunently, the ratio is around I counselor for 8 kids. Mr. Hayes asked Ms. Maiher how many

children total she would want to set the cap at. Ms. Maiher suggested 40 would be the cutoff

number of her choice.


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March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

Mr. Hudson suggested a two week cap to begin with, and after a certain date they can fill

up the remaining slots. Mr. Hohmann asked Ms. Maiher what specific issues they had

encountered during the summer camps. Ms. Maiher noted again that they need the counselors to

be certified required by Florida statutes. Mr. Torres noted the district would offset the cost of

getting certifications for counselors by raising the fees . Ms. Maiher noted they would be bringing

in guests, like the reptile man, to teach the children during the camp. Mr. Haber noted at the

hearing, the board should set their maximum amount and they can always go down. He stated

they don't need to decide the fee today, but they need to know what their maximum would be . _,.alYI OV v -t­

and they could go down from there. Ms. Kalke agreed with Mr. Hudson's suggestecVof $200 for

the maximum. Mr. Hayes suggested Ms. Maiher get with a group of parents from the community

and discuss the criteria determining who gets a slot and who doesn't in the case that they exceed

their maximum number of children allowed.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hohmann with all in favor, the Summer Camp Rate Change with a Maximum Amount of $200, was approved.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Fiscal Year 2020 Budget

Mr. Hudson suggested holding a voluntary workshop on April 25th to discuss the 2020

budget. He noted they have a board with new members and it would benefit for Ernesto to teach

them about budgeting. Mr. Hudson noted the budget had not been changed in 9 years. He

recommended meeting in their cmTent room on April 25th from 11 :00 a.m. to around 3 :00 p.m.

Mr. Hudson noted it was a volunteer meeting and there would be no compensation for


Mr. Haber stated if more than one board member planned to attend, there would need to

be a notice. Mr. Hudson stated he picked the 25th because it would give the new member chosen

on the 17th a week to get in on their schedule. Mr. Torres stated he thoughtthe workshop was a

great idea and encouraged the new board members to attend. He noted they have already started

reaching out to vendors and Wes is working on getting their agreements up to date. The board

members agreed the workshop was a good idea and they stated they would all attend.


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March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

TWELTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration/Ratification of Series 2016 Requisitions

Mr. Hudson reviewed all requisitions and noted no issues.

On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hohmann with all in favor the ratification of Requisition #93 for Hopping, Green & Sams were approved.


A. Attorney

Mr. Haber noted there is a legislative session currently in progress in Tallahassee in

respect to CDD's. He stated they are malcing it easier for boundary amendments and changing

some public records laws. He noted there was a bill requiring CDD's to have a 213 rd vote of a

board in order to issue a bond. As of now it only requires a majority vote. He stated he would

keep the board updated on those matters.

B. Engineer

Mr. Hudson noted Alex was out with the arborist earlier that day, and Alex would present

the arborist's rep01i on April 17th• Mr. Torres noted Alex sent an email that provided an update.

In Alex's email he stated there are some concerns with homes and he noted the addresses for

those in his report. Alex noted in his email that they will need to dig holes to determine the depth

and size of the roots, and some areas are on homeowner' s prope1iy.

Mr. Hudson suggested reading the report and studying it, and putting it as an agenda item

for the April 17th meeting. Mr. Torres noted Alex is getting a survey proposal from Geotech for

road resurfacing efforts.

Mr. Hudson explained the board that he had asked Alex to design a concrete sidewalk

golf cart path by the splash pad. He asked the board to give Brian approval to seek proposals for

that. Mr. Hudson noted there is a pad behind basketball court #1 but there is not a pad behind

court #2. He suggested putting a pad behind the other court as well.

Ms. Torres asked the board to consider saving the costs of printing and binding the

agenda packages by using electronic versions. Mr. Torres noted they would print two packets for

the meetings going forward.


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March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD

C. Manager

There being none, the next item followed.

D. Amenities & Recreation Manager

Ms. Maiher stated that everything is going great, and she has not had any complaints. She

noted the splash pad has been working wonderfully. She stated that basketball just ended and

soccer will start this Friday and they already have 30 participants. Ms. Maiher mentioned that

they will be adding adult sports next month. She stated the Spring Kickoff is this Friday, Total

Body Transformation is going on in the fitness center, the Easter bunny and Easter Egg Hunt will

be in April. The community yard sale, swim lessons, and the Spring Fling will also be in April.

E. Operations Manager - Report

There being none, the next item followed.


The board discussed the road project and phasing of the project. Mr. Hohmann noted that

it would be more expensive for the project to be completed in phases. Discussion between board

members ensued. Mr. Hudson noted they have not budgeted a Capital Reserve Fund to fund the

roads, and that could be a way to do it. Mr. Hudson requested that all the supervisors look over

the proposal from Alex. He also requested that all the supervisors drive by the splash pad and

look at it because they need to put money from the budget towards that area.


There being none, the next item followed.

SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting-4/17/19@ 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Hudson stated the next regular meeting was scheduled on April 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Hudson asked Mr. Torres to post a public notice for the April 25th workshop. Mr. Torres

suggested putting out an eblast for the workshop.


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March 25, 2019 Sampson Creek CDD


On MOTION by Ms. Kalke seconded by Mr. Hudson with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.

Secretary/ Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman