The Feldenkrais Method Rinat Chervin M.Sc. Tel-Aviv-Rehovot-Tokyo2004.

The Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method Method Rinat Chervin M.Sc. Rinat Chervin M.Sc. Tel-Aviv-Rehovot-Tokyo Tel-Aviv-Rehovot-Tokyo 2004 2004

Transcript of The Feldenkrais Method Rinat Chervin M.Sc. Tel-Aviv-Rehovot-Tokyo2004.

The Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais MethodMethod

Rinat Chervin M.Sc.Rinat Chervin M.Sc.



The Feldenkrais MethodThe Feldenkrais Method

Making the impossible possibleMaking the impossible possible

The possible-easy, and the easy, elegantThe possible-easy, and the easy, elegant

Dr. Feldenkrais Dr. Feldenkrais The inventor of the The inventor of the


”Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais' method will be of great benefit to all of Humanity. From my own experience I know the remarkable

results achieved".David Ben Gurion, First Prime Minister of Israel

Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., was born in Russia. In 1933 he left Israel for France. There he earned his doctorate from the Sorbonee in engineering and physics .

He worked with the Nobel Prize winner Joiliot Curie.

There he met Jigaro Kano, the creator of modern Judo, and was one of the first Europeans to earn a Black Belt in Judo (1936) and to introduce Judo in the Western

world. He wrote several books on the subject .

A severe knee injury inspired him to use his own body and combine his scientific knowledge with his deep curiosity about human movement. He taught himself to walk again and developed an extraordinary way for approaching to the power of the

central nervous system to improve human functioning .

In 1949 he returned to Israel where he continued to integrate his ideas into the Feldenkrais Method.

During the 1970’s Dr. Feldenkrais spent most of his time in the United States .

He worked with the famous anthropologist Margaret Mead as well as the great basket ball player, Julius Irving “Dr. J.”, with violinist Yehudi Menuhin and

director actor Peter Brook .

Dr. Feldenkrais personally trained a small number of practitioners to continue his work and today there are nearly 5,000 certified Feldenkrais Teachers around the globe: over Europe, Israel, North America, Japan and Australia. Dr Moshe

Feldenkrais died peacefully at the age of 80, in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Dr. Feldenkrais ActivitiesDr. Feldenkrais Activities

**What is the What is the Feldenkrais MethodFeldenkrais Method ? ?

**Two ways to learn itTwo ways to learn it

**Who are his Who are his studentsstudents??

**The effect of his The effect of his method on your lifemethod on your life

**His followersHis followers

What is the Feldenkrais What is the Feldenkrais MethodMethod??

**A learning process-A learning process-Actualizing your potential Actualizing your potential through awarenessthrough awareness..

**New possibilities of New possibilities of movement-choicemovement-choice..

**Our interest is in your Our interest is in your comfort and easecomfort and ease..

**Maximum efficiency - Maximum efficiency - minimum effortminimum effort . .

**Development of human Development of human nervous systemnervous system . .

**Respecting your curiosity to Respecting your curiosity to learnlearn..

A learning process-Actualizing A learning process-Actualizing your potential through your potential through


**The development process The development process of a child-exploration and of a child-exploration and discoverydiscovery..

**Ability to notice differencesAbility to notice differences..

**Sensing, thinking and Sensing, thinking and moving=Awarenessmoving=Awareness..

**Emphasizing the process, Emphasizing the process, not the Goalnot the Goal..

**Completing the image Completing the image which come before the which come before the movementmovement..

New possibilities of movement-New possibilities of movement-choicechoice

**Capability to control the movementCapability to control the movement

**New ways to function in Daily lifeNew ways to function in Daily life

**Alternatives Vs. correction-optionsAlternatives Vs. correction-options

Our interest is in your comfort and Our interest is in your comfort and easeease

**Commitment to feel comfortable during the Commitment to feel comfortable during the lesson and lifelesson and life..

**Fun and grace, playing games,actingFun and grace, playing games,acting..

**Small and easy movementsSmall and easy movements..

""What I'm after isn't flexibleWhat I'm after isn't flexible

bodies, but flexible brainsbodies, but flexible brains” - ” - MoMoshshe e FeldenkraisFeldenkrais

Maximum efficiency - minimum Maximum efficiency - minimum efforteffort

**Models, axioms & theirModels, axioms & their


**Use your skeleton in anUse your skeleton in an

efficient way-as a efficient way-as a supportsupport

**Appropriate muscle Appropriate muscle tonustonus..

**Ready for action Ready for action withoutwithout

preliminary adjustmentpreliminary adjustment

Development of human & Development of human & nerves system(1)nerves system(1)

**The brain cells are The brain cells are inherited, no use of them inherited, no use of them cause –Atrophycause –Atrophy..

**The brain is dynamic in The brain is dynamic in two-waystwo-ways..

**Changing the size of the Changing the size of the representation areas in representation areas in your brain by activating your brain by activating them-them- HomunculusHomunculus

**Using the reserveUsing the reserve..

Development of human & Development of human & nerves system (2)nerves system (2)

**Creating excitation of nerves which reactivates a Creating excitation of nerves which reactivates a damaged functionsdamaged functions

**No importance for the quantity of the neurons but No importance for the quantity of the neurons but to the connections between themto the connections between them

**Cortical learning-upper level of the brain-Cortical learning-upper level of the brain-exploring, asking questionsexploring, asking questions,,

comparing thingscomparing things..

Two forms of the MethodTwo forms of the Method

ATM - Awareness Through Movement- GroupATM - Awareness Through Movement- Group

FI - Functional Integration- PrivateFI - Functional Integration- Private

The Feldenkrais method - The Feldenkrais method - improvements improvements

in your quality of life in your quality of life

**Better organization of body-efficiencyBetter organization of body-efficiency

**More control in your movement & breathingMore control in your movement & breathing

**Reducing tense, stress, fatigueReducing tense, stress, fatigue..

**Increasing flexibility, coordination, balanceIncreasing flexibility, coordination, balance..

**Elevation of your mood and self-imageElevation of your mood and self-image..

**Injury prevention, pain management, recovery Injury prevention, pain management, recovery from surgery, communicationfrom surgery, communication . .

Who benefits from the Feldenkrais Who benefits from the Feldenkrais MethodMethod??

**Anyone-young or oldAnyone-young or old**Professionals & people who benefitsProfessionals & people who benefits::

**Those experiencing chronic or acute pain of their Those experiencing chronic or acute pain of their shoulder, back, neck, knee, hip, neurological shoulder, back, neck, knee, hip, neurological condition: stroke, MS,CPcondition: stroke, MS,CP..

**Healthy persons who wish to improve their self- Healthy persons who wish to improve their self- expression,extend their ability like: Artists, expression,extend their ability like: Artists, dancers, singers, athletes,Martial artists, actors, dancers, singers, athletes,Martial artists, actors, musicians, computer operators, office managers, musicians, computer operators, office managers, dentistsdentists..