The Dynamism of Wall Mural Design as one of the ... · Interior Design and Furniture Department...

23 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 7 No. 6; July 2020 The Dynamism of Wall Mural Design as one of the Contemporary Human Requirements Amany Mashhour Hendy – Associate Professor Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt [email protected][email protected] Rania Reda Salama – Lecturer Decoration Department Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt [email protected] [email protected] Mona Waheed Nowara – Demonstrator Decoration Department Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt [email protected][email protected]

Transcript of The Dynamism of Wall Mural Design as one of the ... · Interior Design and Furniture Department...

Page 1: The Dynamism of Wall Mural Design as one of the ... · Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt ... new vision produced, and


International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 7 No. 6; July 2020

The Dynamism of Wall Mural Design as one of the Contemporary

Human Requirements

Amany Mashhour Hendy – Associate Professor

Interior Design and Furniture Department

Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt

[email protected][email protected]

Rania Reda Salama – Lecturer

Decoration Department

Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt

[email protected][email protected]

Mona Waheed Nowara – Demonstrator

Decoration Department

Faculty of Applied Arts- Damietta University – Egypt

[email protected][email protected]

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ISSN: 2313-3759


During the contemporary trend of the dynamic approach to design and the growing interest towards kinetic design, Several design trends have emerged that aim to meet the changing human needs , find design solutions to face it and get out from the fixed shape to the dynamic form. As a result, applications with smart motion systems appeared that allow some of their parts to move using mechanical mechanisms, sensors, or hand-moving. Without reducing the overall structural integrity of the work. Resulting in a flexible, resilient and reorganize able dynamic perspective and production of variables in form and function that adapt to the needs of the user. Hence, the research problem is determined by the possibility of applying the dynamic thought in the mural design in an attempt to change from the fixed position of the wall, with the addition of a functional dimension to it. And how can benefit from modern technologies to achieve a dynamic vision in the mural design? What are the possible mechanisms to achieve this? The research aims to reach the concept of dynamic multi-functional mural design and its design mechanisms to achieve added aesthetic and functional values. The research concluded that the multi-functional mural design is a necessity to confront contemporary variables that are no longer satisfied with the aesthetic function only, but also look for functional and employment pluralism and achieve more than aesthetic, functional and psychological value in the work. The research followed the descriptive-analytical method in studying some of the techniques, mechanisms, and kinetic systems that can be used in the mural design.


Dynamism – Dynamic Mural Design – Multi-functions of Murals – Motion Techniques – Human Contemporary requirements.


The change in the shape and function of the contemporary mural design represents an unprecedented breakthrough in the concept of what a mural is, a breakthrough in the usage of the technique. In addition, the nature of materials that enabled the designer to achieve Innovated visions and ideas about the relationship between mural work and the spatial environment and human society. These modern visions are shaped by data of the times, such as scientific progress, modern architecture, population density, and community culture. With this development and the dominance of technology in the design media, new concepts emerged in the field of design, like the concepts of Dynamic Design and Multi-functional Design, The thinking arose about the possibility of combining these design concepts with modern kinetic techniques, And benefit from them in achieving a dynamic vision of the mural design that allows obtaining alternatives and formal variables as well as adding some functions and uses to the design, So that the mural design includes one job or more that meet the user’s need depending on the type of space in addition to the aesthetic function.

Thus, the mural design becomes more effective as aesthetic, functional and usable work. And it is freed from the aesthetic scope only, as many people today no longer have the economic luxury to taste the aesthetic values of artwork only, Rather, thinking about the necessary products, which whenever performing more than one job without increasing the financial burden, became an ideal choice that suits narrow spaces, housing units with limited space, and prevailing economic conditions.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 7 No. 6; July 2020

1. The Dynamism Concept in Design

Design dynamism is a progressive methodology in architecture and design that allows some parts to move a realistic transitional movement through external or internal forces by mechanics or sensors. This movement changes behavior in 3D designs, without reducing overall structural integrity, and this requires space and time to complete the movement ) ،م2015ا345وي( . . Available means and designer tools are used to create a variable dynamic reality that breaks the boredom, facilitates tasks and keeps pace with technological development. Recently, interest in kinetic design and business with an intelligent mechanical framework has increased due to its continuous compatibility with sustainably performing its functions. The principles of kinetic interaction design were discovered by implementing animated patterns to generate dynamic shapes, these forms were produced by constructive structural innovation, employing modern technologies, and developing form, function, and adaptive ideas. This has contributed to the generation of flexible, efficient and adaptive designs that respond to requirements. The ability to adapt ranges from reorganization and arrangement of multi-use parts to between changing the transferable and removable constructive structure (Nixon P., 2000). So that the elements remain in the built environment when they are in use then they are stored or transformed when they are not needed. This indicates that the dynamic aesthetic is radically related to a functional approach applied to the structure when design elements can be shifted, altered, expanded, modified or when they can move dynamically. Mural Design is a functional and innovative process in which a set of elements and foundations are subject to regulation and coordination in relationships and Structural systems in which the functional and aesthetic purpose is achieved. Whether this purpose is materially achieved by performing the product for certain physical functions, or morally related to satisfying the emotional needs and the need for a sense of beauty, What the mural design accomplishes is related to the expressive, utilitarian, and usability aspect of space, along with aesthetic values, It is an art that combines vision and construction. The concept of dynamics has been included in the mural design as an innovative concept based on the dynamics of movement in its functional concept which means the ability to transform in form or body or composition to move from one job to another, In its aesthetic concept, which represents a high-tech added value that gives an aesthetic dimension, vitality and diversity in design solutions, and in its executive concept it needs technological progress ) ،=>?@2018( and a study of the movement mechanisms. Dynamic Mural Design is a term used to express the applications of mechanical movement systems and movement mechanisms in the mural design to reach a change in the design pattern from a non-moving static system to a dynamic, responsive structure that can be moved and configured allowing more than one function. Where mechanical kinetic capabilities are used, whether by disassembling and installing or extracting some parts or rotating around an axis or other mechanical movement mechanisms. And with that in mind the design of the variable units parallel to the perception of the new vision produced, and that is by controlling the visual capabilities of the design elements to compensate for the elements of lost aesthetic values due to kinetic behavior to preserve the aesthetic value of the design.

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2. The importance of dynamic Mural Design for humans

According to the global trend towards multifunctional product design, the most recent concept in design is that the shape performs and indicates multiple functions, Therefore, the term "multi-functional Mural Design " comes as a contemporary concept that expresses the ability of the wall design to achieve different functional dimensions that exceed the aesthetic dimension to provide more than one job, which confirms the wall flexibility and its dynamics to match in turn the conceptual direction and interactive solutions of contemporary architecture.

This dynamism may have an important role in influencing a person's psychological, physical and mental health and behavior. Physiologically speaking, kinetic art represents a reductionist approach that emphasizes motion. Using it, artists have, tried to obtain aesthetic effects by stimulating optimally only a limited number of visual areas in the cerebral cortex, specifically those concerned with visual motion. Kinetic art therefore provides fertile ground on which to begin an exploration of the relationship between the physiology of visual perception, brain activity and the aesthetic experience of visual art. Aesthetics must involve a great deal more than the stimulation of specific visual areas - learning, memory, cultural upbringing, individual variation and much else besides will play a role. (Semir Zeki, Malcolm Lamb, 1994)

In fact, recent studies using the technique of positron emission tomography (PET), which measures changes in regional cerebral blood flow (RCBF) when humans undertake particular tasks, have shown that there is indeed a functional specialization in the visual cortex of the human brain and that there is a specific visual area situated outside the territory of the primary visual cortex (area V1) which specifically shows a change in RCBF when humans view a visual stimulus in motion. (Zeki et al, 1991) (Watson et al , 1993).

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 7 No. 6; July 2020

Fig. 1 A, left, motion from static form, designed by Isia Leviant (Paris); right, the same figure but with the motion from real dynamic form. B, activity shown in horizontal slices through the brain (in area V5). Top row shows the activity in V1 and in V5 when subjects view a visual stimulus which is motion actually. Bottom row shows activity in the case of illusory motion.

Fig. 1. (Zeki S. , 1993)

Fig.2 The results of an activation study using PET, shown in A, B and C, of the most significant changes in rCBF when humans view an abstract colour scene (human V4, A) and a pattern of black and white squares in motion (human V5, B). The latter areas are also active but in both stimulation conditions (C). (Zeki, La Recherche, 1990)

In a recent study of psychological and neurological responses to internal architecture, two hypotheses about the relationship between humans and the built environment were tested. First, aesthetic responses to architectural interiors reduce to a few key psychological dimensions that are sensitive to design features. Second, these psychological dimensions evoke specific neural signatures. Using Psychometric Network Analysis (PNA) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Three main components were identified that explained 90% of the variance in ratings: coherence (ease with which one organizes and comprehends a scene), fascination (a scene's informational richness and generated interest), and hominess (extent to which a scene reflects a personal space). Whereas coherence and fascination are well-established dimensions in response to natural scenes and visual art, hominess emerged as a new dimension related to architectural interiors. Parametric analyses demonstrated that, regardless of task, the degree of fascination covaried with neural activity in the right lingual gyrus. In contrast, coherence covaried with neural activity in the left inferior occipital gyrus only when participants judged beauty, whereas hominess covaried with neural activity in the left cuneus only when they made approach-avoidance decisions (Coburn, 2020). These results suggest that the visual brain harbors sensitivities to psychological dimensions of coherence, fascination, and hominess - which are essential components in a dynamic mural design - in the context of architectural interiors.

Moreover, the interactive kinetic mural design demonstrated its effect on the recipient in terms of affecting the perceptual, psychological and emotional dimensions of the individual. In an experiment called The Heart Library, (Picture 3) at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Taiwan, by a group of artists George Khut & collaborators, an interactive mural-hanging work was designed on the ceiling. It uses emotional changes in the heart rate to influence the color and sound of the display through the interaction of a human being lying underneath it and seeing himself as if he were in a mirror and around him a set of color designs, By color, the reaction is, as images become redder as their heart rate increases, and it reaches blue when their rate slows. After participating in the experiment, the recipient is asked to draw, evacuating the emotions that he has acquired, and this experience reflected the effect of the interaction on the recipient's emotion and imagination. (Khut, 2012)





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This is in addition to the r

interacting and their positive role Hospital, (Picture 4) the designer Chospital, observed that the Woodcontributed greatly to the treatmeequipped with Xbox’s Kinect camemakes him interact with cartoon ele

Pic (3) an experiment entitled The Heart Library, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taiwan, 2012.

3. Multi-functions of Mural D

The multi -functionality of thedesign vocabulary, to interact with the space in it, especially in light ofto achieve the required purposes. Tutilization rates of the wall and mak

Multi-functional Mural Design i

� Change the constructiomanually for use in a sp

� Change the constructiotechniques and switch f

� None change in the cotechnologies to add visu

4. Modern Technologies in D

Since the emergence of motion vmovement in its influence or, contkinetic art” are rolled. Such as perelectric, magnetic, or mechanical murals, and other movement produto evolve and grow in time and with


recipient’s performance of the neuromuscular on physical health. In an experiment at The

Chris O’Shea, in cooperation with the treatmentdland Wiggle interactive screens in the childent and improvement of children's behavior.era tech, which reflects the child's image insid

ements that bring joy to him. (O’Shea, 2013)


e mural design is achieved through Structural r functional and aesthetic requirements that chan

of the recent design trends that allow Reshaping The diversity of the generated formations lead

kes it more effective with the humanitarian requi

is achieved through the following methods: onal form of design by the ability to separate (opecific function. onal form of design by dependence on some Infunctions. onstructional form of design by dependence onual or interactive effects.

Dynamic Mural Design

visual art in the 1950s, which is an art that tains moving parts the arts, The arts that fall rformance arts, kinetic sculptures, and moving

or manual, as well as animation, digital artsuction techniques in the arts. The kinetic busineh time, keeping pace with all that is new and tech

r activities when e Royal London t units inside the dren's playroom . This screen is de the mural and

Pic (4) interactive mural work, the Royal London Hospital, the interactive screen inside a large TV. It shows the child on the screen in a virtual environment such as the forest.

reformulation of nge depending on g and configuring ds to the highest irements.

or add) the parts

nnovated kinetic

n modern digital

depends on the under the term”

artworks by air, s, virtual reality

ess has continued hnological.

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International Journal of Scientific Rese

Modern Dynamic Technologies

4.1 Manual kinetic techniqu4.2 Mechanical kinetic tech4.3 Digital motion techniqu4.4 Kinetic techniques due

5. Manual Dynamic Mural D

It means the murals that dcomposition of the mural design chorganizing by manual movement stretching, deploying, etc. The motpreviously to create technical model2006( With the technological devel

essential feature, the concept of Inteeasy, efficient and enjoyable in useand apply, as it adds a functional auser's reactions and desires and maccount human ergonomic considerBelow are Samples of dynamic mintervention in design formulatinvariables. It is used to obtain varioudesign and are extracted from use.

� Snap Jack Sample (1)

� Birch Material

� Depth: 54m� Withstand


� Furniture mDesigner

� Auckland –Country

� 2017 Year


Furniture maker Partwork. He designstored on the wall wThis group consistthickness possible.wooden frame via (DIDOVICH, 2017)


(A)Table & s


earch and Innovative Technology Vol. 7

s in Mural Design can be divided into: ues based on push and pull forces. hniques and mechanisms. ues. to environmental effects.

Design depend on their movement on the workforce, whanges and the structural form is transformed by methods such as pulling, jawing, fitting, prtive force was used by natural factors such as als that give a subjective kinetic movement calledlopment, the intervention of the human elemeneractive Dynamic Walls flourished. These wallsse, and allows increasing the technology's abiliand usage dimension to the mural design. It aim

make them a major part in the design ،2012(rations. mural design based on manual interaction an

ng of the wall and obtaining Morphologicalus functional elements that have been previously

mm (2.12″) d . weight: kg 250 (551lb).

maker: Philip Hornert, “Minimalist” product design – New Zealand

Philip Horner began designing a space-saving furnined a functional set of dining room furniture that canwhen not in use, after he noticed the amount of spacts of a table and four chairs, all of which are foldab. The chairs and the table are automatically aligne strong magnetic, which ensures its stability and fa

(B) The Extended conditseats in folded condition

7 No. 6; July 2020

where the general y rearranging and ressing, folding, air or hand push d Mobile. ) ،[>\]^nt has become an are described as

ity to understand ms to design the

)،3XY> .taking into

nd direct viewer and functional y included in the


iture design as an n be folded up and ce wasted at home. ble in the smallest ed and fixed on a acilitates handling.


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The work depended- Articulated foldinEngineering diagraa flexible joint syst


Paper engineering arts such as origcards) were utilized using folding paper forms without cutting or extendable, folding and contractingscalable surfaces. It has been uscontained in the mural design, whopened at an angle, especially at adynamic forms of the design as a sample (2) and (3).

Reveal D


d on two basic movement mechanisms: ng mechanism. - Installation mechanism by magneticams are used as a pattern or a guide for folding opertem and fastening under the influence of strong magn

“Folding mechanism

– Hinges”

gami arts and pop-up arts (the art of paper mod and sculpting techniques, then merging these pasting .to create complex designs, moveabg surfaces, which results in Form and structu

sed constructively in the creation of compachich emerge in a three-dimensional shape whean angle of 180 degrees. This allows multi-func result of obtaining more than one variable. A



c forces. rations by utilizing netic latches.

deling for pop-up techniques with

able figures and ural variables for ct configurations en the design is ctions as well as As shown in the

netic latches “

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International Journal of Scientific Rese

Fig (5)

� TWOFOLSample (2)

� Plywood, BMaterial

� (33”h x 16Dimensions

� American Designer

� The FacultCountry

� 2015. Year


The work is inspirewas designed as a of the surroundinintegrating the chaFolding, precision keep furniture intepatterns to help cam


(B) Th

(A)Table & s


earch and Innovative Technology Vol. 7

Kinetic origami unit. (Jackson, 2011)


Bungee Cord.

6”w x 16”d).

designer: Christy Oates. ty of San Diego State University.

ed by the concept of space-saving furniture and orig folding sculptural unit, to expand the use and conf

ng space, and take advantage of the wall to stoaracteristics of artistic display on the walls. machining and camouflage can create an efficientegrated in its compact vacuum environment, while mouflage the 'Mural design'.

The Extended condition

seats in folded condition

7 No. 6; July 2020

gami art. The piece firm the aesthetics ore furniture and

t use of space and adding decorative

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The work depende- Articulated foldinEngineering Origaoperations.


TWOFOLD: SPASample (3)





" O



ed on two basic movement mechanisms: ng mechanism. - Engineering Origami Mechanisms. ami art diagrams are used as a pattern or as a

Folding mechanism "




ition Steps


Unfolded Condition (B) Folding Condition

guide to folding



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International Journal of Scientific Rese

6. Mechanical Dynamic Mura

They are the Murals that depend which the properties of the machinthe intervention of the viewer, bmechanisms. The kinetic mural desintelligent automatic systems as paand shape-shifting parts. (Youssef, structural design process in which asuch a way that all joints move in lin

The Swiss artist” Jean Tangli” is cthe murals, which are characterizemechanical media such as the generin the field of engravings which he We also find in the work of thperformance value in the movementkinematic formations. His works aluminum strips or folded plastic wlight. (GERHARD VON GRAEVEN


Picture (6), (7) Relief point rouge, Relief Œmechanical media of artist Jean Tangli andPicture (8), (9) Regularity - IrregularityGraevenitz in actual motion using a motor


Fig 10. (A) Aegis Hyposurface is an autoHippodrome theater, which spans a prominby DECOi, UK (Moloney, 2011) . Aegis desresponse to external electronic stimuli frowith the surface of 896 air compressors is 2001).


earch and Innovative Technology Vol. 7

ral Design on their movement on electrical energy or mae and the automatic behavior of the elements a

by using machines such as the motor and thsign by the moving mechanisms is based on theart of the structure such as folding mechanisms2017) Mechanisms are a systematic method in t

a mechanical system is used that conveys movemine with each other.

considered one of the most prominent mechaniced by The properties of the machine, comic anrator, and we see in some of his work a kind of

e called “high mechanics” or “beyond Mechaniche German conceptual artist “Gerhard von t that attracts attention through the spatial valuesconsisted of combinations of engineering pie

while achieving the good depth of the layers anNITZ, 2018)

P )7( Pic )8( Pic

Œuf d’Onocrotale shows some of the actual motion murad chips in wood and metal, 1955. (

y, Aluminum discs on black, shows some works by and aluminum foil, 1962, 1968.. (


omated interactive wall mural artwork outside the lobby nent surface of the wall of 5 m. (B) An analytical drawinsign is a metal surface with faces that can physically dist

om the environment (movement, sound, light). (C) The responsible for creating the dynamic interactive terrain (

7 No. 6; July 2020

agnetic force, in are clear, without he generator, or e introduction of s, jaw mounting, the planning and

ment and force in

cal movement in nd fantasy, using f experimentation cs”. ) ،[>\]^2006( Graevenitz “the s and optical and

eces of wood or nd the illusion of


als using the electro-m)

artist Gerhard Von

)C (

of the Birmingham ng of the wall design tort as an immediate viewer's interaction

(Aegis Hyposurface,

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Picture (11) Adaptive Glass Design at ttechnology uses a graphical pattern to contdisplay. This dynamic movement is done transparency can be controlled, its permeaachieved by transforming a series of mi(Drozdowski, 2009)

Fig (12) analytical drawing showing the kof adaptive glass layers. Using digital techn


the Urban Built Exhibition, Harvard University, 2009trol heat gain and adjust light, while allowing sufficient t by automatic control with the addition of the appropriaability can be adjusted and visibility can be obscured. T

mixed glass layers and aligning the pattern and spacin

kinetic mechanism based on convergence and spacing of nology to integrate with the surrounding climate factors.(

. Adaptive Glazing transparency for the

ate time zone. Glass This performance is g of the drawing .

the decorative units Researcher analysis)

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International Journal of Scientific Rese

Fig (13) a kinetic wall for Cupra’s booth at

prototyping company (Leva ) . This kinetic wopen up dynamic “windows” for visitors to viemechanical and electronic mechanisms rela(

7. Digital Dynamic Mural De

It is mural design that movin

images through a time-series rapimovement is given by successionframes. Taking into account the t

) ،3Xc2012أ( 7.1 3D Video Mapping Proje

It is a technology that performs dynto create a match for any projected As it gives vacuum bodies with thramplitude of the Plastic capacity ofelements. The aesthetics caused by l

� The shape of light in a vacuu� The shape of light on objects

Fully closed semi


earch and Innovative Technology Vol. 7

the 88th Geneva International Motor Show. By the engineer

wall composed of 139 “petals”, which can move together in meew across the wall. This is done by designing motion control sated to sensory sensors that allow the kinetic wall to i


ng by the digital motion art, which is the art of id display of two or three-dimensional imagesn and sequence, using the computer and whatemporal and spatial relations between the dif


namic display operations on any surface using ad image. The projection may be on a flat surface ree-dimensional formation values. This is afterf light, which equals the modulating amplitudelight are achieved through:

um and a distribution method. s and the movement that results from that light i

opened fully opened

7 No. 6; July 2020

ring, mechatronic and

esmerizing waves and system and developing interact with people.

creating moving s. Suggestion of

at are called key fferent elements.

dvanced software or a 3D surface. r discovering the e of conventional

in a vacuum.

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Pic (14) digital art exhibition to dides Lumières”, Paris, 2018. The eenables animation control. It is apand a spatial audio system. Thisconverts them into dynamic imagsuitable for architectural blocks an

7.2 Augmented Reality

The term augmented reality is an indigital information and pictures dprograms and highly sensitive receeffects that interfere with the climuser, and it is printed on it in a way

7.3 Smart Mural Design

It is the mural design that depends on walls, which are walls consisting of pivalves allow displaying all the colorComputer, which creates a variety of color or light when moving or clicking

Pic (15) The Knowledge Wall Project, Aof Library of Alexandria, in cooperationDocumentation of Cultural and Natural HThe wall of knowledge that includes theAni papyrus is called in the afterlifeaugmented reality (AR) mobile applicincrease public interaction with Egyptiwithin museums using smart phones


isplay paintings by artist Gustave Klimt, Museum of Lighexhibition uses SENSORY4 technology and the WATCHpproximately 140 video projectors installed on an area of s technology connects several moving images and grapges that are projected on floors, ceilings and walls so thnd voids. (

nteractive experience and a kind of applied techdrawn and created from the digital world throeivers that the computer paints with physical, v

mate and the three-dimensional physical reality that the human mind can perceive.

the use of smart materials in interaction, such as iniezoelectric tiles called “electronic tiles” that have ers of the spectrum, as each tile represents one p designs that interact directly with the user, and re

g on them. (, 2017)

Antiquities Museum n with the Center for Heritage (CULTANT).

e Book of the Dead: fe section. It is an cation developed to ian art and heritage and tablets. (Yasser,

ht Gallery “L'Atelier H OUT software that f 3300 square meters phics processes and hat the projection is

hnology that uses ough specialized visual and audio surrounding the

nteractive dynamic edges of electronic pixel on a screen esponses appear in

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Pic (16) Music Wall [PLAYDODO] designwall that includes touch sensor, conductinteractive touch wall with hand-held playicolors parallel to the musical rhythm. Thelight. (raonsquare, 2016)

8. Dynamic Mural Design wit

It is the mural design that depeenvironmental influences such as thgravity, etc.

8.1 Shape Memory Alloys M

Some kinetic mural design prototyThey are alloys of metal, such as nmemory were discovered in the eamodified by heating they return to alloys are known as Nitinol ™ (NSandstroröm & S. Miyazaki, 1998)flexibility, which minerals and allointerested in smart materials, becaus

Pic(17)a prototype using ‘shape memory controlling light, This unit consists of Six wreaction to an external heat source for a unis strung through the punctures in the bottsuccessive wing. The pattern created by hinges and metal springs. It produces a waand closing according to their response to t


earch and Innovative Technology Vol. 7

gned by raonsquare, Korea, 2016. Music Playing Wall is active ink and projection mapping of musical instrumeing instruments. Instrument graphics issue their own tunese painting looks like a real instrument for playing musi

th environmental effects

ends on its movement on the influence of he effect of light, heat, sound, and the momentu

Mural Design

ypes that use the shape memory alloys "SMA"nickel-titanium alloys, whose properties to presearly 1960s. Where it was observed that when their original composition when they are cold.

Nickel-Titanium-Naval-Ordnance-Laboratories).) They are alloys that have a shape memory effoys do not possess. These alloys attracted the ase it may act as sensors and actuators as well.

alloy springs’ by Victor Li et al., A model of a geomwings be integrated with each other to create a closed circniform opening and closing movement. To achieve this a tom layer of the flaps, then the SMA springs are tied frothis connection emerges a hexagonal shape, through f

all design consisting of hexagonal engineering units that the ambient temperature. (Victor Li, 2016)

7 No. 6; July 2020

an interactive media ent shapes. It is an s with the rhythm of ic and playing with

the surrounding um of air, water,

" have appeared. erve their formal these alloys are These groups of . (Z. G. Wei, R. fect and superior

attention of those

metric mural unit for cuit to centralize the loop of copper wire om one wing to the foldable plates with control the opening

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Pic 17. (a)Expandable metal frame made ofwhen exposed to high temperature. (Scarpa,

University of Sheffield, UK, 2004.

8.2 Light changeable wall desi

Light changeable wall design depends oPhotochromic glass in the murals, whicwhen exposed to light, where the more rays according to the degree of intensitcolor that grows darker with the increaslight intensity and ultraviolet rays and h

Pic (18) the transparency of the glass and th

8.3 Heat changeable wall deThe dynamics of some modern mursmart materials such as thermochrocertain temperatures. It becomes tradepending on the change in the ammade of a thin material of metal material change in the glass. Therobtain constantly changing designs.

Pic (19) thermotropic glazin


of shape memory alloy strips that can expand in all directio, 2008). (b) Extension motion diagram analysis (Prepared b


on the effect of the light falling on it, for example thch is a traditional glass with a smart material that cha

e the light, the darker its color. It can change its abilitty of the surrounding lighting, and grades the color frse in ambient lighting to turn dark, which protects frharmful infrared radiation.

he effect of light on changing the design permeability. (la

esign ral designs depended on the influence of heat, thoic glass, a type of glass that shows great phyansparent at higher temperatures, and its color gr

mbient temperature. Some designs use a resistanor transparent conductors that enables electr

rmal glazing allowed solar heating and light to

ng, non-heating glass (left), and heating (right). (lampert,


ons at the same time by the researcher,

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 7 No. 6; July 2020


� The possibility of combining modern design concepts such as the concepts of "dynamic design" and "multifunctional design" and modern movement techniques. And benefit from them in achieving a dynamic, contemporary vision of the mural design, which allows obtaining alternatives and formal variables through which some functions and uses can be added to the design.

� Dynamic Mural design can be achieved through mechanical movement techniques, movement and folding mechanisms such as origami art and pop-up art. As well as manual and push-pull motion techniques, digital animation technologies such as 3D video projection and augmented reality technologies, the use of smart materials and changing materials with effects Climatic conditions such as light and heat, which emphasize the importance of combining innovative design ideas and modern techniques to provide comfort and luxury for modern people.

� Mural design may include multiple functions and additives, as it may contain one or more furniture units. It can also be used in the educational, cultural, societal, therapeutic and other important usage requirements of the human being.

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ISSN: 2313-3759


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