THE LATE WAR VETERANS MEET The secoud anuaal renuiou of tlie Twelfth Regiment Spanish-American War Veterauß Association,held in Mil- ton on Saturday was a'higlily suoce s- fal affair in every detail. There were in all 19A veterans in attendance. The Oompauy V delegation was composed of O. P. Gear hart. H. F. Prentiss, Dr. E. L. Davie. William H. Russell, Miohael Conley, William Marshall, Edward Klase, E. P. Thomas. H. L. Dreifuss and H. K. Slifer. At the afternoon business meeting the veterans were welcomed by Hon. Wlldan Scott, mayor of Milton, and Major John M. Caldwell and a re- sponse was made by Oolouel James B. Ooryell. The election resulted iu the oholoe of the following officers to serve for the ehsolng year: President, Col- onel James B. Coryell; Vice Presi- dents, Major William H. Straub and Captain Charles P. Gearhart; Secre- tary, Colonel M. H. Taggart; Treasur- er, A. Oonyou. It was decided to hold the next re- union at Suubury on Cctober 28th, 1903, the 28th being chosen because the regular date, .Cctober 29th, next year falls on Sunday. Lewisbuig,Sun- bury and Look Haven all were after the next gathering, but Sunbury was oliosen by a majority of sixty votes. The supper that was served iu the Armory was an elaborate one, which was greatly enjoyed by the soldier boys, who in fact had a royal good lime throughout the reunion and spoke in warm praise of the hospitality of Milton. The short parade in the evening was followed by a mooting at 8 o'clock at which Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobln, of Lebanon, made an able ad- dress that was heard with great in- terest. The slngiug of fravette Mat- tel, of Williamsport, and the music of Gaskins' Military Baud were features of the meeting. Officers of the staff and line made short addresses of a timely nature. OLD TIMERS WIN ANOTHER 7 Two games of basket ball at the Armory Friday night wore enjoyed by about three hundred spectators. The first game between the Old Timer Re- serves and Silk Mill was a little slow and showed a lack of practice ou the part of the Silk Mill team. The score was 18 to 2 in favor of the Reserves. The sceond and main game was be- twee the Old Timers of Danville and Ihe Bloomsburg team called the Clover Wheelmen and was well played,result- ing in favor of the Old Timers by a \u25a0core of 19 to 15. The local team had better control of the ball in goal throw- ing than their opponets. Gaskins was injured in the first half and delayed the game a few miuutes. He recovered and did excellent work. The line up and summaries of both games, in the order played, follows : RESERVES. SILK MILL. Edmondson . forward Heller Gillaspy forward Bloom Reifpnyder center Jenkins Roberts guard Smith Beyer guard Montague Goals from field: Gillaspy, 3, Reif* \u25a0nyder, 3, Edniondson, 2, Beyer, 1, Smith, 1. Score: Reserves 18, Silk Mill 2. Time of halves 15 and 10 min- utes. Umpire, Edmondson. OLD TIMERS. BLOOMSBURG. Gaskins.. forward..Williams Bedea forward Appleman Sech lor center Gilmore Dougherty ... defence Price Russell defense Taylor Goals from field : Gaskins, 3, Bedea, 1, Sechler, 1, Dougherty, 1, Russell, 1, Williams, 3, Appleman, 1, Gilmore, 1, Price,l, Taylor, 1 On fouls: Gask- ins, 5, Appleman, 1. Time of halves, 20 miuutes. Umpires,Bedea and ROEOU thai. Score: Old Timers, 19, Blooms- burg, 15. voters Will Number 3000. With several mass meetings recently breaking the monotony of the political quiet it is still a fact that the present campaign has boeu one of the least strenuous in the history of Moutour county. What a prominent local poli- tician has to say in explanation of the \u25a0ituation is interesting. "It is quiet on the surface," ho re- marked, "but the work is being done notwithstanding. The quiet work is the kind that is effective. It is the kind oalled for by the State Committee and for a fact evory man of my patty in the oouuty has been seen." Such a plan of procedure calls for more actual work thau the arrauge- mont for torch light parades, brass baud music and stirring speeches. The old methods are still indulged into some extent, but it is doubtless true that the modem form of work is grad- ually supplanting the other and has made certain and definite results. It is thought that Moutour county will poll a good vote this year. At least 3000 ballots are expected to be oast. Lack of Accommodations. The lack of a bridge made itself very forcibly felt to Riverside people Mon- day night when the big fire was rag- ing in this city. Many persons across the river who saw the blaze were eager te reach the scene of the fire, but the ferry was oil this side of the river, there were no boats and all communi- cation was cut off. The loss of the bridge briugs uo end of inconvenience aud everyone in this ?eoiion who is obliged to use the slow- ly moving ferry is looking forward eargerly to the completion of the bridge. Hen Thrown Off Wagon. The driver of a P. L. brewery wag- on at about 5:30 o'clock Saturday even*- ing had passengers on his vehicle, three Sunbnryites, wJ»o were riding from South Danville to this city. When the ferry was effecting a lauding on this side of the river the brewery wag- on in making a start suddenly threw the passengers off. They all got more or less wet and as they scrambled to shore afforded amusement to a tig throng on the bank. IMPROVEMENTS OF D. L. 4 W. The desire for improvement is so general in Danville that even the rail- roads of the city are getting in line. The Delaware,Laokawaona & Western is to begin at once on extensive im- provements all along their right of way here. This will be weloome news to all citizens. Arrangements for the work to be done were made yosterday, when Division Roadmaster Soofleld was in Danville for that purpose. The first task to be taken op will be started right away today. It is the placing of temporary walks over the canal on Mill street. Two cars of oinder will arrive here today and Con- tractor D. J Rogers will begin plao- ing it on the street to form a pave- ment, he having been given the con- Iraot tor the job. He Will make a safe and serviceable walk of it And the cinder will do servioe throughout the wiuter, but ill tTie concrete pavements will be laid.. ' The AMERICAN herewith pre- sents the election proclamation pre- scribed by law,iu which Sheriff Maiers oalls the attention of voters to the eleotion to be held iu Montour connty on Tuesday, November Bth. The pro- clamation gives the names of the presi- dential candidates of the several par- ties,the names of the presidential elec- tors and of the candidates for other offloes to be filled; also the places in which elections aie to be hell. The proclamation follows: I, George Maiers, High Sheriff of tbe-County of Montour, iu the Com-, monwealth of Pennsylvania, do here- by make known and give notice to the Electors of the connty of Montour,Pa.. that an election will be held iu the said Connty on Tuesday, the Bth day of November, A. D. ,1904, it being the Tuesday following the first Monday iu November, the polls to be opened at T o'clock A. M.and closed at 7 o'clock P. M.) at which time the Freemen of Uontonr County will vote by ballot for the purpose of electing the follow- ing officers: Probably the next woiJt^ta?be start- ed will be the laying of flve-iuob rails at the Mill stieet crossing. This will be done to make it possible to pave be- tween the rails of the D. L. & W. traok. A Sunday probably will be taken for the work in order not to in- terfere with the ruuniug of trains. The largest job, for part of whioh Mr. Rogers also holds the contraot, will be in the line of general improve- ments at the D. L. & W. railroad sta- tion. This work also will be done tills Fall and when it is completed the ap- pearance of the station willbo not a little improved. The plan is to fill iu and raise the surface all around the statioo. Crushed stone will be plaoed on the ground and Contractor Rogers will roll it into a hard, firm bpd that uot ouly will look good but will make a substantial driveway and platform aronnd the station. No delay will be experienced in the work, which ia to be finishod as soon as possible. A railroad station being the first thing noticed by strangers on entering a city,any improvement of a local oue should find great publlo appreciation. THE ELECTION SUPPLIES HERE Couuty Commissioners' Clerk Blue was busy unpacking a large box of election supplies that yesterday arriv- ed at theOourt House. There is enough material on hand to cover every detail of the election aud with the supplies provided the election officers will havd no trouble in iuakiug official reoordsof the votes oast and getting them in the form the law requires. In the box of supplies are fourteen paokages of material, one for each election precinot of the county. Eaoh box contains.tally sheets, poll books, return sheets, directions for officers in oliarge of the eleotionsand other forms of a similar nature. Eaoh box also has iu it a copy of the ballot laws whioh will of course be for the guidance of the eleotion olfloers, who by consult- ing it oau learn just, what it required if at any time a point should be In dispute. While tließe are tlio main part of the supplies there aro a' o pens, blank paper, blotters, wax, tape' and envelopes bearing tlio names of the offioials to whom reports are to be turned in. The oulflt that goes to eaoh precinct is very complete and should prove a great aid; in 'simplifying the onerous duties the election a: ways en- tails. Delegates in the City. The Danville & Bloomsburg trolloy line afforded many of the Women's Christian Temperanoe Union members who have been atteuding the State Convention at Bloomsburg an oppor- tunity to visit in this city and yester- day ladies wearing the emblamatio white ribbons of the Union were fre- quently enoountered heie The con- veniences of the trolley line is being demonstrated every day and the travel keeps up without intermission. Many of the delegates who visited here yesterday would probably not have oome had they been obliged to use the trains and thus limit them- selves to special times, but the ability to oome or go almost at will by trol- loy makes the new system a great boou. This phase of the situation seems to appeal strongly to business aud com- mercial men, whose numbers among the many other passengers are increas- ing each day. Was a Unique Celebration. To take one's first trolley ride on the 98th anniversary of on)'s birth is to say the least a unique method of oele- bratlou. This is what Mrs. Margaret Seohler, "Aunt Peggy," of East Dau- ville, did on Saturday. In oompauy with Mrs. S. F. Rioketts, Mrs. Sarah Forrester and Mrs. John Seohler, "Aunt Peggy" made a trip to Blooms- burg and return aud enjoyed it great- ly. Mauy persons called on the aged lady during the day, Saturday, and con- gratulated her,among them beiug Mrs. J. Sweisfort, Mrs. Stickle, Mrs. Cleav- er, Mrs. Walleze, Mrs. I A Persfng, Rev. aud Mrs. Limhertaud Paul Lim- bert. Attendance at Rural Schools. It is pretty hard to enforce the school law as regards attendance in the rural districts jnst now. There is an abuudauoe of oorn to husk and oth- er work remaining to be done on the farm, aud owing to the approaoh of winter and scarcitv of hands the bovs are very much IU demand. The 8011001 law applies tJ tl.e country as well as to town. The truant officer, whose duty it is to keep pupils iu school, it seems has uot as yet found his way in- to the rural districts. AFamily Reunion. At the home of Lewis Byerly, 214 , Walnut street, there was a family le- nuion on Sanday at which were pins- ent a daughter, Mrs. Jennie C>.ldreu i and oliildien of Shainokin ; a son, Will- iam Byerly and wife, of Williamsport aud two other sous, both of Danville, 1 Jaoob aud his ol.lldren and Daniel ' Byerly aud his wife, aud Sarah aud Rose Byerly. Til* affair was a very happy oue. REPUBLICAN. For President and Vice President ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS. Presidential Electors. Robert Pitoairn, Levi G. McCanley, George J. Elliott, Joseph ts. McCall. Robert 0. H. Brock, John E. Reyhurn, Kennedy Crossan, Edward W. Patton, John Taylor Wolfendeu,.Joseph Hosier, James D. Landis, Frederic W. Fleitz, Frederick 0. Johnson, Walter J. White- house, Charles D. Werley, John H. Brown, Edward G. Schieffelin, Will- iam 0. McCounell, W. Scott Alexand- er, John Hays, William Lauder,George L. Deardorff, James Orlando Brook- bank, John H. Negley, Isaiah Good, William S. Parker, Joliu C. Sturgeon, Archibald Johnston, J. Frank Oralf, J. 0. Milliu, Charles W. Dahlinger, Albert P. Burohfield, J. Welficd Holmes, William McConway. DEHOCRATIC. For President and Vice President PARKER AND DAVIS. Presidential Electors. Robert Wilson Irwin, Stanley Wood- ward Davenport, Harry Nicliolls, Jo- seph Reeves Wainwright. John M. Campbell, James M. Stewart,H. Max- well Rowland, Moses Veale.Euiil Holl, Benjamin Sterling Johnson, William Hayes Grier, William Craig,John Mc- Qahren.Oharles F. Kiug.Alvin Clous- er, John Sullivan, John B. Ooulston, Alphonsus Walsh.Samuel Z. Hawbuck- er, Robert E. Weigley, Lucian D. Woodruff, Nevin M. Wanuer, Timothy E. Oostello, William T. Meohling, Rookwell Marietta. Charles: H. Akotis, James P. Colter,M. Frank Coolbaugh, Alfred W. Smiley,S. E. Walker,Henry Meyer, Thomas B. Foley, George Heard, Charles B. Payne. PROHIBITION. For President and Vice President SWALLOW AND CARROLL. Presidential Electors. Herbert T. Ames, Daniel G. Hend- ricks, A. Foster Mulliu, Edward B. Cooper, Edward R. Steinmetz, Charles Reading Jones, Samuel Christian, Lewis Lincoln Eaveusou,Charles Palm- er, Howard Leopold, H. D. Patton, William W. Lathrope, William Ben- jamin Bertels, Harry Albert Reber, William M. Stauffer,Charles W. Hath- away, James Mansel, B. Budd Can- non, Jeremiah Sowers Yaukey, John D. Gray bill. Daniel K1O«H, John Henry Hector, Etisha Kent Kane, Edwin R. Worrell, William Simpson Throckmor- ton, Capt. M. S. Marquis, George W. Fellows, Edward Everett Dixou, John B. Bair, Henry O. Cockruiu, Thomas P. Hershberger, J. P. Knox, J. J. Potter, Matthew H. Stevenson. SOCIALIST. For President and Vice President DEBS AND HANFORD. Presidential Electors. Edward J. Cook, Henry John Peter, S. Holmes, William D. Altinan,Thom- as J. Frederick, Andrew P. Bower, Elwood W. Lefflor, Robert B. Ring- ler, John H. Nase, Alfred Chatelain, Edwatd A. Evans, Bernard V. Ken- nedy, William H. Keevan, Walter Nel- son Lodge, Peter C. Heydrick, Davis A. Palmer, Conrad J Rechstciuo, Ar- thur J. Dennis, Frank R. Field, Will- iam A. Stroup, John D. Ortlip, Elmer H. Young, John A. Storgis, Patrick Smith, Edward Kuppinger, Walter W.' Rihl, Julius Weber, Paul B. Wreath, Christian Sauer, Frederick W. Skor- sets, Herman Lemke, Adolphus A. McKeen, H»rvey W. Shay, Francis J. Rogers. SOCIALIST LABOR. For President and Vice President CORREOAN AND COX. Presidential Electors. Edmand Seidel, Charles Duruer, JameH Erwio, Detlef Rehrier, Alnort Q»y, James Ryan, William Hutzel, James Ray, George Auton, Peter Flan- igan, Louis Katz, Silas Ilinkel, David Wismer, John Bach, Herman Spittil, L. Cunningham.J. F. Gingeubach, C. Schleicher, J. Devine, A. Black, Jos- eph Mulleu, E. R. Markley, John A. Barron, John Kien, Jenkin James, Harry Jenkins, G. A. Brown, Aug. Clever, P. C. Tesson. INDEPENDENCE. ' For President and Vice President PARKER AND DAVIS. Presidential Electors. | Robert Wilson Irwin, Stanley Wood- I ward Davenport, Harry Nicholls, Jos- eph Reeves Wainwright, John M. . Campbell,James M. Stewart, H. Max I well Rowland, Moses Veale.Emil Holl, j ? Benjamin Sterling Johnson, William I Hayes Grier, William Craig,John Mc j Gahreu, Charles F. King, Isaac Hiest- THE PROCLAMATION OF SHERIFF MAIERS THE ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREWITH PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN IN THE FORM PRESCRIBED BY LAW-VOTING PLACES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. GIVES NAMES OF ELECTORS AND CANDIDATES er, John Sullivan, John B. Coulston, Alphousus Walsh, Samuel Z. Haw- becker, Robert E. Weigley, Luciau D. Woodruff, Neviu M. Wanner, Timothy E. Costello, William T. Meohliug, Rockwell Maiietta, Charles H. Akens. James P. Colter, M. Frauk Ooolbaugh, Alfred W. Smiley,S. E. Walker,Henry Meyer,Tliomas B. Foley.George Heard Charles B. Payue. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT _ Julju H-Elkin, Republican. Samuel Gustiue Thompson, Demo- cratic. -"Samuel Gustiue Thompson, Indepen- dence. A. A. Stevens, Prohibition. George W. Bacon, Socialist. Archibald A. Grant, Socialist Labor. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS E. W. Samuel, Republican. Henry E. Davis, Democratic. Martin P. Lutz, Prohibition. REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GEN- ERAL ASSEMBLY. William 0. Kramer, Republican. R. Scott Ammeruiau, Democratic. Asa D. Crossley, Prohibition. PHOTHONOTARV. Thomas G. Vincent, Democratic. COUNTY TREASURER. DeWitt O. Joues, Republicau. Simon K. Hodman. Democratio. VOTING PLACES. I hereby also make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid electious iu the several Wards of the town of Danville and Town- ships, within the Couuty of Montour, Pa., are as follows, viz: Anthony Township, at Exchange Hall. Coopor Township, at Keller school. Derry Township, at Billmeyer Ho- to), Strawberry Ridge. Danville, First Ward,at Court House Danville, Secoud Ward, on Front street near school house. Danville, Third Ward, at corner of Pine and Walnut streets. Danville, Fourth Ward, on Ash street next to J. M. Kelso. Liberty township, at Moorosburg, house of Catharine Heudershot. Limestone Toiyisliip, at California Grange Hall. Mahouing Township, at corner of Bloom and Railroad street*. Mayberry Township, at Sharp Riilge school house. Valley Township, at Mausdale, at public house of David Wise. West Hemlock Township, at private house of C. F. Styer. Washingtonville Borough, at public house of Fauny Hoddens. NOTICE is hereby given "That ev- ery person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or ap- pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States or of this State, or any oity or incorporated district, whether a commissioned offic- er or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall bo employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary departments of this Stnte or the United States or of any oity or in- corporated district; and also that any member of Congress aud of the State Legislature, and of the Select aud Common Council of any oity, or com- missioners of any incorporated district is, by law, incapable of holding or ex- ercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common- wealth : and that no inspector, Judge, or any other officer of any such elec- tion shall be eligible to auy office, to be then voted fur, except that of an election officer. Given under my hand and seal at my office, iu Danville, Pa., this the I'.lth day of October, A. D. 1904. GEORGE MAIERS, Sheriff. AIM ORDINANCE. TO VACATE A PORiION OF CROSS STREET, IN THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE,MONTOUR COI'NTY, PENNSYLVANIA. WHERE IT CROSSES THE TRACKS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILWAY COMPANY AT GRADE AND IN LIEU THEREOF TO EX- TEND "A"STREET INTHE SAID BOROUGH,UNDER THE TRACKS OF THE SAID RAILWAY COM- PANY, TO WALNUT STREET,IN THE SAID BOROUGH, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHh'REAS, a certain petition sign- ed by the majority in interest and number of owuers of property abutting on tlie linn of the proposed improve- moiit, was duly presented to the Chief Burgess ami Town Council of the Bor- ough of Dnuvllle at a regular and stat- ed moeting of the said Town Council, setting forth,among other things, that, the part or portion of Cross street, in the said Borough, which is crossed at grade by the tracks of the Philadel- phia and Beading Kailway Company is dangerous to publio ttavel and is a constant menace to life and limb in its presont location, - and that a much siftr and more practical route lor all such public travol could be readily ob- tained by an uuder-grade orossing of the slid railway at "A" street there- by connecting the latter s reet direct- ly with Walnut the mid Bor- ough ; that it was therefore expedient that such part or portion of Cro-s street between its northern intersec- tion with Nicholas Avenue and its southi rn intersection with said Wal- nut street bo properly vacated aud thai in lieu thereof said "A" street be ox- tended from its inteiseotion with Col- umbia and Nicholas avenues in a southwardly direction, under, and at right angles with, the tracks of the *aid railway company, to Walnut -treet aforesaid; that the petitioner was the sole owner of all property thus abutting on the lino ot' the pro- posed improvement and aw such was the only party entitled to statutory notice jr liminary and subsequent to the enactment of an ordinauce in such behalf ; that the said petitioner there- by and therein waived all such statu- tory notice to which it would bo oth- erwise legally entitled, and respect- fully requested that the necessary and proper ordinance for the above purpose be at once duly enacted without any other pte'iminary or subsequent pro- ceedings as to such notice being had in the premises, AND WHEREAS, the said petition- er thus being a majority in interest and number of owners of-property as tforesafd, in the said petition therein expressly waived all statutory notice subsequent to the en- | ictnii iit of the ordinance thus request- ed and tait.ier asked that such ordin- ance be at once duly enacted without any other preliminary or subsequent proceedings as to notice being had in the premises, AND WHEREAS, it thus clearly appears that a majority in interest and number of owners ot property abut- ting on the line of the proposed im- provement are in favor of the said im- provement and that such improvement is of manifest advantage and necessary to the safety of the traveling public in general and especially to tlnTln- hab.t int; of that locality in the said Borough of Danville, AND WHEREAS, the Danville and Rloomsburg Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, in consid- eration of certain privileges and fran- chises to it and them hereinafter grant- ed bv the said Borough of Danville, have coven rntjd and agreed .with tjio said Borough of Danville to make such extension of "A" street its and their own proper cost and expanse,and to fully indemnity and savo harmless the said Borough of Danville from any and all damages, individual.prop- el t/, or otherwise whatsoever, that may accrue in, or be iu any wise in- cidental to, the construction of such exteusion of "A" street as well as to keep such extension of "A" street, when thus constructed, iu proper con- dition and repair at all times. THEREFORE, be it ordained and enacted by tho Chief Burgess, and by the Town Council of tho Borough of Danville, in the County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, in Coun- cil assembled, and it is hereby ordain- ed and enacted by the authority of the SECTION 1. That all that certaiu part or portion Df Cross street between it* northern intersection with Nicholas avenue in the Fourth Ward of tho said Borough of Danville and its south oru intersection with Walnut street in the Third Ward of the said Borough of Danville be vacated upon the comple- tion and acceptance by the said Bor- ough of Dauvillo of tho said under- grade extension ot "A" street to be constiucted in lieu theioof as is in the next Section of this ordiuanco more specifically provided. SECTION 2. That said 1 A" street, iu the Fourth Ward of the said Bor- ough of Danville, bo extended from its intersection with Columbia and Nicholas avenues in a southwardly directiou, under, aud at right angles with, tho tracks of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, to Walnut stieet, in tho Third Ward ot the said Borough of Danville. SECTION 3 Tha* the said exten- sion at "A" stroet shall bo made by tho taid Dauvillo and Bloomsburg Street Railway Company at its own cost and expense, under the direction ami control of tho committee of the said Town Council on Streets aud Bridges in conjunction with the Street Commissioner ot tho said Borough of Danville, and iu strict conformity with such torms, maps, plans and specifications as shall be piovided therefor by the said Borough of Dan- ville, and that it will fully complete the said extension of "A" streot with- in the period of ninety daj-s from the time that this ordiuanco takes legal effect. SECTION 4. That in fcluiH making the said extension of "A" street the said Dauvillo and Bloomsburg Street Railway Company shall fully indemn- ify and save harmless the said Bor- ough of Danvillo from the payment of, or liabilityfor, any and all damages, individual, property, or otherwise whatsoever, that may accrue in, or bo in anywiso incidental to, the con- struction and maintenance of the said extension of "A" street, as well as from all othei claims aud demand" whatsoever that may at any time be made upon tho said Borough of Dan- ville by tho said Philadelphia and Heading Railway Company in the premises. SECTION 5. That the said Dan- ville and Bloomsburg Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns shall, at its and their own sole cost and expense, keep such extension of "A" stieot, when thus properly con- structed, iu pioper condition and re- pair so that the same shall be passable to all ped(strians and vehicles at all times. SECTION 0. That,iu common with the public and upon tho proper com- pletion thereof as afores »id, tho said Danville and Bloombsurg Street Hail- way Company shall have tho right to; properly occupy and use the said ex- tension of "A" street, with its sub- way. in accordance with the terms ot 1 its franchises already < btained from the said Borough iu the premist s. SECTION 7. That the said Borough of Danville hereby expressly reserves ' all of its rights to make such changes and improvements iu and about such ' extension of "A" stieet as it shall from time to time deem aud find tiecos- sarv aud proper. SECTIONB . That each and every < of the provisions, conditions, regula- | tions, stipulations and restrictions,! respectively, contained in this oulin- auce shall be alike binding aud oh- ligatory upon the said Danville and Bloomsburg Stieot Ha I way Company ! and its successors and assigns. SECTION 9. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances ineonsisei. t with ! or oontrary to tho provisions of- this \u25a0 ordinance are heieby repealed. Approved the seventh day of Octo- ber, A. D., 1904. WILLIAM G. PURSEL, Chief Burgess. Attest: HARRY B. PATTON, Secretaiy of the Borough of Danville. Pa., Council Chambor, City Hall, Danville, Pa.. October 21st.. 1904. AN ORDINANCE. SUPPLEMENT TO AN .ORDIN- ANCE, APPIiOVED THE THIRD DAY OF SEPTEMBER 11103, EN- TITLED "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE DANVILLE AND RIVERSIDE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT,MAINTAINAND OPERATE AN ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY IN, THROUGH, UPON AND OVER CERTAIN STREETS IN THE BOROUGH OF DAN- VILLE, MONTOUK COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. SECTION 1. l?e it Ordained by the Town Council of tlio Borough of Dan- ville, in the County of Montour and Stale of Pennsylvania, in Council As- sembled and it- is hereby Ordained by Authority of the same, That Section 1 ot an ordinauce entitled "An Ordin- ance Granting Permission to The Dan- ville and Riverside Street Railway Company to Construct, Maintain and Operate an Electrio Street Passenger Railway in, through, upon and over certain streets in the Borough of Dan- ville, Moutour County, Pennsylvania, Approved [he third day of September, I'.IOJ, which reads as lollows: "SECTION 1. Bo it Ordained by the Town Council of the Borougji erf Danville iu tlie county of Montour and Stato of Pennsylvania in council assembled and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same; that con- sent and pet mission bo granted and given and the tame is hereby grauted and given to The Dauvillo and River- side Street Railway Company (a corp- oration duly organized and incorpor- ated under the laws of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania) at its own proper cost and expense to build, con- !struct, maintain and operate perpetu- ally a single track electric street pas- senger railway in, through, upon and over Mill, Market, Northum- berland, Walnut, Lower Mulberry and Church stree t-s, respectively, within tho limits of the Borough of Danville, together with the proper and neces- sary connections, turnouts, sidings, curvos and switches requisite to make a proper electric circuit, uw3 lor such purpose to erect the necessary poles, string the necessary wires, and to do every lawful act au<l thing necessary to properly construct, reconstruct, re- pair and maintaiu the said street rail- way and roadbed, to operate the said street railway with electric motor,and to propel proper oars the reou for the accommodation of public travel upon and under the following conditions, regulations, stipulations and restric- tions," be and tho samo is hereby amended and extended so as to be and I read as follows: That consent and permission be granted and given auet the same is hereby granted and given to The Dan- ville and Riverside Street Railway Company (a corporation duly organiz- ed and incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania), its successors and as.-igns, at its own proper cost and exponse to build, con- struct, maintain aud operate perpetu- ally a single track electric street pas- senger railway in, through, upon and over Mill, Market, Bloom, Northuiu- berland, Waluut, Lower Mulberry aud Church streets respectively, and also in, through, upou and over "A" Street. Beginning at its intersection with Bloom Street aud upon and oyer said 41 A" Street so as to pass from said "A" Street under the Catawissa Railroad, (now oporatod by The Phil- adelphia and ReaJiug Railway Com- pany as lessee) and connect with the line of the said Danville and Riverside Stieet Railway Company on Waluut Street aforesaid, at such point as it may dosire within the limits ot the Borough of Danville together with the proper and necessary connections, turuouts, sidings, curves and switches reejuisite to make a propor electrio circuit, and for such purpose to erect the uecossary poles, string tho wires, aud to do evory lawful act and thing necessary to properly construct, recoil- struct, r.ipair and maintain tlio said street railway and road-bed,to operate Hie said street railway with olectric motor aud to propel cf rs thereon for the accommodation of public travel upon and under all the conditions, re- gulations and stipulations and restric- tions as providod in the said ordin- ance to whioh this is a supplement. Approved October 6th. 1904, WM. G. PURSEL, Burgess. A ttest : HARRY B. PATTON, Sec'y of the Borough of Dauville, Pa. Council Chamber, Danville, Pa. .Octo- ber (Itli, 1904. Foot Ball Mishaps. Hero are a few of the Saturday foot ball accidents: Bloomsburg-Bterwiek game, at Bloomsburg, Clyde Mercer broke his oollar bone ; Backnell Sjrubs- Watsontown, at Watsoutown, Josiali Little, son of Judgo Little,of Bloorns- butg, hail two ribs displaced ; Berwick- Bloomsburg Normal, Tackle Seely, of Berwick, severely spralued an ankle. A HATTER OF HEALTH pom &AKINO POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE Ayer's What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old P And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. : Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. " Ayer's flair Vigor restoiecl the natural color to my gray hair, and I am greatly nleased. ItIH all you claim for It." Mkh. E. J. VANOUCAR, Mecliaulcsville, N. Y. fI.OU a bottle. j.c. AVRR CO., j A " >"<?**<?<?\u25a0 f or Dark Hair Hallowe'en Party. Mrs. Robert May pave a Hallowe'en party to a number of frie iris Monday evening at lier liome,Oh«niib »rs street. Those present were: Mrs. Gilbert West, Mrs. F. West, Willie West, Jas- per West, Miss Kimua May, Robert May, Alfred May, Man ha May, Frank Adams,Frau'c, Albert and Snr.» Paugli, Lydia Recce, John lieecc,Luther,Ethel and Helen Fox, Eva Thomas and A. Owen. Jury List. t'A.suit tliat will enlist much public | itfturest and involving important liti- will bo tried at Danville, next mouth, tor which a special term of Court, to convone November 14th, has ordered. Mrs. Sarah Cromley of Limestone towuship, is trying tore- cover damages from the Pennsylvania railroad for the loss of iier husband and son,who were killed on a crossing at Watsontown some ytar. ,wlien the toAm they drove al<o was killed and their rig demolished by being run down by a train. It will bo remembered that at first the case was non-suited here. Thou it was carried to the Supremo court and by that body was referred hack here for trial. For this special term of (Joint Sheriff Maiers and Jury Commissioners Curtis Cook aud William B. Moore havo drawu the following: THAVERS JURORS. Authony township. ?William Rlack, Elmer Kurtuer, David Cox. Cooper Township. ?J. II Weaver. Dauville, First ward?George Bedea, Thomas Tiainor, Jr., William Reed, John Campbell, William H. A miner- man, Harry Patton, Samuel Lunger. Danville, Second ward. ?William M. Moyor, Patrick Kerns, Charles Gib- bons. Danville, Third ward. ?Elins Maier, Simon Elleubogon, George Huulock, Jacob Fry. Danville, Fourth Ward.? Thomas Neville, William Jordan, Jr., L. G. Little, David Gibson, William G. Evans, Thomas Dempsey, Albert Book- miller, John Quigg. Derry township. Levi Moser.Frank Courson, Auiandus C. Schultz. Limestone township. Ambrose Cromin, James C. Smith, J. C. Mince- moyer. Liberty township.?J. H. Diehl.F. M. Millhoim, Clark C. Dyer, Willard Pauuebaker. Mahoning township.?William Bell, James Morrison,William Scluam, Jos epli Hitter, J. Lloyd l\rumm. Mayherry township.?Joseph Gear- hart, Charles A. Schultz. Valley township ?Samuel Pursol, William C. Flick. Washingtouvillu. Flank Uinstead. West Hemlock township.?Lloyd Bomboy, J. W. Andy. Patronize A. C. AMESBURY, Best Coal in Town. J.J, BROWN,Iff.IT. THE EYE A SPECIALTY- Eyes tested, treated and fitted with glasses. No Sunday Work. 311 Market ;L. - - B!oomslmr£. Pa Hours?lo to 5. Telephone. Take jonr prescriptions to ROSSMAN & SON'S PHARMACY, 845 MILL STREET, DANVILLE, PA, Two Registered Pharmacists In oharga Par* Fresh Drags and full line of Pateat If edict aes and Sundries. riltl CIGARS. GOOD COLD SODA, GEO. H. SMITH, Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician Expert Repairing. Cjm Bum,nod Fr«. 8»tlsf«otIon Guaranteed. JBI MILL STREET. NKAR CANU DR. J. S;W EISF 0R T, DENTIST. tws ODONTUNDER f..r the ptiinlcm ox traction of teeth. Dentistry in all its branches and all work guar- anteed. ? CHARGES REDUCED. Opposite Operq House, Danville. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS &!?'«? I L Iff ob*t,7 *" At p *\u25a0 !S%i&BSaBSr ft TEPyS Uold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Tskssoolhfr. Rrfunr danireroui aubntl- laUoaaaad Imitations. Buy of your Druggint, or send In stamp* for Psrtlcnlar*. Trail- moaalals and " Belief for Ladlm." in letter, arelura Hall. 10,000 TesUmouiala Hold by Druggists. j * OHIOnSTIR OHBMICAL, 00. Medlese Nfears, rA. \u25a0na«,a»isi»w. Philadelphia and Reading- Railwaj IN KKKKOT HEITEMBIiIt IDlii. I" 4 THAI NX I.KAY K D.\N v H.oh Por Philadelphia 7.58, 11.25 a. iu f'or .New York 7 sa. iiaj H u. i.m u » For (JALHWLHHH 11:«I, H. in HM J O {;» ,K Foi KluutuhbittA: Mrjoa. tll. »,..u «. Hi»«. Ki»r Milton7:6H, >ind For WlillainMpo'I7:fta ;; m mu« < v«; »» TRAINS >K 11A N\ J i.i,r. heave I'miadeiphiu l*?:u# a. u> heave WllllamNpnrl in:oom i, .. i . « lt . Leave Milton |0.87 a. m , 5.19 p m. heave HiooniHhurg 7:87 H. ID., 8,88 p m heave Catawlaaii 7:40 n. in.. 8::<h p. m A fawi expreub train fro:.- Heading Turn i FhtladelphtH to New York every hour fr«*» 7.0(1 a. m to 7.0(i p. m. Maine service r»*tori ine. ATLANTIC J-'ITY R. It. From Chestnut'Hireet Kerry. For South Street see Timetables at .Station* WEEKDAYS. ATLANTIC CITY 780 a. ni. Lcl. u.OO a. n.. Kx 111 60 Exp. ».(»! p Kxp. 4.0U p. m. l-.xp-UO minutes. Jil;op. in. Kxp. 5 00 u iii. Lcl. 7.15 j. in. Exp. CAFE MAYand OCEAN CITY?B TJO a in 4.1",n. n. SEA ISLE?B.SOa. m. SUNDAYS ATLANTIC CITY?7.HO a. in. 81 Ex. 8.00 a in. Lcl. 0.00 a. m. Exp 10.00 a. in. Kxp.6oo p. ni. I,el 7.15 pin Exp ; CAFE MAYand OCEAN CITY?7 80 a. in. 81 Ex. 8.46 a. in. SEA ISLE?7.3O a in *1 Ex. Del ailed I lint* tables at ticket o(t;« e«, Dtti and Clientunt Street*. K.i 4 Chestnni - revli 884 Client nut Street. 100» < lient tint street, South 8d Street, 8062 Marketstreet and at tlons. ?( Union Transfer Company will rail f»>- cheek haggnge from hotel* and residence* A T, DICE. EDSON J WEEKS. (4*r»»l. HtiMMr. Aw _ ! 1 ACKAWANNA It A1LRUAD. ? *?BLOOMSBUIiti DIVISION WEST. A.M. A M. A.M. P.N New Vor* .lv 2On .... 10 00- I t Soranton 617 isu P. M. Ilti(lain IV 11 80 246 V M. Scran lon ar 55h I<< U5 .... ?V. M. A. IYI. P. M. P. * M-ruuloii . lv lh Hb MUIO tl 66 I|t Belle villi ???», Taylor f> H iu 17 iOB 944 l.ackawanua HSU IU24 ilo on Duryea- *63 10 28 al3 m | Pltlslon »iSB 1U 88 al7 66? Susquehanna Ave 701 10 87 2 ltf 661 WuHtPllUlou 706 10 11 228 ?ft Wyoming 71U 104b *2? 7 IT. borty Fort 2 si Hennell ;17 IUM i34 j'ii K Ingßtou lit 724 10 jb 540 7M Wiikmi-lbtrra hi 710 IIiu 26« 7 » . Wlllum-Harre iv 7ld 10 40 2SO til Klugdton lv 724 lo stf V4O I'lymoulli June ..... Plymouth 785 IIU6 2u *7 Nantlcoke 748 11 18 258 ; HunlOOk's 74» II 1H 806 741 sblckHhinny. Bui il 31 820 75| Hicks Kerry .... kll in 48 Bso fb 01 Beach Haven Biw II48 B¥7 BOt HerwlCk 827 II 54 844 1 Hriarereek f8 82 f8 60 Willowdrove fh 3fl f854 f|'§, Line Kid ye 840 fl2 09 858 fH4 K«py 848 12 15 406 Blt ItloouiMburg 858 12 22 412 S4l HUpert BA7 12 26 415 641 CatawiNNH - MO2 12 82 422 PI Danville Hls 12 14 488 V Cameron u24 ri2 67 448 Nortliumber'd.. »ir ÜBS 110 46b FAST A. M. A. M. P. M. P. fr Morthumnerl' 45 fIOOO tl 50 ?? II I ameron 57 ft 01 Danville 707 10 1M 21, .. «i I CatawlHHa ... J2l 10 82 226 161 j Kupert * 72« 10 87 22V fOt Bloomsburg 7 jii 10 41 288 r<|i | Kupy 788 1U 48 240 Ml Lime Kldge 744 fio54 fv 40 tt> J* I Willow UrOV* f/48 f2 50 Hriarereek ». 762 f2 58 fn* Berwick..,.., 757 11 Ud 268 66 Beech Haveu hOS fll 12 808 II II ickN Perry 811 fll 17 808 6lt ShlrkMhlnny 822 11 8/ i2O ft M llviiilock's Bas 881 f7U6 Nunlicoke 888 1114 838 711 Avondale 841 842 7tl Plymonth 545 1161 847 7«f Plymouth June...? 847 ... 852 ... KlngHton ur 855 11 51« 400 761 WllkeH-Barre »ir Mid 12 10 410 7 M WllkeH Barre lv 840 11 40 850 761 KlngNion IV 856 IISM 400 7 6 Luzerne 858 al2 02 408 7 4 Forty Fort 112« UC .. . 407 Wyoming MOS 12 08 412 711 Weat PlttHton wiu 417 Tl Husquehaniia Ave . »is 12 14 420 76 PiltNlon MIM 12 17 424 BUI Duryea 938 42» 606 Lackawauna -.1. M2o 482 811 Taylor HB2 440 61) BeJlevne Reran ton ....ur M42 12 86 450 661 AM. P.M. P, M Soranton.... lv 10 25 Jl 55 .... 11 ll A. M Buffalo ar ... 7 56 7 01 A. M. P. M P.M A.hi Si ranton. |v io.lo 12.40 18 85 *2 01 P. M. P. M P.M A. B4 New York..., nr 830 500 735 6 M \u2666Dally, tßally except Hunday. fStopß on Hignal or on notice to conductor a Stops on Hignal to take on passengers lo) New York. Bliighamlon and point* west. T. K.CLAKKfc 1. *V. LUK den. Superintendent. (Jen WM. KASE WEST. attornfy-at-law, Ko. 850 MILI. SIRF.HT, DANVII.LB. CHARLES CHALFANT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, K«. 110 MILL STRKET, DANVILLE I WILLIAM L. SIDLER, ATTORNEY-VMAW. coi. HILL AND' MARKET STRIFES, DANVILLE. THOMAS C. WELCH, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW. District Attorney of Moutonr County. Ma 107 MILL STRBBT, DANVILLE. G. SHOOP HUNT. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST, Opposite Opera House. DANVILLE, . . PENN'A ' Subscribe for THE INTELLIGENCER !\Ve ultUtin U. 8. uuil 1 id model, sketch or photo of Invention tor'' Breport on patentability. For free book, i 1


Page 1: THE ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREWITH PUBLISHED BY THE IN THE ...€¦ · THE LATE WAR VETERANS MEET The secoud anuaal renuiou of tlie Twelfth Regiment Spanish-American War Veterauß Association,held


The secoud anuaal renuiou of tlieTwelfth Regiment Spanish-AmericanWar Veterauß Association,held in Mil-ton on Saturday was a'higlily suoce s-fal affair in every detail. There werein all 19A veterans in attendance. TheOompauy V delegation was composedof O. P. Gear hart. H. F. Prentiss, Dr.

E. L. Davie. William H. Russell,Miohael Conley, William Marshall,Edward Klase, E. P. Thomas. H. L.Dreifuss and H. K. Slifer.

At the afternoon business meetingthe veterans were welcomed by Hon.Wlldan Scott, mayor of Milton, andMajor John M. Caldwell and a re-sponse was made by Oolouel James B.Ooryell. The election resulted iu theoholoe of the following officers to servefor the ehsolng year: President, Col-onel James B. Coryell; Vice Presi-dents, Major William H. Straub andCaptain Charles P. Gearhart; Secre-tary, Colonel M. H. Taggart; Treasur-er, A. Oonyou.

It was decided to hold the next re-union at Suubury on Cctober 28th,1903, the 28th being chosen becausethe regular date, .Cctober 29th, next

year falls on Sunday. Lewisbuig,Sun-bury and Look Haven all were afterthe next gathering, but Sunbury wasoliosen by a majority of sixty votes.

The supper that was served iu theArmory was an elaborate one, whichwas greatly enjoyed by the soldierboys, who in fact had a royal goodlime throughout the reunion and spokein warm praise of the hospitality ofMilton.

The short parade in the evening wasfollowed by a mooting at 8 o'clock atwhich Brigadier General J. P. S.Gobln, of Lebanon, made an able ad-dress that was heard with great in-terest. The slngiug of fravette Mat-tel, of Williamsport, and the music ofGaskins' MilitaryBaud were featuresof the meeting. Officers of the staffand line made short addresses of atimely nature.


7 Two games of basket ball at theArmory Friday night wore enjoyed byabout three hundred spectators. Thefirst game between the Old Timer Re-serves and Silk Mill was a little slowand showed a lack of practice ou thepart of the Silk Mill team. The scorewas 18 to 2 in favor of the Reserves.The sceond and main game was be-twee the Old Timers of Danville and

Ihe Bloomsburg team called the CloverWheelmen and was well played,result-ing in favor of the Old Timers by a\u25a0core of 19 to 15. The local team hadbetter control of the ball in goal throw-ing than their opponets. Gaskins wasinjured in the first half and delayedthe game a few miuutes. He recoveredand did excellent work.

The line up and summaries of bothgames, in the order played, follows :

RESERVES. SILK MILL.Edmondson . forward HellerGillaspy forward BloomReifpnyder center JenkinsRoberts guard SmithBeyer guard Montague

Goals from field: Gillaspy, 3, Reif*\u25a0nyder, 3, Edniondson, 2, Beyer, 1,Smith, 1. Score: Reserves 18, SilkMill 2. Time of halves 15 and 10 min-utes. Umpire, Edmondson.OLD TIMERS. BLOOMSBURG.Gaskins.. forward..Williams

Bedea forward ApplemanSech lor center GilmoreDougherty

...defence Price

Russell defense TaylorGoals from field : Gaskins, 3, Bedea,

1, Sechler, 1, Dougherty, 1, Russell,

1, Williams, 3, Appleman, 1, Gilmore,1, Price,l, Taylor, 1 On fouls: Gask-ins, 5, Appleman, 1. Time of halves,

20 miuutes. Umpires,Bedea and ROEOUthai. Score: Old Timers, 19, Blooms-burg, 15.

voters Will Number 3000.With several mass meetings recently

breaking the monotony of the politicalquiet it is still a fact that the presentcampaign has boeu one of the leaststrenuous in the history of Moutourcounty. What a prominent local poli-tician has to say in explanation of the\u25a0ituation is interesting.

"It is quiet on the surface," ho re-marked, "but the work is being donenotwithstanding. The quiet work isthe kind that is effective. It is thekind oalled for by the State Committeeand for a fact evory man of my patty

in the oouuty has been seen."Such a plan of procedure calls for

more actual work thau the arrauge-

mont for torch light parades, brass

baud music and stirring speeches. Theold methods are still indulged intosome extent, but it is doubtless true

that the modem form of work is grad-ually supplanting the other and hasmade certain and definite results.

It is thought that Moutour county

will poll a good vote this year. Atleast 3000 ballots are expected to beoast.

Lack of Accommodations.The lack of a bridge made itself very

forcibly felt to Riverside people Mon-day night when the big fire was rag-

ing in this city. Many persons acrossthe river who saw the blaze were eagerte reach the scene of the fire, but theferry was oil this side of the river,there were no boats and all communi-cation was cut off.

The loss of the bridge briugs uo endof inconvenience aud everyone in this?eoiion who is obliged to use the slow-ly moving ferry is looking forwardeargerly to the completion of thebridge.

Hen Thrown Off Wagon.The driver of a P. L. brewery wag-

on at about 5:30 o'clock Saturday even*-ing had passengers on his vehicle,three Sunbnryites, wJ»o were ridingfrom South Danville to this city. Whenthe ferry was effecting a lauding onthis side of the river the brewery wag-on in making a start suddenly threwthe passengers off. They all got moreor less wet and as they scrambled toshore afforded amusement to a tigthrong on the bank.


The desire for improvement is sogeneral in Danville that even the rail-roads of the city are getting in line.The Delaware,Laokawaona & Westernis to begin at once on extensive im-provements all along their right ofway here. This will be weloome newsto all citizens. Arrangements for thework to be done were made yosterday,when Division Roadmaster Soofleldwas in Danville for that purpose.

The first task to be taken op will bestarted right away today. It is theplacing of temporary walks over thecanal on Mill street. Two cars ofoinder will arrive here today and Con-tractor D. J Rogers will begin plao-ing it on the street to form a pave-ment, he having been given the con-Iraot tor the job. He Will make a safeand serviceable walk of it And thecinder will do servioe throughout thewiuter, but ill tTieconcrete pavements will be laid.. '

The AMERICAN herewith pre-sents the election proclamation pre-scribed by law,iu which Sheriff Maiersoalls the attention of voters to theeleotion to be held iu Montour connty

on Tuesday, November Bth. The pro-clamation gives the names of the presi-dential candidates of the several par-ties,the names of the presidential elec-tors and of the candidates for otheroffloes to be filled; also the places inwhich elections aie to be hell. Theproclamation follows:

I, George Maiers, High Sheriff oftbe-County of Montour, iu the Com-,monwealth of Pennsylvania, do here-by make known and give notice to theElectors of the connty of Montour,Pa..that an election will be held iu thesaid Connty on Tuesday, the Bth dayof November, A. D. ,1904, it being theTuesday following the first Monday iuNovember, the polls to be opened at To'clock A. M.and closed at 7 o'clockP. M.) at which time the Freemen ofUontonr County will vote by ballotfor the purpose of electing the follow-ing officers:

Probably the next woiJt^ta?be start-ed will be the laying of flve-iuob railsat the Millstieet crossing. This willbe done to make it possible to pave be-tween the rails of the D. L. & W.traok. A Sunday probably will betaken for the work in order not to in-terfere with the ruuniug of trains.

The largest job, for part of whiohMr. Rogers also holds the contraot,

will be in the line of general improve-ments at the D. L. & W. railroad sta-

tion. This work also will be done tillsFall and when it is completed the ap-pearance of the station willbo not alittle improved. The plan is to fill iuand raise the surface all around thestatioo. Crushed stone will be plaoedon the ground and Contractor Rogerswillroll it into a hard, firm bpd thatuot ouly will look good but willmakea substantial driveway and platformaronnd the station. No delay willbeexperienced in the work, which ia tobe finishod as soon as possible.

A railroad station being the firstthing noticed by strangers on enteringa city,any improvement of a local oueshould find great publlo appreciation.


Couuty Commissioners' Clerk Bluewas busy unpacking a large box ofelection supplies that yesterday arriv-ed at theOourt House. There is enoughmaterial on hand to cover every detailof the election aud with the suppliesprovided the election officers will havdno trouble in iuakiug official reoordsofthe votes oast and getting them in theform the law requires.

In the box of supplies are fourteenpaokages of material, one for eachelection precinot of the county. Eaohbox contains.tally sheets, poll books,return sheets, directions for officers inoliarge of the eleotionsand other formsof a similar nature. Eaoh box also hasiu it a copy of the ballot laws whiohwill of course be for the guidance ofthe eleotion olfloers, who by consult-ing it oau learn just, what it requiredif at any time a point should be In

dispute. While tließe are tlio main part

of the supplies there aro a' o pens,blank paper, blotters, wax, tape' andenvelopes bearing tlio names of theoffioials to whom reports are to beturned in. The oulflt that goes to eaohprecinct is very complete and shouldprove a great aid; in 'simplifying the

onerous duties the election a: ways en-tails.

Delegates in the City.The Danville & Bloomsburg trolloy

line afforded many of the Women'sChristian Temperanoe Union memberswho have been atteuding the StateConvention at Bloomsburg an oppor-tunity to visit in this city and yester-

day ladies wearing the emblamatiowhite ribbons of the Union were fre-quently enoountered heie The con-veniences of the trolley line is beingdemonstrated every day and the travelkeeps up without intermission.

Many of the delegates who visitedhere yesterday would probably nothave oome had they been obliged touse the trains and thus limit them-selves to special times, but the abilityto oome or go almost at will by trol-loy makes the new system a great boou.This phase of the situation seems toappeal strongly to business aud com-mercial men, whose numbers amongthe many other passengers are increas-ing each day.

Was a Unique Celebration.To take one's first trolley ride on the

98th anniversary of on)'s birth is tosay the least a unique method of oele-bratlou. This is what Mrs. MargaretSeohler, "Aunt Peggy," of East Dau-ville, did on Saturday. In oompauywith Mrs. S. F. Rioketts, Mrs. SarahForrester and Mrs. John Seohler,"Aunt Peggy" made a trip to Blooms-burg and return aud enjoyed it great-


Mauy persons called on the aged ladyduring the day, Saturday, and con-gratulated her,among them beiug Mrs.J. Sweisfort, Mrs. Stickle, Mrs. Cleav-er, Mrs. Walleze, Mrs. I A Persfng,Rev. aud Mrs. Limhertaud Paul Lim-bert.

Attendance at Rural Schools.It is pretty hard to enforce the

school law as regards attendance inthe rural districts jnst now. There isan abuudauoe of oorn to husk and oth-er work remaining to be done on thefarm, aud owing to the approaoh ofwinter and scarcitv of hands the bovsare very much IU demand. The 8011001law applies tJ tl.e country as well asto town. The truant officer, whoseduty it is to keep pupils iu school, itseems has uot as yet found his way in-to the rural districts.

AFamily Reunion.At the home of Lewis Byerly, 214 ,

Walnut street, there was a family le-nuion on Sanday at which were pins-ent a daughter, Mrs. Jennie C>.ldreu iand oliildien of Shainokin ; a son, Will-iam Byerly and wife, of Williamsportaud two other sous, both of Danville, 1Jaoob aud his ol.lldren and Daniel 'Byerly aud his wife, aud Sarah audRose Byerly. Til*affair was a veryhappy oue.

REPUBLICAN.For President and Vice President

ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS.Presidential Electors.

Robert Pitoairn, Levi G. McCanley,George J. Elliott, Joseph ts. McCall.Robert 0. H. Brock, John E. Reyhurn,Kennedy Crossan, Edward W. Patton,John Taylor Wolfendeu,.Joseph Hosier,James D. Landis, Frederic W. Fleitz,

Frederick 0. Johnson, Walter J. White-house, Charles D. Werley, John H.Brown, Edward G. Schieffelin, Will-iam 0. McCounell, W. Scott Alexand-er, John Hays, William Lauder,GeorgeL. Deardorff, James Orlando Brook-bank, John H. Negley, Isaiah Good,

William S. Parker, Joliu C. Sturgeon,Archibald Johnston, J. Frank Oralf,

J. 0. Milliu, Charles W. Dahlinger,Albert P. Burohfield, J. WelficdHolmes, William McConway.

DEHOCRATIC.For President and Vice President

PARKER AND DAVIS.Presidential Electors.

Robert Wilson Irwin,Stanley Wood-ward Davenport, Harry Nicliolls, Jo-seph Reeves Wainwright. John M.Campbell, James M. Stewart,H. Max-well Rowland, Moses Veale.Euiil Holl,

Benjamin Sterling Johnson, WilliamHayes Grier, William Craig,John Mc-Qahren.Oharles F. Kiug.Alvin Clous-er, John Sullivan, John B. Ooulston,Alphonsus Walsh.Samuel Z. Hawbuck-er, Robert E. Weigley, Lucian D.Woodruff, Nevin M. Wanuer, TimothyE. Oostello, William T. Meohling,Rookwell Marietta. Charles: H. Akotis,

James P. Colter,M. Frank Coolbaugh,Alfred W. Smiley,S. E. Walker,HenryMeyer, Thomas B. Foley, GeorgeHeard, Charles B. Payne.

PROHIBITION.For President and Vice President

SWALLOW AND CARROLL.Presidential Electors.

Herbert T. Ames, Daniel G. Hend-ricks, A. Foster Mulliu, Edward B.Cooper, Edward R. Steinmetz, CharlesReading Jones, Samuel Christian,Lewis Lincoln Eaveusou,Charles Palm-er, Howard Leopold, H. D. Patton,William W. Lathrope, William Ben-jamin Bertels, Harry Albert Reber,William M. Stauffer,Charles W. Hath-away, James Mansel, B. Budd Can-non, Jeremiah Sowers Yaukey, JohnD. Gray bill.Daniel K1O«H, John HenryHector, Etisha Kent Kane, Edwin R.Worrell, William Simpson Throckmor-ton, Capt. M. S. Marquis, George W.Fellows, Edward Everett Dixou, JohnB. Bair, Henry O. Cockruiu, ThomasP. Hershberger, J. P. Knox, J. J.Potter, Matthew H. Stevenson.

SOCIALIST.For President and Vice President

DEBS AND HANFORD.Presidential Electors.

Edward J. Cook, Henry John Peter,S. Holmes, William D. Altinan,Thom-as J. Frederick, Andrew P. Bower,Elwood W. Lefflor, Robert B. Ring-ler, John H. Nase, Alfred Chatelain,Edwatd A. Evans, Bernard V. Ken-nedy, William H. Keevan, Walter Nel-son Lodge, Peter C. Heydrick, DavisA. Palmer, Conrad J Rechstciuo, Ar-

thur J. Dennis, Frank R. Field, Will-iam A. Stroup, John D. Ortlip, ElmerH. Young, John A. Storgis, PatrickSmith, Edward Kuppinger, Walter W.'Rihl, Julius Weber, Paul B. Wreath,Christian Sauer, Frederick W. Skor-

sets, Herman Lemke, Adolphus A.McKeen, H»rvey W. Shay, Francis J.Rogers.

SOCIALIST LABOR.For President and Vice President

CORREOAN AND COX.Presidential Electors.

Edmand Seidel, Charles Duruer,

JameH Erwio, Detlef Rehrier, AlnortQ»y, James Ryan, William Hutzel,James Ray, George Auton, Peter Flan-igan, Louis Katz, Silas Ilinkel, DavidWismer, John Bach, Herman Spittil,L. Cunningham.J. F. Gingeubach, C.Schleicher, J. Devine, A. Black, Jos-eph Mulleu, E. R. Markley, John A.Barron, John Kien, Jenkin James,Harry Jenkins, G. A. Brown, Aug.Clever, P. C. Tesson.

INDEPENDENCE.' For President and Vice President

PARKER AND DAVIS.Presidential Electors.

| Robert Wilson Irwin, Stanley Wood-I ward Davenport, Harry Nicholls, Jos-eph Reeves Wainwright, John M.

. Campbell,James M. Stewart, H. Max

I well Rowland, Moses Veale.Emil Holl, j? Benjamin Sterling Johnson, William

I Hayes Grier, William Craig,John Mc jGahreu, Charles F. King, Isaac Hiest-




GIVES NAMES OF ELECTORS AND CANDIDATESer, John Sullivan, John B. Coulston,Alphousus Walsh, Samuel Z. Haw-becker, Robert E. Weigley, Luciau D.Woodruff, Neviu M. Wanner, TimothyE. Costello, William T. Meohliug,Rockwell Maiietta, Charles H. Akens.James P. Colter, M. Frauk Ooolbaugh,Alfred W. Smiley,S. E. Walker,HenryMeyer,Tliomas B. Foley.George HeardCharles B. Payue.JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT

_ Julju H-Elkin, Republican.Samuel Gustiue Thompson, Demo-

cratic.-"Samuel Gustiue Thompson, Indepen-dence.

A. A. Stevens, Prohibition.George W. Bacon, Socialist.Archibald A. Grant, Socialist Labor.

REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESSE. W. Samuel, Republican.Henry E. Davis, Democratic.Martin P. Lutz, Prohibition.


William 0. Kramer, Republican.R. Scott Ammeruiau, Democratic.Asa D. Crossley, Prohibition.

PHOTHONOTARV.Thomas G. Vincent, Democratic.

COUNTY TREASURER.DeWitt O. Joues, Republicau.Simon K. Hodman. Democratio.

VOTING PLACES.I hereby also make known and give

notice that the places of holding theaforesaid electious iu the several Wardsof the town of Danville and Town-ships, within the Couuty of Montour,Pa., are as follows, viz:

Anthony Township, at ExchangeHall.

Coopor Township, at Keller school.Derry Township, at Billmeyer Ho-

to), Strawberry Ridge.Danville, First Ward,at Court HouseDanville, Secoud Ward, on Front

street near school house.Danville, Third Ward, at corner of

Pine and Walnut streets.Danville, Fourth Ward, on Ash

street next to J. M. Kelso.Liberty township, at Moorosburg,

house of Catharine Heudershot.Limestone Toiyisliip, at California

Grange Hall.Mahouing Township, at corner of

Bloom and Railroad street*.

Mayberry Township, at Sharp Riilgeschool house.

Valley Township, at Mausdale, at

public house of David Wise.

West Hemlock Township, at privatehouse of C. F. Styer.

Washingtonville Borough, at publichouse of Fauny Hoddens.

NOTICE is hereby given "That ev-ery person, excepting justices of thepeace, who shall hold any office or ap-pointment of profit or trust under thegovernment of the United States or ofthis State, or any oity or incorporateddistrict, whether a commissioned offic-er or otherwise, a subordinate officeror agent, who is, or shall bo employedunder the Legislative, Executive orJudiciary departments of this Stnte orthe United States or of any oity or in-corporated district; and also that anymember of Congress aud of the StateLegislature, and of the Select audCommon Council of any oity, or com-missioners of any incorporated districtis, by law, incapable of holding or ex-ercising, at the same time, the officeor appointment of Judge, Inspector orClerk of any election of this Common-wealth : and that no inspector, Judge,or any other officer of any such elec-tion shall be eligible to auy office, to

be then voted fur, except that of anelection officer.

Given under my hand and seal at my

office, iu Danville, Pa., this the I'.lthday of October, A. D. 1904.




WHh'REAS, a certain petition sign-ed by the majority in interest andnumber of owuers of property abuttingon tlie linn of the proposed improve-moiit, was duly presented to the ChiefBurgess ami Town Council of the Bor-ough of Dnuvllle at a regular and stat-ed moeting of the said Town Council,setting forth,among other things, that,the part or portion of Cross street, inthe said Borough, which is crossed atgrade by the tracks of the Philadel-phia and Beading Kailway Companyis dangerous to publio ttavel and is aconstant menace to life and limb inits presont location, - and that a muchsiftr and more practical route lor allsuch public travol could be readily ob-tained by an uuder-grade orossing ofthe slid railway at "A" street there-by connecting the latter s reet direct-ly with Walnut the mid Bor-ough ; that it was therefore expedientthat such part or portion of Cro-sstreet between its northern intersec-tion with Nicholas Avenue and itssouthi rn intersection with said Wal-nut street bo properly vacated aud thaiin lieu thereof said "A" street be ox-tended from its inteiseotion with Col-umbia and Nicholas avenues in asouthwardly direction, under, and atright angles with, the tracks of the

*aid railway company, to Walnut-treet aforesaid; that the petitionerwas the sole owner of all propertythus abutting on the lino ot' the pro-posed improvement and aw such wasthe only party entitled to statutorynotice jr liminary and subsequent tothe enactment of an ordinauce in suchbehalf ; that the said petitioner there-by and therein waived all such statu-tory notice to which it would bo oth-erwise legally entitled, and respect-fully requested that the necessary andproper ordinance for the above purposebe at once duly enacted without anyother pte'iminary or subsequent pro-ceedings as to such notice being hadin the premises,

AND WHEREAS, the said petition-er thus being a majority in interestand number of owners of-property astforesafd, in the said petition thereinexpressly waived all statutory notice

subsequent to the en-| ictnii iit of the ordinance thus request-ed and tait.ier asked that such ordin-ance be at once duly enacted withoutany other preliminary or subsequentproceedings as to notice being had inthe premises,

AND WHEREAS, it thus clearlyappears that a majority in interest andnumber of owners ot property abut-ting on the line of the proposed im-provement are in favor of the said im-provement and that such improvementis of manifest advantage and necessaryto the safety of the traveling publicin general and especially to tlnTln-hab.t int; of that locality in the saidBorough of Danville,

AND WHEREAS, the Danville andRloomsburg Street Railway Company,its successors and assigns, in consid-eration of certain privileges and fran-chises to it and them hereinafter grant-

ed bv the said Borough of Danville,have coven rntjd and agreed .with tjiosaid Borough of Danville to make suchextension of "A" street its andtheir own proper cost and expanse,andto fully indemnity and savo harmlessthe said Borough of Danville fromany and all damages, individual.prop-el t/, or otherwise whatsoever, thatmay accrue in, or be iu any wise in-cidental to, the construction of suchexteusion of "A" street as well as to

keep such extension of "A" street,when thus constructed, iu proper con-dition and repair at all times.

THEREFORE, be it ordained andenacted by tho Chief Burgess, and by

the Town Council of tho Borough ofDanville, in the County of Montourand State of Pennsylvania, in Coun-cil assembled, and it is hereby ordain-ed and enacted by the authority of the

SECTION 1. That all that certaiupart or portion Df Cross street betweenit* northern intersection with Nicholasavenue in the Fourth Ward of thosaid Borough of Danville and its southoru intersection with Walnut street inthe Third Ward of the said Borough ofDanville be vacated upon the comple-tion and acceptance by the said Bor-ough of Dauvillo of tho said under-grade extension ot "A" street to beconstiucted in lieu theioof as is in thenext Section of this ordiuanco morespecifically provided.

SECTION 2. That said 1 A" street,iu the Fourth Ward of the said Bor-ough of Danville, bo extended fromits intersection with Columbia andNicholas avenues in a southwardlydirectiou, under, aud at right angleswith, tho tracks of the Philadelphiaand Reading Railway Company, to

Walnut stieet, in tho Third Ward otthe said Borough of Danville.

SECTION 3 Tha* the said exten-sion at "A" stroet shall bo made bytho taid Dauvillo and BloomsburgStreet Railway Company at its owncost and expense, under the directionami control of tho committee of thesaid Town Council on Streets audBridges in conjunction with the StreetCommissioner ot tho said Borough ofDanville, and iu strict conformitywith such torms, maps, plans andspecifications as shall be piovidedtherefor by the said Borough of Dan-ville, and that it will fully completethe said extension of "A"streot with-in the period of ninety daj-s from thetime that this ordiuanco takes legaleffect.

SECTION 4. That in fcluiH makingthe said extension of "A" street thesaid Dauvillo and Bloomsburg StreetRailway Company shall fully indemn-ify and save harmless the said Bor-ough of Danvillo from the payment of,

or liabilityfor, any and all damages,individual, property, or otherwisewhatsoever, that may accrue in, or boin anywiso incidental to, the con-struction and maintenance of the saidextension of "A" street, as well asfrom all othei claims aud demand"whatsoever that may at any time bemade upon tho said Borough of Dan-ville by tho said Philadelphia andHeading Railway Company in thepremises.

SECTION 5. That the said Dan-ville and Bloomsburg Street RailwayCompany, its successors and assignsshall, at its and their own sole cost

and expense, keep such extension of

"A" stieot, when thus properly con-structed, iu pioper condition and re-pair so that the same shall be passableto all ped(strians and vehicles at alltimes.

SECTION 0. That,iu common withthe public and upon tho proper com-pletion thereof as afores »id, tho saidDanville and Bloombsurg Street Hail-way Company shall have tho right to;properly occupy and use the said ex-tension of "A" street, with its sub-way. in accordance with the terms ot 1its franchises already < btained fromthe said Borough iu the premist s.

SECTION 7. That the said Boroughof Danville hereby expressly reserves 'all of its rights to make such changesand improvements iu and about such 'extension of "A" stieet as it shallfrom time to time deem aud find tiecos-

sarv aud proper.

SECTIONB . That each and every <of the provisions, conditions, regula- |tions, stipulations and restrictions,!respectively, contained in this oulin-auce shall be alike binding aud oh-ligatory upon the said Danville and

Bloomsburg Stieot Ha Iway Company !and its successors and assigns.

SECTION 9. That all ordinancesor parts of ordinances ineonsisei. t with!or oontrary to tho provisions of- this \u25a0ordinance are heieby repealed.

Approved the seventh day of Octo-

ber, A. D., 1904.WILLIAM G. PURSEL,

Chief Burgess.Attest:

HARRY B. PATTON,Secretaiy of the Borough of Danville.

Pa., Council Chambor, City Hall,Danville, Pa.. October 21st.. 1904.



SECTION 1. l?e it Ordained by theTown Council of tlio Borough of Dan-ville, in the County of Montour andStale of Pennsylvania, in Council As-sembled and it- is hereby Ordained byAuthority of the same, That Section 1ot an ordinauce entitled "An Ordin-ance Granting Permission to The Dan-ville and Riverside Street RailwayCompany to Construct, Maintain andOperate an Electrio Street PassengerRailway in, through, upon and overcertain streets in the Borough of Dan-ville, Moutour County, Pennsylvania,Approved [he third day of September,I'.IOJ, which reads as lollows:

"SECTION 1. Bo it Ordained bythe Town Council of the Borougji erfDanville iu tlie county of Montourand Stato of Pennsylvania in councilassembled and it is hereby ordained bythe authority of the same; that con-sent and pet mission bo granted andgiven and the tame is hereby grauted

and given to The Dauvillo and River-side Street Railway Company (a corp-oration duly organized and incorpor-ated under the laws of the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania) at its ownproper cost and expense to build, con-

!struct, maintain and operate perpetu-ally a single track electric street pas-senger railway in, through, upon andover Mill, Market, Northum-berland, Walnut, Lower Mulberry andChurch stree t-s, respectively, withintho limits of the Borough of Danville,together with the proper and neces-sary connections, turnouts, sidings,curvos and switches requisite to makea proper electric circuit, uw3 lor suchpurpose to erect the necessary poles,string the necessary wires, and to doevery lawful act au<l thing necessaryto properly construct, reconstruct, re-pair and maintaiu the said street rail-way and roadbed, to operate the saidstreet railway with electric motor,andto propel proper oars the reou for theaccommodation of public travel uponand under the following conditions,regulations, stipulations and restric-tions," be and tho samo is herebyamended and extended so as to be and Iread as follows:

That consent and permission begranted and given auet the same ishereby granted and given to The Dan-ville and Riverside Street RailwayCompany (a corporation duly organiz-ed and incorporated under the laws ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania),its successors and as.-igns, at its ownproper cost and exponse to build, con-struct, maintain aud operate perpetu-

ally a single track electric street pas-senger railway in, through, upon andover Mill, Market, Bloom, Northuiu-berland, Waluut, Lower Mulberry audChurch streets respectively, and alsoin, through, upou and over "A"Street. Beginning at its intersectionwith Bloom Street aud upon and oyersaid 41 A" Street so as to pass fromsaid "A" Street under the CatawissaRailroad, (now oporatod by The Phil-adelphia and ReaJiug Railway Com-pany as lessee) and connect with theline of the said Danville and RiversideStieet Railway Company on WaluutStreet aforesaid, at such point as itmay dosire within the limits ot theBorough of Danville together with theproper and necessary connections,turuouts, sidings, curves and switchesreejuisite to make a propor electriocircuit, and for such purpose to erect

the uecossary poles, string tho wires,aud to do evory lawful act and thingnecessary to properly construct, recoil-struct, r.ipair and maintain tlio saidstreet railway and road-bed,to operateHie said street railway with olectricmotor aud to propel cf rs thereon forthe accommodation of public travelupon and under all the conditions, re-gulations and stipulations and restric-tions as providod in the said ordin-ance to whioh this is a supplement.

Approved October 6th. 1904,WM. G. PURSEL, Burgess.

A ttest :

HARRY B. PATTON,Sec'y of the Borough of

Dauville, Pa.Council Chamber, Danville, Pa. .Octo-ber (Itli, 1904.

Foot Ball Mishaps.Hero are a few of the Saturday foot

ball accidents: Bloomsburg-Bterwiekgame, at Bloomsburg, Clyde Mercerbroke his oollar bone ; Backnell Sjrubs-

Watsontown, at Watsoutown, JosialiLittle, son of Judgo Little,of Bloorns-butg, hail two ribs displaced ; Berwick-Bloomsburg Normal, Tackle Seely, ofBerwick, severely spralued an ankle.



&AKINOPOWDERAbsolutely Pure


Ayer'sWhat are your friends sayingabout you? That your grayhair makes you look old PAnd yet, you are not forty!Postpone this looking old.

: Hair VigorUse Ayer's Hair Vigor andrestore to your gray hair allthe deep, dark, rich color ofearly life. Then be satisfied."Ayer's flair Vigor restoiecl the natural

color to my gray hair, and I am greatlynleased. ItIH allyou claim for It."Mkh. E. J. VANOUCAR, Mecliaulcsville, N. Y.

fI.OUa bottle. j.c. AVRR CO.,

j A " >"<?**<?<?\u25a0 for

Dark HairHallowe'en Party.

Mrs. Robert May pave a Hallowe'enparty to a number of frie iris Mondayevening at lier liome,Oh«niib »rs street.Those present were: Mrs. GilbertWest, Mrs. F. West, Willie West, Jas-per West, Miss Kimua May, RobertMay, Alfred May, Man ha May, FrankAdams,Frau'c, Albert and Snr.» Paugli,Lydia Recce, John lieecc,Luther,Etheland Helen Fox, Eva Thomas and A.Owen.

Jury List.t'A.suit tliat will enlist much public

| itfturest and involving important liti-will bo tried at Danville, next

mouth, tor which a special term ofCourt, to convone November 14th, has

ordered. Mrs. Sarah Cromley ofLimestone towuship, is trying tore-

cover damages from the Pennsylvaniarailroad for the loss of iier husbandand son,who were killed on a crossingat Watsontown some ytar. ,wlienthe toAm they drove al<o was killedand their rig demolished by being rundown by a train.

It willbo remembered that at firstthe case was non-suited here. Thou itwas carried to the Supremo court andby that body was referred hack herefor trial.

For this special term of (Joint SheriffMaiers and Jury Commissioners CurtisCook aud William B. Moore havodrawu the following:

THAVERS JURORS.Authony township. ?William Rlack,

Elmer Kurtuer, David Cox.Cooper Township. ?J. II Weaver.Dauville, First ward?George Bedea,

Thomas Tiainor, Jr., William Reed,

John Campbell, William H. A miner-man, Harry Patton, Samuel Lunger.

Danville, Second ward. ?William M.Moyor, Patrick Kerns, Charles Gib-bons.

Danville, Third ward. ?Elins Maier,Simon Elleubogon, George Huulock,Jacob Fry.

Danville, Fourth Ward.? ThomasNeville, William Jordan, Jr., L. G.Little, David Gibson, William G.Evans, Thomas Dempsey, Albert Book-miller, John Quigg.

Derry township. Levi Moser.FrankCourson, Auiandus C. Schultz.

Limestone township. AmbroseCromin, James C. Smith, J. C. Mince-moyer.

Liberty township.?J. H. Diehl.F.M. Millhoim, Clark C. Dyer, WillardPauuebaker.

Mahoning township.?William Bell,James Morrison,William Scluam, Josepli Hitter, J. Lloyd l\rumm.

Mayherry township.?Joseph Gear-hart, Charles A. Schultz.

Valley township ?Samuel Pursol,William C. Flick.

Washingtouvillu. Flank Uinstead.West Hemlock township.?Lloyd

Bomboy, J. W. Andy.



Best Coal in Town.


Eyes tested, treated and fitted withglasses. No Sunday Work.

311 Market ;L. -- B!oomslmr£. Pa

Hours?lo to 5. Telephone.

Take jonr prescriptions to


Two Registered Pharmacists In ohargaPar* Fresh Drags and full line of Pateat

Ifedict aes and Sundries.



Watchmaker, Jeweler, OpticianExpert Repairing.

Cjm Bum,nod Fr«. 8»tlsf«otIonGuaranteed.



tws ODONTUNDER f..r the ptiinlcm oxtraction of teeth. Dentistry in all

its branches and all work guar-anteed.

? CHARGES REDUCED.Opposite Operq House, Danville.


&!?'«?I L Iff ob*t,7 *"

At p *\u25a0

!S%i&BSaBSr ft TEPySUold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon.Tskssoolhfr. Rrfunr danireroui aubntl-laUoaaaad Imitations. Buy of your Druggint,or send In stamp* for Psrtlcnlar*. Trail-moaalals and "Belief for Ladlm." in letter,

arelura Hall. 10,000 TesUmouiala Hold byDruggists. j


OHIOnSTIR OHBMICAL, 00.Medlese Nfears, rA.


Philadelphia and

Reading- RailwajIN KKKKOT HEITEMBIiIt IDlii. I"4


Por Philadelphia 7.58, 11.25 a. iu

f'or .New York 7 sa. iiaj H u. i.m u »For (JALHWLHHH 11:«I, H. in HM J O {;» ,KFoi KluutuhbittA: Mrjoa. tll. »,..u «. Hi»«.Ki»r Milton7:6H, >indFor WlillainMpo'I7:fta ;; m mu« < v«; »»

TRAINS K» >K 11A N\ Ji.i,r.

heave I'miadeiphiu l*?:u# a. u>heave WllllamNpnrl in:oom i, .. i . « lt.Leave Milton |0.87 a. m , 5.19 p m.heave HiooniHhurg 7:87 H. ID., 8,88 p mheave Catawlaaii 7:40 n. in.. 8::<h p. mA fawi expreub train fro:.- Heading Turn i

FhtladelphtH to New York every hour fr«*»7.0(1 a. m to 7.0(i p. m. Maine service r»*toriine.


From Chestnut'Hireet Kerry.For South Street see Timetables at .Station*

WEEKDAYS.ATLANTIC CITY 780 a. ni.Lcl. u.OO a. n..

Kx 111 60 Exp. ».(»! p Kxp. 4.0Up. m. l-.xp-UO minutes. Jil;op. in. Kxp. 5 00 uiii. Lcl. 7.15 j . in. Exp.

CAFE MAYand OCEAN CITY?B TJO a in4.1",n. n.


ATLANTIC CITY?7.HO a. in. 81 Ex. 8.00 ain. Lcl. 0.00 a. m. Exp 10.00 a. in. Kxp.6oo I,el 7.15 pin Exp ;

CAFE MAYand OCEAN CITY?7 80 a. in.81 Ex. 8.46 a. in.

SEA ISLE?7.3O a in *1 Ex.

Del ailed Ilint* tables at ticket o(t;« e«, Dttiand Clientunt Street*. K.i 4 Chestnni - revli884 Client nut Street. 100» < lient tint street,South 8d Street, 8062 Marketstreet and attlons. ?(

Union Transfer Company will rail f»>-cheek haggnge from hotel* and residence*

A T, DICE. EDSON J WEEKS.(4*r»»l. HtiMMr. Aw




New Vor* .lv 2On .... 10 00- I tSoranton 617 isu

P. M.Ilti(lain IV 11 80 246

V M.Scran lon ar 55h I<< U5 ....

?V. M. A. IYI. P. M. P. *M-ruuloii . lv lh Hb MUIO tl 66 I|tBelle villi ???»,

Taylor f> H iu 17 iOB 944l.ackawanua HSU IU24 ilo onDuryea- *63 10 28 al3 m |Pltlslon »iSB 1U 88 al7 66?Susquehanna Ave 701 10 87 2 ltf 661WuHtPllUlou 706 10 11 228 ?ftWyoming 71U 104b *2? 7 IT.borty Fort 2 siHennell ;17 IUM i34 j'iiK Ingßtou lit 724 10 jb 540 7MWiikmi-lbtrra hi 710 IIiu 26« 7 »

. Wlllum-Harre iv 7ld 10 40 2SO tilKlugdton lv 724 lo stf V4O 7«I'lymoulliJune .....Plymouth 785 IIU6 2u *7Nantlcoke 748 11 18 258 ;HunlOOk's 74» II 1H 806 741sblckHhinny. Bui il 31 820 75|Hicks Kerry .... kll in 48 Bso fb 01Beach Haven Biw II48 B¥7 BOtHerwlCk 827 II54 844

1 Hriarereek f8 82 f8 60Willowdrove fh 3fl f854 f|'§,Line Kid ye 840 fl2 09 858 fH4K«py 848 12 15 406 BltItloouiMburg 858 12 22 412 S4lHUpert BA7 12 26 415 641CatawiNNH - MO2 12 82 422 PIDanville Hls 12 14 488 VCameron u24 ri2 67 448Nortliumber'd.. »ir ÜBS 110 46b

FASTA. M. A. M. P. M. P. fr

Morthumnerl' 45 fIOOO tl 50 ?? III ameron 57 ft01 ?«Danville 707 10 1M 21, .. «i

I CatawlHHa... J2l 10 82 226 161

j Kupert * 72« 10 87 22V fOtBloomsburg 7 jii 10 41 288 r<|i

| Kupy 788 1U 48 240 MlLime Kldge 744 fio54 fv 40 tt> J*I Willow UrOV* f/48 f2 50Hriarereek ». 762 f2 58 fn*Berwick..,.., 757 11 Ud 268 6 6Beech Haveu hOS fll12 808 IIIIickN Perry 811 fll 17 808 6ltShlrkMhlnny 822 11 8/ i2O ft Mllviiilock's Bas 881 f7U6Nunlicoke 888 1114 838 711Avondale 841 842 7tlPlymonth 545 1161 847 7«fPlymouth June...? 847 ... 852 ...

KlngHton ur 855 11 51« 400 761WllkeH-Barre »ir Mid 12 10 410 7 MWllkeH Barre lv 840 11 40 850 761KlngNion IV 856 IISM 400 7 6Luzerne 858 al2 02 408 7 4Forty Fort 112« UC .. . 407Wyoming MOS 12 08 412 711Weat PlttHton wiu 417 TlHusquehaniia Ave . »is 12 14 420 76PiltNlon MIM 12 17 424 BUIDuryea 938 42» 606Lackawauna -.1. M2o 482 811Taylor HB2 440 61)BeJlevneReran ton ....ur M42 12 86 450 661

AM. P.M. P, MSoranton.... lv 10 25 Jl 55 .... 11 ll

A. MBuffalo ar ... 7 56 7 01

A. M. P. M P.M A.hiSi ranton. |v io.lo 12.40 18 85 *2 01

P. M. P. M P.M A. B4New York..., nr 830 500 735 6 M

\u2666Dally, tßally except Hunday.fStopß on Hignal or on notice to conductora Stops on Hignal to take on passengers lo)

New York. Bliighamlon and point* west.T. K.CLAKKfc 1. *V. LUK

den. Superintendent. (Jen



Ko. 850 MILI. SIRF.HT,












District Attorney ofMoutonr County.








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1id model, sketch or photo of Invention tor''B report on patentability. For free book, i 1