The Encourager 2013, November - Clover...

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God . Luke 18:27 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Uplifting Words… This past Sunday morning, on my way to church, I looked across the empty corn and tobacco fields and there hanging in the sky was a beautiful hot air balloon. I have always been fascinated by these balloons. When I was a little girl, I remember going up in one that was tethered at a fair. It was an amazing experience. The view from slightly above the rides was breathtaking because it was the highest my body had ever been off the ground. It was the blast from the burners I remember the most. The powerful burst of flames was a little frightening and I wanted to bury myself into the bottom of the basket every time the pilot pushed the lever. Yet, without those blasts refilling the balloon on a consistent basis, hot air balloons eventually come back to earth. Hydrogen is a necessity. People are the same way with uplifting words---we all need encouragement. Too often, if someone speaks words of encouragement to us we feel that it is an “extra”…a “bonus”. As if encouragement is something nice to have but we can live without it. However, studies show that encouragement is necessary to keep us alive, without it we will simply wither away. Folks never stop needing to be encouraged, the same way balloons never stop needing hot air. Encouraging one another is one of the most important ways we connect with others… by lifting them up. Dr. Tim Elmore writes, “We fill other people’s balloons by affirming them, meeting their emotional needs, and giving them hope. A word ‘encourage’ literally means, ‘to inspire courage’. It goes much deeper than just creating warm fuzzy feelings. It’s about helping others overcome obstacles, see a new perspective, and reach for their highest potential. It has been said, “Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.” “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ~Ephesians 4:29 A few weeks ago, I was hoping to get another ride in a hot air balloon but the pilot said the winds were up. Now from where I was standing there wasn’t a leaf moving or a blade of grass bending. “Winds are up?”, I questioned. I thought, “Are you sure?” All of a sudden a gust of wind tackled the balloon and pushed it toward the ground. The pilot calmly tilted the burner and quickly shot a blast of hot air to get the balloon upright again. The pilot knew that winds and altitude effect the balloons destination. A skilled balloonist knows this and releases the burner at just the right time. If the timing is off a balloon can drift off course. The timing of encouragement in people’s lives is also important to keep them lifted up and on course. Good advice for us might be to always speak kindly to others, lifting them up, and encouraging them. Especially, in life’s worst moments. This time of year, it is natural for us to reflect on things that we are thankful for in our lives. Other than the lives of my family and friends, I am most grateful for their encouraging words. They keep me “lifted up” and “on course”. “Father God, Help us to use our words to encourage others in our lives, rather than to tear them down. Fill us with your Holy Spirit to also lift us up and give us hope. Amen.” Under His Grace, Georgianne

Transcript of The Encourager 2013, November - Clover...

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27


Uplifting Words… This past Sunday morning, on my way to church, I looked across the empty corn and tobacco fields and there hanging in the sky was a beautiful hot air balloon. I have always been fascinated by these balloons. When I was a little girl, I remember going up in one that was tethered at a fair. It was an amazing experience.

The view from slightly above the rides was breathtaking because it was the highest my body had ever been off the ground. It was the blast from the burners I remember the most. The powerful burst of flames was a little frightening and I wanted to bury myself into the bottom of the basket every time the pilot pushed the lever. Yet, without those blasts refilling the balloon on a consistent basis, hot air balloons eventually come back to

earth. Hydrogen is a necessity. People are the same way with uplifting words---we all need encouragement.

Too often, if someone speaks words of encouragement to us we feel that it is an “extra”…a “bonus”. As if encouragement is something nice to have but we can live without it. However, studies show that encouragement is necessary to keep us alive, without it we will simply wither away. Folks never stop needing to be encouraged, the same way balloons never stop needing hot air.

Encouraging one another is one of the most important ways we connect with others… by lifting them up. Dr. Tim Elmore writes, “We fill other people’s balloons by affirming them, meeting their emotional needs, and giving them hope. A word ‘encourage’ literally means, ‘to inspire courage’. It goes much deeper than just creating warm fuzzy feelings. It’s about helping others overcome obstacles, see a new perspective, and reach for their highest potential. It has been said, “Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.”

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ~Ephesians 4:29

A few weeks ago, I was hoping to get another ride in a hot air balloon but the pilot said the winds were up. Now from where I was standing there wasn’t a leaf moving or a blade of grass bending. “Winds are up?”, I questioned. I thought, “Are you sure?” All of a sudden a gust of wind tackled the balloon and pushed it toward the ground. The pilot calmly tilted the burner and quickly shot a blast of hot air to get the balloon upright again. The pilot knew that winds and altitude effect the balloons destination. A skilled balloonist knows this and releases the burner at just the right time. If the timing is off a balloon can drift off course.

The timing of encouragement in people’s lives is also important to keep them lifted up and on course. Good advice for us might be to always speak kindly to others, lifting them up, and encouraging them. Especially, in life’s worst moments.

This time of year, it is natural for us to reflect on things that we are thankful for in our lives. Other than the lives of my family and friends, I am most grateful for their encouraging words. They keep me “lifted up” and “on course”.

“Father God, Help us to use our words to encourage others in our lives, rather than to tear them down. Fill us with your Holy Spirit to also lift us up and give us hope. Amen.” Under His Grace, Georgianne


Sunday, November 3

Sunday, November 3 at 9:00 AM

Monthly Meeting will meet in the Fellowship Hall

Come participate in the business of the meeting. Breakfast refreshments will be provided.

Saturday, November 2 NCYM Representative Body 11:00 AM Deep River Friends Meeting

Saturday, November 2 AUCTION SALE

@ the Monore Reece house Our Youth will be selling Breakfast baked

items beginning at 8:30. Contact Jared for more information. Proceeds will be donated to The Homeplace. Join us on November 3 at 5:00 PM if you would like to help with the Christmas play in any way. We are always needing extra help and welcome anyone who would like to do so. Angie Brendle

Christian Education Committee Will meet

Sunday, November 10 – 9:00 AM Thank You… We have been collecting orthopedic supplies to go to Mukingi Hospital where Bob and Hope Carter are missionaries. They have just been sent to be

included in the next shipment to Kenya. Thank you for donating 14 walkers, 15 sets of crutches, a cane, 8 walking boots, a set of polio braces with shoes, several braces and soft boots, a wheelchair and some other items. The patients in Kenya will be most grateful. Walter

Special Music for Worship Services – November 3rd Ruby Brendle and Walter Shore 10th 17th The Choir 24th Deep Creek Quartet Submitted by Ruby Brendle

Greeting the People – November 3rd Jack Shore 10th Adam & Jean Hutchins 17th Gladys Adams and Brenda Adams 24th Ruby Brendle

Submitted by Teresa Welborn

Children’s Church Assistants – November 3rd Donna Raines 17th Vickie Warden Submitted by Angie Brendle

Nursery Workers for Worship – November 3rd Don & Pam Steelman 10th Janet Robbins and Ashley Dezern 17th Roger Holt and Audra Holt 24th Michael & Sarah Ray Submitted by Brian Ray

Sanctuary Flowers – November Steelman/Barclay Sunday School Class This month, contact Ruby Brendle to place flowers for a special occasion.

Submitted by Angie Brendle

Join The Choir for Practice November 10, 17 and 24

at 6:00 PM


It’s that time again!

November 23 (Saturday before Thanksgiving)

Deep Creek Auction Sale

and SOUP SUPPER & the Trimmings

Auctioneer - Robert Hudler

Some Beautiful Needle Work by Geneva and Gladys and others

Delicious Baked Goods Smith Bar B Q Canned Foods and other treats Bring your crafts, wood working, antiques, etc.

Remember your check book!! PLAN FOR FUN


Nov. 3 - Nov. 24thSarah Ray will be taking names for the silk Poinsettias that will be placed in the Christmas Tree "In Honor Of", and "In Memory Of". Cost is $5.00 per entry. Please note that we will no longer be placing the Easter Lilies in "Memory Of" a loved one during the Easter service. We will combine the "Memory Of" and the "Honor Of" together during our Christmas service. If you would like to place an entry, you may call Sarah at 835-7840 or

see her at church.

Community Thanksgiving Service

The annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Boonville United Methodist Church, Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00pm, Andy Lambert will be the speaker. Mitzi Davis will be leading the community choir and anyone who wants to sing may come at 6:30pm for rehearsal. Hope everyone will consider worshiping at the community service this Thanksgiving.


Food for the Hungry

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40Dear Friends,

The Walk for Hunger was a great success with over $12,000 donated (the final total has not yet been determined). Deep Creek Friends had 47 walkers with a total of $4,004 collected. Thank you!! You can rest assured that the proceeds of the walk will be used to minister to many needy neighbors.

Your donations of items placed in the YCM chest at church are always welcomed, whether they be food, bags, or magazines. For the month of November, you might consider bringing cans of meat, jars of peanut butter, or cans of vegetables - the most needed items at this time.

Again, thank you for your participation with Yadkin Christian Ministries. Phyllis Barnes


Quaker Young Women Will meet in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, November 18 at 7:00 PM Hostess and devotion leaders: Anita Shore &

Cathy Harper The QYW will be making care packs for residents of the Yadkin Nursing Center for Christmas. All Quaker Young Women are asked to bring one or two fleece blankets. Angie Brendle

Plan Ahead: The QYW will have their annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 9, at 6:00 in the church fellowship hall. Don't forget your Dirty Santa gift of $10.00. Sarah Ray

Circle # 1 Next Meeting

December 2 @ 6:00 PM Phyllis Barnes

Quaker Men Will meet

November 10 – 7:00 AM Fellowship Hall

Breakfast, Fellowship, Business

Baby Under Construction

Please join us for a Baby Shower


Garrett and Anna Welborn on

December 8 from 2:00 – 4:00 in the afternoon Deep Creek Friends Meeting Fellowship Hall

Anna is registered at Babies R Us in Winston-Salem.

Can you help a Family have Thanksgiving Dinner? - at the mission in MOWA Choctaw, Alabama. Mark your offering check or envelope or give to Janet Robbins.

and/or Can you make Christmas special for child?

Rules to Live By: The Queries from North Carolina Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice Personal Life and Conduct – Does your personal conduct reflect the true dignity of Christian character as set forth in the Scriptures?

What was eaten at the first Thanksgiving? A letter, dated December 11, 1621, written by Edward Winslow, one of the colonists, referred to some of the items served, saying “Our corn (refers to wheat) did prove well, and God be praised, we had a good increase of Indian corn, but our peas not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sown.” The letter mentions that four men were sent out to hunt wild game and returned after one day with “as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week.” The letter does not specify what kinds of fowl were served. The Pilgrims hunted turkeys, geese, ducks, cranes, swans, partridges and even eagles, which according to Winslow (in another letter from 1623) “tasted like mutton.” Wild rabbits were also likely on the menu. The Wampanoag tribe, the American Indian guests at the Thanksgiving meal, brought along five deer for the feast. A history of Plymouth written by William Bradford also mentioned cod and bass among the food, and specifically mentioned wild turkey among the fowl served. Some notable items missing from that meal include ham, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, although they may have served a pumpkin-pudding dish sweetened with honey or syrup.

From Ask Sam Winston-Salem Journal 2012


Friends, friends and Baptist Step Up to the Job

Kenneth and Bonnie Smith have been building their own Yadkin County house for about 21 years. They live in a trailer just (about 2 feet if you include the porch) in front of the new house. They both had jobs and then he learned

he had lung cancer. Then Bonnie learned she had cancer. She had surgery and her cancer is now in remission. His, however, has progressed. When he was told he had only a month to live, his wish was that he could get the house finished so she would have a place to live. They contacted several people and organizations to find help. It just couldn’t be worked out. Members of the community contacted Wiley about NC Friends Disaster Service and Chris Hauser with Impact Yadkin. Wiley and Chris have been working together to coordinate the work, materials and finances needed.

While waiting for materials to come in, work began with wall painting and flooring the couple had stored in the house. Several Friends Disaster Service volunteers including Wiley, Walter, Tony, Steve and Shelby from Deep Creek, some from Greensboro, Snow Camp, Mt. Airy, Morrisville and one from Virginia have spent several days putting down flooring, doing finish work framing windows, etc.,

calking, installing light fixtures and other electrical work, hanging doors, installing cabinet tops and some outside work including steps and flooring decks. The Impact Yadkin Baptist volunteers have worked mostly on decks and painting, guttering and will finish the plumbing.

Some funds from Impact Yadkin and some Baptist churches purchased materials for window framing, inside doors, decking and guttering. The Sunday Offering from Yadkin Valley Quarterly Meeting of Friends went toward light fixtures and some members of Deep Creek Friends donated funds for counter tops and small supplies.

Kenneth helps as much as he can, even though sometimes he goes in for rest or oxygen. Although he was told he wouldn’t make it to

Halloween, he was helping last week and when the Hospice nurse came to check on him, she said that his vital statistics were the best they had been in two months. Working on the house has been good for him. Kenneth says, “I’m as happy as a hog in the mud!”

Tears took over as the NC FDS group had prayer and a FDS volunteer presented them a lap robe and prayer shawl made by the women of Mt. Airy Moravian Church, where he attends.

After a few odds and ends and a little more paint to be done Saturday, it will be time for the inspector and move-in. The neighbor down the road with S & J Motors, along with some other friends, cleaned out some trees and is anxiously waiting to move the house trailer away.



Christmas Post Office

The QYW will open the Christmas Post Office on Sunday, December 1st. Cost is 25¢ per card. Due to limited space in the post office boxes, and delivering difficulties, please only send cards to those members who regularly attend the meeting. All other cards you would like to send other church members may be sent at your local US Post Office. Thank you!! Sarah Ray (NOTE: Proceeds will go toward their mission projects.)

Please join us for this special beginning of the Christmas season.

Deep Creek will have the annual Hanging of the Green Service on December 1, 2013, during worship at 11:00 AM. The service will be hosted by the Children and Youth. There will be special music as well as a Poinsettia trimming of the tree along with hanging of angel ornaments by the families. This year, red poinsettia stems will be placed in the tree “in honor of” and white “in memory of” loved ones. The worship time will close with a candlelight service. Janet Robbins

Sunday evening, December 15

Our Children and Youth will be presenting their Christmas play, Angel Uaware Followed by a time of Christmas Snacks and Fellowship

SPECIAL - LATEST NEWS Congratulations

Samantha Welborn, Hunter Welborn and Alli Jones Are VolleybAll Winners

The Starmount High School Volleyball team is now the Western Division Champion. They beat Rosmon High from Transylvania County Tuesday night, in the semi-final round by winning straight sets – 3-0. They will be playing the Raleigh Chamber School for the State Championship this Saturday at NC State University at 12:00 Noon. Congratulations to our girls; they played well as a team. Samantha Welborn, Hunter Welborn and Alli Jones, all play on this team. “I don’t have words this morning (Wednesday, October 30) to describe how proud

Gwyn Shore performS recital

Gwyn Shore performed her senior recital on clarinet at Salem College on Sunday, October 27. Gwyn is an honors student at Salem and performs in many vocal and instrumental ensembles, including the Wake Forest I am of these girls!!” says Alli’s Mom, Tracy Ray. WE

ARE GOING TO STATE SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! University Marching Band. She will graduate in May with degrees in Music and Religion.


Children’s Church at 11:00 AM November 3rd "Season of Hope"

Volunteer: Donna Raines

November 17th "Season of Love and Thankfulness"

Volunteer: Vickie Warden

There will be NO FOJ Meetings in November DUE TO Christmas PLAY PRACTICES We need everyone to please attend every Sunday evening in November and December at 5:00 PM until the Program on December 15.

Looking ahead...

December 6th - FOJ Christmas Lock-In More info to come next month


From Angie:

The Friends Of Jesus kids learned that Jesus IS “The Greatest Hero of All" and through him we can be strong too.


Audrey Bavender

Ethel Smith

Beulah Warden

Avon Redman

Warren Blackburn

Roy Steelman


October has come and is gone again! It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner! While we start looking forward to the fast-paced holiday season, it is good to stop and reflect back on what God has done in the last month.

The DOGS and Youth groups met for one of their regular Sunday evening meetings this month. At this meeting, we discussed a topic that plague's the modern church: being lukewarm! I have been fortunate enough to participate in the Crazy Love Bible study by Francis Chan a couple of times. In his book and Bible study, he addresses the "profile of the lukewarm" person. I have been very convicted lately that the church (myself included) has become more lukewarm than hot.

Revelation 3:15-16 says: "I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth." These verses come from the letter written to the church at Laodicea. The verses serve (according to scripture) as an attempt to discipline the one's that Christ loves. His warning here is against being a half-hearted Christian, giving Christ only the areas of our life that are convenient for us. This would imply that we withhold certain areas of our lives instead of turning every aspect over to Him as we are called to do. In his book and study, Chan outlines a profile of a lukewarm individual. In many of the instances, he asserts that we do just enough to keep us in the good graces of our family or neighbors, not considering what it would look like to take radical action for Christ. We also do just enough to make us feel good about ourselves, saying that we went to church on Sunday morning and gave an offering. While these things are good, do we do them with a sincere heart and spirit led by God? Do we give beyond the 10%? Do we give until it affects the standard of living to which we are accustomed? These notions don't just stop at money, but translate over to our time, our love, our compassion, our faith, how we share Jesus with our neighbors, how often we think of our actions affecting the Kingdom of God and so on and so on.

The key to note is that we don't have to be missionaries to do the mission we are called to do. While missionaries seem to answer a call that radically changes their life, Christ has called us all to live in such a radical manner, regardless of our location. We are to give Him 110% each day! We should give him every aspect of our lives. I can't help but think of how Christ called his disciples to come and follow him. They immediately, without a second thought, dropped all that they knew to turn their lives over to Christ. I have to question myself and wonder, would I be willing to do the same.

I've determined that if the Church is to win folks over to the Kingdom of God, change has to be made at the individual level (myself included). As we turn our whole life over to Christ, the church will be strengthened by the unified individuals who are seeking to become more like Christ every single day! We find many examples of ordinary folks in the Bible who led an extraordinary life characterized as being "hot." Paul, being one of those examples says in Ephesians, "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called..." May we answer the call daily, changing radically to follow Jesus in a more real manner. May we be classified as HOT!

Also in October, the Youth went to the nursing home to visit several Deep Creek residents there. This time with our folks there, was truly a blessing to both the residents and our group. We spent time in fellowship with each resident. We sang songs with some and listened to stories with others. It was a great time and as always when doing God's work, you always feel that you receive a bigger blessing than you give. I was very proud of our youth for participating in this ministry.

We had our Family Fall Festival at the end of the month. This was a little different this year as we changed up our Trunk n' Treat to answer God's call to do things a little different. While we kept many aspects of the previous program, we wanted to make sure that Christ was included in a more real way. Parents and others were encouraged to have a themed trunk that demonstrated a Biblical story or scripture to the kids. It was awesome to see this accomplished and the hope is that someone would be pointed toward Jesus in the process. It was great to see all generations participating in the success of a churchwide event to spread the message of the gospel!

Finally, I would like to say how appreciative I am of Deep Creek Friends! Ministry is not an easy task and it takes a lot of encouragement to stay focused and keep persevering in the calling placed upon my life. The meeting provides that encouragement and honors the programs that are planned for the children and youth. Without that constant help, it would be difficult to carry out God's work. Deep Creek is blessed with many children and youth. This presents a huge opportunity to lead them toward Christ and to disciple them to do the same for others! How blessed I am to have a wonderful group of DOGS and Youth, that are growing in Christ and striving to be on fire for Christ!

Blessings, Jared


From Jared

Looking ahead...

Play practice starts Sunday, November 3rd at 5:00. Please come on Sunday if you are interested in a part or helping with the play! November 9th: Youth to Laser Tag - Time TBA November 30th: Dogs trip to Biltmore House


Fall Festival



Samantha Welborn iS homecoming PrinceSS Samantha Welborn was named 2013 Starmount High School Homecoming Princess at the homecoming football game on October 18. She is shown with her father who escorted her at the ceremony. She is the daughter of Mark and Teresa Welborn and the granddaughter of Jack Shore and Marion and Jewell Welborn.

The Robbins Family has a new gRandson

James Andrew Thomasson was born September 4th, 2013 weighing 9 pounds and 10.5 ounces. Proud parents are Andy and Andra Thomasson. Big sister, Hillary, is very excited to have a baby brother. Grandparents are Janet and Leon Robbins and Don and Sandy Berte.

Hunter Welborn is Homecoming RepResentative

Hunter Welborn, proudly escorted by her father, was a Senior Representative for the Starmount High School Homecoming Court during the Homecoming Festivities Friday, October 18. She is the daughter of Mike and Kelly Welborn and the granddaughter of Bob Smith and Marion and Jewell Welborn.

Jason Ball Is Busy student Jason Ball has been very busy this month in school and Scouts. On October 13, Jason carried the American flag to the Yadkinville Courthouse to honor

Daniel Boone and then called the troop to order at the Senior Center. He was very proud and honored to have this responsibility. Also, on October 17, Yadkin Early College toured the Biltmore House in Asheville and looked at some colleges. Jason said he learned so much at the Biltmore House and enjoyed the cooler mountain air.



The song that silenced the cappuccino machine

It was chilly in Manhattan but warm inside the Starbucks shop on 51st Street and Broadway, just a skip up from Times Square. Early November weather in New York City holds only the slightest hint of the bitter chill of late December and January, but it's enough to send the masses crowding indoors to vie for available space and warmth. For a musician, it's the most lucrative Starbucks location in the world, I'm told, and consequently, the tips can be substantial if you play your tunes right. Apparently, we were striking all the right chords that night, because our basket was almost overflowing. It was a fun, low-pressure gig - I was playing keyboard and singing backup for my friend who also added rhythm with an arsenal of percussion instruments. We mostly did pop songs from the '40s to the '90s with a few original tunes thrown in. During our emotional rendition of the classic, "If You Don't Know Me by Now," I noticed a lady sitting in one of the lounge chairs across from me. She was swaying to the beat and singing along. After the tune was over, she approached me. "I apologize for singing along on that song. Did it bother you?" she asked. "No," I replied. "We love it when the audience joins in. Would you like to sing up front on the next selection?" To my delight, she accepted my invitation. "You choose," I said. "What are you in the mood to sing?" "Well. ... do you know any hymns?" Hymns? This woman didn't know who she was dealing with. I cut my teeth on hymns. Before I was even born, I was going to church. I gave our guest singer a knowing look. "Name one." "Oh, I don't know. There are so many good ones. You pick one." "Okay," I replied. "How about 'His Eye is on the Sparrow'?" My new friend was silent, her eyes averted. Then she fixed her eyes on mine again and said, "Yeah. Let's do that one." She slowly nodded her head, put down her purse, straightened her jacket and faced the center of the shop. With my two-bar setup, she began to sing. Why should I be discouraged? Why should the shadows come? The audience of coffee drinkers was transfixed. Even the gurgling noises of the cappuccino machine ceased as

the employees stopped what they were doing to listen. The song rose to its conclusion. I sing because I'm happy; I sing because I'm free. For His eye is on the sparrow And I know He watches me. When the last note was sung, the applause crescendoed to a deafening roar that would have rivaled a sold-out crowd at Carnegie Hall. Embarrassed, the woman tried to shout over the din, "Oh, y'all go back to your coffee! I didn't come in here to do a concert! I just came in here to get somethin' to drink, just like you!" But the ovation continued. I embraced my new friend. "You, my dear, have made my whole year! That was beautiful!" "Well, it's funny that you picked that particular hymn," she said. "Why is that?" "Well . .." she hesitated again, "that was my daughter's favorite song." "Really!" I exclaimed. “Yes," she said, and then grabbed my hands. By this time, the applause had subsided and it was business as usual. "She was 16. She died of a brain tumor last week." I said the first thing that found its way through my stunned silence. "Are you going to be okay?" She smiled through tear-filled eyes and squeezed my hands. "I'm gonna be okay. I've just got to keep trusting the Lord and singing his songs, and everything's gonna be just fine." She picked up her bag, gave me her card, and then she was gone. Was it just a coincidence that we happened to be singing in that particular coffee shop on that particular November night? Coincidence that this wonderful lady just happened to walk into that particular shop? Coincidence that of all the hymns to choose from, I just happened to pick the very hymn that was the favorite of her daughter, who had died just the week before? I refuse to believe it. God has been arranging encounters in human history since the beginning of time, and it's no stretch for me to imagine that he could reach into a coffee shop in midtown Manhattan and turn an ordinary gig into a revival. It was a great reminder that if we keep trusting him and singing his songs, everything's gonna be okay.


REMEMBER TO PRAY – Prayer changes things! The following information is included by request. Be specific when you pray and send notes.

This color indicates an addition or change from last month. Among those requesting prayer:

Pray for special needs of members, friends and relatives and celebrate God’s care. Contact the editor for information

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and…Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to “recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer. . . Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these United States … that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks . . . George Washington 3rd day of October 1798


2324 Shore Rd. Yadkinville, NC 27055 Return Service Requested Deep Creek Friends Meeting

Do you have a friend or relative that would enjoy The Encourager? Send address.

Please send any change of address. Are you receiving The Encourager in error or you no

longer wish to receive it? If so, let us know. Send suggestions, news, information, announcements or

materials that you would like included in The Encourager.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this The Encourager! Next issue December, 2013 Deadline for news – November 24

Send Information and Materials to: e-mail: [email protected] Mailing address: 2324 Shore Rd, Yadkinville, NC 27055 Phone: 336 679 8466

Shelby Shore Published at Shore House, Ink

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Church Address: 1140 Deep Creek Church Rd. Yadkinville, NC 27055 Phone: 336 961 4404 Pastor: Georgianne Satterfield [email protected] Clerk: Walter Shore Director of Children’s Ministries: Angie Brendle Director of Youth and Jr. Youth Ministries: Jared Warden




I can do everything

through Christ who

strengthens me. Pillippians 4:13