The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model...

The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula

Transcript of The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model...

Page 1: The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model Mind Set Programme has number of tasks to complete. At the end of each task you

The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Page 2: The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model Mind Set Programme has number of tasks to complete. At the end of each task you

The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula


Congratulations on deciding to focus on achieving your health and fitness goals. The Fitness Model Transformation

Diet is going to transform your mind and body both inside and out.

The single biggest element that separates a fitness model from the person who gets average results is not their

nutrition plan, exercise routine nor genetics. It is simply their mind set, behaviours and conditioning.

For success with your body you should first train your mind before worrying about any plans to follow. You can train

your mind through using a Behaviour Conditioning Plan as presented here. After completing the programme you will

have the mental skills and strength to follow any exercise or diet plan. When your brain is trained you will actually

enjoy doing the tasks needed to get in shape and will do them automatically. This is the only way to achieve high level

success with your body.

The Fitness Model Mind Set Programme has number of tasks to complete. At the end of each task you would have

conditioned yourself to be able to follow a specific element that will be needed at some point in your journey to get

your dream body.

The tasks themselves are simple and basic which leads some people to think they are not beneficial. I can assure you

there is great power and transformational benefits in doing these tasks. However, to enjoy these benefits you must do

the tasks and not just read about them. Behaviour Conditioning is about action and doing. It is not about reading and


The nutrition tasks within the plan can be done within 9 days if you plan appropriately. The exercise tasks can be done

within 14 days. You can run these tasks together simultaneously. Do not feel the need to rush this plan, I have had

clients take over two months to get them all done. Every day you are doing one of these challenges you are breaking

your ties to years of failure and creating associations to doing the right behaviours naturally forever after. You cannot

spend too long on this. You will see changes during this plan within your body as well but the biggest shift will be

upstairs mentally which will allow for most sensational body transformation you could imagine.

Once you have completed this programme, move onto to the Body Transformation Formula within this document

which details the key information that will ensure you are successful in achieving your health and fitness goals. There

are various tasks and exercises for you to complete.

Once you have completed this move onto the Nutrition and Exercise documents to get your plan of action started.

When up and running the key then is to monitor and modify your plans of action based off results. To do this you can

use the forms provided.

To Your Success

Ben Wilson


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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Developing the Fitness

Model Mind Set


Behaviour Conditioning

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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Programme Overview

The reason you have not achieved the results you want in life in regards to your body is due to the connections you

have to the behaviours needed for success. These connections are subconscious and immediately react wherever you

go in life. They therefore dictate how you will act and to overpower them takes a large amount of focus and willpower.

The quality of your connections will determine your body. To take your body to the next level of results you will need

to rewire your associations.

You have associations that direct your behaviour in regards to healthy foods, junk foods, hunger feelings, the time of

the day and eating, energy levels and eating, mood and eating, eating around other people, eating at social events and

much more. For exercise you also have many associations, these include your response to going for a walk, getting out

of breath, getting hot, exercising with other people around, exercising in certain environments, exercise and the time

of day, the types of exercise, the weather and exercise, your mood and exercise and much more.

These associations have been built up over many years from previous experiences and persistent thought processes.

The connection you have immediately determines how you feel about the event before you. How you feel about this

event will determine how you will act in the vast majority of cases. For example, if someone brings a cake in the room

and your association immediately fills you full of excitement, joy and anticipation. There is a good chance you will be

eating that cake before too long.

Your connections are neither good nor bad, they simply determine how you will act, which in turn determines what

body you will have. Your connections though can undermine your best laid plans. It could be you want to eat cake in

moderation, however, with a connection making you feel excited, joyous and full of anticipation each time you see one

it may be hard to stop at just 1 or 2 or not carry on eating when already full. The same applies to exercise, how could

you ever be consistent when you feel full of dread, anger and boredom each time you think of going to the gym?

Rewiring Your Connections

The most effective, powerful and full proof method for changing your associations is to DO something different, then

repeat this new way of acting enough times to scramble the previous connections and condition in your new

behaviour patterns. Thinking about change will not do anything. Only action creates change. There are a few NLP

techniques that do scramble your connections but even with these it is about doing the work. Not reading about it,

thinking about it or hoping it will change something. If you let action be your measure you will do very well.

The Goal of Rewiring Your Connections

The idea of rewiring your connections to food, exercise and your lifestyle is not to make you into a Saint who never

eats badly or is so obsessed with exercise they have no time for anything else. The goal is to give you choice and

freedom. When your connections are running on automatic you will be forced to eat that cake when you meet your

friend even if you do not want, you will be demotivated to exercise even if a big part of you does wants to move. This

is the control unhelpful connections hold over you. This is where connections ruin your goals. I personally will eat any

food, from cake to Kebab if the situation and my desire dictates. However, I want it to be my choice and on my terms n

not some result of years of conditioning I had no say or input about creating.

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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

How to Use the Programme

The connections breaking plan is a series of eight challenges that ask you to change one facet of your behaviour.

Through doing this you will be able to rewire your mind-body connections to that specific task. It is important to focus

solely on doing the task correctly. If you focus on one facet only almost every one can complete any challenge, but

when your attention is split people run into problems. If the goal for the day is not to eat between certain hours, then

focus only on this. You do not need to worry about anything else, e.g. eating healthily outside of the time window in

the challenge. Just focus on the one facet. Try to do the exercises sequentially though it is not essential to do this.

How Many times To Do the Tasks

For the average person each of the tasks takes some mental focus the first time you do it. It may not be an overly

enjoyable experience as well. After doing it though, most people are surprised they did it, feel great about it and have

already made a significant change with their connections. The second time you do it, you will find it much easier

though still a bit awkward. The third time you will find it has become much easier to do. The 4th time onwards it is now

natural and effortless. Some tasks though, which work on strong connections may need many more repetitions until it

is totally comfortable. For getting results however, simply doing any of the tasks 1-2 times will create a significant

change and allow you to jump to the next level with your results.

Repeating the Programme

Depending on the level you want to take your body you may need to repeat this whole programme at different points

throughout the year. Each time you do it you will destroy more connections and condition better behaviours into your

mind-body. The higher the level and standard of the body you want to achieve the more you need to be on point with

your behaviours. If your goal is to compete and be a full time fitness model yet currently 3 stone overweight and

inconsistent with your exercise routine. Then you will have to use this a few times before you are primed for success.

Safety and common sense

Some of the tasks involve not eating for a few hours. If you happen to feel dizzy, suffer any negative side effects then

break the ‘fast’ and have some food. For some people they may need a few days to build up to the target amount. This

is fine, it is not a race, simply about getting there safely and eventually. Consult your doctor before fasting or partaking

in any exercise programme.

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Task 1 – Breakfast Delay

The ability to go without eating for a short period of time is a powerful skill to have. Resetting your hunger

thresholds, connection to hunger and ability to be patient around food can dramatically affect the level of

results you could achieve. Delaying eating in the morning is a good way to off-set a bad nights eating the

day before or simply to reduce the hours in the day in which you eat. This makes it easier to control food

intake. I found this exercise very powerful and it was one of my first experiences with fasting. It reset many

of my associations to hunger.

How to do it –

For 3 days do not eat anything before midday. After you have eaten your food the night before do not eat

anything until midday the next day.

Listen to your body during any food elimination. If you feel weak, dizzy or any health symptoms then break

your fast. For some people they may need to take a few days to build up to the task, e.g. day 1 do not eat

anything until 8am, day 2 – 9am, day 3 – 10 am and so forth.

Results -

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Task 2 - Day Time Fasting

The ability to go without eating for a short period of time is a powerful skill to have. The ability to not eat

during the day time means you will be able to resist the many snacks that come into your path and it allows

you to prepare for a big dinner in the evening by eating less during the day. For me this was really eye

opening in how it reduced my snacking or likelihood to pick at things after I completed the task.

How to do it –

For 3 days do not eat anything between 9am and 5pm. After your breakfast do not eat anything until early

evening. The idea is to have an 8 hour period of not eating directly through the middle of the day

Listen to your body during any food elimination. If you feel weak, dizzy or any health symptoms then break

your fast. For some people they may need to take a few days to build up to the task, e.g. day 1 start 9 am

and do not eat anything until 1pm, day 2 – 2pm, day 3 – 3pm and so forth.

Results -

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Task 3 – Evening Fast

The ability to go without eating for a short period of time is a powerful skill to have. Being able to stop eating

early and not eat for the rest of the day is very helpful if you have had a big lunch or eaten too much during

the afternoon. This task was a real game changer for me as it allowed me to stop eating whenever I hit my

target food intake even if that was early on. I could have never got to 4% body fat without this skill and doing

this task.

How to do it –

For 3 days do not eat anything after 6pm in the evening until the next day. After you have eaten late

afternoon do not eat anything until the next day.

Listen to your body during any food elimination. If you feel weak, dizzy or any health symptoms then break

your fast. For some people they may need to take a few days to build up to the task, e.g. day 1 do not eat

anything after 9pm, day 2 – 8pm, day 3 –7pm am and so forth.

Results -

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Task 4 – Eat ‘Clean’ When Meeting A Friend

While the ability to stop eating is very important we often lose that ability when meeting friends or around

certain individuals. This task is very powerful for those who are influenced by other people with what to eat.

I found great benefit in doing this task for a couple of friends that I had. It allowed me to be able to choose

what to eat when around them rather than reacting and eating badly even when I didn’t want to. This task

can be repeated for different individuals if you find you have more than one person that leads you astray.

How to do it –

Go out with a friend(s) 1-3 times. On each occasion eat cleanly with appropriate portion size. There is no

need to explain why you are eating well, simply say you don’t want the “biscuit/cake/drink/meal” and

choose a better option. Explain that you want what you chose and do not fancy anything else. No need to

justify anything to anyone.

Results -

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Task 5 – Eat ‘Clean’ In A Troublesome Location

For many people their downfall is a certain location they hang out in rather than the specific people you are

there with. It could be when you go to the pub, a restaurant, the local cafe or someone’s house. Eating out

can be the downfall of many people and thus being able to eat appropriately is an important facet for many

people. I used this method to control my eating when visiting a girlfriend’s house. This became important

when I started going round there almost every day.

How to do it –

Go 1-3 times to a location your behaviours normally go awry, e.g. pub, café, restaurant but ensure you

choose the best option for your body with an appropriate portion size. Repeat for other locations if


Results -

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Task 6 – Eat ‘Clean’ At The Most Troublesome Times of the Week

For many people their worst behaviours come at a certain time in a week. Independent of who they are with

or where they are their behaviours go awry. This may be Saturday night, Friday at the end of the work week

or Sunday afternoon watching the sport. I personally found this task transformative, allowing me to shift

Friday and Saturday nights from having to drink and eat badly to being able to choose what I wanted to do.

How to do it –

For 1-3 times pick you worst moment of the week and purposely eat clean and control portion size during

this moment. This could mean you ensure you eat well Saturday night. For others it could be Tuesday when

you have your weekly managers’ meetings. Repeat for other times in the week when your behaviours go

awry if appropriate etc.

Results -

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Task 7 – Favourite Food Pause + Leave

When eating our worst foods most people have a tendency to eat quickly, continually and consume every

last crumb. The ability to slow down your eating and remain calm around your worst foods will allow you to

eat less and feel more in control of your food. I personally used these methods to calm my associations to

my favourite food which is yoghurt. Through taking the edge off the connection I could have these foods in

the diet without it causing undue loss of control or damage. I could achieve that elusive balance we all want

with our favourite foods. The most common foods people have trouble with include alcohol, chocolate, cake,

bread, biscuits, crisps and sweets.

How to do it –

1-5 times pick your worst and most troublesome food. Start to eat it, when you get half way through stop

and put it down for 2-5 minutes. Once completed continue to finish your food. Just as you reach towards the

end of the food throw away a tiny piece without eating it. When repeating this task increase the pause and

the amount of food you throw away.

Results –

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Task 8 – Exercise + Fitness Association Rewiring

Through rewiring your exercise connections you will achieve a new level of exercise consistency. I had great

results through doing these tasks, even though I was a regular once a day exerciser I knew to compete in

body building I had to double that frequency to twice a day. Through using the tasks below this became

normal and I almost never miss an exercise session. These tasks develop seven areas of exercise connection.

Early Exercise –

Being able to exercise at any time of the day is a skill that greatly increases your exercise consistency.

Through expanding your window of exercising by training early in the day you will have more time to

exercise and become more consistent. Every time I have taken my exercise earlier in the morning it was a

shock to the system, be it before 9am, the first time at 7.30, then 6.30 and now 5am To develop this trait

you just need to do a few sessions a little earlier than what you are used to so far.

Late Exercise –

While early exercise is a great skill to have it is also important to be able to train later in the day/night as

well. I like to train early in the day but without this skill I could not be so consistent with exercise as every 1-2

weeks I will need to do a session later in the day. This task has you training in the day later than accustomed.

Short Exercise Sessions –

Too often people we have a minimum exercise goal set in our head that unless we can do there is no point

going to exercise e.g. 45, 60 mins. The reality is that 5 minutes is much better than none. Knowing this

factually and having your connections allow you to do this are two different things. This task uses 15 minute

workouts (maximum!) to teach you to train fast and efficiently.

Long Exercise Sessions –

We work off contrast, if your goal is to do exercise for 45 minute per session then doing just a few 60 – 90

minute sessions will make the 45 minute sessions appear super quick and fun in comparison.

Enjoyable Exercise –

At the heart of exercise consistency is enjoyment, yet too often we listen not to what we want to do but

what we should do or what the programme/coach/expert told me to do. The result is missed exercise as you

do not want to do the exercise. These sessions focus on listening to your inner desire. When I truly mastered

this it was the end of missed sessions as I would just go and do what I felt like doing when demotivated.

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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Easy Exercise Sessions –

In our minds we have a certain level of effort that must be applied for exercise to be worthwhile. This task

focuses on a very easy exercise session to learn exercise can be light. This will be very important when

stressed or tired in getting you to exercise in the future.

Weekly Consistency –

Using the concept of contrast once more, through training daily for two weeks, going back to 2 or 3 times a

week seems almost cheating it is so easy as your new exercise associations kick you into action.

How to do it –

Exercise each and every day for 14 consecutive days without fail! During this period ensure that you

managed to achieve the following objectives –

-Exercised 3 times earlier in the morning than you are accustomed to doing1.

-Exercised 3 times later in the day/evening than you are accustomed to doing2.

-Do 3 sessions no longer than 15 minutes in total exercise time (yes, walk out after 15 mins regardless)3

-Do 3 Sessions at least 15-30 minutes longer than your goal workout time4.

-Do 3 sessions where you only do what you want to do (forget your programme, just follow your desire)5

-Do 3 sessions that were super easy and you never get tired nor work out much6.

Notes -

1-Do not expect your exercise sessions to be of any quality at first when you train earlier in the day,

especially if you are training super early in the morning. It takes about 3—5 sessions for the mind to get used

to doing it but probably 5-10 sessions before the body feels the same as exercising later in the day.

2-For both early and later sessions it may be you have to change your location and method of doing fitness,

e.g. you cannot get to the gym at that time so train at home or go for a run instead of lifting weights etc.

3-This exercise seems on paper the easiest of the lot yet I found it both personally and with clients to be one

of the hardest. After all the hard work of getting ready to train to stop after 15 minutes feel criminal.

However, that is the task, do not exercise one minute after the 15 minute mark.

4-Try to ensure you use this extra time working out rather than filling time through chatting or stretching.

5- Listen to your inner voice, maybe you always wanted to try a certain machine, perhaps you simply do not

want to do 2 out of the 8 exercises or maybe you simply want to sit on one exercise machine.

6 – Like a short exercise session it feels wrong and alien to go easy during an exercise workout but this is

important for getting you to train when demotivated. Follow the same routine as normal but do everything

on easier levels for the same amount of volume as before. Resist the temptation to increase effort.

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Results – Measurement Chart

The numerous tasks may seem a little daunting and confusing but you can do three aspects in one session,

e.g. an easy, early morning, 15 minute session. Use the tick box to hit your targets for the various aspects.

Exercise Traits Tick Chart

Area/Date Goals

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Exercise 14

Early exercise 3

Late Exercise 3

Short Exercise

<15 mins total 3

Long Exercise –

Normal +15mins 3

Desired Exercise

– Do what want 3

Easy Exercise 3

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Please write down your thoughts in conclusion of all the experiments so far.

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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

The Body

Transformation Formula


Fundamentals for Success

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The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Creating Your Dream Body – The Body Transformation Process and Fat Loss Theory

This document ensures you are up to speed with what the the successful fitness models know and to break down the

lies, half-truths and confusion you may have around transforming your body and the fastest way to lose fat. It also has

more about the mind set behind success and some exercises to look into your behaviours and motivation.

For most people their dream body means being slim/lean with a toned/muscular look. It is not just about the body

though as people want to look young while also having the energy to do anything they would like in life. All of this can

be achieved. The factor that determines the impressiveness of a body transformation in general is change in body fat.

Fat Loss

For most people the terms weight loss and fat loss are interchangeable. The determining factor for fat loss is your

energy balance. While factors affect energy consumed and expended as discussed below, the ultimate determinant of

fat loss is energy in vs energy out.

If you take anyone and lock them away in a prison cell while feeding them a low calorie diet they will lose fat every

time and though they would feel bad during the process they will come out at the end thinner. The problem is that we

are not locked away in a cell but live in the free world.

Your fat loss can be summed up by –

The biggest influence by far on your fat loss is your food intake. The nature of food is that you can eat in minutes what

it takes to burn off in hours. Here are some examples –

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Exercise and movement are interchangeable when it comes to fat loss. Some people can get results through walking

only, with no formal exercise while others prefer to exercise daily. Regular exercisers split themselves into long cardio

sessions, high intensity cardio sessions and/or focusing on weights only. Neither of these is right but it is just more

about how you balance it out with food to create fat loss. Developing muscle tone or muscle mass you need to weight

training in some form. However, for fat loss the exercise type is an individual thing against food intake.

The Good and the Bad of Calories

The issue of calories and losing fat is hotly debated. The concept has good and bad points.

The good of calories are –

Over a longer term period (1 week plus) your daily calorie intake will reliably predict what will happen with

your body fat.

Calorie intake removes the guesswork and can deliver predictable and accurate results.

Your calorie intake numbers will allow you to lose fat and also optimise health based on your intake

Calorie counting reduces food intake and gives structure to your eating which some people enjoy.

The bad side of calories are –

Calorie counting long term is not realistic, practical or desirable by most people.

To count calories for simplicity reasons you will often have to move away from natural foods as they are

harder to measure.

People who count calories are usually way off as they forget to note down times when they eat or they only

count calories on good days. Many people also guess the quantity of food eaten instead of weighing it and

thus underestimate their portions.

The calorie intake measures are also variable. This is based on what reference tables you use, which are also

estimates of calorie in a lab verses their calorific effect in the actual human body.

Assuming your calorie expenditure level are set in stone or are a specific number from an experts daily

recommendations etc. Your calorie levels change based on what you are doing and movement performed. In

times of famine your metabolism slows while in times of surplus it speeds it up thereby increasing your calorie


The key is not should you count calories or not, it is about calorie awareness. As you will see, there are many ways to

get results and food intake is always at the heart of it.

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Calorie Thresholds & Your Varying Calorie Expenditure

The number of calories expended by your body has three main factors –

1) The calorie burn of the body keeping itself alive and optimising health.

2) The calorie burn from digesting the food you eat.

3) The amount of calories you burn from moving (daily movement / exercise).

The biggest influence is from, the many processes the body uses to keep itself alive and fully functioning. The body

has an ability to change this element a lot. This is why you will often feel cold on a diet as your body has shut down

many processes which generate heat. Hence you will feel more susceptible to cooler temperatures. Your energy levels

will also reduce. The lower your food intake, the more pronounced the symptoms. Your goal should be to lose fat on

the highest number of calories possible. The way to do this is to alternate periods of dieting with periods of optimising

metabolism. See the different Diet Days later on.

The actual number of calories you need varies between individuals. However, we know at a certain level the following

will occur -

Your aim is to find the optimal fat loss burning zone for when you are dieting. This means you are losing fat, yet you

are not suffering long periods of hunger while also having the energy to function and move. This means it is

sustainable long term. Especially if we have covered the taste and comfort foods issue (see later on).

When you drift below the optimal fat loss zone you will find that your energy starts to drop, your cravings increase and

your willpower is lowered. The result is you end up breaking the diet and normally in spectacular fashion. This is

normal and no reason to beat yourself up for doing it. It is a natural result of the body suffering too great a calorie

deficit. During this phase the body will also begin to reduce its daily metabolic activities to save calories. Short term

this means your fat loss will not be as fast as expected for the effort you put in (though you will still be losing fat) and

long term you will be left with a lowered metabolic rate. This can be restored fairly quickly though by eating on the

optimal health point.

There is a certain calorie intake level that will begin to gain fat. This is your fat gaining threshold. While most people

gain fat through excesses you can be strict with your diet comprised of ‘healthy’ foods and start to see your body fat

go up if your consumption is over the maintenance levels. If you eat clean heathy foods and ensure your intake is at or

a tiny bit below the fat gaining threshold you will optimise your health, sports performance, energy and your

metabolism. In the same way the body preserves calories when in a famine if you eat on this level consistently you will

begin to raise your metabolic rate.

Fat Gaining Threshold

Starvation Threshold – Metabolism

slows/fat loss difficult as hard to follow

Optimal Fat Burning Zone


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The Weight (Fat) loss Process

The above thresholds show the general calorie intake levels over a week and the results they produces. The actual fat

loss process has a few underlying factors but it will always come back to the above formula of food consumed vs

movement performed. The type of food will have some effect on the numbers but not massively if all else is kept the

same. In fact this applies to almost every aspect of nutrition, e.g. nutrient timing, ratios, food sensitivities, meal times

etc. They will all have an influence but none will be anywhere as near as important the overall food intake.

The body is burning food (protein, carbs and fat) all the time to fuel its metabolic processes and movement. Different

people will create energy from using different proportions of protein, carb to fat. This is why some people respond

better to higher protein/fat diets while others higher carbs. How you burn your food will also be affected by activity

performed and food consumption itself.

The body has the ability to store protein, carb and fat for later use as energy. Protein is stored as muscle, carbs are

stored in the muscle and liver while fat is stored in the muscles, around the organs and under the skin. The latter being

the fat most people complain about wanting to lose.

Fat gain occurs when you continue to eat in excess of your needs once you have filled your body’s stores of food. Fat

loss will occur when the food intake is reduced below your needs but often not until the reserve energy stores are

reduced. This is why you sometimes have to wait a few days of doing a diet before you start seeing changes. Certain

people have more friendly metabolisms which mean they burn up their body fat reserves before their carbohydrate

reserves so they see results faster but in any long term long term discussion on diet and fat loss it will come back to

the principles of energy in/out against movement.

When in the process of dieting your reserve energy stores are not full which means if you were to overeat you would

not gain body fat. This means one or maybe two bad days of eating will not produce fat gain but rather serve to fill up

your stores further. This allows you greater freedom on any fat loss diet by having cheat days. Another phenomenon

of long term and aggressive diets is that when your return to eating you will continue to lose fat for a couple of days.

This is commonly seen in body building circles after the end of a cut phase and personally I have experienced it myself.

While this affect lasts only a couple of days or so at best it serves to show you do not need to be 100% on your diet

every day and nor should you.

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Weight (Fat) Loss and Exercise

The formula for weight loss is food consumed x movement performed –

What is movement and what is exercise is a little arbitrary but the line is probably set by the effort level it is performed

at. The major factor of your results is your food intake which is your nutrition x nutrition consistency. If this is out of

place then no amount of exercise can ever out do it. I have seen people training two hours a day gain body fat because

they were eating more than two hours a day extra food. It is not that hard to eat two hours of food because today’s

foods are very calorie dense.

For fat loss, like with food, the exercise and movement plan that works best is the one you can stick to. If walking

without any formal exercise works for you then do it. If cycling to work instead of taking the bus gets you the results

you want then this is fine. Others may prefer to go to the gym daily while some prefer exercise videos at home. The

way to move the body is almost unlimited and includes playing sports, dancing, swimming, walking and much more.

The key is movement and then adjusting your food intake (and sticking to it) down to a level that produces results.

Wrist pedometers give you a simple way to gauge how much you move around in daily life. This is important because

we all have stressful lives. However, stress, being busy and moving and three different things. You can easily be busy

and stressed yet not actually move your body much at all. A wrist pedometer will show you the truth.

There are various brands out there for monitoring, I use Fit Bit, as it was one a good price yet has a very good website

where I can see my stats and that of my clients. This allows me to check out what you are doing between sessions. It

also has many groups you can join so you can compare yourself to others, interact with them and this drives you on to

a new level.

Some screen shots of what the fit Bit has to offer include –

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Exercise and Developing the Movement Capacity for Results

Very often when starting out on your journey to get in shape the movement and exercise part of the plan can feel

difficult because you do not have the fitness capacity yet. This means that to walk 5km, jog for 10 minutes or do a

weights routine is a real effort because your fitness levels are not quite there yet.

Over time as you increase your fitness levels you will be able to move more and more. This doesn’t apply just to more

typical fitness sessions but walking and daily movement too. If you are using a wrist pedometer you may find that your

current levels are 4000 steps a day. The first time you do 10000 steps in a day you may find it tough. Over time though

you can develop your movement capacity so that 20 000 steps in a day is no problem which means your old daily

average of 4000 feel so little compared to the new you. This development will take time but it is important to

understand that it takes time to get fitter.

Exercise and Being Fit for Life

While your movement capacity determines your ability to lose body fat, being fit to really enjoy and maximise life has

other parts to the equation. You need to have the strength to move your body, be this to carry boxes when moving

house, play with the kids or partake in sport. To feel great you want a body to be free from pain with the flexibility to

not feel like you have been hit by a bus when you get out of bed in the mornings. All of these elements and more can

be developed, enhanced and trained using specific fitness plans. While for many this area is not so important, for a

large percentage this is as important as looking good. This area is especially important as you begin to get older.

This focus on training involves using certain specific resistance exercises to strengthen key areas of the body,

stretching and releasing tension in tight points that restrict movement and waking up sleeping muscles on the body.

The result is a body that feels amazing and can move freely. This will encourage you to want to move more.

Exercise and Sculpting Your Perfect Body

While for most people their perfect body involves a large focus on dropping their current body fat levels for most

people wanting to be toned they need to also do weight training (resistance exercise). This will allow men to develop

muscle mass and women to develop muscle tone. This area is a crucial element in creating a sensational body


Individuality of Your Exercise Routine

The key to exercise is the ability to do it consistently. To this point you need to go through a process of learning how to

exercise, finding what you enjoy most and then finding the right mix to get the results you desire. There is no right or

wrong answer on how to exercise. Some people maximise fat loss through walking only, others really intense short

fitness sessions while others more gentle paced cardio. Some people focus just on weight training at home while

others hit the gym twice a day. It is simply about listening to what your mind and body wants you to do.

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Making a Body Transformation Easier

The following pointers make life a little easier in creating a body transformation.

Replace over remove – It is always easier to focus on a new behaviour than it is to focus on not doing something, For

example, it is easier to focus on eating a 1kg of carrots a day than it is on not eating chocolate, or trying to drink 1.5

litres a day of veg juice than stopping drinking. It is easier to focus on walking 10km a day than not sitting down.

Forget perfection – Use Behaviour thresholds – Perfection is a goal that causes more failed body transformations than

any other. Being perfect is very difficult to do while getting results is not that hard. The belief that you need to be

perfect to achieve results is a complete fallacy. You should focus on your behaviour thresholds, the percentage of

behaviours that must be in place over a weekly period to make progress. Your aim is simply to hit this threshold then

maintain it for long enough to achieve your goals.

Simplicity and patience – Creating an amazing body transformation is a very simple process that is very difficult to do.

Each individual day is nothing spectacular. You do not need to do wild or crazy exercise sessions, just some movement

of some sort. You do not need to be starving or fighting cravings, just moderate food intake. You do not need to be

100% strict or rigid on your elimination of any one food, you just need to be sensible in your “bad” food consumption.

This is all very very simple! Yet it is hard to do.

Alongside the issue of simplicity is patience, when you get your simple yet effective day right, you then need to run a

few of them together. This will produce results. The results will be significant but not massive nor amazing. Run four of

these weeks together and you would have created a spectacular change. Run four months together and it is breath

taking. To get there though requires great patience during the individual days and weeks that make up a massive body

transformation. The most spectacular transformations are made up of slow and steady weekly progresses.

Seek the plan that works not the ‘correct’ plan – Forget what is right or wrong or what you should do. The only thing

that matters is what works for you. If you want and need to do long cardio sessions then do it, if you want to do

weights only then do it….if you must eat a square of chocolate every day or drink wine yet can still get results then do

it. Almost any behaviour can be kept and worked around to still produce results. The key is getting results.

Understand basic body Transformation mechanics – While there may be different theories on most aspects of health

simple underlying physiology still applies –

If you eat more food than what you need you will gain fat

If you eat less food than what you need you will lose fat.

The more you move the easier it is to under eat your calorie needs

To gain muscle you must lift weights / do resistance exercise regularly in some form

0 100

Results Threshold??

% of Good behaviours

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The fitter/leaner/ more muscular you get the more advanced methods you must use for further improvements

Current behaviours

How many Exercise Sessions have you done within the last 12 months??


How often must you exercise to achieve your goal?


What is the longest you went without exercising?


How good/bad is your food in a typical week? (0-10)


What is needed to achieve your goal?


How often do you eat ‘junk food’?


How often do you drink?


What is your current level of motivation (0-10) to get results and do the needed behaviours?


What are you prepared to do?



What are you not prepared to do?



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Blocks to Success

What are the main reasons you have not achieved the body you want?




If you had resolved the above issues, what would change in your behaviours? What would you do instead?




If your 3 main reasons for a lack of success were resolved, is there any other reason why you wouldn’t achieve

the body you want?




Causes of Your Behaviours Going Wrong – Note down the any circumstances that apply to you -

1 2 3

Food / Drink

e.g. Kit Kat, beer

Situation / Location

e.g. Friday night, pub

Other People / Person,

e.g. work dinners, wife

Mood / Thought

e.g. when sad, “If

feeling fat”


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Learnings From The Past

What methods have worked well for you in the past when getting into shape??




What are the 3 main reasons you would not stick to your nutrition or exercise plan?

Nutrition plan Exercise Plan




What can you do to counter these main problem areas for nutrition and exercise?

Nutrition plan Exercise Plan




Create a simple “Start Doing” and “stop Doing” list that would immediately help the body move forwards.

Start Doing / Do More of Stop Doing / Do Less of

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The Fitness Model Diet (FMD)

The fitness model diet comes from looking at how the people with some of the best bodies on the planet achieve their

goals. It is a combination of the best from health y living with fat loss in a practical sense that works in the real wold of

social events, stress and busy schedules.

The FMD is actually a combination of 4 different diet approaches that are rotated based on your goals and day to day

circumstances. There are no banned foods on the FMD and whatever your lifestyle you can still get results. The plans

are not low carb nor low fat nor does it box you into having to eat a certain way. It produces results based on what

your body wants while considering your personal preferences.

For most people their main focus is on the fat loss plan as this is normally their main motivation on starting. The other

three elements of the FMD are the optimisation plan (to maximise health / muscle development), the freedom plan

and maintenance plan. These final two plans are to ensure you enjoy the freedom of eating any food you want and to

allow you to break even during challenging circumstances. The four plans look completely different yet are so easy to

implement you wonder why you have never done it before.

The FMD is not about endless theories or complicated plans, it is about implementation ASAP then editing it based off

how your body responds. There are no right or wrongs. It is simply about getting into a plan of action that works on

every level from body fat to enjoying your meals and fitting in socially.

The Four Diet Plans –

The four FMD diet plans can easily be put in place (not everyone uses all four plans) usually in the following order -

The Fat Loss Plan (Time to get lean!)

Designed to strip your body fat and lose weight this diet plan will make you look and feel amazing. The key to its

success is developing the plan so –

- You have reduced food intake to ensure fat loss occurs

- You still feel good so that you are not suffering strong hunger, cravings or severe low energy.

- You enjoy your meals

- You still have some treats within the diet

- You move the body through exercise and/or daily movement to accelerate fat loss

The Freedom Plan (The cheat to relax mentally)

Fitness models can go after their fat loss phases much harder than the average dieter because they know that it isn’t

for life but just for a few weeks or months. Even then, they understand that no one can be perfect for a long time and

thus regularly employ cheat days and meals. The key to this success is –

- You completely relax mentally and do not worry at all about what you eat

- You eat more food than your fat loss days to spike metabolism.

- You enjoy the freedom

- You get the ratio right for freedom vs results (5 fat loss days:2 cheat days/week is the “standard” FMD ratio).

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The Maintenance Plan (Fit in with the world yet keep your results)

The goal here is to fit in with the world or get through a current hectic or stressful situation without undoing all your

hard work. This may mean Christmas, your summer holiday or the busiest time of the year in work. The plan has all the

freedom you need yet also uses other techniques to “balance the books” so that at the end of the period you are

pretty much where you were at the beginning. The key to this plan is –

- You do enough compromise and rebalancing of behaviours to roughly break even.

- You accept you are going to be “bad” in certain areas (similar to freedom diet)

- You accept you have to make up for the “bad” with enough “good” to break even

- You are open to using left field techniques and methods that are not what you “normally do”.

The Optimisation Plan (Feel on top of the world)

This plan is designed to optimise health and charge your energy levels. It also creates the environment for optimal

muscle development. Contrary to popular belief, no one diet can achieve all goals. Your fat loss diet may have very

clean foods and be healthy but if it is helping you lose fat then you could probably eat 33% more of this same food and

not gain fat. This extra energy is used by the body to supercharge its functioning. It will raise your metabolic rate

(important as dieting to lose fat slows it), raise your body temperature and improve almost every aspect of health.

The key to this plan is –

- You are eating “clean” foods stacked with vitamins and minerals as well as ideal macro ratios.

- You are eating significantly more calories than during the fat loss plan.

- You do not eat so much that you start to gain body fat.

Rotating Your Plans

The FMD uses these four phases and interchanges them as and when based on needs. For most people they start with

the Fat Loss Plan and use the freedom and maintenance plans so they can stick to fat loss over a prolonged period

And therefore transform their body shape. Once towards their goals they then begin to implement the optimisation

plan for longer term eating.

People focused on gaining muscle over losing fat, have health issues to address or have been starving themselves diet

wise for a long time would normally start with the optimisation plan first.

Long term, once at your goal you would spend the majority of the year on the optimisation plan with a fat loss week

every 4-8 weeks to ensure you are at break even with your weight and body fat.

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Reacting to your results

The key concept behind the whole FMD is that you must find the formula that works for you. This is what everyone

who has an amazing body stumbled upon. It is a total fallacy that you just get a book to follow and then sail off into

the sun set with the body of your dreams. Likewise, there is no magic formula that works for everyone. Survey the

cross section of fitness models and you will see a huge variety in what they do. However, certain fractions shout the

loudest so you may think that it is the only way.

Getting results is about experimentation, review, listening to your wisdom then making changes. Before long (and

much more easily than you would think) you have created the perfect combination of plans and become empowered

to easily create the body you want. But it is experimentation that will take you there, this starts out in the foods you

select, the treats you eat, the reactions your body gives to eating and exercising as well as adjusting for the mood,

emotions and current life circumstances.

The 3 meal rule

One of the most effective ways to get your food on track is to start planning your meals. This should also account for

buying your food, preparing your food and of course eating your food! The very worst thing you can do food wise is to

decide on the spot (when hungry in the supermarket) what you are going to eat as it will often end in poor food

choices. I try to encourage my clients to think 3 meals ahead……which generally means you are thinking about the rest

of the day and also into tomorrow…..

When you start thinking ahead you will begin to solve other issues, if your plan for evening dinner reveals you haven’t

any of the required foods then you will now have an objective when you hit the supermarket. If the thought of your

next meals is already putting you off then you know you must edit it and add in some taste in one way or another.

The key to the 3 meal rule is like most health and fitness advice…Actually doing it! But second to that is having this as a

rolling rule….so at breakfast you are thinking lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day. At lunch you are thinking

dinner, breakfast and also tomorrow’s lunch. Do not make a big deal about this, it takes a few seconds to think about

what to eat next……


What will I have in my next meal?

Do I have the food for this meal (how will I get it if not)?

How/when will I prepare it?


When you eat your next meal repeat again, to confirm the two choices still stand as previous planed and to add in the

third option for the next meal. You do not have to stick to your 3 meal plan but simply by having it you will greatly

improve your nutrition consistency.

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Your Dream Body

Many people’s goals are a realistic and underwhelming, e.g. lose a couple of KG, and do not represent their biggest

desire. More powerful for motivation is asking what is the ultimate dream body if you could just click your fingers.

Describe what your ultimate dream body would look like?

Describe how your dream body would feel?

Describe what you would do differently if you had your dream body?

Describe how you would think if you were at your goal? (What would you no longer think / worry about?)

What other areas of your life would improve if you had your dream body?

Name 3 people who have the ideal body you want




Do you have a photo of these people?

Yes – Put them somewhere you will see the pictures daily.

NO – Get some photos and put them somewhere you will see them daily.

Who would you have to become to be able to achieve this body?

What actions would you need to do to get this body?

What is stopping you from doing this?

Any other comments/thoughts

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Mind, Focus, Emotion and Motivation

To achieve your dream body you will need a shift in mind set. While anyone can lose a couple of KG without changing

too much mentally to get to your dream body it will take a significant difference mentally before anything shows

physically. There are many factors that affect your motivation, desire to do tasks and therefore level of results.

Motivation – This refers to your desire to do the needed plan of action as well as how driven you are to achieve your

goal. Motivation fuels willpower. However, motivation is not consistent in anyone and will always cycle up and down.

Motivation is fuelled by pain (away from current state) and pleasure (towards a future state). This will affect staying

motivation as you progress as away from motivation decreases you make progress and experience less pain to drive

you on.

Measurement & Accuracy – Many people have an inability to measure/see progress with any degree of accuracy. As a

result they are often guessing and fumbling blind with their plan of action. Even when you are making rapid strides

and progress with your body transformation the week to week changes are slow and steady. However, run 4-6 weeks

together of this slow and steady progress and the total change is awesome and sets people talking. Ultimately you

want to know what behaviours produce which results and this area can be an issue for many. The weighing scales

being at the heart of many problems in seeing progress.


Why Haven’t

You Got The

Body You

Want?? Automatic


Happiness Stress



Nutrition Exercise


Measurement &


Use of food/drink when



High Motivation plan

Use of food/drink

when stressed




Desire to do plan /

achieve results

Connections to

“bad” behaviours

Low Motivation plan

High Motivation plan

Low Motivation plan



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Nutrition – This refers to your basic knowledge of foods, which includes what is in it, calorie awareness/portion sizes,

reaction of foods to your body (individuality) and other areas needed for results based off your goals. As well as

knowledge you need a plan of action for when you are and are not feeling motivated.

Exercise – This refers to your basic knowledge of exercise, which includes what it is, how to do it, exercise consistency

and enjoyment and how to get fitter month to month. As well as knowledge you need a plan of action for when you

are and are not feeling motivated.

Neuro Connections – We often develop a neural association to certain foods, people or situations so that when they

come around we are naturally drawn to doing a “bad” behaviour. This could be having to eat a cake when your best

friend comes round to always drinking when the clock hits Friday evening at 6pm. These associations will force you to

do the bad behaviour regardless of whether you actually want to do it that day or not. When broken you are then able

to achieve the moderation most people desire without too many problems.

Automatic Behaviours – Your ultimate results are determined by what you naturally and automatically do day in day

out. The object of any plan of behaviour change is to result in the positive behaviour being natural and automatic. This

should be independent of motivation. For example, few of us are motivated to, nor overly enjoy brushing our teeth yet

it gets done day in day out regardless of our mood or feeling. The aim of all exercise and nutrition plans is to be

incorporated into this element of automatic processing.

Stress – Your reaction and methods of handling stress can negatively or positively aid your body shape and body

transformation. Almost all people in amazing shape use exercise as a method for handling stress. The natural default

for most people is to eat badly when stressed, especially their most troublesome foods. This obviously affects the body

in dramatically different ways.

One element of stress is also time availability and how much time you have to commit to achieving your dream body.

In periods of stress our busyness often crushes our health and fitness goas. This needs to be accounted for.

Happiness – The other side of the coin to stress is happiness. How you handle food and exercise when feeling happy or

unhappy again goes a long way to towards determining success. Many people use food both when feeling good and

feeling bad. This obviously leads to poor results in regards to their body.

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Develop Starting Motivation

Before you start, the more motivated you are the better potential for results. The most powerful motivator is to be

chasing your ultimate dream body that inspires you just thinking about it. See previous exercise

Seeing progress produces motivation. Therefore, ensure you take measurements regularly (see later for more

details). Take a before photo and in-progress pictures, try on specific clothes and measure body fat.

Find photos of at least three people and put them in a place you will see every day. If possible follow these

people on social media etc. You want to have daily exposure to seeing the body you want to create and how

they achieve it themselves.

Spend time thinking about the consequences / benefits of failure or success in your goals as directed below -

Consequence of Failure / Lack of Action

- What would happen if you fail to achieve your goal by your target date?

- What would happen in 1 year if you do not change now? How would you feel / look?

- What would happen in 5/10 years if you do not change now?

- What body part (s) do you dislike? Imagine getting worse if you not change now!

Benefits of Success / Taking Action

- What would happen if you achieved your goal by your target date?

- What would happen in 1 year if you change more/take massive action? How would you feel/ life look?

- What would happen in 5/10 years if changed and took massive action now?

- What body part (s) do you like? Imagine getting even better if take massive action now

Complete the table below to leverage the motivation of other people

People Motivators- Write the names of people who -

Be proud / benefit

of your success

Inspire you Make you competitive You want to

prove wrong

How can you spend more time with / remind yourself daily of these people?

Complete the table below about your main values and priorities in life. Think about how your fitness goals

affect the elements of life you find most important.

Values/priorities How success in my goal helps the value How failure in my goal hinders the value

1 -

2 -

3 -

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Measuring Your Body Transformation

The ability to measure progress is a vital and an often poorly followed aspect of getting results. It is an important area

as ultimately getting results simply comes down to the formula –

Follow Plan ………….Review Results ……Continue Plan if positive results or adjust as needed

The problem comes if you cannot accurately judge progress. Body fat, even when dropping at a fast rate is still a slow

process. The changes are subtle on a week to week basis and your ‘worst’ area is normally the very last thing to lose

body fat from (first on / last off). If you are losing body fat at 1% a week you are making great progress. A 10% body fat

loss in a two month period is a sensational and dramatic transformation. Yet the week to week progress will still feel


Problems of the weighing scales

Your weight is a measure of – your body fat, your muscle mass, your hydration levels, your carbohydrate stores in the

body, bone and connective tissue and how much food you have physically in the digestive system (e.g. after eating,

going to the toilet). Out of these six influences three of them can change quite quickly from day to day (hydrations,

carb stores and digestive system weight). As such weight is a very poor short term measure (days to a week). You

should be able to see body fat losses every 1-3 days using other methods. Personally I would just take weight at the

beginning and end of the transformation.

Charting progress - Always Have More Than One Measure

Using one measurement as the guide for your progress is playing with fire. This is even worse if your one measure is

weight which is a medium to long term statistic and unable to accurately show shorter time periods. You should use at

least 3-5 different measures to evaluate progress.

Every single measurement method has its limitations, especially in shorter term fat loss changes. However when taken

together you will be able to notice changes. These could / should include –

Clothes – Specific items of clothes are the best measure for your progress. Dig out some clothes that are slightly tight,

really tight and if applicable something you can barely get into. Re-measure these weekly to see changes in progress.

Ideally se clothes that measure more than just one site on the body, e.g. if you lose weight on your chest, your tight

trousers in the waist will not pick it up. You can also use the general feel of your clothes as well as clothes size in

certain shops (albeit they vary from shop to shop)

Body Fat % - Using fat calipers through a tester or self-evaluation will directly show your body fat. The % fat number

you get through reference tables is good for charting progress but questionable in talking about absolute values for

comparison between people. You can also use electronic scales but understand they are affected by hydration and

may only measure your lower or upper half of the body depending on the machine used.

Photos – Before, during and after photos are powerful. Especially for showing you exactly where you are on day one

and preventing you going back to where you were once you have achieved your goal.

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Weight – Your body weight shows how much fat you have, muscle you have, hydration, carbohydrate stores in the

body, whether you have been to the toilet, weight of food in stomach etc. With so many factors contributing to weight

daily measurements can be very inaccurate. It also explains why you can seemingly gain weight very quickly after a

weekend of bad eating. Reality is body fat is slow to go on and slow to come off. Weight is a good measure for medium

to long term changes. Understand also that the “ideal weight” or the statement “I need to lose __ Kg” is normally

always wrong and often impossible to achieve.

Circumferences – Limb size is again another good measure as you will become smaller when losing body fat. This

should also be reflected in clothes of course. Measurements on the stomach need to account for bloating which can

come from simply eating a large meal.

Lines of Shadow / Vascularity – Other signs of body fat loss includes seeing veins on your body or lines of shadow in

the muscle. These will increase as you lose body fat. You may notice yourself becoming bonier, this is often shown on

the hands, feet or rib areas. You may also notice rings and watches becoming looser and shoe size decreasing.

General feel – Your general feeling will also indicate how body fat is progressing. This of course is open to

interpretation, bloating and mood. Most people would rate themselves much higher in body fat after eating some

cake or drinking alcohol because of guilt and feeling sluggish. The reality though is your body fat levels would be the


Other people’s comments – As you progress people will begin to comment on your fat loss. This, like the weight

scales, is a medium term measure as few people will notice day to day changes in general. Leaving your progress open

to others evaluation is of course a crazy idea but it does contribute to an evaluation.

Non Body composition measures – You may also measure your movement, fitness, health within the body and

thinking patterns. These give you a measured focus upon which to evaluate the effect of developing your fitness,

health or thinking patterns. It is especially important to track fitness as it aids in motivation and allows us to evaluate

exercise. Your movement can be tracked using a wrist pedometer which alongside food intake determines fat loss.

Page 38: The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model Mind Set Programme has number of tasks to complete. At the end of each task you

The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula

Taking Measurements

1) Photos / Video

While wearing just underwear (ideally) take a photo face on, side on, and from behind. To do this either have someone

take it for you, use a timer on your camera or simply do a selfie in a mirror.

You may also want to film yourself, start recording with your camera or phone, stand in front of it for a couple of

seconds then turn to side on, pause then turn again until have completed the full circle. Often the video gives a better

view of body fat. You may also want to walk away from camera in a straight line then back towards it for 5-10 metres.

This again gives a good view of the body and is powerful later on in comparison.

*You may feel bad when you see yourself in photos/video etc. Though painful it is important to see exactly where you

are today and to be honest with the situation. Very quickly you will change and improve your body.

2) Clothes – Select some specific items of clothing, 1 or 2 pieces that are tight but wearable, a couple that are not

so wearable and if applicable 1-2 that are a distance off. One of these items should represent your ultimate

goal. Be aware of other elements such as bra size for women or belt size for men as they also show progress.

3) Optional Measures -

Body Fat % - Use some calipers or electronic scale if you have access to one. Ensure consistency through using the

same tester, same point on the body if doing it yourself or same scales at same time of day if electronic. Please note

that body fat % loss when going really fast is never much more than 1% a week. If the scales say a 3-4% loss or gain in a

couple of days then measurement inaccuracy is the most likely cause.

Weight – Ensure accuracy through using the same scales at the same time each week based of a typical day

beforehand of eating and drinking. You may also want to use a second scales for back up to the data.

Circumferences – Take a measuring tape to your stomach, hips, chest and/or legs. The key is to ensure accuracy, best

done by either taking the maximum circumference or by a specific point.

4) Measuring Fitness, Health and Other data

There is more to measuring your body than just body fat, albeit that is central to most people’s goals. Fitness can be

measured through the fitness profile test or more specific measures if you play sport for example. Health has

numerous measures that can be used as well. This may range from medical tests to more body wide analysis such as

the health analysis points system. Speak to me about measuring this further. Muscle mass is best measured through

body fat x average weight x mirror appearance.

It is also prudent to measure the actions that bring success. This could mean measuring your steps using a wrist

pedometer per day or keeping a record of exercise sessions done. Nutrition monitoring could mean calorie counting

per day or simply noting the quality a day’s eating with a tick or a cross. It is not essential to measure these things, as

the results in the body are the ultimate measurement tool but many find it beneficial.

Page 39: The Fitness Model Diet The Body Transformation Formula · success with your body. The Fitness Model Mind Set Programme has number of tasks to complete. At the end of each task you

The Fitness Model Diet – The Body Transformation Formula


Photo – Y /N Video – Y/ N Retake every ___ weeks


Clothes Goal – Measures

Date Clothes 1 (close to fitting) Clothes 2 – (few weeks off) Clothes 3 – End clothing goal

Which tight clothes can you wear to remind you of your current state? (Start wearing them)

What does your excess weight look like in fat? (Put in a basket at supermarket)

Date % Fat Weight Circumferences Date % Fat Weight Circumferences