The evening Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1870-02-28 [p ]....advertising rates. Communieatioae. er...

RATES OF ADVERTISING. lie leiiii i W'i.t Aaoos, established Ootober 18, 18&1. 'ailt Angus, Mtkblilied July 13, 1844. PUBLISBO rr ajmh pjusrvzxro ooM TERMS. Wlt Aaoos. Single Copy, one ysar j. Ten Copies, lent to one address, each... 2 J6 Twenty do do j'0 When not paid in advance. ,;00 Diitr Amps-T- wo Dollar, and Fifty Cents for every three months ,10 .year. By tb. ..k, twenty-fi- r. oen, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 28, 1870. vwrawsKir-a- . I NOW IS THE ACCEPTED DOCTO TOE CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OF CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, -- AXD CHROiMC DISEASES, Having permaaently located ia Davenport, cordially invitee all who may be suffering with Chroai e Diseases, to ca;l at his j R"s ia FbHob'i Blckf Perry Slrrrl. 0 !f BIcrk Kerth of Pst Office. j DR. SPINNEY is well known as the foander ef the Montreal (0. E.) Medical Institute, aad pro- - prietor of tbe Electro Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wiseonsm. rS-OmO- B HO7M9 to 1; 3 to ; and 7 to 8. CONSULTATION FREE. D1 R. SPINNEY HAS GIVEN HIS fifteen years, to tbe treatment of CIIHOXIC ce' hs produced astonishing results. Many are they wbo have implanted in iLeir systems, by tb improper nse of Calomel, seeds which have produced ao aonaal erop dierase To such b would say LOME ASO BE HEALED! It matters aot what your trouble. a., b.. and lei tba Ioetor examine your ease. If it is co'able. be will tell yoa eo : if aot. be will tell yoa that - for be will not undertake a case unless he ieeinOdeet of effecting a euro. It will east jn aotbing for consultation, so ptaue call and satisfy yourselves abether tbe Doctor understands yonr caeo Dr t. treats EVKOU A1TJ OXaBABSS OT TBS BLOOD. YOUNG MEr! Who may be suffering from tho effects of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail them- selves of this, tbe greatest boon ever laid at tbe allar ef suffering humanity. Dr. will guarantee to forfeit U.E HVSUKEU DOLLARS tor every ease of Seminal Weakness or Private Disease of any character which he undertakes aad fails to care.- He would therefore say to any suflerer wbo may read tbis aotic. that yoa are treading upon dangerous ground waeayow longer delay ia seeking tbe proper remedy far your eomplaiot ; and may be ia the first stage, yoa ore approaching tbe last ! If you are bordering upon tbe last aad are suffering soma or all of its ill effects, remember that if vou pers:t in procrastination. THE TIME MUST CV.UE H JEX THE MUST SK'lLLFCL PHYSCIAS CAX HESUER YOV SO when the door of bopo will be closed forever airainst yu - wbea ao angel of mercy can bring you relief ! In bo ease has tbe Doctor failed of success. Then let But despair work itself upon your imagination, but avail yourself of tbe benebeial results of bis treatment befera yt.ur ease) is beyond tho reach of medical skill, or before grim Death hurries yoa to a prematura grave. 3IIDDLE AGED 3i:E:V. There are many of tbe aze of thirtr to fifty wbo are troubled with too frequent Eveeaatioo of the Bleider, often aoeompanifd by a uiartiDt or borrjic; e.'Dation. aad weakroins; tbesTitem in a manner tbe patient cannot account for. o examination of tbe In nary leiweita, a ropy sediment will efien be found, and sometimes small partirie of a) bo men will appear, or tbe color will be a tarn miik is h bae, changing to a dark and torpid appearance. 1 ie ars many men wbo die of this difficulty, ignorant of tbe cause, which is tbe iLCO. b . TA' E OF StMtSAL WEAKSKSS. Or. 6. will guarantee a FEHFECT WllF. ia all such eases, and a heal'Jty restoration of tbe I nn-ar- y organs. All eommanicatioDt strictly confidential. All letters eontain.rj stamps for reply, answered without delae. For each square, er the rpv. eweupied by tea M of ootid nonpareil. One Dollar for eark Fneeial Hotices, M eeate per line. When l. sorted S months er Bora, M per seat above rega-U- r advertising rates. Communieatioae. er artiolee inserted aaaoag reading nutter, 1 rente per line. Dult abb Wbsblt. A dieeeut of J5 per rent. will be Bade from tbe Weekly rate, oa yearly and half yearly contract, wbee the eame utter is iaserted ta both Daily and Weekly. Doable Celuaae will bo charged J per cant, additional. Wot all transient advertisements ad ranee pay-Be- iJ reqeired. TIME. READ AND REFLECT. PINNEY, ALL- - KN'TIRK attptiiiv .n rur pict Itl.sEAXKX ,Li.... j k.. liarecort, lows. fetN dwly OUT SALE. jITOM NOTCH before buying Spring Oood. DRESS GOODS O tS T ! Less than Cost. .to.-- k i. v.ry eowplete la every department, aad GOOH. CilLA P, now is tho timo. M(. CF IUL GCLDKN KttLE, B.O0H ZSX.AXTD. 1X11. Post Ottioe address Lock Box SoO, CLEARING $15,000 WORTH OF ST li9 MIST BE SOLD IX 30 DAYS. paili) Jlrfluo. orriaiAi fafbb.. How to put down whisky Drink it. Counter attractions Pretty saleswomen. Good parlor game for the season Courti- ng- Lent will begin thia year on the second day of March. The Illinois river is open to navigation as far north as Peoria. The woman question "Where did you buy your back hair?'' Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren heads an n suffrage society at Washington. The three imprisoned Paris NartciUaisc editors have been liberated. St. Louis sends New Orleans 30,000 tons of ice nnder one contract. The wheat crop of middle Tennesse looks more promising than at this time last year. Chicago has two divorce lawyers in jail, and more who ought to be there. The English Chancellor of the Exchequer says that he is opposed to commercial treat- - ties with France. It is reported in Paris that the French Government has sent a semi-hostil- e note to the Prussian Cabinet. A convention of English Chambers 0f' Commerce has adopted a resolution urging the sale of cereals by weight. Detroit has repealed its ordinance re- quiring commercial travelers to pay license. It has not been enforced for some time. rT,... ; k,., .ji: r taxation. There will be no rednction. It is only the talk they indulge in just before the spring elections. The jury in the Mordaunt divorce case, at London, have returned a virdict that Lady Mordaunt was insane, and not responsible for her words or acts. It is believed by some that tbe New York female brokers are government detectives, sent to penetrate some of the shrewd Wall street transactions, with their woman's wit. A passenger train on the Mississippi Cen tral Railroal broke through a trestle Dear Oxford. Mies., Saturday evening. Many persons were killed and injured. A coquette of much experience says that old bachelors are like dry, hard wood diffi- cult to be set agoing, but when the flame of love once takes hold of them they burn fiercely. The four-oar- ed rowing match for $5,000 and the championship of tbe world ia defin-atel- y settled between the champion English crew of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Paris crew of St. John N. B The race is to take place at Lachine, Canada, in July next. His Holiness is now said to be sick of the Ecumenical Council, and anxious to hasten its adjournment. A Vienna despatch in Paris reiterates the story that Austria is willing to join the other Catholic powers in opposing Papal prstensions. A Toronto paper asserts that the Domin- ion authorities resolved lately to send a mil- itary force into the Red River country, and asked permission of the American govern- ment to allow the troops to pass over its ter ritory, and that the request was refused. How comes it that when Gjneral Sher- man is allowed six aides-de-cam- all colonels, there is so little need of his array that three of them are in constant uee by the White House ? If army headquarters require but half the present staff, let there be retrenchment to that extent. Hiram R. Revels (colored) has been de- clared to be entitled to the seat in tbe United States Senate, to which he has been elected by the Legislature of Missisrippi-H- e was accordingly sworn in, and is now in his seat. This is the first colored man admitted to a seat in either House of Con- gress. Nothing has been heard from the steam- ship City of Boston, now thirty-tw- o days out from New York, for Liverpool, and fears re- garding her safety are daily becoming strengthened. It is hoped that she may have run for Fayal, io the Azores, and that she may now be there io safety. Mr. John Leroy, of the Isle of Jersey, en- closed his wife's face in an iron mask, fas tened at the back by a padlock, to prevent her from indulging a taste for alcoholic bevernges. For a similar purpose he some- times confined her in a cage. He seems to have been unsuccessful in his object, aud besidus fined ten shillings. When will Mr. Grant's turn comeT If Whittemore is expelled for selling a single cadetship, what should be done with a man who has sold all the prominent appoint- ments at his disposal ? A wag recently appended to the list of market regulations of Cincinnati: "No whistling near the sausage stalls." The railroad subscription law passed by the legislature of Illiuois over the veto of the governor, and which has given a great impetus to railroad building in the state, has just been declared valid by the Peoria county circuit court. The governor and some prominent lawyers of tbe state have heretofore held the law to be nnconstitu tioual. Mubdoce is called the mechanics' friend. What do those bricklayers and lathers say who had to go over to Davenport to get work; while Mardock employed men from Davenport? Mechanics' friend, indeed Bah out such friendship. JOB M 0BK DONE CHEAP AT THKABfcC OFFICE BURTIS OPERA HOI SE ! aaasrs ooasBxirATXozr Musical Talent I Tuesday Ere., March 8th, 1870. l ader the directioa af MR. J. C.WALLACE, TBI DATE.NPORT Mendelssohn Turnverein OCIETHCH, Numbering ever 100 pi eg. re, aeeompanied by the combined Oreatstral aad Brass Bands ol the eity, Will give a Grand Vocal aad Instrumental CO !N" C ERT! In tbe Bortis pera Honse. At the eonelusioa of the performance, the GRAND SCHOM ACKER PIANO, formerly ia possessii.B of Abraham Lincoln, will be present ed to ana of the ticket holders, as will be deeid- -j ea oy a arawmg, nnarr ine uireciion oi nww 01 the most reliable of tba business me a or tbie city. Tickets $I.(A each, and limited o 1.5H0, may be bad at Wallace's Masis Store, oa aad after Jan. 19th. No reserved seats. Forfait particulars see programmes. jan27dtf. NEW MUSIC STORE! JOHN HOYT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STEIStTlY'8, fJTFK'S, f Dlf KEB1XG'9 and EMERSON'S PIANOS! ESTEY ORGANS SIIEIiiT 1VLU8SIO Ann Musical Merchandize ! Sole Agent for STEMWAY'S PIANOS For low .vaci Western II lino it. Pertoni desiring ai vthicg in the Musical Line! Can be supplied at Reasonable Rates by calling at the New Musis Store, corner of Washington aad Illinois streets, ROCK ISLAND, - - - ILLINOIS. Also at the old established Music More, cor. Fourth and Brady streets, DAVENPORT IOWA. decl4dwly. LAKE NIIORE AID MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. bet ween OBIOAOO and JSUTTXO All tke principal Railways of th- - i and Southwest eunnect at Chicago with tbe GREAT LIKE SII0I1E LINE, Running Through Detweea ! CUlf it.o, g:and RAPIDS, Cleveland, BaffAlo, Kocbtster, ABD 11 W ORK Without Change ! Pateoger Trains ao th.t Lia are equipped with a) modern iiarrmetuent fvr the com tort Miller's Patent Coupler an I Viatftjrm : Bnker A j $iDith'0 Potent Car Hearer; Creamer! Patent sr,-t- ftrakef, ad Carroll' Ventilator. I Thei coiul'ined with elaborate aad elegaatlj furniine4 moj gtted mi in xiciit toiniKs Make this the most popular and desirable route between tne Heft and beet. III H'tlC II TKkFTS Can be procured at .11 principal Ticket Offioel in tbe NortbweM aud Southwext, and attheCom-- ' paov'e Offices, No. ft Clark Street, Cbic.go. P. K. MUHSK, Grn'l Pass. Ag't, Cblcage. C. F. HATCH. Uen'l Sun t Cleveland, O. T. . T. TREGO'S TEABEBRI TOOTH WASH Is the most pleasant, cheapest and beet Den- tifrice eitsnt. Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It preserves and Whitens tbe Teeth ! Invigorate, and soothes tbe (turns! Punks and Perfumes tbe Breath! Prevents ae omul. lion of Tartar! Cleans and Parities Artificial Teeth! Is a superior article for Children. Sold by all Druggists and lieutiets. PROPRIETOR, A. M. WILSON, DRUGGIST, CORNER NINTH AND FILBERT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. f.bdUlv. AITACUMEST NOTICE. OF ILLINOIS, ROCK ISLAND STATE SS. In tbe circuit court of said county. May term, A. D. 1870, Peter Meeks vs. Peter Maroney. Notice Is hereby given to the said Peter Ha ronev. that a writ ef attachment was issaed therein from said court, on the ninth (Vtb) day of November. A. D. Itiriy, at the suit or the eaid Peter Meeks, against he estate of the said Pe- ter Maronev, for the sum of seven hundred and riihlv fire 2 H'0 dollair. which has been re. turned levied apon the rstste of the said Peter .Varoney ; and unless tbe sai reier .varoney shall appear, give bail, ani plea4 on tbe first d.T of tbe nest term of sid coart, to be aolden nt Ko.-- Island, in sa!d cunty, judgment will be entered, aud the estate attached will be sold. Uiven under my hand, this lth day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1870. fAMTEL P. IIODOE3, Clerk of said Court. CONNELLY A McNEAL. Plaintiff's Attorneys. IeM7dlaw4w. Taxes I Taxes II PA? VOTJB. State and County Taxes At the Collector's Office, over Benser's Drag Store, and save eoet. Office hoars fro at 10 a. m. until p. as. daring the day, and from T till half past I ia tbe eve aing s'. 1. BCUBIBill, auglOdly. Tawa Collector. troit, but found officers there with another warrant. The whole party will be at De- troit to night, to fill engagements. Their trial for not will probably be called next week. Bock Island,, Feb. 28. ABUT KXVIX W. The past has been a lively week on Market Square, and grain has come in ia considerable quantities. Prices remain about the same, though oats have risen a cent or two on the basbel. Eggs and Butter are also a little lower. Old Wbbat Tloob Spring Doable Extra la bbls, waolesale......$7.0 Retail .................... ...... 7.M) Seeks at wholMal. .M) Retail . 7.JU Loose, at wholesale...... ........... . 40 Retail ....... . .......7.0 New Want Flocb Wholesale, ia sacks t. 00 Retail 6.80 Wbbat New...... .............................. 50 afiO Cobb Mew 4Aa&e Oats bow, for 33 lbs.... .....3;i34c Rtb .......... Ua5 Bablbt O. ...... ...... ......... ... ... . v.. ...... ...... ...... . li 40 i Rejected 3 BOTTBB Choioe lots, for retailing, will bring 55c Obbbsb . .. We. B. lie Labd par lb --. 18 j.lso Hoes Live Hogs ...... ......... .7.608 00 Dbessbd lloas. ....... dividing oa 200 lbs Oattlb Live weight, common . S44 fnma sbippmg, per 100 lbs............e.OOa6.(i0 i Hat I Prairie, per ten ... T.oflelO.OO Timothy 10,O0all.O0 Wood Oak, per eord ............ 007.00 Coal At the Coal Talley Yard, oa the Levee, coal is sold at 13 oeats, the eoet of delivarlag to be added. From teams in Market Square, at 1 Sal 4c Libb Port Byron, per bbl.............l.S0 R?2k I,Uno f b' ......... .......t.iu Bieawisas- l.SS Potatubs .... 30e Onions .. 80a 1. 00 GasES Apfles 1.2ial &0 Bass per dos lie DCSABS eommon to fivir..m 1 Si. 14c prime to ohoioe.. ..141 6c Refined Sugar, erashed, powdered and grM ,w 16o N. Y,A 14xo do extra C.... 1 Refined Sugar, do C 14e Molasses Rngmr ,, ,,,, Oorrsa Bio, oummOB tofair 5 0.3 1 o " prime to eboioe 22a23e Old eovernmeat Java. Salt Fine.. .......... , Solar ....2.OaJ.J Dairy, with sacks . ..6.0C Dairy, without sacks........ .............S.O0 Poultry Chicken, per dos. ...2.0 to S.OO lireaud. per lb -- lve Live, per lb bo Turkic, dressed, per lb 12i Live, per lb....... ......... 10s Bliss-Gr- een butchers...... ............... del Green cured - ...... Part curvd . .. "....8e i Green cslf...... ....... 130 Tbas young Hyson, oommon . 1J " fair to good LSOal.tS M prima to choioe. ....l.(lial.80 Gunpowder, eommon to fair l.Mal.60 prime to choice L80al. Imperial . 1.6S.1.85 Oolong, oommo. to fair 1.00.1. lft 1.J4.I 0 ftriiu to cuutov...... Japan ... Soap abb Cumii Warnok A Ralston ' C. B. per lb fjae Henry Dart's Suns' T. E. per lb , SJe Btar Candles. 14 os 17c Foot asd Powdbb Rifle, per keg........ T.eO fln.l Mine. An ..4 Ua9.O0 Hlutin.-- . de .....oyoo Drop Shot, per sack...... 2.85 Book Shot, do .. i.-'- 6 Bar Lead, per lb 13c Ncts Almoade, soft shell..w ..40e hard ihell..... 30e Brazil Nots............. lTalcc F'lberts .... ......lTaic .................... 2o.2Sc Poi.nutJ Walnuts - lTatfte i TarlT. Dried apples, oboioe..... ouminon..., y,9 j Dried peaches, balfs...... ........ i " quarters.. Zante Currants, new ... ...i.i7. Raisins, in layers, per box, ....&. per h.vlf box.. 2 Turkish Prvnon.. 14,o Dried Cborriet 3ie j Spick. Pepper, Hiog-vpo- re 3ba40e ' Pimento ....10e3io CIotoi SO.ohc So i.i'i.o ; NttLmega ". 36.41)0 I Jinger, para, P.pp.r OVe Oils C.rboo Oil - -- 34e Lard Oil, extra 1 OOal.65 Lard Oil, No. 1. ...... ....... .... Linseed Oil, raw l.Ui " ' boiled . ......... . 1.10 XtTew Vork AZarket. Special Telegraph to the A Bene. Si Tobb, Feb. 25, 1870. Flour Dull unchanged. Cotton Unchanged. Wheat Steady: 1,1 for winter. Corn Quiet; 1,03.1, 06: new, scarce and firmer, (2,aV5. .t Quiet, 55.C4. Whisky Firm, 1, held 1,02. Pork Dull, 2S. St. Ztooi DXarkal. Telegraphed te the Argr bv. Loots, February 25. Flour Dull. Wheat Firm. Corn Higher: 7Csij2e for white. Qats Firm; &0a5So. Rye Advanced; 77Ja80o. Hurley Dull. Whisky 4e. Provisions Dull. Pork $ Milwaukee Market. Telegraphed to the Alters. Milwai , Feb. 25. Flour I'nchanged. Wheat Quiet, No 1 at tic, c; Ko 3, Corn Dull aud lower at 48. Oats Nominal at 41. NEW GROCERY STORE! I HAVE OPENED a splendid stock of Oroee nes neat door to MaoBryde's, which I shall sell at CHICAGO RETAIL PRICES ! I am determined to build up a tretolass trade, and am prepared to PAT CASH for everything that tbe farmer brings te markot. Oive me a call before going elsewhere. W. B.DAWSOy, lot door to MaoBryde's, Molina . Ills. A. r. BUSCHICK, pbbsidbbt. CHICAGO STEAM BOILER MANUFACT'G CO. BABIBB ABD STATIOSABT Boilers. WATLKf LIRft AM, s)IL lRKS. 66, 68 A 70 Michigan St., Chicago. All kinds of Sheet Iron Work Dona. By Telegraph. Constitutional Convention. Postal Telegraph Bill-- No Increase in Currency. TERrlBLE RliLKfjlD ACCIDENT AT OXFORD, MISS.--- A LIEGE NCMBCR OF PASSEXGKRS KILLED TUE GEOR- GIA STATE DEBT. Tb Blond's" and Storey Imbro- glioCity Election at Jackson- ville. Prince Albert Edwards' Conduct "fa Ira" in Paris. Smuggled Oils Kcligiona XsZeet-ing- s at Pittabnr'...Forgery- - SpBisGfiEi.n, Feb. 26 The Convention met at ten o clock. Tbe resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Haines, that it is the sense of the Convention that no recess longer than one week should be taken, until the work was finished, was tnkan DD. Mr. Carey moved to amend by inserting .No recess shall be taken without consent of a majority of the Convention." Peudii.i? a discussion the Convention went into Committee of the Whole on the i report of the Township Organization Com- mittee Mr. Archer moved by amending that the fiscal affairs of connties shall be transacted in such manner as may be Drnvided bv the air. Arcner saia it wouia De Detter tor the Legislature to thus provide from time to time in this matter, than to leave it unalterable in the Constitution. Mr. Haines thought it would be better to let the Legislature provide for the manage ment of township affairs. The proposition to allow each township one member in tho Board of Supervisors would wore much injustice. The provision of the present Constitution is now very good. New Yors, Feb. 28. Nearly thirty prominent firms of this city are accused of selling smuggled oils, causing a Iare loss of revenue to the Government. An investiga- tion is progressing, and three arrests have been made. A public meeting to aid the movement for procuring the recognition of God and the Christian religion in the United States Con- stitution was held last night, in the Reform- ed Presbyterian Church in Twenty third street. 1 he call for a convention of those interested in the matter at Pittsburg on the 3d and 4th of March next, was read, and resolutions approving the call were present ed and discussed. Several addresses were made, and delegates to the National Con vention were appointed. Louisville, reb. 2S.- - A forged check for $4,000 was paid at the United States Quar termaster's olEce ia the early part of this month, supposed to have been presented by an employee. Washington-- , Eeb. 28. The Banking ad Currency Committee cannot agree on tbe bill to increase tbe volume ot currency $50,000,000 Secretary Boutwell regards tbe action of tbe Senate as virtually disposing of the matter, and does not care what the committee or tbe House may do. The Postal Telegraph bill is now nnder consideration, and arguments in behalf ot Mr. Ramsey's bill and the Hubbard bill are being made by Messrs. Hubbard aud others, and strongly opposed by Messrs Orton and Walker in behalf the Western Union Com- pany. Memphis, Feb. 28. A fearful accident occured on tbe Mississippi Central Railroad three miles below Oxford, Miss., Friday afternoon. The train broke a trestle work, smashing baggage, express aud four passen- ger cars, killing and wounding a large num- ber. At last accounts twelve bodies bad been taken from the wreck. The Treasurer of the road and his son were fatally injured. Full particulars not vet received. AucrsTA, Feb. 28. The Senate on Saturday tabled the resolution providing for the payment in coin of the State debt con- tracted before Feb. 25, 1862. London, Feb 28. A strike is imminent among the operatives of tbe cotton mills at Bolton. Comments upon tbe painful position in which the Prince of Wales is placed by the accusations of Lady Mordaunt, naturally ap- pear io the London press. The Times takes occasion to read the young man a homily on virtue, prudence, aua dignity, i ne lauitiess conduct of Prince Albert is held up to his admiration and example. He is exhorted to learn from it, and lead a life free from even the semblance of levity. Pabls, Feb. 27 The fires of revolution are kept alive in France by political ban quets. There were many yesterday in honor of the anuiversary of the proclamation of the republic in lc48. Gustave Flourens, the leader of the abor- tive insurrection in Patis, has been sentenc- ed to three years' imprisonment for aiding soldiers to desert. Dktroit, Feb. 28 The Jury in Vander-pool'- s case returned a verdict of guilty, and be was sentenced to State Prison for life. LaCkossk, Feb. 28. The Allborne House of this city was burned to the ground this morning. Loss prooaoiy f.i.UUU. About three inches of snow fell here dur inir the niitbt, and is still snowing. Plymouth, Ind., Feb. 28. Mrs. Woolen-bur- g was shot and dangerously wounded by one of three men who were passing her house in a wagon. I he wosnau neara a noise and looked from the door, when the ruffians without provocation shot her. Feb. 28. On Saturday evening last the Democrats of this city held a convention at the court house, and made the following nominations: Mayor, j. uan-lap- ; City Attorney, W.H. Barses; City Clerk, Frank Pierce ; Assessor aod Treasur- er, W. M. Farthom; City Marshal, Alex. Wells. The convention adopteo a reeom tion declaring that tne Duuaing oi works for the eity ought to be postponed. The Republicans hold their convention on Saturday, March 6th. The city election akes place April 4tb. rmrAno.Feb.28.-Th- e excitement regarding the Lydia Thompson Troupe, and the editor nftha Times, culminated yesterday. Imme diately after their release Saturday night, Story obtained a warrant for their arrest for civil damages, but the party remained in the Opera House until after midnight, and could not be arrested Sunday. Yesterday, Storey obtained four warrants for arrest of Lydia Thompson, Paulina MarkHam, and Henderson, for assaults with deadly weap- ons. The party took carriages and drove for Fort Wayne k Indiana depot and all ea eaped exoept Henderson, who was taken to h e station and imprisoned. Bail was ob--a ined after four h ra. and ha harried to he depot, took tbs five o'clock train for Do HOOFLAiWS i i II YO U jSJLTL BAVB BBABDor hoofland'3 German Bitters AXD HOOFIUHD'S mm TONIC, Prrperrd by Dr. t'. M. Mm, PhiuuMphla. Their iutntluctiou iuto this Cuunlry from Oermaoy aocarred in 1M--2.- They Cured Your Fathers and Mothers And win cure ynn and yonr rhlMren. They areea tirrljr rflrtt-rm- t frmn the menv prcparaf ione aow la tbe country r.llvd ltitlcrH ir 'roitic. Tbey are not tavon prej'itrat tone. ir an) thlnie like tbea ; but good, hourst, reliable medicnm. Tbrjr are like fmHttt tiutta rmwUetur Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Jaundices Diseases of the Kidneys. ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIIC. and all Dlt-a- art-iii- ie frmn a Di --ordered Utt, Stuiuacb. or IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. Aii1ipalim. Fhitn.eiice. inward Pilee. Fnlne-- a off JtlHk,l to tin- - Head. Ari:itv f The Sumacti, htm-M- a. t Intra. lli-"- it tr K'whI. KniiN-aeo- r t in ihe MxtiiTM-U- Mir Knicia- - tUMi. Miikinirtst at the I'it ff Ihr SliHn Swiitimtit of the Heat. HrtrTinl or Hint nU Flntter- - lnUtUe H'rl. t'l)AiLiir r hutfocalius; tiona when lnal.vlnir Pwinrr. Itimurv of Yitioo, Iss.u or WVIs n.r Mi.t, I hnl I'iD ia the llva1. lK.driciKy r IVr,.'niiii, YrlUiwitese ot4the Wkiu an.l Y.yr. Pain in the Side, Ha It, I hM. I.ini), etr., Sii1t Flu-- h! .if Hi at. lii.niiiisr i thf Klevh. Ouusuuit lmu'iutiii: f EmI aud Great of liir,lj. All Mar inrti.tit tfvm of fh tkvrr or lngt$Mm ittytits. (Vfadrx-- i wtik impure Hiuod. Hoofland's German Bitters Is entirely and contain no liquor. It la acomiMiij4l !FiniiI E:rart. The (:. Herba, ami liarb- - fnni hu h ihft Kvtrat t am n.Ssle. are fratheitMt frnn i.eruianv. Alt tue Mli.-a- l viriur are eitrarteti fntm ihe;n bv a ritiiinc rhmirt. These extract are Hm ii ItMrw&njtil to tlnrmititrr to be aed eiptT--- : f.r tit tuaiiiilaxt in'f t Ililltr. There ts no a!t hl.c nl 'iH-e- t.f ai.y kunl uii in th HitU'i. h!t' it - lb- - on!y Uiiiers that cau b iiTftt in (new nlitrt-- aicolioiic friiuiulaiile are) BOt advisable. HooHand's German Tonic is a combination of alt the inT-tiif,- of the Bitters, with rrHB 5ai. ia t'rnx V. nn. I'r-Tie- . etc. It is ntxd for the -- sitst- diAM f It. item, in ras wliere some pure a !n't:c ii:.'iia Von will Ivar in miml Ttit 'I.- ars rnlirlT differ- ent from a.ty tU p !vfni-- l rure of naiiK-d- . th-- 'ientidf of Birt:rat extruct. wh:'e li.r :h-- n trf merf? dre-lion- - or mill In -- - f Th TONIC ie oe of lire pVa-a- nt an.l a.T.ialle remedies ever ofT. red tthe iil ir It ta-- te i nqrn-it- e. It is a pica-iir- e t. tkf It. w i I fr civin. eihila-annt- r, and medu-ina- tistera-- i it to mt known a the ifreattrt ot ai)lt ii ii;nii-i'rv- . There is no meHicineeiial to lloofland'e Germaa B'ttentor Tonic in rajM-- tf Tl-- y impart a tue and vijor to tlie whle streotrThen the aiKteiit can an M.jovn.ent of tbe food, eoable tra suiroacn' t. diLtl H, purify tbe blood. Rive a rwd. sonnd. healthy complexion, eradicate tbe yellow tiaga from me eye. impart a bloom to tbe ebeeae. aa ehati'-eU- ie ,alienl Irom a eniaciated. wnk. aid nrrvou. iun-id- . to a stout, aod vigorous penMMi. Taaz axi Xelkata Ciilirea art ICada Stn&2 j xlz tie Elttors cr Zetis. TBXAB BXBICIBS ABB TBB llemt Illood Puriaen over known, and will cure all resulting from bad blood. Keep our Mood pure; keep you liver In order ; keep your dirctlve oivaue in a sound, healthy condition, by the u of these remediee. and no dia. oaee will ever assail yoa. Tbe bvet men In tbe coun- try recommend tbem. If years of bomwt rrpatauua go for an Okng yua ma.t try these prepantuoua. IXko the following was never before offered la behalf af any medicinal preparation : HOJi". GEORGE VT. "VVOODWARn. Ohlaf Jostlce of tho Suprrme Coort of renneylvaata, write. : PHiLAnsunttA, Warrb 11. 18ST. Tflnd "non41and"sie-uia- !i Bitter." i. a tunle, aaerul la disease of tlie otvane. and of great benefit In cams ( debility and aai.lof Donou.acuoo bb the syslem. 1 ours truly. ,EO. W. WOODWARD. HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Justice of tbe Supreme Court or Pennsylvania, FHiLAtiiirniA. April 48. lb. I eonetder " TlooflaiiU's in mian Bitters'" a valuabla sedicineln cascsfd atiarksnf ludieertioa or a. I can certify this from rnv experience of 11, Yours, with respect. JAMts THOMPSON. HON. GEORGE SHARSWOOD, Justice of the Suprrme Court or Pennsylvania. Vnn innritti. Jnne f. lKSt. I bavefoond by eiperu-nc- that ties-au- a Bitters " I. a very K'- -l bHiic, rclitiig dy.peptle ormDUMua almu.4 directly. f.EORC.K SHARSWOOD. HON. WM. F. ROGERS, Mayor of tbe city of Buffalo, K. T. Mavob's Ornrs. June . 1n. I haveqaed " Hoofland's (,erman Bitter, ar.d Toaic tn mv f.tinlr durinx the pl year, and cau reci.m-Bieo- d them a. an excellt-n- t linic. irapartlni; lone and virtie toM.e .vrtem. Tbrlr use bas lm i.nrfurtno of decidedly benellcUl effrrte. WM. Y. ItOtiEhA, HON. JAMES M. TOon, of WiUianwport, Pennsyl.anla. I take great pleasure In reonra mend ine; Hoojand Oerman Tonic to any one wbo niay be afrlicted wins 3KT Dytmepsia 1 bad tbe Dyspepsia so badly It was ker-- any f.od o my -- UfJ 'JJ Mweak aim.. he able to a v ... m er..n4 aT.-a- si er-f-i t rlirf. xwo imw. u. jSifci M. WOOD. CAUTION. Hoofland's German Bemedie. sre nn.erfrlte The gennine have the itr'ore ,t 4 . VI . Zlt-- a the front of tlie er r asd tbe name f the article blown each botue. etaers are counterfeit. Prlea efth. BH ra, 1 -- OO par -- tU Or, . hair f0V"s"wr-a- U. sPrflca si Sha Teali Or.a kairstwsem tor 7.6. Th, Tis U put ww - Qumr BO- -. Recollect thai It 'J niSv U. that are ' .T ?Jaeaoa iided: and OO - to take anything else that be may say is Jnrt ss good, because be make, a uninr profit on it. Tbeso remo-4te- will be mui by express to any locality upon ap- plication to the PKIH7llAIi OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORK, Xo.931 ABC a TR EET, ritUmdphim. CHAS. M. EVANS, - Proprietor; (Formerly C. M. JACKSON Co.) Those remedies are for sale by Dru njiats, bloeeawew-ar- s. and Modidne Dealers everywhere. (V Do not forget to exarnina wel tbe sko yoa) war, la ovwat to got the gaaaiiio. For sal by 0. A. B1VSER, Agoat, Bask Xslaaa, nia. ROCK ISLAM) I10USE, OVIJeB, rroD'r. Omnibus to and from all trains. Passengers relied for and delivered to any part of tbe oity. CITY HOTEL. Corner Illinois and Washington Street., ROCK 1SLANI, ILLIWOIS. JTJLItJS CMHALT, Proprietor. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, CORNER POI'RTB ASD IOWA STS., DAVENPORT IOWA. M. C. DAVrS A SOX, rnor's. Free Omnibae to aod Irom the curs and boati. Offioe for stages for De Witt, Maquoketa, Le Claire. Prinneton aod Lyons. This Home is centrally located, and is second to none tn the city. (Jharges Reasonable. sept22dly. THE ROCK ISLAND HOUSE, P. M. OOMHI.HS, PROPRIbTO 52 Sherman Street, C3IOAOO, -- -- ZZXX1VOZB I". LUDOLPH, ILLINOIS 1TREIT, BOCK ISLAND, 11.18. Manufacturer and Dealer in Buggy, Coach & Farm Harnesf, addles. Collars, Wlupi, Lesbos, Curry Combs, Brushes, Bits, Saaps Blankets, Sheets, Fly Nets, eto., eto. Repairing done wita neatness and on short notice. Harness Oil for sale put up in cans. J. W. WIRTEL, HANrVACTCRIB OF TRUNKS, VALISES. TR1TELIXG BIGS, AC., WBOX.StAXfS V KSTAXXi. Ho. 20 Illinois St., nearly opp. Argus Office RUCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. Repairing neatly done. M. SCHLEGEL, ROCK ISLAND, - - IIXINOI8, Dealer in O I G- - .A- - HL S ! pOBAOCO, PSDFF, PIPES, Ao., in Mitchell A Lynde's Block, next door to Gleim's. All Brands kept on hand, and all orders promptly tended to. (Jive me aoall. ma31dly wBO. L. CARLTON. W. a. PHILLIPS. CARLTON & PHILLIPS, CARPENTERS, BTILDERS, AND GONTBAC T OSS, R0C ISLAND, ILLS. Shop on tbe corner of Orleans tnd Buffalo S.retn, next it P. Bogue'n agrioaliursJ warehouse. Contracts for BVILDZXTa. JOB V70A.IX. and everything- - In their Aiine, solicited. .Also agents for Brown's Double Rubber Moulding and weather strip. ORDBR3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. mfej25dly. INION MAUBLE WORKS ROCK 1LIM, ILL101. J. H. EAUFFMAN, FB.GP&X2TOSL. TA.N'CFACTCREd Monuments, Statuary, and Cemetery work of every desoription ;urc aoiiee, aud in a manner surpassed by no 4 :a tnis section. of prices as low as tn. iowerit. Works on Market Square, opposite Youug Amerioa Restaurant. junlOdwly. M. Tayh.r, Jno. Shannon. Ruck Island. Moline. TAILOR & CHAXX0A, (Late of Wright, Taylor A Co.,) 0 i IPEXTEIIS AXD BUILDERS, SHOP ON MOLINB AVENUE, R-oe- k Island. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO STAIR BUILDING. Contracts in the oountry solicited. may20'lly. Card Photograph Portraits Eur Albums, In the most artistic stvle. to be at A. B. GATFORD'8. AMBROTYPES. Not turpassed thi' side of New York, taken at A. B. GATVORD'B. "QOTOGEIPHS, A class, in the nighest style of art, to be had at 4. B. Ciyford's Cillery, In Webber's Bloek. PRICKS MODK8ATU. MOIaIOT Boiler Works! The undersigned are prepared to mannfaeture to order Boilers for Steam Engines ef .11 Kimis,,8ty!es and Bises. Also, every va riety of sasxiT z&osr wobx All our Boiler work Is warranted. Repairing of all kinds done promptly and cheaply. Shop near Moline Iron Works, apllidly. 80HILLINGER A TRUMBULL BALCH & F RAZEE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In PORT BYRON LIME! LIME! salt, ilAir, merit, stucco, Fir Brick, Wblte Sand, Ate. Alio, proprietors of the Lime Kilns and Stone Quarries on Moline Arena.. Offloe and warehouse on West Bagle Street, the Rook Island House, feblldwtf. FIELD & BR0., W HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN ..KKEE NOTIONS HAVE REMOVED TO HULL'S BLOCK, Corner of Illinois aad Washington Streets I am determined to reduce my stosk to tho II In order to do eo, I offer ALL FANCY .A. n? O And Many Kinds All Black Alpacas nt a Heduction of 15 to 25 cts. per Yard. All Hose find Cloves reduretl 5 to 23 cents per pairs 111 Best Kid Glores reduced to $1.7.) per pair, lil Laces and Faucj Hoods reduced 25 per rents All Linens and White Goods reduced 25 per cent. Ail Flannels and Woolens reduced 15 to 25 per cent. All Ladies' and Sens' Cndr r- -( lolhini; at Prime Cost. All ..leached aud Drowu Slier lings and Shirtings will be sold at Lowest Wholesale Prices. This sale will continue 3 d.y. only. Mv unsertiaSM-- l ia quality. If via went h money and gst GOOD DON T MIbTAbR THE PLAK. IT THE ftblJ-i- f. BENEDICT, SMITH i McC0ELL, -- PEALSBS IN- - C3rE3a"EjFE..A T s BAS&WA&I, SADDLERY AND COACH HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, UAMESS LEATHER. ENAMELED LEATHER. find Oiai-iiB- o Trimmings. AOZUVTS TOM, BOVTV SXOS. X.BAT1XX1S. BUXTIZfO. V woald respectfully iiform oar patrons that wo Are Still in the Field, Aad daring the year 1179 are prepared to offer goods at WHOLESALE A1D RETAIL, At -- tne Lowest Oasn Prloeo LOOK FOR TUE SIG1ST OF TELE J3XG PACLOOK ooUOdwfiou KOCK ISLAJTD, ILLIS0I8. !

Transcript of The evening Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1870-02-28 [p ]....advertising rates. Communieatioae. er...

Page 1: The evening Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1870-02-28 [p ]....advertising rates. Communieatioae. er artiolee inserted aaaoag reading nutter, 1 rente per line. Dult abb Wbsblt. A dieeeut

RATES OF ADVERTISING.lie leiiiiiW'i.t Aaoos, established Ootober 18, 18&1.'ailt Angus, Mtkblilied July 13, 1844.

PUBLISBO r rajmh pjusrvzxro ooM

TERMS. Wlt Aaoos.Single Copy, one ysar j.Ten Copies, lent to one address, each... 2 J6Twenty do do j'0When not paid in advance. ,;00Diitr Amps-T- wo Dollar, and Fifty Centsfor every three months

,10 .year. By tb. ..k, twenty-fi- r. oen, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 28, 1870.vwrawsKir-a- . I




CHROiMC DISEASES,Having permaaently located ia Davenport, cordially invitee all who may be suffering with Chroai e

Diseases, to ca;l at his

j R"s ia FbHob'i Blckf Perry Slrrrl. 0 !f BIcrk Kerth of Pst Office.j DR. SPINNEY is well known as the foander ef the Montreal (0. E.) Medical Institute, aad pro--

prietor of tbe Electro Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wiseonsm.

rS-OmO- B HO7M9 to 1 ; 3 to ; and 7 to 8.


fifteen years, to tbe treatment of CIIHOXICce' hs produced astonishing results. Many are they wbo have implanted in iLeir systems, by tbimproper nse of Calomel, seeds which have produced ao aonaal erop dierase To such b wouldsay LOME ASO BE HEALED! It matters aot what your trouble. a., b.. and lei tbaIoetor examine your ease. If it is co'able. be will tell yoa eo : if aot. be will tell yoa that - for bewill not undertake a case unless he ieeinOdeet of effecting a euro. It will east jn aotbing forconsultation, so ptaue call and satisfy yourselves abether tbe Doctor understands yonr caeo Drt. treats


YOUNG MEr!Who may be suffering from tho effects of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail them-selves of this, tbe greatest boon ever laid at tbe allar ef suffering humanity. Dr. willguarantee to forfeit U.E HVSUKEU DOLLARS tor every ease of Seminal Weakness or PrivateDisease of any character which he undertakes aad fails to care.- He would therefore say to any

suflerer wbo may read tbis aotic. that yoa are treading upon dangerous ground waeayowlonger delay ia seeking tbe proper remedy far your eomplaiot ; and may be ia the first stage,

yoa ore approaching tbe last ! If you are bordering upon tbe last aad are suffering somaor all of its ill effects, remember that if vou pers:t in procrastination. THE TIMEMUST CV.UE H JEX THE MUST SK'lLLFCL PHYSCIAS CAX HESUER YOV SO

when the door of bopo will be closed forever airainst yu - wbea ao angel of mercycan bring you relief ! In bo ease has tbe Doctor failed of success. Then let But despair work itselfupon your imagination, but avail yourself of tbe benebeial results of bis treatment befera yt.ur ease)is beyond tho reach of medical skill, or before grim Death hurries yoa to a prematura grave.

3IIDDLE AGED 3i:E:V.There are many of tbe aze of thirtr to fifty wbo are troubled with too frequent Eveeaatioo of

the Bleider, often aoeompanifd by a uiartiDt or borrjic; e.'Dation. aad weakroins; tbesTitem in amanner tbe patient cannot account for. o examination of tbe Innary leiweita, a ropy sedimentwill efien be found, and sometimes small partirie of a) bo men will appear, or tbe color will be a tarnmiik is h bae, changing to a dark and torpid appearance. 1 ie ars many men wbo die ofthis difficulty, ignorant of tbe cause, which is tbe iLCO. b . TA' E OF StMtSAL WEAKSKSS.Or. 6. will guarantee a FEHFECT WllF. ia all such eases, and a heal'Jty restoration of tbe I nn-ar- y


All eommanicatioDt strictly confidential. All letters eontain.rj stamps for reply, answeredwithout delae.

For each square, er the rpv. eweupied by teaM of ootid nonpareil. One Dollar for eark

Fneeial Hotices, M eeate per line. When l.sorted S months er Bora, M per seat above rega-U- radvertising rates.

Communieatioae. er artiolee inserted aaaoagreading nutter, 1 rente per line.

Dult abb Wbsblt. A dieeeut of J5 perrent. will be Bade from tbe Weekly rate, oayearly and half yearly contract, wbee the eameutter is iaserted ta both Daily and Weekly.

Doable Celuaae will bo charged J per cant,additional.

Wot all transient advertisements ad ranee pay-Be-

iJ reqeired.



ALL- -

KN'TIRK attptiiiv .n rur pictItl.sEAXKX ,Li.... j k..

liarecort, lows. fetN dwly


jITOM NOTCH before buying Spring Oood.


O tS T !

Less than Cost.

.to.-- k i. v.ry eowplete la every department, aad

GOOH. CilLA P, now is tho timo.


Post Ottioe address Lock Box SoO,



paili) Jlrfluo.orriaiAi fafbb..

How to put down whisky Drink it.

Counter attractions Pretty saleswomen.

Good parlor game for the season Courti-


Lent will begin thia year on the secondday of March.

The Illinois river is open to navigation asfar north as Peoria.

The woman question "Where did youbuy your back hair?''

Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren heads an n

suffrage society at Washington.

The three imprisoned Paris NartciUaisceditors have been liberated.

St. Louis sends New Orleans 30,000 tonsof ice nnder one contract.

The wheat crop of middle Tennesse looksmore promising than at this time last year.

Chicago has two divorce lawyers in jail,and more who ought to be there.

The English Chancellor of the Exchequersays that he is opposed to commercial treat- -

ties with France.

It is reported in Paris that the FrenchGovernment has sent a semi-hostil- e note tothe Prussian Cabinet.

A convention of English Chambers 0f'Commerce has adopted a resolution urgingthe sale of cereals by weight.

Detroit has repealed its ordinance re-

quiring commercial travelers to pay license.It has not been enforced for some time.

rT,... ; k,., .ji: rtaxation. There will be no rednction. Itis only the talk they indulge in just beforethe spring elections.

The jury in the Mordaunt divorce case, atLondon, have returned a virdict that LadyMordaunt was insane, and not responsiblefor her words or acts.

It is believed by some that tbe New Yorkfemale brokers are government detectives,sent to penetrate some of the shrewd Wallstreet transactions, with their woman's wit.

A passenger train on the Mississippi Central Railroal broke through a trestle DearOxford. Mies., Saturday evening. Manypersons were killed and injured.

A coquette of much experience says thatold bachelors are like dry, hard wood diffi-

cult to be set agoing, but when the flame oflove once takes hold of them they burnfiercely.

The four-oar-ed rowing match for $5,000and the championship of tbe world ia defin-atel- y

settled between the champion Englishcrew of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Pariscrew of St. John N. B The race is to takeplace at Lachine, Canada, in July next.

His Holiness is now said to be sick of theEcumenical Council, and anxious to hastenits adjournment. A Vienna despatch inParis reiterates the story that Austria iswilling to join the other Catholic powers inopposing Papal prstensions.

A Toronto paper asserts that the Domin-

ion authorities resolved lately to send a mil-

itary force into the Red River country, andasked permission of the American govern-

ment to allow the troops to pass over its territory, and that the request was refused.

How comes it that when Gjneral Sher-

man is allowed six aides-de-cam- allcolonels, there is so little need of his arraythat three of them are in constant uee bythe White House ? If army headquartersrequire but half the present staff, let therebe retrenchment to that extent.

Hiram R. Revels (colored) has been de-

clared to be entitled to the seat in tbeUnited States Senate, to which he has beenelected by the Legislature of Missisrippi-H- e

was accordingly sworn in, and is now inhis seat. This is the first colored manadmitted to a seat in either House of Con-


Nothing has been heard from the steam-

ship City of Boston, now thirty-tw- o days outfrom New York, for Liverpool, and fears re-

garding her safety are daily becomingstrengthened. It is hoped that she mayhave run for Fayal, io the Azores, and thatshe may now be there io safety.

Mr. John Leroy, of the Isle of Jersey, en-

closed his wife's face in an iron mask, fas

tened at the back by a padlock, to prevent

her from indulging a taste for alcoholicbevernges. For a similar purpose he some-

times confined her in a cage. He seems to

have been unsuccessful in his object, aud

besidus fined ten shillings.

When will Mr. Grant's turn comeT IfWhittemore is expelled for selling a single

cadetship, what should be done with a manwho has sold all the prominent appoint-ments at his disposal ?

A wag recently appended to the list of

market regulations of Cincinnati: "Nowhistling near the sausage stalls."

The railroad subscription law passed bythe legislature of Illiuois over the veto ofthe governor, and which has given a greatimpetus to railroad building in the state,has just been declared valid by the Peoriacounty circuit court. The governor and

some prominent lawyers of tbe state have

heretofore held the law to be nnconstitutioual.

Mubdoce is called the mechanics' friend.

What do those bricklayers and lathers saywho had to go over to Davenport to getwork; while Mardock employed men fromDavenport? Mechanics' friend, indeedBah out such friendship.




aaasrs ooasBxirATXozr

Musical Talent I

Tuesday Ere., March 8th, 1870.l ader the directioa af


Mendelssohn TurnvereinOCIETHCH,

Numbering ever 100 pi, aeeompanied bythe combined Oreatstral aad Brass

Bands ol the eity,Will give a Grand Vocal aad Instrumental

C O !N" C ERT!In tbe Bortis pera Honse.

At the eonelusioa of the performance, theGRAND SCHOM ACKER PIANO, formerly iapossessii.B of Abraham Lincoln, will be presented to ana of the ticket holders, as will be deeid- - j

ea oy a arawmg, nnarr ine uireciion oi nww 01

the most reliable of tba business me a or tbiecity. Tickets $I.(A each, and limited o 1.5H0,may be bad at Wallace's Masis Store, oa aadafter Jan. 19th. No reserved seats. Forfaitparticulars see programmes. jan27dtf.


JOHN HOYT,Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


f Dlf KEB1XG'9 and EMERSON'S



Musical Merchandize !

Sole Agent for


For low .vaci Western II lino it.

Pertoni desiring ai vthicg in the

Musical Line!Can be supplied at

Reasonable Ratesby calling at the New Musis Store, corner of

Washington aad Illinois streets,ROCK ISLAND, - - - ILLINOIS.

Also at the old established Music More, cor.Fourth and Brady streets,





OBIOAOO and JSUTTXOAll tke principal Railways of th- - i

and Southwest eunnect at Chicago with tbe

GREAT LIKE SII0I1E LINE,Running Through Detweea !

CUlf it.o, g:and RAPIDS,Cleveland, BaffAlo, Kocbtster,


11 W ORKWithout Change !

Pateoger Trains ao th.t Lia are equippedwith a) modern iiarrmetuent fvr the com tort

Miller's Patent Coupler an I Viatftjrm : Bnker A j

$iDith'0 Potent Car Hearer; Creamer! Patentsr,-t- ftrakef, ad Carroll' Ventilator. I

Thei coiul'ined with elaborate aad elegaatljfurniine4 moj gtted

mi in xiciit toiniKsMake this the most popular and desirable route

between tne Heft and beet.

III H'tlC II TKkFTSCan be procured at .11 principal Ticket Offioelin tbe NortbweM aud Southwext, and attheCom-- 'paov'e Offices, No. ft Clark Street, Cbic.go.

P. K. MUHSK, Grn'l Pass. Ag't, Cblcage.C. F. HATCH. Uen'l Sun t Cleveland, O.

T. . T.




Is the most pleasant, cheapest and beet Den-

tifrice eitsnt.Warranted free from injurious ingredients.

It preserves and Whitens tbe Teeth !

Invigorate, and soothes tbe (turns!Punks and Perfumes tbe Breath!Prevents ae omul. lion of Tartar!Cleans and Parities Artificial Teeth!Is a superior article for Children.

Sold by all Druggists and lieutiets.





county. May term, A. D. 1870, Peter Meeks vs.Peter Maroney.

Notice Is hereby given to the said Peter Haronev. that a writ ef attachment was issaedtherein from said court, on the ninth (Vtb) day ofNovember. A. D. Itiriy, at the suit or the eaidPeter Meeks, against he estate of the said Pe-

ter Maronev, for the sum of seven hundred andriihlv fire 2 H'0 dollair. which has been re.turned levied apon the rstste of the said Peter.Varoney ; and unless tbe sai reier .varoneyshall appear, give bail, ani plea4 on tbe firstd.T of tbe nest term of sid coart, to be aoldennt Ko.-- Island, in sa!d cunty, judgment willbe entered, aud the estate attached will be sold.

Uiven under my hand, this lth day of Feb-

ruary, A. D. 1870.fAMTEL P. IIODOE3,

Clerk of said Court.CONNELLY A McNEAL.

Plaintiff's Attorneys.IeM7dlaw4w.

Taxes I Taxes II


State and County TaxesAt the Collector's Office, over Benser's DragStore, and save eoet.

Office hoars fro at 10 a. m. until p. as. daringthe day, and from T till half past I ia tbe eveaing s'. 1. BCUBIBill,

auglOdly. Tawa Collector.

troit, but found officers there with anotherwarrant. The whole party will be at De-

troit to night, to fill engagements. Theirtrial for not will probably be called nextweek.

Bock Island,, Feb. 28.ABUT KXVIX W.

The past has been a lively week on MarketSquare, and grain has come in ia considerablequantities. Prices remain about the same, thoughoats have risen a cent or two on the basbel.

Eggs and Butter are also a little lower.

Old Wbbat TloobSpring Doable Extra la bbls, waolesale......$7.0Retail .................... ...... 7.M)Seeks at wholMal. .M)

Retail . 7.JULoose, at wholesale...... ........... . 40Retail ....... . .......7.0New Want FlocbWholesale, ia sacks t. 00Retail 6.80

WbbatNew...... .............................. 50 afiO

CobbMew 4Aa&e

Oats bow, for 33 lbs.... .....3;i34cRtb .......... Ua5Bablbt

O. ...... ...... ......... ... ... . v.. ...... ...... ...... . li40 i

Rejected 3BOTTBB

Choioe lots, for retailing, will bring 55cObbbsb . .. We. B. lieLabd par lb --. 18 j.lsoHoes

Live Hogs ...... ......... .7.608 00Dbessbd lloas. ....... dividing oa 200 lbs

OattlbLive weight, common . S44fnma sbippmg, per 100 lbs............e.OOa6.(i0 i

Hat I

Prairie, per ten ... T.oflelO.OOTimothy 10,O0all.O0

WoodOak, per eord ............ 007.00

CoalAt the Coal Talley Yard, oa the Levee, coal issold at 13 oeats, the eoet of delivarlag to beadded. From teams in Market Square, at 1 Sal 4c

LibbPort Byron, per bbl.............l.S0R?2k I,Uno f b' ......... .......t.iu

Bieawisas- l.SSPotatubs .... 30eOnions .. 80a 1. 00GasES Apfles 1.2ial &0

Bass per dos lieDCSABS

eommon to fivir..m 1 Si.14cprime to ohoioe.. ..141 6c

Refined Sugar, erashed, powdered andgrM ,w 16o

N. Y,A 14xodo extra C.... 1

Refined Sugar, do C 14eMolasses Rngmr ,, ,,,,

OorrsaBio, oummOB tofair 50.3 1 o" prime to eboioe 22a23e

Old eovernmeat Java.Salt

Fine.. .......... , ....2.OaJ.JDairy, with sacks . ..6.0CDairy, without sacks........ .............S.O0

PoultryChicken, per dos. ...2.0 to S.OO

lireaud. per lb -- lveLive, per lb boTurkic, dressed, per lb 12iLive, per lb....... ......... 10s

Bliss-Gr- een

butchers...... ............... delGreen cured - ......Part curvd . .. "....8e i

Green cslf...... ....... 130Tbas

young Hyson, oommon . 1J" fair to good LSOal.tS

M prima to choioe. ....l.(lial.80Gunpowder, eommon to fair l.Mal.60

prime to choice L80al.Imperial . 1.6S.1.85Oolong, oommo. to fair 1.00.1. lft

1.J4.I 0ftriiu to cuutov......Japan ...

Soap abb CumiiWarnok A Ralston ' C. B. per lb fjaeHenry Dart's Suns' T. E. per lb , SJeBtar Candles. 14 os 17c

Foot asd PowdbbRifle, per keg........ T.eOfln.l Mine. An ..4 Ua9.O0Hlutin.-- . de .....oyooDrop Shot, per sack...... 2.85Book Shot, do .. i.-'- 6

Bar Lead, per lb 13cNcts

Almoade, soft shell..w ..40ehard ihell..... 30e

Brazil Nots............. lTalccF'lberts .... .................... 2o.2ScPoi.nutJWalnuts - lTatfte i

TarlT.Dried apples, oboioe.....

ouminon..., y,9 j

Dried peaches, balfs...... ........ i

" quarters..Zante Currants, new ... ...i.i7.Raisins, in layers, per box, ....&.

per h.vlf box.. 2

Turkish Prvnon.. 14,oDried Cborriet 3ie j

Spick.Pepper, Hiog-vpo- re 3ba40e 'Pimento ....10e3ioCIotoi SO.ohc

So i.i'i.o ;NttLmega ". 36.41)0 I

Jinger, para,P.pp.r OVe

OilsC.rboo Oil - -- 34e

Lard Oil, extra 1 OOal.65Lard Oil, No. 1. ...... ....... ....Linseed Oil, raw l.Ui

" ' boiled . ......... . 1.10

XtTew Vork AZarket.Special Telegraph to the A Bene.

Si Tobb, Feb. 25, 1870.Flour Dull unchanged.Cotton Unchanged.Wheat Steady: 1,1 for winter.Corn Quiet; 1,03.1,06: new, scarce and

firmer, (2,aV5..t Quiet, 55.C4.

Whisky Firm, 1, held 1,02.Pork Dull, 2S.

St. Ztooi DXarkal.Telegraphed te the Argr

bv. Loots, February 25.Flour Dull.Wheat Firm.Corn Higher: 7Csij2e for white.Qats Firm; &0a5So.Rye Advanced; 77Ja80o.Hurley Dull.Whisky 4e.Provisions Dull.Pork $

Milwaukee Market.Telegraphed to the Alters.

Milwai , Feb. 25.Flour I'nchanged.Wheat Quiet, No 1 at tic, c; Ko 3,Corn Dull aud lower at 48.Oats Nominal at 41.

NEW GROCERY STORE!I HAVE OPENED a splendid stock of Oroee

nes neat door to MaoBryde's, which I shallsell at

CHICAGO RETAIL PRICES !I am determined to build up a tretolass trade,

and am prepared to PAT CASH for everythingthat tbe farmer brings te markot.

Oive me a call before going elsewhere.W. B.DAWSOy,lot door to MaoBryde's, Molina . Ills.

A. r. BUSCHICK, pbbsidbbt.CHICAGO


Boilers.WATLKf LIRft AM, s)IL lRKS.66, 68 A 70 Michigan St., Chicago.

All kinds of Sheet Iron Work Dona.

By Telegraph.Constitutional Convention.

Postal Telegraph Bill-- No

Increase inCurrency.





Tb Blond's" and Storey Imbro-glioCity Election at Jackson-


Prince Albert Edwards' Conduct

"fa Ira" in Paris.

Smuggled Oils Kcligiona XsZeet-ing- s

at Pittabnr'...Forgery- -

SpBisGfiEi.n, Feb. 26 The Conventionmet at ten o clock.

Tbe resolution offered yesterday by Mr.Haines, that it is the sense of the Conventionthat no recess longer than one week shouldbe taken, until the work was finished, wastnkan DD.

Mr. Carey moved to amend by inserting.No recess shall be taken without consent of

a majority of the Convention."Peudii.i? a discussion the Convention

went into Committee of the Whole on the i

report of the Township Organization Com-

mitteeMr. Archer moved by amending that the

fiscal affairs of connties shall be transactedin such manner as may be Drnvided bv the

air. Arcner saia it wouia De Detter tor theLegislature to thus provide from time to timein this matter, than to leave it unalterablein the Constitution.

Mr. Haines thought it would be better tolet the Legislature provide for the management of township affairs. The propositionto allow each township one member in thoBoard of Supervisors would wore muchinjustice. The provision of the presentConstitution is now very good.

New Yors, Feb. 28. Nearly thirtyprominent firms of this city are accused ofselling smuggled oils, causing a Iare loss ofrevenue to the Government. An investiga-tion is progressing, and three arrests havebeen made.

A public meeting to aid the movement forprocuring the recognition of God and theChristian religion in the United States Con-stitution was held last night, in the Reform-ed Presbyterian Church in Twenty thirdstreet. 1 he call for a convention of thoseinterested in the matter at Pittsburg on the3d and 4th of March next, was read, andresolutions approving the call were presented and discussed. Several addresses weremade, and delegates to the National Convention were appointed.

Louisville, reb. 2S.-- A forged check for$4,000 was paid at the United States Quartermaster's olEce ia the early part of thismonth, supposed to have been presented byan employee.

Washington-- , Eeb. 28. The Bankingad Currency Committee cannot agree on

tbe bill to increase tbe volume ot currency$50,000,000 Secretary Boutwell regards tbeaction of tbe Senate as virtually disposingof the matter, and does not care what thecommittee or tbe House may do.

The Postal Telegraph bill is now nnderconsideration, and arguments in behalf otMr. Ramsey's bill and the Hubbard bill arebeing made by Messrs. Hubbard aud others,and strongly opposed by Messrs Orton andWalker in behalf the Western Union Com-


Memphis, Feb. 28. A fearful accidentoccured on tbe Mississippi Central Railroadthree miles below Oxford, Miss., Fridayafternoon. The train broke a trestle work,smashing baggage, express aud four passen-ger cars, killing and wounding a large num-ber. At last accounts twelve bodies badbeen taken from the wreck. The Treasurerof the road and his son were fatally injured.Full particulars not vet received.

AucrsTA, Feb. 28. The Senate onSaturday tabled the resolution providing forthe payment in coin of the State debt con-

tracted before Feb. 25, 1862.

London, Feb 28. A strike is imminentamong the operatives of tbe cotton mills atBolton.

Comments upon tbe painful position inwhich the Prince of Wales is placed by theaccusations of Lady Mordaunt, naturally ap-

pear io the London press. The Times takesoccasion to read the young man a homily onvirtue, prudence, aua dignity, i ne lauitiessconduct of Prince Albert is held up to hisadmiration and example. He is exhorted tolearn from it, and lead a life free from eventhe semblance of levity.

Pabls, Feb. 27 The fires of revolutionare kept alive in France by political banquets. There were many yesterday in honorof the anuiversary of the proclamation ofthe republic in lc48.

Gustave Flourens, the leader of the abor-tive insurrection in Patis, has been sentenc-ed to three years' imprisonment for aidingsoldiers to desert.

Dktroit, Feb. 28 The Jury in Vander-pool'- s

case returned a verdict of guilty, andbe was sentenced to State Prison for life.

LaCkossk, Feb. 28. The Allborne Houseof this city was burned to the ground thismorning. Loss prooaoiy f.i.UUU.

About three inches of snow fell here durinir the niitbt, and is still snowing.

Plymouth, Ind., Feb. 28. Mrs. Woolen-bur- g

was shot and dangerously wounded byone of three men who were passing herhouse in a wagon. I he wosnau neara anoise and looked from the door, when theruffians without provocation shot her.

Feb. 28. On Saturdayevening last the Democrats of this city held

a convention at the court house, and made

the following nominations: Mayor, j. uan-lap- ;

City Attorney, W.H. Barses; City

Clerk, Frank Pierce ; Assessor aod Treasur-er, W. M. Farthom; City Marshal, Alex.Wells. The convention adopteo a reeomtion declaring that tne Duuaing oiworks for the eity ought to be postponed.

The Republicans hold their convention on

Saturday, March 6th. The city electionakes place April 4tb.rmrAno.Feb.28.-Th- e excitement regarding

the Lydia Thompson Troupe, and the editornftha Times, culminated yesterday. Immediately after their release Saturday night,Story obtained a warrant for their arrest forcivil damages, but the party remained in theOpera House until after midnight, andcould not be arrested Sunday. Yesterday,Storey obtained four warrants for arrest of

Lydia Thompson, Paulina MarkHam, andHenderson, for assaults with deadly weap-

ons. The party took carriages and drovefor Fort Wayne k Indiana depot and all ea

eaped exoept Henderson, who was taken toh e station and imprisoned. Bail was ob--a

ined after four h ra. and ha harried tohe depot, took tbs five o'clock train for Do


i i II


hoofland'3 German BittersAXD


Prrperrd by Dr. t'. M. Mm, PhiuuMphla.Their iutntluctiou iuto this Cuunlry from Oermaoyaocarred in


They Cured Your Fathers and Mothers

And win cure ynn and yonr rhlMren. They areeatirrljr rflrtt-rm- t frmn the menv prcparaf ione aow latbe country r.llvd ltitlcrH ir 'roitic. Tbey are nottavon prej'itrat tone. ir an) thlnie like tbea ; but good,hourst, reliable medicnm. Tbrjr are

like fmHttt tiutta rmwUetur

Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,Nervous Debility, Jaundices

Diseases of the Kidneys.ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIIC.

and all Dlt-a- art-iii- ie frmn a Di --ordered Utt,Stuiuacb. or

IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD.Aii1ipalim. Fhitn.eiice. inward Pilee. Fnlne-- a off

JtlHk,l to tin- - Head. Ari:itv f The Sumacti, htm-M- a.

t Intra. lli-"- it tr K'whI. KniiN-aeo- r

t in ihe MxtiiTM-U- Mir Knicia- -

tUMi. Miikinirtst at theI'it ff Ihr SliHn Swiitimtit of the

Heat. HrtrTinl or Hint nU Flntter- -lnUtUe H'rl. t'l)AiLiir r hutfocalius;

tiona when lnal.vlnir Pwinrr. Itimurv of Yitioo,Iss.u or WVIs n.r Mi.t, I hnl I'iD ia the

llva1. lK.driciKy r IVr,.'niiii, YrlUiwiteseot4the Wkiu an.l Y.yr. Pain in the Side,

Ha It, I hM. I.ini), etr., Sii1tFlu-- h! .if Hi at. lii.niiiisr i thf Klevh.

Ouusuuit lmu'iutiii: f EmI aud Greatof liir,lj.

All Mar inrti.tit tfvm of fh tkvrr or lngt$Mmittytits. (Vfadrx-- i wtik impure Hiuod.

Hoofland's German BittersIs entirely and contain no liquor. It laacomiMiij4l !FiniiI E:rart. The (:. Herba,ami liarb- - fnni hu h ihft Kvtrat t am n.Ssle. arefratheitMt frnn i.eruianv. Alt tue Mli.-a- l viriur areeitrarteti fntm ihe;n bv a ritiiinc rhmirt. Theseextract are Hm ii ItMrw&njtil to tlnrmititrr to be aedeiptT--- : f.r tit tuaiiiilaxt in'f t Ililltr. Therets no a!t hl.c nl 'iH-e- t.f ai.y kunl uii in

th HitU'i. h!t' it - lb- - on!y Uiiiers thatcau b iiTftt in (new nlitrt-- aicolioiic friiuiulaiile are)BOt advisable.

HooHand's German Tonicis a combination of alt the inT-tiif,- of the Bitters,with rrHB 5ai. ia t'rnx V. nn. I'r-Tie- . etc. It is ntxdfor the -- sitst- diAM f It. item, in ras wlieresome pure a !n't:c ii:.'iia Von willIvar in miml Ttit 'I.- ars rnlirlT differ-ent from a.ty tU p !vfni-- l rure of

naiiK-d- . th-- 'ientidf ofBirt:rat extruct. wh:'e li.r :h-- n trf merf? dre-lion- -

or mill In -- - f Th TONIC ieoe of lire pVa-a- nt an.l a.T.ialle remedies everofT. red tthe iil ir It ta-- te i nqrn-it- e. It is apica-iir- e t. tkf It. w i I fr civin. eihila-annt- r,

and medu-ina- tistera-- i it to mt known athe ifreattrt ot ai)lt ii

ii;nii-i'rv- .There is no meHicineeiial to lloofland'e Germaa

B'ttentor Tonic in rajM-- tf Tl-- y imparta tue and vijor to tlie whle streotrThen theaiKteiit can an M.jovn.ent of tbe food, eoable trasuiroacn' t. diLtl H, purify tbe blood. Rive a rwd.

sonnd. healthy complexion, eradicate tbe yellow tiagafrom me eye. impart a bloom to tbe ebeeae. aaehati'-eU- ie ,alienl Irom a eniaciated.wnk. aid nrrvou. iun-id- . to a stout, aodvigorous penMMi.

Taaz axi Xelkata Ciilirea art ICada Stn&2

j xlz tie Elttors cr Zetis.TBXAB BXBICIBS ABB TBB

llemt Illood Puriaenover known, and will cure all resulting frombad blood. Keep our Mood pure; keep you liver Inorder ; keep your dirctlve oivaue in a sound, healthycondition, by the u of these remediee. and no dia.oaee will ever assail yoa. Tbe bvet men In tbe coun-try recommend tbem. If years of bomwt rrpatauuago for an Okng yua ma.t try these prepantuoua.

IXko the following was never before offered la behalf

af any medicinal preparation :

HOJi". GEORGE VT. "VVOODWARn.Ohlaf Jostlce of tho Suprrme Coort of renneylvaata,

write. :PHiLAnsunttA, Warrb 11. 18ST.

Tflnd "non41and"sie-uia- !i Bitter." i. a tunle,aaerul la disease of tlie otvane. and of greatbenefit In cams ( debility and aai.lof Donou.acuoobb the syslem. 1 ours truly.


HON. JAMES THOMPSON,Justice of tbe Supreme Court or Pennsylvania,

FHiLAtiiirniA. April 48. lb.I eonetder " TlooflaiiU's in mian Bitters'" a valuabla

sedicineln cascsfd atiarksnf ludieertioa or a.

I can certify this from rnv experience of 11,

Yours, with respect. JAMts THOMPSON.

HON. GEORGE SHARSWOOD,Justice of the Suprrme Court or Pennsylvania.

Vnn innritti. Jnne f. lKSt.I bavefoond by eiperu-nc- that ties-au- a

Bitters " I. a very K'- -l bHiic, rclitiig dy.peptleormDUMua almu.4 directly.


HON. WM. F. ROGERS,Mayor of tbe city of Buffalo, K. T.Mavob's Ornrs. June . 1n.

I haveqaed " Hoofland's (,erman Bitter, ar.d Toaictn mv f.tinlr durinx the pl year, and cau reci.m-Bieo- d

them a. an excellt-n- t linic. irapartlni; lone andvirtie toM.e .vrtem. Tbrlr use bas lm i.nrfurtnoof decidedly benellcUl effrrte. WM. Y. ItOtiEhA,

HON. JAMES M. TOon,of WiUianwport, Pennsyl.anla.

I take great pleasure In reonra mend ine; HoojandOerman Tonic to any one wbo niay be afrlicted wins

3KTDytmepsia 1 bad tbe Dyspepsia so badly It was

ker-- any f.od o my --UfJ 'JJMweak aim.. he able to av ... m er..n4 aT.-a- si er-f-i t rlirf.xwo imw. u. jSifci M. WOOD.

CAUTION.Hoofland's German Bemedie. sre nn.erfrlte

The gennine have the itr'ore ,t 4 . VI . Zlt-- athe front of tlie er r

asd tbe name f the article blown each botue.etaers are counterfeit.

Prlea efth. BH ra, 1 -- OO par -- tUOr, . hair f0V"s"wr-a- U.

sPrflca si Sha TealiOr.a kairstwsem tor 7.6.

Th, Tis U put ww - Qumr BO--.Recollect thai It 'J niSvU. that are ' .T ?Jaeaoaiided: and OO -

to take anything else that be may say is Jnrt ss good,because be make, a uninr profit on it. Tbeso remo-4te-

will be mui by express to any locality upon ap-plication to the


Xo.931 ABC a TR EET, ritUmdphim.CHAS. M. EVANS, - Proprietor;

(Formerly C. M. JACKSON Co.)Those remedies are for sale by Drunjiats, bloeeawew-ar-s.

and Modidne Dealers everywhere.(VDo not forget to exarnina wel tbe sko yoa)

war, la ovwat to got the gaaaiiio.

For sal by0. A. B1VSER, Agoat,

Bask Xslaaa, nia.


Omnibus to and from all trains. Passengersrelied for and delivered to any part of tbe oity.

CITY HOTEL.Corner Illinois and Washington Street.,




Free Omnibae to aod Irom the curs and boati.Offioe for stages for De Witt, Maquoketa, Le

Claire. Prinneton aod Lyons. This Home iscentrally located, and is second to none tn thecity. (Jharges Reasonable. sept22dly.


52 Sherman Street,C3IOAOO, -- -- ZZXX1VOZB


Manufacturer and Dealer inBuggy, Coach & Farm Harnesf,

addles. Collars, Wlupi,Lesbos, Curry Combs, Brushes, Bits, Saaps

Blankets, Sheets, Fly Nets, eto., eto.Repairing done wita neatness and on short

notice.Harness Oil for sale put up in cans.




Ho. 20 Illinois St., nearly opp. Argus OfficeRUCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS.

Repairing neatly done.


Dealer in

O I G- - .A-- HL S !pOBAOCO, PSDFF, PIPES, Ao., in Mitchell

A Lynde's Block, next door to Gleim's. AllBrands kept on hand, and all orders promptly

tended to. (Jive me aoall. ma31dly





Shop on tbe corner of Orleans tnd BuffaloS.retn, next it P. Bogue'n agrioaliursJ warehouse.

Contracts for BVILDZXTa. JOBV70A.IX. and everything-- In theirAiine, solicited.

.Also agents for Brown's Double RubberMoulding and weather strip.




TA.N'CFACTCREd Monuments, Statuary,and Cemetery work of every desoription

;urc aoiiee, aud in a manner surpassed by no4 :a tnis section. of prices as low as

tn. iowerit. Works on Market Square, oppositeYouug Amerioa Restaurant. junlOdwly.

M. Tayh.r, Jno. Shannon.Ruck Island. Moline.

TAILOR & CHAXX0A,(Late of Wright, Taylor A Co.,)



BUILDING.Contracts in the oountry solicited.may20'lly.

Card Photograph PortraitsEur Albums, In the most artistic stvle. to be

at A. B. GATFORD'8.

AMBROTYPES.Not turpassed thi' side of New York, taken at



A class, in the nighest style of art, to be had at

4. B. Ciyford's Cillery,In Webber's Bloek.



Boiler Works!The undersigned are prepared to mannfaeture to


Boilers for Steam Enginesef .11 Kimis,,8ty!es and Bises. Also, every va

riety of

sasxiT z&osr wobxAll our Boiler work Is warranted.

Repairing of all kinds done promptly andcheaply.

Shop near Moline Iron Works,apllidly. 80HILLINGER A TRUMBULL

BALCH & F RAZEE,Wholesale and Retail Dealers In


salt, ilAir, merit, stucco, FirBrick, Wblte Sand, Ate.

Alio, proprietors of the

Lime Kilns and Stone Quarrieson Moline Arena..

Offloe and warehouse on West Bagle Street,the Rook Island House,






HULL'S BLOCK,Corner of Illinois aad Washington Streets

I am determined to reduce my stosk to tho II

In order to do eo, I offer


And Many Kinds

All Black Alpacas nt a Heduction of 15 to 25 cts.per Yard.

All Hose find Cloves reduretl 5 to 23 cents per pairs111 Best Kid Glores reduced to $1.7.) per pair,lil Laces and Faucj Hoods reduced 25 per rentsAll Linens and White Goods reduced 25 per cent.Ail Flannels and Woolens reduced 15 to 25 per cent.All Ladies' and Sens' Cndr r- -( lolhini; at Prime Cost.

All ..leached aud Drowu Slier lings and Shirtings willbe sold at Lowest Wholesale Prices.

This sale will continue 3 d.y. only. Mv

unsertiaSM-- l ia quality.If via went h money and gst GOOD


IT THEftblJ-i- f.


C3rE3a"EjFE..A T s



find Oiai-iiB- o Trimmings.AOZUVTS TOM, BOVTV SXOS. X.BAT1XX1S. BUXTIZfO.

V woald respectfully iiform oar patrons that wo

Are Still in the Field,Aad daring the year 1179 are prepared to offer goods at

WHOLESALE A1D RETAIL,At --tne Lowest Oasn Prloeo



