© YVA 2016 Page 1 of 17 “THE FLYER” YARRA VALLEY AEROMODELLERS NEWSLETTER November 2018 The Committee: President – Tony Martinico 0418 526 688 Vice President – Daniel Wheeler 0430 596 861 Secretary – Bill Wheeler 0414 325 872 Treasurer – David Nichols 0417 547 040 Registrar – Steve Dengate 0408 749 384 Public Officer – Bill Wheeler 0451 047 908 Editor/Webmaster – Tim De Haan 0409 809 473 Next Meeting - The Next General Meeting is on Monday 26 th November 2018 8.00 PM Venue - Red Earth Centre in Mooroolbark. Newsletter now on our website at:- www.yarravalleyaeromodellers.com.au

Transcript of “THE FLYER”

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November 2018

The Committee:

President –

Tony Martinico

0418 526 688

Vice President –

Daniel Wheeler

0430 596 861

Secretary –

Bill Wheeler

0414 325 872

Treasurer –

David Nichols

0417 547 040

Registrar –

Steve Dengate 0408 749 384

Public Officer –

Bill Wheeler

0451 047 908

Editor/Webmaster –

Tim De Haan

0409 809 473

Next Meeting - The Next General Meeting is on Monday 26th November 2018

8.00 PM Venue - Red Earth Centre in Mooroolbark. Newsletter now on our website at:- www.yarravalleyaeromodellers.com.au

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Presidents report - Tony Martinico November 2018

Welcome all to our October/November newsletter for 2018.

Hi all. This year has gone extremely fast and I can’t believe

that’s its almost Christmas. We have a couple of events planned

to see out the year and they include an auction night for our

November meeting, The Haydn Hanson and Frank Curzon

memorial trophy and of course our Christmas party.

So for this month’s club meeting we ask you to please bring

along some of your aeromodelling items that you thought you

may of needed 6 years ago that are still sitting around your

work shop so we can auction them off for you and you can then

go back and buy more aeromodelling items that you may think

you need this time! We will also have a huge raffle prize up for

grabs for this month’s meeting which should help entice you to

get out too attend our Club meeting/Auction Monday 29th

November 2018. We will be raffling this great 1450mm Dynam Primo model prize amongst other prizes, and it

could be yours! Tickets are one for $5.00 or three for $10.00.

So please come along and enjoy our club meetings and have a

say with what’s happening in our club.

As for the Haydn Hampson & Frank Curzon Memorial day, we

as the committee have decided to make some changes to the

structure of the competition for no other reason but to help

simplify the rules and the longevity of the memorial day. The

Haydn Hampson trophy is open to Scratch built models built

from plans ,kit or own design of a scale aircraft, and the Frank

Curzon trophy is open to all Scale ARF models. This is not

forgetting Frank Curzon contribution to the aeromodeling fraternity and his love of scale WW1 aircraft, this is

only making it simpler to categorize, Judge and continue to run our competition while still honouring Frank

Curzon alongside Haydn Hampson.

As for our Christmas Party, It will be run exactly the same as last year. An informal event which will focus on

the members and immediately family enjoying each other’s company at the air field and of course flying our

favourite models. BBQ lunch will be supplied by the club, members too supply their own salads, condiments

and drinks. We will hold a raffle which will include a major prize and lucky dip.

We have had a minor change to our current committee. For those of you who don’t know Daniel Goudge has

resigned as treasurer due to work commitments. I would like too at this point thank Daniel Goudge for his

efforts. I would now like too welcome in David Nichols for stepping into the role of Treasurer.

As we are all aware now that we must always sign in and out when we use the field. I like to report that all

members are doing so and we have so far collected some interesting data in regards to the field usage. This

information is kept by the committee and will be shared with our Land Lord.

Thank you to everyone for their support and I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new 2019

Here’s to happy flying and safe landings.

Your President,

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APA Championships 13/14th October 2018 Bill Wheeler

The venue for one of only two events the APA runs annually was Albury’s Twin Cities Model Aero Club, a

magnificent venue for any event! This was my second year of

entering the APA champs and unlike last year I was the sole

representative in Sportsman. My model this year is a CM Pro

LEO. Somewhat old by today’s standards I bought it from RC

Trader NIB for $250 (I actually bought two both NIB) I think

originally the model is built to hold a 120FS but I was

encouraged to use an 8S set-up that I’d had in my Wind S at the

previous APA Masters and World Cup event in Sydney last year.

Why wasn’t it still in the Wind S? That’s another story. The LEO

is slightly heavy so the manoeuvres aren’t as large as you see in

the higher classes. It does do the complete Sportsman schedule

with ease but would struggle with the Advanced class.

The event this year attracted 21 entrants from Vic, NSW and Tasmania. Other than me in Sportsman, we had 3

in Advanced, 6 in Expert and 11 in F3A the top class. Twenty of the entrants were flying electric with only Scott Kay from

Tasmania flying ic with his YS200 powered Xarltoo. Saturday

dawned perfect with a slight crosswind straight at the pilots. It

did swing round during the morning but didn’t get any stronger.

Jason Sparks, CD, organised the competition that would see

Sportsman and Advanced start the day flying two rounds,

followed by Expert for two rounds then the F3A guys. If time

permitted, Sportsman and Advanced would then fly two more

rounds to complete the day. The competition got underway at

9:15am with me first up as the only Sportsman entry, followed

by the 3 entrants in Advanced. With no break for lunch Expert

and F3A worked in seamlessly, stopping only for a change in

judges and an incident in the early afternoon where a thermal

lifted Russel Edwards model straight up off the ground flipping it over to land rudder first. It was tethered to his battery

box which I guess prevented it being lifted too high to cause more extensive damage. It did similar to another model

about twenty feet away that escaped damage. Russel’s model however had a broken rudder hinge that ruled it out for

flying. Norm Morrish came to Russel’s aid offering him the use of his Acuracy bipe for the competition. Throughout the

day the turnaround time of flights saw us get through 84 flights by 5:30pm. Sportsman and advanced flew 4 rounds

each, expert and f3a flew 2 rounds. Scott Kay then put the Skybolt through its paces. Being completed only recently the

model is still being set-up for competition.

Sunday dawned completely overcast but warm. Picking up from where we’d left off Saturday, Expert started

their rounds 3 and 4 at 8:45am. Shortly after the sky began to clear and the wind picked up, coming straight down the

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runway at a higher velocity than it had yesterday. By the time

Expert and F3A had completed their last 2 rounds the

competition finished at 2pm.

I could not end this without a very special thank you to

the members of the TCMAC for their hospitality for the

weekend, an excellent job of catering for the entrants and the

field was beautifully prepared.

The results.


1st Bill Wheeler


1st Warren Leach

2nd Rob Hulett

3rd Tony Sheppard


1st John Brann

2nd Chris Henry

3rd Phil Spence


1st Dennis Travassaros (therefore winner of the

APA Champs 2018)

2nd Russel Edwards

3rd Geoff Healey

Congratulations to YVA members Dennis

Travassaros, Bill Wheeler and David Creed for their

great achievement at the APA Champs 2018.

The scoring system

Without a doubt, the smoothness and number of flights flown has a lot to do with the newly developed

Notaumatics scoring system. Initially developed in Europe by

Roland Poidevin, it has been promoted extensively by James

McAllen of Queensland. It was first used here early last year and

proved to be a huge success. All states are now using the system

with very good results. Each class is set-up as a competition in

the system; all scores are entered into the judge’s tablets, which

are transmitted to a raspberry pi (a small credit card sized

computer). The CD and Competitors then log in to the system

and the Raspberry Pi’s IP address to see the scores of all classes

and competitors live as the judges confirm them. Current

enhancements to the system are now being developed here in

Aus and feeding back for update in Europe.

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The sales pitch.

I would encourage any sport flier to give Aerobatics a go. Nearly all fliers at any club field can be seen adding in

loops and rolls to the flight of their sports model, the thing a formal competition has given me is a more disciplined

approach to those manoeuvres and more importantly the reactions to get myself out of trouble when one goes belly up

as disorientation rears it’s head.

Apart from the event here, the Victorian Precision Aerobatics run one-day comps around the local clubs of

Melbourne. In particular they hold training days at the Nepean club at Rosebud where long time CD and F3A advocate

Henry Hutchinson organises training or competitions if there’s enough interest to give it a go. The models used in the

Sportsman class need be nothing more than the sports models most people fly at their club field. There is no height set

at which Sportsman must perform their manoeuvres so you can stay two mistakes high and get yourself out of trouble.

The most unnerving thing I found is pushing down elevator to perform an outside loop. It’s just one deep breath, clench

the butt cheeks and ease off the throttle for the first 120 degrees, hold the down elevator and increase the throttle to

climb back to the top. Once you have done that a couple of times you’ll be happily doing all of the manoeuvres. There is

always plenty of help and advice available should you find yourself a little lost.

My son started flying Aerobatics 2½ years ago with a model that cost

him $500 an older Vanquish design. He has been flying the same model

all through and is now earning promotion points to move into the F3A

class. Come and give it a go, each state has its own Association,

contacts listed below.

QLD Jeff Sampson [email protected]

NSW Felix Nieuwenhuizen [email protected]

VIC Rob Clarke [email protected]

TAS Scott Kay [email protected]

SA Matthew Cosier [email protected]

WA Colin Briede [email protected]

Above: Some of the modern advances in pattern aircraft, contra drives.

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NAAS scale fly in Canberra 2nd-4th Nov Tim De Haan Had a great trip up on Friday to the NAAS field Canberra where l met up with my flying buddy David White and

Ollie his standard poodle. The weather on Friday when l travelled was a bit blustery and when l arrived at

Canberra there was an out of control fire on the south side towards the NAAS field. All was ok though and

after visiting my Uncle and Aunt in Canberra l travelled to the NAAS field approximately 30min from town

centre. Not much flying was happening at the field due to the blustery conditions but caught up with David

and setup camp.

NAAS theme for the weekend was WW1 aircraft of which l have none but there was a number of flyers that

brought there’s along.

Above, my camp. No running water, kitchen, toilet or shower.

Plenty of aircraft though. Below, David White’s camp. Hot

running water, shower, kitchen, toilet and A/C all within 10 x7

van (Euro) imported from Europe. Some people have it rough

including Ollie David’s standard poodle.

Above: Balsa usa 1/3 Sopwith pup, scratch built ¼ Fokker D8

and balsa usa DR1. Below: Balsa usa 1/3 Nieuport 17 and


Below: John Gottschalk scratch built Fokker D8 was the only

other pilot from Melbourne.

Bottom right: Giant Etrich Taube fitted with an OS GT55

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Saturday morning l had 4 x flights before the

unpredictable wind came up and not many

attempted to continue to fly for the rest of the

day with gusts around 45kmh constantly changing

direction. We all looked forward to the Saturday

night roast which as usual was excellent including

desert. Sunday morning conditions were perfect

and the first plane took off at 7am just as the sun

was rising. I soon followed with 2 flights of my

Stampe to take advantage of the calm conditions.

I had another several flights of Ercoupe, Pawnee

and waco before packing up and heading home

after lunch with all planes in one piece bar a

broken prop and a airline on P47.

I did 1325km round trip towing my

trailer and 5 planes in 3 days 2 nights.

Fuel economy of the Mitsubishi

Outlander towing is very poor averaging

17L/100km with a head wind both up

and back. The NAAS field is a beautiful

place to fly from and if you get up that way l would recommend a visit.

Above: Myself, Ollie and my Stampe. Ollie was very good around

models and is now much quieter than when he was younger. He

travels with David to his local model club all the time and is not

scared of the engine noise or models at all.

Left: It was great to catch up with David White who flew his

Hanger9 Bearcat fitted with DLE20 as well as his Yak54 with a

RCGF 21cc twin.

Below: Something unusual, a great planes Waco fitted with a Saito

FG60R3 (60cc) radial. Tail weight needed to be added. Asked the

owner why? Because l can and it sounds awesome!

Right: Ray ogle’s 1/5 Topflite P47 and Zero

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P&DARCS scratch/kit build day Tim De Haan

What a pearler of a day we got for this event, clear skies, light winds. It was a great day with a good turnout of

models and plenty of spectators wanting to see the B36 of Andrew Smallridge and Ivan Chiselett fly. Also

there was the Heinkel HE-219 Night Owl which was

featured at the Shepparton Mammoth and in

September’s YVA newsletter. On registering l

received my goodie bag which had a chunk of balsa

pieces donated by Balsa Central and the usual sales

brochure and promotions. The only cost was $5 at

the gate for my car to enter giving me some extra

lunch money.

This event is a bit like show and tell at our club

with the added bonus of being able to show

and fly them as well to fellow builders. I

brought along 5 models to put on display of

which 3 are airworthy and l had a flight of

each (P51 mustang, Stampe and Lancaster)

The P40 has not flown yet as l am still sorting

motor out and the Balsa USA Ercoupe is still

under construction.

At these events you always end up chatting to lots of people and that was the case here. Glen Dunstan from

YVA caught up with us as we sat under the shade shelters

along with Alan Devlin who assisted me on the day and Brian

Whelan from the Northern. Glen had a fuselage of his P51 he

had moulded and also the undercarriage he had made for it

which is a work of art and l regret that l did not get a photo.

It was a great time to glean some knowledge from more

experience aeromodellers. There was also lucky pilot prizes

drawn during the day which l did get a call for and picked up

some nice dremel implements and a glow driver. Not sure of

the name of the builder but a nice Stearman fitted with a

large Evolution radial took out the Pilots choice award.

Being Remembrance Day and a 100 year

anniversary there was a special ceremony

starting with a minute’s silence. A couple of

speeches about the history of the first war

were given and took some time but most

were attentive for the special occasion. After

this some of the WW1 model aircraft took to

the skies giving us a feel of what the skies

might have been like during WW1. Then back

to general flying.

A good turnout and a beautiful day

Brian Whelan and his scratch built Corby Starlet

My models on display, at 3m wingspan the Ercoupe seems to take

over. I think l am going to need a wide runway to maiden it.

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The B36 had an issue with a aileron

first up which delayed its first flight

and ended up flying after lunch not

allowing enough time for the 10Kg

of batteries to recharge for another

flight. There were many spectators

there to watch it take to the skies

which lasted a short 3 minutes or so

giving a safe margin as it is still

under testing for power usage. With

David Law at the helm it was in

good hands and flew very scale like

with a perfect landing which

impressed all the spectators who

gave a round of applause. People

say scale building is dead but l beg

to differ with project such as this

inspiring others to take it up. The

B36 is not perfect in a detailing

sense but it makes up for it by its

size and complexity having 6 rear

driven props and 4 electric ducted fans (EDF). Congratulations to the team of people that made this project

take to the skies. Click on the youtube link below to see a clip from its flight on the day.

B36 flight P&DARCS scratch build day 2018

Convair B36, wingspan 6m, weight 65Kg(10kg for batteries). David Law and

Greg Lepp assisted in the flight of the B36.

Left: There were a number of unfinished projects there

which were of considerable size including a Canberra

Bomber and a delta wing thing. Below: Looks like a Vulcan

bomber in the background

Left: Could not resist to pose with my 1/3 scale

Ercoupe from a balsa USA kit which l am trying to

detail to a F4H standard of a full size Ercoupe at

Tyabb. Not too far away from the finish line and nice to

see it assembled and on its wheels.

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A big thank you to P&DARCS who initiated this event a few years ago making it possible to showcase scale

model building and flying and reinvigorating our hobby. Please join YVA at the next scale event, the Haydn

Hampson Frank Curzon Memorial Trophy on Saturday the 24th November and support your club and

aeromodelling. Look forward to seeing you there. Some more happy snaps from the day, enjoy.

Left: Neil Adicott’s beautiful early

mustang nearly completed and

covered in very thin Aluminium is

a work of art.

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VFSAA State Champs Baccuss Marsh Tim De Haan The Victorian Flying Scale Aircraft Association had its state

championships at the new state field in Bacchus Marsh which was

the first event held at the field. The new grass strip is perfectly flat

and the surface is quiet hard as they are still getting there irrigation

setup which should happen in a week or so. The strip is on a nice

piece of elevated land with no obstacles to avoid and is very long

which would cater large models. I can see this field as being a great

venue for SIG’s in the future. They have a simple temporary

canteen setup using a sea container and portable toilets at the


With the forecast for clear skies and knowing not much shade is

available, l borrowed a portable gazebo from kinglake club and a

few others also thought the same. I brought my Seagul Ercoupe to

fly in the comp but lucky for me l tested my receiver and controls

well before my flight and l noticed my elevator servo cycling and

not cantering correctly. A quick check and proved it was the servo

causing the issue of which l carry a spare. Because l do a bit of

travelling l started carry a spare and today it proved l good

decision. The Elevator servo is mounted in the tail of my Ercoupe

which gets a lot of vibration from the single cylinder DLE35 which l

suspect had taken a toll on the servo. By all reports everyone had a

great day and certainly look forward to getting out to Bacchus

Marsh again.

The results of the days flying below:


1st David Law Pitts Special

2nd Noel Findlay Fox Moth


1st Greg Lepp Bristol

2nd Mario Schembri Hawk Speed 6

3rd Brian Whelan Druine Turbulent

Flying Only

1st Greg Lepp Extra 260

2nd Rob Mitchell B-26 Marauder

3rd Tim De Haan Ercoupe

Below: Mario Schembri’s Hawk Speed 6

Above: Strip looking south and flight line

Below: Pits, car park and canteen out the back

Above: Ercoupe getting a new elevator servo,

thankfully not too hard to change over.

Below: Greg Lepp’s Extra 260 and Bristol

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Get Your Wings

December Christmas party Saturday 15th December

If you are interested in doing your

silver or gold wings please speak to

David Nichols or Jon Goudge and they

will be more than happy to assist you

or put you in contact with a relevant

instructor. There are several

instructors in the club so finding one

that will be available to run through

the requirements should not be too

hard. There are also wings for gliders

and helicopter.

YVA will be hosting the Christmas party at the club field on the 15th Dec

from 10am on wards with BBQ lunch supplied by the club. Families to

provide their own drinks, salads, condiments and deserts if they so desire.

Members are free to bring along their immediate family members and

enjoy the Christmas spirit and fly until their hearts content. There will be

nothing formal in regards to the event except from a thank you speech

from the committee and a grand raffle prize and a lucky dip. Look forward to

seeing you there.

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Haydn Hampson & Frank Curzon Memorial Trophy

This Saturday 24th November 2018

Come down and join in on YVA’s scale event of the year. See flyer below for details, simplified rules

and registration forms on back page. Pilots must be MAAA, Visitors welcome.

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If you have any articles, information adverts you would like to

publish in newsletter and share with others please forward to: [email protected]

Tim De Haan Mobile: 0409 809 473

Next newsletter due late November

The YVA Committee would like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of

15 Maroondah Hwy Croydon VIC 3136

Tel: 03 9870 0044

Email: [email protected] Scale Model Kits, ARFs, RC Radio Equipment. Spares, Balsa and Building Supplies.

If he hasn’t got it, he will make every effort to get it in.

Victorian Model Aeronautical Association Model Aeronautical Association of Australia

Yarra Valley Aeromodellers

Are affiliated with:

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Dates to note! Check VMAA website for more details.

24th Nov Hayden Hampson/Frank Curzon YVA field

State Election voting centres open

26th Nov YVA club meeting & Auction Red Earth Centre, Mooroolbark

15th Dec 10am YVA Christmas Party YVA field

Please Note: Club Auction, if you have any items you would like to

move on to someone else, bring them along early to the club meeting to

register. Everybody else, bring your cash and pick up a bargain. Its going to

be a fun night! * Raffle $5 for one ticket or

$10 for three. 1450mm

Dynam Primo model

House Keeping

Ensure every person attending the club field signs in and out of the register

book. Remember the last person to leave the field has to check that the club room is

locked and secure. Lock the front gate on departure.

Clean up after yourself if you use the club room facilities and ensure the gas

bottle is turned off after use.

Field Usage Report

Please contact Bill Wheeler club secretary if you want any more information

regarding the data.

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Meeting Minutes and Club Information The meeting minute and other important club only information will now be available through the website and

not published in the newsletter. There is a new tab on the website “MEMBERS AREA” which is password

protected and can be accessed simply by clicking on the Members area tab, type the current gate access pin

number listed on your current membership card giving you access. To log out simply hit the logout button. A

hard copy of the minutes will also be available at the club meetings or on request.

Haydn Hampson and Frank Curzon Memorial Trophy Rules

The Haydn Hampson Memorial and Frank Curzon Trophy day classes have been

simplified into the following classes.

• Scratch, Plan or Kit Built Warbird WW1 & WW2 (Hayden Hampson)

• ARF Warbird & ARF Civilian (Frank Curzon)

But note, that the entrants must still be scale models of the prototype… That is, accurate or semi accurate

scale outlines (not Flair Magnaitillas etc as models of Eindekkers).

For either classes, any power source is allowed - Electric, Glow or Petrol. Any scale is allowed. Please note that this is

not about flying skill, and it’s not about building skill, it’s about building and flying… in short, taking part!

The winners of the Haydn Hampson and Frank Curzon trophies names will be placed on the

perpetual trophies and retain in the club house. This way all will be able to see who the previous

winners have been as well as each winner receiving their own personal trophy as a memory of their


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Haydn Hampson & Frank Curzon

2018 Memorial Trophy

Model Entry Form

Entrants Name: ………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………MAAA No: ………..Sighted

Contact Phone No: ………………………Club: ……………………

*Please note that all models over 7Kg must have a valid heavy model permit and must be sighted by registrar.

Model #1 ………………………………… TICK ONE BOX ONLY

Year Prototype Flew…………………….. Scratch Plan

Engine …………….......... Wingspan….......... Kit ARF

Scale……..Weight……….Heavy Permit No …………Sighted

Model #2 …………………………………

Year Prototype Flew……………………...Scratch Plan

Engine …………….......... Wingspan….......... Kit ARF

Scale……..Weight……….Heavy Permit No …………Sighted

Model #3 …………………………………

Year Prototype Flew…..………………… Scratch Plan

Engine …………….......... Wingspan….......... Kit ARF

Scale……..Weight……….Heavy Permit No …………Sighted

Model #4 …………………………………

Year Prototype Flew…………………… Scratch Plan

Engine …………….......... Wingspan….......... Kit ARF

Scale……..Weight……….Heavy Permit No …………Sighted