The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second...

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM] home DARPA contributors news forums zh-tshirt store donate rss manifesto Home The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/21/2011 19:03 -0400 Belgium European Central Bank Eurozone France Fresh Start Germany Greece Gross Domestic Product International Monetary Fund Ireland Italy Net Notional Newspaper Portugal Rating Agencies Reality Stress Test Vigilantes A funny thing happened in Euro spreads today. While the bonds of all PIIGS countries surged higher in price (and plunged in yield) upon the announcement of the second Big Bang bailout, the reaction in core Eurozone credit was hardly as exuberant, and in fact spreads of the two core European countries pushed wider by the end of the day, and over the last week. Why? After all the elimination of peripheral risk should have been seen as favorable for everyone involved, most certainly for those who had been seen as supporting the ever more rickety house of European cards. Well, no. Basically what happened today was a two part deal: the i) funding of future debt for countries that are currently locked out of the market (all the PIIGS and possibly core countries soon) or in other words the "liquidity mechanism" which is being satisfied by the EFSF "TARP- like" expansion, and ii) the roll-over mechanism for existing holders of debt which "allows" them to "voluntarily" transfer existing obligations into a "fresh start" Greece which can then emerge promptly from the Selective Default state that is coming from Moody's and S&P any second, and supposedly allow the country to access markets as a non-bankrupt country. Real Life Narnia, NFL can figure it out...Kinda Posted by: apeakunderthehood Post date: 07/22/2011 - 22:06 Are we living in Narnia? Terrorist Bomb Attack in Oslo, Norway ... Who Dunnit? Posted by: George Washington Post date: 07/22/2011 - 18:32 It's looking more and more like an anti- Islam Christian nationalist psychopath was the terrorist ... Man it’s hot! Posted by: Bruce Krasting Post date: 07/22/2011 - 12:07 The question is will the extreme heat bring us big storms. There's a good case for that to happen. User login Username: * Password: * Create new account Request new password Navigation Polls Donate To Zero Hedge Shopping cart View your shopping cart. How to Stay Asleep All Night Breaking: How to Build Muscle When You're Older One Weird Trick to Erase Wrinkles Search Search this site: Latest News From RAN Squawk 07-22 16:31: RANSQUAWK AUDIO CLOSED FOR THE WEEKEND; THE DESK WILL REOPEN MONDAY 0630 (LONDON TIME) 07-22 16:06: US EQUITY WRAP 07-22 15:47: US NYSE Imbalances - 29/30 DJIA to buy, around USD 500mln to buy 07-22 15:31: Caterpillar (CAT) CEO says 6,000 American workers added in last 12 months 07-22 15:19: Caterpillar (CAT) CEO Oberhelman says "quite happy" about quarterly results 07-22 15:17: WEEKLY FX REVIEW 07-22 15:15: Fitch affirm Wal-Mart (WMT) at AA, outlook stable 07-22 15:03: US FIXED INCOME WRAP Latest News From The Fly On The Wall 07-22 18:12: Consumer Sentiment Index to be reported at 09:55 ET 07-22 18:12: Chicago PMI Business Barometer

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Page 1: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka"Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very AngryGermans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could CostUp To 56% Of German GDP

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/21/2011 19:03 -0400

Belgium European Central Bank Eurozone

France Fresh Start Germany Greece Gross

Domestic Product International Monetary Fund Ireland

Italy Net Notional Newspaper Portugal Rating

Agencies Reality Stress Test Vigilantes

A funny thing happened in Euro spreads today. While the bonds ofall PIIGS countries surged higher in price (and plunged in yield)upon the announcement of the second Big Bang bailout, thereaction in core Eurozone credit was hardly as exuberant, and in factspreads of the two core European countries pushed wider by the endof the day, and over the last week. Why? After all the elimination ofperipheral risk should have been seen as favorable for everyoneinvolved, most certainly for those who had been seen as supportingthe ever more rickety house of European cards. Well, no. Basicallywhat happened today was a two part deal: the i) funding of futuredebt for countries that are currently locked out of the market (allthe PIIGS and possibly core countries soon) or in other words the"liquidity mechanism" which is being satisfied by the EFSF "TARP-like" expansion, and ii) the roll-over mechanism for existing holdersof debt which "allows" them to "voluntarily" transfer existingobligations into a "fresh start" Greece which can then emergepromptly from the Selective Default state that is coming fromMoody's and S&P any second, and supposedly allow the country toaccess markets as a non-bankrupt country.

Real Life Narnia, NFL can figure itout...Kinda

Posted by: apeakunderthehoodPost date: 07/22/2011 - 22:06Are we living in Narnia?

Terrorist Bomb Attack in Oslo,Norway ... Who Dunnit?

Posted by: George WashingtonPost date: 07/22/2011 - 18:32It's looking more and more like an anti-Islam Christian nationalist psychopath wasthe terrorist ...

Man it’s hot!Posted by: Bruce KrastingPost date: 07/22/2011 - 12:07The question is will the extreme heat bring us bigstorms. There's a good case for that to happen.

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07-22 16:31: RANSQUAWK AUDIO CLOSED FOR THEWEEKEND; THE DESK WILL REOPEN MONDAY 0630(LONDON TIME)07-22 16:06: US EQUITY WRAP07-22 15:47: US NYSE Imbalances - 29/30 DJIA tobuy, around USD 500mln to buy07-22 15:31: Caterpillar (CAT) CEO says 6,000American workers added in last 12 months07-22 15:19: Caterpillar (CAT) CEO Oberhelmansays "quite happy" about quarterly results07-22 15:17: WEEKLY FX REVIEW07-22 15:15: Fitch affirm Wal-Mart (WMT) at AA,outlook stable07-22 15:03: US FIXED INCOME WRAP

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Page 2: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

For all intents and purposes the second can be ignored, because ashas been made clear over the past few days, and as will bedemonstrated below, the actual rollover from non-Peripheral bankswill be de minimis, the bulk of impaired debt being held by banks inthe host countries as is, and used as collateral with the ECB in theform of par instruments for cash.

Now the second part of the mechanism was never an issue furtherdemonstrated by the plunge in net notional in Greek CDS as corebanks no longer needed to hedge exposure and instead opted todivest their holdings. This is merely a red herring that attempts toconfuse the issues associated with the first, and far more importantconcept: the nuances of the EFSF and its imminent expansion. Andexpand it will have to, because in reality what is happening is thatthe net debt of the countries will end up growing even more overtime for one simple reason: this is not a restructuring of existingdebt from the perspective of the host country! Simply said Greekdebt will continue growing as a percentage of its GDP, meaning it,and Ireland, and Portugal, and soon thereafter Italy and Spain willbe forced to borrow exclusively from the EFSF. Therein lies the rub.In a just released report by Bernstein, which has actually done themath on the required contributions to the EFSF by the corecountries, the bottom line is that for an enlarged EFSF (which iswhat its blank check expansion today provided) to be effective, itwill need to cover Italy and Belgium. As AB says, "its firepowerwould have to rise to €1.45trn backed by a total of €1.7trnguarantees." And here is where the whole premise breaks down, ifnot from a financial standpoint, then certainly from a political one:"As the guarantees of the periphery including Italy areworthless, the Guarantee Germany would have to providerises to €790bn or 32% of GDP." That's right: by not monetizingEuropean debt on its books, the ECB has effectively left Germanyholding the bag to the entire European bailout via the blank checkSPV. The cost if things go wrong: a third of the country economicoutput, and the worst case scenario: a depression the likes of whichGermany has not seen since the 1920-30s. Oh, and if France getsdowngraded, Germany's pro rata share of funding the EFSF

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

jumps to a mindboggling €1.385 trillion, or 56% of GermanGDP!

The Europarliament, ECB and IMF may have won their Pyrrhicvictory today... But what happens tomorrow when every German (ina population of 82 very efficient million) wakes up to newspaperheadlines screaming that their country is now on the hook to 32%of its GDP in order to keep insolvent Greece, with its 50-some yearold retirement age, not to mention Ireland, Portugal, and soon Italyand Spain, as part of the Eurozone? What happens when thesesame 82 million realize that they are on the hook to sacrificinghundreds of years of welfare state entitlements (recall that Otto vonBismark was the original welfare state progentior) just so a fewperipheral national can continue to lie about their deficits (the 6month Greek deficit already is missing Its full year benchmark targetby about 20%) and enjoy generous socialist benefits up to anincluding guaranteed pensions? What happens when an alreadymortally wounded in the polls Angela Merkel finds herself in the nextgeneral election and experiences an epic electoral loss? We will findout very, very shortly.

Here is Bernstein with the full breakdown:

Continuation of the current strategy with a materially enlargedEFSF and private sector participation in liquidity support

Despite the failure of the current strategy, there is still a theoreticaloption of an extension of the current liquidity support with amaterially enlarged EFSF that would also be buying governmentbonds in the secondary market. We believe this is the least likelyoption given the size of the fund required to achieve the objective.

An extension of the EFSF to cover Italy and Spain wouldrequire a €790bn (32% of GDP) guarantee from Germany

This strategy is not only unlikely to succeed but would also run intosome serious structural difficulties. To cover 100% of the roll-overfor Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Belgium as well as anallowance for bank support at 7% of the banks' balance sheets untilthe end of 2013, the support mechanism(s), would need to be ableto deploy a total of €2.4trn in available funds.

Assuming the Greek Loan facility and the EFSM remain in place, theEFSF would have to increase its deployable funds from currentlyabout ~€270bn to €1,450bn.

Given the 20% overcollateralization requirement on the currentEFSF structure and the fact that countries that receive EFSF supportare not able to provide valid guarantees mean that in order tocreate a €1.45trn funding capacity, the total fund would have to be€1.7trn. The guarantees to be provided by Germany wouldhave to be €791bn or 32% of GDP.

When Genius Prevailed

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

There is a legitimate question whether in particular Germanywould see the point of committing that kind of support to aconcept that has so far been extremely unsuccessful. It alsowould expose Germany to a worst case scenario of a Frenchdowngrade. Without France, the guarantee need would rapidlymove towards the whole of the €1.7trn. As the market is gettingincreasingly concerned about France, the odds are heavily stackedagainst an extension of the EFSF as a pure liquidity supportmechanism.

If Banks were to participate in a liquidity expansion theircontribution would be minimal

Within the current strategy one of the open questions is whether ornot the private sector can participate by providing liquidity to theperiphery countries. We believe this to be a fundamentally marginaldiscussion despite its enormous political importance.

Based on the stress test data released on Friday, we find thatwhilst the banks account for the majority of the very shortterm paper, their total share of the funding requirement into2013 is just 23% and 16% of the total EFSF.

The question is how big the private sector participation could be.Taking the "French proposal" as a guide, the private sectorparticipation would reduce the size of the EFSF by €137bn or 9% ofthe €1.45bn EFSF funding, assuming 70% of the debt is rolled over,30% collateralization and 75% of banks participate.

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

The problem with this private sector participation so far has beenthe risk that this may be regarded as a default by the ratingagencies. As a consequence the banks would have to write downthese exposures to market prices. This exercise would lead toreported write-downs for the European banking sector of €75bn,0.55 times more than the liquidity support that the EU is seeking.And in particular in Portugal and Greece the fallout of the MTMlosses far outstrips the increase in liquidity.

Even more importantly, more than half of these losses wouldoccur in the banks of the periphery countries themselves. Inthe absence of an open market for these banks, the losseswould have to be made up by the governments themselvesand subsequently added back to the EFSF utilization.

And there you have it: the cost of the euro not plunging today as aresult of the ECB not proceeding with outright monetization, is thatGermany is now the ultimate backstopper of all of Europe's risk. Andwhile before, when the EFSF was just over €400 billion or so, themarket could largely ignore the risk, a €1.5 trillion "upgrade"certainly changes the equilibria dynamics. In an attempt to avoidthe appearance of inviting inflationary pressures on Trichet's centralbank, Germany has directly onboarded the risk associated withterminal failure of this latest and riskiest "bailout" plan and in doingso may have jeopardized anywhere between 32% and 56% ofits entire annual economic output. One wonders if the risk ofrunaway inflation is worth offsetting the risk of a plunge into theworst depression in the nation's history? It sure isn't for the Fed.

The most ironic outcome would be if the eurozone, in an attempt toprevent further contagion at the periphery, simply invited thevigilantes to bypass Italy (recall how everyone was shocked thatinstead of attacking Spain, it was Italian spreads that got destroyedin a manner of days), and head straight for the country on whoseshoulders lies the fate of the entire EUR experiment?

Is Atlas about to shrug and topple the entire oh so heavy house ofcards?

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:06#1478988

History shows that angry Germans are no threat to anyone.

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by Robslob on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:08#1478994

6+ million souls may disagree

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by Gold Man-Sacks on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:11#1478999

It's called satire, you literary genius, you.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:19#1479018

Maybe it's Germany's way to pay compensation to Greecefor WWII.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:22#1479036

Or maybe for WWIII.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:25#1479041

The rotmof are easily appeased. Let them "win"another sucker world cup.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:31#1479060

Lol. Kicking balls vs. Kicking ass.

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by Juice Box on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:59#1479329

Danke Schön Bitches!

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by TruthInSunshine on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:26

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]


Sarkozy & Bernlusconi & Merkel had asummit today, and they talked, andtheir words were delicious and soothing,filling the air with hope & cheer, andthey said there will be no defaults of anyEuro Member, the EUR will besupported, and they will magically makeall the debt crises and vexing mathproblems go away immediately.

So, it's fixed.

They fixed it. They fixed all theproblems.

Growth can resume now, and debt is nolonger an issue, nor is the tensionbetween those in stronger EU MemberStates and weaker ones, nor is thestrength/weakness of the EUR given thattrillions of fresh EUR will be printed anddistributed if these dear leaders are tobe taken at their word.

They're very competent.

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by I Am The Unknow... on Thu, 07/21/2011 -21:54

#1479445"turkey" is one of the Germaniclanguages. Gobble, goggle, peas,gobble gobble.

Problem solved

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by G-R-U-N-T on Fri, 07/22/2011 -00:12

#1479644""turkey" is one of the Germaniclanguages. Gobble,goggle,peas,gobble gobble."

If indeed the ECB turkeysleaves Germany holding the bagthen talking "turkey" may verywell end up a language of thepast.

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 -02:01

#1479716They gotta get The Won in theretoo.

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by Michael on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:40#1479743

Page 8: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

The fatal flaw is, no one is ever againgoing to buy Credit Default Swapsbecause they know they will never payoff because of government and centralbanking cartel shit.

That also makes the holders of thoseCDO's very angry since their CDOholdings are now worthless.

I hope they didn't get some billionaireCDO holders angry by doing this. Theymay put a hit squad out on the peoplewho did this like they did to Scarface.

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by Michael on Fri, 07/22/2011 -02:55

#1479756I'm not taking the Blame for theClimate Changing or theWeather. The blame is all on them.

I'm only to blame and takeresponsibility for all the crap I pulledin my 50 years of life. Not theclimate changing or the weather.Got IT!

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by Bang Dae Ho on Fri, 07/22/2011 -03:26


Michael, I thought CDS are onemore trading instrument, well- OTCtrading, but still trading... Long CDSpositions are profitable when thesovereign debt crisis soap heats up,and short CDS positions areprofitable when it cools down, asrecently. When TPTB are positionedlong, they give governments andmedia the order: Drama, drama,please! Then, when they gotenough, they take short CDSpositions and order: Conference andagreement, please!

I thought nobody is ever seriouslyconsidering the 'Credit Default'event, such a hypotetical event isjust a pretext to justify this kind ofponzi derivative.

Am I so wrong?

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by Michael on Fri, 07/22/2011 -04:02

#1479801A hypotetical event that willnever materialize, over their one is ever againgoing to buy CreditDefault Swaps becausethey know they willnever pay of...

Page 9: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

dead bodies.

That kind of hypotetical event?

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by Bang Dae Ho on Fri,07/22/2011 -


I also have bold dreams,but I am afraid they are notas bold as yours.

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by Michael on Fri,07/22/2011 -

04:22#1479815US panel votes to barclimate funding

"A panel of the USCongress onThursday moved tobar foreignassistance related toclimate change,defying PresidentBarack Obama's callsto contribute as partof an internationalaccord."

"On a party line vote,the Republican-ledHouse Foreign AffairsCommittee voted to banfunding in next year'sbudget for Obama'sinitiative to supportpoor nations in adaptingto climate change orpursuing clean energy.

But the measure'sfuture is uncertain asother committees alsohave jurisdiction overclimate fundingincluding in the Senate,where Obama'sDemocratic Party is incontrol."

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by Michael on Fri,07/22/2011

- 05:05This site got 791

over their deadbodies.

Page 10: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

#1479830comments on itsmost recent thread;


"To address themain issue thatpeople have beengetting all bentout of shapeabout: the storesI photographeddo not appear tobe authorizedApple sellers."

Are you listening,Steve Jobs?

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by boooyaaaah on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 06:55#1479860

If Germany won WW2, Greece being thesoft underbelly of Europe, We all wouldbe in the same position today

Unless Germany reassigned the Greeksto Siberia

Which they still may do

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by Ahmeexnal on Fri, 07/22/2011 -12:35

#1481219Send greeks to siberia. Createpalestinian state in greece. Thatwould solve a lot of problems.

Kurdish homeland in germany withberlin as it's capital would also be agood start.

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by InconvenientCou... on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:33#1479067


WW3 started in 1971 and is close to being won bythe US. That is of course, if the fuck-nuts raise thedebt ceiling and don't accidentally forfeit.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:37#1479081

Congressional approval not necessary as therewere no boots on the ground.

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

by centerline on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:36#1479424

Along with going "full fiat," Nixon visitedChina somewhere around that time withwhat appeared at the time to be full 180degree in stance towards the communistcountry.

Not trying to imply anything. Just puttingtwo "dots" on the board for the fun it. If weare going to talk about WWIII alreadyhaving been waged (on-going) via pen anddigital 1's and 0's, I don't think the cold warmentality is off the table.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:38#1479270

You are right that it is World War IV but I thinkfor the wrong reasons. One of the insiders thatI always enjoyed listening to was former CIADirector James Woolsey. He is not a douche likethat Leon Panetta that just got thrust into theposition. He has always stated that the ColdWar was World War III. I agree with him onthat. Just add up the American casualties andcosts in treasure that went into that debacle.

The sad part is if you believe the Cold War wasWorld War III you still have to think the nextone will be worse. This is going to result fromsuch huge economic imbalances that it bogglesthe mind what the casualty figures can be in thisone. The "emerging market" countries shouldbe the ones fearing what is coming the most. They are always the biggest losers in proxy warsand major conflicts. This time will be nodifferent.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:04#1479305

This time around, the "submerging markets"(US-JAPAN-EURO) will suffer greatdevastation. Fukushima is only the warmup.

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by Oh regional Indian on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 04:08#1479808

Indeed Ahmee. Though this time theentire northern hemi-sphere is at riskthrough Air and th eentire world throughwater, ne?

One has to look, not even deeply thistime, to see the nuclear pattern showingit's hand.

And I don't buy this surface level,Germany is payign for Italy crap.Germany has had an iron grip on theEurozone since long before it's inception.



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by NOTaREALmerican on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:40#1479613

Re: He has always stated that the Cold Warwas World War III.

Wow, we became a centrally-planned scamstate like the USSR in order to beat theGodless commie, so now we haveperpetually increasing Big-MIC, perpetualwar, and (the new an improved) Big-PoliceState.

Can't beat a "win" like that.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:25#1479021

@Gold. +1

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by Sophist Economicus on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:19#1479019

Not Funky-Chunky-Monkey-Boy! Europeans never killanybody....

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by Sofa King on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:24#1479042

Actually, it's more like 62 to 78 million souls...not just the 6million that we have chosen to commemorate with the specialtitle of Holocaust victims.

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by francis_sawyer on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:31#1479063

Has anybody ever sat down & tallied the number of OSCARSstatuettes that have been handed out over the years (in ANYcategory), to films which had the holocaust as either acentral, or background theme?..

It sure gives 'We will never forget' an alternate meaning...Why? Easy... Because it's sure to be shoved down ourthroats by the doting media & Hollywood community at everyopportunity...

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:40#1479093

All kidding aside, I stand with the Jewish people andthier right to defend themselves. I will never forget. Iam a Scottish/Irish/Italian mutt, in the interest of full

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by john39 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:01#1479154

ok, well enough... but what does that mean. doesthat mean that the israeli government gets to lockthe palestinian people in large open air prisons? Killcivilians whenever they deem it appropriate?institute an illegal blockaide? lets get real, it waswrong in south africa and it is wrong in Palestine.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:10#1479184

I see by your response to Amish, you are aholocaust denier. I will say this to you, and allthe rest out there. If I want any more lip fromyou, I'll touch your vagina. Bitch.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:42#1479279

Call me Fred G. Sanford because I am thejunk man. I junked your ass for youroverreaction. I didn't see any denials inthere. Perhaps I need a new prescription. Feel free to junk but freedom of expressionsometimes leads to things you don't want toread. In that instance your a--hole waswound way too tight.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:45#1479293

You don't need a new perscription, youneed better reading comprehensionskills. I clearly stated "in your responseto Amish". If you scroll down you willsee said response. I also addressed toto all holocaust deniers. Junk away, myfriend, to me it is a badge of honor.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 -20:49

#1479300I deny my denial, cheddarillegitimate. Proceed.

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 -20:58

#1479323No prob,270degreesTownMoron. Godbless!

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by CompassionateFascist on Fri, 07/22/2011 -01:40

#1479706There's a JewBook somewherewhich claims that the Scots areone of the Lost Tribes; they'resurely obnoxious enough. If not,CheeseStink, you are a mostexcellent Shabbatz Goy.

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by SirPlayomic on Fri, 07/22/2011 -07:08

#1479867Have you ever been toScotland? Anyway, let's not godown this tribialistic road wherewe all fight each other andforget who the real enemy is. Incase you forgot, the real enemyis the Banks and their politicialpuppets.

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by ArrestBobRubin

on Fri,07/22/2011 - 07:48#1479919And just who do you thinkowns those banks? Need tosee a list of names?

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:48#1479284

Okay, I just saw the post of the holocaustdenial. I will now junk myself. Israel, likeany nation, should be questioned for itsbehavior. I'm not in to the holocaustdenial. It was a holocaust in the midst of alarger holocaust.

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by dogbreath on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:24#1479657

how do you get the taste of the condoms outof your mouth

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:07#1479718

That's the nonylphenol ethoxylates onthere. Fortunately, while they are

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lipophilic, and thus active in your mouth,they are aslo hydrophilic too, and can bewashed off easily under running wateror with a very wet towel...if your sextactics can be arranged to accomodate.

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by Milestones on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:38#1479661

Well said Milestones

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by francis_sawyer on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:01#1479155

How politically correct of you...

As well... I stand behind the right of INNOCENTvictims to defend themselves...

As it so happens... I 'feel' that I am an INNOCENTVICTIM of:

- a banking cartel which robs me blindly in broaddaylight every day (& laughs at me as they do)

- a complicit media conglomerate (largely run bysympathizers)

- greedy & corrupt politicians who are paid tofacilitate


I'll expect MY OSCAR come next March...

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by Cheesy Bastard on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:33#1479246

Fluffers, while in the movie business, don't winoscars.

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:05#1479172

Schuld sein Freiheit

Debt is Freedom... I think.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:25#1479225

Schuld macht frei.

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by malek on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:54#1479753

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Wrong are all of you.

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by SirPlayomic on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 07:11#1479871

Schulden machen frei

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by Ahmeexnal on Fri, 07/22/2011 -12:39

#1481240Debt shall set you free.

So that's what all banks have on thewelcome mat.

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by Dugald on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 04:53#1479825

"All kidding aside, I stand with the Jewish peopleand thier right to defend themselves. I will neverforget. I am a Scottish/Irish/Italian mutt, in theinterest of full disclosure".

Strewth Cobber...That makes you almost British!

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by BigDuke6 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 08:33#1480019

Aye , ah noticed that.

Ah hate thae dumb cuntz thit gae on aboot hailinfrum Scoatland.


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by ElvisDog on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:16#1479479

This is only slightly off-topic and more than partlyfacaetious, but I think part of the fascination with theNazis stems from the fact that their uniforms were (gayinflection) "fabulous". The all black with the little skull onthe hat, and the cool iron cross medals. Hitler shouldhave given up painting and gone into fashion design. Hewould have been a smashing success and WWII averted.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:08#1479539

Hugo Boss designed all nazi uniforms.

And today, Hitler Youth camps are alive and kicking.Even getting government support:,1518,775764,00.html

Gay fucktard nazis:

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by sun tzu on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 01:00#1479675

Wow a few hundred extremists. That's unheardof

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by TK7936 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 10:44#1480608

Homophobic A hole you are.

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by Bang Dae Ho on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 03:58#1479800

normally barbarism and order are contradictions...the Nazis blended both together. Their barbaric,cruel nature expressed itself by order and a somepeak-of-civilization-appeal. Germans have alwaysbeen obsessed by order and therefore even the mostbarbaric terror regime had maximum system andorder.

The uniforms themselves are nothing particular. Youhave that impression because the uniforms areassociated with what the Nazis were about. And thisis sublime, and sublime = fascinating.

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by Diogenes on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 12:24#1481149

No one ever fantasized being ravished by someonedressed as a liberal. So says pj O rourke.

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by Oh regional Indian on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 04:10#1479809

True Francis.

In addition, try standing at anyplace in Germany andshout loudly that the Hollow Cost never happened. Jailwithout a lawyer before you can say Schwien!

That is a huge tell. Huge!


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by L_Estasi_dell_Oro on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 07:18#1479877

(p.s.: it's "holocaust" - )

...their uniforms were (gay inflection)"fabulous"...

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by Oh regional Indian on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 12:15#1481105

p.p.s: it's called poetic licence.


And if something never happened, what is itdoing with a definition? Eh?


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by Amish Hacker on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:01#1479152

Six million is the approximate number of Jews who died inthe camps. Frequently overlooked are some 6 million non-Jewish "undesirables" who also went up the chimneys.

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by john39 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:04#1479167

another sucker who buys the holohaox... no where nearsix million jews died in "deathcamps"... but to makesure that no one figures that out, they make it illegal toquestion the holohoax in parts of europe, and, truth isnot a legal defense... how very... orwellian.

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by Bob on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:20#1479212

and very German diction.

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:36#1479264

OK, we get it. You wear a swastika on your burkha.

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by MobBarley on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:06#1479356

He's Tibetan?

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by Dugald on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 04:57#1479828

Makes for a great Sight picture though!!

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by JohnG on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:39#1479429

You are a fucking idiot.

My late wife's grandfather( commissioned by the military to investigateGermany's light water facilities after the liberation ofmost of the concentration camps.

He took many, many pictures. I have them.

In one, at Auschwitz Birkenau (he got some sort oftour), you can clearly see the ovens still sitting REDHOT.

Dude even became a priest after Oak Ridge. Readthe wiki.


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by JohnG on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:50#1479441

Additionally, my current wife's dad was one ofthe first US soldiers at the liberation of Bergen-Belsen. The prisoners didn't have a clue whatthe fuck to do, where to go, anything...they hadbeen tortured that much.

Fucking tool.

I'm not even Jewish and you piss me off.

I have personally seen tatoos on people thatwere in those camps.

Get a clue.

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by Max Hunter on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:00#1479638

I've seen the tattoos as well.. That's notproof of a policy to gas and burn Jewishpeople.

They were in work camps. Between 350-500k died of starvation, disease and murderby Nazis. The Red Cross was able to visitand document. Of course, they are alsoaccuse of being an anti Semitic organization.

I guess if you don't swallow the holohoaxreligion hook line and sinker, you are somekind of hater. 100 million people died in thepast century due to fucking wars and all wewrite or talk about is a quarter million Jews(turned 6 million).. What does that tell you?

Sorry if my "hatred" causes me to morn thedeath of others besides Jewish people.. pfff

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:12#1479720

Mmmkay, what's your read on thewidely agreed estimate that around100million people were terminated early

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by communist dictatorships, inpeacetime, pretty much on purpose,across the 20th century?

Just trying to suss you out here a little,on where you stand on statist horrors.

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by Max Hunter on Fri, 07/22/2011 -07:10

#1479868It's pretty hard to put numbers onall of this. Stalling killing 30 million,Tens of millions killed in Asia. I amanti war and anti killing. I view itALL as a tragedy.

Regardless of how many Jews diedin Europe it was TOO MANY !! I domorn the suffering of the EuropeanJews but I do NOT use it to endorsethe state of Israel! Period!

This is the problem I have with the6 million. It's an eye catcher, a"religion" that gives Zionistsundeserved sympathy wherebyallowing them to commit crimesagainst Arabs.

Read/Watch Norman Finklestein onthe holocaust industry. Of courseJews went to camps. It was horribleand should never be forgotten, but,it (Jews suffering) should not beamplified as to be "set above" thesuffering of all others in this world.When I see that, it raises a red flagand makes me wonder who isactually in control ofmedia/information/politics.

I'm a simple man, I'm observant,and I believe my lying eyes..

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by Ahmeexnal on Fri, 07/22/2011 -12:43


OK, that pretty much explainswhy you are a denier.

Infinite ignorance.

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by WVO Biker on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 06:48#1479859

In Hamburg they killed more people in theKonzentrationslager than were killed byallied air raids. Come near my place and seethe site: Neuengamme. BTW most wereburied by undertakers. Unbelievable.

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by FeralSerf on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:33

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Did he get an accurate count on the dead Jewswhile he was there?

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by Diogenes on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 12:32#1481205

Commissioned by whose military. If it was theallies why were the ovens hot after the campswwere liberated. What were they bakinggingerbread men. Or was he an official of theNazi military.

U need to think your lies through.

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by JohnG on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 14:40#1481745

US Government.

Ovens stayed hot for months.

Don't name me as a liar fool, that's just notmy style, never has been.

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by delacroix on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:21#1479215

research the world census, before, and after WWII . 6million jews, were not murdered. too many, yes. 6million, no.

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by Dr. No on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:47#1479621

"world census"? Lol. Forgot the sarc flag. When theus census comes around, i toss it with the junk mail.When the temp census worker knoks on my door, idont get up from the sofa. Imagine how accuratethe census is when goose steppers walk up to yourdoor asking how many people live there. Easily +\- 6million uncertainty.

World census. Lol.

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by FeralSerf on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:20#1479583

5,500,000 was Eichmann's number which the Zionistsrounded up to 6. The Zionists said Eichmann was not tobe believed since he was a lying Nazi and was just tryingto get out of his just desserts.

Nobody really knows how many died.

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by Whalley World on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:59#1479674

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Read Stalingrad

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by CompassionateFascist on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 01:50#1479711

6 million exceeds # of Jews in Axis Europe by +1million. Actual death camp railroad lading bills,plus populations of Jew ghettos drained into oneor another death camp = 2.5 million. Another 1.1million Jews killed off 1941-43 during pre-emptiveand actual anti-partisan operations east of theJune 22 1941 German-Russian demarcation line.So: 3.6 million. That's about it, less all the lieingby both Zionists and Deniers. By the way, thisis about half the number of people done to deathduring the 1942-44 eastern India scorched earthTerror Famine in Assam/Bengal provinces(bordering on Burma) engineered by Zionist stoogeWinston Churchill. Heard muchabout THAT "holocaust" lately? Thought not....theVictors write the history books.

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by sun tzu on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:27#1479412

You're assuming the Germans were solely responsible forWWII. What about Japan, Italy, and the USSR? They werealso aggressors

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by CompassionateFascist on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:01#1479715

Not to mention good old Brits, backstopped byUSA: 1) backstabbed Germany at onset of German-Polish War; 2) attempted to seize Norway, Hitlerpre-empted; 3) murdered Metaxas, seized andoccupied Greece, long before Hitler intervened, andthen 4) overthrew Gov't of Yugoslavia, set upcabal of Serb Generals, etc. Then there's the smallmatter of Churchill's 9:30 AM, 26 November1941 radiotelephone conversation between FDRand WC discussing how to "handle" the upcomingPearl Harbor attack, etc.

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by BigDuke6 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 08:53#1480066

This is good

'Not to mention good old Brits, backstopped byUSA: 1) backstabbed Germany at onset ofGerman-Polish War'

What are you saying?

The Brits and the Germans should have gottogether in ww2 and taken over the world?

You r right buddy and everyone knows it.

Imagine if Churchill and hitler had got goingTOGETHER - europe would have been easy...middle east oil then enslave africa and put thelazy buggers to work with boot and fist.

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America was doing nothing.

Yes, instead of being soccer hooligans anddrunken easy women 'die englander' would befucking bavarian helga's and prussianironmen... breeding the true master race .heheh

it could all have come to pass but the dumbbrits wouldn't do it.

and all the brits missed out because you justcant let the Germans win... that all.


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by L_Estasi_dell_Oro on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 07:28#1479893

The USSR fought the Germans just as much as the Alliesdid.

In fact, about half of all lives lost in that entire war werelost by Russia.

Without Russia on the Eastern front, the Allies would nothave won from the Germans.

It was a very, very close victory for the Allies +Russians. Germany was working hard on truly amazingtechnologies and without a few miscalculations on theirside, they would have run over Russia and the Allies inW. Europe.

Just go dig into the German atomic bomb project, howthey already had flown to the skyline of Manhattan forreconnaissance, how they were way ahead in the field ofelectronics by the end of the war, how they wereenriching U235, how U235 + infrared-fuses + Japanesemen were discovered and captured on a Germansubmarine.. and suddenly the U.S. has enough enrichedU235 to drop a weapon on Japan..


Do not believe for a second the post-war myth spreadby the Allies that the German were incompetent. (Thosewho win write the history books..)

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by caconhma on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:42#1479098

"6+ million souls may disagree"

What are you talking about? What 6+ million?

Shit, you sound like a brainwashed average asshole US citizen.

It is time for Germans to stop apologizing for crimes they nevercommitted and to defend their Fatherland!

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:54#1479314

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

I think the Germans should just STFU and pony up thebillions of Euros it will take to keep the Euro together. THATis their duty.

Ha ha. This is just sick. A proud nation is being thrown tothe wolves. This fall I will spend real time in Germany forthe first time. Flying through Frankfurt doesn't count. I lookforward to seeing the country that my ancerstry came from. I will be like Alex Hailey. I can't wait until I get to Germanyand say, "Heinz Grubenberger, I have found you". I think Iwill make a mini-series out of it.

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by SilverIsKing on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 01:10#1479685

very mini I suspect

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:16#1479722

Just for the porn they produce, basically a triple Xversion of "Shprockets", they should pay...for a while.I'm shorting the euro 2X if it passes 1.475

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by BigDuke6 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 08:57#1480074

'Shit eating dwarves 3' is a teutonic classic

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:55#1479316

The "Fatherland" of Germany is Russia.

The liberating Red Army knocked up german women all theway up to Berlin.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:57#1479321

"Ich habe eine 88 von zu, fraulein."

Please forgive my German.

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:02#1479335


And the Russians should knock on doors all the wayto Berlin. It was way too cold for sex in Moscow thatyear.

Keep in mind that the South Germans are a littledifferent from those in the North and particular the

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Austrians as well.

Oh, the Autobahn, if you see a set of lights flash atyou from behind, get the fuck out of your lanepronto. especially if you are in the hammer lanetrying for 130 or whatever the pathetic rental willdo.

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by FeralSerf on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:41#1479614

It's a tricky manoeuvre to merge into the otherlane that's bumper to bumper trucks and 2CVsdoing about 60mph when you're doing 130. (Delta is 70mph for the arithmeticallychallenged.) Sometimes blood is spilled --copious quantities of it.

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:18#1479724

Tcherman drivers guesstimate the horsepowerand speed based on recognition of theheadlights coming up behind. Or that's the wayit was in bavaria 15 years ago.

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by Dugald on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 05:14#1479833


Ich hatte deine Mutter für ein Stück Seife

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by sun tzu on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:29#1479415

The Soviets held about 30% of Germany. Many of themweren't even Russians

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by Vendetta on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:06#1479465

you are named appropriately

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by foofoojin on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:30#1479485

60+ million souls may disagree.

fixed that for you.

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by Ben Fleeced

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:42#1479528



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by chalcedonite on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 04:29#1479821


Raul Hilberg calculated the number at 896,292.

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by Gold Man-Sacks on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:09#1478996


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by rocker on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:38#1479087

No threat to anyone ? It would sure be nice to know.........

Who, exactly are the large bond holders in all of this........?

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by carbonmutant on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:05#1479173

Unfortunately Jean-Claude deferred that question to the bondholders....

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:03#1479342

"Who, exactly are the large bond holders in all of this........?"

WTF does that matter? The actual bondholders are the "youand me" of Europe. The regular people will pay for all of thiswith their blood, sweat, ,gold, toil and lives. The men thathold the bonds right now know that they have no risk ofpaying for their sins. Bonds are risk free, don't you know? It can all be passed to the lower species. I don't know why Ihave such cynicism while I sit here typing and looking at TheFinancial District. Hmmm, it could be that sailboat that justwent by.

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by rocker on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:21#1479402

I think you mean we are the bag holders. I understandthis part. I would like to know who the bond holdersactually are.

The best I came up with is the 'Euro Financial Group'

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and the name 'Billberg'.

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by MiguelitoRaton on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:16#1479197


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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:05#1479349


I don't know if that worked. Damn it. It was a riff on July andbeing lied to. I need another Scotch. Maybe some peyote. Yes,that would do. This all calls for peyote and Cherry Garcia.

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by centerline on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:38#1479427

It worked perfectly. I guess I need a scotch too.

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:45#1479532

Fukin show your face junker. I have a free kick in the throatfor you. Yep IT'S FREE. like on yahoo.

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by Needosh on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:27#1479232

They are a bi-word for eficiency..... and can be a problem whenpissed, ask your grand father....

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:07#1479357

And let us not forget that they also planted, and nurtured theBolshevism seed in Russia. Can you say, "sealed train", bitchez?

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by espirit on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:27#1479234

False flag. Default of EU member bullish for Euro and US marketsaccording to AEP.

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by B-rock on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:43#1479287

Wow, that's funny!

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by Re-Discovery on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:54#1479312

Germany doesn't respond well to European debts shoved down theirthroats.

They should include a clause thatif they have to pay on anyguarantee, the defaulting county agrees to be invaded with noresistance. The Reich may yet rise again!!

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:09#1479365

They should have strong throats with all of the sausage theytake in. Does anybody remember Kilbasa Queen from theHoward Stern show? That is what the Germans are going to feellike.

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:18#1479392

Oh the Brat? Bring the beer. The two go together.

The nose knows no toot' ;)

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:52#1479538

having been granted land by Henry II, I say take 25 kilos ofthat sausage and stuff it your own pooper and then tell theGerman people what they can or cannot up with put. Gohave a drink at Puss n Boots and pretend you are worthy.

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by Kali on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:49#1479439

That thought passed through my mind too. Wouldn't it be ironicthat Germany "owns" all of Europe in the end. With not a bulletfired.

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by BigDuke6 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 09:03#1480091

All because they work harder than the rest of europe andstill have functional companies where their CEO's were stillpaid only a fraction of their USA counterparts...

bloody germans

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by Urban Redneck on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 05:38#1479835

The article seems to imply that Germany would be willing to payout some obscene amount of its GDP to subsidize the continuedprofligacy of the southern European States, which seems unlikelyto put it mildly. Failure to explicitly endorse the monetizationissue is also problematic, but from more than the traditionalcan-kicking perspective. The entire Euro-zone is now moredependant on Germany than it was before to prevent collapse,and the French are more irrelevant than ever before. Whathappens if they replace Frau Ferkel with Little Adolf? Germany is in a position to demand outright monetization andthe installation of a Bundesbank Bernanke at the ECB at thethreat of leaving the Euro-zone and leaving the rest of Europewith an even bigger burning bag of shit on their door step. Bymonetizing the Euro Germany gets what it needs to supportdomestic exports through a weak Euro. WW3 would be overwithout a shot fired and Germany conquers Brussels (again), soonto WW4 (the "anything but" axis Berlin-Moscow-Beijing vs.Washington and the $ aligned States). By postponing theinevitable resolution of the monetiztion question the other Euro-zone States would appear to be placing themselves at the mercyof the German political establishment, which works fine with aMiss Piggy figurehead running the show, but that paradigm mightnot be maintained if a more results-oriented establishmentcomes to power.

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by Bang Dae Ho on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 07:00#1479862

you presume some superior intention/plan here... thank youfor the schmooze (I am German), but German populationand politicians are the same denial-can-kickers as the USand the rest of Europe. Believe me.

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by Urban Redneck on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 08:48#1480056

Actually I am presuming that (outside the offascist/socialist single fiscal policy ambitions ofthe aspiring dictators in Brussels) the mindless can-kicking opens the door something even more nefariousas an unintended consequence of the current illconceived actions. China is propping up the Eurozoneout of financial self-interest, Russia has been working itsway into the multilateral EU institutions, meanwhile theEU has been increasing its dependency on Russianenergy, despite the convenient reminder of theoccasional drops in pipeline pressure whenever there is aparticularly cold winter in Europe. Both Russia and Chinahave an issue with USD hegemony. So what happenswhen the bill for the current round of can-kicking comesdue if Russia and/or China make an offer that can't beeasily refused to the next German government ? Orabsent the Russians and Chinese getting involved, whatoptions does the next German government have otherthan outright monetization of EUR (and extractingconcessions from Brussels and the other Eurozonecountries in exchange for something which ironicallysupports German manufacturers and bankers) orleaving and destroying the Eurozone?

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...axis Berlin-Moscow-Beijing...

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by L_Estasi_dell_Oro on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 07:31#1479898

The Reich never went away. It just went undercover andinternational, not bound anymore to a specific country...

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by Quixote on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:34#1479511

"Angry Germans"--new iPad game?

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:54#1479540

Fuck off!

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by Quixote on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:23#1479586

Who the fuck are you? Nice user name. Why don't you gostand in front of the Federal Reserve and wait for everyoneto show up? Dillweed.

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by wsmith on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:18#1479652

The Germans need the Euro to sell their junk.

If they went back to the Hun-mark, it would hurt their economy.

So the average Hun on the street better get used to picking up theslack.

Anyway, so long.

And God bless all you Marxist cocksuckers.

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by Ghordius on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:45#1479746

And of course now the English speaking media will stop talking aboutNazi troops invading Greece and focus on how generous theGermans are...

And all this talk about exporting countries robbing the others blind...

And all this talk about the Euro getting printed like toilet paper willalso stop...

hello? No way! The Germans will not repeat the Irish error. This fundis all a charade to distract the bond markets and the media...

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by TK7936

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on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 11:01#1480736

What are you talking about? Look at ZH Comment Sections. Thetools cant avoid a holocaust debate at the mere mention ofGermany. While ZH might be the epidome of objectivity now, theusers are clearly the manipulated sheep that come from theJewish media to this site and ejaculate there "education" all overthe place.

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by TK7936 on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 11:08#1480762

What are you talking about? Look at ZH Comment Sections. Thetools cant avoid a holocaust debate at the mere mention ofGermany. While ZH might be the epidome of objectivity now, theusers are clearly the manipulated sheep that come from theJewish media to this site and ejaculate there "education" all overthe place.

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by Karl Danneskjold on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 03:04#1479766

thank you, best laugh in a long time...

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by mynhair on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:08#1478989

What can the Krauts do? Cry like a Boner?

Looks like I sold EUR just in time.

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by Spitzer on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:39#1479075

Sold Euro just in time ? A depression means the currency (Euro) willrise sharply.

Anything the ECB et al does is just to buy time and wait for the USto implode. So far they are doing a good job. The Euro is up, there issome austarity coming down the pike and they are raising interestrates.

Contrast that with the US....

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by Ahmeexnal on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:32#1479244

Intraeuropean war is days away.

The "enlightened" fiefdoms linear thinking has once again beenexploited by Mr. Market.

Chinese are doing a great job in duplicating entire cities likeFlorence, Hallstatt, Dorchester and others. China knows europeis days away from warpocalypse and few/no cities will remainstanding when it's over.

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by Internet Tough Guy on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:45#1479292

intraeuropean war days away. lulz. Take a break, you needit.

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:04#1479347

Actually, the more I think about it the more it's possible.

Money in the trailer park at night equals yelling thatescalates into domestic violence. The neighbors knowenough to stay the fook in thier own damn trailers if theytoo want to be safe.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:14#1479377

White trash, meth and firearms. I think you have anidea for a great reality TV show on your hands. Oh,wait, they already have COPS.

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:19#1479395

No need for reality show. They are just down theroad. When the wind is right... you can almosttell where they are in the cooking.

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:00#1479546

You are supposed drink Schinken Hager not smoke it.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:12#1479370

"Contrast that with the US...."

Currencies are backed by military might. What are the Germansgoing to do, throw potato pancakes at the Greeks?

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by Spitzer on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 01:22#1479695

Ahhhh the miltary might.

How did that work for the Soviets ?

Why does somebody always have to say that...its reallystarting to piss me off.

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:22#1479727

The USSR's vaunted military was a POS, the giant50megaton H-bomb warheads taken aside.

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by Urban Redneck on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 05:59#1479839

The USSR's vaunted military was not much more ofa POS that the USSA's vaunted military.

The administrations in Washington have went fromnot wanting to waste million dollar cruise missiles ona few goat-fuckers in tents, to wasting trillions ofborrowed dollars and thousands of lives on afew goat-fuckers in tents. In a decade, Washingtonhas been no more successful in pacifyingAfghanistan than Moscow was during its decade-long-infatuation with the country.

Furthermore, in eight years the USSA has failedto increase Iraq's oil production and exports to theglobal market to anything above the levels achievedduring the Oil-for-Food racket or above pre-embargo/sanctions, pre-Iran-Iraq levels, and inexchange for the vast wealth expended in thatpursuit, the US has secured a relatively small pieceof the Iraqi oil concession pie for US oil firms. Meanwhile the Russians are doing quite nicely inIran, despite any bad memories of the USSR'sannexation of Iranian oil fields in the late 40's.

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by tip e. canoe on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 21:30#1483721

nice synopsis of the RISK board as is. funny, iread this hearing a Howard Cosell voice in mehead.

"Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!"

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by centerline on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:14#1479379

Either it is a game of who blows up first between the US andEU... or... it is a hot potato game between the US and EU to buytime together to see China blow up. I am not so sold right nowon who is trying to choke who.

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:03#1479553

would you please sponsor my children?

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by espirit on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:38

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The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]


What about the Transitory Euro Dollar backed by the treasury, or the"TEURD" for short?

Won't that have their back?

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:07#1479560


So Francais monsieur!

best of today to you.

Bon Chance!

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:14#1479565

Duplicate via GSM. The Seqouia had better under under Nixon.Currently drinking and thowing ice for the gulls. Fun to watchthem dive after nothing!

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by progro on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:07#1478990

Germans have become sheeple like the USA. Nothing will happen.

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by automato on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:36#1479079

Just the biggest pot party ever in Amsterdam!

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by SoCalBusted on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:01#1479153

Pot Party will soon be over

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by Reptil on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:03#1479344

Idiot politicians again. Forcing a prosperous market to gounderground as a whole and push the revenues in the handsof organised crime.Really, deplorable unfounded and irretrievable descisions likethis make you want to go into politics and destroy theseassclowns that are wrecking our free world.

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by tip e. canoe on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 22:48#1479508

reptil whose hands do you think the revenues arealready going? where do you think the coffee shops getthe weed from? it's technically illegal to grow cannabisin holland, yes?

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by Reptil on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 06:46#1479853

Of course, the whole "war on drugs" is keeping acriminal circuit very liquid. Just recently psylocybin(magic mushrooms) was made illegal, guess wherethat trade moved to. Exactly the same as happenedin the case of MDMA production (XTC) in the earlynineties. Pushing it into obscurity only creates higherprofit, and with that, involvement of professionalorganised crime groups. Oversight over a marketand protecting potential victims then becomesimpossible.

And now, the next step: Criminalising users willmake it worse though: The issue is about individualrights, and control of the State (and now Europe)over what individuals are supposed to do, regardlessof any scientific findings (that show criminalising isonly creating more problems). And much moreimportant than some tourist revenues, or the"image" of Amsterdam.

It's another example how, in the push for control,the politicians are willing to wreck society. Thepurpose is conditioning the civillians they're criminalsif they engage in these things, and that they acceptthey'll lose their citizen's rights, for something thatcan not be regarded as a crime, under principles ofdutch law. All of this, regardless of public opinion(polls clearly show a strong majority think thecoffeeshops should remain). So they're now nibblingat the edges. The whole thing is a travesty. The"role model" is a failed policy in the USA, andincreasingly France, who dictate policy here moreand more.

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by tip e. canoe on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 21:24#1480157

it's a shame really, last time i was there, thetown of Eindhoven was considering growing theirown to supply the coffee shops. seemed like asensible move in the right direction, consideringthe mad greenthumbs the Dutch are.

Holland is a strange country to me. seemedlike an schizophrenic clash between toleranceand fascism. doesn't make for a good mix.

then again, new amsterdam's no better.

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by JohnG on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:57#1479449

That's gonna be one pinner spleef right there. Even just

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looks like Mexican brown weed, not that good green hydrosold in the shops.

...books flight to Amsterdam........

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by Needosh on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:29#1479237

Why travel to another country or a pot party.. ? Just curious...

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by HungrySeagull on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:07#1479353

Like those who used to travel to Thailand to play with boysand girls without regard to the Lqws at home.

Much american dollar, all night boom boom. two dollar buystwo girls... yes?

Now they probably say No dollar, gold only. If you survivedthe trip there. And once you go, you are in the recordssomewhere deep in the USA as a possible sex offender.

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by Fred C Dobbs on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:35#1479738

Two US dollars is not enough.

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by francis_sawyer on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:41#1479095

Yeah... a bunch of "LOVE paradists"...

Oh wait... they cancelled that after last year... HATS ON!!! Theymight be pissed this time!

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:17#1479386

Will the Germans complain or protest? I don't know if that is theirM.O. I haven't been to Germany but I've been to Austria. Iremember there was a red light with no car, motorcycle or donkeycart within miles. My wife and I crossed the street and didn't give ita second thought. The Austrian girl (about 19) didn't step a foot offof that curb. I was probably on my second Duvel when she was stillwaiting at that light. Poor kid.

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:20#1479582

The word you are looking for is organised. Match it!

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by Ahmeexnal on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 12:47#1481274

Absolute submission could also apply.

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by FeralSerf on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:49#1479624

The ones the south, e.g. Bavaria and Austria, have a well earnedreputation of being stubborn and hard headed. The Berlinerswouldn't wait so long.

If you're caught in the intersection jaywalking the Austrians justmight run over you. It isn't California.

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by FeralSerf on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:41#1479627


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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:17#1479579

I can't even junk dumb assed americans. You da man. you da mostimpotent in da wurld U Suck Ass! U Suck Ass. U Suck Ass!!!!

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by FunkyMonkeyBoy on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:07#1478992

Yeah, yeah. I think 99% of the peoples of the world should be angry atwhat has transpired over the past 3 years... but they will not... the past3 years have PROVEN that people will take anything... otherwise wewouldn't be in this situation now.

Obumma could come around your house and stand on your kid's faceand all he would have to say is "its for national security" and you'd reply"thank'ems sir, mr obumma sir, much appreciated, kindly, god bless yousir".

Humans are pathetic.

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by mynhair on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:10#1478995

Only Libs burn and break stuff.

Then again, they are uncivilized. Keep dropping EUR! You hoor!

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by oldmanagain on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:11#1478998

Some humans are pathetic.

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by Popo on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:28#1479051

Sometimes I really wish I'd chosen the blue pill...

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:18#1479390

Having trouble getting up? You can tell us, monkey. You'reamong friends.

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by Ben Fleeced on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 23:29#1479590

You live in a dead gay mans' apartment! Happy? How long?

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by Gold Man-Sacks on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:29#1479053

Go spank yourself, MonkeyBoy.

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by fxrxexexdxoxmx on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:19#1479205

Well yeah if it was Obama that makes sense. If it was that Bush guyor those other evil war for oil criminals then it would be wrong.

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by Misean on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:08#1478993

If I can borrow at below market prices no matter what I do, I promise tospend the money and stimbubbulate the ebubblemy to my heart'scontent, and then borrow more. It will be tough, but I shall perservere.

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by Ricky Bobby on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:54#1479124


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by MiguelitoRaton on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:15#1479194

no moral hazard here, nothing to see move along.

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by El Oregonian on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:13#1479005

Page 39: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

Schnitzel, Schnitzel, who gets the Schnitzel?

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by mynhair on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:17#1479013

Schnitzel is Austrian.

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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:20#1479400

I thought it was from Chelsea. A lot of those guys tak abouthow much they love the wiener schnitzel. Are we talking aboutfood?

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by apberusdisvet on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:51#1479442

Weiner's schnitzel?

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by bank guy in Brussels on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:18#1479009

They probably did get everything 'fixed' long enough to let all theEuropean officials finish their July - August holidays.

Quality of life is always a primary European objective.

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by TBT or not TBT on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:25#1479730

Tell me about it. That was my theory last summer, with the obviousplay of shorting the euro in late august, but that was busted by theBernank's Jackson Hole talk. This has been a civilised race to thebottom so far, neck and neck at a leisurely but sure pace.

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by slaughterer on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:17#1479014

check out for the latest in attacks and revoltsagainst the European Monetary Rip-Off /sarc the site will never exist

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by Coke and Hookers on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:18#1479016

Amazing how much power these people(pigmen/IMFsters/Eurosoviets/etc) wield to be able to make Merkel theirbitch. It's clear that Merkel doesn't want to do this, her people don'twant it, the German constitution says she can't etc ... but still she doesit. The notion that the rule of law or voters control any aspect of theworld anymore is simply laughable.

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Page 40: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

by firefighter302 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 20:19#1479206


"The notion that the rule of law or voters control any aspect of theworld anymore is simply laughable."


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by WestVillageIdiot on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 21:23#1479404

Can you tell me a time when we ever did? Oh, hold on. Don'ttell me yet. I need a few minutes to go and polish my picture ofJ Edgar Hoover in a wedding gown. Then I will be free to learnabout how free "we the people" have been in the past. But yourtime will be limited because I have to go polish my McCarthypicture before bedtime.

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by andybev01 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:19#1479017

Blitzkreig, BITCHEZ!!

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by no life on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:20#1479023

Yes they are sheeple, but they don't call it that over there..

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by TruthInSunshine on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 02:39#1479742


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by Internet Tough Guy on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:20#1479025

So a plunging euro is 'fatal' to europe? Not likely.

FOFOA: If the euro weakens on the global currency stage Europe willstart running an overall trade surplus again, like China, which will softenthe blow of a contracting internal economy. If the euro strengthens,things like cheaper oil will help soften the contraction. Internally thepoliticians have their hands full. No doubt! Externally, the euro is justfine. To the euro, just like FOA said, the politics of the PIIGS andGermany are little more than a sideshow.

And notice I didn't even mention gold yet. Anything that would appear toseriously threatens the euro, like an outright sov. debt default, wouldexplode the price of gold which would simultaneously rescue the eurobalance sheet and kill the dollar.

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Page 41: The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second 'Bazooka' Bailout: 82 ... · The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2

The Fatal Flaw In Europe's Second "Bazooka" Bailout: 82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP | zero hedge[7/22/2011 11:11:22 PM]

by Corn1945 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:22#1479034

This is called charlatanism. Their currency depreciates and suddenlytheir raw material import costs rise. Where is your savings then?

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by lizzy36 on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:36#1479078

EUR won't plunge. China is in their buying everyday. As for oilplunging $118 brent, could contract 20% and bring it back to levelsnot seen for 6 months.

What is fatal to the EUR is the citizens of Europe waking up andrealizing that they are all being enslaved so the French and Germanbanks get to avoid the consequences of their bad behavior.

Ten years from now we will look back at this period as the last timewe could have our changed course. Today the elites decided to putus on a collision course with fate. That fate will be sealed when weget some non material deficit deal out of the US at some point in thenext week.

We had a choice. We had a choice...............

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by Shameful on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 19:51#1479114

When? Can you point to an election where either candidatewould have changed course? We have been on this course agood damn long time and pat the point of no return in the US inthe 60s. Funny how the Europeans also got blindsided into thissystem. Celebrated 50 years of the EU a couple years back, oddhow little known treaties signed by politicians on the take willbite one's children and grand children in the ass. Or maybe theChinese have a chance in their open and free society.

None of have a choice, some of us have the illusion of choice. Ifthat choice is different then what the big boys want then thatchoice is ignored. Try to press your choice over theirs and onesoon realizes why they own the police and military.

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