The expert guide to opt in list building - internet marketing company in athens, greece.

Page 1 The Expert Guide to Opt-in List Building “The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Very Own Responsive Opt-In Mailing List!” Brought to you by


Unlike grocery lists or spare parts lists, in the marketing sense of the term, a ‘list’ refers to a list of customers. More specifically, in regards to internet marketing, it refers to a list of emails through which potential customers can be contacted. If you’ve ever faced a situation where you needed to enter your details (especially your email) before you download something, then chances are that you are, or have been, part of a someone else’s list. Even large companies that are already very established use email lists of their own to keep track of their customers, and alert them to new developments, offers, and so forth. Of course, this ties in to yet another question at hand…

Transcript of The expert guide to opt in list building - internet marketing company in athens, greece.

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The Expert Guide to

Opt-in List Building

“The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Very Own

Responsive Opt-In Mailing List!”

Brought to you by

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Table of Contents

An Introduction To List Building 5

Building Your Business with an Opt-in Mailing List 11

Utilizing the Secrets Of Opt-in Mailing Lists 13

4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build your List 15

3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List 17

4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly 18

How to Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List 20

The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List 21

How To Build A List Of Eager Subscribers 23


List Building Mistakes To Avoid 25


Opt-In Email Marketing Tips 37

In Closing… And a Call to Action! 50

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An Introduction To List Building

What is a List?

Unlike grocery lists or spare parts lists, in the marketing sense of the term, a ‘list’ refers to a list of customers. More specifically, in regards to internet marketing, it refers to a list of emails through which potential customers can be contacted. If you’ve ever faced a situation where you needed to enter your details (especially your email) before you download something, then chances are that you are, or have been, part of a someone else’s list. Even large companies that are already very established use email lists of their own to keep track of their customers, and alert them to new developments, offers, and so forth. Of course, this ties in to yet another question at hand…

Why Build and Use a List?

Commonly, not having a list is said to be ‘leaving money on the table’, and that much is certainly true. Take the example of a conventional clothes store. Customers come, browse around, maybe buy something, and then leave. Once they’ve left, the store has no way of getting in touch with them, and maybe convincing them to come back again. On the other hand, if the store had their contact details, they could notify them when they have a new stock of clothes on the rack, or special discounts, and so on. By doing so, the customer would then feel compelled to perhaps come back, or at very least would consider doing so. Similarly, in whatever niche that you’re into, if you had a list of previous customers then whenever you have a new product, or some other offer, you’d just be able to shoot out emails and see if anyone is interested. Simple as it sounds, this is amazingly effective. Think about it in terms of figures, if that helps. Let’s say you have an 8,000 strong list, and you send out an email regarding your latest product that costs $20. Even if only 10% of your list buys your product, that is 800 instant customers and you would have made $16,000. To sum it up, the reason to build and use a list is to establish a firm base of regular customers to which you can market your products and offers too with great ease.

How to Get Started Building a List

Merely inserting someplace where email addresses can be gathered and collected is already a first step towards building a list. In general, there are two choices that you’ll be faced with when deciding exactly how and where you’re going to be gathering emails:

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1. Creating an Opt-in Page Amongst those who are honestly going all-out to build up a list, this is the most commonly employed method, simply because of its effectiveness. By creating a separate opt-in page, all the attention on that page can be focused completely on the singular goal of getting a customer to subscribe to the list. Essentially, the best opt-in pages are those that have no ‘extras’ that may distract from the goal, and so normal advertisements and other links (except at least one leading back to the main website) are removed. Really, it is sort of like plugging up all the ‘leaks’ so that everything just flows towards gathering up emails. Also, having a distinct opt-in page would allow traffic to be channeled directly to it, maybe even bypassing the main website entirely. By doing so, the possibility that visitors will be distracted on the way to the opt-in page is removed as well. Thus, the opt-in page gives the customer a two-way decision: to subscribe or not to subscribe (with everything possible being done to ensure that the former option is picked!). Remember: With an opt-in page, your form should always be ‘above the fold’ (so that visitors will not need to scroll down to see it).

2. Adding an Opt-in Form to the Main Website Definitely less effective under normal circumstances, it is still an option that could be considered. In more some websites, especially blogs, which may not want to have their traffic leaving the main website to go off to a separate opt-in page, having the form as part of an easily located sidebar could even work just as well. Of course, doing so does not have the added benefits of removing all other distractions from the equation, but it is still better than nothing.

Regardless of which option is chosen in order to build up a list, there’s one other key ingredient that should not be overlooked: Autoresponders Firstly, it is actually possible to build and maintain a list without using autoresponders at all. That said, it would be monumentally difficult, inconveniencing, and get close to being downright impossible when the list reached a large size. Today’s generation of top-of-the-line autoresponders deal with a variety of functions. Not only do they store email addresses, but they also have the ability to send out scheduled automated emails. Most autoresponders track a variety of statistics based not only on sign-up rates, but also on the click-through rates and open rates of emails. In short, they can do pretty much everything that you’d ever need done to help manage your list.

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Just to get you started, here are the two best autoresponder services that are currently available:

1. Aweber – By far the most established autoresponder; it has a huge list of features, and also claims to be able to avoid junk mail filters the best.

2. GetResponse – Aweber’s main rival, it is almost as good in terms of the number of features on offer, and a lot cheaper, especially for large lists.

Of course, seeing as you’re just starting out with list building, you may not want to invest too much money right from the start. If this is the case, then go ahead and try AutoBot. Unlike other free autoresponders, it does not include its own advertisements to emails that you may send out, making it a decent option. Eventually though, you’re definitely going to want to go with a paid option such as Aweber or GetResponse, just because they have so many additional features that will end up saving you a lot of time.

How to Get More Opt-Ins

Once you have your opt-in page (or box) sorted, and an autoresponder ready to go, there is still more that you can do in order to actually encourage a higher opt-in rate. To put it simply: If you want more people to join your list, give them a good reason to want to join your list. Incentives are the name of the game, and they can come in many shapes or sizes. Give your visitors something of value, and something that could even possibly assert your authority in the niche. For instance, a free report regarding some issue that is faced by many of your visitors would no doubt be of value to them, and at the same time, by writing one and helping them out, you’d be establishing your reputation as a trusted source of help and information. If you don’t just want to hand out reports, there are other ways to go about this too. Free newsletters, free one-month memberships (if you run a membership website), free PLR articles or software… the possibilities are pretty much endless. As long as it is something that pertains to the niche that you’re marketing to, then you’re on the right track. Another equally good way to build up lists is to make an affiliate program out of one of your products. If you are willing to give out a large proportion of the profits, and the product is one that is known to sell well, then you’ll easily get tons of affiliate marketers to promote it for you. That way, all these affiliates will be sending you traffic and subscribing to your list as they buy your product. Interesting Note: Building a list in this way is actually a very attractive option because it creates a list of already ‘proven buyers’, as opposed to people just opting in to get a free report.

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Ways to Make a List More Responsive

In that note just above this, it was mentioned how a list of proven buyers is more valuable than just a list of people who want to get something ‘free’. This is largely due to the fact that for anything ‘free’, there are bound to be people who are willing to sign up who would never actually dream of paying for anything online. Still, even if you don’t have a list of totally ‘proven buyers’ there are some ways in which you can make a list more responsive, and possibly even convince people to buy. After all, you’re a marketer – that’s what you do! Regular Scheduled Emails One thing that many people sometimes overlook is that a good list is like a relationship – it takes work to maintain it. If you stop having dealings with your list for a long period of time, they’re likely to forget you, and then when they receive an email from you will be thinking, “Hey, who on earth is this guy and why is he emailing me?” While you definitely want to avoid letting your list lapse into inactivity, you also want to avoid over-saturating your list with emails. Starting to send emails every couple of hours would be a very bad idea, especially if they’re all mostly just sales pitches. Important Advice: A good approach is to never send two sales pitches in a row. Space them out to maybe 1 sales pitch for every 4 to 5 emails, and in between, be sure to include freebies or information that is valuable. If you develop a regular schedule of maybe emailing your list twice a week or so, and space out your sales pitches too, then you’re on the right track. If the emails you send in between as ‘fillers’ contain great info and freebies, then you’ll even find that your subscribers are actually eager and waiting to hear from you at your next scheduled time. Thus, your relationship with your list can flourish, and they’ll be much more open to any suggestions of purchases that you might make. Catering to the Needs of Your Subscribers Just now, we covered briefly how your ‘filler’ emails should be providing freebies and information that is of value to your subscribers. Truth is, this is just part of a much larger picture that revolves around the benefits of appealing to subscribers. To be completely honest, everything that you send out to your list should cater to the needs of your subscribers as much as possible. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people stumble, and end up not taking full advantage of their list. Important Note: Although you might think that you know what your subscribers want, and need, there is nothing like actually knowing what your subscribers want, and need. So the question is: How do you really find out what subscribers want? Well, apart from paying attention to any emails that you may get, it would not hurt to send out a survey.

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Sure, it may be slightly tacky, but even if just a few people respond, it will still be a valuable insight into the type of people who are on your list. If you can continuously be providing products that answer the needs and desires of your list, you’ll find that you’ll be making a lot of sales. While the sales are coming in though, you’ll also develop your reputation and relationship with your list even further, so it’s hard to say which is more valuable. Long term – a little work spend finding out more about your list could go a long way towards helping your profits. Reputation and Authority Throughout this section, we’ve also touched on reputation, but why is that important? When you’re marketing online, your most valuable asset, prized possession, and biggest selling point can often be your reputation. Think about it, if Mr. X released a ‘Killer Article Submission Software’ and Mr. Y released a ‘Super Article Submission Software’, which would you choose? As far as reputation goes, Mr. X is a fairly unknown marketer, but there do seem to be several complaints about him overly hyping up poor quality software before. On the other hand, Mr. Y is an upstanding marketer with a long track record of going out of his way to help people, and providing the highest of quality in any software that he attaches his name to. Who would you buy from? See, reputation is one of those things that can really make the difference, and everything that you send out to your list is part of that reputation. Admittedly, even the most reputable of marketers have some bad things said about them, but the trick is to have the good outweigh the bad considerably. Being honest, clear, and helpful to your list is often enough. Also, be sure never to mislead, misguide, or be so engaged looking for a quick buck or two that you forget to think about the bigger picture. Testing Out What Your List Responds To More than anything else, testing and comparing the response from your list to various approaches should let you know what you should be doing, and what you should be avoiding. Basically, just learn from your mistakes, and if something works – keep doing it (just not too much!). Some lists respond very well to reviews of products already in the market. Others simply would rather concentrate on what action can be taken within their niche, and then have a plan outlined. There is no “one size fits all” as far as lists are concerned, and your testing could reveal what the ‘best fit’ for your niche is.

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Maintenance, Pruning, and Sorting a List As your list grows in size, it is going to need some work to be kept ship shape. Some of this is the kind of things that a good autoresponder could even take care of automatically, but it is worth the mention nonetheless. One simple thing to keep doing is ensuring that ‘bouncing’ emails are removed from your list. At some time or other you must have encountered the ‘Failure to deliver…’ type response that you get right after you send an email, and can mean one of two things. Either the email that you’re sending to is full, or it no longer exists. Whichever the case, if after a few emails the problem keeps repeating, then there’s no point keeping that email on your list. After all, why have a list of 10,000 people if 8,000 of the email addresses are outdated? Yet another fairly simple step to help increase your lists responsiveness is to ‘sort’ subscribers based on their past buying patterns. For instance, if you have 2,000 or so subscribers that buy high-ticket items fairly regularly, then put them in one group and maybe even give them extra ‘perks’ for being the fantastic customers that they are. But at the same time, every list surely has its fair share of people that have never bought anything advertised on the list. Some marketers just eventually exclude these people from their lists entirely, but instead, putting them in a separate group and targeting them with the cheapest items would maybe allow you to get some profit out of them. All you need to decide is if the effort is worth it to market to this group. Really, there are countless other ways in which to sort, or even subgroup your list. For example, if you have a very general ‘make money through internet marketing’ niche list, then you could sort them by subgroups according to their spending habits as far as products related to ‘blogging’, ‘article marketing’, ‘list building’, and so on. Divide, and conquer.

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Building Your Business with an Opt-in

Mailing List

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be

cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions

could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profiting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays

simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields

or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different

transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person

without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based

advertising. There's no harm in trying after asking for permission.

It's stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and

who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of

people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here's how one can

benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an

opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here

is a roundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses

and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide

you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

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Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email

addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in

improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all, “action speaks louder than words”. This easily translates to

the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email

marketing efforts. It's a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound

to hasten and facilitate the building up of one's opt-in database.

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology

and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your

marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest

result should be taken noted of.

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without


1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info

regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor's email address and


2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one's site.

You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more

visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards

program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your

email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in

this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering

account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those

lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don't make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible

spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses.

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Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can

coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Give Away event offers or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to

volunteer their contact details.

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on

earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole

own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other

methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe.

This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication.

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in


Utilizing the Secrets Of Opt-in Mailing Lists

Emails are replacing regular mails from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper,

since you do not need to buy a stamp, it’s also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as

fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world.

No doubt emails are being used to distribute newsletters, promotional mails, and other

stuff. How then would you be able to round up email addresses to send those marketing

mails you have? Here is where an opt-in list comes in.

An opt-in list is a directory of email address you can send to those mails to. Though it

seems to be easy to find email addresses, if you are talking thousands in numbers, it is

going to be hard. Besides, you have to determine the recipient of the email. You wouldn’t

want your readers mostly male if you are selling lipsticks, right?

A good opt-in list should include the profile of the email address owner. Here are tips on

how to create a comprehensive opt-in list for target market.

Create your website.

Creating a website is made simple nowadays. A lot of programs are milling about

assisting regular computer users in making and maintaining websites in a real

simple way. Some website creator just needs you to cut and paste, like that of a

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regular paint program. Several web hosting sites are available too. Some are

even free. If you have a site of your own, you can ask visitors to register with you

or sign your guest book as they leave.

Set up a promotion or a freebie.

Not all the best things in life are free, as they say. But you can definitely try to

give something out for sure. You can see this done all over the web. Free

screensavers, free games, free download of programs. And what do they need

from you? They just ask for an email address, your name and a little something

more about you. Then you can place a check box on the registration form for

sending of email. For sure, you can think of something to give out as well.

Write and write some more.

There are some web magazines where in readers can submit their writings for a

particular topic. If you had a chance to do so, add a link to your article providing

information about what you are trying to promote. Some readers of your article

may enjoy your work so much they’d like to contact you, so don’t forget to leave

your email address too.

Pose an easy opt-out option.

People who like to join your opt-in list would, along the way may want to opt out

of it somehow. People who are wary of joining may not join at all if they see that it

would be near impossible to remove their email address from the listing. Show

them that it is as easy to opt-out as it is opting in.

Check other’s strategy too.

It would be better if you can find a partner in generating an opt-in list. This way,

you can split the expenses and both of you can share the list generated. It will be

best to partner with a company that has a business similar to your own line. Both

of you can profit more should that be the case.

Use offline ways too.

You can put up a small raffle preferably in a supermarket for a certain item they

buy. You can place an email address opt-in part in the raffle entry to add to your

list. This way, you’d also know the buying preferences of the participants if you

mark the entries systemically.

Creating an opt-in list entails a lot of work and funds. You should outline how much you

will spend in creating an opt-in list. People appearing at opt-in lists are sales prospects.

They are those interested in a certain product that you may be selling. Obtaining an

optimal opt-in list would boost your sales up so these tools are undoubtedly essential.

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Acquire an opt-in list now or generate one. Either way, you are reaching to people that

can be your one of your treasured customers for a long period time!

4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build

your List

Online marketing may have developed a sudden surge these past few years, but many

in the know how have felt its rise even from way then. As more Internet based

businesses are put up, the need to develop new marketing skills and knowledge based

on this new medium have arisen. More and more marketing strategies are being

discovered and developed to cope with the changing face of business the business


The demand for online marketing tips and strategies have drastically grown and a new

form of business has been born, Internet marketing strategies. While there are

companies that are all too eager to help your site and business build a clientele for a fee,

there also many ways that can spread the word about your sites subsistence in a more

cost free way. One of this is Opt-in email marketing, also known as permission


Opt-in marketing requires the permission of a willing customer to subscribe to your

marketing materials, materials that take form in newsletters, catalogs and promotional

mailings via e-mail. The more opt-in marketing mail is sent, the more chances there is to

bag sales and more sales. To do this, you must build a list of all those who wants to

subscribe to your opt-in marketing list.

From your list, you will get your targeted customer, this is a good list since they already

have shown interest in what you have to show and sell since they have willingly signed

in for your list. These are the people who have liked what they have seen in your site

and have decided they want to see more and maybe even purchase whatever product or

service your company and site has to offer.

Many people would think that building their lists would take hard work and a lot of time to

build and collect names and addresses. This is not so, it takes a bit of patience and

some strategies but in doing this list, you open your site and your business to a whole

new world of target market. Take the effort to take your business to a new level, if traffic

increase and good profits are what you want, an opt-in list will do wonders for your

business venture.

There are many sources and articles in the Internet available for everyone to read and

follow in building a list. Sometimes they may be confusing because there are so many

and there are different ways. Different groups of people would have different approaches

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in building an opt-in list, but no matter how diverse many methods are, there are always

some crucial things to do to build your list. Here are four of them.

1) Put up a good web form in your site that immediately follows the end of your


While some may say this is too soon to subscribe for a website visitors

application, try to remember that your homepage should provide a quick good

impression. If somehow a website visitor finds something that he or she doesn’t

like and turns them off, they may just forget about signing up.

A good web form for subscribing to an opt-in list is not hard to do. Just write a

simple short statement about how they would like to see more and get updated

about the site. Then there should be an area where they could put in their names

and e-mail address. This web form will automatically save and send you the

data’s inputted. As more people sign in, your list will be growing.

2) As mentioned in the first tip, make your homepage very, very impressive.

You need to have well written articles and descriptions of your site. Depending

on what your site is all about, you need to capture your website visitor’s fancy.

Make your site useful and very easy to use. Do not expect everyone to be tech

savvy. Invest in having good programming in your site, make your graphics

beautiful but don’t over do it.

Don’t waste your time making the homepage too overly large megabyte wise. Not

all people have dedicated T1 connections, the faster your site gets loaded, the

better. Go for a look that borders between simplicity and sophisticated


3) Provide good service and products.

A return customer is more likely to bring in more business. Even then and now, a

satisfied customer will recommend a business always. Word of mouth and

recommendations alone can rake in more business than an expensive ad. As

your clientele roster grows so shall your list. With more members on the list, the

more people will get to know about what you have new to offer.

4) Keep a clean and private list.

Never lose the trust your customers have entrusted you. If you provide e-

mails to others and they get spammed, many will probably unsubscribe to you.

Remember, a good reputation will drive in more traffic and subscribers as well as

strengthen the loyalty of your customers.

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3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable

Opt In List

Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed,

you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick

and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list:

1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first.

Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable

seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic

you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain

knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those

wants and needs.

Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and

recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able

to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users.

You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a

link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.

The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and

subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be

a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of

your recommendation if they don’t know you.

2) Find a product or service that people want and need.

Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you

have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your

time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of

your opt-in list can use.

While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are

not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell

something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you

would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional

material that they could actually use and spread around.

3) Make friends with other opt-in list users.

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This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a

successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture

and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available

for you in the Internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account

from someone you trust.

Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do

because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different

people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to

avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.

Important! Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many

preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you

should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or

hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and

they will be willing to buy from you.

4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To

Trust You Quickly

While the rest of the world have developed many barriers and protections to keep their

e-mail accounts spam-free, there are also those that subscribe to mails that promotes

their products, services and their site. This is mainly because these subscribes wants to

know more about what these sites are offering and can be beneficial for them. They

expect to get be kept posted on what they are interested in and what are new in the

market or field they have chosen.

Businesses would be so lucky to have these kinds of customers; the basic element

needed to get these types of people is trust. When your customers trust you they will

reward you with their loyalty. Many Internet users have gone to great lengths in

protecting their email accounts from spam mail. Some free-mail Internet providers and

Internet service providers offer spam protection while there are also some Internet based

companies that screen your mails for you.

With an opt-in mail list, the mails you send containing your promotional materials such

as newsletters, catalogs and marketing media will go through. Your intended recipient

will be able to read and view what you have sent making it a successful transfer of

information. To be able to be allowed to do so, you will need permission from your

recipient, to get this permission; you need to be able to get their trust. With the great lack

of disregard for privacy in the Internet, getting the trust of an internet user you don’t

personally know is a big achievement.

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To build a good opt-in list you need people to trust you, for a faster and quicker build up,

you need to get your opt-in subscribers to trust you quickly. The faster you build your

opt-in list the faster word about your site and company gets to be spread. The bigger the

scope of your opt-in list the more traffic you get spelling more profits. Its easy math if you

thin about it. Getting the numbers is not that simple though, or maybe it is?

Getting the trust of your clientele shouldn’t be so hard especially if you do

have a legitimate business. Getting your customers trust should be based upon

your expertise. People rely on other people who know what they are talking

about. Garner all the knowledge and information about your business. Ell, frankly

if you decide to go into a business most probably you have an interest in it. Like

how many basketball payers become coaches, you don’t really venture into

something you don’t have any interest in.

Show your clients that you know what you are talking about. Provide them

with helpful hints and guidelines that pertain to what you are selling. Talk about

how to install a roof if your into hardware products or provide articles on

insurance settlements if you’re a settlement lawyer. You don’t have to be a big

corporation to make use of an opt-in list. If your customers see you as someone

who knows what he is doing and saying, they will trust you quickly.

Be true to your customers, if you want to hype up your products and

services, provide guarantees. The more satisfied customers you get, the

bigger probability there is that they will recommend you. Generally, people will

trust someone they know, when that someone recommends you then you’re a

shoo-in. They will go to your site and check it for themselves and be given a

chance to experience what the other shave experienced from you, so make sure

to be consistent in the service you provide.

Another tip in getting a customer to trust you quickly is to provide them an

escape hatch. Show them that you are not there to trap them. Keep a clean list

that would enable them to unsubscribe anytime they want. Elaborate your web

form by providing information on how to unsubscribe from the list. Guarantee

them that they can let go of the service whenever they want to. Many are wary

that they may be stuck for life and would have to abandon their email accounts

when they get pestered with spam.

Remember that when you get the trust of your clients don’t lose that trust. Because if

you do anything with their email addresses like sell them or give them out, you will lose

many members of your list as ell as potential members. The true quickest way to gain

the trust of your subscribers is when you are recommended by someone they trust.

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How to Make Money Using Nothing More

Than Your List

The more RESPONSIVE subscribers you have, the more money you can make. Here

are seven ways to make money using nothing more than your list.

1) Place advertisements.

There are many corporations who will be willing to pay to put their banners and ads on a

list with many subscribers. Selling or renting out lists is not a good idea so rather than

doing that, many companies would just rather place ads with lists that have a huge

subscriber base. Your newsletter could be placed with many ads and each one spells


2) Have affiliations with other companies that have at least a semblance or relation

to what your site is about.

Here other companies will provide links and brief descriptions of what they offer,

products and services. With every click made on the link that directs or leads a

subscriber from your list to their site, the company will pay you. This P4P or pay

for performance.

3) Make deals with other companies by asking for a small percentage of sales

done through your list.

With every sale done by customers that have come from your list and have gone

there because of your newsletter, the other company will pay you a small

percentage of your sales. The more people who buys from them, the more

earnings you get.

4) You may also get products from other sites on a consignment basis and sell

them to your list via your newsletter.

Place descriptions, articles and photos of the product in your newsletter. There

will be those who will buy from you and when that happens, you can order the

product from the other site and sell it to your buyer.

5) Sell e-books or a compilation of your articles on your list.

Manuals and how-to articles are in great demand. Many people will be willing to

shell out money to gain knowledge about a certain topic and subject. With your

existing list trusting your expertise in that area, an e-book could be offered and

sold or used as an incentive.

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6) Create a network out of your list.

Get people to invite more people to view your site and subscribe to your list. The

larger your list is, the more people will be able to click on your links and affiliate

links as well as make your advertisement rates higher.

7) Subscribers are willing to pay for information if they know that it can be trusted

and relied upon.

Use your list to get more and more people to subscribe to you as well as browse

your site. Lastly, you can use your list to earn money by making them your

partners. Your list will be the bloodline of your growth and increase.

The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your


While there are so many ways you can make people subscribe to your list, there are also

some things you must do to avoid subscribers from wanting to get off from your list.

Aside from that, you also want to avoid any problems with the law and your Internet

service provider or ISP. There are now many laws and rules that are applied to help

protect the privacy of the Internet users from spamming and unwanted mails. With the

popularity of the electronic mail as a medium for marketing because of the low cost,

many company’s have seized the opportunity and have flooded many people’s e-mail

accounts with promotional mail.

But, with an opt-in list, you avoid this annoyance because people subscribe to the list;

they want to receive the newsletters and promotional materials. They have consented to

being on the list by subscribing themselves, just don’t forget to put an unsubscribe

feature every time in your opt-in list so that you avoid any confusion. There may be times

when an email account was provided when the real owner didn’t want to subscribe.

It is essential that you keep your list clean and manageable. Arrange it by using the

many tools and technologies available for your opt-in list. Do not worry; your investment

in this marketing strategy is well worth it with all the coverage you will get which will likely

be converted into sales then to profit.

Keep yourself and your business out of trouble and potential run-ins with the law and the

internet service providers. Keep your operation legit and clean. Your reputation as a

legitimate businessman and a legitimate site depends on your being a straight and true

marketing strategist. As a tip, here are three things to avoid when emailing your list.

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1) Take notice of your unsuccessful sends.

These are the e-mails that bounce. Bounced emails, also known as undeliverable

messages, are those messages that, for whatever reason, were not successfully

received by the intended recipient.

There are bounces that happen or occur because the server was busy at that

time but can still be delivered in another time. There are also bounces because

the inbox of the recipient is full at that time. There are those bounce messages

that are simply undeliverable ever. The reason for this is that it may be an invalid

email address, a misspelled email address, or an email address that was

abandoned and erased already.

Manage your list by putting markings on those that bounce. Erase an email

account from your list so that you have an accurate statistics and records as to

how many are actually receiving your mail. You may also want to check the

spellings of your email addresses in your list. One common mistake is when an N

instead of an M is placed in the .com area.

2) Always provide an unsubscribe feature in your site and an unsubscribe link in

your mails.

When someone in your list files a request to be unsubscribed, always take that

request seriously. If you don’t take them off your list and keep sending them your

e-mails, you are now sending them spam mail.

When you are reported as a spammer, you and your business can get into a lot

of trouble. You can be reported to the authorities and maybe blacklisted by many

internet service providers. You will lose a lot of subscribers this way and many

more in potential subscribers.

3) Do not provide pornographic or shocking and disturbing content in your


It is hard to decipher the age of the recipient and many complaints may stem

from these. Controversial issues also are to be avoided to not be branded by

your subscribers. Stick to the nature of your site and business.

Always remember these tips in this article so that you can have a healthy

relationship with your subscribers as well as be kept within the boundaries of

what is allowed in sending mails to an opt-in list.

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How To Build A List Of Eager Subscribers

Every online business provides great service to generate satisfaction among their

customers. As each and every customer receives satisfaction over their products or the

services they get, there is a great chance that they will become a return customer and

buy again. Better yet, they will recommend you to other people that could generate more

business for you and your site.

As more traffic is driven to your site, you can entice many of them to subscribe to your

mailing list or opt-in list. This is a list where in website visitors agree to be sent

promotional materials such as newsletters, catalogs and such that could keep them

updated about your site or the niche of your site. These promotional materials are sent

via e-mail to the members of the list in different time intervals.

When using e-mail as the media of your marketing and advertisements, you eliminate

the need for high costs. Email is free and if you can manage to make your own

promotional advertisements you can also save a bundle there. With an opt-in

subscribers list, you are pretty sure that what you are sending out is received, viewed

and read by the subscribers and not simply being deleted. They have signed up for

service and have consented in receiving it.

This means that there are constant reminders to your subscribers about all your

products, new products and services as well as any promotions and special deals you

are having. There is also the chance that they can be forwarded to other potential

customers as they tell their friends and families about you and your site.

Of course you should be also aware that a subscriber may unsubscribe when they feel

that they are not getting what they want or expected. Make sure that they are satisfied

with your opt-in marketing strategies and keep them excited in receiving your

newsletters and catalogs. Here are some tips that can help you build a list of eager


Make your promotional materials interesting and fun. Try to use a little creativity but

not too over artsy. Build around what your product or service is about. For example; if

you are selling car parts, put some pictures of what is new in the auto parts world, a new

wing door possibly that can fit any car and make it look like a Lamborghini.

Try to research what people are looking for, these way, you stay one step ahead of

them all the time and you will be their bearer of new tidings. They will be eager to

receive what you are sending them because they new you always have fresh and new

things to share with them.

Write good articles that can be very informational but light at the same time. If your

subscribers enjoy your articles, they will go to your site by clicking the links that you will

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be putting on your newsletter to read some more. You can provide articles that can

connect to many people. Be diverse in your articles. Put something humorous, then put

something informational, then put something that has both.

Are you wary about this because you don’t like writing? No problem, there are many

professional and experienced article writers that can do the job for you for minimal fees.

They know what they are doing and can provide the need that you have for your

newsletters, the money that you pay for your articles are going to be met by the many

sign-ups and the potential profit from the sales that you will get.

Create and send an E-book to your customers about anything that is related to your

business or site. Use your knowledge and expertise in the field you have chosen to help

other people who are similarly interested. Offer this e-book for free. You can write about

anything informational and helpful to your subscribers. For example; you can do

manuals and guides in so many things. This e-book could be used as a reference for

many people.

Share this e-book with everyone, even other sites; just make sure that they don’t change

the links in the e-book that will lead people to your site. If you want, you can always get

some people to write it for you just like your articles. Your investment once again will be

covered by the great marketing this will generate.

Add e-coupons in your newsletters that will help them avail to special discounts. Put a

control number in your e-coupon so that they can only be used once. When people get

discounts that can be found in your newsletters, they will be eager to receive your

newsletter in anticipation of what you are promoting next.

If your subscribers can get benefits from your newsletters, they will be very eager to

receive them. Just don’t flood your mailing list with mails so that you don’t annoy your


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Bonus 1

List Building Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to making money online, developing a targeted subscriber base of active

and repeat customers is an essential ingredient in the recipe to success.

Having a list in your marketing arsenal will instantly maximize your outreach, while

making it easier to make money with less work involved.

For example, with a mailing list you can simply create broadcasts that go out to your

entire subscriber base that feature a blend of high quality information and content with

promotional based offers.

You can then include affiliate promotions for products and services that you are

interested in advertising, as well as gaining valuable feedback from your subscribers on

the different types of products that they are interested in.

This information will help you develop your own product line of high quality, in demand

products with a ready-made customer base waiting to purchase your releases.

It’s an exceptionally easy thing to build a list, even if you are a complete newcomer to

the world of online marketing and business. The trouble comes with people approach

list building in such as a way as to hinder their chances of actually being able to fully

monetize their mailing list.

Let’s take a look at the most common mistakes made by email marketers:


One of the most important steps you’ll ever take as an email marketer is in choosing to

power your mailing lists by establishing an account with a professional autoresponder


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There are many different reasons why setting up a remotely hosted autoresponder

account is important, including:

1) Increased Deliverability

There is no sense in spending time crafting a high quality broadcast or email if no one is

able to receive it.

By setting up your mailing list with an experience autoresponder service team, you can

rest assured that your emails will make it to their destination.

It’s their job to maximize deliverability rates and help you connect to your subscriber

base quickly and easily.

Professional autoresponder providers typically offer a quick “email check” prior to

sending out your email that will analyze your mailing and determine whether it’s likely to

be filtered by anti-spam tools. This enables you to quickly edit your email so that it is far

more likely to be processed into your recipient’s inbox.

2) Safeguarding Your Mailing Lists

Professional autoresponder providers offer frequent back-ups of your database, in the

event it becomes corrupted or inaccessible.

This is extremely important, because the last thing you would want to do is spend the

time and energy developing a massive list of subscribers, only to lose it all.

Your autoresponder service provider will also handle all requests to unsubscribe, helps

you comply with CanSpam regulations and provides you with the ability to write as many

newsletter messages as you wish, and set up the dates and times when you want them

to be published.

This means that you can write all of your messages at once and have them trickle out to

your subscribers on specific dates.

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3) Important Features

If you are interested in maximizing your open rate and overall response rates, you need

to utilize the different features available within your autoresponder account including

your average open rate, opt-out rate, response rate and whether any complaints have

been sent in regarding your recent mailing.

Keeping a pulse on your subscriber base and how well they response to your broadcasts

will help you improve your mailings and tailor your campaigns so that they directly

communicate with those who have subscribed to your lists.

You can review detailed statistics for your entire newsletter by logging into your

autoresponder administration panel (most autoresponder services should offer

enhanced features, some with the option to upgrade for access to advanced tools)

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is quite difficult to switch autoresponder providers once you

have etasblished a mailing list as your subscribers will have to re-subscribe to your new


Keep this in mind when you begin building your lists and choose to create an account

with a reputable autoresponder company right from the start.


One of the most important elements of a successful email marketing campaign begins

with a well-constructed squeeze page.

Your squeeze page is the ‘doorway’ into your email marketing system and if it fails to

convert visitors into subscribers, you will struggle to build your lists. Your squeeze page

needs to be very clean and simple.

You want people who visit your website to be given ONE option only; to subscribe to

your newsletter.

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This means that you need to minimize any external links, and really emphasis your opt-

in form.

You also want to limit the graphics that you use on your squeeze page, so that it loads

quickly and doesn’t distract your visitor from your objective; getting them on your mailing


In order to create an effective squeeze page that encourages visitors into subscribing to

your list, consider the different types of incentives that you can offer. When it comes to

listing the benefits you need to be clear and concise.

Make sure they understand ‘what is in it for them’, and what you are offering that will

assist them (remember, solve a problem, address an issue, offer a way to save time,

money, relationships, etc).

When creating the body content for your squeeze page, consider underlining,

highlighting or colorizing important information so that you can draw attention to the

areas of your squeeze page that you want your website visitors to pay special attention


Savvy marketers feature a “bribe” on their squeeze pages that provide a special offer in

exchange for a visitor subscribing to their lists.

You could offer:

Free Report

Free Ebooks

Free Designs or Templates

Free Graphic Packages

Free Video Guides

Free Tutorials

Free Sample Chapter (from a paid product)

Free e-Courses, Newsletter, Magazine

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This a very effective method of building your list, however you need to make sure that

whatever you decide to offer is directly targeted towards your niche market.

Make sure that your squeeze page looks professional with a clean template and simple

layout. If you aren’t familiar with HTML and editing code, you will find it easier to

purchase a pre-designed squeeze page template that you can easily edit and customize

to suit your needs.


Split testing squeeze pages is an important element of a successful email marketing


Regardless how well you design your site, or how thoroughly you analyze each section

of your squeeze page, there is no way that you will be able to accurately predict how

well your visitors will respond to your offer, without comparatively testing alternative


One easy method of testing your pages and evaluating conversion rates is by using

Google’s Website Optimizer, a free tool that will help you run simple split tests of any

websites you own.

You can sign up for a free account at:

When split testing, start with only one element at a time.

For example, if you change the headline on your squeeze page, leave everything else in

its original state until you determine whether tweaking your headline helps with

conversion rates.

Since you are split testing different layouts and overall structure, you don’t have to get it

right the first time, as long as you consistently work to tweak your copy until you are able

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to significantly maximize conversion rates.

Once you have determined what headline works best, change another element of your

squeeze page, such as the color scheme, opt-in box frame, or summary of your offer.

Always test the original against the variation and give it enough time to accurately

determine whether your changes have increased your subscription rate before making

any permanent changes.

Google’s Website Optimizer tool will provide with enough information to be able to

quickly analyze and evaluate your progress.


It’s important to build brand awareness and develop a relationship with your subscriber

base, because the more that your list members trust you and the product

recommendations that you make, the easier it will be to convert those subscribers into

repeat customers.

Every message and broadcast that you send to your subscriber base should directly


You should also register your own domain names and set up professional hosting

accounts that can house your squeeze pages and websites. It’s important that you

establish an online presence and give people clear direction as to how they can reach

you or find out more about you.

There are many different providers available online that offer both domain names and

hosting accounts including Hostgator


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It’s important to build brand awareness and develop a relationship with your subscriber

base, because the more that your list members trust you and the product

recommendations that you make, the easier it will be to convert those subscribers into

repeat customers.

Every email you send to your list should directly work towards strengthening your brands

recognition for value. This means that you must be extremely careful with the kinds of

products you promote as well as the quality of the products you endorse.

Whether you are the developer or not, if you give it your stamp of approval, your

subscriber base will hold you accountable should the product or service fail to deliver.

You should therefore always review each product or offer you are planning to promote

so that you can not only stand behind it, but can directly answer any questions that your

subscribers may have about the offer.

You also need to make sure that the products and services you are advertising are

relevant to your newsletters overall theme or topic. If your subscriber originally signed

up for your newsletter in order to receive information on “dog training”, they aren’t likely

going to be responsive (or impressed) if you begin to send out content relating to “online


Keep your emails focused and relevant. If you end up venturing into a new niche or are

interested in exploring other markets, you should work towards creating individual

segmented lists for each niche.


This is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes (and fatal mistakes) that both new and

seasoned email marketers make when running their list campaigns.

While the objective of building email lists is to effectively monetize them, you need to

earn the right to send out promotional based emails.

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This starts with first building a relationship with your list by offering high quality content,

free tools and resources and material that is helpful and well received.

Once you have worked towards connecting with your subscriber base, however, you

need to maintain that relationship by focusing on a well balance of solid, high quality

content with any promotional emails you send out.

In fact, one way of maximizing open rates and response from your subscriber base is to

over-deliver on quality content even during times when you don’t have a scheduled

launch or affiliate program that you are planning to promote.

People tend to notice habits, and if they discover that the only time you seem interested

in contacting them is when you have something to sell or promote, you will quickly lose

any trust and credibility that you may have earned from your previous communication.

Keep this in mind whenever you create a new email campaign or broadcast.

Consider whether your email truly offers value and is written so that it genuinely benefits

your subscriber base. If you build a solid relationship and brand with your subscribers,

you’ll subsequently build a very responsive and loyal customer base.


You absolutely need to focus on staying in constant communication with your subscriber

base. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to email them every day, but what

you want to do is consider creating a posting schedule so that you can get into the habit

of connecting with your subscribers regularly, while demonstrating consistency. Your

subscribers will then begin to expect your emails on certain days and by doing this, you

will begin to see a dramatic increase in your open rates.

The more consistent you are with your broadcasts, the easier it will be to condition your

subscribers to accept promotional based emails and advertisements in between mailings

containing free content and resources.

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Segmenting your lists does more than maximize your chances of having your emails

delivered successfully. List segmenting will also help you effectively communicate and

target specific subscribers, increasing response rate and helping you create successful


For example, if you developed a mailing list catering to the “Internet Marketing” crowd,

it’s likely that your subscribers come from different backgrounds, are currently at

different levels of their marketing training or are interested in various areas of the

Internet Marketing industry.

By segmenting your lists, you can create content based on each groups interests and

skill levels as well as develop products and services around each subscriber category.

With aweber, you can easily segment your lists by creating a custom field for your actual

opt-in form. This custom field should help you better identify your subscriber based on

their location, skills and interest.

Using our Internet Marketing list as an example, a custom field could include “How long

have you been involved in Internet Marketing?” which subscribers would answer at the

point of subscription.

You could then log into your aweber account and conduct a search that would pull up

people who had provided specific information in the custom field.

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You can then save each group into its own individual list, and name it accordingly (New

Marketers, 3 Years experience, Seasoned Marketers, etc) so that you can easily

remember it for future broadcasts that you send out.

Simply select the group whenever you create a new email and it will be sent only to this



When it comes to promoting affiliate products to your list, you need to avoid the common

“lazy email marketer” tactic of utilizing existing affiliate resources to promote products

and services to your list.

Instead, create customized emails that truly connect with your target audience and

speak directly to your subscriber base.

Since the majority of affiliate marketers will be busy using the pre-made content offered

by the merchant, you will be able to stand apart from the crowd by simply developing

your own unique promotional based content.

Besides, you know your subscriber base and what they are likely going to respond to,

and by crafting emails that really touch down on the things that are most important to

them, you will be able to maximize the results of every broadcast.

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While it’s very important to provide your list with fresh, useful and free content, resources

and information, you are in the business of email marketing so that you can build a

profitable business and you need to get into the habit of monetizing your list right from

the start.

Here are a few ways to quickly monetize your lists:

1) Affiliate Products

You can promote third party products to your list, where you will earn a commission each

time one of your subscribers purchases the product using your referral link.

To begin, visit or and review

products relating to your market from within their marketplace.

With these two resources alone, you will have an unlimited number of products available

to promote, covering dozens of niche markets.

2) Sell Advertising Space

There are many benefits of offering ad space within your newsletter including the fact

that you can set your own price structure based on the number of subscribers you

currently have the exposure that you are able to offer to potential advertisers and

sponsors, increasing your prices as your list grows.

You can also consider solo mailings at a higher price once your list has grown

enough to make it worth their while.

With offering ad space within your newsletter, you are in full control of the types of

advertisements that you accept, so if you currently have your own product line, you

could avoid promoting competing products.

In order to set up a successful advertising program, you will need to be able to provide

detailed statistics and demographics regarding your subscriber base.

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I recommend building your list to at least 1,000 subscribers prior to offering advertising

space so that you are able to offer greater value to potential advertisers who are looking

to maximize exposure for their products and services.

Advertising Tip:

When it comes to locating potential advertisers, you can sign up for a free account at or where you will be able to

create advertising offers that feature your pricing, statistics and overall website or list


3) Sell Private Label Content

Private label material is pre-created content that is available for resale, either with

“transferable’ rights (where you are allowed to transfer the right to sell the product to

your customers) or with personal rights where only you are allowed to sell or distribute it.

What you want to do is purchase high quality reports, articles, ebooks and other material

that is of high quality and relevant to your list.

Then, spend some time re-packaging the content so that it’s an improved version of the

original, and customized so that it showcases your personal style and brand.

You should also focus on purchasing private label content developed by writers who are

offering only a limited number of licenses, which will dramatically increase the value of

the material and minimize the amount of competition who are offering the same content.

Regardless of where you purchase private label material, you should always spend time

going over the material, tweaking and improving it and increasing the quality of the

information whenever possible.

This doesn’t have to be a time consuming process, and if you have purchased quality

content you can easily re-package it just by editing the title, adding in a foreword,

revising chapter titles, and adding in an introduction and conclusion page.

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4) Create Your Own Products

With direct access to potential customers, you already know the types of products or

services they are interested in, so the next logical step is to create your very own

product or service catering to your existing subscriber base.

Consider surveying your subscribers to determine what types of products or services

they would be interested in and create a secondary squeeze page so that subscribers

can choose to join your new newsletter to receive information on when your product is

ready to launch.

This will help you determine the overall demand for specific products prior to creating


Bonus 2

Opt-in Email Marketing Tips

Opt-in email refers to those promotional e-mails sent to individuals who have requested

to receive them. Not like spam, wherein promotional emails are sent to a large number

of recipients without considering whether such individuals want the information, opt-in

emails generally are sent only to individuals who particularly requested for them.

Opt-in e-mails often are personalized, targeted and convey information regarding

specific promotions or topics that clients are interested and concerned to learn about.

Usually opt-in e-mails include product information, newsletters, helpful articles and

advices or special advertising offers. When for instance a user frequents a certain

website selling music and books online, he can "opt in" to accept publications or notices

each time his favorite musician or author releases a new material; promotional e-mails

may also grant the user with a discounted offer only available for individuals in the “opt-

in” list.

Even though this direct targeted email marketing and promotion is more expensive

compared to bulk unsolicited email, surveys do reveal that this is more effective.

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Opt-in email has many forms. The “single opt-in” list is established by inviting or

requesting users to sign up through a “web form”. The moment they send the form, they

are enrolled to be a member of that list.

You can take it a little further by adding another step, which is requiring all recent

members to confirm or verify their subscription through email; this list then is commonly

referred to as a "double opt-in".

Confirmed or verified opt-in authenticates and supports that the email list truly is

approved; this came to be the basis for qualifying the list as a recognized, “non-spam”

method of communication in the business.

There are several businesses on the internet that can rent you a list of email addresses

of individuals who opted to accept a commercial email. In most cases, they in actuality

are not renting the list as you will not have any chance of seeing the concrete list. These

companies charge a fee for every email address that they mail your message to.

As long as all who receives the email are not paid in order that they read the messages,

as long as they are truly interested with the offers that they have signed up, this method

of marketing may be profitable.

The problem here in most cases is that they charge between 10-20 centavos per email

address as well as mailing it to a considerable amount of list so to obtain wonderful

results; this can be relatively expensive. However when you can afford it, you will create

excellent targeted traffic.

What about “opt-in series" email promotion?

Opt-in “series” email promotion or marketing works in such a way that you offer a

charming and appealing free sample, gift, article or giveaway at your website, generally

works successfully through a pop window and when visitors collects their freebie, then

they are obliged to type in their email address and name. Now they are already

subscribed to receive a series of your personalized and scheduled email reports and

messages pre-written by you. The best series type is that which supplies free helpful and

valuable information regarding a certain subject that can solve your customers’ problem.

A good quality “email series” will establish good relationships with prospect clients,

which is something is more valuable and a point that is often overlooked by many online

businesses. This approach can be personalized and fully automated as soon as you

have done the structuring and setup work.

Here are guidelines so to be safe:

1. Never purchase someone else’s “opt-in lists”. The clients who opted or choose to

receive email messages in that certain list wants receive email information from

somebody else and not you.

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2. Never purchase and use those types of programs called "millions of email addresses

plus a bulk emailer program".

3. Never sell your email list to someone else as well. Clients want to receive mail from

you because in the first place, they want the information that you are providing them.

4. Consider a “double-opt-in” email procedure when gathering your very own list of

emails from your website.

5. Do not use false header on your messages. Meaning, do not attempt to conceal your


6. Never advertise or promote your website on all mailing lists newsletter whereby it was

not collected through “double-opt-in”.

7. Without delay, fulfill and meet any request of removal from the list. Create a link that

is simple to follow on all emails that you send.

When working on a plan, begin by asking yourself and determining the amount of e-mail

addresses that you desire to obtain each month. Then, figure out the location or where

your target clients frequent as well as the cost in order to obtain visitors to your website

so you can invite or request them to “opt-in” to your list.

6 Practical Email Marketing Tactics for Successful Business Campaigns

In these times where information technology has become a necessity rather than just a

convenient tool in everyday life, the internet has proven to become among the most

effective ways to reach the public. As such, email is now seen to be a very powerful tool

in marketing since it is among the most often utilized components in cyberspace. With

the speed it delivers messages to prospects, its directness in addressing target markets,

and the undeniably low cost it entails, it is no wonder why email marketing is considered

to be more powerful than other methods of advertising. However, despite the numerous

advantages email marketing can provide any business endeavor, some risks are at hand

if it is not properly planned or if it is not executed well. Like any marketing move, email

marketing could either result into amazing returns if done strategically, or horrible losses

if carried out haphazardly.

What does it take to become successful in email marketing? Here are six helpful tips for

a sound email marketing plan:

1. Address Prospective Clients Personally

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Practically everyone gets spam in their inbox and virtually everybody has developed

allergies for email advertisements. To prevent recipients from automatically trashing

email ads, it is important to call their attention using the most beautiful words to their

ears (or eyes): their names. Addressing prospects personally makes them feel

important. The more recipients are made to feel that they are treated as persons and not

numbers, the more likely they will be willing to go on reading.

2. Create a Mailing List

It is impossible to do the first tip if one does not have a list of addresses to match the

names. Building a mailing list of target prospects is among the most vital steps in a

strategic email campaign. As time goes on, the list grows and becomes an important

asset as a source of profits from the would-be loyal followers.

3. Try to Avoid Appearing Suspicious

People are getting more aware of the truth in the phrase "too good to be true." As

mentioned earlier, people are growing sick of spam, and they treat anything that

resembles spam as dirt. It is important to make efforts to compose email advertisements

that do not look like spam. To prevent an email ad from being trashed, it is wise to avoid

making hyperbolic statements, overusing characters such as dollar signs and

exclamation points, and doing other things spammers usually do.

4. Limit Email Advertisements During Holidays

People are usually too busy to check their computers during the merry months and thus

they are most likely unable to read messages in their inboxes. Only the most important,

business and personal emails are read, and the rest are immediately thrown into the

recycle bin. It is therefore wise to avoid doing email marketing during Christmas,

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other bustling occasions.

5. Make Email Ads Easy for Recipients to Understand

It is indeed important for email advertisements to catch the attention of the recipient;

however, it is also equally vital for the readers to realize the response that is expected of

them. Whether it is to click a certain link, or to reply to a certain message, the recipient

should be able to fully understand what is supposed to be done after reading the email.

Otherwise, the email campaign may be as useless as a trashed spam, despite how

effectively it was able to captivate the targeted market.

6. Make the Brand Known Right from the Start

The point of email marketing is to make a certain product, service, or brand known to its

target market. While the immediate goal of an email marketer is to get a positive

response, such as making a sail or having a subscription signed, from prospects after

they receive an email ad, the long term goal is to make the deal not only a one-time

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shot, but a lasting business relationship. The key to this is recognition. The customer

must be able to identify and remember the brand for a long period. This could be done

by placing the brand name in key areas such as the “from” and “subject” line, or other

notable parts of the email. Granting that the client was satisfied with the first transaction,

loyalty is not too far if the client is very much familiar with the brand.

Being successful in email marketing indeed requires effort, but it is not at all daunting to

plan a strategic email campaign. To succeed in email marketing, one has to know the

target market, treat them well, deliver what is promised, and make a lasting impression.

With careful planning, the benefits that email marketing can offer are countless.

Modern Opt-in List Building Technique Through Email Marketing

An opt-in list can be defined as a list or database that contains email addresses of

people who consented to receive the advertiser's email messages. The messages come

in various forms, such as product and web site updates, or ezines. Opt-in lists are

regarded as the most powerful marketing tool available on the world wide web, because

opt-in lists can provide marketers with direct means of communication with potential

customers, and gives a chance to promote products and services, plus building a

continuing relationship with them.

Marketing through email has become the primary means of many advertisers to reach

out to its customers. They are immensely attracted by the fact that email marketing

allows them to communicate with their customers directly, with very minimal cost,

compared to direct mail marketing.

Of course, it goes without saying that the key to a successful opt-in marketing is to

acquire a large subscriber base. In setting up the list, one must first acquire a functional

form processing script, which will be used to allow subscribers to disclose their personal

information through a form and which will be sent to a specified address. In choosing the

form, one must be certain that it allows the use of email templates. The templates will be

necessary since it can allow email messages to contain any information that marketers

would like to share when sent to potential customers. Then a pop email account should

be created in the server for the lists. Afterwards, a database where subscriber

information will be stored should be established. After installing plug-ins and group mail,

the mailing list can now be created.

There are a lot of techniques available for making opt-in lists, and marketers should

carefully select what works best for them. The thing is, a marketer should provide a

reason why people should subsribe to them. There are lots of subscriptions available in

the Internet, and people should be convinced that this particular subscription is worth the


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1. Offer incentives

Not surprisingly, one of the most effective techniques for getting the attention of users.

Incentives must be something that can be valuable to them, and should be suitable for

the target market. It could be an ebook or software download, or a discount on a product

that is showcased.

2.Use popup windows

Popup windows can produce desirable results if used correctly. They should, by no

means, irritate prospective customers. The key to utilizing them effectively is to join them

with incentives. The popup should contain information about the product or service, and

the provided incentive.

3. Submit articles

Marketers can create their own articles and have them published. Topics features should

be those that the marketer is well acquainted with, and should be related to the product

or service. These articles can be then published in ezines that are also in line with the

offerings of the marketer, and make certain that the publication contains information on

how to join the opt-in list.

4. Use alert boxes

This a more effective method than popup boxes. Alert boxes are shown through script,

and will gather the name and email address of visitors. If they opted to subscribe, they

click the box, and they will be added to the database. To maximize the chances,

subcription boxes can be placed at every page of a web site.

5. Offer easy options for getting out of the subscription

It is necessary that options are available for subscribers if they want to discontinue the

subscription. The best process to go about it is to automate the procedure right from the

very start of the subscription. Members of the list can unsubscribe themselves easily

with no hassle for the marketer.

6. Determine the appropriate frequency of mailing the messages

This will be largely dependent on the kind of newsletter that is being distributed. There

are certain kinds of messages that recipients would like to get on a daily basis, such as

jokes. Messages should be short and concise to make it easier for the subscribers to

read. They don't like to receive content that is bland and tedious, and will likely delete

them without fully reading them.

7. Use text email instead of html

There are a lot of people who cannot read email done in html. Worse, some people

cannot reply to html messages. Marketers must make sure that their emails are in proper

format, something that is readable to recipients.

8. Guestbooks

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The process is simple: personal invitations to join the lists will be given to people who

register in guestbooks provided by sites. Add incentives to the invitation to entice them


The worth of a well-developed opt-in list will be never be emphasised enough. Marketers

must never refuse an oportunity to encourage business contacts to sign up for the

mailing lists. Web site visitors can be increased dramatically by employing the steps

described above, and will surely bring results that will satisfy any discriminating


Advantages Of Email Marketing

Marketing through email is a very effective method to communicate with your customers.

Generally it is very economical, and if properly done, can help create brand identification

and dependability.

At an average of just a few centavos cost per message, it is definitely a great bargain in

contrast to traditional “direct mail”. Furthermore, email marketing has a strong response

rate which ranges from 5-35 percent depending on industry type and format.

One advantage of marketing email is the amount of information that clients supply when

registering for your subscription email. By learning who your clients really are, including

their gender, age, income and specially their special interests, you can target your

services and products to accommodate their needs.

Advantages of email marketing:

1. Brings in interested audiences. Your offer can reach prospect clients that already

have conveyed interest to your topic.

2. Cost effective. Compared to all other methods of direct marketing, significantly, email

marketing is much less expensive.

3. Fast and effective. Conventional direct marketing methods, like direct mail, take up a

lot time to make and execute. Then, you still have to wait for another few months to

evaluate the results so to verify success. In permission or

"opt-in" email marketing, promotions can be implemented in just days with outcome

traceable in actual time, providing you with instant and direct feedback as your campaign

or promotion is in its development stage.

4. Responses are high. Generally, permission or “opt-in” email campaigns brings about

higher response rates compared traditional direct ad promotion or even other kinds of

online promotion or advertising.

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Not like a website, wherein an internet user has to memorize the web address as well as

remember and visit, an email ezine or newsletter regularly appears at certain intervals

with no effort from your client. Over a certain period, it strengthens your perceived

capability, educates your recipients regarding their demand for your products and

services, then makes you their choice of provider when your recipients finally decides

that it is time to employ someone.

Downloadable pieces such as ebooks are accessible instantly. For instance, when you

are offering prospect clients an ebook with helpful information, by just visiting your

website, click on your “landing page” and fill up details and in just minutes, your ebook is


5. Email can perform tasks automatically. Autoresponders are practical and

inexpensive and can be set on “auto pilot” to send specific information and reports to

your recipients through email.

Autoresponders send emails automatically back to whomever that sent you email

regarding information on the products or services that you offer.

Now your prospects obtain the information that they are asking regarding your business,

your services and products for twenty-four hours everyday and yes, seven days in a

week, without any individual to “follow-up” on each lead.

Disadvantages of email marketing:

1. Today, with the arrival of spam, email can be a poor environment to deal with. This

means that prospects are mainly searching their email for particular messages from

friends, family and colleagues then, all else is banned. However thanks to anti-spam

programs and email servers that filters spam messages into the bulk folder. Take into

consideration though, that some of emails can possibly be filtered to the spam folder

when not permitted by the recipient.

2. Email messages need to be short. Prospects want quick and to the point information.

Therefore a lengthy copy is definitely out. Complicated offers certainly are out. So are

supporting arguments and facts.

3. Emails restrain your creativity. All text is quite boring and with email massages, text is

the most essential part. You can not even create creative messages as your recipients

demand straight to the point advertisements or reports.

Several small online businesses presume that the web has very little worth to them since

they believe that their services or products cannot be sold easily online. However they

are yet to discover the power of cost-effective information processing as well as

electronic media or “email” can benefit most small online businesses supply faster and

better communication and customer service.

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Anybody can promote their website, advertise their products and get their ideas out

simply using by the “Email” as the channel of delivering and making their message

known to the world.

How to do targeted email marketing

The 20th century has ushered in new developments in technology and one of the most

useful and widely-used technologies we have now is the use of the internet. The

internet revolution gave rise to a much modern means of communications and paved the

way for email marketing.

Targeted email marketing is one of the most effective tools being used by internet

marketers to get people to know more about their products, and ultimately to patronize

their products. As what its name denotes, targeted email marketing are emails sent to

one's target market.

An email marketer does this buy devising a way to build as many email addresses of his

target market. One of the most common strategies being used by email marketers is the

sign-up box placed in their website. Most often, the sign up box pops up in the website

and asks the internet user if he wants to avail of certain products for free. These

products can come in the form of newsletters, white papers, recipes, or just about

anything to encourage the user to sign up and reveal his email address.

Once the user has signed up, he will be asked to check several boxes as to what

products he would prefer to receive and on what topics. Through the sign up process,

the webmaster gets not only the user's address but his preferences, hobbies, interests

and other matters that would b e useful for internet marketers.

The target markets or users that have signed up for newsletters or any free items would

then receive the newsletters weekly, depending on the program being used by the

webmaster. Such newsletters will include topics that are of interest to the user. If the

internet marketer is selling health-related products then perhaps the newsletter will

feature interesting topics on health, proper diet, even healthy recipes. With the

newsletters are especial offers about the products being sold. Unknowingly, the user is

being bombarded with information which would make him give in and realize that he has

a need for the products being sold.

A good email marketer will use soft selling and not hard selling in advertising g his

products through the newsletters. Having the right information about the target market

will create the difference in successful email marketing. The more you know about the

interests and buying habits of your target market, the more chances of you giving him

the necessary materials to encourage him to buy your products.

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To be effective, targeted email marketing must make use of a strong headline. The

marketer must make a proposition to his target market, and make it easy for the target

market to respond to such proposition by making a possible set of actions available to

him in just one click.

No reader would give even a glance at a piece of material which does not have an

interesting headline. The first thing the reader will look at is the headline so it must be

captivating and complete in itself. Man is by nature egoistic so take advantage of this

knowledge and condition and make your target market believe that the article was

specifically written for him. From the headline itself, make your readers feel that they are

reading something that would make a difference in their lives. Something t hat would

enhance their beauty, body and mind. The clincher here though, is that most readers

would take a second d look at an article with the word sale in it.

You must believe in your product to make your sales pitch, which is in the guise of an

article, more believable and more persuasive. If you do not believe in your product then

it will show with your words. Words are magical and so powerful they can make or break

your marketing campaign. So if you are not an effective writer then you better hire one if

only to make your article more punchy and persuasive.

Make the readers fell that they have a need for the product and you are giving them a

favor by making such products available to them. The magic word here is benefit;

anything that would benefit your reader would persuade them to read and to make use

of your product. Everyone wants to improve his beauty, his physique and his mind.

Everyone wants to become a better person. Everyone wants to make money. Take

your cue from these and you will not go wrong with the articles you supply your target

market. However, do not give the readers everything in the email. If your goal is to

increase website traffic, then give them something to salivate on which will encourage

them to click the lick to your website.

Give your reader a choice as to what you want him to do after reading your email. Most

emails have great articles that are persuasive. However, they failed to include choices

of what they want their readers to do after reading the articles. And even if you

presented choices of action to your readers, why should they do that? What would be

their benefits if they follow your proposition and call to action?

And while you have much information to reveal in your email, do not tire your readers.

Make the email short and concise. Your readers are busy people and they do not have

all day top read your email. And even if they do have the rest of the day, they would not

spend it reading your email especially if you do not offer them something in return.

Improve your E-mail Marketing strategy

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E-mail marketing has been one of the most innovative strategies that the internet

provided over the last years. On a survey made by the Direct Marketing Association,

two-thirds of companies agreed that their revenue increased when they started using e-

mail marketing, and sixty-three percent said that this method is the best way to maintain

a good relationship to customers.

Almost everyone who knows how to use the internet has at least one e-mail account,

maximizing this fact is a great strategy to start or maintain your business. There are a lot

of ways for a business to prosper, and today e-mail marketing is one of the best ways to

do it.

But of course, working with e-mail marketing is not just a walk in the park, knowing the

basic strategies on how to make this effective should be the first thing that one should

learn. Here are simple tips on how to lead in the e-mail marketing venture.

Be Direct and Simple

Simplicity is still the key. There are a lot of e-mail advertisements out there and most

people usually delete them without thinking twice. In being direct and simple, especially

in your subject lines, most people will notice the difference. The probability that your mail

will be read is higher compared to other mails that boasts of every detail in their subject

lines and mail body. Give simple details, offer the advantages and be direct in the most

possible way. Of course, do not forget to put a commanding line in your message. It is

one of the oldest and most useful ways to lure customers to your business

Creativity is the key

Being simple does not mean you should not be creative. Creativity is one of the best

ways to get customers. Even if you have a simple but creative byline or subject line, your

audience will pick it up. The body of the e-mail itself must also be interesting. Using

interesting designs is a plus. Play around with your product and present it in the best

way that you can.

Know your market

Like any other markets, you should be able to determine the demographics of your

customers. Know who they are and what they like. Be sure to evaluate your competitors.

If you are starting in the business, it is best that you consider the prices and the

promotion styles of your rivals. Make a better deal or package than your competitors.

This will surely give you an edge to the competition.

Maximize Technology

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Learn useful tools out there. One of the best tools that you can use is the Autoresponder

or a mailbot. Just search the internet to learn about this tool. The best things an auto

responder can do are to follow up customers, create order confirmation, and even

“personalized” messages. In this way, you do not only save time, but you can make sure

that all your customers are being updated on time. Aside from an Autoresponder, learn

to use certain programming tools or graphic-editing programs to put that personal touch

on your e-mails.

Build your Name

One of the best ways for a business to succeed is to build up its name. Take time to

research and learn the business. Getting published in an internet magazine related to

your business or being recognized by the market as one of the better dealers is a great

way to build your name. Do not meddle with petty strategies that look like SPAM or other

cheap ways to lure customers. This would only taint the name of your business.

Everyone knows that a bad name will only make a bad business.

Be Professional

Here’s the deal, even the name of your e-mail address matters. Be professional in

everything on the e-mail, including the subject of the e-mail and the headers on your

message body. Those simple details will make an impact on customers. Having the

proper details shows how professional the business is, and this will make the

advertisement more effective.


Always evaluate the strategy; from the preparations to the e-mail itself, to the contents

and the tools that you used for the job. It is best to study the steps that were made and

identify the flaws and goods in them. On the next project, be sure to apply the evaluation

results. This is a surefire way to improve your e-mail marketing strategies.

These are easy advices that will surely boost your e-mail marketing strategy. Whether

you are a newbie or a pro, these tips will make your marketing easier if you keep them in

mind. So, what are you waiting for? Apply them now!

The Future of Email Marketing

Email has become one of the most popular channels of marketing in the world.

Advertisers are attracted to email marketing because it provides them to communicate

directly with users and it is way cheaper and faster compared to direct mail advertising.

In order to save money, more and more businesses are resorting to email marketing

because it has the ability to acquire customers and maintain relationships with them.

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According to GartnerG2, a research service from Gartner Inc., consumers will be more

yielding in accepting mail containing advertisements as they get increasingly adept in

using email, building trust and familiarity with advertisers. The company's projection for

advertising revenue for 2005 totals to about $1.5 billion.

One of the numerous advantages of email marketing is that within days of its

establishment, results can already be seen and necessary actions can already be

decided upon. The entire cycle of an email campaign is indeed very much shorter than

direct mail marketing campaigns.

Advertisers can utilize email strategies that are personalized and combine or align them

with their traditional mail marketing plans in order for them to realize campaign goals.

Permission email marketing, or opt-in email marketing is a way of advertising where the

recipient of an email containing an advertisement has given permission to receive it. It is

an effective method, since in theory, the person who is about to receive the email is

anticipating the advertisement, and therefore, he or she will not simply delete it and will

take the time to read the ad.

There are several challenges faced by email marketing in the present. More and more

people are getting victimized by spamming. To offset this problem, the use of filtering

and blocking software has proliferated immensely. If this goes on, the use of protective

programs can be a standard in the future.

With the rate that the situation is going, the strategies that will be used in email

marketing in the near future will be concentrated on making it entirely safe and legal.

GartnerG2 recommends the following measures for advertisers to maximize their


1. Advanced personalization should be utilized to communicate with customers

2. Permit present and prospective customers to give feedback. Make sure to

acknowledge and utilize them

3. Send no more than two emails per customer, three for business audiences

4. Use email addresses that are collected only through opt-in means when sending


Other strategies should be implemented by advertisers to gear up for the future:

1. Details should be provided for the lists

When subscription links are accessed, they lead into a page where users can see details

on the kind of communication they will receive from advertisers. Instructions on what to

do with the information should also be included.

2. Use double-opt in subscriptions

Double opt-ins protect people who did not sign-up to a particular kind of subscriptions by

alerting them if someone tries to send them unsolicited email

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3. Install security for mailing lists

At least, lists should be password-protected. If possible, store lists somewhere that is not

connected to the network. This will reduce the risk of getting hackers and viruses in the


4. Avoid co-registrations

A lot of marketers are making use of co-registration to boost up their lists, but what they

do not know is that it is a very dangerous endeavor. Co-registrations offer users with

forms from different web sites that offer to provide communications through email

coming from various merchants that are related to different fields of interest. What users

don not know is that co-registering increases the chances of getting spam mail with the

ones that they are actually supposed to receive.

5. Avoid using red flag words

words like discount, free, special, bonus, are often used by marketers for their mails.

Mail containing too many of these words can put an advertiser's message to spam

folders. Advertisers can test if their mail can get past the spam filters by creating an

account in Yahoo, for instance, then try sending mail to an intended address, and check

which folder they will end up.

It requires a little more effort for these strategies to implement, but it will surely be worth

it in the end. Advertisers need only to select the strategy that is most appropriate for their

businesses, and it will definitely bring immense improvement to their database of mailing


In Closing… And a Call to Action!

As the book enters the wrap up in this chapter, I will share with you something valuable.

If you aim for success, you must do everything within your means to achieve that. You

just don’t go on sitting there in your house complaining about not getting as much profit

as you expect. You have to keep moving. You have to pour in and invest enough time,

money and effort to have profitable results.

In doing Internet business, you must aim just the same. You should maximize all of your

Internet marketing strategies, given the wide market that your business will be exposed

to. Imagine the whole online community as potential clients!

Now, one of the best marketing tools that you can use in your online business is building

a list (which is the subject of this book!).

An opt-in list is the best, most effective and smartest option that you can make to make it

big. It is one thing to stay in business and it is another thing to have a profitable

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business. So if you will be allowed to choose, make use of the building list to ensure that

profits will keep coming in.

And building a list will definitely work for your benefit. This will ensure that you can

maintain close contact and a good relationship with your clients, especially the frequent


This will also save you money, time and effort because once you come up with a new

product or new information, you know exactly who you will send updates to because you

have a definite market.

This is one aspect that you will have to maintain to have a steady source of income at

the least. Then the rest of your efforts will be to make the number of your regular clients


Some pointers in building your opt-in list:

You should put a ‘subscribe link’ or ‘subscribe box’ in your web site. It is

advisable to put it on all the pages. Then make sure that it is strategically

positioned, meaning it has to be easily located by the visitors. The upper right

hand corner of the page would be a good position.

Promote your website and promote it even more to make give it more

exposure and to get more subscribers.

Come up with contests or give away freebies and goodies that will require

visitors to give out their email ads to be able to join.

Give out information, articles and updates to your clients with your links in it.

Make sure that the information will be relevant to the client.

Offer free courses to your visitors. This will also help maintain a good

relationship with your subscribers.

Use your signature also to make your opt-in list expand. Every time you

send out messages the link information should be included.

Do some networking too. Join some forums or discussions and build

relationships with the people there. This way will also be a good way for you to

get more contacts and clients.

At the same time you should also know what you should avoid in building an opt-in list.

There is one thing that you should keep in mind as the don't's of building a list.

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NEVER EVER spam your subscribers. It is best that you get permission from

your subscribers, or else you might end up with a bad reputation.

Avoid ABRASIVE pop-ups (though not all). They can sometimes annoy the

visitors. There are also pop-up blockers now. Your effort here might end up futile.

You should also refrain from flooding your subscribers with information.

You might end up as an annoyance that you might not get a favorable result.

There may be times that you'll give relevant information, but your clients may just

dismiss it.

The benefits of having many regular subscribers are undeniable. They will definitely

keep your business going and you will definitely enjoy the profits that will come in. Just

remember that things don’t end there.

Once you’ve build up on a substantial opt-in list, make sure that you maintain it well.

Keep in contact with your subscribers. Send them updates. Give out special offers and

helpful tips. Freebies will be helpful too.

Just follow this and you’ll see… things can only get better!

Thank you for reading,

-Tommy Roussos