The Experiential Essence of Entrepreneurial Learning

The Experiential Essence of Entrepreneurial Cognition: How Understanding Entrepreneurial Thinking Enhances Teaching & Practice Norris Krueger, PhD – Entrepreneurship Northwest July 2012



Transcript of The Experiential Essence of Entrepreneurial Learning

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The Experiential Essence of Entrepreneurial Cognition:

How Understanding Entrepreneurial Thinking

Enhances Teaching & Practice

Norris Krueger, PhD –

Entrepreneurship Northwest

July 2012

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See a difference/

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We know how to teach individuals (and organizations and communities)

to think more entrepreneurially, to truly make a difference; we now

understand why and how.

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Important new theory & evidence Replicable models of entrepreneurial

learning Antecedents & consequences of

entrepreneurial learning Implications for teaching, practice,

public policy

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Important new theory & evidence

Critical review: entrepreneurial cognition entrepreneurial learning


Exciting new multi-disciplinary opportunities e.g. neuro-entrepreneurship

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Entrepreneurial Thinking: A primer?

Intentions: From intent to “informed” intent?

Basic model:

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Entrepreneurial Intentions

Perceived Social Norms

Personal Desirability

Perceived Self-Efficacy

Perceived Collective Efficacy

Perceived Desirability

Perceived Feasibility


Precipitating Event



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Entrepreneurial Learning: from Novice to Expert!

Knowledge Content? or Structure?

Perceived Barriers? Pattern recognition?

Deep Beliefs (role identity?) Importance of understanding

entrepreneurial emotion

Understanding cognitive change...

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Two Ways to Learn

Behavioristic- fill the bucket

-define the buckets

Constructivistic- light the fire (or fan it!)

- assume knowledge structures evolve(often discontinuously)

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Novice ExpertEntrepreneurial


Critical Developmental Experiences

Change in what we know (content)

Change in how we know it (knowledge structures)

Change in Deep Beliefs


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Key Mechanisms

What truly induces transformative learning?

Key developmental experiences?

What do entrepreneurship classes actually do?

HOW do we support? (ecosystem?)

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Transformative Learning

• There is excellent theory to support– Constructivism– Mental prototyping, role identity– Cognitive developmental psych– Cognitive & social neuroscience

• There is excellent empirical evidence– Even in entrepreneurial settings! – Changes in key mental prototypes• And a lot more data about to be released• 2011: ISEEO, GUESSS; 2012: Neergaard

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Keys to Transformative Learning

• “Book Throwing”– Constructivist versus Behaviorist– Entrep educators have always been

constructivistic (cue Voltaire)• Neuro-entrepreneurship?*

– Neuroplasticity– Emotions– Deep beliefs (Neo, take the...)

• Centrality of Action * if curious


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Accelerating Learning

• Problem-Based Learning (“authentic” questions)

• Two overlapping themes:• IMMERSION – Action before thinking• MENTORING – Learn the right lessons

– Expert mentors– Peer mentors

– Or THREE? Ecosystem that supports all of this?

– Social infrastructure; cognitive infrastructure– http://bit/ly/EcoSys

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So what IS this “entrepreneurial mindset” anyway??

• Thoughts? Which are the hardest to change? – (More important for here... what can we measure?)

Seeing opportunities• Seeing self as entrepreneur (role identity)• Strategic thinking• Dot-connecting / pattern recognition• Effectual thinking (bricolage, improv)• Optimist (attributional)• Metacognition• Counterfactual thinking• Bias for action (vs. FoF!)• Value creation as sine qua non (Market-pull?)

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Replicable models of entrepreneurial learning

Key entrepreneurial training methods maximize entrepreneurial learning deep, transformative learning

Existing practices that demonstrably grow entrepreneurial thinking

Concrete examples: program level course level

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Existing Best Practices

that demonstrably grow entrepreneurial thinking... Action learning

e.g., Living cases Problem-based learning Counterfactual thinking Explicit script building Active reflection (collaborative)

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Not just universities

It is the entire ecosystem

Follow the entrepreneurs

Help them!

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Chalmers/Gothenburg NU Singapore The Foundry (Utah) TechStars ( Startup Weekend Lean Startup

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Critical Implications

For teaching? For training?

For practice?

For public policy?

(and... for research?)

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Implications: Teaching

Need to be constructivistic Need to understand entrepreneurial

thinking Need to understand expert thinking Need to address deep beliefs Instructor MUST understand – or

share- the expert mindset.

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Implications: Public Policy

Entrepreneurial Potential = F(quantity and quality of potential entrepreneurs)

Promote educational activities that nurture expert entrepreneurial thinking .

Support similar mechanisms for growing an entrepreneurial community

Program leaders MUST understand – or share- the expert mindset.

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Implications: for Entrepreneurs

Work toward expert thinking – lifelong process?

Understand their own deep beliefs Good entrepreneurs are good at dot-

connecting; great entrepreneurs... Make sure your advisors understand

the “Entrepreneur Mind”(tm).

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To those who want to really make a difference:

We know how to teach individuals (and organizations and communities) to think more entrepreneurially.

We now understand why and how.

How can we translate these insights into helping communities worldwide?

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If you want to get involved in projects – research or applied:

Norris Krueger: [email protected] @entrep_thinking Facebook LinkedIn

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Implications: Research Focus on expert entrepreneurial

thinking Focus on emotions Focus on cognitive change Focus on deep cognitive change Take advantage of:

Multi-disciplinary approaches New tools – theory & method

Take advantage of... us

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Research Agenda: Antecedents & Consequences Antecedents

Impact of teaching/training methods Impact of instructor characteristics (e.g.,

mental models) Impact of context (including students) Developmental experiences?

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Research Agenda: Antecedents & Consequences

Consequences Change in intent (Informed intent?) Change in knowledge content? Change in knowledge structure? Change in deep beliefs? How will we know?

Better dot-connecting? Amygdala lights up differently?