The Evolution of Nanotechnology Education: Lateral Diffusion for the 21 st Century Workforce

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Dominick E. Fazarro, PhD, CSTM University of Texas-Tyler Walt Trybula, PhD Texas State University-San Marcos & Trybula Foundation, Inc. 2010 NAWDP Annual Conference. The Evolution of Nanotechnology Education: Lateral Diffusion for the 21 st Century Workforce. The Need. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Evolution of Nanotechnology Education: Lateral Diffusion for the 21 st Century Workforce

  • Dominick E. Fazarro, PhD, CSTMUniversity of Texas-TylerWalt Trybula, PhDTexas State University-San Marcos & Trybula Foundation, Inc.

    2010 NAWDP Annual Conference

  • We must prepare the 21st centuryworkforce to compete globally withemerging technologies. In order toprepare for nanotechnology, educators must be proactive and not reactive to new technologies for developing cutting-edge programs at post-secondary schools as well as for workforce centers. Fazarro, 2008Fazarro, D. & Kornegay, A. Future Shock: What Would a Nanotechnology Curriculum Look Like?, Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Charlotte NC, December 4-6, 2008

  • Nanotechnology can open up manymore jobs in the Green TechnologySectorGreatly influence the GREEN job sector!!!!!!!Nanotechnology can also

  • The NSF estimates that by the year 2015 there will be a need for two million workers worldwide in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.1

    Who will teach them What?1Source: Diane Palma (2007). K-12 nanotechnology education outreach for workforceDevelopment: The Georgia Institute of Technology Model.

  • An outside advisory panel was ratified by Congress for the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003, Public Law 108-153 (the Act), which called for the President to establish or designate a National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel (NNAP).P R E S I D E N T S COUNC I L O F A D V I S O R S O N S C I E N C E A N D T E CHNO L O G Y M AY 2 0 0 5-

  • RESEARCH est. $ 1.8 BillionSource: National Nanotechnology Initiative-2011 Budget:*Source: University of Penn-College of Engineering

  • Nanotechnology is about the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale or about 1 to 100 nanometers.

    One nanometer is one billionth of a meter.The ratio of a dime to the diameter of the earth is roughly one billion.

  • Nanobot on blood cellMultiwall NanotubesNeuron electronicsNanobot device on virus

  • How do we begin to teach about something we cant see?Where do we learn about it?

  • It seem miraculous when IBM showed this picture in 1983.Todays capabilities are so far beyond that. Xenon on Nickel (110)Courtesy of IBM Research - Almaden. Unauthorized use not permittedBall-and-stick model of the pentacene moleculeNon-contact Atomic Force MicroscopeCourtesy of IBM Research - Zurich Unauthorized use not permitted

  • George Kachan, UMass Lowell, Director- Research and Technology Development, nanomanufacturing and biomanufacturing states:

    We have the technology in the labs, but it takes a lot of money to develop facilities to support commercial production.

    Collaboration is the best way

  • The training of human resources to meet the emerging need of nanomanufacturing will be a daunting task for workforce trainers and developers. There are numerous demographical, logistical, and ethical issues surrounding this subject.

    The manufacturing workers of the next industrial revolution will be working with materials whose thicknesses approximate 1/80,000 the size of a human hair.

  • Dr. Mihail Roco, Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology at the National Science Foundation, probably has been the strongest advocate of educating the nanotechnology workforce.

    He believes training people is a key component for long-term success, and foresees a need for a multidisciplinary trained nanotechnology workforce in 2010-2015.Marsh, I. Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Nano-education from a European Perpsective 100(2008) 032001

  • White CollarBlue CollarLIGHT BLUE COLLAR2yr /TrainingCertificate

  • Who do we collaborate with?

    What content is needed?

    How complex will the knowledge need to be to create and deliver training packages?

    What skill sets are needed?

    What industry sector will jobs developed from nanotechnology?

    Do we use existing protocols and practices established by workforce Investment Boards?***

    What actions need to be taken to implement nanotechnology education/training programs?***

  • As with many emerging technologies, an understanding of math and science is important

    With the vast majority of material effects on humans and the environment being unknown, appropriately addressing safety issues is critical

    A fundamental understanding of known material properties needs to be addressed

  • Nanotechnology is a combination of material properties, biological impacts, size related constraints

    Early stage workers will need a broad understanding of multiple fields

    Caution is imperative, but over-reaction is self-defeating. The proper balance is challenging

  • It has been stated that a Ph.D. in Physics, a Ph.D., in Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Biology are a good background to start learning about nanotechnology

    While workers will obviously not have these credentials, they will need to be trained in ways to find critical information in any area

    Developing appropriate workers nanomaterial related skill sets will be imperative for businesses to be successful

  • National Nanotechnology Infrastructure NetworkMaricopa Advanced Technology Education CenterNanoManufacturing NetworkNanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK)Network for Computational NanotechnologyNanoscale Informal Science Education NetworkNational Center for learning &Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engieering (NCLT)Materials ResearchScience & Engineering CentersNSF-National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (2009) Science and Engineering CentersSouthwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME)

  • Global Nanotechnology NetworkNanoForumAsia Nanoforum (ANF)African Nan0sciences Network (NANOAFNETNanotechnology Research Network Center of Japan (NanoNet)National Institute for Materials ScienceTaiwan NanoNSF-National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (2009)

  • Lateral DiffusionWe are starting the developmental effortSomeone needs to start!

  • Texas Nanotechnology Workforce Development

    California Community Colleges Economic Workforce Development

    Oklahoma Nanotechnology Initiative

    Connecticut Nanotechnology Initiative

    Minnesota Nanotechnology workforce Initiative

    & Many Others

    Source: Texas nanotechnology Workforce Development Initiative: http://www. nanotechworkforce. com/resources/ workforce.php


  • Do we use existing protocols and practices established by workforce Investment Boards?

    What actions need to be taken to implement nanotechnology education programs?

  • Begin to establish nanotechnology education initiatives (include in strategic planning)

    Advocate for increase funding for post-secondary school and workforce education and development centers/Investment boards

    Increase national and international multi-institutional collaborations (academia & industry)

  • Dominick Fazarro, Ph.D., CSTMAssociate Professor-University of Texas-Tyler1.936.689.7695 [mobile][email protected]/[email protected]

    Walt Trybula, Ph.D.IEEE Fellow & SPIE Fellow+1.512.695.4026 [mobile][email protected]

    *The Optical Cell Rotator is a fiber based laser trap that can hold and precisely orient living cells for tomographic microscopy.*****