The External Dynamics Affecting Central Asia


Transcript of The External Dynamics Affecting Central Asia

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Forewarned is forearmed!The Choice between the difficult decision and the fatal one.

Zaid Hamid

The enclosed paper by The  Schiller Institute Germany is explosive, provocative as well as thought

provoking. For geo-political analysts and National Security Planners, this is NOT a conspiracy theory

but a factual breakdown of the most fearsome and complex global geo-political drama unfolding in the

present times.

The fact that it was written in 1996, much before the launch of the present wars in the world, makes it

even more stunning. Today, 16 years on, we see the events unfolding exactly in the same pattern as

predicted in this brilliant analysis of British-American foreign policy. Though the author does not use the

word Neo-Cons nor talks about the Israeli connection to the British-American foreign policy, the events

on ground today need no further elaboration on the fact that how Zionist Jewish lobby controls the global

finances and by extension the geopolitics and wars.

The paper also explains why Pakistan is in a state of war today and what are the stakes involved for the

state, people, faith and the very integrity of the country. This is exactly what the government and even

the armed forces do NOT understand. The enormity, risks, threats and the stakes involved are still hidden

from the national policy makers. The issue, if ever is debated, is only being done within the petty

intellectual context of War on terror, Constitution, democracy, military rule or the supremacy of law

while the existential war continues to demolish the very state with impunity.

Today, Pakistan is already in the last stages of an existential war, fighting an asymmetric high intensity

war within its own borders against an Indian backed terrorist insurgency with a religious facade, which is

based in the remote tribal regions bordering Afghanistan, but is waging a ruthless, decentralized war

against the State as well as the civilian population in the mainland, urban environment. In the last 3 years

alone, on the average, Pakistan has suffered a suicide attack, a bomb explosion, or an attack on thesecurity forces, almost on daily basis. Hundreds of the finest officers and soldiers, as well as thousands

of civilians have given their lives in a war, which has cast a staggering toll on Pakistan‘s economy andsociety. At least 3 serving Army Generals, many Brigadiers and other senior military officers have died

in ambushes, suicide attacks and assaults by the insurgent militants on military and civil installations in

major cities of Pakistan. Regional offices of Pakistan‘s military led Intelligence agency, ISI have beenattacked. Even GHQ was targeted for an audacious attempt at targeting military leadership.

On another axis, on a lesser intensity, CIA, RAW and Afghan RAMA have stirred up another insurgency

in Baluchistan by supporting the Secular Marxist Pakistani Baluch Separatists, seeking to break Baluchistan away from Pakistan. The mode of operations against the State include, blowing up gas lines,

destroying power cables and State infrastructures as well as attacking security forces and assassinating

non-Baluch settlers from the rest of the country.

Apart from the two, above mentioned, active armed insurgencies, there are secular political parties which

have armed wings and also have separatist agendas and have been involved in urban violence, especially

in Karachi. Both MQM and ANP maintain armed militias in the city and though they hold positions in

the government also, are waging a ruthless and brutal war of assassinations and counter assassinations on

the streets of Karachi. For now, while they remain in power politically and are allies of the PPP

government, they are also playing the assassination game in a turf war and are keeping their armed

wings as insurance against any government or military operation against them in the future. The Memo

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scandal has further exposed the treacherous role of a government at war with its own country and hell

bent upon destroying the national army.

The crisis of existential threat and balkanization which Pakistan faces today is not unique to Pakistan.

The entire Middle East to the Eurasian region is being torn apart under a new doctrine to maintain the

hegemony of the British-American power in the world. From War on Terror to Arab Spring to Af-Pak to

4GW to Cold start to Azaad Baluchistan, the wars have many names but the agenda is singular  –  Creation of failed headless balkanized small nation states which must remain in constant state of war,

preventing the cooperation on the landbridge from China to Central Asia to Russia to Germany and

from Tashkent to Kabul to Islamabad to Iran to Istanbul to Germany.

Consider the challenge at hand to retain the freedom and sovereignty under this global war by Neo-Cons

and then measure the insanity and ineffectiveness of the responses built so far. See the largergeopolitical picture of the 21st century and note the blindness of the crippled pygmies who pass as our


When rulers commit treason, it is the compulsion of patriotism to rebel against them!

There is absolutely no doubt now that a massive civil unrest will engulf the country soon, Allah forbid,

dragging the army into an urban war unless we do what must be done. All our security assessments,

threat analysis and study of geo-political developments convince us that with present deployed response

Redrawing Middle East!

In June 2006, (almost 10 years after

Muriel Mirak-Weissbach exposed

British plan for global hegemony)

Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters, of 

the US Army, presented a ―solution‖for the Middle East crisis. The

redrawn maps, and subsequent events

in Middle East and Pak-Afghan

region establish the fact that plan,

essentially, remains the same. In 20th 

century the main protagonist was

British Empire while in 21st century

the driving seat has been taken by

Zionist Neo-Cons in American power


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strategy, the critical threshold of instability has been crossed and now the army would not be able to

respond to the unprecedented threats under 4GW, Af-Pak and Cod start. The ongoing economic collapse

and recent audacious corruption in the Senate elections has made it clear even to the blind that if the

general elections take place in the coming months, the country would be engulfed in a civil war on

provincial, ethnic and insurgency axis. The collapse of the state organs is now total. With the present

deployed failed response strategy it is not the question of  ―if‖ but ―when‖ would the end phase of the

deployed 4GW would begin!

It is expected that Pakistan army would read the enclosed paper and make radical policy adjustments on

literally war footings. The war theatre is already raging and the mid-war theatre course correction would

be difficult indeed but not impossible. Not doing it is not an option anymore. It is a choice between

taking difficult decisions or by default entering into the suicidal mode. We are already late… 

May Allah protect Pakistan and guide Pakistan army to lead the nation out of this suicidal war for a

strong, prosperous and united Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabaad.

Zaid Hamid


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The External Dynamics Affecting Central Asia

By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

(The Schiller Institute)

Presented at

Institute of Regional Studies Workshop

Nov. 25-27, 1996

Mr. Chairman, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thanks the institute of regional studies for its kind invitation to this seminar. Lyndon

LaRouche, whom the institute invited to address you, regrets that he is not able to be here personally

today, due to a scheduling problem. I find myself, therefore, in difficult position of stepping in for Mr.

Lyndon LaRouche, who certainly would have contributed much more to the discussion here than I amable to do. That said, I will do my best to represent the views of the Schiller Institute on the issues

debated here. In particular, I would like to consider some external dynamics affecting Eurasia.

(Lyndon LaRouche)

In 1989-1991, with the collapse of communism, the greatest potential in modern history was opened up,

for the development of Eurasian continent. The newly liberated Central Asian republics, like the captive

nations of Eastern Europe, found themselves in the position of being able to fully develop as sovereign

nation-states, building up their economies, which had been locked into soviet system of looting and

monoculture, as national economies, in cooperative arrangements with other states of the continent, for

mutual benefit. A grand scheme for continental development was already government policy of the

 people‘s republic of China, which, from 1985, had pursued the construction of the Eurasian Landbridge.With the opening of the borders in Central Asia, the obstacles to rebuilding this, the modern, revived

Silk Route, were gone.

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Image Source: Schiller Institute

Had this potential been fully realized, we would be living today in a period of unprecedented economic

boom, not only in the region, but throughout the world. Instead, we are in the midst of the gravest

worldwide economic depression in modern history, and the nation once part of the USSR, especially theRussian Federation itself, are on the brink of total social and political implosion due to economic


The reason why this occurred has little or nothing to do with internal process within Eastern Europe and

Central Asia. Rather, it was due to the outcome of a policy fight in the West, around the issue, how

should the West relate to the unfolding, dramatic developments.

In 1989, there were political figures in the United States and Western Europe who had a very clear

commitment to mobilizing the industrial potential of Europe, to build up modern infrastructure across

Eurasia, thus generating economic development. One such personality was Alfred Heerhausen, the

chairman of Deutsche Bank, formally Germany‘s leading industrial bank. Heerhausen had prepared aspeech to be presented in New York, in which he would announce a grand design for the establishment

of a development bank, modeled on highly successful Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, the financial

institution which had mediated credits for West Germany‘s spectacular reconstruction. Heerhausen

proposed the new institution be used to develop Eastern Europe and former USSR. Heerhausen was

assassinated before he could deliver his speech, officially by the ―third generation‖ of the Baader -

Meinhoff terrorist, in Germany. The American political figure and physical economist, Lyndon

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LaRouche, on Octber 12, 1988 had called for the reunification of Germany, and the commitment of 

reunified Germany, to help transform Poland into a modern industrial nation, as a model for the rest of 

Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In 1989, as the perspective for the German reunification came closer,

LaRouche and his associates issued a concrete program known as the Productive Triangle ―Paris-Berlin-

Vienna‖, for revolutionizing the technologies of this area, the highest concentration of skilled labour and

industrial capacity, as the means to extend ―development corridors‖ of advanced infrastructure across the

Eurasian continent. Later, in 1993, then President of the European Union Commission Jacques Delors,

  presented his white book ―Challenges and Ways into the 21st  Century,‖ for the Trans-European Net

(TEN) of high-speed rail transport, from Western Europe east. The project, which echoed LaRouche‘s

concept saw a key role to be played by unified Germany.

The Paris-Berlin Vienna Development Triangle, and it's Spiral Arms

Alfred Heerhausen Assassination: This mysterious murder is believed to

have been a political assassination, but the identities and motives of the

assassins are still unclear. Alfred Herrhausen, the head of Germany‘s biggest

bank, Deutsche Bank, was ambushed in November 1989 by a group of veryprofessional terrorists who used a sophisticated bomb linked to an infrared

beam to destroy his bullet-proof Mercedes and mortally wound him. The

 bomb was deliberately targeted at the most vulnerable part of the car the

door next to where Herrhausen was sitting and required split-second

timing to overcome its armor plating.  

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None of these projects was allowed to materialize.

Heerhausen was killed, LaRouche was incarcerated by the

Bush regime, and Delors‘ was terrorized, his plan left on the

drawing boards for alleged lack of funds.

The power behind this sabotage was in London, and there

were no doubt about it. As then-Prime Minister, now Lady

Thatcher, made clear in her memoirs, the prospect of a

reunified Germany was something she was determined to

smash. She expended every effort to ensure that then  –  

President Gorge Bush would support her. It was through the

Ridley Affair, that Thatcher‘s policy became famous. Trade

minister Nicholas Ridley warned on July 12, 1990 in the

―Spectator,‖ that reunified Germany would soon turn into a

―Fourth Reich,‖ which would threaten the entire world.Although Ridley later resigned, his warning signaled the

decision at the highest echelons of British Establishment, to

torpedo the potential of Germany to contribute to Eurasian


One must glance back into history, to fully grasp the reason why Thatcher explicitly stated, that the

collapse of the Soviet Union had been the ―greatest catastrophe for British policy,‖ and why the British

have intervened since 1989 to the present day, to thwart efforts at Eurasian continental development.

One must recall the strategic writing of the father of geopolitics, Halford Mackinder, who predicted the

continuing supremacy of the British Empire, on its ability to maintain a balance of power on the

continent, by playing of one part against the other. Russia, China, France and Germany were to be set off against one and other in eternal strife, so as to prevent economic cooperation, which would have so

strengthened them as nation-states, that they could overwhelm the power of the Empire. Above all,

cooperation must be prevented between the powerful Western European nations and the key nations of 

China and Iran. British geopolitics held as its premise, that whoever controlled what it called the

Eurasian Heartland, would control the world. Thus, as Britain intended to maintain world control, it must

control the heartland.

Thus, when, at the dawn of this century, French Foreign Minister Gabriel Hanotaux, Russian Finance

Minister Sergei Count Witte, father of the Trans-Siberian railway, along with his collaborator, the

scientist Dimitrij Ivanovitch Mendeleyev, worked to forge a continental European coalition between

France, Germany and Russia, and later the U.S. , to break the grip of British balance of power, theBritish responded with the policy of ententes, creating alliances with one power against the other, and

eventually, created the conditions for the outbreak of world war I. the planned continental alliance aimed

at joint development of infrastructure for Eurasia, which would have broken Britain‘s control over world

seas and world trade and financial flows. One leading factor in pushing the British to ignite war, was the

Berlin-Baghdad railway project.

Original Article source: 

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In the aftermath of World War I, at Versailles, reparations conditions were imposed on Germany, which

ensured its economic devastation, and ultimately led to the rise of Nazism in the country. It was the

Berlin-Baghdad Railways

British, again, who sought to play Hitler‘s Nazi Germany against the Soviets in a war, which Londonhoped would devastate both sides.

Thus, British geopolitics has been the cause of two world wars in this century. Only through division of 

Europe into East and West, enforced through the reign of nuclear terror, at the end of the war, could the

Empire, albeit in a new form, maintain its control. There was no more efficient means of preventing

cooperation across Eurasia, then by dividing the entire continent in two.

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When, therefore, the Berlin wall fell, and the entire post-

war order collapsed, it was the British historical nightmare

come true. London responded, as I mentioned, by

demonizing reunified Germany, sponsoring the

assassination of those spokesmen for Eurasian cooperation

like Heerhausen, and igniting, ―splendid little wars‖ in theold colonial fashion, to distract financial, industrial and

politia efforts from the grand design of the Landbridge.

First came the war against the Iraq, which was decided

upon during Margaret Thatcher‘s August meeting with

Gorge Bush. Hardly had the war against Iraq ended, and in

April 1991, the Balkans were exploded, and a permanent

conflict in Southern Europe meant that infrastructure

developments there was impossible.

More important, however, than the political and military

measures taken, were the policy decisions imposed at thesame time in the financial and economic realm. Instead of 

Heerhausen‘s cooperative approach, the British and their 

American counterparts under Bush, succeeded in forcing

through the International Monetary Fund‘s so called

―shock therapy‖ program on Russia, Ukrine, Poland, the

other Eastern European countries and in the West as well.

The modern-day carpetbaggers, like Gorge Soros and

Jeffery Sachs, moved into Eastern Europe, to advise the victim governments, on how best to close down

their industries, sell off plant and equipment, cut budgets by lifting subsidies, and abolishing pensions

etc. Soros spent millions to buy up companies, foundations and individuals who could promote his

speculative frenzy in eastern European. The effect of this so-called ―reform‖ policy was that 30-50% of 

the industrial capacity of the victim countries was eliminated. Through ―free market‖ privatization,

productive capacities fell into the hands of local mafias and Western speculators. Domestic consumer

goods were wiped out by the influx of Western goods. Russia has been reduced to a third world raw

materials exporter. The average life expectancy of the Russian man has dropped to 57 years.

Because the same ―free market‖ ideology and IMF policies have been accepted in the West as well,

instead of progress, we are facing economic breakdown. Due to the massive speculative flows

increasingly over the past ten years, into junks bonds, derivatives, and the like, the entire financial

system is on the brink of collapse. The gap between decreasing production of real goods and services, on

the one hand, and skyrocketing monetary values, in derivatives, for example, means that the system as awhole is doomed to early collapse. Those who, in the city of London and elsewhere, detain control over

these immense financial flows, know that the system is about to explode. For this reason, they have been

moving into control over raw materials, precious metals and commodities, including food, to remain in

control, even when the banking structures literally cease to function.

In marked contrast to this downward dynamic, the dynamic originating from China is of growth,

expansion, cooperation and optimism. It is in the success of this perspective, the Eurasian Landbridge,

The building of the Parliament of Bosnia and

Herzegovina burns after being hit by Serbian tank 

fire (1992).

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that hope for the future of humanity lies. At the same time, the Landbridge is today the primary target of 

British geopolitical assault.

First, let me briefly recall to mind what this magnificent project will bring to the nations and peoples of 

this great continent. (Map)

The Eurasian Landbridge, as it was presented at a conference in Beijing in May, 1996, sponsored by the

Chinese government, stretches from the ports of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province, to Rotterdam, in

Netherlands, creating one immense integrated economic zone. To the east, it extends to Northeast Asia,

South Asia and can proceed across the Bering Strait to the United States. Moving westward, it passes

through Alataw Pass to Aktogay, and then, through Almaty to Tashkent. One route runs through West

Kazakhstan to Moscow, then Minsk, into the Balkans, and to western European. Another route, which

the Schiller Institute Eurasian Development plan has included as its southern route, goes through South

Asia: Kunming, Mytkyina, Delhi, Lahore, Sukkur, and then hooks up to the route through Iran. Plansexist for a rail link between Iranian Meshhed to Afghanistan‘s Herat, and beyond, to the southeast,

around the mountains to Kandahar, to the Pakistani border city of Chamen. From here, there is the link to

Quetta, thence to both Hyderabad and Lahore, both with connections to India. (Map)

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The rail routes outlined here, which revive the ancient Silk Route, are projected to become high-speed

railways, which will maximize the efficiency of transporting goods and persons across this vast area. But

this is no mere transportation grid; rather, like the old Silk Route, these new routes will become

development Corridors, the lines along which thousands of new cities will be built, with the levels of 

population and energy density required to achieve industrialization. Nuclear-powered, urban industrial

complexes, known as ―nuplexes‖, will grow up along the railways, surrounded by intensive agriculture,

which can benefit from nuclear technology for irrigation and fertilizer production. This land area,

considering a 50-kilometer corridor on each side of the rail routes, encompasses between 800 and 900

million people, about 25% of the population of the Eurasia and 50% of its industrial work force. Since

three-fifths of the world‘s population lives here, this Eurasian Landbridge concept represents the basis

for reconstruction of the entire world economy. It also represents the impulse for a vast cultural


It is easy to recognize that this ambitious project of the Eurasian Landbridge is the hope for the future. It

is, however, no future pie-in-the-sky dream. From the 1992 opening of the Landbridge between China

and the CIS, to historic opening in May of this year, of the Meshhed-Saraks-Tejed link, the Landbridge

is a reality. The far-reaching contracts signed between Turkey and Iran, as well as the several ―swap‖

deals organized by Iran with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, illustrates the direction in which this process

can go.

But, -- and this is the central point of my remarks — there are two ways to read a map. The maps we have

seen so far, are designed from the standpoint of physical economy, and are articulated according to what

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infrastructure projects can most benefit the development of individual nation-states, in cooperation with


The same map, from the geopolitical standpoint, will be read and marked in a different manner. And

here we come to the question of political disruptions in the region. It is a historical fact, as I have tried to

identify, that British geopoliticians see control over Eurasian Heartland as crucial to continuing British

 power. As one geopolitical strategist recently, said, in commenting on the Landbridge, ―We have come

full circle, now in the 20th

century. It began with a Eurasian geopolitical threat, and is ending with one.

This requires us to revive Halford Mackinder … what worries me most, is the economic multiplier 

effects of building railways … in logistical infrastructure … This must be monitored very closely.‖ 

What does it mean, today, to ―revive Mackinder‖ ? It means to revive the Great Game in a new form, to

play the ethnic card against the nation-state, to generate , promote, ignite conflict along ethnic and

religious lines, to create turmoil where development should take place. From this standpoint the map of 

Eurasia looks very different: (Map)

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This is the map of the people identified by the UNPO , the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples

Organization, founded by Lord Ennals, a former British foreign and defense minister, and a member of 

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the House of Lords and the Queen‘s Privy Council until his death in 1995. The UNPO, a key institution

in the global apparatus of Prince Philip, is dedicated to the task of exacerbating strategic crisis, around

support for separatist tendencies, as identified by the ethnic groups on the map. Michael van Walt van

Praag, the secretary general of UNPO, has been a long time promoter of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan

independence, and what UNPO calls ―East Turkestan,‖ meaning the Uighur - populated region of China‘s

northwestern Xinjiang province. It was from the standpoint of ethnic conflict breaking up a nation, thatUNPO Viewed the Chechnya war, considering it a precedent for breaking off 14 other pieces.

To ―revive Mackinder‖ means to destabilizing the Persian Gulf region, whether through activation of the

―Kurdish question,‖ – (again, historically, a British geopolitical plaything), — or continuing containment

of both Iraq and Iran, through the UN sanctions and the new D‘Amato bill. The same geopolitical thrust

is behind the restarting of the war in Afghanistan; again, looking at the map, it is clear that the southern

route of the Eurasian Landbridge can pass through Afghanistan, with obvious advantages for all the

Central Asian republics, only if political stability exists in the country. There is no need here to review

the tragic history of manipulation, by the British, and the Americans, in the creation of weapons and

drug smuggling through the Afghansi networks. With the war restarted, these drug flows continue to

destabilize neighboring countries. Whatever the protagonists and supporters of the recent militarydevelopments may believe they are pursuing or achieving, in the Taleban movement, it is from the

higher standpoint of the geopolitical string-pullers that the situation should be viewed.

Baluchistan shown as occupied territory by UNPO along with Sindh  

What is threatened here is the break-up, not only of Afghanistan, but of several nations, into precisely

those ethnic entities which British intelligence has sponsored for centuries. This is what geopolitician

Bernard Lewis meant with his Arc of Crisis policy, which was put into operation in 1979 and continues

today: ― . . . not only would the Soviet Union fall to pieces, but all the countries of the region — from the

Middle East to Central Asia to the Indian Subcontinent  –  would crack up into their ‗constituent‘ parts:

Pushtunistan out of Afghanistan and Pakistan; Azerbaijan out of the Soviet Union and Iran; Kurdistan

out of Iraq, Turkey and Iran, Persia out of Central Asia; Turkmenistan out of Iran, Russia and China;

Punjabistan out of Pakistan and India; independent Kashmir out of India and Pakistan; and the Sindh out

of Pakistan. In this way, the nation-states of the region would be destroyed, replaced by powerless straps

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of British intelligence and finance.‖ (EIR, 12.4.96) This is what Lewis meant by ―Lebanonization‖ of 

Central Asia, in Foreign Affairs, 1992: ―If the central power is sufficiently weakened there is no real

civil society to hold the polity together, no real sense of common national identity or over-riding

allegiance to the nation-state. The state then disintegrates — as happened in Lebanon — into a chaos of 

squabbling, feuding, fighting sects, tribes and regions.‖ (EIR, 12.4.96) 

There is, however, a way out, a way to defeat the revival of Mackinder.

The global financial crisis I mentioned earlier, is on the horizon. Not only LaRouche, but recently, scores

of financial insiders of major European press, have acknowledged that the inevitable crash is coming and

soon. What must occur at that point, is that the U.S. president wield the powers given him by the

Constitution, to reorganize the internal banking system, and at the same time, convene an emergency

conference to organize new world monetary structures. This time, the new system must be based on

national banking methods, capable of generating long-term, low-interest credits, for infrastructure

development. LaRouche has proposed that President Clinton urgently seek agreements with China and

Russia on the creation of a new system, and on commitment to realizing all the potential in the Eurasian

Landbridge perspective. This means redefining U.S. foreign policy, freeing it from geopolitical thinking,and charting a course for world recovery. It means freeing the world, finally, from oligarchical control,

exerted through pitting one group against another, and entering an era of cooperation among sovereign


Thanks you.

Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

Schiller Institute


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The Schiller Institute(In their own words)

The Schiller Institute is working around the world to defend the rights of all humanity to progress --

material, moral and intellectual. It is named after Friedrich Schiller, the great 18th-century German poet

and playwright, whose works have inspired republican opposition to oligarchic tyranny worldwide.

In America, the Institute, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington, D.C., was founded in

May 1984. The Schiller Institute is also established in Australia, Canada, Russia, Denmark, Germany,

France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and has

a growing influence in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Helga Zepp LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute internationally, is also Chairman of its Board

of Directors in the United States. A German citizen, Mrs. Zepp LaRouche is wife of Lyndon H.

LaRouche, Jr., statesman and economist, who, with his wife, is a true citizen of the world, in Schiller's

sense. In her Founding Message for the American Schiller Institute, in 1984, Chairman Helga Zepp

LaRouche outlined the Institute's objectives as follows:

The clock of mankind has advanced to a point where the old lackluster ways will no longer work.

According to all established criteria, mankind has gambled away all its chances for survival. Too many

catastrophes are crowding in upon us, the entropic process has proceeded too far and the rift between the

U.S.A. and Western Europe is all but accomplished.

For precisely this reason, we are founding the Schiller Institute. We do so not only because there is a

vacuum we need to fill with institutions willing to revive the spirit of the American Revolution and the

German classical period. We are founding the Schiller Institute because Schiller's special method of 

approaching world-historical problems is the only one which can still bring about a solution today. The

kernel of this method can be defined in Schiller's own words: Man is greater than his fate. Even if theobjective situation looks almost hopeless and desperate, we, like Schiller, are sure that a courageous

spirit and human reason will always be able to find the higher level where the problems are solvable....

"The Schiller Institute will work for this perspective. You, dear citizens of America, are called upon to

help in this process. We can win, but. as Schiller stated, 'world history is the world's court of justice!'''