The Fat Truth 2

1 Part One: The Truth About Fats Revealed!


A 40 page report Over 220 references- Fats To Powerfully Burst Your Muscle Growth Through The Roof While Melting Away Fat by The Pound! Why Natural Bodybuilders and Weight Watchers MUSTEAT FAT To Explode Muscle Gains And Melt Fat Away Rapidly.

Transcript of The Fat Truth 2

Page 1: The Fat Truth 2


Part One: The Truth About Fats Revealed!

Page 2: The Fat Truth 2


Copyright 2009 by Detailed Health and Fitness Inc.

All rights reserved.

Warning The information in this book is intended for healthy people. Anyone with medical problems especially hypertension or vascular disease should consult a physician before starting any exercise or diet program. Any one over forty who hasn’t been exercising should consult a doctor regardless of their state of health. Invariably, if you are out of shape and want to start training please follow the advice of The American Medical Association: “Start slowly and increase the vigour and duration of your program as your fitness improves”. James P Jordan is The Author of The Bodybuilding Course – Hard Hitting Nutrition - How To Optimize Muscularity Utilizing Cutting Edge Tricks And Powerful Tactics More Effective Than Resistance Training Alone. Attention Ezine editors: Feel free to reprint this book in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above. Feel free to substitute your affiliate link in place of our link in the resource box. EARN 50% on every purchase you refer! Affiliate details are available here: Http:// Underground Bodybuilding Lessons 1 - 10: The Truth About Fats Revealed! Covered in This Lesson:

Lesson 1: Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong About What Fats Are Healthy

Lesson 2: Why Nearly Every Popular Diet Is Slowly Killing You

With Degenerative Disease.

Lesson 3: How to Detect Popular Bodybuilding Supplements That Slowly Kill You and Slow Down Progress.

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Lesson 4: How to Protect Yourself Against Unsaturated Fats (What to Do About It!).

Lesson 5: Fats To Powerfully Burst Your Muscle Growth Through

The Roof While Melting Away Fat by The Pound!

Lesson 6: There Is No Link Between Saturated Fats And Heart Disease.

Lesson 7: Saturated Fats Promote Health!

Lesson 8: Eat Coconut Oil To Melt Away The Fat While Having Tons

Of Energy!

Lesson 9: Why Natural Bodybuilders and Weight Watchers MUST EAT FAT To Explode Muscle Gains And Melt Fat Away Rapidly.

Lesson 10: Why You Can Gain Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same

Time Naturally! (But Only If You Do Not Use Meal Replacement Supplements!)

References Look Forward To The Next Shocking Underground Bodybuilding Report! Part II: Protein Exposed (Lessons 11 – 16) And

Part III: Hidden Dangers In Supplements and Other “Health” Foods (Lessons 16 - 26) (As a result of the amount of information in this series, Part I, Part II and Part III are separate reports. To access Part II and III, make sure you verify your subscription. )

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The Truth About Fats Revealed!!!

A Shocking Expose of The Biggest Lies In The Health Industry…And How It is Hurting You And Your Muscle


Have you spent any time browsing muscle magazines or popular health and fitness programs? You may have noticed they pretty much all give the same advice. For example some fats are good and some fats are bad. Eating fat makes you fat and eating bad fats like animal fat kills you! A simple browse through the references (if there are any) backing up most articles in the health and fitness field, reveals the majority of writers get their “research” from other writers (as opposed to scientific research) without actually verifying the scientific validity. Some of this advice is good, and then there is some scary misinformation!! How do you know which is the good and which is the dangerous? Well today you‘ll actually use some of your grade eight chemistry! As they say “bullsh__t baffles brains but the truth is out there for those that seek it!

Lesson 1: Why Almost Everyone is Dead Wrong About What Fats Are Healthy The diet advice you have most likely been following is absolutely detrimental to your muscle growth and fat loss. A key clarification must be made to rectify this mistake made in nearly every nutritional program, government brochure, medical association’s recommendations and bodybuilding program over the last twenty years: Contrary to popular “belief” unsaturated fats are harmful to your health. Saturated fats are beneficial! There are many Diet “gurus” who are guilty of writing misinformation. It is not that these people are purposefully misleading you it is that new science is revealing a different story about fats.

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Also for some reason unknown to the author, in North America studies revealing the benefits of saturated fats and the dangers of unsaturated fats have not been publicized. By scanning the references for this report you will notice that many of the studies date as far back as the 1930’s and are from many different countries all over the world. Any diet guru that promotes the use of unsaturated fats or essential fats without the supplementation of saturated fats is contributing to Degenerative disease. I will explain why as well as back up my claims with over two hundred cited references you can verify yourself from well respected medical and scientific research studies and papers. To understand why unsaturated fats are harmful, let’s go back to your grade eight chemistry class and apply this knowledge to the structure of unsaturated fats. Sorry to get a little technical but this is necessary to prove a point! Just think, if some of the diet “gurus” above knew grade eight chemistry, we wouldn’t have to be going over this right now! Really it is very simple and once you study the logic behind this, the truth will be evident!

Lesson 2: Why Nearly Every Popular Diet Is Slowly Killing You With Degenerative Disease. The reason that nearly every popular diet and bodybuilding program available today is slowly killing you with degenerative disease comes down to the inclusion of unsaturated fats in the diet. Yes unsaturated fat, not saturated fat. Let’s look at the structure of an unsaturated fat to learn why. An unsaturated fat is a fat cell that has some of the hydrogen atoms removed thus the name “unsaturated”. This makes the structure susceptible to attacks by free radicals. Free radicals do sound a little frightening and intimidating especially if you do not know what they are! Let’s state a few general qualities of Free radicals:

♦ Free radicals are damaging residues of oxygen every breath you take. ♦ Free radicals cause oxidation in your body. ♦ The browning of an apple is a form of oxidation. ♦ Exercise, stress, work, tension, etc., all increase free radicals because

they increase oxygen in your body. ♦ Air pollution and other chemicals produce more free radicals.

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♦ Free radicals are responsible for aging and degenerative disease.

Unsaturated oils create an atmosphere which is a catalyst for the damage that free radicals have on our bodies. Otherwise the damage of free radicals is increased by the ingestion of unsaturated fats! As well these oils become rancid from the exposure to oxygen in our bodies exactly the same as they do if left out in the open. To verify this think about the storing conditions suggested by the retailers of oils like flax oil and other essential oils recommended by all these “experts”:

♦ Unsaturated oils go rancid and degrade from exposure to light. That is why these products are sold in black plastic containers and dark glass bottles.

♦ Unsaturated oils go rancid at room temperature which is far cooler than your body core temperature. Just think what happens when you eat the stuff…

♦ It is recommended not to cook or heat up most essential oils like flax. This is because the unsaturated molecules are unstable.

All polyunsaturated fats, Monosaturated fats and essential fats are unsaturated!

Some examples of unsaturated fats are:

♦ Soybean oil ♦ Safflower oil ♦ Canola oil ♦ Corn ♦ Safflower oil ♦ Sesame oil ♦ Sunflower oil ♦ Soy ♦ Mayonnaise ♦ Almond oil ♦ Flax oil ♦ Hemp oil ♦ Salmon ♦ Herring ♦ Mackerel ♦ Sardines ♦ Bluefish ♦ Tuna ♦ pumpkin seed oil ♦ Borage seed oil

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♦ Hemp seed oil ♦ Olive oil ♦ Avocado ♦ Peanuts

Lesson 3: How to Detect Popular Bodybuilding Supplements That Slowly Kill You and Slow Down Progress A quick glimpse of the ingredients in many popular meal replacement powders and bars will reveal the use of hydrogenated and Tran’s fatty acids as well as unsaturated fats from the above list. Eliminating the use of these supplements will greatly improve your health, performance and long term well being. As soon as you eliminate the unsaturated fats and Trans Fatty Acids putting so much oxidative stress on your body, you free up A LOT of energy to put into muscle growth and fat loss! Not to mention how much more effective your body will be when it is healthy and able to function without this life endangering burden! Oxidative stress has been shown to be responsible for degenerative diseases and the aging process itself! Do you want to add quality to your years and greatly reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, dementia, arthritis, Emphysema and a host of other degenerative diseases? Then quit taking any of the oils in the list above and eliminate any bodybuilding supplements with Tran’s fatty acids or unsaturated fats immediately!

Lesson 4: How to Protect Yourself against Unsaturated Fats (What to Do About It!) How do you fight against this epidemic as so many foods have unsaturated fats? The secret is to eat some saturated fats! There have been studies which show that eating saturated fats as well as anti-oxidants reduce the harmful effects of unsaturated fats. To summarize if you are to eat any of the above list of unsaturated fats, It is recommended to keep your intake of coconut oil and/ palm oil high. These

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two saturated fats not only protect your health they explode muscle growth and fat loss! More on why this is the case ahead! Let’s look at two products from EAS as examples to decide which one would qualify as an acceptable product and which would not because the product contains unsaturated fats without saturated fats: Product #1 Myoplex Lite contains partially hydrogenated Canola Oil and no saturated fats. This product does not qualify!! Product #2 Myoplex Mass (powdered partially hydrogenated canola oil, liquid canola oil, but does include Medium Chain Triglycerides though so is acceptable if you can tolerate the aspartame, malto dextrin and artificial colours and flavours)

Lesson 5: Fats To Powerfully Burst Your Muscle Growth Through The Roof While Melting Away Fat by The Pound! So far we have logically explained so that anyone can verify easily on their own in any library why unsaturated fats are destructive bad fats. We have uncovered that certain saturated fats like coconut oil, palm kernel oil and medium chain triglycerides are the good fats. By good fats they promote health, protect against unsaturated fats and most excitingly help to explode muscle growth and melt away fat by the pound! Before an explanation why saturated fats are such powerful muscle building allies and why they accelerate fat loss what about the health issues? Since there has been so much misinformation on saturated fats let’s assure the fact that these fats are not hard on your heart.

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Lesson 6: There Is No Link Between Saturated Fats And Heart Disease.

As a matter of fact studies have shown the intake of saturated fats to be beneficial for your heart! Saturated fatty acids raise HDL cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol, whereas the Trans - fatty acids lower HDL cholesterol. (Mensink and Katan 1990, Judd et al 1994) The fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated which the heart will draw upon in times of stress. (229) The Inuit people who live in the Arctic regions are a great example of a culture which lives on saturated fats and proteins. The animals have less unsaturated fats in their meat and fat as in the Arctic there are no plant sources to graze. The result is a culture which has far less cases of obesity and heart disease than the United States with all its technology and Diet Gurus living on every street corner.

Lesson 7: Saturated Fats Promote Health!

Saturated fats have many health benefits like:

Help the body absorb calcium for healthy bones.(226) Protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins like Tylenol(225) Enhance the immune system(227) Are required for proper utilization of essential fatty acids. Omega 3’s

are better retained in the body by eating saturated fats(228)

Lesson 8: Eat Coconut Oil To Melt Away The Fat While Having Tons Of Energy! Coconut Oil Speeds Up Your Metabolism And Produces A

Decrease In White Fat Stores!

One study added coconut oil to enrich a high fat diet and reported that the coconut oil was effective in producing a reduction of white fat stores. (Portillo et al, .1998)

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Coconut oil really is incredible stuff! I definitely recommend it as one of the most effective, safe and easy to use methods to promote fat loss. This includes such other methods as the caffeine /ephedrine/ aspirin stack, as well as other prescription drug fat loss drugs like clenbuteral.

Coconut Oil Does Not Turn To Fat On Your Waist!

Coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride which means it has a shorter molecular chain than normal fats. Because of this its tendency is to be directly processed by the liver making the chances of coconut oil turning to fat very slim. (5)

Coconut Oil Is a Great Source Of Energy!

At 8.3 calories per gram coconut oil has twice the amount of calories as carbohydrates or protein. As well because coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride it is absorbed up by the liver as fast as straight glucose to give instant energy. Using coconut oil in your diet allows you to get ample energy in your diet for rigorous training without having to resort to the use of starchy carbohydrates which love to store as fat!

Coconut Oil versus Fractionated Coconut Oil

There are more health benefits to be realized by using natural coconut oil instead of the processed fractionated coconut oil. For this reason although Fractionated coconut oil is a good choice natural unrefined coconut oils is superior and less expensive. The only time I recommend Fractionated coconut oil above regular coconut oil is when a liquid solution is required at room temperature. Two examples would be salad dressings and protein shakes!

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Lesson 9: Why Natural Bodybuilders and Weight Watchers MUST EAT FAT To Explode Muscle Gains And Melt Fat Away Rapidly. If you are a bodybuilder looking to put on mass and lose fat you had better consider eating your saturated fats unless of course you are sustained by anabolic steroids! Then you can be like all the other low fat diet advocates out there as your own hormone production won’t matter anyways …. If you even have any left! The human body manufactures the main hormone for building muscle, testosterone, from fat and cholesterol! If you don’t have the proper fats in your diet, you‘re seriously stunting your natural ability to build muscle! Many bodybuilders can only gain muscle on a low fat diet because of taking anabolic steroids to compensate for the lack of natural hormonal production! Then if hormones are being used from an exterior source as in steroids it doesn’t matter if your own natural production of testosterone is low. Next time you see your bodybuilding buddy crawling up in a ball crying in the closet without his steroids, show him this article! Most of them whittle away to nothing and quit and it is only because they don’t know how to optimally sustain their natural testosterone production with diet.

Lesson 10: Why You Can Gain Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time Naturally! (But Only If You Do Not Use Meal Replacement Supplements!) Every meal replacement powder produced on the market today has one goal in common and it is not to build muscle and lose fat for you! It is to make a profit! Because the bottom line is what counts for the companies producing these shakes the primary ingredient for providing fuel is malto dextrin otherwise known as corn starch! Is this what body building is all about now? Eating cornstarch? Anyways the problem to concern ourselves with here is that in order to gain muscle you need to eat more calories than you burn so that the extra

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calories can be used to support the development of lean tissue. Extra calories in the form of either carbohydrates or fats are also required so that the protein you eat is used for muscle tissue repair instead of to supply energy. If you eat over your daily caloric expenditure of cornstarch, it like all starches will be stored as fat. This is why counting calories is emphasized so heavy by the companies selling these shakes - so that you don't get fat eating them like the weight gain shakes of the eighties! When you are working with a high starch low fat diet the key to gaining muscle or losing fat is the amount of calories that you eat. If you eat over your daily requirements you gain weight. The trade off sold to you is that with this added muscle you take the bad with the good and gain a little fat as well. This is not true. A natural athlete can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time by simply using energy sources which provide high amounts of energy efficient calories that if eaten over you daily energy requirements are not stored as fat on your waist. This way you can eat the calories required for muscle gain and not gain fat at the same time. It does not matter if you are a hard gainer or not! As a matter of fact hard gainers will benefit too because using this method higher amounts of calories are consumed! To Be Continued… Learn the Biggest Scams, Lies, and Deceptive Practices of the Bodybuilding Industry In Part II of The Underground Bodybuilding Report: Protein Exposed!!

What You Are Not Told About ‘Miraculous’ Whey Protein And Why You Are Better Off Eating The Majority of Your Protein From Whole Foods.

Lesson 11: How Whey Protein Puts Out Your Bodies Fat Burning


Lesson 12: The Hidden Secret Fat Burning Advantage of Whole Foods Over Meal Replacement and Protein Powders.

Lesson 13: Another Jealously Guarded Secret Advantage That Whole

Foods Have Over Meal Replacement And Protein Powders.

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Lesson 14: Why Protein and Meal Replacement Powders Are a Gamble.

Lesson 15: The Downplayed Danger of Most Protein Powder.

Lesson 16: The Hidden Shame of Soy Protein and It’s Isolates Underground Mass Building Secrets To Shock Your Body Into An Explosive Growth Spurt is a complete program that applies the information in this report. Many more powerful underground muscle building techniques are explained and applied as well as a non biased system which takes out all the guesswork in getting huge naturally. Unlimited consulting is included to guarantee you succeed. For more information: Recommended Reading:

Recommended Resources:

References 1. Deuel, H. J., and R. Reiser, Physiology and biochemistry of the essential fatty acids, Vitamins and Hormones 13, 1-70, 1955 (p. 50). 2. McHenry, E. W., and M. L. Cornett, The role of vitamins in anabolism of fats, Vitamins and Hormones 2, 1-27, 1944. 3. Guarnieri, p. 115 4. M. S. Brown, et al., "Receptor mediated uptake of lipoprotein-cholesterol and its utilization for steroid synthesis," Recent Progress in Hormone Res. 35, 315-257, 1979. 5. . Record, Kolpeck and Rapp, Long chain versus medium chain length triglycerides; A review of the metabolism and clinical use. Nutr. Clin. Prac. 1: 129-135, 1986

6. J.M. Gaziano et al., "Supplementation with beta-carotene in vivo and in vitro does

not inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation," Atherosclerosis 112(2), 187-195,

1995. (May accelerate LPO.)

7. H.A. Kleinveld et al., "Vitamin E and fatty acid intervention does not attenuate

the progression of atherosclerosis in watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits,"

Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 15(2), 290-287, 1995. (Linoleic acid promotes


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8. P.S. Tappia, W.J. Man, and R.F. Grimble, "Influence of unsaturated fatty acids on

the production of tumour necrosis factor and interleukin-6 by rat peritoneal

macrophages," Mol. Cell Biochem. 143(2), 89-98, 1995.

9. T. Gunther et al., "Effects of magnesium and iron on lipid peroxidation in cultured

hepatocytes," Mol. Cell Biochem. 144(2), 141-145, 1995. (Magnesium protects

against iron.)

10. C.W. Welsch, "Review of the effects of dietary fat on experimental mammary

&land tumorigenesis: Role of lipid peroxidation," Free Radical Biol. Med. 18(4), 757-

773, 1995.

11. J.P. Allard et al., "Effect of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin-E supplements on

lipid peroxidation measured by breath ethane and pentane output-a randomized

controlled trial," Fatty Acids and Lipids: Biolo. 75, 162-165, 1994.

12. K.D. Croft et al., "Oxidation of low-density lipoproteins: Effect of antioxidant

content, fatty acid composition and intrinsic phospholipase activity on susceptibility

to metal ion-induced oxidation," BBA-Lipid Lipid Metab. 1254(3),250-256,1995.

13. D.H. Vanpapendorp et al., "Biochemical profile of osteoporotic patients on

essential fatty supplementation," Nutr. Res. 15(3), 325-334, 1995. (Fish oil

increased urinary calcium fish oil/evening primrose oil increased osteocalcin and


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14. J.H. Choi and B.P. Yu, "Brain synaptosomal aging; Free radicals and membrane

fluidity," Free Radical Biol. Med. 18(2), 133-139, 1995 ("...fluidity loss may be

influenced by factors other than cholesterol. We suggest that lipid peroxidation may

be a major factor in the change in fluidity during the aging process.")

15. E. Chiarpotto et al., "Metabolism of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and aging." Biochem.

Biophys. Res. Commun. 297(2),477-484,1995. (Accumulation of unsaturated fat

breakdown produc in old animals.)


17. A. Kolling et al., "Membrane fluidity of microsomal and thymocyte membranes

after x-ray and UV irradiation," Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 33(4), 303-313, 1994.

(Pure lipid membranes are rigidized by ionizing radiation by peroxidation;

membranous protein lipid interface increases its fluidity under radiation conditions.)

18. A-A. Nanji et al., "Markedly inhibited cyt P450 2E I and lipid peroxidation is

associated with liver injury in fish oil-ethanol fed rats," Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res. 18(5),

1280-1285, 1994.

19. A-A Nanji et al., "Effect of type of dietary fat and ethanol on antioxidant enzyme

mRNA induction in rat liver," J. Lipid Res. 36(4), 736-744, 1995. (Saturated fat and

ethanol fed animals had no liver injury, fish oil and ethanol rats had severe liver


20. C.V. Felton et al., "Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and composition of

human aortic plaques," Lancet 344(8931), 1195-1196, 1994.

21. S.C. Sahn and O.C. Gray, "Kaempferol-induced nuclear DNA damage and lipid

peroxidation," Cancer Left. 85(2), 159-164, 1994. (Kaempferol is a polyphenolic

flavonoid which is structurally similar to quercetin, which is sold as an antioxidant.

Antioxidants often function as pro-oxidants.)

22. S. Harel, "Oxidation of ascorbic acid and metal ions as affected by NaCl," J. Agr,

Food Chem. 42(11), 2402-2406,1994.

23 Kramer, J. K. G., E. R. Farnworth, B. K. Thompson, A. H. Corner, and H. L.

Trenholm, Reduction of myocardial necrosis in male albino rats by manipulation of

dietary fatty acid levels, Lipids 17(5), 372-82, 1982.

24. J.J. Chen and B.P. Yu, "Alterations in mitochondrial membrane fluidity by lipid

peroxidation products," Free Radical Biol. Med. 17(5), 411418, 1994.

25. J.H. Choi and B.P. Yu, "Modification of age-related alterations of iron, ferritin,

and lipid peroxidation in rat serum," Age 17(3),93-97,1994.

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26. H.J. Sipe et al., "The metabolism of beta-estradiol by lactoperoxidase: A

possible source of oxidative stress in breast cancer," Carcinogenesis 15(11), 2637-

2643, 1994.

27. N.W. Istfan et al., "DNA replication time accounts for tumor growth variation

induced by dietary fat in a breast carcinoma model," Cancer Lett. 86(2), 177-186,


28. A. Ishihara et al., ":Dietary high-linoleate safflower oil is not

hypocholesterolemic in aged mice after a long-term feeding--Comparison with lard,

perilla oil and fish oil," Biol. Pharm. Bull. 18(4), 485490, 1995. (The various

unsaturated oils increased whole-body cholesterol in the first 30 days. I consider

this a defensive reaction, which accounts for the temporary reduction of serum

cholesterol. Safflower oil, more strongly than the other oils, then produced higher

cholesterol levels in the serum as the experiment was extended to 4 months.- Ray


29. . M.J. Endresen et al., "Effects of free fatty acids found increased in women who

develop pre-eclampsia on the ability of endothelial cells to produce prostacyclin,

oGMP and inhibit platelet aggregation," Scan. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 54(7), 549-557,

1994. "...levels of circulating fire fatty acids are increased in women who later

develop pre-eclampsia long before the clinical onset of the disease." "...linoleic acid

reduced the thrombin-stimulated prostacyclin release by 30-60% oleic acid by 10-

30%, wheras palmitic acid had no effect." "Linoleic acid reduced the endothelial cells'

ability to inhibit platelet aggregation by 10-45%...."

30. H. Darmani et al., "Interferon-gamma and polyunsaturated fatty acids increase

the binding of lipopolysaccharide to macrophages," Int. J. Exp. Pathol. 75(5), 363-

368, 1994.

31. P. Yaqoob, et al., "Inhibition of natural killer Cell activity by dietary lipids."

Immunol. Lett. 41(2-3),241-247,1994.

32 Byster, G. and R. Vles, Nutritional effects of rapeseed oils in pigs. 3. Histometry of myocardial changes, Proc. Int. Rapeseed Conf., 5th, 1978 (publ. 1979) 2, 92-4.

33. F. Berschauer et al., "Nutritional-physiological effects of dietary fats in rations

for growing pigs. 4. Effects of sunflower oil and coconut oil on protein and fat

retention, fatty acid pattern of back fat and blood parameters in piglets," Arch.

Tieremahr (East Germany) 34(l), 19-33, 1984. [Fat content in the coconut oil fed

animals, after only 34 days, was 15.9%, in the control group, 18.6%; and in the

sunflower oil fed animals. 21:1%.]

34. J. Yazbech et al., "Effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on brown adipose

tissue activity in rats maintained at thermal neutrality," Comp. Bioch. Physiol. A

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(England) 94(2), 273-276, 1989, suggested that the observed increase in resting

metabolic rate produced by using coconut oil to create an essential fatty acid

deficiency, is partly the result of increased heat production in the brown adipose

tissue. The weight of that fat decreased by 28%, while its ability to produce heat

increased 690/0.

35. R.W. Ordway et al., "Direct regulation of ion channels by fatty acids," Trends

Neurosci. 14, 96-100, 199 1.

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36. H.G.P. Swarts et al., "Binding of unsaturated fatty acids to Na+,K+-ATPase

leading to inhibition and inactivation," Biochem. Biophys. Acts 1024,32-40,1990.

37. G. Autore et al., "Essential fatty acid-deficient diet modifies PAF levels in

stomach and duodenum of endotoxin-treated rats," J. Lipid Mediators Cell Signalling

9. 145-153, 1994.

38. J. Rafael et al., "The effect of essential fatty acid deficiency on basal respiration

and function of liver mitochondria in rats," J. Nutr. 114, 255-262, 1984.

39. P.H. Chan and R.A. Fishman, "Brain edema: Induction in cortical slices by

polyunsaturated fatty acids," Science 201, 358-369, 1978. "Ibis cellular edema was

specific, since neither saturated fatty acids nor a fatty acid containing a single double

bond had such effect."

40. C. Larsson Backstrom et al., "Effects of dietary alpha- and gamma-linolenic

acids on liver fatty acids, lipid metabolism, and survival in sepsis," Shock 4(l), 11-20,

1995. "Dietary GLA reduced survival from sepsis."

41. D. Chemla et al., "Influence of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids on

contractility, inotropy and compliance of isolated rat myocardium, J mol Cell Cardiol

27(8), 1745-1755, 1995. "There was a trend towards a lower peak lengthening

velocity at preload in the LC (n-3) group ... together with an unchanged peak rate of

isometric force decline. This resulted in a significant impairment of the two

mechanical indexes testing the load dependence of myocardial relaxation." See B.

Pieske, Circul. 92(5),1169-78.

42. R. Lemer et al., "Development and characterization of essential fatty acid

deficiency in human endothelial cells in culture," Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92(4), 1147-

1151, 1995. Oleic acid derivative 5,8,11 -eicosatrienoic acid (20:3 omega 9)

(5,8,11,14,17 eicosapentaenoic, 20-5 omega 3)); 20:3 omega 9 impaired the Ca2(i)

response, indicating a suppressive effect of it. (Agonist-induced increases in

concentrations of prostacycline PGI 2, and cytosolic Ca2+ were reduced in efad


43. K. lmaizumi et al., "Dissociation of protein kinase C activities and diacylglycerol

levels in liver plasma membranes of rats on coconut oil and safflower oil diets," J.

Nutr Biochem 6(10), 528-533, 1995. "The activation of PKC is affected differently in

vitro by different fatty acids." "Rats on coconut oil ... had a markedly lower PKC

activity in liver plasma membranes with slight but significant reduction of the activity

in the cytosol than did rats fed safflower oil…" "…Coconut oil resulted in a higher

content of diacylglycerols in these membranes than did ingestion of safflower oil,

whereas the proportions of saturated fatty acids and phospholipids and membrane

fluidity were similar between rats ingesting different fats." "It seems likely that

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saturated fats exert various physiological effects on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism,

in part through PKC pathways. "

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44. V. Boutard et al., "Fish oil supplementation and essential fatty acid deficiency

reduce nitric oxide synthesis by rat macrophages," Kidney Int. 46(5), 1280-1296,

1494. "Both ... have been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects…"

45. A.A. Farooqui, K. Wells, L.A. Horrocks, "Breakdown of membrane phospholipids

in Alzheimer disease --involvement of excitatory amino acid receptors," Mol Chem

Neuropathol 25(2-3) 155-173, 1995. "Me release of arachidonate from the sn-2

position of glycerophospholipids is catalyzed by phospholipases and lipases. These

enzymes are coupled to EAA receptors. Over stimulation of these receptors may be

involved in abnormal calcium homeostasis, degradation of membrane phospholipids,

and the accumulation of free fatty acids, prostaglandins, and lipid peroxides.

Accumulation of the mentioned metabolites, as well as abnormalities in signal

transduction owing to stimulation of lipases and phospholipases may be involved in

the pathogenesis of the neurodegeneration in AD."

46. P.H. Chan and R.A. Fishman, "Transient formation of superoxide radicals in

polyunsaturated fatty acid-induced brain swelling," J. of Neurochemistry 35, 1004-


47. . Lavau and Hashim, Effect of medium chain triglyceride on lipogenesis and body fat in the rat. J. Nutr. 108: 613-620, 1978.

48. K.D. Croft et al., "Oxidation of low-density lipoproteins: Effect of antioxidant

content, fatty acid composition and intrinsic phospholipase activity on susceptibility

to metal ion-induced oxidation," BBA-Lipid Lipid Metab. 1254(3),250-256,1995.

49 McHenry, E. W., and M. L. Cornett, The role of vitamins in anabolism of fats, Vitamins and Hormones 2, 1-27, 1944.

50 Canham, J. E., et al., Dietary protein its relationship to vitamin B6

requirements and function, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 166, 1629, 1969

51. E. Chiarpotto et al., "Metabolism of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and aging" Biochem.

Biophys. Res. Commun. 297(2),477-484,1995. (Accumulation of unsaturated fat

breakdown product in old animals.)

52. Rapport, E. W., et al., Ten generations of Drosophila melanogaster reared axenically on a fatty acid free holidic diet. Arch. Insect Biochem. 1(3), 243-250, 1984.

53. R. Sanchez Olea et al., "Inhibition by polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell volume

regulation and osmolyte fluxes in astrocytes," Amer. J. of Physiology--cell physiology

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192.Monserrat AJ, Romero M, Lago N, Aristi C. Protective effect of coconut oil on renal necrosis occurring in rats fed a methyl-deficient diet. Renal Failure 1995;17:525-537.

193.Nanji AA, Sadrzadeh SM, Yang EK, Fogt F, Maydani M, Dannenberg AJ. Dietary saturated fatty acids: a novel treatment for alcoholic liver disease. Gastroenterology 1995;109:547-554.

194.Nelson GJ. Dietary fat, trans fatty acids, and risk of coronary heart disease. Nutrition Reviews 1998;56:250-252.

195.Nelson SE, Rogers RR, Frantz JA, Ziegler EE. Palm olein in infant formula: absorption of fat and minerals by normal infants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1996;64:291-296.

196.New York Times, Medical Science, Tuesday, January 29, 1991. Common virus seen as having early role in arteries' clogging (byline Sandra Blakeslee).

197.Ng TKW, Hassan K, Lim JB, Lye MS, Ishak R. Nonhypercholesterolemic effects of a palm-oil diet in Malaysian volunteers. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991;53:1015S-1020S.

198. Oh DH and Marshall DL. Antimicrobial activity of ethanol, glycerol monolaurate or lactic acid against Listeria monocytogenes. International Journal of Food and Microbiology 1993;20:239-246.

199.Oliart-Ros RM, Torres-Marquez ME, Badillo A, Guerrero OA. Effects of dietary polyunsatu-rated fatty acids on sucrose-induced cardiovascular syndrome in rats.

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89th AOCS Annual Meeting Abstracts, H&N 5: General Health and Nutrition II, p. 76, Chicago, IL, May 10-13, 1998.

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200.Petschow BW, Batema RP, Ford LL. Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to bactericidal properties of medium-chain monoglycerides and free fatty acids. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1996;40:302-306.

201.Pietinen P, Ascherio A, Korhonen P, Hartman AM, Willett WC, Albanes D, Virtamo J. Intake of fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of Finnish men. The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 1997;145:876-887.

202.Portillo MP, Serra F, Simon E, del Barrio AS, Palou A. Energy restriction with high-fat diet enriched with coconut oil gives higher UCP1 and lower white fat in rats. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 1998;22:974-9.

203.Prior IA, Davidson F, Salmond CE, Czochanska Z. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau Island studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1981;34:1552-1561.

204.Projan SJ, Brown-Skrobot S, Schlievert PM, Vandenesch F, Novick RP. Glycerol monolaurate inhibits the production of beta-lactamase, toxic shock toxin-1, and other staphylococcal exoproteins by interfering with signal transduction. Journal of Bacteriology. 1994;176:4204-4209.

205.Ravnskov U. Quotation bias in reviews of the diet-heart idea. Journal of Clinical Epidemiol-ogy 1995;48:713-719.

206.Raza-Ahmad A, Klassen GA, Murphyi DA, Sullivan JA, Kinley CE, Landymore RW, Wood JR. Evidence of type 2 herpes simplex infection in human coronary arteries at the time of coronary artery bypass surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 1995;11:1025-1029.

207.Reddy BS, Maeura Y. Tumor promotion of dietary fat in azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in female F 344 rats. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1984;72:745- 750.

208.Reiner DS, Wang CS, Gillin FD. Human milk kills Giardia lamblia by generating toxic lipolytic products. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1986;154:825-832.

209.Saikku P. Chlamydia pneumoniae and atherosclerosis -- an update. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement 1997;104:53-56.

210.Sircar S, Kansra U. Choice of cooking oils--myths and realities. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 1998;96:304-307.

211.Sands JA, Auperin DD, Landin PD, Reinhardt A, Cadden SP. Antiviral effects of fatty acids and derivatives: lipid-containing bacteriophages as a model system in The Pharmaco-logical Effect of Lipids (JJ Kabara, ed) American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign IL, 1978, pp 75-95.

212..Smit MJ, Wolters H, Temmerman AM, Kuipers F, Beynen AC, Vonk RJ. Effects of dietary corn and olive oil versus coconut fat on biliary cholesterol secretion in rats. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research 1994;64:75-80.

213.Smith RL. The Cholesterol Conspiracy. Warren H Green Inc. St. Louis, Missouri, 1991.

214.Sugano M, Ikeda I. Metabolic interactions between essential and trans-fatty acids. Current Opinions in Lipidology 1996;7:38-42.

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215.Sundram K, Hayes KC, Siru OH. Dietary palmitic acid results in lower serum cholesterol than does a lauric-myristic acid combination in normolipemic humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994;59:841-846.

216.Tappia PS, Grimble RF. Complex modulation of cytokine induction by endotoxin and tumour necrosis factor from peritoneal macrophages of rats by diets containing fats of different saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid composition. Clinical Science (Colch) 1994;87:173-178.

217.Tholstrup T, Marckmann P, Jespersen J, Sandstrom B. Fat high in stearic acid favorably affects blood lipids and factor VII coagulant activity in comparison with fats high in palmitic acid or high in myristic and lauric acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994;59:371-377.

218.Thormar H, Isaacs EC, Brown HR, Barshatzky MR, Pessolano T. Inactivation of enveloped viruses and killing of cells by fatty acids and monoglycerides. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1987;31:27-31.

219.Trautwein EA, Kunath-Rau A, Dietrich J, Drusch S, Erberdobler HF. Effect of dietary fats rich in lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic or linoleic acid on plasma, hepatic and biliary lipids in cholesterol-fed hampsters. British Journal of Nutrition 1997;77:605-620.

220. Visseren FL, Bouter KP, Pon MJ, Hoekstra JB, Erkelens DV, Diepersloot RJ. Patients with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis; a role for cytomegaloviorus? Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (Limerick) 1997;36:49-55.

221.Wan JM, Grimble RF. Effect of dietary linoleate content on the metabolic response of rats to Escherichia coli endotoxin. Clinical Science (Colch) 1987;72:383-385.

222.Wang LL and Johnson EA. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by fatty acids and monoglycerides. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1992; 58:624-629.

223.Willett W. Editorial: Challenges for public health nutrition in the 1990s. American Journal of Public Health. 1990;80:1295-1298.

224.Witcher KJ, Novick RP, Schlievert PM. Modulation of immune cell proliferation by glycerol monolaurate. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 1996;3:10-13.

225. Nanji, A A, et al, Gastroenterology, Aug 1995, 109(2):547-54; Cha, Y S, and D S Sachan, J Am Coll Nutr, Aug 1994, 13(4):338-43; Hargrove, H L, et al, FASEB Journal, Meeting Abstracts, Mar 1999, #204.1, p A222 226. Watkins, B A, et al, "Importance of Vitamin E in Bone Formation and in Chrondrocyte Function" Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, AOCS Proceedings, 1996; Watkins, B A, and M F Seifert, "Food Lipids and Bone Health," Food Lipids and Health, R E McDonald and D B Min, eds, p 101, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, 1996 227. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, The American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst, 1986, 77:43 228. Garg, M L, et al, FASEB Journal, 1988, 2:4:A852; Oliart Ros, R M, et al, "Meeting Abstracts," AOCS Proceedings, May 1998, 7, Chicago, IL 229. Lawson, L D and F Kummerow, Lipids, 1979, 14:501-503; Garg, M L, Lipids, Apr 1989, 24(4):334-9

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Some references excerpted from Mary G. Enig’s, Ph.D., F.A.C.N., article titled” Coconuts and coconut milk”

Some references excerpted from Mary G. Enig’s Ph.D., F.A.C.N, and Sally Falon’s article titled “The Truth About Saturated Fat Parts I , II”

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Page 41: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

"Who Else Wants Jaw Dropping Ripped Mass...Using Cutting Edge Nutritional Tricks And Powerful Recovery Tactics

Much More Effective Than Weight Training Alone?"

I May Have Lost In The Genetics Game But I made Up For it By Utilising My Time Between Workouts To Gain A Lean 55 Lbs Of Ripped Mass In

Only A Year !

"Former Skinny Guy

Lets Muscleheads Train Their Asses Off While He Grows In

Front Of T.V. " (1 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 42: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Hard Hitting Nutrition For Fat Loss Click Here

"If you want to learn what it really takes for a skinny guy to gain muscle mass now, using the fastest and healthiest methods that exist (without using steroids) - then you have to hear everything I'm going to share with you.""

Creator of

Dear Friend,

ou Know the routine..."Train Till Failure""The More You Train The More You Gain" "Pain Is Weakness leaving the body"... I used to train real hard six days a week, three hours a day, even tried twice a day

like Arnold and at one point three times a day six days a week like the Bulgarian "Power Burst" Program, but it wasnt until I started training less...ALOT less that my muscle gains literally exploded.

Give me 3 and a half minutes to read this page and Ill tell you why…

" Gained 30 lbs While Cutting Up to 7.5% Body Fat!"

" Gave me a template to follow in the gym.I gained more mass in 2 months following this program, than i did all the previous year.

Big results, fast, highly recommended, what are you waiting for???"


[email protected]

Even if you train like an "idiot" following grueling workout programs that can (2 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 43: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

only be kept up for short periods of time before you either:

Burn out

Quit For Good

Try A different Program

Start Thinking Your The Only Guy Not On Steroids

Waste More Money On Useless Supplements

Get Down On Your Self and Blame Your Genetics

The reality is, no matter what training program you follow, the majority of your time is spent out of the gym.So Doesn't it make sense what you do out of the gym has more

impact on your gains than what you do in the gym?

But Before I Jump Into The "How To's" I Want To Tell You How I Almost Gave Up On Building A Great

Physique And Then I "Stumbled" Upon This Deceptive Secret....

"Gained 7 Pounds In 2 Weeks ! Lost 2 Pounds Of Fat! "

I have gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks and I am very happy with the program,I have never seen gains so fast it was a good investment.Thank You James

I would recommend Hard Hitting Nutrition to any body who wants to see results fast.

[email protected]

I remember the first day I stepped foot into the local gym, being 6 feet tall and 149 pounds I was intimidated by nearly everyone including some of the women who no bull had bigger

and shaplier biceps than me. (3 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 44: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

I wore ridiculous amounts of shirts,as a matter of fact it was a common discussion between my skinny friends how we would wear two even three t-shirts under our sweatshirt to try

and look bigger.

I think back how stupid I must have looked but I was desperate to fit in as I stuck out like a whore in a monastery!

I Wasn't The Only Guy To Stick Out Of The Crowd....

While I would awkwardly workout with weights way over my head, usually around the middle of my workout Bill K. would show up. He'd do a set or two and remove his sweat shirt. Although this is twenty years ago now I can still vividly see Bill in His Dark Blue

Tank Top totally shredded,tanned and muscular...

As Bill Walked From Exericse To The Water Fountain Every Head In The Gym Would Turn...

Bill didn't do anything special in the gym. He worked out it seemed pretty hard. By time he'd break a sweat his veins would be popping out of his shoulders like spider webs and his forearms like a California Roadmap! What really got to me was Bill would be long

gone partying with his buddy's before I was even close to finishing my " Pro Bodybuilder" workout.

I Thought For Sure I Would Soon Be Bigger , Leaner And Of Course Cooler Than Bill Cause I Trained WAY Harder Than He Did....But Even After Five Long Years It Didn't Happen!

I admit I was pretty Jealous of Bill Although I would never admit it back then.But even if I did admit it I wouldn't have been out of place,Me and all my new workout buddies would

always make wagers and accusations amongst us that Bill had to be on the juice.

"Gained 15 Pounds Of Ripped Mass And Lowered BodyFat to 5%"

"So much gain can be seen from this program within a month. Dieting was always important, but I had no idea how much it helps over working out an extra hour or two."

"You can cut your workout time drastically . This is about training smarter instead of longer. There's no reason not to try it because you'll notice results in as little as one month."

Edwin Lam (4 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 45: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

[email protected]

So I got to know all the juicers and although Bill looked better than most of them He never seemed to "come off ". Bill Kept his gains all year round and just seemed to improve while the "juicers" would fluctuate in bodyweight, muscularity and strength all the time relative

to their steroid usuage.

I ran into Bill a few months ago and He looks just as good now as he did then...minus the eighties hair do!The only sign that Bill is a mortal just like you and me was his receeding

hair line!

So How Did Bill Do It? Is He A Genetic Freak Like He Made Me and Everyone At The Gym Believe? NO Not Really...

I had to find out what the deal with Bill was. He trained way less than me and had superior definition and muscularity.He wasn't over 190 pounds but when he took off his shirt he looked 220! No joke! Bill's upper chest had striations deep enough to hold a nickel in,His shoulders popped out like bowling balls detailing all three heads like an anatomy chart!

His triceps were like two large size horseshoes with veins all over them and when he lifted his arms you could see his serratus muscles underneath the shadow of his wing like lats.

As I got to know Bill I started hanging around with him during the days away from the gym too. And what I found out put a HUGE chesire cat grin on my face cause ...

Bill Showed Me How To Get Maximum Muscularity and Ripped Mass Training Only Two Or Three Times Per Week... And For Less Than 20 Minutes A Training Session !

The first secret Bill shared with me was The way you train has little to do with your success gaining ripped lean muscle mass as long as you follow a few simple rules:

Train In Short Spurts of Under 20 Minutes

Increase Relative Overload On Your Muscles

Undertrain rather than Overtrain

Follow Proper Exercise Form and Do Safe Exercises

Be Consistent And Be Sure To Train All Your Muscle Groups (5 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 46: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Then Bill Blew Me Away With His Next Secret...

Your Diet Is The Main Factor That Determines Your Appearance, Look At These Facts:

Bill started explaining to me an analogy so profound that it totally changed my whole perspective on bodybuilding.Bill said:

Athletic training + poor diet = poor results

Poor training + excellent diet = excellent results

"Train like an athlete but eat like a regular guy James and you’ll look like a regular guy.

Train like a regular guy but eat like an athlete you’ll look like an athlete. "

"Gained 10 Pounds Of Ripped Mass!"

"I made A Great Decision.I learned how to put together a meal plan without using all the supplements the body-building industry tries to scam you on!"

"I would recommend Hard Hitting Nutrition to anyone that is interested in learning to gain muscle mass in the most efficient manner thru proper diet and training, without the junk supplements. A must for anyone that is thin and has been trying to gain weight to no avail."[email protected]

"It's that simple" Bill said."You see me at the gym James and you know my workouts are pretty lame. I do go consistently but I certainly don't live in the gym." (6 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 47: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

"On the other hand I really watch my diet and only eat certain foods. I never stuff myself and I watch what foods I eat together. "

Within Two Months of Hanging Around With Bill I Completely Changed My Body and Within A Year I Had Gained 55 Pounds

of Lean Mass And Was So Much Bigger My Own Mother Didn't Recognize Me !

But after only 12 weeks I had gained 29 pounds... and it didnt hit me how much bigger I was until I ran into My Mom at the grocery Store and she got creeped out when I said hello! How embarrassing when My Own Mom didn't recognise me!She treated me like some young pervert hitting on a Senior...

Finally, What I Was Doing Was Working.

I learned a system of living that was simple to follow regardless of what kind of job I worked or where I was. Although it was simple I would be misleading you if I told you it was easy or didn't require discipline. But the little bit of discipline paid off ten fold.

Now I Stuck Out of The Crowd For The RIGHT Reason!

And even cooler was how now I was the guy that appeared to be a genetic freak! I became training partners with Bill and we came usually after the "gym Crowd" had started and left WAY before they finished! I Loved living on this side of the fence...and all it took was a little discipline and consistent application of some simple but mind blowingly powerful nutrition strategies I've documented and called...

Hard Hitting Nutrition!Or How To Optimize Muscularity Using Cutting Edge

Tricks And Powerful Tactics That Impact Muscle Growth More Than Weight Training Alone.

Here's Exactly What You Get With This Course :

Hard Hitting Nutrition Guide (7 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 48: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

This 100+ page guide explains everything you need to know about Nutrition and how to make it work for you!

It includes chapters on:

Basic Meal Planning - Learn everything you need to know to put together an easy to follow convenient Lean muscle growing, eating plan.

Measuring Bodyfat Percentage - It is critical you learn this quick and accurate system to measure bodyfat.Take your results and apply them for optimal lean muscle gain.

Goal Setting- No B.S. here or false promises,how to make realistic goals and keep them!

Supplements For Accelerating Lean Mass Growth - I review every popular supplement in scientific detail and outline the most effective way to use each supplement if you choose to. Supplements add some convenience but are not neccessary to see impressive results on this program.

Supplements To Avoid - Most supplements plainly suck! I tell you plain and simple what supplements to avoid that can actually stop muscle growth and fat loss DEAD IN ITS TRACKS! (8 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 49: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Meal Planning So that you know what to eat and when.

Optimizing Your Meal Planning For Your Own Unique Explosive Growth Spurts.

You Also Get:

Hard Gainers Explosive Mass Program Lean Mass Blast Program Crash Fat Loss Program Measuring Your Progress Grocery Lists Meal Preparation

And Much More Including...

How To Reactivate Your Body's Most Anabolic Hormone.Did you know following the diets recommended by most "gurus" actually will retard your muscle growth... if not sooner or later stop muscle growth dead in it's tracks? I will show you exactly how to avoid this and how to reverse the damage you may have already suffered!

4 Valuable Tips For Consistent Muscle Growth . Yes you do grow and recuperate when you are resting but it really is not so simple. Envision how much better you will grow when you can eliminate the causes for your body producing abnormally high levels of catabolic cortisone!

How To Eat For Massive Brutal Size... While Keeping Your Body Fat Below 10%! Learn a step by step easy to follow plan to get started right away. Complete meal plans for all caloric levels are in the bonus Meal Planner including substitute meals, optional supplements that actually work and how to use them (there are a select few I will tell you about) and how to eat on your days off.

49 Detailed Diet Tips To Accelerate Your Success! How confused do you feel by all the conflicting diet advice? This unrivaled compilation of easy to use tips will eliminate your uncertainty giving you an easy to follow blueprint to look your best in record time (9 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 50: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

7 Hidden Dangers Exposed That Are Putting A Screeching Halt To Your Progress. No other program on the market has ever gone into this detail! Yet the reality is, eliminating these seven hidden dangers from your diet is like pulling off a blind fold! These dangers are in alot of foods!

5 Revolutionary Strategies To Naturally Increase Your Bodies Testosterone Levels Without Drugs Or Supplements! This striking new approach is right out of a biochemists laboratory! Never before has this kind of detail been applied to a fitness program.I'll tell you exactly how to eat for maximum natural testosterone levels.

How To Fuel Your Body For Maximum Energy! Reflect back on the last time you attempted to train effectively while eating like a bird? I bet you weren't exactly the life of the party. You will experience enhanced mental performance and much more control over your moods while on this high energy diet. You can actually have a life outside of the gym!

"Gained 15 Pounds Muscle and Lost 20 Pounds Of Fat!"

The theories discussed in your book are right on time! They all make a lot of sense if you just take the time to think about them and apply them. My decision to invest in your course was well worth the money, time and effort.

Anyone who is spending their time in the gym or lifting at home would greatly benefit from the info in Jame's book.


[email protected]

You Also Get A Free 1 Month Subscription To The "Hard Hitting Nutrition Journal " With No Strings Attached ($27 Value) (10 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 51: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Yep I'm totally serious and I'll even bury you in Bribes just to get you to say "maybe".I'll explain what I mean in a moment...

Before we get to that, let's take a look at what's included in the Hard Hitting Nutrition Journal...

Each issue is at least 10 packed pages , usually more.There are almost always Product tests, where we lab analyze supplements to see if they really contain what they say on the label. We also do real life testing and give a very detailed review of the tested product. We are open to member suggestions where you can drop me a line or email personally and make a suggestion on what you would like to see tested or learn more about.

We look at the current trends in nutrition and get into some pretty radical nutrition programs for many specific applications.

We have guest expert interviews and routines usually in every issue.Alot of this is being done online via video.

We have a member Q & A Forum - Here you can get details of studies we have performed with our over 1200 private members. There is more info here than most bodybuilding /fitness books ! (by far)

Member Resource Directory - We Source Out The Best Deals And Quality Supplements and Workout gear, books And More! (11 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 52: The Fat Truth 2

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Member Recipe Sections - Powerful Synergistic Muscle Building Fat Burning Recipes...That taste GOOD!

New Training Programs So You never get bored

Hard Hitting Reviews and Ratings of The Latest Supplements and Bodybuilding books and sites.

Check it out. Let me send you a get-acquainted trial issue as a FREE GIFT – no strings attached.

I practically guarantee you’ll be more than pleased. If I’m right, you can keep your subscription, but you don’t’ have to. In any event, don’t decide now. Wait until you see your free issue.

"Gained 10 Pounds Lean Muscle And Still Climbing! Lost 12 Pounds Of Fat!"

"It makes sense to me now that I can keep in great shape without depleting my energy with marathon workouts, and rediculous (flavor of the week) supplements. I haven't kept completely strict to the diet after the first three weeks, but i have a lot of energy and feel great and that's what counts. I lost the 12 lbs of fat within two weeks, and the muscle is slowly piling on as weeks go by."

"I recommend Hard Hitting Nutrition to anyone who has faith enough to try one more methodology for training to ultimate fitness. Hard Hitting Nutrtion is the first program that makes sense and provides science to back its theory and the results will come as long as you are honest with yourself. Health and muscular physiques require work, but its a whole lots less work if you streamline your training using Hard Hitting Nutrtion!".

Aaron Earl

[email protected] (12 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 53: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

If Nutrition is Over 90% Of The Game What Kindof Exercise Can I Do For Results...

Very good question! This program can supplement any training routine or sport. Depending on your desire, you can nutritionally support any type of exercise routine and get exceptional energy, gain muscle size, gain strength while you lower bodyfat percentage.You'll sleep like a baby at night and what's really cool is how you will wake up and get moving right away in the morning! NO more groginess!:

Here are a few example exercises and sports Hard Hitting Nutrition can literally support you at the highest levels of competition and performance.

Martial Arts Or Mixed Martial Arts , Tai Chi

Bodybuilding, Powerlifting,

Football ,Hockey and any other sport!

Marathons, speed walking, racketball squash

Bmx or any type of Biking

Pre and Post Surgery rejuvenation and recovery

But that’s just the start. For this very special edition, I’ve also created 3 exceptional bonuses. I’m doing everything I possibly can to make this the ultimate package for your success. Here are the bonuses and the advantages they give you:

Bonus # 1 :The Supplement Report (13 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 54: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Bonus # 2: Twelve Minute High Intensity Home Gym Workouts (14 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 55: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

Bonus # 3:The Secret To Peak Body Performance

OK, so now you are probably wondering how much is this gonna cost you...Let me ask you this:

How Much Money Would You Be Willing To Pay... If You Knew For Certain... That In Just 4 Weeks Of

Following This Course, You'd Finally Begin to Gain Muscle Mass?

Think about it for a second. Remember all the rejection you've experienced in your life from being small. Think about how much easier it is for your good-looking "buff" friends to get girls.

Think about how many years of your life have been spent un-happy just because you're body wasn't "up-to-par" for everyone's standards. Imagine how much more respect you'll instantly get when you don't look so skinny and weak.

Now, consider how much money you've spent on supplements that haven't helped you. Count up all the protein powder and bars you've paid for that went to waste because the rest of your diet wasn't on-target.

I personally feel like this information is easily worth $1,000. You're getting 5 years of my life searching for the answer that you've been looking for...all condensed into one hell of a nutrition course. But I'm feeling generous, maybe too generous, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here because I know just how painful it is to be skinny... (15 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 56: The Fat Truth 2

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All The Risk Is On Me

If for any reason(or no reason at all) you decide this information is not right for you just email me at any time within 60 days of purchase and I’ll buy it back.

Even Better Than Risk Free...

Plus I'll insist you keep all my bonus gifts just for giving it a try! What could be more fair than that? Only 500 copies will be sold at the introductory price of $17. When I first created Hard Hitting Nutrition, my original plan was to sell it at the usual $47 dollars.( It’s a ton of work writing and researching a book) but so many people have already read about it and have seen the prices that I didn’t feel right about raising the price without warning. So I have decided to release the first 500 copies for just $17 dollars for the people that have already read the site in. As soon as these 500 copies sell then the price of Hard Hitting Nutrition will go up to $37 dollars.Based on sales I am estimating this will happen within 72 hours. Ok so you have been warned so no cry babies if you procrastinate!

What To Do Next …

To claim your copy of Hard Hitting Nutrition right now simply have your credit card ready and click on the orange button below. You will be taken instantly to our 100% online secure order form. Fill out the short form and in just 2 short minutes your copy of Hard Hitting Nutrition will be on its way! When you receive it, be sure to read the “Read Me First” checklist on top to get the most out of the course. Your free bonuses will also be included in this same package. Click the orange button below to get started now! (16 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

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P.S – If you continue to work out the same way, you’re going to get the same results. What I’m offering you is the easiest ,most risk free way to try Hard Hitting Nutrition so you can see for yourself how our scientifically developed nutrition program can help you increase your strength lower your body fat and help you achieve the more muscle look you have always wanted. Are you ready to get started?

Claim Your Copy Now!

YES! James, I want to learn all the powerful strategies and cutting edge nutrition techniques I could ever need to triple my energy and dramtically increase my strength and lean muscle mass...much more than POSSIBLE with exercise or weight training alone.

● I understand I will receive the Downloadable product of "Cutting Edge Nutrition -How To Optimize Muscularity Using Cutting Edge Tricks And Powerful Tactics More Effective Than Weight Training Alone" .

● I will also receive the "Underground Fitness Report " free for 30 days then be billed only $17/month which I can cancel at any time.

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Retail Price $77 SALE Only $47

Question? email us at [email protected] (17 of 18) [5/23/2009 12:23:18 AM]

Page 58: The Fat Truth 2

Muscle Building Nutrition Secrets

P.S. A wise man once said everything that we have in life is a direct result of the choices that we make and don’t make. I think the choices that we don’t make are the ones that really matter. I don’t think you ever hear anybody sitting in a nursing home at 80 years old talking about the mistakes of the things that they did do in their life. It’s always the regrets of the things that they didn’t do that sadden them and depress them in their old age.

Are you ready? Are you going to regret later that you didn’t take action? That you didn’t do something? That you didn’t take a chance? That you didn’t roll the dice? Come on. Make something happen for once in your life. Be proactive. Be positive and take action. Grow a spine. Be a man. Do the right thing. Come on. Let's get started. Am I pushing you? You bet. I'm going to push you because I know this seventeen dollars doesn’t matter to you one way or the other. You'll spend that kind of money on a dinner out.Seventeen bucks doesn’t matter to anybody.

What DOES matter is that you go out and take action. That you do things right in your life That you make life interesting and exciting again.

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P.P.S. One of my favorite people in the world, Lee Iacocca, said the number one thing that he looks for in a successful person is the ability to make a decision. Most people sit on the fence. You know what? The fence pay is terrible. Nobody ever gets anywhere sitting on the fence but I'll bet that’s where you're firmly planted right now, isn’t it? Which way are you going to go? Are you just going to sit there? Are you going to tip back into mediocrity?


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