The Elder Scrolls V guide

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  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      The Elder Scrolls V

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      `-------'`--- ---' `---' `--- ---'`---'`--- ---'

      "Your Voice is strong !or #ortl"



    | %&/(lthrough|

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    | 7. 7ntroduction ...............................................81..9|

    | 77. ces ......................................................84..9|

    | - &rgonin .................................................84.1.9|

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    | - *reton ...................................................84.4.9|

    | - ;r El! .................................................84..9|

    | - .9|

    | - ?h@iit ..................................................84.A.9|

    | - Bord .....................................................84.C.9|

    | - Drc ......................................................84..9|

    | - edgurd .................................................84.F.9|

    | - (ood El! .................................................84.1.9|

    | 777. (lthrough ................................................8..9|

    | - Gn6ound ..................................................8.1.9|

    | - *e!ore the Stor# .........................................8.4.9|

    | - *le %lls *rroH .......................................8..9|

    | - ;rgon ising ............................................8.=.9|

    | - The (+ o! the Voice .....................................8.>.9|

    | - The

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | - Elder ?noHledge ..........................................8.14.9|

    | - ;iscerning the Trns#undne ............................8.14.19|

    | - &lduin's *ne ............................................8.1.9|

    | - The %llen ...............................................8.1=.9|

    | - The (orld-Eter's E+rie ..................................8.1>.9|

    | - SoJngrde ................................................8.1A.9|

    | - ;rgonsl+er .............................................8.1C.9|

    | 7V. The o#2nions uests ......................................8=..9|

    | - Te G2 &r#s .............................................8=.1.9|

    | - &ni#l EKter#intion ...................................8=.1.19|

    | - &ni#l EKter#intion Lrt 4 ............................8=.1.49|

    | -

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    | - Lurit+ o! eJenge ........................................8=.>.9|

    | - ,lor+ o! the ;ed ........................................8=.A.9|

    | - Lurit+ .................................................8=.A.19|

    | V. The ollege o! (interhold uests ...........................8>..9|

    | - %irst Nessons ............................................8>.1.9|

    | - e@oining the ollege ..................................8>.1.19|

    | - Dut o! *lnce .........................................8>.1.49|

    | - &n Enchnted Iourne+ ...................................8>.1.9|

    | - estocing Soul ,e#s ...................................8>.1.=9|

    | - Vlu6le *oo Lrocure#ent ..............................8>.1.>9|

    | - Shlidor's 7nsights ....................................8>.1.A9|

    | - %orgotten B#es ........................................8>.1.C9|

    | - Gnder Srthl ...........................................8>.4.9|

    | - &rniel's EndeJor ......................................8>.4.19|

    | - &rniel's EndeJor Lrt 4 ...............................8>.4.49|

    | - I'Orgo's EK2eri#ent ...................................8>.4.9|

    | - Dn#und's ePuest .......................................8>.4.=9|

    | - ..9|

    | - ,ood 7ntentions ..........................................8>.=.9|

    | - eJeling the Gnseen .....................................8>.>.9|

    | - ontin#ent ..............................................8>.A.9|

    | - The St!! o! Mgnus ......................................8>.C.9|

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    | - The E+e o! Mgnus ........................................8>..9|

    | - &!tershoc .............................................8>..19|

    | - ogue (ird ...........................................8>..49|

    | - &rniel's EndeJor Lrt ...............................8>..9|

    | - &rniel's EndeJor Lrt = ...............................8>..=9|

    | - ;estruction itul S2ell ...............................8>..>9|

    | - 7llusion itul S2ell ..................................8>..A9|

    | - on@urtion itul S2ell ...............................8>..C9|

    | - estortion itul S2ell ...............................8>..9|

    | - &ltertion itul S2ell ................................8>..F9|

    | V7. The ThieJes ,uild uests ...................................8A..9|

    | - & hnce &rrnge#ent .....................................8A.1.9|

    | - Ting re o! *usiness ..................................8A.4.9|

    | - Noud nd ler ...........................................8A..9|

    | - ;#2ened S2irits .........................................8A.=.9|

    | - Scoundrel's %oll+ ........................................8A.>.9|

    | - S2eing Hith Silence ....................................8A.A.9|

    | -

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    | - Bo Stone Gnturned ........................................8A.14.9|

    | - The Io6s o! Thie! ......................................8A.1.9|

    | - The Bu#6ers Io6 ........................................8A.1.19|

    | - The %ishing Io6 ........................................8A.1.49|

    | - The *edl# Io6 .........................................8A.1.9|

    | - The *urglr+ Io6 .......................................8A.1.=9|

    | - The Shill Io6 ..........................................8A.1.>9|

    | - The SHee2 Io6 ..........................................8A.1.A9|

    | - The .9|

    | - The ;int+ Slod .........................................8A.1A.9|

    | - SilJer Nining ............................................8A.1C.9|

    | - Gnder BeH Mnge#ent .....................................8A.1.9|

    | V77. The ;r *rotherhood uests ................................8C..9|

    | - 7nnocence Nost ...........................................8C.1.9|

    | - (ith %riends Nie These... ...............................8C.4.9|

    | - ;estro+ the ;r *rotherhood .............................8C..9|

    | - Snctur+ ................................................8C.=.9|

    | - ontrct: ?ill Br!i ...................................8C.=.19|

    | - ontrct: ?ill Ennodius L2ius .........................8C.=.49|

    | - ontrct: ?ill *eitild .................................8C.=.9|

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    | - Mourning BeJer o#es .....................................8C.>.9|

    | - (his2ers in the ;r .....................................8C.A.9|

    | - ontrct: ?ill .19|

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | - DlJ the %ee6le .........................................8C.1A.9|

    |V777. The iJil (r uests - Negion ..............................8..9|

    | - Ioining the Negion .......................................8.1.9|

    | - The Igged roHn .........................................8.4.9|

    | - Messge to (hiterun ......................................8..9|

    | - *ttle !or (hiterun ......................................8.=.9|

    | - euni!iction o! S+ri# ..................................8.>.9|

    | - o#2elling Tri6ute .....................................8.>.19|

    | - The *ttle !or %orts ...................................8.>.49|

    | - *ttle !or (indhel# ....................................8.>.9|

    | 7R. The iJil (r uests - Stor#clo e6ellion ................8F..9|

    | - Ioining the Stor#clos ..................................8F.1.9|

    | - The Igged roHn .........................................8F.4.9|

    | - Messge to (hiterun ......................................8F..9|

    | - *ttle !or (hiterun ......................................8F.=.9|

    | - Ni6ertion o! S+ri# .....................................8F.>.9|

    | - escue !ro# %ort Beugrd ...............................8F.>.19|

    | - & %lse %ront ..........................................8F.>.49|

    | - The *ttle !or %orts ...................................8F.>.9|

    | - *ttle !or Solitude ....................................8F.>.=9|

    | R. The ;edric uests .........................................81..9|

    | - The *lc Str ...........................................81.1.9|

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    | - *oethih's lling .......................................81.4.9|

    | - & ;edr's *est %riend ...................................81..9|

    | - ;iscerning the Trns#undne ..............................81.=.9|

    | - 7ll Met 6+ Moonlight .....................................81.>.9|

    | - The ursed Tri6e .........................................81.A.9|

    | - Lieces o! the Lst .......................................81.C.9|

    | - The (his2ering ;oor ......................................81..9|

    | - The *re o! ;Hn ........................................81.F.9|

    | - The .9|

    | - 7n M+ Ti#e o! Beed .......................................811.A.9|

    | - ?+ne's Scred Trils .....................................811.C.9|

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    | - Nid to est .............................................811..9|

    | - Nights DutQ ..............................................811.F.9|

    | - The Mn (ho ried (ol! ...................................811.1.9|

    | - The (ol! ueen &Hened ..................................811.11.9|

    | - Missing in &ction ........................................811.14.9|

    | - Lro#ises to ?ee2 .........................................811.1.9|

    | - & eturn to Your oots ...................................811.1=.9|

    | - ise in the Est .........................................811.1>.9|

    | - ising t ;Hn ...........................................811.1A.9|

    | - Gn!tho#6le ;e2ths ......................................811.1C.9|

    | - The (hite Lhil ..........................................811.1.9|

    | - e2irng the Lhil .......................................811.1F.9|

    | - Tending the %l#es .......................................811.4.9|

    | - The Nost EK2edition ......................................811.41.9|

    | - & Scroll !or &ns .......................................811.44.9|

    | - Siege on the ;rgon ult .................................811.4.9|

    | - EJil in (iting ..........................................811.4=.9|

    | - 7n!iltrtion .............................................811.4>.9|

    | - The *lessings o! Ni!e ....................................811.4A.9|

    | R77. Miscellneous uests .......................................814..9|

    | - The Negend o! ed Egle ..................................814.1.9|

    | - Mss o! the ;rgon Lriests ..............................814.4.9|

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    | - 9|

    | - hgot .................................................814.4.A9|

    | - Voun ..................................................814.4.C9|

    | - Volsung ................................................814.4.9|

    | - ?onhri ...............................................814.4.F9|

    | - *eco#ing Thne ...........................................814..9|

    | - Thne o!

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    | R7V. Mgic S2ells nd Shouts ....................................81=..9|

    | - &ltertion ...............................................81=.1.9|

    | - 7llusion .................................................81=.4.9|

    | - ;estruction ..............................................81=..9|

    | - on@urtion ..............................................81=.=.9|

    | - estortion ..............................................81=.>.9|

    | - Shouts ...................................................81=.A.9|

    | RV. r!ting ...................................................81>..9|

    | - &lche#+ ..................................................81>.1.9|

    | - 7ngredients ............................................81>.1.19|

    | - Enchnting ...............................................81>.4.9|

    | - S#ithing .................................................81>..9|

    | RV7. Version

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    the g#e s #uch s 7 hJe nd thn +ou gin !or reding.






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     |::.|:. |rgonin84.1.9


    *onus sills: 1 Noc2icing

      > Lic2ocet

      > Sne

      > Night &r#or

      > &ltertion

      > estortion

    LoHer: U ;isese esistnce

      GnderHter *rething

      Nittle is noHn nd less is understood 6out the re2tilin deniens o! the

    *lc Mrsh. Yers o! de!ending their 6orders hJe #de the &rgoninseK2erts

    in guerrill Hr!re nd their nturl 6ilities #e the# ePull+ t ho#ein

    Hter nd on lnd. The+ re Hell-suited !or the trecherous sH#2s o! their

    ho#elnd nd hJe deJelo2ed nturl i##unities to the diseses nd 2oisons

    tht hJe doo#ed #n+ Hould-6e eK2lorers into the region. Their see#ingl+

    eK2ressionless !ces 6elie cl# intelligence nd #n+ &rgonins re Hell-

    Jersed in the #gicl rts. Dthers rel+ on stelth or steel to surJiJe nd

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    their nturl gilit+ #es the# de2t t either. The+ re in generl

    reserJed 2eo2le sloH to trust nd hrd to noH. Yet the+ re !iercel+lo+l

    nd Hill !ight to the deth !or those the+ hJe n#ed s !riends. 7t isthought

    tht &rgonins descended !ro# the intelligent

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    *onus sills: 1 on@urtion

      > 7llusion

      > S2eech

      > &lche#+

      > &ltertion

      > estortion

    LoHer: ;rgonsin - You 6sor6 >U o! the Mgic !ro# inco#ing s2ells !or

      A seconds.

    cil &6ilities: 4>U Mgic esistnce

      *retons re the hu#n descendnts Hho hil !ro# the 2roJince o!

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Lssionte eccentric 2oetic !l#6o+nt intelligent nd Hill!ul the

    *retons !eel n in6orn instinctiJe 6ond Hith the #ercuril !orces o! #gicnd

    the su2ernturl. Mn+ gret sorcerers hJe co#e out o! their ho#e 2roJinceo!

    U %ire esistnce

      The ;un#er #ore co##onl+ re!erred to s ;r ElJes re the dr sinned

    elJes originll+ !ro# the 2roJince o! MorroHind. The+ hJe red gloHing e+es

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    nd their sin tones Jr+ !ro# green to gre+ nd eJen light 6lue. The+ re

    noHn to 6e eKtre#el+ strong intelligent nd Jer+ Puic 6ut re sid to6e

    ill !Joured 6+ !te. Their co#6intion o! 2oHer!ul noHledge lerned !ro#

    centuries 2st nd strong gile 2h+siPue #e the# su2erior Hrriors nd

    sorcerers o! gret nd 2oHer!ul #gic. Dn the 6ttle!ield ;un#er re noHn

    !or their sill Hith 6lnced use o! the sHord the 6oH nd destruction#gic.

    D!!ensiJe S2ells see# to 2roJe Horth+ longside s2ellcsting ;un#er in6ttle.

      7n chrcter the+ re gri# loo! nd reserJed ee2ing to the#selJes s

    #uch s 2ossi6le. The+ re @ust s distrusting nd disdin!ul o! other rces

    s the+ re to other ;r ElJes. The ;un#er nd their ntionl chrcter

    e#6rce these Jrious connottions Hith enthusistic 6ehJiors. 7n theE#2ire

    ';r El!' is the co##on used ter# used 6+ n+ hu#nic rce 6ut in their

    ho#elnd MorroHind nd #ong their &ld#eri 6rethren the+ re noHn s;un#er.

    7n MorroHind the #in religion is the Horshi2 o! the Tri6unl Te#2le 6ut

    lrge nu#6er o! ;un#er lso Horshi2 ;edric deities. The+ see Mlcth nd

    *oethi s 2ri#r+ ;edric deities nd their lc o! 2ro2er socil6ehJiors

    lins the# to their dr Horshi22ing o! the gods. The co##oners 6n their

    6ehJiors Hith hrsh distrust. The lc o! 2ro2er etiPuette #ong these

    dr-sinned elJes #e the# !r in!erior in the e+es o! n 7#2eril.

      Driginll+ the ;un#er Here hi#er hoHeJer the+ Here chnged 6+ &ur!ter

    the Tri6unl Te#2le's 6etr+l o! 7ndoril BereJr.

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     |::.|:. |igh El!84.=.9


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    *onus sills: 1 7llusion

      > on@urtion

      > ;estruction

      > estortion

      > &ltertion

      > Enchnting

    LoHer: U o! +our #Ki#u# Mgic

      ech second.

    cil &6ilities: > Mgic

      The &lt#er or

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



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    *onus sills: 1 estortion

      > Dne- ;estruction

      > *loc

      > Enchnting

    LoHer: Voice o! the E#2eror - l#s ner6+ 2eo2le !or A seconds.

    cil &6ilities: ,old cn 6e !ound in eJer+ continer

      BtiJes o! the ciJilied cos#o2olitn 2roJince o! +rodiil the 7#2erils

    re Hell-educted nd Hell-s2oen. 7#2erils re lso noHn !or thedisci2line

    nd trining o! their citien r#ies. (ith this the+ Here 6le to !ight o!!the

    edgurd nd control #ost o! T#riel. Though 2h+sicll+ less i#2osing thnthe

    other rces the 7#2erils hJe 2roJed to 6e shreHd di2lo#ts nd trdersnd

    these trits long Hith their re#r6le sill nd trining s lightin!ntr+

    hJe en6led the# to su6due ll the other ntions nd rces nd to hJeerected the #onu#ent to 2ece nd 2ros2erit+ tht co#2rises the ,lorious

    E#2ire. 7#2erils hJe grudge on the ?h@iit. The 7#2erils control #ost

    2orts in T#riel nd re si#ilr in 22ernce to *retons des2ite theirdrer

    sin color.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      The 7#2erils !orci6l+ too control o! T#riel under the ledershi2 o!Ti6er

    Se2ti# ll 2roJinces o! T#riel Here 6rought under 7#2eril rule 6+ !orce

    eKce2t !or MorroHind the+ Here 6rought in 6+ tret+ so the+ re lloHed#ost

    o! their 2riJileges the+ hd 6e!ore hnd.

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    |::.| . )[email protected]


    *onus sills: 1 Sne

      > Dne- Noc2icing

      > Lic2ocet

      > &lche#+

      > &rcher+

    LoHer: Bight E+e - 7#2roJed night Jision !or A seconds

    cil &6ilities: =K Gnr#ed ;#ge

      The ?h@iiti rce is #de u2 o! seJerl su6t+2es Hith Jer+ distinct

    22ernces. &ll ?h@iit re !eline in 22ernce 2lcing the# #ong thegrou2

    noHn s "6est rces" 6+ the hu#n nd #er inh6itnts o! T#riel. TheeKct

    22ernce o! 2rticulr ?h@iit is deter#ined 2ri#ril+ 6+ the 2hses o!the

    #oon t the ti#e he or she Hs 6orn. &ccording to recent studies in ElsHe+r

    it 22ers tht the 2hses o! the #oon Mssr deter#ine the 2ri#r+ !or#

    rnging !ro# hu#noid to rese#6ling do#esticted ct the 2hses o! the#oon

    Secund deter#ine the reltiJe sie. So#e scholrs hJe cli#ed s #n+ s

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    tHent+ di!!erent su6t+2es 6ut onl+ 6out doen hJe 6een identi!ied nd

    n#ed to dte.

      Dutside o! ElsHe+r onl+ one or tHo su6t+2es o! ?h@iit re t+2icll+ seenin

    giJen re. The Dh#es-rht #e u2 #ost o! the ?h@iit in hu#n inh6ited

    regions such s +rodiil nd

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      > Dne- *loc

      > S#ithing

      > S2eech

      > Night &r#or

    LoHer: *ttle r+ - &ll ner6+ !oes !lee !or seconds

    cil &6ilities: >U %rost esistnce

      The Bords re tll nd !ir-hired 2eo2le !ro# S+ri# Hho re noHn !or

    their incredi6le resistnce to cold nd eJen #gicl !rost. The+ re

    enthusistic Hrriors nd ct s soldiers nd #ercenries ll oJer T#riel.

    Eger to ug#ent their #rtil sills 6e+ond the trditionl #ethods o!S+ri#

    the+ eKcel in ll #nner o! Hr!re. The+ thriJe in the cold re#iniscent o!

    their ntiJe &t#or nd re noHn s #ilitnt 2eo2le 6+ their neigh6ours.

    Bords re lso nturl se#en nd hJe 6ene!ited !ro# nuticl trde since

    their !irst #igrtions cross the se !ro# &t#or. The+ c2tin nd creH the

    #erchnt !leets o! #n+ regions nd #+ 6e !ound ll long T#riel'scosts.


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     |::.. . |rc84..9


    *onus sills: 1 Dne- *loc

      > S#ithing

      > THo- Enchnting

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    LoHer: *erser - %or A seconds +ou te hl! d#ge nd in!lict dou6le

      d#ge in #elee co#6t

    cil &6ilities: Bone

      The Drsi#er co##onl+ noHn s Drcs re the so2histicted 6r6rin2eo2les

    o! the (rothgrin Mountins nd ;rgontil Mountins. Though the+ reco##on

    in the Hling cit+ o! *os#er ings %linesti nd in other gret cities

    throughout T#reil. The+ re in-!ct elJes or #er hence the n#e Drsi#erit

    #ens 'Lrih %ol'. The+ re noted !or their unshe6le courge in Hr nd

    their un!linching endurnce o! hrdshi2s. 7n the 2st Drcs hJe 6een Hidel+

    !ered nd hted 6+ the other ntions nd rces o! T#riel 6ut the+ hJesloHl+ Hon cce2tnce in the E#2ire in 2rticulr !or their distinguished

    serJice in the 7#2eril Negion. Drcish r#orers re 2ried !or their

    cr!ts#nshi2 nd Drc Hrriors in heJ+ r#or re #ong the !inest !ront-line

    troo2s in the E#2ire nd !erso#e Hhen using their *erserer ge. Most

    7#2eril citiens regrd Drc societ+ s rough nd cruel 6ut there is #uchto

    d#ire in their !ierce tri6l lo+lties nd generous ePulit+ o! rn nd

    res2ect #ong the seKes. 7n the #iddle o! the Merethic Er the Drsi#er nd

    their leder Trini#c tried to hlt the #oJe#ent o! Lro2het Velothi nd the

    ;r ElJes. The ;edric Lrince *oethih te Trini#c corru2ting his 6od+nd

    s2irit nd he e#erged s ;edric Lrince Mlcth. &ll o! the Drsi#er 2eo2le

    Here lso chnged into Hht the+ re noH noHn s the Drcs.


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     |::.|:. |edgurd84.F.9


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    *onus sills: 1 Dne- &rcher+

      > *loc

      > S#ithing

      > ;estruction

      > &ltertion

    LoHer: &drenline ush - You regenerte St#in 1 ti#es !ster !or A


    cil &6ilities: >U Loison esistnce

      edgurds hil !ro# the 2roJince o!

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     |::.|:. |ood El!84.1.9


    *onus sills: 1 &rcher+

      > Sne

      > Noc2icing

      > Lic2ocet

      > Night &r#or

      > &lche#+

    LoHer: o##nd &ni#l - Trget ni#l 6eco#es +our ll+ !or A seconds

    cil &6ilities: >U ;isese nd Loison esistnce

      *os#ers or (ood ElJes hil !ro# the 2roJince o! VlenHood. The+ re

    2eo2le o! the !orests #tching their !etures to ll tht is !ound groHing


    the green Hoods o! their ho#elnd. The+ re noHn to 6e eKtre#el+ gile nd

    Puic. Their ni#6leness serJes the# 6est in n+ rt inJolJing thieJer+. The+

    re lso the !inest rchers in T#riel.

      The *os#er re cousins o! the ;un#er or ;r ElJes nd the &lt#er or

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Hith their #ore dour cousins the &lt#er nd ;un#er. *os#er re@ect thesti!!

    !or#l trdtion o! &ld#eri high culture 2re!erring ro#ntic si#2le

    eKistence in hr#on+ Hith the lnd its Hild 6eut+ nd Hild cretures.These

    countr+ cousins o! the

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    | GniPue 7te#s:

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    +ou rech the hllH+ to !ind #inor 8LDT7DBS9 nd co#2lete n o2tionl side


      ontinue doHn to the dungeon Hhere +ou Hill !ind the Torturer nd his

    ssistnt !ighting so#e Stor#clo Soldiers. &id the# nd then 2ic the loc

    to the cge Hhere +ou cn !ind 8SLENN TDME: SL&?S9 nd so#e gold ner theded

    #ge. 7n the lrge cell +ou Hill !ind n 87DB S

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide




  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Hill encounter *er. hdJr suggests sneing 6+ it 6ut +ou cn lH+s!ire

    n rroH t it nd 2ic it o!! !ro# distnce !or the dded eK2erience. Iust

    2st this re is the eKit to S+ri#. The Puest co#2letes nd the neKt one

    8*E%DE T

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      &22roch ,erdur nd tell her tht +ou noH lo!. She Hill tell +ou toin!or#

    the Irl o! (hiterun 6out the drgon.


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    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Tl to %rengr|

    | 4. etrieJe the ;rgonstone|

    | . ;eliJer the ;rgonstone to %rengr|


    | GniPue 7te#s: &rJel's Iournl|

    | ;rgonstone|

    | ,olden lH|

    | (ord o! LoHer: %orce Gnrelenting %orce|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      %olloH the Irl nd s2e Hith %rengr. &cce2t %rengrs Puest nd hed!or

    *le %lls *rroH. You should #eet so#e resistnce 6e!ore ctull+ entering

    the dungeon 6ut it shouldn't 6e n+thing +ou cn't hndle. &s +ou enter the

    re it Hill see# Puiet 6ut there re *ndits on the !r side o! the initil

    roo#. Gnloc the 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      The neKt s#ll roo# hs 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      The !irst roo# in the snctu# hs !eH ;rugr tht 22er !ro# the to#6s

    nd there is oil on the !loors tht cn 6e lit. &scend to the second !loornd

    cross the 6ridge nd go through n iron door. The gte t the end o! thisroo#

    cn onl+ 6e o2ened 6+ setting the 2ieces in the correct order. The order is

    !ound on the ,olden lH 8*E&9 8*GTTE%NY9 8D(N9. Enter the #ssiJe roo#

    nd serch the 8. e2ort 6c to Irl *lgruu!|

    | A. D2tionl) Gse +our neH Shout 2oHer|


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | GniPue 7te#s: &Ke o! (hiterun|

    | ;rgon Soul|

    | Netter !ro# %riend|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest strts once +ou deliJer the ;rgonstone to %rengr. .9

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    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to the ,re+6erds|

    | 4. ;e#onstrte +our "Gnrelenting %orce" Shout|

    | . S2e to &rngeir|

    | =. Nern the (ord o! LoHer !ro# Einrth|

    | >. ;e#onstrte +our "Gnrelenting %orce" Shout /)|

    | A. Nern the (ord o! LoHer !ro# *orri

    || C. ;e#onstrte +our "(hirlHind S2rint" Shout|

    | . S2e to &rngeir !or !urther trining|


    | GniPue 7te#s: (ord o! LoHer: *lnce Gnrelenting %orce|

    | (ord o! LoHer: (hirlHind (hirlHind S2rint|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      *e!ore de2rting on Puite the tre to the Throt o! the (orld tl toN+di

    Hho 6eco#es +our housecrl !olloHer) noH tht +ou re Thne. Me +ourH+

    est nd eJentull+ to the Jillge o! 7Jrsted. Iust stic to the rods nd

    !olloH the signs until +ou get there. %ro# here +ou should 6e 6le to cli#6

    the C ste2s u2 to

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Noo t the (ord o! LoHer nd +ou Hill lern it nd Einrth Hill trns!er

    his 2oHer to +ou. You cn noH hold doHn +our Shout 6utton to use #ore

    2oHer!ul Gnrelenting %orce. %ire +our u2grded Shout t the etherels tht

    re generted. &!ter +ou hJe destro+ed three o! the# +ou Hill get to lern

    neH (ord o! LoHer !ro# *orri. Meet hi# in the ourt+rd to lern 8(D; D%

    LD(E: (

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | (ord o! LoHer: Lush Gnrelenting %orce|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &!ter cce2ting this Puest #e +our H+ to GstengrJ Hhich is northHesto!

    (hiterun. There re so#e *ndits nd so#e Becro#ncers long the H+ 6ut

    eJentull+ +ou Hill !ind the dungeon. The !irst roo# is lrge one Hith tHo

    &22rentice Becro#ncers. Te the# out so tht their su##ons go H+ then

    chec the 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    the !l#es to !ind 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    to &rngeir then lern the !inl (ord o! LoHer !or Gnrelenting %orce 8(D;D%

    LD(E: LGS

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      eturn to the GstengrJ ;e2ths nd 2lce the

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | =. Meet ;el2hine t the st6les|

    | >. Tl to Ml6orn|

    | A. rete distrction nd get H+ !ro# the 2rt+|

    | C. D2tionl) etrieJe +our ger|

    | . Serch !or in!or#tion 6out the drgons returning|

    | F. Esc2e the Thl#or E#6ss+|

    | 1. Tl to ;el2hine|

    | 11. ecoJer +our ePui2#ent|


    | GniPue 7te#s: ;rgon 7nJestigtion: urrent Sttus|

    | 7nJestigtion h#6er ?e+|

    | Lrt+ *oots|

    | Lrt+ lothes|

    | Thl#or ;ossier: ;el2hine|

    | Thl#or ;ossier: Es6ern|

    | Thl#or ;ossier: Gl!ric Stor#clo|

    | Tr2 ;oor ?e+|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest Hill strt s soon s +ou hJe slin Shlonir. eturn to

    iJerHood nd #eet Hith ;el2hine she hs 2ln 6ut needs +ou to #eet Hith

    Ml6orn in the (ining SeeJer t Solitude. Me the @ourne+ to the !rnorth

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    nd locte Ml6orn.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | _ |

     |. 1 |

     |. _ |

     |: | |

     |::.|:. | ornered t8.F.9



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Tl to *r+n@ol!|

    | 4. Serch the tH+ !or Es6ern's hideout|

    | . %ind Es6ern in the tH+ (rrens|

    | =. Tl to Es6ern|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Bone|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      Me +our H+ est to i!ten in serch o! *lde n#ed Es6ern. &s +ou

    enter the cit+ #n Hill sto2 +ou 6ut there re hnd!ul o! H+s to get

    2st hi# ,iJe hi# ,old 7nti#idte Lersude or shoH hi# n Gnusul ,e#this

    Hill strt the Puest 8BD STDBE GBTGBE;9). &!ter +ou gin ccess to the cit+

    !ind *r+n@ol! Hho grees to giJe +ou the in!or#tion +ou Hnt 6ut in returnhe

    needs !Jor nd 8&

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    & hnce &rrnge#entW.F.19


    D6@ectiJes: 1. Meet *r+n@ol! during d+ti#e

      4. Stel Mdesi's ing

      . Llnt Mdesi's ing

      =. S2e to *r+n@ol!

      Tell *r+n@ol! +ou re red+ to 6egin nd he Hill cll eJer+one to gther

    round. Sne oJer to Mdesi's stnd nd unloc the sliding door nd stel

    8M&;ES7'S 7B,9. BoH 2ic2ocet *rnd-Shei nd 2lce the ring on hi#. eturn

    to *r+n@ol! Hho is #ore thn 2lesed to tell +ou Hht +ou Hnt to her.


    Bote: This could 6e 2er!ect o22ortunit+ to strt the ThieJes ,uildPuestline

      i! +ou hJen't lred+ strted it. e!er to section 8A..9 !or#ore




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     | _ |

     |. 1 |

     |. _ |

     |: | |

     |::.|:. |lduin's (ll8.1.9



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Escort Es6ern to iJerHood|

    | 4. Tl to Es6ern|

    | . ,in entrnce to S+

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      &s +ou enter the cJern +ou Hill encounter three %orsHorn. (ith the hel2o!

    Es6ern nd ;el2hine the+ should go doHn esil+. Serch the re !or !eH

    87B,E;7EBTS9 nd 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Tl to &rngeir|

    | 4. Nern the "ler Sies" Shout|

    | . Gse the "ler Sies" Shout to o2en the 2th|

    | =. Tl to LrthurnK|

    | >. Nern the (ord o! LoHer !ro# LrthurnK|

    | A. Gse +our "%ire *reth" Shout on LrthurnK|

    | C. Tl to LrthurnK


    | GniPue 7te#s: (ord o! LoHer: 7n!erno %ire *reth|

    | (ord o! LoHer: S+ ler Sies|

    | (ord o! LoHer: S2ring ler Sies|

    | (ord o! LoHer: Su##er ler Sies|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      Me +our H+ 6c to

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    clering the Hind nd continue to cli#6 higher still. There is third nd

    !inl re +ou #ust use ler Sies on 6e!ore LrthurnK Hill 22er.

      onJerse Hith the Mster o! the Voice Hhich he trul+ does en@o+. 7nPuire

    6out the ;rgonrend Shout nd he Hill led in teching 8(D; D% LD(E:

    7B%EBD %7E *E&T

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      See out &rngeir Hho Hill 2oint +ou to the ollege o! (interhold. Me+our

    H+ inside nd to the &rcneu# Hhere +ou Hill !ind Grg gro-Shu6. 7nPuirethe

    Elder Scrolls nd he Hill 6ring +ou 8E%%ETS D% T

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    roo#. &s +ou 22roch the center 2illr tHo ;HrJen S2heres Hill strie.

      (tch out !or the tr2s in the neKt hll s +ou #e +our H+ to nother

    roo#. There is lot o! oil on the !loor so use it to +our dJntge s #ore

    ;HrJen S2ider (orers ttc. Gnloc the gte on the !r side o! the roo#to

    !ind tHo 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    2ss through the !inl door nd hed doHn the ste2s Joid ste22ing on thesnoH

    6e!ore +ou rech the door 6ecuse it Hill trigger tr2. Enter the &l!tnd

    thedrl nd #e +our H+ doHn the 2th.

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    | D6@ectiJes: 1. ed the Elder Scroll t the Ti#e-(ound|

    | 4. Nern the ";rgonrend" Shout !ro# the Bord heroes|

    | . ;e!et &lduin|


    | GniPue 7te#s: (ord o! LoHer: %inite ;rgonrend|

    | (ord o! LoHer: Mortl ;rgonrend

    || (ord o! LoHer: Te#2orr+ ;rgonrend|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      Gse the Puic eKit to rech the outdoors once #ore nd notice +ou rePuite

    H+s !ro# Hhere +ou initill+ entered the dungeon. eturn to the Throt o!

    the (orld nd use the Elder Scroll t the Puest #rer to JieH scene !ro#

    the 2st. ;uring the scene +ou Hill lern 8(D; D% LD(E: MDT&N;&,DBEB;9

    8(D; D% LD(E: %7B7TE ;&,DBEB;9. nd 8(D; D% LD(E: TEMLD&Y:;&,DBEB;9

    Hhich Hill co#e in hnd+ during +our neKt test. The scene ends nd &lduin

    22ers t +our loctionQ

      Gse +our neHl+ cPuired ;rgonrend Shout to 6ring hi# doHn. Te note tht

    &lduin is inJinci6le eKce2t Hhen under the e!!ects o! ;rgonrend. &lduinHill

    te to the s+ eJer+ chnce he cn get nd rin !ire6lls doHn u2on there.

    Me sure +ou hit &lduin nd not LrthurnK !ro# the sies it's es+ to

    con!use the tHo. (hen &lduin is grounded strie !ro# the side nd Joid his

    %ier+ nd 7c+ *reth. Gse ;rgonrend eJer+ chnce +ou get nd +ou should 6e

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    6le to te &lduin doHn 6e!ore he cn te o!!.

      Gn!ortuntel+ &lduin !lees !ter seeing +our strength nd the Puest ends.


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      on!er Hith either LrthurnK &rngeir or Es6ern nd +ou Hill 6e giJen

    guidnce to s2e Hith the Irl o! (hiterun since ;rgonsrech Hs once

    2lce to c2ture ;rgons. S2e Hith the Irl o! (hiterun nd he grees to

    hel2 +ou i! the ,re+6erds cn host 2ece council.

    Seson Gnending8.1=.19


    D6@ectiJes: 1. Tl to &rngeir

      4. Tl to ,enerl Tullius

      . Tl to Gl!ric Stor#clo

      =. Tl to &rngeir

      >. Te +our set

      A. Begotite truce

      Tell &rngeir +ou Hnt the ,re+6erds to host the council.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    to sl+ the ;rgon. 7n ddition to giJing +ou this Puest Es6ern Hill lso

    tech +ou 8(D; D% LD(E: SBD( &NN ;&,DB9 8(D; D% LD(E:

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | ;rgon Soul K=|

    | Bhriin|

    | (ord o! LoHer: Stor# Stor# ll|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Scourge deter#ined to sto2 +ou !ro# solJing it. The !irst 2illr in the#iddle

    should red 8SB&?E9. The southern 2illr on the second !loor should red


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. %ind out hoH to de!et &lduin|

    | 4. ,in d#ittnce to the

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | D6@ectiJes: 1.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


     | |

     |.| | |

     `-|. |-'

      |: |

    |::.|e u2 &r#s8=.1.9



    | LrerePuisite: Bone|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to ?odl (hite#ne|

    | 4. Trin Hith Vils|

    | . ,iJe Vils's sHord to Eorlund|

    | =. *ring &el her shield|

    | >. %olloH %rs to +our Purters|


    || GniPue 7te#s: Bone|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      7! +ou run through the Lelgi %r# on the outsirts o! (hiterun +ou cn


    the clsh o! #etl. There is 6nd o! (rriors !ighting ,int +ou cnhel2

    or si#2l+ Htch. &!ter the 6ttle +ou Hill get so#e in!or#tion on Hho the

    o#2nions re nd hoH +ou cn 6eco#e #e#6er o! their herlded ,uild.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Tl to ?odl (hite#ne in IorrJsr nd tell hi# +ou Hnt to 6e o#2nion.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Hith the good neHs.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    %#il+ 9


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete Te G2 &r#s

    D6@ectiJes: 1. etrieJe the 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete Te G2 &r#s

    D6@ectiJes: 1. escue 8ndo# Victi#9 !ro# 8ndo# Noction9

      4. eturn 8ndo# Victi#9 to 8Drigin o! ?idn22ing9

      . eturn to S@or or Vils

      S@or or Vils Hill giJe +ou in!or#tion 6out #e#6er o! n i#2ortnt

    orgnition tht hs 6een idn22ed. The cul2rits hJe ten this 2erson to

    their hideout nd +our o6@ectiJe is to sJe this 2erson nd return the#liJe.

    The trget is nor#ll+ ner the ene#+ leder nd is loced H+ in cell.7t's

    6est to @ust cler the re nd then Puicl+ rescue the hostge. (hen +ou

    rechthe Horld #2 %st TrJel to loction ner the return re nd tre it the

    rest o! the H+. (ith the hostge returned s2e Hith S@or or Vils !or+our



    | _ |

     |. 1 |

     |. ____|

     |: |


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | GniPue 7te#s: ;ust#n irn's ?e+|

    | %rg#ent o! (uuthrd|

    | (ord o! LoHer: %ire %ire6reth|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest cn strt 6+ tling to S@or !ter co#2leting 8T&?E GL &MS9

    ndone o! the #n+ 8&;7&BT GESTS9 Jil6le !ro# the o#2nions in %orrJsr.

    &cce2t S@or's Puest nd tl to %rs.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    !ind 8;GSTM&B's &7B ?EY9. Gse the e+ to unloc the door nd !ight o!! the

    SeeJers. There is n 8&N

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | A. ?ill the HereHol! hunters|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Bone|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &!ter hel2ing &el she Hill o!!er nother Puest. Tl to S@or nd then#eet

    hi# t the Gnder!orge out 6c o! %orrJsr 6etHeen CLM nd &M.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    +ou i! +ou ren't in *est %or#.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete The SilJer

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete The SilJer

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


     | _ |

     |. 1 |

     |. ____|

     |: |

    |::.|urit+ o! eJenge8=.>.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete *lood's

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      D2en the door nd ill the SilJer

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. &ttend ?odl's !unerl|

    | 4. etrieJe ?odl's !rg#ent|

    | . ,iJe the !inl !rg#ent to Eorlund|

    | =. Meet the ircle|

    | >. ,o to Ysgr#or's To#6 Hith the ircle|

    | A. eturn (uuthrd to Ysgr#or|

    | C. ,o to the 6uril ch#6er|

    | . S2e to ?odl|

    | F. Lut Hitch hed into !ire|

    | 1. ;e!et the Hol! s2irit|

    | 11. S2e to ?odl|


    | GniPue 7te#s: ulet o! Mr|

    | %rg#ent o! (uuthrd|

    | Shield o! Ysgr#or|

    | S2ell To#e: Nesser (rd|

    | (ord o! LoHer: &ni#l &ni#l &llegince|

    | (uuthrd|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      This Puest strts s soon s +ou return to (hiterun.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    once #ore to end the Puest. %ro# here +ou cn toss nother Hitch hed in the

    !ire to cure +oursel!. *e!ore leJing serch the northest corner o! theroo#

    !or 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide





    $|| LrerePuisite: Bone|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. st 8S2ell9|

    | 4. e2ort to Mir6elle ErJine|

    | . Tour the ollege o! (interhold|

    | =. Nisten to Tol!dir|


    | GniPue 7te#s: S2ell: Nesser (rd|




      To enter the ollege o! (interhold +ou #ust 22roch %rld outside the

    6ridge leding u2 to it. Tl to her nd s to gin entr+ then either

    2ersude her to let +ou in or shoH her +our sills in #gic. st the s2ell

    she rePuests o! +ou nd then cross the 6ridge nd s2e Hith Mir6elleErJine.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    She Hill giJe +ou so#e Mge clothing nd te +ou on tour round theollege.

    (hen the tour is oJer hed into the .1.49


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete %irst Nessons

    D6@ectiJes: 1. %ind Tol!dir's &le#6ic

      4. eturn Tol!dir's &le#6ic to Tol!dir

      (hile not n ctul Puest this cn 6e done once d+ !or reHrd o!

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    gold nd soul ge#. Tl to Tol!dir to !ind he is #issing his &le#6ic s#ll

    green 6ottle. 8TDN%;7'S &NEM*79 cn 6e !ound in the

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Tl to Sergius the Enchnter nd s i! there is n+thing +ou cn hel2hi#


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Shlidor's 7nsights8>.1.C9


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete %irst Nessons

    D6@ectiJes: 1. %ind Shlidor's Hritings

      4. Tl to Grg gro-Shu6

      S2e Hith Grg gro-Shu6 in the ollege o! (interhold's &rcneu# nd

    inPuire 6out n+ s2ecil 6oos he's looing !or.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      This Hill relese Veleh Sin Hho Hill 6rgin Hith +ou !or his relese.

    %reeing hi# Hill giJe +ou 8VENE

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    | 1. Tl to the &rch-Mge|


    | GniPue 7te#s: ,uldur ulet %rg#ent|

    | Srthl ulet|

    | St!! o! I+ri ,uldurson|

    | St!! o! Mgelight|

    | (ord o! LoHer: 7ce 7ce %or#|

    | (rit o! Seling|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      NeJe the ollege nd #oJe short distnce to the southHest to !indSrthl

    Hhere Tol!dir Hits. Tell hi# Hhen +ou re red+ to enter Srthl then!olloH

    his led. (hen +ou rech the 6otto# o! the s2irling r#2 Tol!dir Hill sto2

    nd see i! +ou hJe n+ Puestions. Tell hi# +ou re done Hith Puestions nd

    he Hill giJe +ou n o6@ectiJe %ind &rniel ,ne. %olloH the 2thH+ high6oJe

    the ground nd eJentull+ doHn to Hhere &rniel is locted. Tl to hi# ndhe

    Hill ts +ou Hith !inding so#e #gicl relics.

      Serch the surrounding re !or three 8EB

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    undone nd tht The Lsi@ic Drder 6elieJes +ou re the onl+ one Hho cn sto2it.

      Tell Tol!dir Hht +ou sH then !olloH hi#. &s he 22roches one o! theto#6s

    ;rugr Hens nd stries. There re totl o! three tht Hill ttc6e

    sure to te the# out. &s +ou go !urther in +ou Hill !ind 8NEVE9 to gin

    ccess to lrger roo# Hith #n+ co!!ins. ;rugr Hill 2o2 out in grou2s o!

    tHo dis2tch the# Puicl+ Hith Tol!dir's id. (hen the+ re slin +ou cn

    continue to delJe !urther into Srthl. &ctiJte the tHo 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      The esiest H+ to do this is strt t 2illr 4 nd turn it until it'sHhere

    it needs to 6e. Then #oJe to 2illr 1 nd do the s#e then 2illr ndthen

    !inll+ 2illr =. Lull the sHitch Hhen ll !our 2illrs #tch the crJing

    6oJe to enter the neKt re. (tch out !or the drt tr2s nd enter lrge

    roo# Hith #+sterious 2oHer. %ight o!! I+ri ,uldurson 6+ ttcing Hith

    s2ells tht counter his shield ie %rost Shield Hill #elt under !eH%ire

    6sed ttcs. Noot the cor2se to !ind 8,&GN;G &MGNET %&,MEBT9 nd the

    8(7T D% SE&N7B,9. You cn lso !ind the 8ST&%% D% IY7? ,&GN;GSDB9 on the

    #iddle t6le. Tl to Tol!dir nd he Hill s +ou to re2ort to the &rch-Mge.

    NeJe the roo# nd !ind 8.4.19


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete Gnder Srthl

    D6@ectiJes: 1. ;eliJer ten cogs to &rniel ,ne

      S2e Hith &rniel ,ne nd Puestion hi# 6out one o! his 2ro@ects.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    diJulge #uch in!or#tion 6ut he Hnts 1 ;He#er ogs. You cn !ind the# in

    nd ;HrJen ruin 6ut n#el+ the one +ou Jenture in during 8EVE&N7B, T

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Dn#und's ePuest8>.4.=9



    LrerePuisite: o#2lete Gnder Srthl

    D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e Hith Enthir

      4. %ind the st!! !or Enthir

      . ;eliJer the st!! to Enthir

      =. ;eliJer the #ulet to Dn#und

      Tl to Dn#und Hho eK2lins tht he #istenl+ gJe Enthir senti#entl

    #ulet. S2e Hith Enthir nd +ou re going to hJe tHo o2tions either

    2ersude Enthir to return the #ulet Hhich is !irl+ di!!icult or retrieJe

    St!! tht Enthir Hnts 6c.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e Hith Grg go-Shu6|

    | 4. %ind the stolen 6oos /)|

    | . D2tionl) %ree Drthorn|

    | =. eturn the 6oos|


    | GniPue 7te#s: %ellgloH itul h#6er ?e+|

    | %rg#ent: Dn &rteu#|

    | Bight o! Ters|

    | The Nst ?ing o! the &+leids|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest strts s soon s Gnder Srthl is co#2leted. See out the

    Noreee2er in his li6rr+ nd inPuire 6out Srthl to Hhich Grg in!or#s+ou

    tht 6oos regrding the #tter hJe 6een stolen 6+ Drthorn.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    !ind loced 8(DD;EB ;DD9 Hith 8

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    nd serch the 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      %ind Tol!dir ner the Srthl or6 nd listen to Hht he hs to s+ 6outit.

    &ncno rudel+ interru2ts nd rePuests +ou to !olloH hi# i##editel+. Tl to

    urnir in the &rch-Mge's Purters. &!ter receiJing the neHs urnir6egs

    +ou to see out the &ugur o! ;unlin 6ut no one noHs Hhere he is or i! he

    eJen eKists. You cn 2ersude Mir6elle !or this in!or#tion or si#2l+ s


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e Hith Mir6elle ErJine|

    | 4. %ind the ruins o! Mul!t|

    | . Serch !or S+nod reserchers|

    | =. ech the Dculor+|

    | >. %ind the %ocusing r+stl|

    | A. eturn the r+stl to Lrtus|

    | C. %olloH Lrtus|

    | . Llce the r+stl into the Dculor+|

    | F. Tl to Lrtus|

    | 1. e2ort to SJos &ren|


    | GniPue 7te#s: %ocusing r+stl|

    | Mul!t ?e+|

    | Mul!t D6serJtor+ ?e+|

    | Mul!t oo# ?e+|

    | eserch Nog|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      See out Mir6elle nd 2ro6e her 6out the St!! o! Mgnus. She eJentull+

    diJulges tht the S+nod Here looing !or it lst heding toHrds Mul!t.You

    Hill !ind these ruins to the !r southest o! (indhel#. (hen +ou !inll+#e

    it to the ruins +ou Hill !ind ,Jros Llinius d+ing nd Hhis2ering direction.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Noot his cor2se !or the 8MOGN%T ?EY9 nd his 8ESE&< ND,9 then continue.MoJe

    doHn the lrge hllH+s until +ou encounter so#e ;HrJen S2ider (orers --

    Nightning #gic Hill te the# out rther Puicl+.


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    8MDDBSTDBE DE VE7B9 nd 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    o! light. Tl to Lrtus once this is co#2leted then #e +our H+ 6c to

    the ollege. Berien Hill onl+ re!!ir# tht so#ething is #iss s +ou #e+our

    H+ out o! the ruins. (hen +ou rech SJos scene occurs nd the Puestends

    8DBT&7BMEBT9 i##editel+ strts.


    | _ |

     |. 1___|

     |. |___

    |: 1 |

     |::.. . |ontin#ent8>.A.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete eJeling the Gnseen|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. %ind the &rch-Mge|

    | 4. Lrotect the toHn o! (interhold|

    | . ;e!et the cretures in!esting (interhold 1/1)|

    | =. e2ort to Mir6elle ErJine|


    | GniPue 7te#s: SJos &ren's ulet|

    | Torc o! N6+rinthin



      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Nucil+ +ou re#in unhr#ed !ro# the 6lst. endeJous in the court+rdnd

    tl to Tol!dir the &rch-Mge did not #e it. The toHn o! (interhold is

    6eing e!!ected 6+ the energies o! the E+e o! Mgnus +ou #ust de!end itQush

    doHn the 6ridge nd see i! %rld Hill @oin +ou it Hill certinl+ loHerthe

    csult+ rte. The Mgic &no#lies re rther o6Jious s the+ rush throughthe

    toHn. *e ded ccurte Hith +our s2ells or +ou Hill end u2 illing thetoHns#n

    tht +ou re here to sJe. (hen the+ re Hi2ed out re2ort to Mir6elle.(ith

    nother turn o! eJents +ou re o!! to N6+rinthin 6ut not 6e!ore Mir6elle

    giJes +ou the 8TD D% N&*Y7BT.C.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete ontin#ent|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Enter N6+rinthin|

    | 4. %ind the St!! o! Mgnus|

    | . eturn to Tol!dir|


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | GniPue 7te#s: Moroei|

    | The St!! o! Mgnus|

    | (ord o! LoHer: Ti#e SloH Ti#e|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      The tre is long nd tough through the Hinter+ re Hhere %rost Trolls

    !rePuent. &s +ou 22roch the door +ou Hill see the etherel !igures 6ut+ou

    cnnot s2e to the#. Enter the dungeon nd hed stright to the door out o!

    this roo#. The s2ectrl 2rt+ #es nother 22ernce 6ut ignore the# nd

    !li2 the 8NEVE9 nd 2ss into #ssiJe roo# Hhere Seletl ;rgon Hill

    ttc long Hith seJerl Seletons. The Seletons Puicl+ dro2 nd the;rgon

    Hill succu#6 to %ire-6sed d#ge !or n es+ te doHn. ;escend the r#2 to

    n etched t6let then enter the N6+rinthin hs#.

      MoJe doHn the r#2 nd +ou Hill her Joice s2eing in the tongue o!

    ;rgon. ;e!et the %rost S2irit nd enter lrge cJern. Me 2rogresssouth

    nd sl+ the ;rugr nd ;rugr (ights tht tte#2t to hlt +ou. There is

    roo# to the south Hith n 8&N

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    corner o! the roo# !or 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


     `-|. |-'

      |: |

    |::.|he E+e o! Mgnus8>..9




    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete The St!! o! Mgnus|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Gse the St!! o! Mgnus to enter the ollege o! (interhold|

    | 4. ech the . S2e Hith urnir|


    | GniPue 7te#s: &rch-Mge's urters ?e+|

    | &rch#ge's o6es|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      (hen +ou rriJe t the

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide




    LrerePuisite: o#2lete The E+e o! Mgnus

    D6@ectiJes: 1. lose the ru2ture

      4. Tl to Tol!dir

      S2e Hith Tol!dir !ter sto22ing &ncno nd he Hill send +ou to rndo#

    loction Hhere there is ri!t leeing Mgic &no#lies. ler the# out Hiththe

    St!! o! Mgnus nd sel the ru2ture. eturn to Tol!dir !or reHrd unless

    the ru2ture occurred in (interhold.

    ogue (ird8>..49


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete The E+e o! Mgnus

    D6@ectiJes: 1. ;el Hith the rogue Hird

      4. Tl to Tol!dir

      S2e Hith Tol!dir !ter the eJents o! The E+e o! Mgnus hs co#2leted.

    Your lern o! trou6leso#e #ge tht is Hreing hJoc nd Tol!dir Hnts+ou

    to sto2 hi#. The loction is rndo# 6ut the 7nsne ollege (ird HilllH+s

    6e there Hith !eH co#2nions. Sl+ the tritor nd return to Tol!dir Hith

    the good neHs.

    &rniel's EndeJor Lrt 8>..9


    LrerePuisite: o#2lete The E+e o! Mgnus nd &rniel's EndeJor Lrt 4

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    D6@ectiJes: 1. Llce the Hr2ed soul ge# into onJector

      4. .

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      (it 22roKi#tel+ A hours !ter co#2leting the 2reJious Puest then tlto

    &rniel once #ore. 7t see#s Enthir is holding out once #ore 6ut u2on !urther

    inJestigtion it see#s courier got lost co#ing !ro# MorroHind.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    LrerePuisite: &chieJe 7llusion Sill o! F or higher

    D6@ectiJes: 1. *ring the %our Mster 7llusion teKts to ;reJis Beloren

      S2e Hith ;reJis Beloren Hho is sur2rised +ou cn see hi#. 7nPuire i!there

    isn't else to lern 6out 7llusion s2ells nd he Hill giJe +ou the 8V7S7DBD%


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      S2e Hith Lhinis ,estor nd s i! there is n+thing #ore to lern 6out


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    LrerePuisite: &chieJe &ltertion Sill o! F or higher

    D6@ectiJes: 1. Gse ?Johein's %ng to collect

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Meet *r+n@ol! during d+ti#e|

    | 4. Stel Mdesi's ing|

    | . Llnt Mdesi's ing|

    | =. S2e to *r+n@ol!|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Mdesi's ing|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &!ter +ou gin ccess to the cit+ o! i!ten !ind *r+n@ol! Hho needs !Jor

    nd 8&

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Nocte *r+n@ol! t the gged %lgon|

    | 4. ollect ?eerJ's de6t|

    | . ollect *ersi . eturn to *r+n@ol!|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Sttue o! ;i6ell|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest Hill strt !ter +ou hJe Hored Hith *r+n@ol!. Me +our H+

    through the seHers nd into the gged %lgon to s2e Hith *r+n@ol!. Your

    neKt ts Hill #e +ou ,uild Me#6er so get to it. Strt o!! Hith ?eerJt

    the *ee nd *r6. *rHl Hith her or listen to her eKcuses nd see outTlen-

    Iei to get so#e dirt on IeerJ. eturn to her nd threten her to get the

    !irst 6ount+.


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | |

    |. |

    |. |___

    |: 1 |

     |::.. . |oud nd ler8A..9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete Ting re o! *usiness|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. %olloH *r+n@ol!|

    | 4. Nisten to Mercer %re+|

    | . Tl to *r+n@ol!|

    | =. *urn three 6ee hiJes /)|

    | >. ler out &ringoth's s!e|

    | A. D2tionl) S2e to VeK 6out ,oldengloH Estte|

    | C. D2tionl) Enter ,oldengloH using seHer|

    | . eturn to *r+n@ol!|


    | GniPue 7te#s: ,oldengloH *ill o! Sle

    || ,oldengloH ellr ?e+|

    | ,oldengloH S!e ?e+|


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest strts !ter +ou co#2lete Ting re o! *usiness. %olloH*r+n@ol!

    to Mercer %re+ Hho Helco#es +ou to the ThieJes ,uild nd ssigns +ou neHts tht not eJen VeK could do. 7nPuire 6out the #ission nd *r+n@ol! Hill

    giJe +ou in!or#tion tht let's +ou Puestion VeK 6out the ,oldengloHEstte.

    Tl to VeK nd she Hill tell +ou the 6est H+ to in!iltrte the estte isJi

    the seHers.

      MoJe out toHrds the ,oldengloH Estte nd serch round !or the entrnceto

    the seHers. The Puicest H+ to rech the s!e is Ji the eKit t the southest o! the seHers. 7! +ou te the northern eKit +ou Hill end u2 ner the

    6cdoor to the estte. %ro# here +ou cn sne u2 to the second !loor ndHith

    high enough Sne +ou cn ctull+ #e it to &ringoth nd stel the

    8,DN;EB,ND( ENN& ?EY9 nd 8,DN;EB,ND( S&%E ?EY9.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


     |::.. . /#2ened S2irits8A.=.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete Noud nd ler|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to MJen *lc-*rir|

    | 4. S2e to Mllus Mccius|

    | . S2e to S6@orn

    || =. Loison the . Loison the Best|

    | A. eturn to S6@orn|

    | C. &ttend the tsting cere#on+|

    | . S2e to Mllus Mccius|

    | F. 7denti!+ S6@orn's silent 2rtner|

    | 1. eturn to MJen *lc-*rir|

    | 11. eturn to *r+n@ol!|


    | GniPue 7te#s:

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | S6@orn's ;resser ?e+|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This Puest strts right !ter Noud nd ler co#2letes. NeJe the gged

    %lggon nd serch !or MJen in the *ee nd *r6. She needs to run her onl+

    co#2etition the

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    Hill reHrd +ou Hith 8&B;DM EB. ,et in!or#tion !ro# ,ulu#-Ei|

    | A. ShdoH ,ulu#-Ei|

    | C. on!ront ,ulu#-Ei|

    | . eturn to Mercer %re+|

    | F. S2e to Tonili 6out eKchnging 2iece o! r#or|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Est E#2ire Shi22ing M2|

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | ,oldengloH *ill o! Sle|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      (ith the discoJer+ o! the s#e #r on tHo clients Mercer Hnts +ou totl

    to n old &rgonin contct !or the ,uild n#ed ,ulu#-Ei. This &rgonin isthe

    ,uild's inside #n !or the Est E#2ire o#2n+. Tl to *r+n@ol! !or #ore

    in!or#tion on ,ulu#-Ei then hed to Solitude in serch o! the old !riend.

    You Hill !ind the lird in the (ining SeeJer Hhere +ou #ust use the code

    n#e o! ,@ul-Nei to drH his ttention. Lersude 6ri6e or inti#idte hi#


    get Hht +ou Hnt. 7! +ou re !orced to 6ri6e ,ulu#-Ei +ou hJe to stel

    cse o! %ire6rnd (ine !ro# the *lue Llce in Solitude.

      (hen +ou get the in!or#tion +ou !eel s i! ,ulu#-Ei isn't telling +ou ll

    tht he noHs. %olloH hi# to the Est E#2ire o#2n+ (rehouse Hhere +ouhJe

    to Sne round. 7! +ou re seen +ou'll 6e in !or rel !ight so do +our6est

    to st+ hidden. &s ,ulu#-Ei #oJes into the *rinHter ,rotto +ou cn te

    s#ll detour to the %ore#n's D!!ice nd sng the 8E&ST EML7E S

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | _ |

     | 1___|

     |____ |

     |: 1 |

     |::.. . |2eing Hith Silence8A.A.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete Scoundrel's %oll+


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Meet Mercer %re+ outside o! SnoH Veil Snctu#|

    | 4. %ind ?rlih|

    | . S2e to ?rlih|


    | GniPue 7te#s: (ord o! LoHer: (e2on ;isr#|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      Mercer %re+ is tgging long this ti#e in +our 2ursuit o! ?rlih the

    #urderess. (hen +ou rech SnoH Veil Snctu# +ou Hill !ind Mercer %re+Hiting

    !or +ou. You cn s hi# 6out ,llus nd ?rlih to !ind out 6out their

    reltionshi2. MoJe toHrds the door to the Snctu# nd Mercer %re+ Hillunloc

    it !or +ou. Ned on through the hlls until +ou !ind ded ;rugr nd n

    unlooted 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Sl+ the ;rugr Scourge tht e#erges !ro# the Hll nd unloc the irondoors

    to !ind so#e 8LDT7DBS9. The neKt re Hill 6e littered Hith ;rugr ;rugr

    Scourge nd ;rugr ;ethlord. Mercer %re+ Hill liel+ chrge in nd 6egin


    ssult 6e!ore +ou get chnce to. *c hi# u2 Hith Shouts nd Hhen thechos

    hs cl#ed serch the re !or 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide




    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete S2eing Hith Silence|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e Hith Enthir|

    | 4. S2e Hith lcel#o|

    | . ,in entr+ to lcel#o's Museu#|

    | =. D2tionl) D6tin the e+ to lcel#o's Museu#

    || >. D6tin lcel#o's %l#er Trnslting ,uide|

    | A. ;u2licte the Hriting on lcel#o's Stone|

    | C. eturn to Enthir|

    | . S2e to Enthir|

    | F. S2e to ?rlih|


    | GniPue 7te#s: lcel#o's N6ortor+ ?e+|

    | lcel#o's Stone u66ing|

    | ;He#er Museu# ?e+|

    | ,llus's Encoded Iournl|

    | Bightingle *lde|

    | S2ider ontrol od|


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      You receiJe 8,&NNGS'S EBD;E; IDGB&N9 !ro# ?rlih nd +ou need to get it

    trnslted. Enthir in (interhold should 6e 6le to hel2 6ut he ends u2

    sending+ou to s2e Hith lcel#o in Mrrth. lcel#o is in the Gnderstone ?ee2nd

    he doesn't Hnt to 6e 6othered. The onl+ H+ he Hill grnt +ou ccess to his

    reserch is i! +ou hJe high enough 6ri6er+ or i! +ou hJe ided hi# 6e!orein

    Hhich cse +ou lred+ hJe ccess to his Museu#. Either H+ +ou need too6tin

    the 8;(EME MGSEGM ?EY9 !ro# hi# or !ro# his t6le stel it). (ith the e+in

    hnd hed oJer to the ;He#er Museu# nd sne 2st the gurds to enter

    lcel#o's N6ortor+. You could lH+s @ust !ight +our H+ through nd re2

    the reHrds o! ll the 8ND?L7?7B,9 +ou'll get to do.

      Dnce in the N6ortor+ enter the !irst roo# on the le!t to !ind 8SL7;E

    DBTDN D;9. %ro# here +ou need to #e +our H+ into the northHestern re

    6+ Sneing to !ind 8&NENMD's N&*D&TDY ?EY9. NieHise +ou cn @ust sl+

    ll the (ird's ,urds nd loot the e+ o!! o! one o! the#. The southest

    re is Hhere +ou Hnt to get to nd +ou cn !ind the 8;(EME LGOONE G*E9

    nicel+ dis2l+ed on Hll. Enter the Mrrth (irds' *lcon+ to rech theto2 o! lcel#o's N6ortor+. Dn +our H+ through the roo# +ou Hillencounter

    no gurds so !eel !ree to run to run to the to2. Sng 8DNN D% L&LE9 nd

    so#e 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    6eco#es %ence !or (interhold.


    | |

     |.| | |

     `-|. |-'

      |: |

    |::.|he Lursuit8A..9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete

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    | GniPue 7te#s: *ust o! the ,r+ %oK|

    | hillrend|

    | Mercer's

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    There re tHo s#ll shi2s to the est nd Hest diJe 6etHeen the# nd +ouHill

    !ind the 6ot long Hith 8V&N;'S STDB,*DR9. 7nside is the 8G7NN D%

    ,EM7B&T7DB9 tht MJen Hnted. eturn to MJen Hith the Puill nd she Hill

    giJe +ou 8V&N;'S ;E*T9.


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | 4. Meet ?rlih t the stnding stone|

    | . %olloH ?rlih|

    | =. &ctiJte the &r#or Stone|

    | >. EPui2 the Bightingle &r#or|

    | A. %olloH ?rlih|

    | C. Stnd on Jcnt !loor gl+2h|

    | . S2e to ?rlih|

    | F. S2e to *r+n@ol!|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Bightingle &r#or|

    | Bightingle *oots|

    | Bightingle ,loJes|

    | Bightingle

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      Stnd on the Hestern gl+2h nd ?rlih strts the cere#onil Dth.Bocturnl

    cce2ts her o!!er nd *r+n@ol! nd +oursel! 6eco#e Bightingles. Tl to

    ?rlih nd *r+n@ol! !terHrds to !igure out Hhere Mercer hs gone.


    | _ \

    |. 1 /

    |. _ \

    |: 1 \

     |::.. . /lindsighted8A.1.9




    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete Trinit+ estored|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. TrJel to 7rngthnd|

    | 4. S2e to ?rlih|

    | . Nocte Mercer %re+|

    | =. Sl+ Mercer %re+|

    | >. etrieJe the Seleton ?e+|

    | A. Esc2e !ro# 7rngthnd|

    | C. S2e to ?rlih



    | GniPue 7te#s: Ne!t E+e o! the %l#er|

    | Bightingle *oH|

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | ight E+e o! the %l#er|

    | Seleton ?e+|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &s i! trJeling to 7rngthnd Hsn't enough Hhen +ou rriJe there is

    Hhole cln o! *ndits inh6iting the re. The second !loor hs 8NEVE9+ou

    cn use to loHer the s2ers t the #in entrnce 6ut to enter the &rcneK

    +ou need to cli#6 to the Jer+ to2 !loor. 7nside the &rcneK round the !ire

    is 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    the %l#er nd their 2ets the hurus. You cn sne 6+ #ost o! it 6ut there

    re !eH 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide




    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete *lindsighted|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Enter the THilight Se2ulcher|

    | 4. S2e to the Bightingle Sentinel|

    | . %olloH the Lilgri#'s Lth|

    | =. D2tionl) etrieJe B+stro#'s Iournl


    | GniPue 7te#s: &nders's Messge|

    | B+stro#'s Iournl|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      Me +our H+ Hest to the THilight Se2ulcher ner #ountin stre#.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    Bote: 7t is highl+ reco##ended tht +ou sJe t this ti#e. The neKt roo# is

      dedl+ nd +ou'll hJe to 6ctrc Puite so#e H+s i! +ou die Hithout



      7n this roo# the light is d#ging. The drer the re the 6etter o!! +ou

    re. &s +ou rech the !irst set o! ste2s te cution s drt tr2 is

    set o!!. (hen +ou @u#2 doHn nother one Hits so dodge it nd 2rogress to

    the 6ridge. S2rint cross the 6ridge nd dodge the drt tr2 tht shoots

    stright doHn the #iddle o! it. MneuJer through the sli# res o! 2urest

    drness to rech n iron door t the to2 o! the ste2s nd leJe the

    dngerous roo#.

      This neKt roo# hs sttue o! Bocturnl nd tHo 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    ShdoHclo o! Bocturnl - %or 14 seconds +ou uto#ticll+ 6eco#einJisi6le

      Hhile sneing.


    | _ \

    |. | |

     |. | |

     |: | |

     |::.| |o Stone Gnturned8A.14.9




    | LrerePuisite: %ind n Gnusul Stone|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. ecoJer the Stones o! *renih 4=/4=)|

    | 4. *eco#e !ull #e#6er o! the ThieJes ,uild|


    | GniPue 7te#s: roHn o! *renih|

    | LroHler's Lro!it|

    | Stone o! *renih|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      These stones re !ound s 8GBGSG&N STDBE9 until +ou te one to VeK in the

    ThieJes ,uild. She Hill in!or# +ou tht the+ re 2rt o! set o! 4=

    originll+ #ing u2 croHn. &cPuire ll 4= stones nd return to VeK to getn


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide




    | STDBES D% *&EBO7&

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | 1 | ;ed rone oc - Dn #eshi!t ltr|


    | 11 | (hiterun IorrJsr) - 7n ?odl (hite#ne's 6edroo#|


    | 14 | (hiterun | %ellgloH ?ee2 - Dn counter in the Horroo# t the to2 o! the !o+er|


    | 1A | (indhel#

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | 4 | Sunderstone ,orge - Dn the &ltr in!ront o! the (ord (ll|


    | 41 | ;r *rotherhood Snctur+ - Dn the dresser in &strid's roo#|


    | 44 | LineHtch - 7n loced tresure roo#|


    | 4 | i!ten MistJeil ?ee2) - 7n the Irl's h#6ers on 6edside t6le|


    | 4= | i!ten *lc-*rir Nodge) 7n the Mster 6edroo# u2stirs|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &!ter collecting ll stones nd s2eing Hith VeK she Hill in!or# +ou tht

    she noHs the loction o! the roHn o! *renih. This rePuires +ou to go

    through TolJld's rossing so set out !or it the (orld M2 loction isclled

    TolJld's Je). Me +our H+ through the !irst tHo cJes Hhere Trolls nd

    %l#er lur. &s +ou enter the rossing hurus 6egin to sur!ce nd id the

    %l#er in +our tte#2ts to !ind the roHn o! *renih. &s +ou rech 2ile

    o! scr2s in ded end to the north +ou Hill !ind the 8D(B D% *&EBO7&

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


      |::.|he Io6s o! Thie!8A.1.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete Meet the %#il+|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. Tl to ;elJin or VeK !or in!or#tion on @o6s +ou cn do|

    | to hel2 the guild|



      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      This section coJers the seJen di!!erent re2et6le Puests tht s2n the

    #@or cities. Dnce +ou'Je done enough @o6s >) in 2rticulr cit+ +ou cn

    strt to gin in!luence !or the ThieJes ,uild there nd 2er!or# Puests2eci!ic

    to tht cit+. You cn cce2t one @o6 !ro# ;elJin nd one !ro# VeK t ti#e.

    The Bu#6ers Io68A.1.19


    D6@ectiJes: 1. Mes chnges in the ledger t 8ndo# *usiness9 in 8ndo#


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    The %ishing Io68A.1.49


    D6@ectiJe: 1. etrieJe 87te#9 !ro# 8Lerson9 in 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    The Shill Io68A.1.>9


    D6@ectiJes: 1. Llnt the 87te#9 in 8*uilding9 in 8

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    the 6est results 6ut i! +our good enough +ou cn do it during the d+.


    | |

     |. |

     |. |

     |: |

     |::.|#ittion nest+8A.1=.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete !iJe or #ore Io6s in (hiterun



    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to Dl!rid *ttle-*orn|

    | 4. Stel the letter incri#inting &rn|

    | . %orge the 2rison registr+|

    | =. eturn to Dl!rid *ttle-*orn|


    | GniPue 7te#s: Netter !ro# Solitude|


      5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &cce2t ;elJin Mllor+'s s2ecil @o6 nd hed to (hiterun to !ind Dl!rid*ttle-*orn. The #n is tr+ing to sJe his der !riend 6ut +ou need tostel

    letter nd !orge the 2rison registr+ to cler his n#e. Enter the Irl's

    urters in ;rgonsrech nd hed to the second !loor nd serch the 6croo#

    !or the 8NETTE %DM SDN7TG;E9. %ro# here #e +our H+ doHn the ste2s ndin

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    to the roo# Hhere the 8L7SDB E,7STY9 is locted. %orge the registr+ then

    see out Dl!rid *ttle-*orn to giJe hi# the good neHs. The Puest concludesnd

    +our reHrd is n 8EB.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete !iJe or #ore Io6s in (indhel#|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to Torsten ruel-Se|

    | 4. S2e to Birn+e|

    | . D2tionl) ;iscoJer leJerge to sH+ Birn+e|

    | =. TrJel to Gttering . ecoJer %@olti's SilJer Nocet|

    | A. D2tionl) ;estro+ the Su##erset ShdoH's *nner|

    | C. eturn to Torsten ruel-Se|


    | GniPue 7te#s: %@olti's SilJer Nocet|

    | NinHe's &r#or|

    | NinHe's *oots|

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | NinHe's ,loJes|

    | NinHe's

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


     | |

     |.| | |

     `-|. |-'

      |: |

    |::.|he ;int+ Slod8A.1A.9



    | LrerePuisite: o#2lete !iJe or #ore Io6s in Solitude|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. S2e to Eriur|

    | 4. &cPuire *l#or *lue|

    | . Llnt the *l#or *lue|

    | =. eturn to Eriur|


    | GniPue 7te#s: *l#or *lue

    || *l#or *lue Bote|

    | ed (Je S!e ?e+|

    | S6ine's %ootlocer ?e+|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      ;elJin giJes this s2ecil rePuest !ter +ou co#2lete !iJe or #ore @o6s in


  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    *lue nd 2lnt it on his shi2. The ite# is highl+ illegl nd could lnd the

    2tin in so#e serious trou6le. ,old or +ou cn stel the 8E; (&VE S&%E ?EY9 or 8S&*7BE'S %DDTND?E

    ?EY9 nd #e +our H+ to the 6otto# o! the ed (Je. D2en the s!e Hith the

    e+ to !ind the 8*&NMD& *NGE BDTE9.

      ed the note then @u#2 into the Hter to !ind 8S&*7BE'S %DDTD?E9 Hhereshe

    is hiding the 8*&NMD& *NGE9. (ith the ite# secured #e +our H+ to the

    ;int+ Slod. Sne into the 2tin's urters nd unloc the 8&LT&7B'S

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide



    | GniPue 7te#s: Endon's SilJer Mold|

    | LineHtch ?e+|

    | LineHtch Tresure oo# ?e+|

    | ors's Netter|

    | SilJer ndlestic|



     5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555  5 

      &!ter gining so#e re2uttion nd in!luence in Mrrth ;elJin Hill giJe+ou

    this s2ecil rePuest. ,o to Mrrth nd s2e Hith Endon the SilJers#ith to

    !ind the ite#s he ordered Here stolen.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    sure to dodge it. You'll !ind 8EB;DB'S S7NVE MDN;9 nd 8S7NVE&B;NEST7?9

    #ongst the Jst tresures.

      eturn to Endon Hith the good neHs nd he is grte!ul.

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    | ,uild Neder *oots|

    | ,uild Neder ,loJes|

    | ,uild Neder

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    &Jentus &retino esc2ed nd Hent 6c to his ho#e in (indhel#.

    - Visit the &retino esidence in (indhel# nd oJer her conJerstion tht

    &Jentus &retino is tr+ing to su##ong the ;r *rotherhood nd hJe so#eone



    | |

     |. |

     |. |

     |: |

     |::.|nnocence Nost8C.1.9



    | LrerePuisite: Bone|


    | D6@ectiJes: 1. ?ill ,relod the ?ind|

    | 4. Tell &Jentus &retino tht ,relod is ded|


    | GniPue 7te#s: &retino %#il+

  • 8/18/2019 The Elder Scrolls V guide


    s#ll roo# nd close the