The Empowerment of Women

Chemical World The Object of Thought The Object of Thought Editor: Humberto G Editor: Humberto Gómez Sequeira mez Sequeira- HuG HuGóS 21 October 2015 21 October 2015 - Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA The Empowerment of Women Women already are innately empowered by the chemistry of their nature. With this strength they propelled our evolution and continue to fulfill the conditions of our existence. Civilization is not a benefit inherited from the conquering men, but the product of women's imagination, sensibility, and dedicated work. The men of god—who compose the patriarchal dictatorship of the Church and State— continue to try to negate the women's truth making war against them: defaming them, enslaving them, and killing them. Women have survived the war that the inventors of Jehovah declared against them because of their courage and determination to maintain their position as the essential element of the functioning and administration of the world. The Constitution of men—civil and religious—has not saved women from the pyre. It is not their radical manifesto; rather it is the institutionalization of the penis as the masculine model of society’s strength.


"The Empowerment of Women" is an essay that argues that women are equal to themselves and that this principle is the foundation of their feminist manifesto and revolution. The patriarchy—represented by the Church and State—does not have anything that women can use to empower themselves.

Transcript of The Empowerment of Women

Page 1: The Empowerment of Women

Chemical World

The Object of ThoughtThe Object of ThoughtEditor: Humberto GEditor: Humberto Góómez Sequeiramez Sequeira--HuGHuGóóSS

21 October 2015 21 October 2015 -- Los Angeles, CA, USALos Angeles, CA, USA

The Empowerment of Women

Women already are innately empowered by the chemistry of their

nature. With this strength they propelled our evolution and continue to fulfill the conditions of our existence. Civilization is not a benefit

inherited from the conquering men, but the product of women's imagination, sensibility, and dedicated work. The men of god—who

compose the patriarchal dictatorship of the Church and State—continue to try to negate the women's truth making war against them: defaming them, enslaving them, and killing them.

Women have survived the war that the inventors of Jehovah declared against them because of their courage and determination to maintain

their position as the essential element of the functioning and administration of the world. The Constitution of men—civil and

religious—has not saved women from the pyre. It is not their radical manifesto; rather it is the institutionalization of the penis as the masculine model of society’s strength.

Page 2: The Empowerment of Women

The patriarchy’s obsession is to masculinize the world with the blood shed by the girls whose clitoris is circumcised by the men

of god with faith and violent desire. They do not have anything

that can empower women. Their system—ideological,

economic, political, religious, psychological, military and

cultural—was erected like a pike fence to keep women out of the management of society’s life. Under the patriarchy called

democracy—wherein the masculine aristocracy owns the land,

food, money, war weapons, and drugs—women continue to be

expropriated of their chemical self, pushed into illiteracy,

unemployment, rape, prostitution, drug addiction, and death.

The empowerment of women consists in eradicating all the

conditions that the patriarchy implants in their minds to dominate them. Women cannot empower themselves, that is,

realize their human rights to freedom, equality, manage society,

and share the social wealth within the masculine Law of the

masculine State. They need to revolutionize themselves and

create their conception of life, society, and the universe.

Women are equal to themselves according to their chemical

nature. Let this principle be the foundation for the feminist manifesto and revolution.

—Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS

The Empowerment of Women – Page 2