The first place I’d like to go? restaurant Acting: Ss act out Scene 4. Task 1:

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Transcript of The first place I’d like to go? restaurant Acting: Ss act out Scene 4. Task 1:

The first place I’d

like to go?


Acting: Ss act out Scene 4.

Task 1:

The Million Pound Bank Note

What would happen to Henry at the restaurant?

(Before eating)

A.He was not taken seriously. B. He was treated politely.

What would happen to Henry at the restaurant?

What did the hostess feel when Henry came into the restaurant? How do you know? She felt very impatient and looked down upon Henry because of his poor appearance. “Why, look at him, he eats like a wolf.”

(Before eating— Eating)

What would happen to Henry at the restaurant?

(During eating)

Answer the questions

1. What does “I’m afraid it’ll cost a large amount of money” exactly mean?

2. Before Henry took the note out of the envelope, did the waiter serve him politely? Why?

You are in rags. You can’t afford it.

No, he didn’t. He served Henry impolitely. Because he thought Henrywas a poor man who was not able to pay for the meal.

What would happen to Henry at the restaurant?

(After eating)

When did the hostess and the

waiter change their attitude to

the customer?_________

A. At the beginning of the story.

B. Before they saw the large note.

C. At the end of the story.

D. After they saw the large note. D

At the sight of the customer’s note, t

he owner and his waiter got very __.

A. frightened B. angry

C. worried D. shockedD

Why were the owner and hostess shocked when they saw the million pound bank-note in Henry’s hand?

Because they never thought that the bank-note belonged to such a person in rags.

1.The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry’s appearance.

2. Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot.

3.When Henry saw the million pound bank-note, he was happy and proud of it.

4.The owner didn’t believe that the bank- note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant.





True or false

How was Henry treated beforeand after he showed them the one million pound note?

The great change of their attitude



Owner Waiter Hostess

That one’s reserved.

Well, we will have to take a chance.

…if you pay the bill…

My goodness! He eats like a wolf.

It’ll cost a large amount of money .Again, everything?

What’s there to wait for?

Before Henry shows his million pound bank-note

Owner Hostess Waiter

I’m so sorry, sir, so sorry.

Oh, please, don’t worry, sir. Doesn’t matter at all.

Just having you sit here is a great honour! …bow… …


And you put him in the back of the restaurant!



After Henry shows his million pound bank-note

The great change of their attitude


Whose behaviour changes the most during this scene?Give examples.

What kind of person is the owner, why?

Complet the chartHenry The owner

Before showing the note

Had a good meal and waited to pay

Treated Henry coldly,impatiently and rudely

After showing the note

Showed a large bank-note and got a free meal

Treated Henry warmly and respectfully

↓The writer mocked( 讥笑;嘲弄 ) the phenomenon

——“money worship”

Whose behaviour changes the most during this scene? Give examples. The owner’s behaviour changes the most because he stops being rude and worrying if Henry can pay for the meal and becomes over-polite offering Henry a free meal.

What kind of person is the owner,why?

He is somebody who is only impressed by how much money somebody has.

The Million Pound Bank Note

Before the note was shown

After the note was shown

Before eating

During eating

After eating

poor appearance; lied; reserved remind that…;a large amount ofate like a wolf; ask for more of the same; looked surprised;would you mind waiting …; in a rude manner

shocked; screamed; doubted; blamed for… in the back of …; asked to have whatever he liked;a great honor; forget; bowed

With the __________ in hand, Henry de

cided to enter a _________ for a meal. He

ordered some _____ and _____ and a nice

big _______ together with a tall glass of __

___. The waiter told him the meal would co

st him __ _____ ______ ___. After eating h

is first order, Henry asked for more of ___

___ ________.


restaurantham eggs


a large amount of

the same

When Henry opened the letter, he found

it was a _______ ________ ___________. He

was ________ but the owner and the waiter

were _______. The owner was not sure if it

was _________ or fake. They couldn’t believe

Henry who was ___ ____ could be so rich. At

last, the note was proved to be real.

million pound bank-note




in rags

After knowing that the bill is genuine,

the owner _______ Henry again and again

for his coming to his little eating place and

even asked Henry to forget the ______. The

owner, hostess and waiter all ______

together as Henry left.





1.What can you learn from the text?

2.Is money everything?

What can we learn from this story?

We shouldn’t judge people by appearance.Money is everything in the capitalist society.Britain in that film was a really money worship society.

Is money everything? I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it. For example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education. And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life. But we can not

Is money everything?live without money. We need it for our daily necessities such as food, clothes and transportation. What’s more, we need it to live a better life. In short, we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages. 

1.With the million pound note, Henry had a free meal at the restaurant. In today’s society, can this happen?Why? 2. Summarize the play.
