The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1892-11-24 [p...

IOCAL MENTIOR Ina Ww.. i Mo a I. Pamir. Eo Oet of Obo, Marymed s.m. 5U aI tide. 0011 aLN 23 ll8:3awam R:AT ~ m Om P.S 3ms Rat elbs euhe." PaSAu & ams, O0e Price, Ce. 7th ad D. m hea. themite Bets ad ths its, im tooy aVe. MM esa m Owe so Cawa in the 4y go tod36 n L aLw. Ramumss ame.ureral tie. Champagne. 0149 sga. C . lawaa. S9 7th t. be v Orasmd Tourists' 0- . lamaaO&_ MNasole Temple. Fet Oga 01 CaURL'o Bats. Waftw sr. it great" F=asc & SoW. One Prce. Cor. 7th and D. Cas a m aavaa.the most perfect beatt owbol Team*. sleeping room, a. Hrmcur- 0 De ess. ago Oeats. 1420 Penasylvania ava. IF Te PE r teeth troubling vou try M 1 . Minot' Dentifrice, the beet teeth w end mouth tome known. 25o. Came Chmasus b the Euras Caursr VWme 4 Man. ae. a. w.. are made moth- mew 18f eberg. Telephone 43&-. 3M, AINUVa, a fresh car load Manltou Foode m bM Water; also Oanger Champagne. Omaua- KaA Ua. MS 7th ELw. G. I. Osar. Printer. 39 Pennsvlvanta ae. asw. PImpt.' Reliable' Prices reaisenble. PinM's Icv Caszk. -Order a quart for tomoees emner. Fussell a care. Every, oif Is Msam. 1427 New York are. CIT AND D)ISTRICT Asmason'. Orma orer.--Richard Mane- so" It "The Scarlet IUtter." NOW NATAWPAL TaEATLn-JON. Jeferson in "ap Is Winkle." Asam ose Mausc.--Neil Burg..' "County Whkr." RasUR' kioo Taraen.-"Dangere of a Orm Cite." Kaxan'Psu Lrecr TaxirRa.-Bart's Betm eehTy Cospany. 'la BarrtLE e Ginveasun.- 15th etreet and Obie eveafte. MMMaOrr Bar... --Mi. Jennie O'Neoi Pt- ter s her mosologwe "Flirt- ad Matroa." Forma Cavacs. -Sanday school concert with Prof. John I. Sweeny. A ETMODISTr RETDCOPECT. A Seafrw of he Yere hwe saony Cases ror Tusahfeulass. "Our churehes in the District," aid a prom- Ineset member of the Methodist Episcopal ( betreh to a STan reporter today, "have great cau" to bethankal more than is usualen snch an e-iion. The nivenrity project is &a*. sad Bimhop Hurst haa matters in good shape. The Home for the Aged is in good con- dides. and the prospect iv that it willeoo have a respectable endowment fund, ,5.0 or which was contribte rby one friend not long ince. The deaonesees' work is -ros.pering. and the church is rapidly coating to recugnuie the use- feiness of the branch here. The best of all is That the chech is spiritually in -good condition, and there is -carcelv a chnrch in the District nr a cirait of Washington distric: w here there has been no revivalp. anI in a number revival asetangs are sow in progre-.. ThP- pirit of build- hag is in the membership. Ch'urches at Gaithere- bawg and Perkkrille have been erected during the year and Asceostia laws the corner stone for a sw ediSoe today. Wesley has purchased a persaes on 3d street. The Tenlevtown con- aweiadou. of whica Iev. E. U. smith is pastor, aSetta, around for a site on which to erect a new church.for ta congregations have improved wenIderflUy as well as the membership, and baeremas aocommaodatione are a necessity. Twelfth $tret is working harmonionsly under the roastrship of C. L. Pate. The inas uhech estaed there have all been healed. He ha VIl congregations and the Snancee are In eaeeilest condition. I think that the District Mehodist have much to be thankful for." **Thakful are we." mad a Methodist Protest- ant misteter. -for many things. Our churches are all propes'ing. One of the youngest, North 'ar Inha Avenue. of which Rev. Dr. David Wil- OsM is the pastor. had such a hopeful outlook the masnures have been taken for the erection et a now church edifce. which will cost lS,40. Ihe Ceoretown church has added a new ' I organ anl piano. The Central (Rev. Murray prease to have a pipe organ, and has p'ospects of ,oo disposing of the property on t1hstreet between E and r streets. and will then seet a lie church edifce at 12th and M stree northwest. fpiritually the churches are in god canditio. and in a aumber there have been good revival meetings, a a one bei Now in propes as the Navy Yard church n t orgetowa church." IN TUE FPeCOFA. CUTUCE. Refsee at the Year Over Whieh Memabers Reje. Tday. The Epireopal C'hureh in thee District of Colnambie -an taiy look hack aporn the prugress of the church within the last year with ne little degree of thankflneess, maid a aseekber of that chureh to a Sran reporter. The record of growth kms bee. a Battering one, anda e exsionla of the faith will undoubtedly keep pace with ay other denomsination. The ehareh can today rejoice in the fact that is itand. in the front rank with all other dle- seminatieas as far ai aumerical strength is eencerned, andl it certain]y ia not behind any1 o'-.kses irn ata social position. L~ooking over its heali dema today the church Sude every part-h Sc'arihng, each rejoicing in a corn- itently Increassng list of communicanita. It aees a nmsber of tmsorn chapela carrying the used work into humble quarter. and recessing yigeacoaragensent for its efforts. It Iaan rpksage wilth a comiortable endow- mentad other charitable institutioni in a thrirmg state. The contributioas of the people, which haee been made is rease to the verson appeals of er generamaty. the anreat indicator of a lively eeetire of the church a work and interest asaDu the year a new rish hastbeeni sdded to the tta church ~ebeen erected an Ancosti and the Anacoatia perish, now the1 Mat. gires tk promise of rigorous growth. ?tearaaa~niare now under way for the estalb. ishmeat oft two smere parishes in the District. Cmeof them will be is le Droit Park, where eCre is a goed Sold fur the work. A euitable e.e as be built at a early day ad a rector totened. Another un perish is to be ra- Bad at Tlhomna Park. 1%is action wasdeid ae o later thac hat T=.eed, and the carry- ~inte eseet et the plan winf be atece. Taking everything unto eesid- a the Epihrepliams think that, as a do- nemiation, they hare a great deal to be thank- M~sr tis year. FE3aBYTRNe TEANEFEV.N~gg. eabust ae the these6 ha km seat Omme uS "ahe year," emi4 Dew. Dr. Eatlett to a 3ma eperter, "has bee, mne ot great pues.- 3mW te is Preksbeis Chaeh tn em its kmsebe les week has bees wilimia mst am Baphase ot amifsbs bees aiaged. Eb m. -ms whine the washer. haes kme so- Moo these has bees a mlm-i th ar- hebt -=.8 -pkn tese khabem Maan The destrinal difmemm width kmae e mae ismeem a a nay of 40 ens M of the ceek, amd in ne par- %dm km te enmm pregram o et4 ehmee kms intaene The Peasbytii Chaehwa atsb esm as me embee weee immsa th*Wes te semi esatm with su tase r way~ a ehie a i te a Nei e enet. The I'm amteem. Mm km Ihhas(the bad e. am er es t e oeaf 5ah Ibebhywma. ee - se SWehes meb e Aiie ees famme am.o e 3m Mam ees se sa5a1,e me lbmsthaes h~m has - ases... selmto __~imss - % hmmmse te -sba Uy YUA MUI113 13 "13 P003. mibmism of Fed 1ade by One Combsel linfte Mseee. 2U Ceatusl.Ue. Miesi ha been a buy plaee for the past three days while the Thanks- glvotributiouof footetepeerbe bemin programa The distributiom is regarded as mes sueceesful this year than ever before. The mis- een is probably the best eguipped 1i1t1il lt the eity for such an enterprise. It has brabess in all meetios of the city, with superiatedmisua and eemmttee connected with each beanch whe vl the boses of the peer and beesses aequame with the fmtuis daring the Yoar. By this means Oey we able to odiam the meet needy and warthy imon mad ee that they are supplied with the essenmi et a Theasmgliug dimmer. In addi-M-1 the --e thus furnished the w orfers o a the chrhebas give the beedt of thesi obeee and furMish the names of the poor with whose they are equanted. mr'raan -SID&Ss a The mission gave out la ito suportemdeats ad comiotteves 1,0I blanks ealing for the name and location of the imly, the umber of adults, the number of chbldren and the eam- ber of nick, If any, in each family. Thb blank ae e~ed for infermatlom as to the cireamstanesa and special needs of the .miea. Them reports were ear- tafed as correct and signed by the worker who recommended them. Doubtful easea of Goms whose names were sent in were by a special t, who reported the infermation received. O this anam the emes of Imposture were redneed to a .aminiss. It is believed that amore theaMS people have eaged in the preliminary werk of h distribution ha eol- eeting namses, investigating esass and coue$- ing donatioo. The general committee for this Thnbksgiving dinner in very large. Mrs. George W. Havs was chairman, Mr. A. L. Swartwot, sicreary. and Mrs. E. D. Bailey, treasurer of the general commaittee. The work of selecting flameill from the to- =art was inehergeof Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Ge W. Wheeler. amisted by a committee of women from the difgerent sections of the city. The punhasig comnittee consisted of Menre. W. C. Tyler, A. L Swartwot, N. A. Robbine and E. D. Bailey. The members of the board of directors and their wives had charge of the distribution. Mr. George W. Wheeler and Mr. W. C. McMichael bad charge of the transportation. TUR nAmUrTg OF ggLTUgL. The supplies were sent out in boskets, a basket for each fimily. The regulation supply far eaneh family cosprised one pound sugar, half = coffee, quarter pound tea, one q t y, half peck potatoes, quarter peck apples, one pound butter. two loaves bread, one and a half pint beam one pie and one or two chions. For large famibes a piece of meant was added. For the sich ovaugeanan*e, coco and other denccies were The supplies were all purchased at wholesale prices, escept such as were donated, of which there was a great quantity. Some turheys were donsted and sent to the larger families. The distribution was commenced yesterday and oom ted thie forenooa. tam wagos were employ and4W famile were provided for. AN EXCITING MORNING FIRE. A Biasing Pile of Msitresse Causes a Utam- pede to a Seaming Menee. A femba figure clad in white rashed through the hallways of Mrs. A. P. Kretchmear's board- ing hos. 8M E street, this morning shortly after 10 o'clock crying Are. A few minutes later an alarn was sounded and the Are depart- meat wa soon on the scene. It was found that the Are was located in a rear attic room, where extra mattresses used during the encampment were stored. There were fully a hundred of them, and when the Are department arrived the room was a mass of seething fsames. Engine company No. 2 was the first on the scere. closely followed by No. 6, truck C and vs chemical engine. Foremen Maddox, Sullivan, Leuman and Itreen fought their way into the burning room, and for an hour at least there was a battle royal. The smoke was dense and sickening from the fumes of the burning feathers, yet they kept up the ight. Chie' Parrs and Assistant Chief Lowe on their ar- rival directed the attack. The chemical engine did good service, and the feather bedd and mattresses were treated to a bath of chemicals. and latter thrown out on the street. The dam- age will reach about 0150, covered by insur- ance. Before the Are engines arrived there was a ludicrous sight inside the burning house. George R. Bennan and S. J. Curtis of the County Fair Company were stopping at the house. When the cry of Are was raised they ran up to the burning room and with the as- sistance of other boarders organized an emer- gency Are brigade. Every piece of crockery in the house capable of holding a quart of water was pressed into servie, and the line reached to the bath room. When Chief Parris arrived he viewed the supply of crocker and smiled grinly as he ordered on the arst stream of water. CMARACTZ AND IMMIGRATION. Tepes Whtih Rev. Mr. Murray Spoke ot in Nis Thanksiving sermen. At the Central Methodist Protestant Church, 19h and N streets northwest, which was finely decorated, Rev. . I. Murray, the pastor, preached today on "National Character and Immigration." After drawing a parallel be- tween Abraham and the first Immigrants to this country, noting the causes of immigration, ho spebe of this country being the asylum for the oppressed-not like other countries, keep- ing these out, but welcomsing them. Ir. theI early part of the century the clams of Immai- granis were, msa rule, of the best material and made geod citizena, but, he said, the result of our laws has been that the lower order of men have come here to compete with our labor, men who have nothing in commaon with the country and do not become citizens. They should heave their old-world ideas behind theme. lie urged that the fet should ho- oonsidered and some remedy applied. At 2 o'clock the Jnnior Society of the King's Daughters gave a Thanksgiving dinner in the basemeut to the children of a hundrad fami- lies who had no turkey at home. ME. SLATER DEleIES IT. Re Newer Theught .t lMarrytng Miss cern Tan TaseL. Mr. Charles W. Stater, the eon of Mr. John G. SIster of this city, who was alleged ha a pre dispatch yesterday to have been maarried to Mise Core Van Tassel, a young actress wso Played an engagement at the Lyenm Thater here last week, today maade a emphatic denial of the story. Young Mr. BIster stated to a Sua reporter that he met the young lady on the night of the late election. "I wee Introduced to Miss Va Tassel," explineda Mr. Ulater, "at the theater by Mr. Miles, the amanager of the com- pay. I ealled upon herseveral timess and found the yma lady very agreeable and entertain- ing, br't I naver had the slightest hnte,- tion of forigany matrimonial am"isn* with Miss Van Tase.I did not take her to supper, and I am ear, that neither had any intentio, of formingamor thn apleasant acguaintance- ship I m a a oseto understand how the story oinaunlss, as has been aesd byfrdy t was done for advetsigpur- poss, and even then I netMiss Van tsa of eounectlon with seheme. Is has beth ae and my flamily has ver an- pe stpeiltien, a I deesr e ma as emphatle a dealal 0t it as pensibly a. Theahaewig Dy in the Ommele Csheee. The Ceshsts abeese eheerved Th ,.te tag day. but not we amy s sed eseemme.. They de net esmeier the day es et sens -ha eedmy spislimt impert. Thae ys ey -ma is a taheaing aml thy held mme ~~n o esihsd ma n ewdb - - * n e ss--- .a- ms Osa 0f to meet degeh sie and heleb md em es tses atm ewes -- ol Ymiheewaeeee he esemtin. X hi. - b arn.swiGat -. A- OM Pbes Ch0 Me Thmat 2Tht 600- tses Was spenaded. 1m ]NOr, ae.e.. man who Ae ebe- so 6 lA evening. Md bad a bt her knife in his peeket, wae the are prisoner to appear before Juge Mm thi. morning. cne.aed weepmes wa the charge against him, and he Paded not gulky. "I didn'to.l the kff.,- he mid. -I boght it ata ame on * road." ''Rs ad.' "Whare ares you fromr' "I eam from baltimor," answered the priser, "and bought the knife on the road at a country 1tre.- "Did oucme ever on a train?" "Iever and than got oa the train." "At what elation did yoS gt an the troan' "Greemboro'," he answered. The's mo such piece n the railroad," in- loempted P.11omm.i Brady. "I think you get the afe from a country se.s," said the judq& "I think you saw the katie and did not me popieter. What 4d .aS wat with such a kal "I feow the water," answered the prisoner, "and thought I would come here and go in the "Glymosa, Charles enty, Md." "And I gues you navigate the wates of Smith's ereewt" Judge Killer said be thought the knife wa staile, but there was no direct proof of that fact. Sentence wa maded In the ce and the prisoner wa. e In another cae of concealed weapos Howard Berndon, a colored boy, was defen t. Seial Ofcer Miles arrested the boy. Howhad been arrested on a charge of being too familiar with a lady's pocket book in the Center market and was releed, the officer warning him that aber k wy from the mrkot he did Not keep away, and whH found shere another time and the officer reminded him of the warning that had been given him he drew a pistol, pointed it at the officer and then ran aw boy's previous character was discussed and the judge gave him ninety days. AN ODD FELLOWS' VIStTATIONi Ruth Ledge of the Rabekab Degree Enter- talen the Grand Ofeers. Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 2. was vti- ited by the officers of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at their place of meeting in the 7th street hall, north- west. lat evening. Having been formally in- troduced. the grand master, Mr. Crawshaw, an- nounced that the object of their presence was to pay the lodge not only an official, but also a fraternal visit. The noble grand, Sister Harlan, responded, and in behalf of her colleagues ex- tended to the visitors a cordial welcome. The exemplification of this branch of the order was then proceeded with and it was rendered in a very satisfactory manner. The reports of. Grand Secretary Hunt showed that the books and accounts are kept In a systematic manner and that the finances are In a healthy condition. The strictly official portion of the program hav- Ing bee. completed the fraternal and social feature followed, during which interesting re- marks were made by Sisters Kessler, Harlan, Royce and Pierson and Brothers Keck, Pierson sad Sparo of Ruth Lodge, Past Grand Rose of Indiana. Sisters Frases of New York Matthews and Allan of Naomi Lodge, No. 1, Cornwell of Martha Washington Lodge, No. 3, Grand Hep- reoentatives Allan and Stier, Grand ecretarv gunt. Grand Marshal Sorrell, Grand Warden Nead and Grand Master Crawshaw. The visita- tion was one of marked interest and cannot fail to be productive of good results. At the conclusion of the exercises and just as the Grand Lodge ofcers were about taking their departhre from the lodge room each one wasI preen ted with a bandsome bouquet as a token of respect from the lodge. These souvenirs 4t the eventful occasion were accepted in brief and pertinent remarks by the recipient. This lodge has concluded to change its regular place of meeting and will meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month as nusal i its new home, the beautiful lodge room of Union Lodge, No. 11. situate in the National Capital Bank building. 314 and 316 Pennsylva- nia avenue soutbeast. The change of habitat is generally conceded to be a good one and opens up for it a still more auspicious future. The visitation scheduled to take place on Tzeieday evening next at Golden Rule Lodge, No. 21, has been postponed until December 13 on account of the Grand Lodge officers going with Federal City Lodge No. 20. to Baltimore on that evening to visit independence Lodge, No. 77. Canton Potomac of the Patriarchs Militant will act as the escort. The only visit&- tion next week will be to FAstern Lodge. No. 7. on Friday evening, in the 7th street northwest L O.. F. Hall. ALEX ANDRIA. CITY cotCIL MIETrno. The attendance at the meeting of the city council last night was barely more than a quorum, and as two-thirds is needed for the completion of any new business of importance no new matter could be carried through. The ordinance reducing the price of gas. previously introduced, was adopted. The school board notified the council that the terms of offles of Massrs. Altcheson. Harrison, Chapman and Smith were expired. It was agreed to postpone the election on the understanding that these trustees continue in office until their suceemmer. shall be appointed. A communica- tion of the mayor on the eubject of the pay- ament of the hill of Mr. W. P. Grave. for pro- visions, Ac., furnished the smallpox echooner Strann lest sumamer, and also In reference to Are eepowas referred, and the applications of Dr. Joeh L. tenterd for the positln of physician ofthe poor and to fill a vacancy, and of James Hepburn to be appointed janitor of the mnarket buiding, vice Nightengill, deceased, were ordered to be Dlaoed on file. The next mseeting of the board will take place on themse- cnd Tuseday 1n December. TRAN~sGIVIG DAT. Alendria apparently gave much more thk on last Tueeday night than it did today, notwithstanding that most of the churches were open and had fair congregations. The service. at St. Mary'. Church and Christ Church, the Lutheran Church and the union meeting at the M. E. Church South took place this morning. Thoe at Grace P. E. Church and Trinity M. Church will take place tonight. The schools were all closed, as was the corn exchange and the banks and the poet offie, and the telephone omoeehjs Sunday hours. Mlany Aleandrlna visitaed and tere was some social ivaa ecarse inopoana. The etate law relative to fire escapee, to whieh Mayor Straus ecalled the attention of the city council lest night. requires all factories, assembly hells. Ae., more than three stories in height to be provided with fire eeeapee. The law he. never been enforced here, and many ctitze think it is not needed and is likely to require aselsess expenditres on the part of per- ~s who eay come to establish manufactories. The ouly building now in town which has a fire escape is the old eotton factory on Washington street, whisk kaeen disued for piany years. Ajesandria will he largely repreenated in Washington at the demsocratic procession next Friday evening. Thee ordinance whieh passed the city es B. naght redness the prie of ga. from 01.0 per 1,AW feet to f1.L0 per 1,000 feet. but it snake. the dicount for prompt payment osly S par eaes Instead of 10 per cast, as here. tofoe. The meet reemt smiee et real estat have been two houss with samal . S neestreet, op. peaite the esort house, for 01,06, and a house and lae. Celbuhe seet near Fumukhl. for Mg!S, me that te tim of eaep reelestab in Al- esandeiahas net yet gaat Ma, K. 3. EmxT neg. 3.W.. caa nmu i 1altetasbe e bo m 9n e aat W-E At A @Ma RE- .m bmen TM LUTERUANS Ex 'WASUINWe A Teis Vasgss hee Wef saabisem a the Dessematem love Theshe Sed2% . Members of the Lthemw hu h a a WAh ag, speak gratefily of what the yewr h yieled to them. During the year a new Lutheran chunh, t loner Memorial Church, a missionet th Memorial Lutheran Churh, 14th atestm Vermout avenne, h.s been estbliebed at9 and Maryland avenue northeast, and Thansh giving day Wervice were eondueted thern 6e4 by nev. C. H. Butler. pastor. As the chute is not entirely completed services were held iT the chapel. The Lathern Church year elosed in Ostebe inrt and =taw r weas very grafy the t~rit. The matter at reaing the greatest attention in Lutheran oir els at p t is the question of the removal o the Lutheran Seminary from Gettysburg, Pa to this city. Several very desirable sites ber heve been efered. and it is probable that thb matter will be fnally decided in a few months and decided in favor of the removal of thi seminary to Washington. There is some oppo ition, however, to its removal from Gottyt burg, and at the recent Lutheran convem i ene of the del tes, a reverend doctor of phil oso objected because, as he em p rned. nal capital would in tie b removed from Washington to Gettysburg an< Washington would remain but the 'gateway 0 Gettysburg. 0O3o03 owN. AnMIaTn VoR BIGAMY. Wi. Thomas was yesterday brought to Ow seventh precinct by Officer Essley and toked ap on a charge of having two wives at the sam ime. The alleged bigamist was found at hi home in Tenlertown, where he was living wit) the first Mrs. 'Aomas, the second having bee left in Charles county, Md.,where she frat met loved and thought she legally married the pris Doer. Wife No. 2 was the cause of the arrest she having sworn out a warrant against the maI who deceived her. NOT11. A fire In the outhouse In the rear of Al brecht's cigar storo, 3119 H street, called onl the engine yesterday aternoon about 4:M m'clock, but the flames were soon extinguished The fox hunters, eighteen in number, lefi yesterday afternoon for Marlboro'. their ek for sport, word having been received first from the advance guard that all necessary arrange ments for their accommodation had been made SAVED HIS SIHT. PERHAPS HIS LIFE. BLOOD POISONING APTER SCARLET FEVE. Bead the following from a rrateful mother. "MK little boy had scarlet fever when four years old. and Il left hin very weak and with blood POISONED wit 'ANREM. His eye became so inflamed that hi muferinrs were intense, and for seven weeks he COULD NOT OPEN HIS EYES. I took him twice durine that time to the Eye and EAL IArmary on Charles street. but their remedies (%i"e o do himn the faintest shadow of aood. I cornuenced rivinr him Hood's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him, [have never doubted that It EAVED RISStOUT. oven IF NOT HIS VRY LIFE. You may use this iestimonial in any way you choose. The above stats ment is THE TRUTH. THE WHOLE TRU't f. ANE NOTHING BU rTHE TRUTH. And I can addthal my testiuony was entirely voluntary and NO'l BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. nora small fact polished I and enlared. And the case of my boy Is not the >nly one that I know uf where HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Rac accomplished a great cure. I remain. respect ully. ABDIE P. BLACKMAN." HOOD'S PILLS are hand mate and are perfect im .omposition. proportion and appearance. 3 WHAT CAN CUTICURA Do Everything that is cleansing. purifying and beauti- 'ying for the skin. scalt' and hair of infants and chil- Iren the CUTICUPA REMEDIES will do. The3 peedily cure itchint and burning ecemas cleas4 be scalp of sealy humors. purify the blood. and re tore the hair. They are absolutely pure. agreeabh ind un ailnr. Sold everywhere. "CLEARANCE SALE" OF TEA POT@ AT WILMARTIH & EDMONSTON,.. Abo*t seventy Faney Tea Pots to beclosed out at redu ed lrces. Ab.nt twndnzen dit- fernt style. in Js ane... Enalish Earti.en- ware, Royax Wrcester. Ac., in quaint shapes and fancy de orations. Six 25'. Tea Pots. now 15'. S'ren 40c. Tea Pots. now 23c. Four .0t. Tea P.ts, n w efk. Nine 60. Te: Pots. now 45. Flv 7.'.. Te P ta now 5-. Three K5-. Te, T ot-. now 40'. Fitten S 1.00 Tea Pot.., now 75. Fontr 41.2- rea Pots. now 95c. Fietlilro e"Pots.nowf9lEcX. Two 02. 2-v ea Po)ts. nf,w 4 1.5 o. Two $3. 50 Tea Pots. now 2.75. Is the lots am small delay will court disippol utmeni WILMARTH & EDMONSTON. 1205 PA. AvF.,N. W . ft3 DoP-T --one extensive "taltus'' on ura,. aktna. Fur- trimmed Cos a and Fur forgtw also sell Men's Hate. Umbrellas. Canes and Gymnasium Goodts. *Enex Hasts" are known th word over as er - have all of Knox's Fall and Winter blocks. B. H. STINEMETZ & SON. 1237 PA. AVE. N.W. CABARaT & LEDr. 92BS7th ad 70S KMs. nw. A HANDKERCHIEF TREAT. 300 doses Ladies' Purs Linen Handkerchisb. hae pnrted to sell at 200e. Your choice at 12Me. 100 dosen Men's Pure Linen Hematitched U~miae, hisi. Was 250e. Your choice at liege. 100 dogea Men's Hemtimobs Irish Muli Mand. ter blat.. faney berders. Pie was 25e. Eeur ehes 100 demn Pure Linen Danak Towela. I'sice wes se., to sa 12%ec. mneb. 300 Ha socks or foci reste, mallsiss covered witi nequette and tapestry carpet, at 25c. eseh. Best Impouted Zephyr, Sc. lss Beet Imported Germantown, 10o. bask. Beat Imported Spanish. ISa. bank. Beat Imported Sanmy. 12-. bank. Bismpeti Linen- and Art Goods in great vaiety. We invite your inspieeo of our Nancy China Ware BIhques. Breass. Clocha. be. We usa save ret ~AnEaT & IEIDY. n19 m51 7th and 705 K ste. anw. F~U AM W~tIIH & RBJg1 WWW~ & R88% 905 Pt A1 U. - 8.u.. 8... LIDmain. 1m - bheuwe et he esuns ame eseta wesher et he abeteah aima - athe mm t~m Rac GammDL CA... AV T Ms a e teber. stm, ed. ft Two own of MU bofa" vice. am Pftt of t. ense oset a se.hbU ateaeen o.a tweeaos at Cleveland's Rah., Euder. meg and haia pies tao L 3. bake bmw awd serve het with b me$. OW. eine- Ctas8. B~hku iw.. tite,,o. .rare me.iA . the. A pmg cesam ot btr pew.,. CT~ELANI~s POWDER, th. HaL. One trial proves itmit. CNRI.TMA. WIIL SOOX -BE HnLE To eduee o.ur. st.a of Fr.itue a. mae room for our Noday Good we we offer- ia epecstW tdmasents. Call aM get ow pIsa. before bvyftg alewbaer. rOur tom prices Wil aot adta of a a- count of 20 pr esat. but we claim to be cbeaper than anywhere els In Washingsou. G.o. BRErre"Ta. FURNITUNE AND UPROLSTERY GOO. 515 SEVENT. ST. N. W. .. You DON'T NEED MONE. IT1TRIS PAYING AS YOU GO IS ALL T T WELL ENOUGH IN TEEORY-BUT T T IT DENIES TO A, MAN THE EN- JOYMENTS OF LIFE. IT'S YOUR DUTY TO MAKE TOUR ROME JUST AS COMFORTABLE AND AT. TRACTIVE AS PORSIRLL IF IT TOOK READY MONEY TO DO IT- IT WOULD NEVER BE DONE. YOUR CREDIT IS YOUR BANK ACCOUNT -AND WE ARE YOUR BANKERS. CALL ON US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. YOU CAT BUY A N- 2i13GIN THE ROLSfFURNISHISG LINE RElhE--NVERYTHING-PAYING FOR IT LITTLE AT A TIME. SO MUCH A WEEK OR A MONTH-WHICHEVER ACCOMMO- DATES YOU THE MOST. YOU CAN FIE UP AS FINE-OR AB MODESTLY AS YOU *EE FIT. YOU MAY ONLY WANT TO REFURNISH A SINGLE ROOM-OR PERHAPS YOU ARE JUST GOING TO ROUSEEEEPING-IN EITHiER EVENT YOU ARE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESIRES. UNDER OUR EQUITABLE CREDIT 8YSTEM YOU SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE IN PAYING THE BILL-BUT YOU ENJOY POS ESSION FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE YOUR SE. LECI ION. IN THP OTHER WAY YOU MAY ALWAYS BE WAITING UNTIL YOU.VE GOT THE MONEY. IN OUR WAY CREDIT 18 AS GOOD AS THE CASH TRY OUR PLAN. HoU & H R ANN. FURNITURE. CARPETS. DRAPERIES. STOVES. bc., U19 -s43 7TN.. AX4t.tMMASE. AYE. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOAE. AT ORNISON & IJTREL8 Owing to the tardinere of the contraetor Ia coamplet- Inn the improvensents to owr bulilag we have an overe odh ot Ladle.' and Children'. Wrap. on haS4, ad are now quotias price. which eaur mahe thie the beet timenof all the year to buy a garament. We aee showinir an asbortsaent which we believe to be eatly suited tothe best trade. The garasatb all peaes that intrinsic worth which saed. out arnalait the "caly-mades-to-sen clss as the smuine jewel stad out agsinst the sham. In outside gamentb we dea rehing busies. The reas Is easily seen. The pice.. ame mentiar them and the Gualnty te heaping up the male., LADIE. Wa5.. Fur-telmed or Piata Dagoemal Cloth Heeo. at s4~OS. Worth 67. Loasg Blek Cheviot Beater, at es.75. Worth @10. Extra ILeg Black Diagonal Cloth nester.. with real aasrakha trs==in. at 10. Worth 61a.80. Kersey Cloth Coats, with pearl buttem. at 6i3. Worth 615. CHILDamE.' WRaPS Children's Wrap., at... 4 to 10 yeam', from U.S0 to V10 MIses Wrap., dinael to S yars. Sma bo to US. Domt fail to laipeeteeu teek at Wrap. bagoer mat- ta a ealeol.. JYOEN.ON & LeT.IL .iS-b 71 Ma..t Sa... 10 Paa Cn 0On. SH~USTERTS. TEN PER GENT Oil I0B OASE. * UAVINGI PUNCEASED Lan5arT, IN AN- 1CIPAt90N OF A NEATT IALL. TEAaB. AND 33ALIZrNO TEAT 0U3 STOCE U8 U0?MOYZN£ s BLPEt.T 82 AS ULZW WI 3AR3 STRENEnarsan eens0 a PS? 40rn1 AT A 353B029 O tB emee nuiau.asomsa one .00 ow.......... l.. vara Uraa AND ca@ s se 1Aa own azAu. S.. mons, -mr . ... wasmm A. ensasam eesssemese 4U 1tA a.w. Paasa you Comama mo 7eerew new and asng 0 per cent. my VMr em eteded and "m tabs a habiesmw of aytig -- o mora m, tre. An, prh.a asttt..e aove discount of S par east and be embe- ansd when reqhed. A a= n of La""' DAk, Earaor Cohinets. ving Stnad, Des Cm.en, ChinA ba, famsme U I ICI Chaare Busd and Dasa Chilhe and Usbsut f arietyad almost aasthm y loorek- for in the Puraltte ans. A dio Not for- the splendid lie at Drapsaes, Lae Car- bins, Portieres. e., we are ahowing. To wE Rod my pries lower for the same qmuem tm s"ewhero. TosaS D. SmLutws, u26-tha,mt 411 7th t. mLw. Do ton Get It? I have many asparats pisesf Vurmttare ta sell for each. You have notiesd an- bouneements of " par cent discount on an fPrniture for a few days for csh." Do yom ga it? You emay satisfy yourself on this point y og eto one of these " e cent disoomt- wer for ca ad i rtinghi stock sad ob- laining his prices tha going thro he ame reatime at my estblis*hamt. If I charge you $5 on "tims" pasme ta for a Rocker. say, than the "discounter' oughttosell you its daop- eatefor$4i. Willhedoit? IfyouwantaSlide- board I can eel you oae-no doubt about that. Joan Eupaun, The Aecommodator, it 51 Seventh street northwest. A Good Thing. Half pint of Old Rye in flat bottles for the in- aids pocket, 25. You will need it Friday night in the parade. Get it at Jouxeox's, 987 D ot., Post building. u24-29 Hutehinso, Bros., 1420 Pa. ae.. sols agents tor Carbonite Hesters. n2-th.a,mw4t* You Really Don't Know How much a dollar will buy till you've seen our 81 Underwear. "It is great." FaAxe A Sox, One Pric is Cor. 7th and. Throat Dismeaes commene with a cough, cold or more throat. "Browra BroachiaW uockes" give immediate relief. So nly in bozes. Price, 25c. uS% Rich Pure Milk by the glass at PRODCCEa' Dkamn KiTcuax, 414 9th et. nw. n2t-mitb2u* Bottom Holes Made to Order at the Doxasrro Sawro Naomui Rooms, 7th and H. nlbeol06 Carbonite Heater-No smoke pipe, me ; convenient and economical. lcToRINon , sok agents, IM Pa.ave. namiths,a&wet* A Good Thing. Half pint of Old Rye in Bat bottles for the in- mid. pocket, 25c. You will need it Friday night in the parade. Got it at Jomssox's, 967 D st., Post building. &2-26 We've Got "a Good Thing" In our $1.90 Derby or Alpine Hat-end es went you to know if! The value is 02.50. Faxmc A SoN, One Price, it Car. 7th ead D. Carbonite Fuel and Reaters. H-rourssow Baos., 1426 Pa.ave., soe agents. a2&tha,m^wit* Cutlery in cases. Carving, Table and Pocket Knives; Sciesors and Shars; Manicure Sets and lasers. Name engraved and put asids for Emm. War&omaa's, 477 Ps. ave. Maw. 1t Philipa' Digestible Cocoa is tion in aroma, savor, richness and d 9b2y1 Best Wines and Liquora;low prices.SmLrtoeor's 1,000 Pair of Pants for $1.39 pair. Worth 02.75. At MzcArrAoV'S CwOrmaNo Stoam, 61 D st. n.w., bet 6th and 7thats. n2-3t* All Good-looking People and all who wish to be such go to BrsuoP's STUDIO, 905 Pa. Lve. I.W. n2S-3t* Notice. During the special 20 per cent Discount Rale mow going on, and which I have determined to extend until December 1, no Goods will be sharged. Terms cash. and one price to AIl. Tuoxas D. rINe1LZrOX, z22-tu,th,ast 415 7th at. n.. The Standard Sewing Machines are the beet. Better ee it before buying any other. Lt the standard Sewing Machine Itoomas, 427 ithat. ntw. Joe. H. Faun, n22-tu,thestf The Old Reliable. The Ladies pronounce the Imperial Pinned Paper Patterns the best-fitting pattern made. Don't fail to see them at the Standard Sowing kachine Parlors, 427 9th mt. nw. Joe. H. FVsms, n22-tu,th&stf The Old Relable. 850 More of Those Fine 02.50 Saxony Wool German Rand-Knit Jackets. selling 6o rapidly at 61.49, at Ausnaca's, 7th and H. Domestic Sewing Machines and Pattern Booms. oct25-ood24t $20 Overcoats, 68.60. MrcuAXrsox'SCorm- mo Stons, 641 D st. n.w., bet. 6th and 7th OIe. n28-St* Doncherknow that nothing wil kill the ef- rects of a smile more thoroughly or pleassatly ana piece of White's Yuctan Gum. an214 Frane's $1 Underwear [s great value! n21-64 Paae & Som, cor. 7th and D. . Hener. 7076t st. mw.. is makling a qpe- iyn Indis' and ChlIdrn'A Hair Cating and 'hmon;_also cures Dandraf. so7-ar waixir Babek cures all ainlartel dis t0e. Royal Henada Powders. geasa-h= oured "whuls you wait." Dr~aggs. ani None Name It But To Praise. Wheeler & Wlbois's New High Arm N., f, A marvel of lightnss ad swiftness. js27 O0es.487 Sth ma. w. NEW PUBLICATIONS. I'E czNruar DXC rroMAar 15 puhrg 5n t Ib ojum 3 b w~ie vness cer'nr ema N se. aIS-Im W~g. B~r.7=Ta W. H. Hon. Ea.T. AmD PA. Ava, QUOTE, The imn. et TLVET Oani'ETS whieey ~erae1 astweek at SB CETs mee aS ulami oat eucaptm 6 shens The we --a-stlm th smm -ee iumiser esa'a. It h= m..'mthsereasw a seed -ta whan m mOsse. This week we WANT TO TALK gmhrmatea TO YOU, bat nit T3aOUEs TUB NISNaraG.s We wst seute C00 AND SB US, We havses is o se that CiEIN OUT AL.L CouPrhTIgoK. nd3 asm Wel YOU AN 13D4E U.t h b asea esls sawseme aemasa~s To MUST SBE TUE O000S.- aamme T~tU U OUB im&B, MB -UT WEE W.IL.H.... an~a M SE A3 NE ATE, - w . . W. . ....nDAUC. mesa sshat sassa s ai ~as-e ANemnneTL T. e J!" rd . ln' a 03S-me ............................... .. e a CARNIVAL, ~ sse~a A"F". . *or^w? w.-. ..t VANCY ARTICLES FOR SAL wil he tb. t 0 .61 55 (.* Natoal 8,aisag 6::P= ban 09~e the NadbaE - OM New adwif.o 230 ovs, ancor AI.AUGM' GRAND OE'LA HouS' EVERT ETENING AND sATUraDA MATIEE. M3. IA D L AN pVU) RICHAND MANSrIELD RICHARtD MAN flELI) RICHARo MANS 123 AND Rid STOCK COMPANY. THIN (TBURIDAYI LVEN.VG. Lma tim.e o THE RCAEL&ET LETTER. Friay hEAU BR7MMELI. Saturtwg Matinee BEAU ntRMMELL. iattday Evecing DR. JEKI LL AND M. ETDE. ~iet wek- TD P'TD,.AL FATHER" N=7 i mn ma2o.a ALBAGE'SGRAND OPERA NOVAE. COmencia Me% DAY. NoLeenber I, C. B. JEFFTROON. KLAW AND ERLAOgER. Manase" of the COX-ITRY CRCts a" TuE OU- D AN. wUl twesent theft REILLIANT .COMF.DY COMPANY In their tiunphast an4 intensely funay sely TH I P & FATHER. TROIJIOAL FrIM. TE PIk'DIGAL FAIRE. . a t . great coo are Cecri K tome. p. Iny. Welevi heu Marpruerde Froia Goan, Gooton. Little In"m Pokla Walter Pwetwh. ATO dW ON SALE. a'J- CADENT- All'I7:0 Week. Mi TATINEE SATUmYa. NEIL 91717'96 COUNTY FAIR. ZLL a FAt NEIL MtBGRI' 00 FAIR HE CUOUNN FAI. XrIL BrGaC. 0N AIR. IIt iraOR4% C"IENTY FAIR. Itt '.-FSi COUXTT FAI. NEIL BURGEW' COUNTY FAIR. 1 1 OBOOERED RACE #pEt aU Bi REF-POURTNG CTINUOS yEW OF TR %aAUDLSNCZ. Nor. S-surry Lacy ta 'The Pleater's WIts.* sctab now on gals. _ _ -__ NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. EW NATIONAL TREATRE. 011K WYSI. OPTNIG MONDAY. I DNE WEEK, OPENING y'ONDAYNI Matinee Satorday. Maun" Saurday. JOSEPH JEFERKO0 JObEPs JEFFER""N JoCEP11 JG;=F MuN JORTPH J1PFA3O JOULP JEFFERMON IN IN TAX WTNKL3.X* I VAN WINKLE. . P VAN WINKLE. Nov. 24-A. M. Paimso;atock Co. Aabama. sam sow oan sale- Is- KENAN' LYCEUM TREATEm. KRRNAN 14aPersyvaniaaad. 11te. THIS WEEK-MATINEE SATURDAY. MART'S BO0'I0N NOVELTE COMPANY. TmE BARU TROUPS. Muicalkelebties. NontWeek-Reilly & Wood's Bic Sbew. Tf-4f 'Tbuyhave so comapetiteanad thy am have no secoome"-14trstt Few Jem IqTERkOTT XURIC MALL. WEDNESDAT ETENING. NO. 6M, The Oriuteal company of U U p II J U U BB 1: 1301 Un U If LIAL E E SINGERS rinc P1i%% Ualvers t. Nashtvile. Teal. Mrs. J-sate Jsckom De eart. nogeau; Mes tars A. Wells. apea, Mks. Marb.D. Dell. ails; Maar icr Connor ito Mr. (ries W. Fate Mr. Gecree - arrett teor; Mr. J. O.midwen. basso wad M -. Charles Johnston. baLo. The WId. Plaintive and Chw-ristae MelodiS ot the South. 'Thesssges s-ou di slel o to she bewLt They . th oiguh and Z.= one. -Emperor of emary. ' ave .on..ta. ,,,=t .iwnael I never boaut anythin like It. '-Gledelove. -Ths mtoeto asbsove cyttiulain. tr it caftnet t* elsead with ma- ther. Its si.taly the bosat beat- ig ot lout."-MM DO. I "'a. D mle at ruta mste am mLo.e Tme- ay. Noveeber 21. A? 9a. .21-9* ONGREGIATIONAL CHUBC1. BISCHOFF CONCERTS. BISCuOFF CONCERTS. .............. .... 1sen Tickets... ................ S al-w NowosualetEllel&Co.'s. Mrs.P. U L I nd . F.Dea Weak C amesren MONDAY. NOEMBER 21. SPECIAL MATINEE THANKSGIVING. TlES- DAY. NOVEMBER U. DOEE DAVIDS0N AND Mile RAMIE AUSTIN In DANGERS OF A GREAT CITY. Nest wsk"Falrias' Wel." almaS rEUDSDAY (TUANESBITfING). woTEvmE 24, M.*aOts . Rm.t ...s MIsS iN --FuETs AND MAT3OMS.- --A esseert er a --n.P~am.t......assasr.u..--rehs. ale4-25 Tbmese Mets.t O Taa 'MUSaCIANS, EMMA JL'r .- a um II - tpsenel. 'aNsr ia ANTON.EIL Ia en Maae flcruiIOxs. &mL SOWN AND TOWS 43 Waingve. 3WV OPOILVSAhS. U.. 40 Taxs Dghrey UOUS - s -we rtSmm-tum eum a. 4m PARK ~1W TiN. UL; (UDUSEO. na aw~be WOm - a-L M mevr ablwrLZ Im "Ia"ft --0 ". ;& tu 6&.g M caOn fot* ' ozdi m. Oakt ~~ gg s aeMuin 100'alow t. see, losed , Sipwo (~minatU alas2e0eQaIL. i ASSI M jE tt itsmim ue s .zalegs~p lhsc heT~U *a Amaf lzln RIOT1 ash Ci'!msiu cr ak rame N"t in a e s ofULOson. ase f sewe rk"" On "msuww i... worlid bows. atura'r. soms wfamt twom O see widgespmrd vortau. of NMel no Flal,h. Ibwu Nftw. IV-s & b u. Wbwd twery PS... *35.49.i the tum .4 pvSW We, s.4 tbsm at vr iw pwame ms onl o foror. MAXIDERB & STAWUAN. POINs ftgw. Oft 3 FIKA D SCIAMS*1~E1~ STIE FF: VNxNorALMD INJ~wmsm Ak - tA ISws DENTIST. U.~m U WCO. U OW g.m Ta" MLa.0 017 9 7-..W- Item otg mi'mry E uobim rd wdhoubst SOWS now IuE w. E -~~= uu.s eveS. IrfhusL . so weemn wow a mw at -A "Maf OW WON= o bsst Weft =4*Me9. s visag w all ma ws wu mass mo msa aevlmh m

Transcript of The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1892-11-24 [p...

IOCAL MENTIORIna Ww..i Mo a I. Pamir.

Eo Oetof Obo, Marymed

s.m. 5U aI tide.0011aLN23 ll8:3awamR:AT~ m

OmP.S 3ms Ratelbs euhe."

PaSAu & ams, O0e Price,Ce. 7th ad D.

m hea. themite Bets adths its, imtooy aVe.

MMesa m Owe so Cawa in the 4y gotod36 nL aLw.

Ramumss ame.ureral tie. Champagne.0149sga. C . lawaa. S9 7th v Orasmd Tourists' 0- . Temple. Fet

Oga 01 CaURL'o Bats.Waftwsr. it great"F=asc & SoW. One Prce.

Cor. 7th and D.Cas am aavaa.the most perfect beatt

owbol Team*. sleeping room, a. Hrmcur-0 De ess.agoOeats. 1420 Penasylvania ava.

IF Te PE r teeth troubling vou tryM 1

. Minot' Dentifrice, the beetteeth w end mouth tome known. 25o.

Came Chmasus b the Euras CaursrVWme 4 Man. ae. a. w.. are made moth-mew18f eberg. Telephone 43&-.

3M, AINUVa, a fresh car load Manltou Foodem bM Water; also Oanger Champagne.

Omaua- KaA Ua. MS 7th ELw.

G. I. Osar. Printer. 39 Pennsvlvanta ae.asw. PImpt.' Reliable' Prices reaisenble.

PinM's Icv Caszk. -Order a quart fortomoees emner. Fussell a care. Every,oifIs Msam. 1427 New York are.


Asmason'. Orma orer.--Richard Mane-so" It "The Scarlet IUtter."NOW NATAWPAL TaEATLn-JON. Jeferson in

"ap Is Winkle."Asam ose Mausc.--Neil Burg..' "County

Whkr."RasUR' kioo Taraen.-"Dangere of a

Orm Cite."Kaxan'PsuLrecr TaxirRa.-Bart's BetmeehTy Cospany.'la BarrtLE e Ginveasun.- 15th etreet and

Obie eveafte.

MMMaOrr Bar... --Mi. Jennie O'Neoi Pt-ter s her mosologwe "Flirt- ad Matroa."Forma Cavacs. -Sanday school concert

with Prof. John I. Sweeny.


A Seafrw of he Yere hwe saony Casesror Tusahfeulass.

"Our churehes in the District," aid a prom-Ineset member of the Methodist Episcopal( betreh to a STan reporter today, "have greatcau" tobethankal more than is usualen snch ane-iion. The nivenrity project*. sad Bimhop Hurst haa matters in goodshape. The Home for the Aged is in good con-dides. and the prospect iv that it willeoo havea respectable endowment fund, ,5.0 or whichwas contribte rby one friend not long ince.The deaonesees' work is -ros.pering. and thechurch is rapidly coating to recugnuie the use-feiness of the branch here. The best of all isThat the chech is spiritually in -good condition,and there is -carcelv a chnrch in the District nra cirait of Washington distric: w here therehas been no revivalp. anI in a number revivalasetangs are sow in progre-.. ThP- pirit ofbuild-hag is in the membership. Ch'urches at Gaithere-bawg and Perkkrille have been erected duringthe year and Asceostia laws the corner stone fora sw ediSoe today. Wesley has purchased apersaes on 3d street. The Tenlevtown con-aweiadou. of whica Iev. E. U. smith is pastor,

aSetta, around for a site on which to erect anew church.for ta congregations have improvedwenIderflUy as well as the membership, andbaeremas aocommaodatione are a necessity.Twelfth $tret is working harmonionsly underthe roastrship of C. L. Pate. The inasuhech estaed there have all been healed. Heha VIl congregations and the Snancee are Ineaeeilest condition. I think that the DistrictMehodist have much to be thankful for."**Thakful are we." mad a Methodist Protest-

ant misteter. -for many things. Our churchesare all propes'ing. One of the youngest, North'arInha Avenue. of which Rev. Dr. David Wil-OsM is the pastor. had such a hopeful outlookthe masnures have been taken for the erectionet a now church edifce. which will cost lS,40.Ihe Ceoretown church has added a new

' Iorgan anl piano. The Central (Rev.Murray prease to have a pipe organ, and hasp'ospects of ,oo disposing of the property ont1hstreet between E and r streets. and willthen seet a lie church edifce at 12th and Mstree northwest. fpiritually the churches arein god canditio. and in a aumber there havebeen good revival meetings, a a one beiNow in propes as the Navy Yard church

n t orgetowa church."

IN TUE FPeCOFA. CUTUCE.Refsee at the Year Over Whieh Memabers

Reje. Tday.The Epireopal C'hureh in thee District of

Colnambie -an taiy look hack aporn theprugress of the church within the last yearwith ne little degree of thankflneess, maid aaseekber of that chureh to a Sran reporter.The record of growth kms bee. a Battering one,anda e exsionla of the faith will undoubtedlykeep pace with ay other denomsination.The ehareh can today rejoice in the fact that

is itand. in the front rank with all other dle-seminatieas as far ai aumerical strength is

eencerned, andl it certain]y ia not behind any1o'-.kses irn ata social position. L~ooking over itsheali dema today the church Sude everypart-h Sc'arihng, each rejoicing in a corn-itently Increassng list of communicanita. Itaees a nmsber of tmsorn chapela carrying theused work into humble quarter. and recessingyigeacoaragensent for its efforts. ItIaan rpksage wiltha comiortable endow-mentad other charitable institutioni in athrirmg state.The contributioas of the people, which haee

been made is rease to the verson appeals ofer generamaty. the anreat indicator of a livelyeeetire of the church a work and interestasaDu the yeara new rish hastbeenisdded to the tta church~ebeen erectedan Ancosti and the Anacoatia perish, now the1Mat. gires tk promise of rigorous growth.?tearaaa~niare now under way for the estalb.ishmeat oft two smere parishes in the District.Cmeof them will be is le Droit Park, whereeCre is a goed Sold fur the work. A euitablee.eas be built at a early day ad a rectortotened. Another un perish is to be ra-Bad at Tlhomna Park. 1%is action wasdeid

aeo later thac hat T=.eed, and the carry-~inte eseet et the plan winf be pre..dmatece. Taking everything unto eesid-a the Epihrepliams think that, as a do-

nemiation, they harea great deal to be thank-M~sr tis year.

FE3aBYTRNe TEANEFEV.N~gg.eabust ae the these6hakm seat

Omme uS"ahe year," emi4 Dew. Dr. Eatlett to a

3ma eperter, "has bee, mne ot great pues.-3mW teis Preksbeis Chaeh tn em itskmsebe les week has bees wilimia mst amBaphase ot amifsbs bees aiaged.Eb m. -ms whine the washer. haes kme so-Moo these has bees a mlm-i thar-

hebt -=.8 -pkn tese khabemMaan The destrinal difmemm widthkmae e mae ismeem a a nay of

40 ens M of the ceek, amd in ne par-%dm kmte enmm pregram oet4 ehmeekms intaene The Peasbytii Chaehwaatsbesm as me embee weee immsath*Wes te semi esatm with

su tase r way~a ehie a ite a Nei e enet. TheI'm amteem.

Mm kmIhhas(the er es t e oeaf5ah -seSWehes meb eAiie eesfamme am.o e 3m

Mameesse sa5a1,eme lbmsthaes h~m has -ases... selmto __~imss-% hmmmse te -sba Uy

YUAMUI113 13 "13 P003.

mibmism of Fed 1ade by One Combsellinfte Mseee.

2U Ceatusl.Ue. Miesi ha been a buyplaee for the past three days while the Thanks-glvotributiouoffootetepeerbe beminprograma The distributiom is regarded as messueceesful this year than ever before. The mis-een is probably the best eguipped 1i1t1il ltthe eity for such an enterprise. It has brabessin all meetios of the city, with superiatedmisuaand eemmttee connected with each beanchwhe vl the boses of the peer and beessesaequame with the fmtuis daring theYoar. By this means Oey we able to odiamthe meet needy and warthy imon madee that they are supplied with the essenmi et

a Theasmgliug dimmer. In addi-M-1the--e thus furnished the w orferso a thechrhebas give the beedt of thesi obeeeand furMish the names of the poor withwhose they are equanted.

mr'raan -SID&Ss a

The mission gave out la ito suportemdeatsad comiotteves 1,0I blanks ealing for thename and location of the imly, the umberof adults, the number of chbldren and the eam-ber of nick, If any, in each family.Thb blank ae e~ed for infermatlomas to the cireamstanesa and specialneeds of the .miea. Them reports were ear-tafed as correct and signed by the worker whorecommended them. Doubtful easea ofGoms whose names were sent in were bya special t, who reported the infermationreceived.


thisanam the emes of Imposturewere redneed to a .aminiss. It is believedthat amore theaMS people have eaged in thepreliminary werk of h distribution ha eol-eeting namses, investigating esass and coue$-ing donatioo.

The general committee for this Thnbksgivingdinner in very large. Mrs. George W. Havswas chairman, Mr. A. L. Swartwot, sicreary.and Mrs. E. D. Bailey, treasurer of the generalcommaittee.The work of selecting flameill from the to-

=art was inehergeof Mrs. Bailey and Mrs.Ge W. Wheeler. amisted by a committeeof women from the difgerent sections of thecity. The punhasig comnittee consisted ofMenre. W. C. Tyler, A. L Swartwot, N. A.Robbine and E. D. Bailey. The members of theboard of directors and their wives had chargeof the distribution. Mr. George W. Wheelerand Mr. W. C. McMichael bad charge of thetransportation.

TUR nAmUrTg OF ggLTUgL.The supplies were sent out in boskets, a

basket for each fimily. The regulation supplyfar eaneh family cosprised one pound sugar,half = coffee, quarter pound tea, one

q ty, half peck potatoes, quarter peckapples, one pound butter. two loaves bread, oneand a half pint beam one pie and one or twochions. For large famibes a piece of meantwas added. For the sich ovaugeanan*e, cocoand other denccies were The supplieswere all purchased at wholesale prices, esceptsuch as were donated, of which there was agreat quantity. Some turheys were donstedand sent to the larger families.The distribution was commenced yesterday

and oom ted thie forenooa. tam wagos wereemploy and4W famile were provided for.


A Biasing Pile of Msitresse Causes a Utam-pede to a Seaming Menee.

A femba figure clad in white rashed throughthe hallways of Mrs. A. P. Kretchmear's board-ing hos. 8M E street, this morning shortlyafter 10 o'clock crying Are. A few minuteslater an alarn was sounded and the Are depart-meat wa soon on the scene. It was found thatthe Are was located in a rear attic room, whereextra mattresses used during the encampmentwere stored. There were fully a hundred ofthem, and when the Are department arrived theroom was a mass of seething fsames. Enginecompany No. 2 was the first on the scere.closely followed by No. 6, truck C and vschemical engine. Foremen Maddox, Sullivan,Leuman and Itreen fought their way into theburning room, and for an hour at least therewas a battle royal. The smoke was dense andsickening from the fumes of the burningfeathers, yet they kept up the ight. Chie'Parrs and Assistant Chief Lowe on their ar-rival directed the attack. The chemical enginedid good service, and the feather bedd andmattresses were treated to a bath of chemicals.and latter thrown out on the street. The dam-age will reach about 0150, covered by insur-ance.Before the Are engines arrived there was a

ludicrous sight inside the burning house.George R. Bennan and S. J. Curtis of theCounty Fair Company were stopping at thehouse. When the cry of Are was raised theyran up to the burning room and with the as-sistance of other boarders organized an emer-gency Are brigade. Every piece of crockery inthe house capable of holding a quart of waterwas pressed into servie, and the line reachedto the bath room. When Chief Parris arrivedhe viewed the supply of crocker and smiledgrinly as he ordered on the arst stream ofwater.

CMARACTZ AND IMMIGRATION.Tepes Whtih Rev. Mr. Murray Spoke ot in

Nis Thanksiving sermen.At the Central Methodist Protestant Church,

19h and N streets northwest, which was finelydecorated, Rev. . I. Murray, the pastor,preached today on "National Character andImmigration." After drawing a parallel be-tween Abraham and the first Immigrants tothis country, noting the causes of immigration,ho spebe of this country being the asylum forthe oppressed-not like other countries, keep-ing these out, but welcomsing them. Ir. theIearly part of the century the clams of Immai-granis were, msa rule, of the best material andmade geod citizena, but, he said, the result ofour laws has been that the lower order of menhave come here to compete with our labor,men who have nothing in commaon with thecountry and do not become citizens. Theyshould heave their old-world ideas behind theme.lie urged that the fet should ho- oonsideredand some remedy applied.At 2 o'clock the Jnnior Society of the King's

Daughters gave a Thanksgiving dinner in thebasemeut to the children of a hundrad fami-lies who had no turkey at home.


Re Newer Theught .t lMarrytng Miss cernTan TaseL.

Mr. Charles W. Stater, the eon of Mr. JohnG. SIster of this city, who was alleged ha apre dispatch yesterday to have been maarriedto Mise Core Van Tassel, a young actress wsoPlayed an engagement at the Lyenm Thaterhere last week, today maade a emphatic denialof the story. Young Mr. BIster stated to a Suareporter that he met the young lady on thenight of the late election. "I wee Introduced toMiss Va Tassel," explineda Mr. Ulater, "at thetheater by Mr. Miles, the amanager of the com-pay. I ealled upon herseveral timess and foundthe yma lady very agreeable and entertain-ing, br't I naver had the slightest hnte,-tion of forigany matrimonial am"isn* withMiss VanTase.I did not take her to supper,and Iam ear, that neither had any intentio, of

formingamor thn apleasant acguaintance-shipI m a a oseto understand how the

story oinaunlss, as has been aesdbyfrdy t was done for advetsigpur-poss, and even then I netMiss Van tsaof eounectlon with seheme. Is hasbeth ae and my flamily has ver an-

pestpeiltien, a I deesr e ma asemphatle a dealal 0t it as pensibly a.

Theahaewig Dy in the OmmeleCsheee.The Ceshsts abeese eheerved Th ,.te

tag day. but not we amy s sed eseemme..They de net esmeier the day es et sens -haeedmy spislimt impert. Thae ys ey-ma is a taheaing aml thy heldmme

~~n oesihsd ma newdb

-- - * n ess--- .a- m sOsa 0f to meet degeh sie and heleb

mdem es tsesatmewes--ol Ymiheewaeeee he esemtin.X hi.

- barn.swiGat -.


OM Pbes Ch0 Me Thmat 2Tht 600-tses Was spenaded.

1m ]NOr, ae.e.. man who Aeebe-so 6 lA evening. Md bad a bt her knifein his peeket, wae the are prisoner to appearbefore JugeMm thi. morning. cne.aedweepmes wa the charge against him, and hePaded not gulky."I didn'to.l the kff.,- he mid. -I boght

it ata ame on * road."

''Rs ad.'"Whare ares you fromr'"I eam from baltimor," answered the

priser, "and bought the knife on the road ata country 1tre.-

"Did oucme ever on a train?""Iever and than got oa the train."

"At what elation did yoS gtan the troan'"Greemboro'," he answered.The's mo such piece n the railroad," in-

loempted P.11omm.i Brady."I think you get the afe from a countryse.s," said the judq& "I think you saw the

katie and did not me popieter. What 4d.aS wat with such a kal"I feow the water," answered the prisoner,"and thought I would come here and go in the

"Glymosa, Charles enty, Md.""And I gues you navigate the wates of

Smith's ereewt"Judge Killer said be thought the knife wa

staile, but there was no direct proof of thatfact. Sentence wa maded In the ce andthe prisoner wa. eIn another cae of concealed weapos Howard

Berndon, a colored boy, was defen t. SeialOfcer Miles arrested the boy. Howhadbeen arrested on a charge of being too familiarwith a lady's pocket book in the Center marketand was releed, the officer warning him that

aber k wy from the mrkot hedid Not keep away, and whH found shereanother time and the officer reminded him of thewarning that had been given him he drew a

pistol, pointed it at the officer and then ran

aw boy's previous character was discussedand the judge gave him ninety days.


Ruth Ledge of the Rabekab Degree Enter-talen the Grand Ofeers.

Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 2. was vti-ited by the officers of the Grand Lodge of theIndependent Order of Odd Fellows at theirplace of meeting in the 7th street hall, north-west. lat evening. Having been formally in-troduced. the grand master, Mr. Crawshaw, an-nounced that the object of their presence wasto pay the lodge not only an official, but also afraternal visit. The noble grand, Sister Harlan,responded, and in behalf of her colleagues ex-tended to the visitors a cordial welcome. Theexemplification of this branch of the order wasthen proceeded with and it was rendered in a

very satisfactory manner. The reports of.Grand Secretary Hunt showed that the booksand accounts are kept In a systematic mannerand that the finances are In a healthy condition.The strictly official portion of the program hav-Ing bee. completed the fraternal and socialfeature followed, during which interesting re-marks were made by Sisters Kessler, Harlan,Royce and Pierson and Brothers Keck, Piersonsad Sparo of Ruth Lodge, Past Grand Rose ofIndiana. Sisters Frases of New York Matthewsand Allan of Naomi Lodge, No. 1, Cornwell ofMartha Washington Lodge, No. 3, Grand Hep-reoentatives Allan and Stier, Grand ecretarvgunt. Grand Marshal Sorrell, Grand WardenNead and Grand Master Crawshaw. The visita-tion was one of marked interest and cannotfail to be productive of good results. At theconclusion of the exercises and just as theGrand Lodge ofcers were about taking theirdeparthre from the lodge room each one wasIpreen ted with a bandsome bouquet as a tokenof respect from the lodge. These souvenirs4t the eventful occasion were accepted in briefand pertinent remarks by the recipient. Thislodge has concluded to change its regularplace of meeting and will meet on the secondand fourth Wednesdays of each month as nusali its new home, the beautiful lodge room ofUnion Lodge, No. 11. situate in the NationalCapital Bank building. 314 and 316 Pennsylva-nia avenue soutbeast. The change of habitatis generally conceded to be a good one andopens up for it a still more auspicious future.The visitation scheduled to take place on

Tzeieday evening next at Golden Rule Lodge,No. 21, has been postponed until December 13on account of the Grand Lodge officers goingwith Federal City Lodge No. 20. to Baltimoreon that evening to visit independence Lodge,No. 77. Canton Potomac of the PatriarchsMilitant will act as the escort. The only visit&-tion next week will be to FAstern Lodge. No. 7.on Friday evening, in the 7th street northwestL O.. F. Hall.


CITY cotCIL MIETrno.The attendance at the meeting of the city

council last night was barely more than a

quorum, and as two-thirds is needed for thecompletion of any new business of importanceno new matter could be carried through. Theordinance reducing the price of gas. previouslyintroduced, was adopted. The school boardnotified the council that the terms of offlesof Massrs. Altcheson. Harrison, Chapman andSmith were expired. It was agreed topostpone the election on the understandingthat these trustees continue in office until theirsuceemmer. shall be appointed. A communica-tion of the mayor on the eubject of the pay-ament of the hill of Mr. W. P. Grave. for pro-visions, Ac., furnished the smallpox echoonerStrann lest sumamer, and also In reference toAre eepowas referred, and the applicationsof Dr. Joeh L. tenterd for the positln ofphysician ofthe poor and to fill a vacancy, andof James Hepburn to be appointed janitor ofthe mnarket buiding, vice Nightengill, deceased,were ordered to be Dlaoed on file. The nextmseeting of the board will take place on themse-cnd Tuseday 1n December.

TRAN~sGIVIG DAT.Alendria apparently gave much more

thk on last Tueeday night than it did today,notwithstanding that most of the churches wereopen and had fair congregations. The St. Mary'. Church and Christ Church, theLutheran Church and the union meeting at theM. E. Church South took place this morning.Thoe at Grace P. E. Church and Trinity M.Church will take place tonight. The schoolswere all closed, as was the corn exchange andthe banks and the poet offie, and the telephoneomoeehjs Sunday hours. Mlany Aleandrlnavisitaed and tere was some social

ivaa ecarse inopoana.The etate law relative to fire escapee, to

whieh Mayor Straus ecalled the attention of thecity council lest night. requires all factories,assembly hells. Ae., more than three stories inheight to be provided with fire eeeapee. Thelaw he. never been enforced here, and manyctitze think it is not needed and is likely torequire aselsess expenditres on the part of per-~s who eay come to establish manufactories.The ouly building now in town which has a fireescape is the old eotton factory on Washingtonstreet, whisk kaeen disued for piany years.

Ajesandria will he largely repreenated inWashington at the demsocratic procession nextFriday evening.Thee ordinance whieh passed the city

esB. naght redness the prie of ga.from 01.0 per 1,AW feet to f1.L0 per 1,000 feet.but it snake. the dicount for prompt paymentosly Spar eaes Instead of 10 per cast, as here.tofoe.The meet reemt smiee et real estat have been

two houss with samal . S neestreet, op.peaite the esort house, for 01,06, and a houseand lae. Celbuhe seet near Fumukhl. forMg!S, me that te tim of eaep reelestab in Al-esandeiahas net yet gaat

Ma, K. 3. EmxTneg. 3.W..

caanmu i 1altetasbe e bo

m 9ne aat W-E At A @Ma RE-.m bmen

TM LUTERUANS Ex 'WASUINWeA Teis Vasgss hee Wef saabisem a

the Dessematem love Theshe Sed2% .

Members of the Lthemw hu ha a WAhag, speak gratefily of what the yewr hyieledto them.During the year a new Lutheran chunh, t

loner Memorial Church, a missionet thMemorial Lutheran Churh, 14th atestmVermout avenne, h.s been estbliebed at9and Maryland avenue northeast, and Thanshgiving day Wervice were eondueted thern 6e4by nev. C. H. Butler. pastor. As the chuteisnot entirely completed services were held iTthe chapel.The Lathern Church year elosed in Ostebe

inrtand=taw r weas very grafythe t~rit. The matter at

reaing the greatest attention in Lutheran oirels at p t is the question of the removal othe Lutheran Seminary from Gettysburg, Pato this city. Several very desirable sites berheve been efered. and it is probable that thbmatter will be fnally decided in a few monthsand decided in favor of the removal of thiseminary to Washington. There is some oppoition, however, to its removal from Gottytburg, and at the recent Lutheran convem iene of the del tes, a reverend doctor of phil

oso objected because, as he emp rned. nal capital would in tie bremoved from Washington to Gettysburg an<Washington would remain but the 'gateway 0Gettysburg.

0O3o03 owN.

AnMIaTn VoR BIGAMY.Wi. Thomas was yesterday brought to Ow

seventh precinct by Officer Essley and tokedap on a charge of having two wives at the samime. The alleged bigamist was found at hihome in Tenlertown, where he was living wit)the first Mrs. 'Aomas, the second having beeleft in Charles county, Md.,where she frat metloved and thought she legally married the prisDoer. Wife No. 2 was the cause of the arrestshe having sworn outa warrant against the maIwho deceived her.

NOT11.A fire In the outhouse In the rear of Al

brecht's cigar storo, 3119 H street, called onlthe engine yesterday aternoon about 4:Mm'clock, but the flames were soon extinguishedThe fox hunters, eighteen in number, lefiyesterday afternoon for Marlboro'. their ekfor sport, word having been received first fromthe advance guard that all necessary arrangements for their accommodation had been made




Bead the following from a rrateful mother. "MKlittle boy had scarlet fever when four years old. and Illeft hin very weak and with blood POISONED wit'ANREM. His eye became so inflamed that himuferinrs were intense, and for seven weeks he


I took him twice durine that time to the Eye and EALIArmary on Charles street. but their remedies (%i"eo do himn the faintest shadow of aood. I cornuencedrivinr him Hood's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him,[have never doubted that It EAVED RISStOUT.oven IF NOT HIS VRY LIFE. You may use thisiestimonial in any way you choose. The above statsment is THE TRUTH. THE WHOLE TRU't f. ANENOTHING BUrTHE TRUTH. And I can addthalmy testiuony was entirely voluntary and NO'lBOUGHT AND PAID FOR. nora small fact polishedI and enlared. And the case of my boy Is not the>nly one that I know uf where


Rac accomplished a great cure. I remain. respectully. ABDIE P. BLACKMAN."

HOOD'S PILLS are hand mate and are perfect im.omposition. proportion and appearance. 3

WHAT CAN CUTICURA DoEverything that is cleansing. purifying and beauti-

'ying for the skin. scalt' and hair of infants and chil-Iren the CUTICUPA REMEDIES will do. The3peedily cure itchint and burning ecemas cleas4be scalp of sealy humors. purify the blood. and retore the hair. They are absolutely pure. agreeabhind un ailnr. Sold everywhere.


Abo*t seventy Faney Tea Pots to beclosedout at redu ed lrces. Ab.nt twndnzen dit-fernt style. in Js ane... Enalish Earti.en-ware, Royax Wrcester. Ac., in quaintshapes and fancy de orations.

Six 25'. Tea Pots. now 15'.S'ren 40c. Tea Pots. now 23c.Four .0t. Tea P.ts, n w efk.Nine 60. Te: Pots. now 45.Flv 7.'.. Te P ta now 5-.Three K5 -. Te, T ot-. now 40'.Fitten S 1.00 Tea Pot.., now 75.Fontr 41.2- rea Pots. now 95c.Fietlilro e"Pots.nowf9lEcX.Two02.2-v ea Po)ts. nf,w 4 1.5 o.Two $3. 50 Tea Pots. now 2.75.

Is the lots am small delay will court disippol utmeniWILMARTH & EDMONSTON.1205 PA. AvF.,N. W . ft3


--one extensive "taltus''on ura,. aktna. Fur-trimmed Cos a and Furforgtw also sell Men'sHate. Umbrellas. Canesand Gymnasium Goodts.*Enex Hasts" are knownth word over as er -

have all of Knox's Falland Winter blocks.


CABARaT & LEDr.92BS7th ad 70S KMs. nw.


300 doses Ladies' Purs Linen Handkerchisb. haepnrted to sell at 200e. Your choice at 12Me.100 dosen Men's Pure Linen Hematitched U~miae,hisi. Was 250e. Your choice at liege.

100 dogea Men's Hemtimobs Irish Muli Mand.ter blat.. faney berders. Pie was 25e. Eeur ehes100 demn Pure Linen Danak Towela. I'sice wes

se., to sa 12%ec. mneb.300 Ha socks or foci reste, mallsiss covered witinequette and tapestry carpet, at 25c. eseh.Best Impouted Zephyr, Sc. lssBeet Imported Germantown, 10o. bask.Beat Imported Spanish. ISa. bank.Beat Imported Sanmy. 12-. bank.Bismpeti Linen- and Art Goods in great vaiety.We invite your inspieeo of our Nancy China Ware

BIhques. Breass. Clocha. be. We usa save ret

~AnEaT & IEIDY.n19 m51 7th and 705 K ste. anw.


WWW~ & R88% 905 Pt A1

U. - 8.u.. 8...

LIDmain. 1m -

bheuwe et he esuns ameeseta wesher et he abeteahaima -athe mm t~m

Rac GammDL CA...AV

TMs ae teber. stm, ed.ftTwo own of MU bofa" vice. am Pftt of

t. ense oset ase.hbU ateaeeno.a tweeaos at Cleveland's Rah.,Euder. megandhaia piestao L 3.bake bmw awd serve het with b me$.OW. eine- Ctas8. B~hku iw.. tite,,o..rareme.iA .the.

A pmg cesam ot btr pew.,.


POWDER, th. HaL.

One trial proves itmit.



To eduee o.ur. st.a of Fr.itue a.

mae room for our Noday Good we we offer-

ia epecstW tdmasents. Call aM get ow

pIsa. before bvyftg alewbaer.

rOur tom prices Wil aot adta of a a-

count of 20 pr esat. but we claim to be

cbeaper than anywhere els In Washingsou.












STOVES. bc.,U19 -s43 7TN.. AX4t.tMMASE. AYE.


ORNISON & IJTREL8Owing to the tardinere of the contraetor Ia coamplet-

Inn the improvensents to owr bulilag we have anovere odh ot Ladle.' and Children'. Wrap. on haS4,ad are now quotias price. which eaur mahe thiethe beet timenof all the year to buy a garament. We aeeshowinir an asbortsaent which we believe to be eatlysuited tothe best trade. The garasatb all peaesthat intrinsic worth which saed. out arnalait the"caly-mades-to-sen clss as the smuine jewel stadout agsinst the sham. In outside gamentb we dearehing busies. The reas Is easily seen. Thepice.. ame mentiar them and the Gualnty te heaping upthe male.,

LADIE. Wa5..Fur-telmed or Piata Dagoemal Cloth Heeo. at

s4~OS. Worth 67.Loasg Blek Cheviot Beater, at es.75. Worth @10.Extra ILeg Black Diagonal Cloth nester.. with real

aasrakha trs==in. at 10. Worth 61a.80.Kersey Cloth Coats, with pearl buttem. at 6i3.

Worth 615.

CHILDamE.' WRaPSChildren's Wrap., at... 4 to 10 yeam', from U.S0

to V10MIses Wrap., dinael to S yars. Sma bo to US.Domt fail to laipeeteeuteek at Wrap. bagoer mat-

ta a ealeol..

JYOEN.ON & LeT.IL.iS-b 71 Ma..t Sa...

10 Paa Cn 0On.




PS? 40rn1 AT A 353B029 O tBemee nuiau.asomsa

one .00 ow.......... l..vara Uraa AND ca@ s se1Aa ownazAu. S.. mons,

-mr . ... wasmm A.ensasam eesssemese

4U1tA a.w.Paasa you Comama

mo 7eerew new andasng 0per cent.

my VMr em eteded and "m tabsahabiesmw ofaytig -- omora m,

tre. An,prh.a asttt..eaove discount of S par east and be embe-ansd when reqhed. Aa= n of La""'DAk, Earaor Cohinets. vingStnad, Des

Cm.en, ChinA ba, famsme U I ICIChaare Busd and Dasa Chilhe and Usbsutf arietyad almostaasthm y loorek-

for in the Puraltte ans. A dio Not for-the splendid lie at Drapsaes, Lae Car-bins,Portieres. e., we are ahowing. To wE

Rod my pries lower for the same qmuemtms"ewhero. TosaS D. SmLutws,u26-tha,mt 411 7th t. mLw.

Do ton Get It?I have many asparats pisesf Vurmttare tasellfor each. You have notiesd

an-bouneements of " par cent discount on anfPrniture for a few days for csh." Do yomga it? You emay satisfy yourself on this pointy ogeto one of these " e cent disoomt-wer forca ad i rtinghi stock sad ob-laining his prices tha going thro heame reatime at my estblis*hamt. If I chargeyou $5 on "tims" pasme ta for a Rocker. say,than the "discounter' oughttosell you its daop-eatefor$4i. Willhedoit? IfyouwantaSlide-board I can eel you oae-no doubt about that.

Joan Eupaun, The Aecommodator,it 51 Seventh street northwest.

A Good Thing.Half pint of Old Rye in flat bottles for the in-aids pocket, 25. You will need it Friday night

in the parade. Get it at Jouxeox's, 987 D ot.,Post building. u24-29Hutehinso, Bros., 1420 Pa. ae.. sols

agents tor Carbonite Hesters. n2-th.a,mw4t*You Really Don't Know

How much a dollar will buy till you've seenour 81 Underwear. "It is great."

FaAxe A Sox, One Pricis Cor. 7th and.Throat Dismeaes commene with a cough,cold or more throat. "Browra BroachiaWuockes" give immediate relief. So nly in

bozes. Price, 25c. uS%Rich Pure Milk by the glass at PRODCCEa'

Dkamn KiTcuax, 414 9th et. nw. n2t-mitb2u*Bottom Holes Made to Order at the

Doxasrro Sawro Naomui Rooms, 7th and H.nlbeol06Carbonite Heater-No smoke pipe, me

; convenient and economical. lcToRINon, sok agents,IM Pa.ave. namiths,a&wet*

A Good Thing.Half pint of Old Rye in Bat bottles for the in-mid. pocket, 25c. You will need it Friday nightin the parade. Got it at Jomssox's, 967 D st.,Post building. &2-26

We've Got "a Good Thing"In our $1.90 Derby or Alpine Hat-end eswent you to know if! The value is 02.50.

Faxmc A SoN, One Price,it Car. 7th ead D.Carbonite Fuel and Reaters. H-rourssow

Baos., 1426 Pa.ave., soe agents. a2&tha,m^wit*Cutlery in cases. Carving, Table and PocketKnives; Sciesors and Shars; Manicure Sets and

lasers. Name engraved and put asids forEmm. War&omaa's, 477 Ps. ave. Maw. 1t

Philipa' Digestible Cocoa is tionin aroma, savor, richness and d 9b2y1BestWinesand Liquora;low prices.SmLrtoeor's1,000 Pair of Pants for $1.39 pair. Worth

02.75. At MzcArrAoV'S CwOrmaNo Stoam, 61D st. n.w., bet 6th and 7thats. n2-3t*

All Good-looking People and all whowish to be such go to BrsuoP's STUDIO, 905 Pa.Lve. I.W. n2S-3t*

Notice.During the special 20 per cent Discount Rale

mow going on, and which I have determined toextend until December 1, no Goods will besharged. Terms cash. and one price to AIl.Tuoxas D. rINe1LZrOX,

z22-tu,th,ast 415 7th at. n..The Standard Sewing Machines are the

beet. Better ee it before buying any other.Lt the standard Sewing Machine Itoomas, 427ithat. ntw. Joe. H. Faun,n22-tu,thestf The Old Reliable.The Ladies pronounce the Imperial Pinned

Paper Patterns the best-fitting pattern made.Don't fail to see them at the Standard Sowingkachine Parlors, 427 9th mt. nw.

Joe. H. FVsms,n22-tu,th&stf The Old Relable.850 More ofThose Fine 02.50SaxonyWool German Rand-Knit Jackets. selling 6orapidly at 61.49, at Ausnaca's, 7th and H.

Domestic Sewing Machines and Pattern Booms.oct25-ood24t$20 Overcoats, 68.60. MrcuAXrsox'SCorm-mo Stons, 641 D st. n.w., bet. 6th and 7th OIe.n28-St*Doncherknow that nothing wil kill the ef-

rects of a smile more thoroughly or pleassatlyana piece of White's Yuctan Gum. an214

Frane's $1 Underwear[s great value!n21-64 Paae & Som, cor. 7th and D.

. Hener. 7076t st. mw.. is makling a qpe-iyn Indis' and ChlIdrn'A Hair Cating

and 'hmon;_also cures Dandraf. so7-ar

waixir Babek cures all ainlartel dist0e. Royal Henada Powders.

geasa-h= oured "whuls you wait." Dr~aggs.

aniNone Name It But To Praise.

Wheeler & Wlbois's New High Arm N., f,A marvel of lightnssad swiftness.js27 O0es.487 Sthma. w.

NEW PUBLICATIONS.I'E czNruar DXC rroMAar 15 puhrg5n t Ib ojum 3 b w~ievness

cer'nr ema N se. aIS-Im

W~g. B~r.7=Ta

W. H. Hon.Ea.T. AmD PA. Ava,


The imn. etTLVET Oani'ETS whieey~erae1 astweek at SB CETs mee aSulami oat eucaptm 6 shens The we--a-stlm th smm -ee iumiseresa'a.It h= m..'mthsereasw a seed -tawhanm mOsse. This week we WANT TOTALKgmhrmatea TO YOU, bat nitT3aOUEs TUB NISNaraG.s Wewst seute C00 AND SB US, Wehavses is o se that CiEIN OUTAL.L CouPrhTIgoK. nd3 asm WelYOU AN 13D4E b asea eslssawseme aemasa~s ToMUST SBE TUE O000S.-aamme T~tU U OUB im&B,MB -UT WEE M SE A3 NE ATE,

- w ..

W. .....nDAUC.

mesa sshat sassa s ai



T .eJ!"rd .ln' a03S-me

............................... .. ea

CARNIVAL, ~ sse~a

A"F". .*or^w? w.-. ..t


.61 55 (.* Natoal 8,aisag 6::P=ban 09~e the NadbaE -OMNew adwif.o 230 ovs, ancor






Friay hEAU BR7MMELI.Saturtwg Matinee BEAU ntRMMELL.iattday Evecing DR. JEKI LL AND M. ETDE.

~iet wek- TD P'TD,.AL FATHER"N=7 i mn ma2o.a




In their tiunphast an4 intensely funay selyTH I P & FATHER.


. a t . great coo are

Cecri K tome. p. Iny.Welevi heu Marpruerde FroiaGoan, Gooton. Little In"m PoklaWalter Pwetwh.







Nor. S-surry Lacy ta 'The Pleater's WIts.*sctab now on gals. _ _ -__


Matinee Satorday.Maun" Saurday.





Nov. 24-A. M. Paimso;atock Co. Aabama.sam sow oan sale- Is-

KENAN' LYCEUM TREATEm.KRRNAN 14aPersyvaniaaad. 11te.


TmE BARU TROUPS.Muicalkelebties.

NontWeek-Reilly & Wood's Bic Sbew. Tf-4f'Tbuyhave so comapetiteanad thy am have no


The Oriuteal company ofU U p II

J U U BB 1: 1301Un U If LIAL E E

SINGERSrinc P1i%% Ualvers t. Nashtvile. Teal.Mrs. J-sate Jsckom De eart. nogeau; Mes tarsA. Wells. apea, Mks.Marb.D. Dell. ails; Maar

icr Connor ito Mr. (ries W.FateMr. Gecree - arrett teor; Mr. J. O.midwen.basso wad M -. Charles Johnston. baLo.The WId. Plaintive and Chw-ristae MelodiS ot

the South.'Thesssges s-ou di slel o to she bewLtThey . th oiguh and Z.= one. -Emperor ofemary.

' ave.on..ta.,,,=t .iwnael I never boaut anythin likeIt. '-Gledelove.

-Ths mtoeto asbsove cyttiulain. tr it caftnet t*elsead with ma- ther. Its si.taly the bosat beat-ig ot lout."-MM DO. I "'a.

D mle at ruta mste am mLo.e Tme-ay. Noveeber 21. A? 9a. .21-9*ONGREGIATIONAL CHUBC1.


.............. .... 1sen Tickets... ................ S

al-w NowosualetEllel&Co.'s.

Mrs.P. U L I nd . F.Dea




Nest wsk"Falrias' Wel." almaS


M.*aOts . Rm.t ...sMIsS



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3WV OPOILVSAhS. U..40Taxs Dghrey UOUS - s -wertSmm-tum eum a. 4m

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worlid bows. atura'r. soms wfamt twom O

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