The field (Conway, S.C.). 1924-10-02 [p ].

£ ' .v.; lap"'' .-v. it ' ; . <\ J *.* '" ? v - - ' - v , ' .v1 \ .-.j ' *' * "".' *' * .** '' \ J : '' ,4, " T-^ .' ' V i '< * ' k ' . v. .-* : .. < 'V; "* i t "|| II |'"V| ^ Lawv WITNESS DROPS DI ." I -. v- ON i , " V. . ^ The first day's^roceedings in the ftrial of TSAwMad^D.. Bigham, Florence countv farmed ~who la charged with >"> ,* *he of five= members of hi* ^ own family, were brought to a sudden close late Thursday whetf.a State's , VitDess was, fatally stricken while , .. testifying? ^ / .1 » George J. Steele, 72 years of age, president of the- bank of Pamplico, > t was describing scenes the Bigham j fc... .home nn thr afternoon of January , * 22, when the five* members oT~fhe- . family* were killed, when his mouth j , showed a strained appearance. He ' .-was assisted from, the Witness chair already. unconscious/' and "taken into * the judge's cloak roonrTirom where it ( . ; was reported a few minutes after- * wa^d that Tie was'; dead.* 'i > _ Court Adjourns At the suggestion of £hilU$L.H< Ar- j rowsniith, assisting Solicitor. L. M. ] Gasque in the prosecution, Judge. * \ % Hayne F. RFce adjourned court unttl j Friday morning. Mr. Arrowsmith was "examining the witness When the 1st- j ;f jc-te? was strlckeiv^" , 1 ! . Mr. Steele was the second witness called by the stater following Dr. W. j V H. Poston, of Pampplico, on the ] stand. Dr. Poston had been under ex- ( amination' from about 11:30 that pnorning until * 5-o'clock that after- noon telling' of his services the , * Bjglfam home in'cortnection with the i tragedy, and undergoing a severe >. ' questioning from both state defense attorneys on his view as ap expert of ' the powibiHty^tha^. Smiley Bigham » had committed suici&h' r Edmund D. Bigham, convicted and P. when Arraipged for the second- time on the same charge. .;* ? Nu Concern - -1.'. Although he. foljowed the progress of the case with evident interest, the < defender! t showed no agita^iep or conr f * cern during the day. '. > ip- Apparently in the best of healthy Mr. Steele mounted the witness - chair / with a firm step and answered questions put-to hi^ar in a clear vigorous j**\ v "manner.. He said Edmund BighaiH asked him to assi$t in searching for a . » ' j f> , *_ + Ai i ;" .7 l~ - tne remaining memoers 01 me jami-1. r ; - '. ly after Mrs. Bigham and .one of the ! boys .had been found dead- but that [. - " , he declined because he tho.ught it was ' -dangerous.. \... ; J " ** "Who were you afraid of?" Attor-* .ney Arrowsmith asked. "Whoever was doing the hilling;" the witno % y rejoined, while a ripple of laugh:or' - stirred-the-packed courtroom. v » Relations Good .. The bodies of the other children Mr* Blaek were found later, he1 j? ' testified. The witness said he had known the Bigham family since he ' . was old enough# to know anything. The relations^between Smily and hist mother and sister were good, he said, and so far as he kneqr, so were the relations between Edmund and'-the '"membertt'iof the family. ^ Asked about the relations between v'~ the two brothers, Mr Steele replied, 'UvMnf wtiflf Smllo tnld fVlOV " vere good so far as I know,'*' [ ... He -wps not called upon to explain) It ^ what Smily hid4 told him.- _ *"* Testimony of T>octor Poston4corf> sumed a large part of the day. He I'* descrJbed'Thd wound* of "which". Big5" I t .v ham'ar^ftothfcr, Sister and the tatter's L'1 'V;.-*v- adopted children d&d. . -: -/** \ V 4 Questioned, by Judge Mendel L. j. r j « Smith, Camden^ thedefense cpun** V eel, it was indicated that the defense wou^d endeavor to establish the theory- that tiail^ Bigham killed" the other menAers of his family and theh > commltteCriBlCtde. ' ^ Solicitor L. M. Gaaque and Atfcer9 . ney Arrowjnnith, &>th of Florence, of Dr Poston that Smily Bigham did > not commit suicide, although his dead < body was found, with a bulla* hole in the right ^temple and S aV revolver Ij ^ * held lootely in his right hand. " /*' The I personnel of the Jury follows: (,F "S H. G. Powell, George Bellamy, W. L. I v v W. A. Page,,. Sam C; Lou?, ,V ' J > Vincent Ward- W.'A. Mopre, J. > i V, :/ ' Royals. PearJie Doyle, W. U' Thojripj/.. «on, Claude if. Boyd and A. H" Long. j' p"*' ' 'y. J / "* ; fek ; j; ->;&) '.f- " :vV -'v?:' * >:; ... , ^>"V /, "> "/: '. *) ' \ '- > * -' v. .V ' J ' *,* '' . v >' j.'.-'.. V- %7 ' ' >l :: V..'- /*. ' . * vtt a v. ^ ' V ^ Jrnrr-;r '* " * »- -r ,. ,-^IT * - '.< .' -v-'j, , %i?7 '" , % 9 w: ;v. V 'J » ; .*rfe ~" '" rrit. iy ' =?=£ ers C 2AD 7 v STAND FIRST DAY M -I' * - " > Hundreds of men. with many women and children, sought to obtain seats in the court room but many disappointed; JThe ppeniny court Thursday afternoon'' was delayed about 30 minjutes by the inability of court attaches and>witnesses to -make their Way through the throng tha^warmed at the doors. T Richam. with his wife and two young daughters .sitting beside ^him followed the proceedings closely/ He spoke at intervals with L. King, Judge Smith and E. J. Sherwood, who arc representing him. Doctor Poston- who confessed ofr ten to inability tp remember Kis testimony 'at the coroner's inquest and at the first trial, was examined. at length as to Whether or not a-man who committed suicide would go*-' tinue to hold a pistol -or would drop it after shooting himself through the head!1;.. \ T The physician gave it as his opinion that either result was possible. Edmund Bighata, the witness said, told him he ^iad returned to the Bigham home aft^r a short visit to 4 neighbor^ to find, the members of the family shot and to see Smiley disappear across. the read with some object in his hand. This was late in the afternoon and Smiley's . body-was found about noon of the following day Df. Poston testified. . v. The defense objected to all questions relating to the manner in which all members of the family met death except Smiley, for- whose murder the st^te elected to try.Edmund D. Bigham. ^ Tndleaitiu when Hadj' to tisM . TeaUmony. that EUimund D. B/ghw. indicated #her« the hi%brother; SmiTey( could be. found before it was actually located, w eourt Thursday morning oyOtKplter Mc^Vhlte, farmer-neighbor yof the J?igharrf§. . J The defentjent who; went on trial here Thursday for the second time od| a charge of . murdering Smiley Bigham, told Mr\J£hite; Nthe latter testified, .that ch Should be ipade fpr his brother bodyAnear an old ditch where it was datcfeir found. The witness- said EdmuiuK asked r iiim *4to look out for my inteVestlldf the body of Smiley was, found, explaining that th-> letter had four hundred or mpre <l**'ars in his pockets the day before t'.ii tragedy. Only thirty. odd dollar# ^ere found on the body, he said. The .pistol, which ^pniley Bigham, had clasped loqsely in-his. right hand when found, was offered, in evidence during the testimony of the next wit* nejts, W.- W. Purvis, ^ of Pamplico. uourt attacnes wpre unaDie to open the chamber to ascertain whether the gun was loaded. It was handed to the defendant who opened*; it exhibiting the empty chambers. Purvis told of finding Smiley Big* ham's, body with * the pistol in his hapd. There Were traces of bipod on the weapon but none on y the dead man's hand, he testified. Tjie witness said Edmund* Bigham asked hip) to look for -his brother's body, Saying he belieyed the "poor fellow"'was dead, Purvis stated. . * * y. Magistrate B. J.: Hyman, the next witness testified that fedm^hd Big' iHSBT^tpld him to make a search below a certain road for his brother's body. The body waf found below this road, he ;said. On cross-examination he satd*the,defendant'had not indicated any particular Spot. ' liad "Pistol v ( " Testimony was presented* that the defendant had a pistol'on the Saturn 'day when the^tifhgedy^ took place and also ofT the preceding Saturday. The pistol was id en t if yd as the same weapon found in Smiley Bigham's hand, when his dead bodys^ras located on the de^ after the other members df the family ?vfcre foUnd shot %c death". * > ' *. .. There was also testimony to the ef. feht^tliat blood stain* wore found eg a tree 12 to IS feet distant from the root wHfere Smiley^ Bigham's bods was found witl) * bullet' wound-in hfi right temple. -v . iSs- ^keted %t : v7-- * ... / - ..v Jw» r: $ ' -y :;-v; . 4 1 *' .. v iri " \ V *- V ,-v // / VV i ' * ~ . * "' s ... " 5 S #* ' - cVV . 3 . V * ^ «%% , V . ,< , 11 * / V * ^ fcljei ^ CONWAX c.. m-RSD^ !lash i ' f < «. ' r-* The prosecution also introduced il the evidence of wkncasea whfr .wMd £ Edmurid Bigham indicated foe genet- Jt al direction in which search should be E tirade for. Smiley's body, location of ti the body resulting. Walter Burch, ne- si gro, testified that"on Saturday before 4 the killing, Mrs. Bigham**asked.hinv to h go Id Pamplico to get a policeman to h protect thejn from Edmund, who she fi said^acedrding to the witness, flwas about to kill" all of them. * Court adjourned Fritl&y afternoon S until .Monday in order to permit wit- h nesses And attaches to.attend the fun- »! eral of George J. Steele, who died ,b Thursday while testifying as a state's e witness in the Bigham case. .J Much of the time* of the court Fri<- * ' ' ~ . J'TL.. -.-j* a (lay .alterno$m was eonsumeu p.y #hi» argument between opposing counsel h as to the- admissability of certain ft questions relating to Srtiiley Big- tl ham's Rental condition about the 0 time of the tragedy;" t'" ... .. Defense Objects . Mrs. Ola Curtain, a neighbor of the * Blghams , was asked about a conver- .< Sation ^Smiley Bigham had _fit her * home a few days before the family* 11 with the ^exception of Edmund, was shot to ^eath. The dofense raised an 0 objection and the jury was excused while" Judge "Bice heard the argu- * ments. He reserved his decision untH c Monday, ^ ' .... >1 Besides Mrs. Curtain, witnesses S who testified Friday stere Walter ' McWhite, who helped in search for * Smiley Bigham's body, Magistrate B, J. Hyjnan and, Charlie Gordon*...Wifc. } ter Miller, Archie, Davis, Herbert * Foxwqrth. and Walter Burch, all ne- * groes. P The defense continued to object to ( all testimony except that relating dl^Gordon, Millfer, Davis; and Fox- ' testified Is hnuina eusii Hit*- * [pound Bigham threaten hiaVgfaUrr* Mrs. M+rjorie Blackf with a Board on " the Saturday preceding the crime. of th|m said he saw four or five |; bloWff struck with the board. * They nllr testified 'that Mrs. Black, ^Ifs. Big- 1 ham and the two children, lift the, home an^ went' to Mrs. Curtain's ' home -immediately afterward. . 7 ^Indication by a state's witness of- the signitu^e of L. Smiley Bigham on the socalletf confession letter, one of/the factors on 'which the defense! secured a new trial, marked the firog-;, ress of Edmund D; >Bigham,'e secondT trial fbr murder.Monday. E.-_M. Singletary, elerk of.court top Florence! county, declared that in his opinion f tTO^igrfiture to the letter,.which il- ' * #|lf was not offered in evidence, was tjjfc'handwriting of Smiley Bighamr whom along with his mother, Mrs M. M. Bigham, his sister; Mrs. Marjorie Black and thW two adopted Children of the latier, Leo end Joh»*MeCrack- en, Edmund is e&rged with killing J in January 1921, at the Bigha'fit plantation at Bamplico drt Florence bounty. Shortly after1 Edmund was arrested a few days after the tnjged/f Mr. Singletary testified his wife presentr ed a deed foFpractically all of the Bigham property at his office to be recorded, but he refused to accept^ because h'O said the document showed frertain alterations and erasures." The deed purported to; be signed by Mjs. Bingham,"MfsTBlack and- SmiL ey Bigham;. and to convey 900 acres to the defendant and $42,000. The state aiiso succeeded in getting into the evidence a statement alleged to have been made by Smlly Bigham Tuesday before the Saturday of the homicide that "Edmund ia cutting up. again and is threatening to kill us all but I mm nob .afraid of him." The1 state, failed, hewever, in en attempt, f tb -place in evidence the Will alleged (to have been marlo nn the Saturday. one week before the crime.; Judge , Hayne F. Rice rftled. that he would ex, elude it, for the present. '«'. f" testimony of SurfSpfa. t Much of the afternoon session of i. the court was consumed by the testi-1 » mony of Dr. J. l|tfSmy»er, brain sur^j ; «aon and specialist o%FloVenee, who t with others exhumed thebodyof aft**? ^ Bigham at Pampllcolast week end, > performed^ a post mortem exdminayj r! tion. Dr. Smyser described/the bullet » Wpund found in the akijlf of Mrs Big- ' I ham and in Response to questions- tic . expressed the opinion that*the wound * ; ^ ' . 5 >**. . / "* 0"V g *' * \ '* 1 r' f '*V'. v: \ . > - w. «" / ..'-V'; il:/ V-. > " 1' IV. V ;\_2 '-T ^OCTOBER Vli>24, kt Bs tip suffered would have prodUc bauL iho "same Result as if she h siiAiiienly-beheadeth According l^twfind Bi^hamls account of t rtgi'dy as'related, by several wiUu sa, his niothfr. ran- from the fro fl^r 'across the/yard saying, "Sn\iV M killed ur. all," when he-return OWii; fro rim brief bus i aess trtP m the family wjpod out: Undergo in g a searching crosiPf: mination by Judge ' Mendel mith of defease counsel. DivSmys Iwifjed also to the povsde* burns said t£u. hav.e bCcn around t ujjlet wound in Jtnu temple, whi ik1> 1 Smiley's lift?. He sAi«J[ from t Kriptibn of the appearance.of t rptmd it -was Caused by a bullet f 4:fr<>m a weapon not closer Ho t ead than lft inches. The defense Vi ndicated - its theory 'of the crime % Smiley killed the other memlu f"the family and then commit! qlcide. Dr. Smyser gave it as. J pinion that Smiley "probably wot fiber have clenched -the pistol fir K "or dropped it- altogether af hooting himsdtf.' Awarding- to v pases the pistol was loosely grusi jp*n his body "was found about nc Kthe day following-the tragedy. tVdd that th«re was testimopy^ tl lail^' s thumb had snapped Jw lo&e to the palm' of his hand wl he pistol w{ts removed, Dr. Smy fcid in his opinion the £ace indica npt me weapun n»u ut'tju |natcu he hand after rigor mortis had aet J. C. Copeland, former tenant Bigham fiym, and A. H. Bost old of events'"' connected with 1ndipg of Smiley's body and occ ences at the Bigham home, the >f the killing. ' Says Attityde Hostile Mr: Singletary, although called ^:"profe<iuttoh, hAa'Uftf'Ustin^ KifcJtogfch hiifnrOTtfirnav ? Ijcfcowaimth, associated with so ii<£ t* M. GaSquc, referred to hid firEoie as -"apparently hostfle." sides tolling of the attempt of ] temM that he said was neveF rer ?d, the cifirk of cayrt>tejd of sev fcada including oh'e concerning perty of the b*te Mrs. Heatha sister of tjbe defendant, having t torri from the record books' in his fice* He asserted that he had re* to* believe Smiley fiigham mutil.i lis. records and added that he empted io prosecute ftim, but \Ju Rice ruled that portion of his t< nony out as incompetent. h The witness identified Smiley 1 lam's signature 'at the request Judge Smith. The letter was'not fared in evidence at that point the witness was" asked tfy Mr. Arr iritith if he-still believed the'sit ture to be genuine after what th& preme court; and Judge S. W Shipp at separate times had saic the letter. He replied that he This was the letter Upon which Ipfense firit made an unsucces effort to obtain a new trial on ground of after^ discovered evide All of it except the signature typewritten and if bore neither < r$T salutation... - ( The text, of the letter follows: "Mother Jand . ,Marfcie has the signed deeds that had disappear their - posessibn. Causing tro »eems to be their pleasure. They^ the money that tSie poatoffico dep pient has me. charged with and \ the cause 6f Cleveland running And 1 Aid to pay the bond. For y rhave had to-leave home and board to be in peace to make my dilations and plots. They pois< father and* tried to poison Let child after her death. When I" ft them with tne. deeds I decided to last one of tWm and leave no to teU t^je tale. I aid writing thi explain wife I did thja"ict. You never s^e tne again alive. Signed 1 Bitfham." , "'** ' ' UIK (1.11 w«m> vti» »V"» noss to .testify Monkey. She wa' the »tond wkgen court adjourned cjay in. ^d^HWdst of ar fir/fumcn to' yrhether she should be perm' to toll what Smiley Bighafm sai her shortly before the" trAgedV: I day1 Judge Rice ruled that fi£r dence was competent, 'if the def should make the samty^oj Smile; issye and announced he would a I' (continued on P5 / w ; . V - -V *> ' -yv,,'1 - :'r . .. .V ' ' ' ... ... $ A"J,";®''.v "- - !- ..^ 7" . " ....y\.. y a "i t S ' * v ' " « ' >, * V > * ; V' '-yi? . .* y, - . %§»"... - f J" 1_ gham ;;; GRAND JURY rf MAKES REPOR *- r ' < . 4. , n* j State of SduHi Carolina, County ^ j. Htjrry, Court ,of. General Sessioi +A September Term' 1024,. v[To His Honor H. K. Rice, Prexidi £ Judge: k j 1. We have passed on all .bills si to us by the solicitor, "and have*! ,0|* j 2_-- i {Turned them to the Court- with ci or -r , findings. ' "* cj. ! 2. The special committer to inves ^ ; gate the condition of. County .( ^u> I fices, and all'public building*. ha j.»made oral report <d" the Grand-ji ^ as fpJUows: las f*' .No special or complete inves *-s juration of general cuupty finances 1 f \ been made for the reason that I j settlement of taxes for. fiscial- y< hisr ' should witnessed by jjj I Comptroller General and -the Forerr m_ j of, the Grand Jury. Has not yet bi ter niad<-\ and the expenses of nxakiny it-' sPwm' examiijatioh wqold meVely Je<j a payment of duplicate work. 1 )0n present foreman of-the Grand Ji wilt, when notified, attend any set? hafC ment 'made during .the year, and nece^iary Wilt report any spei matter to'the succeeding Grand Ji 8er (b) The Grand Jury is infqrr tetj that the School District balances jn ^he cash on hand, C6t the severaljn~ years last past, do* not agree as m on by. the County Superintendent of >jck ucation and the Count$ Treasti the' This matter was' the subject < ;ur- spwihl reportto^the General jay sembly of South Carolina some y ago, and it is understood that th< commendation *of that report 1 by approved by the Grand,Jury: Bu; I -dfj.«' »* a a * I .mora tvlij intn t H nmn , ,^C1- miuiiUy Um u uagiu'ci_jm* Mm Be- Grand Jury recomniends that Vfrs. County ^Superintendent? of Educi atJ ,make his balances confirm to M jpvr- tfee" Cotmty Tteasuror. as ^pf eral ^ by the Comptroller Genen !,^. prq- foreman of the" Gran?f-Jyry; n> a less tte^ean Show conclusively; to ,een j treasurer some error iri^the treji i er's accounts. y UJ»* L , K \ istm (c) The Grand Jury is infor ited th^t. uncollected executions for. at- years, . remain .in "consider idg^. amounts umrccounted for and in ?sti- sheriffs hands. We; understand , the sheriff is -now male ink extra forts^^ci^collect' or accrtunt for t 5 0f executions, We commend the she of. present effort although late, arid commend that all exefcutiritis h*r 1 be fully accounted for at the next fnaT futpj? tax' settlement for th^ fl su- yeaf 1923. Aqd also4 recommend G. the sheriff follow closely and.lit I of ly-'knd new acts of 1924-4-clatin did.. Ifc* executions. the 3. In our last report of the < sful term of this eourt, we mentioned the matter of an*investigTittoriof th< nee. fairs of the Bank of Loris. We was unable for lack of further infoi Jate tion, from the officers in chdrg I ' the^j-affairs to add anything to / statements of that report. We 't this .mater is very imporant and tw,° it warrants further investiga ^ *n JWhether the banking laws of uhlcl.Waan tfml Q fori Vfr n CitT^ ^ MttVV IlttVTT U^Cll Vl^MVVM w, serious question involved in this a . vestigation. Our Grand Jury h vere fore earnestly , recommend that ensuing^-.Oand Jury,,,. copl ears the invest iffat ion"* begun by this pay with a * view of presenting." to ca'" Court any violation of the law ^ the state, ^a.8 4. The- Spejial Committee als< >und direction of the Crand Jury inv ffate<| the condition of public -b on® I itigs, and we desire, .-to. call attei to the, condition of thevjail and need, of repairs to that buildin ?* appears that the roof of'the jail Ibaks to the injury and detpimer w*** the Iflterior of the- troiidmg. The s on itary condition of the jail is mosl F1^5" celfent. *8 5i It Is brought to our attej itte<* that the bridges in-4he river sw ^ on the Horry side of the-Sandy ape in d^ng^fowt emwiiiion evi"', we desire jk> call 'the attention bl 6nt® iuoanty Road C\>tnrt*issi<5Her to P an condition, with a vieyr oj having: ^ remedy it immediately. -V The Grand Jifiry (Jireets the fo. V-.' . » ' > ' f V ..'.'L'v.-. : i\ ' Va-K."' . i, / / . ' A. -v-. .v -ViV-. ** .. j" ^ 'V W-,% ^ "/< i * .. rr ' -T' \ JTT^.. *. i'; «i V* v - V " ^ ! ' A " *' .M- w. : -i- v J e * s ./*; ; ri \ »*>.. * y-Tla <S . / > ' . " j, -^3 ' ' >:: fcc *;; '31 > * » _C r, . v - ..v v'3l i T 1 r - > ^ - - " | ' V ^ \ ^ ":v "" :' t i i ricti : .J. - V ">, ~ r * ' ' ' " "" 1 ?>"j "JEDMUND BIG-' ' : | t HAM TESTIFIES" yrC ::'- v *.: * vi <>f Judge Rice Scores Law*' . * . yers for Contempt nP "Ziv Of Court ' _i, ; 1 * ' i. ' * * >nt ... :ZV \ ,, .' V--« '* . 4 re. J adgft' Ricfr rujed out the will* suh- ^ lUr mitted by . the "State in evidence, lie * V -'i - stated..thjit this rulVnp was noffmal. ~T Thp defense then nuiyetf > that Judge jf., Fice direct a -verdict. T*he*motion vuvs , (. f.-»/ ive Wjpr rultki. The*-, dttfbnse then'opened 1 lpy* its case b,y putting on tfu\ stand,, the . ,v * 'J defendant; Edmund D. Bigham. Big- » < ( j. ham appeared cool and collected on*\as stand, giving his answers iri a .< u|K, clear distinct voice. /4I came home. froin.Xia. late*In summer .of 1U2U be- # ' "-It cause of a letter I received 'from ; "... ian Mother. 1 came immediately after re»ejj ceivirig letter, and arrived home late- .* r a' Saturday night. Left Monday. All 1 Vv.. I>t, gbt^ up when . I got home. AH came ^ \ ' [ * rhe ^own atairtf, and 'began to tali* about Jrv something Which happened Tuesday... - jtle. night'when they had to send for Airs. ^ Kirton. Smiley ^ got rather angry. L cjaj reasoned with him urging Turn not t<> /' IPy be angry with Mother. Smiley said if > *' "* H% M,tin Ln H11 ovprv ll^appciieu U(aill,ire nuuiu n.i.. v.^w , . last of them. State moved t> ... " ^ s,trike out statement mad.e by Smiley J , " to Edmund, but the motion wa? re- .. . ' ; fused. We sat up and talked three or [r^" four hours that night rind I left there . the "next.afternoon. At. breakfast on ". As morning we all began to -talk :/ . . .-H ear4 aKa*rt-' breakfast Smiley*'and I'1 , took a Walk together, Smiley mefl-. j : :' were t*on^ financial condition and ^ ^ said he ,had been checked up Taround hese $*^0.00 short, as-Postmaster and was : * .f-. ga^gj^^nji^y^Torta^^ He^se^med^^^_____ rU>j^n " r ! .. ^ before the Federal* Court., He' also ^ ition ,ment'one^ records - w-bich'had been, V ' * . torn from-record books. Said he tore "- * ; ho*e . ; ' ~~A irovT to do away with record of -x- * and] transfer of Bighnm property. Said fie ^ .* ~n* expected to. be- brought up by Grand-. 1 '* t^-dury and he believed the Clerlc"Jaaw * _' lg1jr. "htm-tear'..them out.JSmiley also spoke 1 '* ^ jp'of Cleveland's bond, and"said "thqt . '11 & Mother and'-Marjie were the cause of ''. 'HlPfl 4 . tm% **% o Cleveland's running away. Said he . was going to have,to pay that bdnd.\ * \ abl(T J re^urned to Gu. that, afternoon,- and came back later on when an arrange- '. merit was made to settle up our a'f^^ * et" fairs rind they, Smiley, Mother and Margie made me deetl for all propter- . , ' |r. ty^_f42,00(5*00. Smiley, owed me L re' 2^,000 sinch 1018. was wd^tfied ' . ; ian about' that. I won't back to Ga. and ' - - -< . fen- a ' , about November 10 I moved back to ... the Higham home and went into the ' « in*' Wood cutting business _Cut about en*" 1200 cords^ before the* killing* took . K 0 place, Smiley looking after the loadJune" 'n** My relations were always pleas|~the ant with the family. «i-jj.ever struck tat- Mother or Sister. Smiley was worriare|ed about the;Post Office matter,' the ' ~ .1 rni%iWirn records. and" the $26,000. which. > . * e °S I \ ' ttie I Y ow?u me. (Here* Bigham made a .- w hink J % V- fcontlnued on pag.e*4 . , . ' that I y / 1 - ; - * ; v : tion. j| ft f "" ~ 7 " ** - > ; . 'the »ng\ presentments to be made: * « * -}rj- .. OViHa Watts for r\inninjt--a dissot- ' 7"" ~ i jn. deily house. Witnesses: *G,-P. -Smith, ' * tere- Eniery Hayes, A. P. Gibson, .John * ; the Wateijij-Llssey Waters.; 7?7 7 :rrvue Spllie Carter and ; BeSsie Flowerai v * . > Abody for ikeeping a. bawdy house. Witness- .-'*'. this ,es:. r- k. Sdwardq^ Wy-jCv-;ltobert8, *; ra"of Ne-wj^rry Roberts,, John Cox, Taft ' Ski pi pgr and Herbert Todd. J*"'. ®. by- L*.' EC Bailey tor being drunk and* . * Si / esti- disorderly, .carrying pistpl, on or *v^ » uildv#^041 **,March 30, 1924. "Witnesses: ./ > ition Will.fowler, Olie Fowler, W.L. Bail-. the ey, E- W. Small,..Crome Small, J. i/ /. ~ ..» g, it Hug&ins, Jack Long. - ,/.< Still...! ?..aQ. Graham and. Elten Williams, ' kt of 't°t aduitry. Withesses J. P. "Stanley/ ! . tags- .Gy^.Gausa, Will Pa ire loth, -13L. t ex* Butler and Mary Jane Sogers, Zpaja/ Sukks- » " / ' " l ~ . ition . Wi desire tt> thank your honor and <v- / n* ; ramp the officers of thijrcojjrt for the many * - ' BJuff coqi^esiej exte^M-^h) the\ grand f / ? / mruL Jury, and to^the fndteidiial. members- , *' /; I the .thereof during-this term. , this / Respectfully submitted: / . / * , -; him ' ' W-. P LBWlir^^ -/:/V Xr"'- t:foreman. * : 4 '* Mow- Gonwiy, S. C.t Sept.f24, 19fc4, / V '.'X - ... \ ' " *. ' " ... .' * * * r~* *. ' Vr . .' * " /' ' r!-v ' v- /. - t- .. '... I.- . .. <. .. . .' .y " / "v% '-5:V% v * ;> * iv4/*. . . V .-f / -/ v . v"1!- / J,>ti

Transcript of The field (Conway, S.C.). 1924-10-02 [p ].

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." I -. v- ON i,

" V. .

^The first day's^roceedings in the

ftrial of TSAwMad^D.. Bigham, Florencecountv farmed ~who la charged with

>"> ,* *he of five= members of hi*^ ownfamily, were brought to a sudden

close late Thursday whetf.a State's ,VitDess was, fatally stricken while ,

.. testifying?^

/ .1» George J. Steele, 72 years of age,president of the- bank of Pamplico, >

t was describing scenes the Bigham jfc... .home nn thr afternoon of January ,* 22, when the five* members oT~fhe-

.family* were killed, when his mouth j

, showed a strained appearance. He'

.-was assisted from, the Witness chairalready. unconscious/' and "taken into

* the judge's cloak roonrTirom where it (. ; was reported a few minutes after-

* wa^d thatTie was';dead.*'i>


Court AdjournsAt the suggestion of £hilU$L.H< Ar- j

rowsniith, assisting Solicitor. L. M. ]Gasque in the prosecution, Judge.

* \ % Hayne F. RFce adjourned court unttl jFriday morning. Mr. Arrowsmith was

"examining the witness When the 1st- j;f jc-te? was strlckeiv^" , 1

! . Mr. Steele was the second witnesscalled by the stater following Dr. W. j

V H. Poston, of Pampplico, on the ]stand. Dr. Poston had been under ex-


amination' from about 11:30 that

pnorning until *

5-o'clock that after-noon telling' of his services the ,

* Bjglfam home in'cortnection with the i

tragedy, and undergoing a severe


' questioning from both state defenseattorneys on his view as ap expert of

' the powibiHty^tha^. Smiley Bigham» had committed suici&h'r Edmund D. Bigham, convicted and

P. when Arraipged for the second- timeon the same charge..;* ? Nu Concern - -1.'.

Although he. foljowed the progressof the case with evident interest, the <

defender!t showed no agita^iep or conrf


cern during the day. '. >

ip- Apparently in the best of healthyMr. Steele mounted the witness - chair

/ with a firm step and answered questionsput-to hi^ar in a clear vigorousj**\ v "manner.. He said Edmund BighaiH

asked him to assi$t in searching fora . »

'j f> , *_ + Ai '» i

;" .7 l~ - tne remaining memoers 01 me jami-1.r ; - '. ly after Mrs. Bigham and .one of the !

boys .had been found dead- but that

[. -


,he declined because he tho.ught it was


-dangerous.. \... ; J" ** "Who were you afraid of?" Attor-*.ney Arrowsmith asked. "Whoever

was doing the hilling;" the witno %

y rejoined, while a ripple of laugh:or'- stirred-the-packed courtroom.

v » Relations Good.. The bodies of the other children

Mr* Blaek were found later, he1j? ' testified. The witness said he had

known the Bigham family since he'

.was old enough# to know anything.The relations^between Smily and histmother and sister were good, he said,and so far as he kneqr, so were therelations between Edmund and'-the

'"membertt'iof the family. ^Asked about the relations between

v'~ the two brothers, Mr Steele replied,'UvMnf wtiflf Smllo tnld m« fVlOV

" vere good so far as I know,'*'[... He -wps not called upon to explain)

It ^ what Smily hid4 told him.-_

*"* Testimony of T>octor Poston4corf>sumed a large part of the day. HeI'* descrJbed'Thd wound* of "which". Big5"I

t .v ham'ar^ftothfcr, Sister and the tatter'sL'1 'V;.-*v- adopted children d&d. . -: -/**

\V 4 Questioned, by Judge Mendel L.j. r j « Smith, Camden^ o£ thedefense cpun**V eel, it was indicated that the defense

wou^d endeavor to establish the theory-that tiail^ Bigham killed" theother menAers of his family and theh

> commltteCriBlCtde.' ^

Solicitor L. M. Gaaque and Atfcer9.ney Arrowjnnith, &>th of Florence,

of Dr Poston that Smily Bigham did> not commit suicide, although his dead

< body was found, with a bulla* holein the right ^temple and S aVrevolver

Ij^ * held lootely in his right hand. "

/*' The Ipersonnel of the Jury follows:(,F "S H. G. Powell, George Bellamy, W. L.

I vv

W. A. Page,,. Sam C; Lou?,,V

' J > Vincent Ward- W.'A. Mopre, J. >

i V, :/ ' Royals. PearJie Doyle, W. U' Thojripj/..«on, Claude if. Boyd and A. H" Long.j' p"*'

' 'y. J / "* ;

fek ; j; ->;&) '.f- " :vV -'v?:' *

>:; ...-» ,

^>"V /, "> "/: '. *) ' \'- > * -'

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ers C2AD 7 v




Hundreds of men. with many womenand children, sought to obtainseats in the court room but many

disappointed; JThe ppeninycourt Thursday afternoon'' was delayedabout 30 minjutes by the inabilityof court attaches and>witnessesto -make their Way through thethrong tha^warmed at the doors. TRicham. with his wife and two

young daughters .sitting beside ^himfollowed the proceedings closely/ Hespoke at intervals with A» L. King,Judge Smith and E. J. Sherwood, whoarc representing him.Doctor Poston- who confessed ofr

ten to inability tp remember Kis testimony'at the coroner's inquest andat the first trial, was examined. atlength as to Whether or not a-man

who committed suicide would go*-'tinue to hold a pistol -or would dropit after shooting himself through thehead!1;.. \ TThe physician gave it as his opinionthat either result was possible.Edmund Bighata, the witness said,

told him he ^iad returned to the Bighamhome aft^r a short visit to 4neighbor^ to find, the members of thefamily shot and to see Smiley disappearacross. the read with some objectin his hand. This was late in theafternoon and Smiley's . body-wasfound about noon of the followingday Df. Poston testified. .

v. The defense objected to all questionsrelating to the manner in whichall members of the family met deathexcept Smiley, for- whose murder thest^te elected to try.Edmund D. Bigham.^

Tndleaitiu when Hadj' to tisM .

TeaUmony. that EUimund D. B/ghw.indicated #her« the hi%brother;SmiTey( could be. found before itwas actually located, w

eourt Thursday morning oyOtKplterMc^Vhlte, farmer-neighbor yof theJ?igharrf§. . JThe defentjent who; went on trial

here Thursday for the second time od|a charge of . murdering Smiley Bigham,told Mr\J£hite; Nthe latter testified,.that ch Should be ipade fprhis brother bodyAnear an old ditchwhere it was datcfeir found. The witness-said EdmuiuK asked r iiim *4tolook out for my inteVestlldf the bodyof Smiley was, found, explaining thatth-> letter had four hundred or mpre<l**'ars in his pockets the day beforet'.ii tragedy. Only thirty. odd dollar#^ere found on the body, he said.The .pistol, which ^pniley Bigham,

had clasped loqsely in-his. right handwhen found, was offered, in evidenceduring the testimony of the next wit*nejts, W.- W. Purvis, ^ of Pamplico.uourt attacnes wpre unaDie to openthe chamber to ascertain whether thegun was loaded. It was handed to thedefendant who opened*; it exhibitingthe empty chambers.

Purvis told of finding Smiley Big*ham's, body with * the pistol in hishapd. There Were traces of bipod on

the weapon but none ony the deadman's hand, he testified. Tjie witnesssaid Edmund* Bigham asked hip) tolook for -his brother's body, Saying hebelieyed the "poor fellow"'was dead,Purvis stated. .

* * y.Magistrate B. J.: Hyman, the next

witness testified that fedm^hd Big'iHSBT^tpld him to make a search belowa certain road for his brother'sbody. The body waf found below thisroad, he ;said. On cross-examinationhe satd*the,defendant'had not indicatedany particular Spot.'

liad "Pistol v ("Testimony was presented* that the

defendant had a pistol'on the Saturn'day when the^tifhgedy^ took place andalso ofT the preceding Saturday. Thepistol was iden tifyd as the same

weapon found in Smiley Bigham'shand, when his dead bodys^ras locatedon the de^ after the other membersdf the family ?vfcre foUnd shot %cdeath". *



*. ..

There was also testimony to the ef.feht^tliat blood stain* wore found ega tree 12 to IS feet distant from theroot wHfere Smiley^ Bigham's bodswas found witl) * bullet' wound-in hfiright temple. -v


iSs- ^keted

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The prosecution also introduced ilthe evidence of wkncasea whfr .wMd £Edmurid Bigham indicated foe genet- Jtal direction in which search should be Etirade for. Smiley's body, location of ti

the body resulting. Walter Burch, ne- sigro, testified that"on Saturday before 4the killing, Mrs. Bigham**asked.hinv to h

go Id Pamplico to get a policeman to h

protect thejn from Edmund, who she fi

said^acedrding to the witness, flwas

about to kill" all of them. *

Court adjourned Fritl&y afternoon Suntil .Monday in order to permit wit- h

nesses And attaches to.attend the fun- »!eral of George J. Steele, who died ,bThursday while testifying as a state's e

witness in the Bigham case. .JMuch of the time* of the court Fri<- *

' ' ~ . J'TL.. -.-j* a

(lay .alterno$m was eonsumeu p.y #hi»

argument between opposing counsel has to the- admissability of certain ftquestions relating to Srtiiley Big- tlham's Rental condition about the 0

time of the tragedy;" t'"... .. Defense Objects .

Mrs. Ola Curtain, a neighbor of the *

Blghams , was asked about a conver- .<Sation ^Smiley Bigham had _fit her *

home a few days before the family* 11

with the ^exception of Edmund, was

shot to ^eath. The dofense raised an 0

objection and the jury was excusedwhile" Judge "Bice heard the argu- *

ments. He reserved his decision untH c

Monday, ^


.... >1Besides Mrs. Curtain, witnesses S

who testified Friday stere Walter '

McWhite, who helped in search for *

Smiley Bigham's body, Magistrate B,J. Hyjnan and, Charlie Gordon*...Wifc. }ter Miller, Archie, Davis, Herbert *

Foxwqrth. and Walter Burch, all ne- *

groes. PThe defense continued to object to (

all testimony except that relating dl^Gordon,

Millfer, Davis; and Fox- '

testified Is hnuina eusii Hit*- *

[pound Bigham threaten hiaVgfaUrr*Mrs. M+rjorie Blackf with a Board on

" the Saturday preceding the crime.of th|m said he saw four or five |;

bloWff struck with the board.*

They nllrtestified 'that Mrs. Black, ^Ifs. Big- 1

ham and the two children, lift the,home an^ went' to Mrs. Curtain's '

home -immediately afterward. . 7

^Indication by a state's witness of-the signitu^e of L. Smiley Bighamon the socalletfconfession letter, one

of/the factors on 'which the defense!secured a new trial, marked the firog-;,ress of Edmund D; >Bigham,'e secondTtrial fbr murder.Monday. E.-_M. Singletary,elerk of.court top Florence!county, declared that in his opinion

f tTO^igrfiture to the letter,.which il- '

* #|lf was not offered in evidence, was

tjjfc'handwriting of Smiley Bighamrwhom along with his mother, Mrs M.M. Bigham, his sister; Mrs. MarjorieBlack and thW two adopted Childrenof the latier, Leo end Joh»*MeCrack-en, Edmund is e&rged with killing J

in January 1921, at the Bigha'fit plantationat Bamplico drt Florence bounty.Shortly after1Edmund was arrested

a few days after the tnjged/f Mr.Singletary testified his wife presentred a deed foFpractically all of theBigham property at his office to berecorded, but he refused to accept^because h'O said the document showedfrertain alterations and erasures." Thedeed purported to; be signed by Mjs.

Bingham,"MfsTBlack and- SmiLey Bigham;. and to convey 900 acresto the defendant and $42,000.

Thestate aiiso succeeded in gettinginto the evidence a statement allegedto have been made by Smlly BighamTuesday before the Saturday of thehomicide that "Edmund ia cutting up.again and is threatening to kill us allbut I mm nob .afraid of him." The1state, failed, hewever, in en attempt,

f tb -place in evidence the Will alleged(to have been marlo nn the week before the crime.; Judge

, Hayne F. Rice rftled. that he would ex,elude it, for the present. '«'. f"testimony of SurfSpfa. t

Much of the afternoon session ofi. the court was consumed by the testi-1» mony of Dr. J. l|tfSmy»er, brain sur^j; «aon and specialist o%FloVenee, whot with others exhumed thebodyof aft**?^ Bigham at Pampllcolast week end,> performed^ a post mortem exdminayjr! tion. Dr. Smyser described/the bullet» Wpund found in the akijlf of Mrs Big- '

I ham and in Response to questions- tic. expressed the opinion that*the wound

*; ^ '

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IV. V ;\_2


^OCTOBER Vli>24,

kt Bstip suffered would have prodUcbauL iho "same Result as if she h

siiAiiienly-beheadeth Accordingl^twfind Bi^hamls account of trtgi'dy as'related, by several wiUusa, his niothfr. ran- from the frofl^r 'across the/yard saying, "Sn\iVM killed ur. all," when he-returnOWii; frorim brief bus iaess trtPm the family wjpod out:

Undergo ing a searching crosiPf:mination by Judge ' Mendelmith of defease counsel. DivSmysIwifjed also to the povsde* burns

said t£u. hav.e bCcn around t

ujjlet wound in Jtnu temple, whiik1> 1 Smiley's lift?. He sAi«J[ from t

Kriptibn of the appearance.of trptmd it -was Caused by a bullet f4:fr<>m a weapon not closer Ho t

ead than lft inches. The defense Vindicated - its theory 'of the crime% Smiley killed the other memluf"the family and then commit!qlcide. Dr. Smyser gave it as. Jpinion that Smiley "probably wot

fiber have clenched -the pistol firK "or dropped it- altogether afhooting himsdtf.' Awarding- to v

pases the pistol was loosely grusijp*n his body "was found about nc

Kthe day following-the tragedy.tVdd that th«re was testimopy^ tl

lail^' s thumb had snapped Jwlo&e to the palm' of his hand wlhe pistol w{ts removed, Dr. Smyfcid in his opinion the £ace indica

npt me weapun n»u ut'tju |natcu

he hand after rigor mortis had aet

J. C. Copeland, former tenantBigham fiym, and A. H. Bost

old of events'"' connected with1ndipg of Smiley's body and occ

ences at the Bigham home, the>f the killing. '

Says Attityde HostileMr: Singletary, although called

^:"profe<iuttoh, hAa'Uftf'Ustin^KifcJtogfch hiifnrOTtfirnav ?Ijcfcowaimth, associated with so

ii<£ t* M. GaSquc, referred to hidfirEoie as -"apparently hostfle."sides tolling of the attempt of ]

temM that he said was neveF rer

?d, the cifirk of cayrt>tejd of sev

fcada including oh'e concerningperty of the b*te Mrs. Heatha f.aisister of tjbe defendant, having ttorri from the record books' in hisfice* He asserted that he had re*

to* believe Smiley fiigham mutil.ilis. records and added that he

empted io prosecute ftim, but \JuRice ruled that portion of his t<

nony out as incompetent. h

The witness identified Smiley 1lam's signature 'at the requestJudge Smith. The letter was'notfared in evidence at that pointthe witness was" asked tfy Mr. Arriritith if he-still believed the'sitture to be genuine after what th&preme court; and Judge S. WShipp at separate times had saicthe letter. He replied that heThis was the letter Upon which

Ipfense firit made an unsucces

effort to obtain a new trial on

ground of after^ discovered evideAll of it except the signaturetypewritten and if bore neither <

r$T salutation... - (The text, of the letter follows:"Mother Jand

. ,Marfcie has thesigned deeds that had disappeartheir - posessibn. Causing tro

»eems to be their pleasure. They^the money that tSie poatoffico deppient has me. charged with and \

the cause 6f Cleveland runningAnd 1 Aid to pay the bond. For yrhave had to-leave home andboard to be in peace to make mydilations and plots. They pois<father and* tried to poison Letchild after her death. When I" ftthem with tne. deeds I decided to

last one of tWm and leave no

to teU t^je tale. I aid writing thiexplain wife I did thja"ict. Younever s^e tne again alive. Signed 1Bitfham." ,

"'** ''

UIK (1.11 w«m> vti» »V"»

noss to .testify Monkey. She wa'the »tond wkgen court adjournedcjay in. ^d^HWdst of ar fir/fumcnto' yrhether she should be perm'to toll what Smiley Bighafm saiher shortly before the" trAgedV: Iday1 Judge Rice ruled that fi£rdence was competent, 'if the defshould make the samty^oj Smile;issye and announced he would a

I' (continued onP5 /w ; . V - -V *> '

-yv,,'1 - :'r

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< . 4.,

n* j State of SduHi Carolina, County

^ j. Htjrry, Court ,of. General Sessioi+A September Term' 1024,.v[To His Honor H. K. Rice, Prexidi

£ Judge:k j 1. We have passed on all .bills si

to us by the solicitor, "and have*!,0|* j 2_-- i

{Turned them to the Court- with cior -r, findings.' "*

cj. ! 2. The special committer to inves

^ ; gate the condition of. County .(

^u> I fices, and all'public building*. ha

j.»made oral report <d" the Grand-ji^ as fpJUows:las f*' .No special or complete inves

*-s juration of general cuupty finances 1

f \ been made for the reason that I

j settlement of taxes for. fiscial- y<

hisr ' should witnessed byjjj I Comptroller General and -the Forerr

m_ j of, the Grand Jury. Has not yet bi

ter niad<-\ and the expenses of nxakinyit-' sPwm' examiijatioh wqold meVelyJe<j a payment of duplicate work. 1

)0n present foreman of-the Grand Jiwilt, when notified, attend any set?

hafC ment 'made during .the year, andnece^iary Wilt report any speimatter to'the succeeding Grand Ji

8er (b) The Grand Jury is infqrrtetj that the School District balancesjn ^he cash on hand, C6t the severaljn~years last past, do* not agree as m

on by. the County Superintendent of

>jck ucation and the Count$ Treastithe' This matter was' the subject <

;ur- spwihl reportto^the Generaljay sembly of South Carolina some y

ago, and it is understood that th<commendation *of that report 1

by approved by the Grand,Jury: Bu;I -dfj.«' »* aa*

I .mora tvlij intn tH nmn,

,^C1- miuiiUy Um u uagiu'ci_jm* Mm

Be- Grand Jury recomniends that

Vfrs. County ^Superintendent? of EduciatJ ,make his balances confirm to M

jpvr- tfee" Cotmty Tteasuror. as ^pferal ^ by the Comptroller Genen !,^.prq- foreman of the" Gran?f-Jyry;n> a less tte^ean Show conclusively; to

,een j treasurer some error iri^the treji

i er's accounts. yUJ»* L ,

K \istm (c) The Grand Jury is inforited th^t. uncollected executions years, . remain .in "consider

idg^. amounts umrccounted for and in

?sti- sheriffs hands. We; understand ,

the sheriff is -now male ink extra

forts^^ci^collect' or accrtunt for t

5 0f executions, We commend the she

of. present effort although late, aridcommend that all exefcutiritis h*r 1be fully accounted for at the next

fnaT futpj? tax' settlement for th^ fl

su- yeaf 1923. Aqd also4 recommendG. the sheriff follow closely and.lit

I of ly-'knd new acts of 1924-4-clatindid.. Ifc* executions.the 3. In our last report of the <

sful term of this eourt, we mentionedthe matter of an*investigTittoriof th<

nee. fairs of the Bank of Loris. We

was unable for lack of further infoi

Jate tion, from the officers in chdrgI ' the^j-affairs to add anything to

/ statements of that report. We 'tthis .mater is very imporant and

tw,° it warrants further investiga^ *n JWhether the banking laws ofuhlcl.Waan tfml Q fori Vfr n CitT^^ MttVV IlttVTT U^Cll Vl^MVVM w,

serious question involved in thisa

. vestigation. Our Grand Jury hvere fore earnestly ,

recommend that

ensuing^-.Oand Jury,,,. coplears the invest iffat ion"* begun by thispay with a

* view of presenting." toca'" Court any violation of the law

^ the state, ^a.84. The- Spejial Committee als<>und direction of the Crand Jury inv

ffate<| the condition of public -bon®

I itigs, and we desire,.-to. call attei

to the, condition of thevjail andneed, of repairs to that buildin

?* appears that the roof of'the jailIbaks to the injury and detpimer

w*** the Iflterior of the- troiidmg. Thes on itary condition of the jail is mosl

F1^5" celfent.*8 5i It Is brought to our attej

itte<* that the bridges in-4he river sw

^ *° on the Horry side of the-Sandyape in d^ng^fowt emwiiiion

evi"', we desire jk> call 'the attention bl6nt® iuoanty Road C\>tnrt*issi<5Her toP an condition, with a vieyr oj having:^ remedy it immediately.-V The Grand Jifiry (Jireets the fo.

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t HAM TESTIFIES"yrC ::'- v *.: *

vi<>f Judge Rice Scores Law*' .


yers for ContemptnP "Ziv Of Court


_i, ;1 *


' * *

>nt ...:ZV \ ,, .' V--« '*.4re. J adgft' Ricfr rujed out the will* suh- ^

lUr mitted by . the "State in evidence, lie ^» * V -'i- stated..thjit this rulVnp was noffmal. ~T

Thp defense then nuiyetf > that Judge jf.,Fice direct a -verdict. T*he*motion vuvs , (. f.-»/ive Wjpr rultki. The*-, dttfbnse then'opened 1

lpy* its case b,y putting on tfu\ stand,, the . ,v* 'J

defendant; Edmund D. Bigham. Big- » <

( j. ham appeared cool and collected on*\asstand, giving his answers iri a .<

u|K, clear distinct voice. /4I came home.froin.Xia. late*In summer .of 1U2U be- #

' "-Itcause of a letter I received 'from ;"...

ian Mother. 1 came immediately after re»ejjceivirig letter, and arrived home late- .*

r a' Saturday night. Left Monday. All 1 Vv..

I>t, gbt^ up when . I got home. AH came^ \ ' [ *

rhe ^own atairtf, and 'began to tali* about

Jrv something Which happened Tuesday... - jtle.night'when they had to send for Airs.^ Kirton. Smiley ^ got rather angry. L

cjaj reasoned with him urging Turn not t<> /'

IPy be angry with Mother. Smiley said if >*'

"* H% M,tin Ln H11 ovprvll^appciieu U(aill,ire nuuiu n.i.. v.^w ,

. last of them. State moved t> ..."

^ s,trike out statement mad.e by Smiley J,"

to Edmund, but the motion wa? re- .. .


;fused. We sat up and talked three or

[r^" four hours that night rind I left there. the "next.afternoon. At. breakfast on ". Asmorning we all began to -talk :/ . .


ear4 aKa*rt-' breakfast Smiley*'and I'1 ,

took a Walk together, Smiley mefl-. j : :'

were t*on^ financial condition and

^ ^ said he ,had been checked up Taround

hese $*^0.00 short, as-Postmaster and was : * .f-.

ga^gj^^nji^y^Torta^^ He^se^med^^^_____rU>j^n " r! .. ^

before the Federal* Court., He' also ^

ition ,ment'one^ records - w-bich'had been, V ' *

. torn from-record books. Said he tore "- * ;ho*e . ;

' ~~AirovT to do away with record of -x- *

and] transfer of Bighnm property. Said fie ^ .*

~n* expected to. be- brought up by Grand-. 1 '*

t^-dury and he believed the Clerlc"Jaaw * _'lg1jr. "htm-tear'..them out.JSmiley also spoke 1 '* ^

jp'of Cleveland's bond, and"said "thqt . '11& Mother and'-Marjie were the cause of ''.

'HlPfl 4 . tm% **%oCleveland's running away. Said he .

was going to have,to pay that bdnd.\ * \abl(T J re^urned to Gu. that, afternoon,- and

came back later on when an arrange- '.merit was made to settle up our a'f^^ *

et" fairs rind they, Smiley, Mother andMargie made me deetl for all propter- . ,


|r. ty^_f42,00(5*00. Smiley, owed meL re' 2^,000 sinch 1018. was wd^tfied '


ian about' that. I won't back to Ga. and'

- - -<.

fen- a '

, about November 10 I moved back to ...

theHigham home and went into the '«

in*' Wood cutting business _Cut abouten*" 1200 cords^ before the* killing* took .

K 0 place, Smiley looking after the loadJune"'n** My relations were always pleas|~theant with the family. «i-jj.ever struck

tat- Mother or Sister. Smiley was worriare|edabout the;Post Office matter,' the '~ .1

rni%iWirn records. and" the $26,000. which. > .*

e °S I \' ttie I Y ow?u me. (Here* Bigham made a .- w

hink J %V- fcontlnued on pag.e*4 . , .


that I y / 1 - ; - * ; v:

tion. j| ft f ""~

7 " **-

> ; .

'the »ng\ presentments to be made: *


-}rj- .. OViHa Watts for r\inninjt--a dissot- ' 7"" ~

i jn. deily house. Witnesses: *G,-P. -Smith, ' *

tere- Eniery Hayes, A. P. Gibson, .John * ;

the Wateijij-Llssey Waters.; 7?7 7:rrvue Spllie Carter and ; BeSsie Flowerai v


. >Abodyfor ikeeping a. bawdy house. Witness- .-'*'.this ,es:. r- k. Sdwardq^ Wy-jCv-;ltobert8,*;ra"ofNe-wj^rry Roberts,, John Cox, Taft '

Ski pi pgr and Herbert Todd. J*"'.®. by- L*.' EC Bailey tor being drunk and* .

* Si /esti- disorderly, .carrying pistpl, on or *v »̂

uildv#^041 **,March 30, 1924. "Witnesses: ./ >

ition Will.fowler, Olie Fowler, W.L. Bail-.

the ey, E- W. Small,..Crome Small, J. i/ /. ~ ..»

g, it Hug&ins, Jack Long. - ,/.<Still...! ?..aQ. Graham and. Elten Williams, '

kt of 't°t aduitry. Withesses J. P. "Stanley/ ! .

tags- .Gy^.Gausa, Will Paireloth, -13L.t ex* Butler and Mary Jane Sogers, Zpaja/

Sukks- »" / ' "



ition . Wi desire tt> thank your honor and <v- / n* ;

ramp the officers of thijrcojjrt for the many*


BJuff coqi^esiej exte^M-^h) the\ grand f / ? /mruL Jury, and to^the fndteidiial. members- ,

*' /;I the .thereof during-this term. ,

this / Respectfully submitted: / . / *


him' '

W-. P LBWlir^^ -/:/VXr"'- t:foreman. * : 4


Mow- Gonwiy, S. C.t Sept.f24, 19fc4, /V '.'X - ... \

' "


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