The European fruit and vegetable processing sector: Key ... za saradnju sa EU/the european...

Regional Workshop on Fruit and Vegetable processing in the EU 23 rd & 24 th Sept 2009 The European fruit and vegetable processing sector: Key data, structure and main activities Jean-Bernard Bonduelle, OEITFL Vice-President & Chairman Product Group “Canned Vegetables”

Transcript of The European fruit and vegetable processing sector: Key ... za saradnju sa EU/the european...

Regional Workshop on Fruit and Vegetable processing in the EU 23rd & 24th Sept 2009

The European fruit and vegetable processing sector:

Key data, structure and main activities

Jean-Bernard Bonduelle,OEITFL Vice-President

& Chairman Product Group “Canned Vegetables”


1.1. Presentation of OEITFL - structure, role Presentation of OEITFL - structure, role and missionand mission

2.2. Key figures Canned & Frozen Key figures Canned & Frozen vegetablesvegetables

3.3. Main activities & selected policy Main activities & selected policy dossiers with impact on the sectordossiers with impact on the sector

11-- Pres entation of OE ITFL P res entation of OE ITFL

OOrganisation EEuropéenne des IIndustriesTTransformatrices de FFruits et LLegumes

European Association of the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries


Austria BelgiumUnited










→ Primarily an umbrella association of national associations (with some direct company membership)

OEITFL’s over 500 companies produce approximately:

Preserves/Jams: 650.000 TonsCanned Fruit: 1.200.000 Tons*Canned Vegetables: 2.300.000 Tons*Frozen Vegetables: 2.500.000 TonsDried Vegetables: 35.000 Tons

* : 1 Kg = 1 can 850 ml

StructureStructureGeneral Assembly

Executive Committee

  Technical and Legislation  Committee

Product Group Dehydrated Vegetables

Product Group Deciduous Fruit

Product Group Canned


Fruit Section

Product Group Fruit Preserves, Jams; Compotes

Product Group Frozen


Vegetable Section

What we do: Represent the interests of the industries Deliver common positions to EU

Commission and Parliament Provide information and support to national

members Monitor relevant legislation (regulatory,

agricultural, trade) Develop product-specific Codes of Practice

Strong links with:Strong links with: AETMD – Sweet Corn Processors (Association

Européenne des Transformateurs de Maïs Doux)

OEIT – Tomato Processors (Organisation Européenne des Industries de la Tomate)

Active in:Active in: EU Commission Advisory Group «Fruit and Vegetables »

CIAA – European Food Federation

We provide:

A PLATFORM for members to network and discuss:

Trends in productionproduction, consumptionconsumption, trade, trade, market situation market situation at spring & autumnspring & autumn meetings

Relevant EU legislationEU legislation (i.e. quality, labelling, CAP/CMO reforms, trade) and identify common problems

We offer: Monitoring of legislative developments of

relevance to the industry Product-specific codes of practice Effective communication in the “jungle” of

Brussels’ decision making processes Studies on the economic structure of the industry Studies on nutritional values of processed fruit &

vegetables Annual “tailor-made” conferences A weekly news digest

22-- K E Y FIG U R E S K E Y FIG U R E S Frozen Frozen && C anned C anned V eg etablesV eg etables

Production by Vegetable - Frozen2005 2006 2007 2008

Beans: 358118 364520 385050 423843Cabbages: 326891 410801 462068 478181Cauliflower 70007 179530 181867 197849Broccoli 105546 130804 146128 162075Brussels sprouts 14600 59529 76643 70717Other cabbages 23900 40938 57430 47940Carrots: 340487 432968 456075 426696Sweetcorn: 227811 66622 64624 140282Mushrooms: 27132 38511 42430 59409Other vegetables: 751956 1029830 1005443 1183595Artichokes 6500Courgettes 27050 49531 47806 51444Leeks 14100 42800 53485 52964Onions 105122 93130 111961 119321Peas 312631 475048 412890 591913Peppers 99880 95900 72590 80420Potatoes (not fried) 33500 49217 64225 58651Spinach 218731 224204 242486 222382Other – not specified 1182089 836528 884729 908685TOTAL 3214484 3179780 3300419 3620691

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Production by Vegetable - FrozenBeans:


cauliflower 5%

broccoli 4%

Carrots: 12%

Sweetcorn: 4%

Others 38%

onions 3%

spinach 6%

peas 16%

Others incl:Artichokes Brussels sprouts Courgettes Leeks MushroomsOther cabbages Peppers

Production by Country - Frozen sweet corn excluded 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Belgium 736.685 727.083 782.494 871.350 900.479

France 423.276 410.560 425.343 433.640 470.311

Netherlands 109.000 107.000 109.000 116.000 116.000

Spain 385.000 416.000 422.000 454.000 480.000

UK 284.000 284.000 260.000 183.000 235.650

Germany 185.000 185.000 185.000 185.000 185.000

SW, Fin, DK 80.700 62.900 73.800 84.100

Italy 223.000 236.000 252.000 252.000 258.000

Portugal 60.000 52.330 56.460 65.980 63.180

Greece 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000

Austria+Czech Rep 40.000 45.000 45.000 50.000 45.000

Poland 395.000 355.000 433.000 481.000 503.000

Hungary 120.000 110.000 110.050 91.290 123.900

Bulgaria 8.261 8.325 8.500

TOTAL 2.990.961 3.038.673 3.181.508 3.295.385 3.503.120Lux, No frozen veg sectorRomania: no data in study

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Production by Country - Frozen

Germ any6%








Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Frozen : imports per countryExternal trade

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University

Frozen : Exports per countryExternal trade

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University

Production by Vegetable - Canned2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Beans: 494.930 476.559 443.680 416.948 448.806

Carrots: 82.201 75.467 66.867 36.773 36.973

Sweetcorn: 282.599 269.888 240.645 240.019 269.939

Mushrooms: 365.544 334.995 325.746 335.017 334.902

Other vegetables: 719.937 664.928 653.394 583.853 594.914

artichokes 89.426 76.606 83.945 86.815 55.000

asparagus 7.000 4.000 3.000 2.500 3.000

celeries 15.631 14.774 10.925 9.362 5.250

peas 283.372 259.395 248.884 214.387 246.467

salsifies 39.646 28.232 23.571 27.970 28.564

spinach 28.046 23.775 22.846 23.990 23.947

Other – not specified 1.087.692 1.061.664 1.024.896 947.623 802.366

Vegetable mixtures 354.336 335.052 308.976 306.673 349.091

TOTAL 3.387.239 3.218.553 3.064.204 2.866.906 2.836.991

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Production by Vegetable - Canned

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Vegetable mixtures


2%Peas 9%

Other vegetables


Mushrooms 13%

Beans 18%

Carrots 1%

Sweetcorn 10%

Other incl: Asparagus Celeries Salsifies Spinach

Production by Country - Canned2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Spain 259.300 248.300 256.100 254.950 227.400

Finland 16.800 16.700 18.100 18.900 18.900

France 1.033.584 953.484 901.253 849.174 967.889

Italy 247.500 221.550 224.500 240.500 244.500

BENELUX 666.103 646.814 598.755 601.363 601.363

UK 163.278 178.429 163.663 155.000 155.000

Germany 97.000 97.000 97.000 97.000 97.000

Ireland 7.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 7000

Poland 140.000 140.000 140.000 140.000 120.000

Hungary 270.000 270.000 270.000 270.000 194.000

Bulgaria 211.075 176.388 154.188 155.000 155.000

TOTAL 3.111.640 2.955.665 2.830.559 2.788.887 2.788.052

Belgium and NL are separated until 2008Austria has data (estimates) from us

Czech Rep, Greece,Ireland, Lux, Portugal and Romania = no data in study

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Production by Country - CannedPoland

5% UK6%







Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University(EU-15 + Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria & Romania)

Canned : imports per countryExternal trade

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University

Canned : Exports per countryExternal trade

Source : Economic Studies 2009 for OEITFL by Gent University

33-- M a in ac tivities & M a in ac tivities & s elec ted policy dos s iers s elec ted policy dos s iers w ith impac t on the s ec torw ith impac t on the s ec tor

3.1 - 3.1 - Technic a l Dos s iersTechnic a l Dos s iers

2 5

Pesticides & problems linked to minor crops Carbon footprint labelling Nutrition labelling/Food Information to Consumers CODEX Codes of practice (i.e. heat-preserved vegetables,

canned fruit) Food additives Questions of taxation for third country imports

PESTICIDES - the key policy issues

Harmonisation of Maximum Residue Levels: Regulation 396/2005 on MRLs:

Pesticides Authorisation: NEW regulation (to replace Directive 91/414/EEC) agreed Spring 2009 (formal adoption in Sept 2009)

Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (formal adoption in Sept 2009)

Entry into force 1st Sept 2008

Both will fully apply from +/-



Introduction of the concept of “cut-off” criteria: substances are eliminated across the board on the basis of their toxicological properties rather than the risk associated with the actual use of the substance;

Substances classified as MOST DANGEROUS will lose their authorisation

A second category “candidates for substitutions” covers pesticides with toxicological properties “less acceptable”, to be replaced when alternatives with better properties are available.

Pesticides: new legislation onAuthorisation of Active substances:

Why of concern to fruit & vegetable processing industry?→ No-one knows exactly which and how many substances No-one knows exactly which and how many substances

will disappear ( definition of endocrine disruptors)will disappear ( definition of endocrine disruptors)

Estimates:UK Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD):

10% herbicides10% insecticides32% fungicides

UNILET (France) estimates in internal analysis: up to 75% of herbicides (depending on vegetable)up to 63% of insecticides up to 46% of fungicides

Many fruit & vegetables = minor crops with limited solutions for plant protection products

Example:Carrots and onions - Herbicides Pendimethalim, Linuron and Ioxynil would be lost = economically not viable

Impact Assessment needed

- Future production capacity, crops & yields- Food prices- Quality and affordability of produce- Fruit and vegetables supply- Competitiveness of companies- Best agricultural practice

Up to today: no scientific assessment of the risks

BUT: EU promised help for minor uses

3.1 - 3.1 - Technic a l Dos s iersTechnic a l Dos s iers

3 1

Pesticides & problems linked to minor crops Carbon footprint labelling Nutrition labelling/Food Information to Consumers CODEX Codes of practice (i.e. heat-preserved vegetables,

canned fruit) Food additives Questions of taxation for third country imports

Proposal for revised EU Eco-label scheme July 2008:

Shall also cover food products, BUT: only processed food and here again only processing, transport and packaging

NEW: Should the carbon footprint labelling be part of it?

Carbon footprint labelling

The life-cycle of food and drink products: Food manufacturing as part of the wider food chain

Carbon Footprint labelling:Ongoing retailer initiatives At present: Voluntary initiatives...




In the future no longer voluntary?Council Conclusions of October/Dec 2008

“(10) INVITES the European Commission to study the introduction of the carbon footprint of products in the existing EU environmental labelling instruments such as the Eco-label and energy labelling; …, to start working as soon as possible on common voluntary methodologies facilitating the future establishment of carbon audits for organisations and the calculation of the carbon footprint of products

3.1 - 3.1 - Technic a l Dos s iersTechnic a l Dos s iers

3 6

Pesticides & problems linked to minor crops Carbon footprint labelling Nutrition labelling/Food Information to Consumers CODEX Codes of practice (heat preserved vegetables,

heat preserved fruit, hygiene standards for jams) Food additives Questions of taxation for third country imports

Food Information to consumers/nutrition labellingProposed legislation (COM(2008)40 “Food information to consumers” combining & reviewing the existing Food Labelling Directive (2000/13/EC) and Nutrition Labeling Directive (90/496/EEC)

presently in the hands of the European Parliament


Front-of-pack obligatory information: Mandatory nutrition labelling FOP for 7 or 8 nutrients (including fibre, protein etc)?

Traffic light labelling? Obligatory text size on the label? EU wide agreement on GDAs (guideline daily



→ List of Claims & scientific argumentation for each claim presently examined by EFSA

→ Claim is only possible if it passes a strict nutritional profile

→“Fruit and Vegetables are good for you” will not be enough!

Nutritional labelling& Nutrition and Health Claims:

CMO Reform of the fruit & veg sector EU-wide School Fruit Scheme Vegetable Promotion Campaign in NL,F,B Agricultural quality schemes & proposals to make

origin labelling of raw material mandatory …

3.23.2 – Further e – Further examples of xamples of ac tivities & polic y dos s iers ac tivities & polic y dos s iers w ith impac t on our indus tryw ith impac t on our indus try

Trade issues:

Anti-Dumping Measures (Chinese frozen strawberries/Thai canned sweet corn/Chinese canned mandarins)

Sugar export refunds

Bilateral Trade negotiations (i.e. Ukraine, South Africa, Israel)

E xamples of ac tivities /polic y E xamples of ac tivities /polic y dos s iers w ith impac t on our dos s iers w ith impac t on our indus try - indus try - c ontinued:c ontinued:

CMO Reform of the fruit & veg sector Great concern: many products received EU aid

linked to processing (= « coupled aid »): canned peaches, pears, citrus fruit, tomatoes

Reform resulted in total decoupling: industry worried for raw material supply at reasonable prices

For the vegetable sector: the reform must assure that all operators in the chain are put on a level playing field, and to assure regular, sufficient raw material at best quality

CMO Reform of the fruit & veg sector EU-wide School Fruit Scheme Vegetable Promotion Campaign in NL,F,B Agricultural quality schemes & proposals to make

origin labelling of raw material mandatory …

3.23.2 – Further e – Further examples of xamples of ac tivities & polic y dos s iers ac tivities & polic y dos s iers w ith impac t on our indus tryw ith impac t on our indus try

EU-wide School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme

EU Ministers agreed on the scheme in November 2008 (50% co-financed by Member state)


Council Regulation (EC) No 13/2009 24 Member States confirm participation €90 Million Budget Start: this school year 2009/2010 OEITFL lobbied actively to have processed

fruit (i.e. compotes) & vegetables inside the scope = see press release on

CMO Reform of the fruit & veg sector EU-wide School Fruit Scheme Vegetable Promotion Campaign in NL,F,B Agricultural quality schemes & proposals to make

origin labelling of raw material mandatory …

3.23.2 – Further e – Further examples of xamples of ac tivities & polic y dos s iers ac tivities & polic y dos s iers w ith impac t on our indus tryw ith impac t on our indus try

Vegetable Promotion Campaign in NL,F,B

Text of Campaign spot on French TelevisionCoach: « You play, you don’t play, you play, you don’t »Fresh Vegetable: « Why should the canned vegetables not play in the

match – they are also true vegetables – like us »Coach: « Ok, I’ll take all players »

→ « A canned vegetable is above all a real vegetables »

TV Spot

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