The Elemental Sword Book 1: Fire

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Transcript of The Elemental Sword Book 1: Fire

  • 8/9/2019 The Elemental Sword Book 1: Fire


    The Elemental Sword

    Book of Fire

    Written by Haigen Miller

    Special Thanks to

    Linda for being there for me

    Keira for listening

    Corey for character development

    Dean for taking on my secrets

    Julie for her constructive criticism

    The only time when he said no was now. He had worked so hard for nothing.

    The time when he was about to end the madness and it was too late, or was it?

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    Chapter 1

    The blade

    Adam, he was a fourteen year old boy who had messy brown hair, a small pointed nose and an average

    sized figure. He lived in a small village, made up of children and teenagers who had lost their parents in

    the Great War, between light and dark, having banded together to keep living. It was all because one

    person, Darkor, he was greedy and took the power, all of it, from the darkness of the earth for his own

    gain. Over time darkness was slowly conquering light. The leader of light; Darid, called for six sages of

    each element, to help create a blade that was indestructible and its wielder destined to destroy the

    darkness. The sage of darkness sacrificed himself so that the blade would defeat the element. Each of

    the sages had used most of their life energy to create the ultimate weapon, The Elemental sword. There

    was but one who could wield it, every one hundred years a child of light would be born. The elements

    lived in separate parts of the world; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light and Dark. Darkor was in control of

    darkness and therefore started sending armies out to destroy the other elements. He knew about the

    magical blade and sent thousands to destroy it. Only to find that it was protected by the five sages that

    were still alive after creating it. He himself could not destory it but he knew a way to use the sword to

    resseruct the sage who was sacrificed, therefore removing it from the sword and leaving it destructable.

    He also knew about the child of light and sent assassins to kill him or her.

    "Adam, wake up"

    "Adam, you need to get up, it's time"

    Adam woke with a strange feeling in his head. It was different from the headaches he constantly got

    but, felt somehow familiar. He looked at the back of his hand at the same shape he saw every morning,

    it was like a flame. He had been told it was a birth mark but, Adam didnt know. He walked over to his

    bedside table which he carved out of wood. He carved a lot of things out of wood to pass the time. He

    did it as the others trained daily in groups of a different element. He felt like an outcast, the only people

    who were his friends were: Corey, Brittany, Jake and Jade. Jade, she was a beautiful, a water elementist,

    unlike the others she talked to Adam and felt sorry for him. Her hair was long and black and her eyes

    were the colour of her name, Jade. They sparkled like the night sky and it reminded him of the nights

    they would fall asleep next to each other under them. It wasn't long before Adam had taught himself to

    fight with a sword rather than an element, he would sometimes challenge the others to a fight. They

    would let him win most of the time. He would defend and evade most of the attacks and when he got

    hit it was usually from behind or from under him. He was able to predict some of the moves but, not

    everyone so he tripped or swung where he wasnt supposed to. Luckily it was a wooden sword or he

    may have cut most of his friends in half by now. They all lived in a house that was made from clay and a

    few logs. It wasnt much but, they called it home. He carved his sword out of a special wood Jake found

    while he was training, Jakes element being earth. Adam found Jake protecting himself against a pack of

    wolves, he helped Jake kill them and they started to hunt together. He found Corey in an empty temple,

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    he sat next to him and asked why he was here. Corey didn't know so Adam took him back to his house in

    the Village. Brittany and Jade lived in the Village but after the first small attack they lost their parents

    and homes.

    The village itself was destroyed and anyone left had either fled or died. It was a very common thing for

    people to die here. Although much darkness had followed through, the village seemed protected fromany real harm. Untill after the war that is. Adam made them feel welcome and part of a family. A couple

    of weeks later there was another attack, Adam and his friends fought for their lives and succeeded in

    fighting them off. Adam was the only one who couldn't remember his parents. They weren't around

    during the first attack so, no one knew who they were. It was not uncommon for this to happen either.

    After the attack Adam had him and his friends cover their house in branches and bushes to hide it and

    effectivly made it look like a tree. It wasn't much but it was going to work for now.

    Adam felt a headache coming, this time it was big, real big. Adam felt his head fill with pain, it was

    nothing like he had ever felt before. His head felt like it was going to explode then without warning,

    lightning started to form around him. It was coming from his head. More and more lightning came out in

    every direction, he felt as if he was going to die. Suddenly it stopped and he couldn't see anyone. A

    hooded figure appeared in front of him. It didn't speak but threw silver light out and Adam followed it as

    it flew through the air. He ran trying to keep up with the strange silver, silky light. It landed on the

    shoulder of an old man who had a grey beard and wore a white robe.

    "I am Darin, Master of the Light element" he said as he sat there with his eyes closed.

    "I am Azor, Master of the Air element" said another voice that came from another old man this one

    bald, no beard and he wore a grey robe.

    "I am Flerzia, Master of the Fire element" came a female voice from an elderly lady wearing a red robe.

    "I am Wonero, Master of the Water element" said another elderly man wearing a blue robe.

    "I am Eliza, Master of the Earth element" an elderly woman wearing a brown robe said."Where am I? Who are you people? Why am I here?" Adam said worried.

    "All questions lead to one answer, The Elemental Sword" Darin said.

    "What is that?" Adam asked. "More importantly where are my friends?" he said starting to feel angry.

    "They are safe looking over you" Wonero said.

    "We will return you soon but, first you must take the sword" Eliza said pointing to a sword in a pedestal.

    So Adam walked over and inspected the mythical blade. On the blade he saw strange characters yet,

    somehow he knew they said "The light shall guide me". He pulled the sword out of the pedestal and as

    he did he felt a surge of power. He saw the light surround him and he felt every element flow through

    him and his soul.

    He woke with the one face he wished he could stare at forever looking at him, Jade's. He tries to move

    but Jade pushed him back down and tells him to rest. Adam feels as though he has had every bone in his

    body broken and replaced. He looked around and saw the others standing near him and the sword

    sitting in the corner with a rag wrapped around it. "I need the sword" Adam said weakly.

    "We tried to earlier but it burned our hands, it was weird we could only hold it with that rag" said Jake.

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    Adam got up resisting the others pushing him down and walked over to the sword. He picked it up and

    unwrapped it, he held the handle and felt the surge of power rising in him. He sees something, six black

    hooded figures riding towards the village. "We need to hurry we don't have much time" Adam said

    running out the door. "What are you taking about" the others said running after him. Sure enough there

    were six hooded figures riding towards them. "Lets take them down together" says Adam focusing on

    the task ahead.

    Shadows were a creature that was pure dark energy. With no physical form only the elements can

    destroy them. When an elementalist uses their weapons, they become infused with the power and are

    able to cut, wound and kill shadows. The shadows came from the dark rift created by the dark sage

    thousands of years ago and the elementalists have been fighting them ever since.

    "Right, lets do it" said Corey. The six hooded figures started to divide into more and more shadows until

    there were at least thirty of them. "What do we do now Adam?" Brittany said scared.

    "We fight" yelled Adam as he charged forward, the others following him. As he came about five meters

    away from the shadows he reached out with one hand and said something without knowing what he

    was doing. He yelled "OBLIVIA" and golden flames shot out of his hand towards the hooded figures. All

    of his friends stared in amazement and wondered if it was because of the sword. Adam charged out at

    one of the figures taking off one of its arms. A black ink like substance was spilling out from it, probably

    its blood. He spun and realized it wasn't him fighting. It was the sword. He blocked an oncoming shadow

    ball and sent a rain of ice shards into the hooded figure who threw it. It fell off its horse and faded into

    thin air. A shadow clone. Adam spun again and sliced a figures face open spilling the black ink like

    substance everywhere. Adam noticed a change in the air. One hooded figure had decided to change

    targets and hit Jade square in the chest with a shadow ball. Adam yelled in anger and felt a rise in

    power. He changed. He transformed into a giant fire-like beast with a giant lava sword. He started to

    attack the hooded figures and all of a sudden he erupted spinning in a circle and fire went everywhere.The remaining hooded figures started to retreat and Adam walked over to Jade. Still in his form he held

    on hand over Jade. Golden Light erupted from his hand and entered jades chest where the shadow ball

    hit. Adam returned to his normal form and felt extremely weak. He heard a voice in his head saying "You

    did well Adam" it sounded like Darin, Adam blacked out.

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    Chapter 2

    The Adventure Begins

    Adam opened his eyes, he felt the wind against his short brown hair. He looked around and saw Jade

    lying nearby. He got up and when he grabbed his sword he didn't feel as weak. He walked over to Jade

    and put a hand on her shoulder, she slowly opened her eyes. Adam stared into them, they were so

    beautiful, and he wished he could stare at them forever but then he asked "Are you alright?". Jade

    replied with a weak "yes" and Adam smiled at her. They liked each other but didn't have the ability to

    say anything. He helped her up and then looked around. "Where are the others?" Jade asked.

    "I have no idea but, I think we should start looking for them" Adam replied starting to head towards the

    house. Adam found that the door was already open, when he walked inside he found the others lying in

    the middle of the main room. He walked over to them and tried to wake them up. He turned back to

    Jade who just stood there. "Are you ok?" He asked her. She didn't move. He walked over to her and

    noticed she wasn't breathing or blinking. Adam looked out the window and saw a bird frozen in mid-

    flight. He was worried and didn't know what to do. Then he saw Darin, he stood next to jade and the

    other sages where over by Adams friends. "That was some powerful move you did back there" Flerzia

    said walking over to Adam.

    "I didn't do it, the sword did" Adam said. He looked at the blade and wondered why it did that.

    "No Adam. It was you, the power is within you, the sword just unlocked it" Darin said.

    "Why are you here?" Adam asked looking around at the sages.

    "You need to get your friends to train you with the different elements or they will control you" Wonero

    said sounding serious.

    "Theres a move you can use to stop time like now, except it uses a lot of your energy" Darin said and

    walked towards Adam. "You are our only hope at destroying the darkness" Darin continued. "Your

    friends need to travel with you to the Dark region" he said and then Adam interrupted him.

    "Why me? Why not one of the others?" he said to the sages.

    "You were chosen because of your skills with a blade" Darin said.

    "You see that birth mark? It was put there by Flerzia" Darin said. "Your main element is fire but, you

    have control over every element. Something only seen in a person once every hundred years" He said

    walking towards the other sages. "We will meet again soon" He said as he and the other sages slowly


    After they had packed Adam and his friends left the village and set off on their adventure. They walked

    down a dirt path that led them out of the village and into the mainland. No one from the village had

    ever been there before and it was the one place that wasn't controlled by any element. It was like a

    neutral zone where anyone can do anything. It's more like a war zone. It was at least a four day walk to

    the mainland and Adam knew that there were dangers ahead. As they walked they started to talk about

    what had happened. "I didn't know what I was doing. It was as if the sword was helping me" Adam tried

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    to explain to the others.

    "Well whatever you did. You have an element and that's awesome" Jake said sounding happy for Adam.

    "Well I can control nearly of the elements except Darkness" Adam said and everyone looked at him in

    surprise. Only then did he remember he had not told them about Darin and the other sages. "Well you

    see theres a sage of Light called Darin" he started and went on to tell them everything about what had

    happened recently.

    "And thats about all I know" he finished.

    "Well we should go and protect the other elemental regions" Brittany said.

    After about six hours of walking they looked for a place to camp. They set up a small shelter between

    two trees and made a small fire. Jade helped Brittany set up the wood and Adam practiced his fire

    element by lighting it and nearly setting the shelter on fire. Everyone laughed. Adam told the others he

    wanted to start training tomorrow. They all agreed and Adam took first watch over the camp to make

    sure nothing attacked them. After a few hours Adam woke Jake and told him to take the second watch.

    Adam walked out the next morning and saw Jade had fallen asleep on her watch. He knelt down beside

    her and brushed some of her hair back. I think you like her a voice came from the trees. Adam stood

    up and drew the sword feeling the power rise within him. Who is there? He said trying not to wake the


    Not whom,but why? Came the voice again.

    "What do you mean?" Adam asked and looked around trying to find the source of the voice.

    "I have come to give you warning, you must not travel straight into the Mainland or you will suffer a

    pain worse than death itself" A figure said as it appeared from one of the nearby trees. He walked over

    and put a hand on Adams shoulder. "But you may travel towards the different elemental regions, they

    will offer training for you and your friends" He said as he disappeared into the tree again.

    The others had awoken and Adam had been thinking about what that strange person had said. "We

    aren't going through the Mainland just yet" He announced and the others stared at him. "Why not?"

    Asked Jake.

    "Because we need more training, we don't even know what we are up against. So I say we go to the

    elemental regions for training and supplies alright?" He asked and everyone nodded. Although he had

    no idea on where he was going he and the others walked along a wide dirt path for about five hours

    before reaching a small village. They saw a fight going on between shadows and a man with a sword so

    they looked at each other and then ran into the village. Adam looked at Jade while they were running,

    he loved her posture and the way she ran. He almost tripped and then went on to regain focus, he

    charged into the village running about two of the shadows down before he realized there were about

    forty of them throughout the small village. He ran over as the others battled to the man with the sword.

    "What's your name" He asked the man. "It's Richard" he replied and they charged off together to fight

    more shadows. All of a sudden there was a giant wave of water heading towards them and the

    shadows. Adam reached out and sent a wall of flame in front of him and Richard and he water smashed

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    into the others and the shadows but Adam couldn't see anything. Then he saw Jade and Jake and the

    water flowing around them and not hitting them. He looked at the others and saw the same thing. Once

    the wave had passed he saw a girl fighting the last of the shadows. Richard asked if there was anything

    he could do to help Adam but Adam kindly refused and said "thanks anyway". He walked over to the girl

    and asked her what her name was. She turned and Adam saw her face, it was cute but had a look that

    meant business. "My name is Kaya" she said quite politely and she looked over at the others. "Are those

    your friends?" Adam turned and smiled.

    "Yes they are"

    "And is that your girlfriend" she said pointing to Brittany.

    "No" he said looking back.

    "So she is then?" She said pointing to Jade.

    "No but I do sorta like her" Adam said and he turned back to her. Just as he did he saw a dark figure

    forming behind her. The shadows are what they hide in. The shadows. It is their best known skill. The

    shadow lashed out and hit Kaya. Knocking her out. Jade screamed and hit the shadow with a full blast of

    water and sent it flying.

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    Friends and Allies

    It wasn't long before Adam told everyone to take a rest. After what happened in the village Adam knew

    the others needed to rest their legs. It wasn't long ago that Jade had attacked the shadow that hit Kaya.

    Adam saw the amount of energy that had been used in the attack and knew Jade was angry. Adam

    thought that maybe they knew each other, or if Jade was just upset that it hurt an innocent person.

    Adam had carried Kaya most of the way. He didn't seem to mind because she wasnt that heavy.

    "Adam! We need to move on, we have a long way to go before we reach the water region" Jake said.

    Adam nodded and laid Kaya down and tried to wake her up. She stirred and Adam asked her if she was

    ok. "Yeah" she said weakly. Adam helped her to her feet and told her about what we are doing and

    asked her if she wanted to come along. She said she would love to and everyone seemed to be excited

    about it. Jade turned to Brittany "Look we can't trust anyone at the moment. Anyone can be a shadow...

    you remember don't you?" Jade said. Brittany turned to face her. "Yes I do remember that a shadow

    pretended to be my father and tried to violate me, I wish I did not remember such a thing" she said

    looking sad. Jade put a hand on her shoulder and they both slowly walked over to the others ready to


    They set off about half an hour later with Adam in the front with the sword in its scabbard, which he had

    made out of leather, Jade next to him, Kaya and Jake following behind them and Corey and Brittany

    followed at the back. As they walked they talked about what the other regions would be like. None of

    them remembered them seeing as though they were only small children. "I wonder if anyone knowswho we are" Brittany yelled to Adam who was a fair way in front now.

    "Probably not. Seeing as though you were too young" Adam replied. Although he wasn't too sure he

    could guess that they wouldn't be recognized. It wasnt long before it got dark and Adam told the others

    to set up camp for the night. Everyone was doing something except Kaya and she asked Adam what he

    wanted her to do. "Kaya trust me we don't need any help" Adam told her but she really wanted to help

    so he told her to help Brittany with the tents. Adam wanted to work on the fire element so he helped

    Jake light the campfire. During the walk he asked her to come up the front with him. He asked Kaya

    about the village she lived in and she told him that her parents had died because a man called Conor had

    come dressed in black and riding a shadow beast. She described it as a horse but with dragon features

    like head and wings and tail. Conor tried to kill her but, for some reason she was protected. She hadalmost been killed by him when she threw out her hand and send him flying with a blast of golden light.

    A power surge sent through her when her parents energy had been released from the dead bodies.

    Adam asked if Conor was still alive but, Kaya didn't know.

    Once the fire was lit. Adam told her that if he wasalive he would make him pay for what he did. She said

    thanks and went to bed. Adam gathered the others and organised the watch hours. They had to make

    sure they were safe while asleep. Adam said he would take first watch for the night.

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    Adam woke Jake up and asked him to take the second watch. Jake nodded and got up and walked out

    the front. Adam walked into his own tent and found Jade sitting there staring at the small carvings he

    brought with him. "I carved that one as a resemblance of you" He said as she jumped up and

    apologized. She had a small carving of a beautiful woman in her hand, it had so much detail shewondered if he had used the element of earth to help him.

    "I-I-m sorry, I didn't mean to intrude" She said as her cheeks turned red.

    "Don't worry its ok" Adam said, realizing his cheeks were turning red also. She walked over and handed

    him the carving. "Jade...I want to tell you something, something I have been wanting to tell you for a

    while now". He said as he stared into her eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful he couldn't move his gaze.

    "What is it Adam?" She said. She couldn't move her gaze either.

    "I love you"

    Jake waited for the moon to reach the right part in the sky and went to wake up Corey. As he walked

    past Adams tent he heard moaning. He raised an eyebrow and curiously lifted the flap of the tent, he

    saw Jade and Adam under a blanket kissing each other and he let go of the flap and took a step back not

    wanting to invade their privacy. He walked and woke up Corey telling him not to disturb Adam because

    of what he was doing. Corey laughed and walked out to the watch spot. Brittany came out and sat next

    to him. "What are you doing up, you don't have watch duty yet" Corey asked her.

    "I couldnt really sleep" She said.

    "Well I guess you can sit with me for a while" He said looking at her. 'She looks beautiful' he thought to

    himself, knowing that she didn't like him the way he liked her he didn't bother telling her about his


    "It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Brittany asked.

    "Yes you ar- I mean yes it is" Corey said, he knew his cheeks were turning bright red. Brittany just

    laughed and rested her head against Coreys shoulder. That's where she fell asleep so Corey carried her

    back to her tent and decided to take her watch as well. He smiled as he watched her sleep and walked

    back out of the tent to return to the watch spot.

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    Chapter 4

    The Shadows of the Light

    They had walked for a while before reaching the first of the five regions they needed to visit. The Water

    Region. Jade was so excited to finally see the place she came from. Adam was constantly kissing her and

    the others started whispering about last night but neither Jade nor Adam seemed to care. They saw a

    large city on the horizon. It had a large castle in the middle and it seemed to be surrounded by a wall.

    The closer they got the more amazing it looked. They realized that the city was surrounded by water

    and saw a nearby ocean that none of them noticed. Probably because it was level with the ground and

    they were downhill. They reached the outer wall, they heard a voice yell "Who goes down there".

    Adam yelled "We are travellers".

    They were greeted by guards on a small boat. Adam and the others got on the boat. They tried not to tip

    it but, it seemed stable enough. The boat floated across the river as the guards moved their hands in a

    swaying motion. They were using their elemental power to push the boat across the moat-like water.

    Adam wanted to learn how they did that and watched their smooth movements. Once they went

    through a small pass they were suddenly inside a giant concrete bowl and as they saw the city was

    further into the ground then they thought. Suddenly the water started to lower and they went down

    until they reached the bottom of the huge city. As soon as they took a step off they had to hurry

    because the boat and water was rising fast. They made their way through the crowds and noticed

    people were staring at them and whispering to each other. As they walked along more and more people

    were looking and whispering to one another. "Why are they doing that?" Jake asked."Probably because they havent seen people like us before, notice how they are dressed all blue?" Adam


    "Oh" was all Jake said and they made their way along the crowds of people. They finally reached a flight

    of stairs leading up to the castle. "Hopefully we can ask for training up in there" Brittany said. They made

    their way up but as they did they stopped halfway as they saw six figures appear wearing golden robes.

    The middle one walked forward and said "We are the Shadows of Light, we have been waiting for you

    Adam". Adam drew his sword unaware of who was in front of him and he told the others to be cautious.

    The Shadows of Light laughed together and lashed out with a different element. The civilians scattered

    screaming as the blasts shocked the houses. Guards ran in in an attempt to remove the threat but were

    taken out quickly but the sheer force of the Shadows of Light. The one on the far left sent out a blast of

    a shadow like energy so Adam attacked him first. The others tried to help but their power was no match

    for the Shadows of Light. Adam hit with a full force of fire but the figure just wiped his hand and sent

    Adam flying down the stairs. Adam felt every bruise and bump and once he hit the bottom of the stairs

    he felt how weak his body was getting from the attack. He slowly rose and saw the others having just as

    much trouble. One by one they fell down. As soon as he saw Jade fall he felt anger rise within him. He

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    got up and felt the anger filling him with power. The sword glowed bright gold and Adam set off with

    incredible speed up the stairs and smashed his sword against the face of one of the Shadows of Light. He

    felt the figure disappear beneath him and he swung for another and as the sword hit the next figure it

    disappeared like the first. He did this until there was one left and he turned to him. "What are you here

    for?" Adam asked.

    "We were sent to capture you for Darkor" it hissed.

    "So why the robes? Why pretend to be something you're not!" Adam yelled furious. As he looked at it

    he could almost sense a smile going across it's face. Adam lashed out but missed and caught it's robe

    pulling it off. The Shadow screamed and burst into flames.

    He walked back to Jade and the others. The others got up but Jade looked seriously injured. He picked

    her up and looked around. Hundreds of people were cheering and clapping. Adam was confused and

    asked a nearby civilian if the was a healer around here. He introduced himself as Jevear. He was a

    trainer at the primary class dojo. Adam and the others followed him. They reached a small hut and

    Adam walked in asking the others to wait outside. He took Jade in and saw an old lady sitting in front of

    a mat and a bowl of water. The water appeared to be crystal clear and almost sparkling. "Ahhh, I see you

    defeated those evil shadows, Adam" She spoke slowly.

    "How did you know my name?" Adam asked laying Jade on the mat.

    "It was told that a hero would rise wielding The Elemental Sword and he would vanquish the evil from

    the world, leaving the regions and mainland in peace" she said as she waved her hands over the bowl of

    water. The water rose as her hands did and she pushed the water into Jades wounds.

    "How do you know that is me? I am no hero" he asked but she did not answer. He moved on.

    "How did they know I was coming here" Adam asked.

    "They didn't exactly, they have six Shadows in every region pretending to be followers of the light" shesaid.

    "Do you know where I can find a mentor to teach me how to use the water element?" Adam asked as

    she kept working.

    "Yes, there is one man. I believe you have met him, Jevear" She said and Adam nodded. "Your friend will

    be alright, she just needs sleep" She said.

    "I am sorry I have no money but I will gladly fix something of yours if you wish it" Adam said frowning.

    She smiled and said it was ok. Adam picked Jade up and walked back out.

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    Chapter 5

    A new path

    Adam had found a place for him and the others to stay for as long as Adam required training. Jevears

    house. Jevear had accepted to train him. He trained at the primary class dojo. The humiliating thing was,

    was that he had to train with children as they were just learning like him. Although they had more

    experience than Adam. The first training session was about how the moon controlled the tide and about

    the way it pushes and pulls the water. He learned a lot and was soon able to control the water to do

    whatever he wanted. Although he had only just began after a few more lessons he was like a master.

    Jade had often come and trained with him hoping to master the element herself. They were both great

    and found each others company more and more enjoyable each day. They had finished their training,

    packed their gear with the others who spent most of their time roaming the city and headed out of the

    city for the next region. The Air region. They had bought supplies using money Jevear had given them

    and asked if he could join them in their journey to rid the evil from the world. Adam said thanks but, told

    Jevear to keep training those kids because they may be needed one day to help fight against shadows.

    Jevear laughed and told them to have a safe journey.

    They were walking down what seemed to be an icy road. They knew they were getting closer to the Air

    region. Along the path Adam sensed something. Something dark. He looked around but he couldn't see

    anything. Adam didn't know what it was, or who but he did know it wasn't friendly. He scanned the area

    ahead and listened to the others talking about the town and what they saw.

    Its nothing like our village right? Jade asked and the others nodded and told her how there wereseveral fish markets everywhere. Adam took a quick glance at Jade. She was so beautiful and he

    wondered how long he would need to keep her in danger. He looked ahead again searching for

    something when he heard a scream. They all turned to Kaya as she was being dragged along the ground

    by a shadow-like hand. Adam sent a blaze of fire out but, it didnt do anything. He felt the power rising

    in him and threw his sword. At the time he thought it wasnt a good idea, which was until it slammed

    straight into the hand and sending a blazing light into it. It exploded with pain and anger and shuddered

    away into the trees. Jake had Kaya in his arms and he looked really worried.

    Kaya had deep cuts on her and needed to be treated fast. Adam looked ahead and could just make out a

    mountain. He tried to use his powers to sense some form of a village but found nothing. He put her on

    his back and started running. The others seemed to vanish in thin air and it was then he realized he was

    running at super-fast speeds. He was controlling the air around him and making himself super

    aerodynamic. Before he knew it he was at the base of the mountain. He looked around but, still didnt

    see a village. He felt small vibrations coming from inside the mountain. Somethign inside was calling to

    him. He could feel life within the mountain. He felt a mass surge of energy coming from within. He sent

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    a massive surge of power towards the face of the mountain. All of a sudden a massive crack filled the air

    and then the face of the mountain just started breaking away, revealing a door. He ran inside and found

    a massive crowd of people looking at him. He saw that they all had an expression of shock. He walked up

    to a woman standing there wearing a green robe and a brown sash.

    Please my friend is hurt I need your help

    The woman looked at him and nodded. She took her from his hands and carried her inside a tent. Adam

    followed still looking around at the crowd. He walked inside and saw the woman running an open hand

    over Kayas chest. Adam kept his distance. How did you do that back there? the woman asked.

    I just wanted a way in so I told the mountain nicely Adam said with a little humour in his voice. The

    woman smiled and asked his name.

    Adam he kindly said and asked for hers.

    Jess she said.

    Adam asked if Kaya was going to be ok, she said she needed a special ingredient from the top of the

    mountain called brimstone. Adam got the details of the ingredient and headed back out the way he

    came and saw a few figures in the distance. Right! He forgot completely he had left the others behind.He ran up to them at a slower pace this time and asked if they were all right.

    We are fine but, is Kaya ok? Jake seemed to ask quite impatiently.

    She will be fine if I can get to the top of this mountain and get a special ingredient for a healer. The

    others nodded and Jade walked up and grabbed his arm. You're not going without me She said. Adam

    turned and kissed her telling her it will be ok. She let go and kissed him back.

    Be safe she whispered in his ear before Adam turned and sprinted up the hill as fast as the wind would

    allow. The others decided to go and keep Kaya company for when Adam gets back.

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    Chapter 6

    Air bound

    Adam spun and slammed the point straight through its chest. He withdrew his sword from it and sent

    flames towards an incoming enemy. Shadows had surrounded them and they were having trouble

    fighting them off. It was a good thing Corey convinced Adam to let him come along although Adam

    wasnt so sure about Jade coming too. It wasnt long before Adam had sent more fire out towards them

    but it was no use. He suddenly felt his sword give him a surge of power and without realizing what he

    was doing until he had done it, he jumped and drove his sword into the ground. A shockwave of fire

    shuddered the air and sent the shadows flying while on fire. Adam got up and saw that there were no

    shadows but, a few bushes were on fire so Jade put them out. He looked over at Corey who was

    standing there a bit puffed. He felt a chill down his spine and lunged at Corey, pushing him out of the

    way as an arrow flew where his head was. Adam slammed rocks around the attacker pinning them in

    mid-air. He pulled the rocks closer using his power then revealed the face of a beautiful looking girl. She

    looked almost as beautiful as Jade but not the same. Who are you? Adam asked.

    Thats not important, what is important is that you let me go or we are all dead! she yelled. Adam

    hesitantly let her free and she pulled a knife out and stabbed Corey in the side of the neck. NO! Adam

    said until he saw black smoke coming from the wound instead of blood. Adams face went white.

    COREY! WHERE ARE YOU! he yelled. The girl put her hand over his mouth and took Adam to a small

    bush where she was before Adam trapped her. There was Corey; he was laying there with a lump on his

    head. Adam nodded at the girl. May I know the name of the girl who just saved my life? Adam asked.

    Tegan She said plainly and walked past him. Adam felt something strange and he had no idea what it

    was. He noticed her chest was very distracting. And from the back she looked attractive as well. Adam

    shook his head. What am I thinking? I love jade. He thought to himself. Adam walked and grabbed Jades

    hand. She was just staring at the body of the puppet. Adam noticed something strange at the top of the

    mountain. It was a structure of some sort. He put Corey on his back and made his way towards it slowly

    following behind Tegan and Jade followed Adam. Tegan stopped and whispered something Adam

    couldnt hear and ran forwards. She spun and stabbed a bear in the eye before spinning and stabbing

    another in the chest. It was so quick and amazing. Adam didnt have time to blink before she had thrown

    her knife and hit another bear. All three of them fell to the ground almost in unison. She pulled her knife

    out and cleaned it on her clothes. She was wearing a brown skirt with a green top. She had two leather

    belts. One going around her waist and the other across like a sash. She walked on as if she hadnt

    touched a branch so Adam and Jade carefully followed.

    They were close enough now to see the steps. There were only a few of them thankfully. They all walked

    up and looked around inside. There was a pedestal with a pointed rock, sitting in the middle of a

    rounded room. Adam walked in and studied the rock. It was a part of the pedestal, so Adam had no idea.

    Tegan sighed and walked up to the rock. She slammed her hand down on the point and Adams eyes

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    went wide. He strangely didnt see blood and then he realized she had pushed the whole pedestal down

    and all of a sudden a massive gush of wind threw Tegan, Jade, and Corey who had only just come around

    and they rolled down the steps and Adam tried to get to them but couldnt move. Why have you come

    here! A voice bellowed through the temple.

    I need Brimstone Adam said.

    Well, go away until you have mastered the Air element! the voice said.

    I have! Adam yelled back.

    Then why cant you move The voiced replied.

    Adam struggled but couldnt move. He began to panic and tried to reach for his sword. It was no use he

    would never be able to reach it. He felt pain for his friends that he was letting down. The world he was

    letting down. Adam felt the power of the sword rise through him. He wasnt holding it but it still gave

    him enough power. He sent out a yell and shattered and invisible hold on him. He saw a figure standing

    there. Then he recognized the voice. Azor? Adam asked.

    Adam, I see you controlled the power of the sword without the need of touching it he said smiling. If

    you train that skill, it may become very useful He handed a small black rock to Adam. Adam nodded

    and ran out the door. He found Jade and Corey lying next to each other. Tegan was beside them

    checking Coreys head. Good to see youre ok Adam said to her. She turned and smiled.

    You too she said. She got up and kissed his cheek. Adams face went red and he checked to see if Jade

    was alright. She had a small cut on her head. Adam picked her up and turned to Tegan Ill see you down

    there and sped off down the hill faster than Tegan could blink. He took her through the entrance he

    created earlier and a bystander who noticed him come in came and helped her. Adam kissed her

    forehead and took the brimstone to Jess.

    Good, you found it she said, smiling, and took it over to a bowl. She used her element to crush it into apowder then added this gold liquid. She will be ok but she needs rest Jess said.

    Thank you Adam said and walked outside. The others were sitting there waiting. She will be ok she

    just needs some rest he said. Jake let out a sigh of relief and the others smiled. Adam decided to take a

    look around town to see if he could find some food supplies, seeing as they were getting really low. He

    realised he had no money, but when a man behind a stall saw his sword simply sheathed in a leather

    scabberd. he kneeled and said Please take all the food you need, Great One Adam stared at him with a

    questioning look. Are you talking to me? Adam asked. The man looked shocked and said,

    Of course hero, chosen by the gods, you can save us from the darkness and turned around

    Everybody! The hero of elements is here! and people started looking and cheering when they saw the

    sword. Adam decided he would still pay for the food somehow and gave him a necklace he had gotten in

    the Water region. He packed them with some water and weapons for the others and went back to see if

    Kaya was awake. He looked and saw that she was sitting up. You should be resting Adam said.

    Would but, I miss Jake she said. Adam poked his head out of the room and nodded at Jake. He walked

    out and Jake walked in. Thank the elements youre ok he said and hugged her. She stared at him with

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    tears in her eyes.

    I love you She said to him.

    I love you too he said back and he leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him back and told him that

    they better get going.

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    Chapter 7

    Flying Lessons

    They decided it was best to stay a few more days so Adam and Corey went and trained in a small area

    outside the mountain with a man called Aereon. They learnt how to control the flow of wind and build

    up air into a small ball. Corey was getting really good and Adam was just a little too good. Corey was

    satisfied and went off to train some more and the teacher challenged Adam to a fight. Adam prepared

    himself but he was suddenly knocked off his feet. He got up and looked around but couldnt see Aereon.

    He heard something and looked up. It was too late; he had received a hit in the face from Aereon who

    appeared in the air out of nowhere. Adam got up and the Aereon was standing there smiling. Adam felt

    the rage surge through him and sent a massive blast of air at him. Aereon easily dodged the attack. You

    will need to learn to control your anger otherwise it will block your senses and whipped around the

    back of Adam. Adam spun sending a wave of air but the teacher disappeared. Adam was ready this time,

    and he sent a wave of air into the sky. However Aereon had changed his tactic and moved around to

    Adam's side and knocked him off his feet.

    "Remember that you never pull the same trick twice" Aereon said and dissapeared again. Adam felt the

    vibrations of the wind and just as Aereon appeared he sent a massive blast of air towards the sky. It hit

    Aereon and he fell to the ground. Adam walked over, keeping his guard up and the teacher slowly rose

    from the ground.

    Well done he said. I have one more thing to teach you He said to Adam and told Corey to come

    over. Corey dropped what he was doing and ran over to the other two.

    I am going to teach you how to fly he said and both Adam and Corey looked at each other smiling. It

    is hard to keep focus unless you understand how to move the air around you to push you in anydirection you want and demonstrated this by pushing the air down and making himself lift off the

    ground. Adam tried it but used too much and went a fair way up before falling, quickly. Corey laughed as

    Adam landed and tried himself. He couldnt produce much air and got about an inch off the ground.

    Adam patted him on the back and Corey lost balance. Adam laughed and helped him back up. Aereon

    said they would get better with more practice.

    Adam and Corey pacticed untill it was time to leave, they begun to head back and thanked Aereon for

    the help. (Break it into two or three paragraphs, add a tad more detail. Again, things are too fast and

    leaving me confused.)

    When they got back Adam told the others of what him and Corey had learnt. They all got their supplies

    and set off down a track that led back to the Earth Region. The track went straight to a cave, where the

    temple was. Along the track Adam decided it was too dark and they set up camp. Adam had noticed that

    Jade was trying to avoid him. He was a little afraid to ask why. He walked closer to Brittany Hey, do you

    know why Jade is trying to avoid me? he asked. Brittany looked at him then at Jade and whispered in

    his ear. What? Really? he asked. Shenodded and his eyes went wide. He walked over to Jake Youre

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    not going to believe this he said. Jake looked at him. Jade is pregnant Adam said and Jake stopped.

    Adam grabbed his arm and told him not to say anything to anyone else. He nodded and continued

    walking. Adam wondered what he was going to do. Jade kept avoiding Adam for the rest of the night. In

    the morning Adam went to Jade and asked if she was okay. She just nodded and turned away. Adam put

    his hand on her shoulder and told her that its going to be alright. Jade hugged him and started sobbing.

    Adam told her to calm down and not to worry. She pulled herself together. Adam, I love you she said.

    I love you too Adam replied and kissed her. They began to pack their stuff and set off down the track

    holding hands. It was their way of telling the others that they are alright. Corey walked next to Brittany

    and handed her a carving he had made. It was a wooden heart perfectly carved. Brittany turned and

    hugged him. Thanks she said blushing. Corey walked faster to catch up to Adam.

    I have a bad feeling about this place, Corey Adam said as they went deeper into the woods. Corey

    shuddered and looked back. The others didnt seem to like it either. Adam felt cold and then turned to

    check on Jade. She was shivering. Adam waited for her to catch up and gave her his cloak. She kissed his

    cheek and kept walking. Adam told the others that it shouldnt be far when they were suddenlyattacked. No matter what, we need to protect Jade Brittany and Jake nodded and the others didnt

    understand but, nodded anyway. Tree vines came from everywhere, trapping them. Adam burned them

    and then suddenly, Tegan cut the vines freeing herself and the others. You didnt think you could just

    leave me on the mountain like that did you? She laughed and sliced the incoming vines. Adam couldnt

    believe he had forgotten to go back for her. He guessed he was so worried about Kaya and Jade. He

    continued to burn the vines but accidently caught a few trees on fire. He called out for Jade to put them

    out. Jade turned but couldnt put it out. Her element was being drained of energy. She just collapsed

    and Adam sent a wave of air to put the fire out. He ran to Jade but, got caught by a vine. Several more

    constricted him and he couldnt produce any flames. Tegan suddenly cried out and she too was trapped.

    Adam saw a figure then felt something hit his head hard. Everything went black.


    Darkor was making sure the final preparations were complete. Where is my dark pack? He called. A

    dark pack was a group of six to ten Shadearks. These were powerful creatures of darkness and were

    called to hunt and kill whatever they were told to. They are almost like wolves but breeded with black

    bears. Even speaking the name of the creature is said to be cursed. Well, you see sir, they are still in

    that village you ordered them to destroy a small skinny man said.

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    "Well, send word of a change in tactic, order them to track the young child, Adam" Darkor said, and

    pointed to the door.

    "Yes master" the skinny man said before scurrying out the door. Darkor returned to his window and

    looked over his dark realm. He thought that maybe it was going to take him to defeat Adam and stop

    him from freeing the world of darkness. We had lived in peace for many years, but the darkness had still

    been looked down upon. Now we are giving them a reason to do so. He thought to himself. It wasn't long

    before he heard in his head the screams and shouts that made him feel powerful. He laughed and

    headed to his chambers to rest.


    Adam slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't feel anything. His whole body was numb. A figure was

    standing over him and another kneeling next to him. He heard a voice. "Adam wake up, please!" It was


    "C'mon Adam, the world won't save itself" Tegan said. Adam slowly lifted his arms and the two girls

    helped him up. "What happened?" Adam said feeling a bit drowsy."Well, we were caught in vines and one of them broke a branch, which knocked you out" Jade said. "We

    saw the earth move up from the ground, and then the vines started screaming" Tegan continued. "Jake

    had saved us" Jade said looking happy. Adam smiled.

    "As long as both of you are alright" he said. They put more cover over him to keep him warm and went

    and got food and water for him.

    The next day Adam walked out of his tent feeling somewhat better. He saw Tegan begin to walk over to

    him. She turned and smiled at him with that beautiful smile she had.

    "Where to now, Oh Mighty Chosen One?" Tegan said playfully.

    "Well, I think we should try to continue to the Air temple" Adam said. They all nodded and as Jade got

    up, she looked over at Jake and smiled. Jake smiled back and Adam noticed something strange between

    them. It's probably nothing, He thought to himself and they set off down the track leading to the Air


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    Chapter 8

    Unleash the fury

    It seemed there was never a dull moment for Adam. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, he ran

    into trouble. Both Adam and jade worried about Kaya. Hoping she was alright. Adam felt something

    burning inside him. Although he wanted it to be nothing he knew that something wasn't right. He heard

    a noise, he turned and got his sword from its scabbard and got in a stable stance. His breathing

    increased slowly and then a crying girl who had been running came out and crashed into him. He got up

    and the girl laid there and looked at him with tears running down her face.

    "Help me" she said and just as she closed her eyes four shadows jumped out and tried to attack her.

    Adam and the others quickly started their attacks. Adam lashed out and stabbed a shadow in the side of

    its face leaving it screaming on the ground. The girl screamed and Jade leapt over and got caught in its

    wave of shadow. Adam saw this and went ballistic tearing through everything to get to her. Adam spun

    slamming his sword into the side of a shadows face. The sword erupted in flames and Adam spun taking

    another three shadows by slitting their chests open. He let out a massive blast of light and the shadow

    that had attacked Jade was destroyed. He felt anger and fury rising to breaking point and he let out a

    massive wave of flames towards the last group of shadows. Jade fell to the ground and Adam rushed to

    her side. The others watched and the girl stopped crying.

    "I'm sorry its all my fault" she said beginning to cry again.

    "No, the shadows did this to her and they will pay" he said before picking her up.

    Just as he did she burst into black flames. Adam fell to his knees and put his face in his hands. For the

    first time since he left the village, he cried. Jake walked over with tears in his eyes and put a hand on his


    "We are here for you big brother" he said.

    Adam looked up and said "I know, thanks" before grabbing his sword off the ground.

    The girl sat by herself murmuring about how its her fault and that everything is her fault. Adam walked

    over and handed her a bowl of soup.

    "I don't want it, Ill kill someone else if i touch it" she said darkly. Adam couldnt help but, put the bowl

    in her hands. She looked up at him and stared at his eyes. Adam looked back at her and it wasn't until

    then that he realised how beautiful she was. She had short black hair with long dark red hair at the back,

    underneath the black hair. Adam wondered how she got such beautiful hair. It wasn't a moment beforehe remembered Jades hair. How it was almost similar. He looked down trying not to show her the tears.

    She hugged him and said "It's ok we will find her again" and Adam looked at her.

    "What do you mean? find her?" he said.

    "When someone is killed by a shadow their spirit is separated from their body and sent to a realm of

    darkness" she said and Adam jumped up.

    "Well what are we waiting for lets go!" he said enthusiastically. The girl looked down and said.

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    "It's not that easy..." Adam suddenly sat down and looked sternly at her. "We need to find a way into

    the realm of darkness without dying to be able to save her" she said "and that is impossible unless you

    possess the element of darkness" Adams enthusiasm went down and he felt more depressed than

    before. No one he knew could do that and even he couldn't without killing his friends.

    "What is your name?" Adam asked trying to change the topic.

    "Aliesha" she replied.

    "Welcome to the family" Adam said with a smile on his face. For the first time that night both of them


    Jake woke up first. He had met the new girl last night and had become good friends. He went to Adams

    tent to see him there asleep with tears down his cheek. Jake knew he had only just fallen asleep and

    decided to leave him there for a little while. He went to Brittany's tent and saw her slowly waking up.

    "Good morning" Jake said.

    "Hey, how are you" she replied then proceeded to yawn.

    "I'm ok how about you?" he said.

    "Yea I'm alright" she said before getting up and walking outside. She was still trying to get over Jades

    death although, none of them will. The familiar sound of Adams yawning brought their eyes to his tent

    as he walked out stretching his arms. He brought his sword to its scabbard before walking to a nearby

    river. The others went back to what they were doing and Brittany approached Jake. "There's something I

    have been wanting to tell you" she said shy fully. "Hmm?" Jake replied.

    "I think we should go somewhere private" she said and grabbed his hand. Jake followed instinctively.

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    Chapter 9

    What lies ahead

    Brittany and Jake returned to the others who were talking about the path ahead. "Where should we go

    now?" Jake asked Adam. Adam told Jake it wasn't long before the path got dark and dangerous. "I am

    ready for anything" Jake said and Adam smiled.

    "I admire your courage but, it may not be enough to keep everyone alive" he said trying not to think

    about Jade. Jake saw the pain in his eyes and put a hand on his shoulder "don't worry we wont let

    anything happen to them" and although Adam knew he would fight his hardest, if he couldn't protect

    the girl he loved, how could he protect the others. Both Adam and Jake packed their things and got

    ready to move. How long until we reach the next region? Brittany asked.

    Its about a three to four day walk Adam said. He needed to find a way to keep his mind off jade.

    Hey Adam? Aliesha said. Adam turned and looked at her.

    Yeah? he replied.

    Im not sure if you know but, I dont have an element She said. Adams eyes went wide with shock. He

    had never met anyone who didnt have an element before and it wasnt that long ago when Adam didnt

    have one either. Kaya walked up and put a hand on her shoulder its ok Im sure you have one deep

    inside of you we can unlock and that made Aliesha smile. Adam liked her smile. It was sweet and

    beautiful. Guys we need to move before more shadows turn up Adam nodded and started down the

    track that led to the Fire temple. Adam didnt know what was going to happen but, he was ready for


    Two days had passed and things progressed as normal. Whatever normal was that is. Jake and Brittany

    grew closer and had experienced their first night together. It wasnt hard for Kaya and Aliesha to get

    along. They liked similar things and enjoyed talking about the stars. Adam sat alone keeping the

    campfire going most of the time and often walked ahead a fair distance so he could cry without the

    others knowing. He checked to see if his sword was still free in his scabbard. He couldnt think of what

    would happen if it got stuck. He was still learning to control his elemental powers and without the right

    knowledge he could be very dangerous. He pulled his sword out and the ring of the blade against the

    scabbard rang in the air. The others as if instinctively ran towards Adam. Dont worry Im ju st checking

    to make sure its still sharp he said reassuring them and they started walking again. Jake walked faster

    and caught up to Adam. How are you feeling? he said. Adam looked at the ground and said nothing.

    He didnt want to talk about it right now. Adam, you know we are here for you Jake said before

    dropping back with Brittany and the others. Aliesha had been trying to think of ways to say sorry seeing

    as though she felt she hadnt said it enough already. Adam didnt blame her for what happened . After all

    she was scared and didnt have an element to protect herself. Adam couldnt hold a grudge against an

    innocent girl. He clicked his fingers which generated sparks. It was the most he could do at the time. His

    depression was leaving him weak and his elemental powers useless. Why couldnt he make the pain
