The Elements of Communicative Language Approach in the Lesson Plan (2)

The elements of communicative language approach in the lesson plan: The focus of the communicative approach is on meaningful communication, the subject ”like”, and the associated questions are meaningful and useful in everyday life. The teacher used the target language, and she uses direct input strategies to the new material by asking the questions. The matching activity, is a fun way to practice the language, and they employ meaningful and useful language in the real context. In this lesson plan the students have to give answers to the questions, they discuss the differences and doing an oral exercise, the students are expected to interact and use their communicative competence that is an important element of this approach. Furthermore, its learner centered. Moreover, by repeating the questions students show what they learned. The elements of the cognitive approach: Start by asking questions quickly the teacher straight away crab the attention and appeal the higher thinking skills. Higher order thinking includes critical, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and creative thinking. These skills are activated when students


the elements of communicativ language

Transcript of The Elements of Communicative Language Approach in the Lesson Plan (2)

Page 1: The Elements of Communicative Language Approach in the Lesson Plan (2)

The elements of communicative language approach in the lesson plan:

The focus of the communicative approach is on meaningful communication, the subject ”like”,

and the associated questions are meaningful and useful in everyday life. The teacher used the

target language, and she uses direct input strategies to the new material by asking the questions.

The matching activity, is a fun way to practice the language, and they employ meaningful and

useful language in the real context. In this lesson plan the students have to give answers to the

questions, they discuss the differences and doing an oral exercise, the students are expected to

interact and use their communicative competence that is an important element of this approach.

Furthermore, its learner centered. Moreover, by repeating the questions students show what they


The elements of the cognitive approach:

Start by asking questions quickly the teacher straight away crab the attention and appeal the

higher thinking skills. Higher order thinking includes critical, logical, reflective, metacognitive,

and creative thinking. These skills are activated when students of any age encounter unfamiliar

problems, uncertainties, questions, or dilemmas. When the teacher writes the question on the

board, she visualized it, has a cognitive function. Asking the function, the students hate to

analyze. By discussing the difference, there will be social interaction and the teacher hears what

the students understand. The matching game (also visualized) also shows their

comprehension.Doing the oral exercise, the students applying their knowledge, and to ask

students to ask an appropriate question, they have to create. To repeat the first exercise the

teacher and the student can evaluate if the aim of the activity is to succeed. The main elements of

this approach are activating the high order skills and the taxonomies of the cognitive domain.

The student has different activities to practice, and the teacher coaches the student with

activities; student-centered approach.

Page 2: The Elements of Communicative Language Approach in the Lesson Plan (2)

The elements of the behaviorist approach:

The goal/aim of the lesson is clear; improving and understanding the various uses of like. Asking

the questions quickly the teacher, starts the lesson with stress and intonation to   promote the

mechanical habit-formed through repetition of basic patterns.  By reading the questions on the

board, gives a more visualize picture of the lesson and a better understanding. Discuss is an

element of low order skill. Also, the matching activity is a low order activity, so an element of

this approach. Correct activity in class, this approach use feedback (reinforcement) to modify

behavior in the desired direction.. The oral exercise another activity to practice. Moreover, by

repeating the first activity the teacher drills in the patterns. The key elements of this approach are

practice, repetition, and reinforcement.