the essence newsletter - Australian Bush Flower...

September 2016 This September Spring edition brings to a close the hard copy format of our newsletter. After 28 years of producing your newsletter this way we are now going to be embarking upon a digital format. You may want to keep this edition safe, as it is likely to become a collector’s item! I know a lot of members enjoy having something physical to put in their hands when reading their newsletter - however with new technologies that are so easily accessible today it will enable you to receive far more information. This will include more photos and also links to videos where you will be able to view the flowers and their location when I’m preparing the Essences. Interviews and special messages on video will also be able to be accessed as well. One of the other factors that also contributes to the decision has been the increased postal charges both within Australia and certainly for overseas. You will of course be aware that there has been no increase in the membership fee for 16 years. As of this December, however, the newsletter subscription will rise to $24.95 for both Australian and overseas memberships. Even though it is July and winter in the Southern Hemisphere as I am writing this, it has been a very balmy winter in Sydney and I have already been making Essences of Angelsword, Hibbertia, Slender Rice Flower and Red Grevillea in the last two weeks. At the same time I have been taking videos of these Essences in eager anticipation of sharing them with you in future digital newsletters. Also last month I took a one week boat trip through the Kimberley region in north west Ian’s update the essence newsletter A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin THIS ISSUE - IAN'S UPDATE, KERRIE SEARLE’S ARTICLE, ERIK PELHAM'S DEVIC ANALYSIS, AND ARTICLES FROM VERA GONDIM AND ON DAVID BEALE. MEMEBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW DUE PLEASE continued on page 2 Bush Biotherapies Pty Ltd trading as Australian Bush Flower Essences 45 Booralie Road, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 Phone: (02) 9450 1388 Fax: (02) 9450 2866 [email protected] Newsletter feedback [email protected] Letters and case studies always appreciated. Thank you! A few of our Newsletters throughout the years...

Transcript of the essence newsletter - Australian Bush Flower...

Page 1: the essence newsletter - Australian Bush Flower … · to become a collector’s item! ... newsletter is our theme

September 2016

This September Spring editionbrings to a close the hard copy formatof our newsletter. After 28 years ofproducing your newsletter this waywe are now going to be embarkingupon a digital format. You may wantto keep this edition safe, as it is likelyto become a collector’s item!

I know a lot of members enjoyhaving something physical to put intheir hands when reading theirnewsletter - however with newtechnologies that are so easilyaccessible today it will enable you toreceive far more information. This willinclude more photos and also links tovideos where you will be able to viewthe flowers and their location whenI’m preparing the Essences. Interviewsand special messages on video willalso be able to be accessed as well.One of the other factors that alsocontributes to the decision has beenthe increased postal charges bothwithin Australia and certainly foroverseas. You will of course be awarethat there has been no increase in themembership fee for 16 years. As ofthis December, however, thenewsletter subscription will rise to$24.95 for both Australian andoverseas memberships.

Even though it is July and winter inthe Southern Hemisphere as I amwriting this, it has been a very balmywinter in Sydney and I have alreadybeen making Essences ofAngelsword, Hibbertia, SlenderRice Flower and Red Grevillea inthe last two weeks. At the same timeI have been taking videos of theseEssences in eager anticipation ofsharing them with you in future digitalnewsletters. Also last month I took aone week boat trip through theKimberley region in north west

Ian’s update

the essencenewsletter

A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin



continued on page 2

Bush Biotherapies Pty Ltdtrading as

Australian Bush Flower Essences

45 Booralie Road, Terrey Hills NSW 2084

Phone: (02) 9450 1388

Fax: (02) 9450 2866

[email protected]

Newsletter feedback

[email protected]

Letters and case studies always appreciated.

Thank you!

A few of our Newsletters

throughout the years...

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the essence

Australia into areas that were onlyaccessible by sea and helicopter. AgainI took a number of photos and videosof this remarkable area. Turkey Bushwas out in full flower and this wasdefinitely Boab territory! I can’t wait toshare some of these images andvideos, of not only the prison tree,but other spectacular Boab trees aswell. The prison tree is where I firstmade up Boab in 1993 and is socalled because prisoners used to bekept chained up inside it’s hollowedout centre. The prison tree is over1200 years old. When I was inDarwin, at the end of the trip, I hadaccess to all eight species of Boab thatare found around the world. And Ihave created a video discussing thisremarkable genus.

There are a few technical points toresolve going digital but I am veryexcited about the new opportunitiesit will provide. If there are any specifictopics you would like considered forinclusion in future newsletters pleaselet me know by [email protected]

Of course there will be all the oldfavourites such as case histories,specials, Kerrie Searle’s column andErik Pelham’s Devic insights in to the

Light Frequency Essences. Also in the December issue you will

be receiving information about thelatest Essence which will work hand inhand with the Solar LogosEssence. And let me tell you, this is ahumdinger!!


Not to be lost in all theseannouncements of our digitalnewsletter is our theme this issue -Men. When I teach my Men’s Health& Australian Bush Flower Essencesworkshop, towards the end of theday, I break the participants intogroups with the instruction to debateamongst themselves and come upwith a Men’s Essence of no more thanseven Bush Essences. The first threeor four Essences are very easy – withjust about every group always listingthe same ones: however, theremaining three or four Essencesrequired to make up the seven varygreatly from group to group.Following below I’m going to list thefourteen most commonly selectedEssences for this combination alongwith a brief rationale and/ordescription of their relevance to men.

There is no sitting on thefence for me; I’m going tolist them in the order Iwould choose to be in thisCombination. I’d like toencourage you to email inyour selection of Essencesfor a Men’s Combinationalong with a brief rationalefor each Essence chosen byyou. In our Decembernewsletter I will include anumber of the repliesreceived. I’m lookingforward to hearing yourchoices and thoughts.

From time to time Ieither receive requests foror questions as to whythere isn’t a Men’s Essencein the combination range. I have to admit the answerlies more in the fact thatwe don’t think it would becommercially viable! The

likely sales of this combination, forprobably 95% of the cases would befrom wives, daughters and girlfriendsbuying the Essence for the relevantman. Whether that man would take itor not would be the next question. Itwas a somewhat similar situationwhen we released the AdolEssence. Not surprisingly it wasusually the mothers purchasing theAdol Essence for their teenagechildren. You could argue that themothers were in a better financialposition to be buying the Essence.However the feedback we frequentlyreceived was that trying to get theteenagers to take the Essence wasn’tan easily accomplished task! In fact, anumber of parents wrote in to saythey simply reverted to quicklyopening the teenager’s bedroomdoor, closing their eyes and sprayingthe Adol Essence all around beforeclosing the door again, so as not to betoo disturbed by the sight they sawinside.

Going back to our men, however, Ihave noticed a disappointing trend allaround the world at my workshops.When I started teaching the BushEssence workshops around Australiaand overseas thirty years ago, on

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average men would make up 10% ofthe audience. There would be a fewexceptions notably Uruguay and Brazil,but I would say that in this last decadethat percentage has slipped from 10%to 5%. And this is again right acrossthe board in all countries, includingnow Brazil. There have been sometalks and workshops where I have hadover 80 participants and no men! Somaybe we’ll have to get thisCombination out there in to the maleworld!

The commonly selected Essences inthis Combination are:

Flannel Flower - not surprising asit helps a person to talk about theirfeelings and become comfortable withnot only physical intimacy but alsoemotional intimacy.

Red Helmet Orchid - all menare going to be much moreemotionally healthy if they are able tocome to terms with and resolve anyissues with their father. This Essencewill greatly help in this area, even iftheir father is no longer alive. If theman has his own children this remedywill greatly help enhance the bond hehas with them. For the last 40 yearswe’ve now had 2 generations of manyboys being bought up by theirmothers, due to absent fathers.However, no matter how much loveand nurturing a mother has for herboys it can never compensate for theabsence of a father, especially in theteenage years. Thirty per cent of men,5 years after divorce, have no contactwith their children. Red HelmetOrchid is one of the Essences thatcan go a long way to healing the scarsof such a tragedy.

Bluebell - This is the Essence tohelp a person be in touch with andknow what they are feeling. This willbe exacerbated if there is no numberfive in their birth date. For examplesomeone born on 27/10/1968.

Little Flannel Flower - For beingplayful and light-hearted whilst alsoenhancing one’s sense of humour.

Yellow Cowslip Orchid - thiswould be the next most popular one,though unlike the four Essencesmentioned above, not universally

found in the participants list. In theLevel 1 workshop the concept of theElements of Man is taught. In thisancient Chinese metaphysical systemevery person can be classified aseither an Earth, Air, Fire or WaterElement. This has nothing to do withone’s birth date, but rather whatseason it was when the soul

incarnated in to the physical body.This could be at the time ofconception up to the birth and insome special situations, even up totwo weeks after the birth.Understanding the Elements of Manallows you to more fully understandthe psyche, personality, cognitivepatterns and physical disposition of anindividual. There are more men whoare an Air element than any otherelement. Each element has a keyendocrine gland. For the Air, it’s thepituitary gland and Air Elements tendto be more left brain, logical andwhen out of balance, critical andjudgemental. The Yellow CowslipOrchid Essence helps bring in tobalance all these aspects of the AirElement.

From now on the next listedEssences are not as commonly foundin the list as those above. My nextchoices, in order, are:

Tall Yellow Top - People, especially

men, as they enter into middle age,generally spend less time socialisingthan when they were younger. Thereis certainly a trend developing with agreat increase in the number of singleoccupant households. Coinciding with this is an increase in the numberof people who don't have a confidantwith whom to share the ups and

downs of life. Study after study isshowing that people in this situationare dying younger than those who do have a confidant or housemate/s.They are dying of the same things, but dying younger. People may have a large number of friends onFacebook but a paucity of them inreal life. Loneliness is certainly on arapid increase in our busy andtechnological society. It is a big triggerfor suicide and there is a spike in male suicide shortly after retirement.Quite often men have no socialnetwork outside of work other thantheir friends or family.

Sturt Desert Pea - men hold on to sadness far more than women.Many men, even in their seventies,have never fully gotten over their first major love affair. Sadness andgrief will not only trigger problemswith the lungs but it can be theemotional trigger for serious illnesses

Ian’s update continued from page 2

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Ian with an amazingly old Boab in the Kimberley region of NW Australia

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such as cancer and arthritis. This is my seven. The next seven

also deserve consideration and ofcourse are likely to be found in otherpeople’s list.

Wisteria - to help a macho manknow that he has a feminine side - hewill then probably need FlannelFlower to help him express it!

Black-Eyed Susan - a great onefor any male who could fit in thecategory of ‘grumpy old man’. This isthe remedy for someone easilyirritated, annoyed and impatient.Wherever you have a denselypopulated region such as a city, youare going to have a greaterpercentage of Black-Eyed Susans!

Mountain Devil - perpetrators ofviolence, including domestic violence,are almost invariably men. This is aremedy for someone who isaggressive, overly competitive,suspicious and not trusting, jealous,and/or violent.

Gymea Lily - for excessive prideor arrogance.

Illawarra Flame Tree - in youngchildren, boys experience separationanxiety far more than girls. Thoughthis is not the main reason I’msuggesting this remedy but rather forits lesser known quality of fear ofresponsibility. If it was up to men todecide on choosing to start a family,the human race would have died outcenturies ago! Many men worry aboutthe negative aspects of parenthoodand family life as opposed to women

who tend to see it for the positiveaspect. Many men, when becoming afather, can be overly concerned abouttheir role as the family breadwinner,

even to the point where somebecome workaholics, driven by theirfear of not being able to provide forthe family.

Kangaroo Paw - For socialawkwardness and inappropriatebehaviour. What more can you say!

And finally - Crowea, which willbenefit any male who worries.However I’m suggesting it here morefor its quality of relaxing musculartension and helping the repair ofmuscles and tendons from sportinginjuries. Gymea Lily which wasmentioned earlier is very good forsports injuries or trauma that affectthe bones and ligaments.

Much love, light and respect,Ian

the essence

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Ian with the 2016 Japanese Kinesiology workshop participants

Given this is our last printed newsletter I thought it a good time to recap on our newsletterhistory. The very first edition was published at Christmas in 1988 and comprised of 4 blackand white pages. There was only one edition in 1989 and the four editions a year started in1990. It cost $10 annually, increasing to $15 in 1993 before rising to $16.50 in the year 2000where it has remained ever since. It expanded to 6 pages in 2001 and then 8 pages in 2004.

Colour first appeared on just the front and back pages in June 2004 and full 8 page glorioustechnicolour emerged in 2007, when the book Animal Healing was launched. It’s hard tobelieve that this was less than 10 years ago!

Dose bottles were $2.50 in 1990, stock bottles $7.00 and when the first four Combinations(Cognis, Dynamis, Emergency and Confid) were launched in 1990 they were $5.95. Ian’s firstbook Australian Bush Flower Essences was released in 1991 and cost $29.95. By 1994 thestock kit had expanded to include 61 Essences and cost $438.00.

In 1991 we sold ABFE tshirts for $20 – if anyone still has one of these we would love toreceive a photo of you wearing it! In 1992 you could do a bush walk with Ian for $35 – didanyone do that? Who bought a “I’ve got the Essence” car bumper sticker in 1992? We willpublish any responses in the December newsletter so please email [email protected]

In the very first issue we had a competition which I am going to reprise here for a chance towin a year’s free Society Membership.

1. What can you ‘follow through with’ after taking Peach-flowered Tea-tree (interestingly this was mis-spelt as Peach-‘flavoured’ Tea-tree in the inaugral newsletter!)

2. What colours were the spiders Ian found when picking Grey Spider Flower?3. Which Essence can be used for people who, ‘live very much in their heads’?

All the answers can be found in Ian’s first book – Australian Bush Flower Essences. Againsend your name and answers to [email protected]. The first received correct answerswill win and your name published in the December newsletter.

There is a plethora of fantastic gems and incredible information stored in all these old backcopies of the newsletters. To celebrate the end of an era we are offering you the chance tobuy all the newsletters from 1988 – 1998 (a total of 38 copies) for $64. It is on the orderfrom on page 8 or order online by going to our website and clicking on Subscribe thenSociety followed by Back Copies (Australia) - 1988 - 1998.

Sharon MontagueEditor


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The topic for this newsletter is

“Men” and so in this article I will be

discussing a number of topics that are

relevant to the males in our animal


Male animals have an innate desire

to guard and protect. This not only

includes their animal family but may

also extend to that of their humans

and their homes. A lot of the work

I do is with male animals that are

aggressive. Aggression always has a

cause and if the reason for the

aggression can be understood then

it can be addressed with the

appropriate ABFE. Reasons for

aggression may include genetics, fear,

jealousy, pain/injury, breeding for

aggressive reasons in dogs such as

fighting, cruelty/abuse and protective


Many males become more

aggressive during the breeding season

for example. Flannel Flower and

Wisteria can help calm an aggressive

male. Mountain Devil also helps

with aggression and Rough Bluebell

will assist when the behaviour is

manipulative or destructive. Dagger

Hakea will assist if the aggression is

the result of jealousy. The combination

of Isopogon and Gymea Lily will

help with the male that is overly

dominating. You may also want to

consider Red Helmet Orchid for

the male that is rebellious and unable

to accept authority. If the male is

territorial or needs assistance with

boundaries then Flannel Flower

and Sturt Desert Rose will help.

If the aggression is the result of fear

then the ABFE to consider are Grey

Spider Flower and Dog Rose.

Also consider Pink Mulla Mulla

where the personality of the male

animal is “prickly” due to the fear

of a past hurt or trauma being

repeated. Dog Rose of the Wild

Forces is the Essence for the

aggression/behaviour that is out of

control. Bluebell will help open the

male to trust/love. These are great

Essences to use in the case of the

male animal that has experienced

cruelty/trauma and is aggressive

because of its fear. Confid Essence

can also be used where fear is a


Boab is the ABFE that I use when

a male animal has been bred for

aggressive reasons or if the particular

breed carries an aggressive tendency.

Boab will help clear negative family

patterns and in my work I use Boab

on newborn animals to clear any

negative family patterns they may be

born with. Just like humans they carry

the traits of their family members that

came before them.

Many male animals are de-sexed if

they are not going to be used for

breeding and often it is done as a

way of calming an aggressive male.

Sometimes this works but there are

times when it results in little change in

the behaviour of the male. Respect for

the animal is of utmost importance at

this time for a number of reasons and

this procedure should not be taken

lightly. Most animals cope well with

this procedure but some do have

problems with side effects of the

surgery. As with all surgery, the use

of Emergency Essence for a few

days leading up to the surgery and for

two weeks after will help with the

trauma and assist in recovery. Adding

Macrocarpa to the Emergency

Essence will help counteract the

anaesthetic and Slender Rice

Flower will restore the energy flow

to the scar tissue. If possible, the use

of Emergency Essence Cream

on the scar tissue will also assist

recovery as it also contains Slender

Rice Flower and Spinifex which

will assist in the healing process. Also

consider Flannel Flower to balance

the hormones after the operation.

During and after the birthing

process there is usually much

attention on the mother and often

the father and his needs are not

considered. For some animals, the

separation from his family that occurs

during and after the birth can be a

time of worry, anxiety and grief.

We often consider what it must be

like for the mother to give birth and

then have her babies removed, quite

often way before they should be.

But we must also consider the father.

There are a number of males that

remain present when the female is

birthing in the wild and remain with

the family unit for its entire life. During

the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires

I lived in Upper Beaconsfield which

was severely damaged. Our family

dog, Benny, had only days before

become a father to a litter of beautiful

puppies with the neighbour’s dog that

lived around the corner. When our

street was hit by the inferno, Benny

went missing and we presumed he

had perished in the fire. He was in

fact found at our neighbour’s house

by the side of his family where he

had been the whole night. How they

managed to survive was beyond

comprehension but as the mother

was unable to leave with all her litter,

Benny had stayed with them. Many

male animals play a fathering role and

so we need to consider them when

they are separated from their family,

especially by human intervention.

For the grief Red Suva

Frangipani and Sturt Desert Pea

will assist. If the male is worried then

Crowea will help and Dog Rose will

assist with any anxiety. If there is

separation anxiety then Black-eyed

Susan and Grey Spider Flower

are the Essences to also consider.

Kerrie SearleAnimal Communicator

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Kerrie Searle on Male Animals

September 2016

Remember we will need your email address in order to send futurenewsletters. If you are not sure we have yours contact our office on

[email protected] or 02 9450 1388. Sharon, Editor.

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I was recentlyinformed of the deathof David Beale, awonderful Englishgentleman whom Ihad the wonderfulprivilege to meet on anumber of occasions,whilst teaching in theUK. Given that thisnewsletter’s theme is

Men I thought it would be appropriateto include a brief article about a manwho I feel embodied so many of thepositive qualities of masculinity. I greatlyenjoyed those opportunities I had to sitand chat with him. For me he was apivotal connection between the originalworld of Edward Bach and NoraWeeks and the modern time. Iwouldn’t think that there are manyothers still alive today with that link.

I was very impressed by David’s greatopenness. He was a man who hadbeen connected to the work of EdwardBach and the Bach Centre in the UKfor most of his adult life yet he wasvery open and interested in my workwith the Australian Bush FlowerEssences with flowers from the otherside of the world. I admired his greatpassion for life and strong connectionto the worlds of nature and spirit.

It was easy to see why the BachCentre had appointed David to be theperson to prepare their Elm and otherEssences, as David was incrediblysensitive and attuned to the subtlerealms of nature. I remember David asa gentle and kind man with a twinkle inhis eye, even in his late eighties. He wasvery much a nature spirit in his own

right. Below are some briefautobiographical notes.

“My connection with Flower Essencesall began when I was a student inBirmingham and was pushed off a bus,hitting my head on the concrete road.After some weeks in bed, feelingtotally disorientated and withheadaches, there was no improvementin my condition despite medicalattention. My sister suggested I got intouch with Nora Weeks, who was thenin charge of the Wallingford Centrefollowing the death of Dr. Bach. Noratreated me with Bach Flower Remediesfor three months and at the end of thistime I was completely cured of mentaland physical disablements.

I corresponded with Nora, and stillhave some of her letters in mypossession. My interest in essencesbrought me to the Somerset levels onesunny day in June, waiting to meetNora by the Black Smock atBurrowbridge towards eleven in themorning. Along came Nora, already inher eighties, cycling along on an old sit-up-and-beg bicycle, loaded up withessence making equipment. We thenwent to find and gather water violet onthe reens**. She showed me how topotentise in the method of Dr. Bach,and also how to pick from the waterthis most beautiful flower. Thisprofound experience enhanced mydeeper knowledge and love of plantlife, and my interest in flower essencesgrew. I commenced making Essences in1970. I was helped by my wifeElizabeth who, as a trained botanist,had a considerable knowledge of wildflowers.

I was subsequently introduced to Nickyand Malcolm Murray who took overthe practice at the Bach Centre atWallingford. After Nora's passing I wasasked to help Nicky and Malcolm findand potentise Scleranthus annuus forthe Centre. This was followed bypotentisation of some twenty-onedifferent remedies for them over thenext few years. At this stage I alsostarted to make my own essences -Crataegus, Dandelion, Red Clover - theCornish marl variety, Mangol and manyothers.

During a college vacation, a shorttime before I met Nora Weeks, I wasinvited up to Nairn, Scotland to seehow Alec McInnes worked. I spentthree weeks with this remarkablecharacter, dipping flowers, fungi,seaweed and other botanicalsubstances into a clear glass bowl ofmountain water - helping the creationof Exaltation of Flowers. This amazingsubstance was used to great effect inthe growing of plants in greenhousesand on the farm. His Jersey herd wasunsurpassed in beauty, health andproductivity. Such an intenseexperience led me to understand whatorganic plant structure really means andsowed the seeds of further interest inmaking essences for myself.

It seems to me that indeed bothNora Weeks and Alec McInnes awokein me the understanding of how thevery divinity of the life force operates inthe plant world and through the yearsof essence-making I have continuedreceiving from this creative channel.”

Vale, David BealeIan

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China Essence

This essence works on theMental and Astral bodies.It resonates the Mentalbody to overcomedisharmony and the Astralbody to overcometoxicity.

This Essence helps usto overcome fears fromthe past lives and comeinto a clear space ofpeace and well-being. Ithelps us to mentally‘tune in’ with nature andconnect with the ancientwisdom of special places

such as Hangzhou in China.

It harmonises our Higher Mind so wecan absorb and respond to HighWisdom from the past, that exists inthese special places, and to be able toput this into practice in our lives.

When past life fears are overcomethere is a deep peace that ensues andwe can now integrate what wasformerly fragmented in ourconsciousness. This means coming intoa real and deep communion withNature, finding a balance betweenBeing and Doing, and overcome mentalcompulsions that block our fullerawareness of the world.

This essence gently expands ourconsciousness on many levels as wecan deal with many more things whenwe come into a deeper mental

harmony. Conflicts that come as aresult of clash of ideas with others will dissolve, and a deep co-operationwith others will result from taking thisessence. We will find that we canintegrate more different energies andactivities with this Essence, so ourachievements will increase.

We will find a boost in theconsciousness of the Divine Feminine in our lives, so there will be greaterharmony, more Being energy, moreappreciation of aesthetics and beautyand better co-operation with others.Our artistic creative abilities mayreceive a boost with this essence as wehave a deeper and more completeappreciation of beauty and art. A lovelyessence. Erik Pelham

Erik Pelham’s Devic Analysis article on China Essence

David Beale

David in his garden

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The Australian Bush Flower Essencesstrongly came into my life for the firsttime in 1986, as a consequence of apersonal need to find answers to innerquestions, along my spiritual path. Theimpact of this experience changed mylife and drove me to a singularalignment with my inner strength andmy spiritual guidance.

I met Ian for the first time in 2000,during an International Flower EssencesConference, when I had theopportunity to talk to him aboutmarvelous experiences I’d had using theessences with my clients. And I told himthat one of them was able to solve avery important problem, originated in apast life, which was having a stronginfluence on her present life. This clienthad an old feeling of guilt that wasfollowing her since childhood and thatprevented her from being successful inlife. I gave her the Fringed Violet andSturt Desert Rose. Then she hadthe vision of a past life in which shefound herself at the Colosseum, inRome, as a centurion who threw thestill alive Christians to be eaten by lions.This centurion had a morbid pleasureto watch Christians, screaming, to beshredded by lions. Since she becameaware that this was not her fault, herown life changed and she has reachedgreat achievements.

In 2004, I was invited to be an ABFEcertified teacher, integrating the firstteam of Brazilian teachers trained byIan. Since that time I have beenteaching a number of different ABFEworkshops in many different citiesaround the country. For me, teaching isnot a work; it’s a great pleasure! Itmakes me feel very happy. I love theessences as well as teaching!

Besides the certified workshops, I alsoteach the Bush Essences in the PostGraduation Course at the FederalUniversity of Rio de Janeiro, since 2008.

Since 1998 I’ve been coordinating agroup of therapists that works to assistpoor people, free of charge, in aCommunity Service Initiative on FlowerEssences. Ian offered a complete set of

ABFE stock bottles for our work.In 2011, after the disastrous floods

that occurred in Petropolis, not farfrom Rio de Janeiro, I was asked tocoordinate a social service group ofvolunteer therapists who gaveemotional support to the victims usingflower essences during almost a year.Due to this work, Petropolis was theonly affected city where neither suicidecases, nor even suicide attempts, haveoccurred.

In 2013, we had the pleasure toreceive Ian’s and Jane’s visit inPetropolis, where Ian taught the Level 3workshop for many of my students.

The fast, powerful and deep resultsachieved with the using of the BushEssences always enchanted me. Theywork in the very deep level of theoriginal reasons of the dissonance andthey lead us to an alignment with ourHigher Self. Even when you address theessences to a physical problem, theylead you to cope with the emotional,mental or spiritual reasons andexperiences which caused that physicalcondition. A physical disease is a signthat we are out of balance. Theessences can help us to be aware of

what needs to change in our lives aswell as they help us to make thenecessary changes.

As a therapist and as a teacher, I havethe opportunity not only to help manystudents and clients as well as to workfor my own personal development andgrowth using the essences. Our worldtoday needs people who work for theexpansion of consciousness and for thewell-being of all. Humanity is at thedawn of a New Age and we all need towake up to higher values as theunconditional love. The Australian BushFlower Essences are a powerful tool forthis great collective and evolutionaryjump.

I’m very, very, very proud of takingpart of the ABFE team!!

Vera Gondim, Brazil

the essence

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Vera Gondim from Brazil tells her story...

Australian Workshop Schedule 2016

Date City Workshop Lecturer Contact for bookings

3 September Narrabeen NSW Women’s Wellbeing & ABFE Yvonne George Yvonne George [email protected] 0418 967 576

17 & 18 September Brisbane Qld Animal Wellbeing & ABFE Kerrie Searle Katrina Jermyn [email protected] 0411 434 305

1 to 3 October Sydney NSW Level 3 Ian White Customer Service [email protected] 02 9450 1388

15 OctoberBrisbane Qld

Women’s Wellbeing & ABFEDr Niikee Schoendorfer Katrina Jermyn [email protected] 0411 434 305

16 October Happy Healthy Kids

16 October Warrandyte VIC Women’s Wellbeing & ABFE Alida Zuluaga Alida Zuluaga [email protected] 0408 050 900

5 & 6 November Melbourne VIC Numerology & ABFE Ian White Chris Hooper [email protected] 03 5629 9733

2017 workshops will be planned towards the end of the year. International workshops will be held in Austria, France, Italy, Japan and more.Details will be placed on our website

For further information please contact Customer Service phone +61 2 9450 1388 or email [email protected]

If this time/space reality has thewherewithal to inspire a desire

within you, it also has thewherewithal to deliver it to you in

its fullest most satisfying form.

- Abraham -

Three of the Brazilian teachers; from left, Marcia Fernandez, Vera Gondim andJoneysa Silveira at Ian’s workshop in Sao Paulo last November

September 2016

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Page 8: the essence newsletter - Australian Bush Flower … · to become a collector’s item! ... newsletter is our theme

I have put 7 drops of stock Flannel Flower intoa bottle of massage oil. I found my 8 year old son,who is usually too busy for a massage, has askedfor them. He is much more open to touching andbeing touched, and has been able to settle in andrelax and enjoy the experience more. I have found there is a trust, rapport andbonding in giving and receiving of massages with others. Judith Radel, QLD

My brother could not get along with schoolteachers or principals. He was forever in troublewith the police because he’d drive motor cycleswithout a permit and was under age (he was 15).Thanks to Red Helmet Orchid he now hehas a good job, communicates well with Dadand his boss and he no longer gets into troublewith the police. Jodie Tyson, NSW

I was giving Essences to a friend who washaving a baby and I felt that her husband, Bill,should be included in the process. He could bevery anxious at times and had some unresolvedfather issues from previous relationships. So Isent him a bottle of Red Helmet Orchidto help increase his sense of bonding with thenew baby. Well, Bill thought Red Helmetwas great. I might say he sounded addicted to it!I wonder if this was because of an externalrecognition of his important role in thefathering? I was aware of a decidedimprovement in his self-esteem, confidence andsupportive nature. He took the Red Helmetfor the final six weeks of his wife’s pregnancyand was very supportive and nurturing duringthe birth process. Sheila Atkinson, QLD

My husband had left the family when mydaughter was 5. She seemed quite happy to get on with life without him and even said“Now he’s gone will you find me a new dad!”After a series of treatments including FringedViolet for clearing past traumas and FiveCorners for confidence it was time to addressany anger left towards her Dad. Although shesaid she wasn’t angry, she got uptight and didn’t like talking about him.I talked to her about the fact that in releasingany stuff around this issue, it could be quitetraumatic, but we both agreed to get it overwith and I would support her through it.She embarked on a course of Red HelmetOrchid and to say the experience wasexplosive would be an understatement. Oneweek into the course and we were at eachothers’ throats, at first wondering whatever was going on – my daughter had always beenso kind, caring and considerate. What hashappened to her – she was so awful. Then Irealised – Red Helmet Orchid. She stoppedtaking it after one week and a few weeks latershowed me a card she had decided to send toher father. Inside she had written, “The past isover and I hope you find peace”. I don’t knowwhat he thought on receiving this but I felt shehad found a wonderful way to release herfeelings and she found it intuitively herself.Since then her father has started a monthlyallowance into her bank account, he has beento visit and although her loyalties are still firmlywith her step father who she loves very much,she can accept her father as he is. S.E.

My son, 6, was very rebellious. He has neverhad a healthy relationship with his father. Aftertaking Red Helmet Orchid he now shows

pleasant manners and is consistent with positiveresponses instead of negative reactions. We areboth very happy with these changes. “G” is nowexpressing his emotions in a loving, creative way.Thank you! Judith Radel, QLD

I love Isopogon! I'm Italian and I used it for 10 days, before Ian's ABFE workshop in Austrialast year. I immediately noticed the tremendouspower of this essence! I have a degree asinterpreter... never used... and after 11 yearswithout using my language skills... well during theworkshop's period I could speak in English andGerman at a good level and understand bothwithout any problems! I could understandperfectly Ian speaking in English, the interpretertranslating Ian's words in German while I wastaking notes in Italian!! Wonderful power! I'mreally grateful for that amazing experience!Thanks Paola Carlini, Italy, via FaceBook

Three clients had similar issues with feelingalone, isolated and anxious about being withother people. I gave them a blend of Tall Yellow Top, Kangaroo Paw andFringed Violet. After a couple of weeks theyeach reported that their social lives had gonethrough the roof! They each said they feltcomfortable talking with others, experiencedothers being drawn to them, received invitationsand were included!! The same thing happenedwith my daughter. She went from being a lonerat school to having a lovely group of friendsafter a couple of weeks on this blend!! In myopinion Kangaroo Paw is an under utilisedessence ... its really quite an amazing essence!

Rox Subramany, NSW

I just want to share a little story with you. My Mum was over from Germany overChristmas and we went for a lovely bushwalknear West Head. We came across heaps andheaps of Little Flannel Flower. I stopped totake some of photos of them and once my eyeshad focused on the flower I started to veryclearly see a smiley face in the centre of theflower. I first thought I was just imagining it, but

I looked at the other flowers around it andcould see the smiley face in at least half of them.Some were quite cheeky looking, nearly winkingat me.What amazed me even more is that when Icalled my Mum over to tell her about the plant'shealing properties and how I thought I can seethe properties reflected in it's little smiley face,Mum could immediately see it as well.I was quite overwhelmed by the beautiful wayof the flowers showing their signature so clearlyand felt a great level of joy and cheekiness afterwe wandered on. I tried to catch what I hadseen on camera, but it just wouldn't show onthe photos..... Mona Grebing, NSW

ABFE have been a part of my life forapproximately 15 years and I will be forevergrateful for all the healing that has been possiblein the life of my family. I am writing to you inawe of the synchronicity of your most recentnewsletter which I received only a few days ago.As I began to read it I had the very strongsensation of needing to take essences suggestedfor grief. I was not aware of a specific reason fordoing so and presumed it was for healingaround childhood issues. Intuitively I made up ablend of Sturt Desert Pea for pain, FringedViolet to remove the effects of distressingevents and Boab to release negative familypatterns. 24 hours later, our son informed usthat he, his wife and 3 children were moving tothe country of her birth, within 6 months andprobably permanently. Although it was perhapsinevitable, it was still such a shock and I feltnumb to the core. I have continued with theessences and today and have added Sundewfor “acceptance”, Bluebell to “help me stayconnected to my feelings” (something I findextremely challenging), and Red SuvaFrangipani for the “rawness”. I felt a changebegin to occur within a few hours. This blend of6 essences has been made for other familymembers as well. While it is still “early days”, Iam so glad of the essences and the healing theyafford to all of us. Name withheld

the essence

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Hibbertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .stock 15ml . . . . . . . $14.20 less 25% . . . . . . . .$10.65 . . . .

Flannel Flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . .stock 15ml . . . . . . . $14.20 less 25% . . . . . . . .$10.65 . . . .

Mountain Devil . . . . . . . . . . . . .stock 15ml . . . . . . . $14.20 less 25% . . . . . . . .$10.65 . . . .

Tall Yellow Top . . . . . . . . . . . .stock 15ml . . . . . . . $14.20 less 25% . . . . . . . .$10.65 . . . .

Yellow Cowslip Orchid .stock 15ml . . . . . . . $14.20 less 25% . . . . . . . .$10.65 . . . .

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31st October 2016

September 2016


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